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cienie-isengardu · 9 months ago
Blood of Zeus season 2
I was waiting for the premiere of the second season of Blood of Zeus mainly for Hades and in general I like how the show presented him and his relationship with Persephone but there is some stuff related to other gods that I don’t like.
Spoilers undercut.
First and foremost, the show really did make Demether dirty. I’m disappointed with her role in the story and how she treated both Hades and Persephona, the beloved daughter. I guess I would feel much better if she supported Hades for Persephona’s sake first and foremost and not for getting power. I would totally root for Demether wanting to be part of their family and have a chance to see how her grandkids grew up in better circumstances than being forced to be far away from their mother for 6 months each year (something she herself experiences when Persephona is going to Hades). Especially if that would demand from her and Hades to put aside their differences or work through them to find a sensible common ground and not go for manipulation. Like her lie that Hades abducted Persephona. I don’t mind ruthless Demether but there is a difference between a grieving mother willing to starve the whole world just to get her beloved daughter back and a power-hungry goddess willing to kill mortals and make her whole family sick just because she wants to rule now. Nope. This version of Demether is not for me.
My second big NOPE is for Ares. I’m not surprised they picked him for the asshole brother for Heron to confront, because let’s face it, Ares is always the first choice for a jerkass god. And look, if this was our first introduction to his character, then sure, I would not think much about it, because Ares is Ares, whatever, while enjoying his good look. But the thing that doesn’t sit well with me is the discrepancy between this jerkass and his first season persona, who was much calmer, serious and grim - he was dangerous, but he didn’t feel that much arrogant or into women or entitled the way he was in the newest season. And I admit, it feels to me like watching a totally different person that just happened to have the same handsome face as the previous incarnation. Which is what kinda ruined my joy of watching the show, because Ares was the other reason I bothered to watch Blood of Zeus in the first place. 
Hera too is different but her change makes a sense given what happened in the previous season and what she lost. Ares feels like the case of switching personality for no reason beside the fact that plot demanded it. But at lest he is still the mama's boy. Ares and Hera have this protective side toward each other, and I appreciate those moments.
A minor reason for disliking Ares’ role is the feeling how Ares and Hades visually share a lot similarities (short hair, dark colors, similar helmets) that made me joking Hades was Ares’ favorite uncle to the point he imitated his dark style (pissing off Zeus along the way most likely). I knew the chance BoZ would go with that route was very slim but still what a shame! Though fine, I will admit it: Hades beating Ares was funny to watch.
On second thought, my main complaint about Hades is that though I love how he is presented as a god with a strong sense of justice, it feels he wasn’t feared enough by other gods. Show the man some respect!
Oh! The nice thing worth mentioning is that BoZ remembered about and actually used Hestia in the show. Good for her! She deserves all the attention.
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elestirenadam · 9 months ago
Jung'un haklılığının ispatı: Utnapiştim, Baba Fingo, Demeter, Hızır, İlyas...
Bugün Nevruz. Tabiî biz Türkler daha erken kutladık. Ama çok çeşitli bahar bayramları var. Her bahar bayramını kazıyın, altından başka kültürün bahar bayramı çıkar. Sümer’de A-ki-til, Babil’de Zakmu, Ortodokslarda Aya Yorgi, Katoliklerde St. Georges, Yahudilikte Pesah... Emir Kusturica'nın Çingeneler Zamanı filmini izlediniz mi bilmem. İzlemediyseniz mutlaka öneririm. Ama en azından belki Goran Bregoviç'in Ederlezi müziğini duymuşsunuzdur. Balkanların acıları içinde Çingenelerin en güzel ağıtlarından biridir. İşte o Ederlezi, bizim Hıdırellez'dir. Hıdırellez'in ilk kökenini, Sümerde görüyoruz.
