#deh drabble
pinklemonslices · 1 year
give me drabble ideas :3
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sochilll · 2 years
7. Gift + kleinsen
Prompt list
“Hey.” Jared leaned against the locker next to Evan’s.
“Hi.” Evan nodded, digging through a pile of lose papers, looking for a notebook. “Did you finish the project for Paulson?”
“Yeah.” Jared nodded. He had his hands behind his back.
“I didn’t. I still have to do the visual element and…” Evan trailed off, finally noticing Jared’s hands. “Why are you standing like that?”
“Um… I got you something.”
“You got me something.” Evan repeated, closing his locker slowly.
“Yeah. Like… a present. I got you a gift.”
“For… Christmas.” Jared shrugged.
“You don’t celebrate Christmas.” Evan said because he could articulate that better than ‘we’ve never gotten each other gifts why would you get me a gift?’
“Yeah okay. So it’s a Hanukkah present then.” He brought the gift bag out from behind his back and shoved it at Evan. “Or a Kwanzaa gift. Or a fucking winter solstice gift. Who cares? Just take it.”
Evan took it. “Do I open it now?”
“Sure. Whatever. I don’t care.”
“Okay.” Evan pulled out the tissue paper and reached into the bag. He drew out a leather bound book.
“It’s a sketchbook.” Jared said, before Evan could ask. “Cause you’re always fucking drawing on your notes and then I can’t read them when I want to copy. So I just figured if you had this you’d… you’d stop interfering with my cheating.”
He was making a joke to cover up the fact hat he had gotten Evan a genuinely kind and thoughtful gift. One of the most thoughtful gifts Evan had ever received. And Evan was just standing there, staring at the sketchbook in his hands, absolutely and completely speechless.
The bell rang. Jared cleared his throat. “Kay well… bye.” He turned and left.
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righteousdelusions · 2 years
Current goal i want to bury the top fandoms in my AO3's Fandoms list
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dalliesque · 6 months
'Satu Hari Di Bulan Juni'
satu hari di bulan juni — tulus
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✴ sypnosis "kamu cantik"
꒰ png ' jaehyun × fem!reader, drabble, bilingual drabble; Bahasa Indonesia × English cw ' — none wc ' 235+ words, not proofread .ᐟ ꒱
"kamu cantik" <you look beautiful> caught of guard, you look up from your book to meet his sweet, heart fluttering gaze.
"apaansih, mulai deh!" <tch, here we go again!> looking away flustered, a blush form on your cheeks.
"iya cantik." <yes pretty girl> jaehyun teases further, leaning in to caresses your pink cheeks. returning your gaze back to him.
"liatnya kesini dong cantik." <look at me love.>
"myungjae udah ah, ngeselin deh!" <myungjae stop, you're so annoying!> you whine sending him a pout, swatting his hands away from your face.
"ga pakai makeup aja kamu cantik banget, capek gasih jadi bidadari?" <not wearing a single makeup and you still look flawless, isnt it tiring to be an angel?> despite your plea for him to stop, jaehyun continues to pamper you with compliments.
you cover your face with a book as his praises for you continues to pour in. "myungjae~! stop ah!"
a chuckle leaves his soft lips, him grabbing the book to see your face as he stare lovingly. "gimana bisa berhenti? kamu terlalu cantik." <how could i stop? you're way too pretty.>
"i can hear your heartbeat from here, lucu"<cute> myungjae adds in a teasing manner, his sweet smile turning smug.
"iya kamu yang ga lucu" <yeah you're not funny at all> you kick his feet from below the table.
he laughs loudly at your antics holding your hand, rubbing it with his thumb soothingly, "well im not trying to princess"
join the gang here ⋅ ⋅ m.list
⌗ yuxi babbles𓂃 my fave b.indo song ever ㅠㅠ sidetracking from my series lol. I'm not tagging anyone here since it's a bilingual drabble :') also lucu in indonesian means both funny and cute!
© leehanascent do not copy | repost | translate my works with and without credits.
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mikedfaist · 5 months
this drabble is based on what i wrote here and i dedicate it especially to @ysuftmikey for being a babe and letting me live out my dreams
One thing I can never do is settle on a definitive timeline – they meet when he’s in Newsies, DEH, in 2023 when he was in London for BBM, but one thing I always come dragging myself back to is Newsies because I am a softy at heart.
As for their relationship, it’s very lowkey. Maybe some rumors start circulating when she’s seen attending multiple BBM shows, and once even wearing his Jets shirt, but she remains tightlipped. It doesn’t help her case one bit when she poses for a photo wearing his Phil’s Tire Town hoodie, but she digresses. The rumors will continue to rumor.
Also didn’t help much when she attended the London and LA premiere of Challengers, and skipping the carpet.
They didn’t get ready together for the MET, and the boys did arrive before her, so I imagine he’s fucking twiddling his thumbs waiting for her to arrive. Having a smoke outside, lingering by the front – away from the fucking press – and when she does finally show up, it’s chaos down below, and he’s blown away.
I also imagine when he and Josh are doing an interview, she walks by and says something like, “I like your radish!”
“Who’s going to tell her that isn’t a radish?”
It’s probably not until the after party where they can finally be together, and she’s probably a little drunk and dancing with him, sharing some kisses. I can also imagine they go off on a vacation now since the press tour is over, because they have nearly a month to make up for.
