furyfms · 14 days
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in the time since his arrival in london, levi had established some semblance of routine, which always started with a mediocre cup of tea, always to take out so that he could get on with the rest of his day. it was a little repetitive, but the best way to try and distract his brain from wondering what the fuck was going on and questioning why he had wound up in an entirely different world, one he didn’t recognise. he had been content to ignore the familiar face of a ghost on his way out ; this wasn’t the first time he’d seen the faces of dead comrades, so he’d put it down to a simple trick of the light, of his mind. only they had never spoken, thus the illusion remained just that, until erwin spoke. “ so we finally get rid of titans and now we’ve got to deal with talking zombies ? ” reunions had never been his forte, especially when they were wholly unexpected, especially when the other involved party was supposed to be dead, had been dead, so he wasn’t exactly sure how to act, especially with the other seemingly acting as though this was entirely normal. “ what the fuck ? ”
closed starter for @furyfms ( levi ackerman )
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even though he’d been here for a couple years now, erwin was still fascinated by this place. he wasn’t crazy enough to believe that this was the secret beyond the walls or the truth in eren’s basement, but this london place was everything he dreamed of. all that was missing were his comrades mainly levi, but he’d just have to be content that they were happy… wherever they were. the blonde let out a sigh, his day had been long and he knew he was going to crash as soon as he got home, so seeing levi standing there had him thinking he was hallucinating. wait… i must already be dreaming… yeah! that’s got to be it. erwin couldn’t keep the soft smile from his face as he walked over towards the shorter man “fancy seeing you here soldier.” he teased, hand itching to reach out towards levi.
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furyfms · 18 days
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alicent listened as her father recalled what had happened, taking note of his trembling words, the shock of what he had endured rippling through her like a cold wave. she had never seen him like this. her father, usually always so composed, so unyielding, now shaken by an ordeal he could scarcely remember. her heart clenched at the sight of him, the man who had always been her pillar of strength, now so visibly affected. " you never made it oldtown. " she repeated, in disbelief. now she knew why he had never responded to any of her letters, pleading for his return. " does it matter ? it is aemond. you have always known how he is. i did not think he would turn to kinslaying, or attempted kinslaying. i believe he is responsible for aegon's injuries, burned severely, a broken leg from falling from sunfyre - who we believe was slain in the attack. " she explained, taking a pause to collect her breath. " now, he lays bedridden, aemond ruling in his stead. and he will burn anyone who dares defy him. i fear for the state of things. "
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OTTO DID NOT KNOW WHAT HAD HAPPENED. if anything, the fact that his hands were still shaking whenever he talked about said subject was what showed him that something more had happened and that he didn't remember it. right? "i know not. i was on ny way to oldtown and .. we fell into a trap. all the guards that had followed me there were slain and.. when i woke up again? i was trapped in a cell. i do not know my captors or what they wanted. all i knew was that i could not do anything." he reached forward, her words moving through his mind. a problem? yes. "slow down, daughter. you are alright. i am here now and.. i am sorry that i was not able to get to you before," that he had been taken? yes and that was why he was apologising. rare for otto hightower but also true. "now, tell me what's happened? slowly? start at the beginning. what lead aemond to do that?" @furyfms
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furyfms · 18 days
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" i was not expecting to run into you either, daemon. " jacaerys greeted his uncle with a curt nod. there had always been a strange sort of understanding between them ; a mutual respect that had grown over the years, despite, or perhaps because of, their differences. he had always respected daemon’s unyielding nature, his refusal to be anything other than what he was and subsequent refusal to apologise for it. " i am well enough, thank you. " he assured, taking a seat beside his uncle. " and if i was ? would you be buying, daemon ? "
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"JACAERYS. I DID NOT THINK I'D SEE YOU HERE," he did not have anything against the boy. if anything, he never had and perhaps never would, seeing as.. yes, he could say that he also did respect the lad. he had done the most of what he had over the years and yes, that was something that he could say he did like. and besides? he was perhaps someone that daemon did truly care for in his own and perhaps strange, strange way. right? "are you well, boy? not looking to get a drink of your own, i take it?" @furyfms
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furyfms · 18 days
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" there was always far too much to be done to take the time to wallow in self-pity. " alicent answered, her tone laced with a hint of melancholy. she'd had a lot that she had wished for that she was never granted, much like many others, but there had always been some distraction, something more to do, a lack of time to herself. and perhaps that had been for the best. " i am, surprisingly. " she reassured, a smile sent her little brother's way. " it's been nice to get a few moments to myself, somewhere where i am not the dowager queen. or mother to the king, or anything else. " she felt fine admitting such things to gwayne, because they had always been on one another's sides, and she knew he would support her.
