lizzy-frizzle · 1 year
happy birthday!!
Thank you c:
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patchofvoid · 2 years
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Vent art (but not that kind)
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neonbeasts · 11 months
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Some hlm themed kandi I made a while ago
Cassette tape charms were a gift from @definitelynotlazav :>
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deep-hearts-core · 11 months
tagged by @meeplanguage to ~spell my url with songs~ because we're each other's designated music mutuals now, which is my favorite thing. thanks for the tag <3 i will never pass up an opportunity to curate a semi-representative sample of my eclectic music taste for the internet.
also, i organize my music in playlists alphabetically by the first letter so spelling tag games are perfect for me. links go to youtube because the eurovision songs (and pity party) are best enjoyed with live vocals.
Dog Days are Over by Florence + the Machine Egoist by Olivia Hye ft Jinsoul Empathy (Muna Remix) by Lauren Aquilina Pity Party by GQ
Home by Ingrid Michaelson Eaea by Blanca Paloma Another Love by Tom Odell Rebell Ohne Grund by Prinz Pi Thelma + Louise by Bastille Something Better by Softengine (lots of flashing lights in this vid, beware)
Chemical Worker's Song by Great Big Sea Out of the Woods by Taylor Swift Rock With You by Seventeen Elias by School of Seven Bells
and finally i am going to pass this on, optionally, to @softsophos @pumpkaaboo @jaz-the-bard and @definitelynotlazav (because i'm curious if you can do it entirely with mountain goats tracks, although i'm not sure where you stand on tag games)
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godlessbroadcast · 2 years
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Both of these are part of a revenge chain with @definitelynotlazav! Digo and QnA my beloveds....
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aueua · 3 years
oh I love the thought of cloth's little dots being bells... imagine the little ringing plus her cute cicada noises when she sleeps
yeah ! i think it was the promo art that made me think they were bells?
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i know i mentioned it in the tags of the other post when this ask was sent (i've already removed it bwuajghah) but. i like to think there's a scenario out there where they're all friends together that travel together (in this case they're checking out greenpath, discover cloth's sleeping tendencies, and proceed to write a song solely based on said tendency where later cloth gently removes a bell to allow myla to shake it in or. something).
and i know you didn't ask but (: have a bonus sudden writing from me because !! hrmm... i don't know really ! i think i wanted a bit of comfort for myself.
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length: ~800
it starts with setting up a tent, all three of them working in tandem to pitch it to the song of their own laughter. one-two, a quilt thrown over the grass, three-one, pegs hammered in. another beat to hoist up the poles fashioned from sculpted stone and braided vine ropes. an interlude—after the leaves are plastered on as a cover—to eye each other, see who will dare throw themselves into the comfort cage first.
(it's myla, and she does so happily without a care to the recovering world.)
bretta drops her satchel off to the side. cloth rests her club alongside the worn pick inclined against the corner. it's bright, warm, and there's the distant sound of running acid accompanying a light, cool air. it's not a large tent. but it's theirs. it fits them and then some and it was all their own work.
the secret crystals embedded into the pegs they'd brought for myla, though she always argues that she didn't need them. not anymore. not when she had found wealth in the other two, a kind of bond she could not have even with her long gone sisters. (it flusters them every time. even the miner herself, albeit she takes it in stride since it's fact. it's as true as the truth that they were here—alive, under her touch.)
the love woven into every seam of the quilt that bretta tries to insist was not much at all, but they know well enough that such a skill came with its due passion. a very passion that when looking closer (ah, don't look—!), it's all three of them hidden in the fabric. secret messages just for the curious them, and a subtle sheen that seems to reveal their journey together so far. (she couldn't help it, or so she always murmurs into a soft laugh. they were her muses, now. companions that she cherishes dear.)
the clumsy handiwork of cloth, who's gotten better mind you, at setting everything together with her own strength. being able to lift the others up when they can't quite reach something due to the differences in their stature. it's their own score, their own pride. she herself has admitted it, once. well. perhaps not just once, but how the other two have changed her—for the better.
(how nola would have loved to meet them. how nola would be happy, to see her living at the least, for them if not herself. she always finds sudden arms around her when she's lost in these musings, but those are the times she's especially glad for her larger stature. glad, to be able to hold them both and embrace them at the same time.)
eventually, they agree to rest for the day. cloth is more than happy to take up the offer and is the first one whose head drops to rest. myla and bretta shuffle close. the beetle unscrews a paintbrush from its container and gets to writing onto a tablet. the other's eyes curve into smiling upturned crescents as she begins to sing gently, her claws rested over her chest. gentle and aimless came the tune. for her, for them, for herself. it's a lilt, there aren't any words—not yet.
and they hear it. feel it.
the rumbling purr they've learned to recognize as cloth being asleep. myla can't help but giggle in between verses, and bretta has to draw her brush away at times so she doesn't smear the words from how infectious it is.
because they're so close, they know now that there's a delicate ring that comes from her shawl. bells that she never quite confesses why she has, but she at least tells them it's from her nola and that she could never bring herself to part with them regardless of how disadvantageous it may seem.
and, well. they've always said that rather than disadvantageous, it has its own charm. a reminder that nola is always with her.
cloth supposes they're right.
(not supposes. knows.)
and that's how it goes. myla'll eventually fall asleep with herself leaning against the cicada, and bretta'll take a pause at some point in her musing to let the tablet dry. she'll look over, and she'll wonder. wonder how a maiden like herself ever managed to befriend them. (she never questions if she deserves them anymore. the two always remind her that she's enough to them and to them and them alone, well, she supposes that's more than fine.)
so she'll pull aside tablets that she's never shown them (not yet, perhaps later when she feels more confident) and write her appreciation. write these moments. record the entries, this time with assurance that none of it was a dream. it was their moment to share, and eventually, she herself will rest on the opposite shoulder.
and they're happy.