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kurohimenoir · 4 months
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Among Us
Animasi "BoBoiBoy" beserta seluruh karakter di dalamnya adalah milik Monsta©
Fan fiksi "Among Us" ditulis oleh kurohimeNoir. Penulis tidak mengambil keuntungan material apa pun atas fan fiksi ini.
Superhero!AU. Family-Suspense. Maybe OOC. Drabble (Words count: 547).
"Jadi ... buat apa kita ngadain rapat darurat begini?"
Halilintar menaikkan sebelah alisnya. Dia dan kelima saudara kembarnya tiba-tiba dihubungi oleh Taufan via ponsel, di tengah kesibukan masing-masing. Lantas diminta berkumpul di rumah selepas kegiatan hari ini.
Gara-gara itu, Halilintar jadi gagal mencoba menu mie pedas baru di kedai langganannya. Saudara-saudaranya yang lain pun tampaknya harus mengorbankan rencana awal mereka. Semua demi permintaan Taufan, yang di telepon tadi tumben sekali terdengar begitu serius.
"Aku mendengar ini dari Fang," Taufan memulai. "Mungkin ... ada penipu di antara kita."
Taufan memandang berkeliling dengan ekspresi serius. Sementara, saudara-saudaranya hanya menanggapi dengan tatapan datar. Kecuali Duri yang memiringkan kepala, dan Gempa yang mengerutkan kening.
"Hah?" Halilintar yang menyahut. "Maksudnya apa? Ngomong yang jelas."
"Kak Hali ingat, 'kan, akhir-akhir ini ada supervillain yang mengincar para superhero?" Taufan mulai menjelaskan.
"Maksudmu ... Reverse?"
"Hmm~" Ice—yang merebahkan kepala di meja—tanpa terduga menanggapi ucapan Halilintar. "Aku masih heran, kenapa mukanya mirip kita. Memangnya kita masih punya kembaran kedelapan, Kak?"
"Ish. Mana ada?" Gempa yang menyahut. "Anak-anak Ayah hanya kita bertujuh, Elemental Brothers."
"Terus, Reverse itu siapa, dong?" tanya Blaze.
"Impostor?" celetuk Duri tiba-tiba.
Halilintar mengerutkan kening. "Kamu tahu kata itu dari mana?"
"Dari Solar."
Semua mata sontak memandang Solar.
"Apa?" Solar pasang tampang songong. "Dia memang meniru penampilan kita, 'kan? Aku menduga, dia punya semacam kekuatan untuk meniru wajah orang lain."
"Fang juga bilang gitu, sih," komentar Taufan. "Tapi intinya, Fang bilang, dia sempat mengikuti Reverse untuk menguak identitasnya. Dan ternyata ... Reverse masuk ke kompleks perumahan sini!"
Informasi ini jelas mengejutkan semua saudara Taufan.
"Hah? Kapan?!"
"Semalam." Taufan mengangkat bahu sejenak. "Fang kehilangan jejak di gang sepi, sih. Tapi lalu dia ingat, kita juga tinggal di daerah sini, makanya dia berpikir mungkin Reverse masuk kemari."
Halilintar dan adik-adiknya saling pandang.
"Tapi kan ... Reverse itu rambutnya putih," kata Blaze kemudian. "Dan ada hitamnya sedikit. Kebalikannya kita, 'kan?"
"Kalau benar dia punya kemampuan berubah wujud, sih, itu nggak masalah," sahut Solar.
"Solar betul juga." Blaze memandang berkeliling. "Berarti ...."
Sekali lagi, para elemental bersaudara saling pandang. Kali ini tatapan mereka bernoda curiga.
"Solar," sentak Halilintar tiba-tiba. "Semalam kau di mana?"
Solar mengerutkan kening. "Kau mencurigaiku?"
"Solar semalam sama aku," Duri yang menyahut. "Soalnya, Solar bantuin aku bikin rancangan buat taman baruku."
"Iya, aku lihat mereka sibuk sejak sore." Blaze sedikit bersungut-sungut. "Padahal mau kuajak main bola. Ice juga tidur melulu. Nggak asyik~"
"Oke, dan kayaknya kamu memang Blaze, deh." Taufan terkekeh kecil. "Dan Ice juga, sama aja kayak Ice yang biasa. Nggak ada yang mencurigakan."
"Aku, Taufan, dan Gempa juga semalam istirahat lebih cepat karena capek," Halilintar berkata.
Taufan mengangguk. "Karena kita bertiga sekamar, aku bisa memastikan itu."
Hampir berbarengan, ketujuh elemental menghela napas.
"Udah, udah," Gempa menengahi. "Mungkin Fang hanya terlalu khawatir. Bisa juga, 'kan, Reverse itu mengelabuhinya, lalu melarikan diri."
Semua setuju dengan Gempa. Karena hari sudah makin sore, mereka memutuskan segera menyiapkan makan malam. Hari ini giliran Halilintar dan Taufan yang memasak. Gempa tetap tinggal di ruang keluarga tempat mereka berkumpul. Sedangkan adik-adiknya yang lain kembali ke kamar.
Ketika sudah tak ada siapa-siapa di sekitarnya, mendadak Gempa terkekeh samar.
"Kemampuan berubah wujud, ya?" pemuda itu bermonolog. "Sayang sekali, tapi kalian salah."
