#definitely planning some more similar digital art like this :)
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atsr-studios · 1 year ago
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I decided to take drawing more seriously and try to make an actual complete piece. So here it is ^u^
More info under the cut!
While scrolling, I found some concept art of playable Cyber elf X, and fell in love xD
So I decided to draw this piece; it was mostly practice for me to test out the brushes and my digital limits. (I usually draw in black and white on paper, so this was tough, but rewarding -w-)
Originally, the idea for the background would be a void-like cyberspace bg, but a friend suggested a sunset.
The idea here is that Cyber elf x is falling from… robot heaven? Armed and ready. So ye.
Sketch and inspiration:
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gotham-daydreams · 7 months ago
Hi hi! It's good to see you back :D
Alternative idea. Artist reader, except more in a traditional sense. I.e. painter, digital artist, etc.
Like imagine a reader who adored making art of people specifically -- they've painted and sketched hundreds of people, except their sketchbooks are only filled with friends and strangers, no family.
And yeah, maybe there's an old sketch of some of the family members before things soured completely, but it's crumpled and torn, and the features are barely recognizable. And when the reader's kidnapped, they're just not having it. They absolutely fucking refuse to pick up a pencil to sketch or paint any of them. Over their dead body. They refuse to associate any of them with art, which is something so personal and important to them. The family don't deserve to be portrayed so intimately after everything they've put the reader through.
And they're petty, too. Like if Damian critiqued one of their pieces they've been working on, they completely ditch it because it's been soured in their eyes now.
Except (and playing off that last post), everyone's growing more and more frustrated, and the reader's not giving even an inch. And suddenly, people start questioning... well, if the reader won't share their art with the family, then what good is it to any of them? You don't wanna paint any of them? Alright, that's fine. They'll just break your arm! It's not like you were using it for anything important anyway. Maybe if you hadn't been so fucking stubborn, none of this would have happened. You brought this upon yourself. This is your fault.
And the reader's just crushed because that's their livelihood gone. I mean, they live to create art, it's the only thing that's kept them sane whilst kidnapped, and now they can't even hold their medium properly.
I can imagine some of the more delusional members of the family convincing themself that it's the user's art that's somehow driving a wedge into their relationship, and thus by removing their ability to create, they're getting rid of the obstacle in their relationship. And some of them are just bitter. Like you won't share this precious key part of your life with them? Fine. Then they'll just take that part away from you so neither of you can have it.
You guys have to stop reading my mind sometimes I swear to god... I didn’t even have Artist!Reader written in my notes yet.. what is this? LMAO
But all jokes aside, I have thought of an Artist!Reader and mixed in with a few other elements since my brains is so weird with ideas that are too similar, and believe me when I say that while it is a similar-ish conflict at the start, it does derail into its own thing- and I'll just say that, well, hurt people, hurt people.
Regardless! Before I spoil and give away too many of my own ideas and what I already have planned for such an idea, I can see that in a way!
Though, don't get me wrong, the family does collectively have a very strong resolve, and as good as they work individually - when they come together, it is truly a sight to behold. The reader will have to be as unwavering as them, and it'll take more than just the reader being unwilling to paint for them specifically for them to even consider physically harming the reader over it - even for the more impulsive members of the family.
However, if such a thing were to happen- depending on who it is... yeah, they'd definitely point the finger at anything but themselves over it. Though, I will also say that some will absolutely own it, and this goes for any reader and just hurting them too.
Like, yeah. They hurt you, but because you weren't listening. You weren't being yourself. You were going to hurt yourself- and they're just stopping you from doing that. They will do it again if you don't stop. So, get with the program, and no one will get hurt, okay?
Because you get what you give, right?
(Good luck trying to break or even sprain any of their arms to throw their point back in their face, its not happening - they've dealt with people twice their size, with powers, and more- and they not only have beat them, but the bat has plans to take care of them should anything happen, even if that is thanks to his paranoia. You'll be lucky enough to even get a lucky shot in no matyer your combat experience prior. It's not happening... not easily, anyway. Not as easily as they can break yours.)
Even then, I think they'd try to just 'temporarily' fracture or break your wrist at most over that, and even then the family member would have to be really pissed off and impulsive - especially to a point where they just won't leave the room to cool off.
I'm not about to say that it'd be 'deserved', but it'd take a lot for the family to even try to do something that they know will take away the reader's ability to do something they love so much. In an Artist!Reader scenario that you described, they'll definitely just try to get what they can - even if they can't get anything for themselves.
Really, I think something that'd make any of them sort of 'snap' like that is if the reader kept doing pieces of other people, and the family member's own jealousy got the best of them in that moment. Be it just the situation and reader's overall attitude n just little things building up, or a small thing the reader said that was just the straw that broke the camels back.
Would they feel bad? Absolutely, but depending on the person, would they lowkey view it as punishment for the reader being so stubborn and adament about not doing even a sketch for them? Most likely, if only a little, and even so they'll keep it to themselves, unless they've got a big mouth or are just that pissed off.
Honestly, I don't know what would push them to do a whole arm - but probably something similar to the OG limb removal post — just them being pushed to an extreme edge after such a long time.
I don't think they'd be that cruel, and if so then only in a fit of anger as that does tend to happen, but genuinely? No. Absolutely not. Maybe jealous because your attention is elsewhere, but to deem it unimportant because the reader isn't doing something on them? I don’t really think so, but maybe that's because I don't really see the Batfam being those kind of people, even on an off day.
