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gaywmctn · 2 years ago
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damindfuljedi · 2 years ago
My Shared Affirmation for the Day...
#bemindful #liveyourpurpose #yourmentalhealthmatters #dailyaffirmations #itsoktonotbeokay💚
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mercuryinleoblog · 3 years ago
Live Your Life
You are the creator. If that statement right there is something you still aren't clear on, ask the universe to clarify it. God birthed you with the intention of you to LIVE. So speak out loud when you desire clarity. Align with continuous wisdom. Appreciate the relationship you have with Time. Free yourself constantly. It's all here for you in one place. Fortunately, we are not able to be everyone else... we can only be us. Book a trip and if others join you in a positive vibration then cool. Regardless, when you intend for yourself to have a good time... the good times choose you. So be chosen by positive experiences without the feeling of guilt. Would you rather attract guilty experiences or experiences that feel like a dream? Live in your healing.
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simplyshreeya · 3 years ago
Hey ya! Just wanna know that people say that “WE LIVE ONCE” are you truly agreeing with it....i mean like why man! yeah okay you are right we have got one life....cuz’ we are not in a video game where we have at least got three lives....(obviously we all know) but still i just think that Life is a Life when we make out with it....We are just livin’ the life and still feeling “HOPEFULLY” can i get one more time chance....you have got the whole stage...DAMN! Make it yours....This may sound like okay one more time philosophy but trust me it’s never worh worrying or thinking about a one more chance...you can make it here only....
~Shreeya Airan
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We work and work and work for this falsity of an American dream and ideals of what being successful means in society that are...At the end of the day...Meaningless. 
We forget to do the things that make us happy, that fill our hearts and souls  and mind like goblets sloshing over the shining rim because we become so overwhelmed by the grind. The grind that people tell us we must do, we must be to be a functioning member in society. To be considered normal. 
We miss out on so much because we work so hard to conform, because were self conscious, because being ourselves somewhere along the line was correlated with being weak, because god fucking forbid we show someone we are, because at the end of the day being “normal” is a falsity that we’ve convinced ourselves is the truth, is our truth, because of what is shoved down our throats and put in front of our eyes from the moment we are born. 
And we forget who we are and what we want and what makes us grin. What makes us filled with hope and inspiration and all of those happy thoughts. And that’s the real tragedy in life. 
Our society that is supposed to be built on companionship and perseverance and hope is the same society that destroys it in our souls, in all human beings. It destroys our passion and our wildness and it is the biggest shame. Please don’t let it happen to you. Don’t let life slip through your fingers like quick sand, because if you never venture out from the shiny path laid out before you then you will never find your wind. 
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thenapoleonhung · 6 years ago
Napoleon Hung Mind Revolution Podcast Episode #135 🎙🎬📱 - What’s inside this episode?👇 - Do you know when you could reach your highest potential? Do you know what is the biggest advantage? Leave the opinions from outside. You should know the truth. The answer of all these questions is being you. In today’s episode, we are gonna take more about this. Link in bio. 📲 - This Complete Podcast Episode Available on YouTube & Podcast Now. 🎞 - For YouTube, click this https://youtu.be/i446VXyi-Pg Watch It📺. Or Link in bio For Podcast, it’s available on all podcast platforms. Originally distributed: http://anchor.fm/thenapoleonhung 🎙 - #advantage #beyourselfalways #teenageyears #yoursuccess #beingyourself #expectationsvsreality #expectation #liveyourstory #liveyourpurpose #youngman #younggirl #youngwomen #keytosuccess #speakthetruth #beyourownstar #liveyourlegacy #yourlifeyourway #listentoyourheart #listentoyourintuition #knowwhoyouare #knowyourselfworth #yourworth #youaregreat #teenageyears #podcastaddict #instapodcast #youtubecommunity #podcastinglife https://www.instagram.com/p/By5J0TgAduX/?igshid=xzrbi58syn4u
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smgarments · 2 years ago
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Stop This ASAP! • • • • • #Love #Positivity #Gangsta #Streetwear #Equality #UnisexWear #LiveYourLegacy #StreetFashion #HypeBeast #StreetWearStyle #FashionHub #GrindDontStop #GrindHard #StreetwearCulture #StreetwearClothing #LegendsNeverDie #ChangeTheWorld #EntrepreneurMinds #StreetwearShop #SuccessfulMind #StreetwearOfficial #SummerFashionTrends #SuccessfulThinking #BeBetter #SMGarments #Extraordinary #BeAMyth #Legend #Explore (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkbUp1buKym/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nare22 · 3 years ago
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LOVE BEYOND WORDS. #insureyourlove #liveyourpurpose #liveyourlegacy (at Solo, Mabini, Batangas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg1IpbivPUu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gaywmctn · 2 years ago
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damindfuljedi · 2 years ago
"You can not enslave a mind that knows itself, that values itself, that understand itself..." - Wangari Matai
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mercuryinleoblog · 2 years ago
There’s a lot of folks in this Earth, but only few are truly living 🌱
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reluctantsouthernsurvivor · 7 years ago
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Have you ever wished life had a pause button so you could just catch your breath? 