Senyum samar Gempa perlahan berubah menjadi seringai. Seiring rambutnya yang perlahan memutih, dengan hanya menyisakan sedikit warna hitam di bagian depan.
"Karena Reverse ... adalah aku."
* Author's Note *
Halo, haiii ... Noir di sini~ \(^o^)
Salam kenal buat seluruh penghuni fandom BoBoiBoy di Tumblr. Aku baruuu aja bikin akun di sini & coba-coba posting fanfik. Sebelumnya, biasa nulis fanfik juga di FFN dan AO3. Ada juga beberapa fanfic yang cuma publish di FB. Nah, sekarang, aku mau bawa hasil karyaku ke sini juga.
Sekarang tentang fic ini, Among Us, nggak ada hubungannya sama gim daring yang sempat ngetren itu, sih, wahahaha ....
Intinya, ada 'Reverse' di antara para Elemental kitaa~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ *yha*
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sothetherogue · 1 year
Dear Evan Hansen found me.
So now that the tour is closing as well, I’ve been kind of reflecting on why I enjoy Dear Evan Hansen so much. Why it was a show, out of all of the shows I’ve been fortunate enough to see, I connected with so much. So. Here are some incoherent drabbles on it from me.
The first, and probably most obvious thing, is that for much of High School – I felt like Evan. Like I was kind of always on the outside looking in, just hoping that someone would want to include me in what they were doing. I’ve long since left HS but in a way I often still feel that way. I always feel like for a lot of people I am their afterthought. Family, friends, work – I’m the guy no one is thinking “Oh he has to be there!” I just get tossed the pity invite when they remember. Is a lot of that in my head? Yeah probably – But hey Anxiety really make a fool of me.
I spent a lot of time around that age, and even to an extent now, wishing I had more friends. I spent time playing World of Warcraft and imagining what it would be like to have a group of friends to go to a dance with, thinking what it would be like if I could built up the courage to talk to a guy I liked. In college I spent a lot of time thinking the friends I was with were just too polite to tell me to leave. A lot of that carries with me now. Just waiting for the moment everyone decides I have overstayed my welcome and asks me to leave. Always planning out interactions in the hope of making sure they go well do that people will like me. Just – I really saw myself in him as a character.
In a way, I also had my own big lie that I was telling to everyone. Obviously, a very different lie, but one that shaped everything around me and eventually came crashing down. I’ve known I was gay for a really long time. There were a lot of mistakes made around it – but growing up in the Lutheran School system, telling people was just something I felt could never do. There are a lot of moments from my life that I feel were taken from me because I’d either step out of the sun, or hit the breaks before I turned the key.
I know DEH isn’t a “Coming out” story in that sense, but the way it paralleled my own life is something I can’t stop thinking about. Having a mom who always tried to do her best for me, but because she didn’t actually know the support I needed ended up coming up short? It’s scary how similar it was. I even went to therapy for a time, but it was Christian based therapy. I’m not knocking it as a concept – but the thing that was bringing me down I couldn’t talk about SO….it didn’t help. And the lie I told everyone, that I convinced myself was true as well because I wanted it to be true for so long. I pretended to be straight, date girls, do all the things so that no one would know how “Broken” I was deep down. How broken I found myself. Everything seemed fine on the surface, but deep down I was really hurting.
When I heard “Words Fail” I was reminded so much of when I finally started to admit the truth to myself and other people. I didn’t know how to say it, and usually was just reduced to tears. The lyrics
This was just a sad invention
It wasn't real, I know
But we were happy
I guess I couldn't let that go
I guess I couldn't give that up
I guess I wanted to believe
'Cause if I just believe
Then I don't have to see what's really there
No, I'd rather pretend I'm something better than these broken parts
Pretend I'm something other than this mess that I am
'Cause then I don't have to look at it
And no one gets to look at it
No, no one can really see
'Cause I've learned to slam on the brake
Before I even turn the key
Before I make the mistake
Before I lead with the worst of me
I never let them see the worst of me
'Cause what if everyone saw?
What if everyone knew?
Would they like what they saw?
Or would they hate it too?
Will I just keep on running away from what's true? .....
Like. They might as well have just held a mirror up to my face.
I had told some people before I ever told anyone in my family. To be honest, telling my mom was not how I wanted it to go. It was similar to Heidi and Evan too. We were in a fight about something silly. I had forgotten to get something out of my trunk she needed and drove to work with it. I remember sitting in my desk at 9 am sobbing because this was it. This was how I was going to tell her. I finally texted her the words “I’m gay” and that pretty much shut down the rest of the day for me. I called my friend Lily in the stairwell – I don’t even know if I got coherent words out to her – Before I drove home and laid in bed catatonic for 6 hours until my mom got home. All of this culminated in our own “So Big / So Small” moment – And while I don’t think she handled it perfectly (Not mad BTW) it was a turning point for me.
I could finally stop pretending I was someone else in the hopes that people would like the persona I had created, and not the one that was real that I wanted to hide. I was me. And that was enough. It was time to step in to the sun.
When I finally saw the play in 2021 I was immediately taken with it for the above reasons and more. It was another catalyst for me to start making changes in my life, as I realized I was still not being the full me – and I have been changing that. I have been fortunate enough to see the tour 4 separate times, and every time I see something new and while it is sad it is ending, it will be something I always remember.
