#lore olympus 10 year skip was disappointing
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keenzinemugstudent · 11 months ago
with Lore Olympus ending imma say that the 10 year skip was disappointing I know I wasn't the only one who was interested in seeing how Persephone handle taking over her mom's role? How she learned more about her powers? Did she find out any new information about Hades and how his relationship with Minthie was from Minthie point of view which has Persephone kind of rethinking her whole entire relationship with a guy she's only known for weeks or months???? Or did she learn anything new about what a fertility goddess was and why was so important that people are so interested in her
Also there was literally no point of bringing Eris into the story and being the one who blessed Persephone with wrath when Artemis and Apollo had wrath too, so it means Persephone didn't have to be blessed she just had a normal reaction and made her lose control Eris did not need to be shown she didn't have to be mentioned well she could have been shown but she didn't have to have anything to do with what Persephone did at all she could have just came to trial because she was interested to see all the chaos that was happening that's it
And😬 Artemis wow just wow, protector of women... I don't know what was the point of giving her that title yet when she has not done anything to protect women like at all and why didn't we get to see her having a conversation with Persephone on what happened why were we just giving hints why didn't we see her talking to Apollo but we didn't see them talk at all which is weirs you found out that your twin assaulted your friend in your house and we're not even going to get nothing from that also her relationship with Leto who again we don't even see in the story
And then Persephone going to the underworld and fighting Kronos which wasn't even a fight you've seen enough fighting scenes to know that that was not a fight she did not fist fight that creep which also heart easily defeated him possibly because he still was regaining some of his power I mean he was trapped in the Underworld/ Tartarus and is a time God got beat by a goddess who still doesn't know much for her powers is weird I know some people going to hate me for saying this but the 10 year Gap was something I was looking forward to see because I want to see how Hades and Persephone handle being separated to see what the Demeter was up too but was surprisingly not surprised that it was a let down I feel bad for saying it but I know we were kind of expecting more from 10-year skip
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pirunika · 3 years ago
ahhh finished putting away hades' story n man it is such torture.. his route makes you feel.. trapped I think.. that's why it dragged so hard.. which isn't bad on its own I read my fair share of villains but man he is The hero of the story? and it has the mc continuously gaslighting herself into believing and loving him and keep saying how much he loves her or vice versa w/o it being Felt..gave me shivers it just feels like a toxic abusive relationship.. (don't come at me w Astraeus ill criticise him soon too) so ill just say lousy writing :// hades is so weird as a character and the mc is especially spineless
things that don't add up (not necessarily to do with hades' route but in general) that were distracting to me:
should've made Gaia Astraeus' mother if not grandmother some sources go with that... BUT AUNT?? AUNT???? AUNT???????? ill never get over this a detail ill be sure to add to my writing
isn't teleporting a titan special thing? how come hades can do it OKAy this isn't a big one since he's like.. super powerful so ill let this one go but I cant accept demigods/monsters teleporting bc?? u don't know your own lore??
Another thing.. Hades says he wanted to go to Tartarus and deal w that business himself... If that were possible Astraeus' route simply would not happen... So I'm gonna go with no Olympians not being able to go to Tartarus physically and ignore that canon but pretty much a wrong tidbit
okay... Do titans eat or not... At one point Astraeus says he doesn't get hungry... when the mc rescued Helios she gives him water n food which makes sense from a human pov but why does it work for Helios??? Why does Selene want food later bc she's ''starved''? this is so jumbled in the story.. ill go with Selene eating bc why not and acts like she's getting hungry to blend in.. later when the earth is purified their bodies slowly adapt and then they actually start feeling things such as hunger
Speaking of Tartarus... Do they have hot water or not... I'll go with yes they have hot water and plumbing n stuff for my (and the mcs) sanity.. and Selene says 'gonna miss hot water :(' because she's fucking around with the mc
Astraeus says he's never been to Japan for years... erm. He literally stepped on earth the first time during Hades' route have u forgotten this important thing?? He wasn't able to come anywhere near earth up until like a few years ago
In the same way, titans do things for monsters, sometimes humans to gain money..Apparently, this is established too... Girl these people have been in Tartarus for centuries they don't have anything established. Sure have these things in after the 10 year time skip but if u put in the main stories ill simply ignore it bc it.. once again.. not adding up... Just say they stole it we pretty much killed the gods n u think this is crossing the line? I'm thinking they ransacked Olympus and sold things to get some money my mc def deserves it after all the emotional damage
Um... the mc is supposedly very good friends with Alex and her mother is pretty much the founder of HERA how come she s never been to Olympus? not only that literally, no one knows her? like yeah, Zeus is written as a pompous Jerk but not knowing who she is or saying 'just a human' is just... doesn't make sense. Or her devotion to the gods bc... she's like no one to them? I know I criticised this before but this reads more like a flaw in the story... Unless she was like.. brainwashed but no we are told mc's mom isn't like that... What the mc was in a cult or something to be this loyal to an organization/dynasty that got her mother killed? which doesn't care for her whatsoever? Okay so my mc is just Acting but I don't like whatever is up with the original mc, she needs help
Astraeus' second season was so.. weird??? Nothing happens up until the end and Heracles kidnaps their baby only to... get killed. The gloating of Astraeus there feels so ooc too..... he literally did not do shit alone? It's so disappointing there could be so many directions that could be taken w this new family/world. I do like Juno tho especially her name
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