#designer laptop bags mens
eskein · 6 months
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Cupid is shooting arrows all around and love is in the air. It is time to pamper your loved ones and make them feel special. While they might already know your feelings, going the extra mile with a gift can bring a loving smile to their face. Valentine's Day isn't exclusively for couples; if you have a valentine, take the opportunity to convey how much they matter to you.
Whether you're embarking on the initial stages of your relationship journey or have been navigating it for years, take a moment to celebrate today before it slips away. Gift them something that serves as a reminder: through thick and thin, through highs and lows, your commitment is unwavering.
This Valentine's Day take that extra step and bring happiness home. Gift your love some of your time, and a well-thought-out gift to make this day memorable for them. There is no age for love and neither is one for expressing it.
eské has a unique range of leather bags with fine craftsmanship and the best quality leather. Gift a classy, luxurious bag to the love of your life and they can carry your love everywhere they go. For more read- https://eske.in/blogs/news/choosing-the-perfect-valentines-gift-for-your-loved-ones
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gastonluga · 11 days
Men’s Shoulder Bags | Top Shoulder Bags | Gaston Luga
Buy Men’s Shoulder Bags, including sleek crossbody bags, versatile totes, and rugged messenger styles. For more options visit our website today. Order Now!
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caserack · 2 months
Mens Leather Laptop Bag - Caserack
Caserack is an emerging brand of genuine, high-quality leather tech utilities. Our goal is to bring together high-quality craftsmanship and functional designs with a minimalist approach.
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despacito-uwu16 · 2 months
The Exposition
Kenji Sato x Journalist! Reader
Enemies To Lovers | Forced Proximity | Pining
start Next ->
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“I don’t think they’re ready for the fall, had a little, and now she wants more. Told her I gotta make some calls, This just might be one hell of a night”. - The Walls by Chase Atlantic
The sports section has always been your favorite part of the newspaper. Reading about athletes making history was so inspiring. This is what ignited your interest in sports journalism. You’d get involved in the school newspaper in high school, almost covering all the sports. You were always on a high, but it came crashing down when you entered college. Entering the Daily Bugle as the only female reporter has its downside. Your male peers would always look down on you, trying to discourage you from touching sports. Quoting your editor in chief, “Leave the sports reporting to the men who take it seriously, and report on something simple, like the upcoming musical”. But you were determined to make your mark in the world as a sports journalist.
You were staring at your computer for the last ten minutes trying to figure out the perfect conclusion for the basketball article. Your eyes wondered towards the time on the upper right hand corner.
4:40 pm
“I’ll finish it during english”.
You shut off your laptop and slid it in your bag
Your evening class is on the other side of the college, and unfortunately, you don’t own a car or a scooter so you have to walk 15 minutes from your dorm to your designated building. On your way to your class, you would usually pass by the baseball field, where the baseball teams begins to prep for the season.
While walking by the baseball field, you hear the sound of baseballs being hit by bats, the whistles being blown by the coach and the players yelling at each other to run.
As you continue your walk down, you hear a baseball being whacked and cheers from other players.
“Way to go Sato”! One person cheered.
You see the baseball fly over the fence, but before you could move out of the way, everything went pitch black.
Moments later you wake up in a bright, unfamiliar room. Your head was pounding, and a cold pack was sitting on your forehead.
You try to sit up, but you felt too dizzy.
A woman, who you assume was the school medic, came up to you and helped you sit up.
“What happened”? You ask.
“Isn’t it obvious? You got hit with a baseball. You were out for almost 5 hours”. She said.
“Oh”. You look down, feeling embarrassed.
“Young lady, you shouldn’t be walking near the baseball field. Especially when there’s practice going on. You’re lucky it’s just a mild concussion”. The medic lectured you.
“It’s the only way I get to my class”. Then your stomach sinks. You look at the clock.
9:32 pm.
“Fuck, I missed the lecture”! You cussed in your head. And then the realization settles in.
“FUCK I MISSED THE DEADLINE”! You groaned while you bury your head in your hands. You can kiss your journalism dreams goodbye.
“I don’t care what excuse you have. I swear, you college kids are so careless. As soon as you’re able to, get out of my office and try to find a ride home”. She puts another ice pack onto your head and leaves you to wallow in your misery.
“Well, isn’t she delightful”. An unfamiliar voice says.
You look up to see a 6 ft tall guy with raven hair leaning against the door frame.
“Dorthy is usually snappy at this point. I wouldn’t take it personally”. He enters the room and approaches you.
“Can I help you”? You ask
“I wanted to apologize to you, for accidentally hitting you with that baseball”. He scratched his neck.
“Oh, so that was you”. You glared at the guy while fixing the ice pack on your head.
“Yeah, I guess my strength was too much”. He laughed, trying to lighten the mood. You were still unamused.
“It’s a little late, shouldn’t you be heading home”?
“I wanted to know if you were okay”.
“Aww how thoughtful”.
“I’m Kenji. Kenji Sato. Baseball rookie today, baseball legend tomorrow”. He brags.
“Kenji… aren’t you the same Kenji that scored 5 home runs in a row at that one game against Florida state two years ago”?
He smirks. “So you’re a fan”.
“Not really, but I remember it made headlines for the school paper . You’re pretty impressive for a freshman”.
“For a freshman huh”? He laughs.
“Hey, it’s a compliment pretty boy”. You lean back into the chair.
“You know, I never got your name pretty girl”.
“Y/N. Y/N L/N”. You extend your hand and Kenji shook it.
“Well Y/N. I want to make this up to you. Y’know, I haven’t had dinner yet. You maybe want to join me?”
“Sure. What do you have in mind”?
“Wait, so that was you who broke the dean’s window”? Your eyes widened.
“No one knows aside from my buddies on the team. Consider it an inside scoop”. Kenji winks.
The waiter sets down a pepperoni pizza down on the table. The smell of the sizzling meat and cheesy goodness reached both of your noses, making both of your mouths water.
You guys ate all of the pizza in under five minutes. More of Kenji eating everything considering his metabolism. A few minutes later, he pushed the dish aside and leaned back in his chair.
“So Y/N, why journalism? Specifically sports journalism”? He interogates.
“I used to be apart of the school newspaper back in high school. Something about watching the games and interviewing athletes has always peaked my interest. If you ask me, it’s better than reporting on politics or school plays”. You sipped on your water.
“Ahhh, so you’re nosy”.
“Y’know if it weren’t for us being nosy, you wouldn’t get your 15 minutes of fame”. You say, making Kenji chuckle
“So, any articles you’re working on”?
“Well, I wrote one on basketball team but I missed the deadline because somebody knocked me out with a baseball”.
Kenji shrunk down into his seat. “Sorry about that. Really”.
“Don’t worry, I usually don’t hold grudges.”
“Well look on the bright side, you got a new story”. He says.
“Aspiring journalist gets knocked out by the famed Kenji Sato”.
You laughed. “As much as that would make a really great story, nobody at that the Daily Bugle takes me seriously”. You sighed, playing with the straw inside your cup.
“How come”? He raised his eye brow.
“According to my editor, and to all the men at the daily bugle, “leave the sports to the men”. You quote.
“That sounds pretty toxic. You deserve a chance to show the world how crazy talented you are with words. You deserve better than that place you’re in Y/N”.
“As much as I want to, I’m willing to stay. I’m very determined to prove myself. Even if I have to get my hands dirty”.
“You are persistent”.
“I prefer ambitious”.
“I like ambitious women”.
“Sure you do”.
For the last few weeks, you kept seeing Kenji. He would walk you to your classes, bring you coffee when you had a bad day at the Daily Bugle. Whenever he didn’t have baseball practice, you two would either go out for dinner or hang out at your dorm. There was something about his company that never made you feel lonely.
You came to one of Kenji’s games. Not as a reporter, but as a supporter. Despite being a little sad that the editor will never let you write for the sports section, you showed up for Kenji.
“And here comes number 7, right on the bat”. The announcer says as he walked up to the home plate.
You watched in concentration as he got into position. Everyone’s eyes were on him, hoping he would bring them another win. The pitcher throws the ball and Kenji knocks the ball out of the park.
You cheered the loudest for Kenji as he ran through all of the bases. He made eye contact with you and winked at you, making you blush a bit.
You were leaning against the wall of the locker room, waiting for Kenji to come out. All of the baseball players were outside cheering and screaming like animals, celebrating another win.
“I didn’t expect you to come”. You hear Kenji say. He walked up to you, his duffle bag in one arm, and his helmet in another.
“I’m an aspiring sports journalist. Of course I’d show up”. You walk up to him.
“You played well today”.
You and Kenji walk out of the stadium
“So, any plans after this”?
“Well”… You began to think. “I was thinking about heading back to my dorm, curl up in bed and watch TV”.
“Damn, I was planning on asking you if you wanted to come back to my place, but if it’s that important to you, then who am I to stop you”.
“Well, that also doesn’t sound like a bad idea. But shouldn’t you be with your team, celebrating”? You gestured to the group of men screaming like chimpanzees.
“I don’t usually go out with the team. Win or loose”. He puts his helmet on and walks over to his bike.
“Wow, didn’t take you as an introvert”.
Kenji turns in the ignition on his bike.
“Are you coming or not”?
You were at the kitchen in Kenji’s apartment fixing him a grilled cheese and popping a bottle of wine as a reward for Kenji’s hard work. As you set the grilled cheese on the plate, Kenji immediately grabs it and takes a bite.
“Wait, it’s still”- But before you could warn him, the burning sensation has already hit Kenji’s tongue. He yelps at the sudden burn. Tears well in the corner of his eye as he throws the grilled cheese back onto the paper plate.
“You should’ve waited for it to cool down”. You scolded.
“Hey, I’m just really hungry. Cut me some slack will you”? He says, drinking his wine.
“Awww are you crying”? You notice the tear threatening to slide off his face.
“What? I never cry”. He crosses his arms.
“It’s okay to cry every once in a while”. You laugh as you swipe the tear off with your thumb. He leans into your touch as his onyx eyes fixated onto your (eye color) orbs. He leans closer, both of your faces inches apart from each other. And out of the blue, Kenji’s lips landed onto yours. You kiss back, tasting the red wine aftertaste. He lifts you up on the counter, and you wrap your legs around him. The air around you gets hotter, as it turns into a male out session. The next thing you know, he carries you into his room and shuts the door behind him.
You woke up with the sun hitting your eyes. Realizing that you were not in your own room and not wearing any clothes, the panic begins to settles in. You tried but there was a strong grip around your waist You turn around to see Kenji sleeping peacefully next to you.
“Oh no, this is bad”. You panicked. If your peers at the Daily Bugle hear about you sleeping with an athlete, they’ll never take you seriously.
You slowly got out of bed, trying your best not to wake up Kenji. As you got out of his room, you were attempting to put your 3 inch heeled boots back on, accidentally kicking the wall in the process.
“Shit”. You muttered while putting on the other boot.
You quickly slipped out of Kenji’s apartment without waking him up, already arranging your ride home.
While waiting outside the apartment building, you remembered what Kenji said, about you deserve something better than the Daily Bugle. Kenji was there for you and now you’re just leaving him. Screw what everyone thought of you. You liked Kenji, and it’s clear that he might feel the same. You went back up to his apartment. When you were about to knock, you noticed the door was slightly open. Peeping through the crack, you see Kenji talking to another guy that was probably his roommate.
“Dude, what happened to you last night? You totally ditched the team again”! The guy asks.
“Let’s just say I scored another one last night”. Said Kenji.
“Oh shiii, Kenji you dog”! His roomate laughs. “Who was it? Was it Tiffany from sports psychology”?
“Rosalie from the dance squad”?
“No. Hint: she’s apart of the Daily Bugle”.
It took his roommate a minute, then his eyes widened and his jaw dropped.
“I did”.
“You do realize people look down on stuff like this, it’s like an integrity thing”.
“I know, which is why that scores me double”.
“But if word goes out, the coach is gonna have your head”
“It’s not like anyone has to know, anyways she ran off before I could officially walk her out. I wasn’t too attached to her anyway”. Said Kenji.
“But don’t you still care about her”? His roomate asks, a bit of hope glimmered in your eyes.
“Pfft no, she’s some that I accidentally injured. I take her out for pizza one time and she still thinks I’m taking her seriously”. He laughs.
You stood there dumbfounded. The whole time Kenji was just using you to increase his body count?
Before you could hear any more of the conversation, you left the apartment building. You entered the taxi, tears threatening to spill. To think that a guy, let alone an athlete, actually respected you. You were stupid to believe that you had someone care about you.
A fire ignited in your belly that day. You were determined to prove all of the men wrong, to prove Kenji wrong. Even if it meant hurting him, and other people to get yourself on top.
Likes, Comments and Reblogs are always appreciated!!
A/N: I had a posting schedule for the week, but due to wifi issues, posting will be every 1-2 days until I get back to the US
Tag List:
@imconfusedbutok @deadbydad-writes
@introvertthief @rdjsprincess
@boomboom-tanjiro2019 @moyadorogaya
@holylonelyponyeatingmacaroni @lovingyeet
@ofichan @nina-from-317 @lunaryasha
@kocho-catt @scarsw1fe @aphroditis-world
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m-ilkiee · 2 months
Deadly Affairs: Bonten! Manjiro ‘Mikey’ Sano x Bonten Reader (+ Bonten)
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Chapter 1: Genesis
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➞ [series summary]: you’ve seen this story multiple times, where the girl does everything to end up as the wife of the king. In any other timeline, you would have done the same. This time is different. You don’t want to marry the king. You want to be him.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➞ [chapter summary]: your destiny starts on your 23rd birthday, at the back of Manjiro Sano’s car, with the loss of your virginity
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➞ [content warning]: DARK CONTENT, NSFW, DUBCON, bonten timeline, fem reader, power imbalance, age-gap relationship, sexual harrassment/abuse, sexism and misogyny, implied torture, flashing, alcohol/drug use, slight manipulation, drunk sex, public sex, fingering (f. recieving), virginity loss (reader), unprotected sex piv, rough sex, dirty talk, degradation, slut shaming.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➞ [r-18+] [not suitable for 17 and under]
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➞ [wc]: 4.5k
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➞ [masterlist] [chapter2] [taglist]
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➞ [notes]: I will no longer be using the series colours on each chapter, since tumblr keeps glitching. Sorry guys :(
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BONTEN, one of the most dangerous organizations that has ever arisen from Japan and possibly, the world. Led by men born from the era of brutality, Japan had never seen such a business successful with covering the tracks of organized crime as much as BONTEN has.
Despite the brutal murders, torture chambers, human and drug trafficking and even bodies found with teeth missing and finger prints skinned off, the police could never completely trace it back to BONTEN. They knew it would have something to do with such a deadly corporation, but as far as the higher ups and Japan's government were concerned, they were just business men with the usual ethical issues.
Anyone who tries to dig in too deep will face Bonten's hammer of judgment.
It's the life you've grown accustomed to for a while ever since Kokonoi had picked you up from the street.
Poverty made you sell your morals to the devil in the designers before you could regret it; Bonten sponsored your university course in accounting, trained you how to use a gun and taught you how important you were to them. Inappropriate touches and comments on your appearance by your fellow workmates and your superiors, you knew that no one would give you the time of the day to care about your accusations.
Besides, you've seen prostitutes that went missing after complaining so much about bonten members being rough with them.
"When is my flight for Makarti scheduled?"
You break out of your thoughts and raise your head to meet the dark eyes of the man sitting in front of you with his head down, Hajime Kokonoi, the man who took you out of the gutters to become his personal assistant who helped with calculations, estimates and other errands.
"It's supposed to be by twelve," you say, preparing yourself for his complaint as you explain the situation. "But your private jet needs a few maintenance checks before it's ready for your flight, so I had to shift it to two pm."
You waited for him to say anything to berate you for not doing the maintenance checks yesterday like he told you to, but instead he kept his head on the work he was doing and brushed it off, making you sigh in relief internally. "That's good, I have some meetings to attend to anyways, so I can avoid having extra work when I return. Also, you've gotten my suits from the dry cleaners?"
"Yes sir."
"And you've sent a message to Mochizuki and Kakucho about the change in flight times?"
"Yes sir."
The room falls silent, save for the noise coming from Kokonoi's fingers typing away on his laptop. You tap your feet lightly, waiting for either his next question or for him to dismiss you until he raises his head to look at you with confusion and annoyance written all over his features.
"Yes?" He stops typing to pay complete attention to you. "What are you still doing here?"
"Sorry sir."
You immediately stand up from the chair with your bag and scramble for the door in haste, adjusting your dress that had ridden up to your thigh. The last thing you wanted was for him to scold you again with disapproving eyes glaring down on you.
Hajime Kokonoi was very hard to please and easy to anger, you could never tell when his switch would flip and you don't like being around whenever it did.