So – when I say this play meant a lot to me I really mean it. I might have taken something from it completely different from someone else – and I wish I had found it so much sooner, but thank you Dear Evan Hansen for finding me.
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woenever · 2 years
again; neomark drabbles.
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“di sini bagus lightning-nya,”
neo berhasil berhenti di satu spot dia berdiri setelah sedari tadi tangannya tak henti-henti membawa ponselnya ke sana kemari. alasannya bukan lain karena kekasihnya itu mau unggah foto di instagram.
alih-alih menengok ke arah kamera, figur lucu di hadapan neo itu justru mencebikkan bibirnya. neo sendiri punya banyak jam di dunia buat kekasihnya, tapi dia nggak punya waktu buat diam dan biarkan pemandangan tadi sekedar tersimpan di kepala.
“bagus nggak?” pertanyaan retoris. neo nggak langsung jawab, tapi dia ketuk simbol hati di ponselnya sebagai pengingat untuk fotonya dijadikan wallpaper nanti.
“bagus, sayangku.”
suasana hati mark meninggi. pemuda kelahiran juni itu ada di puncak tertinggi bahagia tiap kali diberi panggilan tadi. neo yang paling paham cuma tersenyum penuh kemenangan, sebab mark terlihat semakin menggemaskan ketika salah tingkah.
“manyun sekali lagi dong,” pinta neo setelah bokongnya didudukkan di samping mark yang tengah sibuk dengan ponsel sendiri.
“bayar kali ah, request mulu.”
seperti biasanya, mereka berdua susah kalau bahas yang serius-serius aja.
“siul tanpa manyun bisa nggak kamu?” pertanyaan neo dibalas tatapan apaan sih sama mark, dan neo cuma balas tertawa. “beneran deh. kalo kamu bisa siul tanpa manyun, nanti aku beliin barang apa aja yang kamu mau.”
oh, buat yang satu ini, mana mungkin mark menolak. yang ada justru sebelah kakinya kini dilipat di atas tempat yang dia duduki, selagi badannya beralih menghadap neo yang menatap antusias.
harusnya mark paham siasat neo yang selalu ada-ada aja itu, tapi rasanya mustahil buat menghindar. lebih-lebih lagi ketika hadiahnya nggak bikin rugi.
harusnya, final mark ada di embusan napasnya yang tinggal dia buat sepersekian detik lagi. tapi aksinya terhambat oleh neo yang lebih dulu curi kecupan ringan sebersamaan dengan kedua belah bibirnya yang mengerucut tadi.
“sialan.” mark reflek mengumpat sambil tangannya mendorong pundak neo untuk menepi. sementara pemuda di hadapannya tertawa terbahak tak henti-henti.
mark yakin wajahnya sekarang semerah ceri, tapi dia tutup-tutupi dengan alisnya yang sengaja dibuat menukik di tengah-tengah perbatasan dahi.
“awas nanti lucunya ilang kalo ngambek,” jari-jari neo menggelitik dagu empunya tangan yang mendorongnya lagi.
“waras lo kali ilangggg,” omel mark lagi. tapi kali ini ada kekehan di ujung kalimatnya. “diliatin abang-abangnya noh di sana!”
kalau buat neo, seenggaknya abang-abang tadi tahu kalau manusia lucu di hadapannya itu cuma milik dia. kalau buat mark mungkin lain lagi.
“nggak suka ah diliat orang kaya gini. bilang-bilang dong kalo mau cium, biar bisa cari tempat sepi.”
biar lebih enak ciumannya.
lebih jelasnya kalau diterjemahkan begitu. tapi mana mau mark bilang gamblang di saat-saat seperti ini. apalagi sebut kalau dia sebetulnya mau lagi.
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datingdonovan · 4 months
Hey! I wish you well. I don't have a lot of experience with sending requests, but I really liked 10:45am. Do you have any intentions of making a sequence? If you do, would you mind tagging me? I just started reading Haikyuu × Reader content again, and Yamaguchi has always been my favourite (and it's always a bit difficult to find real gender neutral content for him) so 10:45am is just so sweet and cute. I'd love to see more of it.
— Hunter.
omg, Hunter! This is so sweet. Thank you for the note. I used to be much more involved in the hq fandom and actually recently sort of started posting my little writings again, so I really miss interacting with people and this note was such a welcome surprise! I ended up writing kind of a long explanation/series of thoughts in response so im gonna put a read more just to be respectful of the dash lol
I'm glad you like the gn reader - I do really try to do that and I'm so glad it was a positive side of the ficlet for you. Sometimes I slip up because I'm usually just inserting myself - ha ha - but with all my newer fics I do really try hard not to overly gender the reader!!!
