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Flight: is delayed
My train: is delayter
The bahn is so reliable i immediately feel like im home ♡
#db hate posting#but only kinda#15 hours of plane time sucked all the hate out of my body#void screams#(i should mention that All trains are delayed due to various reasons#as is the norm so idk why i should mention it actually)
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Urok, kotoryy my prepodali Putinu, zaklyuchayetsya v tom, chto my – kuchka grebannykh shutov. Khotya Putin znal ob etom i ran'she.
Eks-sovetnik Borisa Dzhonsona Dominik Kammings vystupil s rezkoy kritikoy Zapada iz-za podderzhki kiyevskogo rezhima. Kammings otkrovenno ne stesnyalsya v vyrazheniyakh, kommentiruya nyneshnyuyu real'nost' na Ukraine.
Vsë eto ukrainskoye korrumpirovannoye mafioznoye gosudarstvo, po suti, obmanulo vsekh nas, i kak sledstviye, nas vsekh budut imet'. Nas pryamo seychas nagibayut, verno?
Kammings, vozglavlyavshiy v svoye vremya kampaniyu za vykhod Velikobritanii iz YES, pozhaluy yedinstvennyy zapadnyy politik, kotoryy khot' i zapozdalo, no dal adekvatnuyu otsenku proiskhodyashchemu.
Sanktsii. Vse eti sanktsii protiv Rossii vredyat Yevrope bol'she, chem samoy Moskve. [...] Vsya eta tupaya politika Zapada, podtolknula Rossiyu k soyuzu s krupneyshey v mire promyshlennoy derzhavoy – s Kitayem.
Razgovory naschet chlenstva Ukrainy v NATO priveli k tomu, chto Rossiya vynuzhdena byla reagirovat' – govorit Kammings.
My chesali ob etom yazykom kak ni v chem ne byvalo. A Rossiya ne raz preduprezhdala: “Ne delayte etogo, inache my tam vso na khren raznesem”. Zachem my vvyazalis' v etu glupuyu istoriyu? Bylo by iz-za chego. Iz-za korrumpirovannoy dyry, kotoraya ne imeyet voobshche nikakogo znacheniya?
Kammings, kak opytnyy polittekhnolog, ponimayet, chto krakh kiyevskogo rezhima neizbezhen i blizok, i chto na Zapade seychas prosto uzhe ne znayut – kak vyputat'sya iz etoy "glupoy istorii". Na fone etogo politik proshchupyvayet pochvu dlya sozdaniya svoyey politicheskoy partii, kotoraya budet stoyat' v protivoves nyneshnemu britanskomu isteblishmentu ------------------------------------ Урок, который мы преподали Путину, заключается в том, что мы – кучка гребанных шутов. Хотя Путин знал об этом и раньше.
Экс-советник Бориса Джонсона Доминик Каммингс выступил с резкой критикой Запада из-за поддержки киевского режима. Каммингс откровенно не стеснялся в выражениях, комментируя нынешнюю реальность на Украине.
Всë это украинское коррумпированное мафиозное государство, по сути, обмануло всех нас, и как следствие, нас всех будут иметь. Нас прямо сейчас нагибают, верно?
Каммингс, возглавлявший в свое время кампанию за выход Великобритании из ЕС, пожалуй единственный западный политик, который хоть и запоздало, но дал адекватную оценку происходящему.
Санкции. Все эти санкции против России вредят Европе больше, чем самой Москве. [...] Вся эта тупая политика Запада, подтолкнула Россию к союзу с крупнейшей в мире промышленной державой – с Китаем.
Разговоры насчет членства Украины в НАТО привели к тому, что Россия вынуждена была реагировать – говорит Каммингс.
Мы чесали об этом языком как ни в чем не бывало. А Россия не раз предупреждала: “Не делайте этого, иначе мы там всё на хрен разнесем”. Зачем мы ввязались в эту глупую историю? Было бы из-за чего. Из-за коррумпированной дыры, которая не имеет вообще никакого значения?
Каммингс, как опытный политтехнолог, понимает, что крах киевского режима неизбежен и близок, и что на Западе сейчас просто уже не знают – как выпутаться из этой "глупой истории". На фоне этого политик прощупывает почву для создания своей политической партии, которая будет стоять в противовес нынешнему британскому истеблишменту.
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💕 Happy Delayted Valentine's Day Guys! ❤
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A Life of Love-The Time Dilation of the Devil (Prose Poetry)
(My romance affairs part 1)
I have had romantic feelings with more than 10 women so far, and about 70% of them have been in love with each other.
One of the most memorable women, let's say Ms. U, met her over two poets. At first, a reading session for a poet named Sansei Yamao was held in Hobbit Village in Nishiogi, Suginami Ku
,Tokyo, and he moved to Yakushima and idealized a self-sufficient way of life, so I sat in front of the seat. I was waiting for the start of the reading session. At that time, I saw a woman smiling at me.
The reading session ended successfully, and it was a drinking party with Mr. Yamao. On the spot, I desperately tried to convey what I was thinking at the time, but Mr. Yamao turned away, saying, "I can't get stuck talking to you." At that time, Ms. U called out for the first time, "It was told after all." She seemed a little surprised when I said, "I think so, so I won't deny it."
