#deputy David hale
bullet-prooflove · 5 months
Feminism: David Hale x Reader (Feat: Jax Teller)
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @hatersaremymotivators @bennykk @kelpies-shed
Companion piece to Graffiti, Crime Wave, Distraction & Art School
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Jax thinks that he was in love with you. The problem is you were bad for the club which meant you were bad for him so he cut you loose. It’s one of the hardest things he’s ever had to do.
Your crime?
You don’t like the way the club treats it’s women and you’re vocal about it, not just to him but to others too. It gets Clay’s back up which is why his President tells him to put you in your place.
“A quick slap will knock that shit right out of her.”  Clay tells him as he puffs on his cigar.
But Jax, he could never raise a hand to you so he does something worse, something  irredeemable. He offers you out to the boys, he makes it clear you’re fair game, free for a fuck. He does it because he knows you’ll never stand for it, that you’ll be out of the door as soon as you realise he’s betrayed you.
“She’s a firecracker when you get her started, pull her hair, choke her a little and she’ll be the sweetest gash you’ll ever have.”
The words taste like poison on his tongue as he looks at you over by the bar, talking to one of the croweaters. You have no idea what’s coming.
It’s Tig that takes a run at you, that puts your hand on his cock and tells you he knows exactly what you like. You almost twist his balls off before giving Jax a look of complete contempt. That’s the night he comes home to find a five foot dick spray painted across the front of his house and David Hale tucking you into the back of a cruiser because a neighbour called the cops.
“Look, don’t charge her.” He tells Hale because he knows it’s shit like this that will get you kicked out of art school and he can’t stand to be the man that shatters your dreams. “I deserved this.”
“I have no doubt about that.” Hale tells him as he jots something down in his notebook before slipping it into his pocket. “I’m just surprised it hasn’t happened sooner.”
He doesn’t see you again for a couple of months after that and that’s the way he likes it. He knuckles down, focuses on the club, fucks every woman that crosses his path. That’s how he learns to forget you, if he’s buried in pussy he’s not thinking about the woman who isn’t occupying his bed.
He doesn’t expect to see you on Main Street, he doesn’t expect it to be with Hale. He’s heard rumours that the Deputy Chief is seeing someone, that he’s got some prep in his step. It isn’t until now that he realises it’s you.
The two of you are outside the ice cream shop, waiting for the queue to die down. Hale’s arm is around your shoulders, his lips by your ear as he whispers something into it. You tip your head back and laugh and that sound, Christ it feels like his heart is being ripped right out of his chest.
It gets worse because there’s love there, real love. He can see it as clear as day. It’s in the way your fingertips chase along Hale’s jaw, your thumb brushing over his cheek. When you kiss him, it’s with a tenderness that the two of you never had and that’s when Jax realises that he’s fucked up. The man you’re in love with, he’s determined to bring down SAMCRO and there’s no way in hell Jax can ever let that happen.
Love David? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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dallianceangel · 2 months
𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐝 ☀️🚓
Another fic for you 💋
🦋 comments, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated 🦋
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You’re sunbathing in the park, headphones on, singing Sex on Fire loudly. The sun feels perfect after a night with Hale, and you sing along with a satisfied smile.
Deputy Hale’s patrol car cruises by, his eyes lingering on you despite his duty. You catch his hungry gaze and shout, “Eyes on the road, Officer!”
He parks and steps out, smirking. “Hard to focus when you’re this distracting. Last night was incredible, by the way.”
“Yeah,” you reply, getting back on your feet. “It really was.”
He leans in, and you share a quick, secret kiss. “I love you,” he murmurs.
You smile, eyes locking. “I love you too.”
The radio crackles urgently. “Assistance needed at 4567 Redwood Street. Disturbance. Suspect is intoxicated.”
Hale looks into your eyes, his voice gentle. “Duty calls.”
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creativitybeware · 1 year
My thoughts on Sons of Anarchy as a first time viewer part 1
Current point: Season 3 Episode 4
(I began this on Twitter but wanted to make my way over here)
I am a late watcher of Sons of Anarchy and just made the big girl purchase of getting the Disney/Hulu bundle so I currently have been watching this show. I am a slow watcher for shows so I will be making my way through this at my own pace 💅🏾
I would wholeheartedly beat the ever living shit out of Jax Teller. My ego will keep my energy going and I could fight the man. Periodt.
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Stephen King having his moment in S3E3?? I was laughing so hard I cried. That role for him was too good.
With where I’m at in the show, Donna was and still is that bitch. I love her so much. Her death really had me in a state of paranoia for a Eliot second. Donna is still mutha
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Halfsack?!?!?!?? The way I violently sobbed so loud. Get me my boy back
 Me. I am a fat SIMP for Lyla. I don’t careeeeee. I’m better that no man
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Idk about y’all…but Deputy David Hale?
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I’m not a person to be down bad BAD…but Juice? I’m going to be his Old Lady.
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drabbles-mc · 11 months
Try Enjoying It
David Hale x Tara Knowles
Warnings: 18+, language, pining
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: I wrote this for the love of my life @garbinge for the Trick or Treat Exchange and I had the time of my life doing it. I've thought so much about these two together in the past and it was so nice to actually get to write something for them. I also realize I haven't really written any canon character x canon character stuff and posted it here but I do have things lurking around in the docs lmao. Anyway! Enjoy!
SOA Taglist: @espieviolet99 @littlekittymeow @i-just-read-stuff @justreblogginfics @withmyteeth @paintballkid711 @jitterbugs927 @fanfic-n-tabulous @mijagif @frattsparty @winchestershiresauce @beardburnsupersoldiers @darqchilddaydreamz @choochoo284 @artemiseamoon @nessamc @proceduralpassion (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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Halloween in Charming was about what you’d expect from any small town. Kids were running from door to door, parents half-heartedly playing catch-up with them to make sure they didn’t get too far away. Lights were on above almost every doorway, decorations abound. It was a sweet scene, for the most part.
Just like every other town, though, Halloween in Charming came with its own set of trouble and chaos. Teenagers were running amok causing trouble. Twenty-something’s partied a little too hard and made some stupid decisions in the wake of it. Extra work for Charming PD, but nothing that was unmanageable—they knew it was coming every year.
The one thing that set Charming apart from other small towns, all 365 nights of the year not just Halloween, was the Sons of Anarchy. And, while the club wasn’t exactly known for being festive on Halloween, they were known for causing trouble. Real trouble. Again, that wasn’t something that was specific to the holidays. It was easier to try and hide their messes when there were so many other things going on, though. And they tried.
Hale missed what the original call was on the radio. The details of it didn’t make it through the static but what he did hear was the location, and that was all he really needed to hear. He tried to wrap up the current situation on his hands as quickly as possible. After all, it wasn’t like the kids buying beer from the corner store with fake ID’s were really doing any serious damage. Hale would never admit it, but he was actually a little impressed that they at least tried to be creative enough with their costumes to not get busted for using fakes. Too bad the man behind the counter had been working there long enough to have seen every trick in the book.
By the time that Hale got to the clubhouse, there were still cop cars parked at the compound, lights on but sirens off. Pulling in, he saw Gemma yelling at one of his other officers, Clay standing just a few steps away shaking his head at it all. Whatever the call must’ve been that triggered this, it couldn’t have been that serious if Clay was still there.
Stepping out of his car, Hale walked over. The second Gemma heard his footsteps on the ground she turned and focused all of her attention on him. “Are you the one who started all of this shit?” she asked.
Hale lifted his eyebrows slightly, the smirk on his face was unprofessional, sure, but it wasn’t as though Gemma was the type to give a damn about professionalism. “I don’t even know why we’re all here.”
“Just you and your guys, looking for any reason to jam us up.”
He gave a slow nod. “Yeah,” sarcasm dripped off his voice, “sounds like us.”
The officer she’d been speaking to previously cleared his throat, earning his way back into the conversation even if he didn’t want to deal with more of Gemma’s wrath. “They took Teller and Winston down to the station.”
Hale nodded. “Alright. You got things here, then?”
The young officer clearly didn’t want to be left to his own devices again with Gemma, but he also knew that Hale only phrased it as a question to be polite—he didn’t have a choice in the matter any more than Jax and Opie had a choice in getting brought to the station. “I got it here.”
Hale whipped into the station parking lot just a handful of minutes later. Hopping out of his car, he wasted no time heading right in. It was impossible to miss that Jax and Opie weren’t the only people who had been picked up over the course of the night. There were a few teenagers in the holding cells—they probably wouldn’t even end up booking them, really, just calling their parents and getting them in a bit of trouble at home. A few hours in a cell might be a decent deterrent for a bit, though, so they let them marinate in there.
He ran into Unser before anyone else, which he should’ve seen coming considering who it was that was picked up. There hadn’t been a time in recent history when Unser didn’t look annoyed, but he seemed more annoyed than usual under the current circumstances.
“What’s going on, Chief?” Hale asked, more smug than he had the right to be considering he didn’t have any idea what was going on outside of Jax and Opie being picked up.
“Why don’t you tell me. What the hell are you hoping to get out of Jax and his friend in there?”
Hale held his hands out just slightly, palms out like a sign of innocence. “I didn’t bring them in—I just showed up after the fact.” He paused, letting Unser turn that information over in his mind before asking, “What’d they get brought in for?”
“What started off as a noise complaint turned into assault on a police officer,” one of their other officers piped up before Unser could try and respond to downplay the issue.
Hale couldn’t hide the confusion on his face. “Assault on a—”
“Jax took a swing when one of the guys got smart,” Unser said with a shake of his head.
“When he got smart?” David couldn’t stop the incredulity from sneaking into his voice. He knew that Unser was always going to be pulling for the men in the MC, but sometimes it still managed to shock him.
“Yeah,” Unser replied, no hesitation, just as stubborn as the man in front of him. “Maybe we should have the rookies stop following you around—put ‘em with someone who can teach a little bedside manner.”
Hale rolled his eyes. “Like you? Might end up getting a little too close to the be—”
“Yo!” Jax yelled out from the cell. “Hale, what the hell are we doing in here?”
Hale chuckled. “From the sounds of it, you’re here because you assaulted a police officer.”
Jax scoffed. “Assault. Jesus Christ. Gemma’s hit me harder than I hit him.”
Hale didn’t mean to smile but he still did. “I believe that.” He paused, sucking in a deep, dramatic sigh as he dragged the moment out longer than necessary. Anything to get more of a rise out of Jax. “Assault on a police officer. Not great for either of you, considering everything. Bail for that isn’t gonna be cheap.”
“You serious?” Opie piped up.
Hale shrugged. “Or you can ride it out. Go home in the morning.”
Opie grunted before letting his head fall back against the wall. “Fuck that.”
“Well, guess there isn’t anything I can do for you two, then.” He turned to Unser and the other officer. “Make sure they don’t manage to slip out. Cut ‘em loose in the morning.”
Unser tried to stop him. “Do you really think this is the best use—”
“They can post bail or they can wait it out,” Hale cut him off. “Just like everyone else in Charming.”
Hale was turning on his heel and heading towards the exit before Unser could get another word in edge-wise. He left them with a remark about how if they managed to get anything in a report that could actually stick, to leave it on his desk and he would look at it in the morning. Realistically, Hale knew that whatever someone had called in on the club for, wasn’t going to amount to anything. Same way that Jax and Opie getting into it with his guys wasn’t going to stick either. He was aware of all that, but he was also aware of the fact that it was all going to be annoying and inconvenient for the club. That was worth it enough, in Hale’s opinion.
When he was walking down the steps of the station, he saw a familiar car rolling onto the lot. He slowed down as his boots hit the pavement. The cocky feeling that just had him walking tall out of the station evaporated immediately when Tara’s cutlass slow to a stop and park right next to his Jeep.
“Shit,” he mumbled under his breath, forcing himself to keep walking. He didn’t know why he felt guilty as he walked closer to her car—none of what had unfolded was his fault. And it wasn’t even like anything had really happened. It certainly wasn’t the worst run-in Jax had ever had with Charming PD.
Clearing his throat, Hale got her attention as she was putting her car keys into her purse. “Tara.”
Looking up, her eyes widened slightly for a moment in surprise until she saw who it was that was speaking to her. Her expression relaxed a little bit then, her tiredness showing through a little more. “Hey.”
“What’re you doing here?”
She laughed half-heartedly. “I think you know.”
“You’re not,” he motioned over his shoulder with his thumb, “you’re not here to bail him out, are you?”
“You want me to just let him sit in there?” she asked with a small smile.
“I think you know,” he turned his words right back onto her.
She laughed again, this time a little more genuinely. “David.”
He was smiling before he even realized it. One simple utterance of his name from her and suddenly he felt like he was right back in high school all over again. She always said it the same way, that note of softness that he didn’t hear from anyone else. Even back then. And now, when everyone in Charming had taken to calling him by his last name, and usually with no hint of softness whatsoever, it landed a little harder.
He knew he was too late to stop himself from getting side-tracked with the thoughts of it all, of her, but he still tried to distract himself by dealing with the situation at hand. “Let someone else babysit him for the night.”
She rolled her eyes, still smiling. “I’m not his babysitter. I’m…” she trailed off for a moment, amusement dropping from her face for a moment before she tried to recover, “his emergency contact, apparently.”
He didn’t have to say anything else. Letting her head drop back, she sighed. “I know.”
“Jax is a big boy—he’ll be fine for one night.”
“You’re enjoying that, aren’t you?” she asked, already knowing the answer.
“You should try enjoying it too,” he suggested with a slight grin. There was a beat of a pause as they both chuckled before he got the courage to just ask, “You two…?” He wanted to finish the sentence but he couldn’t, mostly because he was afraid of the possible answers.
She shook her head. “No. We’re…that’s…no.”
It all felt so similar. Hale wasn’t sure how much he bought into the notion of deja vu, but something about standing there with Tara gave him a feeling that was about as close to that as he could imagine. There were a lot of years and changes between who they were now, and who they were back in high school, sure. But some things clearly hadn’t changed. Tara came back and suddenly old routines were kicking up again—her trying to clean up after Jax, Hale trying to get her to stop. The longer he stood there and looked at her, the more he realized that old habits were accompanied by old feelings. That sense of pining settling into his chest again—it didn’t feel any less hopeless now than it had then. Back then it had always been her looking at Jax, Hale looking at her. He had to hope that some things could be different now, though. That maybe he had a shot now that he hadn’t back then.
“You should go,” he said, firm enough to not sound quite like a plea even though it was one.
She sighed, nodding. “Maybe.”
He saw the slightly lost look on her face and frowned for a moment. Resting his hands on his belt, he said, “You remember, what was it, sophomore year?”
She raised her eyebrows slightly, but there was a hint of a smile on her face. “It’s all a bit of a blur—you’ll have to be more specific.”
Hale chuckled. “Halloween, sophomore year. All of us were supposed to be going to—”
Recognition flashed across her face. “The haunted house.”
He nodded, smiling. “The haunted house, yeah. We were about to head in when a bunch of their friends came by and pulled them away.”
Her laugh turned into a scoff. “To go and egg houses.”
Hale nodded again. “Right.”
Tara gestured towards the police station. “I think this is where they ended up that night too.”
He laughed. “Probably.”
“I was so mad.”
He laughed a little harder. “I remember.”
“That wasn’t a bad night, though.” She crossed her arms over her chest, smiling as it all came back. “We went to the diner, right? Ate our body weights in breakfast for dinner.”
“Yeah,” he said, the grin on his face coming a little more easily now, less guilt behind it.
There was a pause. Tara was waiting to see if Hale was going to get into his Jeep, and Hale was waiting to see if she was going to do what she’d originally shown up to do and go into the station to bail out Jax and probably Opie too. That was the position they were always left in, always waiting for the other to do or say something more. If only either of them had ever figured out what the other was thinking.
Reaching back into her purse, Tara pulled out her car keys. When she looked back at Hale, she smiled, looking a little less tired than she had a few minutes before as she asked, “Are you busy right now?”
He shook his head, caught between feeling relief and excitement at the question. “Was just about to head home.”
She motioned towards her car. “Wanna go eat? Bet the diner still does breakfast for dinner.”
He nodded without hesitation. “Absolutely.” He chuckled. “Think I’ll get a discount if I tell them the uniform is a costume?”
Tara laughed. “Should’ve worn my scrubs.” She shook her head with another laugh before saying, “I’ll meet you there?”
“Yeah, yeah that sounds good.”
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imagininghim · 2 years
Everything left unsaid
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Hi! Can you do a David Hale request? I feel like he isnt appreciated enough. Reader is Jaxs sister and secretly dating Hale. She works alot and has night shifts and some rival gang Jumps/ kidnaps and rapes her/ or whatever you like to write. She isnt telling anyone so she wont seem weak but David catches up and asks SAMCRO whats up.  You can add an ending to your liking
A/N: I loved this request so much and I spent a lot of time thinking about how I wanted it to play out. I didn’t want to go into detail with the rape scene so I made it that it was implied. 
I have never experienced this type of trauma before but I do want to say I am so so sorry if you have. This story is completely fictional and I do not mean any harm . If you need someone to talk too, I am here. 
Again, I’m pretty sure I say this every time I post but I am still rusty at my writing. I try to do this in my spare time at work and in between classes so please don’t judge too hard. 
David Hale x reader.
Trigger warnings: IMPLIED rape scene, violence, swearing, sadness, and drug use. If I missed anything, please let me know. 
This has NOT been proofread.
I hope you enjoy! 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to pick you up when you’re off?” Hale questioned into the phone.
“It’s find David, try to enjoy work. I’ll be home soon.” Closing my car door, David let out a sigh.
“Alright but if you need anything or an escort don’t hesitate to call, I’ll have a deputy on the way in less than five.” A smile spread across my face. 
“Okay, I will!”
“Alright, I love you.”
“I love you more.” I hung up the phone up and began to make my way into work. 
“Hey Larry! Have we been busy?” I questioned laying my purse down. 
“Nah, not too bad but there is another biker gang here just for warning.” I walked over to the kitchen door for a peak and seen four guys sitting at a booth in the far back drinking beers. 
“How long have they been here?” I questioned, closing the door and making my way back over to Larry. 
“About an hour or so but if you want me to take care of them I can.” With a smile, I pulled on my apron and opened the kitchen door. 
“I got this.”
~~~ Time skip ~~~
“Have a good night Larry!” I yelled out as I made my way through the back door.
“You too, doll face!” He yelled back before the door slammed shut. I made my way to the dumpster and took the trash out before digging through my purse looking for my keys. 
“What’s a pretty young thing like you doing out here all alone?” I stood in fear as the deep voice of a stranger spoke behind me. Without turning around, I started walking at a quickened pace. I kept my hand in my purse digging through to find my keys. “Hey you! I’m talking to you!” At this point I practically began sprinting to my car but it was too late. As I was about to reach my car, I dropped my keys and phone as a hand reached out and grabbed ahold of my waist. 
“Let go of me!” I screamed as his grip tightened, out of the corner of my eye; I noticed three other guys approaching. 
“Now, now, we just wanna have some fun, don’t we guys?” I heard a few chuckles and yeahs in the night air, as my heart hammered out of my chest. 
“Please, take whatever you want, just let me go.” With his arms still wrapped around my waist, he leaned down to whisper into me ear. 
“Oh we will take what we want but first we want you to send a message to SAMCRO.” He began to drag me over to the dark alleyway while the others followed. 
“Please, no.” I sobbed as he threw me to the ground and took ahold of my arms to restrain them. 
“Shh, we wouldn’t want anyone to hear you now and ruin the fun we have planned.” Tears streamed down my face as he reached down to pull off my leggings exposing my black laced panties. “I bet you, deputy Hale would love to see his little whore like this.” Hauling out a knife from his back pocket. 
I went to let out a scream but one of the others came over and covered my mouth. 
“Don’t worry sweetheart, this will all be over real soon.” And with that he cute off my panties and 
my heart immediately sunk, the next thing I knew, I felt sharp pain in my head and then everything went black.
I awoke with a splitting migraine in an alleyway, the sun began peaking through the buildings. I attempted to sit up when I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen, I looked down to see my underwear were torn off me and thrown to the other side of alleyway along with my purse. Tears began to stream down my face as I came into realization at what happened. 
I stood up and immediately pulled my leggings on and grabbed my purse, I walked out of the alleyway and over to my car. My keys and phone were left untouched, I reached down and picked them up. A dozen missed calls from Jax and Hale, over twenty missed messages from the club, Hale and Jax. 