I didn't have any intention of continuing on that particular piece, but I am going through a yamaguchi phase so might end up writing more for him in general. I do have a longer fic or potentially a series in mind that focuses on yamaguchi x reader over the course of a long road trip, with tsukki as reader's ex, so some similar themes there. also, I drafted and never finished a longer fic/series with a slightly similar situation to 10:45am, but with Suna (idk if you like him but if you liked the general situation it might appeal), and I am debating on whether or not to post some of that to my blog even if I end up never finishing it lol.
right now I am knee deep in writing a very long deh fanfic so I am not really sure if any of my longer hq fic ideas will come to fruition anytime soon, but if there are any other characters or situations you like let me know and I may have a drabble in my drafts - I feel like I'm probably more inclined right now to write short hq things than a longer, more involved fic, just since I'm already wayyyyy on that for my deh fic lol. here is my mini masterlist of hq ficlets (not updated since like last year lol before I started writing again for hq again recently), but you may want to give it a look and see if there are other boys you like - at some point i started to get into writing for boys that I felt were sort of underrated/random, so there might be something that catches your eye. let me know your thoughts bc I have never really taken requests but I'd be open to giving it a try sometime hahaha! but like I said I've had yamaguchi massively on the brain lately, so if you want I can also tag you in other random things I end up writing for him if you want! thank you so much for the message this was so sweet and I'm so glad you liked the piece :) <3
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ticklishraspberries · 6 years
for the drabble thing, could you do evan x jared, 8?
drabble prompts - no longer accepting!!
8. “I’ll stop when you stop laughing!”  - thanks for the prompt!!
Jared rarely let down his walls around anyone, but Evan had become a special exception to his rule. You’d think that meant he was sweet and serious with his boyfriend, but it was actually not the case.
Jared didn’t hide behind his joking nature, it was simply a part of him that Evan seemed to bring out more, not less.
So it was surprise to find the two in silly situations such as this one.
“Jared, please!”
“Please what, my dear?”
If Evan wasn’t already bright red, the nickname would’ve made him blush. “Stohop!”
“Stop what?”
“Stop tickling me!”
Jared put on a fake look of concern. “Oh, I’m so sorry! Does this tickle? I had no idea, you should have said something earlier! I have to make sure I never do it again, so tell me: does this tickle? Or this? What about here, are you ticklish here?”
Evan couldn’t reply to any of the ridiculous rhetorical questions through his laughter, and simply said “Stop!” once again before dissolving into a whole new wave of hysterics as Jared switched between tickling his stomach, sides, and neck.
“I’ll tell you what, babe. I’ll stop when you stop laughing,” Jared said, an evil grin plastered on his face.
“That’s soho mean!”
Jared shrugged. “All is fair in love and war.”
Evan didn’t think he could stop laughing if he tried, but Jared’s secret soft side came out as he slowed his tickling to gentle scratches, giving Evan a break while still being a teasing piece of shit.
And, eventually, Evan managed to hold his breath and keep his giggles at bay for a few seconds, and Jared oh so graciously kept his promise.
Evan would be lying if he said he hated Jared’s silly side.
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Omegle (Jared Kleinman x Reader)
Warnings: none
Request: Idk if this is stupid or not but I randomly thought of Jared x reader where they're both bored so they go on omegle and end up being put together and they're surprised at first but then they really get to know each other more than just people who go to the same school ya know and fluff fluff fluff!
Another Friday night at home, alone, with no plans or friends to hang out with. You scrolled through Snapchat and watched stories, seeing the parties happening right now that you weren’t cool enough to be at and seeing which friends of yours were hanging out at the moment without you. Closing out of the app you sighed and pulled your laptop into your lap, pulling up YouTube and going through your subscriptions, even though you already did that an hour ago and their were no new videos uploaded since then. You clicked through your bookmarked tabs in an effort to find something to do when you were brought to Omegle. It’s been a while since you’ve messed around on here, you’ve decided, so so start typing in tags for different artists you liked and video games you played. Grabbing your headphones and plugging them in and setting them comfortably on your ears, you clicked the start chatting button and adjusted your laptop’a camera angle and the mic on your headphones. The first person you met was a kid who looked to be about seven. You exited from talking to him, not wanting to spend your night talking to a random kid who’s parents don’t monitor their computer time enough. Another video chat was generated, and you were met with an acne-faced girl with cliche blue fringe. You saw you had an interest in All Time Low in common. The two of you chatted for a while until she left out of nowhere, leaving you to move on to another stranger. The next stranger didn’t have a face, and so the camera was panned to his fully erect dick. You clicked to exit that chat quicker that you had for anything. Hesitantly, you gave it another shot and the camera opened to a familiar face.
“Hey, do I know you?” You said immediately. The boys face twisted in confusion before lighting up slightly.
Stranger is typing...
Hey! Yeah, bio class, Mr. Whitney...
Stranger is typing...
Gimme a sec and I’ll get my mic on
He left the screen for a moment as he reached down to grab what you assumed was a pair of headphones with a mic attached. You were correct, as you watched him unplug his earbuds and replace them with the bulkier headphones, adjusting the mic angle before pressing a button on his computer before you heard the subtle static and the sound of his high pitched voice.
“Hey, can you hear me?” He asked, you confirming by giving him two thumbs up.
“Yup, Hey, it’s Jared right?”
Jared nodded, “Yeah, and your name is... Y/N?” You nodded, too enthusiastically you decided and cringed slightly. “So, no big Friday night parties or orgies you have planned?” He asks, laughing somewhat evilly afterwards.
You giggle, “Not this Friday, I’m not much of a party gal anyway, but next Friday I do have an orgy so if you planned on coming back every Friday at the same time in order to find me again, you’re out of luck,” you shrug and grin at him while he laughs again and sarcastically slaps his knee and snaps.
“Well damn, there goes that plan, guess I’ll have to just stick with seeing the back of your head in bio class every day.”
“What a shame, I know you were really looking forward to seeing me every Omegle trip and getting a break from the faceless dicks.”
