#desi clinton
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little update on scars kiddoes. it breaks my heart how mean Ollie is to baby TJ. Ollie is the devil for real. like hes meaner than theos ass. i hope he chills as he grows up but i doubt it. Desi, Scarlett and Eugenes daughter, is obviously watching TJ closer than Scar is right now..which will not impress a certain someoneeeee..that being said eugene is obsessed with TJ. scar doesnt deserve him.
#desi#Ollie#desi clinton#ollie clinton#tj#the stephens continued#the sims 4#ts4#the sims#ts4 gameplay#sims 4#ts4 simblr#the sims community#ts4 screenies#ts4 screenshots#ts4 screencaps
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Thank you for tagging me @almayver love ya hope youre doing good!!
rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 songs, then tag 10 friends to do the same
It most certainly isnt a good thing that the last song came out literally less than 4 days back and somehow had made into the top 15......
Tagging: @lost-my-sanity1 @watchingblsnowandforever @easeitbabe @aouboomthinker @desi-yearning @naniskys @zeesqueere @dimplesandfierceeyes @distant-screaming @stilesinwonderland (no pressure and sorry if you've been tagged or if i missed someone, you're still free to join)
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Birthdays 3.2
Beer Birthdays
William Bass (1717)
David G. Yuengling (1808)
Joseph Conrad (1825)
John Welde (1839)
Carl Jacobsen (1842)
Henry Gund (1859)
Five Favorite Birthdays
George Benson; jazz guitarist (1943)
Daniel Craig; actor (1968)
Dr. Seuss, a.k.a. Theodore Geisel; writer (1904)
John Irving; writer (1942)
Bedrich Smetana; Czech composer (1824)
Famous Birthdays
Desi Arnaz; actor, singer, bandleader (1917)
Jon Bon Jovi; rock singer, actor (1962)
Dale Bozzio; rock musician (1955)
Larry Carlton; guitarist (1948)
Karen Carpenter; pop singer (1950)
John Jay Chapman; writer (1862)
DeWitt Clinton; politician (1769)
John Cowsill; pop singer (1956)
Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis; jazz saxophonist (1922)
Mark Evans; rock bassist (1956)
Russ Feingold; politician (1953)
Rory Gallagher; rock guitarist (1948)
Mikhail Gorbachev; Russian politician (1931)
Sam Houston; politician (1793)
Bryce Dallas Howard; actor (1981)
Jennifer Jones; actor (1919)
Megan Leigh; adult actress (1964)
Gates McFadden; actor (1949)
Eddie Money; rock musician (1949)
Laraine Newman; comedian, actor (1952)
Mel Ott; New York Giants RF (1909)
Lou Reed; singer (1944)
Martin Ritt; film director (1914)
Amber Smith; model, actor (1971)
Peter Straub; writer (1943)
Doug Watkins; jazz bassist (1934)
Doc Watson; country guitarist (1923)
Kurt Weill; composter, songwriter (1900)
Tom Wolfe; writer (1931)
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Wild Nymphs

in case you missed the previous part, it's here.
Kim Mingyu as Nicholas Wangsa. Xu Minghao as Paris Prabangkara. Bae Yubin as Pingkan Radita Kaunang. Jung Chaeyeon as Arabella Alamsyah.
Special Appearance: Lee Seokmin as Kalantara.
Special Mention: Choi Seungcheol as Clinton Zhao. Chae Hyungwon as Xavier Wangsa. Ju Jingyi as Natyara Zhao.
Ruangan yang biasanya tenang kini berubah ribut karena tindak-tanduk Nicholas Wangsa. Jika biasanya ruang kerja Paris dipenuhi suara musik menenangkan, dentingan sendok pada cangkir teh hingga suara perempuan Arctis yang ditidurinya, sekarang jadi saksi tantrumnya si teman seperjuangan.
“Sebenernya lo kalau mau ngamuk bisa di ruangan sendiri, Nick,” tegur Paris dari balik meja kerjanya.
Meja persegi panjang di depan Paris penuh dengan berkas dan banyak pekerjaan lain. Sebelumnya, hal seperti ini merupakan tanggung jawab Nicholas. Setelah menjatuhkan samsak milik Paris, barusan membanting map dokumen ke lantai.
“Bajingan. Even the old hags agree, tolol banget,” geram Nicho sebelum menjatuhkan diri ke sofa.
Mau tak mau Paris menghampiri Nicholas sambil membawa air minum. Bersiap, jika rekan kerjanya ini butuh disiram. Konon, terpapar air bisa meredakan amarah.
“Persetujuan? Lo lagi bahas siapa?” Paris mengernyitkan dahi seraya membuka tutup botol air mineral sebelum diletakkan di atas meja lagi.
“Si sulung Wangsa. Dia minta Tsarina dipastikan keperawanannya. Bener-bener nggak tahu diri, setelah semua yang dilakuin ke Natyara.”
Penuturan Nicholas membuat Paris Prabangkara tertegun sesaat. “Tunggu, Arabella perawan?” tanya Paris, suaranya sarat keraguan.
“Ya, I’ve seen hers.” Volume suara Nicholas mengecil, ikut heran dengan reaksi Paris.
“Spare me the detail, Nicholas,” desis Paris. “Tapi, masa iya Rosa Nera perawan?”
“Lo background check dia sampai apaan, Ris?”
“Hubungan pribadi, paling deket sampai mirip orang pacaran ada satu, kepala keamanan Wangsa yang sekarang.”
“Prayoga? Gue pernah danger ini juga. Cuma karena ini lo nggak percaya? Cewek itu pertahanan dirinya gila.”
