#demo means the world to me rn
deviationmaniac · 4 months
"I can be ye Scotsman, or yer Scotswoman."-Demo
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Happy Pride to my fellow gays and theys and all between. This was all cos of a random tweet about genderfluid Demo and I had to, as a fellow fluid of the genders. I loved drawing the outifts for him. He's pretty
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madrone33 · 22 days
It was SO much better than I anticipated. Like, I knew it'd be amazing to listen to - 'cause practically all of Jorge's stuff is - but I was less attached to Telemachus as a character than Ody, so while I was settled in for a fun time I wasn't as invested as I had been for the previous sagas.
Little. Did. I. Know.
Anyway, now that it's officially out for everyone, here's 1000+ words worth of excited screeching/rambling/word vomit from my immediate reaction to the audio, when it released at midnight for me! (I'm australian, so I got it 15 hours ahead of the americans lol, but also means I hadn't seen the animatics from the Live at this point)
Also, heads up there's a lot of swearing and I wasn't very coherent, 'cause my brain-to-type filter was non-existent at midnight while in the middle of a HYPE adrenaline rush lol
I feel so awake rn, even though it's midnight lol.
Started smiling as soon as I heard him. He sounds so GOOD!! MICO you're knocking it out of the park!
"Come and give me a sign!" Ayyy the Athena motif!!
Ooh they merged MICO's audition way of saying "if you're dead... or just tooo far"!
"Can I do whatever I takes to keep my mum safe?" aww don't worry bebe Athena's coming!
"Where is the man who'll have to wife?" ooh they really did use the Man of the House lines!
And they dropped that it's been 20 years! That's good, a proper timeline needed to be established at this point or newcomers might get confused.
ohhh shit! That growled "Boy!"
(Also, edit from after I watched the Livestream: HE DID NOT JUST THROW A BOWL AT MY BOY OH HELL NO-)
"Why don't you open her room so we can" oh FUCK OFF ANTINOUS!
oh the LINE! The CHAMP line!
"If I fight this monster" THS MONSTER! It changed from those monsters to this monster, because while he might be having fun thinking of conquering distant monsters out in the world, the real monster is living in his home and he needs his father's strength more than ever and AHHH
(Another edit from post Live: he decided to fight for his mum's honour and thought he'd get a beatdown or DIE in the attempt and STILL put his fists up oh my goddd!! And also, HIM STEPPING INTO THE SPIRIT OF HIS FATHER AHHH)
Ok I hate Antinous already. Like, I really love his voice, it's perfect, Ayron did amazing, but Antinous? What the FUCK! FUCK HIM! And I decided I love Telemachus. He sounds so helpless in that last line 🥺 ATHENA STEP IN!
Listening to Little Wolf now! Oh god I'm scared for Tele
"Wanna entertain me?" oh EW Antinous!
I just have a permanent stink face on rn lol
"Wanna entertain me?" Still ew, but also aww he didn't do the growl like in the demo
Clock sound effect! ATHENA!!!
she's giving TE/MO type vocal vibes, more than Act 1 Athena lol
"What's going on here??" lmao he's confused about Quick-Thought, like ody wasn't
"Uppercut him. Now." AYYYY FIGHT ADVICE
she's doing the verse melody but for him!
wait what'd she say? "I've no respect for bullies! Those who [something something] will!"
SHE CALLED HIM A DOG HA! What's a dog to a wolf hey antinous >:)
"One young wolf has a larger heart than all these men combined!" awww Athena <3
"Oooh, maybe I pushed you a bit too hard..." lol she's too used to ody who is used to her
oh FUCK OFF antinous!
"Tell me, Athena, why you came to my aid..." wait WAIT HE SUNG THE "what keeps you up so late at night myyy friend?" MELODY??? HOLY SHIT!!
Ok that was awesome. We'll Be Fine time!
awww she regrets <3
omg but her HIGH notes
ooh? 👀 The line changed from "sailed to an island" to "and I didn't die?? What does this mean for HTD's "I heard he's on a diplomatic mission" line?
oh now HIS high notes!!
awww their motifs mixing! <3 <3
(Edit post Live: lmao him trying to lean on her shoulder and accidentally falling through her instead XD)
Well that was nice! Time for LIP... What am I in for bro
AHA I was RIGHT! The music from the cover art reveal IS here at the start of this song!
The "ohhhh" motif from Remember Them!
oh yo! THESE scenes! We called the Sirens, Scylla, and Thunder Bringer on the discord, but the lines that are being used are INTERESTING
(Edit post Live: the animatics are going CRAZY this saga!)
calypso time...
Ooh calypso's voice is much gentler than the snippets! (I'm determined to not let my bias against her character in the Odyssey colour how I feel about her performance, because Wangui is a lovely person, and her voice is beautiful.)
lmao the awkwardly long pause and then "... ANWAYS!" is always funny XD
the electronic elements when she reveals what she is!
"Time can take a heavy toll." uh oh what's that mean
Damn not the "all I hear are screams"-
... holy fuck. Um. My jaw literally dropped what. What. Ok first, her "ody" fuck that. Second, the LEDGE?? Um. UM. I need to rewind please
Oh shit
Oh my goddd JUST LET HIM GO
no him calling for athena! 😭
the slow clock omgggg
... wait I need to rewind wait shit I'm shaking
ok. Pause. That was.
I guess I called correctly, but it turned out to be a BIT of an understatement when I said there'd be an UNEXPRECTED EMOTIONAL MOMENT! What the FUCK. Oh god that was incredible and I teared up and ah fuck wtf fuck who gave him the RIGHT
TIme for God Games. Shit. Am I ready for Beast Mode Zeus??? No. But I'm doing it anyway! :D
ok that was beautiful. Also her calling him "father" was unexpected but welcome
"... Odysseus." commander motif!!
god I love his voice but I hate him
ok I love how he says "AphroDITE!" I'm smiling, I'm getting into this
also, wait why does he say "or" instead of "and" like the snippets did?
