#dental clinic around me
shenu249 · 8 months
The Best Dentist in Delhi
To get any type of dental problem treated by the best dentist in Delhi, visit Dr. Garg’s Multispeciality Dental Center. The top dental clinic has dedicated dentists for all dental and oral problems. The reasonably priced comprehensive dental care covers dental services, cosmetic dentistry services, gum-related problems, kids dentistry, and advanced implantology.
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The Best Dental Clinic Near Me
Dr. Garg’s Multispeciality Dental Center is the best choice you can rely on being the best ‘dental clinic near me’. The leading dental care hospital in Delhi offers world-class dental care treatment for dental implants, tooth replacement, tooth removal, smile makeover, orthodontics, etc.
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starswallowingsea · 2 years
well. applied for a job today
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nassermohamd · 2 months
Don't ignore this post; time is critical to save a family's life
I am Dr. Nasser, a Palestinian from northern Gaza. I hope you will listen to my story since the beginning of the war on October 7th. Our lives started to unravel after the occupation forces informed us in the first month to evacuate our home, which was subsequently completely destroyed. We were displaced from one area to another, and on November 22nd, my dental clinic was bombed. Since then, I have not had a source of income. The conditions have taken a toll on me physically, and we moved around until we reached Rafah, where we were displaced again when the occupation entered. We ended up in the Nusseirat area.
We have no access to healthy food or clean water, and the tents we live in are not suitable for habitation. I am deeply discouraged by all of this, and my mental health has deteriorated significantly. The occupation has forced us into harsh living conditions, causing us to lose a lot of weight and suffer health issues. When the Rafah crossing opened, they demanded $5,000 per adult and $2,500 per child just to pass through.
Verified by nabulsi & Hussain
We constantly wonder why all this is happening during wartime. We wish to move to a safe area and hope to pay these amounts for safety and a better life outside of the conflict. I am very disheartened and hope that you can help me and my family to reach safety and secure a better life and future away from the war.
£6000 out of £50k🍉
@malcriada @appsa @aces-and-angels @tamarrud @three-croissants @troythecatfish @thedigitalbard @just-browsing1222 @newsfrom-theworld @blackpearlblast @bellabayushki @whoopsiedaisy20 @witchywitchy @enchantingheavens @el-shab-hussein @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @miametropolis @monstercangirlofficial @neurotypical-sonic @vakarians-babe @communistchilchuck @zynp-krdg @lakevida @lilliputian-thing @licencetokrill @sayruq @sar-soor @sneakerdoodle @silicacid
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wileys-russo · 9 months
would you be willing to write reader getting her wisdom teeth out and being all loopy and out of it while leah takes care of her (their relationship is relatively fresh) and she asks leah if she wants to know everything reader loves about her and leah agrees, thinking it is mostly going to be like sexual stuff or about her body but reader lists almost exclusively her personality and stuff like leah being super eloquent and hardworking etc and leah is just very positively surprised and swooning at it
it’s just fluff basically but a bit cheesy lol
happy gas II l.williamson
leah spun her keys around on her fingers as she returned to the dental clinic, jogging up the stairs and shoving her keys in her pocket as she stepped inside, a slight shiver going down her spine as the air conditioning pumped down onto her.
"hi, i'm here to collect my girlfriend? y/l/n, i was told to come back around two." leah smiled politely, resting her arms on the counter as the receptionist nodded, stepping out to check with the doctor.
"she's just waking up a little from the anesthesia love, take a seat and you'll be able to see her shortly the nurse will come and fetch you..." she trailed off expectantly with a raised eyebrow. "leah." the blonde smiled, thanking her and moving to sit down in the waiting room.
shifting around in the hard plastic chair the footballer busied herself watching a the big quiz re-run playing on the small telly above her. "leah? leah? leah!" she'd become so engrossed in the show, even mumbling along answers that she almost missed her name called out.
shooting out of her seat she sent the nurse an apologetic smile and hurried after her, making small talk as she was lead toward the recovery room. "is that-" leah started with a frown hearing a familiar laughter echo through the halls.
"sure is. your girlfriend is up there with one of the worst behaved but most amusing patients we've had!" the nurse chuckled and opened the door, leah stepping in after her.
"lee lee! you didn't leave me." you beamed happily, spitting the gauze out as the nurse hurried over to replace it with some fresh ones. "no i didn't, i told you i'd be back right after your surgery sweets i just went to get something to eat to pass the time." leah smiled with a shake of her head.
"she's certainly a character." the doctor chuckled with a shake of his head. "oh yes she is." leah agreed, the two of you were a relatively fresh pairing, having gone on several dates and a prolonged talking phase you'd only been dating for around three months now.
"is that normal practice? my little brother had his wisdoms out a couple years ago and never needed that." leah frowned as she noticed your hands had been restrained to the arms of the chair with velcro.
"no its not, however your girlfriend seems determined to pull out her gauze and if she doesn't keep it in her mouth long enough to stem the bleeding she's in for a world of pain." the doctor explained as leah nodded along.
"if she's not pulling it out she's screaming, singing or yelling causing it to fall out." the nurse sighed as you rolled your eyes and leah moved to be by your side.
"love can you please be quiet for a little bit? if you don't keep the gauze in your mouth to stop the bleeding they'll need to remove all your teeth." leah warned as your eyes widened in fear at the lie and you were instantly silenced.
"well thats one way to do it." the doctor laughed as leah smiled smugly and ran a hand affectionately through your hair. "so! aftercare." with that the older man ran leah through everything she would need to do as your primary carer for the next forty eight hours.
your hands now freed and helped into a wheel chair as the anesthetic meant your limbs weren't quite strong enough to hold you up leah wheeled you out of the clinic, shaking her head as you blew kisses to all of the nurses.
"stop that! save some for me." leah teased flicking your ear, some sort of gibberish mumbled from your mouth which was still stuffed with gauze. another nurse helping leah get you from the wheel chair into the car you happily waved her off as she returned with the chair toward the clinic, leah slipping into the drivers seat.
"why am i in the back!" you huffed, words a little muffled from the gauze but with the drowsiness wearing off they were less slurred.
"because you got voted one of the worst behaved patients at that clinic and i wouldn't put it past you to grab or push something you dont need to up here." leah smiled in amusement as you scoffed.
"thats so mean! they really voted me that." you seemed genuinely heartbroken as leah pulled out of the carpark. "love are you crying?" leah bit down on her lip to stop her smile as she glanced to you in her rear view mirror.
"yeah! thats really mean of them, i was so nice." you sobbed and leah couldn't help but cover her laughter with a cough knowing this was only the side affects of the anesthesia. "baby girl you both threatened and tried to bite the poor doctor multiple times, thats not very nice." leah reminded, corners of her mouth curling upward.
"cause he wouldn't keep his dirty glove covered hand out of my mouth!" you huffed with a scowl, head thumping against the back seat. "thats because he needed to remove your wisdom teeth you muppet, which are in your mouth." leah chuckled with a playful roll of her eyes.
"lee lee i am starving, get me some food please." you demanded, kicking the back of her chair like an annoyed child. "you're not allowed to eat for another four hours my love, sorry." leah apologized, your protests falling on deaf ears as she continued to drive home.
placating your whinging and trying her best to keep you quiet so the guaze stayed in your mouth leah felt a sense of relief wash over her when finally she pulled into the driveway of her apartment where you’d be staying the next few days so she could keep an eye on you.
she scrambled out of the car and hurried to your door, opening it before you could and helping you out, your legs a little stronger now some more time had passed.
successfully getting you up and out of the car and into the house she helped you onto the sofa, dashing off to change clothes so she was more comfortable, changing in lightning speed given she didn't want to leave you unattended for a moment longer than needed.
finally after a half hour of squirming and wiggling and fighting leah at every turn to take the gazue from your mouth or get up and move about you'd settled, an ice pack resting on your jaw to help the swelling as your back pressed into leahs front.
"leah." you spoke up, tilting your head back and shuffling a little so it rested on your shoulder and she hummed. "do you wanna know everything i love about you?" you smiled tiredly as your girlfriend chuckled, already quite sure what would be next out of your mouth as she gestured for you to continue.
but to her surprise it wasn't anything of the sort that she'd expected, no cheesy pick up lines or suggestive comments, no cheeky remarks about her body or your time spent together in the bedroom. in fact, it was the complete opposite of what leah expected.
"mm well i love that you're so passionate. about football, the arsenal foundation, your friends, your studies, your hobbies, a very very passionate woman." you started, a slight slur returning to your voice as the pain medication you'd just taken started to kick in.
"i love that you make me feel loved, and safe, and accepted, and happy, and comfortable. you love me for me and you have never asked or expected me to change." you continued, leah stunned into silence as you affectionately patted her leg.
"i love that you're so well spoken, and you always know what to say. but sometimes you know what to say and you don't say it because you want to annoy me and it works! because you know too well how to annoy me." you rolled your eyes as leahs smile grew.
"i love how much you love your family, its so special to watch the bond you all have. i love how much you love football, as a player and a fan and a spectator and sometimes an unintentional gaffer!" you grinned lopsidedly, your eyes closed now as leah pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, hugging you tightly.
"i love how good you are with my neices, and how much my mum loves you, even if the two of you gang up on me now!" you cracked open one eye tiredly to glare up at her causing her to chuckle and run a hand through your hair.
you paused as you let out a long yawn, again shuffling back so you were laid down a little more and comfortable once again between leahs outstretched legs. the girl assumed you were finished, her heart well and truly melting at your sweet confessions.
"i love that you are unapologetically yourself and you stand up and speak out on what you believe in. i love that even though you can't cook to save your life you order me pizza and let me pick the movies we watch." leah was grateful the two of you were alone now as she was sure if any of her friends and family saw just how in love she looked with you right now she would have the mick taken out of her forever.
"i love how strong you are and how you bounce back from everything, and you always try to find a silver lining or a different way to look at things. i love that you're so honest and open about how you're feeling and what you need when you need it. i love that-" your last few words were barely understandable as you inhaled and exhaled deeply, eyes fluttering shut again as leah waited a moment before confirming you had indeed finally fallen asleep.
she could have cried at everything you said, and to be honest she was shocked she hadn't given she was basically a puddle of a human being, a pile of sap and heart strings and lovesick puppy eyes for you.
"oh my pretty girl, my best girl, if only you knew just how much i love and adore you. but i promise to spend each and every day showing you so, forever and always."
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 5 months
I was given oral herpes by someone who didn't feel the need to disclose that they got cold sores before we had a one-time little dalliance.
I might've gone for it anyways. I'm self destructive. But I guess the lack of being able to choose whether to take the risk, it's left me feeling pretty bitter about the experience.
And I'm left feeling like a biohazard. I haven't really been able to explain to my friends yet why I'm suddenly extremely cagey about sharing my drinks and food. And all my favorite sexual activities are off the table forever. I know, dental dams, condoms, but half the fun of oral sex and making out is, you know, the taste, the heat, the absolute control. I was good at it.
