#depres scott
bakorrra2 · 2 years
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SlenderYugi and SlenderGekko
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kaibacorpstocksplit · 11 months
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YGOctober Day 23: Richie Merced, Yako Tenma, Gekko Tenma, and Depre Scott
Meal fit for a king!
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kawai-321 · 2 years
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Gekko, Richie, Depre y Yako tambien cumplen años hoy 👀
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
For those wondering, here’s the remaining Monster Cards for YGO-R characters:
Gekko only: 4
Yugi: 4
Seto: 4
Gekko & Yako together: 3
Depre Scott: 3
Ted Banias: 3
Richie Merced: 3
Pete Coppermine: 2
Maico Kato: 1
Masumi Monomo: 1
Klamoth Osler: 1
Keith: 1
Yako only: 1
About 31 cards are remaining, though YGO-R Decks are mostly monsters, since there are lots of one-off characters. If all of these get printed, then the Subscription promo slots will be given to GX instead (there is a fair amount Spell/Traps from YGO-R so they will continue to get printed in Premium Packs even after monsters are completed.)
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shinayashipper · 3 years
Binge-reading YGO:R again and looking at Depres' fashion style, I can only think of DSOD-Yugi 😂😂 I mean... just:
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If you add Yugi's signature collar and braces then BAM, we get a DSOD-Yugi fashion style 😳😂 (well, if Yugi is more comfortable showing his chest and belly that is 😂)
I feel like DSOD-Yugi will really fit Depres' style!!
Depres is also my fave Card Professor actually, maybe it's also because of his design but I just Vibe. If only we got more of him!!
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threecupsfull · 4 years
Scott Moir zoom transcript 3/26
For Ravi Walia’s students posted on IG March 26, 2020
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Student: How do you like get inspired or like get motivated when you're going through a tough time?
Scott: Good question. Motivation for me is something that changes constantly. I was, I was..I would say I was fortunate in my career to be motivated often. There, there Tessa and I kind of had this relationship where I felt like I would.. I would do anything for her. And I know she felt the same way. That was my motivator my biggest motivator in my career.
At the beginning of my career, many of you know this, but.. when Tessa came into my life we weren't skating together, we were just at the Club, and she was two years younger than me, and she was probably, well maybe not a foot shorter but she was shorter than me, two years younger than me, and a way better jumper and a waaay better skater, and so when we started skating together, my only motivation was to not get shown up by this little girl.
And then soon after you know that changed into oh my god, we're on the same team, and she puts her heart and soul into this and I'm not going to be the one who lets her down. And my darkest times of depres- like not depression, I won't say, but.. lack of confidence came from me not thinking I'd be able to hold up my end of the bargain. So that was a huge thing for me, but when I - we're going through sss- moments of motivation or self-confidence where it's lacking, one of the biggest things we do is have open communication about it. Tessa and I .. we had each other and that's a huge thing.
That singles skater I always say, that communication is with your coach, and that feeling is with your coach, and that can be your on ice coach, your mental coach, but you need to talk about it. You know, thinking something in your head.. is very different than saying it out loud and hearing yourself say it out loud. So when when we had a problem, or someone wasn't motivated, we started to realize it was ok to say that out loud.
So there would be days, and I think people would be surprised to hear this, when I would come into the rink or Tessa would come into the rink and just be like "I don't feel like doing this today" and then I'd be like "oh god, me neither" it's some Friday in May and the sun is shining and it's beautiful, and, but then we would look at each other and be like, "Ok, but, if we want to win the Olympics, we need to make this happen.”  Then we'd kind of start again and build up "now what can we get done?" and all of a sudden we're kind of on the ice and things fall into place.
So.. I'd say the biggest thing is to discuss it. To bring it out into the open, and then just just be honest with yourself. It doesn't mean that you're being a negative person. You start there and recognize it, give it its moment, then you move on to the next part.
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apeir0nn · 5 years
Quali sono i tuoi libri preferiti?