Momen langka, Paris menyesal dengan reaksi spontannya. Pikirnya, ini akibat terlalu banyak bergaul dengan Nicholas dan kini dilimpahi tugasnya. Percuma berkilah, Nicholas akan terus bertanya tiada henti sebelum mendapatkan jawaban memuaskan.
“Masalahnya gue saksi dia sama Pingkan telanjang di taman. Jadi gue pikir…”
“Tsarina? Sama Pingkan?”
Dari percakapan acak dengan Nicholas di ruang kerjanya, Paris seolah ditarik ke masa lalu. Mengingat sesuatu yang rasanya mustahil enyah dari kepalanya. Paris Prabangkara bukanlah orang yang mudah melupakan keindahan.
Pada suatu sore beberapa tahun yang lalu, Paris mengunjungi rumah Agah untuk suatu kepentingan. Seperti diketahui, Agah Martana Kaunang hanya tinggal bersama adik perempuannya, Pingkan.
Selama dua bulan terkurung di markas Tim Arctics yang letaknya di Kepulauan Seribu, Paris didera stres setelah menyingkap jalanan Jakarta. Beruntung kediaman Kaunang berada di lokasi yang tenang dan asri. Jadi ia mengambil kesempatan untuk bernapas sejenak di sana.
Paris bisa mengerti jika sore seteduh itu mendorong orang untuk menghabiskan waktu di luar ruangan. Namun apa yang dilihatnya dari dalam rumah kaca kediaman Kaunang sore itu jauh dari kata beradab meski sesungguhnya amatlah indah. Mengingatkan Paris pada nuansa lukisan-lukisan Konstantin Razumov.
Dari dalam rumah kaca, Paris seolah menyaksikan dua nymph jelita keluar dari dalam air. Pakaian mereka yang tipis nyaris tidak menutupi lekuk tubuh masing-masing. Baik Pingkan maupun Arabella sama-sama kurus, namun tubuh mereka memiliki lekuk erotis pada tempat yang seharusnya. Sungguh disayangkan, selama ini kemolekan mereka selalu disamarkan busana yang terlalu sopan.
Mereka setengah rebah di atas alas piknik yang terbentang di atas lantai batu. Arabella yang lazim ditemui dengan pakaian berpotongan sopan dan rok mencapai bawah lututnya, telanjang di balik kain tipis yang melekat bak kulit kedua. Kulitnya merona, kuku pada tangan dan kaki dihiasi warna merah menambahkan kesan kenes dari sosoknya.
Pingkan tak kalah lezat, renda dari baju tidurnya seakan terukir di atas kulit sewarna gading, tanpa cela. Keseharian Pingkan tak jauh berbeda dari Arabella, kesan ningrat yang selama ini lekat padanya tak tersisa. Sosok peri penggoda, penguasa tanah ini, percaya diri memamerkan tubuh polosnya yang didominasi warna pucat. Berbeda dari sahabatnya, Pingkan hanya mewarnai kuku jari kakinya dengan warna pastel.
Untuk sejenak, Paris mengamati sekitar hingga menyadari konsep mereka berdua. Dari buku sketsa yang terbuka lengkap dengan kotak pensilnya dan dua buku, Pingkan dan Arabella sebelum ini berpiknik sambil melakukan hobi masing0masing. Mereka minum cukup banyak hingga entah bagaimana kisahnya bisa sampai ke dalam kolam.
Paris menarik kursi, berniat menyaksikan laku tak senonoh dua gadis yang di luar sana dielu-elukan khalayak. Bagian bahu jubah tidur Pingkan yang basah melorot, garis pundaknya yang agung dicumbu Arabella.
“Ra, why are your boobs rounder than mine?” Sebelah tangan Pingkan menangkup payudara Arabella sebelum menyerang lehernya.
“Work out? Entah… dari dulu segitu,” gumam Arabella seraya melucuti pakaiannya yang basah.
Menyadari situasi semakin erotis, Paris menoleh ke sekitar. Apakah ada yang mengawasi atau kedua nona ini dibiarkan saja berlaku sesukanya.
Melihat temannya telanjang bulat, Pingkan menekan tubuhnya pada Arabella hingga keduanya berguling di atas alas piknik. “Careful, kalo Zeus lihat lo bisa diperkosa,” gumam Pingkan.
“Gue udah nggak seberapa mabuk, gue bisa hajar dia,” ucapan Arabella diikuti tawa.
Pingkan menindih Arabella, keduanya terlihat nyaman dengan posisi semacam itu. Dari kacamata Paris, tangan dua gadis itu luar biasa nakal. Bagaimana bisa Arabella menelanjangi Pingkan sambil membelai kulitnya yang lembab habis terkena air. Sesekali tangan mungil Ara meremas pantat Pingkan hingga gadis di atasnya itu menggeliat, memudahkan untuk dilucuti.
Begitu keduanya telanjang, Arabella mendorong Pingkan agar telentang seperti dirinya barusan. Untuk beberapa menit, keduanya hanya menengadah ke langit sambil memamerkan tubuh polos mereka pada alam bebas. Di balik gaun berkilauan dan sikap yang harus selalu terjaga, rupanya ada sisi yang harus dipuaskan.
Manusiawi, pikir Paris ketika matanya menangkap Pingkan dan Arabella mengangkat punggung mereka sebelum akhirnya berciuman. Keduanya lapar, saling desak saat mulut mereka mencoba mereguk nikmat satu sama lain.
Desah mulai terdengar ketika Pingkan mulai menopang tubuh dengan lututnya, sementara Arabella memposisikan dirinya di antara paha sang karib. Sebagai penonton, darah Paris berdesir saat melihat ruas jari Arabella terbenam di celah vagina Pingkan.
