furyfms · 2 months
Jacaerys/Alys - ❝ you’ve been much alone these past few years. alone and angry. ❞ @demongemz
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" i assure you, i have never been alone. " sure, there had been moments where it had perhaps felt that way, but everybody had those, and jacaerys had been fortunate enough to always be surrounded by family, even if oftentimes he might have preferred not to have been, in the case of his uncles. " you need not worry about me, my lady.. apologies. have we met before ? "
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springbandit · 7 months
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"I did it!" He beamed, stepping back from the car as though he was admiring a finished masterpiece. Inwardly, he was beaming with pride. He couldn't remember the last time he'd worked on anything other than his plane or a few drones he had laying around. It felt good to finally be of use to someone. "That should be it all up and running, ma'am. Fully operational!" He bounced excitedly on his toes, the two faux fox tails hanging off of his toolbelt swishing from side to side.
@demongemz (For Jill)
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starter for @demongemz (tiffany)
Before he'd met Louis de Pointe du Lac — heck, before he'd woken up in London forty years into the future — there was no way Daniel would have set foot in an occult shop, unless it was for a story. But he figured there might be some truth to this shit after all, so he decided to visit The Good Guys, just to see what it was all about. As he pushed the door open, he was hit with the overpowering scent of incense and smoke, and he wandered in, looking around at the displays, until he saw a woman standing near the till. "Hey, are you the owner?" he asked. He didn't wanna lead with do you have anything on vampires? She probably got some far out requests, but that was probably way too far out. Instead he said. "D'you have a section for books?"
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oftimeslostlongago · 1 year
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For once he was trying to keep his head down. He didn't need to get into any legal trouble today, and this seemed like the easiest way to avoid it. The library especially was a useful place, one he knew he'd have loved when he was younger. That was a long time ago, for now he could at least learn. "Excuse me, do you have anything about the crusades?" odd perhaps, but part of him needed to know what had happened.
@demongemz for Rachel
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tshiwthibgilte · 7 months
According to the conversations Piter has been having with his boss hereabouts, he has a job as a cast member at the London Dungeons. His standard of living on an actor's salary is alarmingly below what it was as a high ranking political figure, back home. But he still has... some disposable income. A handful of change. He's still figuring out what to do with it. He could afford gym membership. Going to a gym is one of the things he could afford to do. If he let go of a couple other things he might want to do. Ugh. This is awful.
He walks into a gym he's walked by a few times while exploring the city. He doesn't like the idea of losing his edge just because he's employed as a silly actor now, and not a Mentat assassin. But part of him also doesn't like the idea of staying fighting-fit for... who, exactly? Was it ever for himself? He was shaped into a tool for the Empire, and he deeply resents it. What could life look like if his body and mind meant more than what they could do for people? Does Piter, the individual, want a gym membership?
Well, he doesn't really know. So that's why he walks into the gym.
He's in the middle of preparing his friendliest face for that person at the desk who's going to try and sell him a gym membership whether he wants it or not. Then a Fremen woman casually emerges from the depths of the gym and heads his way, casually on her way out of the gym until she sees him too.
Is he sure she's Fremen? Not completely. But his intuition says it's probably so. She has to be. Spoiled off-world spice gluttons like him are just fundamentally more... pompous and frivolous; also like him. This woman walks like a tiger. He backs away from her like a kitty cat. What must she see, when her total blue eyes meet his? To her, even if she doesn't read him as Harkonnen, he must be a terrible and presumptuous foreigner, soaked in spoils clawed from her world and people! And all of that is true, really!
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"H-hello!" he stammers. "Your eyes are so striking... forgive me if I overstep, but could it be true that we come from the same world of origin? It's the 'spice' that does that, no? How cool! M-my name is Piter, what's yours?"
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hcllsprincess · 4 months
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BACK HOME , one could snap their fingers and build an entire hotel - things aren't that simple here . the force of hardback books weigh heavily on her arms as she all but accidentally slams them on to the counter . " whoops, sorry, " her apology is genuine as she lets out a breath . it was an array of for dummies books, ranging from HOW TO BUILD A HOUSE to HOW TO START A BUSINESS. " hi, i am charlie and i would like to check out these books , if that's alright with you . " she hadn't meant to sound so robotic , but she struggled to find a how to check out books for dummies in the back .
@demongemz / charlie & rachel .
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aemonddd · 1 year
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"will?" margot had no idea how she got here, but here she was, without alana or their son. every time she saw will graham, she thought of the baby they had... and how evil her brother had been. "why are you here? why am i here?"
