#delay spray for men
shivasriworld · 1 month
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ForMen Delay Spray - Helps You Last upto 71% Longer. Try Now.
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moodcare · 2 months
Enhance your intimate moments with Extend Delay Spray for Men. This specially formulated spray helps prolong pleasure by reducing sensitivity, allowing for greater control and endurance during intimacy. Made with safe, skin-friendly ingredients, it's easy to use and provides fast-acting results. Perfect for men looking to boost their confidence and performance, the Extend Delay Spray ensures a more satisfying experience for both partners. Elevate your intimate life with Moodcare trusted brand and effective solution.
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nottyboyin · 3 months
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If you want to Buy Delay Spray Online. Try NottyBoy Delay Spray.
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How to buy the best delay spray for men?
Usually, you would find plenty of options for buying a delay spray for men. You would also get a lot of reviews for them. The thing is that with so many products in the market, it can get a bit confusing to buy the right product for your situation. This is especially when you are looking to last longer while making love – perhaps practicing a few poses of Kamasutra. It is always better in these cases to evaluate all the long last sprays that you can choose from and then decide which one of them would work the best for you.
Decide why you want to buy the product 
You may not like being told what you need to do. In that case, you also need to determine the reason why you want to buy a delay spray. It is always better to not read those reviews for these products. You have to understand the reason why you are buying a particular product. The thing is that there are a lot of these products in the market and not all of them may be the right option for you. These lists are at times paid publicity and mass curated.
Researching the options that you have 
The thing is that these days it is not too hard to research a PE spray or two. After all, these sprays are supposed to delay the time when you reach the climax, increases your stamina, and make sure that you do not suffer premature ejaculation while having sex. This is where you need to research how every ingredient of the product is going to solve your problem. You also need to make sure that none of these could cause you to have allergies. Try and make sure that your spray has at least 10% lidocaine in it. Apart from what we have said so far there are several steps that you need to take. Make sure that you read the ingredients and the claims being made by the product in question. These products are always making claims but you need to understand what each ingredient does and how they are going to be helpful for you. Try and get the non-transferable sex sprays. Also, make sure that you do not use those flavoured and fragranced climax sprays. You can be sure that if you buy the product from a reputed brand such as andSons in Singapore there is not a lot that you would need to worry about.   
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drarorasclinic1 · 1 year
डिले स्प्रे के उपयोग से सम्बन्धित सम्पूर्ण जानकारी
डिले स्प्रे के प्रभाव की वजह से पुरुष शीघ्र ही स्खलित होने से बचा रह सकता है तथा वह यौन-सुख का भरपूर आनन्द भी प्राप्त कर सकता है.
डिले स्प्रे एक प्रकार का ऐसा स्प्रे होता है जिसका उपयोग सामान्यतया शीघ्रपतन की समस्या से ग्रसित पुरुषों को यौन-क्रियाओं के दौरान अधिक समय तक स्खलन से बचाए रखने के लिए किया जाता है. शीघ्रपतन पुरुषों में होनेवाली एक गम्भीर यौन-समस्या होती है जिसकी वजह से पुरुषों को अपनी महिला पार्टनर के साथ यौन-सम्बन्ध स्थापित करने की प्रक्रिया के दौरान बहुत ही शर्मिंदगी उठानी पड़ती है.
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दरअसल होता यह है कि इस समस्या से ग्रसित पुरुष जब अपनी महिला पार्टनर के साथ यौन-सम्बन्ध स्थापित करने की प्रक्रिया में शामिल होता है तो उसकी इच्छा के विरुद्ध सहवास की शुरुआत में ही उसका वीर्यपात हो जाता है और वह चाहकर भी उसे रोक पाने में सर्वथा अक्षम हो जाता है जिसका परिणाम यह होता है कि उसे अपने-आपमें आत्मग्लानि का अनुभव होने लगता है, वह हीन-भावना का शिकार हो जाता है और व्यर्थ की चिन्ता करने की वजह से अनावश्यक रूप से तनावग्रस्त स्थिति में आ जाता है तथा इसके साथ ही उसके मन में नकारात्मक सोंच की भावनाएं भी उत्पन्न होने लगती हैं जिससे उसके आपसी रिश्तों पर बहुत ही प्रतिकूल प्रभाव पड़ता है.
पुरुषों को यह समस्या इसलिए भी घेर लेती है क्योंकि आज की इस भाग-दौड़  भरी जिन्दगी में पुरुषों की दिनचर्या काफी अस्त-व्यस्त होती है. जिसकी वजह से उसकी जीवन-शैली काफी हद तक असंयमित और असन्तुलित हो जाती है. उसका आहार-व्यवहार सही ढंग से नहीं रह पाता है और ऐसी स्थिति में उसकी जीवन-शैली सुचारू रूप से सुरक्षित भी नहीं रह पाती है जिसका परिणाम यह होता है कि वह विभिन्न प्रकार की शारीरिक व्याधियों से ग्रसित हो जाता है जिसका बहुत ही प्रतिकूल प्रभाव उसके यौनांगों पर भी पड़ता है जिससे उसकी यौन-क्षमता बहुत ही बुरी तरह प्रभावित हो जाती है तथा उसकी जिन्दगी के निजी सम्बन्धों पर भी इसका बहुत ही प्रतिकूल प्रभाव पड़ता है. ऐसी स्थिति से बचने के लिए उसकी जीवन-शैली का संयमित व सन्तुलित होना नितान्त रूप से आवश्यक हो जाता है क्योंकि शीघ्रपतन की सबसे खराब स्थिति यह होती है कि सहवास की क्रिया शुरू होते ही या होने से पहले ही उसका वीर्यपात हो जाता है.
आमतौर पर इस बात का कोई निश्चित मापदण्ड नहीं है कि सहवास की अवधि कितनी होनी चाहिए, यानी कितनी देर तक वीर्य का स्खलन नहीं होना चाहिए क्योंकि यह तो प्रत्येक व्यक्ति की मानसिक एवं शारीरिक क्षमता पर ही निर्भर होता है परन्तु यौन क्रियाओं के दौरान वीर्य के शीघ्र ही स्खलित हो जाने से व्यक्ति को अपने आपमें बहुत ही आत्मग्लानि का अनुभव होने लगता है और वह हीन-भावना का भी शिकार हो जाता है जिससे पति-पत्नी की जिन्दगी काफी तल्ख होने लगती है और उनका आपसी सम्बन्ध भी अनावश्यक रूप से तनावग्रस्त हो जाता है.
डिले स्प्रे विशेष रूप से ऐसे ही पुरुषों की समस्याओं को दृष्टि में रखकर तैयार किया जाता है ताकि पुरुष अपनी महिला पार्टनर के साथ यौन-क्रियाओं के दौरान इसके प्रभाव की वजह से शीघ्र ही स्खलित होने से बचा रह सके और यौन-क्रियाओं के दौरान वह अपनी महिला पार्टनर के साथ यौन-सुख का भरपूर आनन्द भी प्राप्त कर सके.
डिले स्प्रे का उपयोग करने से व्यक्ति अपनी महिला पार्टनर के साथ सेक्स करने की प्रक्रिया में अपना बेहतरीन  परफॉर्मेंस दे सकता है. वह एक लम्बे समय तक अपने वीर्य को स्खलित होने से रोकने में पूरी तरह कामयाब हो सकता है. वह अपनी महिला पार्टनर के साथ यौन-सुख का भरपूर आनन्द भी प्राप्त कर सकता है तथा इसके साथ ही वह अपनी महिला पार्टनर को भी बेहतरीन यौन-सुख की अनुभूति करा पाने में सक्षम हो सकता है. इस स्प्रे के प्रभाव की वजह से वह अपनी शीघ्रपतन की समस्या से भी निजात पा सकता है तथा इसके साथ ही वह इन खास पलों में शर्मिंदगी के अहसास से भी बचा रह पाने में पूरी तरह कामयाब हो सकता है.