You don't see the way Kokonoi's eyes rest on the curve of your ass strained against the office skirt you had worn today, before looking down your legs as you struggled to open his large office doors
You stop halfway, leaving the door half-open as you turn to the man sitting some feet away from you. Kokonoi rests his angular jaw on his intertwined fingers before clearing his throat. "I just remembered that you would be joining Mikey and Sanzu for a meeting tonight."
You feel the blood in your veins turn cold as you process Kokonoi's words, your fingers curl around the door handle tighter than before, anchoring you to the ground and keeping you from stumbling at the news. Kokonoi doesn't miss the way your face turns sour at the news he had broken, and frankly, he can't exactly blame you for your reaction. The top two executives are frightening, even more brutal than he himself was, especially when it came to you.
"I'm giving you the rest of the day off to prepare." He goes back to his laptop screen and keeps working on the audit he was doing before. The world of the yakuza cares for no man, and if you despise someone, either you kill them or you stick to them like glue. "Someone will come get you by 7pm so be ready by then. You can go now."
The room goes quiet again. Kokonoi can feel your questioning glare asking him why he would break his promise of not letting those men come near you, again.
"Yes sir."
You stomp out of the room angrily and the door slams shut after you, leaving Kokonoi all by himself to keep doing his work. He had to admit, the head on top of your shoulders wasn't just for decoration, you actually do know how to use it.
You knew better than to ask him questions.
THE noise from the club was deafening the moment you stepped into the place.
Once upon a time, Ran had told you he and his brother used to rule this place with an iron fist, before finding a much smarter way to make everyone submit to them. Now, practically all the clubs littered around Japan, including this one Manjiro Sano had decided to be the venue of the meeting, belong to them in Bonten's name.
Dressed in a sequined two piece cream top and skirt paired with heels, you certainly turned heads with your looks. You could hear whispers of men and women asking about who you were, seeing as you walked up to the V.I.P area with an air of confidence, somewhere only known Bonten members, business partners of Bonten or unlucky women foolish enough to entertain any executive were allowed to enter.
As expected, the guards in charge stopped you in your tracks. You could practically feel the predatory gazes of the men aimed at your choice of clothes, oozing lust, before flickering into disapproval at how you were dressed.
"V.I.Ps only."
His tone was condescending for someone that just stared at you like a piece of meat, although it was nothing new to you when it came to the men in Bonten. You don't pay mind to his attitude, instead lifting up your skirt partially to reveal the Bonten tattoo on your inner thigh. You could see his eyes practically entranced by the flesh of your thighs and the panties peeking through the skirt, greedily absorbing the details of every inch of skin as you lowered your skirt down.
You blame Kokonoi for letting you go through with that idea. Flashing people to reveal your tattoo isn't exactly ideal for you.
"Can I go in now?" You say and without waiting for them to finish, you push past them and got into the entrance to the V.I.P lounge.
IF you had a nickel for everytime Kokonoi lied to you about something, you would be extremely wealthy by now.
You could see the collection of wine bottles distributed across the tables, each to every individual's taste. Smoke billowed around the area, mixing with the scent of weed and alcohol. Voluptuous women were strewn on their laps, sides and even at their feet, smiling and pouring drinks, talking loudly or laughing at something they said.
This is not a meeting. This was a private party and you want nothing to do with it.
Haruchiyo, Bonten's number 2, is the first person to notice you awkwardly standing there and staring at the rest of them in horror and shock. His lips break out in a smile aimed at you, calling your name loudly and garnering everybody's attention, including Manjiro Sano who looked tired and bored, despite the woman who was sitting on his lap and feeding him. "The birthday girl is here, come sit down."
'Birthday girl? Does this look like a party I would like to attend?'
You mindlessly walked towards the space Haruchiyo had made between him and Manjiro, and sat there stiffly. You notice Haruchiyo hasn't touched his drinks at all, as if he was waiting for you to see this madness while he was sober. Electricity runs down your spine as he leaned so close to your ears, lips brushing it lightly to whisper;
"So, do you like it? Boss said I could plan it however I wanted since Kokonoi wasn't around."
'You shouldn't have.' The voice in your head is dry, sarcastic even, but you know better than to trigger him on his good days. Even if the urge to slap him across the face is creeping along the surface, you decided to keep things to yourself.
You glance briefly at Manjiro who was following (or trying to) a conversation the chatty escort he had hired had started. Your gazes meet briefly and you shyly avert your eyes away back to your lap.
Of course it was him that gave Haruchiyo the reins to host this party. Who else could do something like this?
You sigh weakly and turn to Haruchiyo, who was still waiting for your answer with a huge expectant grin on his lips. It wasn't like you could tell him the truth about how this party felt like it was for the men of Bonten and not for you.
"It's um…" you forced a smile at him before you continued lying. "... nice. Thank you sir."
A sigh of relief escapes your lips when his grin widens. You feel his arm drape over your shoulders, drawing you closer to his body. He dips his head into the crook of your neck, hot breath dancing along your body as he whispers in your ear again.
"Anything for you princess."
You sit frozen when he pulls away from you and goes back to the escort he was chatting with as if he didn't just make your heart race. You didn't get to think about it for long when a wine glass is put right in front of your face. Manjiro does not look at you as he shakes the wine glass in your face and you take it from him, trying to ignore the electricity running through your fingertips that brushed his.
"Thank you sir."
"Try to relax." His voice is low enough for only you to hear him speak. Your body grows hotter when he turns his gaze completely on your body, slowly scanning your attire for the evening before focusing on your face again. "We're not punishing you this time."
You nod quickly, making a huge effort to keep the glass in your shaking hands. Being so close to Manjiro Sano and Haruchiyo Sanzu proved to be more difficult than it should have been. Was it the fear that had been instilled into you by these men themselves?
Or was it the fact that you were surrounded by the constant reminders of your twisted sexual fantasies?
"A toast, to the birthday girl!" Ran's loud voice brings you out of your thoughts and you absentmindedly raise your glass up into the air. Whatever it is you feel about them doesn't matter, you couldn't afford to get anymore involved with Bonten beyond office contact.
"To life and a fatter ass!"
You don't notice Manjiro watching your facial expression morph into a scowl before hiding it with a fake laugh and repeating. "To life and a fatter ass."
  "YOU didn't like the party.
You don't say anything in response, with the light hum of the car's engine serving as the only sound in the vehicle and opting to look out of the window instead, watching the cars drive past yours. Of course you absolutely hated everything tonight; hell even your sour facial expression couldn’t be hidden by your usual fake laughter and flirty words. Manjiro Sano had noticed and offered to take you home early when you said you were tired.
You don’t feel bad for cutting his time short despite him having little time to be frivolous. It’s his fault anyways for setting up a disaster like this in the first place without even being considerate enough to assume you wouldn’t want it and you don’t owe him any gratitude for a job terribly done.
He sighs after a while, now looking out of his own window to distract himself from the way your skirt rode up to reveal the flesh of your thighs. "I'm sure Sanzu tried his best given how he ... is."
Something in you snaps at that moment and you face him with annoyance in your eyes. You were just about done with the way he kept digging the knife deeper into your gut. "I had plans for the evening Mr. Sano." You put it bluntly, not caring if he took offense to your words or just ignored you completely. "I did not ask for anything. I'm beginning to think you do this to make me miserable."
Your frown only deepens when you hear him chuckle quietly before turning around to face you with a curious look written all over his face. Somehow, seeing you upset made you cuter in his eyes; You always looked so vulnerable in times like these, whether you're walking on eggshells around him or outright being ungrateful to him. Maybe it's the alcohol giving you an extra boost to speak your mind, and he'll allow it for now because he wants to hear what you have to say.
But it won't go unpunished.
"What were the plans you had for this evening?"
Manjiro doesn't miss the way your face contorts slightly into an uncomfortable smile. It's not like he didn't know anyways, he had overheard your discussion with Ran’s assistant about what you wanted to do about two weeks ago and it was what made him call Haruchiyo to plan the most disastrous party ever to stop you from going ahead with your plan.
"It's nothing, never min-"
"I know you wanted to hook up with some idiot you met on a dating app, don't play coy with me."
You swallowed hard at his harsh tone, flickering your eyes anywhere but his face. The ridiculous last minute party made sense now that he had ripped the band aid off. Manjiro must have heard of your plans to hook up with someone you had met, since Kokonoi never let you even breathe in peace or left you alone whenever you wanted to do something.
"Today was my only chance and you ruined it." Your voice cracks slightly as you hiss at him. It was frustrating honestly, the one time you had to yourself without Bonten breathing down your neck, they found a way to make you even more miserable. "I have needs too for god's sake! I have a life outside being your lackey-"
"So you were going to let some lowlife stick his dick into you because you can't keep your legs shut."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
You try to reply to him again but no words come to your head. You can only close your mouth and look at your lap; it's unbelievable that he was berating you for wanting some form of intimacy in your life after being so pent up and going through so much shit. "So what do you expect me to do Mr. Sano?" Your voice is bitter but you didn't care any more at this point. "Ask Kokonoi to fuck me? Or should I go to Ran or Haruchiyo? Or…"
A smile makes its way to your face the moment an idea pops into your mind. You raised your head sharply towards him and jabbed a finger into his chest to buttress your point.
"Or should I ask you to do it? To corrupt and taint me?"
"Stop that."
"Do you want to fuck me, Mr. Sano? Is that why you hate seeing me with those low-lives? Is that it?"
"Don't start something you know you can't finish, (name)" it's a stern warning and you know Manjiro Sano isn't just being petty as usual. He was actually getting riled up from your constant taunting, which only served as entertainment with you because when was the last time you saw Mikey ever react to anything? "Or else."
But you don't listen to him. Even though you know from past experience that angering your volatile boss could end up with a bullet embedded in your brain, you push yourself closer to his body until you were flush against him, watching him stiffen as you lowered your lips next to his ear and rested your hand on his muscular thigh. It's obvious you're not thinking straight since you've had a couple of drinks and he's trying to keep that in mind, especially when you begin to trace a line towards his crotch area.
"Or else what, Mr. Sano?"
It happened so fast you could barely comprehend how he had you on your back to the seat with his body hovering over yours. Bleach blond bangs frame his face, highlighting the once empty, soulless eyes into darkened gazes full of lust and greed, hot breath hitting your face. A strong pale veiny hand pins your arms above your head, his knees separating your thighs, your jaw in a bruising grip of his other hand.
"A bit too late for that." He cuts you short, before turning his head to the driver of the vehicle. "Stop the car, now."
Your heart thuds loudly against your chest as the driver pulls the car into a dark corner hidden from the streetlights, coming to a stop. Manjiro does not ease up his grip, nor does he stop gazing into your soul as he tells the driver to "get out" in less than polite terms. You can hear the door of the car open and close quietly, along with the faint flicker of a lighter as the man walks away from the car.
With the two of you alone, Manjiro doesn't hesitate to crash your lips against each other in a messy kiss. Your boss wins the battle of dominance almost immediately with the sheer force he uses to force your mouth open with his hand so that he could explore your mouth. Your moans are silenced with each bruising kiss from him, his teeth grazing your lips before his tongue swipes over the marked place, engulfing your mouth with his until your lungs burn for air.
Moans of "sir" escaped your lips in sync with every wet kiss he placed on your face and cheek. Manjiro moves his lips from your lips, to your jaw and then settles onto your neck. The feeling of his teeth grazing your neck has you mewling and leaning into his touch. His hand leaves your jaw and quickly makes its way to your skirt, hiking it up a bit to reveal your panties and the Bonten tattoo on the plush of your inner thigh.
Manjiro pulls away from your neck and you let out an annoyed whine, already craving for his mouth on your neck again. His eyes sizes up the lace panties you had worn, a wet patch forming on it and he begins to trace a finger up and down your slit, teasing you through your panties. You let out a soft "hngh" from your lips as he moves to your clothed clit, rubbing tight circles, sending waves of electricity all over your lower region.
"Don't think I'm going easy on you." He mutters whilst pushing your soaked panties aside to reveal your bare cunt. A soft whine escapes your lips as two of his fingers start entering into your tight pussy, forcing its way into your walls until you accommodate the intrusion. "As soon as I'm done stretching out this cunt, I'm going to ruin you for anyone else."
You don't get to reply as his fingers begin to move at a pace that has your body trembling.
His fingers curled into you, pumping them in and out of your pussy. A loud moan escapes your lips when his fingers brush that spot, making your eyes roll back and pussy pulse around his fingers. "You like that?" He whispers close to your neck, biting and sucking marks into your skin, not letting up his rough finger fucking, curling his fingers even the more that has your legs shaking and the coil in your belly tightening. "Of course you do. You like it so much, look at how you're clenching on my fingers like a needy slut." His tone is mocking and yet, it only seemed to add fire to the flame.
Your body spasms in his hold, breathing fast as a violent orgasm rips through you until it becomes a dull throbbing and your head hangs while trying to catch your breath. Manjiro pulls away from your cunt and kneels upright. You peek through your lashes, watching him impatiently unbuckle his belt with one hand and toss it aside on the floor, followed by him working down the zipper and buttons of his pants, tugging it to his knees along with his boxers to reveal his thick, veiny cock springs free of its confines, drops of pre leaking from it.
He takes his dick in his free hand and smears the tip with pre before lining it up with your hole. A quiet groan escapes your lips as he rubs his length against your glistening pussy gathering all the slick, your heavy breathing matching his own. His grip on your hands above your head tightens, keeping you in place as he positions his tip in front of your entrance.
The pain when he pushes his tip into you is almost unbearable.
Your eyes snapped shut in response and you bit your lip to keep yourself from screaming as he slowly inched into you. "It'll be much easier for the both of us if you relax." He hisses at you, before reaching for your clit and circling it gently, trying to distract you from the pain. "Breathe."
His words were like a mantra and you found yourself taking in a deep breath and letting it out, trying your hardest to relax. Slowly, the pain from being stretched out gave way to feeling so full for the first time until he was buried at the hilt. A groan escapes Manjiro's lips; the feeling of your velvety walls around his hard cock was divine and if he didn't have any ounce of self control he would have cum immediately. His hips experimental rolls against yours and the loud "Manjiro" you let out had his brain short circuiting.
Everything is a blur after that.
His pace is fast, angling himself to your g-spot and abusing it, the whole car shaking with the power of his thrusts. His finger plays with your clit, despite you screaming "too much sir, too much!" in between moans and trying to squirm away from his brutal ministrations.
"Don't run away now, (name), I'm just doing what you want. Look at how well you're doing for a virgin." He says in between pants, thrusting into you even faster. He doesn't miss the whimper escaping your lips as his tip abuses your g-spot repeatedly- in fact it only encourages him to keep up the pace. "You're so obedient, I like this version of you. Might make you my personal slut- shit-"
His balls tighten at the feeling of your cunt fluttering around him at that sentence. Seeing him staring down at you condescendingly as he fucks into you hard is shamefully arousing, and your mouth can't help letting out loud moans of pleasure when his fat tip prods against your cunt.
The noises of skin slapping skin from the intensity of his thrusts in the car is obscene and noisy, you're sure the guard standing outside is well aware of what is going on.
He lets go of your clit briefly to put your leg on his bony shoulder, bringing you even closer to him and presses a hot, messy kiss on your lips, his tongue playing with yours again. You answer his kiss with another weak moan, the coil in your belly tighten once again with the urge to snap.
"You look so fucked out, it's pathetic" he laughs against your lips and moves his head to the crook of your neck. His grip tightens on your hand as he holds your trembling body in place. "I would have mistakened you for a slut if you weren't so fucking tight." His hips stutter, before regaining his pace again. He spits out darkly; "Since you're so cock hungry, maybe you should be our personal slut, huh? Bonten's cumrag?"
Maybe it's the alcohol coupled with the intense feeling of pleasure that has your mind completely dumb for him. Maybe it's because he's the one in control of everything as he rolls his hips into you, bringing you closer and closer to edge, his dark eyes clouded with lust and greed peering into yours that had you saying "yes, yes yes yes-" until your second orgasm washes over you, more intensely than the first and knocks you out completely soon after.
He falls over the edge too, pumping loads and loads of cum into you as he bucks into you with a few more thrusts, more than anything he's produced before until he's spent completely. He pulls himself away from your cunt immediately and sits on his heels, dark eyes watching cum leak out of your abused hole and pool down your cunt with interest. Manjiro's eyes flicker up to your face and realized you have passed out.
'It must have been too intense for you, huh.'
He releases your hands above your head, taking note of the fingerprint bruises on his hand and reaches for your bag to take out your wipes. He cleans the cum and specks of blood outside your cunt and tries to dab off the stain on the chair as well before tugging your skirt down and adjusting his pants. Wounding down the window of the car, Manjiro signs the driver outside to come in and he obeys immediately, putting out his cigarette on the concrete wall.
