#demonslayer fanfic
karczel-fanzone · 11 months
Just curious because I literally stumbled upon your blog for barely a minute and I’m already in love. Gyomei doesn’t get enough love so I was wondering how you think he’d react to a Neko demon who hunts fish and kills livestock and deer instead of humans. Like he was sent to dispatch the demon only to find out they are harmless to humans and more shy and afraid of him. Also the demon transforms into a big cat which is how they hunt but also turn into a little kitten when scared.
Ok, this really got the cogwheels in my head turning-
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He’s going to be conflicted like he HAS to eradicate all demons but… it’s a cat…🥺
So, he ended up observing from afar as he try to convince himself to do the job.
He looks at the cat as he catches fish from a river, snatches some chicken from a coop, and hunts a DEER that’s at least 4 TIMES ITS SIZE. But never once did it eat humans.
Then there was a rogue leaf that landed on its head, which shook the neko demon so bad he poofed into a little kitten, with his sweetest little meows!!!
Gyomei would’ve gone to hold this kitten and lay in a puddle of his own tears if he’d introduced himself earlier!!!
Then there was a sound of thunder rain and storm, to which the kitten quickly ran to find shelter and trembled under some plants with big leaves (so tiny!!!)
After some time, we found Gyomei wondering what he should do with it, as he’s one hand deep in petting its belly.
Although the kitty doesn’t harm humans, it still ate some livestock, so there’s still a problem.
…He’ll take care of it.
But first, he asks his master Ubuyashiki for permission and guidance in a letter through his crow, writing down so many heartfelt pleas to not kill this adorable Neko demon.
To which his master replied: ‘If you find a way to not disturb the peace, I don’t see the reason to eradicate it.’
Gyomei is VERY TEMPTED to adopt this cat but given how it hunted a deer all by itself for dinner… maybe it’s not a good idea to take him home to live with his other docile cats.
He’s decided to visit this area often and give him more food in hopes of making it full and not going out to eat the livestock of the locals as much.
Gyomei is trying to teach it with graphics (with Genya's help) on good prey (wild animals) and bad prey (livestock) but with the neko demon only meowing back, there’s no telling if those lessons ever come to fruition.
Whenever he comes back to his estate after visiting the cat, his cats can smell the neko demon scent, get jealous, and furiously rub their body against Gyomei to take over the neko cat’s smell.
I think I’m gonna make a mini-comic out of this, but no promises!
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mommageto · 1 month
Domestic Hashira: Part 2 (Himejima x Reader)
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Title: Domestic Hashira: Part 2 (Himejima x Reader)
Word Count:  1817  words
Description: (Y/n) and Gyomei navigating the unfamiliar territory of an arranged marriage. 
Warning/s: This fan fiction may contain disturbing or implied sexual content that may not be suitable or sensitive for readers. Read at your own risk. 
Part 1
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
The sun is veiled by haze, and the sound of bushes dancing as the freezing breeze passes by. You were sitting on a rock beside a river that flows from the feeble waterfalls. It was one of those walks you enjoy taking with Himejima when neither of you was occupied with any activity on that day. The walk you always have with him to enjoy the nature surrounding you always ends up with interesting conversations to get to know each other better. 
As newlyweds, it seemed too far to build a relationship with a man you barely knew in the beginning. Nevertheless, you both had a mutual apprehension about starting over. Throughout the days, you and Himejima opened up to one another, starting with both your pasts, where you found comfort in each other. 
“I couldn’t accept all of the things that happened that day. My parents were everything to me. It was difficult to lose both of them. I miss them so much,” you said to Himejima while looking down on the stream of water passing through your feet. With your words, Gyomei turned to you and gently placed his large hands on your head. He rubbed your head tenderly. “(Y/n), your parents loved you deeply. They may not be here, but their memory lives on in you,” he replied.
Himejima’s words of affirmation have always filled your recent days with delight and a sense of security. There is something about his use of words that tells you it is exactly what you need to hear. That healed a part of you and allowed you to look forward to your future with clarity. Gyomei’s line of work may be risky, but you have faith in him. 
Gyomei informed you that he will be away for a week for a mission on a farther land south, where there were incidents of demons attacking a huge village. This is the part of your relationship that you dislike the least. It is not because of how he is constantly putting his life on hold, but because of the loneliness that comes with his absence that you have to endure.
To doubt his skills is merely an act of foolery. Himejima always trained with relentless determination. He is committed to every single thing he does, from his training to his relationship with you. Himejima ensures that he is trying his best, if not becoming better. This is a part of him that makes you admire him even more. 
As you’ve accomplished your social duties as a wife, you went straight home. This was the day Himejima ought to arrive. Nothing but the pure longing to reach out and be in your husband's arms is what you desire. With such haste, you went to the training area by your house. Himejima frequently goes to the training area. This is how he usually finds consolation to meditate after a long mission. There he was standing on his feet, and you approached the giant man from behind. 
Gyomei, a subtle shift in his massive form, tells you he knows you're there around the place. Even before you and Himejima became closer, he never failed to sense whenever you were around. He surely did possess quality senses, and they were useful in his relationship with you. The stone hashira has put his boulder to a halt and turned to greet you. 
With you closer to him, he pulled you in for a warm and delicate embrace. You can feel the tears in his eyes falling down. “I’ve missed you so much,” you whisper in his ear. His arms tightened around you, offering a comforting warmth against the chill of the evening. For a moment, there were only the two of you in an intimate embrace, leaving only the soft rhythm of your heartbeats echoing in the quiet space between you.
 As you slowly move away from Gyomei’s grasp, you look up to him and see a delicate smile painted on his face. This offers you a bundle of joy. His hand cups your face to feel your being. “I’m so glad to be back home with you,” he says. You leaned on his hand and rubbed it. You never fail to appreciate the physical love you share with Gyomei.
“I apologize for having kept you waiting.”
“No, you don’t have to. I’m just happy you’re here with me now.”
“That reminds me,” he says. With a small pause, he pulled out a rectangle-shaped box from his pocket and gave it to you. “I got you something while I was away,” he continued. You opened the gift to see a sakura kanzashi. Your eyes lit up at how mesmerizing it was.
The smile on your face has doubled from what it was a while ago. You simply cannot help but be flattered by his gift. “I thought you were just the strongest and biggest Hashira there is,” you teased him. “You never told me that you’re also the sweetest Hashira.” 
A gentle chuckle escaped his lips. “I may be a hashira, but I am your husband too.”
You loved every moment you shared with Gyomei. It didn’t take long for your relationship with Himejima to flourish. Both of you were well respected by everyone in the Demon Slayer Corps. With your lineage as a relative of Kagaya Ubuyashiki and Gyomei’s position as the leader of the hashira, people tend to be attentive whenever you and your husband are both around. The other people thought you were a beloved couple. 
After you had dinner with Himejima, he held your hand on the way to your shared bedroom. The night was still young, and both of you decided to cozy up before sleeping together. This is something you enjoy with Gyomei during the night. He's lying at your back, and you're in his arms, watching the moon’s watchful gaze from your window. The size difference between both of you has made you feel like a stuffed toy for him. Himejima does not like to admit it, but he loves your size. He perceives you as a fragile being for him to forever protect and hold. 
“Are you comfortable enough, (y/n)? ”He asks you. You turned your head at him and nodded in response, only for him to plant a kiss on your forehead afterwards. The way his lips filled your forehead made you feel the love of Gyomei’s physical affection. 
It didn’t take long for you to face him and start kissing his cheeks one by one after another. Himejima could feel your kisses all over his face. Until you reached his lips, this caused him to be surprised and stare at you for a while. The eye contact you both had was full of tension until you both gave in to the pleasure of kissing each other on the lips. 
Your body was leaning at Himejima’s huge form with arms wrapped around his being, and you could feel the heat of his body pressing into you. His arms moved down from your hair, slowly reaching to your waist, feeling the moment he shared with you. It didn’t take long for your hands to feel his hard and muscular form, moving your hands from his shoulder to his biceps. You can feel Gyomei’s hands tighten his grip while holding your waist. This encouraged you to explore more of his built form with your hands while not holding back from the intimate union of both of your lips. 
Every part of him is bulky and strong; you can appreciate Himejima’s athletic physique as you continue caressing his body. Despite his large, hard chest, you felt the fast beat of his heart’s palpitation. As you were in the moment, you felt greedy for Himejima. You wanted more of him, and you needed more of Gyomei. Your left hand was supposed to feel his abdomen, but it dropped between his legs, where you felt the heat of his hot and large manhood. 
Himejima pushed you away. It took a moment for you to catch your breath. The tension, the heat, and the feeling were there, but Gyomei stopped them. For a while, you felt the feeling of embarrassment creep up from your head to your toe. ‘Was I pushing myself onto him? ’ you thought to yourself. 
This made you feel uneasy. For a woman, it is unlikely for this to happen or for you to feel this way. Numerous thoughts filled your head, and you questioned why Himejima stopped. He is your husband, and you have undergone the sacred act of marriage; you didn’t understand how it felt wrong. Not only that, it seems to you that Gyomei doesn’t feel as ‘attracted’ to you as you thought.
“(Y/n)—“ he uttered, but the embarrassment you felt made you not want to face your husband. 
The night felt like your first day; it was silent, and not much conversation was involved, which was different from how you fixed it to be. It also felt like a long night, as you could not put yourself to sleep. However, it felt like the stone hashira did not get to rest peacefully either. As you’ve noticed, Gyomei does not sleep silently. He has a deep, rumbling snore, and that is something you have observed after several nights of sleeping beside him.
The next morning, you can hear the morning chirps of the birds, and the sun rays hit a part of your room. Your eyes slowly opened to wake you up. Your hand reached out to your side to find the familiar being you sleep with. Himejima’s presence beside you was nowhere to be seen as you opened both your eyes. You sat down to collect yourself and saw his bed area fixed already. Thus, your brain recollects the memory of last night. You were hoping for that night to be just a nightmare. 
It was still too early in the morning. The thought of where your husband is is bothering you. ‘Did he leave for a mission?’ you pondered. You walked around your house to search for him. You peeked at the training area by your house, where Himejima usually does his morning meditation and training. There was no sign of him there. 
“My lady, are you looking for Himejima-sama?”You were startled by the voice of your older servant, Yoko. “Himejima-sama woke up early to train near the waterfall.”
It didn’t take long for you to go there and watch your husband do intense training. You can only watch from afar, as you do not want to talk to Himejima for now. The view of the stone hashira withstanding the pressure from the waterfall. With the time you spent knowing your husband, he only does intense training when he’s stressed after a battle where he could’ve saved many lives. However, to your knowledge, something like that did not happen previously.
This story has a Part 3.
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everlastingleuthymia · 2 months
I love himmmmm , his in thee mood
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livelaughlovekny · 1 year
"Loves me, loves me not..."
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Summary: Muichirou got bored waiting for you to arrive and decided to play the “loves me, loves me not” flower game. (+Mini bonus at the end)
   “One cloud, two clouds, three clouds…” Muichirou murmured to himself as he patiently waited for you to arrive. The both of you had agreed to train together at his estate after you came back from your mission. As Hashiras, this was a rare opportunity as the both of you were constantly bombarded with missions and tasks. That surely had to be the reason as to why Muichirou had been looking forward to today. Since he wrote back to you, telling you that he was fine with the arrangement, he had anticipated for today to arrive.
  You were taking a while to arrive though. Why were the both of you always assigned missions that were so far away from each other? Bored, Muichirou listlessly plucked at the surrounding grass. He tried recalling the contents of your letters. The both of you had agreed to exchange letters whenever possible. In your latest letter, you informed him that you should arrive at his estate at three in the afternoon. Or was it four? He couldn’t quite remember, though both felt too late and not enough to him. Strange, Muichirou wasn’t sure when was the last time that he had looked forward to someone so strongly.
  He tried reasoning with himself. Training time is precious. What he was actually looking forward to was training with someone strong. It could be any other Hashira. It didn’t have to be you. Though the idea of training with anyone else but you seemed appalling to him. Perhaps it was because he felt closer to you than others. Before meeting you, his training consisted of him and only him. 