डिले स्प्रे का उपयोग व्यक्ति को अपने लिंग की जड़ों से कुछ ऊपर तक ही करना चाहिए और लिंग के ऊपरी हिस्से में तो इसका उपयोग बिलकुल भी नहीं करना चाहिए क्योंकि लिंग के ऊपरी हिस्से पर इसका उपयोग पूरी तरह वर्जित होता है. इसका उपयोग करते समय व्यक्ति को इस बात का भी विशेष रूप से ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि भूलवश भी इस स्प्रे का उपयोग आंख, कान, नाक और मुंह के साथ ही शरीर के किसी भी कटे-फटे अंगों पर न होने पाए क्योंकि इन जगहों पर इसका बहुत ही प्रतिकूल प्रभाव पड़ता है और अगर किसी भी कारणवश इस तरह की परिस्थितियां उत्पन्न हो जाएं तो अविलंब इसे पानी से धो लेना चाहिए ताकि इसके प्रतिकूल प्रभाव से बचा जा सके.
इस स्प्रे का उपयोग करने पर व्यक्ति को इसके कुछ साइड इफेक्ट्स का भी सामना करना पड़ सकता है जैसे लिंग के जिस हिस्से पर इसका उपयोग किया जा रहा है, वहां इस बात की सम्भावना बनती है कि वहां लालिमा, खुजली या जलन की अनुभूति महसूस हो परन्तु इससे घबराने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है क्योंकि यह इसकी एक सामान्य प्रतिक्रिया है बावजूद इसके अगर यह प्रतिक्रिया एक लम्बे समय तक अपना प्रभाव बनाए रखती है तो इसका उपयोग करने से बचना चाहिए और इसके साथ ही किसी कुशल यौन-रोग विशेषज्ञ से सम्पर्क कर इस सन्दर्भ में आवश्यक रूप से सलाह लेनी चाहिए.
वैसे तो इस स्प्रे को काफी हद तक सुरक्षित माना जाता है और अमूमन इसका कोई विशेष साइड इफेक्ट भी नहीं होता है तथा इसके साथ ही यह क्लिनिकली अप्रूवड भी होता है जिससे इसका उपयोग करने पर व्यक्ति अपनी महिला पार्टनर के साथ यौन-क्रियाओं के दौरान अपना बेहतरीन परफॉर्मेंस दे पाने में पूरी तरह सक्षम हो जाता है और इसके साथ ही यह स्प्रे व्यक्ति को उसके खास अन्तरंग पलों के सुखद अहसास को भी भली-भांति महसूस करा पाता है. इसके इस्तेमाल से व्यक्ति की महिला पार्टनर को भी कोई परेशानी नहीं होती है और यह स्प्रे बहुत ही आसानी के साथ व्यक्ति की त्वचा में घुल-मिल भी जाता है तथा इसके साथ ही यह स्प्रे व्यक्ति को त्वरित गति से बेहतर परिणाम दे पाने में भी पूरी तरह सक्षम होता है जो व्यक्ति को उसकी बेहतर स्टैमिना का अहसास भी बहुत ही बेहतरीन तरीके से करा पाता है.
इस स्प्रे का उपयोग कर व्यक्ति अपनी जिन्दगी को भरपूर रंगीनियों से भर पाने में पूरी तरह कामयाब हो सकता है. उसकी प्रत्येक रात्रि उसे एक विशेष रात्रि का भरपूर अहसास करा सकती है. आमतौर पर यह स्प्रे व्यक्ति की त्वचा के लिए भी सुरक्षित ही होती है और इसके साथ ही इस स्प्रे के उपयोग से व्यक्ति की शीघ्रपतन की समस्या में भी काफी हद तक कमी आ सकती है जिससे व्यक्ति को यौन-क्रियाओं के दौरान एक लम्बे समय तक अपना  बेहतरीन परफॉर्मेंस देने में बड़ी आसानी होती है जिसकी वजह से इस स्प्रे को पुरुषों के लिए बहुत ही उपयोगी और फायदेमंद माना जाता है. बावजूद इसके अगर इस स्प्रे से व्यक्ति को किसी भी प्रकार की कोई भी विपरीत प्रतिक्रिया होनी महसूस होती है तो उसे इस स्प्रे का उपयोग तत्काल प्रभाव से ही रोक देना चाहिए और किसी कुशल यौन-रोग विशेषज्ञ से सम्पर्क कर इस सन्दर्भ में आवश्यक सलाह लेने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए.
आमतौर पर तो इस स्प्रे का उपयोग करने पर प्रायः लिंग की त्वचा पर कोई प्रतिकूल प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता है और अगर पड़ता भी है तो इसका नियमित रूप से उपयोग करने पर इसके प्रतिकूल प्रभाव अपने-आप ही समाप्त भी हो जाते हैं बावजूद इसके अगर इसके प्रतिकूल प्रभाव का असर बना रहता है, अगर प्रभावित हिस्से पर सूजन हो जाता है या उस हिस्से का रंग लालिमा युक्त प्रतीत होता है और उससे किसी भी प्रकार की परेशानी महसूस होती है तो इसका उपयोग तत्काल प्रभाव से ही बन्द कर देना चाहिए और किसी कुशल यौन-रोग विशेषज्ञ से सम्पर्क कर उनसे इस सन्दर्भ में आवश्यक रूप से सलाह लेनी चाहिए ताकि व्यक्ति को किसी भी प्रकार की गम्भीर परिस्थितियों का सामना करने की नौबत ही न आने पाए.
इस स्प्रे का उपयोग करते समय व्यक्ति को इस बात का विशेष ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि वह इसका उपयोग ठीक उसी प्रकार करे जैसा कि सही मायने में होना चाहिए. इसके लिए उसे इस स्प्रे का उपयोग करने से पहले इसके लिए दिए गए दिशा निर्देशों का भली-भांति अध्ययन आवश्यक रूप से कर लेना चाहिए जिससे उसे किसी भी प्रकार की अनावश्यक समस्या का सामना करने की स्थिति ही उत्पन्न न होने पाए. उसे कभी भी अपने लिंग के ऊपरी हिस्से पर इसका उपयोग नहीं करना चाहिए. इस स्प्रे का उपयोग सिर्फ लिंग की जड़ों के साथ ही लिंग के ऊपरी हिस्से के नीचे तक ही करना चाहिए क्योंकि लिंग के ऊपरी हिस्से पर इसका उपयोग करने से लिंग पर बहुत ही प्रतिकूल प्रभाव पड़ता है और इससे लाभान्वित होने की बजाए नुकसान ही उठाना पड़ सकता है तथा इसके साथ ही व्यक्ति अनावश्यक रूप से इरेक्टाइल डिस्फंक्शन जैसे गम्भीर यौन-रोग की गिरफ्त में भी आ सकता है. अतः ऐसी परिस्थितियां उत्पन्न ही न हो इसके लिए यह नितान्त आवश्यक है कि इस स्प्रे का उपयोग करने से पूर्व व्यक्ति को इसके दिशा-निर्देशों को भली-भांति अच्छी तरह समझ-बूझ लेना चाहिए.
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thelotusbiotech · 4 months
How Lidocaine Delay Spray Transformed My Bedroom Game!
Hey there, fellow premature ejaculation warriors! 
Let's talk about a game-changer in the bedroom - Lidocaine Spray for Erectile Dysfunction. Yes, you heard it right. Let me tell you, this small magical spray bottle has been my secret weapon in the battle against premature ejaculation, and it's changed my life!
Now, let's take a moment to be real. Premature ejaculating might seriously undermine your closeness and self-esteem with your partner. I have experienced how annoying it can be to feel as though you've already crossed the finish line before the race even starts. But fear not—Long Drive Spray is coming to your rescue!
What's the issue with all of this, then? Well, it's simple. Before engaging in sexual activity, simply spray a little bit on your old friend downstairs, and believe me when I say that it works like a charm. Without totally numbing you out, the Lidocaine climax spray helps to desensitize things just enough to take the edge off.
The finest aspect is that it doesn't eliminate the sensation completely. With more control over when you cross the finish line, you can still enjoy all the thrills of the trip. And believe me when I say that having control is revolutionary.
Since I started using Long Drive, my confidence has increased tremendously, and my partner? Let's say that my improved bedroom talents have left them pretty darn impressed. I've discovered a new level of closeness and enjoyment and couldn't be happier.