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a-crooked-cross · 3 years
8, 23, 38 for the shrouded artilerist
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
As a child they had a cat, who they actually do keep contact with in Parabola. They also collect certain captured monsters (which are rare. A cannon tends to be a hunting weapon that doesn't lend itself to capture.)
They neither like or dislike animals. They kill monsters.
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
Damn good. Especially when it comes to grudges.
And names are usually better than faces, especially when one hangs out with tomb colonists.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
They will not fuck with anything hell-related, not since the campaign of '68. If something scares them, they point a cannon at it until it goes away one way or another.
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spiderscribs · 3 years
just wanted you to know that my most often occuring thought for the past week has been LIKE HELL YOU ARE and your version of the comic is impeccable
I drew the comic because.... I too have not been able to get LIKE HELL YOU ARE! out of my head
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electriceyespots · 3 years
apparently in the tumblr inbox when you hit alt while responding to an ask, the “answer privately” button disappears, but none of the other buttons do? I noticed this as I was answering this and it was just strangely baffling
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icastplantgrowth · 3 years
are there any unique species inhabiting the world you'd like to expound on? such extreme environments on either end of the spectrum probably produce some wild stuff
You know, I don’t think I’ve come up with any actually new player races. I homebrewed an Empath class for the first campaign I ever set there, though that had a lot of issues so we’ll see what happens if someone wants to be one next time I run something there. Empaths are reality-blenders and constantly broadcasting telepaths. Typically people are born as one, but it’s possible to train Empathic powers after being exposed to them enough.
Here’s some prominent unusual wildlife or neat player race/origin factoids though?
I liked the idea of the Skyswimmers being large, blimp-like whales, kind of like the Canberra skywhale lol, but Skywimmers have a statblock already as more centipede-like things. Sky Leviathans from Kaladesh have a block though I think?
Warforged are around, but most are non-sentient androids built and kept in the Empire. Some, however, especially the ones that were used in the Blackmarsh’s campaign on the Deadlands, grew sentience from Chaos’ influence.
Treants are also common fixtures in the Wilds.
There’s a sleepy town with a high Drow population that farms Phase Spiders for several purposes.
Orcs of course are people who you can find scattered here and there, but some of the most visible are the Emendalian (somewhat French-inspired) noblility and sailors in the south.
Aarakokra are easily the most prominent race in the Maze, because their ability to fly lets them leap between spires without having to dip into the monster-infested fog.
There are the Three Primordial Gods, other idea gods, and then there are regular gods. The three primordials (Order, Chaos, and Nature) are always present, the ideas ebb and flow in influence (e.g. War, Persistence, Urban Life, Storms), and regular gods (e.g. Aphrodite, Cthulu, Ioun, Hephaestus) are much more common and will have actual personalities and goals, but will eventually die if they lose all their followers.
Oh! But for one original thing, the true Angels there are people who basically went so _____-core on something that they can do wild OP shit. They only exist tied to idea gods or the three primordials. They’re extremely powerful but it’s very very difficult to influence them to do anything. Some no longer appear human, some are perfectly normal-looking and lucid. Tariel, Angel of Persistence, appears constantly dirty and tattered and is basically as indestructible and unswayable as a Terminator. The Angel guards of Order’s manifestation look like humanoids made of countless tiny points. As you keep looking closely you realize that you are somehow seeing each individual molecule of them, distinctly accounted for and functioning precisely as they should. Brenn, an Angel of Storms, is constantly under a storm (whether it be rain, sand, or snow) and the skin around his eyes colors like the weather patterns causing them, but he otherwise looks and acts pretty mortal, if a bit intense.
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lizzy-frizzle · 2 years
I started a new comic two days ago on a friend's recommendation and I got so sucked in I stayed up way too late reading it, and it felt so good to be invested in a comic like that again... it's actually happened twice recently, first idw sonic comics and then kill six billion demons, and the latter the art's amazing and there's like, a transfem angel doing martial arts and shit
that sounds rad as hell. Also I'm pretty sure my best friend has every sonic comic in existence? At the very least he has most of them
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awordbroken · 4 years
I relate immensely to being at seeking 4 for far, far too long
you 🤝 me 😔
honestly i’m at peace with never knowing what goes on in there, some forms of storytelling just don’t work well for my brain, and that’s fine. and if mr eaten doesn’t like me cheekily invoking well imagery anyway, well, he’s welcome to come beat me over the head with a candle or whatever.
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neonbeasts · 2 years
I should do more things with my fursona here
AMA about my funny guy Serling
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(art by @definitelynotlazav)
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deep-hearts-core · 2 years
blue for the color asks!
blue: what do you do when you’re sad? what are some things you do when you can’t sleep? what was the best (non-romantic) night you’ve had? what kind of covers do you have on your bed? who is the last person you told a secret to?
cry about it to myself, cry about it to a friend, take a shower or have an indulgent little snack, get cozy. in that order. / read fanfiction or watch youtube videos im a simple man i entertain myself until i feel tired again / recently me and user patchofvoid and our other friend hung out on the roof of her apartment and then went out for insomnia cookies and that made me really happy especially in the context of the really awful few months i had before that / fleece blanket, comforter, fleece blanket, quilt, crochet blanket. in that order. / i don't really have secrets but probably user definitelynotlazav. or depending on what counts as a secret one of my potential future roommates
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jacebeleren · 3 years
you're on a roll in the same way a steamroller is and I have been run over twice now
honk honk
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moisellethefae · 4 years
happy birthday! also, thank you so much for all you've contributed to magic over the years
Thank you! I am but a leech, but I am happy to make you smile
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