Il mio preferito è "Martin Eden" che ahimè ora stanno conoscendo tutti solo perché ci hanno fatto il film, poi c'è "Dear Scott dearest Zelda" che è la raccolta di lettere, in lingua, tra Francis e Zelda Fitzgerald dal periodo del corteggiamento a quello della morte di lui. L'ho amato tantissimo e a volte ne rileggo qualche pagina. Poi c'è "La voce a te dovuta", raccolta di poesie di Pedro Salinas, perché sono una romanticona, e l'ultimo che ho letto che mi è piaciuto tantissimo è "Città sola" di Olivia Laing, un saggio sul senso di solitudine degli artisti, perché sono depre.
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buckyscrystalqueen · 6 years
Matching Crazy: Part 4
Pairings: Negan x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, PTSD, Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 2,656
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
“Hey (Y/N).” One of the Sanctuary’s regulars, Mark said as you and Regina stood behind the bar on a slow Wednesday night. “How come you never make drinks?” You glanced over him as you restocked the back wall of liquor bottles from the stock in the back so you could be ready for the new shipment of inventory due to arrive in the morning.
“Because I don’t.” You giggled. “I haven’t been a bartender in like three years.”
“Oh, come on.” Another regular, Scott, said as he swirled his scotch on the rocks around his glass. “All bartenders have some kinda trick up their sleeve. Let’s see it.” You smirked as you looked over at the pair of gentlemen before continuing your gaze up to your co-worker.
“Hey, I showed them the bottle tossing.” She said as she added two more bottles to her side of the bar. “It’s your turn to entertain them until Dean gets ‘off work’.” You sighed as you looked at the bottle of blue Hpnotiq in your hands.
“Alright fine.” The two guys cheered and toasted their drinks as you put away the two bottles in your hands and turned toward the bar. “Now, it’s been years since I’ve done this, y’all so bear with me.” Regina smirked and shook her head as she continued to work while you set up seven shot glasses and a silver tumbler on the bar. You poured ingredients slowly, being careful not to get the first layer of grenadine on the sides of the glass and making sure that the pineapple juice was poured on a big spoon over ice.
“Alright, here we go.” You said as you topped it off with an ounce of vodka and a bit of slowly poured blue Curaçao. You grabbed a strainer and poured the layered drink out, creating a halfway decent rainbow of shots. The guys cheered loudly, as if it were the coolest thing they had ever seen and after a moment, you gathered all the shots to pour back into the tumbler to toss out.
“Y’all need to find a better form of entertainment.” You laughed as you dumped the drink down the drain and stepped over to the register to comp the contents out. You had barely tapped the screen when a shot rang out in the bar, echoing through your mind like a haunted scream. Your right shoulder lurched forward from the impact of a bullet going through your shoulder, and your head hit the edge of a close hanging shelf, violently.
“Get down!” Regina screamed as the bar filled with automatic fire, shattering the bottles on the wall and causing glass and liquor to rain down onto the bar floor. She scrambled across the floor, and tackled you to the ground so you wouldn’t be shot again as flash backs began to strangle your consciousness.
“No.” You said with a shake of your head as you held on to your shoulder. Blood pooled in your fingers as the gunshots finally stopped, but the sound of screeching tires was lost to you.
“You guys OK?” Regina called out as she grabbed a bar towel and pressed it on your shaking shoulder.
“Scott’s hit.” Mark choked out. “I think… I think he’s dead.”
“OK, (Y/N). I need you to hold this.”
“I have to go.” You said as you tried to scramble across the wood, cutting your hands on the shards of glass.
“Marine!” She shouted as she sat up just long enough to grab the bar phone. “Stay there!” You shook your head frantically, but stopped moving as Regina called Negan as fast as she could.
“Gi…” You breathed as you squished the blood drenched towel to your shoulder. “I don’t…”
“Hang in there, (Y/N).” She said through her teeth as she tried to clear a path between where she was, and where you had crawled to.
