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The counsel for the army officer said the only choice he has is whether to face departmental action for not deleting the account. Double tap♥️ comment💬 and share it with your knowns😁 Turn on post notification for latest post & content ☝️☝️☝️ Follow for new facts, news & amazing stuff! @_the.Veracity_ @_the.Veracity_ @_the.Veracity_ Must watch our stories💯🤗 . . . . . . . . . . #facebook#instagram#armyofficial#army#armyman#banchineseapps#highcourtorders#deletefb#facebookaccounts#officialupdates#news#facts#updates#armyupdates#indianapps#indiafacts#armyfacts#follow#veracity#like#share https://www.instagram.com/p/CCp1hleHkDp/?igshid=1csp3565hjj75
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FUCK FB / FUCK INSTA _ _ _ #shook #markzuckerberg #harvard #facebook #zackbornstein #deletefb #deletefacebook
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Time to stop the madness. Hopefully for good this time... 🤞🏻😌🤞🏻 . . . . . . . . . . . 🚮🚫❌👋🏻🚮🚫❌ 👋🏻 . . . #facebook #twitter #deletefacebook #deletetwitter #deletedfacebook #deletedtwitter #quitfacebook #quittwitter #quittingfacebook #quittingtwitter #goodbyefacebook #goodbyetwitter #deleteyourfacebook #deleteyourtwitter #deleteyourfacebookaccount #deleteyourtwitteraccount #deletefb #deleteyourfb #deleteyourfbaccount #quitfb #quittingfb #goodbyefb #badhabitsdiehard #keepinginstagram #doitforthegram #doitformentalhealth
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DeleteFB: Selenium script to delete all of your Facebook wall posts
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30 maja 2019
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33) Masz ochotę pooglądać trochę programowania na Twitchu na żywo? oto katalog programistów, którzy się tam udzielają http://uw7.org/un_5cef8f3a6cec9 INFO: system automatycznie wykrywa który z programistów jest online i wrzuca go na początek listy. Kolekcja jest spora.
34) Zbiór użytecznych snippetów w CSS - niektóre wywołały u mnie efekt "WOW" :o http://uw7.org/un_5cef8f5548109 INFO: deklaracja zmiennych w CSS, wykonywanie obliczeń, pętla z licznikiem powtórzeń, proste animacje i wiele, wiele innych.
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Selenium script to delete all of your Facebook wall posts
https://github.com/weskerfoot/DeleteFB Comments
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How To Delete Facebook Account Permanently (on your phone) If you want to permanently delete your Facebook account, first open the Facebook app. From the tabs at the bottom of your screen, select the Menu icon on the bottom right corner. Scroll down to Settings & Privacy, then select 'Settings.' Scroll down to find the 'Your Facebook Information' section. From here, select 'Account Ownership and Control.' Select 'Deactivation and Deletion.' Here you can choose to deactivate your account, which is a temporary deactivation of your account, or delete account, which permanently deletes your Facebook account. Once you've selected 'Delete Account' click 'Continue to Account Deletion.' If you want to download any of the information that you've posted to Facebook prior to deleting your account, you can choose to download your information by selecting 'Download Info.' This downloads a copy of all the information in your Facebook account. Once done, you can select 'Delete Account.' Enter your Facebook password and select 'Continue.' Once your account is deleted, Facebook gives you 30 days to reactivate your account which you can do simply by logging into your Facebook account. After the 30 days the deletion process will begin and your Facebook account will be permanently deleted and you won't have access to any of the information in your account. If you're ready to delete your Facebook account, select 'Delete Account.' That's how to delete your Facebook account! If this helped you, let us know by liking it and commenting below, and don't forget to subscribe for more how-to instructional videos! #DeleteFacebookAccount #DeleteFacebook #DeleteFB by Techoist
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A Fb Ballot Score Towards Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos Surprised Mark Zuckerberg
http://tinyurl.com/yyua5ykm Since 2016, Fb staff have used Stormchaser to trace many viral posts. A month earlier than the 2016 U.S. presidential election, a rumor unfold on Fb. Individuals have been sharing a viral gimmick acquainted to e-mail spammers: Copy and paste this message to all your folks, or Fb will share your personal data. The hoax took off, significantly in pockets of the U.S. and the Philippines. Inside Fb Inc.’s Menlo Park, California, headquarters, a small group of staffers watched this rumor achieve traction utilizing a particular software program program they known as Stormchaser. The software was designed to trace hoaxes and “memes” – foolish, usually unfaithful web missives – about Fb on the social community and different company-owned providers together with WhatsApp. Since 2016, Fb staff have used Stormchaser to trace many viral posts, together with a preferred conspiracy that the corporate listens to customers by their cellphone’s microphone, in accordance with three former staff. Different matters ranged from bitter protests (the #deleteFB motion) to ludicrous jokes (that Fb Chief Govt Officer Mark Zuckerberg is an alien), in accordance with one former worker. In some circumstances, just like the copy-and-paste hoax, the social community took energetic steps to snuff them out. Workers ready messages debunking assertions about Fb, then ran them in entrance of customers who shared the content