#detective conan x you
ijustsimplysimp · 9 months
From Meh: Just some random thought I had lol
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Shinichi's parents and your parents are friends since they're high school in London and they all grew up together. So when you and shinichi are born, both of you grew up together, became friends and now... more than friends?? He keeps giving you mixed signals but you always say that you two are just friends even though your friends keep teasing you and him but you just waved them off.
Ever since you both flew to Japan to attend high school, you both live next door. You and Shinichi would even do everything together. That's why everyone in your class tease you two. But since both of you always denied it while it's obvious you two like each other people in your class and even the others started to call you two "Smart but dumb in the same time". Shinichi being a detective and smart, you also a detective and dream to be a lawyer, also doesn't do anything or notice how you two have same feelings.
Like both of your parents even knew about this and tease you two but it always ends up on either shinichi changing the topic or you.
You two are also like a duo when it comes to cases, teamed up against the culprits. Inspector Megure always thanked you two whenever.
It also took a long time for you and Shinichi to finally admit your feelings to each other. (So long that you two already graduated college. Because whenever the other party wants to confess it always fails). And now that you two are together you and Shinichi are unstoppable (in cases).
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Do not copy, translate, repost to any other social media
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yes-asil · 11 months
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Started watching Detective Conan from the beginning again
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hadilsblog · 2 months
Sorry, not sorry
I'm sure that what I'm about to say will get a lot of hate, but I'll say it anyway
I really hate when characters are written sexually
I really hate it, and the problem is that most of the characters who are written this way are minor
(Even if the characters are adults, this is really disgusting)
What do you guys like about this content anyway?? Just to be horny??
Reading this content is no different from watching porn yk
Can't you just write about pure love??
A love that does not contain dirty physical desires?
I also always notice that women are written as a lustful being and all their desire and happiness lies in having sex.
What about content that includes sexual relations between family members???
Please, if you like this content, find a psychologist
I promise I will pay
Aside from the fact that this content damages your brain cells and makes you dumber, less understanding, and more susceptible to Alzheimer’s.
Sorry to say this but this really sucks
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blueskittlesart · 5 months
deeply refreshing to see someone critical of Swift who also like, genuinely likes her. Like i'm neutral to positive on her, but the online discourse has been absolutely rancid. flipping between "Taylor Swift has never done anything wrong ever and she's a fucking genius" and "Taylor Swift is the worst lyricist of all time and also a bad person" is exhausting, so thank you for like. nuance or something lmao
not to make it serious for a sec but i genuinely think that being able to like things that are bad is really important. like I think that it's an important skill to be able to look at something and see what you personally enjoy about it and then take a step back and acknowledge that objectively it's flawed. and to also be able to acknowledge that liking something isn't necessarily an identity or a moral stance. and i think that fandom space in general could really benefit from more people taking the time to learn how to do that. it's okay to like things that are bad
#people ask me sometimes why ill occasionally talk about something i like and then go 'but it's bad' and the answer is usually because it is#i love teen wolf. i love genshin impact. i love detective conan. and i fucking LOVE taylor swift. that doesnt mean theyre good#it just means i like them. and recognizing their flaws actually helps me better identify what i like about them!#it's like. in my mind bad > good is the x axis and i like it > i dont like it is the y axis yk. they're not mutually exclusive#tldr it's not that serious. we can all relax a little#irt taylor swift i do also think she has done some real harm to her fans in enabling them to deflect all criticism of her as misogyny#and i don't think it's fully the fault of these people who are parroting that response bc so much of her marketing has deliberately#reinforced this idea that to be a swiftie is to be a part of a sisterhood and that any attack on taylor is an attack on all of those women#who are in that in-group. when that's obviously not the case. but she's marketed herself as. for lack of a better term. 