#demeter lore olympus
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0lympian-c0uncil · 3 months ago
Lo redraw with my Demeter design
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keenzinemugstudent · 9 months ago
So Apollo gets community service but Demeter had her powers taken away and had to live as a mortal for 10 whole years?
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I don't know what I was expecting but that's not what I thought was what we were going to get but okay I guess
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witchofhimring · 9 months ago
Being the younger sister of Persephone and having a rivalry with Hades
alternate title: Y/n vs Hades
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Synopsis: Hades had battled Apollo, Kronos and Demeter to be with Persephone. They are nothing compared to Y/n, Persephone's younger sister.
Warnings: Mentions of Hades being abused by his father, loneliness, miscommunication, anxiety over abandonment
Hades x Persephone
Hades & Persephone x reader (platonic)
"She is so sweet." Persephone said. "You'll love her lots!" She had said. Well, Hades, as much as he loved Persephone, felt she did not have the measure of her little sister. Y/n was the second daughter of Demeter, bring only fifteen. She had been created in much the same way as Persephone. Except something unexpected had taken place. Because Demeter conceived her daughter in the dead of winter her younger daughter was born with the pinch of frost on her breath. At first Demeter tried to suppress the winter. But when she realized this was a part of her daughter, Demeter came to terms with it. When winter came Y/n was carried away by the winter spirits accompanied by her mother. On paper it looked like the two might get along, cold, a penchant for gloominess and a love of the dark.
Oh how wrong Persephone had been. Oh she had been oh so wrong. It was a bright sunny way when Persephone paid a visit to her mother. Hades dreaded seeing Demeter but so long as Persephone was there everyone should behave (hopefully). The only reason he actually wanted to see was Y/n, the ever allusive sister. He'd seen pictures of her in Persephone's wallet and on her desk. She seemed sweet enough. They drove up to earth as Persephone was speaking with her sister. "Of course we'll stay a while." He could hear a faint buzzing as Y/n responded. His knuckles tightened over the steering wheel as they went over rough ground. Persephone gasped and told her sister they would be there soon before hanging up. "She's very excited!" Persephone was practically vibrating. Although Hade's was not very close with his brothers he got why she was so excited. A blue present sat on Persephone's lap. She had spent forever wrapping in and topping it with a bow, her usual meticulousness. "Do you think she'll like it?" Persephone examined the box. She was her own worst critic, a habit Hades had tried to break Persephone out of. He picked and her hand and placed a kiss on it. "She will love it."
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"Percy!" A fifteen year old girl burst out of the house, racing towards her sister. Persephone was nearly bowled over as Y/n nearly ran her over. She was a young thing, wearing an over large polo shirt and ripped jeans. Persephone cooed over her little sister as if she were still a baby. Y/n's eyes were not like Persephone's, Y/n's had a cool tone to them. Hades remembered she was the Goddess of the frost and wondered how the two of them got along. "Y/n, met Hades!" Gone was the jubilant laughter on Y/n's face, replaced by a frown. Nervously Hades waved. "Oh don't be shy, say hi!" You gave a small "hi" while looking at dirty bare feet. Demeter suddenly stuck her head out of the door and called everyone in. Immediately Y/n kissed her sister on the cheek and raced inside. Hades trudged solemnly behind his wife. Noticing this, Persephone held his hand. "Don't mind it. She's probably just being a teenager." Persephone consoled. Feeling slightly better Hades smiled down at his wife. "What would I do without you."
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Demeter was surprisingly civil. Or maybe he only felt that way because nothing could beat the little icicle like glares coming from Y/n. And Hades had the rather unsettling feeling that this was not just teenage angst. She was perfectly sweet to her mother and sister, just not him. "So Y/n, how is school?" Hades was just looking for anything that might disway Y/n from turning him into an ice statue. "Its fine." Mumbled Y/n. After everything with Persephone Demeter had finally relented and allowed Y/n to attend a public school. There was one on Olympus, in which Y/n simply took a portal from their house to school. "Met any cute boys?" At Persephone's question Y/n gagged. Demeter held the look of one having just swallowed a lemon. Hades laughed and for whatever reason Y/n shot him a dirty look. He felt a familiar squirming sensation in his gut. For years he had pretended not to care when others sent him unkind glances. The truth was that he did, very much. It had gotten better. He had Persephone and the most amazing friends. But this was Persephone's sister. His sister-in-law.
