donwestjr · 4 years
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Reposted from @yourlegacycoach The Four Building Blocks of Legacy #legacypyramid #4bboflegacy #definitivechiefaim #personalmissionstatement #strategiclifeplan #personallegacystatement - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B_6gL9AHQBY/?igshid=18zu87gu5v0u4
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The Four Building Blocks of Legacy #legacypyramid #4bboflegacy #definitivechiefaim #personalmissionstatement #strategiclifeplan #personallegacystatement https://www.instagram.com/p/B_6Xzb_n1b7/?igshid=1dslpm0y5336j
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legacypyramid · 7 years
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Top Ten #Pyramids of the Ancient World #10 - Tenerife - Canary Islands #LegacyPyramid #LiveYourLegacy
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“A Coach's primary function should not be to make better players, but to make better people.” Stone 1 - #Humility & #Service ~ Coach John Wooden "The Wizard of Westwood" Regarded as the greatest coach in American sports history. #quote #JohnWooden #coach #primaryfunction #betterplayers #betterpeople #purpose #LegacyPyramid #stone1 #Humility#Service #amazingthoughts #amazingpath (at Motiv8 Performance Athletic Center)
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donwestjr · 4 years
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The Four Building Blocks of Legacy #legacypyramid #4bboflegacy #definitivechiefaim #personalmissionstatement #strategiclifeplan #personallegacystatement https://www.instagram.com/p/B_5_TxiH-Ku/?igshid=bsmbxsu1hzja
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donwestjr · 5 years
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What is your definitive chief aim? "The magic of life is that once you decide what your principle aim will be - to be wealthy, a great artist, the world's best parent, etc. Once that's resolved, you can proceed with the joyful and well-ordered process of attaining it." #BeginWithEndInMind ~ dlw, jr. #magic #definitivechiefaim #life #decide #resolve #focus #vision #joyful #process #quote #legacypyramid #donwestjr #4bboflegacy (at Half Moon Bay, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B83KXfzHlH_/?igshid=mylxmbyg06tx
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donwestjr · 5 years
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“A Coach's primary function should not be to make better players, but to make better people.” Stone 1 - #Humility & #Service ~ Coach John Wooden "The Wizard of Westwood" Regarded as the greatest coach in American sports history. #quote #JohnWooden #coach #primaryfunction #betterplayers #betterpeople #purpose #LegacyPyramid #stone1 #amazingthoughts #amazingpath https://www.instagram.com/p/B8fGzCZH6zX/?igshid=kl8ak1i3sijz
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donwestjr · 5 years
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Reposted from @legacypyramid - The Legacy Pyramid embodies @legacylessons from the greatest thinkers in history, but the pyramid serves as a roadmap and provides no shortcuts around the hard work and grind necessary to build a solid legacy. As @garyvee says, it takes #cloudsanddirt! #CoachJohnWooden #JohnWooden #BenjaminFranklin #NapoleonHill #DrWayneDyer #WayneDyer #DeepakChopra #OgMandino #PrenticeMulford #CarlJung #JohnMaxwell #TonyRobbins #ZigZiglar #JohnKotre #DonWestJr #JamesEHughesJr #pyramidofsuccess #pyramids #legacypyramid #LiveYourLegacy - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B3DP-g8Ht7L/?igshid=1s49lcvy64xtr
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legacypyramid · 5 years
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The Legacy Pyramid embodies @legacylessons from the greatest thinkers in history, but the pyramid serves as a roadmap and provides no shortcuts around the hard work and grind necessary to build a solid legacy. As @garyvee says, it takes #cloudsanddirt! #CoachJohnWooden #JohnWooden #BenjaminFranklin #NapoleonHill #DrWayneDyer #WayneDyer #DeepakChopra #OgMandino #PrenticeMulford #CarlJung #JohnMaxwell #TonyRobbins #ZigZiglar #JohnKotre #DonWestJr #JamesEHughesJr #pyramidofsuccess #pyramids #legacypyramid #LiveYourLegacy https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwd_RmhHyYg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fjtzxlwhqwp2
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donwestjr · 5 years
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Reposted from @legacypyramid - In this video Don West, Jr. discusses the origins of the Legacy Pyramid. The #legacypyramid is a visual model for a twenty-two part system for multi-generational well-being, success, and prosperity.  As discussed in this video some of the most influential works include #JohnWooden's #PyramidofSuccess and #NapoleonHill's #ThinkandGrowRich/#LawsofSuccess. Post inspired by @garyvee. Thanks, #garyvee! - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/BwTxoZGHOmQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1f85pftxjqj3k
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legacypyramid · 7 years
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Edit - And just like that it became a stone... Stone #1 - (Foundation of the Pyramid)  These two principles anchor and empower everything in our lives and all of the subsequent blocks of the Pyramid.  In the words of Benjamin Franklin, "Imitate Jesus and Socrates." #Stone1 #LegacyPyramid #Humility #Service #Foundation #Principles #Anchor #BenjaminFranklin #TheArtofVirtue #Imitate #Jesus #Socrates #LiveYourLegacy
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legacypyramid · 7 years
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#Pyramids & #Purple (favorite color) 💜💜💜💜💜💜 #LegacyPyramid #LiveYourLegacy
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legacypyramid · 7 years
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We 💖 #Pyramids! #LegacyPyramid #LiveYourLegacy
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legacypyramid · 6 years
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#Stone4 #DefinitiveChiefAim Many people set goals but few↵actually see their goals manifest...↵Creating a Definite Chief Aim↵impacts neuroplasticity and starts↵ to align your actions at the↵subconscious level↵ to achieve your goal(s).↵Your primary definite purpose is a↵carefully crafted statement which↵has the power to influence↵your subconscious mind. #legacypyramid https://www.instagram.com/p/BoqAhpxneXt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ixdrkvf170bv
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donwestjr · 6 years
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🔺🔴 Somebody wasn't happy with the precision of the first draft 👀... #legacypyramid @legacypyramid https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm7WsNYFLM3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lr84picbn2v3
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legacypyramid · 6 years
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We are remembering long forgotten knowing through the whispers of the Ancestors... Regrann from @officialdonwestjr - What was hidden is revealed through communion with the Divine. The @legacypyramid intersects the #dimensionsofwellbeing symbolizing the #divineorder of the Universe. #WellBeing4ALL #BeYourBestYou #legacypyramid - #regrann
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