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detournementsmineurs · 4 months ago
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"Maison Natale Charles de Gaulle" Ă  Lille, octobre 2024.
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jeromeduveauindustrie · 2 years ago
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sancho-et-compagnie · 23 days ago
Jean Lecanuet aura connu trĂšs tĂŽt son heure de gloire. C’était face au gĂ©nĂ©ral de Gaulle, lors de l’élection prĂ©sidentielle de 1965. “TroisiĂšme homme” derriĂšre François Mitterrand, ce quasi-inconnu recueille 17 % des suffrages et impose au GĂ©nĂ©ral l’épreuve du second tour... Inventeur du marketing politique, soignant son look et son sourire Ă©clatant, ce baron de la RĂ©publique tiendra un rĂŽle important dans la vie politique française, malgrĂ© un parcours qui le situe au centre-gauche Ă  la LibĂ©ration et trĂšs franchement Ă  droite Ă  la veille de sa mort.
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juliopison · 2 months ago
CINE De Gaulle (2020) Título original: De Gaulle Francia Dirección: Gabriel Le Bomin Idioma: Doblada al Español
AtenciĂłn: Solo para ver en PC o Notebook Para ver el Film pulsa o copia y pega el Link: https://x.com/JulioPison/status/1876680272022024320
Reparto: Lambert Wilson, Isabelle Carré, Olivier Gourmet, Catherine Mouchet, Pierre Hancisse, Sophie Quinton
Género: Drama | Biogråfico. Histórico. Años 30. II Guerra Mundial.
SINOPSIS: Paris, junio de 1940. La pareja de los "de Gaulle" intenta hacer frente al colapso militar y polĂ­tico de Francia. Charles de Gaulle pone rumbo a Londres mientras que su mujer Yvonne parte hacia el exilio con sus tres hijos.
Crítica: "Muy bien asistida y ambientada cinematográficamente (
) un retrato poderoso (
) una película admirable para levantar el ánimo a la tropa, que anda por los suelos." -Oti Rodríguez Marchante: Diario ABC
Café Mientras Tanto jcp
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francebonapartiste · 11 months ago
Les réseaux de résistance et les différents maquis
Dans le cadre de la commĂ©moration du 80Ăšme anniversaire des dĂ©barquements, notre association historique a le privilĂšge d’organiser une sĂ©rie d’entretiens vidĂ©os avec Michel Schepers, ancien professeur d’histoire-gĂ©ographie Ă  l’établissement scolaire Notre-Dame de France Ă  Paris 13Ăšme.
La premiĂšre vidĂ©o de cette sĂ©rie fascinante d’entretiens sera consacrĂ©e aux rĂ©seaux de rĂ©sistance et aux diffĂ©rents maquis qui ont jouĂ© un rĂŽle crucial pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Michel Schepers, avec sa profonde connaissance historique et son expĂ©rience dans le domaine militaire, nous guidera Ă  travers une prĂ©sentation de ces rĂ©seaux de rĂ©sistance. Il explorera les diffĂ©rentes rĂ©gions de la France oĂč les maquis ont opĂ©rĂ©, mettant en lumiĂšre leurs contributions hĂ©roĂŻques et leur impact sur le cours de l’histoire.
L’entretien offrira des perspectives uniques et des prĂ©cisions captivantes, enrichies par les connaissances de Michel Schepers, qui apportera une dimension unique Ă  cette pĂ©riode cruciale de notre histoire.
Nous vous invitons Ă  vous joindre Ă  nous pour cette premiĂšre vidĂ©o, qui constituera le point de dĂ©part d’une sĂ©rie d’évĂ©nements commĂ©moratifs Ă  ne pas manquer.
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kevlo75 · 2 years ago
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Lombard Street, historic headquarters of the "Free French Banking" founded in London by General de Gaulle and René Pleven, finance minister of Free France. The general's famous speech was recorded at the London offices of Cartier. #freefrenchbanking #degaulle #afd #renépleven #london (à Lombard Street, London EC4Y) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp1zFnNIecf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brooklynnsart · 4 months ago
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pookiestheoneliveson · 7 days ago
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Alexander "Mad Dog" Mains (left) and Richard DeGaulle Uncensored photos
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dreamofstarlight · 9 months ago
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Jacqueline Kennedy is greeted by President Charles DeGaulle of France at the ÉlysĂ©e Palace in Paris - May 31, 1961
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eretzyisrael · 11 months ago
All of this made perfect sense to French Trotskyists and Maoists. Pro-Palestinian anti-Zionist organizations formed in France after the Six-Day War. They included university students who styled themselves as revolutionaries. Using the language of anti-colonialism still fresh from France’s ill-fated attempt to retain Algeria, these organizations also borrowed the legacy of the French Resistance, neatly turning the Israelis into the Nazis. French keffiyeh-wearing Communists complained of Jewish press control. “Palestine solidarity” events included distribution of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. As Jewish writer GĂ©rard Rosenthal put it in early 1970, “The problem of Israel is becoming a national problem.” Israel’s seasoned ambassador Asher Ben-Natan, who arrived in Paris in 1970, noted that relations with France had hit difficulties because “there exists also in France elements that have suddenly adopted anti-Israel attitudes.”
