unlikely-roommates · 11 years
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ooc: I did a thing for Edo. v uv
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derpywhitecloak replied to your post: so did you enjoy the show that eikaea and vinh gave you? mmhmmm?
((im so sorry etoile ))
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maratheblind · 11 years
dude u gotta tell me where u get ur tats done :)))
Sent 3:36pmOhhey it’s the coolest place totally up the way of the old highschool. Off the corner of the school building and this burger joint. They don’t even question a blind kid getting one haha
Sent 3:38pmCome to think of it don’t think they even questioned the kid partHuh
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wayfarerstale · 11 years
omg!!!! if I bomb this final u r gonna have to buy me like 178493 cupcakes until I get so fat I dnt care anymore :(
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unlikely-roommates · 11 years
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ooc: All aboard the genderbend train! Hasancestor and Eikaeacestor being sexy gaydies (gay ladies). I admit it. I had too much fun.
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It had been a long time, it seemed like; a long time since Eikaea had seen her, and a long time since he had even been motivated to leave his home. Of course, it didn't really feel like home anymore. He hated to admit it, even in his thoughts. What once had brought him happiness, now seemed cruel, dragging him down with memories. And that's all they were anymore: memories; remnants of a time that existed in the past. The fact that they were no longer a part of his ongoing life still shocked him to the core.
Eikaea wanted to get out. He needed to - if only for a moment.
While he knew of no other place to call "Home", he did know of a person who made him feel at home, wherever they were. Chers Etoile...
The whitecloak had been so caught up in his own misery, that he hadn't even had the decency to check up on his dearest friend. At present, he felt no need to worry her with his troubles. No, he only craved her presence which always brought him into immediate solace, whether they were silent or speaking. He only wanted to see her again. He wanted to be near her.
If there was any lesson that Eikaea had learned in the past few weeks- it was that he should never, ever take the people he loved for granted. He had failed to show his appreciation once, and now it was too late. He just couldn't let it happen again. The thought nearly brought him to a panic, and suddenly, he had been filled with concern. It became urgent for him to visit the dear girl. He rekindled his awareness that she had to have been going through some of her own hardships at the moment. How selfish he had been all this time...
He made his way to her home with haste, but when he arrived, he entered with careful steps. He wasn't sure what he should say to begin with, and his throat almost wouldn't let him speak at all.
[E-... Etoile...? Are you home?]
Even as the day lingered on, Etoile had not dared to rise from her bed. Vinh, who had swarmed and lingered by her bedside fraught with worry for her well-being was nowhere in sight, as she had asked him to take Clothodile out for a little while. The both of them had been cooped up in the house for so long, and she couldn't bear knowing that this was all her doing ever since the shock of bearing the truth to them. They needed a little fresh air.
// I will be fine. // she had assured them in her frail voice, waving her hand slightly to and fro. // I will not leave the house; I will be here when you return, I promise. //
Of course, that in itself didn't seem capable of calming the prince or her pet, but it was the best she could muster, and they still followed her request. With a smile, she had seen them off, then returned to laying on her side, watching the city through the open wall of her home.
She stared off into the distance, watching the light of the mountain beam ever upwards into the atmosphere where the others of her race laid at rest. Ancestors, the dearly deceased, those about to be born and those to be born again... Even in daylight, she knew they were there. The light of day simply blanketed them for the time being, but they were there, waiting for the night when they would outshine the darkness and let themselves be known that they were watching and waiting, casting their light just to be seen for those hours.
A twinge of pain stabbed her chest. There was one amongst the sands of the desert who longed to take their place amid their kind, but could not reach it. She missed her chance to help them.
Just as her eyes began to close once more, finding whatever sanctuary she could in the thought before the last, she heard a familiar voice at the door. She hadn't heard it in so long; it had matured just a little bit since the last time, yet still carried uncertainty.
// Eikaea? // Etoile called back, sitting up and brushing back her hair. Her eyes looked so heavy and restless even with countless hours of sleep, their luster gone and replaced a dull listlessness. The woman wanted to rise from her exhausted state and greet them properly, but sadly hadn't the energy to do so. Instead, she played with the cards she was dealt, and offered her welcome from where she laid.
// ... It is good to see you again. I am sorry I have not sought you out in so long-... How... How are you? //
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((Continued from here...))
>[[ No! No, I agree with you! I just... ]]<
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>[[ ...I just wish there had been somebody to tell me that when I was their age. That's all. ]]<
>[[ I'm not sure if I'm the lucky one for finding my own way out, or if they're the lucky ones for already having someone to take care of them. ]]<
[I don’t have anythin’ to steal. Who the hell would rob a man who’s got nothing?]
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[And besides…they’re only children- too innocent to know what taking advantage of  other people means… And even if they did, what kind of person would I be to put my own life ahead of theirs? I’m just… some bum who already screwed up his life. And they have so much to live for. See, I don’t really believe in “every man for himself”. No… people are definitely meant for coexistin’—]
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[Oh- I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to get all preachy there for a second.]
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bilvyy-archived · 12 years
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may i introduce: khalid! (big gif here!)
he is a young ruffian, fairly small in stature and a little cheeky. he desperately needs to learn some manners and to keep his hands off things that don't belong to him. he's got a knack for sneaking around where he shouldn't be, but is a little too foolhardy to manage navigating through the war machine's territory without hurting himself.
alternate/non flying arms:
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A long time. It had been a long, long time...
He was so sure he searched every little corner of this damned desert, searching for his little girl. So tired, so scared; his adrenaline rush began to wane at last, and the fear reaped its chance to consume him. When was the last time he slept? Or ate? Drinking, he was so sure of, but the things of little necessity went disregarded. He needed to know where Etoile wandered. Where she was taken. If she was alright.
<< Where is she... >> Lothaire croaked and held her cloak tight to his chest. A free hand cupped her mask... He longingly stared at the empty curve, its purpose unfulfilled for the while, feeling colder than usual without its darling owner.
He raised his gaze up for but a moment, enough to catch a glimpse of someone moving in the distance. Right away he could tell it wasn't his girl; they seemed too tall, their silhouette... thin, but they might know...
Hell, anything was worth a shot at this point. If they didn't know, at least he could try to garner a companion, or have them keep an eye out.
<< Hail! >> his voice boomed. He slipped his daughter's mask into the crook of his arm and he called out again, this time waving his arm in urgency. The great lion did not approach with caution, practically barreling after the moving shadow; they were his hopes that... something could go right.
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moonreachingout · 12 years
derpywhitecloak said: ((hehehehe)) Omg I cannot even deal
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derpywhitecloak replied to your photo: Our journeys begin…
(( LOVE these designs <3 ))
(( Thank you!
They're still a huge work in progress. Constantly making minor (and major) alterations.
I'm glad you like them u//w//u It means I'm headed in the right direction. 
-flutters- <3!!! ))
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