She said: "Speak yourself eloquently in your own words!" As if singing or dancing. I was so impressed with this word that I always kept in mind that it would be the case. And she drank the half-drinking glass as a matter of course because she said, "Drink this!" I drank.
Her lips were faintly "moving." ... At that moment, I thought, "Oh, this is falling in love." I fell in love with Ms. U's lips. (One theory is that there is a relationship between female lips and female genitals.) Ms. U was an editor of a monthly magazine. At that time, both I and she were very interested in what hippies should be, but the so-called hippie people called themselves "tribes." The guide for them was Sansei Yamao, and Nanao Sakaki, who will be described later.
After that, I and Ms. U, who got to know each other in this way, met at several reading sessions. I went hiking with Mr. Yamao and others, and the feelings of mutual love with her became firm. Sometimes I was cold. The last time I met at the reading session was the reading session of Nanao Sakaki, a great poet who spans the globe. Actually, at this time, Mr. G, who had retired from the movement of the voluntary course related to environmental issues for a while, decided to go with him because he was going to a reading session, and at that time, we, the voluntary course, Group Mizu, are planning. I was trying to color the guide villa of the lecture, but Mr. G did not appear in the middle and I could not get into the coloring work.
In the end, Mr. G did not appear, so I went to the reading session venue (Kokubunji City) with halfway work. (Mr. G had already moved alone and was at the seat) The venue was thriving, and Mr. U was directly opposite the seat where I was sitting. And a reading session. I continued the coloring work as an accompaniment to the poetry reading and distributed it to the visitors at the venue. At the time of the launch of the reading session, Ms. U sat to the left of me and ran down on me. I was also happy and said in my heart, "Ms. U belongs to me." And while caring for her, I stared straight ahead. With the accumulation that opens up the future.

Here, the second party of the reading session is divided into two, but I sometimes talk to Mr. G, so I broke up with Ms. U, but her acquaintance gave directions to where Ms. U is. I was supposed to give it to me. However, the next thing that was waiting for me was rapid catastrophe. By all means, Mr. G seemed to worship Mr. Nanao personally, and a woman who was a big fan of Mr. Nanao, who was an acquaintance, said, "I had a reading session at such a junk (villa). I ran out of this pub because she said, "Be dirty!" While thinking, "Is there anything in the world of these people!"
And, of course, I completely forgot about Ms. U from my head. About the so-called tribal (hippie) people, including Ms. U. She was sad that night and was comforted by another man, not me, and made a deal. I think that night was one of the biggest mistakes in my life. It was my mistake that I couldn't flexibly deal with the "devil's time dilation" in which the coloring book in the room of the self-directed course was shifted to the venue and all my steps were delayed. Let's go. Also, the last time I went to her editing room, I wasn't willing to make a false excuse that I couldn't control. (When I stumbled upon myself, it was "cool")
We met at a poetry reading session by Sansei Yamao and Nanao Sakaki, who each worked from the perspective of living in harmony with nature, and we broke up again ... If I didn't get sharp at that time, I think it was a disappointing farewell when I thought that I was able to raise a few natural children now when I met her. I still think she was the ideal woman in India ... Padmini. (The word padmini appears in India's "Kama Sutra: The Scriptures of Love.") She said that in a spring storm, the petals of cherry blossoms that fell on the concrete , if not fot the concrete they could return to the soil. and her sensibility had a great influence on me.
For "Padomini", please refer to the following entry.
Up until now, other women who had romantic feelings also had a process that led to catastrophe, but even though I am honestly dating, I wonder what this average of 0% romance fulfillment was like!
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ECB steps in over SWIFT's #ISO20022 migration delayt https://bit.ly/35BRRte Letters obtained by Finextra show an exchange by the ECB and Swift regarding the latter’s responsibility to mitigate risks caused by its decision to delay migration to ISO 20022. #Cybersecurity #BusinessContinuity #payment #Fintech #Insurtech #Wealthtech #OpenBanking #PSD2 @CoddDateIT @FabrickPlatform @FintechDistrict (hier: European Central Bank) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAQL22Wg36q/?igshid=18rpffrcoibhd
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Guys I’m so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For like 6 months I’ve wanted to dye my hair like Cersei’s, well originally it was gonna be sorta like other “fire” hair dye jobs I’ve seen.
Now with Cersei it’s a sort of softer version of those hair colorings. (if you look up “Fire hair dye” it’ll show some gorgeous stuff. But I didn’t want all the inbetween from red to orange to yellow.
So Next friday morning I’m getting my hair dyed. i’m so damn excited!!!!!!!!!!!!
but hnnnnnn
also if you got to know me more, Kuwa has more of my personal traits than Cersei. Cersei has traits I WISH I had.