TUFAN'DAN ÇIKAN BİLGE Gılgamış Destanı'nın XI. tabletine bakarsanız orada Utnapiştim'in hikayesini görürsünüz. Gılgamış, arkadaşı Endiku'nun ölümünden çok etkilenir. Onu yeniden diriltmek ister. Ölümsüz otunu duyar. Bu otun yerini bilen tek kişi, ölümsüz bir bilge olan Utnapiştim'dir. Utnapiştim ve karısı Tufan'dan sağ çıkmıştır. Bir gemi yapmıştır ve bitki ve hayvanları da kurtarır. Tanrı Enlil, kendisine tanrılık verir. Evet, Nuh'un hikayesi ve kökeni budur. Bilge ve ölümsüz olan, suda yaşayan, sıkıntıda olan herkese yardım eden Utnapiştim, Gılgamış'a bitkinin yerini tarif eder. Gılgamış gider fakat bir yılan onun elinden bitkiyi alır. Evet, Havva'ya elmayı yediren ve insanoğlunun elinden cenneti alan yılan, burada da görev başındadır. Bu kez insanlığın elinden ölümsüzlüğü (cennete ölümsüzlük vardır) alır. Yani bir nevi cenneti ikinci kez insanın elinden alır.
Eski Yunanlar da baharın gelişini başka bir hikâye ile anlatırlar. Yeraltı dünyasına kaçırılan Persephone, annesi Demeter’le yılda bir kez buluşur.  Yediği dört nar tanesi yüzünden Persophone yılın üç ayını yeraltı dünyasında, dokuz ayını ise dünyada geçirmeye mahkûm edilmiştir. Kızını görmenin coşkusuyla Demeter, toprağı çiçekler ve yapraklarla kaplar. Böylece ilkbahar olur. Kızının yeraltı dünyasında geçirdiği üç ayda ise kış olur. Yunan mitolojisinde baharın başlangıcı olarak Demeter anılır. Bu inanış, Müslümanlara da Hızır ve İlyas ile yansır. Hızır ve İlyas Peygamberler gül ağacının dibinde buluştururlar. Buna da “Hızır-İlyas”ın birleşimi “Hıdırellez” adını verirler.
Tekrar Çingenelere dönelim. Mısır firavunları sadece Yahudilere mi zulmettiğine inanıyorsunuz? Çingene inancına göre, Firavunlar Koptlar (Kıptîler) adı verilen Çingenelere zulmederler. Hz. Musa ile birlikte Çingenelerin büyük bir bölümü kaçmaya çalışır. Fakat Baba Fingo ve bir kesim çingeneyi Firavun, özgürlük vereceğim diyerek Hz. Musa'nın peşine salar. Bir kısmı Firavun’un zulmünden kurtulur. Fakat Kızıldeniz kapanınca Baba Fingo ve askerler suya gömülür. Geride kalanlar ve zulûm görmeye devam eden Kıptiler ise kutlu bir kişinin gelip kendilerini kurtaracağına inanırlar. O gün de 6 Mayıs’tır. O sabah, Çingeneler yaşadıkları bölgelerdeki akarsulara inerek yıkanıp eğlenirler. Bazıları da bu sularda hapsedildiklerine inanırlar. Kendilerini zalim Firavun’un elinden kurtaracak Baba Fingo’ya şükranlarını sunmak için kutlamalar yaparlar. İşte Çingeneler Zamanı filminde izlediğiniz sahne bunun yansımasıdır. Çingeneler suya girerek hâlâ Baba Fingo’yu çağırırlar, hapsoldukları yerden kendilerini kurtarmaya çalışırlar. Kimsenin inancına karışamayız. Ama bu büyük kültür birikimine hayran kalmamak elde değil. Biz Jung'a katılabiliyoruz ancak. Jung, mitolojide insan zihninin özelliklerinin dünya üzerinde benzer özellikler gösterdiğini doğrular. İşte Jung'un haklılığının ispatı. İnanların bayramı, herkesin de baharı kutlu olsun.
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ibijau · 8 months ago
finally got around to typing more of Medka and Actalus's story
forgot that I had stopped right before a backstory dump that has now become irrelevant because the backstory AND plot have changed, but the framing is something I need to keep because it shows the culture they're currently navigating, meaning I have to improvise a new backstory dump that will probably be changed later.