So, do yourself a favor and give Long Drive Lidocaine Spray a try if, like me, you're having trouble ejaculating too soon. You won't regret it, I promise. Now is the time to seize the reins of your sexual life and go for your desires!
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Buy Delay Spray For Men From Oddway International - Lidocaine Topical Spray
Male delay sprays can be safe when used as directed, but it's important to check ingredients, follow instructions, consider health conditions, watch for side effects, and be aware that effectiveness varies. If unsure, consult a healthcare provider.
Direction of use: Hold the container 10cm apart with the arrow on the spray button pointing towards the area of the application. Press the button repeatedly to spray.
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nitro-meds · 9 months
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shivasriworld · 1 month
ForMen Delay Spray is designed to reduce over-sensitivity & make you last longer in bed. In a study, men reported lasting 71% longer when using Delay Spray. It’s the perfect companion to boost fun time, so you don’t have to let go.
What are the Benefits of Delay Spray?
Delays Climax to Prevent Early Release
Gives More Control Over Timing in Bed
Is Effective, Fast Acting & Long Lasting
Prolongs Pleasure for You & Your Partner
To know more details, read complete information about FORMEN DELAY SPRAY!
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moodcare · 26 days
When it comes to intimate moments, confidence is key. But sometimes, things don’t go as planned, and that can leave you feeling unsure of yourself. Whether it’s premature ejaculation or low energy levels, these challenges can make it hard to fully enjoy your intimate experiences.
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nottyboyin · 3 months
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Looking for the best Delay Spray? Try NottyBoy Delay Spray for men.
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drarorasclinic · 2 years
Delay Sprays for Men: Pros and Cons
Delay sprays for men have become more popular over the last five years and are even being used by some men. These sprays are generally marketed as a convenient way to help men last longer in bed and satisfy their partners. But is this really the case? Are there any disadvantages that you should be aware of?
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More than you know: Ch1 Acting on impulse
So here's the winner of my poll! Satoru Gojo x GN!reader who literally stumbles into his life, won. Synopsis: About a year or so into Gojo raising Megumi and Tsumiki near tragedy strikes and Gojo would have never thought someone else would drop in like a guardian angel to help him for once. cw: GN!reader, afab!reader (not really important this chapter), reader wears glasses though it's not directly mentioned this chapter, reader isn't a sorcerer though they can see curses,reader is a scrappy little thing with questionable self preservation instinct. tw for attempted kidnapping.
You don’t think before you act, not when it involves helping others. It was something your ex used to get mad at you about because they thought you needlessly put yourself at risk. You didn’t put much stock in their opinions however. Though perhaps they had a small point in this instance. 
You’d been on your way home, taking the back streets since it was faster. That’s when you’d heard a child screaming and you had seen a pair of men running your way carrying a struggling dark haired boy. Clearly they had no business having him and he didn’t want to be bundled up under the man's arm like contraband. A sick mix of fear and anger had flared in your gut and without thought you let the hydro flask you’d been carrying slide from your hand to the end of its strap which you gripped firmly. Like the adrenaline that rushed through your veins you’d rushed to intercept the man carrying the boy. Like a flail you swung the mostly full hydro flask directly into the man's face, a resounding crack and gong-like sound echoed through the narrow street and he stumbled back, dropped the boy whom you caught before he could face plant into the ground. You hadn’t had time to watch as the man that had been carrying the boy fell against a wall, instead your attention had to immediately be directed toward the other man. You fumbled for your key chain. 
“Turn your face away!” You’d said to the boy, hoping he’d listen as you’d taken out your pepper spray, flicking the safety latch. You didn’t want him to catch any back spray in his eyes. The boy had immediately understood you were there to help and turned his face against your torso while you’d let out a blast of the irritant at the other man who’d thankfully hesitated in reacting to your sudden and unexpected assault, which had allowed you to give him a face full of the irritating chemicals. 
“I’m picking you up now.” You’d told the boy, praying he’d simply allow it and so you’d been grateful when he had.  You’d scooped him up without question and darted down the way you’d seen the men initially come from. You ran harder than you could ever remember having run before. “Tell me where they took you from? Are your parents nearby?” You asked, panicked, trying to think of your next move. You heard yelling and cursing so you knew you’d only delayed them.
That’s how you’d gotten to the present, darting in and out of streets as the little boy directs you to where he’d been taken from. You could only hope that someone would be nearby looking for him. “So it was just you and your sister walking home?” You ask breathlessly, your lungs burning under the strain. “Would she-” a gasp “- have called for help?” He nods vigorously and points you to another turn.You break out of the side streets and you hear a relieved cry from a young girl. 
“There! He's there!” 
When you look you see the young girl who must be the little boy’s sister along with a tall man with a shock of white hair. You don’t think you’ve ever been so relieved to see a stranger before. The white haired man rushes to meet you and you stumble against him, squishing the boy somewhat between the two of you though he grips onto the man regardless. As soon as the boy is handed off you sink to your knees at the man’s feet gasping for breath, feeling dizzy with your vision dappling at the edges. As if through water you hear angry shouting from the way you’d come. Looking absolutely dangerous, the white haired man sets the boy down next to you. The last thing you remember is him walking past you and the little girl running over to you and the boy who was now gripping onto your shirt.
Gojo had been getting antsy. Normally Tsumiki and Megumi had made it  home by now. The two kids had always been fine walking home alone, been doing it without a problem long before he came along and Megumi at least wanted to keep doing it. He’s a fiercely independent child and Gojo didn’t want to take that away from him. He just had a nagging feeling though. That’s when his phone goes off, it’s Tsumiki’s number. He’d insisted the kids have phones once he took them in. When he answers any momentary relief he had is washed away, she’s crying so hard it’s hard to understand her. He understands enough though. A pair of men had abducted Megumi. The little girl is so distressed that it’s hard for her to articulate where on the route home they’d been when it happened. 
He can figure it out though, it’s not that hard. He’s rushing out the door, a foreign fear twisting his gut and a not so foreign feeling of guilt. He’d fucked up. He’s only had the kids a little over a year and he’s fucked up. 
Satoru arrives and Tsumiki runs to him still crying and scared for her brother but with some relief because Satoru always fixes things right? He tries to sound calm for her sake as he asks the direction the men had taken and when she points he’s surprised when he already sees Megumi’s cursed energy approaching. Had he managed to get away on his own? No, he can see another person’s energy close to Megumi’s as if the person is cradling him. 
That’s when he truly sees you for the first time, darting out into the open with the young boy clutched to your chest. 
“There! He’s there!” 
He watches as the sound of her voice draws your panicked gaze. You stumble into a turn and run towards him and he sees Megumi's head  snap in his direction as well, sees the fear on his little face that he’ll deny later that gives way to relief. He can tell already from how you stagger that you must be at your limit. What had you done to save the little boy? He rushes to meet you, catching Megumi as you stumble into him, and he nearly reaches for you too when you immediately collapse to your knees once the boy is secure in his arms.
Nearly, since he hears angry yelling and rapidly approaching foot falls of the men he can only assume took Megumi in the first place and terrorized your run to safety. A cold rage settles over him and he places Megumi next to your swaying form. 
“I’ll take care of everything.”
“Gojo, you should have just called an ambulance or taken them to a hospital!”  A woman’s hushed yet frustrated voice sinks into your awareness.
“I panicked okay! When I got back to them the kids were freaking out and they were unconscious and breathing weird. It was faster to just warp them to you!” 
You slowly open your eyes, staring up at a white and sterile looking ceiling.You flinch your eyes back closed at the bright fluorescent lights.
“They were having an asthma attack!”
“You were able to fix it though, weren't you.”
A heavy pause in conversation and before the woman’s voice could speak up again a young girl speaks up and it sounds as if she’d directly next to you. “Hey I think they’re waking up!” 
When you glance toward the voice you do indeed confirm there’s a young girl, and not just her but a young boy as well. The gears in your turn slowly until you recognize him. He was- you croak out gasp, your chest aching though not as much as you’d expect given the memories that were flooding back. 
Then a young man is hovering over you, dark sunglasses perched on his nose just low enough for you to catch a glimpse of crystalline blue eyes. His expression is one of concern, “Hey, you had us all pretty worried back there.” 
