#des in limbo
been feelin a lil eh lately, im hoping to hear back from my psych and doctor soon about potential therapy... cause i need that shit fr
I'm having a lot of self worth issues, i mean, they were always there... but its just gotten worse.
I dont wanna get into it rn, but ive been having a really hard time lately. people who i thought were cool with me are starting to act like im annoying and rude... even my own family.
im trying to tell myself that its just mental illness shit, but it gets harder and harder to ignore when everyone around you is acting this way.
its getting harder to sleep, even with my meds. and i know more meds isnt the solution (literally, if i take more of these, itll stop my heart, i dont want that)...
i dont wanna burden friends w this shit cause i feel like ive lost a lot of friends already. i dont wanna lose anymore w my problems and also annoying ass
also i know i sound like a sad kicked puppy rn BUT PLEASE PLEASE tell me if im bothering you... i would rather be sad but knowledgeable than sad and paranoid... cause i have severe paranoia, if theres any subtle change in tone, i know. do i know what its about? no, but paranoia dont care, i just immediately assume i did something wrong. (please dont make a "not everything is about you" comment tho, that legit just makes everything worse, like thats the worst thing you could say to someone who's being vulnerable)
i just... idk, i just need help... and im hoping ill get some good news and be on the list for therapy. if not, then ill have to pay for it, which isnt gonna be great, but im desperate at this point.
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beidak-art · 1 year
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Fulko de Lorche
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ritens · 3 months
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Guinea pig doodles I added to redbubble just for kicks and they got accepted so now I have a shop?? Hm. If you ever want some guinea pig stickers and other things, you know where to look.
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bemp0 · 3 months
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Ensayos sobre la empatía
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Batman and robin’s relationship is a lot like Louis and Claudia from interview with the vampire because
His son was his brother was his throw pillow
I just changed genders from armands fight but if that isn’t the most accurate description of batman and robins relationship
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mintcrows · 2 years
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with warframe nostalgia so i drew warframe :)
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tyttamarzh · 6 months
Spreen and little Missa.
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I was messing around in Illustrator, one thing led to another and I ended up creating a scene from a fanfic I wrote a while ago… I know it's not a big deal, I just… I don't know, I wanted to share it, maybe no one cares about this, but, it's special to me…
I had never drawn Spreen before, it was a challenge and it was a lot of fun. I think it looks good. All I know is that I want to hug little Missa and protect him from all harm.
It may seem like a very strange situation but this has an explanation…
Some context:
The name of the fanfic is "The descent into my hell…" (it's on Ao3) The story tells of Missa's adventures on his three-month journey as he searches for the "perfect gift" for Philza (when is kidnapped by wolves).
The third chapter (I love you, capo) tells us how Missa, who in one of his adventures, due to various events, transforms into a little boy, while is lost in the forest is attacked by mobs, but is rescued by Spreen (who had been missing for months), he is completely unaware that this child he is his brother, and he reacts violently, completely out of his mind, when Missa tries to explain it to him, thinking that it is nothing more than a trap by the federation to make him return to the island… However, this reunion is more important for them than they themselves imagine…
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glitxd · 7 months
I am one breakdown away from 3D printing my own Limbo statue and none of you can stop / help me
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Pablo de Céspedes (Spanish, 1538-1608) Christ's Descent into Limbo, ca.1600 Newfields In this painting by the artist-theorist Pablo de Céspedes, the radiant, white-robed figure of Christ descends into hell to liberate the souls of the righteous. Behind him, Adam and Eve represent humankind, its origins, fall, and salvation. The idealized physical beauty of these figures signifies their restoration to a state of perfection. Significantly, Adam’s features appear to be those of Céspedes himself.
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the-man-in-the-wind · 2 months
Duck your head!
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Taken by @the-man-in-the-wind
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kenonade · 8 months
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in these trying times i offer u owo achilles because i believe from the bottom of my heart that the streets have beat into him the world’s most compelling puppy dog eyes which he can and will pull out on demand.in my head this is the face petra saw when she finally got out of solitary confinement. owo. and then he jeff the kills u. thats just how it goes.
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toonilumi · 10 months
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november birthdays! happy 4 years of the lunium project!
november 11th - cyrus
november 15th - yukio
november 24th - haskell
november 26th - eliane
november 30th - limbo...?