“Negan…” You gasped as your vision started to fade from blood loss. You very faintly heard him say your name before you slipped into the worst nightmare you had ever had.
You were trapped in the middle of hell, slipping in and out of consciousness. Every noise was a threat, calling ghosts from your past forward in your mind. Battle after battle repeated itself, no matter how many drugs the hospital gave you, and when the night terrors got to the point where you tried to rip out your IV, you had to be restrained for your own safety. Which made matters impossibly worse.
“We’re gunna have to sedate her.” You heard a doctor say as you sobbed and stared at a small, middle eastern boy holding a grenade in one had and the pin in the other through your tears.
“I want Negan!” You screamed at all four people in the room as you slowly worked your other hand free of the restraint where you wouldn’t be caught.
“OK that’s not…” Your nurse said with a shake of her head.
“Then get out!” You screamed. “Leave me alone! All of you!”
“Let’s just come back.” The nurses aid said as he took a step back toward the door. “I’ve seen PTSD like this before…”
“She’s gunna hurt herself.” The doctor tried.
“No she won’t.” The aid said as he pulled open your room door. “She’s just scared. Let her breathe for a minute. She’s had people surrounding her for the past twenty hours straight. Just give her space.” The doctor and the nurse both nodded and took a step back out of the room, leaving you alone with the figment of your imagination.
“Fuck this shit.” You said as you sat up the moment the door latched behind them. “Fuck all this.” You scrambled to take off the ankle restraints while keeping an eye on the little boy in the room, despite the fact that there was a small part of you that knew he wasn’t really there. You waited until the very last minute to pull off the heart rate monitors as you removed IV’s and downed the big glass of water on your side table before grabbing your bag of belongings, and bolting out of the second story window onto the roof of the neighboring parking garage.
“Where the fucking fuck is she?” Negan roared at the woman working at the front desk of the hospital only a couple hours after you bolted.
“Sir, please.” The woman said, completely terrified of the biker screaming in her face. “We don’t know. She ran…”
“She was fucking shot! And I know she was probably freaking the fuck out because I know my fucking girl!” He shouted as he pointed forcefully at her. “You should have fucking sedated her!”
“Sir, please.” She tried again.
“Sir, I’m gunna have to ask you to leave, now.” The security officer said as he daringly stepped up to Negan’s side. The biker rounded on him with a death glare.
“You better fucking hope I find my girl or all of you are in for a world of fucking hurt.” He turned quickly, and stormed out the doors past the rest of the club. “I want fucking everyone out looking for her! You don’t fucking eat, you don’t fucking sleep, you don’t even take a fucking piss until you fucking bring my girl home. She’s fucking scared and probably freaking the fuck out. Just fucking find her!” He brought his bike roaring to life and put your helmet on the seat between his thighs so it wouldn’t get lost before taking off like a bat outta hell to find his girl.
Frozen. You were absolutely, straight through your bones, teeth rattlingly frozen, and hiding in the tube in a children’s playground. You knew you had to be close to the clubhouse but you couldn’t remember how to get there. Fear of going back to the hospital kept you from asking for help. Your whole body ached as you curled into yourself in only a pair of ripped jeans, a dry blood covered, low cut t-shirt that had a bullet hole in the shoulder, and a thin hospital gown as a blanket. 
‘You’re safe.’ You reminded yourself for the millionth time in three days as you slowly wrapped the tie of the gown around your pointer finger. ‘Safe and stateside. Negan will find you soon. Stay where you are.’ Your stomach grumbled weakly, a sound you were used to from being on the streets as long as you had been. There was nothing you could do about it, your wallet was sitting on your dresser at home.
“Hey lady.” A child’s voice said above your head as a little boy stuck his head in your hiding hole. “You OK?”
“I’m safe!” You practically screamed at him, startling him to tears. He started to sob, and ran to find his mommy as you curled up even more to hide from the gust of wind that blew through the small holes that were spaced out along the tube. You didn’t hear the mother of the little boy calling the cops about the strange, bloody woman in the park but the sound of sirens sent your hair on end.
