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ark-fork · 7 months ago
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the-demigod-project · 1 month ago
Can demigods reproduce
Hi anon.
So yes & no. Click here for more info.
I actually was inspired to write about this while reading a cyoa that I found on itch(It's not for kids or light of heart). Where the writer actually went into a semi detail about this. So I went and added my own for this story since it made so much sense to add it. Since if Demigods could reproduce like humans why have more experiments? So that's why I went into detail with my own for my own world. (Thank Ra for asking questions on discord, made me sort my notes out for Project Demigod😅🥰)
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gnot-art · 22 days ago
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Tuoko (Qin Terra) (aemu form) :: detailed headshot (2025)
This is Tuoko's aemu form from my webcomic 'Qin Terra'.
Tuoko is the Fire Spiritor, one of the guardian gods. Part of the job of the Fire Spiritor is to keep stories and legends alive with the aemus, and as such, they are bestowed an alternate, aemu form in order to better spend time directly with them.
Like this? Go find Qin Terra on Tapas
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talonandelilah · 11 months ago
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“Tal, why were you hiding a neck tattoo earlier?  Does it mean something?” Lightly Del traced over it with one finger, the pattern ornate and flowing, she found it beautiful.  “Am I not supposed to see it?”  She looked at his face again and met his eyes.  He looked confused and that made her a little scared.
He didn’t HAVE a neck tattoo.  What was his girl…no…she wouldn’t tease him about....oh fuck!  Without saying anything Talon was up off the bed and into the attached bathroom in an instant and flipped on the lights which were way too fucking bright after being in the two dim rooms.  As his reflection greeted him though, there it was and he couldn’t deny what he saw.  Holy FUCK!  
“Uh, Red Hot, ya wanna come here?  We need to talk, sweetheart.”  Yeah…that was an understatement, genius.
He heard her coming behind him before he saw the red hair over his shoulder and when he turned around he saw it.  Fuck yeah!  “Babe, I got some good news and some bad news.  Which ya want first?”
Del’s eyes searched his face and she felt like crying.  After what had just gone on between them and now there was bad news of some kind?  Had she done something?  Was there something about Talon that Brie hadn’t told her?  Did he hate her?  Was she just a pity fuck?
“Bad.”  She choked out and tried not to cry. He really needed to get better at teasing her. She was going to break his heart if she kept crying when he was trying to to tease.
“K, if you say so.”  He got down right in her face so that their noses were touching.  “You’re absolutely and positively, 100%, without any doubt….stuck with me.  Yep, can’t get rid of me.  I mean, you are literally going to have to put up with my fucking ass for…well, ever.”  He saw confusion cloud her eyes and she did that thing where she looked back and forth between his eyes and her little eyebrows drew together.  FUCKING CUTE!  God, he was falling for her in less than five hours, and that was without the nifty magic tattoos they now had.  
Talon leaned in and kissed her softly.  “There’s more bad news.” Her eyes went wide and before she could react, he deftly moved behind her and pushed her forward so she could see herself in the mirror.  “You got one too.  Only yours is right over your heart.  Kinda cool.”  He grinned as he put his chin on her shoulder, watching her stare at herself in the mirror in disbelief.  “Ya do know what this means, right?”
There it was, he wasn’t lying.  She did have one, and it matched his.  And, he was almost giddy over it.  He was happy.  She was afraid to be happy and could nor be more shocked if he’d said she’d sprouted a second head.  They. Were. Mated.  Married.  Bonded.  Paired.  Suddenly her eyes met his in the mirror and she still had a look of shock as she tried to take it all in, but as their eyes met the joy in his eyes was not debatable.  
“You’re happy about it?” She was hesitant. 
“You’re not?”  Now he looked unsure, but his arms came around her waist to hold her.  He was trying to comfort her, she could tell but she honestly wasn’t sure what she needed.
“I’m overwhelmed.”  She was honest, but she was happy and she put her arms over his to keep him from pulling back.  This caused his arms to tighten.  “I am happy, but this whole immortal thing is new.  Like a week old new.  And now, I’m married…ish…and…I just….well…I…” Del closed her eyes and took some deep breaths.  Her anxiety was kicking up.