‘ i know you think i’m wallowing down here in my own self pity, waiting to be rescued, but i’m fine. ’ ( alicent & gwayne ) @furyfms
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"I THINK NO SUCH THING, DEAR SISTER. I KNOW MORE THAN MOST JUST HOW WELL YOU CAN HANDLE ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. SELF-PITY IS NOT FOR YOU, IS IT?" gwayne wondered, raising an eyebrow at that, because.. yes, he truly did care for his sister and he always wanted to make sure that she was going to be alright. he always wanted to make sure that she was going to be FINE and that he was going to be there for HER. "all this to ask, i suppose.. are you doing alright? adjusting well to this new place?" @furyfms
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furyfms · 18 days
his gaze cast the woman's way momentarily, confirming that - yes, once again - he did not know her. these kind of occurrences had been happening far too often for logan's liking, and he wasn't sure what to do about it, because these people seemed to know him better than he knew his damn self, and yet he'd never seen them before. " yeah well, i grew up in the country, so i guess you'd be right about that. " not that it was this woman's business at all where he had been raised, but he had been compelled to answer anyway. " i know you or something ? or do you always take it upon yourself to approach miserable looking strangers in bars ? "
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ororo munroe walked into the bar, her eyes scanning for a place to sit, when she froze mid-step. there, by the counter, was logan—looking as rough and familiar as ever. she blinked, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected sight. how was he here? her memories were a mess, yes, and .. no, she had no idea of how it was that they were crossing paths again. OR HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THAT? “didn't take you for a city boy,” she said, her voice reflecting genuine surprise and.. perhaps, showed that she was on the defensive side of things. ordering herself a beer, she sat down. "but then again, stranger things have happened, i suppose, eh?" @furyfms
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furyfms · 18 days
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discovering that the multiverse was truly real and not just a scientists wild theory had been incredible for peter, especially when he had managed to find not only one but two own variants while in the universe he had been pulled into. it still felt like something out of a dream ; where anything was possible, even this conversation. " but that’s science, right ? the more we learn, the more we realize just how little we actually know. ” he commented. " you - the green goblin you - killed his aunt. the last family he had left. " peter had grown bitter after the loss of gwen, but he couldn't imagine how twisted his mind would have become at the death of his aunt, how vengeful he would have grown in her absence. " i’ve seen what happens when power goes unchecked, when curiosity turns into obsession. but i’ve also seen what happens when people choose to do the right thing, even when it’s hard. and that kid didn't kill you, because the peter that you do know chose to stop him, even though i'm willing to bet you caused him a lot fo trouble back home, in your universe.”
