#demonslayer kocho
weirdcaterpillar · 1 month
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Kanae Kocho doodles
And a manga panel redraw with few words cuz I aint writing alatt☝️🐛
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dan-i98a · 3 months
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This doesn't belong to me .
She weights so light 😭💓
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angelhqloo · 2 months
Demon slayer Beach house event chibi png 2
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reallybadknymemes · 6 months
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theyre adding a female of the same species to my enclosure soon. really excited
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zafill · 1 month
Demon slayer pt.2
WARNINGS!!: self-harm, fights, bad thoughts.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The air was thick with the scent of pine and the lingering warmth of a setting sun. Five years had passed since Kagaya Ubuyashiki had taken me in, and in those years, I had changed. I was no longer the scared, broken child who had been dragged across the cold ground by a mother who wished she had never given birth to me. That girl was gone, buried beneath layers of strength and determination that I had forged with my own hands. 
In the beginning, the other recruits had received guidance, training, and instruction from seasoned Demon Slayers. But not me. I had always been different, set apart by my past and the darkness that still clung to me. I had learned early on that if I wanted to survive, I would have to rely on myself. And so, I trained alone. 
Every morning, before the sun had even risen, I would leave the camp and head deep into the forest. There, in the silence of the early hours, I taught myself the ways of the blade. My katana became my closest companion, its cold steel an extension of my will. I learned to move with precision, to strike with speed, and to endure pain with a stoicism that came naturally after years of suffering. 
The forest became my teacher, the rustling leaves and the calls of distant birds my only company. I would practice for hours, my body moving through the forms I had observed the other trainees perform.  
When I wasn’t practicing my swordsmanship, I was honing my physical strength—running, climbing, pushing my body to its absolute limits. I knew that I had to be stronger, faster, and more resilient than anyone else if I was going to make it as a Demon Slayer 
One day, as the sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the forest floor, I was deep in my routine. I had just completed a particularly grueling series of strikes against a makeshift wooden dummy when I sensed a presence behind me. Startled, I whirled around, my katana raised defensively, only to find Kagaya Ubuyashiki standing a short distance away. 
His appearance took me by surprise. His hair, a cascade of dark waves, framed a face that was both gentle and severe. His eyes, or rather, the one eye that was still unclouded, observed me with a mixture of curiosity and understanding. The other eye was obscured by a faint, purplish mass, a sign of the blindness that was slowly creeping across his vision. He was not yet fully blind, but the signs were there, a reminder of the burden he carried as the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps. 
“Master Ubuyashiki,” I breathed, lowering my sword and bowing respectfully. I hadn’t expected him to come so far into the forest, much less during my training. 
He smiled softly, the kind of smile that held both warmth and sadness. “You’ve grown much, (Y/N). Your dedication is evident in every movement you make.” 
I felt a flush of pride at his words but quickly suppressed it, focusing instead on the humility I had learned to adopt. “Thank you, Master. I’ve been training hard.” Kagaya nodded, his expression shifting slightly, as if he was about to share something important. “Your progress has not gone unnoticed, and I am pleased to see how far you’ve come on your own.  
But I have another reason for coming here today, (Y/N). We have a new member joining the Demon Slayer Corps, and I wanted you to be among the first to know.” 
A new member? My curiosity piqued as I wondered who this person might be and why Kagaya had chosen to share this news with me personally. 
“His name is Gyomei Himejima,” Kagaya continued, his voice filled with a quiet respect. “He is a man of great strength and even greater compassion. Though blind, his senses are extraordinarily sharp, and he has a deep connection with the world around him. He possesses an unmatched inner strength that I believe will be invaluable to our cause.” 
I listened intently, intrigued by this new addition to the Corps. A blind man with such strength and presence—it was both surprising and inspiring. I wondered what kind of person Gyomei must be to earn Kagaya’s high praise. 
But as Kagaya continued to speak, a knot of unease began to form in my chest. “Gyomei has faced many challenges in his life,” Kagaya went on, “but he has emerged from them with a heart full of kindness and a spirit unbreakable by the hardships he’s endured. I believe that the two of you could learn much from each other.” 
His words were meant to reassure me, to make me feel a sense of camaraderie with this new member, but instead, they stirred something dark and unwelcome inside me—an emotion I hadn't expected to feel: jealousy. 
Kagaya had always been a guiding light in my life, the closest thing I had to a father. He had taken me in when I was lost, nurtured my potential, and given me a purpose. I was the first person he had "adopted" into this strange, new family of Demon Slayers, and in many ways, I had come to think of him as mine alone. The idea of someone else stepping into that space, especially someone as remarkable as Gyomei, made me feel threatened. 
