#demon lord cw
tricksheart · 11 months
Akira squaring up to the summoned whatever it is:
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deer-head-xiris · 1 year
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Altered my art of Demon Coyote so he's animated :) lil wing and tail wiggles
Catch him on my streams sometimes!
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eternal-moss · 4 months
Being a big Thistle and Mithrun fan is sad because I genuinely cannot look at the panels when they are being ‘devoured’. It makes me feel sick to my stomach, it’s just so viscerally reminiscent of sexual assault it literally makes me feel like throwing up…
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juniikatt · 10 months
officer vicquemare, chainsmoker (+ doodles)
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muppetjackrackham · 29 days
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happy belated birthday @dreaming-of-hope !
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may1th · 6 months
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for the past few days i made these in my freetime :P
i love the seven great demon lords theyre my whole reason for my digimon hyperfix (not entirely i only rlly care about beelzemon sorry )
picmix is genuienly rlly fun :D
also uh no clue why lilithmon and belphemon are like sped up? picmix glitch im guessing :|
(not fully sure if i should ask for people to credit me if they use these for things like moodboards/stimboards n stuff but eh )
by the way i like digimon i forgot.. i forgot to announce it how do you turn this #### off/Q
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laniardraws · 8 months
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Ha ha, classic ghirahim
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dandelion-blues · 2 months
Humans are the Real Monsters
Sally died, and Percy was left at the hands of the monster, Gabe Ugliano. Iruma Sukuki was forced to work since he could remember by his lazy parents. What do the two have in common? They were both sold to the demon Sullivan!
PJO x Mairimashita! Iruma-kun crossover
CW: Abuse and Violence
Chapter 1, Part 1: A Demon's Grandsons
Percy felt tears leaking from his eyes, his breaths coming out in stuttering gasps. Percy felt despair grip at his chest, a tight weight pressing on his chest. The 12 year old curled into a ball, trying to muffle his breaths. If he heard him, who knew what he would do.
That comforting black swirled around Percy, the shadowy horrors of his imagination reaching out to him. Percy whimpered, his breathing labored. He couldn't breathe. Every breath hurt, and his throat was raw from crying, and his mouth parched with thirst.
Still, Percy did his best to stay quiet because being in the dark was much better than being out in the light with him.
But then that stench reached Percy’s nose, like the rotting corpse of his mother moldy trash and sewer rats. Percy stopped breathing, his heart stopping in his chest.
And then, light flooded his eyes, and he was leering above Percy. A monster disguised in human flesh that grinned with rotted teeth, “Tryin’ to hide from me, brain boy. Yur lucky imma make a lot of money off of yous, and I'm in good mood in all.”
Percy shaked, not daring to speak or breathe. His throat and lungs hurt painfully from the strain.
The monster casted a gaze towards Percy, those eyes without a soul needle and little, and reached out with his meaty hands toward Percy.
Percy gasped and whimpered, trying to get away, but he hit the wall of the closet.
All Percy could see was the hand reaching out to him, and he was screaming in his heead for it to go away.
Except the hand reached around Percy’s already bruised throat and yanked him out of the closet, the monster breathing over him. Smelling like beer and cigarettes and rotting food.
Percy whimpered, and the monster laughed, “C'mon brat. I j’st wanna have som’ fun bef’re yous go is all.”
And the hand started tightening around Percy’s throat.
This is it! Smelly Gabe is finally going to kill him, just as he did his mom.
Still, Percy fought to live and clawed out the hand to get off his throat, his feet dangling and kicking in the air. Percy tried to scream, but all that came out was choked muffles.
Black spots dotted Percy’s vision. And Percy’s energy gained. Percy just hopes he sees his mom when he dies.
Except Gabe releases Percy, and the twelve year old crumbles like a puppet with cut strings on the dirty floor.
Percy takes in large gasping breaths, tears streaming down his face.
Percy, however, barely gets to acknowledge the fact that he lived when a jarring pain was felt on his side.
Percy curls up to himself, his body already knowing what is coming next, even as his brain is still trying to get more oxygen.
The monster kicks Percy, laughing at him as the boy whimpers in pain.
“Fucking pussy, can’ even take a lil beating!” The monster screams, but all Percy can hear is ringing in his ears.
Then, the monster crouches down and yanks Percy up from his hair. Percy’s body trembles from pain, but he still manages to glare at the monster.
The monster smiles, “Need more fur the lesson hasn’ stuck yet.”
And the monster slams Percy’s head onto the floor.
Percy blinks black spots out of his vision, his head and body throbbing from pain.
Percy doesn’t know how long the “lesson” continues on for. Everything just came down to pain.
