#depresso expresso hours
lexicorp · 1 year
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Realized I never posted this for some reason, but here she be now
Did this midley pic for my bro a while back, is p neat
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crystalbaby12 · 2 months
I don't feel good and now I'm in sad girl hour. Gonna get all wrapped up, put on a sad movie and cry. Blahhhh
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bluiex · 2 years
I'll answer things soon- sorry for the delay OTL
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naes-dairy · 3 months
what should I do.. I feel like if I don't talk to anyone, they won't talk to me ..
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hexa-trance · 1 year
It's one of those 2am crisis nights where I'm panicking between 'do I have breast cancer' or have I just not showered enough lately....I definitely haven't showered enough lately 🙃
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aceyanaheim · 2 years
Me: has a mini anxiety attack before class bc I couldn't study
Also Me: gets most of the questions on the quiz right
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emmyrosee · 4 months
Only write this if u want to and with whoever u want.
But y/n has been depresso expresso these past few weeks she can’t get out of bed, she’s not been answering calls or texts and whenever she does she’s declining requests to hang out or come over….and her boyfriend had been missing her. So he just shows up spontaneously and rings the doorbell and she opens the door and she stares at him and then BURSTS into tears. BC GUESS WHAT ur grieving ur broke ur periods here u have assignments due next week that u haven’t even started and ur just so overwhelmed…. But Ofc u didn’t want ur boyfriend to see u like this u look messy right now. BUTTT Ofc ur boyfriend couldn’t care less and takes care of u anyway and brings u outside for fresh air and takes u for some ice cream at the 24 hr convince store nearby even though he doesn’t even like Ice cream that much but u have been craving something sweet and cold so why wouldn’t he 🥹
The gentle knocking against your door has your brow raising and your show pausing. You’re not used to having guests at this hour, much less guests at all, and you wrap yourself in a blanket to get up and greet the person at the door.
You check the peephole. Osamu stands outside, playing on his phone.
Your heart sinks at the idea of him seeing you like this, seeing you so drained and so tired, but you can’t ignore him or send him away, either. You shrug the blanket higher on your shoulders and you open the door, trying to ignore the way his face lights up as you open it. “Hey,” you murmur.
“Hey,” he whispers, hands digging around the plastic bag in his hand, pulling out a bag of gummy bears. “I brought gummy bears.”
You don’t know why- Honest!- but your eyes water and your lip wobbles and you absolutely throw yourself into his chest, his arms expertly catching you and cradling you while you absolutely wail. You fist his shirt as your sobs wrack your soul. He doesn’t say anything, merely pressing kisses to your head and rocking you both gently. “I’m sorry,” you heave.
He shushes you softly, “don’t worry about it. It’s okay.”
“I missed you so much,” you sob, and he hums in agreement. “Osamu, I’m so tired, I can’t bring myself to do anything, what’s wrong?”
“You’re in your head,” he says quietly, pulling back to wipe a tear that falls from your eye. “And that’s okay. You’ve been working so hard, it’s totally normal to be a bit burnt out, baby. You’ve got a lot going on.” He smiles softly at you, “but this is your sign to be pampered for a little bit, okay? You trust me?”
You sniffle a few more times before nodding, curling back into his chest to feel the tightness of his embrace circle you once again. He says nothing, he does nothing, merely letting you cry it out in his arms, with the occasional kiss to the crown of your head. Once you’ve tuckered yourself out, you pull back to look at him once again, only to laugh at the imprint of your crying face on his shirt. “Sorry,” you manage between sniffly laughter.
“It’s fine,” he snorts. “It’ll dry. Now-“ he nudges his head towards the door, “go lock up, and we can run to 7/11 for some ice cream.”
The mere idea makes your heart sing, but you pout up at him, “you don’t like ice cream though?”
“I’ll get chips. I know you’re going to steal some anyways, so I don’t mind,” he chuckles. For the first time in weeks, you feel yourself perk up, the idea of something sweet and cold tingling your tastebuds in ways you haven’t felt since losing your appetite. You move quicker than you have in days, turning off the tv and locking your door, only for osamu to catch you and wrap you in his big arms. You giggle as he catches under your knees and spins you into a bridal carry, and you wrap your arms around him instinctively.