'girl music'#to the point where it makes her fans feel as though any criticism of the music or the woman responsible for it is an attack on their#personal experience of womanhood/girlhood/sisterhood/etc. and that's how you get all of thess bad-faith accusations of misogyny#i don't necessarily think this was her deliberate goal with her marketing tho because like. on first glance such a strong sense of communit#among fans sounds like a great thing. the friendship bracelets i got at the eras tour movie are really genuinely special to me.#but it does present a problem when your fans are unable to separate how they feel about the community and experience your music has fostere#from how they feel about you as a person. especially when you are a billionaire who absolutely CANNOT be above criticism in this economy#anyway. tldr i love taylor's music and i don't think swiftie hivemind is as deliberately malicious as it may seem#but it's obviously necessary to be able to take a step back and look objectively at what you're participating in.#anyway stream ttpd or don't idc <3#taylor swift
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27danone · 8 months
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“You’re not like your father”
Inspired by @.jezyan headcanon that Heiji’s hair become curlier like his dad’s 😃😁 (I’m shy to tag but I love the headcanon and art so much)
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romancemedia · 10 months
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Anime Romances + A Kiss on the Hand
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kaitou-kid-my-beloved · 4 months
The Ghost-type Detective CH1 (Based on the Phantump Conan AU by @livmadart)
(Ao3 link)
Shinichi was so stupid. He was an idiot, a gosh darn fool. And now, because of his disregard for his own safety, he was… he was…
He choked on the pain, closed his eyes against the burn, and wished for all it was worth that it would just end faster. He knew, deep in the recesses of his decaying heart that it would end, and there was only one way that it would.
The small sliver of his brain that wasn’t consumed with agony was swirling with thoughts, hopes and regrets. What was Ran going to think? He’d never wanted to do this to her… He had no idea what had happened to Sherlock- his pokeball had been taken when Shinichi had been hit. All he could do… all he could do was hope they’d be alright…. Alright without him.
He could feel the moment his heart stopped.
He wasn’t breathing, his heart wasn’t beating, and he was still in the most agony he thought possible. After a few excruciating, infinite moments, everything stopped. The pain vanished, his vision faded, the sounds of the park dropped away, and even gravity itself stopped holding onto him.
So… he was dead, then.
Honestly, for a moment all he could feel was relief. The pain was gone, and in those last moments that had been all he’d wanted. He’d never imagined anything could burn like that. The pain of death, he supposed.
In the next moment, he realized something. He was still thinking. He had none of his senses, he hadn’t even a vague idea of his surroundings, but he was still thinking. He still had a mind. He sure, one hundred percent sure that he was dead, so… what was this? He waited a moment more. Nothing changed. He was still alone with his thoughts, trapped in this void.
Moment after moment passed, he had no idea how long it had been. His mind swirled with overlapping thoughts, the only thing he was capable of. Was this it? Was this all there was for him? This nothingness with only himself for company?... Forever?
He discovered something. When you’re made of nothing but thought and emotion, fear is a powerful thing.
He didn’t want to stay like this, the idea sent chills of panic through him that rattled his whole being. No no no no no. He mentally cast about, searching wildly for anything else, anything besides himself.
He didn’t want to be here. He didn’t want to be trapped like this, he… he really didn’t want to be dead. Gosh, Ran, Sonoko, everyone… he couldn’t stand the idea of never finding out what happened to them. He’d thought that he might be at least able to- to observe or something, not, not…
He felt something.
There, a flash of… of warmth. The first physical feeling he’d had since losing his life. With that one sensation to ground himself, he could determine that he existed in some capacity outside his own mind, and he could tell that the warmth was coming from the left. There was a left! He latched onto it, with all of his fragile being, and pulled with all his mental strength. It got bigger- or, maybe he got closer to it?
It was so warm- almost hot, but that was fine, because it was something. He really did feel like he was getting closer, almost close enough to touch it…
All at once, his five senses returned.
He could feel the cool night breeze brushing against him, he felt heavy again- though, not nearly as heavy as he thought he should. He smelled sugar, and meat from the amusement park, and he could hear the last lingering screams of delight from the remaining guests on the rides. He blinked, finding he had eyelids to move.
Immediately, he wished that he had never opened his eyes at all. The moonlight shone down on the little clearing behind the ferris wheel building, illuminating the corpse cooling on the grass. Shinichi’s corpse. It lay there, contorted in an odd position, eyes wide open and glazed. Blood stained the area crimson red, having spilled liberally from anywhere it could have.