“I mean your face is an upgrade after the micropenis I just ran into.” You giggle and blush slightly despite knowing it was just a simple joke, not that Jared could see your blush anyway through the crappy webcam.
“So what about you, Mr. Kleinman, no parties for you on this Friday night?” You tease back to him.
He shakes his head, “I don’t know if you know this about me, but I don’t really get invited to parties. I think it’s because they know I’ll be too wild for their middle school level parties anyway.”
“Oh I’m sure that’s the reason,” you chuckle back.
“Are you doubting that I’m a badass, hardcore, part goer!?” He speaks with mock offense.
“I don’t know, am I?” You reply with a similar mocking tone, “Now, would I do such a thing?”
“Yes, you most definitely would do such a thing!” He lets out an obnoxious laugh, “I’ll have to show you a good time someday, show you that I am a party animal.”
You smile back to him through the screen, “I think I’d like that, tiger,” you giggle, questioning where ‘tiger’ came from but rolling with it anyway. He growled and pawed with his hand in response, cringing at his own actions as you had your words. The both of your burst out in laughter afterwords, doubling over and wiping tears from your eyes.
”Man, that almost makes my calling you ‘tiger’ not cringy.“
”Oh, shush, that was still cringy.“ The two of you laugh and talk for what feels like minutes but is in actuality hours. Your conversation doesn’t stop until you notice the sky changing colors outside your window and check the time.
”Holy shit, did we talk all night? It’s like four in the morning, god I’m gonna be tired all day,“ you groan but still giggle at the fact that the two of you had a conversation about memes for the past hour.
”As much as I really would love to stay and chat,“ you say reluctantly, ”I really should get at least a couple hours of sleep before it’s too late and I have to go through my Saturday with no sleep.“ Jared face drops slightly in genuine disappointment.
”Okay, but at least give me your number, we can continue this conversation sometime.“ He’s awkward when he asks, and it’s clear that he’s making an attempt to flirt but you’re oblivious to it. You read off your number to him and he takes it down in his phone, yours dinging a moment later.
You give him a tired grin and yawn, ”Good night, Jared, or, good morning, rather.”
You both giggle, ”Good night.“ he replies and you close out of the site, shutting your laptop and placing it on your desk before crawling back into bed. You grab your phone to open the message you got from Jared, seeing it was a meme that you declared was one of your favorites earlier in the evening. You smile, adding his name to a new contact under the name Jare with a robot emoji and a blushing smiley face emoji.
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imagines-dreams · 7 years
Thank You for Her - Connor Murphy Drabble
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mentions of death and a bit of insecurity
Summary: The day after the funeral, you and your boyfriend decide to visit her grave.
Word Count: 784
You took a deep breath as the car came to a slow stop. The day before, you put someone you loved in the ground, and it still haunted you. She was gone. Visiting her wasn’t talking on the phone or going to her house anymore. It was visiting her grave. The flowers in your grips bent against your fingers.
A hand covered your fists.
You lifted your head to meet Connor’s eyes.
Unlike you, Connor’s eyes weren’t filled with tears, but they were red from crying that morning. He hadn’t known her for long, but he knew her long enough to realize how special of a person he was
“This sucks,” you stated plainly.
Your boyfriend nodded. “I know.” He leaned over to kiss your head. He sighed against your hair. “We can go back, if you want.”
You shook your head. “We both know I have to do this.”
With that, Connor nodded. He got out of the car and held out a hand for you.
You smiled, took his hand, and stepped out of the car. From where Connor parked, you two didn’t have to walk far to get to her grave.
The grass was still lumpy, and there were still many flowers from before There was even a fresh bouquet. Someone else must’ve gotten there before you. You took a deep breath as tears began to burn against your vision You took a deep breath and set down the flowers. “Hi,” you whispered. “I’m back.” You stood back up and leaned against Connor.
Your boyfriend wrapped one arm around you and pulled you to his side. “Good to see you again,” he whispered. He blinked back his tears. “I hope you approve that I’m still dating her. She’s amazing, and I can’t help being near her.”
You laughed and kissed his cheek. “Don’t worry. He’s taking good care of me. You already saw yesterday when…” You held your breath as the memories dropped on you like a boulder. You remember closing the casket. You remember falling to wall and feeling so heavy and so empty at the same time, like some had carved and gutted you and filled you with tar. You remember crying as the casket was lowered into the ground. You remember seeing others break down and feeling their pain along with yours.
You held a hand up to your mouth and tried to stifle your sobs. You let Connor support you as he shed a few tear of his own. “I miss you,” you whimpered. You closed your eyes and tried to breathe through your congested nose. When that failed, you opened your mouth to inhale and say, “I miss you so much.” You smiled. “Thank you, though. For everything.”
Connor wrapped both arms around you in a feeble and useless attempt to prevent pain from touching you. It broke him to know that no matter how tightly he held you or how much he kissed your head, he couldn’t take away the pain.
He felt so fucking useless. How was he supposed to help you with something he couldn’t fix? Connor had doubted himself before, several times, but when she died, he knew he couldn’t protect you. He knew it the moment the emotion was sucked out of your eyes and the color drained from your cheeks.
Your boyfriend’s chest burned with the insecurities he carried. He loosened his grip on you and hoped that someone else you knew was on the way to the grave. Maybe that someone could help you more than he could.
When Connor’s presence faded, you gasped and pulled him closer. You needed him to hold and to cry with. So you just nuzzled your head into his chest and trusted that he wouldn’t mind the stains later.