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That night Hades lay awake in bed. They had stayed over at Demeter's place. He could hear his wife finishing up her nighttime routine. He struggled with a decision. Should he tell her? This was Persephone's sister after all. They had only just reunited after Demeter and himself became cordial. Did he want to be responsible for a falling out? The other option was not to tell, and risk breaking Persephone's trust. When married they had sworn to be truthful to one another. They had come so far.
Persephone, bleary eyed and exhausted, slipped beneath the covers of their bed. Hades struggled with the right words. He felt her snuggle up against him. He smelt the vanilla soap she liked to use. Today Persephone's hair hung to her waist, flowing out like a pink stream of silk. Hades ran his fingers through her hair. "I think your sister dislikes me." It was best to be blunt in this situation. No beating around the bush this time. "What happened?" He was grateful she did not shut him down. For so long people had disregarded his feelings. It felt nice to be listened to. "I don't know if I did something to upset her. And it wasn't like she said something awful. Its just I feel an negative energy towards me. I'm not accusing her of anything malicious. I just want to know how we can deal with this." After listening intently Persephone propped herself on his chest. Worry crossed her face and Hades felt guilty.
"The last few months have been hard on her. You know my mother forbade me to see her for a while. Maybe its been hard on her." A shadow cast itself over her beautiful face. She seemed to suddenly be hurled into thought. Hades waited patiently for her to continue. "She's a teenager. Perhaps Y/n does not know how to react. You know for those ten years it was just the two of us. I mean we had the nymphs. But I think Y/n sees me as her mother in a way. And know I have left her." Persephone laid down her head on his chest. Her breathing had picked up its pace. "I should not have left so quickly." Persephone breathed out. Hades said nothing, only stroking her back. He knew their marriage and moving in together had been quick. Although it was not as if Persephone up and left Y/n, maybe it had been too sudden. Hades cursed himself for lack of tact. She was simply a child and it was only now he understood. "I will speak with her tomorrow." Was the last thing she said.
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Hades did not attend attend Persephone's conversation with Y/n. They did not want it to seem like they were attacking her. That morning Hades took a solitary walk through the field. Wheat was over eight feet high so that even Hades could walk unseen. Looking down at his hands he notice the very tips a dark glittering blue. They would be heading back tomorrow. He missed earth. Even after two thousand years he remembered the early years, before he became the Underworlds caretaker. At some point he heard voices but paid them no head. Probably just some nymphs about. Only the closer he got the more familiar they became. Too late he realized who they were. Persephone, it seemed, had a similar idea in mind. The two sisters spoke and Hades was a deer in headlights. If they saw him things would be awkward. Anyways, it was too late to double back as they would hear him. The two of them walked and Hades waited. Unfortunately this was the point where they chose to stop.
"You know our house is open to you any time." Persephone held one of her sisters hands. "If mom lets me." There was a bitter edge to her voice. "She will, we have spoken." Y/n made a "hmph" noise. Y/n's face was finally in view and there was a scowl on it. "Can you send me your schedule so I know when to visit?" Persephone's face lit up. "Of course!" Y/n relaxed slightly and then the next words came out. "Just for some one on one time." The statement itself was innocent. But something about it made Hades feel uneasy. Persephone, it seemed, had caught it too. For a moment her eyes cast themselves down. Y/n seemed to be scrutinizing her elder sister. Very uncomfortable, Hades dearly wished to flee. Wait, he could! Hades had been so anxious and wrapped up in the conversation that it had not occurred. In a flash Hades became a butterfly. No larger than the palm of Persephone's pink hand.
He flew away, not hearing Persephone's response.
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Once the stress had worn off a new worry came to Hades. He lay on their shared bed as worry enveloped him. Persephone had always defended him. And admittedly he had not stayed to hear the rest. But Y/n was not some stranger or even her mother. Hades had never been particularly close to his brother. Well, Poseidon and himself had once shared a close bond. Only millennia's now separated the days they once spend under trees, bound together by pain.