Pingkan memejamkan mata ketika membasahi jemarinya sendiri sebelum diusapkan pada selangkangan Arabella di bawahnya. Desahan kedua gadis itu bersahutan, mengikuti liuk tubuh mereka yang dikuasai gairah.
“Gue nggak percaya lo cuma liatin,” komentar Nicholas bersungut-sungut.
Suasana hatinya berkecamuk mengetahui fakta Paris melihat tubuh telanjang perempuannya lebih dulu. Meski begitu, Nicholas mengatur dirinya agar Paris bisa membeberkan detail lebih lanjut.
“Memang nggak.” Paris menambahkan dalam hati, “Gue bahkan masih inget setiap detail fisik mereka dan gerakan mereka.”
Memandang tampang Nicholas, Paris mendesah, “Lo pasti gila kalau berharap gue diem aja liat pemandangan macem lukisan Konstantin Razumov di depan mata.”
Nicholas mengangkat bahu, “Ya, nggak salah. Gue yang pertama bawa bahasan ini.”
Sebagai penonton, Paris sulit menahan ereksinya ketika Pingkan dan Arabella membenturkan vagina mereka. Posisi kedua gadis itu tampak terlalu erotis, didukung suara gemericik air dan gemersik daun yang ditiup angin. Semilirnya cukup kencang, membawa suhu dingin dari daerah hujan.
Pingkan dan Arabella saling menyilang, dari tempat Paris tubuh kedua gadis itu makin terlihat jelas. Semula, vagina mereka sekadar menempel kemudian bergesekan begitu lembut. Dari air wajah keduanya, mereka menikmati benturan yang tercipta.
Seiring berjalannya waktu, frekuensi gerakan mereka kian intens. Bahkan dada keduanya ikut terguncang setiap kali lipat vagina mereka bertemu. Hingga akhirnya mereka tidak menarik diri dan justru menekan selangkangan satu sama lain sambil merintih.
Tak butuh waktu lama hingga tubuh kedua peri itu bergetar hingga saling berpelukan. Tubuh Pingkan dan Arabella lekat, bibir mereka saling pagut.
“Kan, you’re so wet,” bisik Arabella sambil memegangi leher sahabatnya.
“You too,” bisik Pingkan sebelum mencium perempuan di depannya lagi.
Paris, yang sedari tadi menyaksikan aktivitas Pingkan dan Arabella, akhirnya mengambil beberapa langkah keluar dari rumah kaca. Tentu saja, Paris disambut oleh sorot mata terganggu, tangan yang segera menutupi tubuh nyaris telanjang, dan tubuh yang saling merapat.
“Disuruh Agah?” tanya Pingkan. Nada suaranya ketus.
“Kamu sih ngomongin Zeus…” bisik Arabella sebelum terputus oleh tatapan tajam Pingkan.
“Tadi emang dipanggil. Tapi kayaknya di sini lebih seru,” jawab Paris. “Boleh gabung? Kalian perlu bantuan?”
Usai membuang napas, Pingkan menggigit bibirnya dan mulai bangkit dari duduknya. Dari sudut mata Paris, Arabella tidak terlihat seberapa gusar dengan keberadaan laki-laki di sini. Sedangkan Pingkan masih ada upaya menutupi dadanya yang semula terekspos.
Berdiri di depan Paris, perempuan itu menggulung bagian bawah rok berendanya yang nyaris transparan. Memperlihatkan paha bersih dengan kilat akibat lendir dari kewanitaannya, salah satu alasan mengapa Paris mendekat. Sebagai pecinta keindahan, Paris membenarkan tindakannya maju barang meminta izin untuk menjamah adik perempuan atasannya itu; atas segala risikonya.
Gulungan kain itu terangat, memperlihatkan selangkangan telanjang Pingkan yang kemerahan. Sebelum tangan Paris terayun ke arah selangkangan Pingkan, perempuan itu menahannya. Sepersekian detik kemudian, lutut sang puan menghantam selangkangan Paris.
“Gue nggak salah denger, Ris? Pingkan nendang kontol lo?” tanya Kalantara yang baru saja membuka pintu kantornya.
Setelah sejenak mengulum bibirnya, Nicholas membiarkan tawa lolos karena insiden itu diceritakan tepat saat Kalantara muncul. Sambil memegangi perutnya, Nicho memandang Paris dan Kala bergantian, “Hahahahaha. Paris, Paris.”
Kalantara menutup pintu, menghampiri meja kerja Paris yang penuh tumpukan berkas dan gulungan blueprint. Kala datang untuk memberikan daftar nama prajurit Arctics.
“Lagian lo ngapain godain adiknya Agah,” komentar Kala. “Itu gue atur Naradia ikut keluar mereka tanggal 19 nanti. Misinya nggak seberapa berat.”
“Naradia? Misi? Lo nggak cari masalah sama Clinton, kan?” tanya Nicholas.
“Dia cuma liat apa yang sekiranya bisa dikerjain anak-anak sini. Kita nggak ada pilihan selain nurutin,” jawab Paris.
“Yah, daripada selangkangan Paris yang jadi korban lagi,” sahut Kalantara.
“Sialan,” gerutu Paris sebelum meletakkan kertas dari Kala di dekat layar komputer. “Pada intinya, gue cerita karena nggak percaya keperawanan Rosa Nera harus dipastikan segala. Apa yang dilakuin sama Pingkan jelas nunjukin dia sexually active.”