I tried to suppress the bitterness rising in my throat, but it was difficult. Kagaya had always been kind and supportive, never showing favoritism, yet the thought of sharing his attention and approval with someone else made me irrationally hostile. I didn’t want to feel this way, but I couldn’t help it. It was as though this new member, despite having done nothing wrong, was somehow encroaching on the bond I had so carefully built with Kagaya. 
"Master," I began hesitantly, trying to keep my voice steady, "are you sure... are you sure we need someone like him? I mean, with his blindness and everything, won’t he be at a disadvantage?" 
Kagaya’s expression softened, as if he could see right through my facade, recognizing the fear and insecurity I was trying so hard to hide. “(Y/N),” he said gently, “Gyomei’s blindness is not a weakness. If anything, it has made him stronger, more attuned to the world in ways we might never understand. But I can see that you’re worried.” 
As Kagaya continued speaking, my irritation grew, feeding on the sense of encroachment that Gyomei's arrival represented. The calm demeanor I had worked so hard to cultivate began to fray, replaced by a surge of anger and resentment I couldn't quite control. My hands clenched into fists, and I struggled to keep my voice steady. 
“Master,” I said, my tone sharper than I intended, “I appreciate your confidence in this Gyomei Himejima, but I don't see why we need to bring in someone new right now. We’ve been managing fine on our own, haven’t we?” 
Kagaya’s smile faltered slightly, his gentle gaze assessing me with a mixture of concern and sadness. “(Y/N), it is not just about our current capabilities. Gyomei possesses unique qualities that will be invaluable to our mission. His strength is not diminished by his blindness; rather, it has been shaped by it.” 
I could feel my pulse quickening, the anger bubbling up despite my efforts to suppress it. “But why does he have to come here now? Why can't we just stick to what we know? Adding someone new... it’s disruptive. I’ve worked so hard to prove myself here, and now it feels like it’s all being undermined.” 
Kagaya’s eyes softened with understanding, but his expression remained steady. “(Y/N), it’s natural to feel apprehensive about change, especially when it feels like it threatens what you’ve worked so hard to build. But remember, the strength of the Corps comes from our unity, from our ability to accept and support each other. Gyomei is not here to diminish your place but to enhance our collective strength.” 
My jaw tightened, and I struggled to maintain control over my emotions. “I just— I don’t want to feel like I’m being replaced or overlooked. I’ve worked so hard for this, and it feels like now I have to compete with someone who is being praised for qualities I don’t understand.” Kagaya's gaze grew more intense, though his voice remained calm and reassuring. “(Y/N), you are a part of the Ubuyashiki family. You are like a daughter to me. Your place here is not in jeopardy. No one can replace you or diminish the importance of what you’ve accomplished. You are needed, just as much as ever.” 
Despite his heartfelt words, I felt a storm of frustration brewing inside me. The notion of being told I was needed, while comforting, seemed insufficient in the face of my growing insecurity. I felt as though Kagaya’s assurances could not bridge the gap between what I had come to believe and the reality he was presenting. 
“I’m sorry, Master,” I said, my voice thick with frustration. “I appreciate what you’re saying, but it’s hard to just accept that everything will stay the same. It feels like everything I’ve worked for is being overshadowed by someone who hasn’t even proven himself yet.” 
Kagaya’s expression did not waver. He stepped closer, his voice carrying a gentle firmness. “(Y/N), I know this is difficult. Change often is. But your value is not determined by how you compare to others. It is inherent in who you are and what you’ve done. You have a unique place in this family, and no one, not even Gyomei, can take that away from you.” 
Years had passed, and with each new addition to the Demon Slayer Corps, my sense of displacement and hostility grew. The family I once thought was my own had expanded beyond recognition, and with every new face, I felt a little more like an outsider in the world I had fought so hard to be a part of. 
When Gyomei Himejima joined, his presence had been intimidating but not unwelcome. He was a reminder of the change Kagaya had spoken of, the new dynamic I had to adapt to. I had grudgingly accepted him, though it took time for me to see his value. The same could not be said for every new member that followed. 
Tengen Uzui, with his flamboyant demeanor and larger-than-life personality, seemed to clash with everything I valued. His bravado grated on me, and I struggled to understand his place in our ranks. His presence felt like an intrusion into a space that was already crowded with my insecurities. 
Sanemi Shinazugawa arrived with a fierce intensity that mirrored my own frustrations. His abrasive nature and fierce attitude seemed to resonate with my own feelings of anger and resentment. It was as if his presence was a reflection of my own hostility, magnified. 
Kyojuro Rengoku brought a fiery passion that was undeniably inspiring but also made me feel inadequate. His unwavering optimism and dedication seemed to cast a shadow on my own struggles. I felt a growing sense of competition, a fear that I would never measure up to his bright, burning spirit. 
Giyu Tomioka, stoic and reserved, was a calming presence but also a constant reminder of the expectations I struggled to meet. His quiet strength was both reassuring and intimidating, a contrast to my own volatile emotions. 