It feels especially embarrassing since I'm ace and the whole reason I hooked up with the person was kind of... I don't know, fear that if I didn't, then we wouldn't be able to hang out anymore.
I'm not sure what I'm asking. Maybe, was it wrong for them not to disclose something like that? Considering how common it is? I feel obligated to disclose myself but maybe I'm just weird for that.
Thanks for doing what you do here.
Kind regards,
Asexual for Ethical Reasons Now I Guess
hi anon,
I don't often apologize for needing time to get to anons, because I really need people to have reasonable expectations about the amount of time I'm willing to commit to my inbox, but I am sorry for not getting to this one sooner. it's a topic that's very important to me, and I can tell you're dealing with a lot of hurt.
first off: I'm very sorry someone wasn't totally honest with you. that's never a good feeling, and especially in the context of sex it's a huge betrayal of trust. it's deeply unfair to you, and I hope you're able to recover from that.
having said that: you are not a biohazard. you're a person with an incredibly common virus. the World Health Organization estimates that somewhere around 80% of people worldwide have herpes (and that's a rough estimate, since they use different age ranges for HSV-1 and HSV-2). skip to the factual part of this tiktok at 00:10 seconds. herpes has been with us since before we were human; there's nothing disgusting or even unusual about having herpes.
herpes is different from most STIs in that it is lifelong, but that doesn't make you an unfuckable pariah. it makes you someone who may sometimes have open sores, and should give partners a heads up about your virus to avoid putting anyone in the same situation you're in. while you're at it, let them know that most people with herpes live asymptomatic and uncomplicated lives. many people never even know they have it!
I understand that spending the rest of your life with a viral buddy doesn't sound super fun right now, but I promise that as viruses go you can do WAY worse.
personally I've always felt the best way to get comfortable with something is to learn more about it. why not let clinical sexologist Dr. Doe talk to you about her own herpes, and how to be conscientious about minimizing the risk of sharing herpes with others?
or listen to writer Ella Dawson talk about learning to cope with the exact stigma you're currently struggling with?
or listen to Dr. Sydnee Smirl McElroy explain why herpes bears such a heavy stigma for such a mild virus in the first place?
you're not a biohazard, and neither is anyone else with an STI. that's a terrible way to think about yourself and others.
you're under no obligation to stop being sexually active if you don't want to be.
please don't feel that you have to have sex with anyone out of a sense of obligation anymore, but also please don't feel that herpes is a punishment. sickness isn't something that happens to people because they're bad or deserve, sickness happens to people because people get sick.
take care 💜
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harryyskiwii · 1 year
Summary: You get your wisdom teeth removed and Harry looks after you.
Pairing: Boyfriend Harry x Reader
Word count: 2,290
A/N: Thank you to the lovely follower who requested this! I had fun writing this. hope you enjoy it!
The day you had been dreading was finally here; the day were had to have your wisdom teeth removed. You were grateful that Harry was able to take the day off to come with you and look after you. To say you were nervous was an understatement and you couldn’t hide it.
“You’re shaking love” Harry remarked as he looked across at you for a brief moment while he was driving and placing his hand on top of yours to help comfort you.
You hadn’t noticed were visibly shaking but you looked down and saw your shaky hands, you sighed in frustration.
“I hate this” and Harry smiled sympathetically “I know you do babe. Just think, within an hour it’ll all be done and we’ll be back home. I’ll be with you the whole time, you can squeeze my hand as hard as you want” he offered and you smiled over at him.
“Fancy switching places with me?” You joked and he stifled a laugh “if I could I would babe but you’re gonna be just fine, think happy thoughts” he said, which was much easier said than done.
You weren’t being ‘put under’ for it since your dentist had assured you wouldn’t need it and that the teeth were “easily accessible” whatever that meant in dentist talk so you were more nervous that you would be awake the entire time.
He pulled up outside the dental practice and turned off the engine. You were sitting with your head against the headrest, trying to hold it together. You let out a shaky breath to try and slow your heart rate down.
“Breathe baby, you’re okay. Take a big deep breath in” Harry instructed as he helped you slow down your breathing. You did as Harry said and held it for a few seconds “and slowly out” he said and you blew out, trying to calm down.
“Better?” He asked and you nodded, keeping your eyes closed. “It’ll be okay, I know it’s scary but I won’t leave your side alright? I know you can do this” he said brushing a piece of hair away from your face.
You sighed once again and opened your eyes to see Harry looking at you sympathetically.
“Come on, let’s get it over with” he said as he encouraged you. You knew you had to do it, there was no way of getting out of it so you pulled yourself out of the car and took Harry’s hand for support as you walked into the dentist.
If your stomach wasn’t already doing somersaults before, it certainly was now that the all too familiar clinical smell hit you like a ton of bricks as soon as you stepped inside.
“I feel sick” you whispered to Harry “it’s okay, just try to slow your breathing down. Go and sit down and I’ll check you in” he said placing a kiss on your forehead.
You walked over to the waiting room and took a seat in one of the empty chairs. Luckily, there was only one older man reading a paper who was sitting in there with you.
You looked at your phone for the time, it was 9:55am, it only 5 minutes until your appointment. Your stomach felt queasy and you had started shaking again. Your heart stopped when you heard the waiting room door open but relaxed slightly when you seen it was only Harry coming to join you.
“You okay?” He said quietly while he was coming to join you.
“I’m great, never been better” you replied sarcastically and he laughed.
“Alright missy, enough with the sarcasm”
“Sorry, ignore me” you said to him.
“I’ll never ignore you” he said putting his arm around you for comfort. “How about after this we head home and have a movie day on the sofa?”
You nodded in response and it was quiet for a few seconds until the waiting room door opened again.
A young dental nurse came in and called for the man who was reading the paper. You were dreading your name being called next.
The thought of a man pulling 4 teeth out of your mouth while you were awake in just under 5 minutes, terrified you so much so that you were ready to stand up and leave, that was until the waiting room door being opened and you heard your name being called.
You must have looked like a rabbit in headlights as Harry chuckled a little next to you.
“Come on love” Harry said as he stood up and held his hand out for you to take.
You stood up, taking his hand and looking towards the door to see an older looking lady with dark brown hair which was pinned back with a claw clip.
“Morning darling! How are you today?” She asked kindly as you approached.
“Fine thank you” you replied sheepishly.
“Gorgeous day today isn’t it! I just love the sunshine, I wish it could stay all year round” she said cheerily as she led you back to the room. Her name tag read 'Anne' which comforted you a little bit as she sort of reminded you of Harry’s mum, Anne, who always chatted away and made you feel comfortable.
She was a bubbly woman who looked to be in her 50’s with dark brunette hair.
You couldn’t really concentrate on what she was saying however as you were just trying your best not to faint as you walked through the corridor.
Approaching the room, Anne held the door open for you “Here we are, on you two go in”
You walked in and a new wave of nausea hit you when you saw the dental chair.
“Hi y/n, in you come and take a seat” the dentist who was in his late 40’s said as you and Harry walked in.
You smiled sheepishly and said hello as you took a seat in the chair, Harry introducing himself to the dentist and then sitting down on the little couch that was situated by the window for friends and family.
“How are you today?” He asked as he pulled on a pair of gloves to get started.
“Fine thank you” you replied, your voice shaky as you couldn’t hide the fact you were scared.
“A bit nervous?” He said sensing your fear and you nodded “yeah, I’m not looking forward to it” you said and he smiled sympathetically.
“I completely understand, do you want me to run through how we’ll do it to try and put your mind at ease?”
You nodded and the dentist spent the next 5 minutes talking briefly over how the appointment would go. It did help put your mind at ease a little bit but you stomach was still doing summersaults.
“Think you’re okay to get started?” The dentist asked and you took a deep breath in and nodded your head before you could back out.
“Great, as I said just focus on your breathing the whole time and I’ll try get you out of here as quick as I can” he said which you appreciated.
You let out another shaky breath and tried to hold back tears as you really didn’t want to do this.
“You okay?” Harry asked and you nodded, tears filling your eyes. As soon as he asked you that, you couldn’t stop the tears from falling.
“Come here” he said coming over to hug you as you cried quietly into his shoulder.
“Aw darling, let me get you some tissues” Anne the nurse said when she noticed you crying.
“Talk to us, what are you most nervous about? Is there anything in particular we can do to help you?” She said coming over to you and handing you some tissues.
You thanked her and wiped away your tears. “Just all of it” you said and took a deep breath to try and compose yourself.
“Okay, how about you take a couple of minutes, have some water and we can take it from there? There’s no rush today y/n, take all the time you need. I’ll go and get you a bottle of water” Anne said placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder for comfort.
“We’ll look after you y/n, sit there for a few moments and we’ll start when you’re ready” the dentist said and you thanked him.
You sat with Harry for a few minutes, sipping on the water as he comforted you and hyped you up to get the tooth taken out.
“How are you feeling now?” The dentist said as he came to face you.
“A bit better now thank you, sorry I don’t know what that was I just got overwhelmed” you felt you had to apologise for your earlier emotional outburst.
“Don’t apologise, I don’t want you being upset. Do you feel as though you would be ready to start? It will only take 30 minutes max I promise” the dentist said to you and you looked to Harry who was crouching down by the dental chair.
“You can do this” he encouraged and you took a deep breath and nodded, allowing them to start the procedure.
The procedure actually went better than you thought with the teeth being removed in under 30 minutes. Harry was constantly by your side, rubbing and kissing your hand both as you were getting the injections to numb you and as the teeth were coming out. You were certain without him being there, you wouldn’t have been able to have gotten through it.
You were so relieved when the chair was being brought back up and you saw Harry smiling proudly at you.
“Well done my love, it’s all over with now. Just keep biting on that gauze for me” Anne said.
“You did really well y/n, especially considering how nervous you were. It was a straightforward procedure and the good news is the recovery time is only about a week” the dentist told you.
“I’ll go over some aftercare instructions with you but I’ll give you a leaflet also as I know it can be a lot to take in" The next few moments consisted of the dentist telling you how to look after the extraction sites and things to do and what not to do, not that you were taking it in as you were just relieved it was over and still in a bit of shock of what had just happened but nodded your head in agreement.
“Great. You’re free to go and as I said, if you have any issues, just give us a call”
Harry helped you to your feet and hold on to you as he steadied as you walked back to the car. Although you weren’t put under anaesthesia, you were numb, in shock and overall it was a slightly traumatic experience.
He helped you into the car before jumping round to the driver's side. "How you feeling?" he asked but he already knew the answer.
You rested your head against the window "Like crap" you were numb, certain you were starting to swell and tired from what you had went through.
"You did really well babe, I'm so proud of you. Let's go get a milkshake and we can go home" he said leaning over and placing a kiss on your head.