Stains and the dam shirt were the last things Connor was thinking about when you pulled him back. He hugged you tighter and closed his eyes. “Thank you,” he mouthed in a moment of weakness and strength. “For her.” He kissed your head again and rubbed your back as he tried to help you bear the pain.
You just let the tears flow as memories kept on flashing. Her smile. Her voice. Her wit. You had to keep fighting. You knew that. For Connor For her. For yourself. You pressed your cheek against Connor’s chest and smiled at the grave. “I love you.” You sniffed. “I will make you proud.”
So, in silence, the two of you stood there, holding each other and whispering words into the wind, and even though it did indeed hurt, you two knew that with each other, the pain would be bearable. After all, it’s what she would’ve wanted.
Doing better because now I can write stuff like this without crying, so definitely better. Which is good. I hope to feel better and soon ok again. I visited her grave today, and I thought of this. Hopefully, its ok. and hopefully soon I’ll actually feel fine and start writing those requests!
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thedoodlezoo · 7 years
Click (Jared x Reader Drabble)
(A/N: So I had a problem with my computer and freaked out and had to write this?? IDK. Enjoy.)
Summary: You go to your tech whiz best friend/crush after your computer starts acting up
You groaned as you read the screen. Had you gotten a virus? You hadn’t done anything shady on your computer, and it was fine when you’d turned it off.
You were determined to fix it, and as soon as possible. You probably could have attempted to do it by yourself, but were too panicked and afraid you’d make it worse. Luckily, your best friend was a “master of all things with a power button”, or so he claimed. Whipping out your phone, you shot Jared a text, begging that he walk you through the process.
J-Rad: I’ll do you one better. Be there in ten.
You smiled as more dots showed up on the screen.
J-Rad: You better order my everything pizza, though :l
Rolling your eyes, you couldn’t help but grin. Jared liked weird food. You ordered it anyway, grateful that he was helping out in the first place.
True to his word, there was a knock at the door ten minutes later.
“It’s open!” You yelled, coming to the door to greet him with a sideways hug.
“So, [name], computer problem?” Jared asked, plopping on the couch in front of your laptop. For once, he seemed to be eager to work.
“Yeah, it’s-”
“Oh, you just have to rebuild the MBR!” He scoffed, as if that hadn’t already been determined or it meant something to you. “Check it,” he focused on the screen, tongue sticking out as he worked. He mumbled things like “go to advance options….backslash…bootrec…” and you watched in awe.
“You’ve got skill, Kleinman,” you chuckled, head practically on his shoulder from how you were positioned next to him.
“Well, don’t thank me yet. Should be done with one…more thing ,” Jared hit the enter button confidently, and the screen went black. You’d hoped it was only rebooting, but the pizza came before you could ask.
“Here we are,” you put the cardboard box on the table, and Jared doesn’t even wait for a plate before sinking his teeth into a slice.
“Shit, that’s hot!” He whined as you handed him a plate.
It wasn’t a practically glorifying moment for either of you. Jared was sticking out his tongue with a frown, sure that it was burnt. You were bent over your laptop, eyes tired and heart beating as you waited for something to happen.
Nonetheless, the two of you made eye contact as the computer chimed.
“It…it worked!!” You grinned, squealing happily as you threw your arms around Jared. “I’m so happy I could kiss you!!” You exlaimed, and your best friend went redder than the pepperoni on his pizza.
“I mean,” Jared rubbed the back of his neck, looking up at you, “that wouldn’t be all that bad,” he shrugged.
He didn’t know why he was so flustered. Every day, he did things that most teens his age couldn’t. Academic feats. Technological advances. He even dabbled in the culinary world, even if he wasn’t all that great.
In that moment, though, it seemed perfect. Like something had…clicked.
Next thing you knew, you were on top of Jared Kleinman. Heck, you were kissing Jared Kleinman.
“[Name]?” He sat up, catching his breath.
“Uh huh?” You bit your lip. Had you done something wrong?
“Do you wanna, I dunno, go out bowling or something later? Whatever teens do for fun these days?” Jared chuckled.
You nodded, pressing another kiss to his suprisingly soft lips.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Now come on, your pizza is getting cold,” you giggle, burying your head in his chest.
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if anyone wants a little drabble, I’m procrastinating and could use something to do, so shoot me an ask?
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Two Scary People Arguing
For @bees-taste-good ! Sorry this is super short!
"Oh whatever, Murphy. We both know Christine is cuter than Michael." Heather Chandler huffed as she held Christine's hand.
Connor, rolling his eyes, put an arm around Michael and glared at the girl in red. "Shut up, Heather, it's not like I said Christine wasnt cute. It just so happens Michael is cuter!"
Michael and Christine were looking at each other, trying not to laugh at the fight going on.
"Chrissy, give me a minute I'm going to fight a bitch." Heather Chandler bent down slightly to kiss Christine's cheek, leaving a lipstick mark.
"Babe noooo-" Christine giggled out and put a hand on her cheek that Chandler kissed, blushing brightly.
"I can kiss too, you buffoon!" Connor huffed at the blonde girl before pulling Michael into a kiss, making the boy in the red hoodie smile and blush.
"Guys guys," Michael laughed and got in the middle of Heather Chandler and Connor. "What if we just agree that both me and Christine are adorable?" he suggested.