  An hour passed, and you had yet to arrive. Did you get lost? No, your crow would have guided you. Did he get the date wrong? No, he didn’t. Then what could be taking you so long? Slightly frustrated, Muichirou got up and wandered around his yard. He passed a patch of wild flowers. He stopped and stared at it. “What was it about flowers that the Love Hashira said… Oh yeah.” He sat down in front of the patch of flowers and plucked one.
  He twisted the flower around his fingers, studying it. It was a stupid idea but he was bored and… that was it. There was another feeling within him that he just couldn’t put his finger on. It was a nagging feeling that somehow kept bringing up memories of you. Pushing away his feelings, he plucked a petal off the flower. “Loves me.” The petal fluttered down.
  “Loves me not.” His heart sank a little. “Loves me.” Hope rose again. “Loves me not… Ah.” It felt as if something was clutching onto his heart tightly. There were only two petals left. His fingers hovered near the remaining two petals. It’s just a stupid game. Yet he couldn’t ignore the sinking feeling within him and bring himself to finish the game…
  “Loves you!” Two fingers plucked off the remaining two petals together. Muichirou turned around in shock. He looked up to see your grinning face. “Helloo, sorry for being late! I encountered a few villagers who needed some help.” You squatted down so that the both of you were at eye level. Your free hand reached out and opened up his, your other hand placing the two petals onto his palm. “There you go, I’m sure whoever you were thinking of loves you.”
  Muichirou closed his hand, clenching the two petals tightly before placing them carefully into his pocket. “I wasn’t thinking of anyone. I was just plucking off the petals out of boredom.” You snorted. “Right, I heard you murmuring ‘loves me, loves me not’ to yourself. Even if I didn’t, you shouldn’t bully flowers.” Getting up, Muichirou looked down at your squatting figure and gave you an unimpressed look. “Whatever, it was your fault for taking so long.”
  You whined. “I got here as fast as I could. It’s not my fault that it’s my duty to help others.” Not replying, Muichirou turned away and walked off. Pouting exaggeratedly, you complained loudly about how mean he was. You don’t notice how the tip of his ears had turned red or how relieved he was when he heard you said “loves you”, especially when he realised that he had played that game with someone in his mind and heart.
Bonus: A few weeks later, it was your turn to wait for Muichirou to arrive at the Mist Estate for training. You wandered around his home, marvelling about how one could bear to live in such an empty house. Walking into yet another empty room, you notice a tiny frame hanging above the bed. This was the only decoration in the entire house. Upon closer inspection, you realise it was two petals framed. “Oh, I didn’t know he liked flowers.” Just then, you heard Muichirou calling your name. Leaving the room, you walked towards the voice, not realising that those were the petals you gave him.
a/n: helloo, im back with yet another drabble/oneshot! i was working on a request when i suddenly thought of this and just had to write it out!!
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kkencess · 2 years
AKAZA, feenin.
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although it might be obvious, there’s one unspoken rule in a relationship. never admit you find another man attractive around your short-tempered husband.
𖤐 info ─── oneshot written by yours truly… i got this idea out of nowhere, and had to write it all before the dialogue disappeared from my head, lol! it was like three in the morning, but i somehow finished this. as an eighteen year old who just turned eighteen, i recommend reading if you’re sixteen, and up! if you aren’t, don’t mention it please!
𖤐 warnings ─── lowercase intended, female! reader, human! akaza, akaza is your fiancé, mild age gap, explicit content, dirty talk, rough sex [punishment sex?], crying, a lil praising, the one time akaza doesn’t respect women, muahaha! just kidding.
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most people shamed others for taking on the role of the housewife, but at least for you; it was easy. in a large mansion like the one you lived in, it was only natural others would assume you had it hard. but in all honesty, you didn't. you didn't have any kids at the moment; so that alone was a bonus. cooking was a breeze since you enjoyed it so much, and cleaning wasn't bad since it hardly ever got untidy.
you lay soundlessly in bed, your eyes glued on the phone screen that rested in your hands. a housewife, and a senior in college. of course, all eyes were on you at all times. others often wondered how you scored a faithful husband at the age of twenty one; and honestly, you didn't have a clue yourself.
akaza wasn't in college, like you. he worked for a private organization; and was twenty-seven himself. you didn't have a problem with the miniature age gap; and slightly found it all the more attractive. don’t get you wrong or anything, men these days just weren't up to par. especially those around your age group, or younger. besides, you doubted you'd ever date someone younger than you.
your cheek is engulfed in your palm, black framed glasses falling from your face as you dive your head against the pillow. your glossy lips ruin your pillow, squinted eyes pulled close. you were all caught up on your assignments, surprisingly. you would graduate from college next month, before attending law school.
the distant sound of keys jangling catches your attention, bringing you to raise your head from the pillow. you glance over towards the door, finding it still closed. whatever, your husband must’ve been home. that was great news, considering you were bored; and needed someone to bother. and a coping mechanism to separate your mind away from the stress of law school, and college overall.
you arise from the bed, sighing softly. just before you completely arised; the door opened, revealing a familiar black haired individual. settling down against the edge of the bed, you’re dressed in a cami tee, and shorts. with narrowed brows, you open your mouth to speak, head tilted. “damn, you were out longer than usual.”
akaza sighs, greeting you with a kiss against your forehead. “muzan requested a meeting.”
you roll your eyes at his typical response. “that man is extremely annoying. i’m sure his employees don’t get paid to take part in sudden meetings.”
the other shrugs, setting his suitcase down against the edge of the bed. the buttons of his suit top remained undone, slightly revealing the outline of his toned chest. of course, he worked out very often; but he looked insane. his body looked, and felt unrealistic. especially his muscles. and it was just perfect for you; deeming he often lounged around the house in nothing but sandals, and shorts. your husband looked fucking amazing.
“somewhat hot, but still annoying.” you finish, darting your eyes elsewhere.
akaza’s attention immediately snaps over to meet your own, blue eyes now settled on you. you’re completely silent, scanning the interior of the room with tapered eyes. your ridiculously pretty face is relaxed, though the last words to leave your mouth were completely out of line. you both knew there wasn’t any honesty behind any of what you just voiced, but the boldness of course; is what usually placed the cherry on the top.
“i’m sorry?” the earthy smell of man's cologne seeped from him dearly, infiltrating your nostrils quickly. the scent mashed well with his body wash. he smelled just as great as he looked. lusciously; you lick at your lips, bringing your eyes back over to meet your lover’s own irritation tainted ones.
“what are you saying sorry for?”
the man rolls his eyes, yet doesn’t settle for any more of your bullshit. maybe on a good day he would’ve fallen for it, but after such a long day at work, he figured it wasn’t necessarily worth the sacrifice. muttering something inaudible beneath his breath, he advances forward into another room; the bathroom.
you whine at the lack of attention, pressing your body up from the mattress to step on to the ground. you felt you had at least a bit of the right to be annoying. you hadn’t seen him in a little over twelve hours. those shifts were dangerous; especially to the wife of the man taking them. man, everytime you’d capture a glance at his boss, you’d send him a filthy glare. if there was anyone you truly hated in this world, you’d bet your ass it was fucking muzan, kibutsuji.
“well, that wasn’t fun.”
for what little of the day you had left, you spent your time preparing dinner. akaza hadn’t gotten out of the shower yet; but he always took long; so to you, it wasn’t anything out of character. you figured a breakfast styled dinner wouldn’t hurt. It was a fun choice as well, considering you were craving it these past few days. your husband was never too picky about dinner choices, so he should be fine with the option you settled for.
dinner was silent for the most part. you watched your lover, whilst spooning a mouth full of grits in between your lips.
“are you ignoring me?” you question, breaking the everlasting silence. you’re seated directly across from him, utensils aligned against the transparent glass table. you’re eyeing him shamelessly, cheek pressed against your palm. well, unfortunately for him; the silent treatment only worked in movies.
“it’s about the muzan comment, isn’t it?”
you hoist your legs up to meet akaza’s thigh, letting the anatomy settle hotly against his skin. you’re not completely facing his direction, but your body is angled to meet his. you’re still shoveling pieces of food into your mouth, chowing down on a sausage as you prepare your next bite. you adored how you looked around him, but never when you were eating. it’s not like you ate like a pig or anything, you were just comfortable enough to eat as you would alone.
“i don’t like being ignored, y’know.”
akaza would always answer you. and being who he was (your husband) of course, he knew you well. probably better than you did yourself. so of course, he was wary of the fact that you were a bitch for his attention. sometimes, he’d purposely pretend he couldn’t hear you just to stimulate some sort of reaction out of you. and every single time; it worked. miraculously, but it did.
“i’m aware, [name.]” his tone was stern; low and captivating. you have to press your legs close at the raw sound of it, an array of tingles pulsing through you like a shooting star. your legs dangle off of his own, your chair now pulled a bit closer to his own. the platform of your slippers pressed against the hem of his seating.
“you’re so pretty when you’re upset, babe.” though you were the one who spouted the compliment, your cheeks don’t of course fail to heat up. your tone is quite teasing as well, a playful smile grasping your lips.
“i'm not upset.” he clarifies, eyeing you momentarily. “you’d be a lot more attractive yourself if you stopped making jokes like that about my boss. it’s disrespectful.”
“huh, your boss?” you question, perking a brow. “what’s gonna happen if i don’t?” a smile slowly grasps your lips, eyes darting over to match a gorgeous blue pair.
you weren’t any idiot, of course. you knew he secretly enjoyed it when you talked back; because in a way, it riled him up even more. to fuck you into complete submission, that was. you could simply tell by the way his fingers grasped your ankle tonight would be worth its while.
your back hits the bed’s cushion quite roughly, though the hand grasped around your neck never detached itself from the stated anatomy. you’re pulled into a rough kiss, a soft groan emitted at the rather brutal force; though you were accustomed to it. the male kissed hotly against your lips, savoring every wince emitted, and the shudders performed. you’re pinned down against the cushion, either of your hands pulled against one another; as they’re pinned above your head; near the neatly stacked pillows nearby.
the spaghetti strap tee you wore was hauled up just a bit, revealing your pierced belly. hell, the lounge shorts you wore had ridden up to your mid thigh. a hand of his is free, to lap at the slick coating your thighs; your legs pulling apart to help give him a little more access to what should’ve been his most desirable target.
“you’re always so quiet when we finally go at it.” he started against your lips, where he kissed softly. a finger of his pressed against your clothed clit, earning a slight jolt from you.
you press your eyes shut as his fingers ride against your soaked parts; shutters emitted. he’s quick with his actions; the stated anatomy dipping past your soaked underwear and nearly into you; residing just near your entrance while he teased your clit with his available fingers.
you have to strain a gasp as he loses your lips; mouth now against your neck where he sucked, and bit. nonetheless he’s an expert. you were so fucking soaked and he had only kissed you. nothing else. maybe him being a man of his words played an odd part in it, but for now, you’d give him the benefit of the doubt.
“god, you’re soaking wet, baby. i’m gonna stuff you so fucking well.” cooed the older male, voice as silky as ever. his words alone were enough to increase the amount of pre-cum that currently seeped through your underwear, a shudder animated as you gasped into your palm, when he sunk a finger into you. not just one finger, but two. and his pace started unforgivingly.
he was already plunging his fingers into you with undeniable speed. you could feel the eagerness, your body jolting beneath his own. akaza stared you down mercilessly, lapping at his own lips with the soft pink flesh of his tongue. your fingers grasped desperately at his wrist as his digits pushed through, flush against your walls. you moan out in pleasure, the slight pain pushed quickly aside as you wriggled in his touch. “f—fuck!” you cursed, fingers caressing akaza’s tight muscles. they felt so fucking nice. he worked out often and it showed physically, thankfully.
“gonna come from just my fingers?” he questioned, shoving another one in without restraint. “shit, you are, aren’t you? you aren’t embarrassed?” your face was hot, flustered in mortification, as he confirmed. his words were rather teasing; although his voice remained silky. rather smooth, even. he worked his fingers like a damn god. he knew just what to do to keep you doused in pleasure, while simultaneously making sure it didn’t send you over the edge. it was clear he knew your body better than you did.
“t—to m-much!” you exasperated. it should’ve been criminal. the way your back arched from the bed as he worked his fingers delightfully. he chuckled coldly at your remark, head lowering; before he leveled himself out of your sight, and beneath your trembling thighs. he tore at your lace undergarments with ease, allowing them to fall against the bed’s soft cushion.
