#dental care contest!!]
loveofmylouis · 2 years
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ryuichirou · 10 months
I been wondering what would it be like for the cast to be parents? I seen how Idia and Azul will likely be terrible ones and I am curious for the rest. (Except for Lilia for obvious reasons)
Anon! Sorry for the late reply. The day has come for me to share with you my nrc-as-parents headcanons lol I’ve mentioned this theme a little bit in one of the previous replies about Azul and Idia a while ago, and I’ll reiterate: we usually don’t really love the scenarios than involve characters becoming parents, and because of that I probably ended up talking about how bad of a parent all of them are lol But I tried to make it as fair as possible.
Actually, some of them turned out to be not so shitty ones! Which is quite surprising, not gonna lie.
Alright, so…
Riddle – such an anxious parent. One would assume that he would try not to mess his kid up as badly as his mom messed him up, but it’s Riddle we’re talking about; he’s still super dependant on tutorials and rulebooks, and whether he wants to acknowledge and avoid his parents’ mistakes or not, he’ll end up overthinking it and messing up massively. I guess it all depends on his partner, but he’d need a lot of help. He’s going to copy his mother until somebody stops him, although at some times he would think “I was actually very upset when my mother did that, I should stop”, but he wouldn’t be able to catch or even see all these moments, especially on his own.
Trey – “oh he is the perfect dad!” I hear the crowd saying. “NO!!!” I’m yelling back at the crowd. Of course, he is super caring and empathetic and has experience with children. And looking at some of the other…. Uh… contestants… of course, Trey is one of the best. But he is also an enabler that spoils his kids rotten. He’s way too doting. He’s strict about their dental hygiene! But other than that? Nah.
Cater – god I don’t think Cater would ever want a kid. I think he would think that unless he has a perfect and stable life with a house and no need to move anytime soon, it’d be too irresponsible to get a kid. But even then, he would be so focused on not messing up his kid (and he would only have one because siblings sucks) that he would probably make things worse lol He would also probably try to make everything seems perfect and his kid really wouldn’t appreciate it when they get older.
Ace – he’s the dad that doesn’t pay child support and visits them like once or twice every other week. I know I judge him based on his younger self, but I don’t feel like this guy is getting mature or responsible anytime soon. He’s the type of parent that always looks hella confused about what to do with a kid, especially when they’re too young/too old to appreciate his sick magic tricks. He’s not heartless, he just doesn’t get it and gets frustrated because of that and doesn’t want to continue trying.
Deuce – he would try to do his best. He would actually be quite a nice parent, but that doesn’t mean that he won’t make mistakes or get frustrated. He’ll mess up A LOT; he’s just very good at learning from his mistakes and knows how important it is to have a good parent. And his mom would help out a lot.
Leona – distant, lazy, always salty at someone for some reason. The type of dad who could technically brag about his kid to someone, but when the kid is there he just sits on a couch and watches tv in silence. He gets inspired to teach his kid how to throw a ball from time to time, but he’s also the type of a dad to miss the perfect timing for this kind of bonding and end up with a teenager who doesn’t want to hang out with him. Wow that went dark lol
Ruggie – on the one hand, he also has a lot of experience with taking care of children. On the other hand, his kid would know how to pickpocket at the age of 2. Just in case. His kid would love him a lot, but he’s definitely not the most conventional dad one could have. He’d also never have a child without any sort of financial stability because he doesn’t want his child to be raised up in the streets.
Jack – oh come on, he would be such a good father that it’s actually boring, NEXT!!!
Azul – Riddle’s mom 2.0. I’m sorry, this is the hill I’m going to die on. Yes, Azul was loved by his family and surrounded by nothing but support and care, but he’s also a psychotic control-freak that truly believes that he was too spoiled and that his parents should have been MORE STRICT WITH HIM!!! So in his head, the best thing he could do is to make sure that his kid knows magic by the age of 3, knows how to work with contracts by the age of 5, learns how to play an instrument, does sports, knows how to cook, has perfect pronunciation and vocabulary, and oh of course the kid also needs to have a hobby because if they don’t have anything they’re passionate about they’ll never succeed in life! Azul is overbearing lol but he is also probably overly protective of his kid. He’d also yell at his mom for spoiling her grandchildren lol but his mom would make a great counterbalance for his attitude with her being sweet, so it’s not that bad for a child...
Floyd – HE DOESN’T NEED A KID. PLEASE. HE AND JADE BOTH WOULD PIT TWO NEWBORNS AGAISNT EACH OTHER AND GO “FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT”. But if we’re being honest, I just think he’s too volatile to be a proper parent. The possibility that he’d get bored and just ditch this whole parenting thing altogether is too high lol
Jade – If we don’t go the “baby wrestling” scenario, he’s… confusing. He might be a wonderful dad who is surprisingly perfect at parenting and smiles at you with his “what, you thought I would be bad at it? too bad” smile. As if he’s doing it to spite everyone. As if he’s plotting something. But I can also picture him leaving his kid in a forest just to see if he would find his way home.
Kalim – Oh he’s the most doting dad ever. His kid would have everything they want, he’ll shower them with love, kisses, songs, tasty food, gifts, snacks, cool outfits. He would photograph everything and have tons of videos on his phone. He would talk about his kids all the time. He would be so obnoxious and insufferable, Jamil would actually ask him to PLEASE consider not spending half of their funds on his child’s birthday gift? You’ll literally go broke please stop PLEASE.
Jamil – he’s also probably the one not to have a kid for a very long time because of having too many irons in the fire. But he’d be an okay parent. His biggest problem would be the fact that he’s busy. His kid would probably be super mature from a very young age though. And learn how to cuss from Jamil. Jamil didn’t mean to teach them that, but oh fuck. But also I think he would somehow end up making some of the same mistakes his parents made with him. He’s way too focused on Kalim to notice that he pushes his kid away a lot hoping that they’ll “understand” because they’re “smart”.
Vil – he would be a solid one! He’s also super focused on his kid learning a bunch of stuff from a very young age, but he is much more mature and empathetic than Azul is about it. Still, he’s quite strict, but he’s also super doting when he has his soft moments. But sometimes he still takes his own perfectionism too far. He’s the one to read a lot of the books about parenting and try to be as prepared for it as possible. But mistakes are unavoidable so let’s hope that the great Vil Schoenheit shows his excellence at everything he does yet again.