Persephone and Y/n were close, very much so. This was different than the bond between mother and daughter. Y/n was not some angry daughter determined to keep her daughter. This was a little girl whom Persephone had treated as one would a daughter. Hades groaned in despair. And here he had thought Demeter was the issue.
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Dinner was a quiet affair. Words were exchanged between Persephone and Demeter. Hades and Y/n ate in silence. Every so often he felt her glance, would look up, and she looked away. The food tasted bland on his tongue. Y/n was the first to leave, stating she was tired. Hades looked over to see it was only 7:45 pm. Looking back, he noticed a pallid complexion had settled over her. Y/n slopped out of the room. Demeter, through mother instinct, caught on as well. "Y/n are you alright?" Y/n did not turn but gave a quiet "I'm fine". The three adults watched Y/n leave. Demeter made to get up. "I better go check on her." Persephone placed a hand on Demeter's. "It is better to leave her alone." "Do you know something?" He saw that look in Demeter's eyes. The goddess was loathed to be ignorant of her children whether other had knowledge. Persephone's shoulders slumped with the air of one about to deliver bad news.
"Y/n and I had a slight disagreement." Demeter tensed. "About what?" Persephone shifted. "She misses me. Mom, could I have Y/n over some weekend? I think introducing her to my friends would do her good." Hades knew what Persephone was leaving out. It was not Y/n's relationship with her friends Persephone was concerned about. It was best Demeter was not aware of this. Although the relationship between Hades and Demeter had improved there was no telling what the Goddess might do if she found out. She might either berate Y/n, or turn of Hades. Neither was a good option. Normally Hades would think it prudent to inform the parent. And part of him still thought so. Though it came to mind that this was Demeter. Who, while she did her best, might make things harder.
Hades looked at Persephone, trying to catch her eyes. It worked. They quickly finished dinner and after cleaning up went to bed. They locked the door and listened to Demeter walk away to her office. "Are you sure Y/n is in her room?" "Probably." Persephone took a seat on the chair. Hades sat on the bed, elbows on knees. "How did the conversation go?" "Could have gone better." Persephone groaned as she leaned back. Her hair had grown longer and little pink flowers started popping out. Hades decided to tell her. "I overheard some of it. Not on purpose but it seems I chose a bad day to walk in your mother's wheat field." Persephone walked over to the vanity and took a knife. It was delicate and god, but sharp. She sliced through her hair into a shorter but. The cut tresses were placed in to the trash. Taking a pitcher of cold water she splashed her face and tried it.
"Please don't take it personally." Persephone leaned against Hades, her small arms wrapped around his bicep. "I know. Although it still hurts." "I'm sorry." "Don't be." "But I still though." Hades laced his fingers in hers. They sat there silently trying to find a way out of this maze.
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Persephone knew she messed up. She had never meant to make Y/n feel abandoned. Everything happened so fast, Kronos, mother, becoming Queen. Suddenly she felt like the same dumb village girl. It had been eleven years since then. But here she was, once more uncertain in her convictions.
The first few weeks were the hardest. Y/n had cried and cried when she realized mother was gone. It was only when her duties summoned Y/n to perform her duties to blanket the planet with frost that she finally arose from her flunk. Afterwards it was only them two. Slowly they got use to this new reality. From a world filled with mother Y/n settled into this new reality. The that was ripped away and she had to settle with a life with no sister.
Guilt plunged into Persephone like a knife. Yes, Persephone had left nymphs in charge of Y/n before leaving for the Underworld. But they were not a parent or guardian. She had assumed Y/n would be fine. Though in Persephone's defense she had sent letters and secretly visited when Demeter's wrath had been great. But maybe that was not enough for a girl of fifteen years old.
"Do you want to speak with her now? Maybe I could come with you." Hades offered. Persephone shook her head. "This is something I need to figure out on my own." Hades let go of his wife to wrap and arm around her. "I'm happy to help." Persephone looked up at him with the gentlest smile on her face. "Hades, I am grateful for all of the support you have shown me. I never thought someone, never knew, what it wad like to have someone on my side as you have been. Hades opened his mouth but Persephone placed a small finger on his lips. "But this is something I need to do alone."
