fanciest-sauce · 8 months
ive been really into defraction photography recently so here are some pictures I've taken
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I like the Queen 2 album cover one bc I can see the faces being reflected (?) And all the colours are so cool looking.
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manoskap84 · 1 year
Dandelion clock by Manos Kapetanikolas
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mumblelard · 9 months
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her favorite bedtime story is the one about the heat death of the universe or boba is boba for goths
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rowanisawriter · 5 months
my prompt menu
hi. send me a [character/pairing] + [a vibe and/or a prompt] and i will (eventually, probably) write something for you. the characters section is a mix of fandoms i write for but you can send me anything you’ve seen me reblog and ranting about in tags
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1. characters
i write a lot of fandoms lol
bg3: gale/tav (my tav is a cleric of mystra)
bg3: wyll/dark urge
bg3: gale/shadowheart
bg3: astarion/wyll
cp2077: river/v
cp2077: johnny/v
hades: thanatos/zagreus
hades/myth: achilles/patroclus
ace attorney: phoenix/edgeworth
give me any pairing from a fandom you’ve seen me hollering about and let’s see what happens
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2. vibes
i like writing vibes based stories with the barest skeleton of a plot. these are from the dictionary of obscure sorrows. you can send me anything from this website but below are some that stood out to me
falesia - n. the disquieting awareness that someone’s importance to you and your importance to them may not necessarily match—that your best friend might only think of you as a buddy, that someone you barely know might consider you a mentor, that someone you love unconditionally might have one or two conditions
fardle-din - n. a long-overdue argument that shakes up a relationship, burning wildly through your issues like a forest fire, which clears out your dry and hollow grievances and reminds you that your roots run deeper than you think
suente - n. the state of being so familiar with someone that you can be in a room with them without thinking, without holding anything back, or without having to say a word—to the extent that you have to remind yourself that they’re a different being entirely, that brushing hair away from their eyes won’t help you see any better
irrition - n. regret at having cracked the code of something, which leaves you wishing you could forget the pattern
ecstatic shock - n. a surge of energy upon catching a glance from someone you like, which scrambles your ungrounded circuits and tempts you to chase after that feeling with a kite and a key
zverism - n. the wish that people could suspend their civility and indulge the physical side of each other first—sniffing each other’s hair like dogs, staring unabashedly at interesting faces, reveling in a beautiful voice like a song on the radio
fawtle - n. a weird little flaw built into your partner that somehow only endears them more to you, in the way that impurities dissolved in water are what allow it to conduct electricity—if all the imperfections were removed, there would be no spark
foreclearing- n. the act of deliberately refusing to learn the scientific explanations of things out of fear that it’ll ruin the magic—turning flower petals into tacky billboards, decoding birdsong into trash talk, defracting a rainbow back inside its tiny prism.
on tenderhooks - adj. feeling the primal satisfaction of being needed by someone, which makes you feel that much more rooted to the world, even if the roots belong to someone else.
rivener - n. a chilling hint of distance that creeps slowly into a relationship
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3. prompts
tarot cards (send me the name of any card)
touches prompt list
flower prompt list
indulgent prompt list
more tarot prompts
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very cute dividers found here!
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louisisalarrie · 2 months
you have done well in new phase of larryopocalypse, little muskrat placenta. i have been informed to watch the two boys in three days time but it's not erectly what you all think. prepare for smoke and defractions. much things cum to light and it may shakira you all. entre fandom is on warmdong and it is best you think of the mentality of papa simon. provalone
salutations, apocalypse anon. thank you for the intel once more. provolone
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lululawrence · 2 months
you have done well in new phase of larryopocalypse, little muskrat placenta. i have been informed to watch the two boys in three days time but it's not erectly what you all think. prepare for smoke and defractions. much things cum to light and it may shakira you all. entre fandom is on warmdong and it is best you think of the mentality of papa simon. provalone
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youmakemestrong · 2 months
you have done well in new phase of larryopocalypse, little muskrat placenta. i have been informed to watch the two boys in three days time but it's not erectly what you all think. prepare for smoke and defractions. much things cum to light and it may shakira you all. entre fandom is on warmdong and it is best you think of the mentality of papa simon. provalone
i can't even express how obsessed i am with these do you wanna be friends
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krisjonsvanberg · 2 months
MODERN ARCHITECTURE + INTERIORS Villa El Sargento Mexico Krisjon Svanberg Design krisjonsvanberg.com
“Exterior obscured glazed window section sample displaying late afternoon natural light defraction and transmission qualities.” Krisjon Svanberg Architects.
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farawaytattoo · 2 months
you have done well in new phase of larryopocalypse, little muskrat placenta. i have been informed to watch the two boys in three days time but it's not erectly what you all think. prepare for smoke and defractions. much things cum to light and it may shakira you all. entre fandom is on warmdong and it is best you think of the mentality of papa simon. provalone
im dying… shakira save us. provalone
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chaotic-bells · 2 months
you have done well in new phase of larryopocalypse, little muskrat placenta. i have been informed to watch the two boys in three days time but it's not erectly what you all think. prepare for smoke and defractions. much things cum to light and it may shakira you all. entre fandom is on warmdong and it is best you think of the mentality of papa simon. provalone
Sorry, I can’t process anything in the message, all I see is “Papa Simon”.
