#dennis tsv
ianthewife · 13 days
banging my fist on the padded walls of my cell THIS PEOPLE ARE DESTROYING ME get me out of here call the ambulance please my chest legit felt heavy from Paige and Dennis’s conversation in ep. 26 somebody help me this complicated messy heart wrenching father-daughter relationship is accosting me mayday mayday mayday—
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cookiesandcantarella · 5 months
Relistening to tsv and I don’t ever see anyone talk about how quickly Hayward changed his tune from “I’m going to apprehend this dangerous criminal” to “I’m gonna help my new buddy Paige start her cult.” Yes, he was in a desperate situation and turning her into the police wouldn’t have helped. But plan B is birthing a god???? Were the rabbits not lesson enough? The years of seeing all the ways gods can ruin lives? HAYWARD. WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
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thekhaninglass · 4 months
Will never be normal about Paige’s sucky dad calling her ‘daughter’ all the time as opposed to her name that she chose because on one hand it’s affirming but on the other it constantly reminds her of her tie to him, that she can’t leave him and also that he paid for her transition.
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mintytea-exe · 1 year
Dennis may not have been the perfect father to Paige but g-ddamn is he iconic for this
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bunchofbunniez · 2 months
HES BETTER!! He’s making an effort and isn’t that something? isn’t it beautiful how he died praising his daughter? He died changing his ways and helping her
he did something beautiful and he lied about it so she could escape
he is incredible, that’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard
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misstrashchan · 1 year
(Suddenly a little unnerved)
So wait, did I hear that right? A, uh, sacrifice.
PAIGE draws a knife.
Well, why do you think I let you come out here with us, Dad?
You wouldn’t-
You’re joking. Aren’t you?
PAIGE chuckles at him as she walks straight past him.
Limited but meaningful, was it?
We hear her gasp as she cuts her palm. We hear the blood dribbling down as she walks, spreading it across the monument in some kind of pattern.
(She stops, bandaging her hand.)
(Chapter 23 I'd Howl and Scream In Victory)
There's something oddly fitting to me about Paige using her own blood as a sacrifice instead of her father's to birth a new god that she can believe in. Paige said to Carpenter in the previous season that she never found a god to believe in, but her relationship with her father and how she describes it does (to me at least) reflect the other characters relationship with their respective gods.
"And when I tell you yes, you'll praise me, in a sweet and loving voice, and ask me for just a little more, a little more for something else that needs to be taken care of. I'll tell you yes, more often than not. I feed your love, because I need to hear it, even if I can never quite believe in it."
(Chapter 7 It Carries Few it Drowns Many)
How she needs her father's approval, his praise and love to be certain of herself, how much control she felt like he had over her life, and needing to "feed" his love with money, and it never being quite enough to ever satisfy him because he'd always ask for more eventually, much like how the gods constantly demand sacrifices to feed them. It definitely clicked when Paige's dad Dennis himself said it
"gods, people, we all need to feed on something!"
And why he specifically is present in chapter 23 and openly opposing Paige's idea of a new god. He represents the status quo of the gods and their system to Paige specifically that she wants to challenge.
"You give so you can take. You help so you can hurt.
You’ve never done a single thing for me that you didn’t make me pay for."
So, using the blood of herself is like bleeding an old god to birth a new one. One that Paige can actually believe in, as she believes in herself. She as a person is meaningful as The Many Below's first sacrifice, but limited, and wants to grow beyond that through the god she's trying to create and what she wants to accomplish. It's something she wants to be apart from her father and everything other god that exists in this world.
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melancholiaenthroned · 8 months
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the parish of tide and flesh provides hrt.... do u think its some kind of blessed river water injection becuz that doesnt sound sterile or do you think its actual medical grade testosterone
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thesiltverses · 3 months
hi!! thank you so much for the amazing podcast, first of all — it's been consuming my waking hours recently more than the usual
specifically as i'm relistening to season 2, hayward's quote about how you can never overreact to a parent really stuck with me, and the way familial relationships were portrayed in this season and in the silt verses overall is just something i'm always so happy to see and at the same time devastated by, so thank you again!
Hey and thank you so much!
