#dental crowning
vividdentalsurgeons · 4 months
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Does dental crowning protect teeth ? 
Yes, dental crowns can protect teeth. They are often used to cover and protect weak or damaged teeth. Crowns can help strengthen teeth, restore their shape and size, improve their appearance, and can also be used to hold dental bridges in place or cover dental implants.
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galoogamelady · 2 months
Saw this while brain empty scrolling and actually paused in confusion cause I totally thought it was Val. I was like girl huh what are you doing in a dental ad??
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I'm not even redrawing this, it's just perfect.
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aphrenia · 30 days
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taterdraws · 3 months
Hiii you’re actually not that far away from reality with morning star = sun, bc in Rome where Luciferus was an incarnation of Venus it was “the first star” on the horizon, right before the sun outshines it. Lucifer is our beautiful darling ☀️
Your art is so good thank you for the food ❤️🌹🫡
hiii! bfdkjbg ugh i know there were reasons why it is Venus and i would not be miffed about it if not for the fact that the sun is right there. i will be deranged in the tags.
and aaaaah thank you kindly!!!!! ❤️🥹i love drawing these fuckers so i'm so glad you like the art <3
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max--phillips · 7 months
Dental insurance is a joke and I hope every person who decided to separate dentistry from medical and make dentistry prohibitively expensive is burning in hell
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vulpinesaint · 5 months
so much medicine in my body today. medical procedures georg if i am quite honest with you
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columboscreens · 1 year
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ichverdurstehier · 23 days
I hope a communist steals all your toothbrushes for the rest of your life.
Me and my liquor store blues 🎶
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vividdentalsurgeons · 4 months
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Do Dental Crowning Hurt?
Dental crowning is typically not a painful procedure, as your dentist will use local anesthesia to numb the area before starting. However, you might experience some discomfort or sensitivity after the procedure, especially when biting down. This discomfort usually subsides within a few days as your mouth adjusts to the new crown.
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futureofthemasses · 9 months
Can't afford to have teeth in these times lads
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actualbird · 1 year
hey guys the one piece of unsolicited advice i will always give is never ever ever start smoking, never do it, cigarettes are expensive but more than that, the later pulmonary problems and TEETH PROBLEMS u'll eventually get cuz of the smoking will be so expensive and you will stare at ur messages with ur dentist as u look at the quotes for dental crowns and debate if u can withstand just living in pain or if u just gotta bite the bullet and shell out the funds for the dumb crown cuz your dumb tooth is broken to hell and back and it hurts so bad but the PRICE......THE PRICE HURTS MORE....HURTS FIGURATIVELY BUT MORE, DO U UNDERSTAND.....
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nuevoperrisdental · 1 month
We are dedicated to delivering top-notch dental care to patients in Perris and surrounding areas. At our practice, we believe that a healthy smile is beautiful, and we are committed to helping you achieve and maintain optimal oral health. Our clinic’s primary objective is to deliver compassionate and patient-centered dentistry, offering a comprehensive range of general, cosmetic, and specialized dental services.
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starfolk7 · 2 months
My dental problems just keep getting worse every time I blink :))))
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rosymiel · 1 year
i’m nearly 23 years old and yet having to make phone calls fills me with so much dread and anxiety
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cryptid-artha · 3 months
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Guess who got FANGS???? 030
They are permenant ceramic crowns and I adore them.
My dentist had a lot of fun making them.
Pardon the tired ugly, that's just my default state. XD
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inabsentiia · 3 months
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I'm having a bit of a sad day so I'll mostly be on discord. But I love you all.
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