He felt like he was going to be sick. He hadn’t been lying when he’d told Ran that he was unfazed by gruesome sights, but this… this was him.
Still, when he’d regained his awareness of the world, he’d hoped that somehow, somehow he’d survived. Maybe someone had found him and resuscitated him or something, or that his heart had restarted as a fluke, but… The third person perspective of his own broken corpse wasn’t reassuring. But, if he hadn’t returned to his old body, then…
He looked down at himself, and felt sick for an entirely new reason. The body he’d found himself in was… well, whatever it was, it wasn’t human.
He didn't quite have legs anymore, or anything really. This new body of his was a simple tendril of gray, with two smaller nubs for arms. When he tried to move his hands, the nubs curled. Such a simple action, yet it made his head spin. It was so incredibly strange, he was supposed to have fingers, legs, toes, anything, but suddenly he didn’t anymore.
Slowly, ever so slowly, ignoring the roiling feeling in his gut (did he have one of those anymore?) He reached up and touched his face. He felt… wood. The bark of a tree, rigid and cold, nothing like the human skin that he remembered. He opened his mouth, taking a deep, shuddering breath in, the bark moving to accommodate the action.
He pulled his nubs closer to his chest; new, unfamiliar instincts guiding his tail to curl around his body. He tried, desperately, to clear his mind. He knew that if he kept thinking, that very soon he’d figure out what was going on, and for once in his existence he didn’t want to know. He didn’t want to realize what had happened, he didn’t want to figure out what he was. He’d just… sit here for a bit. Enjoy not being dead, and ignore everything else.
Despite himself, his mind kept moving.
He’d… he’d died on the edge of the forest that ran through this part of the park. Sure, his corpse was lying on carefully mown grass, but he had a feeling it was close enough. When he’d been younger, his mom had told him scary stories of kids who wandered into the trees and never returned… as humans, anyway. At the time, he’d been fascinated. The presence of a certain, rare pokemon in the forest being an indicator of missing kids? It was something he might use, as a detective.
The pokemon in question were called a ‘Phantump’, they were little ghost-grass types that often arose from kids dying in forests, and their souls possessing tree stumps. Of course, many of them were natural born pokemon, but the stories had clouded their reputation as long as they’d existed.
This is what I get for dying in the woods behind Tropical Land, Shinichi thought bitterly, winding his tail even closer around himself. The proximity to the trees was enough. Sixteen was young enough. The newly cut stump just at the edge of the grass, the same one Shinichi was currently perched on, was more than enough.
He screwed his eyes shut, shoving his nubs into the holes in his bark to hold them that way. This wasn’t happening. It wasn’t happening. Any moment now his alarm would go off telling him it was time to get ready for Tropical Land, or he’d wake up in the hospital with that nasty head trauma, something, anything.
He didn’t believe any of that, of course, but it was a sweet little lie, and he needed a little sweetness after tasting his bitter new reality.
“Woah, I’ve never seen that happen before,” Shinichi froze, the little whisper carrying down to him from the trees above. A witness?
“No duh,” Another voice hissed. Shinichi carefully pulled his nubs away from his eyes, opening them and loosening his tail.
“Do you think he's okay?” Yet a third voice whispered. All three of them were coming from the tree above, what…
“Think about that real hard,” The second voice sighed. It almost sounded like a man, a man with a high, whistling tone. So, nothing like a regular man, but still.
“Should we do something?” The first voice chittered, her tone laced with anxiety. “I feel like there’s something we’re supposed to do in this situation,” The way she spoke, it almost sounded like-
Oh. They were pokemon. Their strange, whistling chirping voices weren’t human. They were pokemon.
Carefully, and with quite a bit more hesitance than he might use normally, Shinichi looked up, craning his neck to see into the trees above. Sitting there, staring down at him in obvious concern, were three pokemon. A pidgey, a hoothoot, and a sentret.
“...Do you think he can hear us?” The third voice, the one belonging to the sentret, whispered.