A sigh escapes his lips, in sync with the car engine revving up again. Manjiro's eyes flicker down to your sleeping figure that he's maneuvered to his lap and trails his gaze down to the marks littered all over your jaw and neck. Deft fingers circle around the swelling skin, still lost in thought about how pretty you look with his markings.
Something in him is selfish when it comes to you. He’s never been outright with his affections, but there’s just something about you that makes him want to have you in his cage, trapped with him. Perhaps it’s why he let Koko take you in all those years ago and why you haven’t died yet despite your misdeeds. Maybe it’s because he sees himself in you; the pain and the loss, the madness that you’ve buried deep down in your heart.
But for now, he’ll settle with whatever you both have. As long as you stayed with him. And as long as you stayed loyal to Bonten.
"Take us to my house."
Forever. Even in death.
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special thanks to: @officiallyjaehyuns @haikyuusboringassmanager @cockonoi @rindou24689 @short-cxke @kokoch4n3l @genawi @getonite @reiners-milkbiddies @gh0stgirl333 @kawaiikoalagarden @raven-nevra @ilovetwodmen @kodzubaby @straightfromheaven @manchie55 @tenjikusstuff4 @hapikiou @Lovelyartistz @lik0
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allthelovehes · 1 year
Summary: You follow a course through your job and the teacher who's giving the course is everything you've ever dreamed of.
Pairing: teacher!harry x reader
Word count: 6.2K
Warnings: Pussy eating, protective sex, squirting, p in v.
A/N:  This is partially based on a true story. Nearly everything but the smut is what actually happened and I just had to write it.
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Ever since starting your new job, you must attend an internal program at headquarters for three-ish months, completely designed to train you for all the ins and outs of your position. It’s not like you have to go there every single week. But you have a perfect little schedule; you go to headquarters two weeks in a row, two days a week followed by a week where you practice all you’ve learned. Then two weeks of your training, two days a week and you repeat it over and over again for 11 weeks total. 
Since headquarters is an hour and fifteen-minute drive from your home, they offer you to stay the night at a hotel near them so you don’t have to keep on driving back and forth. They also pay for your dinner in the restaurant of the hotel and since you’re not the only student taking the course who lives relatively far away, you made some friends and all eat together. After dinner, you all hang out, down a few more glasses of chardonnay, and have a great night. 
The course itself is presented by two men, Chris and Harry. Chris is a couple of years older than you are and Harry is roughly the same age. Both of them are a treat to look at so whether you like the course or not, there’s always something interesting to occupy your brain with. Although if you’re truly honest, you do have a favorite and it gets worse when the end of the three months is in sight.
It’s the second to last week of your program. Normally you travel by train, read a book while you’re at it, and enjoy the peaceful start of your day. But today was different, you’re a bit in a hurry and decide to take your car and make the long ride yourself. Putting up some music and singing along at the top of your lungs.
Traffic isn’t as bad as you expected and instead of being stuck in your car for over two hours, it only took one and half hours. Normally the route is packed with traffic, causing a lot of slow-riding cars and traffic jams. But again, today was different.
Being 55 minutes early before the start of your training, you’re left with some more time to yourself. The book you normally would read on the train is in your bag anyway. So you grab a cup of coffee, pull the book out of your bag, and start reading to somehow still get a bit of the quiet morning you’re used to. 
You just finished reading your chapter when the door of the room swings open. You look up and your eyes meet the pretty green eyes you’ve grown to adore. You never imagined you’d still crush as hard at 26 as you did at 16. It’s like the teen inside you is awakened by Harry’s chocolate curls, green eyes, and puffy lips. 
“Good morning!” You greet him.
“Good morning. You’re early!” He chirps with a warm smile on his face. He always seems cheerful, just happy to be here. It makes you feel so welcome in this company. “How long have you been here for?” He adds.
“Not more than 15 minutes I think, honestly didn’t really track time.” You answer.
“Did the elevator work when you got here? I just had to climb the stairs.” He continues, there’s not even a shortness of breath even though he just climbed all 17 flights of stairs to reach the level on which the company is located. 
“You’re kidding! How are you still breathing?” You joke, but you’re actually not kidding. If you had to walk all those stairs, you’d be out of breath by the time you reach the 5th floor. Harry however just laughs at your statement before he puts down his backpack behind his desk. 
He made up this little routine of settling down for the day. First, he places down his backpack and takes out his laptop. Then he opens his laptop to boot it before he pulls his sweater over his head. This man doesn’t like to wear coats, he just puts a sweater on top of his outfit and uses that to keep himself warm. 
You thought you sort of removed him from your mind after not seeing him for a couple of weeks. Harry went on a well-deserved vacation and Chris took over during that time. So the last time you actually saw Harry was 5 weeks ago. But the second he pulled that sweater of his over his head, pulling his shirt a tiny bit upwards in the process had you melting right in front of him. The waistband of his boxers peeks out from his pants. You immediately recognize the brand he’s wearing by the colorful print on them. And let’s not even get started about his delicious happy trail. It’s a good thing his view is blocked by the fabric of his sweater because you for sure are struggling to keep your eyes to yourself.
“So, would you like some coffee?” He suggests as he folds his sweater over the back of his chair. You’re quick to agree on his offer. “Cappuccino right?” 
“Yes, please! I’m surprised you remember how I like my coffee.” You giggle, feeling a blush creep upon your cheeks. 
Throughout the entire day, you can’t help but notice how Harry’s eyes meet yours a lot more often than he does with your classmates. Whenever you look at him, his eyes are already on yours. He compliments you when you’re working on assignments and you just feel like there’s a mutual connection there. 
His distance to headquarters is even bigger than yours, so they offered him a similar deal as they did you. If he has to work multiple days in a row, he can stay the night in between in the same hotel as you all do. He gladly took upon the offer, for him it’s at least a two-hour ride home and that’s if he doesn’t include traffic. And since he works 5 days a week, it’ll save him a lot of time.
During the lunch break, you and your friends are making plans for the evening. Many of your nights in the hotel are spent drinking some wine and just catching up with each other. And today’s plans are like no other. Harry can’t help but overhear you guys talking about the hotel and starts bragging about the room they gave him. 
“I slept in room 405 last week. Apparently, all rooms on the fourth floor are deluxe rooms with a bathtub, double bed instead of a twin bed, and a filled mini fridge.” He joins your conversation, immediately planting the idea of asking for room 405 when you check into the hotel later today.
“I never had a bathtub during any of my stays. But all six times I slept in that hotel, I never slept on the fourth floor.” You reply.
“Don’t worry, you’re not missing out. The tubs are too small anyways.” He reassures.
“Your legs are just too long to properly fit into any tub.” You pointed out. 
All of you enjoy your dinner together. Harry is always left at work for a bit longer after you’re done with the class so he can prepare for the next day or finish up some other leftover work. And to the question of whether he will join you all at the dining table, his answer is always the same. “If I make it in time, I’ll happily join.” 
And today was one of the days he made it in time. He sits next to you in the only chair that’s unoccupied. Your friend shoots a glance at you, and that’s when you realize she made sure you sat next to the empty spot.
All of you welcome him to the table before starting small talk.
“Oh, by the way, Harry, I meant to thank you for your advice.” You start causing a confused look on the man’s face.
“My advice?” He asks. “What did I tell you?”
“When I was checking in I asked for room 405 and now I ended up in a deluxe room just like you told us about earlier today.” You giggle.
“Hold on, what room are you in??” He asks, clearly even more confused than he was at the beginning of this conversation.
“Ah, right! You got me confused for a second as I am booked in room 405 again.” He explains. “So, we’re practically neighbors!” 
Your brain spins a bit at how coincidentally it is of you asking for the exact room Harry is in. And on top of that, you are indeed practically neighbors. Suddenly you feel glad that you aren’t actual neighbors for the night, cause the rooms are very noisy and there’s a dividing door between every other room, allowing them to connect two rooms if needed. You’re not sure what your nighttime activities will turn into, once you’re left alone in your hotel room with just your unholy thoughts of the man next to you. 
Your food gets served, you and Harry both choose a different dish. He chose the tilapia filet and you went for a steak. Both are served with some veggies and fries. 
“That steak looks good.” He says as he puts a bit of fish into his mouth. 
“Would you like to try some?” You ask him to which he agrees. His fork is all covered in the sauce that comes with the fish. So, you cut off a piece of steak and hold your fork out for him to take it. He hums softly as the taste of the steak hits his tastebuds, sending vibrations through your fork. 
Harry insists on you trying some of his fish too. So he cuts a piece of, similar as to how you did it and holds his fork out for you to try it. 
You’re not much of a fish eater but you can see how people like this particular dish. It’s good as far as how good fish get. 
After hanging out with your friends on the terras, drinking some wine. All of you decide to call it a night. It’s nearly 11 p.m., and all of you need to be up bright and early the next day for your course. 
You hop into the elevator together, all of you pressing different buttons for different floors. Soon enough you’re the last one standing as you’re the only one whose hotel room is located on the top floor, and Harry’s of course.
Your pace slows down when you reach room 405. A deep voice is heard on the other side of the door. This confirms your suspicions, Harry is still up. It seems like he is currently on the phone with someone as a one-sided conversation is heard from his room. You decide not to snoop around, for all you know he’ll walk out the door any second and see you lingering around his door. That’d be weird.
Once you reach your door, you open it with the card and enter the room. You were smart enough to turn on the air conditioning before heading down for dinner so the room was cooled perfectly. 
You let yourself fall backward on your bed with a deep sigh. This massive crush on what essentially is your teacher was unexpected. And now you’re full of nerves, jitter, and a lot of unholy thoughts to think about.
You open up your book and try to set your mind in another direction. You have to face the man you’re thinking about tomorrow and above all you need to be able to concentrate. 
After 45 minutes of reading your mind is still on the one topic it was before. So the plan to distract yourself failed miserably. The only other option you can consider is taking a cold shower, cause there’s no way in hell you can masturbate to the thought of him and look him in the eye tomorrow.
You hop into the shower. You start at your regular temperature and decrease the temperature with small steps to end with a cold shower. Your hands travel over your body and you notice how sensitive your skin is. You take some soap and spread it all over your skin. Once your hands reach your breasts you give some extra attention to your achy nipples, pinching them between your fingers. You moan softly, god that feels good.
You realize what you’re doing and stop immediately, turning the water ever colder causing you to nearly squeal at the temperature. You step out of the shower and wrap a towel around your body. 
As soon as you’re all dried up, you crawl back into your bed and grab your phone to scroll mindlessly through TikTok. First, you clear your notifications but you notice one particular Instagram notification that catches your eye.
harrystyles liked your story 8m ago
It’s fucking past midnight, what is this man liking your Instagram story for?? As if you weren’t thinking about him enough already. 
You decide to get out of bed and go outside for a little midnight stroll. The cool and fresh air will do you good. You take your AirPods out of your bag so you can listen to some music while you're at it. 
You’ve been walking for about 25 minutes when you step back into the elevator and press the button to the fourth floor. Harry has finally disappeared from your mind, I mean, he’s still there but just less present. You are tired and just need your sleep.
Room 407 is two-thirds down the hall, luckily the floor is covered with carpet so your feet don’t make as much sound. You don’t want to wake anyone up at this ungodly hour. Nerves kick back in the closer you get to room 405. What if he’s still awake, or what if you woke him up when your door fell closed on your way out?
The sound of a door opening is heard and you’re too afraid to take your eyes off the floor. It takes every bit of strength in you to lift your head up, but when you finally do, your eyes are met with the ones you’ve been thinking about all night. He’s changed out of his dress pants and blouse and into a plain white shirt and some grey sweatpants.
“Oh, hi.” You mumble. Fuck, you think. You did wake him up on your way out. And now he’s here to complain about it.
“Hi.” He replies in a whisper. Harry heard you walk through the hallway, at least he was hoping it was you. But now that he’s standing eye to eye with you, he suddenly becomes nervous and doesn’t know what to say.
“I hope I didn’t wake you up when I left my room.” You apologize. 
“Don’t worry about it. I’ve been struggling to fall asleep anyway.” “Yeah, me too. I’m gonna go give it another try though.” You point to your door, gesturing for you to leave. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Wait!” Harry whisper-yells. “I- uhm. Do yo- uh.” He stumbles over his words. You turn your body back to him, looking at him with your big eyes.
“Do you wanna come with me to my room?” He finally asks and he holds out his hand for you to grab. You’re taken by surprise but after looking at him for a bit too long you grab his hand with a little nod and let him lead the way. 
He closes his fingers around yours and takes a couple of steps back to his room, opening the door with his room key. He steps inside the room, holds the door open, and pulls you in by your hand. The door is slammed closed right after you’re through the opening and Harry's strong arms push you against the door. 
“Hi.” He says giddy when looking at your lips, earning a smile from you.
“Oh fuck, just kiss me already.” You demand, and he is eager to please. 
His lips crash onto yours and his tongue slips inside your mouth. He’s gentle but demanding, it’s nothing like you ever thought it would be. This kiss makes you realize what people mean by melting when they’re being kissed. It’s like every inch of your body becomes one with his.
Your fingers graze his hair, pulling him closer as his hands find their place on your hips. He pushes his body flush against yours, earning a moan from your lips. The fingers of his right hand sneak under the hem of your shirt to dig into your skin. 
He pulls away after what feels like minutes of making out, panting slightly. His fingers play with the hem of your shirt and he looks down.
“Can I?” He asks to which you agree. Your shirt is pulled over your head in a swift motion, revealing your peach-coloured bra. Suddenly you feel glad you decided to put on a bra when you went for a walk because you nearly decided to not wear one.
“Fuck.” He moans at the sight of you. His hand comes up to cup your left breast through the padding of your bra. “You’re so beautiful.” He kisses your neck, up to your ear. You gain confidence from his words and let your hands travel over his chest, down his sides all the way to the hem of his own shirt. You look him in the eyes for permission. 
“Do it.” He whispers in your ear while he keeps on kissing every inch of your ear, neck, and jawline. You pull the shirt over his head revealing his perfect abs. You can’t help but put one hand flat on his stomach to feel his muscles and moan softly. Your eyes meet his and he has a beautiful smile plastered across his lips. 
His lips are back on yours and his fingers hook in the waistband of your jeans. He’s greedy to get you out of your clothes as soon as possible. He opens the button. His left hand grabs your face and he kisses you passionately on your lips as he puts his right hand in the back of your jeans to squeeze your bum. 
“Hmm, you feel so good.” He squeezes your flesh one more time before he pushes the fabric over your ass. You step out of your jeans and push him further into the room. Your lips reconnect. 
Harry leads you to the chair in the corner of the room and pushes you down in the chair. Your eyes fall down his body and stay glued to the tent starting to form in his sweatpants. His fingers wrap underneath your chin to pull your face up. 
“Eyes up here, baby.” He says. He spreads your legs to stand in between them and strokes his hand over your inner thighs, to your stomach, and up to your lips. He puts his thumb against your lips with his fingers resting on your cheek. You open your lips and softly suck on his thumb getting it slightly moist. 
He takes his finger back out of your mouth and his hands explore down to your chest. Both hands grab one boob each and massage your skin through your bra. He makes sure to flick his thumbs over your hardening nipples every now and then. 
You sink further down into the chair, practically laying on your back with your bum on the edge of the seat. Your feet are tucked around his waist and your legs are spread open to reveal your clothed crotch. Harry is standing right in front of the chair, causing his crotch to gaze over your most sensitive spot when he moves close enough. 
You moan at the pressure he’s applying to your chest. His big hands fit perfectly around your tits and it’s all you’ve been thinking about. Well, not all, but you get the point.
He pulls down the cups of your bra, to expose your breasts. Your nipples are hard and needy. His lips attach to your right nipple to suck on them before he lets go and gently strokes his fingers down your stomach, back towards your inner thighs. The soft touch of his fingertips tickles, sending a buzzing feeling straight to your clit.
He kneels in front of the chair you’re sitting on and wraps his hands around your waist. He places a couple of kisses on your thighs, right next to your core. But never touching where you need it most. He’s making you all needy, drawing moan after moan. 
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” Harry asks. But the view in front of him already gives him the answer he is looking for. You’re dripping through your panties, completely ruining them and every touch is rewarded with another moan coming from your lips.
“Mhm, fuck yes.” You half moan.
Harry finally places a kiss on the wet spot forming on your panties. You immediately put your hand in his hair. After a few more open-mouthed kisses on top of the fabric, he finally pulls them to the side. He lets out a low moan at the sight and smell in front of him. 
He attaches his lips to your core, leaving another open-mouthed kiss on your labia before he sucks the juices into his mouth. Another loud moan escapes his lips, you’re sure anyone who’d walk by would be able to hear the both of you.