“No.” You said with a shake of your head as you watched the flashing red and blues through the hole in front of your chest. You forced yourself to uncurl and pushed yourself past the small jolt of pain that was almost instantly numbed away in the chill to get out of the tunnel to hide. Your body ached as you carefully walked down the steps and ran as fast as you could toward the tree line surrounding the park. 
‘I won’t go back.’ You thought as you jumped up the nearest tree and started to climb away from the cops that were scrambling to get to you. ‘I won’t.’
Negan didn’t care that he was on the highway, he simply pulled off the road the moment he felt his phone ring in his pocket.
‘Be her.’ He growled in his head as he scrambled to get his cell from his pocket while he was still moving to the side of the road. ‘Be her, fucking be her.’
“Yea?” He snapped as he skid to a stop.
“Negan?” A man said on the other end. “Deputy Eugene Porter. I wanted to let you know a call came in just now about a woman matching (Y/N)’s…”
“Where?!” Negan roared, wishing the officer would get to the point faster.
“She’s hiding in a tube on the playground on the north side of Huntley Meadows…” Negan didn’t wait to hear the rest of the guys statement and hung up the phone to get to you before the cops could get to you first.
‘You were so fucking close baby girl.’ He thought as he pulled into traffic without looking or caring. ‘I really need to teach you this fucking town.’
“G-g-go awayyy!” You screamed at the officers below you as you continued to move so they wouldn’t shoot you out of the tree (not that they would but you were sleep deprived, freezing cold, and not thinking straight.) “H-h-he’ll come for m-m-me.”
“(Y/N), get out of the tree!” Rick sighed into a megaphone like a broken record. You shook your head against the bark, further aggravating the stitches on your forehead from hitting the shelf. 
“No! I w-w-won’t go b-b-b-back! I w-want…” You stopped mid-sentence and your head whipped to the side as the distant rumble of a motorcycle on your right caught your attention. “Negan.” Without thinking about the consequences, you jumped to the tree beside you, catching the trunk at the last second, and sending pain jolting through your body. You wasted no time to recover from the shock of the impact, and jumped again.
Tree after tree, you made your way toward the parking lot, as the rumble of Negan’s bike got louder. You managed to lose your police detail in the branches, and made it to the edge as he pulled into the parking spot on the opposite end of the lot than the cop cars. You jumped out of the tree and fell to the ground as Negan threw his helmet back toward his bike and ran toward you.
“Fucking finally.” He breathed as he pulled you up to your feet and wrapped you protectively in his arms. “Thank fuck, you’re OK. I’m here. Right fucking here.” You started to sob as you hid your face in the warmth of his chest, and tried to control your shivering unsuccessfully.
“Y-you found m-me.” You chattered while trying to leach his warmth.
“Fuck, you’re like a damn ice cube.” He said as he yanked off his leather jacket, and wrapped it around your body. He rubbed your back furiously and glanced up at Rick and the other officers.
“Negan…” The deputy said with a shake of his head. “We need to take her.”
“The fuck you do!” Negan shouted as he turned his body so you were farther away from him. “What the fuck do you think you’re fucking playing at, huh? First you take her to the wrong fucking hospital after my fucking employee specifically told you where to take her. You didn’t fucking call me when I know for a fucking fact you know who she is to me. Then, I’m guessing she was put on just fucking painkillers and they obviously didn’t fucking sedate her immediately, which would have been the fucking smart treatment for someone with severe PTSD who had just been fucking shot! Which would have been fucking done if you fucking tools had taken her to the right fucking hospital!” He shook his head as he continued to rub your back while you hid your frozen ears against his chest. 
“You even fucking think I’m letting you fucking take her fucking anywhere, and you got another fucking thing coming! I fucking got her from here.” He kissed the top of your head and shook his as he turned to lead you back to the parking lot where one of the club prospects was finally pulling in with the club’s van to take you home. “Come on, baby girl. Let’s get you home.”