Within 30 minutes, you were back home in bed with Harry, with your milkshake and a spoon (Harry made sure you didn't use a straw as directed by the dentist) watching Netflix.
Watching 'The Night Agent' on Netflix, you felt your eyes closing as you fell asleep to the sound of the show.
It was the intense pain that eventually woke you up. You groaned as you opened your eyes "you okay y/n?" you heard Harry's voice ask you.
"It hurts" you told him, rubbing your eyes. He got out of bed and headed to the bathroom where he returned with a glass of water and some pain meds you had been prescribed.
"Take these love, it should help with the pain. The dentist said you'd start to feel something after about 4 hours"
"I've been asleep for 4 hours?!"
Harry laughed "You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you. Plus you probably needed the sleep after this morning"
"You fancy some soup? You'll be starving no doubt" he asked you as you took the painkillers.
You heard your stomach grumbled so agreed to some soup. "Yes please"
He made you some soup and sat in bed with you while you ate it before he ran you a bath. "I'm gonna go get you some ice babe, you're starting to swell" Harry said after your bath while you two were cuddling on the couch that night.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and you literally resembled Theodore from Alvin and the Chipmunks. "Fuck" you muttered as Harry walked back through "Caught a glimpse of yourself?" he laughed as he handed you the ice pack.
"I look like a chipmunk Harry"
"You're a very cute little chipmunk though. The dentist said the swelling was normal for a day or 2 so you'll be my little chipmunk for the next few days"
"I wasn't even paying attention to what he was saying about aftercare. I'll need to phone tomorrow and ask" You told Harry as you couldn't remember a thing they had told you.
"Luckily for you, you have the best boyfriend in the world who took notes" he said showing you his phone with a list of bullet pointed instructions. "Don't worry about it, I'll look after you babe" Harry said kissing your slightly swollen cheeks.
You smiled at him. You were so lucky to have someone as kind and thoughtful as Harry in your life.
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brave-and-gentle · 4 months
The Patient
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Summary: As a dental hygienist for six years, nothing throws off Jean Kirstein. Until he meets you, his newest patient.
Pairings: afab reader x Jean
Warnings: lots of teasing, SMUT, oral of course because it's dentistry
Word count: ~8,000 (I uh, got carried away with this one)
Author's note: To my sister wife, @babypaloma, plz enjoy this time with our husband!! Also you should all know this is my first time writing true smut, plz be nice to me.
As a dental hygienist for six years, nothing throws off Jean Kirstein. He works at a small clinic in western Mitras, mostly patients under the age of 50 who live and work in the city. Though it's fairly relaxed, Jean has seen it all – one time, a seed stuck in a patient's retainer grew into a sprout. He's also seen rotting flesh inside a patient's mouth. Thankfully, those are rare cases.
But Jean is never phased by the unhinged things he's witnessed in people's mouths. He got into the profession simply because he likes helping people – he spends more time with the patients than the actual dentist. And he finds the science fascinating.
Jean has never been phased until he sees you.
You're flustered when you burst through the doors of the clinic. He notes how flushed pink your cheeks are and how wild your hair is from the wind. Outside, a fall storm rages. Bright orange, red and yellow leaves swirl around and slap the rain-soaked window. Though it's mid-morning, the storm has darkened the skies.
Jean hovers behind Sasha, the office manager, to see who his next patient is. Sasha opens the schedule on the computer and the cursor hovers over a woman's name. It's someone he doesn't recognize, and Jean remembers all his patients – so you must be new.
Sasha calls your name and Jean's eyes lock with yours as you dart up to the desk and apologize for being late.
“I didn't expect the storm today,” you say and peel off your soaking wet jacket.
Something unfamiliar jolts through Jean's body head to toe as you reveal a form-fitting shirt underneath your jacket. It's not inherently sexual, not at all, but with the way the rain drips off the ends of your hair onto your shirt – warmth courses through Jean's body and he's not quite sure why.
Your name rolls off Jean's tongue with ease. He's frozen as you lock eyes with him.
“I'm ready for you,” he says with a warm smile.
“Great.” You return his smile with bright eyes.
A shiver runs down Jean's spine. Before he loses his composure, he turns on his heel and leads you down to the exam room.
“After you,” he gestures and can't help but sneak a peak at your ass.
Keep it professional, Jean reminds himself. This certainly isn't the first time he's had an attractive patient. But something about you feels different.
He's about to run through all the routine questions for a new patient, but he notices most of your chart is already filled out – your name, number, address, etc.
“Are you a new patient?” Jean asks, perplexed.
“Ah, yes and no,” you explain. “I went to a clinic under the same system in eastern Mitras, but I just moved, so now I'm here.”
“Gotcha, same system, different clinic.” Jean notes that your emergency contact is a woman's name – Pieck Finger. Either you don't have a serious significant other – or you're not interested in men at all. There's no relationship listed, but he can add one.
“And what's Pieck's relationship to you?” Jean clears his throat.“Friend, roommate, partner?”
“Oh – friend and roommate,” you answer from the exam chair. Jean nods and adds that note into your chart. Of course, it's still a possibility that you're dating someone, but he's not exactly sure how to ask. Or if he should. No, Jean knows he shouldn't. It's not professional. Dr. Levi Ackerman would throttle him.
“And what brought you to the western side?” He asks and pulls up your dental records.
“Pieck and I just wanted to explore a different part of the city,” you answer and shrug.
“Yeah? How you like it here so far?” Jean mindlessly scrolls through your records. He's skimming them, stalling for time to chat with you, to learn more about you beyond what's in your chart.
“Love it,” you emphasize. “The eastern side was a bit too corporate for me. I like all the small shops around here.”
Jean swivels in his chair to turn to you. “So you don't miss the east side at all? Nothing tying you there?” This is about as close as he can get to asking you if you have a boyfriend without making it inappropriate.
“Nope.” You make direct eye contact with Jean. The mischievous glimmer in your eyes sends ripples up and down his body. “That's the great part about moving to a new place. I'm open and available for anything.” Heat rises to Jean's face. He didn't expect you to answer so confidently. He puts on his face mask on to cover up his blushing face. Well, that answers that, he thinks.
“Oh by the way,” Jean says as he realizes there was something in your chart worth noting. He turns back to the computer screen to double check. “Just a heads up that next time you come in, we'll have to do updated x-rays.”
Jean chuckles. “Sensitive gag reflex?” The words are out of his mouth before he realizes the implications of what he asked. He didn't mean it like that though. Plenty of patients struggle with sensitive gag reflex, so it's not something he's thought of as inherently sexual. But with you on his exam chair? It's a totally different connotation.
“Oh, very,” you drawl. Jean's eyes practically pop out of his skull. He's relieved that he's looking at the computer screen and not you. Not while he's wondering exactly how sensitive your gag reflex is, especially if -
No, no, NO, Jean reprimands himself. He clears his throat again.
“Alright then.” He's not sure how to segue out of that. He pulls on a new pair of gloves and gets to work.
It's no exaggeration for Jean to say you have the prettiest mouth he's ever seen. He's glad that he has several years of dental cleaning experience and can turn his brain on autopilot. If he were less experienced, he might get distracted. Since you're unable to talk, Jean loses himself in his work, moving from one tooth to the next to remove plaque. There's not much too of it – he can tell you keep up with your regular cleanings.
After a couple minutes, Jean wipes the scaler off and returns to your mouth, which you've closed. Obedient, you open your mouth as Jean moves closer to you – and you lick a gloved finger tip. He freezes.
Did that really just happen?
No, that had to be an accident.
But you're making direct eye contact with him again, as if presenting a challenge.
Jean clears his throat, again, and tries to ignore the faint pulsing in between his legs.
Get your shit together, Kirstein, he berates himself.
He continues his work, but Jean's finger tip is still warm where you licked him. After a few more minutes, he's finished with the plaque removal.
“Nice,” he says and switches to the polisher. “I can tell you're pretty good about coming in for appointments.”
“I am a pretty good girl about that,” you answer in a low voice.
Jean gulps.
He turns to you and rolls his chair closer to yours.
“Um – ready?” He holds the polisher in one hand.
“Ready.” You lick your lips and open your mouth.
The faint pulsing in between Jean's legs throbs as he imagines what your mouth would look like wrapped around his dick.
His mental filter is destroyed.
Jean is a goner.
He forces himself to focus on polishing your teeth, even though his eyes are pulling him to sneak a peak at your cleavage. What he wouldn't give to rip his gloves off and trace your body while you lie on the exam chair.
Jean is grateful that you can't possibly see the raging boner under his long, white coat.
After he's done polishing your teeth, Jean gives you a swig of water and places the suction in your mouth to finish up. You hold on to the suction as it cleans out the water in your mouth.
Jean's hand trembles as he holds it inside your mouth. You hold onto it for far longer than necessary.
“Mmmm,” you hum and gaze at Jean with lazy eyes.
His heart pounds.
He wants to make you hum like that again.
With his fingers, his tongue, his cock, anything.
“Alright, how we doin'???” Dr. Hange Zoe bursts in to greet you two.
You open your mouth and Jean quickly removes the suction.
“Good,” you both answer at the same time.
“Can I take a look?” Dr. Zoe plops onto the other chair and rolls toward you. Jean tears himself away and busies himself with going over your chart on the computer again. “Any issues, Jean?”
“Nope, she's perfect,” he answers. And he means it. He's not quite sure what it is pulling him toward you – your bold attitude, your confidence, your sparkling eyes, and most obviously, your plush lips. Jean folds his hands in his lap, silently begging Dr. Zoe to stay focused on you and not his still present boner.
“Wow, you've got a great set of teeth!” They exclaim. “No risk of cavities anywhere. I'm not worried about anything. We really don't see mouths like this every day, do we Jean?”
“Um, uh – no, we don't,” Jean stutters. He stares at your phone number in your chart. It would be all too easy to write it down while Dr. Zoe was examining you.
But he couldn't – he shouldn't – cross that line. No, he's not some perv.
“I think we're all good here,” Dr. Zoe says and removes their gloves. “Jean boy, why don't you schedule our fine patient's next appointment?” They run off to see the next patient before waiting for a response. Jean pulls up the schedule and clicks through to the spring.
“It'll be the usual six months out,” he explains. “How's Friday morning again?”
“Sounds like a date. Though I was hoping for sooner than six months.”
Jean's mouth goes dry.
“Yeah, standard procedure, it's too bad. . .” he trails off and sneaks a peak at you behind his shoulder. You're sitting up now and grinning like a devil. “Anyways, I'll walk you out?” Thankfully, his boner has mostly dissipated. Mostly. He folds his hand in front of his crotch just in case. “Any plans for the weekend?”
“I haven't made too many friends on this side of town yet. The weekend might be a good opportunity though. Actually - I'll be at the bar down the street Saturday night.”
“Oh really?” Jean's voice squeaks ever so slightly. He knows exactly what bar you're talking about. After shifts, he and Sasha sometimes stop there and meet up with a few of their other friends.