material, in accordance with paperwork considered by Bloomberg Information and 4 folks conversant in the matter. They requested to not be recognized discussing personal initiatives. Many corporations monitor social media to be taught what prospects are saying about them. However Fb’s place is exclusive. It owns the platform it is watching, a bonus that will assist Fb monitor and attain customers extra successfully than different companies. And Fb has been saddled with so many actual issues just lately that generally misinformation can stick. Stormchaser is only one of a number of instruments Fb has deployed to handle its popularity, which has taken a dramatic hit because of its position in spreading Russian misinformation in the course of the U.S. election and quite a few privateness scandals. The corporate employs lots of of public relations officers and spent $13 million on authorities lobbying in 2018. Zuckerberg and Fb Chief Working Officer Sheryl Sandberg have turn out to be so intertwined with the corporate’s picture that Fb routinely collects public survey information to know how most of the people views them – information that shapes what the executives say and do publicly. These inside efforts, which have not been beforehand reported, additionally included a program dubbed Evening’s Watch, after HBO’s Sport of Thrones, that allow employees monitor how information protection of Fb unfold on the social community and apps corresponding to WhatsApp. Messages and content material on WhatsApp are encrypted, however Fb may get a way of what went viral on that app by taking a look at how some folks talked about data from WhatsApp after they posted to Fb. It was with Stormchaser, although, the place Fb went on offense. Within the Philippines, Fb put an alert atop customers’ information feeds informing them that the “copy and paste” meme was not true. Within the U.S., Fb promoted a put up from one of many firm’s official Pages debunking the meme. These counter-programming messages, run by Fb’s product advertising division, have been known as “fast promotions” and have been, like most issues at Fb, measured intensely. In a single inside message, considered by Bloomberg Information, a staffer advised colleagues {that a} QP within the Philippines was reaching customers at a “sluggish price,” hitting solely 20,000 of a focused viewers of 750,000. In one other message, a Fb worker mentioned a proposal to focus on U.S. customers with a QP saying the corporate was centered on faux information and explaining how one can report such misinformation. In keeping with a former staffer who labored with Stormchaser, the initiative confirmed how the corporate prioritized tasks refuting faux information about Fb over different types of misinformation spreading on the social community. The corporate now hires exterior fact-checking teams to attempt to appropriate false content material on its service, though outcomes have been spotty. Nonetheless, different former staff described Stormchaser as a obligatory effort to tell customers and make clear data, one thing that the majority corporations do. A Fb spokeswoman stated the messages countering hoaxes have been solely despatched a handful of occasions, together with within the Philippines. In one other occasion in 2015, messages have been despatched to clear up a rumor that Fb would begin charging customers. The subsequent yr, information from Stormchaser was used to ship folks in India and Brazil extra details about a plan for WhatsApp to share account data with its dad or mum firm, Fb. The spokeswoman disputed the concept that Stormchaser was much like combating misinformation extra broadly, a large problem for Fb since 2016. “We did not use this inside software to battle false information as a result of that wasn’t what it was constructed for, and it would not have labored,” the spokeswoman wrote in an e-mail. “The software was constructed with easy know-how that helped us detect posts about Fb based mostly on key phrases, so we may take into account whether or not to reply to product confusion on our personal platform. Evaluating the 2 is a false equivalence.” Fb stopped utilizing Stormchaser to reply to memes in mid-2018, she added, however didn’t specify why. The know-how nonetheless exists, although. The corporate continues to make use of polls to measure how its prime leaders are perceived. These surveys of public notion function very like political campaigns, in accordance with folks conversant in the method. The info, which was collected quarterly at one level following the 2016 election, is used to find out the place Zuckerberg and Sandberg have goodwill with Fb’s customers, and the place they want enchancment. In a single presentation summarizing information on Zuckerberg from June 2017, the CEO was rated on persona attributes, together with phrases like “mature,” “trustworthy” and “passionate.” He scored highest on “revolutionary,” and lowest on “shares my values.” Zuckerberg was additionally charted towards rival CEOs. One other slide confirmed a grid measuring “favorability” and “familiarity,” with Zuckerberg nestled amongst names like Oprah Winfrey, Anderson Cooper and Jimmy Fallon within the “well-known, nicely favored” quadrant. The chart confirmed that Zuckerberg was much less likable than Pope Francis, however barely extra acquainted. Sandberg was within the “not well-known, nicely favored” column. Different slides detailed reactions to Zuckerberg’s graduation handle at Harvard College in Might 2017. The speech was rated extra “inspiring” than his F8 convention keynote discuss earlier that yr, partly due to “the inclusion