For the sake of having something more interesting to put in this response, a thematic aspect which I've already noted on our Patreon but not on here is that the three major parental figures in TSV all embody different forms of human-to-deity relationships:
Nana Glass is a wrathful, imperious god who gives us a sense of confident purpose but punishes us when we stray beyond it.
Dennis is a manipulative, parasitic god who offers us reassurance and love and belonging, while feeding our dependence upon him.
Faulkner's father is an absent god whose motives and apparent dereliction of duty we can only guess at.
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catwyk · 2 months
tsv finale spoilers below. i wrote this during my first listen through. its long as fuck. im dead im ruined.
cull calling out to rane instead of faulkner.... rane is truly the real leader now
"katabasian rane? sister thurrocks?" im gonna be sick
"hes basically a cow" spit your shit carp
"people in my life keep leavin to serve a cause i just cant understand" BASHES MY HEAD ON THE WALL
"we must love them for fleein from our touch e must not run after them" oh baby :(
this is actually fucking destroying me right now oh poor faulkner. failed by the world.
"of course i recognize you. youre carpenter's ghost" // "yes. i am" // "that must mean that im being punished. arent i?" he sounds so small and young oh my god
"if this is my punishment, then why am i smiling?" OKAY PARALLELS TO HIS VISIONS IN S2. OKAY. IM NOT GOING TO CRY. I WONT.
his monologue is ruining me actually oh god.
"they invented their own faulkner. and they forced me to be him" THATS WHAT IM SAYIN
he called her his sister...
im sure hes gonna die
"you crashed a car??" // "yeeah. i crashed a car." i love her
"they need to fix you, they need to make you better, and ill, ill watch over your bed, ill be there, carpenter. ill pray, ill pray and pray for as long as i need to" christ alive. i need to lay down RIGHT NOW.
méabh de brún too good at acting like shes in pain im abt to dial an ambulance
ok this is fuelling my hc that faulkner reminded carpenter of em in some painful and undefinable way
"i should tell paige that story, if i get to see heg again"
twin mouths truther forever
"i hate you too, faulkner, i truly do. and i love you, too. in spite of everything" // "always on the very precipice of understanding one another"
faulkner's "DEAD, DEAD, DEAD!" is fucking me up b narr the voice actor everrr
"there'll be a place for you, and itll be beside me" DRIVING STRAIGHT INTO A LAMPPOST AS WE SPEAK
"yeah. perhaps thats it. do you?" again. coolest fucking character on the planet
"this is when the waters parted, and at last..! at last he understood!" jesus christ. jon ware the writer that you are
"say you were raised in the service of a god of fire. so you feel like the world would be a much better place if more things were on fire" i busted out laughing WHAT a tone shift
"dennis duplace helped. hayward.. dad.. carpenter.. im leaving all of you behind" i am a husk of a person. lucille valentine knocking it out of the park
"best feeling in the world, seeing you walk away" holy fucking shit this is DAMAGING ME.
i wanna write every quote thats making my heart sting but the transcript is already up so theres no real point
every single va is popping the FUCK OFF by the way. i have to keep reminding myself theyre acting so i dont like. kill myself
val saving hayward was NOT on my bingo card what the fuck
"and before she died... she remembered who she was" OHHHHHHH MYYYYY GODDDDDD
hayward doing his own rites of the cairn maiden for himself :(
no gods coming for hayward but "fuck it. this one's not... for any of you. this ones for me"
i never realized the parallel between faulkner's gardener father and his gardener god
carpenter meant so much to him :(
"Sister! I love you! Where are you going? Dont turn your back on me! Dont you dare- Sister! I need you! SISTER! SISTER! MARCO! MARCO!" FAULKNER NO NOT LIKE THIS NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
carpenter's scream...... oh god.. oh méabh de brún the woman that you are
"he could be a face from my childhood. or his" charlie.......