Your mind is flooded with so many questions that it makes you feel dizzy, though that could just be you still recovering from passing out. The first one to slip past your lips though is “Who.. are you?” You swallow working your sore throat.
“Ah! I’m Gojo Satoru,” He grins at you and he’s all dimples and pretty teeth, making your breath hitch for an entirely different reason.  
And here it is! This series is meant to be a lot of softer than my other one. It hit me out of nowhere after seeing fanart of Gojo with young Megumi. Also slight disclaimer it's almost embarrassing how much personality wise of myself i'm putting into this reader.
@strawberrystepmom @nanamikentoseyebags @4sat0ruu (i feel like you'll appreciate this one) @pupkashi @icy-spicy @howlthesanjisimp @biscuitsngravie @margumis @suhmie @chuuyasboots @whispers-of-lilith
(If you would like to be removed from this fic's tag list let me know, and obviously let me know if you would like to be added to it if you enjoyed it)
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sunandsstars · 2 years
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Recom!Miles Quaritch x Metkayina!Reader
Summary: When Miles gets saved by a Metkayinan, he realises eventually they aren’t all so bad. But when his mission comes back to him, is it worth leaving it all behind? Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of wounds, Hurting animals Word count: 2k A/N: Ahhh! Finally! Sorry for any delay guys, I’ve just been very busy with exams and stuff at the moment. But here is chapter 3, thank you for all the love you’ve been showing me I appreciate you all so much!!
Taglist: @ssc7514 @blossom618 @teadrinkingcatmom @oscarpascal4eva @capitanostella @sublimedeersong @perseny @neteyamsbulletwound
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Miles walked out of the hut and followed the siblings down towards the beach, admiring the scenery as they made their way. Yes he’s been to one of these islands before, but it’s so much different when he’s not actively torching down their homes. Instead of fire and chaos it’s now just..peaceful. It reminded him of the holidays he would go on during his youth with his old squad. The good ol’ times.
The sun was high in the sky and casted a reflective light across the waters which where filled with many Metkayina and oceanic creatures, he eyes the people he passed and watched as mothers held back their children from walking up to him and men glared his way. ‘That’s right, back away now’
As the woman guiding his came to a stop, she put down Tsyem from where he was perched on her hip and looked towards him ‘’come’’. Having heard that word many times by now he followed her as she walked into the water and made a series of clicking and throat sounds, Tsyem and Zaza swam up to her with grins and wagging tails, spraying water all around them. ‘What the hell is she doing’
The sounds of splashing and squeaks where heard as a handful of long necked sea animals swam up to them ‘’these are ilu, we use them to get around the water’’. Miles blinked and walked deeper into the ocean ‘’so…how do we ride these things? By bonding? Sounds easy enough’’ he reached around his back and grabbed his queue to make tsaheylu with the creature closest when he was stopped by a smaller hand.
‘’You are riding ilu for the first time, you must be slow, they get very excited’’ ___ spoke, making a hand gesture to make sure he understands to take it easy. Miles sighed and rolled his eyes, glancing towards her brothers and pointing them out when he saw them already riding ‘’now what about those two huh? If children can do it i sure as hell can’’
A slap to the arm.
‘’slow’’ ___ glared, watching him as he sat atop the ilu glaring at her, he’ll remember that slap. She guided his legs to the proper formation and used hand motions to get him to recognise her words ‘’when the ilu goes, you will put your legs like this’’ she pushed his legs out down its back until he was laying on his front ‘’they go fast, you must hold on here’’ she then grabbed his hands and placed them at the neural whips where there was already a makeshift handle then stood back, nodding to herself at her work.
‘’when you are ready you can-‘’ before she could finish, she was drenched in water, ___ coughed and glared towards where the recom sped off, but she eased her furrowed brows and laughed loudly when the current pulled him back and away from the ilu. He rose up from the water spitting out liquid and wiping his face, narrowing his eyes at the laughing woman nearby ‘’slow, did you not listen?’’
Miles rolled his eyes at the familiar word ‘’yes, I hear. My balls fucking hurt thanks to you’’ he grumbled as the ilu came out of the water and offered his queue to ride again. He decided to retry.
___ watched as the skyperson failed to give up, going again and again until he finally swam up to her with a triumphant grin ‘’HA how do you like me now?! Pandora will be my bitch soon enough’’. She smiled not understanding the words but by his tone, he seemed proud of himself.___ got onto her own ilu and called towards her brothers ‘’Zaza. Tsyem. Come swim with us through the reef’’
The two swam over with their smaller ilus and followed as the adults went into the deeper end of the ocean. Miles hesitated ‘I could swim away now, but this ilu may not be fast enough to swim past the other natives, I’m still not exactly trusted here and could be killed’
He watched as the three submerged themselves under the water and took a deep breath, going down with them and following as they swam further and further away from the shoreline. ___ looked back and smiled, leading them towards a more open area filled with many pincer fish and colourful coral. Miles looked around himself and pushed a few of the fish away with his hand as they obstructed his view, ‘’there is a cove nearby, it is deep and will take effort to swim but it is beautiful’’. Miles raised an eyebrow. Sign language? Who knew the Na’vi could be smart enough to create a whole other means of communication. 
He shrugged nonetheless, having not learned sign language at all during his career as a soldier. He felt his lungs contract suddenly and left the ilu to swim to the surface, using the animal to propel him up. ___ tilted her head and looked towards her brothers ‘’how can he not understand, or breath. What is the point of coming here if you cannot breath the water’’ she was quick to stop Zaza before he insulted Miles more. ‘’he is learning Zaza, and he was from the forest. Let him be’’.
She swam up to the surface where the recom floated to make sure he was alright ‘’you are good with ilu, but terrible with holding your breath’’. Feeling like he got insulted Quaritch glared, he may not understand very well but he understood enough to know she thought he was utter shit.
‘’you think your better than me huh?! Just because you know the land doesn’t mean you’re all powerful’’
___ decided to ignore his shouting and call back his ilu, urging him to get on again.
Two heads popped up from the surface and interrupted them ‘’Tsyem is getting hungry, I will take him back to mother’’. Their sister could only nod and wave them off as they swam away for food. ‘’we should make our way too, come, I will take a look at your wound’’ and off they go, although Miles hesitated, turning around and looking back to the vast expanse of the sea..
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Colonel Miles Quaritch prided himself in a lot of things, his rank, his built body, his amazing fighting skills, but he didn’t feel prideful at this moment, never before he needed help from his enemies. ‘Fuck this is painful’. He winced and slapped the ground below him while the Tsahìk only rolled her eyes, ‘’you mentioned he is a fighter. He is weak. Look at him yap like a downed nalutsa’’. Her daughter only hummed in reply, too busy making sure the food was cooked to perfection, fish where delicate to make. 
The lady smearing paste on his fast healing wound slapped Quaritch on the forehead and he had to refrain from hissing, knowing would it would cost him to do such a thing to a woman of her rank ‘’you will not touch this until it dries’’ she motioned to the greenish paste and started to gather her materials huffing ‘’his injuries are getting better, but it will leave a scar’’. ___ thanked her mother again for her service and placed the fish onto giant leaves once they are roasted to perfection. Natsä left the murui and headed towards her own, having enough of being around someone so…blue.
Miles sighed and looked to his host in question, taking note of the wonderful aroma making is stomach growl, he hasn’t eaten in what felt like forever ‘’what is it?’’. The lady in question slid him a leaf and proceeded to eat her own ‘’payoang’’, her response was short as she stuffed her face with delicious meats and fruits not waiting for Miles to take his own bite first.
A part of him figured she may have poisoned him while he wasn’t looking but the rational side said that it would be pretty fucking stupid to do so now. If she wanted him dead she would have left him to drown last night. 
And with that he proceeded to eat, feeling the spices hit his tongue in a pleasant way ‘not to spicy, not to salty, I could get used to this’. Seeing his pleased expression she smiled, proud to have her skills appreciated. ___ took notice of the sunset and sighed, how has the day come to a close already, she still has much to teach. She figured they could stay up the night as she taught him how to breath properly ‘I still want to go to that cave after all’.