He places you gingerly in the passenger seat, careful of your head and legs before closing the door and making his way to the drivers side. You smirk and lean over to honk the horn to scare him, cackling as he leaps a foot in the air, his face curling into one of mischief as he shakes his head. He gets in the car, “I’m getting you back for that.”
“Try me,” you tease.
The ride to 7/11 is just as fun, with his hand on your thigh and the windows down while music plays through the speakers. The sun is setting, casting a hue of pink over the horizon and objects on it, and it’s almost amusing how the 7/11 looks ethereal carved in pink.
Four bags of chips, a bag of m’n’m’s and three ice creams later, you check out of the store and make your way back to the car, each of you indulging in your ice creams before they melt into goo.
You sigh and look up at him, “are we going home?”
“Do you want to?”
He looks over at you warmly, laying his tongue flat to slurp up a lap of ice cream. You snicker and shrug, “not… not really. I mean… I haven’t been outside in weeks, and it feels so good.”
“Then we don’t go home,” he says simply, taking a bite of his cone. “I think the moon is full tonight, so we can go watch the sunset finish, look for the moon?”
You beam up at him, “I’d love that.”
He nods, “I thought you might.”
It takes only 5 minutes to find a park suitable to situate at, your fingers now dug into a bag of Doritos as he parks the car and nudges his head, “come on. We can set up in the trunk.”
“Yeah,” he encourages, and you merely shrug and follow his example of getting out of the car. He pops the trunk and plops himself down, patting the seat next to him. “I don’t have a blanket we can lay down on, so this will have to do.”
“Why don’t you lay on the dirt and I’ll lay on you?” You ask, and he rolls his eyes while you laugh. “I thought you were chivalrous, Osamu.”
“I’m not getting a tick because you’re too fancy to sit in a trunk,” he teases, and you shake your head playfully before sitting in the trunk next to him. You rest your head on his shoulders, and he reaches in the bag for a dorito, his head laying down to rest on yours.
And it’s quiet. Comfortably quiet, with a warm hand resting on your knee with his thumb rolling over the bone lovingly, a bag of crumpled Doritos tossed somewhere behind you. The sun has set half an hour ago, but you’re both too entranced by the bright moon hanging low in the sky to move. Bugs come to life as they chirp, and streetlights pop on around the park.
It’s bliss.
It’s amazing how much the fresh air has brought you back, how much Osamu brought you back, and you don’t know what you’d do without him.
“Yeah baby?”
“I love you.”
He kisses your head, “I love you too, baby.” Then he sighs, and you feel the arm wrapped lowly around you trail up your side, and your lip twitches. “Now, about the whole honking at me thing-“
“No!” You squeal as five fingers dig into your side, holding you close as you squirm at the tickling, your laughter ringing in the air of night that envelops you both like a hug.
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luminouslywriting · 4 months
Band of brothers headcannon ,somehow somebody told them u were cheating on them and they get super angry or depressed but then they discover it's not true, in a way or another.
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An angsty request? Nonny, I'm not sure if you know this, but I live in angst and pain and prefer writing this sort of stuff haha! So keep sending in the angsty headcanon requests, because I'm SO down! Requests are open!
Cut for length, light spice in some, angst under the cut, picking on Webster at least once for no reason haha:
Dick Winters:
-It's not necessarily that someone told him that you were cheating as much as it was implied through subtext and he does NOT deal well with that at all.
-But he's not super vocal about it??? Like, he's the type of man who would rather just talk to you about things than let rumors lie in wait and spiral.
-It doesn't stop him from worrying about if he's done something wrong to push you away until you're able to finally talk.
-And when you do talk, there's this massive relief that you were just getting another job and talking with a superior about it—nothing malicious or mean of the sort.