Throwing my phone into my purse, I unlocked my car and got in, wiping away my tears. I started the car and headed back to the club. 
When I pulled up, I seen Jax and Opie sitting on the picnic table, as soon as Jax saw my car he immediately hopped off the table and made his way over to me. 
“Where the hell have you been?! I almost had Hale have a search team out looking for you!” He yelled opening my car door. I climbed out and refused to make eye contact with him, instead I made my way over to the club. “(Y/N)! I’m talking to you.” I stopped mid-walk as a cold shiver went down my spine and a flash of last night replayed in my head. 
“Just leave me alone Jax!” I yelled back as tears streamed down my face as I took off into the dorms and slammed the door, letting out a silent sob as my back slid down the door. 
~~~ Two weeks later ~~~ 
I was sitting at the picnic table reading when I heard a car pull up, I looked up to see Hale pulling up. Closing my book, I smiled up at him. 
“Hi baby.” 
“Hey angel, where are the boys?” Hale questioned. 
“Now, you know I can’t tell you that. All I can say is, they’re out at the moment.” I said with a smirk. Hale chuckled at my response before smirking back at me while leaning down on the table. 
“So, you’re telling me, you’re all by yourself?” I bit my lip and nodded. “Well, ma’am, I think I’m gonna have to stay with you to ensure you will be alright.” I held back laugher. 
“I guess so, officer. How about I take you inside?” I said standing up. 
“Hold on a second, ma’am.” I stopped mid-walk. “I’m going to have to carry you in.”
“Oh and why is that officer?” 
“Because your legs need to be kept elevated above your head, if you know what I mean.” This time I couldn’t hold it back in and let out a laugh. 
“Well then, come here big boy.” And with that, he lifted me up, pressing a kiss to my lips I wrapped my legs around his waist as he hoisted me up and made his way to my dorm room. Walking in, he dropped me onto the bed and turned to lock the door. 
“I was thinking about you all day.” Hale said removing his gun from his holster and laying it onto my dresser. 
“Oh, have you now? What have you been thinking about?” Making his way over to me, I leaned back on my elbows. 
“I think I should show you, rather than tell you.” Reaching down he started to remove my leggings, I immediately flashed back to when I was in that alleyway, without thinking I let out a scream and backed away from Hale. 
“No, please no!” 
“Baby calm down! What’s wrong?” Before I had the chance to respond Jax, Chibs and Tig trust through the door with the rest of the club following behind, guns up and ready. 
“(Y/N)! What’s wro- Hale? What the fuck are you doing here?” Jax yelled lowering his gun but not removing his hand from the trigger. 
“I uh…” 
“Were you just trying to fuck my little sister?” Jax yelled. 
“No! Well, I uh…” Hale stood up holding his hands up in defence. 
“Well, then what the fuck were yo-“
“Get out! Just get the fuck out!” I screamed before getting up and running into the bathroom and slamming the door. 
Hale’s POV: 
As soon as the door slammed shut behind (Y/N), I turned back to Jax.
“I can explain.” His eyes narrowed. 
“You better, church now!” He yelled out the door before turning and making his way down the hall.
I looked back towards the bathroom door before letting out a sigh and following Jax down the hall. Following them into the church, we all took a seat.
“Now, what the fuck is going on?” 
“Well, (Y/N) and I have been dating for the last eight months but.” 
“Wait what?!” Jax yelled, standing up. 
“She wanted to keep it a secret because she didn’t want to upset you guys.” I said trying to stay calm. “But something happened a few weeks ago and she’s been really off, she’s kept to herself.” 
“What do you mean?” Jax questioned as concern laced his expression 
“Well, I wanted to surprise her today. So, I showed up unexpectantly and we started to get uhm... intimate but then when I started to pull down her uhm…” I made eye contact with Jax to see him fuming. “Anyway, you get the picture, she freaked out and kept saying no please no. I think something happened.” 
“I don’t understand, what do you mean something happened?” 
“Well, about two weeks ago when we thought she went missing, we got a report that her boss Larry said she left at around 10PM that night but her car was out back all night long. That’s not like her.” I said as Jax looked around. 
“Are you saying she was kidnapped?” Jax questioned, standing up with concern. 
“Well, not necessarily kidnapped, but what if someone jumped her? Or worse?” Without a second thought, Jax took off out the door and down the hall. I stood up immediately and took off after him. “Jax, what are you doing?” 
“I’m getting to the bottom of this.” Before I had a chance to respond, he knocked on her dorm. “(Y/N), it’s Jax and Hale. We need to talk to you.” It was silent for a few moments before she spoke. 
“Come in.” When we opened the door, she was sitting on her bed, redressed in a samcro hoodie and leggings. “What’s up?” 
“(Y/N), we need to talk.” Jax started. 
(Y/N)’s POV:
My heart sunk when Jax spoke. 
“What about?” I said trying to keep my voice calm. 
“(Y/N), what happened when you didn’t come home that night a few weeks ago?” I felt tears brim my eyes. 
“(Y/N).” Hale spoke up with sincerity in his tone. This caused me to break down. 
“I’m sorry.” I couldn’t hold back the tears as they streamed down my face. “I didn’t know what to do, I was so scared.” I sobbed out, as Jax reached over and wrapped his arms around me. 
“It’s okay, you have nothing to be sorry for but what happened?” He pressed on. 
“I was raped.” As soon as the words left my lips, I felt the with lift off of my chest. 
“What?!” Jax and Hale said at the same time. “Why didn’t you come to us?” Jax questioned. 
“Because I didn’t want you to think I was weak. I thought I could handle it but when Hale and I… All I could see was them.” 
“Who?” Hale finally spoke.
“They called themselves L.O.A.N.” Hale’s face dropped. 
“My brother raped you?” 
A/N: What a shocking twist! I started this story weeks ago and honestly didn't know which rival to do it about but when I remembered Hale's brother was apart of one, I just had to do it.
In saying that, if this gets enough interest I will do a part two but for now we leave it at this.
Thank you to the person who requested this, I hope you see it and love it just as much as I loved your request and support.
To all my lovely followers, I love you, I'm here for you and I will be seeing you real soon.
Till next time,
Your's truly,
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tumbleweed-writes · 6 months
Death and the Lady: Chapter Four
Previous chapter found HERE
This chapter is slightly nsfw. So, 18+ only.
Chapter Four: An Arrangement
Deputy David Hale usually didn’t make Y/N Y/L/N feel any sense of anxiety. To be honest, most of the time she was around him she just felt a little annoyed.
Her past interactions with the Charming police were a mixed bag.
Back when she’d been going through her wild phase with SAMCRO her interactions with the local police usually ended with her in handcuffs. Now that she was back in town and operating as a local funeral director, her interactions with the police tended to involve making arrangements for police escorts for funeral processions.
To be honest her feelings towards Charming’s local P.D. were quite conflicted given her past indiscretions…and her current ones. 
She’d always found Deputy Hale to be arrogant and just a little too self righteous for comfort.
David Hale had been in the same grade as both her brother, Jax Teller and Opie Winston when she’d been growing up. All four guys had been five years older than her, so they’d not really interacted outside of the interactions all three men had shared with her older brother.
Of course, that had changed once she’d gotten older and her brother had his accident. After that her interactions with Hale weren’t pleasant and her interactions with Jax and Opie were chaotic. 
Before the accident, her elder brother had been childhood friends with Deputy Hale all the way up until middle school when it had become obvious that her brother was finding new friendships with Jax and Opie.
It had become clear that David disapproved of Daniel Y/L/N’s newfound friendships. 
Even as a teenager, Hale seemed to carry around the notion that he was superior to the kids of Charming’s white trash biker gang. 
Y/N had gotten a certain level of respect from Hale as had her brother as their father was a respected member of the community…well they’d gotten respect before they’d rebelled and proved they were comfortable interacting with the white trash biker gang. 
Hale himself came from one of the more affluent families in Charming. Generations of the Hales were politicians, lawyers, and doctors.
David Hale had seemed to believe that his family background meant that he was somehow far better than the new friends Daniel Y/L/N had acquired. 
In Y/N’s opinion the Hales were nothing special. Everyone was equal in death after all. She had very little tolerance for people who tried to pretend they were somehow more important than anyone else. She didn’t care for snobbish people especially when she knew they’d wind up on her embalming table right where the same people they’d looked down upon had laid as well.
From what she could remember David Hale had been the All-American boy. He was the kind of guy who knew he wanted to grow up and serve the community. He was a boy scout. He played baseball in the spring and summer and football in the fall for the local high school. He attended church on Sunday and volunteered at the nursing home as a teen. 
She guessed she shouldn’t be shocked that even as a man in his thirties David Hale was still just as pious as he’d always been. 
If this had been any other scenario she’d almost find it funny to find that Hale had maintained the same short hair cut he’d had since he was a teenager. She’d always thought it made him appear a little boring especially when they’d been teens. Wasn’t being a teen the time where you did stupid crap to your hair after all? 
Standing near the Deputy sheriff, a few other members of Charming PD’s finest, and a borrowed modest forensic unit from Lodi near an open grave made her feel less than amused at the moment though.
She’d felt sick to her stomach when she’d received the call early this morning that another grave in Charming’s cemetery had been robbed. This was the second one within such a short time period.
Both graves had previously been occupied by men she had buried and embalmed. She’d been asked to come out by the Deputy and at least give her insight on what had happened. 
She hoped and prayed that the look of astonishment on her face, as she arrived at the cemetery, read as someone who was simply horrified by the situation and not at all aware of exactly who was responsible for this.
She gazed down into the empty casket both astounded and relieved to see that the sacks of dry concrete she’d filled the casket with were long gone. 
It seemed that whoever had done this had been smart enough to make it appear as though she’d buried a body in the casket and not sacks of concrete.
She knew the concrete had been a risk, but it had been necessary for the funeral. A full casket weighed more than an empty one. She’d just been relieved that she was right that the man’s family had no desire to see what laid within the casket. 
The man’s funeral had actually been quite sparse. From her interactions with the family regarding funeral arrangements it had seemed that the man had not had many friends in life and wasn’t the kind of guy that warranted a room full of mourners. She hated to talk ill of the dead, but she’d gotten the impression he’d not been the nicest guy. 
She hated to admit it but the information had made her feel less guilty about the fact that she’d technically loaned the guy’s body to the local MC.
She knew of course that the thought was a weak attempt to mentally absolve herself from her guilt. 
She’d be lying if she tried to claim she hadn't had a few nightmares about what she’d done. Most of the dreams featured her walking through the cemetery at night following a Son who she was sure might be Filip from what she could see through the pitch black night, only to have hands shoot out from the ground below her dragging her down screaming before she could escape.
She’d woken up in cold sweats hyperventilating more times than she cared to admit over the past month. 
Y/N didn’t need to be Sigmund Freud or Carl Jung to figure out the symbolism behind such nightmares. Her brain was taunting her both about her guilt over her actions and her newfound involvement with a group of men she’d thought she’d moved on from. 
As she stood over the empty grave she was overcome with the notion that she knew just who was likely responsible for the scene in front of her. 
Jax and Chibs had apparently not been lying to her when they’d reassured her that the favor she’d done for the club would not lead back to her.
It was clear they had done this to make it appear as though any discovery of the missing bodies was a result of a simple grave robbery and she was the stunned funeral director who genuinely had no idea how such an awful thing could happen.
She took a deep breath feeling a little anxious as she’d watched the one lone forensic scientist who’d come out to investigate, swab the inside of the casket. She knew well enough that the body had resided in the casket at one point. 
The man’s father had wanted one view of him in the casket before he’d insisted that a closed casket funeral was exactly what the family wanted. 
Any DNA would lead back to the dead man. Bodies did at times leak despite the best efforts to embalm.
She knew if there were any traces of concrete that might have leaked out of those bags she could play it dumb and blame it on the casket manufacturer. 
She highly doubted she’d have to play stupid in some interrogation though.
She tried to keep her face neutral as Hale turned to face her he quick to speak. “What do you make of this?”
She kept her voice even hoping it didn’t betray her with any signs of deception as she spoke. “I have no idea. He was there the last time I saw him.”
“And when was that?” Hale replied, gazing at her clearly studying her in a way that made her feel as though she was under a microscope.
She sighed adjusting the light black wool coat she’d worn over her black dress today. Even if this was just to come out and stare at an open grave she knew she had to look like the town’s funeral director. “When I screwed the casket shut before the funeral service. The family made it clear they didn’t want to see him like that. His father asked that the casket be sealed shut in case someone tried to go against the family’s wishes.”
She wasn’t lying. That had been the order she’d been given from the deceased’s father. Although there hadn’t been many mourners it had been clear that those who did attend were part of a somewhat dysfunctional bunch who didn’t seem to get along.
Hale nodded his head placing his hands on his hips, the action making him look all too self-important in her opinion. “Did anyone else have access to the body other than you?”
She sighed nodding her head back at Skeeter who’d recently gotten back in town the night before and seemed clueless as to what he’d come home to. She’d almost felt bad for the guy when he’d found out he’d have to tag along for this little adventure. “Skeeter was out of town. He’s usually the one who helps me set up the final touches on things prior to funerals. Old Charlie helps out a little too, but he’s getting up there. He’s nearing seventy soon. I highly doubt he’s going to start robbing graves when he’s been around this long.”
She paused thinking of the old man who was her father’s longest associate. Charles Olsen or Old Charlie as he insisted on being called, had developed a limp from arthritis but that didn’t stop him from doing a few of the more labor intensive jobs around the funeral home. He’d been a practical partner to her father in the business at one point, but he insisted his days of embalming were behind him as his body was beginning to feel worn with age. He had a harder time being up on his feet for the amount of time it took to embalm.
Of course that didn’t stop him from wanting to help out in other ways. He’d always been fond of her and she guessed he felt he owed it to her late father to help out any way he could. He’d practically watched Y/N grow up. He'd always been there. He'd been loyal to her father and now he was loyal to her. 
She was always willing to treat him well in exchange for his loyalty. Lord knows with the financial struggles she’d had, Old Charlie and Skeeter both could have found better jobs by now with funeral homes that were doing much better.
Her way of appreciating the loyalty tended to be shared bits of casserole she’d made for dinner and the occasional bought lunch or dinner especially if they had to be out late for a body pick up. 
She spoke again, shrugging her shoulders hoping she sounded honest. “The only other people who had access to the decedent were the gravediggers hired by the city.”
Hale let out a huff seemingly disappointed that she didn’t provide him with any information that could break the case. He spoke up nodding at the empty casket. “Have you ever seen anything like this?”
She sighed, being honest this time around. “A couple of times. It’s not a common occurrence. I saw it once or twice back in New York. Usually it’s old graves that are hit though…usually just edgy teens breaking into a crypt to steal a skull or something.”
She paused, shaking her head. “People are sick.”
“That they are. The deceased was found in Lodi, along with the other occupant of that first grave that was robbed…looks like someone used them to stage a crime scene. Doesn't seem odd to you that it took this long for someone to notice that this grave was disturbed. The cemetery groundskeeper spotted that first disturbed grave pretty quickly.” Hale remarked he once again seemingly studying her. 
She frowned, not liking that he was clearly watching her as though he was awaiting some kind of tell that she knew more than she did. She pushed back the thought telling herself that she was being paranoid.
“You don’t say? That’s something new. I can't say it seems odd, in my professional opinion. This is an older section of the cemetery, so less mourners. The deceased's family lives a few cities over, so I imagine they haven't been out to the site since the burial. I'm sure if anyone passed this one by they may have assumed that it was just an empty grave for an upcoming burial. In my experience deputy, most people don't peek into empty graves. So, they wouldn't have spotted the empty casket. Plus, the city only does landscaping in the cemetery every couple of months...Seems reasonable to me to think this could have sat unnoticed this long. I can't believe someone would go to all that trouble just to stage a crime scene. Who’d do such a thing?” She remarked, almost proud of herself for being able to conjure up the shock.
She knew her reaction was genuine of course. It wasn’t as though SAMCRO had let her in on their intentions for the bodies they’d requested from her.
Hale let out a small scoff he fast to reply. “I have my suspicions of who might be the culprits.”
She raised a well manicured brow tilting her head to the side playing dumb. “I'm safe to assume it’s confidential information? Given the obvious investigation and all.”
Hale practically glared straight through her, he fast to respond. “It’s out of my jurisdiction. Lodi P.D. doesn't seem to be interested in what I have to say. As far as they’re concerned this is some sick prank done by some very disturbed individuals. They’re looking into a few suspects of their own…local freaks who’ve been caught loitering around cemeteries in their area.”
She nodded her head trying not to show relief that Lodi’s police weren’t interested in any of Hale’s input. “I hope they find the responsible parties. Things like this are bad for business. I can’t have the bereaved of Charming fearing their loved ones are going to yanked from their final rests. Something like this has the opportunity to sow chaos and paranoia. I’m sure you’d agree.”
Hale sent her a look that could only be described as stern, his lips tight and his eyes narrowed. “Yeah, bad for business.”
He paused, deciding to push a little more. “Speaking of the business. How is that going?”
Y/N pushed a stray bit of hair behind her ear, the bit of hair having managed to work itself loose from the twist she’d put her hair into this morning. “It’s going. It’s been a challenge. My father’s health left a few things around the funeral home in disarray. I think it’s turning around though. Business has been good lately.”
“And how is your brother?” Hale dared to ask watching Y/N straighten out her dress under her coat.
She resisted the urge to glare at him, her brother not entirely a favorite subject of hers to discuss. “He’s fine. He’s started new meds.”
She spoke again, a sigh leaving her. “Is that all you needed, Deputy? I should get back to the funeral home. I have a few phone calls to make regarding this entire mess. The family has already left me a few voicemails I’m sure. I need to do damage control and promise that I will either rebury their loved ones or help them transfer their business to a new funeral home if they desire once the bodies are released back to the families.”
She knew it wasn’t a lie. She was so not looking forward to those phone calls. She was sure she’d be refunding some money so that she didn’t get sued though she had a feeling the families would more likely sue the city given they were in charge of the cemetery and she’d done her part on burying the dead as far as anyone knew. 
“Of course, I do have some concerns though.” Hale replied, deciding to push a little harder.
She cleared her throat hoping any annoyance she showed was more over this situation than the practical interrogation she was enduring. “Yes?”
He spoke knowing she’d probably bite his head off for this. “I know before you left town you weren’t exactly on the straightened arrow Y/N. Am I right in assuming you aren’t going to fall back into any old habits?”
She glared at him, her voice tense and sharp. “I don’t feel that this is an appropriate line of questioning, Deputy. My past is exactly that, in the past. I’ve not gotten as much as a speeding ticket for almost ten years now. My behavior as a teen and in the first year of my twenties is not at all reflective of my conduct as a grown woman. I don’t appreciate being treated like a common criminal especially when my biggest sins consist of underage drinking and some mild misdemeanors. I have worked very hard to clean up my act. I highly doubt it’s the local P.D.’s job to go around condemning innocent citizens for past misbehaviors. If that’s the case then you need to go down and arrest George Goldstein for spray painting the water tower when he was sixteen and maybe arrest Judy Mitchell for the pot she was busted with when she was fifteen.”
She cringed a bit knowing she sounded defensive but she couldn’t stop herself. She couldn’t believe he’d had the audacity.
Though a voice in the back of her head told her he was right to have the audacity. After all, she’d made contact with the very people who’d encouraged her bad behaviors back then. 
She had done far worse now than some underage drinking and a few public nuisance charges. 
Hale held his hands up in defeat he quick to reply. “I don’t mean any offense Y/N. I promise. I just had to ask. I am happy to have you back in town, especially seeing as you seem to have matured since I last saw you. I’m happy to see you’ve cleaned up your act. Your association with Jax Teller and SAMCRO did always trouble me, given our history.”
She scoffed quick to reply. “We don’t have a history Deputy. You hanging around my brother until you guys were thirteen doesn’t create some weird bond between us.”
She paused, taking a deep breath cooling her temper reminding herself that she couldn’t let him get her all riled up. She had to keep her calm and play the role of a totally innocent funeral director who knew nothing about the local MC or what they’d done with those bodies. 
She spoke, clearing her throat. “As I’ve said, I need to be going. I have a busy day ahead of me. If you have any further inquiries about these graves please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can reach me at the business number for the funeral home.”
With that she turned leaving Hale behind her not noticing that the deputy did have the sense to look a little browbeaten by her comments.
She clenched her fists as Skeeter opened the door to the transport van , they usually used for body pickups, for her before he got into the driver's seat. It was obvious he was more than sure his boss was too pissed to be behind the wheel of a van.