Kalantara yang menyadari obrolan ini mengarah pada tugas Nicholas mendekati Arabella lantas berkomentar, “Daripada berasumsi karena kita nggak punya organ yang dimaksud, kenapa nggak bahas aja sama yang bersangkutan. Besides, organisasi kita nggak kekurangan cewek.”
“Nggak sopan nanya cewek, terutama bawahan, soal hal pribadi begitu,” jawab Nicholas. “Entah kalau Paris.”
Sambil mengangkat alisnya, Kalantara berkata, “Sebenernya concern lo khawatir Arabella terbukti sebaliknya dan kenapa-napa atau lo yang akan kenapa-napa karena fakta itu? Lo hampir mirip Lintang. Padahal itu badan-badan mereka.”
Paris berdeham, “Dengan kata lain, Kala mengira lo udah catching feelings sama Rosa Nera. Sedangkan pertanyaan gue, apa lo tetep mau lanjut misi ini dengan perasaan?”
Tawa Kala terdengar. “Ris, misi ini jauh lebih berhasil kalo Nicholas udah mulai jatuh cinta. Rencana Clinton makin sukses. Masa gitu aja lo harus dijelasin?”
“Kal, gue ngomong sebagai temen Nicholas yang udah liat dia tumbuh selama ini. Makanya gue nanya.”
“Wow, kalian masih mikirin perasaan juga ternyata.”
Kali ini, Nicholas angkat bicara, “Kala, gue tahu lo nggak puas dengan banyak hal di antara kita. Tapi soal kepedulian Paris bukan cuma buat gue, ke kalian juga.”
“Ada baiknya kalian buktiin omongan itu. Gue cabut.” Sejurus kemudian, Kalantara berbalik dan meninggalkan ruangan Paris.
Dua orang yang ditinggalkan hanya saling bertukar pandang, mengerti sepenuhnya cacat dari pekerjaan mereka selama ini. Ada kalanya, kesalahan tidak bisa diatasi dengan sekadar permintaan maaf.
“Jadi, haruskah lo gue panggil hubby?” tanya Nicholas tiba-tiba.
“Seperti yang lo tahu, Tsarina sama Pingping manggil satu sama lain wifey lah, istri lah.”
Mendengar ucapan Nicholas, Paris memutar bola matanya.
“Alih-alih di sini dan sibuk sama asumsi lo sendiri, gue minta lo segera pergi dan lakuin tugas lo. Create the drama or else as part of it."
“Tunggu, Ris. Gue belom kasih tau lo hasil gue ketemu sama Xavier tempo hari.”
“Akan lebih baik lo kasih tau gue segera, jadi gue bisa balik kerja lagi. Jadi, apa?”
( to be continued )
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Everyone wants to be wealthy, healthy and at peace.
How do we know that EVERYONE in the world is missing information?
Because no one has all three, being healthy, wealthy and at peace! Except Keanu Reeves (you're Jesus to me 🤣 you taught us this.)
What about the ultra rich? I promise you, they are not at peace because they fear death the most. They're rich! Who could blame them?
They are suffering the most in their own personal hell. Looking at you, Jeff Bezos! No offense to bring you up but this is all that suffering you inflicted on all your employees coming back to you. You should let people pee and eat when they work for you, Jeff. They are you. Hello! You're a loving being, sir.
Here is the reality of where we are in human evolution. Read this next part a few times cause it took us since 1776 to realize it, my fellow american. Also it took me about 2 hours to with my turtle brain to think this logic and proof it 😄🤣
Human evolution shows us.
Hard times make Strong men -> (Cave man) Strong men make good times ->(Mensa Musa) Good times make weak men ->('king whoever' of the British Empire) Weak men make HARD TIMES (The revolutionary war against Britain, our last 200+ years america!)
We can now clearly see that we haven't been truly free to love honestly until this moment. Until we evolve past the greedy, reptilian, lack of evolution and experiential references that caused a world of pain for King James, and everyone's soul since then. He never knew he could of had the world if he just would of loved everything and everyone. If he just would of been a giver, all the time. A giver of guidance not money. A giver of A SINGLE MOMENT OF THOUGHT for his people. What were their interests? What do the people want? Rather, he took and took and took.
What do the people want? REAL LEADERSHIP.
Hello! Reality. Welcome. I love you.
We can do this to ensure we all thrive and fix the damage we have done to the world. I hope many stand with me, but it's just a matter of time until we all can stop seeing all this suffering, school shootings, people dying pointlessly without water and the cycle of homelessness in America.
The end to all this awful pain on its way.
Once one of the powerful that rule this world, with their name, understand they haven't even began receiving on the level that they will if they evolve.
If they switch to a giver, not a taker. If they use their name and voice to change this.
Don't take from yourself the chance to say you helped end the water shortage.
I think of this list below as people that are clear lights of love and they would want to be on this list and feel the productive pain of love we all have for them. Just a loving message of opportunity here. Don't shoot, my hands are up! I love you, all, humanity! This is a random list of people that came to mind, guys.
We are all one thing, so I truly thank all humans and love you. I apologize my memory kind of sucks with names. 😄
Thank you to every human who got us this far. You ARE perfect. YOU ARE INFINITE.
This is the way forward, America. We can't wait any longer for our 'rulers' to create our world. We must wake up to our infinite power to fix the error of our collective concious up until this point.
I love you, America. Let's lead. Let's change. #proudtobeanamerican #letslead #letschange
Here we go, world, here we go!