“is it?” he seethed, lapping at your pretty, now exposed pussy. your clit glistened with your own produce, spilling against the velvet colored sheets. akaza wasted no time, settling his tongue against the anatomy, circling it just perfectly. his fingers still plunged into you with brute force, his free hand clasped around your thigh harshly, where he gripped to make sure you didn’t escape his grasp.
“my god…” the only thing you could do was take in the pleasure, moaning as your hand pulled down to grasp at his hair. the grip he had on your thigh tightened, earning a wince of pain from you; though the overall pleasure you received from both his fingers, and mouth overthrew whatever pain you previously suffered. you were so fucking close, closer than ever. “akaza— shit. that feels amazing… don’t stop.”
you were positive he would let you cum. at least now. rapid blinks blinded you, your mouth pulled apart as lengthy moans made way. the knot in your stomach had only slightly undone itself; disappointment quickly washed over you when not one, but all of whatever pleasure you had been feeling before completely vanished.
“b-babe?” there wasn’t much time to react; your body quickly being pushed over. you were now laid flat against your stomach, body pressed into the cushion. your face was hot in embarrassment, mind scrambled. you didn’t know what to say. you could hear the male above you chuckle, his hands settled against torso; where his fingers grasped harshly at. you twitch in his caress, the warmth of his breath evident against your neck since he had resided so close to you.
it was quite thick, and heavy— only for what it was, that is. you guess you couldn’t be too mad, since things weren’t looking so bad for you. it was a shame you couldn’t see it, though. it looked pretty. and trust you, you weren’t at all exaggerating. a pretty pink tip, and gorgeous smooth skin following it. it had a perfect arch, one that could easily strike you in all of the right places. you got lightheaded thinking about it, swallowing hard as you await his actions.
“shit, m’gonna fuck you so hard… give you just what you wanted.” he says, either of his palms engulfing your ass. he spread you apart with ease, spatting out a thick wad of saliva against your entrance, that’d be his substitution for lube. you could only whine beneath him, as you mentally prepared yourself for the next few moments.
“you’re lucky i even gave you that much,” he spouts, cock pushing into your entrance. you have to bite into the sheets, limbs weakening as he pushes further, and further into you. with each push came deep breathy grunts, from akaza himself. he only stopped when his hips were locked against your ass, hands sliding down to grasp at your waist. you gasp out in pain, the lack of proper lube making it all the worse for you. not only that, did you even finger prep properly? he should’ve let you come, before.
“shit. you’re so tight, baby. so tight.” he started roughly, plunging in and out of you with an indescribable force. he was reckless, fucking into you with his own neediness. the tears that spiked your vision fell, staining the bed’s sheets. his grunts of pleasure only satisfies you, making you hot all over. he practically tore his way inside of you, yes— but of course, it always felt amazing soon after.
the pleasure gradually builds, moans spilling from your mouth as he delved even deeper into you, striking you in all the right spaces. there’s hardly any pain involved now; only strained moans and whimpers. you crumble beneath him, head hanging against the pillows— hurried, heavy pants occupying your eardrums. akaza couldn’t see your expression, and to be quite honest he was dying to— all he needed was a proper glance at your fucked out face.
so, he settles against the edge of the matress, only detaching himself from you for a second. in the next instant you're resting in his lap, his cock sinking into you without warning. this angle was even better than the last, though the part where he entered always hurt like a bitch. his free hand engulfed your chin, forcing it down so that your gaze matched your own. your eyes were hazy, eyelids hanging low— making it so that you could hardly even see. speckles of stars spiked your vision, vanishing once your eyes finally fell close.
“you’re a mess, sweetheart.” akaza says, tone low and sweet. saliva grazes your lips, hands weakly wrapping around akaza’s shoulders. you couldn’t say a thing— your body wouldn’t allow you to. no, your brain wouldn’t. all you could do was shut up and take whatever he had to offer, like how he knew you would. of course, akaza always got the last laugh. you started things off, but he’d finish them in an unbelievable way.
“shit, you’re making me feel so good. so good, baby.” he protests, a smile engulfing the lips of his pretty face as he takes either of your ankles in his hand, pulling them apart so that they are fully wrapped around his waist, ensuring that you took every inch of him. there wasn’t any running away in this position, and to be quite frank you weren’t upset with the lack of options.
“akaza…” you mutter, with what little strength you had. “m’gonna come…”
the male eyes the hardly evident bulge tracing your stomach, eyes soon tracing further up. he presses a kiss against the exposed skin of your chest, legs trembling as he nears his orgasm. his pace became desperate as he fucked rapidly into you, practically drilling you dry. your head is resting into his shoulder, hanging between the juncture of both his chin, and collarbone. your ass bounces against his cock, the wet sounds audible. dribbling past your lips was drool, that slid down akaza’s back, dipping into the curves of his muscles. you were far too weak to scratch at him, so for now all you could do was take it.
you wanted to speak up, in the least bit do something. it was hard hearing you anyways, when akaza moaned so desperately in your ear, whispering about how good you were; and how well you took him. he pressed a kiss between your chest, blue eyes tracing up your figure. his fingers grasped you roughly, in fact you were sure it would leave some kind of mark.
just another pump was enough to send him over the edge, specks of white shooting into you; not even a drop trickling down your thighs. it doesn’t take long for you to come after him, your mind going completely numb as you clang on desperately to his body. all you could hear were akaza’s strained breaths that seemed to never end. you didn’t know what to say, or do either. nonetheless, you couldn’t stay like this forever.
finally akaza catches himself, catching your chin in between his index finger, and thumb. there’s a slight upturn of his lips, pretty blue eyes eating at you disastrously.
“one more time.”
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minecraftakis · 21 days
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*+:。.。ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ | giyuu bf hcs!!
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a/n: TGIS IS ALL OVER TGE PLACE I SWEAR BUT my glorious emo boy king doesn’t have any fics abd i want to jump off a building cuz of that. these r just some of my hcs so enjoy lmk if yall like it.
- not proofread!, gn!reader (i think), also sfw!!
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- when you and giyuu started to date he was super distant and he knew it, he hated it but he just didn’t know what to do with himself. during the first few weeks it would have to be you initiating anything. there were times were you would see him twitch or stopping himself from pursuing you and so you would initiate it.
- when you and giyuu first started to date he was so captivated by you, the way you loved him and the way he loved you. the two of you were friends before but still he couldn’t grasp how someone as special as you could bring themselves to love someone like him.
- giyuu isn’t a fan of pda so he’s very composed and calm while out in public with you. he’ll hold your hand and wrap and an arm around you occasionally so it’s not like he’s hiding anything.
- giyuu doesn’t mind pet names, he’ll like whatever you call him as long as it’s not weird. he’s rather simple in that aspect.
- giyuu longs the end of a mission just to get back home and see his beloved. it’s not often that the two of you are home for extended periods of time but when you are you make sure to spend it wisely, you’ll clean up each others wounds, train, cook together, play games, or just lounge at home.
- giyuu loves to stare at you. even if it’s from afar, but that man loves to look at you. (prolly trauma related!!) if you’re with him he’ll call u out or be like “y/n look at me.” and tuck strands of your hair behind your ear. he usually doesn’t say anything but he’s caught you off guard with some kisses and caresses before.
- giyuu loves to buy you things, the man is richness!! he’s not materialistic or anything but he likes to buy you your favorite foods, or like stuff that you’re into. he likes to see your smile or excitement when he buys you something you like.
- giyuu can get soo touchy after a mission. especially a long one, he’ll be all over you, he’s the type to come up behind you and nuzzle his face into your neck and b like “i missed you love”. he’s the type to soothe you back to sleep if he wakes up at night. “i’m so sorry love. please, let’s go to sleep.” he says this peppering kisses on your face and brushing his callused fingers across your face and body. he’s the type to surprise you with something he bought or found because it reminded him of you.
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a/n: chat this is so ass but im having a brain fart SO! i’m gonna make some angst now so negehahehahh. ALSO SORRY IF THIS IS SHORT it’s my first time publishing anything and i’m highkey nervous.
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zafill · 2 months
Demon slayer pt.2
WARNINGS!!: self-harm, fights, bad thoughts.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The air was thick with the scent of pine and the lingering warmth of a setting sun. Five years had passed since Kagaya Ubuyashiki had taken me in, and in those years, I had changed. I was no longer the scared, broken child who had been dragged across the cold ground by a mother who wished she had never given birth to me. That girl was gone, buried beneath layers of strength and determination that I had forged with my own hands. 
In the beginning, the other recruits had received guidance, training, and instruction from seasoned Demon Slayers. But not me. I had always been different, set apart by my past and the darkness that still clung to me. I had learned early on that if I wanted to survive, I would have to rely on myself. And so, I trained alone. 
Every morning, before the sun had even risen, I would leave the camp and head deep into the forest. There, in the silence of the early hours, I taught myself the ways of the blade. My katana became my closest companion, its cold steel an extension of my will. I learned to move with precision, to strike with speed, and to endure pain with a stoicism that came naturally after years of suffering. 
The forest became my teacher, the rustling leaves and the calls of distant birds my only company. I would practice for hours, my body moving through the forms I had observed the other trainees perform.  
When I wasn’t practicing my swordsmanship, I was honing my physical strength—running, climbing, pushing my body to its absolute limits. I knew that I had to be stronger, faster, and more resilient than anyone else if I was going to make it as a Demon Slayer 
One day, as the sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the forest floor, I was deep in my routine. I had just completed a particularly grueling series of strikes against a makeshift wooden dummy when I sensed a presence behind me. Startled, I whirled around, my katana raised defensively, only to find Kagaya Ubuyashiki standing a short distance away. 
His appearance took me by surprise. His hair, a cascade of dark waves, framed a face that was both gentle and severe. His eyes, or rather, the one eye that was still unclouded, observed me with a mixture of curiosity and understanding. The other eye was obscured by a faint, purplish mass, a sign of the blindness that was slowly creeping across his vision. He was not yet fully blind, but the signs were there, a reminder of the burden he carried as the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps. 
“Master Ubuyashiki,” I breathed, lowering my sword and bowing respectfully. I hadn’t expected him to come so far into the forest, much less during my training. 
He smiled softly, the kind of smile that held both warmth and sadness. “You’ve grown much, (Y/N). Your dedication is evident in every movement you make.” 
I felt a flush of pride at his words but quickly suppressed it, focusing instead on the humility I had learned to adopt. “Thank you, Master. I’ve been training hard.” Kagaya nodded, his expression shifting slightly, as if he was about to share something important. “Your progress has not gone unnoticed, and I am pleased to see how far you’ve come on your own.  
But I have another reason for coming here today, (Y/N). We have a new member joining the Demon Slayer Corps, and I wanted you to be among the first to know.” 
A new member? My curiosity piqued as I wondered who this person might be and why Kagaya had chosen to share this news with me personally. 
“His name is Gyomei Himejima,” Kagaya continued, his voice filled with a quiet respect. “He is a man of great strength and even greater compassion. Though blind, his senses are extraordinarily sharp, and he has a deep connection with the world around him. He possesses an unmatched inner strength that I believe will be invaluable to our cause.” 
I listened intently, intrigued by this new addition to the Corps. A blind man with such strength and presence—it was both surprising and inspiring. I wondered what kind of person Gyomei must be to earn Kagaya’s high praise. 
But as Kagaya continued to speak, a knot of unease began to form in my chest. “Gyomei has faced many challenges in his life,” Kagaya went on, “but he has emerged from them with a heart full of kindness and a spirit unbreakable by the hardships he’s endured. I believe that the two of you could learn much from each other.” 
His words were meant to reassure me, to make me feel a sense of camaraderie with this new member, but instead, they stirred something dark and unwelcome inside me—an emotion I hadn't expected to feel: jealousy. 
Kagaya had always been a guiding light in my life, the closest thing I had to a father. He had taken me in when I was lost, nurtured my potential, and given me a purpose. I was the first person he had "adopted" into this strange, new family of Demon Slayers, and in many ways, I had come to think of him as mine alone. The idea of someone else stepping into that space, especially someone as remarkable as Gyomei, made me feel threatened. 
