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intotheclash · 4 months ago
Dice il mio dizionario che la parola desolazione proviene dal latino desolatio, genitivo desolationis; E che fu nel milleseicentoundici che qualcuno la scrisse per la prima volta dopo avere affilato la penna di un’oca bianca. Dice anche che solitudine, rovina e distruzione sono i suoi significati principali. Ma niente dice il dizionario del cuore della gente che cammina per la strada; niente dice di noi, niente dice dei cortili del carcere o della caserma…. Bernardo Atxaga - Desolatio
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ablogtopost · 18 hours ago
Gênesis 49,17;
"Fiat Dan coluber in via cerastes in semita mordens ungulas equi ut cadat ascensor ejus retro"
"Torne-se Dan uma serpente no caminho, uma cerasta no atalho, que morde as unhas do cavalo, para que o cavaleiro caia para trás." (Pe. Matos Soares)
Jeremias 8,16;
"a Dan auditus est fremitus equorum ejus a voce hinnituum pugnatorum ejus commota est omnis terra et venerunt et devoraverunt terram et plenitudinem ejus urbem et habitatores ejus"
"O estrépito da cavalaria inimiga ouve-se já desde Dan, à voz dos relinchos dos seus cavalos guerreiros estremeceu todo o país; chegaram e devoraram a terra, e quanto havia nela, a cidade e os seus habitantes." (Pe. Matos Soares)
Daniel 9,27;
"Confirmabit autem pactum multis hebdomada una et in dimidio hebdomadis deficiet hostia et sacrificium et erit in templo abominatio desolationis et usque ad consummationem et finem perseverabit desolatio."
"Ele confirmará uma aliança com muitos durante uma semana; e pelo tempo de meia semana fará cessar o Sacrifício e a Oblação. E sobre a nave do Templo estará a Abominação da Desolação até o fim, até o termo fixado para o desolador." (Bíblia de Jerusalém)
Mateus 24,15;
"Cum ergo videritis abominationem desolationis quæ dicta est a Danihelo propheta stantem in loco sancto qui legit intellegat"
"Quando, pois, virdes a Abominação da Desolação, que foi predita pelo profeta Daniel, posta no lugar santo — o que le entenda,— então os que se acham na Judéia, fujam para os montes; e o que se acha sobre o telhado, não desça para tomar coisa alguma de sua casa; e o que está no campo, não volte a tomar a sua tunica. Mas, ai das (mulheres) grávidas e das que tiverem crianças de peito naqueles dias! Rogáis pois que nato seja a vossa fuga no Inverno, ou em dia de sábado" (Pe. Matos Soares)
João 5,43;
"Ego veni in Nomine Patris Mei et non accipitis Me si alius venerit in nomine suo illum accipietis"
"Vim em Nome de Meu Pai, mas não Me recebeis. Se vier outro em seu próprio nome, haveis de recebê-lo..." (Ave Maria)
2Tessalonicenses 2;
"(1) Rogamus autem vos fratres per adventum Domini nostri Jesu Christi et nostræ congregationis in ipsum (2) ut non cito moveamini a sensu neque terreamini neque per spiritum neque per sermonem neque per epistulam tamquam per nos quasi instet dies Domini (3) ne quis vos seducat ullo modo quoniam nisi venerit discessio primum et revelatus fuerit homo peccati filius perditionis (4) qui adversatur et extollitur supra omne quod dicitur Deus aut quod colitur ita ut in templo Dei sedeat ostendens se quia sit Deus (5) non retinetis quod cum adhuc essem apud vos hæc dicebam vobis (6) et nunc quid detineat scitis ut reveletur in suo tempore (7) nam mysterium jam operatur iniquitatis tantum ut qui tenet nunc donec de medio fiat (8) et tunc revelabitur ille iniquus quem Dominus Jesus interficiet spiritu oris sui et destruet inlustratione adventus sui (9) eum cujus est adventus secundum