-Please just reassure this man that he's the love of your life. He's a fairly secure man, but this was rough emotionally and he never accused you of anything but that doesn't mean that he wasn't worried for a second there.
-It definitely becomes a laughing point in your relationship later on.
Lewis Nixon:
-Listen, this man has NOT had good luck when it comes to women or relationships in his lifetime. So when you're a little busier than normal and out longer than normal, he can't help but spiral.
-He takes these fears to some of his friends (not Winters though, because that man would tell him to screw his head on straight haha), and they somehow get it in his head that you're cheating on him
-Cue the downward spiral of drinking and being depresso-expresso yet again
-So when you come home and you've been working extra hours to get a surprise for him—because all you wanted to do was afford a dog on your own wages rather than Lew's money—and he's all emotional and upset—it's a rough situation
-Arguments are had and feelings are hurt. So when he sobers up and realizes that you were just trying to do something sweet for him, he's hurrying to apologize in a big grand romantic gesture sort of a way.
-Moral of the story? Don't surprise him, he'll assume something else is going on or start some sort of conspiracy theory about it haha
Ronald Speirs:
-Someone starts the rumors maliciously because they had a crush/feelings for you and it gets around pretty quickly....and the thing about the entire situation is that he's unfazed? -Like this is the man who people-watches and reads people really well. He's fairly certain that he'd know if you were cheating on him lol.
-That being said, when the rumors finally make their way over to YOU, you shut them down and go to talk to him.
-He's really patient and sweet about the entire thing—because of course he knows you weren't cheating on him, but you're apologizing because of the rumors and he's just wanting to be there for you because that's a rough reputation to have going around tbh.
-Speirs is so secure in the relationship and the way that you feel about him. If not for the declaration of love, then certainly for the way that you are screaming his name later that evening lol.
-Also definitely finds the root of the rumor and uses intimidation to make them back off—no more problems like that for you two ever again.
Buck Compton:
-He's shocked and baffled as to what he's hearing and he's going through everything in his mind trying to figure out where he went wrong. Has he upset you? Were you two not close? What happened anyway?
-He gets real quiet about things when he sees you next because he's trying to figure out how to express what he's feeling.
-And there's definitely some distance on his part and so when he finally comes to you and just asks about the entire thing, YOU'RE just as baffled as he is.
-So reassure him, give him cuddles, attention, verbal affirmation that he's the only man for you, and he'll be secure in no time at all
-But also, realize that it's now going to be a lingering fear of his that you'll leave him for someone else. So be on watch and on guard for any feelings like that re-emerging over time.
-Communication and showing love is going to be big in patching things up.
Carwood Lipton:
-Heart shattered and in disbelief the minute that he sees you hugging another man that he does not recognize.
-He doesn't necessarily want to confront you and have a nasty argument about it, but his jealousy is certainly spiking quite a bit. This leads to him pulling away from the relationship.
-And then the minute that you introduce him to your cousin who has been fighting down in the Pacific for the past few years?? It all clicks into place and he suddenly feels very silly.
-Shamefully admits this to you later when it's just you two alone. And he feels really bad that he even doubted your feelings and intentions.
-But tell him that he's the one, demand that he give you a family—all will be solved by morning haha
-It becomes a running joke in your family for years to come.
Joseph Liebgott:
-JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS—he knows that you have lots of guy friends and that you get along well with HIS friends. But let's be honest, it's probably Webster who suggests that maybe you're a little TOO close to some of his friends.
-And so the ugly side of his jealousy rears it's head and he's getting all possessive and kind of controlling in some ways
-Confronting him is going to be the simplest and easiest route to handle this entire situation
-It's going to be a few arguments later that he realizes that he's really messed up by accusing you of sleeping with one of his friends. But he does come to you and genuinely apologize for his words.
-Yes, this is something you and said friend are going to hold over his head for the rest of your relationship lol.
-And yes, Webster may have gotten punched by you for planting the idea in sweet Joe's head.
Donald Malarkey:
-Listen, this man pays no mind to rumors. But when the rumors involve you and another man? He tends to pay attention. He doesn't believe what he's hearing at all.