“I know, sweetheart.” Negan said before you could finish as he guided you to the front seat. “We have blankets, and we’ll get you in a hot shower at home.” You nodded as he pulled open the passenger door, and helped you into the van. “Then, once you’re warm, we’ll call the damn doc to come patch you up again, OK?” You nodded and curled up on the seat as Negan buckled you in and started to wrap you in blankets. You tried to move to give him back his jacket but he caught your hands and shook his head. “You need it, baby. I’m OK.” You nodded as he gave you a tight lipped smile and zipped up the jacket before continuing to put the blankets around your body.
“I knew you’d come.” You whispered as you searched his eyes.
“Of course I came for my girl.” He said as he brushed your hair back behind your ear. He gave you a chaste kiss and looked over at the prospect. “Straight to the fucking club. You don’t fucking stop for shit. I don’t give a fuck if you have ten cops on your ass with lights and sirens, you get her back to the fucking club before you stop, you fucking hear me?” The prospect nodded and buckled his seatbelt as Negan shut the passenger door with one more glance at you. You met Rick’s eyes through the windshield and very slowly flipped him off as the van was backed out of the parking spot and left the park to go home. 
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bookmania2020 · 4 years
The Essential Elements For Improving Focus in Life
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Everything in life has an opportunity cost. The opportunity cost of distraction is time, energy, and effort; otherwise, this time, energy and energy will be spent on activities that could improve your life. Poor attention management can reduce the quality of almost every part of your life: it can cause anxiety and depression, reduce your productivity, and make your relationships and conversations meaningless.
Everyone wants more focus, but most of us struggle every day. If we wish to focus on work tasks, prevent interruption in the modern world, or stick to our long-term goals, we need to pay attention to achieve these tasks. Besides, research shows that people who can stay focused often perform better when dealing with various cognitive challenges. In his book “Life is Like a Fast Car,”Scott Patrick Erwin writes, we need focused attention and consciousness if we want to control our lives.  
To re-establish attention and learn how to focus, we need to adjust both. This leads to the five essential elements of improving focus:
1)      Limit Technology Usage
The inevitable fact is that smartphones, email, IM, news, Netflix, and 24/7 access to world information are destroying our attention span. Technology is designed to serve you, not the other way around.
The default settings of the device and apps are designed to get your attention. You need to change them immediately and get rid of the useless notifications. Also, remove the “infinity pool” on your phone and block distracting websites, mainly when you focus on something. Furthermore, as long as you don’t need it, you can make your technology stand out.
2)      Create focus-friendly environment
Your work environment plays an essential role in your concentration. But most of us don’t think much about it. First, clear out as much confusion as possible (a neuroscientist team has discovered that confusion can compete for your attention and reduce performance while increasing stress). Then, try to avoid office noise by using headphones or listening to the right music to improve work efficiency. Even try to use “interference lights”to signal others that you are focusing on something and don’t want to be disturbed.
3)      Say ‘No’ to multitasking.
If you haven’t heard it yet, multitasking is a myth. When we attempt to complete more than one task at a time, we actually switch back and forth quickly between them. This is not very effective (I’m sure, as you can imagine), and will ultimately destroy our productivity and put more pressure on us.
Besides, the worse thing is, the more tasks you perform, the more your brain looks for more things to do. On the other hand, single tasks can reset your focus, reduce stress, and even make you more creative.
4)      Open Conversations
One of the most significant internal factors that impede our ability to concentrate on is the expectation of communication. The study found that 84% of people open emails all day, and 70% of them open emails within 6 seconds of receiving it. Even if we didn’t receive emails, we found that ordinary information workers check emails every 6 minutes every day.
To re-establish focus, you need to have an open conversation about communication. When do people expect a response? Can you set registration time throughout the day so that everyone is on the same page without waiting for you? If you assume you can move your attention away at any time, you can’t concentrate.