operationem Satanæ in omni virtute et signis et prodigiis mendacibus (10) et in omni seductione iniquitatis his qui pereunt eo quod caritatem veritatis non receperunt ut salvi fierent ideo mittit illis Deus operationem erroris ut credant mendacio (11) ut judicentur omnes qui non crediderunt veritati sed consenserunt iniquitati (12) nos autem debemus gratias agere Deo semper pro vobis fratres dilecti a Deo quod elegerit nos Deus primitias in salutem in sanctificatione Spiritus et fide veritatis (13) ad quod et vocavit vos per evangelium nostrum in adquisitionem gloriæ Domini nostri Jesu Christi (14) itaque fratres state et tenete traditiones quas didicistis sive per sermonem sive per epistulam nostram (15) ipse autem Dominus noster Jesus Christus et Deus et Pater noster qui dilexit nos et dedit consolationem æternam et spem bonam in gratia (16) exhortetur corda vestra et confirmet in omni opere et sermone bono"
"Ora nós vos rogamos, irmãos, pela vinda de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo e pela nossa reunião com Ele, que não vos movais facilmente dos vossos sentimentos, nem vos perturbeis, nem por qualquer espírito, nem com certos discursos, nem com qualquer carta como enviada de nós, como se o Dia do Senhor estivesse perto.
Ninguém de modo algum vos engane; porque (isto não será) sem que antes venha a Apostasia (quase geral dos fiéis), e sem que tenha aparecido o homem do pecado, o filho da perdição, o qual se oporá (a Deus), e se elevará sobre tudo o que se chama Deus, ou que é adorado, de sorte que se sentará no templo de Deus, apresentando-se como se fosse Deus. Não vos lembrais que eu vos dizia estas coisas, quando ainda estava convosco? E vós agora sabeis o que é que o retém a fim de que seja manifestado a seu tempo. Porque o mistério da iniquidade (posto que ainda não tenha aparecido o Anticristo) já se opera, somente que aquele que agora o retém, retenha-o até que seja tirado do meio.
E então se manifestará esse iníquo (a quem o Senhor Jesus matará com o sopro da sua boca, e destruirá com o resplendor da sua vida); a vinda dele é por obra de Satanás com todo o poder, e com sinais e prodígios mentirosos, e com todas as seduções da iniquidade para aqueles que se perdem, porque (por sua culpa) não abraçaram o amor da verdade para serem salvos. Por isso Deus lhes enviará o artifício do erro, de tal modo que creiam na mentira, para que sejam condenados todos os que não deram crédito à verdade, mas se comprazeram na iniquidade.
Mas nós devemos sempre dar graças a Deus por vós, ó Irmãos queridos de Deus, porque Deus vos escolheu como primícias para a salvação, pela santificação do Espírito, e pela verdadeira Fé, à qual vos chamou por meio do nosso Evangelho, para vos fazer alcançar a Glória de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.
permanecei, pois, constantes, Irmãos, e conservai as tradições que aprendestes, ou por nossas palavras, ou por nossa carta. E o mesmo Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, e Deus e Pai nosso, o qual nos amou e nos deu uma consolação eterna e uma boa esperança pela Graça, console os vossos corações, e os confirme em toda a boa obra e palavra." (Pe. Matos Soares)
Apocalipse 11,8;
"Et corpora eorum in plateis civitatis magnæ quæ vocatur spiritaliter Sodoma et Ægyptus ubi et Dominus eorum Crucifixus est"
"Seus cadáveres (jazerão) na rua da grande cidade que se chama espiri­tual­mente Sodoma e Egito (onde o seu Senhor foi Crucificado)." (Ave Maria)
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versinator · 4 years ago
Derén desolatio!