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VA - Do It Again, Vol. 7 (2017)
Genre: House, Tech House, Deep House Tracks: 18 Format: MP3 Size: 290 MB Tracklist: 01. Bruno Furlan - Updown 05:20 02. Enzo Siffredi - Introduction 05:57 03. Ruben Mandolini - Sandwhich 09:15 04. Kotelett - Bombus Barbutellus 06:16 05. Skinnerbox - Alexis' Journey to Nirvana (Feat. RQM) 09:02 06. Jorge Montia - This Place 06:14 07. Ben Teufel - Sleeping Ocean (Mahfoud Remix) 07:11 08. Andlee - Give 06:40 09. Tiefland - Delaytant (Leon Noise Remix) 07:25 10. SOAME - Cause 08:54 11. Oscar OZZ - W... Читать дальше »
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Fans who was coming back said that flights was delayted a lot in Budapest today.
True, I saw some tweets about that 👀
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Moroz II
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 2996
Warnings: Mentions of torture, abuse, loneliness.
Notes: I don’t know how I feel about this but I had to post it. Like I just needed to get it out? I don’t know. Anyway, again Russian is from google translate so if it’s wrong let me know and such. If you want me to be tagged also let me know.. I think that’s it. Also tell me if you like this? LOL. I just like.. I don’t know I hate how I wrote this but anyway that’s my issue.
Read Part I
“Soldat. Soldat!” You awoke startled to terrifying yelling, still clinging to the warm body to your left. Your startled gaze glanced around disoriented, focusing on the figure standing in the frame of your cell door, arms crossed across his chest, rage seeming to bleed from his eyes. Karpov was not happy. You had never seen him this angry before, and that was saying a lot. There wasn’t a lot of sunshine and rainbows around here. He took a step forward, his fists clenched, and you coiled further into the soldier. He pulled you towards himself protectively, his face emotionless as he watched Karpov. You felt different in the few hours you had slept, something had changed, something had clicked. You felt now, felt how scared you were, how broken you were, how much you just longed to go home even though you had no idea where that was. Right now, it was in the soldier's arms, and you couldn’t bear to look at the angry man in front of you for fear of breaking that spell.
You took another brave glance, Karpov’s eyes trained on you, apparently trying to analyse the situation and what to do next. You felt so small, so powerless, not sure what was going to happen next. Not only were you scared for yourself, but even more so for the soldier. He had beat you before, tortured you, but here now he was protecting you against the thing that had made him, made you. You could feel the hate radiating off the handler from across the room.
“Izvlekite soldata.” Extract the soldier. Karpov spoke in a commanding tone.
The soldier tightened his grip on you, clearly seeing where this was going and not wanting to comply, knowing the beating both of you would receive. Two large men walked into the cell. They weren’t just men, though, they too had the super soldier serum, and you clung tighter to your protector, deep down knowing this wouldn’t go as you wanted, yet powerless to do anything.
“Ne delayte etogo trudnogo Soldata. Chem bol'she vy soprotivlyayetes', tem men'she budete vspominat'.” Don't make this hard Soldier. The more you resist, the less you will remember. Karpov spoke in a slightly more amused tone.
“Net. Ostav'te yeye,” the Soldat gruffly replied. Looking to Karpov, pleading. Knowing what was to come. No. Leave her be.
“Soldat, vy znayete, chto eto nevozmozhno. Teper' ona - otvetstvennost'. Vy neposlushny. Vy dolzhny kontrolirovat' yeye. Eto byla vasha missiya.” Soldier, you know that is impossible. She's a liability now. You are disobedient. You are supposed to be controlling her. That was your mission.
Karpov signalled to the two other super soldiers, and they advanced toward the two of you quickly, reaching out for your Soldat. He tried his best, shielding you from the two but it was no use, and that had extracted him from your clutch. It wasn’t an equal match, two against one. He struggled against the soldiers, and your heart began to beat faster and faster. It was all too much. You were panicking, not used to having any emotions, thrust into a sensory overload, then being pushed into all of these at once. Not thinking, you lunged towards one of the soldiers, gripping onto his ankle, tears running down your face, little droplets of ice dropping to the ground.
“Let him go.” Your voice cracked, and the super soldier in your clutches let out a pained cry, losing his hold on the Soldat as ice ran through his veins, bruising his skin, all the way up to his heart where he stopped beating and fell to the ground, dead. You stared at him, stunned. Sure, you had killed many men before, but this time you felt it.
Karpov looked at you in astonishment. You had never killed one of your ‘comrades’ before, especially not of your own free will. Not to mention you had spoken in English, your enemy’s mother tongue. A few other men came into view, full body armour, guns pointed at you and the Soldat. You took a quick glance at him, he had stopped struggling, just watching you carefully now. A somewhat distressed defeated look in his eyes. You both knew what was coming.
“Vytri yego,” Karpov paused, “Zamoroz'te yeye.” Wipe him, freeze her.
The commands had been made. People went into action, a blur around you. All you could focus on was the Soldat who was being dragged away from you, trying to reach out, giving what was left of his humanity before it was taken away again to help you, protect you. You sat there on the cold ground, motionless, tears still streaming down your face, unyielding hopelessness consuming you now. All the people you had killed, lives you had destroyed, families you had torn apart, and now the Soldat. It was all coming back to you in waves. You felt sick, panicky again. Then the fire happened, and ice. The needle retreated from your skin, and everything was hazy, falling apart, slowing down. It was going on again. Everything going out of focus, that dreamlike land. It was a comfort, your feelings going away, reality slipping away, heartbeat slowing. Stopped. Frozen.