“You taste so fucking good, baby.” Harry moans. He pushes your panties further to the side and you help him hold them there, giving him full access to taste every single inch of you. He licks up from your bottom all the way to your clit and you can’t help but whine. He continues to gently lick around your clitoris, making sure not to apply too much pressure at once. It feels like pure ecstasy. 
His hands stroke the insides of your thighs again while they travel to your core. With two hands, he spreads you open to allow him to stick his tongue inside of you. He pushes in and out of you a few times before his tongue travels back to your clit. Licking and sucking softly, building up the pressure. He for sure is taking his time with you. His eyes are locked on yours to gauge what you like and don’t like. But so far you seem to have entered another world. With your left hand locked in his hair and your head thrown back.
Harry starts to put more pressure on your clit with his tongue making you all squirmish. Your soft moans go up in loudness. His lips leave your clit but his finger is quick to stroke circles around it before he inserts his finger into your pussy hitting you right on that spongy part. His finger pushes in and out of you and his tongue gently swipes from left to right. 
He applies even more pressure to your clit, sucking on the sensitive bud every now and then. His one finger inside of you pumps in and out, building up a faster pace. More juices start to spill from your pussy so he licks from down all the way up to your clit again to collect your wetness and slurp it all up. It’s a sign you’re coming close to your orgasm. Your legs start shaking around his shoulders and he continues his work, going faster and sucking harder.
Soon you can’t contain your moans and your orgasm hits you harder than it has ever done before. Harry’s fingers don’t seem to slow down though, and his tongue is still attached to your sensitive clit. Your moans turn into high-pitched whines mixed with curse words falling from your lips.
“Fucking hell, please” You moan, trying to push his face away from your cunt. His finger falls from your pussy and he softly caresses your mount with a flat hand, his lips are still attached to your clit but he stopped sucking as he moans loudly. The vibrations of the sounds he’s making shoot right through your body. He completely removes his face from you and wipes the wetness from his chin. 
“God, I wanna do that again. You sound so fucking pretty.” He tells you before he connects his lips to yours. The tangy taste of yourself is all you can focus on, making you feel dizzy. 
Harry looks you up and down. He gets up off his knees so he can finally drop his sweats to the floor. The erection in his loose-fit boxers makes you curious, but it gives you a good idea of how big he is. 
He holds out his hand for you to help you get up from the chair. His arms wrap around your body once you’re on your feet and he kisses you deeply. His hands take hold underneath your bum. 
“Jump.” He commands and you listen without a second thought. You wrap your arms around his middle and his erection softly presses into your core. You moan and nestle your face into his neck. Your hips try to grind down on him, although you’re not as successful as you’d hoped. Harry walks to the end of the bed to place you down. 
“Let’s get you out of these.” You say as you put your fingers into the waistband of his boxers. You pull them down so he can step out of them. He pushes you on your shoulders, tipping you over so you’re lying on your back and his hands hold your knees to spread them open again. With one hand he pumps his cock a few times and with the other, he pushes your panties back to the side before he pushes the tip of his cock through your folds. 
“Shit, a condom.” He curses. “I don’t know if I have one.” He says honestly. It’s not like he thought he was getting laid during his work trip so he didn’t pack any. He rushes to his wallet in hopes of finding one in there. He opens the coin section and is happy to be greeted by a silver foil. He takes it out before he returns to you and puts on the protection. 
He goes back to what he started. He rubs the tip of his now rubber-covered cock over your clit, stimulating the sensitive nub. You immediately are a moany-mess again before he slides his tip down and inters your cunt. He pushes in and out, going deeper with every thrust. His thrusts are gentle as he knows you’re close to being overstimulated. 
His hands hold your thighs down before he starts moving back and forth at a faster pace. He bends down to attack your right nipple with his mouth. He sucks sharply and licks over the hard bump. 
The bed starts squeaking loudly when he holds you down around your hips to be able to fuck up into you faster. His skin slaps against yours making the most erotic sounds audible in the hallway and possibly in the neighboring rooms. 
Harry wraps his hand around your neck, not really applying pressure but just holding you in place as he trusts into you slower but with more power. Smacking his pelvis against your clit with every trust. Your panties slipped back down covering half your labia again. 
“Let’s get these out of the way.” You laugh. Harry pulls out so you’re able to remove your underwear but he’s back inside of you as soon as possible. He’s bucking up, trying to hit your G-spot every time he pushes in. And he knows he’s doing a good job as your moans went up a pitch again. 
He grabs your hips and keeps fucking you hitting your G-spot hard every, single, time. The trusts change from hard and deep to soft and fast. Giving you a whole other sensation. He keeps switching between the two different paces until he finds you squirming underneath him again. He bucks his hips hard and deep into you and after a few more trusts you reach your second orgasm, screaming and squirting all over him. 
You were about to apologize but Harry has already attached his lips to your cunt to lick up all the leftover juices. He’s moaning loudly as he’s trying to clean you up. Your own moans become quieter and turn into soft hums as you nestle your hand into his hair, grabbing him tightly. 
He starts assaulting your clit like he used to when you were sitting in the chair. His tongue is doing wonders on your overstimulated clit and it only takes a couple of strokes of his wet muscle to get you to reach your height again. This time however it feels shorter and less intensive, but still your moans picked up again. It’s like music to Harry’s ears.
“Fuck, Y/N, you are so fucking perfect.” He moans, kissing you sloppily. His hips meet yours and both of you hum to the feeling. Harry takes a hold of his cock and guides it back inside of you. His hips grind over yours, giving you way too much stimulation but god does it feel good. 
He places his left foot on the bed next to your bum and starts pounding into you. He puts one of his hands on top of your mouth as you can’t contain any of the sounds you’re making. Harry knows it’s already too late when it comes to waking up the neighbors but he doesn’t wanna keep bothering them all night.
Never have you been fucked this hard, fast, and deep all at the same time. It’s starting to feel overwhelming and you can’t stop whining at how good you feel. Harry keeps miraculously pounding into you as he starts to moan loudly himself as well. 
His moans send shivers down your spine, he sounds otherworldly. The deeper his moans get, the sloppier his trusts become. He spills all of his cum inside of the condom before his moans quiet down and he pulls out. He’s panting loudly and he gently swats the back of your thigh twice. He rubs his cock up and down your pussy one more time before he kneels down again and licks your pussy clean. 
“Stay where you are.” He says and places a quick kiss on your lips. He walks to the bathroom to toss the condom and grab a damp towel to properly clean you up. He dabs the lukewarm towel to your overstimulated core and softly strokes the fabric down once or twice. He puts the towel down on the floor where all of your juices squirted in an attempt to minimize the mess.
“There, now let’s get comfy.” He says and gets into bed. “Do you want a shirt?” He asks to which you nod. He gets up to grab his white tee from before and hands it to you. It smells deliciously like his skin in the best way possible. You put it on and it reaches up to your upper thigh. 
Harry lays back down in bed and you crawl next to him. He naturally opens his arms for you to cuddle up to him. 
“I‘ve never been fucked that good.” You chuckle as you take a deep breath. The room smells and looks like sex but neither of you seems to care. 
“Hmm, you felt so good.” Harry’s ego boosts at your comment. And if he’s honest, he’s never been with someone he enjoyed so much and he simply can’t wait to do it again. “I hope you’re going to stay the rest of the night, right?” He asks. 
“I didn’t plan on getting up, I’m way too comfortable here.” You reply to which Harry only pulls you in closer. He places a soft kiss on your forehead with a soft hum. 
“Goodnight, baby.” He whispers to which you answer a simple goodnight. 
You wake up the next morning with Harry’s body wrapped around yours. The sound of your alarm was ringing from the nightstand. It’s a good thing you charged your phone last night when you were trying to sleep otherwise it would’ve been out of power and therefore not been awakened. 
“What time is it?” Harry asks, his voice low and sexy as he’d just woken up. 
“7:30.” You answer, to which he shoots up. 
“Shit, I forgot to set my alarm. I need to be at work in an hour.” He sighs, but actually, he doesn’t really care. He has the most beautiful girl lying in his bed, breakfast can wait for once and he can also head to work half an hour later, he already prepared everything for today anyway. 
He lays back down and rolls on his side to face you. 
“Hi.” He says. 
“Hi.” You reply, and both of you laugh softly. 
“So, I hope you have no regrets from last night. I didn’t mean to push you into anything you didn’t want.” Harry says, to which you take his face between your hands to pull him closer. You connect your lips to his. 
“Not one single bit.” You reply before Harry deepens the kiss. His cock is already hard, as most men wake up with an erect member. But the beautiful girl in his T-shirt next to him is making him lose his mind. 
His hands travel down her side and cup her pussy. One finger gently slides between her already damp lips and rubs circles around her clit. 
“Har, we don’t have time for this.” You whine and he knows you're right. He sighs before he takes his fingers back from your pussy and licks the tip of his finger clean. 
“I’m sorry. You’re just irresistible.” He flirts. 
“It’s gonna be a long day then.” You joke, neither of you had thought about having to go through today and act like nothing has happened. 
“We’ll see about that.” He argues as if he doesn’t think there’s going to be a lot of tension. “Let’s just get ready for breakfast.” He says and gets out of bed to get dressed. 
You sit up and think for a bit. All your stuff is two rooms down the hall and you don’t feel like getting into your nasty clothes from the day before, especially those panties which are ruined. 
“Can I borrow your sweatpants for a bit?” You ask Harry. “I need to go to my room to get ready.” You explain. He grabs his sweats off the floor and hands them to you. You’re now wearing the complete outfit Harry was wearing when he pulled you into his room. 
“I’ll see you in a few minutes.” You say before kissing him once again and head out to your own room. 
You took a quick shower to rinse off the sweat of the night before, brushed your teeth, and got dressed in a fresh set of clothing. 
When you’re all set and ready, you grab your room key and exit your room. You walk the short distance down the hallway to Harry’s room and raise your hand to knock on his door but he already has it opened before your hand can hit the wood. 
“Let’s go get some fuel.” He says and grabs you by your hand. He leads you all the way to the elevator. He pressed the button to the ground floor where the breakfast buffet was. 
The elevator stops at the second floor. You quickly pull your hand back as you know there are classmates sleeping on that same floor. And since Harry and you haven’t discussed anything about how to move forward, you’d rather not get the confrontation in the middle of an elevator. However, luckily it wasn’t someone either of you knew. 
Once the both of you enter the restaurant, Harry a few steps ahead of you, you notice all your classmates who also slept in the same hotel already sitting at your designated table. 
“Wow Harry, we thought you had already left. You’ve never been this late before.” One of them recalls. 
“Yeah, you’re always the first to eat and the first to leave.” Someone else joins in. 
You don’t know where to look or what to say. It feels like getting caught as you are well aware of the reason why Harry hasn’t eaten yet. Both of you decide to go fill up a plate with a delicious breakfast and just try to ignore the comments. 
“I feel like we’re already getting caught.” You tell him as you stand next to him putting some eggs on your plate. 
“Don’t worry your pretty head over it, there’s no way for them to know.” He reassures. 
You sit back at the table before Harry does. He’s in line for the coffee machine. 
Your friend looks at you. “Spill. The. Tea.” She mouths so no one can hear, but you can see. You giggle to yourself and shake your head no. But she just knows something is up. 
Harry walks back to the table with two cups of coffee. He puts the black coffee in front of himself and the cappuccino next to your plate. 
“Thank you, ba-“ You quickly stopped saying what you wanted to say, hoping no one had noticed. You look around the table but there are no suspicious looks. Harry places his hand on your knee and squeezes softly. 
“You’re welcome.” He says. 
Taglist: @justmystyles @bitchybabyharry Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist! 🤗
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syoddeye · 8 months
the reward
ceo!price x reader / ~2.5k words
This can be considered the first half of part 4 of Business or Pleasure? my lil ceo!price x reader side project. Please enjoy! 🖤
Parts 1, 2, and 3
CW: hinted possessiveness, power imbalance, alcohol
The reward was never a choice. Cute, in hindsight, how you thought it was and politely declined to exit the car. 
Mr. Price squashed your resolve with one look. Both of his eyebrows raised in an expression of almost tired disbelief, mouth a firm line, and a disapproving sound pushing through it. "Hmm. You sure? Store's open just for us, y'really going to make them stay on longer?"
Sufficiently guilt-tripped, you concede.
You expect the pair of sales associates to be miffed, all tight smiles and wringing hands, for working past posted hours. They are not. Quite the opposite. It makes you wonder the true reach of the man beside you. 
John ushers you past the display of tote bags in the front of the store. 
You try to protest. "But they're the most useful type here. The others are impractical."
You try to reason. "I can use it for work. For travel. See, my laptop will fit."
You want something closer to the reliable carry-all you currently own. He clicks his tongue as if you are an unruly pet, affectionately scolding. "You're not walking out of here 'til you pick something impractical. Think of it as an indulgence."
You are left to reluctantly marvel at the rows of clutches and handbags. They sit under warm, glowing lights designed to underscore the soft luster of their leather. The kind of brand to hide the price tags, you silently make estimates as you peruse. Just one could pay two month's rent.
A sales associate sidles up when you linger too long near a pinkish-gray, compact handbag. Her voice is low and bubbly, explaining the history of the silhouette and model, the leather and detailing. She shows the optional shoulder strap, threads it over your side, and insists you look in the mirror. Feels funny using a full-body mirror for an accessory, but it does make you like it more. A nicer outfit and you could pass for a real customer.
You meet John's gaze in the reflection. Comfortably settled in one of the shop's armchairs, he smiles languorously and nods.
Before you know it, John offers a shiny metal card to the associate, and you walk out of the store with a four-digit handbag. 
In the car, it's as if nothing happened. John returns to his phone and padfolio, all business, and you sit slightly dumbfounded cradling a shopping bag. Whiplash does not even begin to cover the feeling.
He likes you, has to. Men, no matter how wealthy, do not spend this amount of money on people they do not care for. It is not your experience, at least. The gift is troubling, though. What precisely does it mean? What did drinks mean? What does his requisitioning you from Kyle mean? You've seen this show before, and it never ends well.
When the car pulls onto your street, it is fuel on the fire. Of course, John has access to employee information; you try not to dwell on the fact he shouldn't use it; there are policies against that. Clearly, he is not one for rules.
When Alex opens your door, John is on the phone, looking out his window. You make a split-second decision. You gather your things, murmur a goodbye, and then climb out of the car. Locking eyes with the bodyguard, you take advantage of his friendliness and mirror his warm energy. It works. Distracted, he does not notice the shopping bag left at the foot of your seat.
But John does. He calls your name as you attempt to distance yourself from the car, stopping you in your tracks.
"Forgetting something?"
Flustered and foiled, you retrieve the shopping bag. He smiles amusedly from his seat.
"Email me the notes. See you Monday, love."
"You're hiding something." 
"Jordan, please. I've barely touched my coffee."
"There's got to be more to it," Jordan whispers excitedly over the edge of your desk, ignoring your withering look. 
You do not lift your gaze from the packed, colorful calendar on the screen. "Like I told you over text and FaceTime, that's it. Mr. Price only needed me for notes for a partner meeting. He was impressed by the summary I wrote up for Kyle about Project Intercontinental."
As if summoned, a message pops up on screen. 
kgarrick - online
> Need to speak with you about meeting the technology directors.
What meeting? He's already met with them this quarter. Nevertheless, you stand and smooth your skirt. "Boss man needs me, talk later?"
The other woman huffs. "Yeah, yeah. Talk later."
You slip into Kyle's office and shut the door. "What's this about the tech directors?"
Kyle smiles, but it does not quite reach his eyes. He gestures to the padded lounge chair across his desk. "Please."
Pins and needles. This was not about the directors. 
"O…kay." You sink into the chair, back straight as a board. 
He takes a moment to lean forward on his desk, elbows resting on the surface, one hand rubbing the knuckles of the other. "I understand John took you to meet with Graves."
"Yes, I was under the impression you knew." The fear that Price possibly lied about that instantly surfaces.
"I knew, told him it was fine. I'm curious about your first impression.
So that's it. Kyle wants to know more about the new contractor. You relax a bit and recall the sportive, if not roguish American. "Oh. Well, he is certainly different. I am curious if his company's style will align with ours, given how–"
Kyle raises a hand to stop you, and his smile is almost pained. "No, sorry, I meant John."
Your eyes widen a little in surprise. Crossing your legs, you force your fingers to lace around a knee. "I see. Um, he's...Assertive."
It prompts a snort of laughter, seemingly breaking Kyle's odd nervousness. "Sorry, go on."
Pursing your lips a moment, you tread carefully. "Perhaps 'confident' is the better term," It isn't. It is kinder. "Strategic and intelligent." Strategic in how he basically used you and intelligent but clueless with office equipment. You think to tag on 'generous', but rather not be forced to explain.
Kyle chuckles, and his grin slowly returns to an uncertain curve. "Did he talk to you much?"