“Uh huh,” you nod slowly and grab your still damp jacket from the rack. Jean towers over you as you slowly zip it up. “I guess I'll see you in six months – or maybe sooner.” You wink as you dash out the door before Jean has a chance to say goodbye.
Like a zombie, he walks back behind the desk over to Sasha.
“Um, how much time before my next patient?” He asks and leans over to see the schedule on her computer.
Sasha whirls around. “I have a more important question who was that? She sounded like she was begging you to go out with her!” Her amber eyes beg Jean for more information.
“What now?” A deadpan voice forces Jean to stand up pin straight.
“Nothing, sir!” Though Dr. Levi Ackerman was nearly a foot shorter than Jean, he never ceased to scare the shit out of him. Dr. Ackerman gives Jean the side eye. “I heard something about flirting? I swear to god Kirstein-”
“It was nothing sir, I swear!” Jean tries to explain, terrified that his professional behavior is being questioned, or worse, that Dr. Ackerman will reassign you to another dental hygienist.
“Tch.” Dr. Ackerman stalks off, temporarily satisfied.
Relieved, Jean collapses in the chair next to Sasha.
“Your next appointment is in about 15 minutes – Floch, do you remember him?”
Jean wracks his brain. “Ah yeah, serial cavity offender. Can't wait,” he grumbles.
He wishes all his patients looked like you.
~ ~ ~
You and your best friend Pieck cackle on the floor of your living room together. You clutch your stomach, aching from laughter.
“I can't believe I did that,” you gasp out and wipe tears of laughter from your eyes. As soon as you came home from the dentist, you told Pieck everything. You're not usually that bold, but relative anonymity empowered you.
“Way to start out our move with a bang,” Pieck laughs. “Although, not quite,” she gives a wry smile. “What did he look like? Tell me more!”
“Ugh,” you groan and roll onto your stomach. “Sexy as hell. Tall, really tall. Ashy brown hair – kinda shaggy, but it works for him. Hazel eyes. He seemed pretty fit too.”
“Sounds like you got a pretty good look. I still can't believe you did that,” Pieck shakes her head, her dark waves flying all over. “You're going to get banned for sexual harassment!” She teases.
“And I'd do it again,” you giggle and shrug.
You mean it – mostly. It might make for an awkward appointment in the spring, but with the way Jean flushed every time you teased him, you couldn't help but egg him on.
“Do you think he'll actually show up tomorrow night?” Pieck asks more seriously.
“I dunno.” You place your hand on your chin. “But I think it's worth going regardless.”
You and Pieck pick a seat at the bar that gives you two a perfect view of the front doors. You sit on margaritas all night, but the tall dental hygienist you're looking for never shows. You admit you're a little disappointed. With how flustered Jean was, you thought he might return your interest, but perhaps not. Or maybe he was seeing someone else. Guilt sinks into you as you wonder if pushed the poor guy too far. You shake it off and chat with Pieck about all the new places in your neighborhood you want to try.
The next six months pass by in a blur. You start your new job, which is boring, quite honestly, but it pays the bills. You and Pieck make new friends through various activities like a book club, yoga classes, and the community garden. You go on a few dates here and there, but nothing really sticks. They're a fun time, but thoughts about a certain tall dental hygienist come back like a boomerang.
You search the clinic website to try and find Jean's last name, but they only have the doctors listed. You've never been much into dating apps, but you download them all in hopes that you find him. You don't. So he's either taken or not into dating apps.
Admittedly, Jean begins to fade into memory as the days grow colder.
Then when spring hits, you remember.
You're practically skipping as you walk to your dentist appointment. The spring sun warms you from head to toe. You breath in the fresh scent of blooming cherry blossoms. You hope you didn't scare Jean away and that he's still your dental hygienist.
The same woman with long, brown hair and eager amber eyes greets you. Her name tag reads Sasha. You plop down on the white couches and aimlessly scroll through your phone.
A familiar voice calls your name.
You jerk your head up.
Jean stands in front of you with a wry smile on his face. “I'm ready for you.”
“Oh, uh, perfect,” you stutter and stand up. You follow him to the exam room.
He's even taller than you remembered. And more rugged – this time he's sporting a bit of scruff.
“After you,” he says and gestures to the exam chair. You sit down and turn sideways to watch him bring up your chart on the computer. You confirm that you have the same number, address, emergency contact, all the basic information.
“Any regular coffee or soda intake?” Jean asks.
“Occasional coffee,” you answer and swing your legs back forth. You twirl the ends of your hair. “I have an. . . addictive personality.”
“Oh yeah?” Jean turns to meet you with his earthy hazel eyes. He smirks and tilts his head. “What's your flavor?”
“Mostly bitter,” you blurt. “With a splash of milk.”
“Sounds right up my alley,” Jean says, holding eye contact. “Anyways.” He gets up and pulls out a strange looking machine. “We need to do updated x-rays today since your chart says it's been a few years.”
“Great,” you mutter. Last time you had to do these at the other clinic, you practically choked on everything the dental hygienist shoved in your mouth.
“Don't worry, I'll be gentle,” Jean purrs. “I remember you said you had a . . . sensitive gag reflex.”
You gulp as you turn yourself to sit the correct way in the exam chair. It's your turn to be flustered now.
Jean turns to you and holds a long, plastic device with his careful, gloved hands.
“Open up,” he whispers. “Nice and wide.”
You obey. You have no idea what the x-ray equipment is called, all you know is that it looks like some sort of instrument of torture devised for those cursed with small mouths.
“Bite down here,” Jean commands and taps on a red tab. You follow his instructions and fight to keep from gagging as the end of the device pokes the back of your throat. After a few seconds of extreme discomfort, Jean motions for you to open your mouth.
“Good girl,” he praises you as he slowly pulls the contraption out of your mouth. Goosebumps prickle up and down your arms.
Once the x-rays are done, you lie down for the regular cleaning and polishing. Jean runs a glove-covered thumb over your bottom lip as your mouth parts.
“Still looking good,” he murmurs.
You're not sure whether it's good or bad that you can't speak right now. Your soft lips burn under the gentle pressure of Jean's thumb. Your heart pounds with every movement Jean's fingers make in your mouth. It's not the exact actions – they're exactly the same as than any other dentist appointment. It's the sensual intention.
Or is it just your imagination? The urge to experiment rushes through you like a heat wave.
Jean's deft fingers move from tooth to tooth, perfecting them. In the middle of these movements, you find an opportunity to poke the inside of your cheek with your tongue. He pauses, hazel eyes widening. There's no hiding what Jean is thinking. The corners of your mouth tilt up, knowing that lewd thoughts about you are pouring into his mind.
He clears his throat and moves your tongue back with his fingers.
“Behave yourself,” he chastises you.
You want to giggle, but your mouth is full of, well – him.
Jean is finished with the cleaning all too soon. Dr. Zoe bursts in with the same gusto you remember from last time.
“How's our best patient doing?” They ask and bounce up and down on the chair next to you.
“Couldn't be better,” you grin and look past their excited demeanor to Jean. His hazel eyes burn with intensity. This time, he doesn't hide in the computer. Your body tingles knowing that he's undressing you with his eyes. His tongue slips out of his mouth and runs along his bottom lip. You have to break eye contact as Dr. Zoe does their own examination, albeit much quicker and less invasive than Jean's. It takes everything you have to refrain from jumping out of the chair and onto Jean.
“No issues,” Dr. Zoe confirms, almost a carbon copy of last fall. “Except watch the spot right behind your front teeth. It's not anything major, I can just tell that you're missing that spot when brushing. Anyways, I gotta do a root canal – see you in the fall!” They say your name and dash off to another less fortunate patient.
“So our perfect patient is not so perfect?” Jean raises an eyebrow at you as the two of you are alone in the room again.
“I guess not,” you sigh. “Seems I'm missing a spot.”
“I can help you with any spots you need help with,” he says, eyes lingering at your breasts. The sensitive spot between your legs begins to throb at that idea.
You cross your legs and smirk. The boldness you felt at that last appointment has returned. “And how might you help me with that?”
“I know a few ways,” Jean begins, “but it might be best for outside the office. Maybe at a certain bar tomorrow night.”
You pause. Tomorrow is Saturday. The same day of the week you suggested Jean meet you six months ago, and he never showed.
“A Saturday appointment? You must be a hard worker.” You tease. “How can I guarantee you'll be there?” You push, refusing to be let down again.
“I think I know a way.” Jean holds up a business card and drops it on the floor. You frown, not quite understanding. He gets up and leaves the room. “I'll walk you out when you're ready,” he calls.
You get up from the exam chair and grab the card off the floor.
Jean Kirstein.
It lists his title as a dental hygienist, the clinic phone number and his work email – nothing personal or interesting, aside from his last name. You flip the card over.
His cell phone number is scrawled on the back. A smile spreads across your face. He must mean it this time.
You pocket the card and flounce out of the room and walk side-by-side with Jean down the hallway. “I just realized we didn't talk about scheduling your next appointment. Same time, same place?” He asks, mischief dancing in his eyes.
You realize just how tall this man is when you have to crane your next up to look at him as you reach the lobby.
“Works for me. The earlier the better.”
Your heart throbs with anticipation – and nerves. You dash out the door without saying goodbye.
“Shut up.” You hear Jean hiss as you leave, no doubt to the woman who was checking patients in for appointments.
You know you won't have to wait another six months to see Jean Kirstein.
~ ~ ~
You tap your fingers repeatedly on the edge of the bar table in a sort of rhythmic trance. It's Saturday evening and you're waiting to see if your dental hygienist shows up – if Jean Kirstein shows up. You remind yourself to refer to his actual name, not his occupation. A dark-haired man sitting nearby you catches your eyes with his bright green ones. Well, if Jean doesn't show up, at least there's something to look at, you think.
Before arriving at the bar, you agonized over what to wear while Pieck sat on your bed and gave nods of approval for outfits you liked. In the end, you chose a springy dress with a black leather jacket. Cute, but a little edgy.
You've already downed one gin and tonic to calm your nerves. Jean seemed to be pretty damn clear that he'd be here this time. And you have his number to text if he doesn't.
You dig your phone out of your purse, wondering if it's been long enough that you should text. You're just about to type out a message when -
“Hey there.” You look up, expecting warm, hazel eyes, but piercing green ones meet you instead. The man who's been trying to catch your attention all evening.
“Hi.” A smile spreads across your face. Though you'd rather see Jean, you can't help but smile an another attractive man – you're only human, after all.
“Eren,” the man introduces himself and offers a warm hand. You shake it, noticing the rough calluses. Eren clearly works out. “I couldn't help but notice you're here alone. Can I buy you drink? My time is free.” He offers a sly grin.
You consider Eren's offer for half a second, but a hand with long fingers claps down on his shoulder.
“Actually, she's here with me.”
