#demon for hire
alien-doodles · 1 year
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Omar doodle idk
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usualdemonbusiness · 3 months
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i luv my lil dudes
credit: @sammiedoesart
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anxious-chaos-art · 1 year
Some fanart I did for this really cool webcomic I'm reading!!!! (It is kind of gory just a warning)
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More doodles undercut
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readersmagnet · 8 months
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Black Shadow Detective Agency: Infernal Angels by Count S. A. Olson
Dive into the shadows with Jason Black and his team of infernals on three extraordinary missions in "Black Shadow Detective Agency: Infernal Angels" by Count S. A. Olson. When Guardian Angels fall short, turn to Infernal Daemons who redefine what it means to be a savior.
Experience a new kind of heroism. Grab a copy at www.blackshadowdetectiveagency.com.
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kacievvbbbb · 3 months
You know what? the best supernatural spin off would have nothing to do with the Winchesters and instead would be about Samuel motherfucking Colt because dude absolutely had something going on. And was tripping absolute balls all the fucking time
Dude not only builds a literal kills almost all gun (that no one knows how it works exactly), he also built a fucking devil’s gate and the series of railroad tracks that formed a giant devils trap in the middle of fucking nowhere Wyoming that was somehow also a great fucking hotspot to talk with Lucifer in the cage. Why the fuck would he build a devil’s gate and then the devil trap protecting it? Why could this dude not be normal? Not to mention He also fought a Phoenix!!! A Phoenix! The only Phoenix that has ever been reported to exist and whose ashes are the only thing that can kill the literal mother of all monsters. Which he somehow mails to Sam and Dean in the future using a phone from several years in the future that he literally just got earlier that afternoon.
Dude was on some serious shit. Man was definitely receiving the most violently random prophetic visions from god. Dude literally went, it came to me in a dream and built a weapon that’s literally still confounding people generations later and would function as a key to a fucking devils gate that would literally be the first step in so much shit going down in so little time generations later . Wouldn’t have even surprised me if they also said he was responsible for Ruby’s knife.
He also, most importantly, is from the wild wild fucking west!!! How cool would a show about that be? A fucking genius inventor hunts monsters in the Wild West while some being he knows nothing about but deeply suspects is giving him blueprints for big, wild things and weapons for how to stop them, or at least slow them down.
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lizzybeanbutt · 2 months
now that you mention it, yeah kabru is kind of an ibex
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trying to pin it down but I don't feel confident on my grasp of kabru's characterization (depsite him being my favourite guy. you know how it is) but like. Kabru is a nicer ibex. Ibex is kabru but he's no longer asking. Ibex is a kabru but he's not afraid to let outright enemies stay on the board if he knows he'll win the overall battle. I think Kabru would make a better candidate of rightousness. I need a two way au and we're gonna send the dunmeshi cast to divine cycle space and we're throwing the kingdom crew in a last ditch dungeon crawl
@arcnoise tagging just in case
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 5 months
Vox x Alastor || Tell Me Who Did This, Now.
So I know I know, commission work yes yes I'm getting to it BUT! I wrote a little blurb for that little comic @milariro drew for radiostatic which is literally like my favorite ship I think. 👀
Anyway hope y'all like it! ÙwÚ
Word Count: 2k
Rating: PG(?), maybe PG-13. Mostly angsty ish feel?
It isn't the first time he's lost track of him somewhere but every time it happens Alastor hopes it's the last. 
He hasn't seen Vox in days and considering how close they are… it's strange, worrisome. 
Vox usually keeps up with him, taking the time to send messages and letters and pop up at the most sudden of times and Alastor always responds. Life in hell has been growing on the two of them, Vox has been so excited recently… so eager to announce that he had a dream, one where he could publicize the two of them, where they could happily pursue their goals… together and Alastor both loved… and despised the very idea. 
Really he himself is fine with his little following; those few sinners, Vox included, who seemed to always tune in but he'd be a liar if he told himself that he didn't see this …new behavior that seemed to jump out of his friend. Vox was a big dreamer, they had spent many long hours talking to each other, laughing and joking while also spewing their deepest hopes and dreams…well usually it was Vox who did so while Alastor listened and encouraged him but he couldn't help but want to stop the other at the same time.
To tell him that he didn't need to go out there and get big and famous or whatever because Alastor likes the way Vox already is but his friend, his silly friend had his hopes for their pitiful, shameful lives down here so who would Alastor really be to stop him?
To put it lightly, Alastor is anxious over the other demon who was still just hardly taller than Alastor's own shoulder. He's worried that something might have happened to his friend considering how long he's been missing now. After all, Alastor had noticed the way they seemed to draw more attention these days when they were out together… the sneaky glances and judging gazes the other sinners would give them.