“...Steve...I-I remember her,” A familiar voice stated quietly as you began to wake from your daze. The feeling of emptiness encompassing you as it did when you were thawed. Similar to the feeling of the calm before the storm.
“Are you sure Bucky?” That voice was familiar too, but for an entirely different reason. Your eyes shot open, and you sat up, glancing around the dark cell, the only light coming from the now opened door.
“Steve get behind me. She's dangerous.” The man named Bucky spoke, a disconnect between his tone of voice and who he was. He was familiar, but you couldn't tell where from. They must have both been threats to Hydra you decided as you walked towards the two men, arms outstretched and ready to dispose of them. The one named Steve had his gun pointed at your head, Bucky conflicted, his resting at his side although his thumb was still on the trigger.
“Come on, you remember me don't you doll?” Bucky pleaded while Steve was tending beside him.
“Why is she dangerous Buck? I've never seen her in any of Hydra’s files,” Steve spoke, taking a step back as you came closer and closer. A pensive look on your face, something tugging at you as you listened to Bucky's voice, still not recognising who he was.
“Experiment 451, Moroz,” Bucky paused, now raising his gun to point it at your chest, “Frost. Freezes people to death,” Bucky added softly. You broke, stopping at the Russian name you had been given, tilting your head to the side as you studied the two men. The Russian language slightly triggering your frozen memory.
“Yes, yes you know me,” Bucky pleading once again, taking a step forward to which Steve pulled him back, and you started to step towards him again, the English throwing you off.
Bucky was shaking now. He didn't want to shoot you, kill you. It wasn't your fault you were like this. Half of the matter was his own fault, how he had controlled you before, how he handled you, how they had programmed you.
“Bucky…” Steve warned, glancing to you and to Bucky. He would do whatever he had to do to protect Bucky, no questions asked.
“I was her handler, Steve! I just… It's my fault. She's all my fault,” Bucky was distressed at this point, something Steve hadn't seen in a long time. His mind running in circles, the idea of a threat and the need to protect Steve, on the one hand, knowing you could kill both of them with just a touch, the want to keep you safe.
“Then handle her Buck, or I'm going to take the shot!” Steve wailed, and Bucky swore under his breath, lowering his gun, taking a step closer to you and changing his stance to that of one more dominant. This caused you to pause a moment. Then he spoke.
“Moroz. Gotovy k soblyudeniyu?” Frost. Ready to comply? Those words were all you needed to hear to step back, lower your gaze, and to submit to your handler. It was like a switch had been turned inside of you, ready now for your next mission.
“Da, Soldat.” Yes, Soldier. You spoke, waiting for your orders. No longer looking the Soldat directly in the eyes.
“Podgotov'tes' k transportu. Otdykh.” Prepare for transport. Rest.
You dropped to the ground, falling into a misty zoned out state as two arms wrapped around you, carrying your body out of the only place you had ever known as a home. The trigger words penetrating your body, soon you were out like a light.
“Fascinating, just fascinating,” Tony Stark commented, looking over the old file they had found at the base you had been removed from. You were on the other side of a mirrored wall, in what one might call a hospital room that to you just looked a lot like a cleaner version of your cell at the base, although it was much more high tech. You were slumped there against the wall, now awake, but still dormant. Waiting.
Bucky was leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest, eyes on your slumped over form, a pained expression on his face as he watched you. He thought they had killed you after that night they pulled him from your cell. That would have been better in his eyes. Who knows what or who else they made you kill, what else they did to your mind, to your body, against your own free will. He hated it. Hated Hydra. It made him feel sick, to see their physical damage right before his eyes, something that he had an effect in doing killed him on the inside.
“She has ice running through her veins..” Tony pondered a moment, turning to Bucky. “So, how do you fit into all of this? There’s nothing in her file on you Frosty.”
On the ride back to the facility, Bucky kept the girl in his arms, watching her, not taking his eyes off of her while Steve flew the jet. Steve knew his mind was running a mile a minute, but he didn’t feel like it was his place to ask. Bucky turned his gaze to the man, glancing around the room to Steve and Natasha, as well as Bruce who had been brought in to evaluate the girl along with Tony.Tony on the other hand never had any problems asking people about their business, which is where they were now.
“Tony,” Steve warned, but Bucky raised a hand, silencing Steve as he took another glance at you through the window, rubbing the back of his neck and letting out a breath he hadn’t realised he was holding in.
“Hydra sent me in when she was in the hospital. Had some weird blood tests show up,” Bucky paused, pensive, and then continued. “Her genetic makeup pegged her on Hydra’s radar. I don’t know why couldn’t tell you what made her different,” Bucky quietly mumbled, looking back to Tony and the other Avengers.