HES BEEN BLOND THIS ENTIRE TIME????????????? i should have fucking known
"but no matter how it starts, no matter how it turns out for us, it can end with love, cant it? it can end with love. it can end with kindness." i said oh my god out loud
the delivery of "and then i let him go" why not just drive a railroad spike through my lungs
"the river is vast, and no dam can block every channel, and ours is a world of miracles." i said jesus christ out loud
i wheezed when she just. got back up this old bitch cannot die can she
not nana glass' song............
oh my god. a final heartbreaking credits scene
i had to just sit and lean back for a second. what a fucking ending. what a fucking podcast. this is one of those pieces of media that takes up residence in your brain forever. im never gonna stop thinking about this
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annabelle--cane · 3 months
tsv s3e15 immediate Thoughts:
hayward and carpenter co-narrating at the beginning ;-; . I know mercer and gage co-narrated, and then there was the dreamy three person round robin of paige, hayward, and dennis as they manifested the woundtree, but has anyone else apart from them tag-teamed narration like this?
this is a thought that has occurred to me on-and-off this season but was really clear this episode: carson basically already has val's powers of reality manipulation. he can't undo a town, sure, but he's a spin doctor. he lies constantly and profusely to the public and his colleagues, and by controlling public narratives he controls what is and isn't accepted as true. he wants val to pin the attack on the woundtree, but by getting on public broadcast and saying it was them himself, both the public at large and the children of the woundtree themselves accept that it's true. and of course there are parallel instances of this kind of narrative control with faulkner, rane, paige, roemont, etc.
there's a Lot going on the last scene, but the first thing I noticed was that rane apparently left faulker alone in the dreaming chamber. there used to be guards outside his doors as part of his suicide watch, but I'm guessing they weren't there, otherwise rane would probably have called for them. I've gotta wonder if they were hoping that faulkner would just drown himself and take himself out of the equation after proving so unwilling to stick to the ruse in public anymore.
speaking of sticking to the ruse, rane. oh, rane, buddy. they were so unwilling to break character that they got in the pool with an obviously furious and volatile brother fratricide and said "yeah sure I'll let you hold me underneath the water :) ." they simply could have not done that but it would have involved relinquishing control of the narrative and admitting that the act was an act even when they both already knew that. rip sibling rane, died of committing to the bit too hard.
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crimeronan · 9 months
Hi sorry I'm still thinking about your dennis tsv tags from yesterday and idk how much you care but maybe you'll appreciate that I've been haunted by the idea of him showing up in paige's god-sent dreams. Like it's not him of course, he's dead, but the tree bursting through the old farmhouse with the remains of cops skewered on its branches, torn between praising her (daughter, therefore beloved, but to the god also muse, prophet, hierophant, creator) and spewing the hatred for humanity that such a saint couldn't help but have, all mangled and twisted together in what's really a great encapsulation of their relationship. Awful! ... anyways.
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Can anyone think of a benevolent parent fugure in TSV? Hayward's mom, maybe? Like. Nana Glass and Dennis are complicated. But is every other parent like. Arguably neglectful or outright abusive. And the Trawlerman is clearly chaotic evil.
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cookiesandcantarella · 5 months
Okay now that we’re nearing the end let’s get it in writing: who do you expect to die at the end and who’s gonna live?
I’ll start. Let it be known I predicted Carpenter, Hayward, and Val are going to die.
Paige and Faulkner will live but they’ll both become ideas—there will be no memory of Brother Faulkner and Paige Duplass, only the High Prophet and the Widow of Wounds
I’m honestly undecided about Shrue, I could go either way but whatever happens to them I’m certain it will be unhappy
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tsv-einheit1912 · 1 year
TSV Reichartshausen – Fußball
Ansprechpartner: Abteilungsleiter Thorsten Koder
Tel.: 0163/4194407
TSV 1 – TSV Steinsfurt 1 / 7:2
(Torschützen: 3x Mathis Ditzinger, 2x Soner Gülay, 2x Lennard Schilling)
Gegen den Absteiger aus der Kreisliga zeigten wir unsere beste Saisonleistung. Unsere Mannschaft war von Anfang an hellwach und ging bereits in der 6 Minute durch Soner Gülay in Führung (VA Martin Fast). Durch einen direkt verwandelten Freistoß musste wir dann jedoch den Ausgleich hinnehmen (18.). Wir brauchten einige Minuten, um diesen Rückschlag zu verdauen. Dann kam aber der große Auftritt von Mathis Ditzinger. Mit einem lupenreinen Hattrick schoss er uns mit 4:1 in Führung (27. VA Soner Gülay, 30. VA Lennard Schilling und 45. VA Floris Ditzinger). In der 2. Halbzeit hatten wir dann den Gegner weiterhin voll im Griff, erspielten uns Chancen und erzielten auch teilweise sehr schön herausgespielte Tor. 5:1 Soner Gülay (57., VA Lennard Schilling), 6:1 Lennard Schilling (62. VA Mathis Ditzinger) und 7:1 Lennard Schilling (71. VA Mathis Ditzinger). Mit einer solchen Leistung brauchen wir uns vor keinem Gegner zu verstecken. Leider haben wir diese in dieser Runde bisher viel zu wenig gezeigt. Jetzt heißt es diese öfters abzurufen.