Alastor doesn't care, couldn't care less especially considering how easy most demons are to get rid of but… Vox had seemed to grow rather conscious of his presence outside because of it all. 
There's been times where he's even mentioned it, brought it up when it was just him and Alastor together.. Alastor could never forget it, the first time it was ever brought up… the way that Vox seemed to look over his shoulder and double check locks and doors with the excuse of making sure they were ‘safe’. 
It angers Alastor. 
Annoys him so bad to the point that he'd kill them, split their skulls and the ground they walked and before Vox’s very own feet but… for some reason whenever Alastor gets to that point… the point of nearly no return, Vox will lightly brush his hand against his own and while that kind, warm smile and tell Alastor that it was okay. 
That they didn't matter. 
That he didn't care. 
And so on and so forth. 
Alastor moves through the room now, annoyance dripping into the air around him as he seems to get ready to go somewhere… to go look for him because after everything they've been through so far he could admit that he didn't… like it when he couldn't keep tabs on Vox. When they weren't together so Alastor could defend him if needed. When he couldn't hover around Vox like a hawk threatening to peck out anyone's eyes who dared to even spill a drop of liquor on his shoes. He's smiling but he's anything but happy as he gets dressed to go out and hunt down Vox himself..
It's not until he's all ready, a clawed hand reaching out to his front door when his ears suddenly perk as the sound of knocking from the other side fills the room. 
Alastor freezes for a moment, his mind simply going blank in that very moment except for the thought of Vox that lingered and as he shifted gears and continued to reach out and turn the door before another knock could be heard, Alastor found himself faced with Vox. 
Immediately there's a surge of electricity that rushes through his body at being faced with his friend. 
He's relieved, for starters, just seeing him but then that turns into confusion, then slowly into unbridled rage when he takes in the sight of the other more closely. 
“Al..” Vox chuckles softly, that little chuckle that Alastor had grown rather fond of over their time of knowing each other even in those moments when he did it after telling some stupid joke or when it happened when they seemed to press close to each other in the moments when they could. He usually loves hearing it but this time he does not. 
Especially because it's glitchy, corrupted from what he can see. 
Not while Vox stands before him looking like a stray, beaten dog who practically limped its way back to its owner.
“I know I'm later than I said I'd be but hey, I'm here now yeah?” Vox starts off, or at least attempts to through riggidy default settings and his scratchy voice box though Alastor seems to understand him anyway. 
He doesn't want to though. 
He doesn't want to be faced by him when he's like this and all Alastor manages to do is let out a glitchy sound himself though unlike Vox he's not tired or worn, he's energized, livid. 
His eyes move over Vox's form; looking at his heavily dirtied and wrinkled shirt that seemed to be missing a few buttons then they look at the way Vox seems to cradle one of his arms and of course Alastor takes in his screen which seemed shattered, clearly punched in. 
Rightfully so, Vox seems to grow self conscious as the way Alastor hasn't responded yet. He knew that appearing like this at such a late hour would be one thing for the man but it's so strange to see Alastor so… serious. Vox laughs a little, lowering his gaze as if shy, unwilling to show his face as he slowly looks down to his shoes.
A moment of silence washes over them and Vox can't help but rub his already sore arm.
Maybe he shouldn't have come after all? Perhaps Alastor was even angry with him for doing so after already being hours late… Vox knew he shouldn't have come, should have just dealt with this on his own like he preferred to do so but they both knew Alastor would have come looking for him if he hadn't shown up because that's just who Alastor was when it came to Vox. 
His rushing thoughts come in bundles, so much so that the silence becomes deafening and Vox can't help the way his body wants to just naturally step back and walk away as if he never came to begin with, and maybe that was for the best? He hates bothering Alastor, hated not being strong enough to always hold his ground or to scare others away like Alastor so easily seemed to do and maybe it makes him feel inferior, unworthy of being with the other man which always makes his heart ache when he comes down to such a conclusion. He has so many dreams for them but at times much like these ones he wondered if he was just getting reality messed up with said dreams. 
It's not until a finger slips under his screen and lifts it to make Vox's gaze focus on Alastor's once more but this time… Vox seemed to freeze at what he saw on the other's face, his functioning eye growing wider at the scene as he finds himself suddenly holding his breath. 
He's distorted, glitching and reversing, sigils forming in the air behind him as his eyes look into Vox's. His neck twisted over to the side and eyes big, red, and ticking in a way that makes it seem that Alastor is just barely clinging to patience… like he could burst at any moment in a fit of claws and teeth and as Vox stares up at him, shocked, he can feel shivers run up his back as Alastor continues to hold his head in place. He's gentle but firm, refusing to let this go which was something Vox would also say to him..