-Definitely runs to talk to you immediately about the rumors and isn't sure what to make of your reaction—shocked, of course.
-Your reassurances calm him down and a cuddle session immediately will help him feel much better
-He's definitely going to bring you flowers the next time that he sees you out of guilt lol
-Tries to be more confident in the relationship after that because you promised him that he's the only man for you
-Also attempts to quell rumors with his friends because he's fiercely defensive over you and your honor.
Eugene Roe:
-Soft man here is in love with you to the point of self-destruction, okay?? So when he comes to see you in the medic tent and finds another man kissing you, he's immediately hurt and heart is shattered.
-What he doesn't know is that that was a patient who just kissed you and you had to literally slap the man to get him off of you. So Gene here is in his feels and upset about things.
-When you come to see him and he doesn't really want to talk, you're so confused and he gets really emotional about the entire thing. It's a whole messy argument of you trying to explain what happened.
-And then of course after he's had some time to process the entire thing, he feels just awful for not listening to you or understanding the situation
-He comes to you with a really sincere and soft apology, possibly some chocolate in hand to help his case, and tells you how much you mean to him
-Is it the first time he admits that he loves you? Absolutely. And this certainly leads to the best makeout session of your life haha.
Bill Guarnere:
-Throws hands the minute that someone tells him you're cheating on him. He doesn't believe the rumors for one freakin' minute.
-So when you have to patch him up after some injuries and you're demanding to know why and he angrily explains that it's about you, it's a whole mess.
-You're sitting there trying to explain that you would NEVER, and he KNOWS that so he's just mad that someone would spread the rumors anyway
-This just leads to the two of you being more annoying with PDA haha
-And having a really noisy session of sex where you're both just being so vocal about your love for one another
-Yes, everyone knows that this just strengthened your relationship.
Joe Toye:
-He hears it around the guys in the base—the thing is?? It's an old rumor about some guy that you had kissed BEFORE you were with Joe.
-He gets real quiet and sullen about the entire thing, almost a pouty behavior that leaves you with your head spinning because where is all of THIS behavior coming from??
-It takes a few days of this behavior before he's ready to talk about it and then you're attempting to explain that it's an old flame and that your feelings are solely for Joe now
-In fact, seducing him might just be the move because then he's super smug about the entire thing.
-He might even go and talk to the ex to see if HE has any feelings for you left. And yes, some intimidation might be in order to get him to leave the rumors alone because you and Joe are together now.
-You warn him not to act all pouty like that again though—it was NOT it for you two haha
George Luz:
-Bamboozled, shocked, dismayed, all five stages of grief—but mostly in disbelief
-He's immediately going to shade the hell out of whoever was spreading the rumor even BEFORE he goes to talk to you about the entire thing
-Super down on himself and joking about how he's messed up the entire relationship because clearly you're cheating—and GIRL, you better shut that down NOW
-Please just give him a grand gesture of love yourself and shade him a little bit for even thinking like that??
-Honestly, if you say you're down for marriage, problem solved and this man will never bring it up again—except for maybe in the speeches at the wedding lol
-Is convinced you're even more beautiful when you're shading him for being stupid and believing rumors haha
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angelplayzgames · 5 months
The Vees:
They are like siblings. Other than the fact that Val and Vox are in an on an off relationship, they are like a family, in a way. Acting like they all hate each other, when in reality they do care.
You may now kiss the moth. Vox and Val have been married for about 40 years (since around 1985). I can totally see Val rocking a wedding dress.
Hop in losers, we’re going shopping. Val and Vel, despite being very rich Overlords themselves, any chance they get, will always make Vox go nearly broke with their shopping sprees.
She can take her head off and reassemble her body parts. (They are plastic, so it’s less expensive than Vox’s)
She’s a lesbian. Okay, my reasoning? She just gives the vibe. I have a feeling she secretly likes her assistants (especially when they do her proud). Please give my girl a girlfriend in season two 🙏🙏
Definitely a girl’s girl.