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444names · 28 days ago
Names generated from dunmer names from TES: Arena and TES II: Daggerfall
Azaratah Azarilith Azarin Azarith Azarobah Azarothal Casainah Casatah Casathah Casathal Casikiah Casikseth Casilainah Casilien Casilil Casilon Casilonah Casiloth Casimatah Caskainah Caskanpar Caskathys Casonah Casonainah Casonatah Cassethys Cruathah Cruathys Cruele Cruelfar Crueloth Cruelpar Cruelseth Crueth Cruin Cruithal Cruithys Cruon Cruonainah Cruonath Cruoth Cruothys Cruthah Cruthys Demar Demaronah Demelatah Demeth Demethah Demin Deminain Demithalon Demithys Demon Demoth Demothys Demthys Erebah Erebatah Erebiah Erebikan Erebikil Erebiliah Erebilonah Erebilth Erebin Erebith Erebithal Erebithys Erebivah Erebkatah Ereboth Erebsethah Erelobatah Erelpar Erelseth ErethGolgath Golgathys Golgeth Golgin Golgon Golgoth Golgothal Golgothys Goliah Golien Golik Golikfar Golikseth Golil Golilin Golimalain Golimalik Golimar Golinah Golith Golivah Golon Golonah Goloth Golothah Golth
Hekainah Hekan Hekanikien Hekaninah Hekanpar Hekelatah Hekelfarik Heketh Hekethah Hekien Hekik Hekikil Hekil Hekimal Hekimalpar Hekimatah Hekithal Hekithys Hekon Hekoth Hekothys Hekthys Helainah Helatah Helethah Heliah Helikkatah Helin Helinah Helith Helithah Helithal Helivah Helkanseth Helle Hellelatah Hellelith Hellelobah Hellelon Hellelseth Hellelth Helleth Hellethah Helobah Heloth Helsethah Helsethys Helthah Lilathal Lilien Lilile Lilimar Lilimath Lilimathal Lilithys Lilon Lilonatah Liloth Lilothal Lilothys Lolain Lolathalin Lolelith Loleloth Loleth Lolgele Lolgeth Lolgethal Lolgiah Lolgin Lolginah Lolgithys Lolgivah Lolgobah Lolgon Lolgonah Lolgoth Lolgth Lolien Lolimalath Lolon Loloth Lolothys Nephah Nephal Nephaliah Nepheliah Nepherimar Nepherthys Nephin Nephithal Nephon Nephoth Nephothys Nephthah Nephthys Nisainah Nisatah Nisathah Nisfarik Nisikanah Nisikanik Nisikien Niskanik Niskanimar Nisonah Nisparain Nisparien Nisparon Nissethah Nissethal Nissethys Shalilonah Shalimalil Shalith Shalithah Shaloth Shatah Shelain Shelainah Shelath Shele Shelelfar Shelelilon Shelethal Shelien Shelil Shelimar Shelin Shelle Shellelien Shellelpar Shelleth Shellethys Shelon Sheloth Shelothys Shelpar Shelparath Shelseth Sherainah Sherathah Sherathys Sherebik Sherebpar Sherebseth Sherelivah Sherien Sherik Sheril Sherimar Sherimath Shermeth Shermiah Shermin Shermith Shermithah Shermithys Shermivah Shermobah Shermon Shermoth Shermthah Sheron Sherthys Sheth Shethah Shethalfar Shurainah Shuratah Shuriah Shurikimar Shurimalon Shurimatah Shurkanil Shurkathah Shurparien Shursethah Shursethys Tabah Tabain Tabelath Tabelfar Tabelimar Tabellele Tabelobath Tabelon Tabelonah Tabelothah Tabeth Tabethah Tabethath Tabien Tabik Tabikkain Tabil Tabilth Tabimal Tabimalain Tabimar Tabimath Tabin Tabon Tabonatah Taboth Tabothys Tabthah Tabthys Turainah Turatah Turfarfar Turfaron Turiah Turikathah Turikik Turilith Turimalain Turimalath Turimalfar Turimarain Turimatah Turith Turithys Turivah Turkanik Turonah Tursethah Ulainah Ulatah Ulathal Ulathalith Ulfarobah Uliah Ulikseth Uliliah Ulimarain Ulimatah Ulinah Ulith Ulithah Ulivah Ulobah Ulobathys Uloth Ulothal Ulparien Ulsethah Ulsethys Vanah Vanatah Vanfar Vanien Vanik Vanikobah Vanikonah Vanimar Vanimatah Vankan Vankaninah Vanon Vanseth Vaynah Vaynain Vayneliah Vaynelivah Vayneth Vaynethah Vaynethal Vaynien Vaynik Vaynikatah Vaynikfar