Hades fell asleep as Persephone sat at the desk. As the night dragged on she stared at the paper. It was filled with scratched out sentences, Persephone's attempt at finding the right words. They either sounded formal or downright cheesy. A cool sweat rolled down her forehead. After a while Persephone gave it up as a bad idea. She thought back to what her therapist said. Talking out ones problems was better than a letter. She glanced at the clock to see it was 3:30 am. Dreading the exhaustion she would feel in a few hours time, Persephone climbed into bed.
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She did not see Y/n in the morning. When Persephone asked her mother, Demeter looked worried. "You haven't seen her?" Demeter abandoned the bread she's been laboring on to go upstairs. Anxiously Persephone waited until a few seconds later Demeter hurried downstairs. Persephone knew her answer before Demeter could speak. "I mean.....she's a teenager. She'll be fine, right?" It was more for her own benefit than Demeter's. Hades lumbered into the kitchen, bleary eyed, his usually impeccable hair askew. "Hades, have you seen Y/n?" Pain was bordering on the edge of Persephone's voice. Normally this would not be an issue. But this behavior was highly irregular and given recent even Persephone feared the worst. "No. I can't say I have." Hades immediately perked up at the anxiety laced in Persephone's voice. A shaky breath escaped Persephone as she ran a shaking hand through pink locks. "We better get the nymphs."
They split up into groups of five. Persephone had Hades go with another group, just in case. The four nymphs behind him nervously flited about, calling and climbing trees. "Does Y/n have any hiding spots?" The nymphs shook their heads. "Usually Y/n stays in her house or the gardens." Replied one. Hades sighed, keeping his emotions in check. Anxiety wracked his bones. A whole host of bad thoughts came to him. What if she was injured? Or Apollo had finally retaliated. Suddenly Hades felt nauseous. He was not sure what he couldn't put past him. Hades pulled out his phone. "Are there any Olympians whom Y/n has contact with?" "Hera I think? I know the Queen has been giving Y/n advice about university." Hades dialed Hera's number. A few rings later Hera answered. "Hey." Her voice sounded slightly groggy. Presumably Hera had slept in, which she rarely did. He felt guilty for disturbing Hera, but this was important.
"Hera, have you seen Y/n lately?" His fingers tightened around the phone. "I talked to her a week ago. I she alright?" "I don't know. She went missing this morning. Can you call Apollo or at least check to see what he's been up to?" He heard Hera rustling papers together. "He's been with Zeus in meetings all day." Hera now sounded testy, a tone she took whenever Apollo happened to come up. For anyone else Hades might have felt sorry. Having the literal Queen of the Heavens angry at you was not fun. But this was Apollo so he could kick rocks. "Are there any other Olympians she might be in contact with?" "Not to my knowledge. I'll go ask Zeus." "You go do that. Call me when you find out." He hung up.
A few minutes later Hera called back to say that unfortunately she had no further information. Disappointed but not entirely surprised Hades continued his search. He came across a clearing with a few trees. In one of the trees was a treehouse. "She might be in there!" One of the nymphs darted forward. The other four, Hades included, followed in hot pursuit. When he got to the base Hades called her name. The trap door creaked open and Y/n stuck her head out. Hades let out a sigh of relief. "Y/n! We were worried!" Hades dialed Persephone. With a grunt Y/n shut the door. "Do you think she's angry?" Asked a nymph. The rest shrugged. But Hades knew the answer. In the brief moment their eyes met Y/n's eyes were cold as ice.
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Dinner was a quiet affair. After they found her Y/n refused to leave the tree house. Hades was angry. Not solely because Y/n had caused so much commotion but because she didn't seem to care. In fact, Y/n had not left the treehouse till just before dinner. Demeter had kept unusually quiet. Persephone was jittery, her sentences coming out uncertain when she spoke to Y/n. Not only that, it was slight cool. Hades guessed Y/n was behind that.