5)      Short Breaks
Checking Facebook or checking your email is not a real cut. Real rest means leaving the computer, standing up, or even walking outside or in the work area.
A real break will allow you to focus on what you are doing, allowing you to reset before touching your desk again. Studies have shown that the free, focused thinking we do at rest can help the brain regenerate and work faster. Besides, if you find it difficult to adjust to real breaks, try to arrange a short meeting with yourself throughout the day.
Focus is a valuable resource; the surrounding environment and our cultural expectations have always invaded this environment. But when we learn to use our attention and get into a state of flow, amazing things happen. We will not only be doing more work than usual, but we also feel energized, not exhausted, and can remember that we achieved some worthwhile things that day.
Author’s Bio:
Scott Patrick Erwin lives a simple life in the U.S.A with an accomplishing education and degree. In his book, “Life is like a Fast Car,” he expressed how he discovered the strategies of surviving and maintaining a sense of happiness in life.  
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bakorrra2 · 2 years
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They broke him into Lego pieces :(
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garnetrena · 7 years
Spéculations sur les liens de parenté dans Yu-Gi-Oh!
Pour commencer, la théorie selon laquelle Pegasus serait le père biologique de Seto et surtout de Yugi détient pour moi beaucoup de sens, mais je pense que Didi Chandouidoui l’explique bien mieux que je ne pourrais le faire - surtout que la théorie lui appartient, c’est son analyse métatextuelle, alors je vais juste vous renvoyer à son 5 Théories qui aborde le sujet (théorie #5).
Une précision supplémentaire, qui corrobore ce propos, c'est qu'en V.O. japonaise, Pegasus appelle ces deux persos "Yugi Boy" et "Kaiba Boy" - ce que Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged Series a repris pour rire - et c'est LES SEULS duelistes, voire personnages de toute la série, qu'il surnomme ainsi ^^ Ni Joey, ni Bandit Ken, ni aucun autre perso n'y a droit. Et le terme “boy” est prononcé en anglais. De là à lui accorder une valeur hypocoristique (à savoir, affective ou affectueuse), il n’y a qu’un pas !
Et puis à la fin du premier épisode, toutes versions confondues, un sbire vient dire à Pegasus "Seto Kaiba a été défait en duel par Yugi Moûtou" et c'est... assez incongru. Je veux dire, c'est logique que Pegasus surveille le PDG de l'entreprise rivale - et encore, qu'est-ce qu'on s'en fout de ce qu'il fait aux cartes xD - mais Yugi ? En outre, il connaît également son nom de famille. J’aime à penser que c’est parce que lui aussi est surveillé.
Je rappelle également qu’on n’a aucune mention du père de Yugi dans la série, et que le créateur a juste dit qu’il était “loin de sa famille pour des raisons de business”... ce qui marche bien avec Pegasus. Et pour ceux qui le verraient mal pouponner, dans Yu-Gi-Oh! R (une abomination, selon certains ; un casse-tête pour combler les trous de scénario, pour d’autres), l’on apprend que Pegasus a adopté quatre enfants : Yako Tenma, Gekko Tenma, Depre Scott et Richie Merced. 
En parlant d’adoption d’orphelins par des personnages riches et puissants, j’ai une autre grande théorie selon laquelle Seto et Mokuba ne sont justement pas biologiquement frères, et ce, pour trois raisons principales :
1. Ils ne se ressemblent absolument pas. Autant dans la vie réelle, Mokuba pourrait être porteur du gène "yeux gris" et Seto juste porteur au gène non-exprimé (et idem pour les cheveux bruns, mais en inversé) ; autant en anime, et surtout cet anime, où par exemple Noah - fils biologique de Kaiba père - ressemble vraiment à Gozaburo mais en enfant, ou encore papy Moûtou est la copie carbone conforme de son petit-fils (alors qu'il y a normalement brassage génétique, lol), c'est vraiment surprenant.