I tried to suppress the bitterness rising in my throat, but it was difficult. Kagaya had always been kind and supportive, never showing favoritism, yet the thought of sharing his attention and approval with someone else made me irrationally hostile. I didn’t want to feel this way, but I couldn’t help it. It was as though this new member, despite having done nothing wrong, was somehow encroaching on the bond I had so carefully built with Kagaya. 
"Master," I began hesitantly, trying to keep my voice steady, "are you sure... are you sure we need someone like him? I mean, with his blindness and everything, won’t he be at a disadvantage?" 
Kagaya’s expression softened, as if he could see right through my facade, recognizing the fear and insecurity I was trying so hard to hide. “(Y/N),” he said gently, “Gyomei’s blindness is not a weakness. If anything, it has made him stronger, more attuned to the world in ways we might never understand. But I can see that you’re worried.” 
As Kagaya continued speaking, my irritation grew, feeding on the sense of encroachment that Gyomei's arrival represented. The calm demeanor I had worked so hard to cultivate began to fray, replaced by a surge of anger and resentment I couldn't quite control. My hands clenched into fists, and I struggled to keep my voice steady. 
“Master,” I said, my tone sharper than I intended, “I appreciate your confidence in this Gyomei Himejima, but I don't see why we need to bring in someone new right now. We’ve been managing fine on our own, haven’t we?” 
Kagaya’s smile faltered slightly, his gentle gaze assessing me with a mixture of concern and sadness. “(Y/N), it is not just about our current capabilities. Gyomei possesses unique qualities that will be invaluable to our mission. His strength is not diminished by his blindness; rather, it has been shaped by it.” 
I could feel my pulse quickening, the anger bubbling up despite my efforts to suppress it. “But why does he have to come here now? Why can't we just stick to what we know? Adding someone new... it’s disruptive. I’ve worked so hard to prove myself here, and now it feels like it’s all being undermined.” 
Kagaya’s eyes softened with understanding, but his expression remained steady. “(Y/N), it’s natural to feel apprehensive about change, especially when it feels like it threatens what you’ve worked so hard to build. But remember, the strength of the Corps comes from our unity, from our ability to accept and support each other. Gyomei is not here to diminish your place but to enhance our collective strength.” 
My jaw tightened, and I struggled to maintain control over my emotions. “I just— I don’t want to feel like I’m being replaced or overlooked. I’ve worked so hard for this, and it feels like now I have to compete with someone who is being praised for qualities I don’t understand.” Kagaya's gaze grew more intense, though his voice remained calm and reassuring. “(Y/N), you are a part of the Ubuyashiki family. You are like a daughter to me. Your place here is not in jeopardy. No one can replace you or diminish the importance of what you’ve accomplished. You are needed, just as much as ever.” 
Despite his heartfelt words, I felt a storm of frustration brewing inside me. The notion of being told I was needed, while comforting, seemed insufficient in the face of my growing insecurity. I felt as though Kagaya’s assurances could not bridge the gap between what I had come to believe and the reality he was presenting. 
“I’m sorry, Master,” I said, my voice thick with frustration. “I appreciate what you’re saying, but it’s hard to just accept that everything will stay the same. It feels like everything I’ve worked for is being overshadowed by someone who hasn’t even proven himself yet.” 
Kagaya’s expression did not waver. He stepped closer, his voice carrying a gentle firmness. “(Y/N), I know this is difficult. Change often is. But your value is not determined by how you compare to others. It is inherent in who you are and what you’ve done. You have a unique place in this family, and no one, not even Gyomei, can take that away from you.” 
Years had passed, and with each new addition to the Demon Slayer Corps, my sense of displacement and hostility grew. The family I once thought was my own had expanded beyond recognition, and with every new face, I felt a little more like an outsider in the world I had fought so hard to be a part of. 
When Gyomei Himejima joined, his presence had been intimidating but not unwelcome. He was a reminder of the change Kagaya had spoken of, the new dynamic I had to adapt to. I had grudgingly accepted him, though it took time for me to see his value. The same could not be said for every new member that followed. 
Tengen Uzui, with his flamboyant demeanor and larger-than-life personality, seemed to clash with everything I valued. His bravado grated on me, and I struggled to understand his place in our ranks. His presence felt like an intrusion into a space that was already crowded with my insecurities. 
Sanemi Shinazugawa arrived with a fierce intensity that mirrored my own frustrations. His abrasive nature and fierce attitude seemed to resonate with my own feelings of anger and resentment. It was as if his presence was a reflection of my own hostility, magnified. 
Kyojuro Rengoku brought a fiery passion that was undeniably inspiring but also made me feel inadequate. His unwavering optimism and dedication seemed to cast a shadow on my own struggles. I felt a growing sense of competition, a fear that I would never measure up to his bright, burning spirit. 
Giyu Tomioka, stoic and reserved, was a calming presence but also a constant reminder of the expectations I struggled to meet. His quiet strength was both reassuring and intimidating, a contrast to my own volatile emotions. 
Mitsuri Kanroji arrived with a warmth and kindness that was difficult to reconcile with my own growing bitterness. Her gentle demeanor and unyielding support seemed to highlight my own struggles to connect with the others. 
Obanai Iguro’s strict discipline and unwavering commitment to the Corps served as a constant reminder of the standards I felt I was failing to meet. His dedication, though admirable, only deepened my own insecurities. 
Muichiro Tokito, with his enigmatic and detached nature, was a mystery I struggled to understand. His aloofness felt like a barrier to the camaraderie I longed for, and his presence seemed to accentuate my own sense of alienation. 
Despite my efforts to push past my feelings of resentment, I found it increasingly difficult to accept the growing number of members. The constant influx of new faces only heightened my sense of isolation, making it harder for me to find my place within the expanding Corps. 
Tengen Uzui was hard to ignore—everything about him was larger than life. From the flamboyant way he dressed to the booming voice that seemed to command attention wherever he went. He was always at the center of everything, with a confidence that bordered on arrogance. For someone like me, who had spent so much time in quiet solitude, his presence was overwhelming. 
One afternoon, as I was practicing alone in a secluded part of the forest, I heard the unmistakable sound of his voice cutting through the air. Even before he came into view, I could feel the vibrations of his footsteps, heavy and deliberate. My sensitive ears twitched in irritation. 
"(Y/N)!" he called out, his tone bright and enthusiastic as he approached. "Why are you always hiding away in the shadows? Come join us, we’re all family, you know!" 
I grimaced, trying to focus on the movements of my sword rather than the intrusive sound of his voice. Tengen wasn’t someone you could easily ignore, though. He strolled right up to me, his presence impossible to overlook. 
“I’m not hiding,” I replied curtly, keeping my eyes on the blade in my hands. “I’m training.” 
He chuckled, a deep, resonant sound that made my ears ring. “Training alone is fine and all, but it’s no fun if you never get to show off what you’ve learned. You should come spar with us sometime—let’s see what you’ve got.” 
His words were friendly, even encouraging, but to me, they felt like a challenge. The thought of sparring with someone like Tengen, with all his bravado and flair, made my stomach twist. It wasn’t that I feared losing; it was the idea of being under his scrutiny, of having to endure his overbearing energy. 
“I prefer to train by myself,” I said, trying to keep my tone polite but firm. 
Tengen tilted his head, his expression curious. “You know, you’re way too serious for your own good. Lighten up a little! We’re all here to support each other, not compete. What’s the point of being so isolated?” I narrowed my eyes at Tengen’s remark, a spark of annoyance flaring up. His relentless optimism and insistence on camaraderie grated on my nerves. “Maybe some of us don’t need to be surrounded by people to feel validated,” I shot back, my voice carrying a sharp edge. “Not everyone thrives on being the center of attention.” 
Tengen raised an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by my snarky tone. But instead of backing off, he smirked, a glint of mischief in his eyes. “Oh, is that what this is about? You’re just too cool for the rest of us, huh? Or maybe you’re just worried you won’t measure up?” He leaned in a little closer, his voice dropping to a teasing whisper.  
“You know, for someone who’s supposed to be part of the Ubuyashiki family, you don’t really look the part.” 
That was the last straw. 
The blood rushed to my face, and before I could stop myself, I exploded. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I shouted, my voice shaking with fury. “You think because I don’t look like them, I don’t belong? I’ve fought for my place here every single day! I’ve bled for it! And you—” I jabbed a finger toward his chest, “you have no idea what it’s like to feel like you don’t belong anywhere! You with your perfect family, your perfect everything!” 
Tengen’s playful expression faltered as he realized he’d struck a nerve, but I wasn’t done. 
“You have no idea what it’s like to be taken in out of pity, to constantly feel like you have to prove you’re worth the space you take up! So don’t you dare stand there and question my place in this family just because I don’t fit your picture of what it should look like!” My voice rose with each word, the frustration and pain I had kept buried for so long finally erupting in a torrent of emotion. "You think it's easy, don't you? Being surrounded by people who were born into this, who have families and histories that tie them to this cause? You think I haven't noticed how everyone looks at me, how they wonder why Kagaya chose someone like me?" 
I was dimly aware of others gathering around, drawn by the commotion. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw familiar faces—Gyomei, Sanemi, Mitsuri, and the others—watching with various degrees of surprise and concern. But I couldn’t stop now, not when all the hurt and anger I had bottled up for so long was finally spilling out. 
“And you, Tengen,” I continued, my voice cracking as I fought to keep the tears at bay, “you with your flashy demeanor and your perfect life, you stand there and judge me? Do you have any idea what it feels like to be constantly reminded that you don’t belong? To know that every time you walk into a room, people are wondering why you’re even here?” 
Tengen, who had been so confident and carefree just moments before, looked stunned. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. The others looked just as shocked, their eyes wide as they listened to me unleash years of pent-up frustration and insecurity. 
“I’ve fought tooth and nail to be where I am,” I went on, my voice trembling with emotion. “I’ve trained alone, bled alone, cried alone, all because I didn’t want to be a burden. I’ve seen how the rest of you bond, how you look out for each other, and I’ve never once felt like I was truly part of that. And now—now you’re telling me I don’t even look like I belong?” 
The silence that followed was deafening. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I stared at Tengen, daring him to say something, anything. The weight of everyone’s eyes on me only made the tension more unbearable, but I couldn’t bring myself to look away. 
Finally, Tengen took a step back, his face serious and his voice low. “(Y/N), I didn’t mean to make you feel like that. I was just… I was just trying to understand.” 
But I wasn’t done. The presence of the other Hashira, the ones who had unknowingly made me feel like an outsider, only fueled the fire inside me. “Understand?” I scoffed bitterly. “You can’t understand. None of you can. You all have your places, your roles, your families. But me? I’m just the stray Kagaya took in. The one who doesn’t fit, no matter how hard I try.” My voice trembled as I continued, the words tumbling out like a dam that had finally burst. “You think you know pain? You think you understand what it’s like to be unwanted?” I could feel the tears welling up, but I refused to let them fall. I needed them to hear this, to understand why I could never just fit in like the rest of them. 
“My father… my so-called father, wasn’t even really mine,” I spat, the bitterness seeping into my tone. “He was a drunk who hated the sight of me because I wasn’t his. My mother—she had me with some man she hooked up with, and when my father found out, he made my life a living hell. He couldn’t stand to look at me, to touch me. And when I tried to reach out, to be a part of their lives, do you know what they did?” 
I held up my hands, the scars still faintly visible from where the boiling water had seared my skin so many years ago. “They poured boiling water over my hands. They told me I was filthy, disgusting, that I didn’t deserve to touch them. They wanted to destroy me, to break me, and they almost did. But I survived. I survived all of it, and for what?” 
The others were silent, their expressions a mix of shock and horror as they listened to the ugly truth of my past. But I couldn’t stop now, not when everything I had buried for so long was finally coming to the surface. 
“My real father didn’t want me either,” I continued, my voice cracking. “I found him once, and he looked at me like I was nothing. Like I was a mistake he wished he could erase. And my mother, she was no better. She sold me to Kagaya for 5000 yen, like I was just some piece of trash she needed to get rid of.” 