Rook – oh the weirdo. He has his strong points, and a lot of them: he’s super supportive, super loving, he helps out a lot, and he would actually provide a good balance if the second parent is Vil for example. At the same time, it’s impossible to have a “normal childhood” when your dad is Rook, because he’ll teach you how to hunt, how to survive in the woods, how to hide your presence from a tiger. His kids will watch him snap a deer’s neck at the age of like 2. So yeah, on the one hand he would be that parent who yells in excitement at his kid’s elementary school play, but he’ll also give the most ruthless critique to them afterwards. He’ll show his kid the beauty of nature, but he’ll also leave them in the woods for a week to survive alone. Don’t worry, he believes in them~ (his kid and Jade’s kid would stumble upon each other in the same woods and become friends lol)
Epel – he’s too much of a baby… I can’t even picture him having a kid. What kind of a teen mom?.. He’s going to be too focused on this whole cute/manly stuff, this never ends well lol
Idia – the awkward and avoiding parent that kind of wants to hang out with the kid but also wants nothing to do with them. He doesn’t know how to act around them and it’s painfully obvious. So he might miss the moment to actually bond with them just like Leona, but on the other hand, if the other parent is Azul, Idia could be “the fun parent”: the type that you can eat ice-cream with and play videogames for hours. But when the videogaming and ice-cream eating hours are over, he’ll just stop communicating with the kid again and hide somewhere. He doesn’t like being a parent much; he’d prefer to be “a cool uncle” of sorts. The one that only comes to visit twice a year…
Ortho – an actual cool uncle lol I also can’t picture Ortho as a dad. He’d be a collection of all the dad tropes from the tv. He would have so much fun! Not sure of the kid would have fun though. But Ortho would!
Lilia – oh we all know how good of a father he is. The best one.
Silver – a very sweet and empathetic one, caring and protective; his main downfall is the fact that his own childhood was so messed up that he doesn’t really know how to care for kids. Of course he wouldn’t just drown a kid in milk like his own dad did, but he also wouldn’t automatically assume that it probably isn’t safe to just let his kid play with a sword on their own. Something among the lines.
Sebek – absolutely obnoxious. Sometimes he’s surprisingly good… because his childhood wasn’t as bad as Silver’s, so he knows better. He’s also the one to read a lot of books and hope that he won’t make any mistakes. But he’ll make mistakes, get frustrated and angry, and make even more mistakes. And then he’ll sing an ode to Malleus instead of a regular lullaby because the young one needs to learn what’s important from the very first days of their life!!!!!!111 Silver and he need each other to balance shit out lol
Malleus – he would try, but I don’t trust him to try hard enough lol he would be invested and loving at first, but he would also get moments when he would just leave a kid and go on a stroll. It would probably take some time for him to learn that he probably shouldn’t do this. Hey he went through the same thing, right? Was it fair then? Why isn’t it fair now? (besides, Silver also turned out alright!) Not everything is about you, Malleus…
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bonefall · 2 years
okay so we know what’s considered attractive by the clan cats, what about what’s considered unattractive? who is the ugliest bitch in the forest
Clan cat beauty standards 2; traits considered unattractive.
The inability to win a fight or recover quickly. They find a lack of physical strength and resiliency very unattractive.
Solid pelts. A pelt with no markings is unwanted, be that pure white, black, gray, brown, etc. The more stripes and spots the better.
Dull coats. Fur with no gloss, dingy and common colors.
Smelling "sour". If you reek you will get told to groom or even see a medicine cat for a tooth brushing. In fact it is a sign for the Clan to come and take care of you if you can't do it yourself
On that note: dental problems and filthy paws. Dirty claws can cause infection in a fight. Dental problems smell when untreated.
Short whiskers, short tails. Not desirable.
So... Darkstripe. Darkstripe is an ugly mother. Yellowfang, Mousefur, and Nightpelt are also not winning any beauty contests.
Solid white cats are considered dull, like Cloudtail, Snowbird, Whitewing.
Nightheart's pelt "rusting" in the sun would be seen as gorgeous much to his chagrin as people tell him he looks like Firestar.
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judasgot-it · 1 year
Tachihara x Reader
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Scenario: You get a ride home with Tachihara after attending a company party. On the way back, you decide to attend a shitty pop-up carnival
I had this in my drafts for like over 2 months so I just wanted to like, finally finish it. I think it's silly and idk not the best, still figuring out how to write Tachihara TBH but I think he's a cutie patootie.
Side note this is like 3500 words ?? it's kinda long for tumblr but ima upload it anyway
As the secretary of the Hunting Dogs, you were unfortunately forced to attend their company parties.
If there was someone else in your department, you would have loved to complain to them about how this was 'unfair' and a 'worker's violation' as you were not even being paid to attend these.
Off the clock.
But no one else was dumb enough to take this job, so you were the only person in your department. Seriously, you did the paperwork for 5 people.
The dental was amazing, though.
But that left you as the only 'sane' person forced to witness the antics of the Hunting Dogs while they were drunk. Really, you forced to watch them sober, since you couldn't ever get more than a drink in before the drinking contest began.
You would think Tecchou would be better than this but as of now, he was doing karaoke with the commander while Teruko was laughing at...nothing. She was somehow standing though, which was better than Fukuchi who was shirtless and kneeling on the floor while singing whatever song was playing.
You could barely tell what it was, it might've been Taylor Swift. He seemed...passionate.
If you had to hear whatever sad song it was all night you were going to make your ears bleed.
Although thankfully, you had a backup plan. You couldn't drive - your car was destroyed in a recent bombing attack, so you were lucky that your bed for tonight was your desk.
Which was on the other side of the building, probably far enough away to at least let you sleep quietly.
You could probably get away with it. No one here would notice.
So you took your snacks - which were probably the best thing about these parties, and left for what would be your bedroom
Exiting the room, you could see now that it was quiet and kind of terrifying - a liminal space.
The hallway was now darker than it should have been, settled in an uneasy quiet. The lights above your head had sobered you up quickly, as you walked away from the room, leaving the sounds of laughter and screaming.
You felt something warm pull your shoulder to look behind you. The reaction you had might have been dramatic.
"Are you ok? You aren't scared are you?"
Tachihara was there, smiling as he looked perfectly sober - he didn't even smell of any alcohol, holding a juice box instead.
Now you felt a real fear coursing through your veins. He was going to say something, wasn't he?
"No, I was just heading out."
You weren't shaken easily - unsettled yes, but not truly scared.
"Do you want a ride home?" He said it with a genuine smile, not knowing the genuine terror that was running through your veins right now.
You really did care about Tachihara, as he was probably the most normal member of the Hunting Dogs, but there was one flaw you could not get around.
He drove a motorcycle. You hated motorcycles.
It was nothing short of terrifying every time you saw him riding it, let alone the thought of you getting on it. How could you? It was nothing short of a death trap.
There were no seatbelts either, there was just too much that could possibly kill you.
"No that's ok. I didn't plan on going home anyway, I was going to sleep in my office."
It sounded weird saying it outloud, but you were not going to let him take you on a ride on his deathtrap.
Tachihara just blinked.
"Really? Isn't it closed off still for cleaning?"
Oh. Right.
"Then the lounge. I can manage. Seriously, don't worry about me, just get yourself home, ok? I don't want to be a bother when it's so late."
You tried to sound serious, but Tachihara was still a man that had major flaws. His right now? Being too kind.
A good flaw, but a painful one to fight.
"No it's ok, you aren't a bother. Seriously, your house isn't far off from mine, it'd be very quick I swear."
He was earnest, already leading you in the opposite direction of where you were originally going. You decided not to fight it.
Home was better than a dirty floor anyway, so why not?
You let him guide you to where his vehicle of death was waiting, accepting your fate.
It would be a short ride, so you would just have to suffer through it for only a little bit. That's what you told yourself.