An even bigger smile bursts across your face. Any notion of entertaining a night with someone else flees from your mind.
Jean is here.
“Sorry for the confusion,” you apologize to Eren, though you're really not that sorry. “Nice to meet you though,” you call out as he turns away, disgruntled.
“And I'm sorry I'm late,” Jean apologizes to you. “I got a bit uh, preoccupied.” He runs his hand through his ash brown hair. He looks different outside of the dental office. Younger and more nervous. More human. He's wearing dark jeans and an olive green button up, though the last couple buttons remain open, giving you an open view of his throat and a glimpse of his chest – which seems to be as well defined as you imagined.
“No worries,” you reassure him and use your straw to shuffle the ice in your mostly empty glass. “I'm glad you showed up this time.”
Jean places his hands on the chair in front of you and leans over slightly. “Yeesh, I'm not off to a great start, am I?” He asks, another apology written on his face. “I chickened out last time, if I'm being honest. I was nervous about,” he pauses to think, “professional boundaries.”
“I didn't get you in trouble, did I?” You tease.
“Nah,” he waves and laughs, giving you a full view of his teeth. Of course the guy who works at a dental office has perfect teeth. You wonder what they might feel like on your skin. Heat flushes your face. “Anyways – what are you drinking?” He points to your empty glass.
“Gin and tonic.” You raise your glass. Jean takes it and stalks off to the bar.
You shift to cross your legs and can't help but smile as Jean orders drinks for you two. You've never been this bold before, so you certainly didn't imagine the dental appointment encounter would turn in to anything – but here you are. And here is Jean, returning to your table with another gin and tonic for you and one for him.
“I think you had a good idea,” he says, sitting down and placing the drinks on your table. “Spring is the best time for gin.” He takes a sip and holds eye contact with you. You haven't even made physical contact tonight, but those earthy hazel eyes threaten to shatter every part of your being.
You nod in agreement and mirror Jean, taking a sip of your drink. “So, back to the professional boundaries,” you begin. “Leaving your number on the card was clever.”
Jean chuckles. “I was mulling over that one for days. I knew your appointment was coming up and I didn't want to mess it up this time.”
“And you couldn't take my number from my chart?” You smirk and play with your straw with your tongue. Jean is captivated by your swirling tongue.
“Definitely would've been a privacy violation. Dr. Ackerman would've had my ass if he ever found out. But nobody can fault me for dropping a business card that just happened to have my cell number on it.” He shrugs in mock innocence.
“That makes sense,” you nod, taking on a slightly more serious tone as you find yourself wondering more about Jean's life. “Which one is Dr. Ackerman?”
“Small guy with dark hair. Usually looks like someone just shoved something up his ass,” Jean laughs. You recall passing this doctor in the hallway – and his photo on the dental clinic website. “It's a wonder Dr. Zoe saw something in him.”
“Wait.” You tilt your head. “Dr. Zoe and Dr. Ackerman are together?” You're a bit bewildered by this, given Dr. Zoe's erratic nature and Dr. Ackerman's stoicism.
“Yep,” Jean answers and takes a swig of his drink. “Most people wouldn't know by the way they act. But yeah, they met in grad school and started this clinic together.”
“And how'd you end up at the clinic?” You're not usually one to chat about jobs – to you, they're fairly meaningless, but considering it's a major part of how you met Jean, you want to know more.
“Mmm, I always found human biology interesting. I thought it would be fun to specialize in something, so I shadowed Dr. Zoe for a few weeks on summer and they never let me go. They're also a part-time professor at the university I went to, so it was an easy in. They tried to convince me to continue schooling to be a dentist, but I prefer spending time with patients, which you ironically don't get to do as much when you're a doctor. And, to be honest, I didn't want to go to grad school any longer than I had to.”
“Amen to that.” You lift your drink up and you clink your glasses together. You had briefly considered grad school, but the though of dropping another few thousand dollars didn't sit right with you.
You ask Jean a few more questions and learn that he lives with two of his best friends from college, Connie Springer and Marco Bodt. Jean is an only child and frequently visits his parents in Trost. He played basketball and ran track when he was in high school, but gave up sports in college in favor of his studies – and an art club.
“An art club? For real?” You ask.
Jean chuckles. “You'd think science and art don't mix well, but I think they go hand-in-hand. I think there's something beautiful about human biology, so I used that for inspiration for a lot of my sketches.” He pauses and stares at you with a wistful gaze. “Anyways. What about you? What more should I know about you besides your perfect mouth?” Jean gives you a crooked smirk.
It's like a live wire flashes through you. It's strange, this combination of genuinely getting to know you – and suggestive flirting. This isn't exactly one-night stand behavior. You aren't sure what to expect, but you can't deny the magnetic pull toward Jean's mind and body.
You tell Jean about how you grew up in smaller town in the southern part of the region, but had always craved something bigger. You went to college in Jinae, a step up, but it still wasn't quite what you were looking for.
Jean perks up at this. “Jinae? Really? My roommate Marco grew up there. Any chance you know him?”
You shake your head. “Sorry, doesn't ring a bell. It's a big area.”
“Figured it was worth asking.” Jean places his chin on his hand. “So why didn't you stay in Jinae?”
“I, um,” you bite your bottom lip, wondering why you're about to confess this to a near stranger. And yet, there's a warmth and genuine curiosity about Jean that encourages you to open up. “I didn't have the easiest time making friends.” Jean tilts his head at you, silently asking for further explanation. “I had friends in classes and clubs, sure, but I rarely got an invite to hang out after class or on weekends.” Weekends were the bane of your existence in college. You had often wondered if you should transfer, but weren't willing to fill out the mountain of required paperwork. Your face burns, wondering what Jean thinks of your difficult time in college.
“So how'd you meet Pieck?” Jean picks up on your nerves and deftly moves the conversation forward. “It sounds like you two are pretty close.” Jean slurps down the last of his drink.
You explain that out of sheer boredom on weekends, during your senior year you signed up to volunteer to help maintain one of the campus wildflower gardens. Pieck was there too, and you two have been inseparable ever since. When she asked what your plans were after graduation, if you'd consider moving to the big city with her, and you jumped at the opportunity.
“Pieck is a spit fire,” you laugh and swirl your straw in your once again empty glass. “She keeps me alive.” You're not sure if it's the alcohol or Jean's gaze that warms you from head to toe.
“Sounds like someone else I know.” Jean winks. Under the table, his foot nudges yours and moves up and down, tracing the outline of your calf. Your insides shiver. “I'm done if you are,” Jean says as he shakes his glass, the ice chiming like a spring melody. “Want to get out of here and sober up a bit?”
~ ~ ~
Jean holds your hand and leads you down a winding stone path that connects to another right by the river. The two of you meander along the river and make idle chat. As a seasoned veteran of western Mitras, Jean gives you a fair amount of suggestions of places that you and Pieck can check out – coffee shops, bookstores, theaters, wine bars, etc.
“Oh, this is the best part,” he interrupts himself and pulls you across a bridge that matches the stone walkway. With his long legs, you have to half jog to keep up with Jean. He stops in the middle and leans back against the stone. You mirror him and take in the view of the city lights. It's like dancing fireflies in the night.
“This view is spectacular,” you breath.
“Yes, it is.”
You look up at Jean, but he's not looking at the city skyline. He's looking right at you. A sharp, spring wind cuts into you like a knife. You shiver and automatically lean in closer to Jean's body heat. You're close enough to smell his cologne – sandalwood?
Jean cups your face with his hand, and leans down to you. Your heart beat thunders as he draws closer and closer. He stops just inches away from your lips. You can see every shade of his earthy hazel eyes. Jean raises an eyebrow – a nonverbal question.
You smile and nod, closing your eyes.
Jean closes the gap.
The first kiss is soft, tentative.
Jean's other hand wanders to the back of your head, twisting his fingers in your hair. His grip is firm, yet gentle.
You place your hands on each of his arms, craving to touch his firm biceps without the jacket in the way.
Jean's tongue flicks to your lips, asking another nonverbal question.
You open your mouth, and his sweet and sour taste floods your senses. Your kisses grow hungrier. You're both desperate for more. Your hands wander up and down Jean's chest, begging to touch more, as are his, as he slips a warm hand under your dress, tracing your thighs while the other hand holds your hip.
Jean breaks away for a half second. “You taste as good as I imagined,” he murmurs and returns to your lips for more. “Better, actually,” he adds in between desperate kisses.
You pull away, head spinning.
You know exactly what you want, and given the look in Jean's eyes, you know what he wants too.
“Pieck is home tonight,” you gasp, trying to catch your breath. “Your place?”
Jean grimaces. “Marco and Connie have a few friends over.”
“Ah.” You slide your hands off Jean and look at the stone bridge beneath you. So much for ending with a bang – like Pieck said.
“Unless?” Jean raises an eyebrow and a mischievous look takes over his face.
~ ~ ~
“This is insane,” you giggle. Jean holds one of your hands while the other digs his keys out of his pocket and unlocks the door to the dental clinic. “Won't someone be able to see that you've used your key fob?”
“Nah,” Jean says and pulls you through the door with him. “Sasha's the only one can see it – and she never does. I could always ask her to erase the history from the security system if I really need.”
The clinic is completely dark, except for a few security lights. The only sounds are your nervous giggles and Jean's breath. “This looks completely different now.”
“You're about to get a whole new perspective,” Jean grins. “C'mon.” He leans down and grabs you by the waist to throw you over his shoulder. You shriek and laugh, both from surprise and that Jean is strong enough to throw you over his shoulder like you're a sack of flour.
Jean walks all the way down the hallway and opens the door to the last exam room. The one you two were in yesterday.
“I'm ready for you,” he whispers and turns the dimmed lights on while still holding on to you with one hand.
Jean lays you down on the exam chair. You take your leather jacket off and lie down on your back.
This is indeed an entirely different perspective.
Jean crawls on top of you and kisses you with intensity, your tongues hungry, searching for more. You run your hands through his ash brown hair that he probably spent hours getting just right. Jean's hand creeps up under your dress again, this time wandering all the way up to your rib cage. His thumb strokes just along your bra line. Jean wiggles his hand under your bra and squeezes your breast. He runs his thumb back and forth over your nipple. You give a small shudder. You only breath when Jean takes a short kissing break to nip at your bottom lip. He's pinned your legs together with his knees, forceful enough to make you shiver, gentle enough to let you know you can stop any time.
But you don't want to stop.
You want more of Jean.
You break away and trace the outline of his face with your finger, his scruff gently scratching back at you.
“There's something I want,” you whisper. You close your mouth and poke your tongue on the inside of your cheek, mirroring your actions from a previous appointment. Jean smirks in both surprise and wonder.
“You sure?” He asks as he undoes his belt buckle.
Jean unzips his pants and they fall to the ground, belt buckle clanging against the hard floor. His boxers fall to his knees.
“Open wide then, pretty baby.”