The voice teasers! Ah shit I can't believe I'm going to HEAR THEIR VERSES IN A FEW SECONDS WHAT. Also Hera's voice is VERY interesting!
Apollo? YO?? Wait wait I have to go back and actually listen to the words lmao his voice is cool!
oh the sirens??
Huh. I... don't really get that logic? Athena just said "yeah but they had it coming and now they'll know better" and he replied "understandable have a nice day"?
wow what is that accent? Lemme go back and understand lol
damn those went by quick. Also, not what I'd thought their issues would be. Tho I think someone called the sirens one!
ooh wait I've always loved aphrodite's, this is BEAUTIFUL. I need to go back to the start of the song so I can get her full impact after pausing so much.
ohhh she's the first one to reject athena!
"HOLD YOUR TONGUE NOW! HIS SON'S MY FRIEND!"oop you done fucked up ares
oh I LIKE hera's voice! It's kinda airy but still hella powerful!
damn my jaw hurts from smiling
I hear cheering 👀
ohhh THAT'S what he meant by "or"! Athena was supposed to face either the five gods or Zeus?
"You DARE to defy me!" DAMN Zeus! That growl!
lightning bolt to the face lmao
oh? The Wotm motif?
wait. Is the. Is this the "anime character on brink of death thinks of their friends and powers up" moment???
(Edit post Live: shit, zeus. Someone call CPS)
"Let him go..." oh wait that's IT?? NO WHAT SHIT
... lemme hear that end bit again.
WAIT reading through the comments and JORGE'S DAD VOICES HEPHAESTUS?? HOLY SHIT THAT'S EPIC! Now we just need his sister lol.
Oh that's right, I can see the cast now! Brandon McInnis as Apollo, POSEY as Hera, and Mike Rivera as Hephaestus. Nice.
It's 1 am now. Holy shit that was a wild ride. Damn. Hats off to Jorge and all the cast and editors and EVERYONE, that was absolutely incredible!! 💙🙌🏼🎉
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dreamtydraw · 10 months
It's finaly out ! Been working on this project for the past few monts and I'm really happy to tell you that apple bag demo's is available for free on itch.io for Mac and Pc.
resume : Working the late-night shift as a cashier in a small town, you starts to form good relations with your regulars. Between flirtations and friendly banter, the specter of a mysterious disappearance haunts your nights as you’re exposed to more and more suspicious behaviors. Are your regulars linked to the missing student, and, more importantly, will you secure a Halloween date ?
- 3 love interests (2 non-binary, 1 female)
- First-person main character
- 9,700 words
- Includes my tears
-Custom pronouns
Content Warning:
- Swearing - Mention of kidnapping - Brief scene of harassment
This project is twice bigger than night shift already and I really hope you guys can enjoy my blorbos, Rowan, Aissata and Leila means the world to me rn and I'm very proud of this demo. Have a fun game if you play ! Also feel free to share your opinion about the game to me, It would make me sooooo happy
Kiss Kiss
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project-sekai-facts · 8 months
Well just based on the news I think the February lim slot has to be a unit event unless they don't care about finishing the rotation before 3.5. January lim could go either way, but because of WxS World Link, that only leaves January lim, February slots 1 and 2, February lim, and March slot 2
Haruka is guaranteed to be one of the perm February slots. Honami could either be January lim or February 1. I think Ena is more likely to be the February lim than Toya is, especially given how the MV types line up. I mean they could do three 3DMV unit events in a row (with a mixed event in there somewhere) since the last 3DMV would end up in March if they do that, but it feels a little more likely they'd do the double 3DMV events and then the next 2DMV. Ena also hasn't had a lim banner with her as the focus (all of her unit events and both of her mixed events have been perms)
I don't know. WxS World Link kinda messes everything up, and the lim schedule is a mess
okay so first off after the stream it occurred to me that i did a big stupid and Honami 4 cannot be the lim banner this month. Lol. Because that would've required them to announce 3 event songs this wandasho channel.
So Toya4 is Toya/Kohane/An lims end of february. Calling it now. Ena I have my doubts about because you could do Ena/Mafuyu/Kaito because both girls are desperate for lims and n25 kaito will be the next vsinger lim, but considering Mizuki has never been rateup on an Ena unit event and also has the most lims in the game right now, I think a Ena/Mizuki rateup for ena4 is most likely.
I will admit I'm still very stuck on things. At the very least it's pretty much confirmed that Hona4 is slot 1 and Haruka4 is slot 2 for february.
Given Emu skipping the rateup she should've had on the current event i'd say she's most likely to be the lim event (plus i think it's too close to akito's last lim when lots of characters have gone nearly a year w/o, and kanade is capped on 4* cards rn). If we look at the characters who need a lim within the next 4 lim events, we have Toya, An, Ena, Mafuyu, Honami, and Emu. Emu already has been featured on mixed events with Ena, Honami and Toya, and we can rule out An based on the likeliness of Toya4 being lim. Emu/Mafuyu works, since they have an established connection, and n25 kaito should be the next vsinger lim and he works with mafuyu.
Also I've seen multiple JP specs that Akito will be the 3.5 event, which makes a lot of sense now that i think about it. it's either kanade, emu, or akito, and miku usually has a 4* on the .5 events. out of those characters, two of them already have a lim miku for their unit. so you could do something like, akito/miku and then maybe ena? i know she was lim on last year's .5 event but there's that 12 month limit thing that's been pretty consistent. plus, pre-established connection. honestly you could probably put Honami on there too because she has a connection to Ena.
then kanade perm mixed after 3.5 god knows who the cards would be on that.
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it's patchy, but here's a visual demo of what i'm thinking rn. with this i'm also assuming Ichika/Saki 3.5 fes and Tsukasa/Emu summer fes. mainly based on the fact the WL gacha will end only 8 days before 3.5 (minori and shiho could get away with it because they at least had two weeks between cards). also saki will need a lim more than emu by that point under the assumption that next event is emu.