"Oh, Jouno! What are you doing out here?"
Oh god oh please no.
Just at your greatest inconvenience, you found Jouno outside the building, right in front of the parking lot, sitting right at the smoker's bench. His white head of hair peaked from underneath the overhang, nearly impossible to ignore.
"Oh, Tachihara. Are you heading home?"
"Yeah, I was bringing Y/n home too. Do you need a ride? I can't help but notice you're sitting here by yourself..."
Tachihara was too kind. You were already forced to accept his offer, but please, Jouno could take care of himself-
"Tachihara have I ever told you that you're one of the only people I respect on the team?"
Jouno had gotten up, strolling over to where the two of you stood underneath the light. You hated this. Jouno definitely was going to tease you about how scared you were, which was not fun at all.
Also, how were three people going to fit on his bike? It wasn't exactly the biggest, and shoving you between two full-grown men didn't seem ideal.
"Are you sure we're all going to fit? I could just go back inside or call a ride."
You said this in hopes of maybe getting out of it one last time. Jouno just laughed.
"Aw, are you scared?"
Tachihara, the angel that he was, reached over and patted your shoulder.
"You'll have me and Jouno. Know I won't let anything happen to you - swear on it."
"You swear on what?"
Tachihara paused, contemplating his next words.
"Um...my sword."
You raised your eyebrow at him. He patted your shoulder again, trying to put your unease to rest.
"Let's just go."
Jouno walked ahead, towards what will be your sudden demise. You tried to stay calm following behind them as you saw the death trap in waiting.
Tachihara walked towards its side, taking the helmet he had let hang on its handlebar, and gently placed it on top of your head. You didn't bother fighting him, looking to the side as he fiddled with the clasps underneath your chin.
"You probably need this the most. Don't worry though, I'm a safe driver."
"It's not that - what if there's a drunk driver and they hit us? What if I fall off? What if we're all too heavy and we can't turn properly and we crash and explode?"
You felt a hand land on your shoulder as your heart pumped through your ears. Your fear was starting to overwhelm you.
"Don't be a pussy Y/n. Get on, I'd like to go home."
That was really reassuring. Thanks, Jouno.
You straightened up, holding your sandwiches closer to your chest. Tachihara sat on the bike, patting the seat behind him.
You got on, pressing your body behind Tachihara's. You didn't know what to do with your arms, so you just clutched your sandwiches. They were your sense of comfort right now.
"Y/n, you'll fall off if you don't hold onto something."
Oh. With one arm, you grabbed Tachihara's waist, trying your best to keep your head up and look forward.
"Scoot forward."
You felt Jouno sit behind you, pressing you closer against Tachihara. You felt his hand sneak around you, stealing from your sandwich bag. Bastard.
You swatted him away, trying not to fall off. It led to you leaning your full body on Tachihara, who was taking a long time to put his keys in the ignition.
"Did you forget how to drive Tachihara? I'm getting a little cold back here."
Jouno said this with a mouthful of your sandwich. He chastises manners but here he was, a thief and a brat.
"Who said you could have my sandwiches?"
"They aren't yours, know your place Y/n."
"You didn't even stay to eat any of them so shut up-"
The bike started, to Tachihara's joy. You felt the fear course back through your body again, but you didn't get to dwell on it it again as he only kicked back the leg and started bike, not giving you even a chance to adjust yourself.
You tried to hold your head up and stay strong, not show weakness - but the wind picking up around you and all you could do was bury your head behind Tachihara.
You heard Tachihara and Jouno begin a conversation but you didn't even acknowledge it, not even the sandwich stealing anymore as you held onto the man before you as if your life depended on it. Hopefully, his surgeries were enough to protect against your iron grip, as it was the only thing that made you truly feel safe.
The ride wasn't even a full 5 minutes but you felt like you were in hell that whole time. You'd think being pressed against two men like this would be more romantic but you didn't feel that way, instead feeling bile rise up in your throat every time you all turned.
"That stupid carnival is back in the city. I can smell it from all the way over here."
You perked up at that. Jouno had his head up, his hands loosely holding onto your waist - this type of ride really did seem normal to him, as he just looked out somewhere, eating his sandwich.
"Oh that seems fun. Do you wanna go? They stay open pretty late."
Jouno scoffed.
"No, they absolutely reek. I also happen to value my sleep, unlike some people." The people you assumed he was referring to were his teammates, who were most likely either passed out drunk or still singing their godawful karaoke.
"Why don't you and Y/n go, I know you absolutely love carnival rides, don't you Y/n?"
Your heart was speeding up. That was terrifying - you hated the idea of any of that.
"Who says I don't like my sleep either, Jouno?"
"I'd like to go! C'mon, it'd be fun! We can go on rides, maybe we'll even arrest someone!"
Tachihara was being so positive tonight. It was almost suspicious. It was tempting to say yes just because of his attitude alone, but there was that funny feeling in your stomach at the thought of it.
"But what if the ride breaks down and we all get crushed or fall out and die?"
You were simply being realistic.
"I'm a hunting dog, Y/n. I can handle something like that easily. Plus, if that happened Jouno would be there, right?"
"I'm not a chaperone for your little kiddie date. You can handle things by yourselves, the worst is just you guys getting scammed."
Finally, you'd stopped to drop off Jouno. He could've walked this distance, although maybe he had something to gain from the ride. Like your food, which was now all gone.
All you had left was an empty bag, the absolute prick that he was. He also left you a cold back, since you were squished between him and Tachihara during the duration of your ride. From his smirk, as he was walking away, waving goodbye to the two of you, he knew how agitated he had left you.
It made you pull yourself closer to Tachihara, trying to steal his body warmth in order to recoup what had been lost. Tachihara coughed, adjusting himself so the two of you could have more space on the bike.
"So? Let's go to the carnival."
It was a way to break the silence the two of you had fallen into. He said it was a confident smile, as if he practiced this in the mirror twenty times before. You simply nodded, not knowing how to reply.
He revved up the bike, heading in its direction. You didn't know what to say to get out of this, since a part of you did want to go.
It'd be like a fun date, even if you couldn't say that out loud.
"I'm scared of rollercoasters."
You told him honestly. You hoped he wouldn't judge you, seeing as he was a very earnest man.
"I figured. Don't worry, we'll conquer your fear tonight. Exposure therapy does wonders, and plus? I'll be there the entire time, so it's not like you'll be alone."
You said nothing, just holding his waist firmly. This seemed like a better idea than what you had originally planned for tonight, so why not? You could trust Tachihara.
He stopped the bike, in some lot a little walk away from the carnival. You could hear the pop music and screams coming from the place.
Turning towards you, he gave you a warm smile.
"If anything does happen, I'll be sure to protect you, ok?"
You handed him the helmet, giving him a smile. You did appreciate the gesture, as much as it was well-intentioned. That didn't stop you from not wanting to rip your own teeth out of your mouth as you got off the bike and forced yourself the walk towards the carnival, and not away.
"How expensive are these places anyway? I don't actually know if I have my wallet on me."
"Oh don't worry, we aren't paying."