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victormalonso · 2 years
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poema de amor \ imaginario personal | víctor m. alonso
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kaileidoscopio · 3 months
acabo de salir de ver intensamente 2 y la verdad que pelicula poronga literal es la misma pelicula que la primera pero peor y necesito descargarme pq a mi familia si le gusto (spoilers obviamente pero mejor ni la vayan a ver) primero antes que nada el mensaje final de la peli es EXACTAMENTE el mismo que el de la primera. "todas las emociones son importantes, no hay que reprimir lo feo" WBK!!!!! es lo que dijeron la peli anterior!!!! el momento en que la piba tiene un ataque de ansiedad/panico fue medio ehhh osea mala interpretacion no fue pero no hubo nada en la vida real que la ayudase. osea yo hubiera hecho que las amigas la vean teniendo un ataque y la iban a ayudar y con "el poder de la amistad" o lo que fuera pueden sacarla a ansiedad. pero en cambio fue tipo,,,,
las emociones teniendo un momento emotivo
osea si yo tengo un ataque de ansiedad necesito algo externo que me ayude, sea alguna persona, o musica o hacer algun metodo prepaado o lo que fuera. como que externamente la piba estaba teniendo alto ataque de ansiedad y de la nada se calmo sin ningun tipo de cambio. entiendo que sea una pelicula pero minimo hagan que tenga sentido ademas todas las emociones lloran y que sentido tiene,,,,alegria dentro suyo tiene sus mini-emociones??? tipo toda la idea es q sean personificaciones de las emociones y que encuentren entre ellas el balance,,,,si alegria se puede sentir triste, entonces porque no puede hacer sentir triste a la piba,,,, ya se q me rebusco todo pero estuve el 90% de la pelicula pensando que nada tenia sentido lo que mas me jodio igual fue que toda la peli pasa en tres dias
osea la chica sintio ansiedad por primera vez, destruyo todo su sentdo de ser y lo construyo a base de eso y antes de que termine el tercer dia ya volvio a destruir todo eso y construir un sentido de ser extremadamente profundo y existencial
TL;DR: disney nos deberia haber dado la peli de riley dandose cuenta que era gay y trans como se debe (tiene emociones de ambos generos,,,,yo se lo que sos)
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Lucia en el limbo (2019), dir. Valentina Maurel  
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signorin-anarchia · 2 years
What are your impressions of the berlin spinoff new characters?
Hi Anon!
Thx for asking & mainly for giving me the chance to rant, I have a lot to say about this topic.
Sit back, this is gonna be a long ride.
I'll be honest, first impression was "lol, they're joking"
Second, I was quite annoyed.
Third, I am genuinely angry.
And I'm not even talking about Berlermo here, of course it's a bold move ignoring Martín in the spinoff, because, you know, timeline???
And don't get me started with Sergio, because I'm almost sure it will be a tough challenge to pretend that Andrés is an only child...
And while Pedro Alonso is a great actor and I'm 100% sure he'll fulfill his role at best, they're basically asking us to ignore that he's a man in his 50s playing a character in his 30s. Just because.
Also, they keep telling that "they want the show to have its own identity"; but that makes no sense, neither promotionally nor narratively. A spin-off works as soon as it has a link with the main show, there's plenty of examples around, eg. Better Call Saul. None of us would've watched without the promise that one day it would've crossed Breaking Bad's path. And I really don't get this urgency to move away from the original show: Berlin is a character from LCDP. Ignoring that LCDP ever happened will:
1) Keep away casual viewers
2) Disappoint shippers, fans and the whole fandom.
But, aside from that, let's get back to the real matter here: the new characters look like cartoons.
And I don't mean good cartoons, like those we used to watch as kids. I'm talking about, meaningless, silly, stereotypical, poorly made cartoons.
Now, I may not be Alex Pina, bit that sounds a little bit off from the mood here?! When the hell did Andrés become a comic figure being friend with a bunch of other caricatures?
If they wanted to make something with "feel-good" vibes, they could've pick any other LCDP character (Nairobi laundering money, Denver illegally fighting, Bogotà inseminating random women all around the world), literally anyone...
But no. They've chosen the terminally ill misogynistic dude dying by suicide in a tunnel.
Don't know what you think, but that doesn't sound very "comical" to me.
Berlin is a dramatic character. And although he has his good dose of irony, humor, sarcasm, paradoxes, he doesn't fit in an anime-style cartoonish kids show, because it flattens him as a character.
So, I don't what they're trying to do here, but it would be like taking Alicia's story with German's cancer and turning it into a rom-com, only without German, who's now replaced by a random dude who never had cancer in first place.
Not even telenovela style. Just cartoon.
Last but not least, and I'm pretty sure this is something that most of us noticed, they tried to give Andrés a whole new gang... Which is basically a bad copy of the original one.
There's a Denver, there's a Rio, there's a Tokyo, there's even a weird version of female Martin and, best of all, a "lifetime friend" dressing up like a fake Professor.
How are we supposed not to compare these action figures to the characters we know and love? The worst part is that they all look like Rafael, mere blueprints of characters, never mentioned before and, most likely, human plot devices subservient to a retcon.
And to attract what kind of an audience, exactly? I've never seen an Andrés fan who was not fond of Berlermo. Not. A. Single. One.
But during last days, I've seen a lot of people being very disappointed by how OOC their favourite character is going.
The only chance for the spin-off to be renewed and become something good, maybe even overcoming the original, was giving to Berlin's character some kind of depth.
Exploring his relationship with his brother, his years with Martin, what his family background is, why his homosexuality denial, why did he became a sexual predator, and maybe leaving some space for characters who maybe have still something to say, like Marsella & Bogota.
They've chosen not to. They've preferred to take a good, deep, captivating character and make a parody out of him.
What a waste, really.
I know it's too early to say. I know that they said "we can't announce members from the old gang cause it would be spoiler". I know that probably it's a little better than it seems.
But even if Martin shows up, what kind of show is this gonna be?
Don't know what to think, but the premises aren't that good.
So here's my 2(000) cents about this.
What about you, anon?
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