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morimyulyrics · 4 months
As always, a big big big thanks to @alphardofthealley for the lyrics booklet. I am always and forever very grateful!!! Let's kick off Op. 5 with some feelsy Sherlock and John!
For my friend
友のために | Tomo no tame ni Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
Kanji ジョンお前は 俺に気付かせてくれた 友として何が 大切なのか だから俺は お前がしたように あいつの心 救ってやりたい
人は脆く 儚いもの 生きるよすがなど 泡沫の幻でも 生きることを 認めてもらえたなら 世界はいつでも 美しく見える
俺はあいつに 気付かせなきゃいけない これは俺にしか 出来ないことなんだ お前が教えてくれた 大切なことを それが友達の 義務ってもんだろ
シャーロック俺は 安心したよ お前は大切なこと���ちゃんと胸(ここ)にある 何が正しいか 分からない行く末 でもきっとお前は 道を誤らないさ
この闇の先 お前が決めた どう転ぶかは分からねえ この道に それでも俺は 俺は心から あいつのもとに 寄り添おう
あいつの苦しみを 彼の全てを 受け止めて やりたい / やってくれ ジョンお前は いいかシャーロック
何があっても 俺のことを 信じて欲しい お前のことは 信じるよ
俺たちの友情に懸けて 俺たちの友情に懸けて
Romaji John omae wa ore ni kizukasete kureta Tomo toshite nani ga taisetsu na no ka Dakara ore wa omae ga shita you ni Aitsu no kokoro sukutte yaritai
Watson: Sherlock…
Hito wa moroku hakanai mono Ikiru yosuga nado houmatsu no maboroshi demo Ikiru koto wo mitomete moraeta nara Sekai wa itsudemo utsukushiku mieru
Ore wa aitsu ni kizukasenakya ikenai Kore wa ore ni shika dekinai koto nanda Omae ga oshietekureta taisetsu na koto wo Sore ga tomodachi no gimu tte mon darou
Sherlock ore wa anshin shita yo Omae wa taisetsu na koto chanto koko ni aru Nani ga tadashii ka wakaranai yukusue Demo kitto omae wa michi wo ayamaranai sa
Kono yami no saki Omae ga kimeta Dou korobu ka wa wakaranee Kono michi ni Sore demo ore wa Ore wa kokoro kara Aitsu no moto ni Yorisoou
Aitsu no kanashimi wo Kare no subete wo Uketomete Yaritai / Yatte kure
John omae wa Ii ka, Sherlock Nani ga attemo Ore no koto wo shinjite hoshii Omae no koto wo shinjiru yo
Oretachi no yuujou ni kakete Oretachi no yuujou ni kakete
English John, you made me realize What’s important in being a friend That’s why I will save him the way you saved me
Watson: Sherlock…
Humans are fragile, and fleeting Be it a deep reason for living, or a fleeting dream If someone decides they want to live Their world becomes ever more beautiful
I need to make him realize It’s something only I can do Like you taught me, a friend’ duty is to teach another friend what’s important
Sherlock, I’m so relieved You know, right here, what’s important You know what’s right, though you may not know where the path leads you I’m sure you’ll make no mistake, and find the right path
Sherlock: I don’t know what lies beyond this darkness Yet still I will go to him John: This path that You’ve decided to walk Come closer to him With all your heart
His pain His everything Accept it all
I want to / Go, do it
John, you Listen, Sherlock
No matter what happens I want you to believe in me I believe in you
I hold our friendship with me I hold our friendship with me*
懸ける - means to put on a cloak, so I’m guessing the song means that on his pursuit to find William, Sherlock keeps close his friendship to John in his heart, that without it he can’t do what he must do (IM FEELS)
NOTE: Unlike before, I only based this on what's on the booklet, rather than the audio. (Bec I don't have a copy of the audio rn!! Big gomens!)
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thewrothode-if · 11 months
Can I just say I wish I could shout out every creator that publishes on dashington. I found this demo and it brought a smile to my face. I know the aim is in all honesty for get paid for your art but Jesus Christ shit is hard in the world rn. And $4 for a book on choice of games is fucking expensive in my own currency.
I would love to be able to help my favorite creators and support them on patreon, yet that's practically a meal to me. Sorry for the grim vibe but I wanted to show my appreciation.
Reading is an escape from the daily monotony of working to live and practically living just to work. So thank you. I don't think you guys realize how much your projects actually mean to people.
It's no problem! I totally understand the grim mood and in this time, it's hard not to ignore it.
I also love to just escape reality any chance I get, whether it be by writing or playing video games, I take it. 💀
We're all struggling together at this point. I got your back, pookie. 😞
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
random ask since i'm in a pokemon mood: have you played any rom hacks? if so, which ones are your favorites?
okokok ik you asked abt rom hacks but im gonna include hacks AND fangames cause tbh i always put em in the same category (illegal pokemon games)
the best, most top tier, most BRILLIANT fangame of all time is a game by ekat n michael called pokemon ashen frost. bestie @frostbite-yinny can vouch for how amazing this game is. basically its a crime noir pokemon game that takes place in one huge ass city. you play as a detective with a swinub as a partner n the game is split into cases rather than gyms. my words arent enough to describe how high quality and genuis this game is. the story is deep n intricate n so beautifully told. n ohmygosh the SETTING. the city of riverview feels so,,, real. like i literally miss being there. the MUSIC too!!! its so jazzy n compliments the setting n story so well. n dont even get me STARTED on those CHARACTERS,,, you will get ATTATCHED. n i mean it. the end a the latest demo literally had me WEEPING. it features a talking protagonist which rlly helps you bond w the other characters. basically, ashen frost is a story abt people that takes place in the pokemon world, n thats what i adore abt it. i IMPLORE anyone who likes pokemon to play this game. im not saying that cause its my favorite, but bc to not play this game is literally a disservice to yourself. in fact i'll even give you a download link,,, here ya go
ahem. anywho. as for actual rom hacks, my favorite is easily pokemon fire red rocket edition. pokemon but you play as a member a team rocket!!! its such a breath a fresh air. a fun way to play through kanto, which is definitely needed seeing as most ppl have played through kanto 53629523 times. n the STORY??? goes HARD. theres a twist at the end that changes the way you see the story of red n blue. it takes the game from really great to fuckin BRILLIANT.