My chest heaved with the effort of holding back my sobs, but I forced myself to keep going. “So don’t stand there and tell me I belong here, or that you understand. You don’t know what it’s like to be cast aside by everyone who was supposed to love you, to have to fight every day just to prove you’re worth something. Kagaya… he saved me, but even now, I feel like I’m just that unwanted child he took in out of pity.” 
I finally let the tears fall, unable to hold them back any longer. “I’ve been fighting my whole life, not just against demons, but against this feeling that I’ll never be enough. That no matter what I do, I’ll always be the girl who wasn’t wanted, who didn’t belong.” 
The weight of my confession hung in the air, heavy and oppressive. The Hashira stood there, their faces pale with the realization of just how deep my wounds ran. They had seen me as strong, maybe even intimidating, but now they saw the broken pieces beneath the surface. 
“Maybe… maybe I don’t belong here,” I whispered, the words barely audible as I finally let the despair take hold. “Maybe I never did.” 
The warm glow of lanterns filled the dining hall of the Ubuyashiki estate, casting a soft light on the low table where Kagaya and Amane Ubuyashiki sat, waiting for the evening meal to be served. The gentle hum of conversation from their children filled the room, but there was an undercurrent of unease that neither Kagaya nor Amane could ignore. 
Kagaya’s usually serene expression was tinged with concern as he glanced at the empty space at the table. “(Y/N) hasn’t arrived yet,” he murmured, his voice gentle but laced with worry. “She’s never this late.” 
Amane nodded, her eyes reflecting the same concern. “It’s unusual for her to miss dinner. She’s always been so diligent about joining us, no matter how intense her training.” 
Their children, who had been quietly conversing among themselves, began to notice the absence of their elder sister. One of the younger girls, a delicate child with soft, dark hair, looked up at her parents with wide, innocent eyes. “Where’s big sister?” she asked, her voice small and worried. “Is she okay?” 
Kagaya reached out to gently pat his daughter’s head, offering her a reassuring smile. “I’m sure she’s fine, my dear. Perhaps she’s still out training and lost track of time.” 
But even as he spoke the words, a sense of unease settled over him. (Y/N) had always been a pillar of strength within their family, someone who, despite her struggles, had always made an effort to be there for her younger siblings. Her absence now felt like a dark cloud over what was usually a peaceful evening. 
Amane rose from her seat, smoothing her kimono as she did. “I’ll go check on her,” she said softly Amane was halfway to the door when Mitsuri Kanroji burst into the dining hall, her usually serene expression now marked by a flurry of worry and urgency. “I’m so sorry for interrupting,” she began breathlessly, her cheeks flushed from running. “But something’s happening, and I thought you should know right away.” 
Kagaya and Amane exchanged a glance, their concern deepening. “What is it, Mitsuri?” Kagaya asked, his voice steady but laced with apprehension. 
Mitsuri’s eyes were wide with alarm. “(Y/N) and Tengen… they’re fighting. It’s not just a verbal argument. It’s a full-on hand-to-hand fight. They’re outside, and it looks like it’s getting out of control.” 
The room fell silent as Kagaya’s face hardened with determination. He stood abruptly, the calm demeanor he usually projected replaced by a stern urgency. “Amane, stay with the children,” he instructed. “I’ll handle this.” 
Amane nodded, her face pale but resolute. “Please, be careful.” 
Kagaya and Mitsuri hurried outside, the cool evening air hitting their faces as they made their way toward the training grounds. The sounds of grunts and the clash of limbs grew louder, guiding them to the scene of the confrontation. As Kagaya and Mitsuri approached the training grounds, the sounds of the fight grew louder, their urgency pushing them faster. They rounded a corner to find (Y/N) and Tengen locked in a fierce struggle, their movements a whirlwind of punches, kicks, and defensive maneuvers. 
Tengen was clearly showing signs of exhaustion, his breathing ragged and his stance unsteady. His speed, which had been his advantage, was faltering under the relentless assault from (Y/N). Despite his agility, he was struggling to keep up with the sheer intensity of (Y/N)’s assault. 
(Y/N) was equally battered, her face streaked with sweat and dirt, her breathing heavy but determined. Her eyes were focused, each strike driven by a mix of anger and frustration. Her movements were fierce and precise, each punch and kick a testament to her inner turmoil. 
Kagaya stepped forward, his voice cutting through the chaos. “Enough!” His tone was commanding, carrying the weight of authority that both combatants could not ignore. 
For a moment, both (Y/N) and Tengen paused, their bodies freezing mid-action as they turned toward Kagaya. The intensity of their fight still lingered in the air, but the immediate clash of fists and feet ceased. 
Kagaya’s eyes softened with a blend of concern and disappointment as he took in the sight before him. “This is not the way to resolve your conflicts,” he said, his voice steady but heavy with emotion. “We are a family, and families support one another, even in times of disagreement.” 
Tengen, breathing heavily and visibly wounded, looked down, his face flushed with both anger and regret. “I’m sorry,” he managed to say, his voice hoarse. “I didn’t mean to push her so far.” 
(Y/N) stood there, her chest heaving as she struggled to regain control of her emotions. Her anger had dissipated, leaving behind a raw vulnerability that was difficult to hide. She looked at Kagaya, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. As Kagaya called out to (Y/N), trying to bridge the gap that had formed, she ignored him, her steps quick and purposeful. The weight of the confrontation, combined with the emotional strain she had been carrying, propelled her forward with an urgency that left no room for pause. 
Her room was her sanctuary, a place where she could hide from the eyes of others and the expectations placed upon her. She rushed through the hallway, her heart pounding in her chest, and threw open the door with a force that made it slam against the wall. 
Inside, she collapsed onto her bed, burying her face in her hands as the tears she had fought so hard to contain finally spilled forth. The raw vulnerability that had been exposed during the fight now gave way to an overwhelming sense of despair. She had always prided herself on her strength, but in that moment, she felt utterly defeated. 
As the tears streamed down (Y/N)’s face, the weight of her own anguish became unbearable. Her room, once a refuge, now felt like a prison, enclosing her in her darkest thoughts. She buried her face in her hands, the raw emotion making her shoulders shake with each sob. 
In her desperation, (Y/N) reached for a pot she kept hidden in the corner of her room. It was a vessel she had used in the past to punish herself—a cruel reminder of the torment she had endured. She filled it with water from the small kettle she kept on a low flame and watched as it began to heat. The steam rising from it seemed almost to mock her, a cruel echo of the suffering she had faced. 
The minutes ticked by painfully slow, each one amplifying her internal struggle. Finally, she lifted the pot, her hands trembling with both anger and fear. The boiling water sloshed ominously, a dark promise of the pain she was about to inflict upon herself. 
She hesitated, her breath catching in her throat. The old scars of her past—her mother’s harsh punishment, her father’s neglect—flared up in her mind. The boiling water was more than just a tool of self-harm; it was a symbol of everything she wished to escape but felt unable to. 
In a moment of bleak determination, (Y/N) held the pot over her hands. The thought of finally ridding herself of the hands that had once been subjected to such cruelty was almost seductive. Yet, a part of her clung to the hope that there might still be a way out of the darkness that had consumed her. Her grip tightened on the pot, the steam curling around her hands and face as she wrestled with the decision. The weight of her past pressed down on her with unbearable force, and in her mind, the boiling water symbolized a final escape from the relentless torment of her memories. 
With a shuddering breath, (Y/N) tilted the pot, and the searing hot water cascaded over her hands. The immediate pain was intense, a white-hot agony that sent sharp cries escaping her lips. The sensation of the scalding water was like a cruel echo of the suffering she had felt throughout her life. 
As the water flowed, the agony became a paradoxical release—a physical manifestation of the emotional pain she had struggled to articulate. The searing heat burned not just her flesh but also her heart, giving a fleeting, tangible form to the suffering she had been grappling with in silence. 
The burning sensation intensified, and (Y/N) gasped, her eyes widening in shock and torment. She dropped the pot, the remaining water splashing onto the floor, leaving her hands red and blistered. The pain was blinding, almost overwhelming, but in its brutal clarity, it forced her to confront the depth of her self-destructive desperation. 
pt.3? anyone??
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gesukii · 1 year
Hantengu Clones walking in on you masturbating
TW: fingering,
This does take place in a modern setting, the readers gender is not specified
These mfs is so FINE AHGH
But the dub is HORRENDOUS 😭 especially Karaku but the more I listen to it the more I can convince myself that it sounds good
I mean I wouldn't say it's bad I just don't feel as if the dub voices suit them, like I did not picture them like that.
Anyway I hope you enjoy
Not beta read
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He'd been on your mind all day. Karaku. That irritating prick. All day, all day he'd been teasing you. Bunking up against you, lingering wheneer he did. Sexual undertones to everything he did, while handing you a pin he'd accidently stroke your fingers. He ticked you off.
Not even because of what he did, that was part of it, but... What really pissed you off was the fact that he got you so riled up. Sometimes you wished he could just take you right there on the spot. Hmm. The thought made you wet
And all the more eger to get home
You had just gotten home and it was finally time for you to let lose. Didn't even bother to lock the door. You quickly undressed as you got down onto the bed wasting no time. You got a pillow underneath yourself to straddle as you moved your hips, feeling all up and down your body. Playing with your nipples, caressing your chest grinding your hips on your pillow more and more to create a friction that made you wanna cum right there in the spot.
"uhh~ hmmm ngh ♡" pleasured noises slipped past your lips as your grinding more and more fast.
You couldn't help but feel something was missing though... Someone
"Karaku" you said. The mere thought of him, sent you into heat. He'd been on your mind all damn day. And now finally, finally you got to release yourself from what he put you through. You bounced up and down in the pillow. The pleasure becoming more intense. " -s to much Karaku! Karaku! Ahh!"
The way hed look at you, teasingly, and the way hed accidently bump against you sometimes, the suggestive gestures the look in his eye the tone of his voice his scent, everything.
"Karaku ~" you breathlessly said "Oo Karaku ~!" You moaned, as your hand snaked down your chest down to the pillow you were grinding on. You slid your hand up and down, only imagining what he would feel like underneath you.
The sounds he would make. The sounds he would make you make. The ways he'd touched you. Would he be fast or slow? Would he be a sensual lover? Would he degrade and defile you? Or would he praise and worship you?
"My my Y/N I had no idea you were such a dirty one"
You heard Karaku behind you. You froze.
" you left some important papers at work today so I thought I'd bring em to ya. Aren't I so nice Y/N~ You should really gimme a kiss on the cheek, I've earned it don't you think?~" He said. Point to his cheek with puffy lips. You could hear the smirk in his voice.
His cocky attitude... During a moment like this...
He walked up to you, placing the papers near your side. Sitting down on your bed.
" Were you finger fucking yourself to the thought of me? Such a needy one aren't cha?" He put his hand under you. You jumped at the sudden warmth. He smirked " I'm here now down worry''
Okay that's it 🧍🏼ill do the other parts and I'll link them.
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dreaisgrayte · 7 months
Under the Goddess' Veil [TEASER]
A/n: This fic was a tad bit spur of the moment to take a break from rewriting some of Lady of Amberguard. Turns out I really like the idea and haven't been able to stop writing on it for 2 days. I will say this will be a bit of plot in the first 4 or 5 thousand words but from then on...dear Lord forgive me for the absolute FILTH I have planned.
Description: I'll give a silly one for right now, basically a maiden gets sacrificed to 5 dragons and a lot of fucking happens. The end.
Pairings: Obanai Iguro, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Giyuu Tomioka, Uzui Tengen, and Kyojuro Rengoku x reader
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
“I was supposed to be sacrificed to you for the honor of my village…” You trail off, trying to connect the dots. You glance in the direction of Sanemi, his usually stern eyes softening when they connect with yours. “Are you going to eat me?” Your words sound pitiful, like you had accepted that fact already – and you had. You’d be raised on the single constant that you would be fed to the Gods atop the neverending tips.
Uzui appears in front of you, a lazy smirk playing with his lips as he leans down to be eye level with you. “Not in the way you’re thinking.” He purrs, rolling his smirk into his mouth.
Kyojuro pushes forward, his long hair whipping in the wind Obanai was still creating. “Your humans assume when we request a maiden to be given to us that we would feast upon her supple flesh,” He sighs, looking at Obanai as he speaks. “Every century our loneliness becomes unbearable. There was the occasional soul that attempted to harm us, wanting to take the hoard for themself, but that didn’t last long. Other draconics would visit us, but some of them would fight for our territory.” Your eyes are drawn to Sanemi again and his plethora of scars. He avoids your gaze at all costs, he finds the outer wall of the cave particularly interesting.