04:00, do my makeup. Yeah, this headcanon is based off my friend at school (she is absolutely GORGEOUS btw, no homo), she wakes up at four in the morning to do her makeup, and, beauty is pain isn’t it? So, I gave this attribute to Velvette 👁️👄👁️👍
Munch Munch, mmmm, yummy cloth. Yeah, I remembered somewhere back in my brain, that some moths eat clothing? I can just see Val annoying the hell out of Velvette by waking up in the middle of the night, strolling to Vel’s work studio, and just munching on her designs.
Brother, I crave the forbidden light in the sky. Yeah, moth man loves light (basically a bug’s equivalent to drugs ). Part of the reason he married Vox.
More depresso, less expresso. Yeah, despite having literally everything a sinner could want in the afterlife, he is depressed.
GET THE #### OUT OF MY ROOM! I’M PLAYING MINECRAFT!! CHAT, HE’S A GAMER!! I feel that he would be REALLY GOOD at FNAF, because he’s always down in his man cave stalking watching COLLECTING DATA about Alastor. ( And everyone else too. ) He’s basically always on his monitors, although he gets jumpscared pretty easily, rip bozo, he’s good at manoeuvring the screens to check the cameras.
HEY! DID YOU KNOW THAT SHARKS… Yeah, if you bring up anything remotely related to sharks, he goes bonkers. He’d ramble about them like an hyper-fixated ADHDer on a sugar rush. FOR. HOURS.
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ageha-sds · 2 years
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it's depresso expresso hours for ole rubicante
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ladye-zelda · 7 months
Welp, it’s my favorite time of the day /sar
✨depresso expresso hours✨
Time to go kill Link I suppose
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smilesrobotlover · 10 months
Pillow fort time for the depresso expresso club? (Sorry it’s been a rough night; giving lots of hugs 🫂🫂🫂)
Thank you thank you. I closed yesterday and stayed for 3 hours later than I was supposed to. I hate closing. And I was just scheduled to close everyday next week! That makes me soooooo happy
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snarker · 1 year
I have always struggled with this stomach churning, sometimes vomit inducing anxiety whenever I meet people I admire (mostly from actors/directors/conductors due to my fangirling days).
In a way this destructive feeling shook hands with my impostor syndrome, as it questions my being as a 'creative' even harder when surrounded with established creative people.
This began to change when I created the below after watching RSC's 'The Comedy of Errors' in Barbican, 2021 (one of the first shows after the panini, and honestly a recommendation if you want to get the DVD).
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I had one of the best times making this - starting straight after the show and working into the wee hours of the morning.
The way the colour matched each of the main characters (drawn in their own tribulations), surrounded by the chaos (highlighted in dark grey) was vivid in my mind and I was HOOKED.
I didn't expect anything much when I posted this on Twitter, but the fact that the cast (and even the director) liked it blew my mind. They even asked if I could commission this artwork for them, which I did (although I did ask them to make a donation to 'The Grand Appeal' as I couldn't phantom getting money from this).
This led me to having the most cherished piece I have ever owned:-
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I've had this framed since and it gave me a confidence boost on days where I feel unproductive/depresso expresso. I remain forever grateful to those who have continued to support me over the years, this piece just validates all of that.
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yumeyleo · 1 year
usually im no expresso only depresso at this hour but i am feelinG GOODDDDDD IM GONNA RULE TH E FUCKING WORLD AND WAHAHHAHAH A A A I WILL PLAY 6 SONGS AT FUCKING ONCE
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shadowyspectre · 1 year
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Do a homie want interaction with my boi Wukong (Icarus) post-infection? He can range from "more expresso, less depresso" to "fucking don't look at me, ur interrupting my internal monologue"
Basically, fake it till you make it and angry depressed man hours.
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Well I happened across this ask game and it seemed like fun. Send an ask with one of the listed playlists and I'll give you a song or lyric from it!
Idk what to name this yet
Basic Bitch
Depresso Expresso
Crispy Crew
Gotta Go Fast
be unsettled
Go Hard
Theatre Nerd Hours
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