Yes and no. Yet, what was the correct response? 'Yes, Kyle, and he admitted to using me as the adult equivalent of a ring of keys to a toddler or monkey to gauge Mr. Graves's attentiveness. Oh, and this was after he described my clothing in detail over the phone to an unknown party. Did I mention the five thousand pound gift back at my flat?' Complete honesty was out of the question.
"He did not ignore me. We had a polite conversation."
"Did he say anything about me? Ask?"
You smirk. "Only that you gave him your blessing."
The spot of levity is lost on him. Your smirk fades.
Kyle almost looks worried. "And he…He didn't…"
Your face heats. What does he know? Does he know about drinks? The message? The handbag? The conversation teeters into minefield territory. You play dumb. Best to let him get out with it. "What?" 
"He didn't ask you to move over to his desk full-time?"
Relief floods your worried nerves, quelling the fretful thing in your chest. You understand now. Kyle doesn't want to lose his assistant. Your smile nearly splits your face. "No, he did not."
The man slumps some and chuckles. "Excellent. Had me worried. I don't think either of us could refuse if he asked, y'know."
That is a discomforting piece of knowledge.
"I still would," You reassure, lean forward, and tap the surface of his desk. "Now. Was that all? I don't know about you, but I've got work to do." 
He shakes his head. "No, but you tell me if he tries to snipe you, yeah?" 
The earnestness throws you, despite how accustomed you've grown to it during your tenure. It makes keeping this thing with Price a secret all the more difficult.
"Of course. Now. Message me when you decide on lunch, dates for the Mexico trip, and what you'd like to give me for my fifth anniversary since I know you've already forgotten."
"Shit. That's–?"
"Next Monday."
"Pick out something nice."
And you will. Just not Moynat nice.
The rest of Monday keeps you hellishly occupied. Your head's above water for the first time in the day, and it's nearly quitting time. Kyle's off at his last appointment, some check-in meeting on tax season preparations, when you power off your desktop. You slip on your coat, pack your bag, and discreetly slip off to the elevators. There's time to beat the evening rush.
The elevator arrives from a higher floor and for a moment, you briefly consider diving out of view. You come face-to-face with Alex and behind him, Mr. Price. Both of their faces shift for different reasons.
"Miss," Alex drawls. 
You give the bodyguard a rigid smile, then glance at your employer. 
"Going down?"
"I can–"
Alex holds the elevator doors open when they try to close, his smile warm and clueless. "C'mon in."
Price speaks when the car starts to descend. "You're not using your new bag."
Your eyes flick to Alex's back then focus on the LED panel indicating the floor. It feels inappropriate to talk about it in front of the other man, despite his presence on the 'errand'. 
"I can't."
"Something wrong with it?"
"Yes, it's too nice."
Price chuckles and Alex's shoulders shudder in a clear attempt to suppress a laugh. 
"I fail to see how that's a problem."
"Mr. Price, while my compensation is fair," You continue carefully, still avoiding looking at him. "It is not within my budget to afford luxury brands. If I turn up to the office with that nice of a bag, all of a sudden, people would talk. And besides, it's my bag, and I decided it is not for work."
You don't miss how he ignores the first part of your answer. "What's it for, then?"
Do not look at him. Oh, what you would do for the elevator to stop.
"Socializing," He repeats, elongating the word as if it's in a foreign language. "Dates?"
He has to be deliberately trying to get under your skin.
"Yes," A single word. A confirmation and a warning. 
"Go on many of those?" 
Even Alex tenses, back muscles tightening beneath his suit jacket. Your head finally snaps toward Price, who, irritatingly, wears a controlled smile.
"Yes," You answer again and push through the absurd embarrassment. "My fair share."
He hums. "Your anniversary with us is next Monday, yeah?"
The sudden change in topic does not bode well. "Yes, sir." 
"You free Friday?"
The lie is out of your mouth before you can stop yourself. "I have a date this Friday." Whatever this baffling situation is between you, it needs to stop. Should've all the way back at the malfunctioning copier. He does not need to know your 'date' is celebratory drinks with Jordan. You just need him to drop it. 
It's as if the elevator car turns into an icebox. The mirth bleeds from Price's gaze, but his smile remains. "And Saturday?"
There is a tacit warning in his tone. In the slight turn of Alex's head in your periphery. Your mouth dries, and you swallow hard.
"I'm free on Saturday."
The lights come back on in his eyes, and miraculously, the car reaches the lobby. "Wonderful to hear. Pick you up at eight."
Alex steps aside to let you out. 
"Have a good evening, miss," the bodyguard says softly as you pass before hitting the number for your office's floor to head back upstairs.
You meet eyes with Price as the doors close, and a shiver runs down your spine. It's unsettling. You can't tell if it was good or bad.
Thankfully, you do not run into Mr. Price the rest of the week. You take care not to. If Kyle suspects something from your excuses to sit out on meetings, avoiding any whiffs of the CEO, he says nothing. When you leave on Friday to meet Jordan, you take the stairs all the way down to the lobby and claim exercise. She wrinkles her nose at the idea of trekking a half hour away to a pub closer to yours, but after the first two rounds, she forgets her griping. 
And after four rounds, you forget yourself. You slip up.
Giggling, you sip your gin and tonic, poking at the lime wedge. "The bartender reminds me of the place I went to with John–" 
The way Jordan's face lights up makes you try to backpedal, but it's too late. 
Her voice slurs some, part alcohol and part explosive excitement. "Waitwaitwait. John? Like capital 'J' John? Not my John? What place? When? Whatdoyoumean?!"
Through no small amount of lovable torment, she coaxes the story out. It is heavily redacted despite your inebriation, but now she knows. And she is not known for her tight-lippedness.
"Swear on your mother, you won't breathe a word."
"I swear."
"'Cause I'll tell MacTavish you steal–"
"I swear. Now. What are you going to wear for your date?"
Only then does it hit you: you know nothing about this…'date'. If it's anything like the other places you've accompanied him, it's somewhere beyond your wallet and comprehension.
Jordan might as well sit on your shoulder, the devil. "Message him. Ask. Bet it won't matter by the end of the evening."
"Shut it, I'm not gonna message him."
Yet, on the ride home in the taxi, you do. It takes a few tries, with the drunkenness making everything fuzzy and sluggish.
johnprice - invisible
Hi, what should i wear tomorrow?
It's late. You don't expect a reply. The phone nearly launches out of your hand when he swiftly messages back.
> Something nice. I liked the green dress.
The dress from the Christmas party. He remembered. Clearly, it made an impression, given his current fascination. Before you can respond, he messages again.
> Date go poorly?
> Might want to take this to text, love. Don't want to get chewed out for misuse of company resources.
He sends his personal number like it's nothing. Asks about your 'date' like it's nothing. Infuriatingly confusing man. Still, you save his contact information and switch platforms. You swear it's the gin moving your fingers, the liquid puppeteer.
Only texting because I wouldn't want to get you in trouble sir
And my date was wonderful
Were you possessed by a flirtatious spirit between the bar and cab?
> I wouldn't be the one getting into trouble.
Price is fishing for it. You oblige him.
What if I'm the trouble
It takes two, no, three minutes for him to reply. Worrying your lip, you think you've gone and royally fucked yourself now. Pushed the envelope too far, flew too close to the sun, all the turns of phrase. Then those three dots appear. You've really done it now.
> I know just what to do with you. 
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Hey guys it's that time of the month
That's right, the time of the month where I take my dad's credit card and buy you guys whatever you ask for. [ so long as its not illegal.]
As usual:
- The money isn't traceable by my father
- This won't have legal ramifications, it's money he gave to me
- He's an Anti-Mutant Billionare running for a political office or some shit. So every month everyone in the X-mansion, and anyone else who sees this, can place orders from me. I like wasting his money.
- For every dollar I spend, I match it and donate to a Mutant positive charity.
So far:
- Aranza: New paint supplies, an easel, and other tools [ she didn't ask but I'm doing it anyway] and Hedgehog care supplies
- Deanne: New jewellery, medical textbooks, sports equipment, and a new laptop
- Molly: New fairytale books, 150 Jellycats, Club room materials, a megaphone, winter clothes, Halloween decorations, a clipboard, Polaroid camera, and an inflatable hamster ball.
She also requested silly string but I have veto'ed that.
- Megan: new book bag, stationary, sanrio "stuff", wing warmers
- Sativa: Beads, wing warmers, new dresses, accessories
- Reaper- Skateboard and cat toys
- Nod - Office decor, $100 donation
- Pyxis - New mountain bike, New winter coat, $50 donation
- Scott- Wood carving supplies, 50 cases of waterbottles, and top of the line New kitchen utensils.
- Mihai - Ps5, and a new laptop
- Kurt - Repair the trapeze. While I'm at it I'm going to get new equipment for the gymnasium in general.
- Rogue - Cat toys [ according to Google that's the best thing for a gator] and new romance novels.
- Negasonic Teenage Warhead : 2x giant 12 ft tall skeletons, costumes for the skeletons , a giant kuromi plush
- Yukio: several pieces of limitied sanrio merch, giant hello kitty plush.
- Eel: Luxury Yacht + hoverboard wheelchair
- Logan - New motorcycle + a helmet. Get fucked logan.
- Forget-me-not - New baking supplies, and equipment.
Lina- New bass strings, and a donation of 100k [ she didn't ask for this but I decided I wanted to donate extra in her name]
Emma - New lipstick in her favourite shade
- laurya- a bunch of cool rocks [ @goddess-of-birds ]
Phantom - Broadway year pass, compression gloves [ @phantom-x ]
Valentine - Designer outfitt [ @valentine-vuong ]
Vanessa - 50 sets of winter clothes for kids, and a large donation to the chosen charity.
Tagging relevant people [ let me know if you don't want to be tagged]
There's...so many people to tag so I'm going to stop here. If I missed you it wasn't intentional.. - J.🕯
[ no limit on price as long as its reasonable]
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milarqui · 1 year
Scarlet Lady: Silencer
Directory | Intermission 2
Tikki watched the encounter from one of the flowerpots nearby: since Chloé wasn't carrying a bag with her now, this was the best way she could stick close to Chloé in case there was an Akuma.
Unfortunately, that still meant having to deal with Chloé's issues and her father's. Such as today.
“How good to see you, Bob!” the Mayor said, greeting a rotund man with sunglasses over his bald head she knew was Bob Roth. “And little Xavier–”
“Ah! XY!” Oh yeah, this was the boy Chloé liked for some reason. His music was decent, but nothing to write home about.
“Of course!” M. Bourgeois apologized. “You remember my princess?”
“How could I forget,” Roth said neutrally. Not that Chloé seemed to care, as she was making eyes at the singer.
“Hello XY! I got you Daddy's best table!” Chloé said.
“Thanks, Clarice,” XY said in a bored tone.
“Uh, it's Chloé,” her wielder corrected, not that the singer seemed to care. “Daddy, don't forget to comp XY's meal!”
M. Bourgeois was clearly not as enthusiastic about the idea as his daughter.
“Ma chérie, that's a little–”
“Don't worry, you can still charge M. Bob.”
“Ha. Ha,” the older man laughed humorlessly.
“Thanks, Cassie.”
Once more, XY didn't seem to care much about the correction, as he pulled out a laptop.
“Alright, let's hear what you cop– uh, created,” M. Roth said, as XY pressed a key, and music came out of the laptop's speakers. Chloé sighed in pleasure, but Tikki sighed in boredom. All of that boy's music always sounded the same to her ears.
“It's so cool, like you~” Chloé said. Tikki wondered if her wielder had an ear defect or if she was just blinded by her celebrity crush.
“It's the same as last year,” M. Roth stated. Tikki would have said that it was the same as everything else XY had ever made, but she had to stay hidden.
“Oh, so it is,” XY blandly replied. “My bad.”
“No big deal. As for visuals...”
Tikki blinked.
“Don't worry, we'll use my usual method,” M. Roth continued. “If you're short on new ideas, borrow someone else's.”
As if the manager couldn't fall lower...
And yet, as the two men laughed, she could see Chloé smiling.
Given her attempt to steal Marinette's design for the hat contest, Tikki could tell Chloé just felt like at home amidst her fellow plagiarists.
“We're looking for visually and musically creative talent! You have two weeks to send in your videos!” Bob Roth, the well-known manager, announced in his usual hammy style, from Marinette's phone as she showed it to his friends.
“It's the perfect chance to showcase Kitty Section!” Marinette suggested.
“And your designs!” Luka added with a smile.
“You guys will make something awesome for sure!”
Everyone in the group turned to Adrien.
“Huh?” Rose mumbled in shock.
“Adrien, you're not joining us?” Marinette asked, worried.
“It goes against my dad's contract, but it's okay! It doesn't bother me!”
“Sure looks like it bothers you,” Marinette replied, taking in on her friend's tense smile and shadowed features.
During the next two weeks, both Kitty Section and worked hard in everything to be made. Rehearsals, choreography, fittings, brainstormings, designings... a lot of work went into a music video, particularly one that had to be thrown together in such a short time, but the five teenagers rose to the occasion with greatness.
It was during one of the rehearsals that Marinette had the perfect idea for the designs.
“You know I love unicorns~ And nothing makes me feel better~”
Quickly, she began to put her idea down to pencil and paper, letting her prodigious mind become awash in patterns and designs... unaware of the fond looks the group's lead guitarist was giving her.
“I see their faces everywhere I go~ Dreaming about them in the night!”
“I only want them to be mine, mine, mine!”
And, of course, when the final product was finished, they sent it to their unofficial fifth member.
“THEY LOOK SO GOOOOOD!” Adrien cried out, tears waterfalling out of his eyes as Plagg patted his cheek.
“There, there,” the Kwami said, having expected this reaction. It wasn't as if he hadn't complained about it for the past two weeks.
“No fair~!” Adrien kept crying, even as the video kept playing.
“I dream about them every night!”
“We did it!” Kitty Section and their costume designer cheerfully shouted.
Unaware of what was about to happen.
One week later, Marinette was at the Liberty, talking with her friends, slightly worried.
“They're sure taking their time...” she noted: despite the promises that they would get an answer soon, M. Roth's company had yet to send an answer on the video contest.
“They must've gotten a lot of videos and haven't chosen a winner yet,” Luka pointed out, knowing how things could be in the musical field–
Everyone turned to Ivan, who had just rushed into the room, clearly angry about something. Which was way out of character for the boy.
“Ivan, what–?”
“That dweeb XY ripped us off! Look at the TV station!”
Juleka quickly picked up the remote and turned on the TV, which showed the tail end of a music video.
One that all five people in the room were intimately familiar with, given that they had worked on it for two weeks. Hell, the singer's costume was almost identical to what Marinette had made for them!
Only, there were a few differences: every Kitty Section reference on the stage had been replaced with an XY monogram.
“XY is here to debut his new sound and style!” the announcer said. “A true original! You've outdone yourself, XY!”
It was only five seconds of video, but it was more than enough to suddenly turn the interior of the room into an atmosphere that promised both sides of hell for the singer and his manager.
“Oh, you hack frauds are dead,” Marinette declared, clearly ready to press her point straight into Roth's face – along with her fist. And the same for everyone else: for all that they were the nicest people around, Bob Roth had really managed to press their buttons.
Arriving to the studio where XY was showing off his 'new video' was easy.
Entering, however, became harder.
“No solicitors,” one of the men-in-black at the entrance stated.
“Hey! That's our music and our costumes!” Marinette yelled, filled with righteous anger at how her and her friends had been robbed of their work.
“And your problem,” the man-in-black replied, uncaring.
Kitty Section looked at each other. It was time to plan.
Ivan had grabbed his video's costume and was now running after Rose and Juleka, who were screaming in 'fear' as they attempted to stay ahead of Ivan.
“Our friend is akumatized!”
“There's no heroes to save us!”
The men-in-black rolled their eyes.
“Kids, c'mon.”
“That's not going to work on us.”
“Do you think we're that stupid?”
Behind them, Luka and Marinette struggled not to burst out laughing at the oblivious men-in-black, as they took advantage of their distraction to sneak inside without them noticing.
Yes, you are that stupid, Marinette thought as they made their way in.
Finding where the thief was showing off their ideas was somewhat complicated, mostly because they couldn't just stop someone and ask, but a few minutes later they found the studio behind one large door.
“Your new single is way better than your last one! It's your best hit!” they heard Alec Cataldi exclaim as they opened the door.
“There he is!” Marinette whispered.
“How can they praise him when he messed up the music?!” Luka asked, disgusted, while Marinette took in the decorations that were such a rip-off from the ones she had made.
“And he made such a cheap costume and set up!” she realized, offended that XY would so mess with her work. “Isn't he rich?!”
“And where'd you get this look?” Alec continued asking, not realizing what the singer and his manager had actually done.