Skeeter didn’t speak until they left the cemetery property. “Are you as innocent as you proclaim to be?”
“I could ask you the same thing?” She remarked adjusting her seatbelt around her neck , the seatbelt was always sitting too high on her body and cutting into her skin.
Skeeter let out a huff at the comment he fast to reply. “Touche.”
He spoke again, shaking his head. “Do I need to be concerned?”
“About what?” She asked, staring down at her nails making the mental note to get a manicure tomorrow she could use a refresh though she usually just had her nails trimmed and painted with gel polish. 
It was a luxury she allowed herself along with the occasional pedicure.
Skeeter sent her a small stern glance fast to respond. “You know what.”
She sighed, rolling her eyes. “I’m fine. Everything is fine.”
Skeeter let out a huff, his hands gripping down on the steering wheel. “That’s what I used to say when I helped out SAMCRO too.”
She felt her stomach drop guilt flooding her, knowing she’d essentially stolen Skeeter’s side gig right out from under him.
She spoke, keeping her voice even and collected. “Everything is fine.”
She paused, shaking her head a small smile crossing her lips though it was weak. “You don’t need to fret over me. I’m a grown woman. I don’t need some man to come along and handle all my problems."
She let out a small laugh fast to speak again. "You know, If I didn’t know better I’d assume your concern meant you were sweet on me.”
Skeeter let out a scoff at the comment, shaking his head a small smile eventually crossing his features. “You aren’t really my type…You’re a little too…”
“A ball buster, a cold hard bitch…oh, a shrew, a C You Next Tuesday with a stick permanently lodged up her ass, a domineering witch with control issues a mile long who must constantly be PMSing. A spooky bitch.” She remarked, the small smile still on her lips remaining she finding humor in poking at her associate about just what kind of reputation she had among the local male population.
Skeeter rolled his eyes quick to reply. “I value my job too much to give any confirmation.”
She chuckled, giving his arm a small pat the words that left her genuine. “And I value you too much as a friend not to be offended by any confirmation.”
Skeeter shook his head as she removed her hand, his voice once again taking a serious tone. “I don’t like you being involved with SAMCRO.”
“What’s good for the gander is good for the goose.” She replied her voice picking up a mild tone of offense over the implication that he was implying that she shouldn’t do anything he might have done. 
“I know, I’m a hypocrite for saying it…just be careful Y/N. You aren’t just my boss…I do care about you. I know just where the Sons can lead you.” Skeeter replied, his voice still holding that serious tone. She couldn’t ignore the hint of dread underneath the tone.
She sighed, shaking her head. “I know, I’m being as careful as I can be. I know SAMCRO well enough. I think we’re both aware of my history.”
Skeeter cringed knowing he’d been around during her wild streak. He’d been apprenticing under her father then. 
She spoke as she reached out, turning up the air in the car. “We both have our indiscretions, Skeet. Let’s just leave this conversation at that.”
He sighed nodding his head, his voice still so serious. “I know.”
He spoke again, shaking his head as they turned down the road heading towards main street. “I feel bad for saying it, but it's kind of a relief for me…The cash from those favors for SAMCRO, it was a little too dangerous to have in my hands.”
“How’s it going…you avoiding triggers?” She dared to ask, well aware of the man’s gambling problem.
She was always worried it would interfere with his ability to work, but he managed aside from the occasional favor he did for SAMCRO that she was all too aware of. 
“It’s going.” was the only response she received.
He glanced over at her needing to say it again. “Just be careful, okay. I don’t want you getting in over your head. Try to learn from my mistakes.”
“I won’t get in over my head. I’ve got it covered. Like I said, everything is fine.” She insisted, uncertain if she was trying to convince him or just trying to convince herself.
The news of the empty graves had spread fast and weeks later it was still buzzing around town.
Y/N as the town’s most prominent funeral director was getting sick of the unprompted questions she was being asked by her fellow residents of Charming.
She tried not to grimace as she accepted the fresh cut of skirt steak from the local meat guy at Charming’s biggest grocery store, which honestly wasn’t that big at all. 
The butcher who she was sure was named Oscar spoke looking almost giddy to get to grill her for information. “You find out who robbed those graves yet?”
“No, I’m pretty sure Lodi’s police have it covered.” She replied, trying to keep her voice level and hide any signs of irritation.
He spoke all too eager and ditzy enough to keep the questions coming. “I guess you must see a lotta sick stuff at your job though. I mean you hear the stories.”
“What stories?” She asked, widening her eyes slightly giving a false sense of innocence knowing her best course of action was to play dumb and let him maybe reflect on just how inappropriate this all was.
He shifted in place a bit, his cheeks growing dark enough that they almost matched his thinning red hair. “Uh, you know…you hear stories bout folks who wanna dig up corpses for…uh companionship.”
She cringed her stomach turning at the implication he was making. She spoke a tone of disapproval in her voice “I haven’t heard those stories in my line of work. Any reports of…that happening in the industry are greatly exaggerated.”
With that she tossed the meat into her cart turning to leave she still feeling a little queasy about the entire exchange.
She took a deep breath reminding herself that people had all sorts of wild preconceived notions about people who were attracted to her line of work.
She kept her mind focused on her grocery list. 
For once it seemed that she actually had the budget to buy more than top ramen and produce. 
The payouts from SAMCRO had helped her put money towards a few debts she’d had hanging over her head both relating to her brother’s health issues and improvements her father tried to make around the funeral home.
Her father had spent more than he’d made at one point trying to upkeep the home and now she was left picking up the tab.
Business had picked up as well. It seemed that even with the wild stories flying around about grave robberies that Charming’s residents were willing to use her services.
She’d had enough funerals lately to put some money in her bank account. There had been a car wreck with two casualties, a widow who’d died of a stroke, and most recently some teen had drowned out at a lake up near the Chigger Woods.
She felt bad knowing that people’s losses were her payouts. She knew though that this was the reality of her line of work.
When business was good, that most likely meant someone else was suffering.
She wasn't rolling in money, but she felt like she was close to breaking even. She felt comfortable enough to buy some decent groceries and she felt like she could kind of breathe. She knew she wasn't entirely financially stable, if any surprise expenses came up she might be in trouble. She wasn't fretting over money as much as she'd been though before she'd accepted the Son's payout.
SAMCRO had not come knocking for any more favors. It was something that gave her relief but troubled her.
She wasn’t exactly kicking down her door wanting to see Jax Teller or Tig Trager again, but the absence of SAMCRO after the favor she’d done for them made her feel uneasy.
No one had even shown up to address the obvious grave robberies when both she and they knew just who had done it.
She couldn’t help but to feel a little bitter knowing SAMCRO had disappeared without a trace and had left her to deal with the fallout.
She should have known better by now.
Y/N also had to admit she was missing the presence of a certain Scotsman. 
It was a strange realization to have. She barely knew the man aside from the surprisingly pleasant conversation they’d had in the cemetery that night almost a full month before.
As hard as she tried to deny it, she had to admit Filip spiked her curiosity.
She found him contradicting in a way. 
He looked rough. She’d be blind to deny it. The scars, the general unkemptness, the intense and clearly dangerous energy surrounding him…it was all parts of him that should send her running in the opposite direction.  
He’d seemed so concerned about her that night at the crematorium and the cemetery though. She had a feeling it had something more to do than any worry about her wandering the cemetery after dark. She’d picked up on the implication that he almost seemed to care about how she was coping with everything that had been asked of her. She could remember the little looks he’d sent her throughout the night especially when his brothers said something uncouth. He’d been so quick to make a show of smacking Juice for being so insensitive during the cremation. It almost seemed as though the Scot cared what she thought of him. 
Her brain kept flashing back to that conversation they’d had as she was digging a hole for those cremains. It was small talk honestly, but she’d never had small talk with someone about the beauty of the stars.
In a strange way it almost felt like he was trying to connect with her.
She felt absurd for the thought. 
A voice in the back of her head told her all men were the same; especially men in the MC.
They classified women into two groups: girls they wanted to fuck and girls who they didn’t want to fuck.
A bitter voice told her that any attention the Scottish Son had given her was more likely him hoping to charm his way into her pants and that she shouldn’t read too deeply into it.
Another little voice piped up that him getting into her pants wasn’t such a horrible thing was it?
She’d been frankly going through a dry spell for a few years now. Her bedroom was quite frigid. Usually she had to seek out a bit of self release for her frustrations. 
She had a hard time dating. Most men ran screaming when they realized what she did for a living. Her dating life consisted of men who worked in her industry. Her longest relationship had been with a fellow student during her time at mortuary school. She’d found that her partners disappointed her though. If they didn’t run screaming they just seemed like they didn’t click with her. 
The Scotsman didn’t seem to be running…though he’d not contacted her since that night in the cemetery.
Even with the radio silence lately she could remember he’d been quite flirty with her. It had felt different from Jax’s methods of flirtation. 
There was something kind of charming about the Scot. His little flirtations had seemed genuine and not just a means to get something out of her. It was so unlike the way the flirtation had always felt with Jax. 
She would be a liar if she tried to pretend that the phone conversation the Scotsman and she had about the Son’s use of the cremator that night didn’t send a thrill through her. 
It was alarming that the sound of his voice alone and a little pet name like love could pull that reaction from her. She’d tried to deny it but she did feel a certain heat spread through her under his gaze. She was almost certain her clit would throb like a broken tooth just from his gaze and voice alone, and she didn’t want to even think about those  dimples or the intensity behind his eyes.
She’d maybe noticed he had nice hands too; sort of elegant as strange as that sounded. He had long fingers and she had to admire the golden biker rings lining them. She had noticed and appreciated the fact this nails were neatly trimmed. In her opinion most guys neglected their nails. There was nothing grosser than dirty fingernails on a guy who expected to shove those fingers in more delicate areas. 
The Scotsman’s hands seemed strong and as though they understood a hard day's work. She had to imagine the roughness of his hands might feel incredible against her soft skin. 
She found herself distinctly remembering a roommate she’d had for a short while when she’d first moved to New York. The girl had praised the wonders of older men in the bedroom.
She’d remarked that Y/N’s disappointment in the bedroom stemmed from the fact that she was relying on boys to do something a man could do a hell of a lot better.
Y/N had hated to admit it but the comment did seem likely. She’d lost track of the times she’d laid in bed after a sexual encounter and found she’d not reached her end, but her partner had definitely got there all too quickly. It was made worse by the fact that she’d had to fake it so as not to bruise the poor guy’s egos.
She’d not had many partners back in New York, but the few she’d had had been a let down.
A voice claimed that the Scottish Son would not let her down in bed. Filip seemed old enough to have figured out how to please a woman by now.
She groaned, tossing a jar of peanut butter into her cart as she neared the check out lane. She did not need to be going down this road.
She once again mentally scolded herself that Filip was not getting anywhere near her bed nor any other surface for that matter.
She’d outgrown the desire to spread her legs for bad boys on Harleys. 
She ignored that obnoxious voice that piped up that Filip was no boy.
Y/N began to drop her items on the conveyor belt at the check out probably a little too harshly but she was tired and annoyed both from questions from seemingly everyone about grave robberies and her own mental dilemma about her feelings towards a certain Scottish Son.
She felt her stomach turn as she heard a voice behind her. “Y/N?”
She turned trying to seem as though she wasn’t ready to have a nervous breakdown as her gaze met the gaze of Dr. Tara Knowles.
She spoke her voice tight hoping the good doctor would read her expression as general sleepiness from errands. “Tara.”
“How are you?” the woman replied clearly happy to catch up.
Y/N cleared her throat placing a bag of spinach on the belt. “I’m well, just busy lately, tired, and you?”
“Same. Though I can’t imagine how stressed you probably are. I don’t blame you for being tired. Don’t worry, I’m not going to ask about the graves…I imagine you’ve been asked enough.” Tara replied the comment soothing Y/N slightly.
She shifted in place as she watched the cashier scan her items, the older woman moving at a snail's pace. 
Y/N wasn’t entirely sure if Tara knew about her history with Jax Teller. Tara had been long gone and had left Charming by the time Y/N had begun hanging around SAMCRO.
Y/N was all too aware of the hole Tara had left behind in Jax Teller though.
Y/N had easily realized she had at times operated as a place for Jax to fill that void if only for a short moment. It had become clear from the very few encounters he’d had with her that she wasn’t the woman he wanted underneath him.
Y/N had been upset about it at the time not because she had held any romantic notions for the Prince of SAMCRO, but because she’d allowed herself to be used in that way.
It was one of the many reasons Y/N had pulled from that world.
She almost found it strangely amusing that two women who had both run away from SAMCRO were standing side by side. Two women who were similar in more ways than they realized.
Tara spoke, nodding her head. “I’m sorry to hear about your father. It seems like you’ve got the home running though?”
“I have…I’m sorry about your father as well.” Y/N remarked, still having to admit she wasn’t entirely accustomed to the showings of sympathy when it came to her late father.
The funeral had felt surreal and she’d barely registered the words of the mourners who’d shown their respects.
A small part of her had to wonder if Tara had felt the same about her own father. She almost wanted to ask, but the question felt far too sensitive for old acquaintances. 
Tara had been around back then of course, hanging out with Y/N’s brother and Jax and Opie.
Y/N had been younger though, not entirely prone to tagging along with the older kids.
Tara cleared her throat as she responded Y/N placing the divider down between their groceries. “Thank you. It’s strange being back here…it’s like some things are exactly how I left them. I’m sure you know the feeling. I mean, you’re back as well.”
“I am…it does feel like some things about this place exist in a vacuum…things outside change but everything within remains.” Y/N replied having to admit she felt the same in more ways than Tara realized.
Tara cleared her throat again as she spoke, placing her own groceries down on the belt. “I don’t suppose you heard about Jax?”
She raised an eyebrow, paranoia running through her. Why was Tara asking her about the Sons?
Tara spoke again, shaking her head. “I mean, I know you probably haven��t seen him in years…I know Danny was close to us all…before the accident.” 
Y/N glared down at the pears as they passed by her on the conveyor belt, the mention of her brother and who he’d been before the accident making her feel terrible. “I know.”
Tara spoke again, smart enough to realize she’d struck a nerve. She seemed eager to get on with it and make sure Y/N knew this wasn’t some way to bring up her brother and make her feel awful. “Uh, Jax is a dad now.”
Y/N widened her eyes at the news, it hitting her like a brick to the head. She never would have suspected. She sighed, shaking her head. “Didn’t even know he got anyone pregnant.”
“His ex wife…she’s in bad shape. It’s not my place to share it, but the baby…Abel, he’s premature. I’ve been taking care of him up at Saint Thomas.” Tara shared she resisted the urge to go into too much detail.
Tara certainly wasn’t going to explain Wendy’s medical history nor the antagonism from Gemma Teller Morrow.
Y/N furrowed her brow at the information. It seemed that things in Charming hadn’t stayed as in a vacuum as Tara and she had been discussing. 
She felt a chill run down her spine at the mention of Abel Teller. Her line of work meant she’d taken care of a few premature infants who didn’t make it.
It was a depressing reality about her profession; children died.
She had proven to be quite proficient in dealing with infant and child mortalities. It was something the funeral director she’d apprenticeshiped under in New York had praised her for.
Y/N was capable of providing a nurturing environment to mourn for parents and keeping her wits about her enough to get the job done.
Everyone had a talent. Y/N kind of hated that one of her talents consisted of comforting and tending to bereaved parents and their dead kids.
She spoke hoping and praying that she wouldn’t be attending to Abel Teller. “How is he?...the baby?”
“It was hit and miss at first. Only time will tell.” Tara replied she biting her tongue, resisting to spill her heart to Y/N about everything she was feeling.
She had a feeling it was mostly due to the fact that Y/N was also returning to her hometown after the death of a parent. 
Tara had a feeling that Y/N might be able to relate on that issue, even if Y/N’s issue didn’t exactly also include SAMCRO and a history with it.
Y/N cleared her throat as her final item was scanned and it was time to pay. “I hope for his sake that time will do him well. I hope my services won’t be needed.”
Tara felt a chill run down her spine at the comment. She was suddenly reminded that Y/N, as sweet as she looked, could be intense. She guessed it made sense though. Y/N was casual about death as Tara was about surgical procedures.
Y/N sighed as she began to roll her cart away from the register. “I’ll see you around Tara.”
Y/N didn’t wait for a reply, her mind feeling thick and exhaustion peaking up in the deepest parts of her soul.
She just wanted to go home and take a long bath, maybe have some wine.
Little did she know though fate had a different plan.
The Acura started sputtering not long after she left the grocery store. She groaned knowing that this wasn’t an entirely new development.
Given her debts, she had maybe put off car maintenance. She knew it was foolish. She saw the deadly results of poorly maintained vehicles thanks to her job.
It was easier to preach automotive safety when you weren’t broke though.
She grimaced as the car drug it was obvious it wouldn’t make the trip home, and even if it did it wouldn’t make any other trips.
She sighed knowing there was only one automotive shop close enough for her car to make it.
She cringed as she pulled the sputtering vehicle into the lot of TM Auto. She tried to ignore the fact that the automotive lot was located on the same lot as the Sons clubhouse.
It was a place she’d spent far too much time engaging in debauchery almost a decade before. She was too close for comfort to a piece of her past.
Chibs Telford noticed the familiar Acura drag its way into the lot. He moved a little too quickly to approach it.
He felt a giddy sense of excitement hit him at the realization that he’d be seeing Charming’s local funeral director quite soon.
He’d not forgotten his silent pledge to solve the puzzle that was Y/N. It was just that shit with the club had gotten so hectic that he’d not had the time to properly devote to his goals.
He’d debated using the number he’d saved in his flip phone to give her a call, but he’d feared how that interaction would go. Besides what would he say?
He’d been debating his next move while trying to keep his mind focused on the rebuild of the warehouse, issues with the supply of guns from the IRA, and other numerous issues that had landed on SAMCRO’s feet.
He’d be lying if he tried to pretend that she hadn’t been on the back of his mind constantly for almost a month now. He’d even maybe picked up the habit of reading the obituaries in the local paper that was always delivered to TM Auto trying to pretend that he wasn’t searching for the name of her business. 
He felt like a man obsessed and knew this action was a sign of his infatuation. He didn’t want to get shit from his brothers about the fact that he’d taken such a liking to their new funeral home connection. 
It seemed that fate was throwing him a bone by placing the very woman he’d been thinking about right on his path.
He approached her car, opening the driver's side door, he hoping he sounded as charming as he was attempting to. “Lass, long time no see.”
She peered at him through a pair of oversized sun shades almost tempted to point out that he and his brothers had left her high and dry to deal with their little grave robbing antics.
She held it in though reminding herself she needed these idiots to fix her clearly dying car. “I’m having car trouble.”
She tried not to eye the name embroidered into the work shirt he was wearing: Chibs. So, she guessed not everyone called him Filip. 
“Aye, when’s the las’ time ya took it in?” He asked not shying away from jumping into assisting her.
She shrugged her shoulders making a small joke, finding it easier to use humor to deflect how unhappy she was to be back in her old stomping grounds. “You’re supposed to maintain it? I’ve just been putting a post it over the pretty lights on my dash. I find them distracting.”
He rolled his eyes not showing that he found the snark kind of endearing. “I’m guessin’ it’s been a while then.”
She shrugged a sigh leaving her. “The oil has been leaking, but I’ve not had the time to do anything about it.”
She left out the last part of her statement or the funds.
“Aye could be yer head gasket that’s causin’ the oil leaks. The sputterin could be anything from the exhaust system to the spark plugs.” Chibs replied not missing the grimace on her features.
She ran a hand through her hair, a sigh leaving her. All she heard was bills bills bills, more debt to throw into the pot.
He spoke nodding his head. “It’s nothin’ I can’t fix though…might be costly and take some time.”
She cringed, rolling her eyes speaking more to herself than to him. “Great another bill…At least I have the old hearse to get around town. It’s retired from using in the business but my father couldn’t part from it. I guess his packrat tendencies for funeral equipment saved me at least transportation wise.”
“Aye, good thing we gave ya that payout though…should help with the bill.” Chibs remarked not missing the comment about the hearse or her father’s habit of hoarding funeral equipment the information both fascinating and a little worrisome.
She let out a scoff, turning her gaze towards him for only a moment before she stared down at her nails. “I had to invest every last penny of those lovely payouts in my debts. I can probably manage a bill from my legit earnings from work, but if it gets too expensive I might be fucked.”