Jean grips the head piece of the exam chair and surges forward.
Enormous is the only way to describe the most intimate part of his body. Your eyes widen, unsure if he can fit in your mouth. No, there's no way.
But you're sure as hell going to try.
You stroke his dick up and down with tantalizing fingers. Jean groans, begging for more.
You lean forward slightly and lick the precum leaking from his tip. You run your tongue up and down his shaft. Jean twitches and moans louder in response.
“Be a good girl and take me,” he gasps.
You're more than happy to accept Jean's challenge.
You take in as much of Jean's dick as you can, sucking and salivating. Jean's groans turn guttural. His arms on either side of you shake and bulge.
You repeat the motions and use one hand to stroke the very last of him that you can't quite fit in your mouth. The bundle of nerves in between your legs flushes, wondering what Jean will feel like there.
“Hey. . .” Jean trails off in between moans, “I think I'm gonna-”
With Jean's warning, you lurch forward in attempt to swallow as much of him as you can.
Except when his tip nudges the back of your throat, your throat heaves. Your stomach jerks up to your throat. You involuntarily push Jean away and out of your mouth.
You turn your head away, mouth now empty, and cough up the saliva caught in your throat.
“Shit, you okay?” Jean lowers himself to make eye contact with you, his eyes frantic.
“I'm fine,” you sputter and wipe your mouth. His face softens.
“So you do have a sensitive gag reflex?”
“I told you!” You and Jean burst out laughing together at the ridiculous scene – the two of you tangled up together, breathless on a dental exam chair. “So you didn't. . .?”
“Not yet,” Jean winks. “You know, there's something I'd like as well.” He tugs at the hem of your dress. You lift up your arms up for Jean to take your dress off with ease. He tosses it to the ground.
Jean leans in for a few kisses, then trails his lips down your neck, your collarbone, and finally, to your breasts. Goosebumps prickling on your skin follow Jean's lips. He pauses at your breasts and savors them – taking one in his mouth and giving you a little nip.
A soft groan escapes your lips.
Jean looks up at you for a second, smirks and then bites a little harder as he marks your chest. He flicks your nipple back and forth with his tongue before continuing his descent.
Jean kisses your stomach all the way down to your hips, where he bites down. You squirm and gasp – a blur between ticklish and pleasure.
He continues his path of kisses, down, down, down. You barely register that Jean slips off your panties. He parts your thighs and places them on top of his shoulders, granting himself a full view of the most intimate part of your body.
“Beautiful,” he whispers before he peppers your inner thighs with kisses. A spark ignites in between your legs. Jean teases your slit with his tongue, running up and down. Your entire body is a single flame, begging for more kindling.
“Jean, please,” you beg as you run your hands through his hair.
“Please what?” He pauses his teasing to grin up at you.
“Please. . .” you trail off and sigh as Jean resumes his teasing. “Play with my clit,” you gasp.
“C'mon now, darlin',” he purrs. “Be a good girl and wait for me.”
Jean parts your lips with his fingers and pushes his tongue inside you and trails up to your clit – but only with feather light pressure.
You whimper, craving more. You squirm and buck your hips, physically begging Jean. He grabs your hips, restraining you. You begin to drip.
He finally obliges.
Jean swirls his tongue around your bundle of nerves.
You release a high-pitched gasp and dig your nails into his arms.
Your body blazes into a roaring fire.
Jean is relentless in his efforts to make you cum, and you're both soon rewarded.
“J – Jean, I – I – I -” you gasp.
You can't get a thought, let alone a sentence, out before you climax.
Your body explodes into a wildfire. Several waves of tension and relaxation roll through you. Jean grips harder onto your hips and digs deeper with his tongue, keeping you going as long as he can.
As the last wave of pleasure collapses over you, you arms spill off the sides of the exam chair. Every muscle, every cell in your body has melted from your wildfire. Sparks ripple through your fingertips and toes.
“Wow,” you breath, unable to string together a coherent thought.
“Ready for more?” Jean grins and places his dick right at your entrance, rubbing up and down your slit, wetting his tip from you.
You jerk up and prop yourself up on your elbows.
“Ah, wait, do you have-”
“Got it,” Jean answers and dives down to his pants to grab an unwrapped condom from his pocket.
“You came prepared,” you huff, still unable to return to your normal voice.
“Always am,” he gives you a sly smirk. “Uh, although,” he pauses, giving his statement a second thought. “Not that I always do this. You're the only person I've ever brought here,” he stammers, his earthy hazel eyes widening.
“Good.” You find Jean's back and forth bravado and awkward nerves endearing. You take the half-opened condom from him. You rip it all the way open and hand it back to him.
“I'm patiently waiting for you. Get it, because I'm also your patient?” You chuckle at your own bad joke and lie back down on the table, legs open.
“Yes, I get it,” Jean rolls his eyes and returns your smile as he rolls the condom on. “Are you ready for me?” He whispers, hovering over you, and kisses the shell of your ear.
He nudges his tip at your entrance. Your lips part and stretch, making way for his length.
“All good?” He whispers. You nod and bite your lower lip in anticipation. “I'll go slow. Let me know if it hurts.”
“Mm'kay,” you breath as he sinks deeper into you. You grimace slightly as your walls adjust to his length. Jean pauses and raises his eyebrows at you. “Keep going,” you command and place your hands on his ass, urging him to melt deeper into you.
Jean obeys, sinking more and more until he's all the way inside you. He pumps slowly, glancing at you every so often to let you control his pace. Jean sighs with every stroke, worshiping your body as his hands wander and praise every inch of you. You release a mewl as his dick reaches your most sensitive spot, making your insides curl with pleasure.
“Right there, hmm?” Jean pumps harder and faster with a new desperation. He lifts your hips at a slight angle, closer to him – Jean can't get enough of you. He dives for your neck, sucking and biting, muffling his rising groans. “Need more,” he growls.
Without warning, he lifts you up off the chair and you curl around him like a koala, as if by second nature. You're slammed against the nearest wall, Jean still holding you by your thighs, and fucks you against the wall. You cling to him and rest your chin on his shoulder. His weight against you forces a breathy moan with every powerful stroke. Jean's dick reaches deep inside you, a spot you didn't even know existed releasing heat throughout your body. You rake your nails up and down his back as he rails into you over and over again.
“Soon,” he pants.
Curious, you lift your chin off Jean's shoulder and find his hazel eyes glazed over, drunk on you. His mouth is parted and a bead of sweat drips down his temple.
You give Jean a crooked smirk, and that pretty smile of yours is what pushes him over the edge.
He releases a moan of purse ecstasy, and chants your name like a prayer. His arms shake, but still hold you firm against the wall. You know he won't drop you until he's completely finished spilling into you.
After several final strokes, Jean carries you back over to the exam chair and collapses back on top of you. He rests his head on your breasts and you rhythmically stroke his ash brown hair.
As you both catch you breath, Jean looks back up at you with a devilish grin.
“So,” he starts and runs his pointer finger along your lips. “When do I get to see that pretty mouth again?”
“Definitely sooner than six months,” you say and nip at his finger.
“Good. I do want to see you again,” Jean confirms. “Outside the office. Very unprofessionally.”
“I think we can arrange another appointment,” you tease. “As long as I'm your star patient.”
“You are certainly the best patient I've ever had.”
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wildlife4life · 1 month
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
*A nylon gloved hand reaches out of a dark hole that smells like toothpaste and medical grade cleaner. In its trembling fingers is a wrinkled torn out note page. At the top there are crossed out chart notes and below that are the words NFL Buck snippet*
I LIVE!!!!!!!!! What up my buddie peeps? Making a surprise NFL Buck tidbit drop between studying and having my fingers in people's mouths (I am not a crazy person, I am in Dental Assisting school and doing my clinical rounds). The writing beans woke up for once and I had to share! But this does not mean a new chapter is going to drop any time soon. I am nearing the end of my schooling, on top of being a mom and running a household, so the time to actually sit and write, and have the writing beans working is very rare these days. BUT! NFL Buck is still in the works and another chapter is coming, just need to be patient with me. To those who are being patient and have stuck around for this fic, thank you.
Tagged by the super lovely and super talented @spaceprincessem. I am ever patient and beyond excited for your upcoming mockingjay buddie fic!
"Drinks are on me tonight." Eddie states firmly before Chimney could finishing reaching back for his wallet. The older man looks back and does a mental count of everyone that came along after their very rough shift and can't hide his small wince, "You sure Diaz? Including Athena, thats 10 weary firefighter bar tabs you'll be covering." And Chimney knows better than most how much just one thirsty civil servant can put away, let alone 10. Eddie shrugs one shoulder and gives him a small smirk, "Oh yea. I mean technically drinks are on Buck tonight, as thanks for saving me after the whole 'reckless spider-man' routine." His right hand throws up air quotes while his left is pulling his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans. Gifting an expensive coffee machine for the firehouse was one thing and knowing the basic financial logistics of Eddie's upcoming birthday golf trip was another. But having the funds on hand for an on the whim night out with several thirsty hard working men and women, was tipping onto the side of skeptical. And Chimney needed to voice it. "Doesn't he have an expensive birthday trip for you to save up for?" Chim quirks an eyebrow. The Texas native's smirk broadens. Instead of vocally answering him, Eddie opens his wallet and pulls out a fucking black American Express card. Chimney's jaw literally drops, as the bar lights reflect off the silver EDMUNDO DIAZ stamped at the bottom. Next to him, Hen audibly gasps before quickly collecting herself and shouting out, "118, drinks are on Diaz!" And is immediately met with loud hollers and cheers. Rich man Diaz laughs loud and reaches past a still stunned Chimney to hand the prized card to the wide eyed bar tender. In a hook and ladder joint, a card like Eddie's has probably never even come close to even the block of the bar and Chimney's only seen a black Amex in movies and tv shows. "No restrictions." Eddie tells the bar tender, "And I'll start with whatever IPA is on tap." He looks back at Chimney, "What'll have Han?" And folds up his fucking Burberry leather wallet before sliding it back into his back pocket.
For those who are not familiar with this fic, please go check the first two chapters of Three Taps for the Lombardi. All other snippets and posts for NFL Buck can be found here. Warning, there are a lot! Hope you enjoyed!
Tagging (no pressure!): @hippolotamus @dangerpronebuddie @daffi-990 @tizniz @rainbow-nerdss
@elvensorceress @monsterrae1 @eddiebabygirldiaz @lonelychicago @spotsandsocks
@diazheartsbuckley @diazsdimples @exhuastedpigeon @cal-daisies-and-briars @watchyourbuck
@glorious-spoon @prosperdemeter2 @bekkachaos @tidesreach @kitteneddiediaz
@eddiestummy @aroeddiediaz @lemonzestywrites @bi-buck-coded @lover-of-mine
@beyourownanchor6 @honestlydarkprincess @bucks-daddy-issues @inell
@pansysgothgf @smilingbuckley
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ashintheairlikesnow · 7 months
🦷 for…literally anyone. Go crazy with this
CW: BBU, some mouth whumpiness although the whump is emotional, medical whump
"Okay, here we go. Now, I'm going to insert this into your mouth, and you're going to bite down, as evenly as you can, and hold it until I say. Got it?"
