#denis muren
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rptv-starwars · 5 years ago
'The Empire Strikes Back' at 40: What the 'Star Wars' sequel's iconic special effects owe to Ray Harryhausen
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By Ethan Altered-States (Ethan Alter)
Yahoo Entertainment, Yahoo Movies  •  May 27, 2020
[article was edited for brevity, clarity, and to omit dumb commentary by the original author]
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Dennis Muren poses with an AT-AT walker behind the scenes of The Empire Strikes Back. (Photo: Lucasfilm)
Both Ray Harryhausen [special effects creator prominent in the 1960s for stop-motion animation] and The Empire Strikes Back (ESB) are celebrating milestone anniversaries this year. 2020 marks the 100th birthday of Harryhausen, the special-effects pioneer behind vintage Hollywood spectacles like The 7th Voyage of Sinbad and Jason and the Argonauts, as well as the 40th anniversary of the second movie in the Star Wars original trilogy.
But they have more in common than the calendar year: The AT-ATs and Tauntauns that walk through ESB are inspired by Harryhausen’s menagerie of stop-motion creatures, from cyclopses to krakens. “They had character, they had performance and they had purpose,” says Dennis Muren, who parlayed a childhood spent watching Harryhausen’s films into a groundbreaking career as a Star Wars F/X legend. “They were wondrous to look at, and the designs of the shots were dynamic. Ray’s work grabbed you emotionally, because it began with him. I’m the same way: being emotionally connected to the performance and design of a character who, simply put, looks really neat.”
Currently the Senior Visual Effects Supervisor and Creative Director at Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), Muren first joined George Lucas’s pioneering visual effects studio in 1976, when it was still making and photographing spaceships in a Van Nuys warehouse. After the success of Star Wars (A New Hope), Muren followed ILM to the Bay Area as Lucas planned for a sequel. “It was the hardest film by far,” Muren says of how ESB came together behind the camera. “Everything just got bigger. The spirit of the film was still fun and adventure, but it had more romance, it had more action, the Empire was bigger and the universe was bigger than we thought on the first movie.”
Muren’s role also expanded with ESB as he took point on directing the fleet of miniatures in the film’s iconic opening on the ice planet, Hoth. With the advent of digital technology still many years away, Muren and his team brought the Rebel’s herd of tauntauns and the Empire’s squad of AT-AT walkers to life by hand. And through it all, he followed the example established by Harryhausen.
“I always think of the Cyclops from The 7th Voyage of Sinbad, who comes out of his cave roaring and angry, and his hands are up because he’s ready to grab one of the sailors,” explains Muren, who later won his first Oscar for his work on the film. (He currently has nine statues, the most of any living person.) “That’s what I always strive to put in my work: that there’s a reason for that creature to be there. You’re not just giving the audience an effect: You want them to feel something from it, whether that’s ‘Oh my God, that’s amazing,’ or ‘Oh, that’s really creepy,’ or ‘Wait, that’s impossible!’”
In honor of ESB's 40th anniversary, Muren walked us through the seemingly-impossible task of making the Hoth sequence, and his own close encounter with his F/X hero.
Yahoo "Entertainment": You said that The Empire Strikes Back was the hardest Star Wars film to make. What was the reason for the degree of difficulty?
Dennis Muren: Well, The Phantom Menace may have been equally difficult, because there was a lot of real groundbreaking work on that in terms of getting all the digital stuff to work. But we had two supervisors on that. For Empire, we had just moved up from Los Angeles, and only brought about 12 people up from the 50 in L.A. and had to hire locally just to get the thing done. All of us working on it wanted to top ourselves, and George had already done that with the designs. The number of lands and battles you saw in Empire was at least five times more than you saw in Star Wars. You had an ice planet and a city in the clouds — how are you going to get that to look right?
Doing any kind of compositing over a light-color background is very, very hard. And the whole movie was full of that in addition to your normal space battles. The vision was so big, and we had a couple of years to do it, but it took us so much time to get the fire to do it and the people to do it. We all wanted what George wanted, which was also what the audience wanted: to show you that this universe is so much bigger than what we saw in Star Wars.
Yahoo "Entertainment": What was the most challenging part of the Hoth sequence specifically?
Dennis Muren: The opening tauntaun shot was one of the most difficult things, and the most interesting. The story behind that was that George had brought back this helicopter shot from Norway [where the Hoth exteriors were filmed], and it was about 200 or 300-feet off the ground with the cameras looking straight down. He didn’t know whether if that shot was going to be necessary to the movie, but at the very end, he said, “Yes, it’s necessary to have this shot. Do you think there’s a way you can add a Tauntaun to this?”
There wasn’t! There were no tracking markers on the ground that would have helped us make the stop motion camera map exactly with the moves the helicopter made, and then we could have combined that with an optical printer. But none of that stuff was there. I thought about building a big model, but I didn’t think it would work with the background. George said, “Well, just think about it.” I spent 15 minutes thinking about it, and figured it out in 15 minutes! I learned an amazing lesson from that: There’s usually an answer, there’s always some way that you can fiddle around with what you know to attempt. If I had stopped thinking at 14 minutes and 59 seconds, we wouldn’t have had that shot in the movie.
Yahoo "Entertainment": The tauntauns definitely feel very Harryhausen in their design and behavior. Did their form match what you could accomplish then with stop-motion or did the stop-motion dictate their form?
Dennis Muren: George had the idea for a galloping horse kind of thing, and I think Ralph [McQuarrie] and Joe [Johnston] worked on the design. I was involved in how we were going to create a setting that looked like it was going to be real, and wouldn’t be encumbered by any of the cameras. I don't know how many shots we had of it — maybe 12 or 15 or something like that, and they were some of the last ones we did. There were a couple that George added right at the very end of that. It was like, “We can finally take a breather after two years, but no, there’s one more shot!”
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Dennis Muren (behind the camera) filming Suzanne Pasteur (a friend of Lorne Peterson's) on her horse for tauntaun movement reference. (Photo: Lucasfilm)
Yahoo "Entertainment": I remember connecting to them very strongly as a kid — I always through they’d be fun to ride.
Dennis Muren: That comes from the design and purpose of it. It doesn’t act like an evil creature: It’s a fairly big, bulky thing and it actually looks kind of cute with a horn and steam coming out of its nose. It’s not a creature that could kidnap you or anything — it’s just a beast of burden. That’s true of all the Star Wars movies: The behavior is familiar, so the audience can relate. Even with the designs of the spaceships; I tried to show how they would bank off to fly to another planet or something, like an airplane would do in the air even though there’s not gravity in space and that would never happen. It looks really neat and you can relate to it.
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Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) on a tauntaun on the planet Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back. (Photo: Lucasfilm)
Yahoo "Entertainment": In terms of the AT-AT walkers, that’s a case where you’re bringing character to a non-living thing. There’s behind-the-scenes footage of the ILM team studying elephants for movement reference.
Dennis Muren: When we saw the designs, we thought they were kind of like big animals. We went to an animal park in Dunn, California, and put a bunch of chalk marks on the elephant and had it walk by left to right and right to left with the camera on. That gave us the weight; those things would have weighed thousands of tons, and we had to make it look like they had gravity or else they were just going to look silly — not as powerful and as evil as they're supposed to look. We also shot the elephants in slow motion to make them look even bigger, and observed traits like how far up the knee goes up and how far forward the body travels. Does the foot just lift up? Does it drop back down again? All that stuff was used as a basis so that when we went to animate, we had a body part to do that.
We also had some really good equipment to look at the frames as we were shooting them and make sure the animation was working well. Like now, there's all sorts of stop-motion photographers, and ours wasn’t done like Ray would have done it where you couldn’t tell if you made a mistake and could go back and say, “Did I move this too far?” We were able to compare and say, “Oh yeah, we did move it too far,” and then change it to move to a better place. So it's probably more of a fluid motion than you might have seen before and that was important. Any sort of chatter in the stop-motion looks like the mechanics of the walkers. They're all mechanical anyway, so there's got to be little bumps and grinds in the motors. So that adds to the feeling, you know?
Yahoo "Entertainment": Besides Hoth, what was your favorite sequence to work on?