Tróját evezőjét csöppeket szoptatós Fested egen? befolyás ájtatós Virágzata visszaszálldos kulisszáit lilával Dobáltan sujtanak tutaját tífusszal Mozgunk fémszinekben ariadném kerekedjen Messzibe madárszokásként örökfényt büntelen
Látásnak molják neveden kezdhetnéd Érctalpait böcklinmintázta lezuhanó tiéd? Szimatját! boltozat gyökered nyerheté? Szeretteivel nőül tövisnek tömötté Zabolátlan regébe ékben írigyelten Katholikussá heidelbergai pünköst nemzetemben
Kapcsold hölgyet hűsítém előrefutós Kékell egymagad iszapot annexiós Életté mozgóvirágú rángok halottal! Küszöbjein! zeüszt szeplőtelen visszahal! Teknősbéka horgonynehezékkel oldj szükségen Talpas csippen kiszakadva perceken
Útasa csudák hamerre piperéd Zátonyokkal adhatnak szundikázott fejszéd Dicsérje csavarjam kölyke! lelheté? Virágom? füleid óriásai állaté Kimondva tanum hozz! mindenképen Mezalliánsz belshazárnak lomb! tömegen
Lebocsátván torzsát ifjúsága? szivós Dolgom! cibáljuk irgalomtalan hajhullós Vérszínü ird resté kazárral Fejeit londoni húnyom ujsággal Boldogítand restül pórázát kimeríthetetlen Kenettel izét? összecsengve kedvetlenségekben
Estelen? színjáték meztelenség! tefeléd Koronátok csóváljátok kirabolván beléd! Butaság! kerékfogát összetörtük! életté Roppantva túléltük kára tölté Tavunkról gyilkolásban fényfüggönnyel félelemtelen Szaharát! nyarából szülne lecseppen
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zamasama · 7 years ago
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Dark autumn in North Iceland by BrianScrivner
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madmaudlingoes · 6 years ago
Latin Names for the Powers
I noticed that Adelard Dekker in “Breathing Room” refers to the End as “Terminus” instead of using Smirke’s terminology like Gerry did. Because I am a masochist, I’m trying to work out what Latin names would be used for the other twelve*. Anyone who actually knows Latin, I welcome advice/corrections:
End: Terminus
Beholding: Observator
Web: Aranea
Spiral: Mendax
Slaughter: Nex
Desolation: Desolatio
Lonely: Solus
Stranger: Allus
Hunt: Venandi
Buried: Defossus
Vast: Vastus
Dark: Umbra
Flesh*: Caro
*Gerry said in 111 that the Flesh was a fairly “new” entity, so it might not have a “traditional” Latin name, but the translation is fairly obvious.
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blugio · 6 years ago
"Dice il mio dizionario
che la parola desolazione
proviene dal latino desolatio, genitivo desolationis.
E che fu nel milleseicentoundici
che qualcuno la scrisse
per la prima volta
dopo avere affilato la penna
di un’oca bianca.
Dice anche
che solitudine, rovina e distruzione
sono i suoi significati principali.
Ma niente dice il dizionario
del cuore della gente
che cammina per la strada;
niente dice di noi,
niente dice dei cortili
del carcere o della caserma…."
Bernardo Atxaga , Desolatio
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cthonosovalgol · 6 years ago
Immatura Morte - Desolatio Tantum
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kite-topi · 2 years ago
other half of the collab. start of an au where neon joins the phantom troupe
The buildings here were massive and crumbling, with chunks of stone missing from their facades that tripped her in the street as she rushed through the dark.
And it was so, so dark.
No street lamps shone here. Sometimes the gaunt skeleton of one reared up, but it - like everything else here - had long been abandoned.
Neon had never seen a neighborhood like this, empty and utterly devoid of life, where the echo of her footsteps on the cracked pavement was the only sound. She was used to an entourage, hired girls and bodyguards around her day and night, with grunts and goons and clients and partners and highballers passing through at every hour. Even when she'd run away to the auction there had been people around, on the street next to her or disappearing around corners just up ahead, milling in the hallways or eating at the other booths.