The world will witness as our true dream team assembles and goes to the world of changing this world forever and arguably, save our species. Magic Johnson Scottie Pippen Shaquille O' Neal Michael Jordan Dennis Rodman U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren Nancy Pelosi Joe Biden Donald J. Trump Hillary Clinton Trevor Noah Gordon Ramsay James Gordon Jimmy Kimmel Denzel Washington LeBron James Aaron Rodgers Tom Brady William Shatner Elon Musk Roy Wood, Jr. Desi Lydic Eddie Murphy Robert Deniro Arnold Schwarzenegger Edward Norton Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie
We need you all! Now, more than ever.
It's a matter of life and death due to the water situation and a potential matter of life and death for our species.
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i agree with a lot of what you said. that was my bad for assuming you mostly meant the green party votes bc that's the sentiment i've seen around on social media a lot rn
i'm muslim american as well, with desi roots, and each election since 2016 has been very awful. this is my 2nd presidential election, but i did heavily study the 2016 election while it was happening and it's really unfortunate how this feels like almost an exact repeat. down to your sentiment of "it wasn't going to happen this time. take the loss rn with the less evil candidate and hope something better will happen in the future" and it didn't work then. so why would it work now?
it's just so demoralizing to see for 10 years now. i was never expecting the green party to win, not by any means. but i did want the vote disparity to show the dems that they have to stop their foolish ego from thinking a blue vote is guaranteed just bc the opponent is trump. a lot of those jill stein votes should've been dem votes and the fact that they weren't is the fault of the dems and no one else
i'm a bit baffled that so many people are surprised harris lost when a lot of these votes came down to racism and misogyny. the us is not ready at all for president who is a woc. this could've turned out sooo differently if biden didn't do what he did and they had a damn primary
i remember when i was studying the election results and stats for my class in high school in 2016, it was found that a lot of the votes came down to white women. clinton lost their vote then, and i won't be surprised if harris lost their vote now, too. plus trump gained more hispanic voters than before, so it was just doomed, unfortunately
i really don't mean to argue, but i don't agree with shaming third-party voters. i voted 3rd party bc i live in a deeply blue state and i wanted to show allegiance with the palestinian community in my state (paterson nj) that voted for stein. to shame 3rd party voters, means shaming palestinian and arab americans around the nation.
the dems sent bill clinton to michigan to justify their actions and shame arab americans. the fault is in the growing fascism in this country and the dems for not earning their vote.
harris should've never been the nominee. the dems should've had a primary. she lost the popular vote! that's insane. she underperformed in nj compared to biden in 2020. these are all faults of the dems, not 3rd party voters.
this reel by jenan matari explains my thoughts well
i get where you're coming from, and i respect that this is important to you— i’m not here to argue for the sake of it either. speaking as a muslim american voter with arab roots (my father is egyptian and white), who spent some of my most formative years in that very same area… i have a lot of frustration because what’s at stake here isn’t just political differences; it’s our safety, our families’ safety, and the survival of our communities. i’ve seen 4 years under trump and i’m honestly scared to see another 4. i don't think kamala was the best choice either, believe me, and it sucked to make the decision to vote for her. but i do believe we were never going to have a better choice, not in the short term, and definitely not from a third-party candidate. the system isn't built to let them win, at least not yet.
honestly, i understand why third-party voting feels like a way to send a message. but at the end of the day, i just don’t feel a third-party vote was going to lead to the change we need. with jill stein, she built a platform by presenting herself as someone pro-palestine who would immediately fight to end the genocide, but then ultimately unmasked herself as someone who is at best, a soft zionist, betraying the people who trusted her stance. it was devastating to see, and i hate that so many were misled. voting for her felt like a powerful stand. but in the bigger picture, her campaign, like so many third-party campaigns, didn’t stand a chance of creating real change in this election.
but the reason i didn’t specifically mention her is that to me, this isn’t only about jill stein or those who voted third party. my anger is not with them. in this election, nearly 600,000 people (mostly white conservatives) voted for robert kennedy, a foolish candidate with staunch anti-vax views, who will likely be working alongside trump now that he’d won again. another 900,000 or so went to other third-party candidates. those votes didn’t go anywhere that would shift anything in our favor, and they ended up supporting a system that’s dangerously close to tipping into fascism.
it frustrates me to think we maybe possibly potentially could’ve had a slightly better shot if some of those votes had been used differently, as some polsci experts suggest could’ve been the case. i don’t mean to shame anyone, but we’re all part of this system whether we like it or not. sometimes we have to make tough choices within it to protect ourselves and each other—even if it means holding our noses and voting for someone who isn’t our ideal. i do agree that in the end, the real fault lies with this country’s growing fascism and the democrats’ failure to earn and sustain trust, especially in marginalized communities.
like i said, it’s not even about the jill stein voters or people casting votes as a stand for palestine. some people (non minorities) voted third-party simply because they didn’t want to pick a side— look at the people who went for rfk or other candidates who don’t even align with real change or have any real plan. i didn’t call out any single candidate in particular because my frustration is with the entire phenomenon of voting for a candidate who will absolutely not be elected when we’re up against so much.
i do think that the presidential candidate should work to earn their place in the white house through genuine campaigning and engaging with the issues that matter to us. but imo trump didn’t exactly do that either. he’s not winning support through any real policies or outreach; he just has a bandwagon of followers, some of whom have terrifying views. his stance on muslims, israel, and basic human rights deeply scares me. no, i don’t feel that kamala truly ‘earned’ my vote either, and i don’t think anyone’s pretending she did. but i voted for her anyway for a couple reasons — one, because a lot of palestinians asked for us to vote for her, and two, because we can’t dismantle this system in one go.
this was my first time voting, and honestly, i’m angry that it had to come down to settling in this broken two-party system. i wish we had more choices, but this election wasn’t going to be the one to give us that option. i want change just as much as you do, and i believe we’ll get there one day. but realistically, it wasn’t going to happen this election. so i made the tough choice to take the L this time, hoping it will help set us up for something better down the line. the outcome really sucks
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First Nighters Feature - Latest From 3MGB Radio Mallacoota - Phantom Dancer 7 Jan 2020
First Nighters Feature – Latest From 3MGB Radio Mallacoota – Phantom Dancer 7 Jan 2020

First nighters for the first Phantom Dancer of 2020 – your non-stop mix of swing and jazz from live 1920s-60s radio and TV hosted by me, Greg Poppleton.