To just forget it and move on but no, nonono.
Alastor refused not to be pissed and as far as he knew, he had worked to do..
People to punish, bitches to burn. 
“Who… Did this.. to you?” He says and with the way the room seems to shake it's clear that Alastor is not in fact asking but instead demanding to know. Vox can feel the bloodlust leaking off of the other demon, the fury he carries and Vox was sure that if he was anyone else in hell in that very moment that Alastor probably…wouldn't have hesitated to spill his blood and the ground he stood on. 
Vox recognized the look, his eyes slowly lowering again now while Alastor shifts his hand to caress the side of Vox's face, running his thumb over the undamaged side and though it's a kind gesture Vox can feel the way Alastor's hand seems to lightly shake. 
Vox makes a soft sound, something that he didn't make often and closes the gap between the two of them, wrapping his arms around Alastor and clinging to him and at first the taller of the two freezes at the reaction before slowly but surely… calming, at least as much as he could right now. 
It takes a moment for Alastor to immediately respond but Vox doesn't mind, not when he can feel how warm Alastor was and smell his scent so closely and after everything it seems to take some pressure off the TV demon. When Alastor does hug him back his hold is a bit firmer, a bit tighter, like he may get upset if Vox dares to pull away from him now. 
“Alastor, please…” Vox sighs softly,  brokenly and though Vox's voice box is fucked Alastor still makes out those words and the gentle way Vox seems to speak to him. 
“Please just…just leave it.” He says next, moving to bury his head in Alastor's chest and stepping in closer only to tumble forward onto a knee making Alastor jolt and quickly grip him closer before he finds himself in both of them. “Please let it go… I'll be okay, I'll recover. I always do don't I?” he says, practically begging the other man and Alastor feels his face twitch and he's never before more angry at his own curse for not being able to show just how upset he is right now. Yes of course he was sure Vox would be okay but he despised the idea of the other growing used to being treated this way by others...
“I'll be okay see?” Vox tries to convince the other or maybe… he's trying to convince himself now as he lifts his head and gives Alastor that silly, stupid smile again and it both annoys the deer demon but also convinces him enough to not leave right now and go hunt down however did this for there was all the time in the world to do such later. 
Vox had come to him at this time for a reason and even if the reason was simply because Vox had no one else Alastor didn't care. He'd help him just like he always did… and so with a huff Alastor looks down to Vox with that everlasting smile though it does seem strained. 
“Come inside… I'll take care of you.” He says and though Vox still feels guilty for showing up and possibly ruining Alastor's day with his appearance he also feels… grateful knowing Alastor was there just like he always was. So Vox gives in, sighing and nodding softly, gathering himself and getting to his feet and as Alastor holds the door wide open for him he trails in before the door closes back and snaps shut behind the two of them now allowing them to be alone together, where they were always guaranteed safety from the hellish world around them. 
Where Alastor could continue to keep a close eye on him for just a while longer. 
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nolassolace · 8 months
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̳S̳̳o̳ ̳w̳̳h̳̳a̳̳t̳'̳s̳ ̳w̳̳r̳̳o̳̳n̳̳g̳ ̳w̳̳i̳̳t̳̳h̳ ̳a̳̳n̳̳o̳̳t̳̳h̳̳e̳̳r̳ ̳s̳̳i̳̳n̳?
Demon version below the cut😘
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blackstaff-blast · 6 months
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noticed there isn't enough Zevlor content so I had to contribute. Hands him to you gently
he's a sticker too!!
my instagram
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chaoflaka · 1 month
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How not to draw Grunkle Stan
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lostsometime · 8 months
other smart things in opla: the sheer difference in the way usopp and zoro react to merry's body
usopp tells wild stories, but ultimately he's a normal person! from a normal town! he's never seen someone be violently killed before - certainly not someone he knew! he just had dinner with this man not 3 hours previous, and now he's been murdered and he can't even get the words out. this is a completely rational reaction!!!!
and zoro, who is, what, two years older than usopp, max? but who has been killing people for a living for at least two years, probably longer (Cabaji says 'a couple years ago' he and his brother encountered Zoro, and he may have already had a reputation by then) - he comes at it like a Professional. he is immediately assessing the wounds and figuring out the weapon and getting ready for a fight. not only is he not afraid, he seems to be a little relieved - this situation is something he's way more comfortable with than the fancy dinner party earlier that had him leagues out of his comfort zone.