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The lessons where long and gruelling, Miles was easy to teach, he was a soldier after all, but his attitude made her want to pull out her own hair. He was angry, so so angry. Miles had a deep scowl etched onto his face and his ears where pinned back. He did not like this..meditation lesson.
‘This is boring as shit. Even the science-pukes where more interesting to listen to’
He received a slap to the chest.
‘’Now what the fuck was that for?’’ His yellow eyes looked down to the Metkayinas blue and grabbed her wrist tightly to stop her slapping him again. ‘’pay attention moron, if you want to live by the water you must breathe’’.
‘’I am not a scown’’
‘’Skxawng, sk-ow-ng. And you are one. You must listen to me’’ ___ rolled her eyes and shook her wrist out of his, slowly placing one on his chest and the other his lower stomach where the now dried paste is. Miles just bit his tongue and breathed in, holding his form, and once he got the ok a couple minutes later, he slowly released the air.
‘Finally’ ___ nodded and stood up. ‘’come, I will show you the cave..uh..slär’’ she put her hands together to form a point facing up and then gestured to the water. The man repeated the word under his breath a few times while bonding with an ilu, learning these new skills will be useful. ‘If I can learn the language and earn their respect, i’ll be able to get started on my plan’
They dove under the water and sped off to where they were during the day with the kids, the bioluminescence of the ocean was more clearer and much better to see than when he was flying above water. The neon colours of blue, pinks and purples surrounded them and the fish swam across their view, showing off their beauty. The ilus they where sat on glowed and it was hard to see the woman on top of hers, ‘she almost blends into the water’
Once arriving at the bottom of the sea floor ___ got off her ilu and used her tail to swim towards a curtain of seaweed, she waved Miles over and swam right through the tunnel and out the top of an air pocket.
A splash and a heavy gasp echoed through the cave and the woman rolled her eyes, paddling over to a ledge to sit up on, patting the space next to her. Miles went over and copied her actions, bending his head as to not hit the wall of rocks curving around them. He was much too tall for this tiny space. Inside the cave the fauna was bright and covered inside the water and above them, he spotted a school of orange coloured fish coming towards him to circle his feet.
He kicked them away.
‘’AYE! Why did you do that?!’’  he felt a hard smack on the back of his head ‘’the great mother is giving us a sign!’’. The man stopped his legs from moving and let the fish come once again, ___ smiled slightly in wonder.
‘There is something Eywa wants with this man, but what?’
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cynicalraccoon · 6 months
A/N: Malia "Knockout is my oc
Warning: blood and violence
"Fuck!" Malia spat, blazing pain spamming across her face. She just knew it was a matter of time before her scar decided to show itself, but it always hurt like a bitch when it did. 
Her attacker didn't even get time to gloat before his upper body disappeared in a fine mist of red thanks to Malia's fist.
She panted, licking away stray blood falling near her mouth. Reaver would be pissed at her and the enemy. Her for her slow reaction, the latter for making her bleed. 
Shaking her head, Malia continued on through the enemy's base, taking out anyone who wasn't her squadmates. 
"Knockout." Price's voice called in her ear. "What's your status?" 
Shots fired from down the hall, forcing Malia to take cover behind a corner. 
"Busy." She replied tersly. "Targets found yet?" 
There was a moment of silence. She fired back, hearing the thud of two bodies hit the ground. Waiting a moment, Malia then moved down the hall. She stepped over the two bodies, each having bullet holes in their forehead and throat. 
"Ghost and Soap have them in their sights. Engaging now." 
"Copy. Knockout out." 
The scar is going to itch badly; as it always does when it follows her to almost every world she traveled to. She knew it wasn't cursed or magical in nature, but she sometimes had her doubts. 
Malia hoped it didn't get infected. Unfortunately, she had to delay tending to it because she was in the middle of a mission. Fucking terrorists and their habit of taking military prisoners. 
Hours later, she cleared out the base, clothes decorated with blood sprays. Malia scanned her surroundings as she exited the building. 
"Captain, this base is clear." She spoke into the radio. 
"Meet up with Gaz and then meet up with Soap and Ghost. Keep their backs clear." 
The blood on her face was drying by the time she met up with Gaz. The man's eyes widen when he saw her, concern filling them. 
"Knockout, you-" 
"I'm fine." She cut him off. "Let's go." Malia went off, Gaz right behind her. 
Hostages rescued and piled up in the exfil plane along with the task force, Malia suddenly found herself confronted by her team. 
"Hold still." Ghost ordered, trying and failing to get the woman to let him take care of her injury. 
"I can do it myself." Malia protested, leaning away from the burly man's hands. 
The two glared at one another stubbornly. 
"It needs to be taken care of now or it will get infected." Ghost argued. 
Malia narrowed her eyes. "So you do know how injuries work, Lieutenant. I'm sure the medic will be thrilled." 
The man glowered at her cheeky retort. Something smug settled in Malia's chest at his silence. Even when injured, Ghost avoided going to the medic more than any other soldier, so he couldn't talk. 
"Knockout, he's right." Price spoke up, bandages around his upper right arm. "Let him do it. That's an order." 
Malia's glare didn't drop as she stop leaning back and let Ghost disinfect her wound. She gritted her teeth aganist the sting, not making any noise. 
Gaz shook his head. "I don't know how you could still be awake with a wound like that." 
Soap nodded, a smile on his face despite the worried glint in his eyes. "If it was my beautiful face, I'd be raging." 
Malia couldn't help the small snort she made. "Didn't you say the other day that ladies love scars?" 
The Scot blinked and his smile grew devilish. "Does that mean you like women?" 
Ghost's eyes flitted up to her then back down to her wound as he tied off the bandages. Done, he straightened and walked back to his seat. 
Malia wiggled her nose, ignoring the painful tingles it created. 
"I'm into men, but I've been told I'd make a good boyfriend if I was a guy." And that had sent her in a loop for a minute. It had been said by a villainess she had been friends with in a fantasy world. 
She leaned back aganist the warm plane wall, crossing her arms and closing her eyes. She missed Gaz and Soap's exchange of looks. 
"Oh yeah? And who told you that?" Gaz asked. 
She didn't reply. 
"Leave her." She heard Ghost grunt. Soap might've said something, but by then she was already asleep.
A/N: Another one. Again I know only bits and pieces about these characters and their lore, and this is my second time trying my hand at writing for COD. So if their personalities are off, then that's why.
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sw33tsnow · 8 months
Enchanted by the aching wounds
- (III) / (III)
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Mercenary!Simon "Ghost" Riley x Harpy!F!Reader (18+)
Warning: NOT FOR MINORS, mentions of blood, mentions of violence, slight angst, fluff, smut, cunnilingus, bj, p in v, unprotected sex, etc. #: I'M TERRIBLY APOLOGIZE FOR ANY GRAMMAR ERRS AND THE DELAY, don't really know why this part is kinda cheesy but please enjoy.
Wordcount: 5k3
19th century vocabs (if needed):
Pap(s): Nipple(s)
Meater: A coward
Blimey(!): An expression of surprise
(A) footman: (A) servant
Brass hat: Train conductor
Don’t sell me a dog: Don’t lie to me
The galley: Kitchen
The season when the frigid white snow melts away to make way for new shoots to sprout, when the air is filled with the fresh aroma of flowers in blossom, and when any races require a roof over their heads. It used to be a sacred notion which all kinds looked forward to - a time when couples, regardless of humans, fairies, or animals, were inextricably bound together. Almost forgot, the rain, the exuberant and the prickle when the fresh drops of water blew on your skin and feathers as you tore the winds and parted the clouds upon the vast sky were indescribable.
Perhaps as the same as a lonely, barren tree bark that’s rejuvenated - you felt revived, and it should’ve been like that, it should've been the season you loathed the least.
All things proliferate, regardless of races.
You've opted to find a persuasive excuse for being absent for a few days after this last job since your estrus period, referred to as heat, has arrived and symptoms have begun to occur. If you're near mankind - species that couldn't satisfy you, you'd certainly cause harm to the gentlemen, whether unconsciously or not. But at the moment, all your attempts have gone down the drain.
Flabbergasted? The stench? Couldn't truly declare.