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"ONE OF THE PETERS, BUT... not the one that i know." he found himself grinning at that, because.. the concept of the multiverse seemed to not mean anything in here and yes, the scientist side of him was thrilled with something like that. right? more than so and right now, he found himself glancing over at the other with quite the curious look on his expression. "the multiverse seems to be everywhere, in here. just us being here defys a lot of laws at the same time," and he knew that, seeing as .. he was supposed to be dead. "we did indeed. HE NEARLY KILLED ME ." @furyfms
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furyfms · 18 days
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robb looked at jon, his heart heavy with the weight of the past and the sight of the brother that he had lost so long ago, alongside everything else that had been taken from him by the lannisters, by walder frey, by anyone who had dared to help them. " i am sure you were reminded of it more oft than not, but i hope you did not let it shatter you. you are as much a stark as any of us, you always were. " robb had never viewed his half-brother as a bastard, or as anything other than a true-blood stark as much as he or sansa or the others, despite near everyone else always saying otherwise. hearing about his sisters brought a soft yet bittersweet smile to his face. “ sansa as queen, and arya off to explore the world. i would have loved to see that. i am glad they were able to find some peace. " after every tragedy that had befallen their family, robb found solace in the fact that it hadn't broken his family beyond all repair, but he did worry for everyone jon had not mentioned. " everyone else ? what do you mean, what else happened ? "
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JON HAD ALWAYS DESPISED JUST HOW HE HAD FAILED HIS BROTHER. all his life, he had both envied and had looked up to robb at the same time and while those were a bunch of.. conflicting emotions? he also didn't think that he cared to hide it any longer. did he? no. the bad parts had disappeared and right now, he simply missed his brother more than words could have ever said. didn't he? yes. "aye. you have no idea how i longed to hear that nickname again," around robb, he didn't have to be the former king in the north or even a lost targaryen prince. HE COULD JUST BE HIMSELF AND YES, HE VALUED THAT GREATLY. he hugged robb back tightly, attempting to fight back the tears. "it... it didn't end for any years on a row, brother. our sister.. she became queen in the north after you. arya got her wish and went west, in order to explore the uncharted waters. they were both content after that, but .. EVERYONE ELSE HAD A LESS THAN KIND FATE." not him, though. jon believed that he had deserved his own fate. right? @furyfms
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furyfms · 18 days
daisy quickly crouched down after the collision, reaching to pick up some of the gadgets and papers that had fallen to the floor on impact, not recognising exactly who had bumped into her until he spoke, that all too familiar voice reaching her ears. " well well. " she began, her tone brimming with amusement as she rose to her feet. " i didn’t expect to run into you here. it's me, live and in person. " her smile widening as she looked him over, part of her expecting this to be some kind of a cruel trick or figment of her imagination. " still caught up in your work, i see. i guess some things really do never change. " she grinned. " london suits you, fitz. " she added, giving him a once-over with a teasing glint in her eyes. " but you might want to keep your head up. you never know who you might run into. " her tone was light and playful, but there was an underlying sincerity to her words.
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WORK HAD ALWAYS BEEN.. ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS IN THE WORLD TO HIM. and so, perhaps it would have come as a surprise to no one that he had been walking through the streets of london, engrossed in his notes.. when he accidentally bumped into someone, causing his papers and gadgets to scatter across the floor. goddamn it. "i am so sorry. this is what i get for taking my work out here with me and huh, this is a mess and-- i'm sorry, it's--" when he looked up and saw who it was, he found himself frowning. "DAISY JOHNSON? IS THAT REALLY YOU?" surprised? yes, he was indeed. @furyfms
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furyfms · 18 days
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" the pleasure is all mine, jon. please, rise. " sansa replied, a smile brought to her lips at the theatrics. despite her ever-growing worry for their home, she was grateful to see a familiar face, especially that of her family ; ever since reuniting with what remained of the stark's back in winterfell, she had been loathe to part from them ever again. had she been given the choice, she would still be in the north, leading her people and securing their safety, ensuring that their home would never be taken from them again, but alas. " i just hope they are faring well in my absence. but we have always been resilient. " she remarked. " i am well, all things considered. i have found a career in politics, sticking to what i know. i hope to bring about real change, here. "
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DOING AS HE WAS TOLD, even if jon was well aware that she was only jesting, he moved forward, kneeling in front of his sister. it was only for a little but and yet, he still found himself smiling all the same. "it is a pleasure to see you again, your grace. you look well, even if i am certain the north ought to be missing their queen by now," it did worry him that she was here and that he had no clue who it was that was tending to their home but then again, jon was trying something new, where he attempted to not worry all that much about what he could not control. was he not? "a little but still settling. how about you, sister?" @furyfms
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furyfms · 24 days
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" it seems to get more prevalent as time goes on, no pun intended. " daisy responded with a light shrug. time travel had been one of the best things that she had ever done, because she had met daniel as a result, and saved the world - again. " stark as in. as in tony stark ? " calm down daisy, this is totally fine. " no, we don't have flying vehicles. we have airplanes and helicopters, but not flying cars. " she clarified. " you'd think so, huh ? turns out fury really didn't want him to die. it was a whole thing, but he lived. "