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batsplat · 3 months
stop your tags on that jorge post are so funny cause real, he’s actually like here’s my guy casey. here’s my special guy dani. here’s Those Two Weirdos (ignore them like they’re ignoring you). yep, that’s it. no one else comes to mind. thats my gang. cool.
there are four people on this planet jorge fully respects. he has regularly fantasised about strangling three of them. the fourth has regularly fantasised about strangling him. everyone else on this planet is on thin thin ice. valentino and marc are the token two nutjobs he's bizarrely ride-or-die for. he's actively nostalgic about the times they deliberately rode their bikes into him and even jokes about it, somehow. he's been obsessed with dani for years and eventually decided he adored rather than hated that man. he's been obsessed with valentino for years and eventually decided he both adored and hated that man more than he already did both of those things. he started rating casey circa 2011 but as far as he's concerned they're now bonded #forever. he went from trying his best not to hate marc to genuinely not hating marc almost by accident - and now that annoying child is part of the team too. he's gotten into instagram beef with pretty much everyone from all time greats to random current riders to andrea dovizioso. not his crew though... he's the type of guy who would base his new racing number on adding up the numbers of his greatest rivals (apart from the bloke he actually fought for both his 250cc titles). he's the only alien who can truly claim to have managed open animosity with all his fellow aliens and now he just can't get enough of them. he's had several dozen work divorces, but those guys are the only ones he's ever actively decided to un-divorce. they're a team for life. not that you could get them all in the same room together without a gun to their heads and possibly not even then, but apart from that they're a team for life
#sitcom-type hijinks where jorge attempts to organise an anniversary reunion party just for the aliens#extremely elaborate lies to get marc and vale there but he just hires someone to kidnap casey#the anniversary being commemorated is estoril 2008. marc doesn't get it because he hadn't met any of those guys yet#casey doesn't get it because he spent the entire race fighting his demons (the dorna camera that was dangling around loose off his bike)#valentino doesn't get it because he barely remembers the race#jorge Does Not Care#//#brr brr#batsplat responds#i'm ngl the post this was actually a response to... ik what it was but i cannot be bothered to find it#but i was reminded of this ask because i got another one that in an extremely roundabout way is linked...#well it's actually not even remotely linked but the response in my drafts is related to this ask so now what#it is probably quite helpful that really only one alien is the type to beef via instagram after they've retired#like I do find it a wee bit undignified but it is good for the ecosystem that somebody's doing it y'know?#but keeping it to just the one guy is probably for the best. god imagine if they did it to each other it'd be awful#jorge's attitude to vale/marc is basically that one presser clip about the jerez last corner where he's like yeah they're both freaks#he does sometimes sound like he thinks marc and valentino should've gotten over it by now#whats a little blood feud between generational talents like come on... valentino don't you see that's your guy...
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usualdemonbusiness · 6 months
what is Usual Demon Business about? like, can you give me a summary please?
Devil for Hire: When high-rolling demon CEO Axartaz wagers everything in a bet with a shadowy stranger, he soon finds himself penniless and desperate. But don’t worry – this isn’t your typical fall from grace! Join Axartaz and his unlikely allies, Astrid and Darien, as they embark on a riotous romp through the depths of the demon job market. Will Axartaz reclaim his former glory, or will he be stuck slinging coffee and scrubbing toilets in Hell’s minimum-wage underworld?
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readersmagnet · 9 months
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Black Shadow Detective Agency: Demon for Hire by Count S. A. Olson
Meet Jason Black, a half-daemon detective in Count S. A. Olson's "Black Shadow Detective Agency: Demon for Hire." With a reputation as sharp as his claws and a past as dark as the shadows, Jason fights for justice in a world where the line between monster and man is blurred. Can he protect the innocent from the lurking darkness, or will his own inner demons prove his undoing?
Unravel the mysteries within. Grab a copy at www.blackshadowdetectiveagency.com.
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fl0wr1ngd1gitalis2441 · 10 months
UwU 24F and 1/2 Frame looking for stronk pilot and frame with thick hull :hearts:
UwU 24F and 1/2 Frame looking for stronk pilot and frame with thick hull. 💕
You get
Sensors, Tech Attack, E-Defense, and systems 🎥
To have me watching over your frames vital systems 👩‍💻
To protect me 🛡️
I get
Hard Cover 🧱
Can’t take too much heat damage. I will cook 🔥
can’t be in Melee most the time I’ll squish 🪓
F4F (Frame for Frame) ✨
Must be at least size 1 no short kings 👑 ~Must be open to a poly connective relationship you’ll be my symbiosis but I will have a meta hook attachment aswell~ D1GIT :P
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