Connor and Heather Chandler looked at each other for a second before nodding and both letting out an "Ugh, fine.."
Christine hugged onto Heather Chandler and Michael held hands with Connor, them all now being mostly content. However, Chandler and Connor occassionally letting out a strong suggestion one was better than the other.
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jaredxevan · 7 years
Can you do either 16 or 20?
16: “I’m trying, can’t you see? Isn’t that enough for you?”
written by rousseau, @neglectedrainbow
“Evan, you have to go.” Jared’s sitting across the room, his arms crossed over his chest. “You can’t just avoid it.”
“I’m not avoiding it.” Evan picks at bits of his shoes, peeling at pieces of the decrepit plastic sole. “I went-I went last week?” All Dr. Sherman did was lecture him about not writing more of those goddamn letters. He can’t take another sixty minutes of that.
Jared huffs, his arms crossing over his chest, his jaw set. “Evan. Please, just… Therapy isn’t something you can just…just-”
“I’m not.” Evan begins to pick at his nails instead, his eyes lowered.
Jared walks over to Evan, standing above him. “I don’t get it.” He pauses, his eyebrow furrowing. “Do you just not want to get better?”
Evan’s eyes immediately flicker upwards, before returning to the ground. His throat feels like it’s slowly restricting. Second by second the grasp grows tighter. “I do. I am. Cancelling one little session isn’t gonna change that. I just-I can’t go today. It’s-it’s too much.”
It’s all too much. It’s all always been too much. He grinds his teeth together, trying not to have this conversation again.
“Evan,” Jared repeats, and, honestly, that’s when something within the younger boy snaps. Jared’s been repeating his name all evening, always in this particular tone of voice, like he’s talking to a child.
He crosses his arms over his chest, mimicking Jared’s posture, his eyes fixed on a point just slightly left of Jared’s shoulder. “What?”
“It’s not good for you.”
Evan pushes himself to his feet, walking over to the other side of the room, away from Jared, far away, trying to push away his thoughts. They’re all racing a million miles an hour, flying past him at the speed of light. Evan, Evan, Evan, it’s not good for you, do what I say, go, listen to me, do what I say. “You don’t know what’s best for me.”
His voice is rough, and he feels like his entire body is vibrating. He doesn’t want to look at his therapist’s clipboard for the hundredth time, to see her looking at him with those sad, pitiful eyes. “Maybe what’s best is for me to not go, for me to be here, with you, not there, with Dr. Sherman.”
“I don’t think it is, though.” Jared’s stance widens, his arms across his chest. He sighs, “You’re not getting better.” All he wants is for his boyfriend to actually work at his recovery, to actually make an effort. To act as though his own well-being matters even a tenth of a percent as much as it does to Jared.
Evan scoffs, his eyes flickering up for a moment, meeting his boyfriends’. Green meets brown. Fire meets ice. “Well, you know what?” he hisses. “I am trying. Can’t you see?” Even as Jared opens his mouth to argue, Evan ploughs forward. “I take my meds, and I eat three meals, and-and I’m not perfect. I just can’t go today, Jared. I can’t. But I’m trying. Isn’t that enough for you?”
Jared stares at him, unmoving, like a marble statue on a cold winter day. “No.”
The single word hangs heavy in the air, weighing over them like a hot, stuffy, woolen blanket.
Jared can’t watch Evan waste away his own life, to throw away his own future, their relationship, to toss everything around and act like none of it matters.
They stare at each other, immobile. Jared’s expression changes, softening for a moment, and he reaches out to his boyfriend, trying to grasp Evan’s hand, to comfort him, to stop all this. But Evan just pulls away, his eyes focusing back on the ground. “Well,” he says, his voice soft like the sky before a storm. “I’m sorry I can’t give you any more than that.”
Jared clenches his fists, his shoulders slouching forward, trying to stop the surge of searing guilt that’s rushing through his veins. “You’re not taking this seriously.”
Evan blinks, his eyes fluttering quickly, his mouth contorted. “You just don’t-you just don’t get it!” Evan shakes his head, his thoughts ramming against either side of his skull. “You think it’s magic, like I’ll magically wake up one day and be completely normal. Like one little therapy session makes all the difference in the world.”
The sides of his eyes begin to prick hotly, and he inhales sharply through his nose. “Well guess what? That’s not how it works, Jared. Maybe I’ll never get better. You ever think about that? Maybe I’ll be like this forever, what about that? What would you do then?”
“I would-”
“You would break up with me.”
Jared freezes, stepping towards Evan quickly, his hands up. “I would not.”
“Would you think about it?” Evan looks at him, his eyes moving up and down, taking in Jared’s full posture, full expression. “You’d think about it,” he says, and it isn’t a question. It’s a fact.
He squeezes his eyes shut tightly, his fingers twitching rapidly. “You’d think about it,” he repeats.
Jared reaches out, and Evan retreats again, crouching onto the ground to grab his things, throwing them haphazardly in his bag, and his entire body aches. He wants to wipe that sad expression off of Jared’s face, to agree to go to see Dr. Sherman, to bend to someone else’s demands, someone else’s desires, someone else’s ideas. For the thousandth time.
He stands up, swinging his backpack across his shoulders. “I’m sorry my best isn’t good enough for you.” He walks out, leaving Jared alone, staring at the blank wood of the door, wondering how when everything went so wrong.
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