How did France’s Jews respond? By asserting their Jewishness without sacrificing their claim to France’s promise of universal dignity. “The world,” said Meïr Waintrater, the editor of the Jewish monthly L’Arche, in April 1970, “only likes dead Jews. . . . It is impossible today to open a newspaper without finding an article [that] gives Jews advice — which curiously resembles orders — on how to be Jewish or how to be French.” Later, in 1977, filmmaker Claude Lanzmann asked, “Why must the Jews feel obligated after Auschwitz to speak in [polite] language? To prove that they are really French? This language . . . is from the time of Dreyfus! It is the language [from] before the creation of Israel! If we are to protest, I ask that we do so as Jews!”
The chief vehicle of the French-Jewish campaign was the International League against Racism and Antisemitism (LICRA), formed in 1927 in reaction to the dreadful treatment of Jews in Eastern Europe after World War I. After World War II, LICRA countered racism as well, monitoring everything from apartheid in South Africa to the civil rights movement in the United States to the war in Vietnam to the treatment of Arab workers in France. For French Jews, anti-antisemitism and the fight against racism were both part of the struggle for human dignity. LICRA saw no contradiction between opposing racism and advocating the safety of the State of Israel. If the world was divided, it was not between the oppressors and the oppressed. It was divided into those whose rights to safety were respected and those whose rights were not.
LICRA altered its view on de Gaulle. He was still the man who, on June 18, 1940, had called for resistance to the Germans in the name of the universalism France represented. As LICRA president and former Gaullist intelligence officer Jean Pierre-Bloch put it, “We will never forget.” But Pierre-Bloch also noted publicly that de Gaulle “is betraying the Franco-Israeli friendship, not to [help] the Arab people, but to support the potentates who rule these people to their great detriment.” Understanding that the French policy encouraged Arab extremists to hold out for Israel’s destruction rather than work for peace, LICRA also led demonstrations of Jews and non-Jews in Paris and other cities against what Pierre-Bloch called “the scandalous embargo.” Meanwhile LICRA called for a Palestinian state — but without the PLO, whose terror operations disqualified it from any human-rights struggle.
LICRA’s writers, Jews and non-Jews, also tried to expose the antisemitic nature of anti-Zionism in their newspaper Le Droit de vivre. Didier Aubourg, who worked for Judeo-Christian amity in France, wrote in March 1970, “Of all the forces that threaten Israel, the Arab armies are far from the most fearsome. The most relentless enemy . . . is indeed antisemitism, the old antisemitism that no longer dares to say its name, but which, rebaptized as anti-Zionism, has never lost its murderous virulence.” Former member of the Resistance, writer, and curator Jean Cassou was more direct. Anti-Zionism, he said, was “a wonderful invention,” because it “allows everyone to be an antisemite in good conscience from now on.”
As for the PLO’s mask of humanism and progressivism, philosopher Anne Matalon noted in the spring of 1968 that “one would be justified in thinking” that the PLO “would recognize . . . the Israeli people.” Instead, the PLO resembled “a capricious child or psychopath” who insisted that history could be turned back. Could the PLO really pose as revolutionary? Jacques Givet, whose family was murdered in Auschwitz and who narrowly escaped death by jumping from a deportation train, said no. “Any apology for al-Fatah, however veiled,” he wrote in March 1969, referring to the PLO’s main group, “is by necessity an apology for genocide.” Unlike the anti-colonial terror in Algiers, Givet argued, “Free Palestine” was little more than a slogan wrapped in pseudo-revolutionary imagery to justify Israel’s destruction and the killing of Jews. François Musard, a member of the Jewish Resistance, identified Palestinian terror as “defiance of the most elementary rules of civilization.” It “strikes blindly in theaters, in markets, among innocent populations where their victims are more often women and children. It wants nothing more than ‘to kill a Jew.’”