No kink shaming though. Go you, you little wild cheese, and call daddy whoever you want.
Don’t go too crazy on him, I’ve heard he has a bad back.
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srldesigns6277 · 2 months
you have done well in new phase of larryopocalypse, little muskrat placenta. i have been informed to watch the two boys in three days time but it's not erectly what you all think. prepare for smoke and defractions. much things cum to light and it may shakira you all. entre fandom is on warmdong and it is best you think of the mentality of papa simon. provalone
Again I love some pure Crack fic like writing so thank you for a second dose of insanity. However, I did throw up in my mouth at "Papa Simon" 🤮.
Also you spelled provolone wrong... 🤣🤣
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voidcat-senket · 7 months
Fanfic Writer Ask Game: 💥🚀🍬😎🚦
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change? Finn is a Jedi okay bye. (I don't even go there really. Ask me about my Incredible Uncoolness In Regards To Hating JJ Abrams another time LOL). There are certainly Adjustments to Canon I've made in various fics but... hard to pick just one thing lol.
🚀 Do you like to outline your fic first or create as you go? If I bother to outline it's usually when I'm halfway through a fic and I'm writing down what scenes I need to reach the end. I don't pre-plan the fic paths I let them reveal themselves to me
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom? Not usually at the same time but yeah. Also I've been writing for decades so uh let's say top 5 fandoms? -Closing the Space (between us) is my alltime top fic, it's HunterxHunter, Killugon Reunion Fic -Plant Your Roots Inside of Me is my second best fic ever, it's Star Wars: Jedi Survivor, Cal/Bode, Haunted!Tanalorr -Photographs of Dementia is probably my favorite Sherlock BBC fic, it's Moriarty/Moran and at the time was the longest fic I'd ever written. I was a prolific Mystrade writer, but I think the MorMor fic had way more interesting characterization. (I do really like Fantasia too though, that's a Mystrade musicians AU) -Not Unusual is my favorite Star Trek fic, it's NuTrek Academy Era McKirk -Defract: Clear Blue Skies is probably my favorite Stargate Atlantis fic. It's not particular impressive but I love it a lot. John breaks a speed record :P
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original? Eh. It so depends! What I need is solid characterization and similar needs, goals, situations, internal lives for the characters. So if the characters are really on point in a total AU? LOVE IT! If it's 100% canon compliant? LOVE IT! I've seen middling to unrelated characterization in both those categories as well so. Yeah. Canon Compliant Characterization I guess is where I'm going XD
🚦What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.? Over the years I've been slowly upping the happiness. It used to be bad or ambiguous. Now it's good or ambiguous! But my line is skewed. For example, Roots apparently didn't have a happy ending?? News to me! ;)
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teleportationmagic · 1 year
Look on a fundamental level I feel the same towards the cold as sailors do to the sea. It wants to steal the life from my veins and the heat from my bones but whatever else it is soft, it is slow, it will swallow everywhere whole into a giant gaping void. It has no love, not for me or you or anything but have you ever been nestled against the snow, cold seeping through every defence you put up? Have you ever seen light defracting through the frost, have you ever seen an infinite grey at nighttime? It is beautiful, it is isolation incarnate and I want to walk out into the frost one day, the only warm thing for miles, until it takes that too.
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masters-menagerie · 2 years
Self Discovery (1/?)
It isn't easy, learning about the world all on your own.
Nightingale had seen nearly every corner of the world through the screens in the lab. The good, the bad, the old and new. She'd memorized the colors, the shapes, the size of the world in comparison to itself; But nothing had prepared her for anything else.
The smooth, soft feeling of grass, and the way it smelled when freshly cut. And so many different kinds of grass - some short, some blue, some dry and dead, some corse. The colors of flowers, and how soft their petals were; how beautiful and unique they were, and oh! their smells! No two smelled the same. She loved watching the animals and bugs that gathered around these plants to feed and rest, admiring their scales and coats and colors.
The many textures and weights of stones and pebbles in her palms. Nightingale had no idea how satisfying it was to find a perfectly rounded stone and trace her fingers over it, or the feeling of throwing one as hard as she could to make big splashes in bodies of water. The way the light was caught and defracted in the Droplets was like glittering fireworks, but soft and quiet. The ker-PLUNK the rocks made upon breaking the surface tension of the water, and sank down.
The sound of running water and pouring rain - the smell of petrichor from the ground, signaling the readiness of the earth to take a deep drink. Nightingale got to feel warm rain for the first time. In that moment she didn't care about the risk of rust, or the way her hair grew heavy and clung to her armor; she stood in an opening, arms out to embrace the sky, open eyes staring upward to watch the rain come down and splash against her face. She didn't realize she was producing water herself, until she felt the tenderness in her eyes as she wiped the water away.