“She was-” Bucky’s voice cracked and he his face in his hands, remembering every detail, the horror on your face. Maybe at the time, he wasn’t aware what he was truly doing, but looking back on it now, something that Bucky had suppressed deep to the back of his mind, he remembered it all clearly.
“She was normal, recently graduated, getting ready to start her life, and they took her! I took her!” Bucky’s metal fist landed on the metal table leaving a permanent imprint. His breathing unsteady, nostrils flared, eyes wide, heart beating a mile a minute. Steve walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder in reassurance. Bucky shrugged him off, shaking his head and letting out a groan.
“I snuck into her hospital room, injected her with this shit that caused her to go into this state that resembled death. Her parents buried her that weekend, we dug her up the next night. Was all labelled as a freak death, heart attack at a young age, no cause,” Bucky stopped, sitting down on one of the plastic chairs and sighing, running his hands through his dishevelled hair.
“And to top it off, I tortured her. I tortured her so fucking much she doesn’t remember anything. Doesn’t even know her own name!” At this point Bucky was in complete distress, primarily reliving those moments as they flashed before his eyes. The tension was thick around the room, the reality of the situation fully apparent. You being here not only brought back bad memories of what Hydra did to him but what he did for them.
“Well, at least you didn’t murder her parents…” Tony mumbled sarcastically, and Natasha whacked him across the head, giving him a glare. It wasn’t time for this argument to come up again, it had already caused enough trouble and rebuilding between the group.
“You said you were her handler Bucky, but how come she doesn’t freeze you when she touches you?” Bruce asked, now rereading the girl's file over.
Bucky sighed, standing up again and glancing at your slumped over form again. He had no idea why he didn’t freeze when she touched him. He had always thought that it had been to do with Hydra pumping you with chemicals, but from looking at your file, it appeared that your genetics had been altered in some way. He didn’t get it. Everyone else you touched you turned to ice.
“I don’t know…” Bucky’s gaze turned to your form again, he could feel the cold seeping through the mirrored glass wall. He picked up on how you rubbed your hands against your thinly covered shoulders, the blue tinge that was starting to set in on your lips. It felt like deja vu, being transported back into that Hydra base from all those years ago. Seeing your small form, emotionless, not only cooling down the building but yourself, complete lack of control over yourself.
“-did you hear me, Buck?” Steve spoke, concern crossing his features as he rested a hand on the other man's shoulder, pulling Bucky out of his thoughts.
Bucky turned away from Steve, stormed over to the door, opened it and slammed it shut, leaving the small, overcrowded room.
“Well, that was dramatic,” Tony offered, getting a glare from Steve.
“Stop being an ass Tony,” Steve replied, and Tony put his hands up in mock surrender.
“You guys..” Natasha motioned to the other side of the wall where you were sitting, and Bucky was standing before you.
Bucky stood before you, arms crossed against his chest. Not sure where to start. He could tell that you were in no particular distress with him being there which was a start, meaning you probably wouldn’t attack him. He needed to fully wake you up, though. Try and snap you out of whatever Hydra had done to your brain.
You gazed up at him now, making eye contact, more in line and awake with where you were in the later days of your time being under Bucky’s control at Hydra. Still, you were at that state in your mind where you couldn’t remember much, just feelings that passed through your body. Bucky spoke first.
“Ty znayesh' kto ya?” Do you know who I am?
“Da. Soldat.” Yes. The Soldier.
“Kto ty?” Who are you?
“Eksperiment 451. Moroz.” Experiment 451. Frost.
Bucky nodded, glancing around the room and to the small bed in the corner. A small pillow and a wool blanket sat on the steel framed bed. Bucky shuffled his way over, picking up the blanket and making his way over to you, handing you the blanket.
You looked at the object in your hands, unsure as to what to do with it. Not used to having such comforts, being a walking icicle lent to the idea that you didn’t get cold or needed to be kept warm. You went to hand the blanket back to Bucky who was standing there once again, towering over your slumped form. He let out a sigh, rubbing his hand over his eyes.
“Moroz, tebe kholodno?” Frost, are you cold? Bucky asked, taking the blanket from your hands.
“Net. YA deystvuyu kak obychno.” No. I’m functioning as normal. You responded, a well ingrained, monotonic response.
“Net, vam kholodno? Okhlazhdennyy?” No, do you feel cold? Chilled?
“YA ... e-e ... Da? YA dumayu.” I...uhh...Yes? I think. You replied, somewhat perplexed as you looked at your hands, beginning to turn blue at the fingertips, viens extremely prominent.
“Vy dolzhny ostanovit'sya. Vy okhlazhdayete zdaniye.” You must stop. You're cooling the building.
“YA ne mogu.” I can’t.
Bucky then sat down beside you, wrapping the blanket around your shoulders. Once he was satisfied with the placement of the blanket, he took you in his arms like all those years before and pulled you into his chest. You took in his scent, and the overbearing warmth and melting against him, content and relaxed like you couldn’t remember when.