“Oh, my personal designer, uh...” he said, nodding at a girl standing next to him.
“Chloé Bourgeois.”
“Right, Cleo.”
“Of course,” Marinette growled. She had already tried to steal her work once, who else would it be? The two of them angrily pushed open the door and walked up to the hack and the thief, who were accompanied by the manager. Marinette pulled up her phone.
“M. Roth, I sent you this video on the group you're blatantly copying!” she shouted, queuing Kitty Section's music video.
“Oh, please, there's no similarity!” the manager blatantly lied.
“We were just... inspired!” XY had the guts to say.
“'Inspired'?!” Luka shouted, grabbing the cheap knock-off mask XY was wearing and ripping it off.
“OW!” Luka hadn't been gentle when he did it.
“You didn't create this mask, Marinette did!”
“Mon Chouka!” Chloé chimed in. “I worked so hard on that mask! Are you calling me a liar?”
Marinette felt like ripping off that false innocent face off her... face.
It looked like Luka would beat her off the punch.
“Fine, you won't admit the truth? Then I will! Right now, LIVE!” Marinette shouted, pointing at the manager in righteous anger – only for the manager to grab her by the arm.
“If you do that, I'll ruin you and your friend's careers by telling them you're the copycats!” Roth maliciously replied. “Who do you think they'll believe? A renowned producer, or some nobodies?”
“Wha–?!” Marinette exclaimed in shock.
“You won't make another costume ever again!” Roth threatened.
“Of course, I won't let that happen to you, mon Chouka!” Chloé said.
He liked to think he was a calm guy. But... that comment made something snap in him, and he turned to fire a glare that could have probably stripped the paint off the studio's walls.
“Uh, um...” Chloé babbled as she realized that maybe she had made a mistake. “W–What's that look for?! I did nothing wrong!”
She turned around, giving her back to him.
“I'm just saying, with your looks, you could go solo like XY! You just have to ditch your loser friends!”
Luka was so beyond rage, that when he saw the black butterfly fusing with the mask he had taken from XY, he didn't care.
“And forget about Dupain-Cheng, her designs are way too complicated! Do you know how hard it was to copy them?”
That did it. He put on the mask.
“And also–”
He flipped her off with both hands.
“Oh fuck.”
Luka quickly transformed, becoming covered in what looked like a motorcyclist body suit, complete with a helmet that only showed his eyes, and he reached out with his left hand.
“Uh, Luka, what are you–”
“Shhhh,” Luka – or, more like, Luka's Akuma – shushed, getting closer.
“Eek! Don't touch me!” Chloé shouted, and suddenly grabbed XY, who found himself with Luka's hand on his lips.
“Huh?” the singer mumbled.
“L–Luka?” Marinette said, shocked as she finally realized her friend had been Akumatized.
As Luka pulled away from XY, out of the singer's mouth came a wiggling blue jellyfish-like thing.
“Haha! I'm the best! I'm the richest! I'm famous!” the jellyfish said in XY's voice, before it was snatched by Luka.
“EEK! Akuma!” Chloé shrieked, before running off behind one door. “See you later, bye!”
Then Luka started to move his hand...
“Tsk, there goes my chance to silence her for good.”
… and somehow spoke with XY's voice.
“Luka, don't do this!” Marinette begged, approaching her friend. “It's not justice!”
“Marinette, I won't let anyone hurt you again,” Luka said, still with XY's voice. “You're an extraordinary girl. Clear as a music note, sincere as a melody.”
Marinette felt her cheeks starting to burn as she kept listening on Luka's words.
“You're the music that's been playing in my head since the day we met. I won't let anything happen to you.”
And, as Luka left, Marinette clenched her fists.
That was the most romantic thing I've ever heard... she thought, and you said it in XY's voice!
But, never mind that, she needed to hide and transform! So she quickly ran out the exit and into the first bathroom she could find.
“A love confession!” Pollen said as soon as she could come out of Marinette's bag. “I'm not surprised, my Queen commands attention!”
A blushing Marinette closed her eyes, trying to concentrate on the matter at hand.
“P–Pollen, he's an Akuma! Who knows if he meant it!”
“Hm, I don't know~” Pollen sing-sang, clearly enjoying the moment... even if it was not the moment.
“G-Geez, Buzz On!”
“You can't escape me, Bob Roth!” the Akumatized Luka said, still using XY's voice. “And I'll force you to tell the truth on live TV!”
“Eek!” the manager yipped, sounding almost like a little girl. “Don't touch me! I have influence!”
“I can't let you do that, Luka!” Marigold shouted, landing between the Akuma and the manager.
“About time!” Roth complained – and before she could react, he grabbed her by the shoulders and used her as a shield. “Stop standing around and protect me!”
Marigold didn't even have the time to get loose before the Akuma touched her lips with his fingers – and another jellyfish, this one with the same colors as her costume, flew out of her mouth.
“Venom! Bien Joué! Just use your Lucky Charm already!” she heard herself shout before the Akuma stole her voice.
WHY?! she silently cried out. The cowardly idiot not only had ruined her plan to protect his ass, he had taken advantage of the distraction to run away, taking a lift at the other side of the building.
“Byeeee!” the thief sang as he disappeared – and, to pile on Marigold's misery, the other idiot showed up.
“Marimold!” Scarlet shouted. “Hurry up and sting him!”
I can't use Venom without my voice! she thought, and tried to convey it with signs.
“You can't talk?!” Scarlet realized, and then (like the Chloé clone she seemed to be) started to laugh at her. “Hahaha! What a loser! I can't believe you let your voice get stolen–!”
“An opening.”
That was Marigold's voice.
And Luka's fingers on a shocked Scarlet's mouth.
Idiot, Marigold thought. Knowing that she'd be unable to bring her full power ahead, she pulled out her top and swung it to grab a higher point. Scarlet followed her, and as they climbed away from the Akuma, Marigold picked her top-phone.
Text Chat Noir, she sent to Scarlet.
You text Chat Noir! Scarlet replied.
“You can run, bugs, but you can't escape me for too long,” Akumatized Luka said. “I'll find you and Bob Roth!”
At the entrance of the studio, Ivan, Rose, and Juleka were still waiting for Luka and Marinette to come out... and they were getting worried.
“I hope everything's going okay...” Rose said, and Ivan nodded.
“The commercial break's been going for a while too...” Juleka answered, checking her phone.
The gate to the studio opened all of a sudden, and a large man ran out, clearly in a hurry.
“Wuh?! Is that Bob Roth?!” Juleka asked, shocked.
“Why's he running?” Ivan wondered.
They got the answer when someone walked out, following Bob Roth, wearing a full body leather suit and a helmet covering everything but his eyes.
“Who is that?!” Ivan shouted.
“You don't think...” Juleka could recognize who had passed by them... or, rather, who it was supposed to be.
Rose was just stunned at the sight of the obvious Akuma.
And then the three members of Kitty Section looked at each other with dread.
“Maybe we shouldn't have let them go alone,” they agreed.
Back at home, Adrien was showing Nathalie his friends' music video, pointing out the blatant thievery Bob Roth and XY had carried out.
“It's in Père's best interests to know his business partner's unethical practices,” he argued, “like plagiarism.”
Much to his relief, Nathalie nodded. Clearly, she could see that this was a serious matter.
“I'll pass on your concerns,” she said, and firmly walked out of his room, carefully closing the door behind herself.
“That's all I can do, though I don't have much confidence,” he said as Plagg came out of his hideaway. “Unless there's a public backlash...”
However, Plagg wasn't looking at him, but at the window.
“Hey, look.”
Adrien looked, and saw something unexpected.
“Marigold?” he realized.
“Scarlet Lady?” Plagg asked as well.
“That means...! My friends might've been Akumatized! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Adrien cried out, brandishing the Miraculous Ring. “Plagg, Claws Out!”
“I am here!” he announced, and was pleased to see Scar jumping in shock. “I checked your texts about the Akuma, what's the plan?”
Marigold put up an awkward face, while Scar made a lot of gestures while attempting to say... something.
“Wait, you lost your voice?!” he realized, and began to laugh. “Hahaha! Truly we've been blessed!”
Then he approached Marigold and gave her a playful nudge with his elbow.
“Goldie, we don't need to rush with this Akuma, right?” he said, winking at her.
But then, instead of speaking up, she moved her lips and made a wordless noise, similar to the one Scar had made.
“Oh no, my poor Honeybee!” he exclaimed, realizing she had suffered the same as Scar, and he hugged his fellow heroine. “We'll get your voice back right away!”
He could feel Scar's anger and what was likely her flipping him off, but he paid her no mind. He pulled his baton-phone, knowing that it was the best way for her to 'speak' now.
“So you can't use your powers... and you can't detransform,” he said, summarizing the situation. “So we're fucked."
Marigold quickly tapped away at her top-phone, sending a message.
“You want to make Silencer say 'Venom' or 'Lucky Charm' with your stolen voices?” he asked, and she nodded. “How?”
She sent him another message, and he quickly read it.
“Huh?! Would that work?”
She smiled as she sent another message.
“Well, you're right that we don't have much choice.”
He got another message... but this time it was worthless. Namely, Scar making a selfie.
“Thanks for the contribution, Scar,” he sarcastically said.
The phone rang at the Hôtel de Ville, and a hand pressed a button.
“André, it's me, Bob!” the manager screamed. “I need the police!”
“No problem, Bob,” Silencer said, using the voice of André Bourgeois, who was now voiceless and struggling against the tight ropes holding him in place. “Just tell me where you are.”
As soon as the lift doors opened, Silencer reached out and grabbed Bob Roth.
“Thank you for escorting my prisoner, Officer Roger,” he said with Andre Bourgeois' voice, shocking the poor police lieutenant.
“Who–?” he asked, shocked at being tricked by an Akuma, but he was drowned out.
“EEEEK!” Roth said, once more screaming like a little girl as Silencer pulled him and threw him on a chair.
“I could easily take your voice, Bob Roth,” the Akuma said with Marigold's voice. “But what I want is for you to admit what you did!”
“NEVER!” the manager shouted.
“You think I can't make you?”
He switched to Scarlet Lady's voice.
“I can ruin you like you threatened to ruin Marinette!”
Then to Andre Bourgeois'.
“I know everyone in showbiz, Bob!”
Then to XY's.
“I'll never sing for you again, Dad!”
“Fine, fine, I'll do it!” Roth begged. “Why couldn't you just threaten my son?”
“Like that would've worked,” Silencer said, giving the manager a deadpan look.
“Damn, you knew.”
As they entered the studio once more, the television stopped showing ads, which were replaced by Bob Roth's cringing mug.
“Dear viewers, we're back with an exclusive interview with Bob Roth~” the voice of Alec Cataldi sounded out, although Marigold knew it wasn't him: this had to be Silencer!
“Hey, maybe we should let this play out,” Chat Noir suggested, eager to see the man getting punished for stealing his friends' work, but Marigold sent him a message.
“'It would be revenge, not justice. He'd just take it back later,'” he read aloud before sighing. “Well, you're right. No fun, but right.”
Marigold playfully stuck her tongue at him. Then he got another message.
“'You better not let an Akuma make XY or Chloé Bourgeois look bad'...” he read, wondering how that could not happen, and looked at Scar, who was also sticking her tongue out at him. “Leave the convincing to Marigold.”
The heroes quickly bursted in the set, and Chat Noir tackled Silencer out of the way while Marigold took Roth away.
“Mind your business or I'll shut you up forever!” Silencer threatened with Scarlet Lady's voice.
“Aw, but I'm hilarious,” he said, grinning and fending off his stretched-out arm.
Marigold dragged Roth to the first room she could find that would be isolated enough, which, much to her joy, was a dressing room she could use to pull off her plan.
“See here, Marigold! You need to hurry up and get rid of this guy!” Roth ordered, but she paid him no mind as she began to put together what she needed.
“This is all those brats' fault anyway, kitty whatever. Should've just let me steal the idea,” the man kept talking, making her twitch in anger. “Are you seriously doing arts and crafts right now? And where's Scarlet Lady?!”
Alright, that did it. This wouldn't be heroic, but it would feel amazing.
Scarlet Lady cuddled up with the tied up XY, who was struggling to move away from the superpowered stalker.
With Silencer running to attempt to find Roth, Chat Noir knew it was time to find the enemy and see what Marigold had come up with to do her part. And he also knew how to trick the Akuma.
“Oh nooo, Marigold, where'd you go?” he shouted, knowing that Silencer would be unable to resist the chance.
“I'm here, Chat Noir!” the Akuma said with Marigold's voice. “I defeated Silencer, meet me at the film set!”
He struggled to avoid cracking up, and just barely kept his laughter out of his answer.
“Sure, you got it!”
As he began to run for his destination, he found Marigold in the same corridor, holding her top with a few additions.
“There you are!” Chat Noir happily exclaimed, and he eyed the top. “What is that, 'Venom'?”
Marigold nodded.
“Got held up?” he asked, and Marigold's smile told him there was a story there that he'd love to listen to.
In the same dressing room Marigold had taken him to, Bob Roth was currently (unwillingly) cooling his heels thanks to the judicious application of a full roll of duct tape, tying him up to a chair, and rolled out of the way like junk.
“DAMN YOU MARIGOLD!” Roth screamed.
As they entered the film set, they found Silencer there, alone, and Chat Noir smirked as he pointed at Marigold.
“Too bad, Silencer, Marigold still has her superpower!” he taunted.
“Impossible!” Silencer exclaimed with Marigold's voice, making Chat Noir grin even wider. “I stole your voice! How could you summon Venom!”
And then the tricked-out top began to shine and twirl, and Marigold stuck her tongue at the Akuma, who realized too late that he had been tricked by the heroes.
“Aw crap,” he said, still using Marigold's voice, but before he could attempt to run away, Kitty Section tackled him.
“Hold still and take it, Luka!” the three teens shouted, grabbing him by the arms and torso to keep him from moving.
“Wuh – guys! Let go!” Silencer said, still using Marigold's voice.
“Omigod is that how you talk?!” Ivan said, laughing at how ridiculous it looked.
“No! Snap out of it!” Juleka ordered, while Rose hugged him even tighter.
“You can't do this!” the blonde girl shouted. “This isn't what we or Marinette want!”
The words caused Silencer to stop struggling, as he pondered the truth of it... giving Marigold the time she needed.
“An opening!” Kitty Section announced as Silencer became paralyzed by Venom, finally allowing Chat Noir to grab the Akumatized object.
“Thanks for the help, Kitty Section!” he said, smiling.
“Juleka, he knows our name!” Rose whispered, excited, but her girlfriend was checking something else.
“Uh, where'd you get a net?” she asked, pointing at the object in Marigold's hand.
Amazing what you find in dressing rooms, she thought, as the jellyfishes flew away from Silencer and she caught them with the net, putting her voice back where it belonged. Picking the one she had seen coming out of Scarlet's mouth, she found her sitting next to XY, who clearly looked like he wanted to be anywhere else in the universe other than here (and who could fault him?).
“Here, Scarlet, we got your voice back,” she said, showing the red-with-black-spots jellyfish. “Just put it in your mouth.”
Scarlet made a disgusted sound and crossed her arms in front of her.
Scarlet kept making similar wordless sounds and tried to push her back when she approached the voice.
“Just take it already! You have to fix things!” Marigold yelled, annoyed by Scarlet's skewed priorities. Then she looked down at it... and decided that, if Scarlet didn't want it, then she could probably use it.
But when she made to eat it, Scarlet changed her opinion. Clearly, a life without hearing herself talk was too hard for her to imagine.
As Scarlet cast the Miraculous Cure, Marigold rushed back to find Luka, who was finally recovering from the effects of Akumatization.
“Ugh,” he mumbled, still a bit disoriented. “What happened?”
“You were Akumatized, but it's fine now!” Marigold said.
“It's a scandal, Marigold!”
Everyone turned to the piece of junk Bob Roth, who had managed to drag himself to the film set along with the chair.
“Tying me up in a dressing room?! But at least you did one thing right!” he yelled, turning to Luka. “Serves you right, thinking you could make me tell the truth! Like I'd admit I stole Kitty Section's song and look for my son! HA!”
Then the man noticed how Marigold and Luka were smirking, and he felt dread going down his stomach.
“... uh, why're you smiling?”
“Because, Bob Roth,” Marigold said, before pointing to a camera... manned by Chat Noir, “you are on Candid Camera!”
“Smile!” Chat Noir added with a smile that wouldn't be out of place in the Cheshire Cat.
“GAH!” Bob Roth yelled, as he realized he had actually confessed the truth to all and sundry! He had to fix this quickly! “Ahahahaa! Obviously I was just joking! I love, uh, Kitty Section, which is why I'm signing them a record deal and having them finish the show!”
As he said this, he was sweating like it were midday in mid-summer, knowing that he was this close to getting his business ruined.