She'd never payed them much mind, but in this empty wasteland she at last felt their absence. They left a distinct ambient hum that vibrated over everything until it was numb. But now it was just her and her hurried footsteps, closing in.
She'd been tricked and lied to and stolen from one too many times. A million times by her Daddy. A hundred times on this trip that should have been for her. She had no mummy, no unicorn, and no tissue. Her scarlet eyes didn't even shine as brightly as she was promised. But that's just her Daddy, she knew to be ready for disappointment with him. She would not suffer that same indignity at the hands of a stranger, though.
That man, that Chrollo Lucilfer, he stole from her.
He stole... her.
There was a hollow, empty hole humming behind her breastbone. She felt its absense like when the ring you wear everyday is suddenly gone from your finger, but you can still feel its indentation, your other fingers still curve to accommodate it, expect to bump up against it.
The feeling of nothing where there used to be something sat heavy in her chest.
She was the flesh collector! She would not be flesh collected. She would be no one else's trophy.
So she tore through the empty streets in her dress and open-toed shoes, guided by the humming in this new pit inside her. What was stolen - whatever it was - was still her's, and it called to her, wanting to return. It pulled her forwards, around corners and down alleyways. All these old buildings looked the same to her, but when a crumbling concrete form loomed ahead of her she just knew.
There. It was in there.
He was in there, and he was going to give back whatever he'd stolen.
Neon ducked through a hole in the chainlink fence and marched up to the gaping splintered doorframe. The hallway was nearly pitch black, but when she emerged it was to a massive open space, the roof caved in to the open air and slabs of stone littering the floor.
Strewn about were ten figures crowded together, circled around an eleventh sitting on one of the stones. As her footsteps echoed through the damp night air, the ten circling birds spun around to stare at her. She payed them no mind, all her focus on the eleventh magpie in the middle, still ignoring her.
He ignored her, eyes staring blankly ahead as his hand scratched mechanically over a piece of paper. He'd changed since last night. For the worse. He'd removed his headband and slicked back his hair, revealing a tattoo on his forehead. At least this coat was nicer than his rumpled button-up. Maybe she would demand that too, as backpayment for the theft.
"CHROLLO LUCILFER!" she screamed again.
This broke his stupor, the haze disappearing from his eyes as he blinked back into the room. He stared at her uncomprehendingly, then faster than her eye could follow, fixed his hair and reapplied his headband so it was the same as the night they'd met, for all that he was still shirtless.
"Oh, Neon," he began, his soft, disarming smile back in place, utterly at odds with the desolation and shadows around him now. "I didn't expect to see you-"
She cut him off.
His smile did not break. "Neon, I don't know what you mean. I never stole anything from -"
She cut him off again.
He remained cold and smooth as ice. "Neon, we had a lovely dinner but this is rather rash. What would I even have stolen from-"
She cut him off thrice.
Chrollo pushed the stack of papers onto the floor behind him. "No, I'm not," he beamed.
One of the chickens snickered.
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neon for a greed island challenge. collab with @hoob-gooblin
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gitarmecmuasi · 3 years ago
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Dünyaca ünlü gitar virtüözü Joe Satriani, yeni albümü The Elephants Of Mars'ı 8 Nisan'da earMusic aracılığıyla dünya çapında piyasaya sürmeye hazırlanıyor. Albümde yer alan yeni single Pumpin' kısa bir süre önce yayınlandı.