Tachihara turned towards you, a strange look on his face. One you would associate with Teruko or Jouno - a grin that typically held ill intentions.
What was this man dragging you into?
Well, turns out - dubiously legal activities.
Being a hunting dog had its perks. For one thing, his government ID assured him discounts everywhere he went. It was great when he went grocery shopping - you would know, you abused Fukuchi's credit card as a perk of your job.
Although telling the ticketing staff that he was 'inspecting' the rides, and would arrest anyone who didn't comply with his orders, hardly counted as getting a 'free' discount.
You were now forced to play along with this. You didn't even know Tachihara had such a cruel side to him, bullying a bunch of carnival workers who just wanted to get a paycheck by making fun of teenagers and out-of-touch men in their 40s.
It was a hard job to have, obviously.
The staff stalked the two of you as you walked in, giving you goosebumps. It didn't help that the two of you were still in your work clothes, really selling the 'government inspection' that the two of you were giving.
Although by the end of the night, you were expecting your clothing to probably need a good dry cleaning.
The fair wasn't bad - but you could smell vomit near some of the rides, and they looked suspiciously rusty. Clearly, this place was in tip-top shape. You just had to convince yourself that the Ferris wheel wasn't making suspicious creaking sounds every time it started up again.
You clearly were just a bit paranoid.
"So what should we ride first? I'm thinking we start small and then build our way up."
Tachihara had his hands on his hips, looking around for the best ride to start. He was being nice at least, giving you the illusion of choice now that you've gotten this far.
You were stuck. It didn't matter what you did, you were the idiot that agreed.
"I'm ok with that. I don't think the hand gliders look that bad, they seem pretty tame."
It also featured a seatbelt. And a big, nice, safety bar.
The best part? It was a two-seated ride. So if something happened on that ride, you knew that Tachihara would be there with you.
Tachihara smiled, as clearly, this would be a good night for him.
The night was going about as great as you expected it to. Although, you could even say a little better, even.
If this were a date, you might have kissed Tachihara by the end of it. You sure as hell owed him something at the very least, as he had now been your human cushion on several rides, preventing you from being crushed against the greasy metal as they began.
It was a good thing he was a hunting dog. Your body weight against his was nothing to him, although he still felt like complaining once and a while about how much pain you put his ribs in.
As if you were the one with the bright idea to go here.
If he died because you crushed him to death, it was entirely his fault and his fault alone.
"You know what we need to do?"
You watched as he pointed at the ferris wheel - one that loomed over the carnival, due to it's sheer height. Seriously, how tall was that thing?
"I mean...yeah."
There were no arguments against him here. You've gone on every other ride already - you've even ridden the carousel 3 times. Tachihara used the excuse that you were 'inspecting the ride' for imperfections.
You were starting to think he was serious at some point, when he spent 5 minutes grilling a poor fair worker about the importance of safety and on how rusty their bolts were.
There was no time to dwell on that though - Tachihara was smiling as he dragged you to the last stop at the carnival of doom.
"I heard some kid saying that from the top they could see the entire city. That sounds pretty cool, doesn't it?"
He was smiling ear to ear.
You couldn't deny that offer when he looked like that.
So with your head in your heart, you let yourself be dragged through the motions, letting it drop to your stomach as you watched the city fall below you as your body raised to the sky.
You tried to stay at ease even as you were slowly raised higher and higher into the sky, the cart you were sat in shaking back and forth more than you were comfortable with.
It made you scoot closer to Tachihara, squeezing him as if he were your lifeline. He might as well be, since his body would survive a fall at this height while yours would splatter.
"Look! You can see headquarters over there."
He was pointing outward, towards a rather dark spot of the city. But it was visible, which to you felt amazing.
Also terrifying.
You clutched his arm tighter. As insurance.
He was also incredibly warm - it was cold so high up, and unfortunately, your work uniform did not account for this. You were practically trying to melt into him due to how cold you were, but you still had some pride left. You would suffer a little, having your exposed skin go numb from the cold.
"Hey, Y/n. I wanna tell you something."
"Are you going to kiss me?"
It was the perfect moment for it, really. You couldn't blame him. Everything was screaming that this was a "how I met your mother" moment anyway.
"What? Sorry. Um. No. Just-"
Tachihara looked at you, red in the face. He pushed you into his chest, holding you tight. If you squeaked, that was between you, him and the ferris wheel.
"I think I like you."
You blinked. Your hands were awkwardly held up around Tachihara, not knowing where to go. You could feel him awkwardly fidgeting with the fabric on your shoulders in your silence, as you tried to figure out a way to respond.
The ferris wheel creaked in the silence, keeping the two of you alone up top, watching the city.
"Um. I like you too, Tachihara."
You put your hands on his waist, feeling just below his ribcage. He was skinny for a guy, but you could still feel his strength.
"But how much?"
"How much?"
"How much do you like me?"
You huffed, gripping his uniform shirt and pulling him away. His eyes were almost wet with worry as he looked at you, trying to discern what you meant by your words. Fucking idiot.
"Enough to deal with this. And enough to want to kiss you."
You cupped his cheeks with your hands, looking him dead in his honey eyes. His gaze was dead set, looking right at you, not even at the city that was behind you.
"Kiss me. I'm not asking again."
You closed your eyes and waited until you felt his cold lips press against yours, finally obliging your order. It was all enough to distract you from how your stomach dropped at the thought of being so high up in the air, as now your stomach was dropping at his hands reaching down to touch your waist, his knees knocking against yours as he tried to pull you closer.
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inventors-fair · 2 months
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Haunting Horrors: Fear Contest Runners Up!
Our runners up this weel are @feyd-rautha-apologist, @partytimesdeluxe, and @wildcardgamez!
@feyd-rautha-apologist — Abyssophage
While plenty of people are afraid of the ocean rising up and swallowing them, it's not usually quite this literal. Still, this card is brutal. Given this essentially turns players' deck into their life totals, the normally reasonable ward cost suddenly becomes a very hefty payment. Although, if the spell you're paying for is removal, it won't quite matter as much. Being able to slam in for impunity once the target is sufficiently milled is also pretty fearsome. The most interesting part, though, is definitely how the effect is applied symmetrically. Any deck that wants to run this is likely to be milling your opponent far faster than the rate they deplete your deck, making this act as a pretty hefty damage buffer while you do your work. In fact, the right deck could even turn it into an outright upside! But, as much praise as I have for this, a lot of its strong points are also downsides. It's extremely overcentralizing the moment it hits the board, and should an opponent not have the means to remove it, it's going to be an extreme slog to chew through your deck, particularly if you're packing a way to shuffle the graveyard back in.
@partytimesdeluxe — Shadow of the Hellkite
Who cares about all these immaterial nightmares and abstract representations of fear when there is a very real, very hungry dragon currently circling above you, eh? This is a very simple effect, but I just find myself so captivated by the execution. It may seem a bit strange to go from one of those effects to the other, but if you think about it, stunning a creature is the next logical step of magnitude from making it unable to block. Sticking it behind an off-color kicker rather than making the card multicolored from the offset is very smart too. I do think the kicker should just outright override the normal effect with an "instead," though. Not much point in preventing a tapped creature from blocking, unless your opponent is insane enough to be running Masako the Humorless.