“I’m gonna go with yes,” The hoothoot, owner of the second voice, sighed.
“Hello!” The pidgey called down to him. “Are you alright?”
Shinichi blinked up at them. What his ears were hearing and what his eyes were seeing didn’t quite agree. Pokemon should not be able to speak in a language he could understand. He was sure there were logical explanations for this, but he buried them. Cover it all in sweet little lies.
“Again, no, he is obviously not alright, what is wrong with you?” The hoothoot said, rolling his massive eyes. The pidgey ignored him, rolling her own eyes before hopping off the branch and gliding down to Shinichi’s stump. He startled as she landed in front of him, his tail twitching.
“Hmmm,” she hummed, looking him over. He blinked at her, his skin crawling with the sudden acute attention. “You do seem physically alright… how are you feeling?”
He didn’t speak, didn’t make a sound. He had a sickly creeping feeling that if he did, quite a few of those sweet lies would dissolve. He didn’t want that, not yet.
“Oh no, can he not speak?” The sentret fretted.
“Well, that’s not unthinkable,” The hoothoot tilted his head in interest. “Most pokemon can speak very little at birth, after all,” Shinichi winced, electing to ignore him from now on. “Then again I know little about ghost types, perhaps we should contact a pokemon who does?” Yes, a very good thing Shinichi had decided to ignore him.
“Oh yeah! That’s what you’re supposed to do! Get another ghost!” The pidgey suddenly chirped, hopping at the edge of the stump. “I’ll go do that, ‘kay? Wait here!” She took off in the next second, the wind from her wings shaking his leaves.
…He was going to ignore that, too.
“There she goes,” The sentret sighed, wiggling a little before jumping down into the grass. She waddled up to him, moving much less suddenly than that pidgey had. “My name is Stripes, the old hoothoot up there is Mike, and the pidgey is just Pidgey,” She nodded to him, putting a paw on her chest. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” He didn’t say anything, shoving the rise of… something into the back of his mind with the rest of his thoughts.
“It’s certainly interesting to meet you,” Mike hummed, still staring down at him with interest. Shinichi wasn’t sure he much liked that look.
“I found her!” The chirping voice of Pidgey drifted through the trees, and she reappeared a moment later, landing on Stripes’s head.
“Who?” Mike asked, tilting his head the other direction.
“Me,” A new voice said. This one was oddly, almost human, with a slippery gravel sort tone to it that Shinichi could have sworn he’d heard before. He strained his eyes for the source of the voice, staring hard into the shadows Pidgey had emerged from. For a moment, he couldn’t see anything, then a shape seemed to coalesce out of the darkness. Large and rounded with pointed spikes, and huge, toothy grin. A tremor ran through his whole body at the sight. A wild gengar.
“Oh! Haruna!” Stripes said, turning to face the newcomer. She sounded pleasantly surprised.
“Who else?” Pidgey huffed proudly. “I can’t think of any other ghost types in these woods.”
“Well,” Mike commented. “Not anymore.”
“So this is him, then?” the gengar, Haruna, hummed, taking in the whole scene before her luminous red eyes landed squarely on Shinichi’s new form. He did his best not to shake, but even in the best of circumstances being the center of a wild gengar’s attention was a bad thing. “Oh don’t worry little thing, I’m not going to hurt you,” She purred, stepping right up to his stump.
She towered over him like this, her teeth glinting in the moonlight and her large, searching eyes boring right into his. Still, he didn’t say anything, didn’t make a single noise even as she reached for him. She wrapped her cold claws around him, pulling him into the air, away from the stump. His tail drifted in the wind as she held his small body aloft, looking him over in much the same way Pidgey had.
“He hasn’t spoken yet?” She murmured, glancing at the other pokemon.
“Hasn’t made a single sound,” Mike shook his head.
“Oh, I understand that,” She hummed, refocusing back on him. “That’s alright, you don’t need to speak yet, you don’t have to speak at all if you don’t want to,” She pulled him close, holding him tight against her cold fur. He couldn’t help it, he was shaking now. “It’s all new, isn’t it? I’ve been where you are, I know how hard everything is at the start.”