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thatscarletflycatcher · 1 year ago
"All my life I have thought of France in a certain way. This is inspired by sentiment as much as by reason. The emotional side of me tends to imagine France, like the princess in the fairy stories or the Madonna in the frescoes, as dedicated to an exalted and exceptional destiny... I was convinced that France would have to go through gigantic trials, that the interest of life consisted in one day rendering her some signal service, and that I would have the occasion to do so."
- From the opening of Memoirs of War: The Call to honor by Charles DeGaulle
I'm getting this as a Christmas present and I'm seeing I'm in for a treat
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detournementsmineurs · 4 months ago
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“Maison Natale Charles de Gaulle” à Lille, octobre 2024.
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French Resistance Operative André Jarrot During World War II
Subscriber Content Add content here that will only be visible to your subscribers. Payment On August 10/11, 1944, BCRA agent André Jarrot parachutes into German-occupied France from a USAAF B-24 with American stores for the Maquis in an SOE supported mission. André Jarrot was born on 13 December 1909 in Lux (SaÎne-et-Loire), into a Burgundian family of peasant origin. In 1927, after studying

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whatzitoyuh · 7 months ago
The worst part of really liking airplanes and flying is how much airports fucking blow.
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transit-fag · 2 months ago
Which countries have you visited? Which did(n't) you like?
The US (obviously)
Cayman Islands
New Joisey
The Netherlands
I liked all of them except France but I was only in Charles Degaulle Airport so I didn't really visit
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verbotenlove33 · 4 months ago
Hello big lurker here 😂😂I actually find the phenomenon of people being attracted to dictators fascinating as I've encountered several myself. I know people were attracted to Putin big time but I didn't know Trump had his own following too. I saw people crushing on young Stalin across the internet but I've only seen a few people going for old Stalin. Only young Churchill gets love, FDR I've seen a lot of people admiring him, and I know of one or two people who are attracted to deGaulle but he gets VERY strong admirers if you know what I mean. It feels like even in these spaces Adi is taboo to love but I've seen blogs crop up here and there, what do you think is the big signifier between all of these people and their attractions?
I’ve been delving into this phenomenon quite a bit over the past year and keep running across the term “hybristophilia” in trying to possibly understand this a bit better, especially about myself.
Hybristophilia (or scelerophilia) is a paraphilia where someone is romantically attracted to bad people, delinquents, or criminals. I would go as far to say that dictators fit well into this category. Literature about hybristophilia describes it as female attraction to “bad boys” or to obnoxious guys. Psychologist Leon F. Seltzer proposes the condition could be related to the riskiness involved with dating a criminal, the desire to tame or fix them, and primitive instincts based on evolutionary psychology. 
Hybristophilia is unique among other paraphilias, in that it has primarily been observed among women. Like many paraphilias, hybristophilia exists along a spectrum. A more moderate form of the condition would include serial killer “groupies” who may experience a mental disconnect between the reality of an individual’s crimes and an idealized concept of the men behind the actions. 
So what explains hybristophilia? Sacks first notes “the phenomenon of the ultimate bad boy. 
 Certain women are attracted to those who are a little darker 
 a little ‘bad.’ This would be the ultimate form of that.” As with true crime itself, an innocent curiosity and drive to learn more about criminality may lead some women to form a more intimate relationship to the offenders than they perhaps intended. 
Another underlying factor in hybristophilia would be many women’s tendency toward nurturing behaviors. Certain women may feel empathetic toward criminals, expressing understanding of their transgressions, regardless of how vile their acts may be. “Women may see why a person became the ‘monster’ they may have become,” Sacks says. “They want to reach out and help and do something. [They may feel] there’s a way to ‘fix or help this person,’” says Sacks.
Forensic psychiatrist Robert Kaplan (who is featured in the MagellanTV documentary Hitler’s Secret Sex Life) has studied the phenomenon of hybristophilia and compares infatuation with criminals and killers to extreme forms of fanaticism. These women are usually fascinated by the darkest extremes of human behavior and are usually on the fringes of society themselves. Many psychologists view these women as deeply insecure people who cannot find love in normal ways or as 'love-avoidant' females who seek romantic relationships that cannot be consummated." 
I’ve highlighted the examples that deeply resonate with me personally. I think there are MANY other factors at play here, not just for myself but for others, like the simple fact these men are very handsome and charismatic. Also basic biological factors like being drawn to alpha males in positions of power. But those topics being more thoroughly studied and much better understood I thought it was really interesting to put this theory and discussion forward in understanding romantic attraction to Hitler and other dictators.
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