Crimson sprayed from your body, staining the meticulous pattern of the tiles on the garden floor. The agony did not reach your brain because your nerves were unable to respond to the abrupt slash, you suddenly lurched back and dropped to your knees, realizing that you had been ambushed because of the unclear shouting that was echoing in your eardrums which came from the other four members. Promptly reversing the gun's barrel then blasting off the foot of the goddamn douchebag in front of your sight, before your own body began to lose awareness, you raised your far-too-bloated arm to shoulder level and flicked your wrist. Your trembling fingers moved in the direction of the men, the white rose fence has been dyed with an alluring but dreadful tint aggressively protruded and crushed the bones of others rivals. 
Successfully drew the men’s attention to their backs, you crawled up and leaned your head against the wall since the icy cold of the rain made you feel nauseous more than ever.
Mother, have mercy
Your darkest dread was going to be revealed, the dirty truth you had fought to keep hidden from the One-Four-One was about to be disclosed, and the thoughts made your dizziness worse.
The blood pool kept flowing and your vision has blurry, leaving you helpless to let your ferae naturae prevailed. 
Your scales emerged out from under your smooth skin and clung around the mortal wound, as if protecting it, creating dissonant cracking or crumbling noises.
Your horns plus claws grew out, yet the coal black hue of the nails crept down to your fingers, and spikes started to pierce out before stopping when they were almost reached your elbows.
The garment was shredded pathetically as your figure and wings enlarged extraordinarily. Although you seemed unlikely to be any larger than the men, bet that your wings could clamp three like them down without any difficulties.
Your legs, the ravishing legs that Simon always cherished, have been replaced by skinny bird ones with pale skin wrapped around them.
Your far more susceptible than usual body would respond immediately with just a small stimulus, but this cut would definitely leave an unforgettable souvenir.
Witnessing the scene frightened the meater who had just attacked you, he started screaming as dashing off with his paralyzed foot. Your neck snapped in half, causing your head to twist back in a frightful angle and furious pupils poking directly into that pathetic back. In the twinkling of an eye, your levitating silhouette fleeted forward and pounced on the hapless head. Sharp talons dug deep into his skull and wrinkled facial skin before tilting it back, the corners of your lips were stretched close to your ears and your chin was pulled down as your jaw fractured, white fangs jagged in horror on your pink gums and tongue was elongated.
Ultimately, the yelling has stopped when some of your wet stray hairline dangling near the vile man to bite and yank his entire face apart.
Thunders rumbled so loud that consciousness seized hold of your mad mind and made you dully dropped the pulseless limbs onto the damp ground.
Landing soundlessly after spitting out the mishmash in your mouth, you looked up to the ether and quivering non-stop as if you were praying to Mother Nature, begging Nak to let you off the hook and wash away your sins, knowing damn well you did not deserve Her precious tears. 
What have you done? Wasn't your craving enough to torture you? Why did everything have to end like this?
“Blimey....” The voice with a distinguished twang echoed.
Burying your teeth into your lips in order to stop the weeping, your disembodied hands wrapped solid around your shoulder blades, and your head shook in denial.
You couldn't turn back, you couldn't tell but also refused to confront the men's glimpse. Please allow you to be prone to vulnerability at this point, permit you to escape this devastating reality. You didn't want to admit but didn't want to suffer from being misunderstood either, but you lacked enough strength to undertake things proper anymore.
The sound of single-bell horns mounted on a steam locomotive and metal scraping across the rails served as an alarm. Glancing up at the mansion's turret clock, you knew this was the last trip, the train that your crew had to catch half an hour prior at a station roughly ten minutes distant by horseback from your current location.
"Damn it......Cap, we must make haste" The youngest dashed to grab the leather bag and urged the Captain.
It's already too late and topography was somewhat off your favorable side - no seashore nearby to afford a ship nor could you find any automobiles. The One-Four-One was still human, obviously their legs were not as resilient as Centaurs' and their biological physicals did not possess the gills that Sirens had to breathe underwater.
The only choice for you all was the arranged carriage on the train, and you had no intention of allowing it to stray away like that after faltering your squad.
Wiping away your tears, you stood up and shook your sodden wings. With a flap, you quickly headed towards the gentlemen and grabbed them by each foot, palms capturing the collars of the other two, avoiding the sharp claws from injuring the back of their necks. The suddenness caused Kyle and Soap to hug your hindlimbs tightly, terrified to open their eyes. Adjusting your fingers so as not to make Simon and Price breathless, you silently spread your wings and sped away, attempting not to make any excessive noises.
Finding a safe spot to land proved to be impossible, so you gently dropped the men onto the roof of the numbered train car and took off without sparring a word.
"Come back!" The blond's gruff voice barked out and he took a couple more strides forward as you remained silent, disappearing into the night.
"Ghost, we need to make our way inside…." The Captain placed his hand on the taller man's shoulder, causing his furious gaze to move downward, "….at once".
Soaked attires along with different size boots were dripping on the clean floor, the men entered their carriage right before the brass hat showed up to check their tickets. 
“This’s absurd, why did little lass not comin’ with us?” Soap’s voice cut across the carriage when they were left alone, “She’s plannin' to leave, 's she not?”  
“I believed tha’ remain to be seen” Kyle bluntly answered the eerie question. 
Price indicated them to be quiet with a finger to his lips before the talk devolved into a verbal dispute. The pensive silence made the room appear stuffy. Of course, they've noticed your abnormal behavior recently, but did not expect the outcome to be so hostile.
Your feathers shed more, you're easily startled by the slightest movement, and you started to avoid becoming acquainted with all four of them after a certain amount of time. The sleeves that you usually rolled up have been pushed down, displaying only your fingertips, although they're difficult to detect unless you're having meals together. 
Abruptly all eyes were drawn to the blond. Simon would undoubtedly have a better insight of the situation. However, this was not the ideal timing.
As Simon shut his lids and recalled the arrival of early spring, pangs of apprehension and remorse erupted inside him. You became reluctant to be near him, let alone shower together or sleep in the same bed. You refused looking him in the eyes whenever you both were in a conversation, but still, you reassured him that everything was fine.
For somebody's sake, the man wanted to punch himself so hard for not mucking in with the troubles you seemed to be undergoing. You were always there regardless of whether he had nightmares, always there if the crew needed encouragement or a soothing embrace, and always there when they sought assistance in tackling any issues. Yet when you struggled in anguish, they couldn't do anything but watch dumbfounded. 
The men had never seen this side of you before, so they were taken aback. When you brutally beheaded the footman and still managed to move gracefully while holding four adults, they wondered why the fairies agreed to secrete and allow mortals to exercise authority over their beautiful lands in the past.
You were the crystallization of a magnificent match between a Harpy and a Faun, which explained why you've got an exquisite gift and horns that the Aborigines didn't have.
When only a few dispersed varieties persisted, maintenance and survival became more essential than preserving the purity of each species after countless lives were sacrificed in that grueling purge. 
Over decades, more and more bloodlines combined, and flaws began to arise. With the law preventing cross-breeding, pristine matters similar to you fairies originated for a broad spectrum of purposes. If defiled, infants would bear the pitiful results when they're born and the frightening appearance which you owned was in fact an unanticipated consequence.
To make circumstances even more severe, you were forced to endure the mating seasons exhaustively and emotionally unstable since you grew up solitary, violently in the world that was not meant for kind races such as you.
Weeks in the sun cycles and centuries among thousands of moon orbits, ended up being captured to humor the wealthy mankind 'folks' - you've found a new home, one in which you sense shielded when you return, with no tendrils and tattered pieces of sack put together haphazardly. You meet the One-Four-One and the gentlemen treated you as if you were the family's smallest daughter, you've learned that humanity was not all obnoxious. And you were taught how to love.
The man you fell for was rugged but pretty with milky scars and handsome blond hair, he's affectionate though spiteful somehow. Perhaps most importantly, he has a special place particularly for you, only you. 
It made you thrilled by the fact that you both took time confiding in each other. No matter how hesitant you were, you expected to dedicate yourself to Simon this season, claiming his endearment and expressing your sentiments. Remarkably, you've put an end to everything. 
The moonlight was immensely bright so the dismal hallway was still illuminated without oil lamps, making it even simpler to conceal his massive figure. Simon loomed at the half-closed door to your chamber, it's been over a week since you left and the man hasn't slept at all. In other words, he refused to sleep, cautious of the magnitude of what might turn out without you by his side. 