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"time travel? i didn't realize it had become common. i thought stark was a one off." huh that would be something to look into. could it have something to do with this strange place they were trapped in? "and that's special? don't you have flying vehicles? coulson? no. no he's dead. no one could survive what i- what happened to him." @furyfms
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furyfms · 24 days
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she didn't remember. gwen didn't remember what had happened to her, and here peter was, freaking out about it right in front of her. he didn't want to frighten her, but he had no idea how to act like everything was fine when it was anything but. " interesting, yeah. that's definitely one word for it. " he tried desperately to shake off his initial shock and overwhelming emotions upon seeing her again, after so long. " the scientist in me is kind of freaking out about it all right now. " he added with a laugh. " me ? yeah, i - i'm good. i'm just - really glad to see you again, gwen. "
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gwen's brows furrowed a little at peter's reaction. she too was shocked about seeing him but... how he was reacting was... different than what she'd expected. " uh, a couple months. it's... interesting, i have to admit. i can't remember how i got here. it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. " she admitted before clearing her throat. " are... are you okay? you seem kinda distant. is everything okay? are you hurt? " gwen questioned, eyes widening in concern. " i'm just glad to see you right now. it feels like forever. " @furyfms
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furyfms · 24 days
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" grandmother ? " jacaerys questioned, tone laced with surprise. it would appear that no matter how many times this place returned a lost loved one to him, he would be struck with shock each time that it happened. there was no getting used to it, it seemed. his grandmother hadn't deserved the fate that had befallen her at rook's rest, so he was glad to find that she had been granted a second chance at life, here in london. " and i you. it has... definitely been an adjustment, but i find myself growing more accustomed to things here more and more with each passing day. and you ? have you been here long ? "
closed starter for @furyfms ( jacaerys velaryon )!
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HER FAMILY HAD ALWAYS BEEN EVERYTHING TO HER AND MORE. and yes, perhaps she had known that laenor's boys were not of her blood and for a while, that had indeed bothered her, but .. she had grown to love them as her grandsons. she had grown to care for them as she cared for baela and rhaena and yes, she would have done WHATEVER was needed in order to keep them safe. without a thought in the world, that was certain. when she saw jacaerys? she walked over to him, fighting a smile. "it pleases me to see you well, grandson. how have you been adjusting to this place, i wonder?" she wished to help him. @furyfms
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furyfms · 1 month
“ believe me to be a fool if you wish, bracken. it does not change anything.” davos didn’t miss where aeron’s gaze landed, an amused smirk crossing his lips as he looked the other up and down, far subtly than aeron’s own ogling had been previously. a flicker of something unreadable passed over his face, quickly buried beneath a veneer of cold resolve as his gaze, sharp as the blade he had once wielded, bore into aeron’s own, searching for a crack in the façade. " you speak of fondness and affection as if they are weapons to be wielded. " he remarked, voice low and controlled, betraying nothing of the unease that threatened to creep into his chest. " but do not mistake my intent ; i have no need for such tools. as for your refusal to join me, i am not here to entreat you with sweet words, nor empty promises, either do or do not. it matters little to me. "
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Aeron could not deny that Davos had been sharpened by years of practice, his skill with a sword honed to a sharp edge. He was a formidable swordsman, one that he would not cross swords with again given the opportunity. "You are fortunate, indeed. The gods have seen fit to bless you with strong arms and a fool's wit." His eyes lingered a moment too long on Davos' well-formed arms. "Is this meant to entice me into willingly accompanying you?" Instead, it was proving to have the opposite effect, only giving Aeron more reason to stay where he was, book or naught. “The only knights who cling to their squires are those that are quite fond of them.” The implication of affections whispered but not spoken of weighed heavily in the statement, a dangerous hint of curiosity playing at the edges. @furyfms
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furyfms · 1 month
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" it was not your choice to leave us, of that we are all aware. " jacaerys reassured his father. it was obvious to him now, in the light of day, just how similar the two of them were. if there had been any cloud of a doubt remaining in jacaerys's mind in regards to his true parentage, it would have been cleared immediately in that moment, not just in looks - which were, and truthfully always had been, evident from a mile away - but in smaller things, too. " i have missed you, too. " there had been many moments throughout his life where he had wished for nothing more than either of his fathers, where he had wished to summon the might of ser harwin strong. " how are you finding it, here ? "
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now that he was finally able to get a proper look at the young man, harwin could feel his heart clench. finally, one of his boys... but would jacaerys remember him or would it be like with rhaenyra? he honestly didn't know if he'd be able to keep a neutral face if his son had also forgotten him. "jacaerys." his tone fond, relief flooding him at hearing him know who he was “look at you… you’ve grown so much! i-” harwin paused, the grief of having missed so much of jacaerys’ life was almost enough to knock him over “i missed more of your life than i realised… but i can’t put into words how much i have missed you and how glad i am to see you again.”