Kyojuro continues with a solemn smile. “Then one day a beautiful woman found her way into the lower tunnels. She came begging us to help her village, people were sick – dying. She was ready to give anything to us for the sake of the people.”
Uzui, who is leaning against the wall, pipes up again. “So she gave us her body.” Your brows knit together. Her body? What exactly did that mean? Kyojuro shoots him a glare before setting himself in front of your gaze, staring into your eyes.
“The women before you were scared, frightened of the big bad monsters within the Ponorich peaks. Most of them tried to escape with no avail…they would get lost and starve or stay within our sight and do the same thing. There were others that would find our hoard and selfishly conspire to harm us to take it.” Kyojuro’s eyes are bright swirls. “We want a mate, a bride.” Bride…you had dreamed about a day adorned with joy once. It had been a quick thought, squashed by the reality that you understood from a very young age. Though, now perhaps you could live the life that had been taken away from you.
The wind dies down and you quickly look behind to find Obanai stepping onto the edge in a graceful manner. He nods his head at you, an ethereal glow still present in his eyes. It made your stomach dip in the strangest way. "You can have one of us,” He waves his arm to the group of men, their eyes trained on you. Obanai steps forward, picking up your hands softly. You peer at him through your lashes. “Or all of us." He finishes. A distinguishing feeling glides through your very being. Something that tells you if you were going to die for the village the least you could do was live for them.
"I-I'd like to have all of you..." You stammer, your confidence dropping with every second. When did you decide to become so brazen? Here you were, a maiden surrounded by five men that surely looked upon you with heat and desire.
"Are you sure you can handle that little doe? Becoming the wife of five hungry dragons isn't going to be easy. You will ache when you are without us and you will ache when you are with us." Giyuu coos, placing a hand on your back. It sends licks of warmth that jolt to where you had never been touched.
“You will become ours in every way possible.” Uzui is now to your other side, hand upon your waist. “We will take you whenever we want,” A piece of hair falls to the side of his ear, distracting you for a moment until he brings your gaze back to him with fingers under your chin. “And you can take us whenever you want.”
Kyojuro hangs his arms around your shoulders, placing himself square behind you. The thin material of your slip does nothing to hide the warmth radiating off the man. “When our heat occurs you will have to be careful. One of us may ravish you and then two more join in.” He nudges your head with affection and your stomach stirs.
“Are you willing to make sacrifices?” Sanemi asks, still standing a few feet away from the huddle the rest of them had now created around you.
“I was raised to do so.” You reply, a confident nod moving your head.
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teenangsty · 1 year
Akaza headcannons🏀💗
We love are basketball boy
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If Douma ever gets near you you better know "ITS GOING DOWN"
Prefers keeping you out of his demon life especially away from the upper ranks he doesn't want you turning Into a demon or getting hurt by one
Your thighs and or boobs if you have them are now his personal pillow
If anything would happen to you he would probably go on a rampage and find who did it and end them the most painful slow way every so they suffer
Loves it when you cook he is a sucker for homemade dishes<especially by his lover
Most definitely calls you "flower" or "my flower"
Fem/how you met;
Akaza was minding his business on a roof when he saw a beautiful young woman being harassed by a group of older drunk men he swooped down killing them in a instant the young woman was scared but thankful ever since then he vowed to protect his flower.
Male/how you met;
He was on the look for a spider lily when he saw a young man the man ran away from him in fear but akaza wanted to fight right before killing the man he locked eyes and someway couldn't bring himself to do it he left in denial a few days but eventually came back
Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed
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the-wisteria-house · 1 year
You set my heart, Ablaze (Kyojuro X Tsuguko reader)
Requested by: Becauseus. You and your master had always enjoyed training together, but as time went on, it became harder and harder to keep you cool. He was just too kind and attractive! So you began to distance yourself from the man, much to his confusion, but he could never know about your feelings. So you enlist the help of the sound Hashira to train you, this ends up backfiring, or dose it?
Warnings: miscommunications between (y/n) and Kyojuro. Tengen is a bit of a flirt, but nothing inappropriate.
You and Rengoku had met during one of his earliest missions as Hashira. Slayers had been vanishing after investigating the disappearances of wealthy estate owners in a small village located in the northern part of his district. Ubuyashiki had asked Rengoku to join the most recent group of low ranks sent to investigate in the hope that the presence of a hashira could lure out the elusive demon that had been plaguing the town for weeks.
Unfortunately, by the time Kyojuro had arrived at the village, the entire group of slayers had been ruthlessly slaughtered and messly scattered about the scene. Kyojuro felt his stomach turn in disgust. It was clear the demon was committing monstrosities for sport.
As Kyojuro looked over the bodies, he noticed that something was off. They usually send scouting parties of five, and there were only four bodies, torn to shreds, but still 4 none the less. Had the demon dragged off one of the slayers and devoured them? No, it wouldn't make sense why the demon would leave the rest and only take one? Kyojuros' contemplation was broken as he realized he heard something faint, it sounded as if a struggle was occurring in the clearing ahead.
As Kyojuro weaved through the thick brush of the woods , the sound of growling and a sword breaking wind grew more and more prominent. He silently cursed himself for not hearing the clashing sooner.
As he ran into the clearing Kyojuro could see you were the only Slayer left standing, there were bones scattered about the landscape that he couldn't help but note looked suspiciously human... The scene would have had any lower rank demon slayer quivering in fear, itching to turn around and run with their tail between their legs; but to a seasoned slayer and now Hashira like him it wasn't the first time he'd witnessed such a catastrophe. It was only something that would make it harder to sleep some nights and aid in his drive to protect the innocent in hopes to prevent such a scene from occurring again.
The thing that did surprise Kyojuro was seeing a lower ranked slayer such as yourself putting up such a brazen fight despite the pain you must have been in from your wounds; Your skill was clear, but you were growing tired with each strike you received. He knew if he didn't interfere soon, you would surely perish as did the others before you. So without a moment's hesitation he leapt into action, catching the offending demon off guard.
With the distraction his sudden entranced caused you were able to find an opening to quickly decapitate the demon, and as you stood there looking at the demon who was responsible for taking the lives of your friends, and countless others you felt the adrenaline coursing through your veins begin to wear off, and a throbbing pain began to spread across your body like wildfire, and as your limbs grew heavy and you lost grip of your sword.
Kyojuro's eyes followed the weapon as it clattered to the ground, and it was as if the world stopped for a moment- the sword was turning from its original flat silver to a striking red.
"Your sword-" Kyojuro began before pausing, noticing the fatigue and grief in your eyes. He knew now wasn't the time for celebration.
"It doesn't matter, I failed in the end. I didn't save them." Kyojuro took a step forward without second thought, and protested your claim.
"I have to disagree. If you hadn't defeated the demon, more slayers along with civilians would have surely met their ends. The demon was misclassified from the start, and what occurred because of that was not your fault! You had no clue what you were up against until it was too late to turn back. I'm sure your fallen comrades would agree that you had not abandoned them by fighting on and surviving." There was no hint of deceit in his voice. You were taken aback by the conviction and confidence he heald.
You looked from the decentagrated demon up to the stary night sky. It had no right to look as calm and unbothered as it did - as if it hadn't also witnessed the grotesque scean before you.
"Then tell me why I feel so usless right now, so weak? Innocent people die because of these monsters!" Flashes of your friends standing around the fire as you sung out key ballets that told outlandish stories of brave warriors and monsters, roasting smores and suspicious looking meat over the bright flames, and your throat constricted as you spoke, "Tell me why I couldn't do more? I became a slayer to save those who couldn't save themselves...and I failed- I failed miserably, and there's nothing I can do....It's like as soon as I make some sort of progress, something is pushing me back. How can I get anywhere if I'm this weak? I'm pathetic, and a waste of a slayer!"
Kyojuro didn't speak at that moment. He only listened as you cried, and he tried to figure out what to do at that moment, "Be my Tsugo, let's cultivate your skills together. You might feel useless now, but I know otherwise. No slayer with zero potential would be standing before me, still alive and breathing. I've only known you for a short time, but I know with the burning fire you have within you, you can achieve great things, young Mizunoe."
His words made you pause and look away from the spot the demon had been, "You want to train me?"
"Yes!" The Hashira's eye contact was unwaveringly as he nodded firmly.
That was well over a year ago, and here you were, blade in hand, sweating your ass off, and cursing yourself for losing your concentration once again. This was the fourth time you barely evaded being hit by the bokken your sensei was passionately wielding with an unmovable smile, almost as if he was enjoying your suffering. Despite now being a kinoto and usually being able to keep up with your master, you had to be off your game today, which didn't seem to go unnoticed by your young master, "Let's take a break, and enjoy some of the delicious food Senjouro packed for us!"
You couldn't help but sigh before nodding in agreement. There was no doubt in your mind that you were only taking a break due to your poor performance. Embarrassment swelled with in you and your face began to heat up.
As you ate in silence and your cheeks had returned to normal you were praying to all the gods you could think off that he wouldn't bring up how poorly you had been evading his attacks, but it seems the gods didn't hear your ple, or maybe they had and just wanted to watch you suffer.
"(Y/N), pardon me if this isn't my place, but you aren't performing at the same caliber you normally do. Is there something on your mind?" Rengoku had stopped eating, and painted on his face was a serious expression. You couldn't help the way your head swung around at that question. The truth was there was, in fact, something on your mind, something he as your master could never know.
"(Y/N), are you alright? We don't have to talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable, but know I'm always here if you need me." His serious tone drew you out of your thoughts, and you blush as you realize you had been gawking at his undeniably handsome features, framed by his equally beautiful and fiery locks.
"Don't worry Master, I'm alright." You lied with a small smile, hoping he wouldn't bat an eye at your bluff. The truth was you weren't alright. You were falling for your Master, and while the age difference wasn't all that extreme, only three years, the idea of a master and Tsuguko being involved with one another was unheard of, if not Taboo. You knew you had to get over this silly crush for both your and Rengokus sake.
So you begain to distance yourself from your master, much to his confusion.
First, you started by cutting lessons short, giving a different excuse each time as to why you had to leave.
"I forgot to give my cat food this morning, so I should really head back now."
"But (y/n), you're allergic to....." He stops as he realizes you had already walked away. His heart grew heavy at the lie you told. He began to wonder how best to approach the situation. You weren't usually one to slack off, so he knew something was wrong.
"(Y/n), if there is something bothering you, I'm willing to listen." Kyojuro said, looking up from his food to you, watching how you froze at the question.
"There's nothing wrong at all." You quickly respond before stuffing your face with more food, wanting to avoid further discussion. Kyojuro let's out a defeated sigh before looking back at his food, suddenly not feeling hungry despite the grumbling of his stomach. He decided he'd bring it up again later.
After trying to talk to you about what was bothering you and failing multiple times he finally decided enough was enough when you failed to show up to practice one day.
He was normally a patient man, but his anxiety filled thoughts were starting to get the best of him. Had he done something wrong? Had he overstepped your boundaries by asking you if you were alright? He only did that because he cared. Why won't you just tell him what he did wrong so he can fix it? He intended to find you and ask you outright, having grown impatient at the thought of waiting for you to reject him as your master... and friend.
"So (y/n), you decided to take me up on my offer?" You glared at Tengen, who's ego had seemed to double as you led him behind your house. You honestly were beginning to regret asking him to train you for the time being.
"Say, isn't Rengoku the one who usually trains you? Why aren't you training with him? I mean not that I'm complaining that I get to spend the afternoon with a beautiful girl such as yourself." You resisted the urge to rule your eyes as you fought off a blush at the mans flirting; more out of embarrassment than anything else.
"If I knew you were going to talk the whole time and not train me, I would have asked Mitsuri instead." You grumbled before getting in position to spar with the man.
"You wound me (Y/n), but you're right. We didn't come here to talk. We can do that after, hopefully over some sake and dinner." The man winked at you and then got into a ready position as well.