He looked up at her, her scarlet eyes gleaming with nothing but genuine empathy and care. Was she really…?
“It’s alright,” She grinned. “I can help you!”
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rip edwin payne you would have loved heather by conan gray
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sternutaries · 9 months
!slight spoilers for DetCo movie 26 (regarding character interaction)!
The tension between Akai and Furuya??? I'm used to those two basically being a divorced couple but Akai IMMEDIATELY starting to flirt right after noticing Rei is in that damn call as well and Furuya jumping on by praising him and THEN THEY USE THEIR OLD CODENAMES??????? Lemme live, bro.
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cattoru · 3 months
insanely funny to me that the second heiji sees kazuha crying, the daunting bgm they play for murders starts rolling
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amvro · 7 months
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One would assume, that after all this time, even the day of love and pink and roses would lose its charm. Once you've had the joy of being with your loved one for so many years, one would assume the magic would've faded. Oh how wrong they would be. As both a hopeless romantic and a huge fan of pink, you believed you were born for this special day. And even after all this time, every single year you were unimaginably grateful to have a Valentine. The one you loved most, as your Valentine.
Yet the best part of this all, was that Amuro Tooru knew. Of course he knew. Every year, you'd pretend to not actually care. You'd say it'd be nice if you both had time, but it wasn't that big of a deal if you don't after so many years. Oh, how he saw right through your lies. If there was one person excited for Valentine's Day, it had to be you. It didn't matter if he had time or not, he would always make time on Valentine's Day. It was a day for him and you. 
That wasn't all that you didn't know however. You didn't realize he was just as excited for Valentine's Day. The way you would still be thrilled when he says he has the night free, or the way your eyes would light up every year when he brought you red roses, or even the way you’d always end up sharing the whole box of chocolates he got for you, not him, would never fail to melt his heart. While you were always very obvious with expressing your love, Valentine's Day was special for him because it was so subconscious. Your love for him seemed to pour out of you and it filled his heart in ways you would never imagine.
So again, he waits for you with a bouquet of red roses, somehow nervous, praying that you would love them.
“Happy Valentines Day,”
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Heyyy <3
I am so sorry for contacting you again :(
I know you have a Lot of emergency request at the moment and i am so sorry for bothering you aswell 🥹❤️
I am having a really hard time in school right now, i always have to deal with bullies at the moment. Even my Physik teacher bullies me </3
So may i ask for Akai/rei x gn! Reader who has to deal with bullies ? (classmates,teachers)
I'm sorry if this is too much for you at the moment ,just tell me if you dont have the Energy or time to make it <33
I hope you have a Wonderfull day ❤️
Honestly, I think Shuichi is pretty big on independent action. He thinks it's cute if you're a bit more dependent on him, but he himself is incredibly independent - practically a lone wolf. Independence is something he values a lot and even expects a lot of the time - in himself and in others. That means he's giving you tips on how to handle situations like that and steeling you for that type of stuff. He can't be there everytime (unfortunately. I'd honestly prefer to be fully dependent on him 😕) so he'll teach you. He wants you to be able to stand up for yourself, he wants you to be able to put others in their place, so he'll train you to do just that.
Furuya doesn't place as much importance in this. Of course he also wants you to be able to do these things, but he often won't even think that far. Oh, someone is bothering you? Don't worry, he'll take care of it, no problem. And he does. Only after does he realise that this doesn't help you learn how to take these people on yourself.
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case-almost-closed · 29 days
why are there no hakuba x reader stories? what has my boy done to you to deserve this kind of neglect?
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bluevelvetea · 11 months
Do you like Akam? Or pulp novels? Or both?
You're in for a treat today! A spicy treat ✨
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Get your copy now! You can start reading @kebuyo's fanfic 'Turbulent Tides' right here right now!
Featuring the feared pirate captain Rye and the sailor Rei who might find more than he hoped for at sea... Might contain some historical inaccuracies but they're for the best I promise...
Cover art inspired by every pulp novel featuring pirates that has been written like ever
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27danone · 10 months
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“Your face…”
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