Mitsuri Kanroji arrived with a warmth and kindness that was difficult to reconcile with my own growing bitterness. Her gentle demeanor and unyielding support seemed to highlight my own struggles to connect with the others. 
Obanai Iguro’s strict discipline and unwavering commitment to the Corps served as a constant reminder of the standards I felt I was failing to meet. His dedication, though admirable, only deepened my own insecurities. 
Muichiro Tokito, with his enigmatic and detached nature, was a mystery I struggled to understand. His aloofness felt like a barrier to the camaraderie I longed for, and his presence seemed to accentuate my own sense of alienation. 
Despite my efforts to push past my feelings of resentment, I found it increasingly difficult to accept the growing number of members. The constant influx of new faces only heightened my sense of isolation, making it harder for me to find my place within the expanding Corps. 
Tengen Uzui was hard to ignore—everything about him was larger than life. From the flamboyant way he dressed to the booming voice that seemed to command attention wherever he went. He was always at the center of everything, with a confidence that bordered on arrogance. For someone like me, who had spent so much time in quiet solitude, his presence was overwhelming. 
One afternoon, as I was practicing alone in a secluded part of the forest, I heard the unmistakable sound of his voice cutting through the air. Even before he came into view, I could feel the vibrations of his footsteps, heavy and deliberate. My sensitive ears twitched in irritation. 
"(Y/N)!" he called out, his tone bright and enthusiastic as he approached. "Why are you always hiding away in the shadows? Come join us, we’re all family, you know!" 
I grimaced, trying to focus on the movements of my sword rather than the intrusive sound of his voice. Tengen wasn’t someone you could easily ignore, though. He strolled right up to me, his presence impossible to overlook. 
“I’m not hiding,” I replied curtly, keeping my eyes on the blade in my hands. “I’m training.” 
He chuckled, a deep, resonant sound that made my ears ring. “Training alone is fine and all, but it’s no fun if you never get to show off what you’ve learned. You should come spar with us sometime—let’s see what you’ve got.” 
His words were friendly, even encouraging, but to me, they felt like a challenge. The thought of sparring with someone like Tengen, with all his bravado and flair, made my stomach twist. It wasn’t that I feared losing; it was the idea of being under his scrutiny, of having to endure his overbearing energy. 
“I prefer to train by myself,” I said, trying to keep my tone polite but firm. 
Tengen tilted his head, his expression curious. “You know, you’re way too serious for your own good. Lighten up a little! We’re all here to support each other, not compete. What’s the point of being so isolated?” I narrowed my eyes at Tengen’s remark, a spark of annoyance flaring up. His relentless optimism and insistence on camaraderie grated on my nerves. “Maybe some of us don’t need to be surrounded by people to feel validated,” I shot back, my voice carrying a sharp edge. “Not everyone thrives on being the center of attention.” 
Tengen raised an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by my snarky tone. But instead of backing off, he smirked, a glint of mischief in his eyes. “Oh, is that what this is about? You’re just too cool for the rest of us, huh? Or maybe you’re just worried you won’t measure up?” He leaned in a little closer, his voice dropping to a teasing whisper.  
“You know, for someone who’s supposed to be part of the Ubuyashiki family, you don’t really look the part.” 
That was the last straw. 
The blood rushed to my face, and before I could stop myself, I exploded. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I shouted, my voice shaking with fury. “You think because I don’t look like them, I don’t belong? I’ve fought for my place here every single day! I’ve bled for it! And you—” I jabbed a finger toward his chest, “you have no idea what it’s like to feel like you don’t belong anywhere! You with your perfect family, your perfect everything!” 
Tengen’s playful expression faltered as he realized he’d struck a nerve, but I wasn’t done. 
“You have no idea what it’s like to be taken in out of pity, to constantly feel like you have to prove you’re worth the space you take up! So don’t you dare stand there and question my place in this family just because I don’t fit your picture of what it should look like!” My voice rose with each word, the frustration and pain I had kept buried for so long finally erupting in a torrent of emotion. "You think it's easy, don't you? Being surrounded by people who were born into this, who have families and histories that tie them to this cause? You think I haven't noticed how everyone looks at me, how they wonder why Kagaya chose someone like me?" 
I was dimly aware of others gathering around, drawn by the commotion. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw familiar faces—Gyomei, Sanemi, Mitsuri, and the others—watching with various degrees of surprise and concern. But I couldn’t stop now, not when all the hurt and anger I had bottled up for so long was finally spilling out. 
“And you, Tengen,” I continued, my voice cracking as I fought to keep the tears at bay, “you with your flashy demeanor and your perfect life, you stand there and judge me? Do you have any idea what it feels like to be constantly reminded that you don’t belong? To know that every time you walk into a room, people are wondering why you’re even here?” 