Fighting Tengen was interestingto say the least. While it was good in the sense that it was far easier to keep a level head and not turn into a blushing fumbling mess every time you made any sort of contact, compared to with Rengoku who you couldn't help but make a fool of yourself in front of.
You knew that Tengen was a flirt, so you paid little attention to his flatery remarks, mind focusing solely on training and pushing your fiery locked master to the back of your mind.
"So (Y/n), how would you feel about becoming my fourth wife?" Tengen suddenly asks mid fight, completely catching you off guard, giving him the perfect opening to attack and subdue you.
"Damnit, Uzui! Let me go, that was so uncalled for! Who asks questions like that in a spar?" You try to wiggle out of the Hashiras firm grasp, failing miserably. In your struggle, you hadn't noticed the presence that had joined you in the court yard.
As Rengoku watched you spar against his friend and fellow pillar, he could help the frown that crept onto his face.
So this is why you had stopped training with him? He felt his heart grow heavy at how you'd found a new master and didn't think to even tell him why. In that moment, he also felt something else that he couldn't quite pinpoint boil with in him as he saw Tengen say something that flusterd you. Kyojuro's fist trembled in rage. Who did Tengen think he was? He already had three wives, and he still felt the need to take the one woman Kyojuro had ever loved. Kyojuro's eyes widened at this realization. He loved you... he let out a heavy sigh, shoulders slightly dropping in defeat, "What am I doing? She's happy and he's my best friend, I can't be selfish...Who am i to get in the way?"
Kyojuro turned around and walked down the path he'd taken to your pausing and looking back the way he came. Maybe he should talk to Uzui?
"Well (y/n), I think it's time we part ways. I understand what Rengoku sees in you. I'm sure you'll make a flashy Hashira when the time comes. Oh, and if you don't end up with Rengoku, my offer still stands." The Hashira winks while getting ready to head out.
"What do you mean 'get with Rengoku' i never - when did i ever -" you stammered once again, caught off guard by the flashy Hashira who was already walking away, paying your question no mind. 'What the hell???'
As Tengen made his way down the scenic path, he couldn't help the laughter that escaped him once he saw Rengoku in the center of the path with his arms crossed in front of his chest, clearly waiting on him.
"Ah, Rengoku! I thought I heard you enter the garden! It's good to see my you! You should have joined (L/n) and I during training! You've trained her well, I think she could fairly well be a pillar in the near future." Tengen stopped in front of his fellow Hashiras as he spoke. Acting oblivious to the clear distain in the other mans gaze.
"It looked like you had the situation handled." The unusually short response from Rengoku caused Tengen to quirk a brow before an even bigger grin broke across his face, "Rengoku.... are you jealous?"
Rengoku only ignored the question, deciding to respond with one of his own, "What are your intentions with (Y/n)?"
"You are jealous! I was only helping her train. I won't lie and say she doesn't interest me slightly. She's an incredible woman,but i don't believe her interest lies with me." Tengen couldn't help but be amused by his friends perplexed look.
"I- what are you trying to say, Uzui?" Rengoku asks after a moment of hesitation, not understanding where this was going.
"What I'm saying is you should talk to her." Tengen pats his firey allies' shoulder, before brushing past him and continueing his way down the dirt trail.
Kyojuro didn't say anything as he watched his friend continue down the trail, feeling more confused than he had before their chat.
After weighing the pros and cons of following the sound Hashiras advice, he began to make his way towards your home, ignoring the erratic thumbing in his chest. Tengen was a lot of things, but Kyojuro knew he would never purposely mislead him.
As he approached your garden, he decided it was best to stop and try to figure out what he was going to say before approaching you, but his plan was soon foiled as you rounded the corner and barreled right into his chest. Why was nothing going right today? (Mwaahaha because i like making you suffer)
"I-uh,Rengoku! What can i do for you?" You stamer before you lept back, almost as if you were scalded by boiling water.
"You missed training." His voice was void of humor. It honstly seemed almost mornful.
"I did..." You knew there was no way of lying your way out of this, and honestly, you were tired of lying to your master and friend, so you told the truth.
"You were training with Uzui, do you want him to be your new master, or is there....more going on there?" You'd never seen your master so unsure of himself, but here he was voice wavering.
"It's more complicated than that, Kyojuro...I don't have a choice." Neither of you noticed your little slip up in the midst of you heightened emotions. "It shouldn't be, there's no inbetween (Y/n). You deserve someone who will love you unapologetically and wholeheartedly." Kyojuros' hand, which had somehow found its way onto your arm, lightly tightened to convey his sincerity. You then realized in that moment you both were talking about two very different things.
"Wait-wait- no, no, you misunderstand! There's absolutely nothing going on between me and Mr.Uzui." While Tengen was a good friend, you couldn't help but grimace at the thought of being his wife and having to spend the rest of your life with the flirty egotistical man bothering you constantly. He may have been pretty, but not that pretty.
Shaking yourself from your thoughts, you couldn't help but note the look of relief on Rengoku's face. "That's a relief. I thought I was going to have to watch you marry Tengen." Your brows furrowed in confusion, "Would that have been a bad thing if i didn't?"
Rengokus hand slid down your arm before finally landing on your callused but soft hand, "I suppose there's no use in hiding from you... It would have been horrible if you and Tengen had gotten together because I would have to watch him live out the life with you that I could only dream of having."
"Rengoku, are you saying you -" The anamored look in the Hasias eyes stopped you in your tracks, and a grin breaks across your face, and you knew you already had your answer.
"Yes, I love you (Y/N), I want to be yours if you'll take me." His large hand seemed to engulf yours as he brought it to rest over his rapidly beating heart.
"I've felt the same for a long time, but Kyojuro I'm your Tsuguko, what will people say when they see that we're more than master and student? I don't want to sully your good name." You try to pull your hand away from the man, only for his grip to only tighten, keeping your hand firmly in place above his passionately beating heart.
"I don't care about what anyone might say about us. We know the truth! Spending a life without you by my side seems far crueler than any dirty look I may receive from a faceless stranger." He firmly refuted with unwavering confidence. In that moment, you felt your resolve begin to start to chip away, and the unwavering passion in his eyes did little to help.
"Okay, if you're willing to be with me despite the challenges that may come our way, I'd be honored to be yours." You tried to steady your rapidly beating heart as you both grew closer together, cheast brushing against each other as your breaths mingled.
"You don't know how happy that makes me dear." Kyojuro finally closed the space in between you, and as your lips caressed his. You couldn't help but feel at ease for the first time in months. Kyojuro was yours and you his, and while you knew there would be consiquentense for being together you couldn't bring yourself to care, in that moment it was only the both of you basking in eachothers presence, as it should have been.
And as you separated and looked into his vibrant orbs, you found yourself saying with a battered breath, "Kyojuro, every time I see you, you set my heart ablaze."
He only smiled and pulled you closer to him and kissed your forehead, "I don't think I could describe the passion I feel with you any better myself."
I hope you all enjoyed it! I'm sorry it took me so long to get this out, I had it completed, but I couldn't find the time to edit it as my phone broke, and I didn't have access to a computer, but now we're back on track!
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everlastingleuthymia · 2 months
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When you be rewatching mugen train arc for Kyojuro but didn't expect this
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livelaughlovekny · 1 year
Taking care of Muichirou when he is sick
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Summary: Muichirou caught a cold after not listening to you and you had to take care of him (+Bonus)
  His form and movements were precise and perfect as always. To anyone else, nothing about his seemingly stoic appearance seemed off. You knew though. You weren’t anyone else; you were the “stubborn Tsukugo who enjoys being tormented”. His lips had paled ever so slightly. His eyes weren’t their usual mint green. His skin was less glossy. This has been going on for more than a week and you saw that signs were starting to get worse. Muichirou was sick.
  After your usual training session, you observed him silently. Muichirou continued on with his habit of wiping his sword, sheathing it before proceeding to his own physical training. You contemplated telling him your “findings” and suggesting he visit the Butterfly Estate. Were you overreacting though? Perhaps he was just affected by the heat and not his health. Well, it wouldn’t hurt too much if you asked him just in case right? You stared at him, a minute had barely passed, he was already completing 146 push-ups and continuing without any obvious signs of discomfort or pain. “Hey, are you, like, sick or unwell?”
  Not pausing his training, he replied, “No.” Ah, well, if he said so. You still didn’t quite believe him since this was the same person who was said to have nearly trained himself to death but decided not to push it any further.
  After completing your break, you started on your own workouts too. 2147 sit-ups later, you heard the sound of thunder cracking and saw lightning flash. Picking up your pace, you tried to at least reach 2200 sit-ups before seeking shelter in the Mist Estate. Moments later, rain poured down. Groaning, you hurriedly got up and rushed into the estate. Your training had been disturbed but at least you could continue in the estate.
  Finding a suitable spot, you were about to continue when you notice Muichirou still outside practising his stances and swinging his sword repeatedly. A thunderstorm is currently taking place and yet he still continues training outside. “You’ll get sick. Come in and find another way to train.” You were ignored.
  The day continued on as usual. You continued with your usual workout in the estate while Muichirou continued with his training outside the estate and under the rain. You went to bed and so did he. You woke up the next day fine. He didn’t.
  You knew immediately because your room was facing his. Upon opening your bedroom door, you noticed two very wrong things. One, his bedroom door was closed. Muichirou always wakes up before you and only closes his door when he’s inside. Two, you heard loud coughing coming from his room. You knocked twice on his door before sliding it open, not waiting for any response.
  Muichirou was lying on his mattress, curled up in a foetal position and coughing heavily. God, why don’t people listen to you when you bring up good points? Makes you wonder who the stubborn ones really are. Pushing his fringe away, you lay the back of your hand against his forehead. He was burning. “Stop touching me, I can handle myself.” Muichirou pushed your hand away. You snorted.
  “Don’t bother, hold on, I’ll be back soon.” Despite his previous protest, he made no effort to stop you from whatever you were going to do. Leaving his room, you mutter to yourself about how you had no idea how to care for sick people, much less stubborn and idiotic ones. Drenching a towel in a bowl of cold water, you brought the bowl to his room. Setting the bowl down, you sat down and squeezed the towel before folding it neatly and placing it on Muichirou's forehead. “What are you doing?” Swatting his hand that was reaching for the towel away, you glared at him. “Stop it, you’re clearly sick and dying. Don’t you dare refuse my efforts to care for you.”
  “I’m not dying.” You replied instantly, “To be fair, everyone is dying.” Silence. Triumphantly, you smiled. You knew he would say that and prepared a response beforehand. “Now, lie still and quietly while I write a letter to the Butterfly Estate for advice on how to care for sick, stubborn dummies.”  No response, you’ll take that as a win too. Laughing internally, you left his room and went to yours.
  A few minutes later, your crow was flying off to the Butterfly Estate. Returning to Muichirou’s room, you note that he was lying still and silently. Muichirou stared at the ceiling with a blank expression. Unsure what else you were supposed to do, you leaned forward and looked down at him. His eyes refocus on your face. You grin. “I’ve sent a letter, I’ll be training in my room. If you need me, just call for me. I’ll check up on you and adjust the towel every once in a while.” Pausing, you remembered that the both of you had yet to eat. “Oops, I forgot about breakfast. Hold on, let me see what I can do.” 
  “I’m not hungry.” So insistent on ruining his health. “Nonsense, your body is fighting for its life, it needs food and that’s final.” Sticking your tongue out at him, you walk to the kitchen. Hands on each side of your waist, you looked at the food supply. “Wonderful, I have no idea what to make that wouldn’t make him sicker.” For the briefest of brief moments, you think about just knocking Muichirou out.
  No, you don’t trust yourself enough to not accidentally somehow kill him by hitting the wrong spot. And if you did somehow manage to not kill or induce a coma, you knew he would immediately cut your head off. You liked where your head is and would like it to remain that way. If only he listened to you! None of this would have happened and you wouldn’t have to figure out a way to not give your master food poisoning while he was sick. “Porridge. Sick people can consume porridge right? That’s just watery rice and some other stuff right?” You bit your bottom lip, considering the risks of carrying out a freestyle recipe. 
  You were sure an eternity had passed when you finally entered Muichirou’s room with a steaming bowl of porridge and a glass of water. The glass of water was probably unnecessary but he didn’t need to know that. Muichirou turned his head and looked at you as you carefully set the tray containing his breakfast on the floor. “I thought you left the estate.” You definitely took a while to prepare his breakfast then.