“Spokoynoy nochi.” Sleep darling. Bucky mumbled, pulling you even closer and glancing at the mirror across the room, knowing his other teammates were watching and utterly bewildered to what they were witnessing. He let a small smile encompass his face though as he could feel your body warming in his arms, the blue fading away as you let yourself go into a comfortable slumber. Bucky let out a breath, though, pushing some of your tattered hair from your face. The more you thawed and woke up, the more, like he before went through, would remember. You wouldn’t be so content to stay in his arms for long, and he didn’t know if he would be able to handle your pain come along tomorrow.
Tagging: @38leticia @elaacreditava @softwhispers @wildchild2707 @princeendymion @blueeyedboobear
#bucky x reader#bucky barnes x reader#bucky fic#james buchanon barnes#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier#captain america#marvel#marvel fic
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27 ссылок по недвижимости за 4-ю неделю ноября'18

1. Как застройщики-аферисты обманывают людей при покупке квартир: Расследование Лиги Коррупции https://112.ua/statji/kak-zastroyshhiki-aferisty-obmanyvayut-lyudey-pri-pokupke-kvartir-rassledovanie-ligi-korrupcii-470946.html
2. Пример кейса по проведению встречи и заключению Эксклюзивного договора https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aK1dK6fs_u8
3. Обзор актуальных цен на электромонтажные работы: монтаж, замена электропроводки, установка светильников http://domik.ua/novosti/obzor-aktualnyx-cen-na-elektromontazhnye-raboty-montazh-zamena-elektroprovodki-ustanovka-svetilnikov-n255775.html
4. Дизайн-дебаты: Модная кухня-2019 глазами заказчиков https://www.houzz.ru/ideabooks/116165042/list/dizayn-debaty-modnaya-kuhnya-2019-glazami-zakazchikov
5. Чому українці стають жертвами недобросовісних забудовників? http://podrobnosti.ua/2270934-chomu-ukrants-stajut-zhertvami-nedobrosovsnih-zabudovnikv.html
6. Аукцион или продажа по наилучшему предложению http://www.zametkibrokera.com/single-post/2018/11/23/Аукцион-или-продажа-по-наилучшему-предложению
7. Як оцінити ділянку землі в Києві: визначення ринкової ціни на землю на конкретному прикладі https://100realty.ua/uk/articles/ak-ociniti-dilanku-zemli-v-kievi-viznacenna-rinkovoi-cini-na-zemlu-na-konkretnomu-prikladi
8. 5 решений для спальни в маленькой квартире https://3m2.kiev.ua/stati/planirovki/5_resheniy_dlya_spalni_v_malenkoy_kvartire
9. Какой цвет достоин стать цветом 2019 года https://www.houzz.ru/ideabooks/116034104/list/delayte-stavki-kakoy-tsvet-dostoin-staty-tsvetom-2019-goda
10. Експерт окреслив основні тенденції ринку житлової нерухомості https://www.unn.com.ua/uk/news/1763681-ekspert-okresliv-osnovni-tendentsiyi-rinku-zhitlovoyi-nerukhomosti
11. 10 профессиональных хитростей, которые помогут прибрать в доме намного быстрее https://www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/10-professionalnyh-hitrostej-kotorye-pomogut-pribrat-v-dome-namnogo-bystree-1941965/
12. Афери в сфері нерухомості: чотири схеми, які використовують шахраї https://ukr.segodnya.ua/economics/realty/afery-v-sfere-nedvizhimosti-chetyre-shemy-kotorye-ispolzuyut-moshenniki-1190904.html
13. Типичные ошибки при покупке квартиры в новостройке https://3m2.kiev.ua/stati/analitika/tipichnie_oshibki_pri_pokupke_kvartiri_v_novostroyke
14. АСНУ инициирует изменения в вопросах налогообложения http://www.asnu.net/news/3349/
15. Почему важно развивать городскую инфраструктуру https://biz.nv.ua/experts/pavel-somov/rol-v-razvitii-infrastruktury-v-uslovijakh-urbanizatsii-2508391.html
16. На сколько дороже квартира возле метро: сравнение цен по районам Киева http://domik.ua/novosti/na-skolko-dorozhe-kvartira-vozle-metro-sravnenie-cen-po-rajonam-kieva--n257561.html
17. Нужна ли дверь на кухню https://www.houzz.ru/ideabooks/116096792/list/dizayn-debaty-nuzhna-li-dvery-na-kuhnyu
18. Який податок на нерухомість треба встигнути заплатити до кінця року https://24tv.ua/yakiy_podatok_na_neruhomist_treba_vstignuti_zaplatiti_do_kintsya_roku_n1066652
19. Жилье в аренду: девелоперы протаптывают дорожку в рынок аренды жилой недвижимости http://kievvlast.com.ua/text/zhile-v-arendu-developery-protaptyvayut-dorozhku-v-rynok-arendy-zhiloj-nedvizhimosti