Tengen, who had been so confident and carefree just moments before, looked stunned. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. The others looked just as shocked, their eyes wide as they listened to me unleash years of pent-up frustration and insecurity. 
“I’ve fought tooth and nail to be where I am,” I went on, my voice trembling with emotion. “I’ve trained alone, bled alone, cried alone, all because I didn’t want to be a burden. I’ve seen how the rest of you bond, how you look out for each other, and I’ve never once felt like I was truly part of that. And now—now you’re telling me I don’t even look like I belong?” 
The silence that followed was deafening. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I stared at Tengen, daring him to say something, anything. The weight of everyone’s eyes on me only made the tension more unbearable, but I couldn’t bring myself to look away. 
Finally, Tengen took a step back, his face serious and his voice low. “(Y/N), I didn’t mean to make you feel like that. I was just… I was just trying to understand.” 
But I wasn’t done. The presence of the other Hashira, the ones who had unknowingly made me feel like an outsider, only fueled the fire inside me. “Understand?” I scoffed bitterly. “You can’t understand. None of you can. You all have your places, your roles, your families. But me? I’m just the stray Kagaya took in. The one who doesn’t fit, no matter how hard I try.” My voice trembled as I continued, the words tumbling out like a dam that had finally burst. “You think you know pain? You think you understand what it’s like to be unwanted?” I could feel the tears welling up, but I refused to let them fall. I needed them to hear this, to understand why I could never just fit in like the rest of them. 
“My father… my so-called father, wasn’t even really mine,” I spat, the bitterness seeping into my tone. “He was a drunk who hated the sight of me because I wasn’t his. My mother—she had me with some man she hooked up with, and when my father found out, he made my life a living hell. He couldn’t stand to look at me, to touch me. And when I tried to reach out, to be a part of their lives, do you know what they did?” 
I held up my hands, the scars still faintly visible from where the boiling water had seared my skin so many years ago. “They poured boiling water over my hands. They told me I was filthy, disgusting, that I didn’t deserve to touch them. They wanted to destroy me, to break me, and they almost did. But I survived. I survived all of it, and for what?” 
The others were silent, their expressions a mix of shock and horror as they listened to the ugly truth of my past. But I couldn’t stop now, not when everything I had buried for so long was finally coming to the surface. 
“My real father didn’t want me either,” I continued, my voice cracking. “I found him once, and he looked at me like I was nothing. Like I was a mistake he wished he could erase. And my mother, she was no better. She sold me to Kagaya for 5000 yen, like I was just some piece of trash she needed to get rid of.” 
My chest heaved with the effort of holding back my sobs, but I forced myself to keep going. “So don’t stand there and tell me I belong here, or that you understand. You don’t know what it’s like to be cast aside by everyone who was supposed to love you, to have to fight every day just to prove you’re worth something. Kagaya�� he saved me, but even now, I feel like I’m just that unwanted child he took in out of pity.” 
I finally let the tears fall, unable to hold them back any longer. “I’ve been fighting my whole life, not just against demons, but against this feeling that I’ll never be enough. That no matter what I do, I’ll always be the girl who wasn’t wanted, who didn’t belong.” 
The weight of my confession hung in the air, heavy and oppressive. The Hashira stood there, their faces pale with the realization of just how deep my wounds ran. They had seen me as strong, maybe even intimidating, but now they saw the broken pieces beneath the surface. 
“Maybe… maybe I don’t belong here,” I whispered, the words barely audible as I finally let the despair take hold. “Maybe I never did.” 
The warm glow of lanterns filled the dining hall of the Ubuyashiki estate, casting a soft light on the low table where Kagaya and Amane Ubuyashiki sat, waiting for the evening meal to be served. The gentle hum of conversation from their children filled the room, but there was an undercurrent of unease that neither Kagaya nor Amane could ignore. 
Kagaya’s usually serene expression was tinged with concern as he glanced at the empty space at the table. “(Y/N) hasn’t arrived yet,” he murmured, his voice gentle but laced with worry. “She’s never this late.” 
Amane nodded, her eyes reflecting the same concern. “It’s unusual for her to miss dinner. She’s always been so diligent about joining us, no matter how intense her training.” 
Their children, who had been quietly conversing among themselves, began to notice the absence of their elder sister. One of the younger girls, a delicate child with soft, dark hair, looked up at her parents with wide, innocent eyes. “Where’s big sister?” she asked, her voice small and worried. “Is she okay?” 
Kagaya reached out to gently pat his daughter’s head, offering her a reassuring smile. “I’m sure she’s fine, my dear. Perhaps she’s still out training and lost track of time.” 
But even as he spoke the words, a sense of unease settled over him. (Y/N) had always been a pillar of strength within their family, someone who, despite her struggles, had always made an effort to be there for her younger siblings. Her absence now felt like a dark cloud over what was usually a peaceful evening. 