Vaynikil Vaynikivah Vaynilonah Vaynimal Vaynimar Vaynon Vaynonain Vaynoth Vaynthys Veratah Verebah Verebien Verebin Verebivah Verebseth Veriah Verien Verikobah Veril Verilthah Verimal Verimalien Verimar Verin Vermal Vermar Vermelonah Vermeth Vermethal Vermin Vermithys Vermobain Vermon Verobah Verobath Veron Veronah Verthal Zanah Zanainah Zaniah Zanikimar Zanikith Zanikon Zanilth Zanimarkan Zanin Zaninah Zanith Zanivah Zankanon Zanobath Zanonah Zanothah Zirainah Ziratah Zirikon Zirikpar Zirilobain Zirilon Zirilonah Zirimalfar Zirimatah Zirith Zirivah Zirkaniah Zirkathah Zirobatah Zironah
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hyperfashionist · 10 months ago
A Spoiltastic Journey
through the Entire Space: 1999 Canon
up to “Odysseus Wept”
Story 1: Eternity Unleashed
Chapter 2 of 12
Hello, imaginary reader! I'm back, with a chapter-by-chapter commentary on Eternity Unleashed. I can shout into this concrete bucket forever.
Spoily Chapter 2 commentary follows, under the cut. You have been warned.
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Forth to Story 2: The Touch of Venus
Chapter Two of Eternity Unleashed: A Spoiler-Filled Commentary
Talian is grown up and has become Milsa’s full-time carer after Bexan’s death.
Balor (now famous) shows up and says he’s quit the ezir (scandal! shock!) and become a medic.
Also, he’s found a cure for Milsa’s illness. Actually, he’s found a cure for death. 
Transformation of Matter
A noteworthy feature of the technology of the planet Progron is that its buildings have dynamic architecture. These are introduced in the form of staircases, which reconfigure themselves as Balor traverses them, in response to his thoughts.
A full paragraph of poetic nonsense is dedicated to describing the scientific basis of this transformation of matter, and it is an exemplary piece of writing.
Transformation of matter at will is the key innovation within the last generation or so. Talian remembers visiting his grandad’s cabin in the woods on vacation and being confused when a window doesn’t appear on command.
Wearable Technology
By the time all the kids have grown up and Bexan has passed on, Milsa is wearing clothing made of the latest fashion, “expressan”, a fabric that changes colour with the wearer’s moods. It would have been nice to see what colours appeared during the scene Milsa was wearing it, since she admits to Balor in that same scene that she puts a brave face on it. There is mention of a “glow” of genuine positive feeling from her at the end of the scene, and I infer that that glow is coming from the expressan.
The nearest thing we have in present reality would be thermochromic paints and dyes, which, like ye olde-fashioned "mood rings", only react to temperature. It's imaginable that body-worn sensors might be able to detect mood with ballpark accuracy within the foreseeable future, and that this could be represented by colour changes in a wearable object.
Information Representation
They have books with pages, an interesting example of decentralized, distributed knowledge representation in a format which will already be familiar to some Earth readers. They write by hand on paper.
They have “vehicles” which might as well be cars. Only these private "vehicles" are ever mentioned. No transportation infrastructure or networks are ever mentioned, except for a passing mention of the existence of streets.
People live in houses.