"So, got any plans for when you get back?" Demeter tried in a desperate attempt to banish the tense silence. "I bet they do." Muttered Y/n under her breath. But everyone heard it. Persephone bit her lips and looked down. Choosing to ignore the interruption, Demeter attempted to engage her daughter and Hades in conversation. A quiet conversation between Demeter and Persephone were the only voices at the table. Y/n's fork came down with surprising ferocity on an unlucky carrot.
"So Y/n, anything interesting happening soon?" It was a poorly disguised attempt to break the tension. "No." Y/n glowered." Persephone let out a quiet "oh" and fell silent. To Hades's horror he saw tears bordering on her lashes. Okay, this was enough. "That's not an appropriate tone to take with your sister." Hades gave Y/n a look that had made full grown gods cower. Only Y/n did not. Instead she gave back an equally nasty look, eyes like little icicles. "Butt out." She snapped. "Y/n!" Demeter looked aghast. Persephone's hands grasped one another in a tight grip. Angry, Hades rounded on Y/n a second time. "Look. I understand this is new for you but this is Persephone's life. Start acting like a grown up and-" Y/n hand slammed on the table. "I'm fifteen you idiot!" The temperature dropped as the God of the Underworld and the Goddess of winter faced off. "I think you should apologies." Y/n's lip curled. "Just because you barged into my life doesn't make you the boss of me!" Hades really tried to keep it in. But this was too much. "Listen here, your sister had every right to make her own life." "Easy for you to say!" Ice was crawling up the walls. Y/n was on her feet, face warm as a blizzard. Even Hades was taken aback, for the venom in her eyes was uncanny. "Ever since you have arrived I barely see my sister. I hate you!" And in a storm of snow, ice and tears, Y/n was gone.
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Hades had spent eons being jealous of his brothers. Watching them move on with families and leaving him behind had been painful. Looking at a picture of Y/n and Persephone, Hades wondered if that was how Y/n felt. Persephone had said they were close. Before Zeus became King and Poseidon ruled the sea they had been close. He remembered feeling so lonely, and for so long there had been a deep chasm where his heart was.
Persephone had cried herself to sleep. Hades, for a few moments, watched his wife's chest rise and fall. Tear streaks still staining her face. "It's all my fault!" Persephone had gone racing after her sister. She only stopped when Demeter convinced her daughter that Y/n would not want to see her. So they left it to Demeter and the nymphs. Persephone had nervously paced her room, her hair growing almost out of control. It was only when a nymph came back bearing news that Y/n had been found unharmed did Persephone collapse against the sheets. She had cried for hours, mumbling the whole time. As he tried to comfort her Hades heard Persephone's lamentations. "It's my fault." Eventually Persephone fell asleep.
Hades could only sit there, helpless. it has been a while since he had felt this way. Even as a boy he had been forced to contend with feeling abandoned. Only Rhea had given him unconditional love all those years ago. His own father had eaten Hades and spent years, not satisfied with trapping him, tormenting him. Even after being expelled from his prison loneliness persisted. His brothers did not understand him. Hestia had always been kind, but they were do different. Demeter and him never got along. Hera and their shared history was another complex matter. In reality he had been lonely for most of his life. Hecate was a great friend but they were so busy. Plus she was sometimes hard to talk to. Only when Persephone had come into his life did Hades feel as though he properly loved. Not since Rhea had there been a person to love him so selflessly.
Was it the same for Y/n? Demeter meant well but she could be hard at times. He knew Persephone was close with her sister. She was still so young. Could he truly fault her? Even if the way she behaved poorly, Hades could understand her.
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Some time later Demeter informed Hades that Y/n had been found. Y/n was currently hidden up in her tree house. Demeter had decided it was best to leave her alone for the time being. Hades waited until Demeter was in bed and asleep before leaving. Persephone would be sleeping a while longer, so he was good to go. Quietly he crept out into the night. The trek took time. Eventually he arrived. There was no ice, a good sign. Going to the bottom of the tree hades called out; "Y/n?" Her angry little face pocked out. "You!" And then she disappeared. "Y/n. I want to talk." Y/n appeared again. "I'm not letting you up." he huffed. "I won't. Can we just talk?"