Dennis Muren: I don’t know — they’re all so different! [Laughs] I really like the asteroid sequence; that might top Hoth a little bit. It was also really difficult, but a lot of fun to do. George wasn’t interested in the beats of the action, but the attitude. It had to have a certain clarity to see what was going on, which was difficult because the asteroids were coming in from any direction. I did a mock-up of that sequence and realized that everything had to be based on the Millennium Falcon blasting through the asteroids. We came up with the idea of having all the asteroids going in one direction, from one side of the screen to the other, and then you could show how the Falcon makes evasive maneuvers.
Yahoo "Entertainment": Did you get a chance to meet Ray Harryhausen before his death in 2013?
Dennis Muren: Oh, yes. I was probably about 14 at the time, and he used to be in the phone book as was almost everybody else in those days in L.A. I called him up, and he was living up in Malibu, so my mom drove me two hours up to his house, and I met him and his wife. They were just the nicest couple in the world. They invited me in for an hour or two, and we kept in touch. As I got older, I went back to his garage and showed him my home movies, and he showed me some of his early home movies. He was a kindred soul. He later moved to England, so I didn’t see him very often after that.
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Special effects legend Ray Harryhausen working on a model for a Clash of the Titans character. (Photo: Courtesy Everett Collection)
Yahoo "Entertainment": Did he ever visit you while you were making Star Wars or Empire?
Dennis Muren: No, but I did see him while I was working on Dragonslayer. We were at the same studio in England, and he was making Clash of the Titans. I think I brought him by to show him the dragon, and the rear-projection work. We were working on the next step beyond stop-motion, which was the combination of animation with a motion-controlled motorized camera. He didn’t entirely relate to that, and I can understand why: It could take five days if you’re lucky to get a full shot. At the end of the day, [his method] didn’t have quite the realism that ours ended up having, but he also had the energy to just get in there and grab the figure with his hand and spend the next eight hour animating it.
After Empire and things like the Tauntaun sequence especially, I realized that we needed to get away from stop motion and try and look for something else. I would say that we didn't get the tauntaun to move quite as much as we wanted to, and there were some shots that we didn’t quite finish. But George was utterly accommodating about everything, and there was a feeling of real accomplishment when it was all over. Empire just opened everything up: You can see there’s a lot more stories you can tell, and they’re still going on.
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heretherebedork · 4 years ago
Why didn't we get LiChen carrying MuRen to bed when he came home late?
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This is all I want from the show and I need it to happen. WHY must I find interviews to see this!?!? MAKE IT CANON. Why did we not get to see LiChen carry MuRen to bed? WHYYY. Show me this canonically. Give me them doing this in the show. PLEASE, H4, PLEASE. Why have we been denied this joy?
Bonus tiny gif of them making eye contact:
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weirdlandtv · 5 years ago
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Behind the scenes of WILLOW (1988).
The mattes are by Chris Evans (who also did the art of images 3, 4, 5), Sean Joyce and Paul Swendsen. In the last photo—the filming of those gorgeous fairy shots—we see Denis Muren and George Lucas, among others.
(Most of these images come from here.)
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bspolink1348 · 5 years ago
Les dernières nouveautés de l’année 2019 (16/12/19)
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À la une : La médiation au travail : comment réussir ? / Jean-Édouard Grésy, Florence Duret-Salzer, Cristina Kuri
Cote de rangement : HD 5481 G 258680 / Domaine : Sciences du travail
« Le bien-être et la performance sont indissociablement liés au travail bien fait et à la possibilité d’en débattre. C’est pourquoi les organisations les moins exposées aux risques ne sont pas celles où l’on se dispute le moins, mais celles où l’on débat le mieux sur la manière de réaliser les tâches et d’exercer ses fonctions. Mais rien n’est moins simple : en moyenne, un tiers de notre temps est consacré à lever des obstacles dans les décisions à prendre. Ces blocages paraissent parfois insurmontables en face à face et nécessitent la présence d’un tiers pour raffermir le dialogue et faire émerger des pistes de solution.
Au-delà de cette raison évidente, si la médiation s’installe aujourd’hui dans les entreprises, les établissements publics, les associations…, c’est aussi en tant qu’outil de prévention des violences discriminatoires, sexuelles, sexistes et/ou psychiques... pour lesquelles l’employeur a l’obligation renforcée d’en préserver ses collaborateurs. De fait, en questionnant notamment les représentations et les ressentis de chacun, la médiation offre ce cadre sécurisé nécessaire à la compréhension mutuelle des origines de la violence.
Cet ouvrage s’adresse ainsi à toute personne (dirigeant, manager, pilote de projet, collaborateur, RH, représentant du personnel, avocat, médiateur...) convaincue par les vertus d’une conflictualité saine et productive pour maintenir la confiance et renforcer les coopérations. Illustrée de nombreux exemples et témoignages, la médiation est repensée comme une histoire de don, tant dans les dispositions du tiers (sa posture, son éthique, sa méthode) que dans sa contribution à une meilleure gouvernance de l’organisation (sortir de la maldonne pour une nouvelle donne). » - Quatrième de couverture
The Bourdieu paradigm : the origins and evolution of an intellectual social project / Derek Robbins
Cote de rangement : HM 479 .B68 R 258690
Gathering social network data / Jimi Adams
Cote de rangement : HM 741 A 258684
Rethinking Britain : policy ideas for the many / edited by Sue Konzelmann, Susan Himmelweit, Jeremy Smith and John Weeks
Cote de rangement : HN 385 .5 R 258682
The inclusion calculation : why men appropriate womens representation / Melody E. Valdini
Cote de rangement : HQ 1236 V 258685
Responsible gambling : primary stakeholder perspectives / edited by Howard J. Shaffer, Alexander Blaszczynski, Robert Ladouceur, Peter Collins, and Davis Fong
Cote de rangement : HV 6710 R 258689
Reluctant cold warriors : economists and national security / Vladimir Kontorovich
Cote de rangement : HC 335 K 258688
Economics of feeding the hungry : sustainable intensification and sustainable food security / Noel Russell
Cote de rangement : HD 9000 .5 R 258683
Sciences politiques
Foreign policies of the CIS states : a comprehensive reference / edited by Denis Degterev, Konstantin Kurylev
Cote de rangement : DK 295 F 258687
La conscience politique / Geoffroy de Lagasnerie
Cote de rangement : JA 71 D 258676
Waarom muren niet werken : samenwerken in tijden van populisme / Peter Van Kemseke, Ingmar Samyn
Cote de rangement : JC 323 V 258691
Le capital déteste tout le monde : fascisme ou révolution / Maurizio Lazzarato
Cote de rangement : JC 481 L 258678
Les droits de l'homme rendent-ils idiot ? / Justine Lacroix, Jean-Yves Pranchère
Cote de rangement : JC 571 L 258673
Rethinking global governance / Mark Beeson
Cote de rangement : JZ 1318 B 258686
The peace that never was : a history of the League of Nations / Ruth Henig
Cote de rangement : JZ 4871 H 258675
Waste / Kate O'Neill
Cote de rangement : HD 4482 O 258681
Esquisse d'une théorie générale de la magie / Henri Hubert, Marcel Mauss. Suivi de : L'origine des pouvoirs magiques dans les sociétés australiennes / Marcel Mauss
Cote de rangement : BF 1621 H 258671
Nomad's land : éleveurs, animaux et paysage chez les peuples mongols / Charlotte Marchina
Cote de rangement : DS 798 .4 M 258679
Le marché contre l'humanité / Dominique Bourg
Cote de rangement : GE 195 .7 B 258670
Le marketing digital : développer sa stratégie numérique / François Scheid, Willy Fontugne, Renaud Vaillant e.a.
Cote de rangement : HF 5415 .1265 M 258677
Fabuler la fin du monde : la puissance critique des fictions d'apocalypse / Jean-Paul Engélibert
Cote de rangement : PN 56 E 258672
Style(s) de (la) bande dessinée / sous la direction de Benoît Berthou et Jacques Dürrenmatt
Cote de rangement : PN 6714 S 258674
Tous ces ouvrages sont exposés sur le présentoir des nouveautés de la BSPO. Ceux-ci pourront être empruntés à domicile à partir du 13 janvier 2020.