special shoutout to my first rom hack n the one that got me into all this,,, its a fire red hack by @shima-draws n its basically the story of fire red but your rival has a crush on you n flirts w you throughout the course a the game. my gateway drug n the reason i was able to play through kanto <3 her post abt it is here
another special special game is pokemon legends of the arena. another BRILLIANT n unique fangame that has you travelling the region while participating in a tournament rather than a gym challenge. amazing characters, a talking protagonist which is AWESOME, n an amazing soundtrack!!! the story is absolutely FANTASTIC too. n theres a breathtaking sidequest too. n theres like three different endings!!! which i love!! i got the true ending on the first try hehe ;))
i also cant help but love pokemon insurgence. as my first fangame i have a lotta nostalgia for it. look man, this ones FUN. its got super cool delta pokemon which are essentially regional forms before regional forms were regional forms. the story is a fun level of over the top n i love the inclusion of some a my favorite canon pokemon characters. also, this game made me cry. not bc a the story, but bc its fuckin HARD. n my ass was playing on NORMAL difficulty.
some other rom hacks ive played are pokemon gaia n pokemon glazed but tbh its been so long i dont remember much abt em,,, heh.
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a comeback, perhaps?
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Yes, really. I’m not joking and I have three points:  1. I’m one inconsistent bitch with a brainrot;  2. I need my delusions and escapism cuz man do four blood-sucking dudes sound more in-reality than whatever the fuck is going on in the actual real world around me rn;  3. I forgot what was the third point. It’s all the more absurd given just in the summer of this year I was certain I wouldn’t come back to it any time soon. What can I say...life do be like that. A fun little story of its own, but I’ll leave it out of this post. For now, let me share with you what I’ve been planning, what’s staying and what’s changing and how I’ll be approaching this AU/blog this time around. 
So, to start off...
The 🅱️ has to go: 
While still set in Vampire the Masquerade (World of Darkness) universe, the renewed version of this crossover AU won’t have anything to do with Bloodlines video game. Don’t get me wrong, I love Bloodlines still very much, it’s the game with most of my replays and what got me into VtM in the first place. But also, it is restricting, trying to align everything with its small setting/scope and, let’s be honest, doesn’t make much of a sense. Eddsworld’s British, the hell are they all doing in America? XP 
The tag is now eddsworld vtm au, without the letter b. 
What else gets thrown out? 
Plot: Pretty much all of it. I came up with the biggest plot points and am currently rewriting the entire script. At its core it’s still “four dudes tolerate each other’s shenanigans to survive and later learn they kinda don’t feel like chopping each other’s heads off (friendship goals)” but the rest...out the window it goes. 
Setting: As I said earlier, it’s weird. So with the help of Fall of London V5 book and some other sources of info on London in VtM, I moved the cast back to where they belong. 
Characters and character writing: This one might surprise you, but I really, REALLY don’t like the way I did them back then. I can’t revisit old comics/the demo without cringing so hard my face breaks XD Fishmalk Edd gives me most pain if I’m being honest...
While I’m keeping the basest, the basiesest core (Edd being chaotic bastard Malkavian, Tom being mean and cynical Nosf, Matt being old-fashioned but also a rebel at heart Torrie, and Tord being far less infected with rabies compared to other modern Brujah) I’m changing lots of their characterization, backstories and relationships with each other as well. So don’t expect something you expected from their older versions.
The same goes for every other character, and I’m getting rid of some that don’t serve much purpose anymore.  
What’s in store? 
New script is in the process. And while it is slowly processing, I will be updating most pages on this blog: specifically “About” and “Characters”, with new relevant information and art. I have archived everything these pages contained, and I’ll put the link to the Google Drive folder up in the “About” page for anyone who wishes to look at the old stuff. I won’t be deleting any of the older posts on the blog though.
Update schedule?
Can’t promise one. Life’s hectic now as hectic can possibly get. I will update once there is an update, but please try to be considerate and don’t ask me “when”. I will most likely go on hiatuses from time to time but I will try to warn in advance if it’s going to take long. Overall, this passion project is just that, a passion project. Not my job. Not something that gives me anything but mental satisfaction. Not even a tip jar. I’m working alone, with occasional help from friends who are kind enough to proof read and brainstorm with me (Nina, Jazz, Engi, Hawa, long live you beautiful human beings). So all I’m asking is some compassion and understanding from all of you u_u If you can do it for me I’m sure it’ll take me longer to lose interest this time XD  Ask box stays closed for now, I’ll reopen it once I’ll update all the pages. 
That’s it for the moment! Stay tuned, if you’d like! 
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crescencestudio · 2 years
Just wanted to say I came across Alaris two nights ago and literally stayed up all night to complete the demo. I am obsessed. I have work tomorrow, and it’s almost 1am, and my first thought is “maybe I should try another route of Alaris, I don’t have to get into work ‘til 6(pm) anyways”. I literally played so long I had issues seeing because my eyes were so dry. I am low on funds rn (had to take a few weeks off work for a health issue) but the second I get my next paycheck I plan to drop by your patreon. I have not been this taken by a game in eons. The writing is phenomenal. The characters are so intriguing and real. The art is absolutely stunning. The soundtrack is so pleasing - so calming. Thank you so much for making this. I know it’s just a demo right now, but honestly, even if you never finished it, I’d be in your debt forever. I’ve been having a really rough time in my life lately with waiting on a potentially terrifying diagnosis, and was kind of at my breaking point before I found your Alaris. It probably sounds really silly, but when I played it, I felt like a weight was off my chest - it was the first thing in months to not just truly distract me, but to really bring me out of that sort of hazy out of body feeling. Sorry if that’s kinda heavy, I just wanted you to know that your “silly” (as you described it on the website I think? Or somewhere I saw you say that) game has had a huge impact on my life, at least, and I’m really grateful for that. Thank you, truly. Anyways, I’d write more, but to be honest, I’m about to spend another all nighter playing Alaris. I hope you have a wonderful night (or day. Or the like). 💕
ANON…..::::…….. WHOEVER U R I HOPE ONLY BLESSINGS COME TO YOU. this literally made me tear up. i screenshotted it so i can keep it forever and look back on it anytime i’m sad. that is how much this ask meant to me 😭😭😭
you took the time to send in such a sweet, thoughtful message, i only think it appropriate to respond in kind so i apologize in advance for a bit of a longer response everyone!