“Red, shh..  You don’t have to explain any more than that.”  He understood now.  He had been afraid she hadn’t wanted him, but now he got it.  It hadn’t occurred to him how new all of it was and then this.  “We’ll take everything as slow as you need it to be, ok?”  Her head nodded and he kissed her cheek before turning her around and pulling her against him, then reaching over and flipping off the light.  “Come on, let's go back to bed.” Tracing them over to the bed again, they climbed in and he laid on his back, letting her choose where she wanted to be.  Her head came to rest on his chest and it made him smile.  “You can stay in here, or have your own place.  I’ll leave it up to you.  Or you can go back and forth depending on how you feel most comfortable.  Delilah, I’m not going anywhere.  Even without this new shit, I liked ya.  I liked ya A LOT.  I didn’t want what just happened to be a one time thing or just something casual.�� I know we just kinda met and all, but I had a feelin about ya.”  Talon’s finger’s were gently caressing Del’s arm as he talked to her.  “Del, babe, I was gonna be all yours even before we knew about this.  From the second I saw ya and Brie told me about what ya liked, I just wanted to get to know you.  No one else.  Just so ya know.”  He stared up at the ceiling.  He had wanted her to know, to understand.
He was HERS?  Even before?  This sexy as sin man was hers?  He could have walked into any bar in any city and walked out with some hot chick and he had wanted her?  She found it hard to believe and just about said it, then her brain kicked in.  What was it he had asked her about when they’d left breakfast?  Gaming.  Hot as he was, how many women complained about their men being heavy into gaming?  And being immortal, how many women were going to want a man who was heavy into gaming and killing things?  Two things that were her passions.  
“Right now, I’m liking right where I am.”  One of her long legs moved to lay atop his and she heard a light chuckle and felt his chest move.  Her fingers played lightly in his chest hair.  Unlike so many of the “pretty boys” that her friend had dated, Talon was not smooth chested.  He was fuzzy, and she found it sexy.  “And don’t you ever shave, Feathers.  I like the fuzz.  Only place you can shave is the face.”  That earned her an outright laugh.
“As my lady wishes, Red Hot.”  His free hand rose to press her head briefly into his chest as he placed a kiss on the top of her head.  HIS  “Any other demands that I must obediently follow?  I might have a few demands of my own for you, you know?”
“Whatever this cologne is, wear it.  I think I could just smell it all day.  I might be addicted.”  She pressed her nose into the center of his chest and did a sniff and a slight sigh.  “So, what are your demands, Feathers?”  She liked their names for each other.
“Darlin, I’m not wearing cologne.  Welcome to matehood.”  He chuckled and kissed her head again.  Damn, this was gonna be good.  He might have to ask Brie to put him off of duty with the guard for a while and take her to the tropical area of Imperium for a bit of a honeymoon, a naked one.  
“I saw that sports bra and panties combo,” he felt her shift a little uncomfortable and he grinned knowing she wasn’t anticipating what was coming, “get more of those.” She froze. “Like lots.  When we’re gaming together, I want ya in that.  God, that would be so fuckin hot.  No lace, no strappy shit I gotta figure out.  Just that. K?”
“Are you serious?”  She sounded like she didn’t believe him.  She probably didn’t.
“Dead.  Get sets in every fucking color.  And do you mind just either sleeping in that or naked?  I want to feel your skin on mine when you’re with me. Like right now is heaven.” Another kiss to her head.  
“You’re being serious?  No sexy lacey stuff with heels?” Del asked again, still sure he was joking with her till he tipped her head back using his fingers under her chin and she saw his eyes.  No, he was serious.  “Okay, cotton panties and sports bras it is.  Every color of the rainbow and then some.  And I’ll steal your hoodies and shirts.”
“Now you’re talkin, Red Hot.” Talon grinned and she swore she felt herself start falling for him.
“If you hold me like this, I have no problem sleeping naked with you.”  Her hand again skimmed lightly over his chest.  Him being naked next to her was a pretty nice thing all on its own.  “In fact, I’m pretty happy to stay just like this until it’s time to get ready for the ball.  Unless you have other plans?”
“Fuck no.  Darlin, I am all yours in every way.  You and me are going to make plans for things for any time I’m not on duty with the legion.  Even if it’s just sittin on the couch and watchin a movie with the door locked and a privacy ward so everyone else can fuck off.”  His arm tightened around her.  “And tonight I’m talking to the boss and getting some time off.  You and me are gonna go to a private place I have here in Imperium on a honeymoon.  I’m going to take care of ya.  I told ya, I wanted ya before the mating thing.  I’m not changin a thing, cept I might be a bit more possessive.  Can’t help it, it kinda comes with the territory.”  Talon kissed her head, his own still reeling a bit from being mated. “I like the sound of that, Feathers.  We have a lot to learn about each other, but we have all the time in the world to do it.” 