2. Pourquoi serait-ce si important, pour Yugi et même les autres persos, de voir que Seto est si attaché à son petit frère, qu'il le protège autant, et que cela représente sa part de lumière ? Depuis le début de la série, on insiste beaucoup sur cette dimension. Or, si c'était génétiquement son frère, ce ne serait pas si étonnant, et même attendu.
3. On ne sait rien du tout des parents biologiques de Seto (cf la théorie sur Pegasus et Cecilia) et même si on voit les mômes arriver ensemble à l'orphelinat, on voit aussi du "bounding" qui crée des liens entre eux ^^ Et si on revient à la génétique, justement, et qu’on se base sur la théorie #5 de Didid : Cecilia a les yeux bleus (gène gris possible) mais Pegasus a les yeux... marrons/dorés (gène bleu possible, OK, mais où se cache le gris ?).
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kawai-321 · 3 years
Al final nadie me dio ideas...
Pero encontre un dibujo que habia olvidado terminar y ya lo termine (pero no lo pinte porque no se de que color son los ojos y la ropa de Richie)
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emperorsfoot · 6 years
Here’s one I haven’t updated in a while. My YuGiOh!/Pokemon crossover. 
Featuring cross-dressing James, and another Duel. 
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enginerumors · 5 years
Point Check out: Have Immigrants Decreased Wages For Blue-Collar American Employees?
Enlarge this imageBranden Camp/APBranden Camp/APPresident Trump's senior coverage adviser Stephen Miller experienced a tense exchange with reporters at Wednesday's push briefing as he defended the administration's new proposal to drastically curtail authorized immigration. The system prioritizes highly experienced workers over family customers for green playing cards. The administration motives that a lot of low-skilled immigrant employees are entering the nation, costing Us citizens work and wages. Miller claimed the U.S. has, in recent times, i sued eco-friendly cards without regard to whether an immigrant can "pay their own individual way or be reliant on welfare, or whether or not they are going to displace or take a occupation from an American employee https://www.bucksedges.com/Ray-Allen-Jersey ." Contacting a environmentally friendly card the "golden ticket" of immigration, Miller explained Trump's proposal "puts the desires from the working cla s in advance from the investor cla s." "We're safeguarding blue-collar staff," he claimed. The claim:"We've found sizeable reductions in wages for blue-collar employees, enormous displacement of African-American and Hispanic staff, together with the displacement of immigrant employees from previous several years who oftentimes compete immediately in opposition to new arrivals who are being paid even le s," Stephen Miller reported.Miller went on to state the "numbers of low-skilled [immigrant] employees in particular is usually a major detriment to U.S. workers." The question: Have immigrants taken jobs from and reduced wages for American blue-collar workers? The small reply:Economists disagree irrespective of whether or the amount an influx of immigrants depre ses wages. Some have discovered that new immigrants depre s wages for sure groups, this sort of as young adults or personnel with a high school diploma or a lot le s. Many others say the general impact about the overall economy is very small, and an influx of immigrant personnel vitalizes the economy over-all. Either way, the forces driving wage reductions for blue-collar employees go much further than immigration. The very long reply: It really is correct that wages for low-wage workers have declined they fell 5 % from 1979 to 2013. That may not appear like a huge drop, but throughout that very same interval, the hourly wages of high-wage employees rose 41 %, in keeping with the Economic Policy Institute. Nonethele s, economists disagree about regardle s of whether an influx of immigrant labor brought about or contributed to declining blue-collar work opportunities and wages. Questioned to supply a study that supported the administration's a sertion, Stephen Miller cited operate from George Borjas, a Harvard labor economist, on how the Mariel boatlift affected blue-collar wages in Miami. In 1980, a hundred twenty five,000 Cuban immigrants arrived on the U.S., mostly Miami, from the town of Mariel. Borjas, Miller reported, "went back and re-examined and opened up the previous facts, and talked about the way it in fact did minimize wages for staff who ended up living there with the time." Borjas' new investigation located the wages of highschool dropouts in Miami dropped concerning 10-30 % following the refugee influx (the evaluation looked at 1977 to 