FIRST, i think i am too late, but i hope you got some rest!!!!!!!!! alaris will always be there for you to play so please do not sacrifice your eyes and sleep for it!!!!! especially if ur having health problems of any kind and waiting on a scary diagnosis—those can be incredibly stressful and hard to go through so i hope you receive good news soon. regardless, i am keeping u in my thoughts and sending you all my love right now 💖💐
i know exactly what you mean by a game or piece of media pulling you out of a dark time, and it’s not heavy or silly at all for you to mention that. in fact, it’s an honor that alaris, even in its demo form, was able to provide that to you. i never would’ve imagined my silly little game (i call it that on my patreon, so u r remembering correctly ha!) would make that much of an impact on anyone, so i’m glad it connected to you in that way 🥺
you do not, by any means, have to support my patreon. especially if you are low on funds, i promise this message alone is support enough! thank you so, so much for the kind words and for taking the time to write this up and send it in, anon. it means the world to me and i hope alaris (in its current and future form) can continue to be something you enjoy 💖 keeping u close in my heart and hoping your health improves, ily!!! 💐✨
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shatterthefragments · 4 months
4, 12,17 for the song thing! 🖤
*cracks knuckles*
4. is from an underrated artist
(Starting off with the longest response!!)
I Don’t Know or The Corpse of The Bride by moi Mr. Shatterthefragments themself!!! 🤣 I mean. Probably some pac mom has a video of the elementary schools’ talent shows, but I am joking- I haven’t actually finished/produced any of my songs really (YET) but I couldn’t resist making the joke 😁 (I will not be sharing the voice recording(s) of me singing as I walk home from high school though 😘) (maybe one day if I ever finish it and add music to it idk. I used to do more vocal practice back then and I am not good imo but I have fun singing along to songs)
On a more serious note I just. I don’t know how to quantify an underrated artist? I just get consumed and spat out if the hyper fixation ends but like I also work so cyclically and come back to things over and over again.
So it’s like. Do I choose Adam Lambert for the way he was an early person (within my lifespan) to come out and be gay on stage (don’t come for me with the older people I KNOW and I appreciate them too but even for mum who loves Queen very much she watches reality shows like American Idol and then eventually seeing Adam and his bassist at the Time, Tommy Joe, kiss on stage was kinda groundbreaking to see in magazine articles and stuff) even though he has a few million monthly listeners? in which case the song i choose is: Sleepwalker Adam Lambert
Or I could choose an up and coming (?) musician/band that I literally ended up finding off instagram. Rabbitology’s The Bog Bodies is just so floaty and nice (both versions 😘) and is pretty high up on my on repeat playlist.
breakk.away’s I’ll See You When The Night Comes tickles my brain in such a good way (they only have one other song on Spotify and I’m listening to it for the first time right now and it’s good but I’m just fixated in the other)
Or Glasswaves’ T.H.Y.M. They have three songs out there and I like them but THYM just. Yeah. It’s on my on repeat as well still ✌️✨
Or maybe Emily Hopkins (HARPIST!!!) who does a lot of videos on YouTube as well especially pedal demos and tbh Distortion on Harp (but only on the low strings) HAS MY WHOLE ASS HEART. Two of her songs are on my on repeat atm (sometimes there’s more sometimes less) she is. 😍💖😘💖💖💖💖💖💖 Where I’m going to say Abelha Emily Hopkins for the song.
Or I could say Polyphia’s The Worst bc it got me through 2022(?) and was absolutely my top track whichever year it actually was 🤷🏻
Underrated artist… truly I’m not sure how to actually figure that one out so I hope you enjoy my rambles and several songs haha like. There’s a lot of smaller ones i could probably say but idk rn.
12. is in a movie
Hmm. Well. The Old Guard is really basically the only movie I saved the soundtrack to. The initial thought I have is The World We Made by Ruelle. But also Say Your Prayers by Blithe. 😘💖
17. makes me want to fall in love
Without a doubt. Cat Power’s cover of Sea of Love
One of my best friends irl sang this at a school talent show and omg if anybody sang this like. Directed at me. We are getting married immediately after PLEASE 🥹
Once upon a time this would’ve been Depeche Mode’s Somebody but just. Sea of Love beats it out.
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jordandazur · 9 months
dec 27 23
I am going to start documenting my music creation process to help me stay on top of it. Too often, I put my music aside so I can watch movies and youtube and be generally uncreative which is not conducive to.. you know.. making music. I think keeping track of how far I've come with each song will help me stay focused and stay creative.
I'm well aware that no one is reading this (thank god) but maybe someday 30 years from now one of my songs will get popular and all of the future children will find this blog and get some insight into my art. Or, I will read this to myself 30 years from now and admire my younger self for doing this. Or my enemies will find this. Who knows!
Today I picked up an old demo I had and felt inspired to finish it. When I say demo, I mean it was a synth, some chords, and a maraca. So today I turned it into the beginnings of a demo. Took me a while to get my bearings on it but I squeezed a chorus out of it in a couple hours.