Y/n seemed to think it over. A few moments later she said "fine". Although she stayed up there at least Y/n was listening. "You miss you sister." Y/n looked confused. Hades wondered how this would go. Persephone had spoken to her. But perhaps empathy, not just sympathy, would sway her. "You miss Persephone." Y/n snorted. "Of course I do." "You probably view me as the person ruining your happiness." Hades did not mean it in a critical way. He only said this because he was the same. His own happiness had been torn away and only recently been restored. "Would you believe me if I told you I understand?" Y/n sat up right, feet dangling. She said nothing so Hades continued. "My father took my mother from me when I was a boy. I did not have anyone else for so long. My mother was my world and I suspect your sister is the same for you."
Y/n no longer looked angry. From her perch she scrutinized Hades. "I took your sister and that makes you mad." Y/n nodded. Hades did not feel offended, only very sad for her. "Your sister loves you. Just because she is in the Underworld does not mean Persephone has forgotten about you. You know she talks about you all the time. distance has done nothing to tarnish the love she has for you."
Y/n jumped out of the tree house. It caused Hades a scare because he was worried she would be hurt. "Can I speak with her?" Gone was the anger replaced by shame. Tears were starting to build behind her eyes. "I should apologize." She mumbled. Hades placed a hand on her shoulder. "She's asleep right now. But Persephone will forgive you." they started to walk back.
"You know, I felt the same when my brothers went off to marry." Although Y/n said nothing he could tell she was listening. "When Zeus and Poseidon married and I was lonely and angry for a long time." "Well I bet you never screamed at them in front of the family." Y/n mumbled. Hades laughed. "No. I did worse. And I allowed the anger to fester." Hades and Y/n passed into the wheat fields. "your sister and I have a rule." Y/n looked up at him. "What?" "We speak to each other." Y/n laughed, not audibly, but it was there. "So that means you can speak about anything. I promise we won't bite." There was a small bounce to Y/n's step now. For the rest of the journey they walked in silence. But the mood was calm and even happy. Under the night sky they strolled. Later they would talk. But for now there was only serenity.
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hyperfixatingongaylegos · 2 months ago
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Main difference is Rachel wrote Demeter like that to make Demeter out as an afraid mother who made mistakes and the fandom misunderstood, viv tried to do that but also just kinda painted stolas as to be the one in the right over via 😬
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s0r3muzzi3wh0r3 · 8 months ago
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comicpanelby grendel menz ontwitter
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tobe fair, i don't HATE HATE HATElore olympus. I think. it has some introspective aspects that are interesting. I am just tired of the "hating on demeter because she's soooo controlling. trope" it's. tiring and is everywhere in new retellings.
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starlightbooklove · 1 year ago
I was about to sleep but I remembered that lore olympus had updated so I read it and ªªªª it's too beautiful 😭😭
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First starting with THIS. Demeter facing directlly ay the Consequences of her words on her daughter, how it was not selfish behavior on Persephone's part to want to leave and disobey her, but rather an act of freedom that hurt her because at the end of the day it's her mother.
Seeing how deep Those words had marked her daughter who she tried so hard to protect, made her see things straight.
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And she took responsibility for what she did, she admitted 😭😭😭😭 and i love how Rachel shows how it is possible to break the genetational trauma Even In those who perpetrated it at some point.
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Appreciation for this panels cause they're fucking beautifuuull ✨
Shoutout to baby Kore 🫶🫶🫶🫶😭😭😭😭😭
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Kore never stopped loving her mom and wanting to have a good relationship with her Even though many of her insecurities came from demeter
And that's how it is with moms, they are one of the few people who have done us irreparable harm (on a small or large scale) and yet we love them and/or want their love.
And I simply love how Rachel is working on it now and how she has decided to get so involved in this important issue in our society. Later I felt this episode more full of life in the paintings Not like it wasn't before but today's one raised the level, it's beautiful and i can't wait for more 😆
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blackfoxland · 2 years ago
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lady-of-the-spirit · 2 years ago
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Demeter having the opportunity to break up the wedding but choosing not to and instead leaving in tears says so much.