1993). But an previously examine to the boatlift, from 1990 by Princeton economist David Card, looked at wages of "le s-skilled" staff in general (in contrast to just high school dropouts) and found "virtually no influence within the wages or unemployment premiums of le s-skilled staff, even between Cubans who had immigrated previously." The debate continues to be unsettled, and it can be unachievable to extrapolate the impact of the boatlift on Miami to your full region. A recent investigation commi sioned and released by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medication found "the literature on employment impacts finds minor proof that immigration appreciably has an effect on the overall employment amounts of native Khris Middleton Jersey -born staff." Overall, the investigation referred to as the inflow of foreign-born people today "a relatively minimal variable while in the $18 trillion U.S. economic climate." On the other hand, the evaluation does cite latest research that immigration could decrease the volume of several hours labored by young adults and a few proof that current immigrants lower the employment price of prior immigrants. You will discover, certainly, other forces which have depre sed blue-collar wages: improved automation, globalization, declining unionization and government procedures on overtime. The Trump administration lately said it might not defend an Obama-era rule that manufactured staff who make le s than $47,000 for every calendar year (up from about $24,000) qualified for additional time.Not merely about economicsThe politics with the invoice get to over and above economics. At Wednesday's briefing, Miller was also questioned to protect the truth that the invoice prioritizes English-speaking immigrants. Miller, together with adviser Steve Bannon, have led an ethnonationalist wing with the White Dwelling. Bannon has complained with regard to the number of Asian CEOs in Silicon Valley, implying which they are adversarial to America's "civic society." "Are we just going to herald men and women from Great Britain and Australia?" CNN's Jim Acosta asked. "The notion that you simply think this is the racist monthly bill is so mistaken and so insulting," Miller answered, including that the country's foreign-born populace to the U.S. "has quadrupled since 1970." When Miller is suitable the foreign-born populace has increased, in 1970 the amount of foreign-born citizens while in the U.S. was the bottom in a very century. The share of your inhabitants that is foreign born nowadays is concerning the similar because the late 1800s and early 1900s, as outlined by the U.S. Census. Now what? It is actually crucial to notice that Trump's prepare might have a steep uphill fight to acquire by this Congre s. However, not remarkably, there exists also debate all-around how Trump's drastic proposal will have an affect on blue-collar wages relocating forward. The Trump administration hopes the approach will liberate potential jobs for American low-wage personnel. But Mark Zandi, Moody's main economist, who may have suggested John McCain and donated to McCain and Hillary Clinton's strategies, informed Politico the program can be a "mistake" that may cause the labor power to come back to the "standstill" from the following ten years. "It is difficult to imagine a plan that would do far more hurt to long-term financial development," he reported. As NPR's Brian Naylor observed, economists consider the country's small unemployment rate (4.four per cent) coupled with retiring child boomers will outcome inside of a labor shortage inside the coming decades. Additionally, an open letter signed by 1,470 economists argued that "the gains that immigration brings to culture considerably outweigh their prices, and smart immigration policy could far https://www.bucksedges.com/Vin-Baker-Jersey better optimize the advantages of immigration when le sening the costs." About the campaign trail, President Trump praised hugely expert personnel, which his strategy now prioritizes but scientific studies may also be combined on regardle s of whether people employees positively affect wages or also depre s the wages of American-born personnel. Scott Horsley and Shaheen Ainpour contributed to this report.
Enlarge this imageBranden Camp/APBranden Camp/APPresident Trump’s senior coverage adviser Stephen Miller experienced a tense exchange with reporters at Wednesday’s push briefing as he defended the administration’s new proposal to drastically curtail authorized immigration. The system prioritizes highly experienced workers over family customers for green playing cards. The administration motives…
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