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banner by @cafekitsune
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f1-disaster-bi · 1 year ago
Please write more demi-god Au!!! Especially for celebrating celebrating S2 renewal I'm so happy 😊
I am so happy that s2 has been announced! I love Sea of Monsters, and can't wait to see what they do with it. Although I do wish that they give us slightly longer episodes 😭
But here! Have a little something!
"He's got a face that no one could ever love"
Lando didn't respond to the taunt. It was one he'd heard before, and in all his years at camp as an unclaimed kid, he'd heard worse. It didn't really bother him anymore so he just focused on what he was doing.
The bident in his hand was well balanced. A courtesy of Kevin, one of the older kids in the Hephaestus cabin. Kevin was one of the most skilled campers at crafting weapons, and an even better friend to Lando. The older boy had always looked out for him, and creating the perfect weapon had been part of that.
"Look at his hair. Does he even brush it?"
Another round of laughter burst from behind him, and Lando huffed but focused on the task at hand. He focused on guiding himself through the different excercises when a smile crossed his face at the voice that called out behind him.
"With a forehead like yours Estelle, and hair with that many splits ends, Adam, you two had no room to talk", Charles voice was cold and cutting, but it was a familiar and welcome voice to Lando.
"Bitch", Estelle hissed, but when Lando turned around, her and Adam were walking away. Only Charles remained, his arms crossed and eyes narrowed as he watched them walk away and only when they were out of sight did his gaze soften as he turned to look at Lando.
"Charlie, you didn't have to be rude", Lando teased, lowering his silver and black bident to rest the butt against the ground.
"They were being assholes, not me", Charles grinned with a laugh, moving only to hug Lando tightly, "I missed you"
Lando let himself melt into his friends embrace. His eyes closed as he hugged him back just as tight because he had missed Charles. He always missed the sharp witted son of Aphrodite whenever he was away from camp.
"I miss you too, pretty boy", Lando teased, pulling back with red cheeks, "Dod you bring me back anything nice?"
Charles stared at him for a moment longer before throwing an arm around his shoulder to lead him away from the training grounds.
"I got you something nice, yes", Charles smiled, leading them towards the Aphrodite cabin, "Did you make any new friends while I was gone?"
Lando grinned.
"I got a pet Cerberus"
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menacinghummingbird · 7 months ago
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Glowing demi-goddess
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casoulettearchives · 10 months ago
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Info: A demi-god made by The setting sun; they basically replace solgaleo when he isn't around - answers to smaller prayers if needed, stays at the Throne in place of Solgaleo to do his job for a bit.
Chosen name: Forsythia
Gender: Male
Nature: Naughty
Leaf Storm - Grass
Play Rough - Fairy
Energy Ball - Grass
Sunsteel Strike - Steel
Space pocket: Endless Day
Involvement with war:Wasn't born yet during it
Shrine: Doesnt seem like they have any
Created by: Solgaleo
Creator of:
No known demi-gods were made by them. Or no one has found any fragments to become one.
doesn't own any spaces where a messenger is needed - message are deliver to her by Setting Sun's Phione
From his own words "He doesnt feel like its worth turning into human just to talk to someone."
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Design credit to @//book-of-legends 💕
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aystay · 2 years ago
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the incredibly cool Gin for @neo-wolfe on artfight!
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jflare205 · 1 year ago
From Ninja to Princess?? [Mortal Kombat 1] !ttsmonster !vavid !QOTD !socials
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furrywrecker911 · 1 year ago
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A Demi-God's Blade
Cross-dimensional travel is ill advised for those who are mortal. Done in Clip Studio Paint EX Character belongs to OzzyRocker45
Posted using PostyBirb
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dyscrasia-eucrasia · 2 years ago
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Another D&D portrait! This is Lita, our party's demi-god sorcerer. She's a huge stickler for the rules, sometimes to the chagrin of the rest of the party, but she's got some secrets. Like... biting a guy last year???
Lita's player is not on Tumblr. This is not my OC!
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house-silvermydd · 2 years ago
He can forge too :D
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the most attractive traits you can give a fictional man:
good with kids
good cook
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the-demigod-project · 1 month ago
Timeline Info:
The Dawn of the Demigods: The Sun Empire and Project God-Fall:
The world as we know it diverged sharply from history in 1945. Japan, faced with the looming threat of nuclear annihilation from the United States' Manhattan Project, launched an ambitious and desperate scientific endeavor: Project God-Fall. This top-secret initiative aimed to harness ancient myths and cutting-edge science to create a new type of weapon—a living weapon—capable of reshaping the tides of war.