Except, somehow, in the midst of all that pain. Percy heard screaming, and he knew it wasn’t him. Percy didn’t even have the energy to scream. And then everything became eerily silent.
There was no ratting of the ac, or the stomps from the upstairs neighbors, or the whirring of the fridge, or even the monster's sounds.
That couldn't be. The monster is never silent!
Still, Percy didn’t know how long it took him to notice, but eventually he did. When the pain finally subsided enough for him to form coherent thoughts.
Percy blinked through his hazy eyes, seeing an elderly man?
And Percy realized that he wasn’t on the floor anymore. He was being carried.
Percy tried to move, but searing pain swept through him, and he gasped in pain.
He heard someone speak, their words sounded deep and guttural, but somehow Percy found the noise comforting. Then, there was a soft touch on his forehead, and everything went away as Percy welcomed the night’s embrace.
Sullivan couldn't believe that he wasn’t just getting one grandson, but two! To think that two parents (or in one case stepparent) sold their child’s soul for money and on the same day to boot!
And so Sullivan went to collect his first grandson. A fourteen year old named Iruma Suzuki, who was in a rather troublesome situation as he was on a tuna fish boat in the middle of a large storm, with the fish doing their best to crush the boy. And so, Sullivan carted his new grandson off.
He didn’t want to scare the poor boy, but well, he really wanted Iruma-kun to accept him as his grandfather. And so, he made sure to get the best, and only the best for him, pleading for the boy to accept him and maybe just threatening him a little. Not that Sullivan would go through with the threat. Not with his last order...
Still, Iruma accepted! And boy did that boy eat! It’s a good thing too, because the boy was really thin. Luckily, he didn’t seem to have a problem eating Underworld food, and he actually seemed to really like it!
Thus, Sullivan got so into dotting on his new grandson with gifts that he almost forgot to collect his other grandson.
And so Sullivan turned to his deviguard, Opera, and his new grandson, “Alright! I’ll be right back. I just need to grab my other grandson!”
The two sputtered in surprise, though Opera-chan did their best to not show their surprise.
Then, Sullivan just casually teleported quickly away to where his other grandson, Perseus Jackson, was. And oh, that was an interesting name! Very Greek! But those Greeks gods can not have his grandson because he belongs to him now!
Sullivan will be the best, bestest grandfather ever! He won’t just leave the poor boy to fend for himself like the Greeks do! If the boy is even a Greek demigod, anyways! But either way, his new grandchild will be well taken care of!
However, as Sullivan teleported to where the boy lived, he wrinkled his nose when he came to a fifty apartment with beer bottles and cans and rotting food all over the counter tops and floors.
Then, Sullivan turned away and entered the bedroom that belonged to his youngest grandson. And all Sullivan felt was rage. A great white fire spread through his veins, his eyes darkening and his pupils dilating dangerously as his claws lengthening and sharpening and his wings unfurling, casting on ominous shadow as he saw the mortal, who was his youngest grandson’s stepfather punch and kick his grandson. His grandson, who was wheezing and gasping from pain as black and blue marked most of his exposed tan skin.
Sullivan didn’t waste a moment to yank the human off from his grandson, already reveling in his screams as his claws were already bruising the human’s throat like the dark purple ring around his grandson’s throat that he saw.
And, oh, his poor grandson was just whimpering and trembling, not even noticing that his attacker stopped.
Sullivan might be a demon, but even he knew children were species and needed to be protected, and this mortal just beat his grandson like he was worth nothing!
Sullivan’s magic exploded from him. The world went still and silent other than Lord Sullivan, and this human called Gabe Ugliano, as time was completely stopped around them.
“You dare harm what is mine!” Sullivan growled at the human, not caring for when his ears started bleeding when the human heard his demonic voice.
Here's another crossover! It seems that both Iruma and Percy will be receiving more care in the demon realms than the human realm.
These fledglings were hurt by the world, and now they'll receive the care and love they deserve.
Next Part
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art-soboro · 1 year
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cw nudity 16+
random crossover sketch dump 2 (y0 x dod/drakengard) which is very much nishitani-centric...... featuring a dragon guy fully made up for this (who is just as insane as the rider) and a bonus saggy
this is the most self-indulgent i've ever gotten, full stop. this au is as random as it can get and it was powered only by my yearly drakengard re-obsession, however i'm a full believer in nishitani enrichment. you can't stop me from adopting this man
messier sketches/design notes under the cut!
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marshmurmurs · 4 months
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ng+ au gone wrong murder fit!! haven't figured out what his equivalent of the black mask title would be
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dial-p-for-placey · 1 year
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Posting the series of Supernatural portraits I made for Momento Con in Pittsburgh, PA next weekend (Aug 5th to Aug 6th)! My booth will be close to the food if you want to grab one!