She sighed not liking the slight hint of pity in his gaze. She spoke once again partially talking to herself working her anxieties out outloud. “I may have to let the stupid car go. I mean people around town already treat me like a pariah…in the most polite, condescending way possible…I may as well just drive a damn hearse in my day to day life. I might as well become a walking talking stereotype of a mortician. Who knows how long the old hearse will last though. I might wind up back here with another ruined car.” 
Chibs spoke the words leaving him before he had a chance to stop them. “As far as payment goes…I’m sure we could figure out an arrangement fer a lower bill.”
She frowned another scoff leaving her as she spoke her voice low though she knew the few people within their earshot weren’t paying them any mind. “I’m assuming by arrangement, you mean the next favor I do is on the house.”
Chibs cringed admitting the idea had crossed his mind. He was sure Clay would be delighted to have Y/N owing a favor on the house. Clay would be proud if Chibs came up with a way to get a favor from SAMCRO’s newest asset in exchange for car repairs. 
Chibs hated the concept though, it seemed kind of like a dick move. Chibs was no stranger to dick moves, but he wasn’t exactly fond of the idea of using Y/N’s car as a way to coax her into doing another favor for free.
He spoke, pulling a cigarette from the pocket of his work shirt, a sudden idea entering his mind. He had to hope she wouldn’t slap him for presenting it. “Ya could have a date with me. Tha’ coul’ be the arrangement.” 
She glared up at him, interpreting the offer completely the wrong way. Her voice rose as she began to chastise him. “I don’t know what Jackson or any of your buddies told you about me, but I am not a club whore, buddy. I am not the kind of girl who spreads her legs in the clubhouse dorm. Fuck you, if you even think I’m sleeping with you in exchange for car work. You can shove that arrangement right up your Scottish ass.”
He stepped back having to admit he was equally mortified, amused, and even a little turned on by her reaction. 
He held his hands up in defeat as he cleared up his statement. “I don’ mean a date like that lass. I mean…I wouldn’t turn ya down fer the offer ta sleep with me…I aint askin fer ya in my bed in exchange for autowork though. I may be a prick, but I ain’ that big of a prick.”
He paused, relieved to see that her claws seemed to be retracting. He spoke nodding over at the car. “I’m jus askin fer a chance to take a pretty lass out fer dinner and me fixin her car is jus a bonus.”
She sighed, shaking her head. “Doesn’t make me feel any less like I’m prostituting myself for car repairs.”
He spoke, shaking his head, his hand daring to reach out and caress her arm relieved that she didn’t yank from his touch. “Ya ain’ if it makes ya feel better ya can pay a reduced bill, if it bein' free makes ya feel like shite then I’ll take payment as well as a date.”
She sighed, tempted to once again tell him to shove it up his Scottish ass though a voice in the back of her head perked up that it was a nice backside. 
She ignored the warning bells and harsh voice in the back of her mind telling her this was a bad idea. She ignored the voice that told her a date with Chibs would mean she was right back to being the club hangaround.
She stared up at him trying to read if he was absolutely full of shit or not. She had a feeling he was, but not in this instance at least. 
What could one date hurt? 
“Fine, it's a date. You call me with the plans. You can reach me at my business number.”
He smirked quick to speak. “I already got yer personal cell number love, ya do member our talk awhile back.” 
She rolled her eyes wanting to snap that of course she remembered. She was tempted to scold him for saving her number behind her back. She wanted to scold him for a lot of things, some things that weren’t technically even his fault.
She resisted the urge, resigning herself to her fate. The sooner she agreed to this hairbrained date idea the sooner she could go home and take that bath she wanted. “Okay, now can I get someone to give me a ride home…preferably someone with a car…I have groceries in the back of mine that are spoiling as I stand here listening to your nonsense.”
He smirked having to like that she once again had to find a way to give him grief. He found it less annoying and more delightful. It had been a long time since a woman had given him so much crap and he’d genuinely found it appealing.
“Aye, Gemma’ll give ya a ride. Jus’ head into the office let er know yer here with a wrecked car and ya need a ride.” He replied,  a joyful feeling settling over him. He had a date with Charming’s resident funeral director.
She cringed at the order not looking forward to coming face to face with the Queen of SAMCRO.
She grabbed her purse from her car refusing to glance back at Chibs even as he spoke that flirty tone clear in his voice. “I’ll call ya tonigh’ with those dinner plans lass.”
She let out a huff wondering how she got herself into these messes lately. Why did SAMCRO insist on making her life more complicated than it needed to be? 
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Sitting on one of the bar stools in the clubhouse, a bag of ice resting on her hand, Emily was crimson red with embarrassment. "I'm Sorry, this is not how i expected things to go. I seriously just wanted to sign the paperwork and go." Jax smiled at her panicked expression. "Its fine Darlin'. Its his own fault for not getting the hint." Tig chose that moment to pipe up. "Did you mean it tho? About fucking every man that dont have an old lady. Cuz if you did, I'm first yeah?" Emily started to laugh and immediately Jax knew he loved the sound. "Sure, Why not!" She was glad no one was pissed at her for causing trouble. "Ignore him, he's a pervert." Jax rolled his eyes as Tig glared at him, but before anyone else could say anything the clubhouse door was slammed open. Emily watched as a young blonde woman with hardly any clothes came storming in. "Im guessing your Emily?" She questioned with all the attitude she could muster. Not even moving from the bar stool, Emily nodded at the girl. She was completely confused. She'd never laid eyes on this woman before and there was clearly an issue. "You've just broke my old mans nose! How fucking dare you!" The woman screeched. Emily's eyes widened in shock, but laughter came tumbling out of her mouth before she could stop it. "Oh my god. Your the whore with the lace panties!" Turning to Jax, Emily raised both hands up and giggled. "Mystery Solved!" Turning back to the very angry blonde. "Hate to break it to you sweetie, but if your expecting prince charming you are sorely sorely mistaken. Dont expect good sex, he's shit in bed. But im guessing since your already so uptight and moody you already know that. Also You'll have to have his dinner on the table when he's home, he wont eat it but he wants it there, even just to throw it away. Dont expect gifts on your birthday or even your anniversary. Oh and Dates? No youll never get them, unless you pay the bill. 6 years i was with thats asshole and hes never brought me so much as a drink!" Emily laughed again at the shock on the womans face. "And just so you know. That amazing bike he no doubt rode you around on? I paid for it sweetie!" Emily picked her drink up from the bar and took a sip. "So good luck, your welcome to the absolute waste of a man." The woman was clearly lost for words as she stomped back out of the clubhouse without another word or a backwards glance. "Was that mean?" She asked Jax and Tig. Jax shook his head. "No, i dont think so." He smirked at her. And even in her angry scorned state she couldnt help but think how fucking sexy he was.
"JAX!" The man she now knew was called Chibs, shouted. His voice echoed through the clubhouse. Worriedly all three of them made their way outside, just in time to see a police car drive in and David Hale exit. Jax groaned in frustration. Fuck. This was the last thing the club needed. Expecially since they have 6 oil barrells in the garage, each full of a dozen unassembled AK-47'S. Stepping in front of Jax, she pulled her hair out of her messy bun, took off her button up and shifted her breasts in her bra to extenuate her cleavage."Leave it with me." She hissed at him and made her way over to the deputy swaying her hips a little more than necessary, Gemma quickly following behind her. "Hey David, Hows it going?" She spoke softly leaning against the police car. "Hey Emily. Had a call about a fight. Just came to check it out." He eye'd the club who were stood watching the scene unfold. "Yeah sorry that was my fault." Raising her bruised knuckles and pouting. "Bit of a domestic, but everything's fine now. Noah's at St Thomas if you want to take a statement. I punched him, broke his nose i think. I accept all charges. This isnt anything to do with SAMCRO. Its me you need to talk to." David looked to Gemma, "That true?" He questioned. Gemma raised her eyebrows. "You heard her." The look of frustration on David's Face made Emily want to laugh but she held it back. "Do you need a ride home? I dont think you should stay here with them. There not good people Emily." A Scowl settled on her face at his comment. "I can look after myself, Thank you David. Think Jax might take me home, ill take a harley over a cop car anyday." David went bright red at the comment. Clearing his throat, he nodded and got in his car. She blew him a kiss and a wave as he drove out of Teller Morrow. Gemma eyed the young girl as she put her bright hair back up in a messy bun. She was trouble alright. "What the fuck was that?" Gemma questioned as the rest of the club made their way over. "What? i had to help since i caused the trouble. You want him looking for an excuse to search the clubhouse. Do you think im completely stupid to the shit you guys do? David Hale has had a thing for me since the day i moved to Charming. I was using what i know to get him to fuck off. It worked didnt it?" Emily Snapped. It had been a long day and so much shit has happened she didnt have the mental capacity for another argument. "Listen Mamma Bear can i just sign this fucking paperwork? I've been here almost all day." Gemma couldnt help the smirk that settled on her face.
She liked this girl.
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writingplotbunnies · 7 months
Best Served Cold (Part 2/?)
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Pairing: Jax Teller x OFC
Summary: Sophie begins her first day at the station, but a flat tire has her running late.
Word Count: ~2400
Warnings: angst, illegal activity, possessive behavior, sexual content, canon typical violence
A/N: This is my first SOA fic, so let me know what you think. This will be a multipart fic, so let me know if you want added to the taglist.
Driving over the uneven hard packed road just outside Lodi made Sofie realize she’d forgotten to take into consideration the simple fact that her beloved Charger didn’t have the same clearance as the Humvees she’d spent a lot of her time driving. The location of Sophie’s sniper nest was difficult to find, and uninviting to curious bypassers. As she felt the shocks in her car work extra hard, she realized she might need to increase the budget for car repairs. More of those small details in her plan coming back to bite her. Nothing about this mission was familiar. Depending on an unknown supply source for hardware, knowing she had zero backup when things went pear-shaped - and no matter what, things always went pear-shaped - having a personal target - changed everything.  
She knew it would be a bad idea to go out to her place before beginning her first day at the station, but she couldn’t think straight when it came to this. It wasn’t as though she needed the reminder. The photos taped to the wall of the shed felt redundant because she’d never forget the way her sister’s face looked, the bruising, the blood. What haunted her dreams was the vacant, empty look on her face, the way her eyes clearly told everyone she’d allowed herself to escape somewhere else in her mind, protected herself from the horrors she’d experienced by retreating so far into herself that nothing and no one could reach her. 
Maybe it was penance. A way of punishing herself for not being able to protect her. No matter how many times she’d heard people tell her it wasn’t her fault. She couldn't have known. She wasn’t even in the country. All true. And yet. Olivia was her sister, her best friend, her biggest supporter. Now she was a memory. A ghost who smiled sadly down at her because Sophie knew Olivia wouldn’t approve. She’d demand Sophie move on, grieve and forgive. She frowned. Sophie no longer felt capable of forgiveness. About a mile outside Charming, the car pulling to the left shook her back to the present. Pulling over, Sophie took a deep breath before getting out of her car to check the damage. 
She saw the silver of a screw or a nail lodged in her tire. It wasn’t entirely flat, and she just hoped it would get her into town. Showing up to work on her first day wasn’t the impression she wanted to make, but clearly the universe decided to do her exactly zero favors. 
Pulling her phone from her pocket, Sophie called the station. 
“Charming Police Department.”
“Hi, this is Sophie Cooper. Is Deputy Hale available?” 
She waited for the phone to connect, and glared at the tire as though it was the inanimate object’s fault she was in this situation. 
“Sophie, how are you?” 
“A bit embarrassed. I ran an errand early this morning, and on my way back into town, I got a flat tire. It’s not totally flat yet, but it will be by the time I get into town. I wanted to let you know I’d be late, and also ask if you knew of a garage in town?” 
She could hear David let out a deep breath and cursed. 
“I know, I’m sorry. This isn’t the way I saw my first day going.” 
“No, Sophie, I’m sorry, that’s not - there is a garage in town. It’s Teller-Morrow, but it’s owned by the local MC.”
Sophie smiled; maybe she’d get to see Jax again. “Oh, I met one of them outside the diner yesterday. His name was Jax, right? If they can fix my car, I don’t really care what they do on their off hours. Unless it’s a chop shop or something. I do want my car back with all its parts.”
It wasn’t the best joke she’d ever said, but she heard amusement in David’s voice when he responded. 
“No, nothing like that. I just know you’re new in town, and SAMCRO has a way of sucking people in.”
“I just need them to fix my tire.” 
“Of course.”
She wrote the address he gave her on the palm of her hand. “Thanks, Deputy.” 
“David, please. Small town, Sophie.”
“Force of habit. Just be happy I didn’t call you ‘sir’, David.” 
He laughed. “I’ll see you later. Let me know if you need a ride into the station once they’ve looked at your car.”
“See you soon, David.” 
She kept the speed slow as she crawled into Charming, trying to salvage as much of the tire as she could, hoping they could patch it. Thankfully, David gave her excellent directions and she saw Teller-Morrow on the left. Pulling into the lot, she saw a long row of Harleys lined up along the far side, closest to the garage. 
Climbing out of the car, she glanced around. She understood why David wouldn’t want someone new to town, someone working at the station coming to the shop unless they had to. In addition to being an auto shop, it was clearly the MC’s clubhouse. No business in a town the size of Charming needed the tall retractable fences, the barbed wire - the cameras. Anyone with a setup like this knew they had something to hide. 
A woman came out of the office. She walked sure in the knowledge that she ruled everything. Sophie admired her instantly. 
“Can I help you, sweetheart?” 
“Yeah, ran over something sharp coming into town, and now I’ve got a flat tire.” 
The woman walked up to her car, rounded the front and looked down at her tire. Sophie wanted to roll her eyes a bit. As though she’d lie about something like that? 
“I’ve not seen you around. You new to town or just passing through?”
Sophie looked up, met her gaze. “Yeah, just moved here. I’m Sophie Cooper.” 
“Gemma,” she said. “My husband owns the shop.” 
“Nice to meet you, Gemma.” 
Instead of answering, the woman straightened up, placed her hand on her hip and moved her eyes up and down Sophie’s body in a way that reminded her of inspections during boot camp. Her stance stated clearly that she’d have preferred if Sophie were in fact just driving through. As she’d expected, not everyone in Charming took kindly to having new, unknown, people moving in next door. 
“Hey darlin’.”  
Turning towards the voice, she saw Jax swaggering across the lot, wiping his hands on a rag he tucked into his back pocket. Grease was a good look on him. Sophie figured anything would look good on him. Or nothing. He offered her a thousand-megawatt smile as he came to stand next to her.
“Thought I was supposed to see you at the station.” 
“Something tells me you’ll still have that opportunity.” 
His answering grin was cheeky. “You know it.” 
“You two know each other?” Gemma asked. 
“Met her yesterday outside Lumpy’s. She was talking to Hale about her new job at the station.” 
Gemma’s eyes widened, eyebrows to her hairline. “You a cop?”
Sophie smiled. Seemed as though she’d met the gatekeeper. No one got to a member of the MC without the queen’s permission. If she had to guess, her husband - the owner of the shop - was the MCs president. 
“Me? No, never had much use for them, but they needed a receptionist. Not a lot of job opportunities in a small, close-knit community like Charming. Girl’s gotta eat.” 
Gemma’s lips pursed as she nodded her head slowly. Her eyes lingered on Sophie a moment too long to be friendly before her gaze cut to Jax. 
“Get her fixed up. Friends and family discount.” 
“Yeah, no problem.” 
“I’ll see you around, Sophie.” 
Sophie nodded. “I’m sure you will. Great meeting you, Gemma.” 
Her answering grin wasn’t exactly friendly, but it wasn’t hostile, so Sophie figured it was a step in the right direction. She and Jax watched Gemma walk back to the office before turning to look back at her car. 
Sophie watched Jax walk slowly around her car, saw the way his tongue poked out wetting his bottom lip. She followed him partway, stopping by the passenger door. Resting her hip against the front fender, she watched Jax admire her car, a smile tucked into the corner of her mouth. 
“Nice cage.”
“I know,” she grinned. The Charger was her baby. The closest thing to a home she’d had since she’d been a kid. No matter where life took her, she knew the car would be there. She’d invested a lot of time and money into fixing it up, and maintaining it. She was no mechanic, not when it came to cars. But, she knew what she wanted, and was willing to pay to get the work done right. 
“Other than the flat tire, she’s a dream. Think you can fix it up?” 
Jax walked around the front of the car, fingers trailing along the hood. He moved in close to her, rested his hip next to hers on the fender. It’d been a while since a man had looked at her with the same heat she saw in Jax’s eyes. Of course, she knew he probably looked at everything in a skirt with that same smolder, but damn if she didn’t enjoy it. What girl didn’t enjoy being the recipient of undivided attention?  
“Yeah, I’ll get one of the guys to have a look at it. Probably be able to have it back to you later today.” 
Sophie nodded. “Know where I can rent a car?” 
Jax’s cocked an eyebrow. “Somewhere you gotta be?” 
She laughed. “Yeah, it’s my first day at the station. Off to a great start, aren’t I?” 
Jax shoved his hands into his front pockets, rolled his shoulders forward, and leaned into her space a bit more. “Need a ride?” 
That look in his eye - she knew exactly what he meant, what he was offering. Laroy had expressed interest in her, but this was different. Jax looked at her as though she already belonged to him, as though he had the right to claim her - as though he already had. Her mouth felt parched, her lips parted to say…something, but all she could do was stare at him with her mouth hanging open like an idiot. She could hear her father joking about her catching flies. 
“What’s the hold-up, Jackie Boy?” 
The Scottish brogue startled her from the staring match she’d entered into, and had been quickly losing. Pulling back from Jax, she caught sight of a middle-aged man walking towards them. 
“Tire’s fucked,” Jax said. “Get Sack to fix it up for her.” 
“Aren’t you gonna introduce me to your new lady friend?” 
Jax rolled his eyes, but pointed at Sophie. 
“Chibs, this is Sophie, she’s new to Charming.” 
He came closer and held his hand out. Sophie took note of the distinctive scars on his face, but didn’t make any noticeable reaction to them - at least, she hoped she hadn’t. She’d seen, and caused, a fair number of scars in her life. If anything, his demonstrated a fierceness she could respect. 
Stepping away from the car, she took his hand in hers and offered him a smile that made Jax stiffen beside her. 
“Hi, I’m Sophie.” 
Chibs brought her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to the back of it. “Pleasure to meet you, lassie.” 
“Alright, you bastard,” Jax said, knocking Chib’s hand away from Sophie’s. “Don’t you have cars to fix?” 
She could feel the heat of Jax’s body behind her, felt his hand curve around her hip. Chibs winked at her before over her shoulder at Jax. “Right, back to it then. See you around, love.” 
Jax stepped around her, and she noticed the way Jax’s eyes watched Chibs walk all the way back to the garage. Noted the way he’d angled his body just enough to block her from full view. Glancing up, she saw Gemma standing in the office doorframe, arms crossed, hip leaning against the jam. From this distance, she couldn’t see the expression on her face.
“Come on,” Jax said as turned back to her, slinging his arm low across her back, fingers wrapping around her waist and pulling her closer to him. “Let’s get you to work. Can’t have you getting fired on your first day.” 
Sophie nodded. She allowed Jax to lead her over to the bikes. Noticed that his Dyna parked second in the lineup, and while her interactions with MCs had been comparatively limited, she knew enough to realize that this blond-haired flirt was likely the prince of the castle. Her suspicions were confirmed when he pulled a leather kutte on, and the words “Vice President” stood proudly above the chest pocket. Filing that bit of information away for later, she took the helmet he held out to her and swung on behind him. 
“Ever ridden before?”
Sophie threw her leg over, wrapped her arms around him, slid herself closer to his back and brought her lips to his ear. “Once or twice.” 
His hand squeezed her thigh as he let out a low chuckle. “Hold on tight, darlin’.” 
She did as he asked. Memories of happier times flooded her mind as they drove through the streets of Charming. On the occasions she’d been stateside long enough to come to visit Olivia, she’d enjoyed riding behind whoever Michael trusted enough to have her ride with. He’d shoot her a sly grin and tell her he didn’t trust any of the horny bastards. And, while they had in fact been a bunch of horny bastards, none dared treat her with anything other than respect. Sure, they flirted and teased, but none of them crossed the invisible line that had been drawn. 
Jax squeezing her thigh pulled her from her thoughts. Blinking, she realized they had stopped in the station parking lot. She blushed as she noticed Jax staring at her with a slight furrow between his brows. Without thinking, she brought her hand up and gently smoothed the skin between his eyes. He smiled up at her. 