No communications networks are in evidence, and all messages seem to be delivered in person. News travels by word of mouth. Only a hundred pages in is there any mention of “listening devices” and then of a “signal stream”.
Arts and Culture
Ezir are not encouraged to read fiction, except in advanced classes for analytical purposes. They sometimes do read fiction recreationally, but only on the quiet.
I infer that fiction is frowned upon because it breaks the principle of alienation that seems to be the reasoning behind the strict separation of ezir (policy/thought) from ezariat (practice/implementation).
I further infer that emotional investment, or belief, or some combination thereof, is considered to be the root cause of the problems that resulted in the rise of the cult of Demeth. At least that is how it looks from the perspective of page 140.
Gender Balance
Not Specified
No new characters.
NB running total = 2
No new characters.
F running total = 8
Talian's grandad
M running total = 12
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Forth to Story 2: The Touch of Venus
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incorrect-au-master · 1 year ago
To Persephone: i have a feeling Demeter must have been really happy after finding out that Melinoe joined TGOEM which is probably the closest she will get
Persephone: well...
*Many years ago*
Demeter: well little Meli, aren't you glad to be joining TGOEM and making your grandmother proud?
Melinoe: i think so.
Demether: good, good! And you will make a great maiden and don't go fooling around chasing scoundrels like certain deities i'm not going to mention...
Persephone: mom, please...
Demether: what? i never said it was you! Anyway, i'm just glad my grandaughter has made the right educational choice and is gonna take a scholarship to be a great busyness woman, just like her grandma.
Melinoe: oh, i'm not gonna do busyness management. I'm gonna become a necromancer.
Demether: ... *about to say something* *sighs and rubs her frown*... whatever makes you happy little saffron...
Hecate: *thumbs up in support*
Persephone: *smirks*
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arrhakis · 6 months ago
The Voyage Of Demether - The Cove Of Stacked Stones | Flickr
The Voyage Of Demether – The Cove Of Stacked Stones by Daniel Arrhakis (3879) In 2136, one of the pioneering missions in the exploration of the Orion Nebula was launched – The Demether Mission. The Demether probe, with state-of-the-art AI technology and powerful laser thrusters, would travel 1,500 light-years until reaching its main objective, an exoplanet analogous to Earth called Demether, a…
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macchinablue-archive · 1 year ago
What genre(s) does Christopher default to, and are there any he's drawn to or would like to dabble with? Are there any genres he dislikes, and if so why? What sources of ideas or inspiration does he draw from when he composes?
While Christopher was made for pop music, he likes all sorts of genres of music; Even rock and metal. He's not exactly sure what he wants to default to yet as he's experimenting with music, but he has grown a little bit attached to symphonic metal.
He's not particularly fond of religious music (specifically the kind you'd hear in church) or music that depicts violence toward women or depicts women as being objects. His reasoning for the religious is just that he doesn't believe in things like that (he also doesn't believe in "rA9" and thinks there's something more to it than 'android god'. Chris 100% believes Kamski made 'deviation' possible on purpose despite the fact he's never actually met him).
His dislike of other music mentioned is that he is 100% a feminist and absolutely detests music of that nature. It makes him extremely uncomfortable for women to hear it.
His inspiration for music tends to vary; His mood can absolutely help him to see different sources of inspiration especially because of his liking so many different types of music. If he's sad, he puts those feelings into the music he writes; If he's angry, he puts those feelings into the music he writes; And so on. Sometimes movies he watches and other music he listens to can inspire him to write something.