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furyfms · 1 month
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the familiar ache of guilt lessened at his sister's gentle touch and warm words, the weight of past failures, of battles lost and won dissipating, if only for a fleeting moment. he’d replayed that day in his mind countless times, wishing he could have done more, been more, and yet here margaery was, as always, offering him absolution without so much as a second thought. " that means more than you know, margaery. " offering her a grateful smile. at her offer of a place to stay, alongside her, he smiled once more. " i would love to come and see your home for myself, and your artwork, and perhaps stay a night or two, but i have a place of my own here. i fear my roommate would miss me too much if i were to disappear. "
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"do not apologise for that, we were surrounded on all sides and there was nothing we could do." she cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead "i did not blame you then and i don't blame you now.” margaery smiled softly. she’d do anything for her brother, she’d gladly lie again and rot in the dungeons if it meant his happiness. “i would love to show you. where are you staying? i have an extra room in my apartment if you need it.”
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furyfms · 1 month
“ jean grey. ” the name didn’t ring a bell to logan, and yet it felt anything but abnormal as it fell from his lips, a strange contradiction indeed, and not one that he had any sort of an explanation for. the woman before him seemed kind-hearted, the kind of person far too good for the likes of him, but there was something familiar about her. she must have reminded him of someone else, that was the only explanation. “ i don’t think that i could have forgotten. ” he wasn’t sure how long ago she was referring to, but he was sure that he wouldn’t have forgotten her, he wouldn’t have been able to.
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Jean felt her heart sink for a moment, and she reached out with just a bit of her power, touching Logan’s mind. It was both familiar and foreign, a strange sensation (which she supposed was ironic to consider, since being able to read minds was rather strange on its own). It was him, Logan, James Howlett, Wolverine, whatever name you wanted to use — and yet his memories contained no one she knew, least of all herself. (She was the tiniest bit relieved not to see a trace of Scott.) “My name is Jean Grey,” she said. “We…” She paused, trying to think of how to explain this to him. Or if she should explain anything to him at all. “We knew each other, once,” she said. “I suppose it was a long time ago. You may have just forgotten.” @furyfms
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furyfms · 1 month
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" you’d be surprised just how many people do forget that. ” steve had saved his fair share of passerby’s in the same way, it did wonders for his saviour complex. “ you did good. sometimes things happen so fast that instincts just take over, but you handled it without giving anything away, like you were still fully in control. " steve praised with a smile, glancing at the passerby who’d nearly stepped into danger a few seconds prior, now safely on the other side of the street. " you're right though ; it's easy to forget the basics when you’re in a hurry. but that’s why we’re here. or that’s why you were, thankfully. ”
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" h--hey! be careful! " it took a lot for clark to not intervene in a different way . noticing that someone had been about to cross the road a few seconds too early , he gritted his teeth and forced his way through the crowd , just in time to hold back the other person from doing so . they seemed shaken for a second , but thanked him with a smile , and crossed the road when they should . it was only then that he allowed himself to take a deep breath and to sigh in relief . that had been close . far too close and the thought that he could have revealed his identity there and then to save the other ? that had been scary . it was then that he accidentally glanced at someone else nearby . " always gotta look both ways but some people forget that , right ? " / as requested by @furyfms for steve rogers!
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