John Seed: If you were in a zombie apocalypse and you could only take one of us - who would it be?
Deputy Ripley: Probably you
John Seed: Yes! I knew it!
Joseph Seed: My child if I may what made you come to that conclusion?
Deputy Ripley: Well - Joseph no offence but you'd slow me down - I'm a force that can't be contained and you'd hold me back with your magic man shit - John would join in with me most likely so he's a better choice
John Seed: I would
Jospeh Seed: That's understandable - I believe?
Jacob Seed: What about me?
Deputy Ripley: Your reason is simple - John is less likely to eat me when we run out of food
Jacob Seed: Wow
John Seed: I would never eat you ... well I would ... in the good way
Jacob Seed/ Joseph Seed: John!
Deputy Ripley:
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volchiitsass · 5 years
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for my friend @deputy-ripley-adams and her oc, ripley adams. <3
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Players reacting to how Micah treats Charles:
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Players reacting to how Charles yeets Micah:
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Sharky Boshaw: hey have you ever thought about-
Deputy Ripley: no
Sharky Boshaw: i didn't finish
Deputy Ripley: i know i'm just stopping you now before you say something you regret
Shakry Boshaw: ...
Deputy Ripley: don't do it
Sharky Boshaw: have you ever thought about fucking john for some sort of truce?
Deputy Ripley: there we go
John Seed: *out of nowhere* is that a proposal i hear?
Deputy Ripley: look at what you've done boshaw
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Adelaide: so fuck, marry and kill with the seeds go!
Deputy Ripley: ahhhh - fuck jacob, marry john and kill josie
Adelaide: i'm surprised you didn't fuck john and kill jacob honey but i totally understand
Deputy Ripley: i change my mind - fuck john and marry jacob
Adelaide: why'd you change it?
Deputy Ripley: if i marry jacob we are married right? so we can fuck all the time
Adelaide: ohhhh you've beat the system hun!
The walkie-talkie crackles to life
Jacob Seed: is that so? well then deputy my hunters are coming for you - after all we have a wedding to now look forward to don't we?
You are being hunted
Deputy Ripley:
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Red Dead Redemption 2 - in a nutshell
Players at the start of the game:
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Players after chapter 2:
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Players at the start of chapter 3:
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Players at the end of chapter 3:
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Players after the whole chapter 4 and 5 ordeal:
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Players after realising what's about to go down:
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Players at the epilogue:
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Players restarting the game and seeing Arthur at the start:
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Deputy Ripley on the phone to John Seed
Deputy Ripley: your sunglasses are dumb
John Seed: excuse me?
Deputy Ripley: and your coat
John Seed: my coat?
Deputy Ripley: and your face
John Seed:
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not my face! that's going too far deputy
Jacob Seed: will you two shut the fuck up? why are you both on the phone? you're in the same fucking room!
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John and Ripley in his 'bunker'
John Seed: say yes!
Deputy Ripley Adams: i can't i'm blind
John Seed: oh shit sorry -
Deputy Ripley Adams: you should be i am so offended
John Seed: i really didn't know
John and Jacob at his ranch the next day
Jacob Seed: so you let them go?
John Seed: jake she's blind she can't say yes don't you get that
Jacob Seed: are you actually fucking stupid? say what you just said again aloud and think about it
John Seed:
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get me that deputy!
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Deputy Ripley: pratt let me the fuck out!
Staci Pratt: i can't!
Deputy Ripley: you weasel you better fucki-
Jacob Seed: deputy adams let's have a talk
Deputy Ripley gives Jacob a once over
Deputy Ripley:
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guess I'll stick around - babe
Jacob Seed: what?
Staci Pratt: what?
John Seed: WHAT?
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John Seed: what will our kids look like?
Deputy Ripley: like nothing
John Seed: like nothing?
Deputy Ripley: like - non-existent
John Seed:
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John Seed: so how are you feeling deputy dearest?
Deputy Ripley: i wanna fucking die
John Seed: oh well - that's not good - can i hel-
Jacob Seed: *dropping in* that can be arranged deputy
Deputy Ripley: do it pussy
John Seed: halt you - you
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Deputy Ripley: he's hot! i gotta get his attention
Faith Seed: just don't do anything stupid
Deputy Ripley:
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Faith Seed: are you kidding me?
Deputy Ripley: but look i got his attention
Jacob Seed: *coming over* are you okay?
Deputy Ripley: why of course - can't you see - i've fallen for you *wink*
Jacob Seed: i hope you die
John Seed:
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i wish she could fall for me
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Jacob Seed: you're weak
Deputy Ripley: you're weak
Jacob Seed: excuse me?
Deputy Ripley: excuse you
Jacob Seed: do you think you're funny deputy?
Deputy Ripley: do you?
Jacob Seed: i can see why john hates you
Deputy Ripley: he does?
John Seed appears out of nowhere: i do?
Jacob Seed: i hate you both
Deputy Ripley/John Seed: he does?
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arthur morgan: i ain't a good man
everyone playing the game:
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you are the best man in the world so shut up you gorgeous soft lad
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Ripley slams the fridge shut angrily
Deputy Ripley: John did you eat my muffin?
John Seed: No?
Deputy Ripley: Why the fuck is your answer a question?
John Seed: No
Deputy Ripley: You know for a man who likes saying yes all the time - you ain't saying it when you should be
John Seed: But I didn't
Deputy Ripley: Don't you lie to me!
John Seed: Dearest I really didn't!
Jacob walks in
Jacob Seed: What the fuck is all the noise?
Deputy Ripley: Jacob did you eat my muffin?
Jacob Seed: Yeah why?
Deputy Ripley: Are you fucking kidding me?
Jacob Seed: Didn't see your name on it
Deputy Ripley: Didn't see your name on Miller's leg either but ya still ate it!
Jacob Seed: ...
John Seed: Tsst burn
Jacob turns to John angrily - John looks at Jacob's face and realises his mistake
John Seed: Too soon ...
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Random Woman: come on there must be someone!
Sheriff Ripley: there's no good lookin men in this town and there's no nice men either
Random Woman: sure there is you just haven't found one yet
Sheriff Ripley: let's face it I'm gonna die alone and you know me I'm not the type to flirt or beg with any man
Arthur Morgan and the gang walks in
Arthur Morgan: hello ma'am I was wonderin if you could help me with somethin
Sheriff Ripley:
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i can help with anything ~
Random Woman: oh my god
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