“Can we get that in writing, Bob Roth?” Luka imperiously asked.
As Kitty Section quickly went to pick up their things, Chat Noir had to leave, and Marigold hid away so she could undo her transformation, just as her hair comb beeped for the end of her transformation. Returning to the set, it was to see everyone getting ready for singing their song, and she walked up to Luka.
“Luka, um, did you mean what you said? As an Akuma?” she timidly asked, but he shook his head.
“I'm sorry, Marinette, I don't remember. I hope it wasn't mean.”
“Ah, no–” she said, but before she could add more, he spoke.
“You're an extraordinary girl, Marinette,” Luka said, and she felt her entire face burning. “Clear as a music note, sincere as a melody. You're the music that's been playing inside my head since the day we met.”
Marinette gave a silent nod, and as Luka walked to the scenario, she collapsed on the floor and against a wall.
THAT WAS SO MUCH BETTER IN HIS OWN VOICE! she yelled in her mind, even as the ghost she was giving up squeed in delight.
Poor Marinette was left K.O. by the sudden confession, and as she gathered her wits, things were not much better.
“T–That was a love confession, wasn't it, Pollen?” she asked.
“Sure sounded like one to me!” her Kwami teased her, as the music started.
“Aw, geez,” she muttered, as she noticed Luka's eyes zeroing in on her. “How am I supposed to act now...?”
After all the kerfuffle was finally sorted out, Adrien was in the middle of his piano practice, as he went over what had happened to his friends.
“Thank goodness things worked out for Kitty Section,” he said; not only did they get that record deal, they had also ensured that all of their work would never be associated to XY, who (along with his father) was very lucky had not been slapped with a demand for plagiarism. Even if Gabriel Agreste had threatened to make things worse for Bob Roth.
Someone knocked on the door as he talked to himself and Plagg.
“Adrien, delivery,” Nathalie announced, and he stepped off the piano to grab the rather large package she had brought to him.
Putting it on a low table, he ripped off the tape.
“Huh, wonder what–”
And then he opened the package and gasped.
“My own Kitty Section costume?!” he shouted in joy. This must have been sent before everything that had happened, which meant Marinette had taken the time to sew him up one in the middle of all the hard work she had done.
“Oooo,” Plagg said, somewhat amazed at how good it looked.
To hell with piano practice, this was super-cool! He quickly donned the entire costume – unicorn mask included! - and posted it on his social network accounts. He may not be an official member of the band, but he would gladly show his love of his friends' group!
He had learned many things about crocodiles while taking care of Fang, and one of them was that crocodiles liked to hunt by ambush.
“Alright, Jagged, why'd you call me over so late?” Bob said as he entered the room.
The crocodile was not an animal that liked to run on land. No, they would wait under water, near the surface, unmoving... until prey got close enough.
“I'm in a bad mood so you better have a good reason!” Bob continued to yell, unaware of what was about to happen to him.
Because, as far as Jagged had been concerned... this man was prey today. And he was about to make clear his displeasure about the rotten thing he had tried to do.
“Why's it so dark–”
What a perfect cue! He stepped on the light switch, and the spotlight flashed over him.
Ah, the sound of prey that knew how utterly fucked it was. He glowered at the bastard that had tried to ruin several lives that were very important to him.
“Let's talk about you threatening my favorite designer. And my ki– uh, her friends.”
Whoops, nearly slipped out. He hoped Fang was having as much fun as he was.
Tasty thing! Shiny, with color of meat like Father gives me! Feels good to rip!
Who cares? Father said to chew on these things Loud Human put on her legs, and that was what he was going to do!
@zoe-oneesama I think Jagged would have learned stuff about crocodiles, even if Fang still behaves like a dog! (Also, can't wait for Crocoduel)
By the way, that's 441 pages, 176582 words, 951399 characters.
14 notes · View notes
fujowebdev · 1 year
🎁Spotlight #4: Rewards🎁
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With only 5 days to go and trifling matters (like the spotlight on the zine we're selling) out of the way, it’s time to dive into what you’re all really here for: backer rewards.
Follow along to learn about our stickers, charms, memo pads and more! But first, the basics:
All $15+ pledges get the digital zine, then more and more extra items the higher you pledge!
Everyone who pledges $1+ gets access to the add-on store, where you can buy individual items!
Check out our reward levels (and back us) on Kickstarter!
Let's get the basics out of the way: the first and most important reward of them all is our zine, available as a digital release or a beautifully printed book! If you haven't looked at our deep dive on the demo yet, save this thread for later.
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Next, our mysterious "digital goodies pack". What's in there? To start: exclusive wallpapers of our characters, a Boba-tan "under construction" banner for your website, and… some emoji?? 👀👀
(We plan to add more to this pack as we—and you 😘—come up with fun ideas!)
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Coming up, one of the most basic and useful programming tools–cheat sheets! You can find many like this (☝️) online, but as far as we can tell, none have hot men on them.
"GIT" the clearly superior version (catboys included) with a $55+ pledge or as an add-on!
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Getting even more physical, time for the Browserland shimeji pad! Born from @essential-randomness's love of dot grids and ererifan915's incredible talent for chibis, this notepad is a great way to keep track of TODOs or brainstorm layouts for your site and beyond!
Sample pages ☝️
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It’s finally sticker time!! We have not just ONE, but TWO sets of stickers for our $55+ backers, or those who select them as an add-on.
First, a sticker sheet with ALL our shimeji (including the previously-unreleased, soon-to-be-colored Localhost team) by ererifan915. So cute!
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And second, this incredible Boba-tan "We Can Ship It" sticker by @kiwipon! Featuring a rubber duck pattern in one of 5 different colors, it's sure to be the envy of everyone's laptops!
Want a specific color? Buy a set of all 5 as an add-on!
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You know what's even better than stickers? Yes, indeed: charms! The Boba-tan "We Can Ship It" sticker is also available in charm form.
Whether on your keychain, your bag, or wherever else your heart desires, it's the ultimate accessory for the fujin/coder on the move!
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But wait, there's more! Thanks to your heartwarming support, we unlocked a few more stretch goals that give our backers even more rewards: first, a set of 5 postcards, featuring art from our zine!
While we haven’t finalized the design yet, here's a sample of what you'll find ☝️
The next unlocked stretch goal is… 🥁🥁🥁 a digital coloring book featuring some of our amazing illustrations’ line art!
Tired of spending time staring at a screen? Print a sheet out, get those pastels out of storage, and color things up! 🖍 Or do it digitally, if you prefer!
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the-vixen · 1 year
𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥 : 𝙀𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙃𝙪𝙣𝙩 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
When you are sent on a mission to rescue Ethan Hunt from prison, the events that domino will force you to face the ghosts of your past and your guilt tied to Ethan.
This takes place throughout the events of ghost protocol. There will be a change in the story and the events of the mission impossible 2 and 3. Ethan and Julia never got married, a certain amount of information will be changed that will be revealed in the story. 
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You haven't spoken much to Ethan since you landed in Dubai. On one hand, it was hilariously stupid that one tiny statement that he had made--for the greater good--had affected you as much as it did. 
But it wasn't just the statement. 
You had overhead benji and Ethan talking as he explained the tech needed to pull the mission off. Perhaps Ethan didn't know you were listening, perhaps he didn't care. But it only added salt into your wounds when he was asked why you couldn't double Moreau or even go with Jane to meet Wistrom, his only answer was, "she's not reliable. its better she's within my sight." before he forced Benji to drop the subject. 
Now, as the five of you got dressed and gathered your bags of equipment, ready to head into the Burj Hotel in pairs. 
As you walked in, you and the men checked in and headed up to the room while Jane broke off and disappeared through the staff entrance. 
Brandt and Benji set up the equipment as You and Ethan secured the room and unpacked the equipment. 
"34 minutes to door knock." Brandt informed as he set his phone down against Benji's laptop. Benji cleared his throat. "we have a slight wrinkle...nothing to um worry about but...we're just gonna have to go through the server room from the outside." 
You and Ethan looked at him, "what?" you said at the same time. You looked at each other before looking back at benji. 
He shifted in his seat, "well the fire wall's server on this building is military grade. this would be a cinch if I could call Yousef at HQ but Yousef doesn't exist anymore and neither do we..." he said, "y/n and I could hack it but it would take too long.."
"then hardwire in." you suggested, going to his laptop and bending a bit to check the screen. "There's four layers of next gen security between us and the server room, there's no way we can get to it from inside." he looked at you. 
You looked over the firewall as Brandt spoke, "if we can't get to the server, we don't control the elevators, we don't control the security cameras. this operation's over before it even begins." he sighed and stepped away. 
"im telling you we can get to it from outside." benji looked at Ethan. 
"we?" Ethan repeated. 
You pulled away and ran a hand through your hair, looking over the view. You bit your lip as you heard Benji speak. 
"Im on the computer."
"im just the...the helper." Brandt added. 
You looked over the windows beside your room as Ethan stayed silent, "what floor is it on?" you asked. 
"Vent ducts?" Ethan asked. Benji shook his head, "pressure sensitive." 
"not enough time." Brandt added.
"Elevator shaft?"
"infrared sensors."
"Not enough time."
You looked at benji before going to the equipment, rummaging through the bag. "What are you doing?" Ethan followed you. You grabbed the case of the suction gloves and opened it, throwing one of the gloves against the window to test if it works. 
It powered up and stuck to the glass with an electrical whine. 
Ethan looked at you as he narrowly dodged your shot. His gaze perplexed. "we climb---I climb. those gloves are designed to hold on and stick onto anything." You explained as you went to pull the glove off. 
"that's crazy you're not doing that." Ethan grabbed your arm. 
You jerked at his grip, "I can do it. I've done it before. before Sydney." you looked at him and met his eyes. "no. you're not doing it. there should be another way." 
"there isn't and even if there is, it will not be fast enough to connect the cameras and change the room numbers before Moreau or Wistrom get here." You stated. 
Ethan's gaze flitted around as he tried to figure out another alternative. 
"Ethan let go. I can do this." you tried to reassure. 
"No. I'll do it. if one of us is making this climb it's me." he grabbed the gloves from you. "Ethan." you looked at him, "better him than you y/n" Benji muttered as he looked at the computer. 
"what?" you looked at him 
Benji looked at you in surprise, "no I mean--" he was interrupted by Brandt, "it doesn't matter we're wasting time. Benji come help me remove the glass." he grabbed the glass cutter before Ethan turned to change out of his suit. 
You stood there in silence, feeling your skin on fire and your blood slowly boil at your dismissal. You're a goddamn agent. You were one of the best. Suddenly it's all too easy to dismiss you? just cause you messed up? you paid your price and you worked yourself to the bone to get reinstated. You had enough doubts of yourself to worry about other than Ethan fucking Hunt undermining you infront of your teammates. 
Shoving down your feelings, you took a deep breath, "okay. you need some more gear..shoes..goggles.." you muttered quietly as you followed Ethan. He didn't respond to you, focusing on Benji and Brandt as he took off his shirt. You bit the inside of your cheek as you grabbed a black shirt from your bag of extra clothes and handed it to him, keeping your gaze away as he took off his trousers. 
You could see anxiety settle into Ethan's expression as he put on the rest of his gear. he stared at his gloves as Benji returned to his side and briefed him on the server room floor. 
You stepped back and crossed your arms as you watched them, Ethan approaching the window with apprehension. He tested the glove on the glass before putting the rest of his body out the window. 
You held your breath seeing Ethan hanging, before he continued to move and slowly climb. 
You saw Benji take a seat infant of his computer, while Brandt watched him. 
Rubbing the back of your neck, you headed into the bedroom and sat down, gripping your skirt as you took a deep breath. 
He's done this before. He'll be fine. He's Ethan. 
Your Ethan.
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eskein · 6 months
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gastonluga · 11 days
Best Crossbody Bags for Men | Splash Crossbody Bags
Find the Best Crossbody Bags for Men, including the Splash Crossbody Bag. Explore stylish and functional options perfect for any occasion. Shop now!
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nuoyipeach · 5 months
Carry My Name
Chapter 8
Park Sooyoung X Nakamoto Yuta
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With her new-born baby in her arms, Sooyoung stared helplessly at the black private jet in front of her, that was only used during secret movements like today. The more she looked at it, the more saddened she got at the thought of being away from her husband for such an indefinite amount of time, something that really scared her on top of everything else.
“Madam, we have to go now.” she turned to the guard motioning her forward, his uniform different from those she was used to. Every last detail about this move was reminding her just how off the radar it all was. When she didn’t respond, a hand on her shoulder took her attention, and she turned behind to meet with her husband’s sullen but strict eyes.
Yuta gave her a look, to which she finally nodded. He then motioned the guard to prepare the jet while he took his wife’s hand and guided her inside. Once they got to her seat, he took Yumeko from her arms, and for a while stood there staring at his daughter.
“My angel.” he whispered, kissing the baby’s forehead. “Be healthy and grow well. Daddy will be back for you soon, I promise.” he smiled as his baby gazed back at him, though he tried his best holding in the tears. Before the dam could break he quickly placed her in the baby seat and buckled her in, before finally turning to his wife who already had wet cheeks.
Sighing, he opened his arms to her, and Sooyoung threw herself into his body, letting out her tears onto his shirt. “Pick us up soon… Please…” he nodded as she spoke.
“I promise sweetheart.”
They pulled away, unable to let go of each other, and just as the pilot announced they would depart soon, they pulled at each other again into a passionate kiss, lips moulding into each other’s perfectly as they kissed like it would be their last time. Sooyoung threaded her hands tight through his hair, wanting to feel every last bit of her husband as she could before she would be unable to for indefinite time. Even as they pulled away this time, Yuta held her bottom lip between his teeth, giving one more kiss before releasing completely as his men called him outside.
Sooyoung shook her head, as if telling him not to leave, despite knowing it won’t work. Hands cupped her face, wiping away the tear streaks from her cheeks. “I love you.” Yuta spoke softly. “Stay safe sweetheart.”
This time she nodded. “I love you Yu-san…”
Sooyoung had no idea where they were as she entered her designated bedroom, but she figured the least she knew the better. She placed Yumeko in the bed, the baby having fallen asleep during the journey over, then took the bags the men had left for her at the door and started organising her clothes.
Ten guards would be living in the house with her, switching around duties throughout the day, along with two women who Yuta had apparently sent specially to help her around with the baby. Sooyoung and Yumeko were not allowed outside the property, which she didn’t take as an issue because she had no plans to explore. Plus, there was a lot of land for her to roam around, from the front yard garden to the backyard pool.
Still, none of it mattered to her, all she wanted to do was stay in bed, holding her baby in her arms, and wait for her husband to come back to her. Her free hand moved to her neck, where her fingers found the necklace resting on her skin and played with the familiar pendant.
Yuta’s pendant of his family emblem.
“I know you always play with this when I’m holding you. I want you to do the same even when I’m not there.”
“You OK bro?” Jaemin asked as he walked in on his brother sulking at his desk. Yuta sighed as he stared at the message on his laptop of Sooyoung’s arrival at the safe house, turning to his brother with no emotion.
Clearing his throat, he stood up grabbing the gun from his desk. “Let’s go get that piece of shit.” he gritted through his teeth and strode out the room. Jaemin watched in admiration as his brother immediately switched into the ruthless leader they all knew him by, not a single sign of the soft hearted family man he had become over the last four years. He trailed behind as they headed to the meeting room, where their frontline men waited for further instructions.
Jaemin wasn’t sure what his brother had planned, but he knew it wasn’t going to be anything short of a war between the two gangs.
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My beta reader told me to repost this from my ao3. My handle on there is agentsquirrel.
Road Bombs and Beer make the Burns Question Their Life Choices
Heatwave knew that their odds were doomed when Optimus brought the kids, and the engex.
Megatron had found Griffin Rock, and they had less than 48 hours to prepare. So, they were doing battle prep college all nighter style.
There were three kids, and a nurse, who immediately took a look at them and announced to the firehouse.
"Well, you won't kill them faster than their guardians, so I am going to take a nap."
She then curled up on the couch and fell asleep.
The youngest, a twelve year old boy dressed in orange, took out a laptop from a bag taken from Optimus's subspace marked "hide from Bryce".
Jack also took out parts of an alien looking shotgun from the bag too, putting it together and following Arcee to set up a shooting range.
"Chief, I want the townspeople evacuated. Fowler has already called in the coast guard to take them to the mainland." Optimus said, checking his hand blades for any last-minute rust spots. He didn't find any.
"Got it. Cody and I will go door to door. Be honest. We need everyone safe and contained in defensible positions."
They left in Chase. The coast guard, with help from the military, rounded up all of the townspeople and brought them to the mainland. They couldn't risk a single life on Optimus's mistake.