It's called "Place to Leave" and the premise of it is this miserable, horrible, evil, exhausting working-class existence in the united states. Maybe that's dramatic and a bit ironic to type on my MacBook pro but there is a certain terror that comes with being working-class in this country. I have worked multiple part-time jobs (more than one at a time) and they have all been terrible experiences that didn't even cover half of my living expenses! Throw that on top of car-dependent cities, a lack of community, and generational trauma (stemming from being working-class) and you have misery with a shit ton of crippling debt that I may never get out from under. It's better than being completely starved by my country (or others) but I'm also not far off from a reality similar to that. Homelessness is a threat constantly looming over my head.
For most of my life, I have heavily yearned to emigrate to New Zealand as I saw it as a beautiful safe haven far from the dirtiness and failing infrastructure of the US. If I could just get there, my life would be so much better! Well, no. New Zealand is another capitalist settler colony that exclusively builds car-dependent infrastructure on stolen land. They may have free healthcare and some good social policies but they are still an exploitative, individualist society that is not much better than that of the US. Much of this runs true for all of the other western states that could be "better" for me and honestly, emigrating is too expensive!
So I'm stuck here. In this dirty, smoggy, car-dependent country with failing health infrastructure, no social safety nets, and part-time jobs that can't pay for my schooling (and steal all of the surplus value I produce). For the wealthiest people around the world, the US is the place to be with the best protections for their capital, the best social connections, and the most readily-available luxury goods. For the working class, this is a place to leave.
Don't get me wrong, there is hope! I do have faith in a people-first future where communities protect and lift up one another. Fully automated gay space luxury communism, you know. But this song is not about that! This song is about how much it sucks to be here and I want it to serve as a reminder of that. There is no revolution without acknowledging just how bad we have it.
Sonically, this song is inspired by "god's chariots" by Oklou simply because I love this song.
Here is the start of my notes for the song!
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I was going to upload the demos so far but I can't figure it out rn and I am sleepy. Thank you for reading. Happy holidays. Much love and kisses :)
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blennie · 4 years
ok I beat botw :D
#after sinking in ~145 hours I decided that I was emotionally ready#so I went n beat up ganon#miss Zelda I remember you I prommy........ let’s go restore hyrule together 🥺#it felt.... not anticlimactic? not exactly#I mean the thing with open world gaming is that the world is so much more interesting than the plot itself almost#but I had a lot of fun!! the characters are lovely and it’s obviously gorgeous#I’ll probably be playing a second run through at some point#and I’m gonna at least get one of the dlcs#maybe both if I wanna do master mode 🤔 since my one friend loves it so much#oooh revali’s theme is playing rn I’m watching the credits 😌 I love his theme#i can’t wait until the sequel comes out :0#in the meantime I might play the demo of hwaoc#and maybe some stardew while I’m on break :) since I don’t have my pc I don’t wanna do anything too process heavy on my laptop#my back hurts a little... hmm but I don’t wanna sleep :T#maybe I watch an episode of jjk? hmmm what to do#the music in this game is soooo pretty it makes me :)) I know it’s not the game known for the catchiest tunes#like how the other loz games are big on the osts thematically#but I think it was beautifully done!!#OOHHHH NOOOOO the champion’s spirits with the king 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 come back.......#ok one more note but ALSO one when the horse showed up in the last battle scene I was like literally WHO are you LMAO#it’s dangerous!!!! go back to the stables!!!!#anyways I’m happy Zelda can be free now#she doesn’t have to worry about her powers.... she’s free to study the divine beasts and guardians as she wishes.... with her pal link....#that’s so sweet 😭😭 no more burdens of whether or not her powers will save hyrule she can just be herself WAHHH I’m thinking about it#OH NO LMAO I did the ‘see all tags’ and......... girl that is an essay.....#sorry for making you read my botw dissertation if you read it all congrats :D thanks for reading heheh..
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tf2strategist · 4 years
How the mercs would cuddle
Really want some soft stuff rn figured I’d share
Not really in any particular order? I just picked some mercs from the pile and put em in there.
Image from tf2gallery
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Touch starved, Scout will melt into any move regarding affection possible!
He’s adamant that he thinks cuddling is gross, but you know he’s a cuddlebug when the two of you are alone.
Prefers to hug facing you while sitting in your lap, maybe leaning against something so you’re more comfortable.
If you’re taller, he’ll probably be attached to your side, arms around your torso.
If you’re shorter, his arms are around your shoulders, head leaning next to yours.
Doesn’t mind public displays of affection, though he seems surprised at how confidently you show that he’s your s/o or platonic friend-
Normally when the two of you are together, he has you wrapped up in a bear hug with you resting on his chest.
Other times, if you’re somewhere like a couch, you’ll sandwich yourself between him and the back as if he’s a wall of safety.
But most of all, Heavy prefers to be held. Even if he’s the bigger guy, he’s the little spoon and it shows. He’s always afraid of crushing you in his grip, and he’s always been the mother hen type. Having you there to be his emotional support means the world to him.
Being so broad shouldered means hugging can be an issue at times. When cuddling, the two of you tend to be in a sort of sideways position around each other, curled up like cats. The other mercenaries find it hilarious, especially when Demo is drunk and unable to realize he’s even with somebody, holding you to his chest while you just lay there smiling, content.
He is. A sweetheart when it comes to that kind of thing. When he’s more sober, which isn’t very often, he’s much closer and tries to make the best of remembering the moment.
Being the most well versed in the world of romance, one would think that Spy would be a cuddler. He’s not.
He’s great with giving out compliments, whispering them in your ear as he brings you closer into his arms, but the second you approach him and he isn’t expecting it, he freezes up quicker than lightning.
“Mon cher, what is it you are doing?”
He’s completely flabbergasted by the idea of just. Sitting, and relaxing next to another person? He much prefers to be alone, but you manage to convince him to try after an unbelievable amount of effort.
At first, it started with him sitting, unsure next to you with you leaning into his side, or maybe with your arm wrapped around his shoulder and your head nestled into the crook of his neck.
Eventually he warms up to it, returning the gesture of having one arm around your shoulders and ith the other hand preoccupied with a book, a cigarette or a glass of wine.