“Everything okay?” 
She nodded. Slipping from the back of the bike, she unhooked the helmet and passed it back to him. She watched him buckle it under his chin before revving the engine.
“Give me your phone.” 
He held his hand out. Tilting her head, she stared at him. He moved his fingers in a “come on” motion. Rolling her eyes, she placed her phone in his hand. She watched him type in his number before passing the phone back to her.
“Call me when your shift is done. I’ll come pick you up. Bring you back to TM so you can pick up your car.” 
“Thanks, Jax.”
Part 3
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madsworld15 · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @lostcol
How many works do you have on ao3? 70
What's your total ao3 word count? 704,657
What fandoms do you write for? Mostly Queer as Folk, Schitt's Creek, and Teen Wolf. In the past, I have written for Shameless, Good Omens, Our Flag Means Death, Dead Poets Society, and Maze Runner.
Top five fics by kudos: I Can Be Your Hero (Teen Wolf, Sterek), To Me, You Are Perfect (Teen Wolf, Sterek), Mend My Heart (Teen Wolf, Sterek), Trying To Make Sense Out Of This Confusion (Schitt's Creek, David/Patrick), and Mother Knows Best (Schitt's Creek, David/Patrick)
Do you respond to comments? I try my best to reply to every comment I receive, but sometimes, it can be overwhelming, so it takes me a few months to get back.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? If we are going back to my fanfiction dot net days, there is a fic I wrote there that was post-major character death within the As The World Turns fandom. That fic, Never Alone, was about Noah dealing with the death of Luke.
However, on AO3, the fic with the angstiest ending has to be my David/Patrick, Schitt's Creek fic, where Patrick is diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. It doesn't have a happy ending due to the nature of the disease. (Weep Not For the Memories)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? For the most part, my fics are angst with a happy ending, but I think the one with the biggest payoff is actually a tie between two different fandoms. The first that comes to mind is Everything That I Am, which is David/Patrick from Schitt's Creek and covers both of them recovering from a major car accident. The other is On The Page of History, which is Sterek from Teen Wolf and covers Stiles being a teacher at a school experiencing a school shooting, and Derek is a deputy on call to respond.
Do you get hate on fics? Yes. When I wrote Patrick Brewer as asexual for a few fics, fans in a certain social media group were extremely nasty toward me and then stalked me to other platforms to continue their vitriol. It broke my inspiration to write any kind of fan fiction for a while.
Do you write smut? No. I don't even try. I usually do fade to black/illusions.
Craziest crossover: Going back to my fanfiction dot net days, I did a crossover where a gay character from As The World Turns (Luke Snyder) and a gay character from Days of Our Lives (Will Horton) ended up at the same bar one night and got drunk together. It was called A Night They Won't Remember.
For AO3, my craziest one was one where I had Thomas from Maze Runner and Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf run into each other on the beach. Seeing Double was just me poking fun at two roles by the same actor.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but I would love for that to happen someday.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? YES! My best friend, Karyn, and I met through a Teen Wolf convention almost a decade ago. We then decided to write a fic together where the POV changed from chapter to chapter. It was called Objects in the rear view mirror (May appear closer than they are) and centered on Sterek as parents of twin boys. It was unfortunately never finished because of medical issues on her part, but maybe someday we will go back to it.
All time favorite ship? If you look at AO3 it would seem the answer is David/Patrick from Schitt's Creek. And while I do love them, my favorite of all time is actually a tie between Sterek (Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale, Teen Wolf) and Britin (Brian Kinney/Justin Taylor, Queer as Folk).
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Right before I received a lot of hate within the Schitt's Creek fandom, I started a fic called Every Thunder That Came Was One More I Might Not Get Through. It centered on Patrick being an adopted child with past abuse trauma and David being a young man who witnessed a death in his early 20s. Both meet online and strike up a bond, only to find out that they are actually in the same therapy group IRL. Unfortunately, I only got through the introductory/story-building chapters before I lost all inspiration for Schitt's Creek fics.
What are your writing strengths? Introspection and dialogue are pretty evenly matched. Most of my fics are heavy on one or the other or a combo of both.
What are your writing weaknesses? Smut/Sex. I don't write it because every time I've tried, it comes out sounding extremely cheesy.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I have used a line or two in different languages (I once wrote a Days of Our Lives, WilSon fic set in Italy), but I always make sure to have the translations in the notes at the end of each installment/fic.
First fandom you wrote in? The first fandom I wrote in was As The World Turns (Luke/Noah or Nuke)
Favorite fic you've written? I can't decide just one, so I will tell you my favorite one I've written from my biggest fandoms.
Queer As Folk: There's Beauty When It's Bleak
Schitt's Creek: Trying To Make Sense Out Of This Confusion, which is linked above, so instead, I'll pick my next favorite, Waves Crash With Anxiety.
Teen Wolf: Return to Beacon Hills
Shameless: Inquiring Minds
Tagging: @winderlylandchime @thotpuppy @vulcanscully and any other writers who see this and want to do it!
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 months
Scream 4 (2011)
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Hearing the name, Scream 4 makes you wonder how many times these sorts of events can happen to the same group of people. That's understandable, but this series is about more than just the characters; it’s a commentary on the horror genre. In 2011, several new trends proved themselves ripe for commentary and satire. After the disappointing third film in 2000, this is a much-appreciated return.
Following in the footsteps of fellow survivor Gale Weathers (Courteney Cox), Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell) is capitalizing on the Woodsboro murders by publishing a book. The moment her book tour bring her home, a new killer emerges. This time, “Ghostface” (voiced by Roger L. Jackson) is savvy to the current rules of horror, meaning that the previously "untouchable" Sidney, Gale, and Dewey (David Arquette) are now potential victims.
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Scream 4 begins with an out-there view of the “Stab” franchise, the films-within-the-film that are based on the Woodsboro murders and have devolved into a generic slasher series that includes time travel, attempts to be meta, roles that were recast, productions that went ahead despite the director being a serial killer, and more choices that smell of desperation. It felt like that's where Scream 3 left us. This is why Scream 4 is both a continuation and a potential jumping-on point. Since the year 2000, movies have gotten nastier with the likes of the gore-heavy Saw and Hostel series. These original films are sandwiched between endless remakes - Writer Kevin Williamson cleverly names a dozen of them in a tense scene toward the end. He makes fun of the films he mentions by pointing out the mechanisms that make them work, but then goes the extra mile by showing us how to do it well. It helps that the familiar story beats are shrouded by the mystery: who is behind the mask, and why are they brutally murdering these people?
This fourth chapter works because of the characters. Unlike so many slasher films, we actually care about the protagonists. We like Gale and Dewey. We want them to remain together as a happy couple. We know Sidney is tough and want to see her continue to grow. The same applies to the new cast introduced. Sidney’s cousin, Jill Roberts (Emma Roberts) is a lot like our main heroine; she’s just an ordinary girl who is suddenly thrust into this horrifying ordeal because of happenstance. Charlie Walker and Robbie Mercer (Rory Culkin and Erik Knudsen) are great substitutes for the movie-obsessed Randy (who died in the second film). I’m a big fan of Kirby Reed (Hayden Panettiere), Jill’s best friend who also loves movies, and Deputy Judy Hicks (Marley Shelton), who has a not-too-subtle crush on Sheriff Dewey. Williamson said one of his main objectives was to differentiate this movie from the likes of the Saw franchise, whose audiences only care about how quickly everyone can be turned to red goo. Mission accomplished. Partially because of the actresses (among those already named, Anna Paquin, Kristen Bell, Lucy Hale and Shenae Grimes all have small roles that show off their charisma), and because we get enough time with these people to see them as real people, people you might even be friends with.
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If there’s a mystery killer, there’s got to be a twist ending and it’s a great one. The beginning showed us there were two killers - both disguised as Ghostface - working in unison, which actually makes it much harder to figure out who are the culprits. When Jill and Charlie take off their masks, it’s a shocker but the satisfaction goes beyond the audible gasp. As in any good whodunnit, we learn what motivated them. It’s eerily chilling and relevant to modern-day. Jill is envious of her cousin’s fame and wants to replace her by recreating the events that made Sidney famous, culminating in her death, Jill’s ex-boyfriend (Nico Tortorella) getting framed, and Charlie getting double-crossed so Jill can be the “final girl”. When some of the most famous people on the planet are successful not because they’re actually talented but because they happened to already be famous or stumble into fame, and mass murders done just for the infamy of it are very real, that motivation packs a punch. This is a smart film.
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If you’re a fan of the franchise, you were disappointed with the third film because the setup felt really artificial. This premise is organic and all the Scream trademarks are back: the likable characters, the compelling mystery, the dark comedy, the scares, and an insightful commentary on the horror genre. Director Wes Craven and writer Kevin Williamson legitimately had something to say and worked hard to make Scream 4 worth the wait. (On Blu-ray, May 30, 2022)
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
ATF!Series Part Five: That Kind of Love - David Hale x Reader, Jax Teller x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989@hatersaremymotivators@bennykk@kelpies-shed
ATF Series:
Part One: A Rabbit You Don't Want To Chase - Stahl makes an unwelcome return to David's life.
Part Two: Fucked - Stahl fucks up you entire life in pursuit of Jax Teller.
Part Three: Hell or High Water - David visits you in jail.
Part Four: Damage Control - David tries to contain the damage and makes a decision about the future.
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Everyone thinks the relationship between you and Jax was just sex but the truth is it wasn’t. There are things that Jax told you throughout your time together that he has never told another person. His suspicions over his father’s death, his dismay at the direction the club is taking under Clay’s leadership, how trapped he feels by the legacy that’s been foisted upon him.
Those three months you’d spent together he had found himself falling in love. You were so different than the other people in his orbit, open, free spirited and you didn’t say a single thing you didn’t mean. That’s the reason he’d had to end it with you, because you were so unapologetically yourself it was detrimental.
When he hears you’re leaving for Santo Padre, he knows you won’t be coming back. The art scene over there is bustling, it’s the perfect place for a budding artist especially one of your calibre. He is surprised that Hale’s going with you. That man hasn’t taken so much as a vacation day since he graduated the academy and how he’s taking an eight week sabbatical so that he can that he can be with you over the summer.
It's just another way that Jax would have failed you because if he were in Hale’s shoes, he wouldn’t have been able to leave Charming, Clay would never have let him.
All of this shit you’ve been through recently, the arrest by Stahl, the vandalism charges, losing your placement in San Franisco, all of that’s on him. You’d had it in your power to put him back in prison, to take down the club and instead you’d set your life on fire. He’d like to think it was because of him but the truth is, he knows you were protecting Hale. If Clay thought you were a threat he would have come after you and Hale, he would have got caught up in the crossfire.
That man would do anything for you, he’d proved it when he used all of his political leverage to keep you out of jail. The promotion Hale had been seeking, it’s gone, he doesn’t have the juice for it anymore but he doesn’t seem to care. His priority is you, it has been since the very beginning.
When Stahl shows up at the club that night to wipe that in Jax’s face, he sees the writing on the wall. This bitch, she’s not going to stop just because the two of you have hightailed it to Santo Padre. She tells him as much as she sits in her car in the Teller Morrow forecourt, the engine still running. She’s going to follow you, try and use the Mayans connection to come at SAMCRO. Those guys may be running legit now but there’s still skeletons in their closet, ones that could lead back to Charming.
That’s the reason he gives Clay when he shoots her at point blank range in the head, he was protecting their business from a possible RICO case but the truth is, he was protecting you because Stahl. That cunt was never going to stop, not until she destroyed you, Hale and the club.
They make it look like it was the IRA. It makes sense to the AFT, she was tracking Galen, and now they’ve found her on the outskirts of town, carved up with the Butcher of Belfast’s signature. When Galen turns back up in Ireland, the investigation is torn from their hands and the ATF withdraw from Charming once again.
The night before you leave for Santo Padre Jax turns up outside your house. He wants to say goodbye, to tell you that you’re safe, that you don’t have to worry about repercussions from Stahl or the club. He barely has time to get off his bike before he sees Hale’s Jeep already pulling into the driveway. The other man doesn’t see him, he’s too busy collecting his bags out the back of his car.
You’re wearing one of Hale’s t-shirts and a pair of his boxers shorts when you open the door. It rankles Jax to see you in another man’s clothes, he remembers the mornings you’d slip from his sheets wearing a shirt of his that barely covered your ass. Hale smiles when he sees you, his fingers threading through your hair as the deputy kisses you with a tenderness he had never exhibited before he met you.
This is what love looks like, Jax understands, the kind of love that he can never give you.
He waits until you’ve gone inside before he starts his bike. He doesn’t want to infringe on your life any more than he already has. You deserve a man who puts you first and Jax has always known it could never be him.
Love David? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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dallianceangel · 2 months
𝐃𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐀 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 🚓
Here’s a random short fic for you 😁
🦋 comments, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated 🦋
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You step out of the holding cell, bruised but victorious. Your brother, Jax, meets you with a grin.
“Deputy Hale told me everything,” Jax says, eyes twinkling with pride. “Ima’s in the next cell, looking pretty defeated.”
You smirk, adjusting your jacket. “Well, she needed a lesson. You don’t mess with a Teller and get away with it.”
As you pass Hale on your way out, you flash him a flirtatious smile. “Thanks for the quick exit, Deputy. I promise I’ll be a good girl from now on.”
Hale blushes slightly, nodding awkwardly. “Just… have a good rest of your evening.”
You wink at him. “You too, handsome.”
Jax shakes his head, rolling his eyes. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
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roadtogracelandx45 · 9 months
Charming Town|9| Jax Teller
David Hale wasn't surprised when he pulled alongside Jax's bike to offer his sympathies for what happened to Wendy and the baby and how Jax brushed it off and carried on like nothing happened just like he did the warehouse burning down.
“How does Ryder feel about all of this?” David knew it was a low blow bringing Ryder into this but normally the redhead made Jax see sense.
“Not any of your business Deputy Chief.” The blonde biker retorted he had successfully avoided the subject of his wife and their mutual past with her. Mostly by avoiding the deputy by any means necessary. And it worked for the most part. But there are days like today where it can't be avoided.
“You forget Jax, that I loved her too.” He started and was cut off quickly by Jax’s hand slamming against the side of his jeep.
A silent threat hanging in the air between the two, either willing to back down. Especially when it came to Ryder.
“I don't mean any harm by it.” He started holding his hand up, “ just merely pointing out the truth.” He knew that the best bet was to talk to Ryder and warn her to leave Charming again. They had all seen what happened last time both Ryder and Tara were in Charming and how they both fled to Tacoma and San Diego respectively and hadn't been back in Charming in years. “Think however you want, Chief.” He was confident with the thought that at the end of the day, Ryder was still his old lady and he still would go home to her every night. And for once he didn’t want to fuck this up.
Tara was almost thrilled that Ryder was nowhere to be seen when she went to have the papers for Abel’s surgery signed. She could handle Gemma by herself for the most part but having to handle both Ryder and Gemma wasn't on the top of her list of things to do. She had escaped from Chicago and Kohn to come back to the safety of Charming and the hopes that she could finally steal Ryder away from her husband and be in the position that Ryder had been in since they were 17.
And she always got what she wanted no matter the cost to her.
“Gemma, I need you to sign these papers.” She said holding out the clipboard to her, her tone and body posture fake.
“Have his mother sign the forms. She is right there.’ Gemma tilted her head towards where Ryder was behind Tara, plastic to-go bags from Nicky’s Diner and her briefcase in one hand and her cell phone in the other.
“She isn’t his mother!”
“I signed the paperwork this morning saying differently and Margert Murphy just had me sign his birth certificate. I am his mother in every way that counts!” Ryder snapped back as Luanne took the bags from her, smirking, this was their Ryder slowly shining back through.
In her annoyance, Tara shoved the clipboard into Ryder’s hands, a little harder than she should have. “Doctor, I would watch yourself if I was you.” There was a veiled threat in her voice and Tara felt her heart drop down to her stomach and she wondered what kind of information Ryder could come up with.
The redhead clicked her tongue in annoyance, “It's Mrs. Teller, I am his wife and the mother of his children. I have earned that right.” Gemma and Luanne exchanged a proud smirk , this was the Ryder they knew and loved. “Now go save my son's life.” “Yes, Mrs. Teller.” The woman spat as she took the clipboard from Ryder.
His wife was the first person Jax saw when he entered the NICU, she was standing inside of the room, eyes intent on the baby.
“Babe? How is he?” Ryder turned at the sound of his voice and offered him a sad smile.
“He's good, she said it's looking good.” He had crossed the space between them and pulled her into his arms.
“I had to arrange for Wendy to be taken to the funeral home, no one else came for her.” Her voice came out muffled due to her face being buried in his bloody sweatshirt. “I could've handled it.” He felt like a total tool for making her deal with his fuckups. But that was Ryder’s lot in life being his old lady and cleaning up the messes he left behind.
“No, you wouldn't have. Did you, uh,see her after she died?”
“No.” He answered, he had been too upset to even think about Wendy, his first thought was revenge then to talk to Opie. “She looked like a skeleton, you could see some of her bones and the blown out veins. Not to mention those god damn tracks. How can someone be so fucking selfish?”
Jax as always didn't have an answer. He was one of those selfish people and she was not afraid to mention it.
“What else is going on?” He asked, taking a step back to look at her closely. “Just in my feelings is all. Being here is bringing back so many memories. Good and bad. I don’t want to talk about it.” She said, wiping the sudden tears away. “Let's go back to the clubhouse, we both need a good night's sleep.” Ryder nodded her head and wiped her cheeks off again this time brushing away blood. “Jesus Jax! Are you okay?” Her fingers making a desperate path over the kutte and dark hoodie making sure he wasn't hurt. “Long story babe, I'll explain it all when we get to the clubhouse.” He was going to try and keep his promise to keep her in the loop as much as possible. He went to pull her out of the room with him but was stopped when Gemma showed up, her husband steps behind her. Out of pure hatred and uneasiness for the man, Ryder stepped back into her husband's embrace and hugged his waist. “Ryder, good to see you.”
“Clay.” She returned, as much as she was thankful for the club's help with her tuition for law school, she couldn't stand the president especially after he risked her life to get Intel on the Irish after McKeevey broke off from them. Jax nodded his head at his step father before leading his wife out of the room. The last thing they needed was a fight breaking out between the two, things would be said that one of them regretted and Ryder would leave back to Tacoma. Now that she was back, he was not going to let her go.
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ao3feed-peterstiles · 2 years
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42598713
by ScarsLikeVelvet
The pack is back at the packhouse bonding, while the deputies keep watch of Harris.
Words: 910, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 297 of 2022 - A Year of Prompts, Part 24 of Behind a Wounded Smile
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Peter Hale, Derek Hale, Sheriff Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski, Aniela Stilinski (OC), Sean Roberts (OC), Robert Wilcox (OC), Tara Graeme, Bobby Finstock, Danny Mahealani, Jackson Whittemore, David Whittemore, Isaac Lahey
Relationships: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale/Isaac Lahey, Sheriff Stilinski/Bobby Finstock, Danny Mahealani/Jackson Whittemore
Additional Tags: Sheriff Stilinski's Name is Noah, Sheriff Stilinski is in the know, Mates Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Mates Derek Hale/Isaac Lahey, Nogitsune Stiles Stilinski, Mage Bobby Finstock, Ocean Kitsune Danny Mahealani, Jackson Whittemore is Peter Hale's biological son, Mates Danny Mahealani/Jackson Whittemore, Pack Bonding
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42598713
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mystichillsfm · 8 months
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NAME Jackson Whittemore FACE CLAIM UTP (our suggestions:  Charles Melton, Jacob Elordi) AGE UTP, mid or late 20s SPECIES Werewolf OCCUPATION UTP
Jackson Whittemore is a member of a Founding Family. His adoptive father, David, is a member of the Founder’s Council, and his family is one of the wealthiest in Mystic Hills. He previously dated Lydia Martin, before breaking up with her unexpectedly. Jackson is the cousin of Caroline Forbes, and nephew of Deputy Sheriff Liz Forbes. When initially receiving the bite, Jackson’s body rejected it and he became a Kanima. After being freed from the Kanima, he was able to fully turn into a werewolf. He is currently an Omega, refusing to join the Hale pack.
the role of jackson whittemore is open.
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tumbleweed-writes · 5 months
Death and the Lady: Chibs Telford X Reader. Chapter Twelve
TAG LIST: @youngadult9016  @mrsfilipchibstelford @mamawiggers1980 @ravennaortiz @liveinsteadofdreaming @redwoodmaya
18+ Only. Crude sexual language.