Hear excepts from the 1939 radio premier of Morton Gould’s ‘American Symphonette #2’, the first all African-American Variety show on NBC in 1948, and Duke Ellington introducing his Shakesphere suite over CBS from the 1957 Ravinia Festival
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#3mgb#band remotes#big bands#chiclets#Desi Arnez#duke ellington#greg poppleton#jazz#larry clinton#latin bands#mallacoota#mallacoota bushfires#mallacoota radio#mexican radio#mix#mixtapes#morton gould#old radio shows#old time radio#otr#ravinia#savoy ballroom#slim gaillard#swing#swing bands#Xavier Cugat
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American News is a JOKE?! American News is a JOKE?!
#America#Canada#CNN#Comedy#controversy#desi#donald trump#election day#elections 2016#Fox News#Hillary Clinton#indian#jus#november 8#obama#panjab#panjabi#punjabi#reign#sikh#toronto#United States
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September 26, 1952

Friday, September 26, 1952 was a particularly busy news day for Lucille Ball. “I Love Lucy” had just kicked off season two with the iconic “Job Switching” episode and followed up with the memorable “The Saxophone”. That day, several press releases and Lucille Ball references hit the nation’s newspapers all at once! Let’s take a look...

UP (United Press later known as United Press International or UPI) released the above story by Aline Mosby. After one highly successful season of “I Love Lucy” on television, movie studios were eager to woo Ball back to the silver screen. At this time, television’s increasing popularity threatened movie attendance, competing for consumers’ entertainment dollar. Ball states that she doesn’t know if she’ll ever work in a “theatre movie” again. Of course, that proved not to be true. Although she was much more selective in her film roles after 1951, Ball did six films after “I Love Lucy,” with varying degrees of success: The Long, Long Trailer (1953), Forever Darling (1956), The Facts of Life (1960), Critic’s Choice (1962), Yours Mine and Ours (1968), and Mame (1974).
Aline Mosby (1922-98) mostly wrote for UPI. She was the first American woman correspondent assigned by a major news service to the Moscow Kremlin and later Beijing. While in Russia, she famously met and interviewed Lee Harvey Oswald in 1959, four years before he assassinated John F. Kennedy. Mosby was also the first journalist to report on the Marilyn Monroe nude calendar in March 1952, just six months before this article. In 1962 she appeared as a contestant on “To Tell The Truth”.

While newspapers generally reprinted a UP article verbatim, they were free to edit for space. Here the end of the article (omitted in some papers) talks about Lucille Ball’s pregnancy and how it will affect her television show. Her claim that they will leave the gender a mystery by keeping the soundtrack open proved not to be the case. When Lucille Ball discovered that she would have a boy, it was determined that the Ricardo baby would also be a boy, although the news was kept from the public and the press until the baby’s birth on January 18, 1953.
The last lines of the article talk about a film comprised of several “I Love Lucy” episodes. Shortly after the end of the first season of I Love Lucy, Lucille and Desi decided to cash in on their show's popularity by compiling several episodes of the first season of the series into a movie. A test screening in Bakersfield, California, went very well but MGM demanded the film be shelved because they felt it would diminish interest in the upcoming film, The Long, Long Trailer. The I Love Lucy movie was ultimately forgotten until it was discovered and released on DVD in 2000.

In addition to editing for space, newspapers were free to create their own headlines and to add photographs to go along with the UP article.
In lieu of using the UP article, some newspapers used the quotes of Mosby’s story to create their own news item.

The same date this UP article appeared, RKO Boston took out an ad announcing a “Fuller Brush” double feature! The Fuller Brush Girl (1950) was already two years old when this article appeared. It was a sequel to The Fuller Brush Man (1948) starring Red Skelton, who does a cameo in the sequel. RKO Boston is clearly trying to cash in on the popularity of “I Love Lucy” and trying to woo people away from the small screen and into their cinema. They could not have known about the Mosby article’s appearance on the same day.
The Fuller Brush Girl, however, was not Lucille Ball’s most recent film as of September 1952. That would be 1951′s The Magic Carpet, a film that Ball did begrudgingly for Columbia. Her poor experience with The Magic Carpet was one of her greatest incentives to make the leap to television. On September 26, 1952, a Fort Worth, Texas, second run cinema and a St. Louis, Missouri, drive-in were presenting the film, which performed poorly at the box office during its initial release.
Also on September 26, 1952, Lucille Ball was mentioned in a NEA (National Enterprise Association) article by Erskine Johnson about actor Jack Carson’s plans to do a filmed sitcom in the style of “I Love Lucy.” Canadian-born Carson was then on television as one of four rotating hosts of "All Star Playhouse”. Carson’s reasoning for eschewing a studio audience? “You can’t do a show in front of 500 people intended for four people in a living room.” History begs to differ. Carson’s sitcom never came to pass. He had done three films with Lucille Ball in 1937 and 1938.