@wildcardgamez — Fear of Dentists
I can't say there are too many Magic settings that could reasonably accommodate modern dental equipment, and even old-timey dentists aren't really something we've ever seen depicted. Still, as strange as this card is on the surface, it's still very fascinating. Being a payoff to stun counters is already somewhat unusual, taking advantage of their ability to lock down blockers to ensure this can make contact and do its grim work. Add onto that the clever use of stun counters as anesthesia (I presume, anyway). That said, I think this is in desperate need of a wording change to count the number of creatures with stun counters on them rather than the number of counters. Stunning a player's singular creature into oblivion and ripping apart their entire hand doesn't seem all that fun. On the flipside, it feels much better as a reward for successfully locking down a wide board, which is a nontrivial hoop to jump through. Similarly, a creature capable of discarding a player's entire hand or even multiple cards should probably be rare or higher.
And that's a wrap! Join us next week for something different! —@spooky-bard
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“Why,” says her mentor with a kind of exasperated patience she is not ashamed to say she’s missed, “are there dental impressions in the leather binding.”
Kharish discreetly swipes some blood from her upper lip and nods. “They’re not mine,” she says, as preface, which is unnecessary; the altitude adjustment always leaves her a little lightheaded for a day or two. “The interred corpse had the text placed in its mouth. It was unclear for what purpose.” She swipes at her mouth again. The split lip had been healing just fine on the journey back to the college—it’s the dry cold, she thinks, that’s cracked it open again. “It did not… reanimate. Upon removal.”
“Nords,” grumbles Urag, and peers down at the delicate book on the table between them, careful not to obscure the light. “Nice technique with the shielding.” He unfolds the wire frame of a pair of glasses and puts them on, gingerly opening the cover of the book. It’s coming loose from the spine, the alteration magic woven around it the only thing keeping it from falling apart. The pages are translucent-thin, the ink of the spidery scrawl faded to a pale amber.
She’s holding her breath. Probably not helping the lightheadedness. She attempts the subtlest of exhales and tastes more blood on her lip. “Initial examination suggested this was not Shalidor’s, but an assistant’s, concerning the construction of Eyevea.”
He twitches an eyebrow. “I would disagree.”
“The handwriting—”
“It’s not Shalidor’s,” Urag says, “but it’s not an assistant’s, either.” He uses the thin tip of a dry, narrow quill to indicate an inscription in the corner of the leather interior, careful not to touch. “Ulfsild.”
She waits. The name is unfamiliar; if not an assistant, she isn’t aware of any other colleagues the original archmage might have allowed to take notes on his studies, especially of such a sensitive topic.
“Did you happen to notice reference to the author’s husband?” There’s a tinge of excitement to his voice.
“Erm,” Kharish says eloquently. “I… am unclear how the author’s relations relate to—”
“Ulfsild,” Urag cuts her off, setting the quill down and sweeping his glasses off to rub at the lenses with the end of his robes, “was Shalidor’s wife.”
Her eyes go wide. “No,” she says. And then, dragging her hands down her face to cover her mouth, “No.”
“The few records that mention her indicate that she did leave him,” he concedes, “so perhaps ex-wife is the more appropriate term, I suppose.”
Muffled by her hands, she says, “Then was the body—? That is—was that her?”
“It’s a possibility.” He turns to the second page with professional delicacy. “I’ll transcribe the text so we can study it without risking damage to the original. Regardless, we’ll let the archmage know; if Arniel can get permission to send unvetted mercenaries stomping through Dwemer ruins, the least Aren can do is let us send someone qualified to study the location. Maybe I’ll go myself. Ulfsild is something of a contested figure, as there’s so little known about her; her actual contributions to the study of magic—if any, we don’t even know for certain if she was a mage—were almost undoubtedly absorbed into the body of Shalidor’s work and credited to him. This could be quite revelatory. Most likely there won’t be much in the way of textiles left, but there’s plenty beyond…” He trails off, then squints at her. “What?”
She shuts her eyes. “The book,” she says. “It was… stuck.”
“It was stuck,” he repeats.
“In the mouth. Of the body.”
“Right. Hence the dental impressions.”
“I broke the jaw off,” she says.
Urag stares at her.
“It was very stuck.”
Slowly, he puts his head in his hands, elbows on the table. “You broke off the jaw,” he says, “of the wife of Archmage Shalidor, founder of the College of Winterhold, one of the greatest mages in history—”
“Ex-wife, you said,” she supplies, a little desperate, “and it could be—someone else!”
“It’s fine.” He does not look up, sounding as though convincing himself more than her. “It’s fine. Jaws can be reattached. —was it stuck because of a spell?”
“No! There was no magical signature, and I didn’t—I put it back.”
“You put—the jaw?”
Embarrassed, she says, “Well, it was a person. At one point. I didn’t want to be rude about it.” And an important one, evidently. Her palms are sweating. “There weren’t any other salvageable texts. I looked. I looked.”
“I know. I trust you would have.” He gets up, rubbing at the bridge of his nose. “Alright. Things happen to corpses all the time. Ask Phinis, they’re not made to stay together anyway.” Urag gestures to the book. “Still, it’ll be worth going over, with a find like this. Imagine.” He laughs, suddenly, and tugs a handkerchief from his pocket to offer. “You’ve got a split lip. Good job with this one.”
She takes the handkerchief and finds herself slowly mirroring his wide smile. Good job. Maybe he’s right. Maybe the archmage really will fund an expedition.
Whatever else happens, she thinks, holding the handkerchief to her mouth, this has got to be the most significant thing they’ll find all year.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
An LGBTQ-inclusive student mural created inside a Michigan middle school must be painted over by the end of October. The decision, made last week by the local school board, comes nearly a year after the mural ignited backlash from some parents who said it promoted LGBTQ imagery and witchcraft.
A high schooler in Grant, Michigan, painted the mural inside of a student health center at Grant Middle School after she won a student art contest. Some parents objected to the mural during a Grant Public Schools Board of Education meeting in October because the mural features a student wearing a T-shirt with the colors of the transgender Pride flag, two students wearing the colors of the bisexual Pride flag and another wearing rainbow Pride colors. 
Some critics argued that the artwork promotes witchcraft because it includes a video game character that looks like a demon and a Hamsa Hand, also known as the Hand of Fatima, a palm-shaped design seen as a symbol of protection in many cultures. 
The school board voted in June to cut ties with Family Health Care, which operates the Child and Adolescent Health Center inside Grant Middle School, in addition to two other school-based health centers in the area, according to WOOD-TV, an NBC affiliate in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The centers provide free medical, dental and behavioral health care to children, according to the Family Health Care website.
Family Health Care and a group of parents challenged the board’s vote, and, after months of negotiations, the board approved a new contract with Family Health Care last week, WOOD-TV reported. The mural’s removal is part of the deal. 
“While it is disappointing that the mural must be removed by the end of October, it’s a compromise we reluctantly were willing to accept to ensure the children of the Grant community continue to have access to medical and behavioral health care,” Family Health Care said in a statement last week. At the school board meeting last October, Evelyn Gonzales, the Grant High School student who painted the mural, said through tears that she created it “to make people feel welcome.”