Chapter Twelve: Lamb
The door to the deputy sheriff’s office in Charming’s local P.D., was yanked open so hard that it could almost be considered a miracle it did not fracture the drywall against the doorknob as it slammed against the wall.
Deputy David Hale stared down at Agent June Stahl, his eyes dark and narrow the words flying from his lips. “You had my guys pull records on Tara Knowles and Y/N Y/L/N?”
Stahl gazed up at the infuriated deputy, her voice calm and cool showing no regard for his anger, she not even caring enough to address the question. “Did you enjoy your lunch break?”
Hale glared down at the ATF agent spotting the files spread out across the desk, his stomach turning at the clear sight of old mugshots featuring both Tara and Y/N along with police reports.
He didn’t understand what angle Stahl was working here. If she was interested in ol ladies then surely Gemma Teller Morrow would be a better choice. 
Tara and Y/N weren’t exactly on the same level as the Queen of SAMCRO. What could they possibly provide Stahl to build a RICO case against SAMCRO?
Both Tara and Y/N having questionable taste in romantic partners didn’t exactly mean they were involved in gun running. 
Deputy Hale slammed the door shut behind him not wanting any nearby ears to pick up on the conversation he was about to have with Stahl. He knew he’d already attracted a few gazes from both ATF agents and his fellow department coworkers by bursting in here clearly pissed off. 
He spoke his voice harsh, as he glared down at her, the agent looking all too comfortable sitting at his desk. “They have nothing to do with this investigation.”
“Oh, David. How willfully naive. They have so much to do with this investigation. You aren’t seeing the possibility behind these two.” Stahl remarked an amused smirk crossing her lips at how worked up the good deputy seemed to be over the mention of these two women.
It seemed that she had struck a nerve in him, and she was unable to avoid the temptation to strike again.
Hale let out a scoff at the comment addressing his first concern. “Tara Knowles left Charming and SAMCRO behind. She might have had a wild past, but she’s cleaned up her act. She went out to Chicago and got a medical degree. She’s not opening beers for outlaws anymore.”
“Oh, we both know that’s not entirely true. All these photos Agent Kohn provided seem to indicate that Dr. Knowles is starting to get a little close and personal with one very patched in Jackson Teller. Those two have a history judging by these police reports. Arrests in the nineties for public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and possession of stolen property, all in the company of one Jackson Teller.”
“They dated back when we were teenagers. We all did stupid things as teens. She left town at nineteen and left Teller and the MC behind. She’s been gone for over a decade now. She only came back because her dad died and she got a job opportunity out here.” Hale snapped Agent Stahl rolling her eyes at the comment.
“She was out in Chicago, David. She was top of the class from the looks of it. Brilliant young woman with the accolades to back it up, just how many job opportunities must those brains and accomplishments have brought in for her? With her background she could take a job anywhere in the country at any hospital of her choice. Why’d she pick Charming? I can’t imagine it's just homesickness that led her back here. She could have stayed out in Chicago and made a hell of a lot more money than Saint Thomas is probably offering her. Why pick Saint Thomas and Charming? I think we both are well aware of Agent Kohn’s real reason for coming out to Charming. Agent Kohn is one sick puppy and I can’t imagine Tara was too keen on sticking around up in Chicago with him hanging around. Tara’s ex boyfriend becomes her stalker and she comes back to a town where her first love has a dangerous reputation. You don’t think that’s a little convenient? '' Stahl pointed out Hale gritting his jaw unwilling to admit that the answer to just why she’d come back home lay in Jax Teller.
He spoke, still refusing to admit that Tara could possibly have any possible information to build a RICO case. “I’m sure Jackson Teller’s boy being premature has made Tara and he take some walks down memory lane, but Tara is no ol lady. She’s not getting any pillow talk about gun running from anyone in SAMCRO. Agent Kohn has been taken care of. He’s heading back to Chicago to answer to his superiors. Tara Knowles isn’t looking to seek protection from Teller.”
Stahl raised a brow at the comments, shrugging her shoulders as she spoke. “That may be the case, but you do have to be a little curious about the similarities between Dr. Knowles and Miss. Y/L/N. Both young women with troubled criminally prone backgrounds who left town only to come back after losing their fathers. Both women have been seen in the company of at least one patched in member of SAMCRO. In fact, both women share some similarities in their rap sheets. Looks like they have both been arrested in the company of one Jackson Teller. I do have to wonder if Dr. Knowles knows that Jax found a new Bonnie to his Clyde in her absence.”
Hale let out a huff at this, his voice holding an edge of irritation as he glared down at Stahl. “Y/N had some difficult years in her late teens and early twenties. Jackson and she shared a bond given her brother’s accident.”
“Yes, Daniel Y/L/N. It’s a shame what happened to him. Miss. Y/L/N dutifully pays those institutionalization bills to keep him cared for.  Looks like he wasn’t on the best path though. He ran around with Harry Opie Winston and Jackson Teller from what I’m gathering from Daniel’s police record. Looks like his first few arrests weren’t anything too grand, arrests in his late teens for possession of marijuana…not enough to get him more than a fine…some drunk and disorderlies around the same time. He was arrested with both Winston and Teller for a drunken brawl out at the Hairy Dog back when he was twenty one. The arresting officer commented that Mr. Y/L/N seemed elated by the violence. Judging by the black eye and the grin on his face in this mugshot, he was in his element. Strange how he never prospected for the MC. Looks like he was as thick as thieves with Teller and Winston before the accident.”
“His father kept him on a tight leash. After that arrest at twenty one he gave him an ultimatum, some tough love to get him on the right path. From my understanding he told him to get his shit together and enroll in community college or lose access to Y/N. His father didn’t want him leading her down that path. Daniel loved his little sister dearly. She worshiped Daniel and their father knew she’d follow him anywhere. His accident was heartbreaking for her. He may as well have died with as hard as she took it. He was more than a brother to her. I'm sure she viewed Daniel as being her best friend.” Hale explained shifting in place his stomach turning at the mention of a young man he’d once considered a friend before Daniel started going down a bad path with Opie and Jax.
“Looks like the ultimatum was in vain. Daniel Y/L/N has his motorcycle accident and that same year Y/N gets arrested in the company of Jackson Teller. She got busted for public intoxication. Scandalous considering she was all of eighteen and Mr. Teller was about twenty three, a little too old to be sniffing around her, but we both know the MC isn't filled morally upstanding guys. Her being barely out of being considered jailbait must have been thrilling for the boys at SAMCRO.” Stahl provided proudly displaying the mugshot.
Hale gazed down at the mugshot of an eighteen year old Y/N, her face still holding baby fat, her hair a faded pink that had gone a peachy tone, a dazed look in her eyes; she was clearly under the influence. He could spot chipped black nail polish on her fingers and a silver stud in her left nostril. The tank top she wore was far too low cut revealing the red lace of a bra. The slight smirk on her red painted lips showed that she felt little shame for her very first arrest.
Stahl spoke again providing more information about Y/N’s arrest record. “She continued to become a frequent flier in your jail cells. Looks like she got picked up a few more times at eighteen and nineteen, drunk and disorderly, driving under the influence, driving under the influence on a suspended license, possession of the tiniest amount of pot which wasn't enough to be an issue if she wasn’t clearly drunk, an arrest for shoplifting a pack of cigarettes and a candy bar where the arresting officer noted she seemed intoxicated. You picked her up more than once for some of these arrests…that must have been awkward for you both. Looks like she got a few slaps on the wrist, some fines, and some court ordered community service along with a few alcohol education courses. Didn’t seem to faze her though as the arrests continued…gotta love a small town police department. Most of this crap would have landed her doing some real time anywhere but Charming.”
“Sheriff Unser respected her father…everyone respected her father for the good he did for the community; caring for the deceased. He was a beloved figure around Charming. People saw him as personable and caring for the bereaved and diligent about caring for the dead. He had a reputation for being charitable to those who couldn’t always afford to bury their dead…made him even more adored around town. People felt sorry for him after Daniel’s accident…people around town felt awful for the man losing his son and having a daughter who wasn’t coping well. Lloyd Y/L/N advocated for his daughter to stay out of the system…Unser felt bad given what happened with Daniel, didn’t want Lloyd to lose another kid…The judge who ordered the community service and alcohol awareness courses felt the same way given Unser’s appeals to give Y/N opportunities to get her life on the right track. I don’t know how he kept her out of any real jail time or any harsher punishments…Unser’s a slick son of a bitch. I’m sure some money passed between Lloyd Y/L/N’s palm and the judge’s at least once. Lloyd Y/L/N was morally upstanding, but when it came to his little girl…he was willing and desperate enough to break his morals…especially given the situation with his son. He couldn't bear to lose Y/N too.” Hale provided, gritting his jaw at the thought of Unser.
Stahl shook her head. “Guess it’s good to be friends with Unser. Looks like Unser’s appeals kept her out of too much trouble, but she didn’t get her life on the right track. There’s a few more arrests here at nineteen. This one is interesting; an arrest in the company of one Alexander Tig Trager and one Robert Bobby Elvis Munson at a truck stop right on the edge of Charming city limits. Looks like she was about to turn nineteen and all three were clearly very under the influence. Trager was driving erratically and the officer noted that Y/N was so intoxicated that she fell out of the passengers door when the officer opened it. Local PD couldn’t prove that either man had provided the alcohol for Miss. Y/L/N, so Trager and Munson didn’t get more than a slap on the wrist for being in the company of an intoxicated minor. You do have to admit it's troubling a girl her age was hanging out with two men that age. Rumors around town are that Miss. Y/L/N was a regular at SAMCRO’s clubhouse. Looks like she was a…croweater? Isn’t that the term the Sons use for the club whores?”
The comment made Hale see red, the man speaking his voice harsh. “She kept bad company back then, but she was not playing the croweater game. She was not spreading her legs for every single guy in a kutte.” 
Stahl smirked at the comment, quickly addressing it. “Sounds like I struck a nerve there, David. You’re getting a little defensive about Miss. Y/L/N’s promiscuous past? One might think you’re sweet on her.”
She smirked all the more as she spotted the way Hale tensed all the more at the comment. She spotted a flash of indignation in the man’s eyes at the implication that Y/N was a club tart. “You arrested her a few times back then, David? That must have been frustrating for you in more ways than one. I bet you wanted to place her in handcuffs in much different circumstances.”
Hale scoffed at this comment shaking his head, his voice tense he refusing to address the innuendo about handcuffs and Y/N the thought making him a little hot under the collar. “I was close with her brother when we were kids. Having to arrest Y/N was not something I found enjoyable.”
Stahl sighed, backing off the teasing as she pulled out another mugshot. “Looks like she was around nineteen and twenty when things got a little disturbing for Miss Y/L/N. Her partner in crime shifted from Jackson and a few members of SAMCRO and to one Nathaniel Gunner Papadopoulos. Nathaniel or Gunner as he goes by is a Son. Looks like he was a nomad at the time, but nowadays he’s fully patched into the Tacoma charter of the Sons. The first arrests with him follow the same path; public intoxication and drunk and disorderly…then things get dark. There were a few calls out to bars around town where the two had some verbal altercations, there were no arrests for these as they vacated the premises and that satisfied the bar owners. Then there was an arrest outside a gas station for being disorderly in public…Y/N is about nineteen here and Gunner is about twenty six…looks like they got into a verbal altercation once again and Mr. Papadopoulos struck Miss. Y/L/N…he was arrested. She was taken in after she tried to argue with the arresting officer and interfere with the arrest of Mr. Papadopoulos. It seems she was frustrated that he was being arrested as she did not want to press charges for the physical assault on her. That was the first arrest for an altercation between the pair where things got physical. Looks like one of the final arrests we have of the pair involved an altercation the two had outside of a diner when Miss. Y/L/N was twenty. You were one of the responding officers from what I see”.
Hale shifted in place, his jaw clenching so tight he looked as though he might crack a tooth. He cringed as Stahl continued. “Chances are you must remember the arrest, but I can refresh your memory. From the police record it looks as though Mr. Popadopoulos and Miss. Y/L/N were under the influence and having a lovers spat in the parking lot of the diner, over the waitress getting a little too friendly with Mr. Papadopoulos, when Papadopoulos struck Miss. Y/L/N. She reacted by hitting him back and it devolved into a full on physical altercation. Looks like she got him pretty good judging by the scratch marks across his face and the bruises he’s sporting. He seems to have gotten her better though given the split lip. The arresting officer who you were with noted past bruises on Miss. Y/L/N and indicated suspicion of domestic violence, but Miss. Y/L/N seemed to brush questions about it off as evidence of rough sexual encounters between Mr. Papadopoulos and her. You noted in your notes on the arrest that you tried to urge Miss. Y/L/N to press charges against Mr. Papadopoulos as her reaction could be written off as self defense..but she was not interested. The two spent the night in jail and one of the Sons, looks like one of Gunner's fellow nomads that was visiting the mother charter, bailed Gunner out the next morning…Gunner then bailed Miss. Y/L/N out…how romantic. The mugshots are not pretty”
Hale let out a heavy breath, his body filled with tension as he gazed down at the mugshot in question. Y/N looked far less proud of herself in this photo. Her right eye was swollen, the hint of a black eye starting to develop. Her lip was split courtesy of one of Gunner’s silver chunky biker rings. She was dressed in another tight tank top and it did little to hide the bruises across her skin, some markings old and some quite recent. Her eyes held an almost empty sense to them as though she was running on autopilot most of the time but disconnected from her surroundings. Her body seemed too thin and it felt as though it was from more than aging. He suspected drug use though he could not place the drug in question without testing her. Her hair had faded back to its natural tone and the nose piercing was gone. She was scowling at the camera clearly filled with rage.
Hale spoke the words leaving him before he could stop them  “I tried to get her to press charges against the bastard. I tried to convince her that he was taking her down a bad path. He had her under some kind of spell or something I don’t know…She left town a few months after that last arrest. Rumors around town said that she was seen using a phone booth near main street looking worse for wear. Her father picked her up and got her out of town.”
Hale took a deep breath, his words harsh he tearing his eyes from the mugshot. “Y/N’s past has no bearing on anything. She has straightened herself out. She’s taken over her father’s business and has stayed on the straightened arrow. She’s grown up.”
“Maybe so…those empty graves that were found back in the cemetery months ago do seem fishy though…given the bodies that disappeared from the Sons warehouse right around the time those bodies from the empty graves were found out in Lodi. Those empty graves were filled by Miss. Y/L/N’s funeral home. Lodi cops seem to have lost steam for the case…and they were satisfied with Miss. Y/L/N’s statements about the incident. Does seem interesting that she comes back to town and just so happens to get involved with a member of SAMCRO right around the time that this whole grave robbing and disappearing bodies situation happens. How convenient for SAMCRO.”
Hale cleared his throat knowing he had his own suspicions about Y/N’s involvement, but he could admit he was choosing to live in denial over the reality of the situation.
He would be lying if he tried to claim he didn’t think of Y/N and didn’t feel some sense of fondness for her.
In some way he still remembered her as the talkative little girl who followed her brother and he around when they were kids.
He thought of her as the lonely child who according to his younger sister never could fit in with their peers.
He'd always felt a sense of care for Y/N none the less. He could remember her being vibrant and brave. She was at times a little too fierce and so unapologetic that it bordered on being rude. He could remember finding the quality somewhat admirable though; her willingness to be so brazen.
As she’d grown she’d seemed determined to follow her brother’s path in the company she kept. Hale had been displeased by her rebellion. He had hoped that her brother's accident would scare her straight but it seemed to push her into a life of chaos. She'd clung to the men who her brother had once run amuck with.
Jackson Teller had seemed willing to take Y/N under his wing and lead her to destruction.
Hale would be lying if he tried to claim he didn’t feel slightly disturbed as he stood aside and watched Y/N grow into an attractive young woman who seemed to be all too comfortable around the local outlaw MC. He’d maybe gone out of his way back then to try to coax her into understanding that she was down a bad path. He'd been a rookie cop back then and had been all too aware of Y/N's bad behavior. He'd tried to reason with her using his past friendship with her brother to coax her into getting on the right path. When Gunner had gotten involved with her that coaxing had increased but Y/N had practically spit in Hale’s face at his attempts to rescue her from her situation.
He’d been grateful when she'd left town. He'd hoped that she was getting her head on straight. When she came back to town Hale had hopes that she’d grown up in her time away. He’d been relieved when it seemed she’d turned over a new leaf.
Hale could admit that he'd been hopeful that she was done with bad boys in kuttes.
He could also admit that he'd felt a sense of attraction for the young woman who had returned to run her father's funeral home. She seemed a far cry from the angry young woman who used to run around with the MC.
He had been stunned to realize that he no longer viewed her as his old childhood friend's rebellious baby sister. She had grown into an elegant young woman who was dedicated to a respectful career.
He had hopes that perhaps her taste in men had matured as well along with the more sophisticated appearance she'd adopted.
He’d maybe even tried to ask her to dinner or coffee once or twice but she’d rejected the offers. He’d told himself not to take offense to her rejection. He'd decided that perhaps Y/N was going through a difficult time, losing her father and being back in a town she probably was not thrilled to be in.
He had told himself to bide his time and be patient. He had hopes that perhaps she would settle into town and then maybe be more inclined to give him at least one date.
He had hopes that perhaps he could shoot his shot with her again, but had his hopes dashed when she clearly became involved with SAMCRO once again. 
When he’d realized she’d chosen Filip Chibs Telford of all men, Hale had been disgusted. The older Scotsman seemed so wrong for her, and she seemed blind to this fact.
It was kind of insulting realizing she'd turned Hale down and chosen Chibs Telford. Though, Hale had a feeling he'd be insulted if she'd chosen any Son after rejecting him more than once.
It was as though Stahl could read his mind because she spoke all too giddy to pull out another file from the stack. “It seems Miss. Y/L/N still favors a bad boy in a kutte and she still likes her men older. Filip Chibs Telford is an interesting man. He has past rumored ties to the True IRA. He’s been arrested a few times in Belfast, but nothing could ever stick. His wife though…he’s still very much married by the way…is True IRA Royalty. Fiona Larkin is third generation True IRA. She got Telford involved in the cause. They were childhood sweethearts from what I know. The two were living as a married couple for a few years before they had their daughter. They have one child, Kerrianne Larkin Telford. She’s about twelve going on thirteen. Looks like they were a happy little family of terrorists for a few years at least. That changed most likely when one Jimmy O’Phalen rose up in the ranks of the cause. Looks like Jimmy O’ didn’t seem to be a fan of Telford. Rumors have it that O’Phalen scarred Telford’s cheeks and took his family as his own…banished Telford from the cause and Ireland. Telford fell in with SAMBEL…guess he didn’t take the threat to get out of Belfast too seriously though it looks like he only remained in Ireland with SAMBEL for a couple of years…he patched over to SAMCRO right around the Spring of 2000. He rolled into town a few months after Miss. Y/L/N left town…can you imagine if he’d made it stateside a few months before she left…the pair would have found each other sooner. Either way it looks like the pair found each other. I spotted them out and about the other day and by the look of affection I spotted him giving her, I would guess Y/N has been given ol lady status by Telford. She doesn't appear to be sporting the crow ink some of the other ol ladies are, but all the same...the looks he was giving her screamed love…do have to wonder if she knows he’s married.”
She paused watching Hale’s jaw tense a smirk crossing her lips before she spoke again. “She knows how to pick them doesn't she? I bet Telford gives Y/N all sorts of juicy bits of pillow talk…sweet little tight thing like her must make him all relaxed and satisfied enough to get those lips moving. Pussy gets men talking; especially trusted pussy that they love. Judging by the looks Telford gives her around town; he’s dedicated. Given his traumatic past and his appearance, I bet it wasn’t hard to get him dedicated. I have a feeling that Y/N doesn’t have to do much to get him talking. Bet she only has to suck him off to get all sorts of information out of him.”
“She’s not going to say a word, if she is an ol lady, she’s been given the orders on how to handle questions about the club. Even if Chibs is giving her details she won’t betray him.” Hale snapped trying to push thoughts of Y/N and Chibs doing anything slightly sexual from his head, the thought feeling him with both disgust and envy of what the Scotsman managed to have with Y/N.
Stahl shrugged her shoulders as she spoke. “Even if she doesn’t know he’s still married? Bet if we dropped some truth on her about her boyfriend’s current marital status, we might get her pissed off enough to run her mouth. If he betrayed her then well…hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”
“And if she knows he’s married.” Hale remarked what Stahl was suggesting make bile rise in the back of his throat. Call it a crush or fondness or whatever, but he didn’t like the idea of breaking Y/N’s heart to get information.