I'll be posting the others throughout the week!
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vivacious-viridian · 7 months
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this drawing is like a year and a half old at this point (and this version of this character no longer exists) but for the sake of posting things in a chronological order I'm kicking this blog off with this drawing that I never posted on my main
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ask-the-sexyman-squad · 7 months
so guys, how are yall gonna plan the baby shower?
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“Honestly, it probably should be private…but I dunno! It’s up to DT and Dad Alastor. Though I have a suggestion! We should get a ring bear for the ceremony! It’ll lighten things up.”
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“A WHAT??”
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“Little Miss Sunshine, that’s a wrong type of celebration for a ring bearer!”
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“She said bear, Alastor…”
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“We aren’t getting a bear period.”
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“…why is she like this.”
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"A sweet little suggestion, but I'm afraid we're going to have to decline it, my dear. As for it being a private get together, I absolutely agree on it!"
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"Especially with how easy things could get out to the public...not that I hate the spotlight! I just don't want this being known...aside from just doing the spell and turning out to be successful, we don't have a solid plan yet."
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"How about we make a solid plan tonight? That way we'll be prepared and ready for the birth in three months: demonic pregnancies are much shorter than average, thanks to magic. As to you folks, stay tuned for that!"
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kxllerblond · 10 months
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at what point am i going to embrace cringe so fully i just make up some demon weed or wine or some shit so i can have clark loosen tf up for once
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muppetjackrackham · 1 month
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evilasiangenius · 1 year
The Supper
“Are you sure you don’t want any help?” Crowley asked, fretful and anxious. Was it because he could not be of good service for once? Or perhaps it was because there was already a lot of arms and a lot of hands doing a lot of work and it seemed that for one being, Aziraphale was doing quite a bit of toiling.
“Oh, of course not. Why don’t you have a seat and rest? This would be of course much easier if we were at one of my houses but I can make do with what I have,” Aziraphale said.
“One of your...” Crowley blinked. “Wait, how are you doing that? And how are you standing?” He pointed to the working hands.
One pair was busy roasting a large carp over a hot fire.
Another pair was busy cutting onions and garlic and wild greens that they had found miraculously growing along the banks of the river.
A third pair was kneading dough for bread with strong plump fingers.
And the hands of a fourth pair were overseeing all the details; one stretching forth to add some more wood to the fire, another sprinkling salt from a small pouch onto the chopped vegetables.
Aziraphale shrugged. “Oh, all my arms and hands have a mind of their own. I just let them take care of the work. It’s rather amusing to watch, isn’t it?”
“But that doesn’t answer the question, how are you sta- Oh no, please don’t!” Quick as can be, Crowley stepped in to part two hands that had gotten tangled together and were wrestling each other, fingers moving in strange and distressing angles as they grappled.
“It happens,” Aziraphale said with a shrug. “When I let them do their own thing. Shall I get them under control?” The two hands, one each gripped in Crowley’s hands, slipped out of his grip and entwined their fingers with Crowley’s fingers. With a gasp, Crowley stepped back, shaking off the Prince of Hell as if he had been burned.
“Sorry,” Aziraphale said, though he was absolutely not sorry.
One of the overseeing hands, the one that had been seasoning the food pulled away wriggling its fingers as though it had an idea. It angled around to the other overseeing hand and briefly meshed fingers together before dipping away to pull something out of thin air with a commanding gesture; it was a large ceramic pot, tapered at the bottom.
“Er, uh...so um...would you like some help?” Crowley asked, rubbing his hands together as if to shake off the memory of the touch, and Aziraphale grinned.
“Certainly you can help. Here, why don’t you hold the jar for me. Sit, so you can hold it properly.”
“Sure.” Crowley took the jar from Aziraphale, and noticed that a heady scent wafted up from the rounded lip.
“Smells like stale fruit.” Curious, Crowley sniffed.
“You mean, finely aged fruit,” Aziraphale corrected him. “Carefully aged grape juice to be precise. Try not to drink the dregs, it’s rather full of sediment.”
“You expect me? To drink this?”
“Why not?”
“It’s...” Crowley made a face. “Unnatural.”
“It’s made from fruit and the natural processes of time. How is that possibly unnatural?” As he spoke, Aziraphale drew his hands back, one after another, as the hands finished their jobs, until somehow he was again standing on two legs and had two arms.
Crowley felt a strange sense of relief, even as he puzzled over the problem. “I...uh.”
“Here. I’ll drink first to prove that it’s safe.” The Prince of Hell sat down beside him and took the jar from him, taking a long drink.
Crowley stared as Aziraphale licked a golden droplet of wine from his lips.
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