On the same date, in Erskine’s own syndicated column, he mentions that Desilu is creating merchandise to capitalize on “I Love Lucy’s” popularity. Like Hedda Hopper, Erskine Johnson was an actor turned Hollywood gossip columnist. He appeared with Lucille Ball in the 1938 film That’s Right - You’re Wrong.
All three of the items mentioned were indeed marketed, although Erskine mistakenly calls Desi’s drum bongos instead of conga drums and only the pattern for the smoking jacket was produced.
Also on September 26, 1952 (in Chicago only) in Larry Wolters’ 'Television News and Views’ column, Lucille Ball is mentioned. WGN-TV’s plans to create a Monday night sports block will be programmed against “I Love Lucy,” the number one show in the United States. For three decades Lucille Ball’s sitcoms would hold down Monday nights on television.
Not to be outdone, Earl Wilson’s syndicated ‘It Happened Last Night’ column briefly mentioned Lucy! Apparently, Lucille denied being related to actress Suzan Ball, despite Suzan saying the contrary! Records show that they are indeed related. Their common ancestor was a great grandfather, Clinton Ball, making them second cousins.

Finally, and most incredibly, on September 26, 1952, it was announced that the Tea Association of the USA had bestowed The Golden Teapot awards to six individuals, including Lucy and Desi, representing television.
The Awards were bestowed for the recipients personal use of tea and the use of tea in film and television scenes. It is unknown which of these applies to Lucy and Desi!
While the nation was reading about Lucy in their Friday newspapers, “I Love Lucy” was busy working - filming “Lucy Changes Her Mind” - which wouldn’t air until March 30, 1953.
#1952#September 26#September 26 1952#Lucille Ball#Lucy#I Love Lucy#TV#movies#Fuller Brush Girl#Tea#Golden Teapot#Erskine Johnson#Earl Wilson#Aline Mosby#UPI#NEA#Newspapers#News
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I remember doing this but I love this tag game (thank you for tagging me!!!) so I’m doing it again but this time it’s Desi Banger Edition™️
m : Madari by Clinton Cerejo ft. Vishal Dadlani & Sonu Kakkar
e : Enjoy Enjaami by Dhee ft. Arivu
g : Ghum by LAVI and Foenix
u : Udi by Sunidhi Chauhan
m : Malare by Vijay Yesudas
i : Innum Konjam Neram by Shweta Mohan ft. Bennet & the band
f : Fish Rock by Thaikkudam Bridge
m : Manja by Amit Trivedi
tagging no one because I got to this super late and most of my besties have already done this😓
rules: pick a song for each letter of your url and tag that many people (if you can):
tagged by @sapphire-to-the-rain !!
cell block tango
little lotte / the mirror
eat your young
aristos achaion
ruler of my heart
o’ icarus
death respect
lower one’s eyes
everything goes on
sign of the times
stop this flame
killer queen
yume no kanata
i’m not even going to try to tag my url lmao
@sneebl @glcive @pinkrosylux @catinasink + open
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Brett walker sandpoint idaho

Y CAIRO, A.Nasser Jassim Sitra, Bahrain EGYPT A.R. Yansaneh Atlanta, USA pelstine A.A.L Camilleri London, UK abd egypt A.Montrose London UK abd el rahman ashraf paris france a.n.bartela sweeden abd elkawy farouk. Wills Birmingham, England abd alrhman jmeel shheaber gaza - A. Srinivasan Los Angeles, USA Abbie Canning Derbyshire A. Shenouda Cairo, Egypt abbas jaber london uk A. Phelps Florence, Italy & UK abbas alyasiry Baghdad A. Mackenzie Vancouver, Canada abbas al kaissi stuttgart - germany A. Ludwig The Hague, The AB Malik Uk Netherlands Abbas Abouzeid Beirut, Lebanon A. Leitzman Phoenix, Arizona, US Aaron Moss Ipswich A. UNITED Australia KINGDOM Aaron Johnson Keswick, Ontario, A. Porter York, United Kingdom Aaron John Beth'el Byron Bay, A. Fakhri a syrian kurdish in berlin/ Aaron Hedges Berlin, Germany germany Aaron Hurley Sheffield, England A. Delp Greenwood, Arkansas, USA Aaron Hartz Corvallis, USA A. Burr Sandpoint, USA A M Halpern London, England A. Brooks london, england A Kember London A. Bouche Washington DC A Jung Clinton, New York A. Awotwi Boston, MA A Howlett Norwich, UK A. The latest names to be added are published below.Ī Ashcroft Preston, England A Mitchell Linwood, Renfrewshire A Barley Nuneaton Warwickshire A Monteith Co Tyrone, N Ireland a carson glasgow, UK A MUHAMMAD MAHMUD UK A CHARNLEY ALDERSHOT, A Murphy Dubai UAE HAMPSHIRE A Opritza USA A Chevassut Oxford, UK A Sarwar London UK a clelford London UK A Simmons USA a desi london, UK A Thompson Kildare, Ireland A Devitt London, UK A Watson Angus, Scotland A Eddy Ipswich A Wilson London, UK A Fowler Dorchester, UK A, JAMA Somalia A G Deacon Peterborough, UK A. We ask again that everyone with influence on this situation increase their efforts, to ensure that Alan is freed quickly and unharmed.” “We, the undersigned, demand the immediate release of BBC Gaza correspondent Alan Johnston. BBC News website users around the world have written in their thousands to demand the release of BBC Gaza correspondent Alan Johnston.Īn online petition was started on Monday, 2 April.