“If the tart is fine with being a mistress then I’m sure we can find some other way to get her lips moving. It doesn’t hurt to give her some pressure and see how she handles it.” Stahl provided a smirk crossing her lips at the rage in Hale’s eyes at the statement about Y/N being a tart.
She spoke again, a chuckle leaving her. “Don’t look so gloomy David, this might work in your favor. We get Telford out of the picture and you might just have a shot. Maybe we push her off bad boys, you can play white knight. You can finally put those handcuffs to use with her in a far more pleasant environment. Of course that might put a stop to the fun we’ve been having together hmm, but who am I to stand in the way of true love.”
He scoffed at the comment, his shoulders tensing at the suggestion as well as the implication of what Stahl and he had fallen into.
Stahl let out a sigh. “She can have you when I’m done. Trust me David, we can always press the ol ladies. No information is useless in RICO.”
Hale cringed at the comment, his stomach turning at this plan. 
He took a deep breath, having the feeling that Stahl was in for a challenge. Y/N was a tough nut to crack. 
Pissed off Y/N didn’t run her mouth. She just lashed out.
Y/N was surprised and relieved to see the roses left on her parent’s gravestones. She could admit she’d not been to the graveside since her father’s burial.
She’d been to the cemetery plenty enough thanks to her work…but she’d not had the nerve to walk over to the section where quite a few of her family were laid to their final rests.
Her paternal ancestors and their spouses were all buried close by one another. The oldest section of the cemetery held her oldest ancestors and their offspring. 
She knew that one day she herself would most likely be buried here alongside her family. There were already two plots at her parents' side that technically belonged to her.
Her father was always one to plan ahead when it came to funerals and had purchased the plots remarking Y/N could keep them for Daniel and herself or if she married and wanted to be buried with her future spouse she could sell her plot.
She had rolled her eyes at the comment about marriage of course. The idea had seemed preposterous given her tumultuous dating history and how most men who might be ideal for a future spouse showed her little interest aside from gazing longingly at her body.
She’d dated a few guys out in New York. She’d even had one pretty serious boyfriend but it had fizzled out before any serious talk about marriage and the future had come to fruition.
She knew her past held her back in her relationships in New York. How was she supposed to explain her past with the MC in Charming to prospective life partners?
She knew her most recent ex-boyfriend had some suspicions about her past…given her tendency to occasionally flinch during moments of intimacy that got a little too rough. She had never worked up the nerve to go into the full story though. She had a feeling her ex had sensed her trauma but had not been equipped to deal with it when she’d shut down any pleas for information about her past.
She was not quite ready to go into her background with that boyfriend. She was certain he couldn’t handle her past. So, she’d pushed him away the same way she did with most boyfriends. Scaring guys and pushing them out with cold behavior was easier than going into detail about her time as a friend of SAMCRO and the pain she’d endured at Gunner’s hands.
Chibs Telford was the first romantic partner who had any knowledge of what Gunner had done to her as well as her past sexual encounters with both Jax and a few other men.
She was stunned by Chibs’ reaction. He not only still wanted her, but had proven to her that he desired her.
It was not an outcome she had imagined when she’d allowed herself to imagine what might happen if she were to ever reveal the darker parts of her past to a man who liked her.
She kept thinking back to the words Chibs had said to her after he’d eaten her out; that he wanted to show her how she deserved to be treated.
It was a new and exciting concept to her; being treated well by a romantic partner.
She hoped that she’d proven to him that she wanted to treat him in kind. She couldn’t help but to think that with his own traumas he deserved to be reminded of how he deserved to be treated as well. 
She’d been more certain that he deserved all the tenderness and adoration on the planet by his reaction to the knowledge that she was planning on going to the gravesite today.
He’d offered to come along with her. He’d wanted to provide her with emotional support when she’d admitted she’d not gone to her parents' gravesite since her father’s funeral.
Y/N could admit she’d been tempted to let him tag along.
She’d resisted the urge to allow it though. She’d told herself that her first visit to the gravesite should be on her own.
Perhaps in the future though; she might let Chibs come with her.
A morbid voice in the back of her head told her it was the most depressing bring the guy you like home to meet the parents' situation, but she shushed the voice. 
She was also overtaken with the realization that she was an orphan now. She had no living parents…so that made her an orphan didn’t it?
A voice in the back of her head told her it was a dumb thought…everyone became an orphan at some point in their lives, so it wasn’t something that was that unique.
She shifted the red roses aside placing the daisies she’d purchased on either parent’s grave.
She had a feeling the roses left on each grave had been Old Charlie’s doing. Roses seemed more his taste than Skeeter’s.
She was not surprised to see that the graves had been well maintained, any flowers that had been left at her father’s funeral being taken away after they’d wilted. The area was clean and polished waiting for her.
She had a feeling that this was both Old Charlie’s and Skeeter’s doing. The men had most likely been out to the gravesite maintaining it until she felt ready to make it out. It was clear that they’d cared enough about her to make it neat and ready for her.
She found herself sitting on the ground directly in front of her father’s tombstone not caring if the dirt below her got her jeans somewhat dirty. It would be a long while before grass grew over the filled in grave. Grass had long ago grown over her mother’s filled in grave given that the woman had died when Y/N was so young.
She sighed, her eyes lingering on her mother’s tombstone for a brief moment. She rarely visited it. Her father had been the one who had gone out to maintain it.
She’d gone once or twice when she was a teenager looking for some maternal connection that she’d craved. She felt foolish for the action knowing she would not find that connection in a cold marble tombstone.
Her mother’s full name was written on the dark marble stone in neat font: Caroline Hope Y/L/N. Beloved Wife and Mother. Her birthdate and death date were written below the inscription. A small dove had been carved into the edge of the stone. It was a simple stone and Y/N had been certain her father had struggled to choose it as he’d planned her mother’s entire funeral.
She’d never quite understood how he’d had the mental strength to embalm and bury the woman he loved, but Y/N assumed that in her father’s mind it was just the last act of love he could give his wife. He’d made sure she was cared for. Y/N could distinctly remember seeing the clothing her mother had been buried in…a modest blue sundress with a white floral print and a pearl necklace. She had only been four then, but somehow her mother’s funeral dress was a core memory that had stuck. Her father had allowed Daniel and her to view their mother in the casket at the funeral. Daniel had run away from it but Y/N had remained staring at the woman. 
She was unsure if she loved or hated her father’s choice of giving her this core memory.
She tore her eyes from her mother’s tombstone, hating to admit she felt disconnected from the woman. Y/N felt a sense of love knowing that this was her mother, but she didn’t remember her clearly enough to feel the sense of grief she told herself she should feel.
She’d always held the thought in; certain it would upset her father. Her mother had been the love of her father’s life. She’d been his first and his last everything.
They’d met as teenagers and were one another’s first love. Her mother’s father had worked the funeral circuit preaching around Charming and surrounding towns and he’d brought his daughter along. Y/N’s father had been the funeral director’s son. 
Y/N’s parents had met for the first time at a funeral. It was not the most romantic meet-cute, but it was her parents. 
Her father had never remarried after her mother’s death. He’d not even dated. He’d remained dedicated to her even in death.
When Y/N was younger she’d hoped that she might be lucky enough to find love that deep with someone. 
As she’d gotten older though she’d become jaded by the concept.
She sighed, staring at her father’s tombstone, the dark marble was simple with her father's name engraved into the stone: Lloyd Oliver Y/L/N. Beloved Father. Dedicated Husband. Respected Mortician. 
The last addition had been her father’s request. Even in death he was proud of his profession.
She felt her throat grow tight telling herself this would feel cathartic even if she was just talking to a marble stone. “I’m sorry I haven’t been out here to visit…I’m actually sorry for a lot of things I’ve done lately.”
She clasped her hands together wringing them, her voice tense. “I can say without any hesitation that if you were still here right now…that saying sorry wouldn’t be enough with what I’ve done. I know how proud you were of our work…how proud you were that I followed you into the work you loved. I’m afraid I’ve sullied it though. You would hate what I’ve done…I fucked it up again, just like I always do. You know me; family disappointment as usual.”
She bit the inside of her cheek, her voice soft. “I’m sorry though, I really really am. I went down a path you’d hate. I got greedy and now I can’t get out of this…the sick thing is I was given a possible way out of it by Filip and I told him no. I am so desperate to burn in the hell of my own making. I…maybe I just like the pain. I think I deserve it in some sick way. How else do you explain why I’m so impulsive? I let the flame burn me and I never figure out that fire hurts…maybe I know it hurts but some part of me likes it. Maybe I’m sick? You did always worry about me…when I was a kid, I was way too interested in your job…Remember that teacher I had in elementary…fourth grade…she thought I was disturbed because I talked about your job so much…maybe I am. I mean what kind of person is so willing to do what I’ve done? What kind of girl prefers the company of the dead because the living scare the hell out of her? Maybe people around town are right about me? I’ve had a few boyfriends in New York tell me I’m not normal. Maybe at the end of the day I’m not right in the head…maybe I’m fucked mentally. How else do you explain the choices I make? I’ve always been quick to anger, too depressed, too impulsive, too starved for risk. I never know what’s good for me. I’ve had nice guys ask me out…back in New York…hell even Deputy Hale tried to take me to dinner pretty soon after I got into town… and I would rather scoop my eyes out with a melon baller than let a nice guy love me. I push people away because it protects me. I go for guys who don’t deserve me…I go for what hurts me. I let someone like Gunner violate me more than once and I stuck around. Maybe my brain is just abnormal.”
She sighed, shaking her head. “I always felt bad for you…two bad kids. How could such a nice guy have such bad kids? I used to blame you for it when you’d scold me for whatever crap I had pulled…say that you were too damn nice and that was probably why I was so rotten. I tried to say that maybe if you were less focused on your job and more focused on Danny and me then we’d not have turned out so bad. I know it was unfair to turn it back on you. I think I was parroting the perceptions I heard from people around town though…poor charitable respected Lloyd Y/L/N dedicated to his service to the community but cursed with two ungrateful brats. You were always fighting to keep me out of jail or worse…always dealing with Danny’s health after the accident…always trying to balance the job with making sure your kids stayed alive. I know Danny and I both gave you hell…You died thinking that I was finally done giving you hell…but surprise.”
She let out a shaky sigh, her fingers reaching out to trace the birth and death date on the tombstone. “You died thinking SAMCRO was a thing of my past…you thought your biker whore daughter had finally grown up…I know you’d hate me for calling myself that. You never were fond of my choice in language especially when I used it to degrade myself. I know I always tried to take some high ground and claim that I was nothing like the girls that hung around the MC and threw themselves at anything in a kutte…was I really any better though at the end of the day? I may have been a bit more discerning in who I fucked but…I still liked a man in a kutte and a criminal record a mile long. I loved the danger…I loved the chaos. Nice guys who worked nine to five jobs just didn’t do it for me like the outlaws could. I wasn’t satisfied with a dick unless the guy attached to it had a rap sheet.”
She rolled her eyes, the words leaving her. “I know…just what every man wants to hear about, his daughter’s sex life. I guess you aren’t really here to hear it though…I hope you’re not hanging around watching me that much. That would be kind of creepy if you were just hanging around watching me 24-7.”
She let out another shaky breath as she spoke. “I met someone…Jesus, Daddy, you’d hate Filip. You would take one look at the reaper on his back and kill him on sight. You’d ship me back to New York if you were still here. You would not even give Filip a minute of your time to even attempt to win you over. You would look at his appearance and who he is and want me to get away from him. You’d see the scars on his cheeks and the kutte on his back and that would be that, no chance of accepting him.”
She shook her head, a small humorless laugh leaving her. “I know the age difference would make you less than enthusiastic. He’s forty five years old…just turned forty five. He was about sixteen when I was born. If that wasn’t enough to make you cringe…He’s got a wife and a kid back in Belfast…they’re estranged but they are still there…You’d take one look at those facts and shoot him on sight. I’m sure you’d take me for a fool…your poor damaged daughter hooked up with the married outlaw biker who is way too old for her…and if that didn’t piss you off you’d be so enraged about his past in Belfast even if I’d lie and try to tell you it's only rumors. I know you would just look at Filip and see danger. You’d see a guy who is going to destroy your kid. You wouldn’t think he’s good enough.”
She traced her father’s name, her voice soft. “I know what I’d say to you though. I’d say that he's good enough. I would tell you I don’t care about Belfast or who lives there…The age difference doesn’t bother me. I’d probably try to push your buttons and spit out some bullshit about how I am happy to call Filip Daddy even if he’s not quite old enough for that unless he was a teen dad. I’d probably tell you that a man his age has the experience to know how to make me feel so good, that he’s far more gifted in bed than guys my age.”
She paused, rolling her eyes. “I never was appropriate and I kind of lived to make you cringe back when I was having my rebellious years. I figured out that being vulgar and oversharing about anything sexual could make you back off and not suspect the reality of what I was going through. I was always capable of looking like a proper lady but my mouth and my tendency to love shocking people always ruined the prim lady disguise I wear.”
She cleared her throat, her words genuine. “I would be telling you the truth about him being worthy of me…he reminds me everyday that he wants to be worthy of having me. He’s tried pretty damn hard to woo me. I think even you’d be approving of the effort he’s put into it…the man didn’t run screaming when I told him what a trocar was. That’s impressive, you’d have to admit it. He asks me questions about my job; not to appease me or charm me, but because he wants to hear what I have to say. He’s been good to me. He makes me feel safe. I don’t think anyone has ever made me feel safe…at least not a romantic partner. I’ve never felt this protected with anyone.”
She felt her throat grow tight, spilling more of her heart. “I told him about Gunner…told him more than I even dared to ever tell anyone…even you. Pretty sure he’s the first person besides a therapist who knows all the details. I told him every last detail. He didn't run away like I feared he would. I was sure he’d run…or worse he’d look at me differently…like I am in fact just the biker groupie everyone around town thought I was back then. I was afraid if he knew about Gunner and the others…that he would surely leave. I mean…how is a guy supposed to cope with the fact that some of the men he shares a kutte with have fucked the girl he’s dating…how is he supposed to deal with the fact that one of those men, even if it’s a man in another charter…did what he did to me…I don’t know, I’ve always struggled with admitting what the lack of consent with Gunner meant…saying the word. Filip is the one who said the word…told me how wrong it was…even told me he wanted Gunner dead for what he did to me. I expected my past to be too much for him or for him to develop this weird jealousy issue…you know how guys are when they know someone else has touched their possessions… Filip though, his reaction was to feel sorrow for me…he wanted to show me what being shown love is supposed to feel like…he wanted to protect me and get retribution for what happened to me. He offered to kill for me, Daddy…and he meant it. I know you’d probably not approve of the fact that he’s capable of such a thing…but I’d have to hope that you’d approve of his desire to keep me safe…to love me. Filip doesn’t view me as a possession. I know you’d find that really really hard to believe…men in his world have some pretty fucked views of women. I’m not claiming he’s some abnormality in that world. I just think I’m as much Filip’s as he’s mine though.”
She sighed knowing she was safe to say the words here with no one to listen. “I love him…I love Filip Telford. He doesn’t know about it yet…I’m half afraid to tell him. What if he doesn’t feel the same? I keep thinking of what you’d say…you’d probably tell me that if he’s dumb enough not to love me then he’s too dumb for me. I need him to love me though…it sounds so pathetic to say it…I've never claimed to need anyone to love me...I have always been the type to say that people can love me or hate me and I don't give a damn either way...I like to think I’m independent…that I could go back to life before I met him…I, so much has changed in my life so fast over these past months. I resisted his affections so much when I first met him...I was afraid of what he'd lead me to...of falling back in with SAMCRO. He's made it clear though that he has zero intention of leading me back into the pain that I found with his world...I’m scared of how my life has changed over these past few months, of how things have changed since you died and I came back home, but Filip…he makes it feel so much less scary. I’ve opened up to him so much about my past and I have never felt comfortable enough with anyone to do that. I don't feel so alone with him around. I've never felt that...belonging. I always try to pretend that I don't mind being alone. I try to say that loneliness is just a part of life...Filip makes me want to stop isolating myself...and not accept the idea that I just have to be alone. I have never had that with anyone...the sense that they feel lucky to have me around...the acceptance of me for who I am. I don't have to pretend not to be so morbid or so quick to anger. I don't feel like I have to hide the parts of me that scare other people around Filip. I need him more than he knows. I just keep hoping that maybe he needs me just as bad.”
She shook her head reaching up to wipe at a stray tear threatening to spill from her eye. "I can’t say that you’d be fond of Filip… I can’t say you two would love each other, or even try to pretend to get along…but I think that maybe my loving him would be enough for you…I think me being happy with him would be enough. You always worried about my happiness…about me finding my place in the world. I want to be in his world…it scares me, but I trust that he would keep me safe.”
She spoke again, pulling her hand back from the stone. “I’m going to visit more often…even if you aren’t here, I know you’re not really here…I want to bring Filip sometime. He wants to come with me…to support me. I’m going to let him. I am letting him in…you’d like that…me letting someone in.”
She adjusted the daisies in front of the stone as she spoke. “Even if you wouldn’t be proud of me, I hope you’d still love me. You told me once that a father never stops loving his child. I hope that’s true.”
She stood up, wiping the dirt from her jeans as she spoke. “I love you, Daddy. I’ll see you later.”
She turned ready to make the long trek back to her car hoping that she could maybe get a latte somewhere to perk up enough to make it to the grocery store to gather the items she needed for the week.
She paused as a woman approached her. The professional looking woman was thin and tall with straight dark blonde hair and a pantsuit that screamed Fed. She appeared to be in her mid thirties at least. Her lips were thin and she wore little makeup. She had a narrow straight nose and well manicured brows. Her eyes were dark and they were fixed on Y/N.
She felt a chill run down her spine as the woman approached her giving a calm smile that did not match the intensity of her gaze. “Y/N Y/L/N?”
Y/N nodded her head, her voice tense, she doing her best to appear relaxed and calm. “Speaking.”
The woman pulled a badge from her jacket pocket revealing that Y/N was right to think fed. “Agent June Stahl, ATF.”
Y/N sighed  keeping that same relaxed demeanor as she spoke. “Can I help you Agent Stahl?”
“I’m guessing you aren’t here on business? More of a personal visit?” Stahl asked, nodding down at the dark wash jeans and gray babydoll tee Y/N was wearing. 
Y/N spoke her stomach turning at Stahl’s avoidance of the question. “I’m not here for work.”
She paused speaking again trying to sound more assertive than she felt. “How can I help you?”
Stahl spoke as she shoved her badge back into her jacket pocket. “What do you know about SAMCRO?”
Y/N raised an eyebrow at the question. Stahl apparently was ready to jump right into it. She shrugged her shoulders giving the company line Chibs had taught her to give though she’d known the line long before Chibs and she had become involved. “That motorcycle club? Pretty sure they’re just a bunch of mechanics who are motorcycle enthusiasts. Pretty sure they throw a good wild party.”
Stahl smirked at the comment, not surprised by it. “Of course, Didn’t you used to be a frequent attendee of those wild parties?”
Y/N shifted in place, her arms crossing over her chest. “I did use to prefer Jack Daniels to mint tea. Didn’t everyone have a rebellious phase?”
Stahl nodded her head, not missing the chance. “And what a phase it was for you. I have to say I’m kind of annoyed but impressed, Y/N, several arrests under your belt and you served not a moment in a real jail cell. Looks like you got more than a few slaps on the wrist though…guess it helps that your daddy was buddy buddy with the local sheriff.”
Y/N held her head up high fast to respond, keeping her voice even refusing to address how her father had always been willing to appeal to Unser to keep her out of any real trouble. “I am not proud of my past behavior. If I could go back I’d change a few things.”
“Is SAMCRO one of those things you might change? I have taken a look at that rap sheet of yours, sweetheart, looks like the innocent club of motorcycle enthusiasts got you into some trouble back in the day.” Stahl remarked, stepping closer to Y/N.
Y/N stepped back a frown crossing her features. “Like I said, I indulged a little too hard back then…people do dumb shit when they’re drunk.”
“Is one of those dumb things Nathaniel Papadopoulos? Or Gunner…as he seems to insist on being called?” Stahl remarked not shy about bringing up something that she knew would make Y/N cringe.