After a particularly long battle, disheveled and ready to throw something, he realized just how helpful having somebody there with him turned out to be. No need for any fancy rituals, just being in each other’s company. He’s drooped over in your arms, hung over your shoulder sideways and exhaustedly bringing you both into a laying position, just so you can both talk without the effort of sitting up.
Medic is a busy man, constantly moving about in the infirmary attending to his latest inventions or tending to his beloved doves.
He hates when he has no say in something, which is why you have to convince him to step away from his projects after two days without sleep by being there with him for practically every second.
He’s the big spoon, no questions asked. It gives him the feeling of having control over a situation, having you in his arms and close to his chest.
Around the base, particularly if waiting for an early morning mission to begin, he loves it when he can use somebody’s lap as a pillow, meaning yours are the first choice.
When he truly cannot step away from his work, you can probably try sitting in his lap. He likely finds it cute, but he’s very absorbed in his experiments. This means he’s on autopilot and might slice you a few times when reaching over to make an incision, so it’s a risky move for both parties.
Sometimes in the evenings while doing paperwork, when warm orange sunlight filters through the window and onto the desk, he can be found conked out in his office chair, with you in his arms, facing against his chest. When this happens, the doves join in, tucked beneath your neck, on his shoulders, on the seat by your legs, some are even brave enough to quietly nest in your hair. You both deny it happened when scout walked in on the sight while looking for a bandaid.
Much like Scout, Sniper is hopelessly touch starved and any affection sends him into overdrive.
Prefers to sit straddling your hips, he’s got long, long legs and is NOT afraid to use them.
Speaking of legs, your cuddling positions can get a bit crazy at times. Considering the fact they can fold entirely across your back, his hugs are more like a trap than an actual method of snuggling up to each other.
When lying down, it’s easier for you to lie on his chest than anywhere beside him thanks to how long his limbs are, but you both don’t mind.
Even just sitting beside each other, Sniper practically melts. Hug? He’s jello. Pet his hair? Cries.
The way he holds you isn’t just for his own comfort though. He’d sacrifice it to see you happy in his arms. No, it’s because in the end, he always has to have one eye open and is therefore rather protective of you.
It’s a sort of defense mechanism, really. If you can’t move away, nobody can try and take you or steal you either. He’s too embarrassed to admit it though, or maybe he just doesn’t know how.
Either way, seeing you safe and sound in his arms is enough.
Not doing all the mercs, but if you want to see the others let me know! It’s just getting late and I need to sleep, also don’t really have many ideas for the other mercs hhh-
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tick-tick-moo · 3 years
❤️ 💜 😭 🏳️‍🌈 🎼 🎲
Thank you for asking, Bee!
❤️ What is your current favorite musical?
Hmm Heights. Currently hyperfixating on Encanto but OBC Broadway Cast Recording/Performance of In The Heights doesn't look like it's gonna be dethroned anytime soon😆
💜 The musical that you keep going back and getting hyperfixated on?
Ooooh I have phases with quite a few. So far it seems to be seasons between Phantom, Hamilton, Les Mis, and a new musical that becomes the only thing I listen to for two weeks(rn it's Encanto). I can rely on getting hyperfixated on Hamilton for a solid few months though.
😭 A musical that makes you bawl every time?
Hm I cry a lot. Bawling, nothing held back, tears streaming down my face? Les Miserable. It's the most consistently sad musical I can think of. (Heights normally gets me crying by the end of the opening number, though, and then I'm just a sniffling mess for the rest of the experience, but those are for totally different reasons)
🏳️‍🌈 Favorite musical with gay/lgbtq+ representation?
Uuhhhh I'm actually not sure about this one. I'm still relatively new to musicals, still got all sorts of stuff to listen to(I mean, the best answer I can come up for this is the version of Heights that included Nina's brother, Lincoln, who was also in love with Benny). Any recommendations?
🎼 A song that ALWAYS gets stuck in your head every time you hear it?
Ooh I got a list for you for this one(my thoughts just take turns being replaced by the lyrics of the following songs):
We Don't Talk About Bruno, Non-Stop, 96,000, One Day More, Burn For You, Room Where It Happens, Swimming, Therapy, (and now for the non musical theater one) It's My Life, I'm Not Okay (I Promise), How Far We've Come, and Patria Y Vida.
🎲 Free space to rant about anything musical related :)
Okay so Dolores's part in We Don't Talk About Bruno is just to perfect, the quick and hushed tone BUT ADDITIONALLY the music itself is just so her, with this drum and constant low maraca-sounding thing that just adds to the whole vibe. The way you can tell each character from the music. Plus Bruno has this flute noise that plays when they say his name (outside of when they're saying the title of the song). anD ALL THESE MUSICAL ASPECTS COME TOGETHER AT THE END, the instrumental is just OUT of this world!!!!
Okay and the fact that they are all different melodies and beat but on the same, as LMM said, musical landscape and they manage to harmonize with each other???? Like??? WHO THINKS OF THAT!? HE WROTE THIS IN A WEEK, AND CAME UP WITH THE FIRST (full demo and everything) PIANO BITS IN LITERAL SECONDS!
And he started out as a sophomore writing a musical about his neighborhood, just wanting to write something that he would want to be in. The musical in question grew from a story of a love triangle told through 20 min musical with two songs to one of, arguably, the most influential and revolutionary musicals that, not just Broadway, but all of musical theater has ever seen. Fascinating.
hehe this got long but uh thank you for asking
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starlightshore · 4 years
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New Route and Major Game Dev Talk
figured I’d make it official! there will be a no mercy route. You get to pick which route early on in the game, though I am unsure at this stage if you can change to a neutral. I only recently decided to make this route because I felt that the game didn’t have enough narrative choices. I held off on making one because I was worried how to make a branching path when the story itself is set as a prequel. In this game, you can’t kill Toriel or Asgore, for obvious reasons.