The thoughts made his knuckles white from grasping the hilt of the knife. Sliding his other arm to the doorknob, he peaked inside to find all of your drawers laying on the floor, no sign of you. When the sounds of gingerly footsteps and the bizarre whistling breezes triggered Simon's instincts, he immediately assumed, no, hoped that you’re back, only to be disappointed. 
Discreetly entering the room and staring towards the open window, the man believed that it was perhaps a bunch of thieves who fled after they couldn't obtain any valuable goods. He sheathed the dagger after tugging down the cloth that's covering his lower face, then approached the feverishly blown curtains with the intent of wrapping them up but they succeeded in falling off from his grasp. Like there was some terrible impact, the drapes fluttered and slowly fell down after obscuring the scenery outside, standing out there, bare-footed on the balcony was you - glowing underneath the marvelous silky gleam, wings flexed widely to balance.
His head whipped up and yours tipped down, burnt chestnuts struck ambers, orbs widening.
Mouths moved in sync but no speech was heard. Time seemed to halt, breathing was labored and tremulous, chest heaving and gaze unwavering. 
Silent, awfully silent. 
Simon gulped hard and remained motionless as you brushed past him through the bumpy wooden door.
“Did ye come to admonish me?” You’re avoiding his presence, your tone was flat and mockery, back turned to him.
The man’s lack of response was not intentional, rather, he wasn't sure he followed you. The chilly air around as if millions of needles were pricking every cell in his shape made him realize he was not dreaming, you’re unharmed, he silently rejoiced.
“Where 'ave ye been?” The blond cautiously whispered, answered you with another question.
You huffed and shook your head frustratedly before directing your gaze towards a mountain of a man standing unfazed behind you. Your foot rhythmically tapped the ground, sounding clearly due to the awkward solitude, causing Simon to blink perplexed at your peculiar behaviour.
“Is tha’ a threat?”
“Wha’...?” The blond frowned. He couldn't fathom what you mean by that. Not to mention the unpleasant attitude of yours which successfully edged him.
It's only a typical question adhering to your prolonged absence. And a threat, what made you think that he’s threatening you?
“Wha’ do ye mean, ye were on my mind this whole ti-” 
“Oh don’t sell me a dog” You snapped, tongue poked into your cheek from inside of your mouth. Simon appeared startled, he understood nasty comments you could make at times, but this particular instance was just too much for him. 
With two bulky arms folded across the broad chest, the man inhaled deeply and approached you slowly, steely gazes never left yours - a warning. You haven't forgotten, just because Simon has a soft spot for you did not obligate him to pamper you always. You were doing this on purpose, and you knew he's aware of your intentions as well. Simon 'Ghost' Riley, a remorseless killer who was not to be messed with, cold-hearted and treacherous, the same as a phantom applied to him. 
But there was no other option, you had to push him away, as far as possible. 
“Look at me, luv” The blond’s low voice was almost inaudible, it was…..miserable and unpleased, which surprised you. 
With the others, Simon would not tolerate this insolence, and you remembered how much you enjoyed watching the plays out. Yet these calloused palms that have only performed dirty work here tenderly stroke your cheeks as though afraid of harming you, and those traumatized eyes this time sparkled with warmth that melted you and engulfed you irrevocably. 
This man was indeed a genius at making you feel like such a barb. He couldn't act like this, he's not allowed to. You could not withstand him being patient with you like this. No, you have to be tough, you’d not be willing to let the wall you've built be knocked down in such a hurry.
“‘M beggin ye, don’t chastise me like this” He plead, “Talk to me”
“Talk, ye said” You took a step back to escape the man's embrace and headed to your bed to begin packing, “From the man I have spent days with as a friend, I would have expected…more”. You paused for him to speak but he refused, so you continued, “More appreciation”
“What's exactly tha’ 'm not appreciating correctly?” 
“This!!” You expressed your anger with an elevated tone and lifted your arms to above your head, still being stubborn to not face him, “This goddamn circumstance….just why are ye so persistent?, 'm only tryin' to protect ye” From me, you wanted to shout out so bad.
“Do not call me by tha’ name” You threw the corset into the luggage on your mattress exaggeratedly.
“I understand tha’ ye found such subjects as love, or devotion….a-and affection or attachment were frivolous and cliché. Then why, when do ye care so much?” You stuttered and steadied your lungs, again, waiting for him to say something, “Damnit Si, if ye don’t open yer-”
“I once thought ‘bout leaving everything behind to search for ye” One of Simon's habits was to start a conversation out of the blue.
Just like a slap to your face. Zipped your lips immediately.
“I used to believe tha’ my entire existence had no meaning after my family was murdered cruelly tha’ night….” He took a step closer, “....until I met ye”.
“Ye freed me from this torment, making me long to curl up in yer puffy feathers. It was ye who persuaded me tha’ s’alright to be Simon, making me weak before yer loving eyes as ye observed my hideous wounds” The blond was rarely verbal, you had no clue he could form such ethereal sentences like these, “Yer soft lips, voice, and smile...I yearn for all of ye” 
The shorter the distance between the two of you, the more his voice trailed off. Few inches left, his shadow towered over you and the melody of his heart beating was so near because simply a slight lean back would anchor you in his solid chest. You could tell by the rapid breathing fanning on the top of your head that those words had taken a lot out of him. 
“Nights after nights…..I dream of ye” The man snaked his muscle arms around your waist as he lowered his lips and nibbled your earlobe.
“I did not ask for this, luv….” Thick accent grumbled to your sensitive neck, “To be plagued by these feelings”, he sniffed “To be deluded by this, nah, your scent”
"I burn for ye"
The blond has succeeded in making your goosebumps and plumes stand on end. From the most primitively, females were drawn to males' maneuvers and growls, especially whilst in estrus. Simon appeared to have found out what was causing your symptoms, and you'd lose your composure if he kept turning you on. 
Knowing that you're unable to squirm away, Simon's restless hands started wandering all over your body as you gritted your teeth in an attempt to stop him, though it was clearly futile.
“We’re two separated species.....divided by blood and conduct” You hissed, held your shivering arm up to his sight and tore off the fabric, revealing the ugly claws and black digits. “Ye saw me that night, Si…..I’m a monster, the creature ye’re supposed to despise, to spit on, to put a spear through its head” 
Who’d you expect to cosset you for who you truly are when your tone was broken as your eyes were full of contempt when pierced at yourself? 
That's why your wrist was abruptly snatched and brought back. Before you could react,  from the corner of your eye, you watched Simon's pink tongue poke out and mapped a moist line down your elbow to your middle finger. The man flipped your arm over and did the exact same action, rejecting to avoid areas where the scales protruded jaggedly. As he planted several more kisses on your pointed talons, his long lashes trembled and his glossed honey pupils beckoned you. 
“Oh?” The blond grumbled and his brows furrowed unpleasantly, you swore his tone just dropped an octave lower than usually.
Morals fabricated anecdotes and beliefs to serve as spiritual sustenance when they were led astray by diseases or decimated by catastrophes. Owing to the absence of Mother Nature and you fairies, who were no longer offering them protection.
Gods, Saints, and other vacant illustrations have no effect on Simon - his life ended up being an utter misery. Blood, sweat, and tears, so much mayhem that his mind felt as if it was shrouded in fog.
Then when the blond focused on you - your wet locks sticking to the pale skin and wings slumping in ache, skeletal hands holding your bare frame like you were soothing yourself, creating the most poetic painting which had already been tarnished by bloody white rose petals scattered across the entire surface.
You sat there, bursting into tears, elegantly blending in with your surroundings. 
A fallen angel, his one and sole true goddess.
How vulgar was Simon that your devastated stage caused his sheer shaft to twitch eagerly, making his fists clenched hard so as to restrain himself.
"Should I prove ye wrong, sweet thang?" To you, he wished to make amends.
Your lips parted in surprise, and your mouth dried out compared to a desert amid the scorching heat. O Almighty Nak, you didn't dare to affirm but this man wanted you just as badly as you desired him.