At the same meeting, one parent condemned the inclusion of LGBTQ Pride colors, specifically characterizing transgender people as having a mental illness.
Following the meeting, Grant Public Schools said in a statement that, “at the student artist’s request, the mural will be returned to its original form as originally submitted and approved by the Administration,” which meant the demon video game character and the Hand of Fatima would be removed, NBC’s TODAY.com reported at the time.
Superintendent Brett Zuver, who judged the contest for the mural, told TODAY.com in October that Gonzales added those symbols to help fill extra space in the mural. He described the agreement between Gonzales and the school board as a “very positive resolution.”
“I am very proud of her,” Zuver said at the time. “She is a great young lady.”
A few weeks after the meeting, some community members rallied around Gonzales and started a Go Fund Me fundraiser for her college expenses, according to local ABC affiliate WZZM-TV. 
Neither Zuver nor the Grant Public Schools Board immediately responded to NBC News’ request for comment regarding the board’s recent decision to remove the mural completely.
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What You Need to Know about Sleep Apnea
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Each night, an orchestra of snoring sounds disrupts the peaceful realm of sleep, impacting both the snorer and their sleep-deprived companions. Beyond a simple annoyance, snoring serves as a nightly alert, hinting at potential underlying issues that could lead to serious health problems. As we delve into the intricacies of snoring, we embark on a journey to uncover its causes, the discomfort it inflicts, and the crucial role dentists play in orchestrating a solution.
Peeling Back the Layers of Snoring:
Snoring isn't just a bothersome sound; it acts as a potential indicator of obstructed breathing during sleep, often linked with conditions like sleep apnea. This rhythmic resonance reverberates as air navigates past relaxed throat tissues, creating vibrations. The turbulence in airflow results from various factors—nasal congestion, obesity, sleep position, and even the lingering effects of the previous night's indulgence in spirits.
The Dissonance of Disturbance:
Beyond shattering the tranquility of a restful night, snoring brings a symphony of discomforts. For the snorer, it induces daytime fatigue, irritability, and challenges in concentration. Simultaneously, the nocturnal cacophony poses a dilemma for partners and family members, potentially straining relationships as sleep turns into contested territory.
Unveiling the Origins of the Racket:
Understanding the birthplace of snoring is essential for effective treatment. Culprits range from obstructed airways due to structural issues or nasal congestion to the collapse of throat muscles during excessive relaxation. Sleep position, obesity, and the influence of alcohol and sedatives contribute their own melodies to this nocturnal composition.
Dental Harmonies for a Tranquil Night:
In this grand performance, dentists emerge as conductors of tranquility, leveraging their expertise in oral health to confront snoring head-on. Their instruments of intervention include:
Oral Appliances: Cleverly designed dental devices that reposition the jaw and tongue, preventing airway obstruction during sleep.
Custom-Fit Devices: Dentists craft personalized solutions tailored to individual mouth structures, ensuring optimal effectiveness and comfort.
Lifestyle Guidance: Beyond the dental chair, advice flows regarding lifestyle changes, encompassing weight management and sleep position adjustments.
Collaboration with Sleep Specialists: In severe cases, a harmonious collaboration with sleep specialists ensures comprehensive care for sleep-related breathing disorders.
Snoring might seem like a minor inconvenience, but its repercussions can extend far beyond. Seeking professional assistance from a dentist becomes a transformative step toward a quieter, more restful night’s sleep. By addressing the root causes and tailoring snoring treatment to individual needs, dental experts significantly contribute to the journey of silencing the nocturnal symphony of snores.
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jolinjoestar · 24 days
Quality Keychains Offer Constant Brand Visibility
Imagine a simple, cost-effective solution that gets your brand in front of potential customers multiple times a day. What if you could ensure that your brand message is seen everywhere your customer goes? This isn't just a marketing fantasy—it's the reality of custom keychains.
Endless Promotional Possibilities
In retail, there are countless opportunities to provide your customers with these clever marketing tools, such as custom acrylic keychains. Keychains are a hit with auto shops, car washes, auto parts stores, or any car-related business. When trouble strikes, your business will be the first one they think of. Even better, include your contact details on the acrylic keychain, so your number is always within reach.
Of course, you don’t need to be in the automotive industry to make custom keychains a part of your marketing strategy. Garden centers, for instance, could host a tomato-growing contest and hand out tomato-shaped keychains to runners-up. Pet stores can introduce a spay-and-neuter clinic, with every participating pet owner receiving a goodie bag filled with treats, toys, and a custom keychain.
It's not just retail businesses that benefit from this kind of marketing, either. Think of a local insurance agent sponsoring safe-driving events at high schools, gifting each participant a custom keychain in bulk. When it’s time to shop for auto insurance, your name will be the first they see. Or a dentist celebrating National Children’s Dental Health Month by gifting parents with an acrylic charm keychain. Not only does this serve as a constant reminder to schedule the next appointment, but it also reinforces an important message—that dental care is an essential part of their child’s health.
Increase Brand Recognition and Engagement
For even more exposure and to build brand awareness, get creative with your giveaways to encourage customers to use and keep the keychain. For example, offer tomato lovers a free plant next season if they bring in this year's custom acrylic keychain. Or provide a discount on auto insurance when the students who participated in your safe-driving event present their keychains at your office. By turning your giveaway into an interactive experience, your brand will become even more memorable. Not only that, but happy customers will gladly share their positive experiences with your business—and show off their cool acrylic keychain at the same time.
Suitable for Any Brand
Custom keychains come in a wide range of styles to fit any brand. For high-end retail stores, a sleek metallic replica of your logo conveys sophistication. Medical offices may appreciate the practicality of a clear message, whether it’s a crucial phone number or a subtle reminder to schedule an annual checkup. Fun-loving surf shop? Bright colors and quirky designs allow your personality to shine through. Almost any logo or design can be replicated on a wholesale custom keychain, from classic polished brass to intricate multi-color designs.
Choose Quality and Service
When selecting a keychain supplier, look for vendors that use high-quality materials and offer excellent service. Design assistance, professional color matching, and a selection of materials should all be included at no extra charge. Considering that your customers are likely to carry your custom keychain for years to come, it only makes sense to opt for the best quality available.
Incorporating Keychains into Your Strategy
Keychains are small but mighty when it comes to promotional power. By customizing them with your brand's logo, contact information, or a clever design, you’re essentially putting a mobile advertisement in your customer’s pocket. And because they are useful, customers will keep and use them for years, providing your business with constant exposure.
Whether you’re running a local shop, an insurance company, or a health clinic, the versatility of custom keychains in bulk makes them an ideal marketing tool. Not only do they provide practical value to your customers, but they also keep your brand at the forefront of their minds. By offering high-quality, creative keychains that align with your brand's image, you’ll ensure that your business stands out—wherever your customers go.
Why should I choose custom acrylic keychains for my business? Custom acrylic keychains are affordable, versatile, and offer high customization options to suit your brand. They can easily incorporate your logo, colors, and messaging to ensure your brand is always visible.