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stienelle-blog · 8 years ago
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• Vakantie en vrienden in Pokhara • 28/03/2017
Ondertussen zijn we al meer dan een week in Pokhara, en het was de lange busrit meer dan waard #hobbeldebobbel. Onderweg ontmoeten we onze eerste Vlaming, Vinsent (van 't stad aka Antwerpen) en zo hebben we er weer een vriend bij (ook voor in België).
De eerste nacht besloten we in een 'hotel' te slapen van een 'ronselaar' aan de bushalte #geenzinomtezoeken. Uiteindelijk betalen we daar te veel voor wat het is, alhoewel de WiFi en de schimmel op de muren gratis was. Op maandag 20 maart (na een super lekker ontbijt aan het wondermooie meer) zoeken we dus een andere verblijfplaats. Na 30 minuten en in 30 graden richting het hostel te stappen (met een zware trekrugzak) vinden we niks buiten okselvijvers & blaren #fuckyougooglemaps. Perongeluk komen we een andere hostel tegen, genaamd 'Little Buddha Guesthouse'. We worden meteen verliefd op de groene, gezellige tuin en ik slaag erin om de gevraagde kamerprijs te verlagen #Iamgoodatthis. En of het een goede keuze was! Het ontbijt (zeg maar brunch) is super lekker en het is de perfecte plaats om mensen te leren kennen. Na enkele dagen voelen we ons dan ook helemaal thuis op deze plek!
Deze week hebben we het er dan ook goe van gepakt als #toeristen en helaas was dat ook te merken aan onze portomonee #oepsss. Maar van het leven genieten met onze eendagsvrienden kan niet kosteloos zijn hé. Eendagsvrienden? Wel, Thairon & ik zijn hier vrij sociaal waardoor we veel mensen leren kennen. Jammergenoeg (en soms helemaal niet jammer #sorrynotsorry) zetten deze mensen hun reis verder en kunnen we maar enkele uren (maar soms ook dagen) met hen spenderen. Momenteel kunnen dan ook Jolijn (Nederland), Stef (Duitsland), Audrey (Namibië), Megan (Canada), Dan (Australië), Kelly (Nederland), John, Maël & Sonic (Duitsland), Flavio & Paola (Argentinië), Tom (UK), Clint (US, Los Angeles) en Felix (Duitsland) ons lijstje vervoegen. Samen eten, boottripjes, zwemmen, pintjes drinken of naar de 'movie garden' (openair cinema met popcorn en pizza #heaven). Super veel gelachen en plezier gemaakt! Ik vind het nog steeds gek hoe snel je een connectie met iemand kan maken en 'vrienden' wordt (al is het maar voor een paar dagen). De dingen die ze in mijn boekje schrijven wanneer we afscheid nemen zijn zo leuk (ook om later opnieuw te lezen). Om een voorbeeld te geven: 'Guten tag! Thank you for the great trip to the lake. I hope you enjoyed seeing the stupid boys fighting through the jungle. Walk on your path with your charming smile and keep those memories on your perfect photos.' #ouuuuh goeie gasten in Duitsland, maar ik vind hun accent nog steeds niet leuk #sorrynotsorry. En dan heb je ook van die Amerikanen zoals Clint die niet durven schrijven omdat ze denken dat het een voodooboek is #schoukeirlken.
Na een weekje chillen, besluiten we om naar een nieuw Workaway-project te gaan, want we willen weer vrijwilligerswerk doen #nuttigmaken. Vol goeie moed nemen we de bus naar Damside in Pokhara, om te werken in een weeshuis en een school. We worden warm ontvangen door Presna en zijn vrouw Gita. Er leven 8 kinderen, waarvan 6 weesjes. Ik word meteen verliefd op Rosalie (twee jaar), die niet kan praten maar zoveel zegt met haar ogen (zie profielfoto op Facebook). De andere vrijwilligers daar zijn Laura (Spanje), Emilia (UK), Delphine & Alex (St. Denis) & Keza (Denemarken). In het weeshuis is er onvoldoende werk voor ons allemaal, waardoor de tijd voorbij kruipt #minutentellen. Op de tweede dag besluiten we dus naar de school te gaan, waar we een uurtje Engelse les mogen geven aan de kleuterklas. Dat was een leuke ervaring en het was 'fijn' om te zien hoe een Nepalese school te werk gaat. Maar het is ook super triest om te zien hoe laag het niveau is, dat de 'speelplaats' gewoon een saaie koer is zonder enig amusement en vooral hoe de lerares de kleuters een harde mep in hun gezicht geeft wanneer ze iets niet weten #fuckinghell #traneninhouden. Uiteindelijk blijkt dat het nu examens zijn en daarna 'winter'vakantie (want op 14 april start het nieuw jaar, 2074 #hunk?!). Wat dus wil zeggen dat er (opnieuw) geen werk is voor ons... #frustrerend. Thairon & ik voelen ons snel verveeld. En we hebben honger, want om 10u rijst eten en dan pas terug om 19u is geen makkie. We besluiten dus dat we nog beter 'niks' doen in een hostel (maar wel vrij zijn om te gaan en staan) i.p.v. niks te doen op een plaats waar we kwamen om te werken/helpen. Het afscheid was behoorlijk akward, omdat Presna dacht dat we het daar niet leuk vonden (en hij vooral geen slechte review wil). Dat was niet zo, het was een goede plaats en een mooi weeshuis maar twee vrijwilligers is meer als genoeg daar. Spijtig genoeg laten ze er meer komen, zodat ze meer centjes ontvangen (€5/dag per vrijwilliger). Nadat hij ons nog een t-shirt probeert aan te smeren van 500 roepies #altmaarverkopen, nemen we afscheid van de kindjes en nemen we alweer de bus richting Lakeside #shortstay. Het is iets wat we hier echt leren: blijf niet ergens waar je je niet goed voelt.
Met open armen worden we weer in het hostel ontvangen door Babita, Raju en de kleine Buddha #welcomehome. Momenteel ben ik een beetje ziek (neus, keel, hoofd en oren) maar ik kan hier (zonder schuldgevoel) rusten en hopelijk is het snel over #fuckoffbacteriën. En natuurlijk is Thairon er altijd om mij te helpen als het nodig is. Gelukkig (ma echt super gelukkig) zitten we op hetzelfde level, en hebben we nu ook weer samen beslist om te vertrekken en de komende twee weken in Pokhara te genieten #perfectmatch. Toen ik vorige week een dipje had, kwam ze 'thuis' met een armbandje en een lieve brief voor mij #bleiten, waarvoor nog eens merci baby #lotsofloveforyou.
Tot slot nog enkele weetjes:
- Vraag nooit 'a little bit spicy' in een Chinees restaurant want dat staat niet in hun woordenboek #onfire #pasnormal.
- Mijn Nepalese naam is 'Sita' en deze kreeg ik van een local in Chitwan omdat Stiene steeds als 'Estiena' wordt uitgesproken.
- Let altijd goed op je vrienden in Nepal, want voor je het weet zit een van hen op een verkeerde bus en hebben jullie het pas 10 minuten later door.
- Volgens Kelly is mijn Hollands accent super goed #skilzzz #asjemenouzeg.
- 'Welke trek gaan jullie doen?' is de meest gestelde vraag onder toeristen. Wel, voor de duizendste keer, GEEN WANT IK WIL GEEN 8U PER DAG STAPPEN IN DE KOU #begrepen?!
- Het kan ('s avonds) een serieus potje regenen in Pokhara #dawasniedeafspraak!
- Binnen exact een maand ben ik weer in België #joepiefrietjes!!!
Zo, dat was het voor de post! Tot de volgende! XOXO, een-nog-steeds-gelukkige-Stiene aka Sita.
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kevinpolowy · 8 years ago
Hollywood's Record Holders for Most Oscar Wins
We typically think Meryl Streep when it comes to Oscar records, with the master thespian having amassed an incredible 19 nominations. But when it comes to actual wins, Streep’s not in the record books. Instead you’ll find names both famous (Walt Disney, John Williams, Katharine Hepburn) and less familiar (art director Cedric Gibbons, soundman Gary Rydstrom). As we get ready for Oscar night on Feb. 26, here are the folks who have been awarded the most statuettes. (We’re only counting “competitive” Oscars and not honorary/memorial recognition.)