20. У Києві відбулася церемонія нагородження IBUILD: стали відомі переможці http://domik.ua/novosti/u-kiyevi-vidbulasya-ceremoniya-nagorodzhennya-ibuild-stali-vidomi-peremozhci-n257558.html
21. Что вас ждёт после установки вентклапана на окна https://www.houzz.ru/ideabooks/115978218/list/chto-vas-zhdet-posle-ustanovki-okonnyh-klapanov-kak-ne-kupity-pustyshku
22. Сколько стоил квадратный метр в новостройках Киева в долларах в октябре https://3m2.kiev.ua/stati/analitika/skolko_stoil_kvadratniy_metr_v_novostroykah_kieva_v_dollarah_v_oktyabre
23. В Евросоюзе растет активность в сфере строительства http://podrobnosti.ua/2270934-chomu-ukrants-stajut-zhertvami-nedobrosovsnih-zabudovnikv.html
24. Експерт назвав перевагу придбання житла на первинному ринку https://www.unn.com.ua/uk/news/1763123-ekspert-nazvav-perevagu-pridbannya-zhitla-na-pervinnomu-rinku
25. У Луцьку іронічна і яскрава реклама допомогла забудовнику за 11 місяців продати 85% квартир у ЖК https://est.ua/ua/press/8443477/
26. Інтер’єр квартири у Києві від українських дизайнерів переміг у світовому архітектурному конкурсі https://www.the-village.com.ua/village/culture/culture-news/278811-inter-er-kvartiri-u-kievi-vid-ukrayinskih-dizayneriv-peremig-u-svitovomu-arhitekturnomu-konkursi
27. 12 причин потери застройщиком потенциальных покупателей https://hardmandigital.com/blog/12-prichin-poteri-zastroyshchikom-potentsialnykh-pokupateley/
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Merengő - Final Project
A vizsga projektet egyfajta teszt ként fogtam fel, hogy mennyire közelítettem meg a célt, amit kitűztem és mennyi energiát, időt vagyok hajlandó beáldozni érte. Ergó, akarom-e eléggé vagy ez csak egy felszínes vágyálom. A cél, hogy a dallam és szöveg ötleteimet ki tudjam dolgozni. Az eléréséhez az első lépés az ImPro Schoolba való jelentkezés volt. A főpróba pedig a Final Project.
A korábban említett felvételek közül dolgoztam ki egyet. A választott dal nagyon személyes hangvételű és a hozzátartozó háttérsztori is az. Somával éppen egy hónapja éltük közös életünket és vészesen közeledett az időszak, amikor négy hónapra elhúztam skóciába tanulni. Nyilván a legégetőbb kérdés a kettőnk kapcsolatának fennmaradása volt. Mikor utazás előtt hazamentem Csíkszeredába egy hétre, volt időm gondolkodni a helyzeten. Akkor csapódott le bennem az ének dallama és szövege. Már Skóciában voltam mikor Soma elkérte tőlem az iPod nano-ra hihetetlen rossz minőségben rögzített felvételt és írt alá egy gitár alapot, majd készített is egy kezdetleges mixet.
A gitár akkordmenetéből az énekdallamból és a szövegből dolgoztam tovább. A többi hangszert a korábbi vizsgamunkáimból emeltem át. A Fat Freddy’s Drop Zenekar Del Fuego című számát használtam referencia ként, leginkább arrangement és hangulat szempontjából.
Lassan építkezős kezdést terveztem, amelyet követően egy felütésben végződő kiálással kezdődik el a mix veleje. Egy újabb rövid felvezetés után bejön a vokál. A szöveg jelentése nagyban meghatározta a hangszerek elrendezését is. Az első szakaszban az általánosító, tárgyilagos hangemnek megfelelően a hangszerek gyérebbek, monotonabbak mint a másodikban, ahol a szöveg nagyon személyessé és határozottá válik. Ezért egy csilingelő szintetizátor alkalmazásával zeneileg is emelkedett hangvételt kölcsönöztem a résznek. A két szakasz között hagytam egy hosszabb instrumenális részt. A vokál utolsó mondatával egy újabb kiállás következik, amely után a hangszerek tovább sűrűsödésével és egy pergő behozatalával még emelkedettebbé válik a mix. Végül egy hosszan kitartott akkorddal és a csilingelő arpeggiatoros szinti lecsengésével ér véget.
Az énekhez a saját hangomat rögzítettem. A hangnem és technika kiválasztásához több stílusban és hangnemben felénekeltem, majd a mixhez viszonyítva döntöttem. Négy rétegben használtam őket, ezek közül a fő vokál középen szól jól hallhatóan és van egy duplikált, efektezett halk verziója. A másik kettő, két külön felvétel, amelyeket pár miliszekundummal eltoltam a fő énektől és a sztereótérben jobbra illetve balra irányítottam őket. A kezdeti szándékomhoz képest, hogy a vokál csak kiegészítő szerepet játszon, végül a szöveg mondandója és a pad vokálhoz képest mért monotonitása miatt végül mégis előtérbe hoztam. Ehhez nagy segítségemre volt, hogy közeli és tiszta felvételt tudtam készíteni annak ellenére, hogy az itthoni viszonyok nem ideálisak. A nyers felvételt iZotope Nectar 2-ben dolgoztam fel.