Oskar looks at the little plastic tray in Arvid's hand as though the spongy, grayish thing inside of it is something alive that might bite him at any second. "Why?"
"I want to make a mold of your teeth."
Oskar shifts rapidly backwards in the exam chair in Arvid's 'medical room', also known as the half of his basement space he doesn't sleep in. One wrist brushes against the open leather buckles that can be used to restrain patients and he flinches violently away from it, face going suddenly white except for two red spots in his cheeks. "But-"
Arvid closes his eyes, taking a breath. "Oskar. Just do it."
Oskar shakes his head, curling his knees up to his chest and sliding his arms around his legs. His mouth opens and closes a few times on a word that never seems to quite make its way out. "I-... I don't want to," He whispers, hiding the bottom half of his face behind his knees, only his dark eyes showing, staring, hurt, at Arvid. "I don't want to do that. Please, Arvid, I-I don't, I don't want to-"
"Oskar," Arvid says, keeping his voice calm only with difficulty. This is irritating. "
Oskar's eyes drop and he stares down at the stirrups that hang off the end on long metal poles, where patients can slide their feet and hold their legs open. If possible, he blanches even further, and Arvid fights down his annoyance at the delay. "I have Samael coming in in like half an hour for bloodwork, we need to get this done before she gets here."
Oskar curls himself up even more tightly, closing his eyes and giving his head one more weak shake. "Please," He whispers. "I don't want to."
"Oskar. It is just to get a teeth mold! This is completely normal!" He thinks. Actually, Arvid doesn't have much of a comparison for normal, but it's normal for the work he does, anyway. He has molds of the mouths of all of the archangels and most of the other employees of the organization, too. He has molds of his own teeth, damn it. "I'm tired of you wasting my time with this, so just... fucking do as I say. You're my pet, aren't you?"
Oskar's breaths are coming shallowly, and he doesn't open his eyes. "Yes," He whispers. "I am." One of his hands moves to touch the collar around his neck, as if reminding himself. "I, I am yours."
"Right. So just. So just do the thing, so we can get it done and I can go back to doing my actual job before Samael shows up and wonders why nothing's ready for her..." He trails off as he hears a strange noise, like a clicking, and tilts his head. His eyes trail downward, until he realizes... it's the chair rattling in place.
Oskar is shaking so hard the exam chair is shaking, too.
"... hey." Arvid looks down at the molding clay in the dental tray - it'll dry out and be more or less useless if this takes much longer - and then, with a sigh, he sets it back down on the little metal rolling table and reaches out, putting one hand on either side of Oskar's face. "Talk to me. What's wrong with this? The tray, the... the chair? Is that it?"
Oskar hesitates, then opens his eyes again, looking up at Arvid without raising his chin. "... both."
"Okay... uh. What the fuck is wrong with them?" The chair is... just a chair. Arvid had gotten it at an insanely low price some years back during a private estate sale he decided not to look too closely into - but Oskar is clearly terrified of the damn thing. He's not even restrained - Arvid only uses those when one of the archangels is violent or hallucinating.
"Clinic c-chair." Oskar's teeth click together from his trembling. His eyes are glimmering in the lights with tears that haven't fallen yet. "The, the mold for a-... a gag, I don't... I don't want to have a gag here, Arvid. I don't-... I don't want to-"
"What? It's-... it's not for a gag."
Oskar swallows hard, licking at his lips. "It's... not?"
"No... no. Jesus Christ, Oskar, it's for if you get hurt and lose a tooth or something, so we can get you a good screw-in tooth and shit. I was thinking the other day about how you've ended up going out on fieldwork with me twice, plus you've been climbing the tree in the yard, and just in case, we should have shit ready to go for your records. That's all."
Oskar glances sidelong at the little plastic tray, then back at him. His lips press into a thin line, the skin paling at the pressure, before he tries to talk again. "I don't... want anything in m-my mouth, Arvid. Please-... I, I can't. Please, please don't make me. Please."
Arvid inhales. He knows if he checks his phone that time is running out, Samael's going to walk in any fucking second. "Oskar. We are going to do this and we are going to do this now. Open your fucking mouth. I am ordering you, as your owner, to open your mouth."
The look of open, honest pain and fear on Oskar's face sends a twist of some strange unpleasant chill through Arvid's chest, but he at least slowly nods and - jaw trembling - opens his mouth wide for Arvid to slide in the tray, then bites gently down. Sounds come, unbidden, from his throat - muffled whines that he doesn't even seem fully conscious of. Arvid can all but see his pulse racing in the spot just under his jaw. His eyes lock on Arvid's face and stay there.
"Good boy," Arvid soothes. Usually praise is a one-way ticket to fixing Oskar's bad moods, but this time it just seems to bounce right off him. The tears finally fall, running in clear trails over his cheekbones. Arvid wipes them away with his thumb and Oskar flinches, minutely, never quite pulling away. "It's all right. It's all right. Just a few more seconds..."
He takes the little handle on the tray, murmurs for Oskar to open carefully and slowly, and pulls it out to set it aside and get the next one ready for the bottom teeth. Oskar's trembling never stops, the chair rattling lightly, the pet's fingers dug into the padding until his knuckles are pure white.
Arvid finishes the second tray, and as soon as he removes it and says a soft all done, you were very good, Oskar uncurls, bolts off the chair, and races past the curtain that separates the two halves of Arvid's life. His feet slap on the concrete floor and Arvid watches him go, sighing.
He hears Oskar climb into the bed, the gentle squeak of the springs in the mattress as he buries himself under blankets and probably curls right back up into the little ball likes that. Muffled sobs are just barely audible, and Arvid's teeth itch to go ask him to stop that shit, it's annoying and he has shit to do today, he can't waste his time comforting Oskar's every fear.
But... he caused the fear.
Arvid hesitates, feeling that strange unpleasant twist again.
It's guilt.
He inhales, looking over at the curtain. "Oskar..." He trails off. He should just... go over there and apologize, hold him for a while, let him talk about it or something. It'd be the kind thing to do, and Oskar is the best thing he has in his life these days.
There's a harsh, loud sniff. "Yes?" Oskar's voice is thick and heavy with his tears.
"Listen, I just-" The door to the basement opens and Samael, a woman who seems created entirely in shades of black and slightly less black, steps inside. Arvid swallows the rest of his sentence.
The sounds of Oskar's fear stop - muffled even more thoroughly as he must hear Samael enter, too.
"Am I early?" Sam asks, eyebrows raising. The piercing in one glints in the flat white light of the exam side of the room. "Where's your little creature, isn't he around you all the time these days?"
"He's... busy," Arvid says. "Just give me a second to get the vials ready for you."
"Busy? Doing what?" Sam hops up onto the exam table, even swinging her legs a little. She's maybe five foot three on a good day, but Arvid knows damn well she can snap necks with her thighs alone and is one of the best in the business. "What do pets even do?"
Arvid ignores her. He walks over to peek around the curtain, faintly smiling as he sees the very Oskar-shaped lump on the bed, a hint of his hair showing on the pillow.
"We'll talk about it later," He says, pitching his voice low. "Okay?"
There's a rustle as Oskar shifts around under the blankets he's hidden himself in. He peeks out, just a bit of hair and pale forehead and huge eyes. "Yes, sir," He says, voice weak.
Arvid sighs. Oh, good. He's sir again. Great.
Sometimes, this shit is harder than he thought it would be.
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shenu249 · 8 months
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The Best Dentist in Delhi
To get any type of dental problem treated by the best dentist in Delhi, visit Dr. Garg’s Multispeciality Dental Center. The top dental clinic has dedicated dentists for all dental and oral problems. The reasonably priced comprehensive dental care covers dental services, cosmetic dentistry services, gum-related problems, kids dentistry, and advanced implantology.
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ofallthingsnasty · 10 months
I just remembered that one ridiculously cute thing in uni during the body donor class - for context: we dental students got pooled together with the meds during the pre-clinical semesters a lot, and that class was no different.
We were separated in two main groups, and one body donor was shared between 12 students - coming in from Monday to Thursday. On Fridays, you could come in until 12 and just look at the donors without any supervision, you just needed your coat and name tag. And I remember going in before the situs oral and trying to understand how blood flows through the heart and then one of the meds (super intimidating buff guy) saw me struggle and was like '... Hey do you want me to explain that to you?' and then we sat there - him with a whole heart in hand, explaining it all to me, more than happy to help. Not gonna lie, I had a bit of a crush on that guy for the rest of the semester. We weren't even in the same group, so we never saw each other during prep hours but I always had my eyes peeled for him during lectures haha tw.anatomical stuff (i'm german so if my translations are a little off then i'm sorry hah), cadavers, just fluff
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Long story short - I'm thinking about that with Law. You and Chopper are at the same table, come in every Friday to review the material of the week, both a little on the not-so-studious side. (Don't get me wrong, you go to every lecture - but those suckers are two hours long and not the only class you have. It's easy to lose track, especially when all you wanna do is catch up on sleep during the weekends.)
You pull your donor out of the body bag, lay them down and go over your notes, some sessions more and some less successful. The two of you are usually not alone, either - there is always someone else rifling around on their own table. Today it's a guy with a severe expression and some earrings. You've seen him in the lecture hall but you and Chopper aren't in the same group as him, so that's really all you know. You get through this week's lecture notes just fine - until it's time for the heart. The way blood gets fed through the atriums and ventricles, how the pressure changes, systole and diastole, the coronary arteries... You two are feeling beyond lost and so, so close to simply giving up - it's just too much and too intricate (at least for someone who has heard all of that info only once, maybe twice). But then there is also that other student - and maybe, just maybe, he knows more than you two do. It's not unusual to ask - and so that's what you do.
Law can't be assed, actually.
He's reviewing his notes, trying to get his own studying done. He's really not the type to do tutoring, doesn't have the patience for it. But you two are loud - hemming and hawing over your own cadaver and if he has to hear you confuse the mitral valve with the tricuspid one more time, then he's going to get a migraine. What are twenty minutes of his time if it means that you get done with your little idiot session and finally leave the hall? So he sighs and motions you to come closer. He's surprisingly good at explaining. The heart of his donor in one hand, a tissue forceps in the other, he walks you through every fact one would want to know about the organ. You probably have stars in your eyes while he talks because finally, finally you're grasping the material - and really, it might be confusing at first, but it's not that hard. He even lets Chopper regurgitate it all to him and has the two of you giggling over it. Law is just glad you two morons are finally having your little eureka moment because it means that you'll be off in a matter of minutes.
But no good deed goes unpunished.