Amane rose from her seat, smoothing her kimono as she did. “I’ll go check on her,” she said softly Amane was halfway to the door when Mitsuri Kanroji burst into the dining hall, her usually serene expression now marked by a flurry of worry and urgency. “I’m so sorry for interrupting,” she began breathlessly, her cheeks flushed from running. “But something’s happening, and I thought you should know right away.” 
Kagaya and Amane exchanged a glance, their concern deepening. “What is it, Mitsuri?” Kagaya asked, his voice steady but laced with apprehension. 
Mitsuri’s eyes were wide with alarm. “(Y/N) and Tengen… they’re fighting. It’s not just a verbal argument. It’s a full-on hand-to-hand fight. They’re outside, and it looks like it’s getting out of control.” 
The room fell silent as Kagaya’s face hardened with determination. He stood abruptly, the calm demeanor he usually projected replaced by a stern urgency. “Amane, stay with the children,” he instructed. “I’ll handle this.” 
Amane nodded, her face pale but resolute. “Please, be careful.” 
Kagaya and Mitsuri hurried outside, the cool evening air hitting their faces as they made their way toward the training grounds. The sounds of grunts and the clash of limbs grew louder, guiding them to the scene of the confrontation. As Kagaya and Mitsuri approached the training grounds, the sounds of the fight grew louder, their urgency pushing them faster. They rounded a corner to find (Y/N) and Tengen locked in a fierce struggle, their movements a whirlwind of punches, kicks, and defensive maneuvers. 
Tengen was clearly showing signs of exhaustion, his breathing ragged and his stance unsteady. His speed, which had been his advantage, was faltering under the relentless assault from (Y/N). Despite his agility, he was struggling to keep up with the sheer intensity of (Y/N)’s assault. 
(Y/N) was equally battered, her face streaked with sweat and dirt, her breathing heavy but determined. Her eyes were focused, each strike driven by a mix of anger and frustration. Her movements were fierce and precise, each punch and kick a testament to her inner turmoil. 
Kagaya stepped forward, his voice cutting through the chaos. “Enough!” His tone was commanding, carrying the weight of authority that both combatants could not ignore. 
For a moment, both (Y/N) and Tengen paused, their bodies freezing mid-action as they turned toward Kagaya. The intensity of their fight still lingered in the air, but the immediate clash of fists and feet ceased. 
Kagaya’s eyes softened with a blend of concern and disappointment as he took in the sight before him. “This is not the way to resolve your conflicts,” he said, his voice steady but heavy with emotion. “We are a family, and families support one another, even in times of disagreement.” 
Tengen, breathing heavily and visibly wounded, looked down, his face flushed with both anger and regret. “I’m sorry,” he managed to say, his voice hoarse. “I didn’t mean to push her so far.” 
(Y/N) stood there, her chest heaving as she struggled to regain control of her emotions. Her anger had dissipated, leaving behind a raw vulnerability that was difficult to hide. She looked at Kagaya, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. As Kagaya called out to (Y/N), trying to bridge the gap that had formed, she ignored him, her steps quick and purposeful. The weight of the confrontation, combined with the emotional strain she had been carrying, propelled her forward with an urgency that left no room for pause. 
Her room was her sanctuary, a place where she could hide from the eyes of others and the expectations placed upon her. She rushed through the hallway, her heart pounding in her chest, and threw open the door with a force that made it slam against the wall. 
Inside, she collapsed onto her bed, burying her face in her hands as the tears she had fought so hard to contain finally spilled forth. The raw vulnerability that had been exposed during the fight now gave way to an overwhelming sense of despair. She had always prided herself on her strength, but in that moment, she felt utterly defeated. 
As the tears streamed down (Y/N)’s face, the weight of her own anguish became unbearable. Her room, once a refuge, now felt like a prison, enclosing her in her darkest thoughts. She buried her face in her hands, the raw emotion making her shoulders shake with each sob. 
In her desperation, (Y/N) reached for a pot she kept hidden in the corner of her room. It was a vessel she had used in the past to punish herself—a cruel reminder of the torment she had endured. She filled it with water from the small kettle she kept on a low flame and watched as it began to heat. The steam rising from it seemed almost to mock her, a cruel echo of the suffering she had faced. 
The minutes ticked by painfully slow, each one amplifying her internal struggle. Finally, she lifted the pot, her hands trembling with both anger and fear. The boiling water sloshed ominously, a dark promise of the pain she was about to inflict upon herself. 
She hesitated, her breath catching in her throat. The old scars of her past—her mother’s harsh punishment, her father’s neglect—flared up in her mind. The boiling water was more than just a tool of self-harm; it was a symbol of everything she wished to escape but felt unable to. 
