#deranged winchester rewatch
explainslowly · 2 years
When I get sad about the spn finale, at least I can think on how Kripke ended his run with his stupid little Dean Winchester lavender marriage nuclear family suburbia shit show only for Sera Gamble to then spend a season systemically disassembling it in such a thorough and nightmarish way nobody else had ever attempted it again
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cockworkangels · 2 years
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once again rowena is the only one keeping it real <3
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incesthemes · 7 months
the great tragedy of supernatural is that it has lines it's not allowed to cross. it can't depict textual incest or even too much maladaptive affection; it can't show the reality of prolonged homelessness or food insecurity or the actual dangers of fraud and theft; it can't delve too deep into the lasting effects of abuse and neglect or trauma; it can't talk about political issues in any meaningful way—it can't contain anything too morally objectionable or uncomfortable for viewers. it has to build and maintain a fantasy that lets people ignore what they don't like. and that's a shame because of its roots in horror, so instead of being free to explore the themes and elements that form the show's foundation, a lot of it is left to subtext, to subtle nods, to "if you know you know" moments.
what the show does manage to depict on screen is rich and captivating, but at the end of the day it has an image to maintain that doesn't align with the reality of its own themes. the show is at odds with itself and its executives, and over time it gets progressively scrubbed clean just like the gritty, low saturation, high contrast lighting of early seasons. it departs even further from its horror foundation, relegates more and more of its worldbuilding and characterization to subtext, or even just memories of the past.
i just think it's a shame that despite its (original) genre, it faced so much opposition and so much sanitization that it never really had a chance to go all-in with its world and characters, and that what little it was able to depict was sucked away over time until it became a ghost of the american gothic horror it once was.
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torturedpoetdean · 10 months
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dean collects supernatural boyfriends like goddamn infinity stones
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rocksalt-and-pie · 1 year
i'm celebrating my ten year anniversary of suffering from winchester derangement syndrome this week btw
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baby-kaz2y5 · 2 years
I was rewatching Supernatural with a friend of mine (they were watching for the first time) and they kept saying,
“You make that face a lot.”
“What face?”
“The one that Dean is making.”
And I personally think that it’s scary that this show effected me in such a way that it changed the way my face moves.
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wikiangela · 2 years
I'm rewatching supernatural and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be really annoying about Dean Winchester on here for the foreseeable future lol
I'm only 3 episodes in and my Dean obsession is getting worse than ever 😂
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devils-lawboy · 2 years
i dont watch anything after s7 so i never saw rowena but she is SO gorgeous……. hall of fame milf
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trenchcoatimpala · 8 days
hi! i'm so sad i missed enrollment for your dean studies 101 course (my hyperfixation activated a few months too late unfortunately for me). do you have an archive of these posts/plan to do another course in the future? ty!! <3
Unfortunately, my Dean Studies 101 course was a kind of one and done deal (as of now -- I will never say never to doing it again, because I know for certian that I will continue to rewatch this show and pick up on things I didn't before, and need to scream about my findings). I do still have my master document of all my little notes and things, but I have no plans to make them public as they're kind of a mess haha.
However, I am always down to discuss Dean! My dms are open and I literally leap at any chance to be insane about Dean and talk about all the things I discussed during the course. There is so much to unpack about him as a character!
I'll give you a run down on what was talked about and if you'd like to hop into my dms we can talk further about any topic! Discussion topics were as follows:
Dean's childhood/upbringing which includes his parentification at a young age
His abandonment issues
His masculinity/performative nature
His smarts
His self hatred
His trauams which included: Childhood, Hell, Purgatory, The Mark of Cain, and Michael
His coping mechaninsms
His death
I was very careful to keep disucsssion limited to purely canonical things the show has given us about Dean. There was of course room for speculation as well, but I would only speculate based on logical assumption from canonical evidence. I didn't want the course to be about headcanons a lot of the fandom seems to collectively agree are true, but about things the show told us outright. Not to worry, though, I allowed a class period at the end of the course to talk about all that stuff!
This is my long winded way of telling you that you are more than welcome to pick my brain about Dean and my silly little notes that I took during a particuarly deranged rewatch (that was totally the fault of Jensen Ackles himself).