Combining genetic experimentation, esoteric rituals, and spiritual practices deeply rooted in Shintoism and Japanese mythology, Project God-Fall succeeded in creating the first Demigod: Momoko, the Child of the Rising Sun.
Momoko, a being of immense power, became the physical embodiment of Japan's divine heritage. Her abilities were staggering, capable of turning battlefields into wastelands and making her impervious to conventional weapons. The successful unveiling of Momoko as a national icon and protector shifted the global balance of power. The U.S., once poised to end the war with nuclear force, found itself in a precarious position. While the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki still occurred, the devastating emergence of Momoko fundamentally altered the outcome. Japan was no longer seen as a defeated nation but as the leader of a new world order.
By 1952, Japan rebranded itself as the Sun Empire, ruled by a council of divine and human leaders with a singular mission: the pursuit of global dominance under the guidance of their burgeoning pantheon of Demigods.
The Rise of the Golden Federation: The Kronos Initiative:
Japan's advances did not go unnoticed by its allies. Germany, already at the forefront of scientific innovation during WWII, eagerly collaborated with Japan to secure access to the secrets of Project God-Fall. By the late 1940s, Germany had launched its own version of the program: The Kronos Initiative. Drawing from Greco-Roman mythology, German scientists combined their mastery of genetics with the mythological and esoteric traditions of the Western world.
By 1955, the Golden Federation—a coalition of European nations led by Germany—produced their first Demigods, beings of immense strength and tactical precision. Unlike the Sun Empire's ethereal and spiritual creations, the Golden Federation's Demigods were meticulously engineered, blending human ingenuity with the raw power of mythology. Their first success, Gabriel the Eternal Shield, embodied the perfect synergy of science and divine will.
Germany's dominance reshaped Europe and its former colonies. The Golden Federation expanded its influence rapidly, claiming territories across the globe. By the late 20th century, the world was split between two superpowers: the Sun Empire and the Golden Federation. While officially allies, they were bitter rivals, both vying for ultimate supremacy.
North America: The Last Bastion of Freedom:
The United States, once the world's dominant power, was reduced to a shadow of its former self. Its nuclear arsenal served as a deterrent against full-scale invasions, but it was not enough to secure the country's former influence. Yearly incursions by the Demigods of the Sun Empire and the Golden Federation left the continent scarred, its people weary and its resources stretched thin.
Despite these challenges, America remained defiant. Through decades of clandestine research and technological advancements, they launched Project Demi-God in 1987. However, progress was slow and riddled with failure. The secrets of creating Demigods proved elusive, and many early experiments ended in tragedy.
It wasn't until 2002 that Project Demi-God achieved its first breakthrough. By 2017, the United States had successfully produced 10 young Demigods, each representing a blend of human ingenuity and the mythological essence of North American legends and folklore. These fledgling warriors, though untested, offered hope for a nation on the brink of collapse.
The World in 2017(Present Day):
The global power structure is a tense balance of three superpowers:
• The Sun Empire: Ruling over much of Asia, Oceania, and parts of Africa, the Sun Empire maintains its dominance through its vast pantheon of Demigods and its cultural propaganda that portrays them as the ultimate saviors of humanity.
• The Golden Federation: Controlling Europe, parts of the Middle East, and South America, the Golden Federation prides itself on its technologically superior Demigods and the disciplined order of its regime. Its Demigods are seen as paragons of strength and precision.
• North America: The last free region, fiercely independent but weakened by decades of conflict. The U.S. now pins its hopes on its newly minted Demigods, praying they will be enough to stave off annihilation and perhaps turn the tide in their favor.
The world teeters on the edge of an apocalyptic clash, with North America as the battleground for freedom against tyranny. The emergence of America's Demigods sets the stage for a new chapter in this high-stakes saga, where the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.
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gnot-art · 2 years ago
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Since I gave them this new outfit I thought I might as well draw a fullbody. Still need to work out a good style for doing fullbodies because I can't really do the chunky line thing like I do for headshots. I'll work something out during Art Fight this year I'm sure :3
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x-littlemoth · 3 months ago
I have a halfblood-turned-god-against-his-will OC who, out of sheer spite and boredom (and the hope he'd be killed) roasted Kronos so hard the Titan angry-cried for four weeks and flooded Tartarus (the prison). Tartarus (the god) then told my OC he couldn't go into the prison anymore because every time he's nearby Kronos can sense him and goes into a panic attack and starts angry-crying; and they can't keep draining Tartarus.
So yeah. I have an OC who got banned from Tartarus (the prison).
He's not fully fleshed out yet, I just added this to his arc because I thought it would be funny.
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