In a moment of bleak determination, (Y/N) held the pot over her hands. The thought of finally ridding herself of the hands that had once been subjected to such cruelty was almost seductive. Yet, a part of her clung to the hope that there might still be a way out of the darkness that had consumed her. Her grip tightened on the pot, the steam curling around her hands and face as she wrestled with the decision. The weight of her past pressed down on her with unbearable force, and in her mind, the boiling water symbolized a final escape from the relentless torment of her memories. 
With a shuddering breath, (Y/N) tilted the pot, and the searing hot water cascaded over her hands. The immediate pain was intense, a white-hot agony that sent sharp cries escaping her lips. The sensation of the scalding water was like a cruel echo of the suffering she had felt throughout her life. 
As the water flowed, the agony became a paradoxical release—a physical manifestation of the emotional pain she had struggled to articulate. The searing heat burned not just her flesh but also her heart, giving a fleeting, tangible form to the suffering she had been grappling with in silence. 
The burning sensation intensified, and (Y/N) gasped, her eyes widening in shock and torment. She dropped the pot, the remaining water splashing onto the floor, leaving her hands red and blistered. The pain was blinding, almost overwhelming, but in its brutal clarity, it forced her to confront the depth of her self-destructive desperation. 
pt.3? anyone??
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sugoi-writes · 1 year
KNY HCs - A Surprise Kiss! (Hashiras + Kamado Crew) Part 1
Prompt: You give them a kiss unexpectedly; how do they react, when they like you back?
A/N: This is Part 1! This part includes Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Rengoku, Giyuu, Shinobu, and Sanemi. Next part will include the rest of the Hashira, Nezuko, and Genya.
Some of these have implied less-fluffy notes, but nothing explicit/over the top.
Let's be honest, he would internally be a mess. He would try hiding it, but his face would flush and give himself away. He would hastily touch the spot you kissed him (whether his cheek, lips, forehead, etc.), eyes beaming.
"S-Sorry, I wasn't expecting that...!" Unprompted, he would take you by the wrist if you were trying to walk away," W-Wait!!! Let me return the favor!!!" Mentally, it's like you're proposing to him. This boy takes you and your love VERY seriously!!!
One kiss becomes MANY. He isn't overtly the PDA type, but makes it his goal to sneak up or surprise you with it every once in a while. Especially before big missions.
He becomes more protective of you, like Nezuko, and always makes the time to kiss you good morning, and kiss you goodnight. It's a routine that he will live by, and love by, as long as he can have you. Domestic vibes, for sure.
Let's be for real: you already know what happens. But let's get into it anyway:
Similar to Tanjiro, he goes to touch the spot you kissed him at," Ehh?? Ehhh?? Y/N-san??? Was that real-- just now?!" He's stammering, blushing vibrantly. You may have to kiss him again just to keep him from spiraling with questions.
He would be a mess under your kisses/touch. He would be all over you in a SECOND, clinging to your arm, his arms wrapped around your waist: anyway he can be close/touching you, he will. He makes it his mission to never leave your side again.
He becomes heavily protective of you: to the point he has "The Talk" with Tanjiro and Inosuke. He'd be warning them that if they try to make a move: he'd kill them (all jokes... for SURE). He's spunky and fiery, but as soon as you get a hold of him, he's putty in your hands.
He gets a far off look on his face, before snapping back to reality," WHAT WAS THAT?!"
You'd have to explain it properly for it to sink in. And even then, it may take a few times for it to really click. He would have to talk through it, OUT LOUD, even if other people were around.
"So it's not an attack; it's meant to be a good gesture... Friends don't normally do it, but there is a stage ABOVE friends that do all the time... it's disarming, but it's STILL not an attack or a way to parry..." Inosuke would grab you by the shoulders, shaking you.
You explain that the boar mask would have to come off for that to be effective. Then his resilience would deflate, but he'd get the picture. Can't go around kissing demons...
But he DOES do it to you. It becomes a game to him. Almost like rough housing/fighting... Whenever you're in a compromising position, whenever you're doing chores or tasks, even before a big mission: Inosuke always surprises you with a kiss.
Again, one becomes many... and soon enough he deduces that there's a reason you only kiss him... so in return, he'll save his kisses for you.
His large eyes, normally unblinking and brilliant, twitch. He would blink a moment or two, looking up/down to you.
"Ahh! Thank you, friend! That is very sweet!" You would have to explain that you had feelings that stemmed PAST friendship.
"...OH. Ohh, goodness... well-- nothing is more valuable than companionship. I am honored that you've considered me."
He would wrap his arms around you so quickly, spin you around and kiss you deeply.
"Allow me to choose you, too!! I choose... to be with you!!!" Be careful. Similar to Tanjiro, it almost feels like a proposal. 