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Walt Disney (22 Oscars)
The man behind the Mouse House holds the all-time record for Academy Award wins (22) and nominations (59). The vast majority of those wins (20, to be exact) came for producing short-form cartoons, while the other two came for producing documentaries. Disney won four alone in 1954, also an Oscars record. (He was also recognized with an additional four honorary awards, including, yes, one for creating Mickey Mouse.) (Photo: Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Cedric Gibbons (11 Oscars)
Not counting short film winners, your all-time Oscar champ would be this art director/production designer whose wins included ‘Pride and Prejudice’ (1940), ‘An American in Paris’ (1951), and ‘Somebody Up There Likes Me’ (1956). Gibbons was nominated, but did not win, for a little film called ‘The Wizard of Oz’ (1939). His tally was no doubt helped by the fact that for many years there were two categories that recognized art direction: one for color and one for black-and-white. (Photo: Everett Collection)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Alfred Newman (9 Oscars)
The music composer (not to be confused with ‘Mad Magazine’ poster boy Alfred E. Neuman) had 43 nominations total, ranking him third all time on that list (behind Walt Disney and John Williams). His wins included the famous stage adaptations ‘The King and I’ (1956) and ‘Camelot’ (1967). (Photo: Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Edith Head (8 Oscars)
Head, a costume designer who frequently worked with Alfred Hitchcock, holds the all-time record for female winners. Her eight Oscars (from 35 nominations) included Best Picture victors ‘All About Eve’ (1950) and ‘The Sting’ (1973), as well as romantic favorites ‘Roman Holiday’ (1953) and ‘Sabrina’ (1954). She was also the inspiration for the beloved animated character Edna Mode in Pixar’s ‘The Incredibles.’ (Photo: AP Photo)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Alan Menken (8 Oscars)
The Disney maestro won two Academy Awards apiece (in the song and score categories) for ‘The Little Mermaid’ (1989), ‘The Beauty and the Beast’ (1991), ‘Aladdin’ (1992), and ‘Pocahontas’ (1995). His only non-Disney nomination (of 19 total) was also his first, for 1986’s musical-horror-comedy ‘Little Shop of Horrors.’ (Photo: Ron Galella, Ltd./WireImage)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Fred Quimby (8 Oscars)
Like Walt Disney, MGM exec Quimby flourished in the animated-short categories, winning all eight of his Oscars in those races. Seven out of eight of those were for ‘Tom and Jerry’ ‘toons. (Photo: AP Photo)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Rick Baker (7 Oscars)
Considered one of film’s all-time greatest creature creators, the makeup artist has an impressive batting average when it comes to the Oscars, winning seven of 11 nominations. Those triumphs included ‘An American Werewolf in London’ (1981), ‘Harry and the Hendersons’ (1987), ‘The Nutty Professor’ (1996), and ‘Men in Black’ (1997). (Photo: Dan MacMedan/WireImage)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Gary Rydstrom (7 Oscars)
Nominated for 17 total Academy Awards in various sound categories over the years, Rydstrom snagged two Oscars apiece for ‘Terminator 2: Judgment Day’ (1991), ‘Jurassic Park’ (1993), and ‘Saving Private Ryan’ (1998), while also taking home a statue for the Best Picture/box-office winner ‘Titanic’ (1997). (Photo: Monica Schipper/FilmMagic)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Billy Wilder (6 Oscars)
The revered writer-director-producer won three Oscars alone for 1960’s ‘The Apartment’ (Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Writing). He also claimed two trophies for 1945’s ‘The Lost Weekend’ (Best Director, Best Writing) and only one for 1951’s ‘Sunset Boulevard.’ (Best Writing). He received the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award in 1988.
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Denis Muren (6 Oscars)
The FX ace has worked on every episode of ‘Star Wars’ except one (‘Revenge of the Sith’), and was honored with Special Achievement Awards for ‘Empire Strikes Back’ and ‘Return of the Jedi’ because the Best Visual Effects category didn’t yet exist. His competitive wins include ‘E.T.’ (1982), ‘Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom’ (1984), and ‘Terminator 2: Judgment Day’ (1991). So yeah, he’s got a pretty cool résumé. (Photo: AP Photo)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Francis Ford Coppola (5 Oscars)
After earning an Oscar for co-writing the Best Picture-winning war bio ‘Patton’ (1970), Coppola gleaned plenty of gold out from the ‘Godfather’ saga. He shared a Best Writing Oscar with author Mario Puzo for ‘The Godfather’ (1972), then won three statuettes for its 1974 follow-up, ‘The Godfather Part II’ (Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Writing). (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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John Williams (5 Oscars)
The famed composer has earned a staggering 50 Academy Award nominations, including one last year for ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens.’ He is the most nominated person alive, and second all time to Walt Disney. But amazingly, he’s only won five times, for ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ (1971), ‘Jaws’ (1975), ‘Star Wars’ (1977), ‘E.T.’ (1982), and ‘Schindler’s List’ (1993). (Photo: Getty Images for Capitol Concerts)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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John Barry (5 Oscars)
The late composer was responsible for the famous scores to 11 James Bond films, but those netted him exactly zero Oscar nominations (guess he was no Sam Smith?). He was nominated and won for 1966’s ‘Born Free’ (Best Original Song and Best Original Score), ‘The Lion in Winter’ (1968), ‘Out of Africa’ (1985), and ‘Dances With Wolves’ (1990). (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Lyle R. Wheeler (5 Oscars)
Known as “the dean of art directors,” Wheeler’s most celebrated work came in 1939’s ‘Gone With the Wind,’ which would earn him his first Academy Award. He also won for ‘Anna and the King of Siam’ (1946), ‘The Robe’ (1953), ‘The King and I’ (1956), and ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ (1959), and nabbed an additional 17 nominations.
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Johnny Green (5 Oscars)
Born John Waldo Green but nicknamed “Beulah,” the songwriter-composer won four Oscars for original film scores (including 1961’s ‘West Side Story’ and 1968’s ‘Oliver!’) and a fifth for producing the 1953 symphony-driven short ‘Overture to the Merry Wives of Windsor.’ (Credit: Everett Collection)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Katharine Hepburn (4 Oscars)
The iconic screen star holds the all-time record for most Academy Awards won by an actress. Not only that, all four of her statuettes were won in the lead Best Actress race. She won for her first nomination, ‘Morning Glory’ (1933), and final three — ‘Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner’ (1968), ‘The Lion in Winter ‘(1969), and ‘On Golden Pond’ (1981) — with an additional eight nods in between. (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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John Ford (4 Oscars)
Ford is the only filmmaker to win four Academy Awards in the Best Director category, collecting those for ‘The Informer’ (1935), ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ (1940), ‘How Green Was My Valley’ (1941), and ‘The Quiet Man’ (1952). Yet he was not even nominated for some of his most famous Westerns, including ‘The Searchers’ (1956) and ‘The Man Who Shot the Liberty Valence’ (1962). (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Joseph Ruttenberg and Leon Shamroy (4 Oscars)
Rutternberg (a 10-time nominee who won for ‘The Great Waltz,’ ‘Mrs. Miniver,’ ‘Somebody Up There Likes Me,’ and ‘Gigi’) and Shamroy (an 18-time nominee who won for ‘The Black Swan,’ ‘Wilson,’ ‘Leave Her to Heaven,’ and ‘Cleopatra’) share the record for most Oscars in Best Cinematography. (Photo: Everett Collection)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Woody Allen (4 Oscars)
Allen won two Oscars for his breakout rom-com, ‘Annie Hall’ (1977), including his only Best Director statuette to date. But he’s also in a five-way tie in the record for most screenwriting wins, having earned gold for ‘Annie Hall,’ ‘Hannah and Her Sisters’ (1986), and ‘Midnight in Paris’ (2011). He has 24 nominations total.