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foxcackles · 9 months ago
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incorrect-au-master · 10 months ago
Sooo... it must have been really awkward talking to Demeter after the whole... "accidentally eating pelops's shoulder" incident happened.... yeaahhh...
Demeter: i don't know what youre talking about. I'm a vegetarian.
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aminifanartist · 2 years ago
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Some more autumn photos,
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keenzinemugstudent · 11 months ago
with Lore Olympus ending imma say that the 10 year skip was disappointing I know I wasn't the only one who was interested in seeing how Persephone handle taking over her mom's role? How she learned more about her powers? Did she find out any new information about Hades and how his relationship with Minthie was from Minthie point of view which has Persephone kind of rethinking her whole entire relationship with a guy she's only known for weeks or months???? Or did she learn anything new about what a fertility goddess was and why was so important that people are so interested in her
Also there was literally no point of bringing Eris into the story and being the one who blessed Persephone with wrath when Artemis and Apollo had wrath too, so it means Persephone didn't have to be blessed she just had a normal reaction and made her lose control Eris did not need to be shown she didn't have to be mentioned well she could have been shown but she didn't have to have anything to do with what Persephone did at all she could have just came to trial because she was interested to see all the chaos that was happening that's it
And😬 Artemis wow just wow, protector of women... I don't know what was the point of giving her that title yet when she has not done anything to protect women like at all and why didn't we get to see her having a conversation with Persephone on what happened why were we just giving hints why didn't we see her talking to Apollo but we didn't see them talk at all which is weirs you found out that your twin assaulted your friend in your house and we're not even going to get nothing from that also her relationship with Leto who again we don't even see in the story
And then Persephone going to the underworld and fighting Kronos which wasn't even a fight you've seen enough fighting scenes to know that that was not a fight she did not fist fight that creep which also heart easily defeated him possibly because he still was regaining some of his power I mean he was trapped in the Underworld/ Tartarus and is a time God got beat by a goddess who still doesn't know much for her powers is weird I know some people going to hate me for saying this but the 10 year Gap was something I was looking forward to see because I want to see how Hades and Persephone handle being separated to see what the Demeter was up too but was surprisingly not surprised that it was a let down I feel bad for saying it but I know we were kind of expecting more from 10-year skip
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landofgodsxmonsters · 2 years ago
I think making Eros Persephone's Bio Dad is one of the most out of pocket fic ideas I've written in awhile.
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hyperfixatingongaylegos · 8 months ago
They literally get therapy bcs they want there relationship to be mended bcs they love each other
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noturaverageceleste · 2 years ago
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Superb Fruit Dove (Ptilinopus superbus), female, family Columbidae, from Australia, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Indonesia
photograph by Tobias Spaltenberger 
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starlightbooklove · 1 year ago
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Let's begin
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Our little boy is back 😭🤌 and he is sooo cute. I love the first panel because I feel like she perfectly shows Demeter throughout this entire Webtoon, a woman that always tried to be Too hard on her daughter and on herself, trying to keep large parts of herself buried because she thought it was best, and then there's that second image where she looks vulnerable.
Showing that vulnerability is not bad, and letting what you are holding so much in come out is not bad either, if she had talked before about some of the trauma she was carrying from losing her son Much sooner she would have been able to receive help.
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in the same way that if she had talked about Metis with her sisters, much sooner she would have realized that she was acting as a coping mechanism for her trauma through putting too much weight on Persephone's shoulders
I love Hera's expression 😂
The generational trauma talk 👏 is 👏talking👏 And it shows that it is not too late to change and realize that the steps we are following (Just because it feels safe) sometimes do not lead to an idyllic destination.
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HADES WAS SO NERVOUS 😭😭LMAO THAT SON-IN-LAW ENERGY IS STARTING TO COME OUT AND I LOVE IT because the interactions between them ranged from hostile to ignoring each other, another proof that they are taking steps in the right direction
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I never thought I would see the day when these two would hug each other lol
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Iconic, the sass that Hera exudes is immaculate
Love our sassy Queen
Again, loving the episode and that ending 🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃 ªªªª can't wait for the next one
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