#desta's dumbass corner
daystud · 19 days
"I ship heiscara but those two never interacted"
miHoYo: ok flex tapes with that one sethos voiceline about scara and viceversa
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daystud · 28 days
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idk why i made this but i know its peak humor
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daystud · 26 days
Ive seen Randal in fanarts over the years having no clue who was he and where was he from. A manga? A game?
So Ive checked on the RanFren website only now in 2024 and holy shit i didnt expect to be this funky. It's way more surreal and trippy and similar to, say, ENA and Popee the Performer for the character designs and humor than the average lol crazy anime characterz media. In my artsy eyes at least. Also Sebastian is really cute i love his soggy loser who's about to snap anytime energy.
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daystud · 24 days
What's the most overused term in PDB and why is it "obvious"
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daystud · 2 months
Pokemon mystery dungeon osts hitting the right specific braincells after 20 years
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daystud · 3 months
Pics credit: Nicole's LPS Blog
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All the pets i own!!
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daystud · 2 months
more of the polycule lesbians rejoice dead memes arise
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daystud · 8 months
i, too, am a memer
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daystud · 7 months
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so... i may have a type
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daystud · 9 months
no one:
my brain at 8 am: constraaaaaaaaained and straaaaaaaaiiiiined
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daystud · 16 days
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gotta be one of my favorite genders
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daystud · 2 months
My art learning skills be like:
- stickmen
- vaguely toon people
- anime
- anime but with decent anatomy and shading
- vague attempt at realism
- stickmen again
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daystud · 6 months
saw the boy and the heron today, first ghibli movie in a long time.
also the first movie in general which the first half made me shit myself and cry internally alot and jumpscared by the length of the second and its tone shift. Still, the theme of the balance between life and death touches me very easily.
p.s. i'd protect Mahito with my entire life and the heron man is a lovable shithead. pls let me date kiriko
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daystud · 9 months
(s)creaming about kzhei
mi stai dicendo che heizou, che non ha né amici né alleati per la sua anarchia del cazzo nonostante la sua forza d'animo, si compensa con kazuha (che guarda caso sono entrambi due scappati di casa per una via personale e spirituale più nobile e genuina delle loro casate), l'unico a non farsi problemi quando heizou gli chiede aiuto poiché riconosce il dualismo nel suo carattere, e lo ammira anche, così come heizou è profondamente intrigato dal suo rapporto con la natura e vuole a tutti i costi rimanere in contatto con lui. a questo punto le investigazioni sono più una cornice, una pretesa per i due solitari a trovare pace e intimità. compiacersi a vicenda come in un waka mai scoperto sul lamento del cervo, mai silenzioso abbastanza per l'orecchio fino tra il venticello autunnale.
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daystud · 7 days
holojustice my beloved.........
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daystud · 15 days
Me in 2019: close enough welcome back meme happiness
Me in 2022: close enough welcome back komaeda
Me in 2024: close enough welcome back kazuha
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