Many of the creatures in the woods were curious of her--and she, of them. Her stillness fooled some into thinking she was little more than a statue, landing on her shoulders and wings or grazing just feet away from her. The especially curious sniffed at her armor, puzzled by the mix of dirt and machinery. Nightingale nearly cried again when she was able to reach out to a deer and feel her fur, the velvety soft texture of her ears and cold wetness of her nose.
What Nightingale loved most of all though, were the birds. They all sang such unique songs; melodies and tribulations carefully orchestrated over ages of evolution, conveying all manner of emotion and caution. She admired the stunning colors of their plumage, the careful way they preened and washed them from the branches and in puddles of water. Their quick little movements were charming, often making her giggle and tilt her head in kind. She made sure to memorize every song she heard, and imitated them perfectly for her longest comforts.
Nightingale found great joy in nature. It was beautiful, fearsome, serene and volatile. She wasn't bothered by the dirt and rust collecting in her joints, the scratches dulling her colors--She wore it all with pride and gratitude. If she could, she dreamed, she would stay among the trees and the fauna forever.
....but the good never lasted forever. As a machine, she required oil and electricity, supplies that were scarce in the wild. So begrudgingly, Nightingale would make her way to cities and towns, scavenging anything she could.
It isn't easy, learning about the world all on your own. But it was a small price to pay, for freedom.
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Week One In-Class assignments.
Task One:
Produce three photographs of the same scene. With each image take an exposure reading from the highlight, mid-tone and shadow. How do these different light qualities impact on your image? Repeat this exercise using all of the different metering systems available on your camera.
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Task Two:
Produce a correctly exposed image (that is different to what you did for the first exercise) using an aperture of f16 and whatever shutter speed corresponds to the lighting situation. Now produce two more of the same image again, but this time adjust your aperture to f8 and then to f5.6 – how will you ensure a correct exposure even though you are using a different aperture/shutter speed combination?
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Whilst on mirrorless, its far easier to know when you think you have the right exposure through your own eyes, I still used the built in light meter to determine when the camera sees the scene being captured live and shows + 0.0 on the light meter.
Task Three:
Set the ISO on your camera to 100, and take an in focus (i.e.: no camera shake) photograph at 9pm somewhere inside your home, using the smallest aperture your lens allows. How will you determine if the shutter speed is too slow and thereby will cause camera shake? Will you need a tripod?
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For my lens, the smallest apeature that I can go down is F/22. In my bedroom at approx 9:00pm, its obviously very dark, and the only thing keeping it illuminated is the light coming from my laptop screen.
Even with my laptop screen at full brightness, i'd still need the maximum amount of time (30s) that the sensor would need to be exposed without resorting to using bulb mode in order to get a somewhat exposed image. I placed my camera on top of one of my cupboards facing my bedroom window to prevent any movement during the period when the sensor is exposed.
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This is what my camera looks like when doing long exposure.
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This is what the image came out looking like. Can see what is in the picture frame, but this shows that I either need to raise my ISO, or use a tripod to get a better exposure in dark situations.
Task 4:
Produce a series of images (in a low light situation which you determine) utilizing an ISO of 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600. All of your images need to be f11 and whatever corresponding shutter speed. Will you need a tripod?
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From the top 2 to the bottom photo, from iso 100 up to 1600.
iso 100: 0.6s
iso 200: 1/4s
iso 400: 1/8s
iso 800: 1/15s
iso 1600: 1/30s
The images may look bright, but in reality that environment was really dark. This is a place where a tripod would be ideal. Some pictures even have motion blur, despite my best to be as stable as I could taking those shots.
Task 5:
Photograph something placed in front of a window (i.e.: a person, an object, etc.) at around midday without it becoming a silhouette. Where will you need to take your exposure reading from? Next, photograph a white t-shirt outside in the midday sun and produce an exposure where you can see the detailed texture in the fabric. Now repeat the exercise using a piece of black clothing. Now repeat all three exercises, but this time ensure that your exposure utilizes an aperture of f16. With all these exercises, you want the person/object, t-shirt, black clothing to mostly fill the frame.
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The light here in the living room is clearly shining on the stroller, so i'll use that as "something placed in front of a window".
With modern advances in camera technology, it's ideal to shoot for the highlights (this photo, it would be the window itself). Raw files can recover a lot of detail, even when pushed in post.
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these ones taken at f/8
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These ones taken at f/16.
It's hard to tell in Tumblr because of compression, but at f/16 there is less detail to be seen of the fabrics on both the white and black shirts. This is due to defraction that occurs on the lens because we have stopped down beyond the lenses peak sharpness.
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ok-ak · 2 months
you have done well in new phase of larryopocalypse, little muskrat placenta. i have been informed to watch the two boys in three days time but it's not erectly what you all think. prepare for smoke and defractions. much things cum to light and it may shakira you all. entre fandom is on warmdong and it is best you think of the mentality of papa simon. provalone
do y’all use a word scrambler for these or is it straight off the dome nonsense
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