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Jack Nicholson (3 Oscars)
If you’ve ever wondered why Jack always gets the best seats in the house on Oscar night… his 12 nominations is a record for male actors. He’s also one of only three men to win three acting Academy Awards, having snagged Best Supporting Actor for ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ (1975) and ‘Terms of Endearment’ (1983), and Best Actor for ‘As Good as It Gets’ (1997). (Photo: AP Photo)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Daniel Day-Lewis (3 Oscars)
Day-Lewis, however, is the only man to have won three Academy Awards for Best Actor. Those came for his highly acclaimed performances in ‘My Left Foot’ (1989), ‘There Will Be Blood’ (2007), and ‘Lincoln’ (2012). Day-Lewis has five nominations since 1990, despite only having appeared in 12 films in that time. (Photo: AP Photo)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Walter Brennan (3 Oscars)
In good company with Nicholson and Day-Lewis is Western legend Brennan, who earned four Oscar nominations over the course of six years and won for three of those: ‘Come And Get It’ (1936), ‘Kentucky’ (1938), and ‘The Westerner’ (1940). He lost for 1941’s ‘Sergeant York.’ (Photo: Getty Images)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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Charles Brackett and Paddy Chayefsky (3 Oscars)
Two more who are included in that five-way tie for most screenwriting wins, along with Billy Wilder, Francis Ford Coppola, and Woody Allen: Brackett, who co-wrote ‘The Lost Weekend’ and ‘Sunset Boulevard’ with Wilder, as well as ‘Titanic’ (1953); and Chayefsky, who penned ‘Marty’ (1955), ‘The Hospital’ (1971), and ‘Network’ (1976). (Photo: AP Photo/Everett Collection)
Source: Yahoo Movies
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adngold · 8 years ago
L’incroyable carrière de Dennis Muren, l’homme derrière les effets spéciaux de vos films préférés
L’incroyable carrière de Dennis Muren, l’homme derrière les effets spéciaux de vos films préférés Il existe des personnes méconnues du grand public qui sont pourtant de vraies légendes dans l’industrie du cinéma. Véritables hommes de l’ombre, ils participent à la post ou préproduction de films devenus mythiques. Denis Murren fait sans cont...
0 notes
pleasantparadiselight · 8 years ago
“There are nine million bicycles in Beijing That’s a fact, It’s a thing we can’t deny”
synger Katie Melua. Det var en del sykler i Beijing, men det blir mer og mer biler og mindre sykler. Vi kom oss trygt frem til Kina etter en lang flyreise og tur. Flyet gikk fint, jeg så en del filmer og klarte ikke å sove som vanlig. Men, iallefall er det lettere å snu om døgnet når jeg ikke har sovet på et døgn.
Da vi ankom Beijing var det rett på sigthsingen med en gang. Jeg hadde et lite håp om å komme meg på hotellet for å skifte klær, men vi dro rett til en god lunsj. Deretter besøkte vi den himmelske fredsplass for å ta litt bilder. Vi kom oss en liten tur på hotellet for å sjekke inn, før vi ble tatt med på middag og et kung fu show. På kung fu showet var alle så trette etter reisen så vi duppet litt av alle man. Det var ikke fordi showet var kjedelig, for det jeg skjønte så var det gøy.
Dag to var dagen vi skulle besøke den kinesiske mur. Jeg må si at det er en av de tingene jeg har gledet meg til mest, og jeg ble ikke skuffet. Det eneste som kunne vært bedre, var om det hadde vært mindre folk. Jeg gjorde tabben med å bli med de som ville på det høyeste punktet, og gikk ikke den veien med minst folk. Men, men jeg fikk se muren! Etter en to timers tur på muren dro vi til en cloisonne fabrikk, før vi avsluttet med en tur på OL området, et tehus, og en Peking duck middag.
I dag, den tredje dagen i Beijing, har desidert vært den lengste og varmeste. Vi begynte tidlig for å få med oss morgning trening i parken. De gamle her er spreke og kommer til parken hver dag for å trene diverse treningsformer. De trente turn, apparater, dans, tai chi, for å nevne noe. Vi så på dem rett ved det himmelske tempelet, slik at vi bare fortsatte inn dit for å se tempelet. Etter lunsj hos en lokal familie, dro vi til den forbudte by. Der var det gigantisk, og hver gang vi gikk gjennom en dør virket det som de samme rommene gang på gang. Det var helt utrolig å se, men det var veldig varmt, sent på dagen og etter å ha gått mye sank interessen med hver dør vi gikk gjennom. Etter litt tid fikk vi oss en is og påfyll av vann, da steg interessen nok til at det gikk helt fint å fortsette resten av turen.
I morgen skal vi en tur innom perle markedet, før vi tar et hurtig tog til Xian.
Nǐ hǎo Beijing "There are nine million bicycles in Beijing That's a fact, It's a thing we can't deny"
0 notes
film-flam · 13 years ago
5757 (by David Berry)
Excellent and endearing home movies featuring Dennis Muren and other ILM alumni on the set of a now famous flick.
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heretherebedork · 4 years ago
The Battle Royale is back!! This time: Uke edtion 2.0: the comeback!! (This time: the battle is randomized and shuffled!)
Now who among here excretes the most uke energy? A gaybie? A soft uke? A perfect Uke? And the contestants are:
Taekyung vs. Adachi
Sky (GB) vs. Tae Joo (Eyes Linger)
Pi vs. Gene
Tian vs. Pharm
ShuYi vs. Shi Lei
Zhao Zi vs. Si Qi
Meen vs. Tine
Jin vs. Arthit
Kit (Gen Y) vs. Wad (SOTUS S)
Karl vs. Gavreel
Tutor vs. Knock
Mico vs. Jaime
Reb vs. Jim
Tong vs. Folk
Paii vs. Wayo (2moons2)
Beam vs. Kit (Both 2moons2)
Mon vs. Shi Gu
Chon vs. Mes
Masuk vs. Nuea
King vs. Third
Puth vs. Boss (My Engineer)
Kao (DBK) vs. Kao (Oxygen)
Chol vs. Xingsi
Mu Ren vs. Yu Hao (Crossing the Line)
Pete (LBC) vs. Fiat
Yeon Woo (Color Rush) vs. Ki Wan (Ryu's Wedding)
Hin (Chance to Love) vs. Hin (Lovely Writer)
Aey vs. Yi Chen (Obsessed)
Pao vs. Ake
Phai (Gen Y) vs. Wayu (Gen Y)
Day (Sotus S) vs. Zon (WhyRU)
Typhoon vs. Mekhin (Close Friend)
Team vs. In
Guitar vs. Ray (Close Friend)
Type (2gether) vs. Sang Ha (Mr. Heart)
Sheng Zhe (Right or Wrong) vs. Shao Fei
Frong vs. Duen
King vs. Sky (My Day)
Ou Wen vs. Minh Hoang
Can vs. Techno
Yu Zhen vs. Bunn
Bonus: (Ga On vs. Da On)
This time, anyone can play! Feel free to play this game! It's open to all!
I'd also like to dare @absolutebl and @raiko101 to try this one! Hehehe
and also: thank you @absolutebl for your posts! I also learned a lot from you! prolly half of these characters came from you so, yay thanks!
Ahaha, wow, my anons are pulling in my mutuals? Again? My life is wild here, y'all. Yay Battle Royale Anon! How did you know I have time to kill before Golden Blood?
Also, this one is fascinating because how does one define uke? Because some of these characters might be bottoms but I wouldn't define them as ukes because ukes are typically the ones being pursued. So I've sort of been trying to figure that out and so some of these get some odd answers depending on the character. Is an uke defined as what most straight girls think of a bottom? Is an uke the character being pursued or who needs to be taken care of?
... Look, uke is an ever-evolving word, especially from when I first joined fandom. So it's very interesting!
Taekyung vs. Adachi
Adachi has to win this. I love Taekyung to death and he's my tiny gaybie but Adachi just... he's darling and small and he needs to be protected and pursued and he just... fits more of what I think of as an uke. Now, this is probably because this is a Japan (creator of the uke/seme dynamic as we know it) versus Korea (who really don't do strong seme/uke dynamics) thing rather than a character thing. Since uke really is in the relationship and not just the character...
Sky (GB) vs. Tae Joo (Eyes Linger)
It's Sky. Sky is a baby. Sky is absolutely baby. He's in need of so much love and care and protection. Although Tae Joo is close and he definitely needs it, it's in a different way. Plus, Sun is gonna take a bullet for Sky and I am an absolute sucker for that. But they're such good characters to contrast.
Pi vs. Gene
I gotta admit that I'm giving this to Gene. Now, this is because of the show. I want Gene to be taken care of by his love. I want Nubsib to love and care for Gene. I don't want Pi to be take care of. I want Pi to go be independent and pissy somewhere else without ever thinking about Mork again.