He would usually be his normal self around you, but would go out of his way to kiss you. Especially before big missions or summons. He would make the time to see you and be with you, even if it was a detriment to himself. Whenever he kisses you, he locks you in somehow: by a hug, a two-handed caress of your face, or even by locking his legs around you... (This last part is mostly if he's sitting down)
Like it or not, his kisses are as fiery as his spirit: it's VERY easy to get worked up for the both of you. It's like Lays: you can't have just ONE.
Similar to Rengoku, he would be taken by surprise. You would see his eyebrow move slightly, or his eyes widen a touch. Even with him being super dense emotionally, the dots connect for him instantly.
"O-Ohh..." More than usual, he's basically speechless. But leave it to him to practically sweep you off your feet with a kiss in return. He takes it seriously.
You started it. And now he won't let you go a day without at least a few kisses, heated or tame.
Much like Inosuke, he would go out of his way to find you and kiss you. But unlike some of the others, he won't shy away from doing it in front of others. He doesnt give a FUCK if they see, make fun of you two, etc. A kiss is a kiss, and hes gonna have one with you whether they care or not.
Some think it's on purpose, to show the other Hashira that he has friends AND more. But Giyuu is just REALLY touch starved. And he REALLY likes you.
His kisses are intense, especially before a big trip or mission. It's hard not to get into something more when he comes for you. He practically makes your legs give out, and he has held you the few times they have.
His kisses are dangerous. Be careful with this one. Especially if you aren't alone...
"Hmm? Did you need something--"
When you kiss her, she wordlessly kissing you back, smiling," Ahh~ you're so sweet, Y/N-san!"
At first, she thinks you're just overly friendly or affectionate (similar to Mitsuri). But she starts to get it once it starts to happen more often.
Her kisses are interesting. She kisses you places that are a bit off-kilter. The knuckles on your hands, the tip of your nose, close to a spot where she had to stick/poke you for blood.... she kisses you most everywhere, but hardly ever on your lips.
She's not the type to show PDA: she'll hardly ever do it. But when she does want to kiss you directly, she's making excuses to sneak you away and do it privately. It's a very intimate thing for her, and she doesnt want to feel prying eyes. It's hard for her, especially at the Butterfly Estate, but she warms up to you and PDA after a while.
Her kisses are featherlight. And though few and far between, she makes them count.
"...what're you on about--?"
Oh. Oh shit.
When the kiss ends, the air immediately becomes tense. Heat rises in his face and ears almost instantly, as he takes you by your wrist. If you're not already in a private place, he takes you to one and nearly slams you against a wall.
"...what're you trying to play at here?" Similar to Inosuke and Rengoku, you'd have to explain yourself. While his body language is guarded and on the offensive, the blush betrays him. He's smitten. He's ALWAYS been smitten. But hearing your words and the way you say them really nails in the fact that you aren't joking, and that you're not trying to get him embarrassed or anything. You GENUINELY like him.
Similar to Giyuu, his kisses are dangerous. Which is why they're usually received or given in private. He HAS held you up before because his kisses can get pretty steamy. But he's also given you kisses so sincere and sweet that it makes you relax enough to fall asleep with your head on his shoulder.
He's a man of many words and actions: most of which are aggressive or crass. But he saves the nicest things for you when you're alone.
But be wary: if it's been a while since your last kiss, especially due to missions: just know it's coming. And when it does, it'll be REALLY hard to stop.
End of Part 1
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ruggedmountainboy · 1 month
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If you’re still doing Demon Slayer requests, would it be alright to ask for a Shinobu x male reader where the reader is also a demon slayer who’s a bit too confident in their skills?
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Yandere Shinobu Kocho x Cocky Male Reader 
You really grate her nerves 
The way you so easily swagger into the room full of Hashira
Or how you casually dismiss her when it comes time to fight
She grows to like you more when you don’t underestimate her
…Next to hyping your own self up
“Your pride will be your undoing.”
“Look, bug babe, nothing wrong with a bit of confidence.”
She finds herself falling for you as you put yourself in the line of fire to help her
And should you decide to woo her 
She reluctantly sosheclaims agrees to be with you 
Sighing and maybe lightly smacking your head when your overconfidence gets to be too much
But where she takes a turn is when your overconfidence fails you
Whether you delusionally claim to have been doing it for your youngers or genuinely refuse to acknowledge the condition you are in
You’re injured and with the way you talk you don’t seem to acknowledge that fact
Which she can’t have 
As a doctor and your lover self-proclaimed or not
She can’t stand to watch this any longer
“Oh dear, your mere broken arm has weakened your immune system. Now you’ll be bedridden for the rest of the season. What. A. Shame.”
She gets especially happy when your cockiness begins to fade
Too exhausted, too delirious, whatever it is you can’t fight her anymore
So while you’re bedridden she might work on that personality of yours
Maybe reach some common ground
“Now (Y/n) who wears the pants in this relationship? Depending on your answer I will be injecting you with your medicine instead of orally giving it. So who is it?”