Christopher's Favourite Musicians/Bands:
Steam Powered Giraffe
The GazettE
Yuki Kajiura
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nathalia-f-alves · 5 years ago
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#art #arte #tradicionalart #draw #drawing #drawings #paint #painting #illustration #schetchdrawing #schetch #schetchbook #schetching #mangastyle #animestyle #originalcharactere #originalart #goddess #demether #demeter #politeismogrego https://www.instagram.com/p/B5IlCdCA-OX/?igshid=1gqd0lvn4i2m3
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lich-slap · 6 years ago
Tired: Modern!Persephone eating the pomegranate seeds to trick her obsessive mother
Wired: Modern!Persephone being stuck between her husband and her mother, between the Kingdom she has grown to love and the very nature she is the goddess of, and instead of choosing one of this sides, making her own; Modern!Persephone eating the pomegranate seeds because Hades won't forgive her for leaving and Demether won't forgive her for staying – because she knew that in this way Zeus would have to split her time in order to please both Demether and Hades. Persephone almost driving the Gods to war because she wants to be both the Queen of the Underworld and the Goddess of Spring, and doing it consciously, for love and power in equal measures.
Persephone being just as proud and cuning and smart as the rest of the family.
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cienie-isengardu · 5 months ago
How du you think demeter and hades think about one and other?
Generally I like to think that beside the drama of kidnapping Persephone (with Zeus - the father’s - permission), they get along quite well, considering the opposite elements they represented. Like sure, there is little about them interacting through the mythology, however Heracles was initiated into Eleusinian Mysteries - a sacred religious rites dedicated to Demeter and her daughter, Persephone, before ascending to Hades’ realm, as the ancient people believed those who learn the secrets of Mysteries would have happiness after passing to Underworld (x). Which I think would not work If Hades hated Demeter or vice versa. So, they may not get much into each other's way, however they are connected by Perspehone who both love in their own way and the never ending cycle of life and death. 
One of the Polish books about Greek Mythology I have read in school/childhood even said something along the lines of, those who worshiped and made offerings to Demether & Persephone, could gain Hades' favor in the form of wealth. Not sure how much it is documented within the ancient sources (lacking time to check that myself), but this is something that definitely influenced my idea of their relationship. Kidnapping Persephone is just an exception to their otherwise neutral-to-positive relationship due to conflict of interest. Otherwise, they have no reason to be bitter or angry at each other.
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I gave the Clint a quick coat of color. Also experimenting on ways to paint stuff again 
Source - Nopann@Yesntpan
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ibijau · 8 months ago
I have had so little energy this may. I want to blame how cold/grey it has been.
Also, I need someone to kick my ass to continue typing Medka and Actalus's story. Yes, I've left that to the side only because I'm working on Valcamon and the Magpie King's story, but that is no excuse.
Also also, I really want to tell so many stories in that setting because it's fun. This is peak "I am the only audience" experience though. But I am still thinking about a demether and persephone retelling (which would be set before the Magpie King's story, and would probably deal with like some wars that I'm mentioning there), and also that of one of the very first people to become a god, because I like that particular character.
also also also, I've started reading the Illiad as "research" of a sort, and I'm having a blast? I always figured it'd be a bit boring because, well, I've read enough famous important western canon literature books in my life to make that a fair expectation. But I'm really having fun with this. Everyone is a proud bitch. The gods don't play fair. Helen is... suprisingly much more interesting as a character than I've always been led to believe?? While Paris is exactly as much of a pathetic loser as every adaption I know makes him seem lol.
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olinpuz · 2 years ago
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He decides to chill alone in the beach not too far away from his cabin, it seems odd to him to have all this peace, but eventually he gets used to it and starts enjoying the moment. He tries to make this day as normal as possible, but he can’t forget about you, so he’s collecting seashelsl from deep down the ocean, just for you<3 . As he gets dark he decide to get home to cook something, probably a recipe that his mother thought him, he’s quite a mess at cooking and end up with undesired results. At the end of the day he asks the Demether cabin to give him an hand, eventually he gets his dinner and a good sleep.
He wakes up at 7:30 am instead of 5:00 am, he takes his time so he can make a nourishing breakfast, he probably...wuold’ve invited his old camp jupiter friends over if they weren’t busy with training... at this point he decides to go for a walk in the forests.He get’s so affascinated by the nature, He stops under an olive tree to draw the view he's so captured that he can’t realise it’s almost dinner time, sadly he didn’t take with him the camping set. He rushes at home to make dinner, even though it was a simple day he fall on the matress, good night Jason Grace.