It's then that you notice his tattoos through the nitrile gloves and suddenly he's the most fascinating living guy around (the most fascinating guy is dead on table 5, with golf ball sized cysts in his liver, sorry Law). He gets bombarded with questions, you and Chopper all over him, way too loud, too excited, too fucking annoying. He's already regretting his little act of charity.
And not only do you have the audacity to ask him to explain fetal circulation (because, please, please it's so confusing) as well, no, from that moment on, you're all over him very goddamn Friday and he's been added to three different group chats the moment Chopper and you leave the hall.
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anexperimentallife · 11 months
Help a disabled, neurodivergent, interracial family get back to the US for medical treatment
After three bouts of COVID and other medical issues over the past six years here in the Philippines, my health has deteriorated to the point at which I'm worried I won't get to watch my little girl grow up unless I can get back to where I can use my Medicare and VA benefits for various surgeries and treatments.
Unfortunately, even with all y'all's help, @thesurestthing and I are still in debt from the two-year ordeal of fixing our daughter's stateless status, so we can't do this on our own. My little sister started a fundraiser for us, and there are a couple of other ways to help, as well. If you can't help, please reblog. Thank you! (The PayPal link takes the lowest fees, but whatever works for you is best!)
If you want more details, they're under the cut:
Six years ago, while still grieving the deaths of my adult sons and a painful breakup, I moved from the US to the Philippines with just what I could carry, in large part because it's actually possible to survive here on the pittance US disability pays. I had kind of given up on life and figured I would sort of drift off eventually. I wasn't going to kick my own bucket, mind you; I just wasn't going to try very hard to keep living. And I figured I'd just pass away someplace beautiful.
Soon after I got here, though, @thesurestthing (also American) started messaging me from the states, told me she was going to come to the Philippines and be my girlfriend (even though I told her no at first), and eventually joined me here. We had a baby under lockdown, and got married.
So now I had something to live for. (And most of y'all know the drama with the error on El's birth certificate that left her stateless and took almost two years and a lot of money to get fixed.)
But I have had health scare after health scare over the past few years, including three bouts of COVID (some of you remember the month I spent hooked up to an oxygen machine), two bouts of pneumonia, a persistent two-year foot infection that took surgery to clear up (and is going to require another surgery to keep cleared up), damage to my heart and scarring in my lungs from long covid, a literal hole in my throat that is growing bigger, a spine injury, joint injuries, osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, a traumatic brain injury that affects my memory and concentration, adhd, bipolar disorder, autism, and other issues.
(Not even getting into the dental stuff--Hope to be able to get that done before we go back, here where it's cheaper, because Medicare doesn't cover that.)
I'm terrified that I won't be alive to watch my little girl grow up unless I can get someplace where I can use my Medicare and VA health benefits.
An old friend of mine is a social worker and on the school board in a small Minnesota city with its own VA clinic, and has offered to help us get settled in there, but we still have to find a place to live (suitable for a couple that includes a physically disabled adult, and who have a toddler), some basic household goods, some cheap used transportation, and need to survive for a couple of months while Zoey looks for work.
Given our situation in general and the fact that right now my disability is our only income, we're probably looking at having to pay at least six months (or possibly an entire year) of rent up front in order to get anyplace to lease to us.
We can't stay with friends because every single stateside friend we have with a spare room also has a cat--and I have an anaphylactic allergic reaction to cats, meaning that I will literally die if I'm around a cat for too long. I've had to go to the ER because I slept in a room that had a blanket in the corner that a cat had momentarily lain on. The only way I can be around cats is if I'm on massive doses of immunosuppressive drugs, which, well... The whole issue here is that I keep getting deathly ill, so suppressing my immune system even more is a non-starter. Oh, and Fel D 1, the protein secreted in cat dander, saliva, and waste, can stay even on hard surface for up to two years, and even longer on porous surfaces.
Again, if we weren't still in so much debt from El's birth certificate debacle, we might be able to do this at least mostly on our own. But as things stand, we can't do it on our own. We need your help.
If you read all of this, thank you very much. And again, if you can't give, please reblog.
For more medical details, check my Rob Gets Medical tag. For more details about Eleanor's birth certificate saga, check my Baby El tag.
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lithuanianking · 7 months
Any silly little arthorin head cannons??? (I think that's how I spell the ship name idk tbh) just anything really I just really love the weird little guys
The tumbler tag says dentorin which is basically the same so idk
This ask made me actually think of some little mini headcanons which aren't really like relsonship more like Arthur harassing orin
-Arthur found out where he lives and sends orin letters that he thinks aren't threatening and totally normal but orin is concerned for his safety
-(in some weird universe where orin never dies or something idfk) Arthur keeps coming back to orins clinic almost weekly and for some reason orin let's him come back,probably because everytime Arthur gets his teeth examined he's all like "wow you look so handsome when you're ripping out me wisdom teeth" and though he'd never admit it orin likes being complimented because it fules his ego.
-Arthur will walk into the room where orin is attending to another patient and jokingly dramatically be all like "oh wow your cheating on me I can't believe it" to which orin will through whatever dental tool he has in hand at him
-whenever Arthur sees orin in public he like jumps up and down and yells stuff like "HI DR SCREVLLO ITS ME ARTHUR DENTON IM ARTHUR DENTON I SAW YOU LAST WEEK" and orin will immediately turn around and power walk away the second he sees him
That's all I just came up with these in like 5 minutes maybe I'll come up with more if people want
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vroombeams · 20 days
oh! theme song and/or flip flop for any part of your liking for rear 32!
♬ THEME SONG: pick a fic and I’ll share a song that reminds me of it (and why!)
a THEME SONG... for the DENTAL KINK.... the cop-out answer is i was listening to michigan by the milk carton kids like the entire week leading up to my own dental surgery because i was sad about logan sargeant. so that was on my mind and is now tied to tooth theft forever. but realistically probably something like pools by glass animals? there are a couple of glass animals songs that always get the Explicit Rating going for me and pools isn't one of them exactly LOL but lyrically there are just a lot of like. to me mouth-related words and it's also just got a chord progression that is like this comfortable anxiety, which is the way rear 32 was meant to feel
↻FLIP FLOP: send me a scene from one of my fics and I’ll describe or write it from another character’s POV!
Right, admittedly Mark can't exactly see what he's doing. Oscar's head is tipped back just enough that the bathroom light is shining directly into his wide-open mouth, so he can see, just... not well. Not enough to make this a good idea. But he'd really, really wanted to use the sickle. Sue him. He's being given the opportunity to poke around a human mouth, free reign to mess around with Oscar's body in such a hyper-specific way. It's compelling to him in the way any sort of clinical kink is. One of these days he's going to pitch it—some sort of doctor/patient roleplay, run a scene like he's giving Oscar a physical. Bend over and cough and all that. There's not enough time in the world to unpack all this, actually. It's just that Oscar's so pliant like this. It's art, in its way—Oscar's eyes shut, mouth hung wide, shoulders dropping from around his ears bit by bit. He'd been so tense when they'd started. And now he's not relaxed exactly but he's very obviously starting to float over into a space that Mark has had to push and push and push to get him into before. He's getting distracted—mind wandering to all of the other things he wants to do, eyes drifting to Oscar's throat working, shiny-wet and red and pooling with saliva. For the second time in as many minutes, the sickle catches on the delicate pink ridge of Oscar's gums. Oscar moans. Quiet and crackling but unmistakably a moan. Mark's been trying to keep his eyes on the task at hand but he's been watching in his periphery, too, the way Oscar's got a hand in his lap, the way he's squeezing himself, the way this is making him feel good. Relatable, really. Mark's dick has been throbbing since he walked in the room.
fic ask game 💃
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captainharlock · 15 days
more update. just went through the longest three days of my whole life. click to read my tale of woe.
sept 10: had to go get my visa medical exam done (which ate 500 of my savings up... boohoo...) and it was such a long and evil journey into toronto to go get that done (i live in a city an hour outside) because my dad's car is being weird right now so i had to take trains there... and then when i got there they informed me that i was missing blood work (it was done, but i didn't have the actual proof of it. so i needed to ask the doctor who did my blood work to email me that.) so i almost started crying until they said i could still get the rest of the exam done that day and just email them the blood work proof later. Like legit immediately tearing up. i'm not built for these sorts of tasks i think. anyway that meant that i couldn't even ride home with a peace of mind knowing that that's done because it wasnt. i needed that blood work proof.
sept 11: i called the walk in clinic who initially did my blood work to ask if i could get it emailed to me so i could then email it to the visa medical people, and no one answered at all. ever. so i just got up and walked to the clinic. and when i entered the building there was a huge sign on the clinic's door that said they moved and the clinic no longer operates. again, started immediately tearing up because i can't handle anything. anyway i went on a wild goose chase that ended in me calling the doctor who issued the blood test personally and asking if anyone even still had my records and she said that public health did, but i needed to schedule a telehealth appointment to ask a doctor for it. my online appointment would be in the afternoon of the next day which was stressful becauuuuse
sept 12: in the morning of this day i had to go for an oral diagnostic to find out how much it was gonna cost to fix my painful rotting bulimia teeth. i didn't want to go on the train again and my dad was still eager to drive despite his car's condition so i said fuck it because my dentist appointment could be rescheduled if the car broke down on the highway, unlike my visa medical exam where i had to be there. so we went to toronto in our shitty car and i got poked and prodded by a dental student (i have to get my work done by students because it's the lowest cost dental work available to me) and he then informed me that i would need two cleanings which would cost $208 together, and then it would be $130 per tooth filled. and i have very very many cavities. so i think my stuff would be around $1500 to fix which is by all means a bargain but i started freaking the fuck out in the car on the way home because i still don't even have that. like YES it could have been $5000-$10000. but i still don't have $1500. so um. god. yeah. actually i'm still kind of freaking out about that. lol anyway
sept 12 pt 2: we got home just in time for my telehealth appointment and they gave me my blood work proof immediately and easily and i was very relieved and then i emailed it to the visa medical people like they told me to. and it's been very many daylight work hours and no one has responded to me so now i'm filled with an insane dread that there's still something wrong and missing and i can't stop freaking out and crying because i need just one thing to go smoothly just one please just one damn thing. oh ym god please. PLEASEE
sept 13: now we're at today where i am covered in exposed nerves and irritable and scared because i cannot stop thinking about how i need 1500 bucks and also an email back from the visa people who have my whole life in their hands right now. i am doing my commissions because i need to take more because i need that money. i put up a ko-fi goal for an amount a little less than $1500 because that's more of a broad estimate, but i can't be asked to spread my ko-fi link around again so close to when i already e-begged. i feel bad. there's people dying and i'm begging for help to get my tooth hurty fixed. it feels bad. but the goal is there and my commissions are open and if anyone wants to smile at me they can. if anyone has and ideas on how to spead it without me actually spreading it because i just don't have the moxie rn that would be nice too.
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Thanks for reading i love you all
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