FC Berwangen – TSV 2 / 3:0
Mit dem allerletzten Aufgebot mussten wir in Berwangen antreten. Die Jungs zeigten aber eine gute disziplinierte Leistung. Zwar lag man schnell mit 2:0 hinten. Danach waren wir besonders im Defensivverhalten sehr gut und ließen die Heimmannschaft kaum noch zur Entfaltung vor unserem Tor kommen. Und wenn sie mal durchkam, war unser Torwart Felix Fuhrmann zur Stelle. Im Endeffekt fingen wir uns noch ein Tor. Kommenden Samstag spielen wir kommt endlich wieder gegen eine Mannschaft in unsere Kragenweite. Hier heißt das Ziel, endlich einmal zu punkten.
Samstag, 23.09.23!!!!
14:45 Uhr​FVS Sulzfeld 2 – TSV 2
16:30 Uhr​FVS Sulzfeld 1 – TSV 1
Jugend und Damen
A-Junioren (Kreisliga Heidelberg)
JSG Steinsberg – TSV / 7:0
B-Junioren (Kreisliga Sinsheim)
TSV – JSG Ittlingen / 4:0
C-Junioren (Kreisliga + Kreisstaffel Sinsheim)
JSG Steinsberg 2 – TSV 2 / 2:2
TSV 1 – JSG Mühlbach/Eppingen / 2:0
A-Junioren (Kreisliga Heidelberg)
Samstag, 23.09.2023, 15:30 Uhr
TSV – JSG Elsenztal
C-Junioren (Kreisliga + Kreisstaffel Sinsheim)
Samstag, 23.09.2023, 12:30 Uhr
JSG Gemmingen – TSV 1
Samstag, 23.09.2023, 10:45 Uhr
JSG Mühlbach/Eppingen 2 – TSV
E-Junioren (2 Mannschaften)
Freitag, 22.09.2023, ab 17:30 Uhr
Spieltag in Reichartshausen
Unsere E-Junioren starten gleich mit einem Heimspieltag. Über zahlreiche Unterstützung würden sie sich sehr freuen.
Damen (Landesliga)
Donnerstag, 21.09.23, 19:30 Uhr
TSV – SpG Hettingen
Montag, 25.09.23, 19:30 Uhr
SpG Steinsfurt/Untergimpern – TSV
Trainingszeiten der Jugend für die neue Runde!!!!!
C- bis A-Junioren SG mit Helmstadt und Neckarbischofsheim
A-Junioren (Jahrgänge 2005 + 2006)
trainiert und spielt in Helmstadt
B-Junioren (Jhg 2007 + 2008)
Spielort: Neckarbischofsheim
Training: Montag 18:30 Uhr bis 20:00 R‘hausen
Donnerstag 18:,30 – 20:00 Uhr in Nbh
C-Junioren (Jhg. 2009 + 2010) (2 Mannschaften)
Trainer: Mathis Ditzinger, Sven Kress, Lars-Pascal Sauer
Spielort: R‘hausen
Training: Montag 18:30 Uhr bis 20:00 Nbh
Donnerstag 18:30 – 20:00 Uhr in R‘hausen
D-Junioren (Jhg 2011 + 2012)
Trainer: Friedhelm Schilling, Dirk Stieger
Training Montag + Mittwoch 17:00 bis 18:30 Uhr
E-Junioren (Jhg: 2013 + 2014) (2 Mannschaften)
Trainer: Robin Brandt, Thorsten Koder, Kai Nagel, Aaron Schilling
Training: Dienstag und Donnerstag 17:15 – 18:45 Uhr)
F-Junioren (Jhg. 2015 + 2016) (2 Mannschaften)
Trainer: Dennis Dobranszky, Luca Hotel
Training Freitag 17:30 – 19:00 Uhr)
Bambinis (Jhg 2017 und jünger)
Training: Etien Alexander, Dominic Kohl, Connor Kress, Colin Pojda
Training Freitag 16:30 – 17:30 Uhr)
Unsere Betreuerinnen und Betreuer würden sich sehr über jeden Neuzugang freuen. Egal ob Mädchen oder Jungs, einfach beim Training vorbeischauen.