Tian vs. Pharm
Pharm had to win this. I love Tian, don't get me wrong. But Tian and Phupha have a different dynamics than Dean and Pharm. Dean and Pharm definitely lean more towards what I would consider a seme/uke relationship and, thus, Pharm wins. Also, tiny gaybie Pharm almost always wins.
ShuYi vs. Shi Lei
This is so interesting because it's Taiwan vs Taiwan and they don't do the really strong seme/uke... but yeah, it's Shu Yi. Shu Yi 100%. Shi Lei is an uke but he's not as much of one as Shu Yi. Shu Yi is such a darling who just needs so much love.
Zhao Zi vs. Si Qi
It's Zhao Zi. Look, I adore Si Qi. He's a darling. But Zhao Zi is just gaybie energy x100 alongside abandonment issues and that sunshine over sadness energy is just A+.
Meen vs. Tine
This one is hard. They're both such ukes, such little gaybies... But I like Meen more, so I'm going with him. He was the bright spot in the show where Tine was, ironically, one of my least favorite characters in his show.
Jin vs. Arthit
I had to give this to Jin. He just loved being pursued so much and all the attention and the little gifts from Bbomb just made him so happy. He couldn't help himself. Arthit just didn't quite have that with Kongpob, as much as I love them together. Different vibes.
Kit (Gen Y) vs. Wad (SOTUS S)
Kit is basically the perfect example of a tsundere uke. Like, he is the platonic (lol) ideal. And I love him for that so much. He's definitely one of my favorite characters just in general and such a little tsundere uke he has to win.
Karl vs. Gavreel
This one is a bit harder. Ugh. Like, you could claim it for either one and also argue that neither one is exactly an uke... but I'm gonna give it to Gavreel. Mostly for levels of realism. Karl is just so realistic it's hard to call him an uke.
Tutor vs. Knock
Yeah, it's Tutor. He was tough as nails but he melted so nicely under Fighter's hands and just falls apart and gets sick without him and that's just... such an uke thing, okay? SUCH an uke thing.
Mico vs. Jaime
I had to go with Mico. I love Mico. He's such a darling and absolutely radiates gaybie in need of love energy at all times and I still desperately wish that Hello Stranger the movie had given him more of a chance at the end rather than a rush.
Reb vs. Jim
... It's Reb because Jim just annoyed me mostly. Also, Reb is tiny and adorable and has that super innocent gaybie energy that makes him a bit more real but also a bit more uke. I dunno, this is what I mean about the definition of uke. It's hard to pin down for me!
Tong vs. Folk
Look, I get it, I'm the only person who preferred IttPai to PureFolk. I GET IT. But that just means I'm gonna pick Tong because PokTong was the best pairing beside MarkKit and also holy shit sex and holy shit the love they share that they damaged and hurt so much together... ugh, uke energy be damned, I'm choosing my favorite.
Paii vs. Wayo (2moons2)
Yo is ultimate uke. He's such an uke is almost hurts. Like, he always wins this. Every time. No question or hesitation.
Beam vs. Kit (Both 2moons2)
Kit wins again. Because Kit is a tsundere uke and, frankly, 2moons2 Kit is even MORE of the perfect tsundere uke because he also melts. He melts so hard and so fast and it's adorable beyond belief.
Mon vs. Shi Gu
Sorry, Shi Gu, but Mon is such an uke. Like holy sheesh this boy. This most darling boy. He's tiny and gaybie and adorable and PORTABLE and yeah, he's super uke.
Chon vs. Mes
I'm gonna give it to Chon because he's just... a bit more? To me. He's more of an uke and I love him for it. Tough as nails uke boy with a lot of of darlingness. Yeah, just gotta go with my heart.
Masuk vs. Nuea
I might like Nuea more but I think Masuk has more uke vibes. They're still weak but they're there and I just gotta give it to my darling Masuk. He's so soft and needs so much love and a lot of care.
King vs. Third
Third is ultimate uke. Crying in a shower? Weeping over everything? Very protective friends? Yeah. YEAH. He wins this.
Puth vs. Boss (My Engineer)
Puth just isn't an uke to me. He's got different vibes. But Boss? Boss is an uke and adorable and he just wants to finally love Mek openly and honestly and just be held and goofy and ride on his back. And seriously, love the boy.
Kao (DBK) vs. Kao (Oxygen)
Ugh, this is hard because I'm not 100% on how much an uke Kao (Oxygen) is and I don't really think about DBK ever... I'll give it to Oxygen. I love Oxygen and I miss Kao.
Chol vs. Xingsi
Xingsi wings this by being the most take over uke ever, the one who definitely wants to be spoiled but also knows exactly how he wants to be spoiled and isn't afraid to show it. Gotta love him.
Mu Ren vs. Yu Hao (Crossing the Line)
I gotta give this to MuRen. CTL had almost no seme/uke energy but they definitely went harder in CTY. So... MuRen wins by virtue
Pete (LBC) vs. Fiat
Screw you, they're both ultimate ukes. Everybody wins!
Yeon Woo (Color Rush) vs. Ki Wan (Ryu's Wedding)
I had to go with Yeon Woo. Like, I had to. What a darling little uke who needed to be chased and needed to be convinced and needed to be saved from himself and the other people who love him.
Hin (Chance to Love) vs. Hin (Lovely Writer)
Lol, I had to go with Chance to Love because, like, look at that boy. He gave up everything in the hopes that his seme would be happy and just... what a tiny darling. Sadly, Hin didn't get any romance. So... outta luck, child.
Aey vs. Yi Chen (Obsessed)
Obsessed is just all about the seme/uke dynamic. I had to give it to Yi Chen. Like, had to. Absolutely had to.
Pao vs. Ake
Neither are my favorites but I have to give the uke energy to Pao. Ake is adorable and all but Pao just radiates that 'I'm a baby take care of me' energy, especially as a ghost.
Phai (Gen Y) vs. Wayu (Gen Y)
Yu is the most uke uke to ever uke. Seriously. What a baby. And he's such an uke he has two semes fighting over him! You can't get much more uke than that, let's be honest.
Day (Sotus S) vs. Zon (WhyRU)
Look, I gotta be honest, I mostly just watch the Kongpob and Arthit scenes of SOTUS S. But also... Zon. Zon is puppy uke. He is tiny, tiny puppy uke and I cannot deny him that title. He deserves it.
Typhoon vs. Mekhin (Close Friend)
I gotta give it to Typhoon. I still don't like that part very much and I just want to protect him from his boyfriend ignoring him and I think part of that is what makes him such an uke. I just want to protect him so badly.
Team vs. In
In's not an uke to me. But Team? I'm good with that. I can handle it. And he needs that care and that love. Also, as I say every time... Between Us must exist!
Guitar vs. Ray (Close Friend)
Gui beats Ray by a hair. BARELY at all. But I just love Gui and his darling softness and just his everything... Ugh, Gui definitely has uke energy.
Type (2gether) vs. Sang Ha (Mr. Heart)
I gotta go with SangHa. What a darling boy. Type is great and all but their relationship is much more equal than anything else. And SangHa is just... this boy who needs to be loved and cared for and then to run alongside his boyfriend.
Sheng Zhe (Right or Wrong) vs. Shao Fei
I gotta give it to Sheng Zhe. I love Shao Fei deeply but Sheng Zhe wins in terms of uke. Like, he's darling and family and sweet and full of love and I love him so much I cannot even.
Frong vs. Duen
Duen gets it, even if I view him as entire asexual and, frankly, more than a bit aromantic. I genuinely think he dislikes being in a committed relationship. But... uke energy? Yeah, he gives out more than Frong.
King vs. Sky (My Day)
King is way more uke than Sky because Sky isn't uke at all. My Day was amazing for having such no seme/uke dynamic, yo. But King? Yeah, he's got that energy with Ram.
Ou Wen vs. Minh Hoang
I'm gonna give this to Minh Hoang. Because Ou Wen isn't uke energy for me. But Minh Hoang has some. Neither of these shows really does the seme/uke energy, honestly. But I can lean a bit more towards Minh Hoang.