Thanks for reminding me that I still have Dean Winchester Derangement Syndrome and that it's never going away 😅
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supernatural rewatch is all fun and games until dean winchester is on your screen again and the derangement comes out in full force like your sleeper code's been activated and then you have to go about your life normally while consumed by the dean winchester brain fever
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mincedpeaches · 9 months
Thing about drowley is. First off I will say I consumed most of s9 and all of s10 in a single week long bender over Christmas break 2015. By which I mean I was actually drinking all week so I don't remember much of it. Also I couldnt even remember if s11 was part of that week until I looked it up (it hadnt aired yet) so that tells you the impact that s11 had on me (besides casifer who rules and the finale which I remember liking).
THAT BEING SAID. The thing about drowley is that it made no impact on me. None. and in retrospect based on half remembered things I kinda think my takeaway was that it... felt like a disservice to Crowley's character to give him winchester derangement syndrome. Just hit season 9 in the rewatch so I'm curious to see if this opinion holds up or not.... maybe its all alcohol's fault and drowley rules. But I'm not betting on that.
THAT BEING SAID x2. cascrowley AND deanbenny superior forever, this I know in my heart amen.
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cockworkangels · 2 years
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crowley is the only one who keeps it real
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makeadealwithdean · 2 years
I can't believe I'm going to rewatch supernatural and it's all your fault you've given me brain rot
(thank you 🤣)
omg i am SO sorry (i'm not) for my derangement about that show and dean winchester and destiel in particular, bestie
andddd if you ever wanna talk to me about it or anything, definitely do!! i love seeing your stuff on my dash, btw <3
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darringtonshorthalt · 3 years
1.4 Phantom Traveler
and we're back again for another installment of "God I Hate John Winchester". On today's episode: Jackles Derangement Syndrome, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, and demon lore that will be completely disregarded in every future episode!
Dean's first scene in this episode is a full body pan as he is sleeping facedown. This is… odd, especially because up until now, it's women who've been used for sex appeal. Now, I sincerely doubt they've realized that their audience is strongly female (who am I kidding, they never catch on to this), so, assuming they are still targeting a male audience, this is... still weird. Also taking into account that, at this point in their lives, neither Sam nor Dean really fits the build of typical male power fantasy. Dean is frequently shown in manners more traditionally suited to female characters (neverminded that nearly all of his character analogs are female, queer/queer-coded, or both) but in this case, I actually can't fathom what purpose this served, unless the writers/directors/crew already had themselves a case of ackles derangement syndrome.
Performative 'Masculinity' (or something like that): Dean makes a big show about hating the monkey suits, and he'll do this off and on for a few years, but I'm calling this as a performance because he absolutely LOVES dressing up later. But right now, he plays at hating it, and probably doesn't even know he's doing it, because it isn't how john works a case, john would hate it, and bc he's still at a point in his life where that's all that matters, he's hates it too
Underrated Intelligence of Dean Winchester: he turned a walkman into an EMF-meter. He's very excited about it. Sam's a dick about it.
A+ Parenting: John apparently says lots of nice things about Sam, but can't actually show any fucking appreciation for his kids when they're right there.
John Winchester is a Piss Ass Hunter: might as well have set his voicemail to day "I am a deadbeat dad and a deadbeat hunter. My children will solve your problems for me."
This is two episodes in a row now that feel like Dean-episodes despite the show claiming Sam is the Main Main Character. Two out of four episodes are more focused on Dean, and I would argue that only the pilot feels like a Sam-episode so far.
Final thoughts: This is generally on of my favorite episodes of season 1, even though the demon lore is wishy washy and doesn't make much sense at all with anything we learn later. Taunting Sam about Jess was a nice touch.
These episodes are so bleak and colorless!!! A lot of people rave about how much "better" film is over digital, and in some instances it may get footage better suited to the narrative, and hell, I'll even give you that it's probably true here. The color balance works well enough for the eerie ghost feel they're going for early on. I just don't like it. It's not visually pleasing.
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jenneferofjengaberg · 3 years
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SUPERNATURAL 1x03 | Dead In The Water
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billiewena · 3 years
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✨ relatable anxiety queen patience turner ✨
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