  “I considered it for a while but that would be too cruel.” You scooped a small portion of the porridge and blew on it lightly. “Say ‘ahh’.” Muichirou opened up his mouth and swallowed. You were fist pumping in your mind, he did not resist!  Repeating your actions, you smiled at him. He swallowed the food again but decided to object to your help again, “I can feed myself.” Ignoring his protest, you continued feeding him. “Perhaps, but you were also the one who insisted on training under the rain.” Muichirou looked away.
  Once you were done feeding him, you grinned, proud that he didn’t get poisoned and willingly accepted your help. Drenching and twisting his towel, you folded it neatly and placed it on his forehead like before. Picking up the tray, you smiled at him and got up. “Alright so like I said before, just let me know if you need anything, otherwise I’ll check up on you every once in a while.” Inhaling a deep breath, you cheered yourself on. Taking care of sick patients scares you. It always feels as if their future depended on your every move and decision. Sliding his door open, you left and slid it shut.
  Now alone in his room, Muichirou turned to look at the closed door. He really shouldn’t remain idle and get up and start training. He really shouldn’t let this fever of his deter him from his duty. He really shouldn’t enjoy you caring for him as much as he does. And yet he remained as he was. Muichirou tried reasoning with himself. He couldn’t quite remember when he started feeling unwell, perhaps he had been pushing himself for more than a week and yesterday was his last straw. Thinking back to when you had asked if he was sick, he remembered feeling a little shock. Used to ignoring his symptoms, he had forgotten that he was sick. How did you know though? He was sure after numerous times of pushing himself to his limit even when sick, his body had started to give up in showing signs of sickness.
  Perhaps the Butterfly Hashira would have been able to tell since she was an expert in the field of medicine and doubled as a doctor. But you clearly had trouble caring for the sick so how was it that you were able to notice? He couldn’t recall much but he was sure that you were already aware of his illness when it started and chose to not comment on it. He recalled feeling your questioning stares and observing looks, your concern written clearly in your expressions. Your absence left his room so silent, allowing him to lose himself in drifting from thought to thought.
  His door slid open. Muichirou turned to look at and saw you standing there, holding a letter. “Helloo, how are you feeling? I just received Kochou-sama’s response, she said that it might just be a bad cold and resting for the rest of the day and drinking warm water would help! Look, she even wrote a short and quick recipe since I said I sucked at cooking for stubborn patients!” You grin at him. Muichirou stared at you silently, not sure why you were so cheery all the time. “She said that I did good in caring for you and drew a smiley-face!” Pointing at the corner of the letter, you waited for a reaction from him. Receiving none, you whined exaggeratedly, “Not that I agree, but I can see why people call me a stubborn idiot who enjoys torture. Your silent treatments are killing me. One day, I’ll tell Oyakata-sama that you keep bullying me and ask to be Kanroji-san’s Tsukugo.” You stuck your tongue out and blew a raspberry at him.
  “Who called you a stubborn idiot?” That was not the response you were expecting. Tilting your head to the side, you looked up as you tried to recall the mean comments you constantly overheard. “I’m not sure. It’s mostly just overheard gossip but there’s always this weird girl with like, blue pigtails and red eyes that keeps giving me dirty looks. I think she’s just jealous because she’s always saying how if she was my rank she would apply to be your Tsukugo and kick me out.” Snorting at the ridiculousness of it all, you laughed. “You would like that wouldn’t you? I think she has a crush on you and would totally do whatever you wanted and not laugh at you.”
  “No. She sounds like someone who wouldn’t work hard. You’re annoying but you’re hardworking.” Ignoring the insult, you focused on his compliment. His first ever compliment to you. “Aww, I didn’t know you could be so sweet. You should get sick more often and maybe you would be more charming!” Muichirou looked at you plainly, unimpressed. “I’m a Hashira. My job is to kill demons and train you, not be charming.” Waving your hand, you rolled your eyes and smiled. “I know, I know. I was just kidding. Don’t worry, I respect your determination. It’s honestly impressive.” Not responding, Muichirou turned away.
  Assuming that meant that your one-sided conservation was over, you got ready to leave his room again. Hearing you getting up, Muichirou turned back and looked at you. “Wait. Don’t go yet.” You turned back and looked at him confused. He wasn’t sure what to say, he didn’t mean to call for you. “... You haven't changed my towel yet.” An unimpressed look crossed your face as you wet his towel and placed it on his forehead.
  Relishing the way your cool palm would brush his fringe away and place the cool, folded towel on his forehead, Muichirou blurted again, “Thank you, I like the way you care for me.” Your hand froze and you stared at him. Pinching his cheeks, you looked at him seriously. “Who is this and what have you done to my master?” Pushing your hands away, Muichirou glared at you. “Stop it, I didn’t mean to say that.” You raised your eyebrows but decided not to say anything else.
  The moment you closed the door, Muichirou allowed himself to cringe at his earlier behaviour. It wasn’t like him to be so… sentimental. This illness and your concern was really getting to him. And yet despite everything he told himself, he couldn’t wait for you to come back to check up on him again. 
Bonus: A few weeks after his recovery, Muichirou was walking back to the Mist Estate when he heard someone calling his name. It was a stranger. She waved her hands wildly and ran up to him. “Oh my gosh! Are you Tokito Muichirou, the Mist Hashira? I’m Yua and it’s a pleasure to finally meet you!” The girl’s blue pigtails bounced and her red eyes shone as she reached excitedly to grasp Muichirou’s hands. With a look of disgust, Muichirou took a stride back and extracted his sword, pointing it at Yua. “Don’t touch me, you low rank. Just by looking at you, I can tell that you don’t even deserve to gossip about others.” He paused. “Much less ones who deserve the titles they earned with their own hard work.” Not willing to spend anymore time with Yua, Muichirou turned away and walked off. Gossiping about others? How did he know that that girl, who’s name he has already forgotten, had gossiped about his Tsukugo? He heard a faint voice in his head and a blurry image appeared in his mind – You were gently dabbing his face with a cool cloth as your hand caressed his face. You were quietly whispering to yourself, “Sometimes I wonder if I deserve to be your Tsukugo. Maybe others are right and I’m just wasting your time. But looking at how angelic you look, how can I bear to leave you?” He wasn’t quite sure if that was a fever dream or how he even remembered but he felt his cheeks heating up.
a/n: sobbing, i tried my best but it wasnt as cute as i wanted it to be!! i tried my best to not make mui ooc but at the same time making the scenes cute but i think i just spent too much time on their banter and unnecessary stuff and not enough on you caring for a sick muichirou :'( + i think many stuff are probably incorrect and i want to yeet myself now im so sorry oml
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honeeslust · 1 year
Headcanons and one shots for Hantengus clones
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Karaku 💚 pleasure
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Bruises and scratches all over just because it pleases him to see you marked for him.
Ride his dick and hold a knife to his throat, even cut him a little. He'll Fuck you harder from underneath you, holding your hips in place so that you can't run while he fills you up so much that it hurts. Who will give in first?
Skin tight jeans and flirty little glances across the room. Brush by him, making just enough contact for him to feel your soft body, but not acknowledging him as you stride by unbothered.
In minutes he’ll have you tucked in a closet with his hands in your pants cupping your ass before he yanks them down your legs. You’ll be sucking your thumb watching his demonic tongue wreaking havoc over your soaking cunt.
Karaku pushes you to the wall with his fingers wrapped tightly around your neck. Your strangled and broken moans are echoing in his ear. The sweat on his chest is cold against your back as he squeezes you tighter against him. He bites your shoulder just a little too hard making you holler out a little from the pain but mostly from the pleasure derived from his thrusting in and out of you. Karaku loses himself in the way you sound as you fight desperately hang onto what little sanity you have left. His teeth sink further into your skin and when he sees the blood spilling from your punctured flesh he growls, snatching your neck back and forcing his tongue in your mouth so you can taste your own blood. His hips buck erratically as he fucks you you blind and silly, praising his good little bunny for taking him so well...
Sekido ❤️ Anger
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He wants your take your clothes off for him. Slowly of coarse. He talks you through how he wants to see you touch your body, and please yourself for him, making sure to leave you wanting to touch yourself more but denying you from entering without his permission. He will edge you relentlessly until his good little angel to earns the moment she gets to finally shatter from his skilled fingers.
When he teases… you beg. You beg for his touch. You beg for him to fuck you. You even beg for him to own you. He wants you pathetic and needy before he gives you your reward…..
When he rewards you.. you thank him. You thank him for filling you up and fucking you hard. You thank him for breaking your mind making you come hard repeatedly. You thank him for his nutt, so hot and sticky all over your chest while you look him in the eyes submitting yourself to him fully.
You’re raining wet and pulsing around him as the threat of release builds. The sight of you weak and writhing for before you break has him ready to let go. But he can’t give in, not yet, he bites down on his fingers to hold on a little longer for you.
He’ll talk you through your orgasm with long deep strokes as he whispers in your ear.
A sound slap lands hard across your face and again across your tits. Your neck is sore and likely bruised from his constant grip. A brutal thrust inside you has your toes tightly coiled and your legs spasming uncontrollably. Sekido leans in close and shakes your face commanding you to look at him. Through your lust hazed vision, you can just barely make out the intense satisfaction behind his blood thirsty grin and his crimson eyes intently locking onto yours. He takes you with one final blow, “that’s it little angel. Let that pussy soak my cock. Cmon…cmon..come for me angel…” (insert deep guttural groans and breathy gasps)
Aiszetsu 💙 Sorrow
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His sweet cries make you wet weak. The more you edge him, the more he whimpers and pleads for you in the most soul pleasing rattled groans when you reward him with his release.
He loves devouring your pussy. His slick tongue eagerly rousing you while he looks up at you with his pathetic imploring eyes hoping you’ll let him fuck you. The pleading glimmer in his eye as he rolls his tongue from side to side over your clit has you thinking you just might let him.
….. “RED LIGHT” you command and he stops pumping from behind. He strains against his collar, writhing side to side as you tug the leash over your shoulder. “that’s my good little demon puppy, hold it just right there.” Aizetsu all but cries, begging you to keep going with his swollen cock head throbbing eagerly inside you. “Uhh-hhh, beg! Fucking beg me and maybe I’ll let you finish what you started.” He pleads for mercy and you tug the leash harder pulling for him to lean against your back. “Greeeeen light…..” With your permission he pounds away, the more you tug the sloppier his movements become. But you trained him well. Your thoughts start to slip as he pulses in and out, forcing more of your elicit juices to run down your legs. His legs start to shake just as you squeeze your thighs together. “Cmon—unngh, show me what you’ve learned Azzy, ah ah ah—.” You hold the leash tight as a foreign warmth fills you. “Goood boy.” You say smiling and patting his head.
Urogi 💛 Joy
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Play fights that start sweet and playful always take a turn for the hot and heavy.
Its his hands all over your body like he’s discovering you for the first time.
TEASE TEASE TEASE!!He has a torturously slow touch. Dragging the pads of his fingers over the inside of your hips, circling over your hip bone and trailing down to the sensitive skin of your upper thigh. It’s so soft that it tickles, making you squirm away from his fingers. He enjoys having you tremble beneath him, the warmth of your flushed skin pressed against his making his cock twitch with the promise of what’s to come. He toys with your body until you’re a writhing pile of flesh with tears welling in eyes showing him just how needy you’ve become, and it’s only then that he’ll let you feel his fingers inside you.
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ehluuhnee · 1 day
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my comfort ship,obamitsu. 🤍🖤🐍🍡💓✨(art by me)
One says Come on,
and the other says,
“I’m tired.”
#obamitsu #obanaiiguro #obanai #iguro #obanaixmitsuri #kny #canon #mitsuri #mitsurikanroji #kanroji #twobirdsofafeather #comfortship #comfort #demonslayer
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iron-embers · 3 months
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GOD…look at these two goofs in love! While most believe Kaito is an absolute simp for his wife….they’re not wrong. But fail to realize that Hatomi is just as much as a simp for him. Bro practically thrives off of her touch, and she can never say no to that face. Can you?
Hope ya like and stay tuned!
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