SourceCredits: Artist Garrett Rains, Photo Holly Rains
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madamemerola · 3 years ago
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✨OWNING MY G.O.L.D. 📣My God Ordained Legacy and Dreams (G.O.L.D) is mine to possess and live each day of my life. How do I do that? ✅By faith. By walking it out. By staying true to it and SPEAKING LIFE INTO IT. 📌Don’t be deceived. What you say matters a lot and so does what you do. If you say one thing and do another thing, you cannot water the seeds of your words rightly. ✅Affirmations are powered by faith and corresponding actions. So SPEAK, BELIEVE SO YOU CAN RECEIVE. 💜Have a phenomenal day and be richly blessed. XoXo from #madamemerola #affirmationsforagreatlife #lawofattractioninaction #speaklife #liveyourgold #liveyourlegacy #christianlifecoach #highfrequencywords #igniter #thebangcreator (at Living The Dream) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZBe-upDixG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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buymartian · 3 years ago
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#DiaDeLaMuertos #MerchAttachedToPost #ClickLinkInMyBio 😏👽🛸🔥 • www.BuyMartian.com | ClickLinkInMyBio • • Follow the Buy Martian Merch ™ Brands : @buymartian | @thesaucymartian | @cosplaycurves | @journeyjanes | @maxgardengalax | @wearebrosis97 • • BUY | POST | WIN ! • • © comp735 ™ LLC. All Rights Reserved. Shareable On Social Media. Unauthorized use not permitted. • • #LegacyMindedIndividual : FOCUSED ON GATHERING BUILDING BLOCKS TO MY LEGACY AND REMOVING DETERRENTS FROM MY PATH #LifeOfAPhoenix • • © comp735 ™ LLC. All Rights Reserved. Shareable On Social Media. Unauthorized use not permitted. • • #Legacyinthemaking #futureisnow #legacylens #networkingskills #futurebillionaire #legacynation #RelationshipGoals #legacybuilders #MissionDriven #successfulminds #legacybuilding #legacycollection #legacyoflove #liveyourlegacy #MartianChronicles #MyNextChapter is all about living a #legacylife (at Planet Mars) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUu6pB4les3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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miraculousmichelle · 3 years ago
9/11 Remembered
20 years ago today I was 6 years old, my birthday would be in 6 days. I was excited for my birthday party I had scheduled, when I went to school that day. It was all I thought about until the principal came into the classroom to announce that we were having an early dismissal. All of my classmates starting talking excitedly, saying how we got to go home. I was the only student who said nothing, this wasn’t normal. Shortly after the principal’s announcement, we were on our buses. The principal visited each and every bus, when she got to mine she asked, “Does anyone have a parent working in the city?” There were two or three children who raised their hands quietly. This is when the other children knew something was wrong. The principal took their names and said, “We’ll make sure there’s someone at the bus stop for you.” When I finally got home my mom was waiting at the bus stop for me, I lived in a Ridgefield Connecticut complex at the time so the bus stop was crowded with everyone’s parents. Each and every parent had a look of relief when they saw their child. Some even embraced their children. I got to my mom and we walked home. As soon as we got to the living room I asked her, “Mom, what happened?” She looked at me sadly and with trepidation, unsure whether she should be truthful. She got down to my eye level, “A plane hit the twin towers.” I remember being confused, why would a plane hit the towers? What does that mean? “Are the people okay?” I asked her. She shook her head slowly, “I think a lot of people died, sweetie.” At the time, I didn’t fully comprehend how many lives were lost. I stayed quiet after that, my mom sat on the couch and put the news back on. I remember the intense focus she showed to the screen, a look of sadness, and fear. I kept seeing the plane hitting the tower, the news replayed it over and over again. I was familiar with death, my father died before I was born, my mom explained that meant he was in a deep sleep that he could never wake up from. As I look back, on how much has changed I grow more and more uneasy. We have advanced in almost every single front, medicine, technology, transportation, safety, and more. However, we haven’t advanced in what’s most important, kindness, hope, and empathy. We all have our own demons to battle, I understand that but that doesn’t mean anyone has the right to lash out at a stranger. All you see online is “Karen’s” being anti-vaccine, racist, homophobic, etc. We see acts of domestic terrorism, shootings, riots in the capital, and people refusing to wear masks. We used to respect people’s differences, their political parties, and other peoples cultures. We didn’t scare so easy, it’s true that there is a lot to fear, to be angry about, to grieve over but that isn’t any way to live your life. If 9/11 has taught us anything? It is that life is far too short, you shouldn’t spend it being bitter, yelling at other people because of the political figure they support, or cowering in fear of terrorism from another country. I want to live my life while I can, if I die young? I will miss the people I leave behind but the one thing I don’t want on my gravestone, “She died without living,” or “she died without a fight.” Live your life to the fullest, love others, and laugh at people who try to bring you down. 9/11 is a horrible tragedy in our country, but we aren’t defined by a building, a flag or a president. We are defined by what we choose to be. Choose life, love, laughter and kindness. Choose hope.
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smgarments · 2 years ago
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Stop This ASAP! • • • • • #Love #Positivity #Gangsta #Streetwear #Equality #UnisexWear #LiveYourLegacy #StreetFashion #HypeBeast #StreetWearStyle #FashionHub #GrindDontStop #GrindHard #StreetwearCulture #StreetwearClothing #LegendsNeverDie #ChangeTheWorld #EntrepreneurMinds #StreetwearShop #SuccessfulMind #StreetwearOfficial #SummerFashionTrends #SuccessfulThinking #BeBetter #SMGarments #Extraordinary #BeAMyth #Legend #Explore (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkbT1YfOSQ2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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