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astro-can · 1 year
leave giyu alone 😭
giyu: *is sharpening his sword*
shinobu: ara ara, tomioka-san! why are you sharpening your sword alone? is it because you have no friends?
sabito, from heaven, looking down at shinobu: SAY THAT AGAIN TO MY FACE YOU MOTHERFUCKING PIECE OF SHIT
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16-tinyravens · 3 months
Demon shinobu 🦋🐦‍⬛
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Sorry for the messy drawings I'm about to take a nap.🐦‍⬛
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muteshortgirl · 1 year
When They Confess
Slightly Cheesy?
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Shinobu Kocho- Fragrance of Love
One sunny day, Shinobu invites the reader for a walk through a serene and picturesque garden. As they stroll amidst the vibrant flowers and delicate butterflies, Shinobu's heart races with nervous anticipation. She takes a deep breath and musters the courage to express her feelings.
Stopping near a tranquil koi pond, Shinobu turns to the reader with a soft smile. Her eyes, shimmering with warmth, meet theirs. She begins to speak, her voice filled with sincerity and affection.
"Ever since we met, you've brought so much brightness into my life," Shinobu says, her words carrying a gentle melody. "Your presence has been like a warm ray of sunlight, melting away the darkness in my heart. I find myself thinking of you constantly, and my admiration for you only grows with each passing day."
As she continues, Shinobu reaches into a small pouch she carries with her. With a delicate hand, she retrieves a small vial filled with a vivid blue liquid—a concoction she has prepared with her intricate knowledge of medicine and herbs.
"This vial holds a unique fragrance, crafted with love and care," Shinobu explains, her voice filled with a hint of playfulness. "Its scent is a symbol of my affection for you—a way to express my emotions beyond words."
Shinobu uncorks the vial, allowing the fragrance to waft gently in the air. The sweet aroma envelops them, creating an ethereal ambiance. She extends the vial towards the reader, their eyes meeting once again.
"I would be honored if you would accept this token of my affection," Shinobu says, her voice laced with vulnerability. "Just like this fragrance, my love for you is subtle yet profound. It may not be loud or flashy, but it's pure and unwavering. Will you allow me to cherish and protect you with all my heart?"
As Y/n takes the vial from Shinobu's outstretched hand, a gentle blush tinges their cheeks. Their heart races with joy, realizing the depth of Shinobu's feelings. With a grateful smile, they accept her confession, knowing that they have found a love as tender and beautiful as the blooming flowers in the garden.
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Mitsuri Kanroji- Heartfelt Love
Mitsuri would plan the perfect day for the confession, wanting everything to be just right. She would take the reader to a serene and beautiful location, perhaps a blooming cherry blossom garden or a tranquil riverside with the sunset painting the sky in vibrant hues. Mitsuri would have a picnic prepared, filled with their favorite foods and sweets.
As they enjoy the picturesque setting, Mitsuri's heart would beat faster with every passing moment. She would take a deep breath, gathering her courage, and turn to the reader with a shy but determined smile.
"Hey, umm... Can I tell you something really important?" she would ask, her voice a little shaky, but filled with sincerity.
Y/n, sensing Mitsuri's nervousness, would give her an encouraging nod, their eyes locked on hers.
Mitsuri would fidget with her fingers for a moment, blushing furiously, before finally blurting out, "I... I love you! Like, really, really love you! You're just so amazing and kind, and every moment we spend together makes my heart feel like it's soaring through the clouds."
She would pause, a mix of anxiety and hope in her eyes, waiting for the reader's response. But before they can say anything, Mitsuri would continue with unwavering determination.
"I know I may seem a little bit clumsy or silly sometimes, but I promise you, my feelings are genuine. I want to be with you, to support you, and make you feel loved every single day. You're my sunshine, my inspiration, and the reason I smile so brightly."
Mitsuri's voice would tremble with sincerity and a touch of vulnerability. She would reach out and gently hold the reader's hand, her touch warm and reassuring.
"So, umm, what do you say? Will you... be my special someone? I promise I'll do everything in my power to make you happy, and we'll have the most amazing and love-filled adventures together!"
Her eyes would sparkle with anticipation, waiting for the reader's response, hoping with all her heart that they would reciprocate her feelings.
And as soon as words of acceptance comes from Y/n’s mouth, Mitsuri would immediately have the reader in her warm embrace.
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yomoya-girl · 11 months
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They were selling demon slayer “omiyage” (presents) at one of the station shops in the middle of Japan’s countryside 🥺
Would you buy them?
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So I just came back from my country and yeah its August 23rd here soooo HAPPY BDAY TO MY POOKIE BEAR GYOMEI HIMEJIMA
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shinobae · 9 months
giyushino is my roman empire
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reallybadknymemes · 7 months
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Who up white knuckle grippin’ they sausage
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