The Aborigines' knowledge and trickery were ineffectual at this point since with Simon, you were nothing further than an idiot, and you’ve never told falsehoods - so no doubt that you’d gladly concede that inferior status if he said please with these lustly eyes.
Being a man of action, Simon swiftly scooped you off your feet and spun you around. You yelped when he tore your trousers away, grasping his forearms and expanding your wings in response to the unannounced action but immediately withdrew your hands since you had pricked him bled.
Not that easy, the blond hooked your thighs over his shoulder blades then reached out for your palms to lay them against his scalp, not letting go until you obediently held him with your own strength. 
"Steady" he cooed, making your core stirred with ecstasy. Bulky arms supported your soft arsecheeks and held you close, the man used his teeth to pry the tunic's hem out of his way and started pressing his face deeper between your legs.
It's the steaming breath coming from underneath that you felt first, eliciting a tiny mewl from you. His lips - feasting greedily on your clit, and the bridge of his nose with care nudged your labias as his tongue began to stir your inside. A wave of fulfillment crashed into you, blurring your vision and you arched your back to grant him a better access. The man adjusted the angle and firmly placed his whole mouth over your dripping cunt, kneading your plumps harder while humming with awe as your slender fingers began to claim the initiative.
“Dearest….” You swallowed and tried your best to not buck your hips too much, “I-’m feelin’ empty, still”
“Such a needy bird, aren’t ye?” He teased, low chuckle sending vibration, earning a lewd gasp from you.
Simon was quick to give in. His two thick rough digits found their way, slipping in and out of your softness expertly, causing your chest to rise and fall quicker. Raising a palm to rub your stiff paps, your gummy walls clenching as the blond thoughtfully tended to your swollen clit that was thought to be forgotten by his thumb.
Overwhelmed, you buried Simon's mouth deeper to your lower body, nearly suffocating him. He intensified his tempo, encouraged by your heels putting more pressure on his muscular back, chasing your almost giving up from denying arousal. 
So despicable, so seductive.
"Wait!" Your scream came out at the volume of a whisper, but the man was satisfied by the intense shaking of your limbs. Rather than letting you go hurriedly, Simon took his time sucking on your fragile sex, letting you ride your high out onto his face.
What Simon has been craving for so long was this, the taste of your devine.
One last lazy and molten stripe over the entire of your pond, hole to your bud, and he slid you down. Face to face, the mixture of saliva and slick glistening on the masculine lower visage of his boiled your blood and your wings flapped in embarrassment.
"Look at ye, down right flushed" Spoken with a cheeky grin and you smacked his bicep playfully, "If I knew ye could make these chirpy sounds, would’ve given ye ma face sooner, darlin’" 
"How can a gentleman talk so foully?" You laughed impotently, urging Simon to drop you down.
Hesitantly, the man quietly lowered you tip-toed on his feet before unbuttoning and slid the piece of clothing down from your subtle flesh. Calloused palms nonchalantly glided over the keloid scar that spanned from your collarbone to your navel, leaving innumerable splits around the wound's margins. Similar to a mountain surrounded by inescapable, endless abysses.
"It's a crime for a gentleman to leave his woman unjolly" His voice sounded sorrowful.
You understand Simon wasn't envious of you like you did, and you realized that if he was volunteering to expose his flaws to you, suppressing yours must have concerned him greatly.
So gently guiding the man to sit on the edge of your bed, you knelt between his legs and helped him remove his outerwear after. The blond sought to stop you, but you gave him a meaningful look, stopping him instead.
"If so, will this gentleman accept a proper punishment?" With a defeated grumble, he lifted his hand to stroke his messy hair as you offered him a toothy smile. 
“Right…’m all yers” 
This surreal feeling, if only your mouth had made Simon so aflame, the man didn't know if he could restrain himself when he's actually inside you.
Wet and filthy, your long tongue curled around his manhood and refused to let go as your head bobbed back and forth steadily. Despite leaving the window open, the room was unbearably humid since the naughty sticky noises you made while picking up the pace to please him. He really didn't want to bliss at the moment, he wanted to fill your inside till your needs were whole.
That explained why he lifted you up and positioned you on his meaty thighs. Your eyes widened as Simon smashed your lips together, all teeth and tongue, sloppy and ravenous, much like the yearning you two shared. Sliding one arm back and folding it up to grip Simon's shoulder, you rested your knees on the mattress and pointed the tip of his cock by your other hand directly at your entrance before slowly sinking down.
You both had to stop and struggle to regain your respiration due to the intrusion, though you two were feverishly nibbling each other's lips. Couldn't deny that the blond's thing was indeed large, but your pussy wasn't that loose either.
“Am I hurtin’ ye, luv?” Simon asked as your face scrunched up.
“S’not yer doin’” You chuckled breathily, earning a low giggle from the man. 
Once you were moving, Simon gave you one loving cup on your cheek and one firmly on your waist to assist in keeping you stable. You tipped your head into that toasty palm, lips rejoined and hips rocked in sync, lazily built up layers of ecstasy. 
The discomfort faded and evolved into bliss. Panting, moaning, praising, too inebriated with one another, you were on the verge of orgasm, yet you wanted more.
This wasn't enough. More intense, faster, you needed to be more drunk in Simon, but your strength was diminishing.
"Retreat yer wings, birdie," the blond commanded, sort of, and your body solely listened in an unconscious practice.
Quickly switching places and pinning you underneath him, Simon brought your legs over his shoulder and waist before thrusting into your damped cunt furiously. He massaged your bosom and lapped the other side relentlessly, got your pap to swell to a gorgeous hue.
“This’s what ye want?” 
“For. My. Cock. To. Shove. Deep. Into thi’ -ha- greedy hole….eh?” The man accentuated every word. His sturdy torso was straight up, however his hips continued the frantic pounding which drew not only the wild sounds from where the two of you were bonding, but also the creaking of the bed became more and more audible.
Your jaw dropped and your head bounced back, releasing a barrage of sultry mewls that Simon had to force you to suck on his calloused fingers to get yourself shushed. As the man's cock repeatedly kissed your quivering womb, full authority and brutally, you bet that your capacity of thinking straight was far gone for now.
“A-ah, Simon…inside, plea-se, inside me….” Your eyes shut tightly and nails clutched to the headboard, the heated and stirring sensation within your abdomen left you urging for Simon’s thick load.
“Ye’re gonna be the goddamn death of me” The man exhaled shakily and glued his forehead to yours, sweaty figures attached and your walls clenching his shaft tightly as you both appeared to be nearing your climax.
At last, the hot creamy semen stream was fully stuffed directly into your uterus. Simon growled with satisfaction as he dragged his shaft out and watched his essence leaking from your puffy flower. Collapsing beside you and engulfing your weary body in his chest, the blond rubbed soothing circles over your back while waiting for you both to calm down after the previous mating.
“Si” You called out for him sleepily.
“Yes, dear”
“I’m yers” You stated, “Every inches of me, belongs to ye……I belong to ye”
“And ye’ve own my soul ever since that night on the cruise, little bird” 
You snuggled closer and he tilted your face up by your chin, giving you the most loving kiss you’ve ever experienced in your lifetime.
Stepping gingerly into the galley, Simon walked right behind you, hands refused to let go. You were only wearing a baggy tunic and the blond was half-dressed with his trousers and bare upper body. If Simon hadn't insisted on coming along, you would've been the only one presented here.
"Ye sure we won't meet the others at th---?" Your mumble was cut off, peering inside to see Kyle, Soap, and the Captain were enjoying the biscuits around the marble island. No, sneaking.
"S'that truly..." The dark-skinned boy spoke up, not believing his eyes.
Hardly for you to form any sentence, Johnny had raced over and picked you up with a thrilled smile, making you squeal happily. Price also chuckled warmly and embraced you over the shoulders as welcoming you back. Kyle also managed to function again and rushed to greet you.
Everything was enjoyable until Simon hauled you in and caged you between his bulky arms. He glared at the other gentlemen, drawing their attention to the hem of your shirt, which covered just above your mid-thighs. They cleared their throats and turned away, flushing as you simply chuckled and patted the arms holding you.
It's great to be back home.
Taglist: @shadowlali , @ghostlythots (aggressively crushing you guys to my breasts)
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