It’s been a bit since I last gave a in depth talk on what I’ve been up to. I’m in online school, have been working on a UT anniversary (rn the plan is just to get it done by Deltarune, After Effects is kicking my butt) and I’m taking a break from my webcomic. All this time I’ve been working on some part of Angel’s Lullaby, it’s always running on my mind.
The story has been finished since 2019. I’m on rough draft 3.2, adding new details to further flesh out the story and give the game more of a life and identity it hadn’t before. I’m still struggling, especially since this is my first real attempt at a fangame, with tons of battles and a world to explore. One major reason I make Angel’s Lullaby is so I can prepare myself to make a full original game someday. So I wanna be my best so I can get even better!
The Demo covers Day One, which contains:
-the outdoors (tileset finished, needs more flowers + some minor things)
Abandoned Castle (imaged below, tileset finished, needs some minor adjustments and traps)
The Caverns (Needs concept art. The bulk of the “play” of the game is here, needs NPCs and Enemies planned)
Mini-boss area (single room, but specially detailed)
The Lost City (Needs concept art, needs NPCs planned)
Knight’s House (already spirited the interior, needs exterior + extra Knight Overworld sprites)
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Here’s the Ruined Castle! (note; this is just a mock-up using the sprites, this is not in-engine. seeing it actually laid out I can see where it needs some fixes. also, this is the candy room from undertale, just remade with my tileset instead)
Sadly since I’m switching to Godot in a few months, I won’t touch the battle system since that’ll be changed heavily. I’m sure even the way to make the battles themselves will be different, so I don’t want to bother until I learn. That said, I’ll still plan them out.
here’s what I’m planning on working on next:
a detailed animated cutscene
concept art and lots and lots of world building. i need a ton of NPCs and battles planned
make an assortment of expressions and overworld acting sprites for cutscenes
but yeah! that’s all I really can say for now. thanks everyone for being so patient and supportive over these last 2 years, I’m excited to finally really be making the game I’ve been dreaming to make this whole time.
and sorry to get a little sentimental here, but this story has been one that means a lot to me. I love Undertale and I want to build onto it’s themes of grief and war, but ultimately I want to tell a story about identity growing past one’s background to build a new and better life.
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again thank you so much! I hope you all will love this game as much I do. ;-; here’s to hoping I can get this new demo done sometime in 2021!
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pippindot · 3 years
Our first group agility class was a definite culture shock for both of us. With our other instructor, we were alone and Pip was at liberty for the whole hour. Now we are in a group and she was crated for all except maybe five minutes. Combined with her season and how spoiled she has been wrt crating at home (that is, essentially never anymore) she had A LOT of opinions on the set up (luckily she almost never barks so she did not betray me that way but oh boy did everyone experience her whining). The lecture portions were good, but I am really balking at how little actual practice we got 😭 I really hope this was the "curriculum" meeting of class and we will get more reps in the subsequent weeks.
We learned about threadles (new to me, so useful), did pinwheels, and discussed foundations for teeter. Pip was a little all over the place for the pinwheel, greeting the instructor and bothering someone's pocket before she would come engage with me. But before, she always got to say hi to our teacher and do a lap around before we got down to business so she was ??? They did also let her run without pants (all girls and one neutered boy and Pip is only spotting rn).
On the pinwheel, Pip did great on the first three but had trouble taking the last (my fault). I got flustered, we reset no cookies, again same thing. Again reset no cookies (WHY DID I DO THIS), last one she got it but it was messy. Lots and lots of cookies. I could tell she was feeling worried and confused after failed reps 😭 I NEVER do no cookies. She was so happy at first too to be able to work. I don't want to ruin that. But the taking her out, putting her in again is...going to be a learning curve. It's good practice for being in the ring, but it's really hard on her now and I'm fretting. Instructor also asked me to stop Good Girling her on the jumps because she likes a quiet run and there is something to be said for that but I think it added to Pip's concern when combined with no cookies. Also found out sometimes I have NO IDEA I'M SAYING IT AT ALL. Beaming constant streams of praise at my dog on an unconscious level.
Threadle foundations went well. I was a little frustrated because the instructor had her demo dog do like...8 reps? Dog is learning, cool. But the rest of us got two or three and only off of one side. Then told to do more for homework. I'm not opposed to homework, but part of why I'm paying is to use the class equipment... Pip did really well with it conceptually, some of the other dogs weren't familiar with reinforcement from a bowl and that's easy for her. The hardest part was keeping her focus. Used a treat magnet and it was resolved but usually she is just on board for free. I blame the hormones.
Got her philosophy for teeter training which will be our 3rd teeter method. That's fine, I like her plan for it. She sold me on the 4 on style...poor Pip. Switching around so much. Idk if that's going to mess her up, but I'm hoping not having it shudder upward at her tummy will help in the long run. Which means for me in an ideal world (idk if we will ever manage) she would have a 4 on teeter, 2o2o dog walk, and a running A frame 🙃 idk if that is a terrible idea or not but I guess we will figure it out as we go. Apparently the instructor does not teach a dog walk until the dog is confident on the teeter, which makes sense, but I am still a little glad Pip has worked a dw before...
I like the class, I like the instructor, there are only 4 other students. But right now I am cringing at how much I am paying for how little actual work time we are getting. I'm not sure if that's normal or not, I was so spoiled by our last teacher. She does a lot of conceptual discussion which is cool, and I am getting the shameful, shameful hit of dopamine for the I KNOW THE ANSWER PICK ME!!! that i haven't had in many years. I follow a lot of incredible trainers online, or even just hobbyists doing amazing stuff with their dogs, and I get that wobble of insecurity. It's nice to be somewhere where like, okay, we are not the most behind in the class and I actually understand quite well what's going on and I'm familiar with the concepts being introduced. What different reward markers are for, why we would use a certain cross, what is motivating or demotivating to a dog. I was worried we would be the "transfer students" who were behind since all the rest of them know each other, but instead I felt like a real DOG SPORTS person for the first time. I just hope we get more equipment time is all.
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