How can I order custom keychains in bulk? Many suppliers offer wholesale options for custom keychains, allowing you to purchase in bulk at a reduced cost. This is an ideal option for large-scale giveaways or events.
What is the difference between acrylic keychains and acrylic charms? Acrylic keychains typically come attached to a keyring, making them perfect for everyday use. Acrylic charms are smaller and can be used as decorative items on keychains, bags, or even phones.
Can I include detailed designs on custom keychains? Yes, with advancements in printing technology, you can include intricate, multi-color designs on acrylic keychains that capture your brand’s aesthetic.
Are there eco-friendly options for custom keychains? Some suppliers offer eco-friendly materials such as recycled plastic or metal for custom keychains, which can align with your sustainability goals.
What industries benefit most from using custom keychains? Custom keychains are beneficial for a wide range of industries, including retail, automotive, healthcare, insurance, and education. They work well as promotional items at events, trade shows, or customer appreciation gifts.
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How Dentists Can Use Social Media for Branding
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In the competitive world of dental care, establishing a strong brand presence is crucial for success. Social media marketing for dentists has emerged as a powerful tool to connect with patients, showcase expertise, and build trust within the community. This article delves into the strategies for dental professionals to skillfully utilize social media platforms, elevating their brand presence and expanding their practice.
Understanding the Importance of Social Media in Dentistry
Social media platforms offer dentists unique opportunities to engage with current and potential patients. By maintaining an active online presence, dental practices can:
Increase visibility and reach
Educate patients about oral health
Showcase their expertise and services
Build trust and credibility
Attract new patients and retain existing ones
Choosing the Right Platforms
Not all social media platforms are created equal when it comes to dental marketing. While Facebook remains a popular choice due to its wide reach, platforms like Instagram and YouTube are particularly effective for sharing visual content such as before-and-after photos or educational videos.
Discover which social media channels work best for dentists to optimize your marketing efforts.
Creating Engaging Content
The key to successful social media marketing lies in creating valuable, engaging content that resonates with your audience. Consider sharing:
Before and after photos of treatments
Patient testimonials and success stories
Educational posts about oral health tips
Behind-the-scenes glimpses of your practice
Staff spotlights to humanize your brand
Remember to maintain patient confidentiality and obtain necessary permissions when sharing patient-related content.
Consistency and Branding
Maintain a consistent brand voice and visual identity across all social media platforms. Utilize your practice's logo, color palette, and tone of voice to craft a unified brand experience. Regular posting schedules help keep your audience engaged and your practice top-of-mind.
Leveraging Video Content
Video content has become increasingly popular on social media platforms. Dentists can use short video clips to:
Demonstrate proper brushing and flossing techniques
Explain common dental procedures
Answer frequently asked questions
Showcase office tours and introduce staff members
Engaging with Your Audience
Social media is a two-way communication channel. Actively engage with your followers by:
Responding promptly to comments and messages
Addressing concerns and questions professionally
Encouraging patient reviews and feedback
Running contests or giveaways to boost engagement
Measuring Success and Adjusting Strategies
Regularly analyze your social media performance using platform analytics tools. Track metrics such as engagement rates, follower growth, and website traffic from social media. Use these insights to refine your strategy and focus on what works best for your practice.
Ethical Considerations
While social media offers numerous benefits, dentists must adhere to ethical guidelines and patient privacy regulations. Always obtain proper consent before sharing patient information or images, and avoid making exaggerated claims about treatments or outcomes. Dentists can leverage social media strategies to establish a robust brand, draw in fresh patients, and cultivate enduring community relationships. As the digital realm advances, maintaining an active presence on social media is essential for dental practices aiming to succeed in today's age.
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elstevo · 3 months
Go Fund Yourself
The diagnosis drives her mental, she’s too poor for health and dental. Her sickly tot’s countdown is ticking, she’s nowhere left to turn but clicking saviors scrolling plaintive bids, bestowing likes on favored vids to designate who gets the alms donated through an app that balms the conscience of the lazy rich who cut her care to scratch their itch for ever-widening gyres of wealth— who cares about the proles’ ill health?
To buy a ticket to the wards, contestants have to court the hordes of trolls from dankest fora scraped who think like Nazis, joke of rape, in turgid ranks swollen so large that they’re the ones who are in charge of who is saved and who is not. Depravity is your best shot. The mother conjures harshest sins only forgiven if she wins; if someone else can be her worse, she might as well get in the hearse alongside her departed kid, she burns her good name with this bid. Jackboots and coprophilia, abuse and things much seedier, days of Sodom, fall of Rome, charity begins at home, steeped in philanthropic bliss, soon the whole room stinks of piss.
She blocks the filming out with booze focused instead on what she’ll lose and why she did what she has done— her gurgling, chubby, dying son. As ignorant upstairs he sleeps, she huddles on the floor and weeps that they've both come to bleakest end. She rolls their dice by clicking send.
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mconsent · 5 months
Low-Cost Dental Marketing Ideas | mConsent
Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, and it offers an excellent platform for dental practices to connect with potential patients and engage with their current clientele. Here's how you can utilize social media effectively without breaking the bank:
Create Engaging Content: Regularly share informative, engaging, and visually appealing content on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Offer tips on oral hygiene, showcase before-and-after images (with patient consent), and share dental facts and trivia.
Encourage Patient Reviews: Positive reviews and testimonials from your current patients can significantly impact the decisions of potential patients. Encourage satisfied patients to leave reviews on your social media pages or other review platforms like Google My Business.
Use Hashtags: Utilize relevant and trending hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts. For example, #OralHealthTips, #SmileMakeovers, or #HealthyTeeth.
Host Contests and Giveaways: Organize online contests or giveaways to increase engagement and attract new followers. You could offer free dental check-ups or teeth whitening as prizes.
Engage with Your Audience: Respond promptly to comments and messages from your followers. Interacting with your audience humanizes your practice and builds a stronger online presence.
2. Optimize Your Website
Your practice's website is often the first point of contact for potential patients. An attractive, user-friendly, and informative website can make a world of difference. Here's how to enhance your website on a budget:
Your practice's website is often the first point of contact for potential patients. An attractive, user-friendly, and informative website can make a world of difference. Here's how to enhance your website on a budget:
Mobile Optimization: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly. Many users access websites from smartphones, so it's crucial that your site looks and functions well on mobile devices.
Content Updates: Regularly update your website with fresh, informative content. Write blog posts about common dental issues, tips for maintaining oral health, or updates about your practice.
Clear Contact Information: Make sure your contact details are easy to find on your website. Include your phone number, email, and a contact form for convenience.
SEO Basics: Familiarize yourself with the basics of search engine optimization (SEO) to help your website appear in relevant search results. Use keywords related to dentistry, your location, and services you offer.
Google My Business: Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing. It's a free and effective way to improve your local search visibility.
3. Educational Content
Educational content not only establishes you as an expert in your field but also helps potential patients understand the importance of dental care. Consider these strategies:
Educational Blog Posts: Create blog posts that address common dental concerns, such as cavity prevention, gum disease, or the benefits of orthodontic treatment. You don't need to be an exceptional writer; providing accurate and understandable information is key.