Frank's ideal Sunday is going out for a hunt, he’s favorite place to do so it’s really far from Camp Jupiter. Fully immersed in nature with landmark twin waterfalls. He’s starting first with fishing, for them haiming for bigger think, this time a bear. As he gets darker he decides to camp under the stars, pne shooting star, two shooting stars, a meteor shower starts, reflecting on his dark eyes, reminiscing of the past. All the animals of the wood are hypnotized by this rare event, and so Frank, who’s slowly falling deep down in his own starry darkness.
Man if he loves his cabin, but he also needs to get out and enjoy life! That’s why during sundays Leo always decide to take his painting set and go to a hill and potrait what he sees, nobody knows about this. Last time he capture the sun going down, a pod of dolphins joyfully playing and a kid of the Ares cabing getting chased by swarm of bees that was fun. When the sun goes down it's time for Leo to go back to his cabin and start planning many new projects.
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hyperfashionist · 11 months ago
A Spoiltastic Journey
through the Entire Space: 1999 Canon
up to “Odysseus Wept”
Story 1: Eternity Unleashed
Chapter 1 of 12
I managed to get hold of a copy of Eternity Unbound!
Oh yes, I said I'd be posting to this series daily, didn't I? Work kicked my ass, to the extent I wasn't even able to look at this book for three months after I received it.
Anyway, better late than never. I'm back, with a chapter-by-chapter commentary on Eternity Unleashed.
As described earlier, Eternity Unleashed is chronologically the first story in the Powysverse. We can assume, until otherwise indicated, that it's an origin story for the Powysverse itself, not just for its central character.
The story takes up pp. 1-140 of Eternity Unbound, a book in three parts.
The book cover features artwork originally shown in the TV episode, which will be instantly recognizable to most readers.
Chapter One begins by effectively establishing a mood concolorous with those pictures, evoking a stark and flinty aesthetic in greys and browns. 
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Chapter One of Eternity Unleashed: A Spoiler-Filled Commentary
A group of men in uniform have come to take a boy from his mother and raise him apart from her, in what the reader infers to be a state-mandated education system. The boy's name is not mentioned until several pages in, but the reader will already know the central character is Balor, who will appear later in a single episode of the TV series.
The mother, Parese, a sculptor, does not want to give up the boy, and tries to strangle him, but the agents bop her on the head and she recognizes she is overmatched by state power. She entreats the boy always to remember her and her values, then uses the tools of her trade to immolate herself in front of him, searing an indelible final image into his mind.
Balor's memory of his mother is dominated by the last image of her painful death. His mother told him his father was trained as an "ezir", but Balor never knew him. Some of Balor’s acumen is a result of his mother’s training; he isn’t sure he actually misses her.
The current political system is still cleansing itself from its history of a long-past totalitarian regime known as the cult of Demeth, which imposed a planetary monoculture without resistance until after the death of its eponymous leader. This belief system remains "latent" within some of the population, many of whom hold it unconsciously, unaware of its destructive potential. (Back here in reality, a stable third or so of the population is authoritarian, and I infer that’s the phenomenon described in the storyworld.) It never becomes quite clear how the cult of Demeth differs from the present regime, nor how specifically the reaction to it affects daily life, as this belief system is never mentioned again after it is introduced - at least not in this story, but the book has two more sections after this first one.
Balor is a boarder at ezir school, though it's still not clear what an ezir is. (By Chapter 2 it unfolds that ezir are pure theoreticians and ezariat are dedicated to purely applied work.) All we know in the first chapter is that the "ezir and ezariat disciplines" are the embodiment and practice of the "Principles of Belief" articulated by the anti-Demeth thought leader Xmonolor; they are enumerated in the first chapter, but are couched in obfuscated language, in an apparent effort to make them seem more alienesque. Rhetoric is referred to as "spirit-music". The Principles seem to boil down to a recommendation to clamp down on would-be demagogues. The Principles seem to be anti-religious too, but this is not stated directly, and by the end of Eternity Unleashed it is not clear whether Progron even has a concept of religion.