of his personal experiences.” Fb Chief Working Officer Sheryl Sandberg. The inner slides present a uncommon glimpse at Fb’s inside priorities and what the corporate’s communications and advertising groups take into consideration prime executives. Former Fb Chief Advertising and marketing Officer Gary Briggs instituted the surveys after becoming a member of the corporate in late 2013. His idea was that Zuckerberg’s popularity influenced Fb’s, and vice versa. “Mark was skeptical, however I had a hunch that specializing in his popularity would enhance Fb’s as nicely,” Briggs stated in an announcement supplied by Fb. “My crew did this analysis with the purpose of convincing him and enhancing each. In the long run, Mark selected to not concentrate on this a lot.” That did not imply the analysis was ignored. A slide towards the tip of the June 2017 presentation outlined the place Zuckerberg ought to focus his consideration shifting ahead. It requested the query “why does it matter?” earlier than offering its personal reply: “These reputational territories will assist inform every little thing from key messages, talking alternatives, who to seem with, focus of posts, targets, and so on.” When Fb staff offered the findings to Zuckerberg in his glass convention room referred to as the Aquarium, he took specific concern with a slide that centered on innovation, in accordance with an individual conversant in the presentation. Zuckerberg’s face appeared on a slide subsequent to a photograph of Microsoft Corp. co-founder Invoice Gates beneath the label “Historic Innovation.” Beneath that was an outline: “As soon as pushed the restrict / boundaries to develop one thing new.” To the precise, Tesla Inc.’s Elon Musk and Amazon.com Inc.’s Jeff Bezos have been beneath a special label: “Present Innovation.” The descriptor under their photos learn, “Persevering with to push the envelope.” Zuckerberg was incredulous, in accordance with this individual. The concept that he was a former innovator, and never a present innovator, wasn’t only a knock on Zuckerberg himself – it was a knock on Fb, which depends on its popularity for creativity to recruit software program coders and maintain firm morale. The info was offered to Zuckerberg a yr after the corporate unveiled Constructing 8, its secretive {hardware} lab centered on moonshots, and simply weeks after Fb executives went on stage at its annual developer convention to speak about tech that might switch an individual’s ideas into textual content on a display. By the summer time of 2017, Fb had copied a few of the finest options of Snapchat, a messaging and picture app that competes with Fb’s Instagram. Microsoft cofounder Invoice Gates. Gates was essentially the most frequent benchmark for Zuckerberg within the slide presentation. Within the “favorability” and “familiarity” slide, Gates was listed as essentially the most “well-known, nicely favored” individual on the grid. One other slide confirmed the hole between Zuckerberg and Gates when it got here to character traits like “humble,” “reliable,” and “charitable.” Zuckerberg and Gates are shut buddies, and Zuckerberg thinks of Gates as a mentor — although that is not essentially why the Microsoft co-founder is essentially the most ceaselessly talked about government within the presentation. As an alternative, these conversant in the hassle imagine Gates is the one actual similar to Zuckerberg at this stage in his profession: A widely known tech founder who got here out of a interval of nice scrutiny – Gates had his personal battles with regulators previously – to turn out to be a marquee philanthropist. That arc was outlined on one of many slides. “It’s value noting how perceptions of Invoice Gates have enormously developed over the previous 40 years,” the slide reads. “Establishing popularity takes time.” (Apart from the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV employees and is printed from a syndicated feed.) Get Breaking news, dwell protection, and Newest News from India and world wide on NDTV.com. Catch all of the Dwell TV motion on NDTV 24×7 and NDTV India. Like us on Facebook or comply with us on Twitter and Instagram for latest news and live news updates. Budget 2019: Discover the most recent information on ndtv.com/finances. 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DeleteFB: Selenium script to delete all of your Facebook wall posts 728 by anaphor | 194 comments on Hacker News.
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DeleteFB: Selenium script to delete all of your Facebook wall posts 396 by anaphor
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Why you should delete Facebook (and maybe more)
You’ve probably seen a growing number of people tweeting #DeleteFB or #DeleteFacebook since the Cambridge Analytica scandal in early 2018. And they all have their own reasons. I’ll cover a few I understand here in hopes that it will help… Read More Why you should delete Facebook ...
"Why you should delete Facebook (and maybe more)" by SharePoint Librarian originally published January 2nd 2019 in SharePoint Librarian
You’ve probably seen a growing number of people tweeting #DeleteFB or #DeleteFacebook since the Cambridge Analytica scandal in early 2018. And they all have their own reasons. I’ll cover a few I understand here in hopes that it will help…
Read More Why you should delete Facebook (and maybe more)
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Forget about this #deletefb bs movement...
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Forget about this #deletefb bs movement...
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