Videos and Webinars: Videos are a highly engaging medium. You can create short educational videos on common dental procedures, oral hygiene routines, or even answer frequently asked questions. Share these videos on your social media platforms and website.
Infographics: Create informative and visually appealing infographics that simplify complex dental concepts. Infographics are highly shareable and can help you reach a broader audience.
Email Newsletters: Send regular newsletters to your current patients, providing them with dental tips, updates about your practice, and special offers. This keeps your patients engaged and informed.
4. Local SEO and Online Listings
Local search engine optimization is a powerful tool for dental practices, especially for attracting patients in your area. Here's how you can make the most of local SEO:
Claim Local Listings: Claim and optimize your business listings on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, and Bing Places for Business. Ensure that your business name, address, and phone number are consistent across all listings.
Encourage Reviews: As mentioned earlier, positive patient reviews can boost your online reputation and local SEO. Encourage your patients to leave reviews on these listings.
Local Keywords: Use local keywords in your website content. Include the name of your city or neighborhood, as well as phrases like "dentist near me" or "best dental care in [your location]."
Local Backlinks: Reach out to local websites, blogs, and organizations and request backlinks to your website. Local backlinks can help improve your site's search engine ranking.
5. Community Involvement
Community involvement can be a highly effective and low-cost dental marketing strategy. It not only builds your practice's reputation but also fosters goodwill in your community. Here's how to get involved:
Health Fairs and Events: Participate in local health fairs or community events. Offer free dental check-ups, oral health education, or even dental hygiene kits. These events are an excellent opportunity to engage with the community.
School Visits: Arrange visits to local schools to educate children about proper oral hygiene. Provide engaging presentations and distribute educational materials.
Sponsorships and Partnerships: Partner with local businesses or organizations. You could sponsor a community event, a sports team, or collaborate with other healthcare providers for mutual referrals.
Philanthropy: Support a local charity or organize a charitable event through your practice. These activities can create a positive image for your practice within the community.
In conclusion, you don't need a massive marketing budget to promote your dental practice effectively. mConsent can help you attract new patients and harness the power of social media, optimize your website, create educational content, and focus on SEO. These low-cost dental marketing ideas can yield significant returns on your investment and help your practice thrive.
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bugswarm · 7 months
For months I have been struggling for money so badly. Ive done everything I can to save money and still have been skipping meals and overdrafting my bank account more than once. Yesterday a tooth that I got a root canal done on a few years ago randomly decided to be intensely painful. And it hasn't stopped at all.
And the only options I really have are to 1: pretend it isn't happening and let it get worse until im hospitalized, 2: go to the emergency room and get them to pull the tooth out entirely and just have another missing tooth. 3: sign up for a care credit card and go into more debt or 4: somehow get ahold of the dental school near me that never answers their damn phones and only has hours when Im at work, get an emergency appointment for a consultation, take a day off work for the consultation, then get an appointment for the treatment, take ANOTHER day off work and get it fixed. And then struggle with whatever payment plan i would be put on or let it go to collections and hope they sell the debt to someone that doesn't collect the correct info and i can contest the debt and get it cancelled.
And just. Every option sucks so badly. I have dental insurance even so you would think this shouldn't be a problem and yet it is a massive problem
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orthomarketing · 8 months
Strategies for Effective Social Media Marketing for Dentists
In the fast-paced digital era, Social Media Marketing for Dentists has become an indispensable tool for businesses to connect with their audience and build a robust online presence. For dental practices, harnessing the power of social media is crucial in reaching potential patients and fostering a positive online community. Ortho Marketing understands the unique needs of dental professionals and has curated effective strategies for social media marketing tailored to dentists.
Identify Your Target Audience:
Before delving into Social Media Marketing for Dentists, it's essential to identify your target audience. Ortho Marketing recommends creating buyer personas specific to dental services. Consider demographics, interests, and pain points to tailor your content to resonate with potential patients.
Educational Content:
Position your dental practice as a trusted authority by sharing informative and educational content. Create posts that highlight the importance of oral health, preventive care, and the latest advancements in dentistry. This not only establishes your expertise but also engages your audience.
Showcase Success Stories and Testimonials:
Leverage the power of positive testimonials and success stories. Share before-and-after photos, patient testimonials, and video interviews to build trust and credibility. Ortho Marketing suggests creating a dedicated hashtag for patients to share their experiences, encouraging user-generated content.
Visual Content is Key:
Dental procedures can be visually compelling. Use high-quality images and videos to showcase your clinic, team, and procedures. Ortho Marketing emphasizes the impact of visually appealing content in capturing the attention of potential patients scrolling through their social media feeds.
Engagement and Interactivity:
Foster a sense of community by encouraging engagement. Respond promptly to comments and messages, conduct polls, and host Q&A sessions. Ortho Marketing recommends creating interactive content like quizzes and challenges to keep your audience actively involved.
Utilize Paid Advertising:
Invest in targeted paid advertising on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach a wider audience. Ortho Marketing can help tailor ad campaigns to highlight specific services, promotions, or events. Strategic ad placements can significantly boost your visibility and lead generation.
Consistent Branding:
Maintain a consistent and professional brand image across all Social Media Marketing for Dentists platforms. Ortho Marketing emphasizes the importance of using the same logo, colors, and tone of voice to reinforce brand identity. Consistency builds trust and makes your dental practice easily recognizable.
Strategic Use of Hashtags:
Incorporate relevant and trending hashtags to increase the discoverability of your content. Ortho Marketing suggests creating a branded hashtag for your dental practice to enhance brand recognition. Research popular industry hashtags to expand your reach within the dental community.
Run Contests and Giveaways:
Boost engagement and reach by hosting contests and giveaways. Encourage participants to share your content, tag friends, and follow your Social Media Marketing for Dentists accounts. Ortho Marketing recommends offering dental-related prizes or discounts to attract a targeted audience interested in oral health.
Monitor Analytics and Adjust Strategies:
Regularly analyze social media analytics to understand what content resonates with your audience. Ortho Marketing emphasizes the importance of adapting your strategy based on performance metrics. Identify high-performing content and refine your approach for optimal results.
Ortho Marketing believes that implementing these Social Media Marketing for Dentists strategies can significantly enhance your online presence, attract new patients, and foster a positive community around your practice. By creating engaging content, leveraging visual elements, maintaining consistent branding, and actively engaging with your audience, you can position your dental practice as a trusted and reputable choice in the digital landscape. To take the next step towards building a healthier and happier community, don't hesitate to contact us. Our team at Ortho Marketing is ready to assist you in crafting a personalized Social Media Marketing for Dentists strategy that aligns with your practice goals and resonates with your target audience. Contact us today and let's embark on a journey of transforming your online presence into a powerful tool for success in the dental industry.
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sweepstakesdream · 1 year
Aspen Dentals Summer Of Smiles Contest
Enter the Aspen Dental's Summer of Smiles Contest at aspendental com/summertosmile for a chance to win $2500 for Aspen Dental Care or $2500
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