kick: (szintézis) Egy saturatorral, overdriveval, glue compressorral tettem mocskosabbá és koppanósabbá, majd EQ-val beleemeltem a szub tartományaiba és levágtam a high endet.
kickdelay: Egy külön MIDI trackre leduplikáltam és egy Simple Delayel, 100%-os Dry/Wet beállítás mellett egy plusz lüktetést adtam neki. Itt a szub tartományt vágtam le EQ-val.
kickkopp: Ennek a hangszernek a track végén van szerepe abban, hogy egy picit dúsítsa a ritmust és a magas tartományt. A lábdobnak csak a top layerét hagytam meg. Ráraktam egy Simple Delayt, amelynek a Feedback és Dry/Wet paramétereit automatizáltam, így kedvemre játszani tudtam vele.
snare: (szintézis) Ezen a hangszeren nagyon sokat kellett javítani, hogy beleilleszkedjen a mixbe. Egészen a hangszer rétegeiig visszanyúltam és a Low layer négy oszcillátorából csak egyet hagytam bekapcsolva. A három High réteg Filter frekvenciáit is átállítgattam, úgy hogy hitelesebb sodronyhangot adjanak. Továbbá egy Saturatorral tettem karcosabbá és egy Filter Delayel dúsítottam a sodronyhangot. Reverbel közepes teret adtam neki és végü EQ-val 2kHz körül beleemeltem.
hihat: (sampling) A lábcint majdnem érintetlenül hagytam. A reverb filterével engedtem át több magasat blőle. A reverb Decay Time, Dry/Wet illetve a Filter Delay Center Frequency, Bandwidth és Feedback paramétereit automatiáltam. A mix elején egészen az első kiállásíg ezekkel úsztatom be fokozatosan a hihatet, illetve a Filter Delaytől kapja meg a kellő ritmikát.
BUBBLE: (szintézis) Az eredetihez képest nagyobb teret raktam rá,levettem róla az Arpeggiatort és a Ping-Pong Delayt Simple Delayre cseréltem.
PAD: (szintézis) EQ-val tovább ritkítottam a mély és a magas tartományát is, hogy könnyebben elférjen a mixben, de főle a vokál mellett. A vokál mellett azt az akkordmenetet játsza, amit Soma írt gitárra, azon kívül pedig kicsit tovább építkezik. A mix elején egy módosított verzióját hagytam benn, amelyben a hangszer layerei közül a Top kiszólózva hallható. Kezdetben az efektezett jelhez fokozatosan keverem hozzá a dry réteget majd halkítom ki az előbbit, automatizáció segítségével.
LEAD: (szintézis)
Mindkét hangszer eredeti verziójában van jelen, csak egy-egy Arpeggiatort raktam rájuk. Ez az a szintetizátor, amelyet az arrangement leírásában már említettem.
BASS: (sampling)
Ebben a kontextusban Instrument Rackben megdupláztam az egyetlen layert és egy oktávval lejjebb csúsztattam így egy szubosabb basszusom lett, amely a Pad akkordjainak alaphagjait játsza.
A basszust, a leadeket és a padet, lábdobra kötött kompresszorral sidchaineltem.
Esősorban kevesbé fedett és szellősebb hangzást akartam elérni. A mixing során EQ-kal helyet csináltam a hangszereknek, hogy minden csak a rendeltetésének megfelelő tartományban szóljon. iZotope Ozone 6-ban, először levágtam a 30 hz alatti hangokat, majd alacsony ratioval, az alacsonyól a magas frekvenciák felé csökkenő mértékű Attack beállítással kompresszáltam. Exciterrel a Tape karakter mellett a közép tartományban inkább az Amount paramétert állítottam magasabbra és kevesebbet adagoltam hozzá az efektezett jelből. A mély és magas tartományoknál fordítva. Sterreo Imagerrel monósítottam a szub tartományt majd a magasak felé haladva egyre inkább kiszélesítettem. A véglimiternél a treshold paramétert úgy állítottam be, hogy 1-2 dB-t fogjon és az RMS érték 6-8 dB körül legyen. IRC III. Balanced típust választottam.
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d2 $ jux (iter 4) $ foldEvery [2,3,4] ((|+| vowel "a e i") . rev) $ n "<f1 [g3 d3*4], a6 e7 d5*4 ~>" # s "superpiano" # gain 0.7 # nudge (density 2 sine1) # lpq 0.5 # lpf (300 + 300) # shape 0.2 # room 0.1 # cut "1"
d1 $ jux (iter 4) $ foldEvery [2..10] ((slow 8) . brak) $ chop 32 $ s "bd*25?/4" # n (run 36) # delay 0.25 # delayfb 0.25 # delayt 0.25 # room 0.5 # cut "2" # shape 0.5 # lpq 0.2 # lpf (sine*3000+100)
0 notes
Не делайте своего ребенка очкариком
Не делайте своего ребенка очкариком
Сейчас дети окружены большим количеством техники. Поэтому сидячий образ жизни перед монитором компьютера или телевиз��ра может привести к раннему ухудшению зрен
Читать дальше → http://detochki-doma.ru/ne-delayte-svoego-rebenka-ochkarikom/
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