The mention of Gunner did just that. Y/N crossed her arms tighter, her voice picking up a hint of tension. “I did dumb shit when I drank as much as I did. He was the dumbest. I was nineteen years old when I met him…I wasn’t mature enough to pick romantic partners who were the best for me. Pretty sure most nineteen year olds pick shit men. I wised up and left him. It’s ancient history at this point in my life.”
“What about now? Just what kind of men are you picking?” Stahl remarked a cool smile crossing her lips as she attempted to prod the answer from Y/N.
Y/N sighed fast to respond. “Ones who don’t beat the shit out of me.”
Stahl reached into the professional looking messenger bag she had slung around her arm as she spoke, pulling out a file. “You do pick men with records though. You should have a peek at his.”
She handed the file to Y/N watching as the woman gazed down at it searching for any hint of a chance to pounce. 
Y/N gazed down at the open file in front of her, raising a brow at what was clearly Chibs’ rap sheet. She shrugged her shoulders, keeping her calm not bothering to read past a few lines not shocked by what she saw. “Is this supposed to mean something to me?”
Stahl smirked, nodding her head down at the file as she spoke. “Filip Chibs Telford is an interesting man isn't he…if you believe the rumors around town…I find that most rumors have some truth to them.”
She paused nodding down at the file again as she spoke. “You should flip to page two…the arrests in Belfast. He was court martialed and discharged from the Queens Armed Forces at nineteen. Looks like he had a temper in his youth. The arrests in Belfast continue from there. Pretty sure he got into a few brawls on the behalf of the cause…The True IRA tends to frown upon anyone they think may be a loyalist. Looks like Telford took offense to loyalty to the crown, looks like he was not afraid to fight dirty…then there’s the suspicion of a few bombings that he may or may not have been involved in, can’t get a clear answer on that one. Any investigations went nowhere…There were a few rumors about how he may have taken part in the murder of a Northern Irish police officer but there was never any proof to tie him and his associates to it…speaking of his associates in Belfast…his wife…Fiona, she’s definitely True IRA through and through. Third generation, comes by it honestly. Her mugshot is on page three…she got arrested with her husband for one of those brawls I talked about. She is a fiery one…darker than I expected though for an Irishwoman. Pretty sure she’s the Black Irish we always hear about.”
Y/N felt her stomach drop turning the page on autopilot gazing down at the pretty young woman in the photo and a photo of a young Chibs, his face free from the scars that Jimmy O’ had left him with.
Fiona was an elegant looking woman with wild dark curls and piercing dark eyes. Her nose was narrow and her lips were pressed into a smirk that showed she had no worries about having any mugshot taken. She gave off the energy of someone who was well versed in danger and quite content to invoke it if necessary.
Stahl spoke up, a slight smirk on her lips clearly hoping to strike a nerve. “You did know he’s married right?”
Y/N glanced up at Stahl, her face not giving the reaction the woman was probably hoping for. She kept her cool not letting the information of what Chibs had done in Belfast nor the photo of his estranged wife rattle her. “Yes, I was aware. They’re estranged. Divorce unfortunately is not an option…You know how the Catholics are? I’m afraid I don’t know too much about Filip’s years in Belfast aside from the mundane fact that he was a mechanic and that he left some tragedy behind.”
If Stahl was disappointed in Y/N’s reaction she didn’t reveal it as she replied to the comment. “Yes, a true tragedy. I guess you’ve heard all the rumors that fly around Belfast…Jimmy O’Phalen took Fiona and Chibs’ and her daughter for his own…left Telford with a reminder to not even attempt to get them back.”
Y/N clenched down on the file as Stahl motioned to her cheeks lining them along where Chibs’ scars were embedded into his cheeks. She spoke again, a sigh leaving her. “Telford joined up with SAMBEL after that…Guess he was familiar with the MC before hand, so, they were happy to take him on...even though rumor has it O’Phalen banished him from Ireland…guess the banishment finally kicked in though since Telford came stateside back in 2000. He hasn’t seen Fiona or his daughter since Kerrianne was around four. I’m amazed Telford got citizenship in the states…given his record and the trouble he’s gotten into out here.”
Y/N kept her voice flat as she replied. “America is the land of opportunity.”
“That it is…and what opportunity has he found with you?” Stahl dared to ask a small smile crossing her lips hoping to make Y/N squirm.
Y/N spoke knowing the line to give a hint of snark in her voice, deciding that being vulgar might work in her favor. “I open his beers and suck his dick. Pretty sure most men couldn’t ask for more.”
“And what does he say when you wrap those soft lips of yours around that dick of his?” Stahl remarked, proving she was just as vulgar.
Y/N gave her a smile that she hoped read as confident not above continuing with the line of conversation though she was full of shit…they’d not gone that far sexually just yet. “Pretty sure he’s too busy moaning when I take him down my throat. That Scottish accent of his is hard enough to understand on its own…the second he gets is dick wet I may as well not even try to decipher Glaswegian.”
“And what about afterwards…any juicy bits of pillowtalk? Orgasms tend to make lips loose, I find.” Stahl dared to ask she stepping even closer to Y/N.
Y/N gave her a calm smile, the words sliding from her. “He tends to start snoring after he cums…You know men. You rock their world and they reward you by conking out.”
She paused lying through her teeth deciding that playing up the sexual role would work in her favor. 
It was a game she’d learned to play during her time in the clubhouse…when she wanted to entice a man into giving her what she wanted. 
She found that playing the minx could work in her favor with men and could make straight women intimidated enough to slink back. “I will say that that is the one advantage to getting your rocks off with a woman. Women are a little better at pillowtalk…too bad I like a good thick dick more than a nice wet pussy.”
Stahl smirked giving Y/N a reaction that she’d expected to get if she’d been talking to a man. She sighed, the realization hitting her that Stahl was playing on both teams. She recognized a raging bisexual when she saw one. “I can only imagine…what a shame you have your preferences.”
Y/N spoke as she stepped back, dropping the flirty tone from her voice. “I don’t know too much about SAMCRO. I can’t imagine they’re too interesting. Just a bunch of mechanics who love a good Harley and a crazy party…Like I said, any trouble they may find is usually aided by booze…people do dumb shit when they drink. I’m afraid my party days are over. Most people don’t like the idea of the local undertaker sliding around a stripper pole in a biker clubhouse. Pretty sure Filip would not be too into the idea of seeing me on any pole unless he’s the only one watching.”
“I’ll say it again, what a shame.” Stahl remarked that smirk still on her lips though Y/N did spot a hint of annoyance in the woman’s eyes at the fact that Y/N was still feeding the company line on SAMCRO.
She paused speaking again. “Telford and you make an interesting pair…a funeral director and a biker…just how did you meet?”
Y/N gave her a calm smile, the lie sliding from her lips. “My Acura got a flat tire. We got to talking and one thing led to another. I’ve always had a thing for accents.”
Stahl spoke up, nodding over Y/N shoulder at the gravestones. “You came back to Charming to a big mess from what I heard. Your father left you with some debt?”
“Nothing I can’t handle.” Y/N remarked her voice cool and collected she snapping the folder she’d been holding shut.
Stahl nodded her head at the comment she daring to bring out the big guns. “I’ve taken a peek at those debts of yours. You paid a little chunk of them off in cash…Just where did you get the cash? The payment was in the thousands. Lots of cash to having lying around with your debts.”
Y/N remembered the lie Chibs had told her to tell. She was relieved he’d given her enough background about Clay and Gemma’s finances, so that she could tell a believable story.  “Gemma Teller Morrow asked for my expertise. Her poor grandson having such a frightful entrance into the world got her thinking about her own mortality. Her husband and she were willing to pay me quite well for my time to discuss plans. They know my time is valuable and they took up quite a bit of it…They were willing to make it worth my while as they kept me so busy and out of reach from any of my other duties at work…pretty sure Gemma has some oil investments that give her some nice payouts. I came to them for the plans…made a trip out to the garage to discuss it all and went through the trouble of bringing all of the catalogs I have. They choose a luxury option for their caskets…mahogany and satin. I don’t do home visits for funeral planning, so they wanted to make sure I was compensated for the exception I made for them. They paid me double my usual rate plus travel expenses.”
“That is an extravagant payout.” Stahl remarked her tone of voice hinting she did not buy Y/N’s tale.
Y/N shrugged her shoulders, her voice calm knowing she sounded heartless, but it was better to sound heartless than guilty. “People will pay anything to have peace of mind when it comes to death.”
Stahl dared to speak, nodding again at the cemetery around them. “I would have thought they might shy away from using your services…given what happened to those two men you buried a while back.”
Y/N let out a soft sigh shaking her head. “The grave robberies were an unfortunate incident. The families of those poor men were heartbroken over what happened to their loved ones' remains. I did everything in my power to make sure that they were cared for. The family was far more understanding than they had to be. They know I did my part when it came to the care of their loved ones before their final rests were disturbed. I hope the Lodi police find whoever was responsible for such a gruesome act. If I got my hands on them…well let’s just say I don’t approve of anyone fucking with my paychecks.”
Stahl smirked, hating to admit she was impressed with how quick the response was. Y/N was not an easy nut to crack. “And your boyfriend had nothing to do with those empty graves.”
“Why would Filip have anything to do with it? He’s just a mechanic.” Y/N remarked a small laugh leaving her she managing to make the accusation appear as though it sounded ridiculous to her.
“A mechanic with quite the record. You should hang on to that file, Y/N. Take a good look at it. There’s some really interesting bits of information there. Filip Telford is far from innocent. I think you are smart enough to know that. I am also thinking you aren’t so innocent either…that must be why he’s so obsessed with you. If that wife of his is any indication of the kind of woman he likes…then you are one bad girl.” Stahl remarked, nodding down to the folder still in Y/N’s hands.
Y/N gave Stahl a calm smile shrugging her shoulders. “I’m an absolute angel, Agent Stahl.”
She paused, giving the agent a flirty smile as she stepped around her ready to pass. “At least outside the bedroom. Now, if you excuse me. I have some errands to attend to. If you have any further questions you can find me at the funeral home.”
And with that Y/N found herself heading back to her car the folder she held clutched tightly in her hand.
She couldn’t decide if she wanted to burn the folder or not.
Chibs sighed rolling his eyes at Juice as he rounded the billiards table for what felt like the hundredth time. 
He spoke nodding down at the pool cue in the younger man’s hands. “Are ya takin yer damn shot or not? I ain’ got all day, Juicey.”
Juice scowled at the older man, his voice tight. “We put money on this okay? I don’t trust you after last time. I still say you hustled me, talked that damn croweater into distracting me and putting me off my game.”
“Aint my fault yer a shite pool player. I won fair an square.” Chibs snapped back a small smirk on his lips knowing that he had maybe talked the buxom blonde croweater Juice was recalling into helping distract Juice from the game.
It hadn’t been too selfish in Chibs’ opinion. He got Juice laid.
Chibs sighed as his cell phone began to chime he yanking it from his kutte knowing he might as well have a phone call since Juice was nowhere near getting on with the game.
He felt his heart lift at the familiar number as it flashed along his screen. He hit accept call, his voice becoming far more cheery than it had been moments before. “Hen, what are ye doin?”
“I need you, Filip.” She blurted out the comment striking him off guard.
The words were appealing but he was not hearing them in the context he would prefer. Her voice seemed panicked.
She spoke again knowing she sounded paranoid but a voice told her if Stahl was interested in her then who was to say that the feds hadn’t found a way to listen in on her calls. She had little idea how bugging phones worked outside of movies. “I need help with my lamb…seasoning it. You know what to do with lamb.”
Chibs furrowed his brow, thrown off even more by the comment. Y/N didn’t eat lamb.
He’d learned that bit of information when he’d mentioned Half Sack’s vegetarianism to Y/N as well as Gemma’s criticism of vegetarians. Y/N had commented that she was not a vegetarian and didn’t think she would be strong willed enough to be one. She did admit that she couldn’t bring herself to eat veal or lamb though. She had commented that she knew it was stupid as she’d eat the adult versions of cows at least…but she couldn’t get herself to eat lamb nor veal as they were both baby animals. He could remember finding the comment kind of sweet though amusing.
He felt his stomach turn it hitting him she was worried that someone was listening in on the conversation. 
He spoke trying to keep his calm and not fly off the handle at the thought. “Are ya safe, Love? Is anyone following ya? Are ya alone?”
“Yeah, no. You know it. I uh…just ran into someone while I was out…we got to talking as she reminded me of how much a pain lamb is to deal with. I know you know just what to do with lamb. So, I thought I’d call in the expert. I thought I might call Gemma about it…you remember what she told me about lamb back when we met to make those future funeral plans for Clay and her. I figured that you might be the person to go to though.” Y/N remarked still keeping her cool not helping but to feel like a moron for this entire charade.
She had a feeling that Chibs seemed to have caught up on the game though and was intelligent enough to decode what she was trying to say.
He spoke tossing the pool cue he’d been holding down on the table not caring if it scattered the balls and alarmed Juice. “Aye, I’ll be there, Hen. Don’t ya worry Mo ghràidh. I’ll handle the lamb fer ye.”
“Okay, be at my place…I’m headed there now.” She provided saying the remaining words in her head. I love you, Filip.
“Aye, I’ll be there soon.” He replied unaware that she was thinking the same thing he was currently thinking. I love you.
He hung up his cell sending Juice nod as he turned to leave. “Game’s over, Laddie. If Clay asks I’m goin to see my ol lady. Gotta help her with some lamb. Tell Gemma to give me a call. She knows what to do with lamb.”
Juice furrowed his brow as he watched Chibs leave the man not paying him any mind. He spoke to an empty clubhouse completely confused by the interaction. “Lamb?”
Her lips met his the second he walked in the door.
Chibs let himself into Y/L/N and Sons Funeral Home well past knocking and waiting for someone to allow him entrance.
He’d spent almost every night in the home this past week, so formalites like knocking had been forgotten.
He made his way upstairs nodding to Skeeter, the man giving him only rolled eyes in response.
As soon as Chibs stepped past the sliding door that led him into Y/N’s living quarters her lips met his in a bruising kiss.
He returned the kiss, his hands sliding along her body appreciating the figure he’d been shamefully admiring since their first meeting.
She pulled from his lips reluctantly, her voice sounding frantic now that she was far away from Agent Stahl. “An ATF agent ran into me at the cemetery today. Had some questions for me.”
“Shite, who was it?” Chibs dared to ask, having the feeling he already knew the answer.
Y/N took a deep breath trying to calm her anxieties. “Agent Stahl…fucking bitch tried to push my buttons by asking me about my past…Gunner and some other shit. She was eager to mention your wife…and shit that happened in Belfast. Tried to show me mugshots and your criminal record. She left a freaking file with me and told me to take a look at it so I could learn all about you. She’s trying to make me crack and run my mouth. Pretty sure she thinks that if she makes me afraid of you then I’ll turn and give her enough to go after SAMCRO.”
Chibs clenched his jaw, shaking his head, his hold on Y/N tightening. “What’d ye say?”
“I told her I know nothing about what you were up to in Belfast. I know about your wife and am unbothered by it. I know nothing about SAMCRO. I told her all I do is suck your dick and open your beers…I got pretty graphic on that last detail.”
Chibs smirked at the comment, his hand wandering down her body to give her backside a squeeze he was unable to stop himself. “Aye, ye ain given me that privilege yet, Hen. Probably had to use yer imagination on that one, aye?”
She sighed, shaking her head at the comment though it did make a hint of smile cross her features. “I thought the lewd angle would unnerve her…I have the weirdest sense that it turned her on. Pretty sure I can spot a bisexual from a mile away.”
Chibs rose a brow at the information. He spoke, shaking his head at the comment. “Ye know I would rather hear bout ye gettin a woman hot and bothered if she wasn’t a Fed.”
“I know you would…sadly I’m telling you what I told her…pussy doesn’t do it for me the same way a dick does. I have no interest in muff diving anytime soon, sorry to break your heart.” She commented, not shocked by this line of conversation. He truly was a male through and through.
“Aye, can’t say I’m disappointed…I don’t like sharin.” He remarked, surprising her by the certainty in his voice.
He sighed his hand running up and down her back as he spoke again. “Did ye look at the record? My rap sheet?”
“Not really…She mentioned a bunch of crap you pulled in Belfast. Saw a mugshot of Fiona and you…Stahl loved shoving that in my face. She tried to coax me into looking into the entire file.” Y/N explained noticing the tension in Chibs’ body at the mention of his estranged wife and of Belfast.
He felt his throat grow tight as he spoke again knowing that there was nothing he regretted in that file she was discussing. He had to fear that Y/N might find some things she was not pleased to learn about him…especially during his time with the cause. “Wouldn’t care if ye wanted to look at the entire file…ye probably should know bout the lad yer datin.” 
Y/N spoke so certain of the words that left her. “I know who I’m dating. I’m dating someone who has been so sweet and so protective of me right from the start. I’m dating someone who makes me laugh and as I recall eats me out like his life depends on it…which indicates he’s going to be pretty well versed in doing other things in the bedroom.”
She paused, pressing a kiss to his cheek catching the hitch in his breath at the mention of their bedroom activities. She spoke again, her voice soothing. “I’m dating a man who has known more pain than any human being should ever have to know, but still remains so strong and so compassionate. I’m dating a man who is loyal to his brothers and would do whatever it takes to protect what he believes in. I’m dating a guy who goes above and beyond to look out for me. He rushed all the way over here after I called him ranting about lamb like a nutcase…he offered to kill someone for me because he knows they caused me pain.”
She spotted his hold on her grew tighter at the mention of Gunner. She spoke once again, her lips pressing back to his cheek. “The man I’m dating has listened to me cry over my brother and my father on our first date and didn’t run screaming. He doesn’t care if my job scares the hell out of everyone. He treats me better than I ever believed I deserved. He proves to me each and every day that he wants me to be treated with all the adoration and security on the planet. He makes me feel safer than anyone has ever been capable of making me feel. I know just who I’m dating. I don’t need a criminal record to tell me a thing about him. I know who he is outside of shit he’s done.”
He sighed, his lips sliding along hers relief washing over him. She spoke as she pulled from the kiss her voice soft. “I don’t need a fucking ATF agent to tell me who I’m dating, because I know him better than she ever will.”
She spoke again, her voice firm. “I am not telling her shit. I’m sure it won’t be the last time she tries to press me over this. I know that ATF is up SAMCRO’s collective ass right now. I’m not telling her a thing though Filip.”
“Aye, I know, Hen. I trust ye. Ye did so good, Love. Fuckin gash doesn’ stand a chance with my lass.” Chibs praised her, the comment making Y/N preen somewhat. She was surprised by the feeling. She didn’t think she had a praise kink, but anything was possible.
He pressed a kiss to her lips he fast to speak again. “I want ye to keep tellin her the same thing, Hen. Ye don’t know shite. She ain’ got nothin on ye. She probably thought the fuckin life I was forced from in Belfast was some big secret I was keepin from ye.”
Y/N nodded her head knowing that was exactly what Stahl had been hoping for. She spoke a soft sigh leaving her. “She brought up the empty graves…Kept my story the same as always.”
“That’s my hen. Ye know yer in the clear on that mo ghràidh. Ye’d already be in handcuffs and been carted away if they had shite on that.” Chibs reassured her a sense of comfort washing over at at the words.
She knew he was right. It had been long enough. Lodi had left her alone and she had a feeling the ATF didn’t care about two empty graves when the local P.D. had failed to connect the dots between her, SAMCRO, and those bodies.
She had a feeling the ATF was more interested in the gun running that SAMCRO was secretly engaging in. 
Any pressure Stahl was placing on her was to entice her into slipping up and saying something Chibs had told her in confidence. She knew that the agent was getting nothing from her. 
Y/N would never betray the man she loved no matter how much Stahl irritated her and attempted to intimidate her.
She allowed her lips to slide along Chibs’ , the pair growing lost in the moment. She parted her lips from his knowing that there was only one thing she wanted at this moment that could make this day seem less awful. “I want you to take me to my room and love me so good that I forget all this crap.”
Chibs felt his heart rate increase at the comment, a warm flush of lust spreading throughout him. Was she offering what he hoped? “Aye, is that so? Are ye sure, Hen? Ye want it all?”
She nodded her head stunned at the realization of how badly she wanted this. She pressed her lips to his the kiss feather light before she spoke. “I am so sure. Take me to my room and love me Filip.”
He felt the moan leave his lips as she took his hands in hers leading him from the room to their destination. 
He knew he had every intention of giving her what she was asking for. 
He would give her anything. It was a realization he was quite content with.
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