Ratchet took Raf into Heatwave's office, where he took over every screen. Heatwave was shocked to see Raf open up a diagram of human and Cybertron anatomy, a quick translation guide he made for both ancient and modern cybertronian, and four amateur road bomb designs for killing cons.
He printed out two of the designs, and downstairs, Miko took the blueprints off the printer and waved down Kade. She showed him the blueprints.
"Kade, in order for this to work, we need beer cans with alcohol residue in them, they make good shrapnel. Do any of you guys drink, or am I using your ID?"
"Uhhhh, let me flag down Bulkhead." Kade realized he didn't remember the last time he had alcohol. Whelp, time to commit a federal crime.
Optimus stopped him on the way out and gave him a credit card. "This little fiasco is on my dime. Go get fuel for everyone."
"Me, Wheeljack, and Bulkhead are going to make road bombs in the park. Don't worry, I have the apex armor. If something explodes, I will be fine." Miko said, running for Bulkhead.
Bulkhead picks up Miko and transforms around her. Kade climbed into him too. Wheeljack, who was definitely drunk off of Optimus's engex, followed them on foot.
The clerk was not paid enough for this.
There were two giant robots in the parking lot, sitting on the curb. One was obviously drunk, his buddy keeping an eye on him. The clerk assumed they were both men, by the sound of their booming voices.
The adult that came out of the robots was obviously buying two six packs of beer, the only size the store stocked, for the teenage girl, who was currently picking out every flavor of red bull and boxes of Kool-aid with red dye 40 in it, but again, the giant robots. She dumped them all on the tiny counter, then pulled out two packs of combos. The man sighed and took out his credit card. "Miko, really?"
"We have five nerds to feed to maximum efficiency. We will let them sleep when I get to have my fun. Besides, Ratchet gives Raf a combo for each word he translates correctly."
The man gave the clerk a look of pure pain. "Miko, get me another case of bud light and a five gallon bottle of water for the Kool-aid."
"On it!" She rolled the five gallon bottle, then stacked the case of beer on top.
The total came out to more than three hundred dollars.
The man paid with a military issued credit card, and it took several trips to load it all into the bigger robot's backseat, even with the drunken robot's "help".
Kade, Miko, Bulkhead and Wheeljack came back to Doc Greene, dropping off Frankie. He was going to weaponize some of his prototypes for the wreckers, so he wanted Frankie out of the lab. Unfortunately, the wreckers were going to be testing road bombs on the front lawn, so he might have been better served keeping Frankie home.
Dani showed Blades how to make Kool-aid in the water cabinet. He made the mistake of looking up red dye 40 in his visor after setting everything up.
"Dani, the ingredients of this drink scare me."
"Blades, it's a childhood classic. It's been around for several generations now. My dad grew up drinking this stuff, and so did me and my brothers."
"That explains so much about why you guys are like that."
"Like what?"
"Absolutely crazy. You drink things that turn your mouth unnatural colors."
Dani laughed. "You shouldn't look up what we use as natural red dyes in makeup then."
Blades looked it up and gasped. "Dead bugs? Dani, why?"
"I told you not to look it up. We use berries in more natural foods, by the way."
They heard an explosion outside, and Bulkhead ducked his head in. "Optimus, do you have the apex armor?"
Optimus pinched his nose. "Bulkhead, why didn't you ask that before breaking out the c4?" He took out the apex armor and handed it to him.
Bulkhead grabbed Miko by the back of her tank top and stuck the armor to her back. It formed around her, and she raced to join Wheeljack on the front lawn, a safe distance from the firehouse.
It took twenty minutes before Miko was launched into the firehouse by a poorly timed explosion.
Graham stole a beer from one of the open containers, along with taking the red bulls and combos upstairs to his desk in Heatwave's office.
Raf was, for the time being, perched on Ratchet's shoulder, being fed combos and Kool-aid from a water bottle.
He sent Graham an email with the textbook he and Ratchet wrote on translating cybertronian dialects into English.
Frankie came upstairs to ask Raf a question. "Hey Raf, why can't we go outside?"
"Miko, Wheeljack, and Bulkhead are messing around with c4 ratios while we get enough beer cans prepped."
"Why her?"
Raf popped another combo into his mouth and washed it down with Kool-aid. His hands were shaking almost as bad as Graham's. "Frankie, me, Miko, and Jack have been working for the war effort since I was ten. We know how to duck and cover. You do not."
"Frankie, bring these cans downstairs for my dad to prime." Graham said, handing her a few red bull cans. Frankie decided that questions were a bad idea. She took the cans and went back downstairs to hang out with Cody.
Meanwhile, at Arcee's makeshift shooting range, Arcee was teaching the Rescue Bots how to make a vehicon spin out using the foam cannons.
Jack was punctuating each of Arcee's points with his shotgun, shredding the totaled cars Salvage brought from the mainland to use for target practice with modified ammunition that had the effect of bird shot on a vehicon's plating, leaving dozens of holes in a single shot. A shot to the face was fatal, as they were made to destroy their visors and shred their processors. Jack explained all of this in a matter of fact way when Heatwave asked why Wheeljack made him a shotgun instead of a machine gun.
"Hey Jack!" Blurr yelled.
Jack put the gun down and took out his earplugs.
"What do you want, Blurr?" He said. He knew Blurr for all of twenty minutes but already had mentally given him the award for the most annoying bot he had ever met.
"What's your most badass moment fighting alongside Arcee?"
"Fine, I'll tell you something good. One time I got stranded from Arcee with a con on my tail during a battle. Optimus had knocked off one of Starscream's arms, so I used his missile launcher to shred the con to pieces. Happy?"
Blurr finally got it through his head that Jack and Arcee were not the kind of people to turn all their traumatic moments into fun stories.
Back at the firehouse, Chief primed Graham's empty red bull cans with a can of beer. He saw Cody and Frankie by the Kool-aid machine, and decided that it was time for a right of passage in the Burns family.
"Optimus, could you video the kids? Rite of passage, want to send to Doc later."
"Of course. What are you going to do?"
"Give them their first sip of alcohol. Not enough to have any sort of effect, just enough to make a point."
"And you do this?"
"Because it's hilarious to watch, and proves a point." Chief took out a pair of plastic shot glasses out of a cabinet in the garage. "Frankie, Cody, want to try a sip of beer?"
The faces they made when they tried the beer were priceless. Even Optimus chuckled at their sour faces.
"Point made?" Chief asked, taking a few soda cans out of the recycling.
"I am going to stick with Kool-aid." Frankie said.
"Kool-aid? Kool-aid is great. I'm not gonna try that again." Cody said.
At five, Dani went out with Bumblebee to get Burger King for everyone. Raf and Cody both decorated Optimus and Ratchet's head fins with Burger King crowns.
At around midnight, long after the bomb experiments had been perfected, June went upstairs and dragged Raf off the computer and into Cody's room for some sleep. He slept for all of four hours before Blades caught him sneaking back into Heatwave's office.
"Raf, it's bedtime." Blades said.
June sighed. "Blades, don't bother. Raf, it's 4 am. No more Kool-Aid, and if you fall asleep, you fall asleep."
Raf nodded and climbed the stairs up to join Graham in making timers for said road bombs.
Kade was sleeping on the couch, having a few beers to ignore the sheer amount of crazy going on. Between the dread of the coming invasion, the beer being available, a desire to get rid of said beer, he would rather not be entirely sober. Cody had drawn a mustache on him after he fell asleep at eight.
Cody and Frankie had crashed at eleven, the sheer amount of Kool-aid they drank catching up to them.
The cons came early.
The afternoon of the second day, Bumblebee killed and brought back two vehicon scouts.
"Whelp, that was nice while it lasted." Wheeljack said.
"Jack, Miko, be ready to roll in twenty." Arcee yelled.
Miko slipped on the apex armor, and Jack slung the shotgun over his shoulder.
The Nemesis dropped its soldiers, and the Rescue Bots watched first hand how a simple beer can road bomb can turn a vehicon into a tower of blue flames.
Jack rode Arcee and shot vehicons in the same way you would do archery on the back of a horse.
The battle went quickly, as that was not the point of the fic, and Optimus managed to stab Megatron in the gut before he sounded a retreat, so that was great.
The townspeople were returned to their homes. Luckily, the vehicons didn't burn the place, and everything was contained to the roads. The blaster stains on bricks might need some painting, though.
The Burns were left with their house absolutely littered with scrap metal and wrappers. The very hungover Kade sitting in the corner was a nice touch, and Heatwave will have to clear his browser history.
But hey, no one was dead except twenty five vehicons.
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niketankmogha · 1 year
What is Keyword?
(Niketank Mogha)
You came on this article to know What is Keyword. so lets start, If you only take information from the internet, then you would hardly know that What is Keyword? But if you are a blogger or digital marketer and want to make your career in the field of digital marketing, then you must have heard the word Keyword and You need to know about What is Keyword? (Niketank Mogha)
You may have seen many videos, read articles in which keywords have been mentioned. But if you have not yet understood What is Keyword. are, what are the types of keywords and what is keyword research, then after reading this article all your doubts will be cleared.
In this article, I have given you complete information about What is Keyword in very simple words, I am sure that after reading this article till the end, all the doubts related to your keywords are going to be removed, so definitely read this article till the end.
(Niketank Mogha)
So let’s start this wonderful article first of all.
What is Keyword?
To get information from the Internet, the same words that a user uses to find information or to access information are called keywords.
The way of searching information of every internet user is different. Means every user searches for information on the Internet using different types of words. A keyword is formed when the same word is searched thousands of times.
Now you have a clean, simple, short and point to point defination of What is Keyword and you have understood very well that What is Keyword. 
Types of Keywords?
Now you know What is Keyword. so now I will tell you types of Keyword. There are many types of keywords. There are some given below:
1)Fresh Keyword:
Fresh Keywords are keywords that are searched a lot for some time, meaning keywords related to trending topics come under the category of fresh keywords. Fresh keywords are not searched for a long time, they are searched for only a few time periods.
2) Ever Green Keyword:
The most frequently searched keywords are Ever Green Keywords. These keyword categories have been searched in the past, are being searched currently, and will continue to be searched. Ever Green Keyword continues to have a high search volume.
For Example: How to make money online, How to start business etc
3) Area Targeting Keyword:
Area Targeting Keyword are such keywords in which any one area is targeted.
For example – keywords like Delhi Metro Root, Website Designing Course in Delhi, Data Entry Jobs in Mumbai, Jobs in Delhi, SSC course in Mumbai, Digital Marketing course in Delhi etc. are called Aria Targeting Keyword.
If you do your business in any one area or write about any one area, then Area Targeting Keyword can be very beneficial for you.
4) Customer Targeting Keyword:
Client Targeting Such keywords include those that directly target a certain buyer. A few examples are the Best Laptop Bag for Men, Best Shoes for Men, Best Cricket Bat for U-16 Boy, Sleepers for Women, Sunglasses for Women and Best Cricket Kit Bag for Men.
5) Product Targeting Keyword
Product Targeting Keyword are keywords that target a particular product. Like – keywords like Boat Watch For Man, Micromax Smartphone, Apple Phones, Samsung Tablets etc.
6) LSI Keyword (Latent Semantic Indexing)
LSI Keyword are those keywords which are related to our Main Keyword. The main reason for using LSI keywords in our articles is that our articles rank on these keywords as well, and we get good traffic. We also call these keywords as secondary keywords. LSI keywords are very important in the ranking of articles. That’s why these keywords should always be used in the article.
For example you are writing an article on “What is Computer”. So this will be your focus keywords. You can add more details in your article like Computer History, Types of Computer, Old Generation Computer vs Today’s Generation computer so these words are related to your main keyword. You can use these keywords in your article to gain more traffic as a related keyowords on your post or website. (What is Digital Marketing?)
What is Keyword Research?
After reading the article till here, you must have understood that What is Keyword, now know what is Keyword Research. Because a blogger should have knowledge about keyword research
Keyword research is very important for a blogger. When you write your article on any topic, first you have to do keyword research in a good way. You have to see how many people search the keyword you have selected, how much competition is there and how much CPC you are getting on that keyword.
When you write articles by researching keywords well, then only traffic comes to your blog, and when there is traffic on your blog, then only you can earn money from blogging.
If you work on keywords that people do not search, then no matter how hard you work on the blog, traffic will not come to your blog. Understand that writing articles without keyword research is like shooting in the dark.
You will find many free keyword research tools on the internet, with the help of which you can do keyword research for your blog. Like – Ubersuggest, Wordtracker etc.
Types of keywords based on keyword research
Whenever we do keyword research, we find 3 types of keywords –
1 – Short Tale Keywords
Such keywords in which 1 to 3 words are used are called Short Tale Keyword. Search volume is very high in short tail keywords and competition is also very high in these keywords.
If you are new in the field of blogging then you should not work on short tail keywords. Because working on short tail keywords will take a lot of time for your website to rank.
Example – Mobile Phone, Samsung Phone, Samsung Galaxy, Samsung Smart Phone, Biryani Recipe All such keywords are called Short Tale Keywords.
2 – Mid Tale Keyword (Niketank Mogha)
Mid Tale Keywords are the keywords that use three to five words. Both Search Volume and Competition are lower for these keywords than for Short Tale Keywords.
Examples are the Top 5 Best Samsung Phones, Smart Phones Under 5000, and Biryani Kaise Banate hai. Mid Tale Keyword is the name given to this kind of keyword.
3 – Long Tale Keyword
Long-tail keywords are those that contain more than five words. Long Tale Keyword has a lower search volume, but its benefit is that it has very little competition. Your post will rank higher if you focus on long-tail keywords. New bloggers might benefit from using long-tail keywords.
Examples are the Samsung Galaxy Note III Price in India and the Best Smart Phone Under 5000 in India. All of these are long-tailed keywords.
How to do Keyword Research.
Steps to do Keyword Research. (Niketank Mogha)
Step 1: First, you need to define your target audience
Prior to beginning your keyword research, it’s critical to establish your objectives and pinpoint your target market. Establish the goal of your website or content and be aware of your target audience. To create a complete keyword strategy that appeals to your audience, take into account their demographics, interests, and pain concerns.
Step 2: Brainstorm Seed Keywords (Niketank Mogha)
Create a list of the seed keywords associated with your company, sector, or subject. These are the key words that best characterise your offerings in terms of goods, services, or content. Consider the terms or phrases that members of your audience may use to obtain information about your services if you put yourself in their position. Find out what’s hot right now by using resources like Google Trends, industry forums, and social media.
Step 3: Expand Your Keyword List (Niketank Mogha)
When you have your seed keywords, you may now generate related keywords to grow your list. To help you with this procedure, a number of tools are available. Popular options that offer helpful information on search traffic, competition, and associated keywords include Google’s Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz Keyword Explorer. To catch a larger range of search queries, aim for a healthy blend of long-tail keywords (particular, longer phrases) and short-tail keywords (broader, shorter phrases).
Step 4: Analyze Keyword Metrics (Niketank Mogha)
As soon as you have a complete list of keywords, it’s critical to examine their metrics to ascertain their potential worth. Search volume and keyword difficulty should be your primary focus. In contrast to keyword difficulty, which measures the amount of competition for a certain phrase, search volume shows how frequently a keyword is searched. Targeting keywords that have a strong return on investment (ROI) in terms of traffic and ranking potential requires striking a balance between high search volume and reasonable keyword difficulty.
Step 5: Evaluate Competitor Strategies
To learn more about the keyword tactics of your niche’s top rivals, analyse their websites and top rankings. Determine the keywords they are aiming for and how they use them in their material. You may improve your own approach and find new keyword chances with the aid of our study. Competitor analysis capabilities are available in tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs, and they give useful information on keyword rankings, backlinks, and content gaps.
Step 6: Refine and Prioritize Your Keyword List
Based on the insights gained from your keyword analysis and competitor research, it’s time to refine and prioritize your keyword list. Weed out irrelevant or low-value keywords and focus on those that align with your goals, have decent search volume, and offer a reasonable chance of ranking. Group keywords into relevant themes or topics to facilitate content planning and organization.
Step 7: Create High-Quality Content
Armed with your refined keyword list, start creating high-quality content that aligns with your keywords and provides value to your audience. Incorporate keywords naturally into your titles, headings, body text, and meta tags. However, ensure that your content remains informative, engaging, and readable for human readers rather than solely focusing on search engines. Remember, quality content that meets the user intent is more likely to rank well and attract organic traffic.
Conclusion: In the Keyword research is an ongoing process, you need for continuous monitoring, analysis, and adaptation. By understanding your audience, search and identify relevant keywords, and creating high-quality content for your audience to get more traffic on your blog or website.
After reading this article, whatever doubts you have about What is Keyword, they must have gone away and you must have understood that Keyword Kya Hota Hai and how important they are to improve the ranking of any website. Hello friends, you must have liked this article written by me. In the end, you are requested to share this article with your friends on social media.
(Niketank Mogha)
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