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Birthdays 3.2
Beer Birthdays
William Bass (1717)
David G. Yuengling (1808)
Joseph Conrad (1825)
John Welde (1839)
Carl Jacobsen (1842)
Henry Gund (1859)
Five Favorite Birthdays
George Benson; jazz guitarist (1943)
Daniel Craig; actor (1968)
Dr. Seuss, a.k.a. Theodore Geisel; writer (1904)
John Irving; writer (1942)
Bedrich Smetana; Czech composer (1824)
Famous Birthdays
Desi Arnaz; actor, singer, bandleader (1917)
Jon Bon Jovi; rock singer, actor (1962)
Dale Bozzio; rock musician (1955)
Larry Carlton; guitarist (1948)
Karen Carpenter; pop singer (1950)
John Jay Chapman; writer (1862)
DeWitt Clinton; politician (1769)
John Cowsill; pop singer (1956)
Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis; jazz saxophonist (1922)
Mark Evans; rock bassist (1956)
Russ Feingold; politician (1953)
Rory Gallagher; rock guitarist (1948)
Mikhail Gorbachev; Russian politician (1931)
Sam Houston; politician (1793)
Bryce Dallas Howard; actor (1981)
Jennifer Jones; actor (1919)
Megan Leigh; porn actor (1964)
Gates McFadden; actor (1949)
Eddie Money; rock musician (1949)
Laraine Newman; comedian, actor (1952)
Mel Ott; New York Giants RF (1909)
Lou Reed; singer (1944)
Martin Ritt; film director (1914)
Amber Smith; model, actor (1971)
Peter Straub; writer (1943)
Doug Watkins; jazz bassist (1934)
Doc Watson; country guitarist (1923)
Kurt Weill; composter, songwriter (1900)
Tom Wolfe; writer (1931)
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thanks for the tag @spider-jaysart!!!
if i had to sing in front of my friends, it could be literally any song. like any song. it could be a clinton kane,taylor swift, joshua bassett, or any olivia rodrigo song or baby shark or reindeers are better than people. depends on our mood 😂😂😂
tho if you ask me to sing any song on the spot, it would be any sabrina carpenter song lol. i cant help me. 😪
and BUT if its in front of my family/relatives/a crowd i have to pretend to be the "best version of myself", as @cats-and-katanas said, probably some popular (old???) desi song 🤷🏻♀️
sjjajj no pressure tags:: @hemmingsbirdy, @skyland2703, @garnimalia, @mf-killerqueen, @corbeaucries, @callmefairyofthesea, @the-lighthouse-lit, @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65, @badbunny139 and if you like the music of the above mentioned artists 👀👀❤
getting to know my mutuals and followers: if you had to sing karaoke on the spot RIGHT NOW what would your go to song be
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Are you a leader or a follower?
Our Hotel was at a 7 minutes walking distance from the Merkle office in downtown Little Rock. It was a fairly deserted place for a downtown and you wouldn't see many people around (at least on the streets). We, however, saw a few green-white Lime bikes on the streets and every time we saw those bikes, the thought of riding one crossed our minds.
For 4 days straight, Sonia kept asking us “guys, let us ride the Lime” and we kept ignoring her conveniently – I don’t know what was our reluctance for because we certainly wanted to ride the Lime but just didn’t perhaps want to go through the process of downloading the app, making an initial payment, ah…the hassles!
On the last day of our trip, or may be the last day of our meetings with the Merkle team in Little Rock, when we walked out of the office building; Sonia again made an enquiry “guys, let us ride the Lime” – and again, we ignored it. Finally, Sonia decided to ignore us and directly downloaded the Lime app, made the initial payment, scanned the barcode on the nearest available Lime, started the ride and, and, and, went zoooooom past us. Phew! Until then, we were in denial mode that we didn’t want to ride this bike but after that point when we saw Sonia riding, we were like “hell yeah, we too want to do this!”.
As soon as Sonia was back from her first ride, each one of us (Joel, Naeem and me), caught hold of the bike and enjoyed the Lime ride on the straight road leading up to the Clinton Museum at the end of the road. So much so that for one of the rides, Naeem and I even rode double seat (in true Desi style!) – Sonia just stood there astonished that “these guys didn’t even want to ride this bike and look at them now!).
Many a times, some of the thoughts/ideas might get dismissed initially unless a leader takes the first step and shows the path and shows that the idea works – just like what Sonia did with all of us. If it wasn’t for her, we would have never taken that Lime ride which we all enjoyed thoroughly later on.
So, who are you – a leader or a follower?
Well, while you answer that question, here’s a look at our excitement with the Lime ride – wondering where is Sonia in the pictures? Remember I said “she went zoooooom past us!”

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15, 21 (not just people), 26, 36?
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
getting my driver’s license :) and working for my first job
Did you fall in love in 2017?
i thought i did, but he was only imaginary.
things i fell in love with: rihanna’s fenty beauty + muji 0.38 gel pen + the feeling of wet, nutritious soil + the word “pabulum” + desi-girl-problems (which showed me that i was not alone) + hillary clinton’s method of generating policy from problems
What did you want and get?
already wrote about my dl
but i really wanted a michael kors satchel and i got one so yay
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017.
oh god i have so many.
but i learnt:
there will be many many times that you want to do something but you can’t because your boss has lots of power and influence. things may or may not be worse in the workplace, but this experience is important for you to have. so always stick up for yourself if you can and form alliances with like minded people.
do not work yourself for the death for something you do not and will never choose to die for. do not do not do not.
always make sure to look for the good within every situation no matter how bad it seems. this will take the lousiest of experiences and make into fuel that will propel into great success. this is crucial.
if people aren’t listening, scream.
the universe has no obligation to listen to you or give you what you want. only you can do that. only you.
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