#design by mortis ghost btw
munchboxart · 4 months
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chainsawbunnie · 2 years
would u guys.. perhaps be interested.. in a deltarune au that takes place in the world of OFF .... that has dr characters... would u
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silveryinkystar · 3 years
34 and 35 for the fanfic writer ask game!
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
From one of my WIPs for Jedi June:
“You’re willing to entertain all these theories of what the Force did,” Mace elaborated when the old Grandmaster didn’t volunteer anything else. “But you refuse to accept the possibility that you did, in fact, speak to the ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn.”
He wanted to jump to the immediate response, that ghosts didn’t exist, because no one could keep their consciousness after death, but hadn’t Mortis simply been an exercise in keeping his mind open to all possibilities?
This scene takes place right after the Mortis arc of Clone Wars, when Obi-Wan has a private meeting with Mace and Yoda as they try to help him figure out what exactly happened on that planet, since the whole arc is a massive excuse for shoving foreshadowing and symbolism at the audience (which I am 110% down for, btw. the lit major in me was screeching during those episodes)
And because my newest fic, Black Gold, was so much fun to write:
The ring itself, as Cody had expected, was simple, shaped like a wedding band from those awful romance holofilms Gregor had made him watch (that Skywalker apparently loved, according to Kenobi). Designed for functionality, as the General had said. But the material itself seemed to shift slightly in the light, the reflection of hyperspace lights shimmering, iridescent. And right in the middle, something indistinct, lighter than the rest of the ring.
“Is that…”
Kenobi smiled, and tilted the ring a little closer to the light. Right about then, Cody could distinguish the curves in the small pattern, the lines that burst out in a star-like shape…
“The crest of your Order,” he murmured, and Kenobi beamed at him.
“Indeed,” he said, slipping the ring back on, “I thought that I could represent two important parts of my identity together. The symbol is barely visible, so it’s very safe to wear on missions, even when I can’t carry my lightsaber for fear of discovery.”
“What sort of missions have you been on,” Ahsoka muttered, looking at her grandmaster with something akin to horrified awe.
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
This probably belongs on my sideblog, but I’ve been working on a HDM fic recently and the sheer indulgence that is the conversation between Lee and Marisa is incredible. It’s so interesting to dissect characters who are set up as foils, and while I normally think about Lyra and Lee as character foils, Marisa and Lee happen to be the narrative counterpart to this. The way the show brought about this duality was so interesting, and while I’ll admit that it took me a while to warm up to the s2 scene, there’s so much going on that I had to write an entire story about it continuing the conversation.
Because where Lyra and Lee parallel each other in terms of personality (and then split off in The Secret Commonwealth), Marisa and Lee have a completely unexpected common factor that they share, and Lee is instantly onto weaponising it. He recognises that while the shared background does give him some perspective about her actions, it a) doesn’t excuse anything that she’s recently done that’s heinous (such as cut away children’s souls, GODS); and b) he instantly uses it to gain an edge on her and disorient her completely. My gods, it’s incredible.
And in context of The Amber Spyglass (warning for spoilers henceforth), it makes so much sense, narratively speaking, because their origins and deaths kind of mirror each other! Marisa throws herself into the abyss for Lyra, and Lee, who is already dead, lets himself go and becomes one with the Force a part of the universe he’s just helped fix. It’s such a beautifully messy parallel, and the dynamic that they have in the show... I simply had to write the overwhelmingly sarcastic dialogue between the two of them in my fic, and that is all
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More Off fan art. I really like the queen and I think this is how I've decided to draw her. It's kind of difficult to figure out how she's supposed to look. And as much as I'd love to draw her in the strapless dress that everyone else does I have a thing about going on-design. Although it is very hard to go on-design when she doesn't have a face in the game, Has eyes in a majority of the art that Mortis Ghost sells, and has a mouth but no eyes and most of the concept art.
¯\_( ಥ ‿ ಥ )_/¯
It's on my Redbubble too btw.
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brosif40 · 5 years
Hey! So on the ask blog you said that Enoch burnt because he was an Elsen. Could the Batter have burnt in the au if he was still around, because Mortis Ghost said that he may burn if left in the game for a while without the puppeteer’s control. Does that mean he’s also a kind of Elsen or?? (I don’t wanna ask this on the blog because I don’t really want a character to answer it but idk how to go about that sorry
Hmm actually I don't know, I haven't made much up for my batter yet- <:')c but that would be interesting considering hes an enigma atm-
And I don't consider my Batter an Elsen, but that doesn't mean he probably couldn't burn
Like how Dedan said on the ask blog "I don't know if Me and Japhet can burn" no one really knows if only Elsen can burn
Also I thought about that burnt Dedan design dedamnit made while answering those asks yesterday- thats the reason why Pink has a burnt form btw!
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