donwestjr · 4 years
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Reposted from @yourlegacycoach The Four Building Blocks of Legacy #legacypyramid #4bboflegacy #definitivechiefaim #personalmissionstatement #strategiclifeplan #personallegacystatement - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B_6gL9AHQBY/?igshid=18zu87gu5v0u4
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The Four Building Blocks of Legacy #legacypyramid #4bboflegacy #definitivechiefaim #personalmissionstatement #strategiclifeplan #personallegacystatement https://www.instagram.com/p/B_6Xzb_n1b7/?igshid=1dslpm0y5336j
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legacypyramid · 6 years
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#Stone4 #DefinitiveChiefAim Many people set goals but few↵actually see their goals manifest...���Creating a Definite Chief Aim↵impacts neuroplasticity and starts↵ to align your actions at the↵subconscious level↵ to achieve your goal(s).↵Your primary definite purpose is a↵carefully crafted statement which↵has the power to influence↵your subconscious mind. #legacypyramid https://www.instagram.com/p/BoqAhpxneXt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ixdrkvf170bv
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donwestjr · 4 years
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The Four Building Blocks of Legacy #legacypyramid #4bboflegacy #definitivechiefaim #personalmissionstatement #strategiclifeplan #personallegacystatement https://www.instagram.com/p/B_5_TxiH-Ku/?igshid=bsmbxsu1hzja
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donwestjr · 5 years
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What is your definitive chief aim? "The magic of life is that once you decide what your principle aim will be - to be wealthy, a great artist, the world's best parent, etc. Once that's resolved, you can proceed with the joyful and well-ordered process of attaining it." #BeginWithEndInMind ~ dlw, jr. #magic #definitivechiefaim #life #decide #resolve #focus #vision #joyful #process #quote #legacypyramid #donwestjr #4bboflegacy (at Half Moon Bay, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B83KXfzHlH_/?igshid=mylxmbyg06tx
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legacypyramid · 6 years
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#Stone4 #DefinitiveChiefAim @Regran_ed from @forthelivinginc - People don't plan to fail. They fail to plan... #purpose #DefinitiveChiefAim #Obsession #NapoleonHill #MyMainMan #YourWishIsYourCommand - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/BoqA7Uinp7S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xhcocuewb7qt
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