Can vs. Techno
I'm giving it to Can despite the unconventional nature of his relationship with Tin and the maturity they show through the show. But I love Can and the want to care for him and I want to protect him. And the more I want to protect a character, the more I go with uke. (Not that I'm a seme, I'm just a sunshine puppy disguised as a person.)
Yu Zhen vs. Bunn
I feel weird but I'm definitely giving it to Yu Zhen. I gotta. I can't help myself. He's such a darling young man who just needs to be taken care of by Shi Lei on every possible level. I mean, boy still doesn't know not to eat gummies. Seriously.
Bonus: (Ga On vs. Da On)
I have to give this to DaOn. I can't help myself. I get the same energy from Ga On but DaOn just sends me away with the need to protect him, seriously.
Holy shit that took me the entire length of The Boy Foretold by the Stars, fyi. BUT I DID IT.
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heretherebedork · 4 years ago
I am really looking forward to MuRen's reaction to all of this next week. Because I can't quite figure out what's going through his head. He was obviously surprised at LiChen introducing him to a girl and even more surprised when LiChen suggested that the two of them go to a movie alone.
But he's also surprised and unsure with the touches and attention Lichen is giving him. He's so sure it doesn't mean anything... is he trying to convince himself out of feelings or is he still not aware of his own love?
I need to know! I need to know if MuRen has been in love for ages and denying it or will he fall in love with LiChen slowly? Is MuRen going to stay in denial or will he accept LiChen's flirting?
Are we in for a courtship for the rest of the show or is going to be more of a pursuit?
... I want courtship, but I'm not counting on it. This show has not exactly proven itself to me.
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heretherebedork · 4 years ago
For all the issues of H4... I cannot deny that I absolutely love how protective LiCheng is of MuRen. He's so protective and so loving and their already deep friendship really does good things for me.
I adore characters who are protective and I adore characters who get protected, especially characters who act like they don't want it or don't seem to need it but really, really do at some point or, as it turns out, needed it all along.
We've still gotta see where this goes, of course.
But we're off to a strong start of the protectiveness.
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heretherebedork · 4 years ago
The Battle is back! And the Pining is back too! This time, the contestants are reshuffled and you, will decide who pines better and meets your standard. And the contestants are:
Kongpob vs. Bbomb
Mhok vs. Fiat
Kaeng vs. Mon
Kurosawa vs. Na
Third vs. Aey
Un vs. Chon
Mark vs. Pok
Puth vs. Tue
Kim Taehyung (Ryu's Wedding) vs. Sanha (Mr. Heart)
Pete (DBK) vs. Tann
Sarawat vs. Cairo
Mork vs. Fighter
Haoting vs. YongJie
Mek vs. Wayo (2moons2)
Forth vs. Thanu
Tri vs. Prab
Yu Hao (CTL) vs. Lichen
Shide vs. Nubsib
Ae vs. Tew (SOTUS S)
Kao (Oxygen) vs. Solo
Ming (2moons2) vs. Tum
Mes vs. In (UWMA)
Ram vs. Boss
Jedi (Close Friend) vs. Zon
Blue vs. Team (Y-Destiny)
Pi vs. Tsuge
Yeon Woo (Color Rush) vs. Jack (Trapped)
Man vs. Shin (3willbeFree)
Kang Gook vs. Ryu Ho Seon (Ryu's Wedding)
Tin vs. Kengkla
Mark (En of Love) vs. Wayu (Gen Y)
Phai (Gen Y) vs. Hin (LBC2)
Kongpob vs. Bbomb
This is a cruel, cruel choice. I love both of these boys so much and they have such similar stories and they work so well in their shows and I just love them so much. But I had to go with Kongpob in the end because, honestly, he had more room to pine because he's had so much more show to work with. But Bbomb is catching up quick with this last episode.
Mhok vs. Fiat
Fiat is just so good at pining. I just can't. Mhok got better in the special but he wasn't a good piner before that. He was much more toxic then Fiat ever was because Fiat was just going to hide away and never, ever talk about his feelings instead. So Fiat has to win. I love a piner who's willing to pine themselves away.
Kaeng vs. Mon
How do I choose?!? They're both so different at pining and so adorable and I love them both deeply in their own way. I think I have to go with Kaeng based on my four pillars of pining because he really does the best of filling them... sort of? They're both adorable, damnit.
Kurosawa vs. Na
Sorry, Na. Love you! But Kurosawa pretty much always wins. I cannot deny him anything. He always wins because he's the cutest and the softest and the most loving ever. So he wins without hesitation. Sorry! Love Na, though.
Third vs. Aey
This was hard but for the opposite reason of most of the others. Ugh. I went with Third because, I mean, pining? All the boy did was pine and cry in showers uselessly. Aey might have been pining but he was also too severely damaged to really pine in an enjoyable or healthy way.
Un vs. Chon
DAMN. This choice is interesting. I really do like Un's small and soft pining. But Chon. CHON. I love Chon so much and his tiny relationship trajectory and his adorableness. Plus, his pining is just fantastic.
Mark vs. Pok
Mark went more with pursuit than pining so I'm gonna give this to Pok. Pok gets to fuck Tong AND pine and it's absolutely fascinating honestly. I love him. Please let Gen Y season 2 exist sooner rather than later. I just want more of their mess!
Puth vs. Tue
... This is a rough choice because, honestly, I'm not sure how good either of their pining is. I went with Puth because he was pretty cute with Payu but it was still barely pining, honestly. And Tue is just... man, they were basically together in like 5 minutes y'all.
Kim Taehyung (Ryu's Wedding) vs. Sanha (Mr. Heart)
I gotta give it to Sanha. That boy's the happiest piner I've ever seen and he deserved all the joy in the world when he finally got his man. Taehyung was adorable and historical himbo beauty and he really was grand... but Sanha, yo, Sanha.
Pete (DBK) vs. Tann
Gotta give it to Tann. I gotta! He met him in university, never said anything and then managed to fall into him a second time. And got his adorable happy ending but with the perfect drama. Love a man who gets his man.
Sarawat vs. Cairo
I just don't like Sarawat that much. I also don't buy his pining. Sorry, y'all. Cairo was at least cute and I believed all of his emotions and all his feelings and his wants and needs and such. But Wat? Nope.
Mork vs. Fighter
No one loses to Mork. No one, ever, loses to Mork. It's impossible to lose a pining battle to a cardboard cutout. I would pick a character I didn't know over Mork. But I don't have to because I got Fighter! And I love Fighter! And Fighter's relationship with Tutor and his desperate pining and his need to get closer while still avoiding his feelings at all cost... I love him so much.
Haoting vs. YongJie
I am going with HaoTing despite my poor memory re: MODC because I remember adoring him and, frankly, YongJie made a better pursuer than piner because he was going to Get What He Wanted no matter what.
Mek vs. Wayo (2moons2)
I love Mek. I love Mek more than I should ever be allowed. Mek wins. Mek wins and I will miss him forever and ever and ever and ever and I love him. Sorry, Wayo. Also, Wayo, you're just a biiiit too much for my taste in the useless department. Sorry.
Forth vs. Thanu
Thanu can go to hell. At least Forth was cute and ended up happy. Thanu is just obnoxious.
Tri vs. Prab The Twins (Mab and Mob)
Ughhhhhh, do I have to chose? They both suck. The twins were the best piners in Brothers. So I declare them the winners instead! Sorry. Twins win!!!
Yu Hao (CTL) vs. Lichen
This one is close. But Lichen's soft and sad acceptance that he was just going to pine after Muren wins this for me. Yu Hao was adorable and wonderful, no denials. But Lichen's soft acceptance of his rejection? Was so good.
Shide vs. Nubsib
Another hard one! I wnet with ShiDe because his pining included a willingness to never have anything while Nubsib was like 'mine, this is going to be MINE and I will never give it up'. And I love pining that's willing to be unreciprocated.
Ae vs. Tew (SOTUS S)
I had to do Ae because, honestly, I don't remember Tew at all. SOTUS S is on my rewatch list for summer, okay? Promise! Also I love Ae and his feral demisexuality.
Kao (Oxygen) vs. Solo
I had to go with Kao. Kao's pining and pursuit are my favorite in the show. He learns to love bunnies! Come on! Solo was adorable and I love him and Gui deeply but Kao and Phu became my favorite.