@demongemz, for will.
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ofmadeleines · 3 months
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sandor hated the lannisters, having worked for them for so many years. especially after all of the shit they put the stark girls through. he got away from them as soon as he could, at the battle of the blackwater. "gods," he responds to the sight of jaime lannister, "not you."
@demongemz -- for jaime lannister.
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claermontdiaz · 6 months
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@demongemz / veronica
   "WHAT'S A BEAUTY LIKE YOU DOING LOOKING LOST IN A PLACE LIKE THIS?" Alex couldn't help it, he was a natural flirt. The dungeons part of town was not for everyone. In fact, Alex really only ever went here when he needed some quiet. Though maybe he secretly had a fascination with the city's past too. "I can point you to the exit if you're lost, otherwise, you're welcome to join me, if you'd like. I was just doing a little touring around myself."
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spookydreamsx · 1 year
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IT HADN'T TAKEN clary long to settle into a steady rhythm. adaptable? maybe. survivalist? certainly. halloween was approaching, and certainly faster than she'd intended. one moment, she blinked. the next, she was staring down the barrel at fall and stoke a pumpkin in her lap with paint. this, this little pet project, was the only thing to distract her from the panic that was lacing her nerves, as though imprinted in her very blood.
the nagging in the back of her head seemed loud, but she persevered, focusing instead of the image that was emerging over the orange skin; autumnal, as stereotypical as it seemed. there were very few trees from her home. that much she knew. fewer that changed colors as the seasons waned.
when she saw the other, she felt a twinge of familiarity (there was that feeling in the back of her mind again), and she ached to know. with confidence that she regularly wore (but did not always feel), she called out, "hey!" to him, and then turned the paint-smeared pumpkin in his direction. keep him here. "what do you think? more red?" || @demongemz
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furyfms · 2 months
Davos/Aegon - ❝ death is so final whereas life…life is full of possibilities. ❞ @demongemz
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“ one would think that death is the end of it all, no ? ” he asked, amusement clouding his features as he looked at the other, because he had died, at the battle of the burning mill, a feeling he remembered clear as day, and yet here he stood, alive and well as though it had never happened. “ it seems, not always. ”
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springbandit · 7 months
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"Hey, lady. Is this a bad time?" He smirked, knocking on the back of the open door with his knuckles as he leaned around it to try and catch sight of her. "Look, I know you said not to keep messin' around with glass and wires, but, uh.." he chuckled, finding a little amusement in the situation. He always liked seeing his own blood and all this tampering was keeping his excitement for when the big show could finally take place. He was inching closer every day. "I may have gotten a little snagged up climbing out a window. You think you can work your magic - again?"
@demongemz (for Jill)
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daydrcamings · 2 months
@demongemz - ❝ there’s things that sleep at day and hunt at night. ❞
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joey let out a sigh, nodding her head. "you don't need to tell me that now, do you?" she questioned. "i saw them up close and personal, didn't i?" her. frank. her father. she'd never imagined that night turning out the way it had. "is that why you're here? hunting?" was abigail here to turn on her? hurt her? she wasn't too sure how to read the other right now, if truth be told. she crossed her arms over her chest as she studied her. "can i help you?"
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oftimeslostlongago · 1 year
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This new world was almost a relief. It gave her a chance to actually process what she'd had to do. It had been the right thing, but he had still been her brother, her twin. Despite everything that had happened, everything he had become, there'd been a time when she hadn't been closer to anyone else. But for now, she just had to keep going, and seeing someone come into the shop, she tried to focus on them. "Hi, how can I..." that was odd. She'd seen his face before. Old images... but that was impossible. "Dad?" it was his eyes, she knew it was him. But that young?
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onespvrk · 1 month
closed starter for @demongemz (alys rivers)
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there were many people in harwin's past that he had only seen in passing. one of them was his father's bastard daughter alys. he'd only spoken to her a handful of times, harwin would quickly get swept away once he was seen near her as if he'd contract an illness if he was in her vicinity. to be honest he barely recognized her, but harwin managed to figure it out "alys. it's been awhile."
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starrcrxssed · 1 year
@demongemz​ asked:
this is how the world works.  (from Ada to Rhaenyra)
“and what world would that be?” The silver haired queen looked amused, but amusement like this was rarely something to find comforting. A sight to behold, certainly, but more often than not, her amusement led to flames, and destruction. “I know very little of this place, and yet it is fueled by many of the same things as my home world. Money. Sex. Power.” She laughed. “I am beginning all worlds work exactly the same.”
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