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235antz · 2 years
just realized I've been picturing dennis (tsv) as my grandpa when he was in his 30s & 40s. nice.
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memestarsblog · 2 years
Max Kruse Vermögen
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Max Kruse Vermögen Der deutsche Fußballprofi Max Bennet Kruse, geboren am 19. März 1988, spielt als Stürmer für den Bundesligisten VfL Wolfsburg und die deutsche Nationalmannschaft.
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Max Kruse Vermögen Kruse begann seine Karriere bei seinem Heimatverein TSV Reinbek, bevor er im Sommer 1998 zum Hamburger SV Vier- und Marschlande wechselte. Dort verbrachte er mehr als sieben Jahre, bevor Werder Bremen im Januar 2006 auf ihn aufmerksam wurde. Am 4. Mai 2009 einigte er sich mit dem FC St. Pauli auf einen Zweijahresvertrag. Kruse führte den FC St. Pauli in der Saison 2011/12 mit 62 Punkten auf den vierten Platz der 2. Bundesliga und verpasste die Aufstiegs-Playoffs aufgrund der Tordifferenz. Außerdem steuerte er sechs Assists bei. Kruse spielte sowohl in der U21- als auch in der U19-Mannschaft und vertrat Deutschland bei der UEFA-U19-Meisterschaft 2007.
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Max Kruse Vermögen Am 29. Mai 2013 wurde Kruse in einem Freundschaftsspiel gegen Ecuador in Boca Raton, Florida, erstmals in die A-Nationalmannschaft berufen. Bevor er in der 79. Minute für Dennis Aogo eingewechselt wurde, war er an Lukas Podolskis zweitem Tor des Spiels beteiligt. Das Spiel endete 4:2 für den Sieger. In seinem zweiten Einsatz für die Nationalmannschaft erzielte Kruse das zweite Tor bei der 3:4-Niederlage gegen die USA am 2. Juni in Washington, D.C., einem Spiel zu Ehren des 100-jährigen Bestehens der United States Soccer Federation. Kruse wurde nicht in den 30-köpfigen vorläufigen Kader für die Weltmeisterschaft in Brasilien berufen, obwohl er mit Gladbach eine starke reguläre Saison spielte.
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Max Kruse Vermögen Bei den Olympischen Spielen 2021 ahnte niemand, was passieren würde, als Max Kruse nach dem 3:2-Sieg gegen Saudi-Arabien in die Fernsehkameras trat. Der Fußballer hatte ein Jahr lang mit Dilara Mardine zusammengearbeitet. Nach Max Kruses Wechsel zu Union im Jahr 2020 traf er dort auf sie. Beim Interview nach dem Spiel warf Kruse schließlich sein Trikot weg. Auf dem T-Shirt darunter stand die Botschaft "Ez ji te hez dikim" für die Freundin von Max Kruse. Aufgrund der kurdischen Herkunft seiner Dilara wurden der Heiratsantrag und das kurdische "Ich liebe es" nicht auf Deutsch gesagt.
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Max Kruse Vermögen Max Kruse Reichtum Der Fußballer steht heute auf Platz 297 der Liste der bestbezahlten Sportler in Deutschland. Vor fünf Jahren wurde er beim WSOP $1.500 Limit 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw-Finaltisch Vierter, obwohl er einen beträchtlichen Vorsprung hatte. Max Kruses Pokerspiel im Juni 2022 verlief nicht so gut. Er nahm zweimal am Turnier um jeweils 25.000 $ bei der Weltmeisterschaft in Las Vegas teil. Zweimal gelang es ihm jedoch nicht, einen profitablen Platz zu finden. In den folgenden Tagen machte er jedoch einige seiner Verluste an anderen Tischen wieder wett. Bevor weitere $14.000 hinzukamen, gewann er zunächst $3.760. Trotz aller Kritik wird Kruse in Zukunft sicher wieder pokern.
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Max Kruse Vermögen Read the full article
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