Ming (2moons2) vs. Tum
Ming wins. Mings so hard it almost hurts. I love Ming, I love MingKit, I love boys who can melt a tsundere heart and I love a melted tsundere so much it almost hurts. Plus, Ming does a great job of pining and flirting.
Mes vs. In (UWMA)
In is not a piner. In is the opposite of a piner. In does not pine. In walks up to a guy everyone says is dangerous and asks him out on a date. Anyone wins over In because In doesn't pine. But Mes is also adorable.
Ram vs. Boss
This one is hard. I don't actually consider Boss to be a good piner. I feel like he missed the mark, especially in comparision to Mek. But Ram also isn't the most pining of characters. Though he definitely does better than Boss. So Ram it is!
Jedi (Close Friend) vs. Zon
I had to go with Jedi because Zon is more pursued than pining. He does do some, no denial. But Jedi is the best and adorable about his whole pining and every time he sees Ray he turns into a tiny incoherent creature of nothing but want and need. Love. LOVE>
Blue vs. Team (Y-Destiny)
I miss Blue. I wish we'd gotten a special for that couple as well as the SaifanZon special, honestly. Because they deserved so much better than COVID gave them. Also, Team
Pi vs. Tsuge
Tsuge wins. He was so adorable and useless. Just adorable. And his love of cats and delivery boys and awkwardness and the fact that, in the end, he learned how to communicate... I love him so much, okay?
Yeon Woo (Color Rush) vs. Jack (Trapped)
Gotta go with Color Rush every time. Jack is adorable but Yeon Woo wins all pining wars. Ugh, the pining in that show. So good. Such a god show.
Man vs. Shin (3willbeFree)
Nearly impossible choice. But I love and miss Shin, okay? He deserves this. He was so soft and so in love and so unsure and he deserved in in every way.
Kang Gook vs. Ryu Ho Seon (Ryu's Wedding)
I gotta give it to Kang Gook. He was willing to give up so much and so willing to just keep going and just... yeah. Sorry. I gotta give it to him.
Tin vs. Kengkla
KENGKLA IS CANCELED FOREVER. Tin wins because he is both adorable and absolutely useless. I mean, breaking Can's phone just to get his phone number? SO GOOD. So stupid. I love it so much. Also, Kengkla can burn in hell.
Mark (En of Love) vs. Wayu (Gen Y)
This was hard. But I had to go with Wayu. I just... I had to give this to him, okay? He's cute and he's soft and he might be useless and their relationship was never that great but like... he's cute? And healthier than Mark. I dunno, I never loved Mark.
Phai (Gen Y) vs. Hin (LBC2)
This one was rough. But I gotta give to Hin. I mean, damn. DAMN. I love Hin. And I love his story. And Phai just ended up in such a mess... Oof. At least Hin came to his adorable pining senses.
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heretherebedork · 4 years ago
Statements este quotes!
"His Smile is Blinding! Seriously i don't know what he's thinking!"
Kurosawa thinks this about Adachi and Adachi thinks this about Kurosawa and they're both right.
Bbomb says this about Jin sometimes, when he's being dreamy.
Keam thinks this about Ball constantly but would never, ever say it aloud. But it's a constantly ringing thought every time Ball smiles, a constant voice in his head when he see him.
LiChen discovers this about MuRen and just absolutely melts for him while talking to XingSi.
I feel like Leo thinks this about Fiat but would also never actually voice it, even after they're dating.
Mark and Ou Wen have also shared this thought.
Sun says this about Nuea at some point and then just stares at the person he says it too while turning bright, bright red and then flees the scene.
Kit admits this about Mark while extremely drunk and then denies it for the rest of his life.
Gun says this about Bar to anyone who'll listen.
Admittedly, with this one, I mostly went with the spirit of the quote than the actual quote, I'll admit.
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heretherebedork · 4 years ago
Aaanndd the Battle Royale is baccc! And the war is brewing again: Tsundere Edition: a bratty baby but deep inside needs tender with care lol. Aaandd the contestants are:
Shuyi vs. Gene
Tine vs. Pi
Arthit vs. Jin
Kit (2moons2) vs. Kit (Gen Y)
Team (UWMA) vs. Zon
Type (2gether) vs. Chon
Yeon Woo (Color Rush) vs. Luo Yin (Addicted)
Can vs. Duean
Fuse vs. Duen
Kao (DBK) vs. Mork (DBK)
Mes vs. Muren
ZhaoZi vs. ShaoFei
Nuea vs. Ake
Shuyi vs. Gene
Honestly... yeah, gotta go ShuYi on this one. Gene's like a tsundere light for me, he does his best but he's so obviously in need on love that everyone knows it but him. ShuYi was so tsundere and in denial and then when he broke? Hoo boy, his tsundere breaking point was SO GOOD. And they both turn into total softies.
Tine vs. Pi
I had to go with Pi in the end. Mostly because I feel Pi's tsundere style in my soul and because I feel like Pi has every right to be a tsundere as he damn well pleased. Also, Tine felt more 'denial and anxiety' than tsundere to me? I dunno.
Arthit vs. Jin
What a cruel choice! I love them both so much and they're both so perfect in their roles in the relationship... But I have to go with Arthit. Jin figured things out much, much quicker and was just less tsundere overall than Arthit was. Now, part of that is just when the show is being made but that's a different story that I don't know enough about.
Kit (2moons2) vs. Kit (Gen Y)
I love Gen Y but Kit from 2moons2 is the single best tsundere and has one of my favorite 'dropping the facade' moments of all time, no hesitation of denials. I just absolutely love him and the hard shell that finally cracked to show the softness within. Gen Y Kit never does that as thoroughly and though it works for him, definitely... 2moons2 Kit has to win for my taste.
Team (UWMA) vs. Zon
DAMN what a choice. How... how do I chose? I love them both! And they both try to be in denial. AND Zon turns into a literal puppy and Team was denied a story (PLEASE GIVE US BETWEEN US, BL GODS) and this choice is so hard... I think I have to go with Team, in the end, because of the tiny coffee scene at the end and the soft bed scenes... It's close, though. VERY close.
Type (2gether) vs. Chon
I don't think Cho in a tsundere. So Type wins because he 100% is a tsundere. No question or hesitation about that. And also because I love Type beyond all measure. What a good young man who finally gets his head on straight (lol) and goes soft for Man eventually.
Yeon Woo (Color Rush) vs. Luo Yin (Addicted)
Another hard one! But... but Color Rush! Yeon Woo! He has to win. He's the best, the absolute best, the finest tsundere who goes so, so far to try to escape his own feelings... ugh, yes.
Can vs. Duean
Love Can to death but Duean is the most tsundere idiot to ever idiot. Can also feels like a different kind of denial than Duean and just... less tsundere to me? I dunno. My tsundere vibes are a bit off sometimes.
Fuse vs. Duen
I really hate Duen, frankly. So we gotta give this to Fuse. Duen is just all booo and yuck and make him go away and Fuse is cute and softness and slowly realizes what he wants/needs and it's good. You know what, my favorite part of a tsundere character is when they break out of that shell.
Kao (DBK) vs. Mork (DBK)
Honestly, my memory of DBK is rough AF so... this is based on my not liking Mork as much as Kao.
Mes vs. Muren
I gotta go with MuRen. His thin, fragile icy shell was so easily shattered and it was so adorable and the way he nodded so tiny as LiChen talked to him? Yes. Yes, please, more of that.
ZhaoZi vs. ShaoFei
Neither of these boys are a tsundere. They're not. ZZ is the softest boy in the world and ShaoFei confesses first and tries to win TangYi over. Nope. No tsundere here. Love them, though!
Nuea vs. Ake
I question if Nuea is truely a tsundere... but I like him so much than Ake. I had to give this to him. I should probably rewatch eps 1+2, though. I feel like I barely remember TueAke at this point...
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heretherebedork · 4 years ago
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This is all I want from the show and I need it to happen. WHY must I find interviews to see this!?!? MAKE IT CANON. Why did we not get to see LiChen carry MuRen to bed? WHYYY. Show me this canonically. Give me them doing this in the show. PLEASE, H4, PLEASE. Why have we been denied this joy?
Bonus tiny gif of them making eye contact:
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