We infer that Balor’s mother must have been one of the “latent”, or not-so-latent, believers in the cult of Demeth. 
At school, Balor is solitary, unemotional, and suspicious of adults' efforts to gain his trust with talk of forming families; he appears to be the sole orphan in his class, and as such his needs are provided for by the "Council of Families", a branch of the "Education Authority". 
The teacher takes the kids to the riverside, and the colours of the story change from grey and brown to a lush green, in a scene which is relatively vividly evoked. The other kids are basic and brief in their answers; Balor is extensive and analytical, and displays a level of ability and emotional intensity that risks challenging his teacher's authority. He calls the river a place of "otherness". The way Balor is portrayed in this scene is reminiscent of teen Christ teaching his teachers, except, y’know, scary and diabolical. Balor has an eidetic memory and superior pattern recognition. The master of the “Council of Teachers” takes a special interest in Balor.
On his first vacation, Balor is hosted by a guy called Bexan who has long white hair, is a widower, and has a son Talian (a year or so older than Balor) and an invalid daughter Milsa two or three “cycles” (so as not to mix them up with Earth years, I guess) younger. Bexan’s family home is in the desert.
Bexan’s conversational pleasantries read like normal politeness, but Balor takes them literally and refutes them as attempts at manipulation, which shows his paranoia.
Balor falls in love with Milsa at first sight. She has a genetic disorder due to incompatibility of her parents’ genes.
Milsa explains to Balor how she copes with pain. She is homeschooled. Keeping a chronically ill person at home is stigmatized, which is why Bexan’s family home is in the desert; in the cities Milsa would be expected to undergo euthanasia. Balor admires the family’s attitude and choices in this matter. 
Despite himself, Balor begins to feel at home with Bexan’s family. He perceives that the main difference between himself and them is his refusal to accept. He declares to Bexan a willingness to break the rules.
Gender Balance
I got curious partway through and decided to start counting the mentions of male vs. female characters (or groups of characters where mentioned collectively). This isn't criticism, just observation.
Not specified (NB):
"Enforcers", only men explicitly mentioned
ezir classmate
NB running total = 2
Female (F):
Parese, Balor's mother
Nebin the educational tester
Xmonolor, anti-Demeth leader
Gavin, teacher of the ezir class
two ezir classmates
Bexan's late wife
Milsa, Bexan's daughter
F running total = 8
Male (M):
Lead enforcer, male
"The master" (of the Council of Teachers)
Demeth, historical cultist
Nebin's father, owns one of Parese's sculptures
ezir classmate
Bexan, Balor’s foster father
Balor's unidentified father, an ezir
Mente, historical ezir who "proposed that a force in the universe told physical matter what shape to assume" (sounds rather pre-scientific if you ask me). The capital city is named after him.
Talian, Bexan's son
A physician
M running total = 11
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incorrect-au-master · 1 year ago
What does Hades and Persephone think about how they're portrayed in Hades, Hadestown, God Of War, Underworld Love Story, Punderworld, Clash Of The Titans, Percy Jackson books, Marvel, DC and so on since I have always loved that kind of meta
On one half: offended. On the other half: flattered.
Seriously, i don't know why would anyone think of me as an enemy for Olympus OR my brother. Sure, he's not exactly easy to deal with, but in the end trying not to involve with him too much is always the better option...
It's not that i don't ACTUALLY like being portrayed as a villain of some short, that's a role i'm used to be seen as and kinda enjoy for a laught. But as much as death is seen as an unpleasant thing, does it really need to be portrayed as evil?
I enjoy the depictions of me as a loving husband tho. I'm glad i can still get credit for that.
Most of the time i'm only seen just as either Hades' wife or Demether's daughter, which... it's a part of who i am yes... but i kinda like it more when they explore a bit more of my personality aswell...
I mean, I like to think i have plenty of sides, and when they get to show them it's when i can actually enjoy how i'm getting depicted.
Specially when they make me look villainous. Most people forget about that and i WANT them to know ;)
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