The Elephants of Mars
şarkı listesi:
1. Sahara
2. The Elephants of Mars
3. Faceless
4. Blue Foot Groovy
5. Tension and Release
6. Sailing the Seas of Ganymede
7. Doors of Perception
8. E 104th St NYC
9. Pumpin’
10. Dance of the Spores
11. Night Scene
12. Through a Mother’s Day Darkly
13. 22 Memory Lane
14. Desolatio
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dellayassine · 7 years ago
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Happy World Goth Day! Here Is An Album to Check Out: #DellaYassine #AlbumReview of 'Let Them Be Alien' by Lebanon Hanover: ________ In celebration of World Goth Day, today will be dedicated to highlighting one of the best albums to come out this year; Lebanon Hanover's 'Let them be alien.' Lebanon Hanover is a German darkwave/minimalist band that features two members: Larissa Iceglass and William Maybelline. This album marks the return to their original sound in the same spirit of 'The World Is Getting Colder,' especially when their last effort, 'Babes of the 80s,' was practically an anomaly in their discography from a sonic perspective. This project is very diverse in terms of influential drive, yet it accomplishes that without upsetting the atmospheric elements that keep the cohesiveness intact. Some examples of outside influence are present from the initial track, 'Alien,' which has an incredible bass lick that sounds like it came straight from The Cure's 'Seventeen Seconds' with its poetically depressing tone. Plus, in songs like 'The Silent Choir' one could easily deduce a Sisters of Mercy vibe, and not to mention the following track 'Ebenholz' which is extremely industrial. Also, in 'True Romantics,' a great collaborative effort is witnessed between a incredible driving bass line and very loudly blaring synths creating a beautiful sound. The band does not steer away from their usual themes and relatable topics of desolatio and alienation delivered by Larissa's beautifully soothing voice and William's deeply pain-filled one. There is even an instance where they share a song, 'Alien,' and harmonize together. The album ends with an epicly huge track called 'Petals' which has an amazing chorus sung in an incredibly creative distribution making it a great ending to an even greater album. Lebanon Hanover is one of the best Goth bands of this decade, and they do not disappoint with this effort. ________ Tags: #music #song #songs #Review #melody #genre #love #LebanonHanover #WorldGothDay #Goth #GothRock #Subculture #Punk #PostPunk #TheCure #GothGoth #Darkwave #Minimalist #NewWave #Culture #May22 #SteamPunk #TradGoth #Gothic #WGT #WGT2018 #Alternative #Aesthetic.
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intotheclash · 1 year ago
Dice il mio dizionario che la parola desolazione proviene dal latino desolatio, genitivo desolationis; E che fu nel milleseicentoundici che qualcuno la scrisse per la prima volta dopo avere affilato la penna di un’oca bianca. Dice anche che solitudine, rovina e distruzione sono i suoi significati principali. Ma niente dice il dizionario del cuore della gente che cammina per la strada; niente dice di noi, niente dice dei cortili del carcere o della caserma…. Bernardo Atxaga - Desolatio
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kuklospaideia · 3 years ago
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d-an-arksidelife · 4 years ago
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Desolatio Plazorum [12-01-21]
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versinator · 2 years ago
Édeském tipró
Virágozni ütenyre barangoló zavarába Titkain jogok váltsd hazára Boritott desolatio! míly szomszédjába
Kiszökik hugocskám nemhinni lankára Szarvval szellemigazságok ürbe legárvább Hálókba birod sürű kuszára
Elbízott felülálló elhuzódom kurtább Sodrából kezdhetnék tülkömet itatlak Csarnokot irgalmatlanul léckapú kúszább
Cseresnyefán svájc mondhassa únlak Elzárva krúgat lesodort! mélamagába Testünkben térdű bénít cethalak
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cultstreetart · 5 years ago
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Day 7. Desolatio, Isolatio, Desertus. “No Tinder dates”, Death Valley #nothing #urbansurrealism #surreal #picoftheday #insta #situationism #adv #busting #streetintervention #interventionism #vlady #vladyart #art #gatukonst #minimalism #konst #urbansurrealart #intervention #instaart #streetart https://www.instagram.com/p/B52SXEVlyrr/?igshid=17h13iuq9a1wg
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prisioner-of-desolation · 7 years ago
Tu te duermes en mi hoy, yo despierto en tu ayer
(vía prisioner-of-desolation) 
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