They do enjoy whatever the reader is into as they can see it makes the reader happy, and even if some definitely feel like they should be the reader's biggest source of happiness, comfort, and all of those good things, they will ultimately let it be. If anything, they might find themselves enjoying the things the reader is into for one reason or another.. unless its dangerous or drives them crazy, which.. well, it depends on how you look at things if its easy to do that or not. They're selfish, yes, but I wouldn't say they're so overly sensitive? I'm not totally sure how to word it, but maybe what I mean will show more in the future, haha!
Especially since... well, Chapter 4 isn't going to help, but I'll be real and say that I don't really consider the Not [ ] Series to be my best work, even if I do enjoy it quite a bit. I could definitely do better, but I consider it more of an introduction into what I write, how I write, and things like that so... hopefully that shows in my other projects when i get to them as I finish up this short series!
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i'm not gonna do a big year in review post like i did last year because on a strictly numerical level (a) i probably technically failed most of my resolutions and (b) i don't actually have the data because one of the ones i definitely failed was logging my habits to keep up, which i stopped doing in september when work got crazy and never picked back up. still ultimately i feel good about how things went down, generally. i didn't quite make this the year i got back into reading but i read more than i had the year before for sure, and i saw a lot of movies, most of them interesting or enjoyable, and some other art, too (the jenny holzer installation at the guggenheim, the ibsen play starring jeremy strong). i definitely listened to way more music. i got so good at hydrating by the end of the year that now i feel off if i drink less than 100 ounces a day lmao. i don't think i hit a 50% workout rate but i had a june that took working out off the map for several weeks and then when i tried to get back into it at the level i'd been doing before it sucked and i needed way more rest days for a long ass time; lesson learned for the future, and right now i feel like i have a good routine going. steps was kind of a similar story but this fall was pretty successful (having a zillion clients all over the goddamn city was helpful in that regard). i do want to be more proactive about it on a day to day basis because i do think it might help me sleep to hit that 10k or so (and i think it helps with soreness too, preventatively and amelioratively, which spellcheck says is not a word but should be!!) but i'm feeling more and more like flexibility is the name of the game in some things so while i will be tracking them daily/weekly/monthly this year, i will ultimately consider it a win if i get to december 31 with 3,650,000 behind me.
i fell off on logging and journaling, and never really got a handle on doing mobility work or meditating, but i finished the year feeling like while on the one hand it was nice to know i had enough structures in place to make it through my busy season a little on edge but never really losing my mind, i also felt like ignoring these things completely for a while ultimately as i look back drew my attention to why i wanted to make space for them in the first place; the morning routine stuff is where i get it together enough to check in on my life, process some stuff, and make adjustments as necessary; doing some kind of mobility stuff, even if it's just hitting the foam roller at bedtime, is just physically necessary if i want to keep working out the way i have been working out and i have to stop acting like i can have one without the other.
i decided for 2024 i didn't need to set a guideline around internet use the way i had in 2023, just an intention to be mindful, and, um, well that was a huge failure but an instructive one; again, lesson learned (and it's actually crazy how much even a guided 5 meditation in the morning alters my basic instincts for the rest of the day about when i want to Scroll). i didn't floss........ i should floss.
i did okay with doing Life Tasks semi-regularly and the attitude of "20 minutes Task Time per day" was helpful in some ways but didn't address the Giant Ever Growing Backlog Of Tasks I Have Been Putting Off For Months To Years, which suggests a need for a new approach; this year i'm gonna try a tip i read somewhere to plan out your tasks on a weekly basis, including scheduling them, not just throwing them on a "weekly to-do list," and aim for 5 a week. i gave up on 20 minutes of digital tidying per day and i think the answer there is just to not set a minimum above the minimum, so to speak. if i delete 5 emails or unsubscribe from 1 thing that counts.
i don't know how i wound up doing with my goal to have One Human Connection Per Day (At Least Half The Days Of The Year) but i had a lot of fun this year and i am finishing it feeling in many ways still awkward and neurotic but more connected and secure than i was a year ago, and feeling almost overwhelmed with how true it feels to say "my life is full of doing fun stuff with people i like" after all the years i spent convinced this was completely impossible for me to achieve. this year i don't think i'm going to slot this into my daily habits, partly because sometimes multiple things happen on one day or i text someone to initiate plans-making on the same day someone texts me, partly because the advice i saw about doing stuff also recommend task-batching and i think there may be some utility to that here as well, and partly because well i do have a schedule that is incredibly variable by week and season and this past fall for example i'm not sure i could have handled much more in september/october than free store + one fun thing a week which is more or less how it shook out for a while there. i also don't think i'm going to set a number because, well, i feel good about it right now. i do want to set a non-quantifiable intention to keep getting a little braver about forging new connections or deepening ones that are shallow but seem promising (serial killer way to say "making friends" sorry i am still in some ways quite Insane about this topic, the prime locus of my insanity for many years), and within that specifically to keep getting better at going to local stuff even when none of my closest local friends are going to be there as my security blanket lol. this year early on i finally texted someone i knew from pantry biz with whom i had exchanged mutual "we should hang out sometime" sentiments and it turns out that they're one of those people where once someone else makes the first move they welcome you in a lot so that the "hey, wanna catch a movie or something?" text i sent while deep breathing (because i am Insane) wound up leading pretty directly to a bunch of other incredibly fun 2024 memories, which is like almost irritatingly on the nose as a life lesson but otherwise very nice. relatedly (to texting that stresses me out because of my Problems) i want to get better at texting people back in a timely fashion and also at being more impulsive in a positive way about sending texts when people are on my mind.
the two things i feel real regret over this year are the reading thing and also writing... not a great year for writing, although i can at least look back on i would say three newsletters i'm proud of and one fic i was very glad to complete. i also did... okay... at contributing at the singles jukebox now that We're So Back on a monthly schedule. but i wrote basically nothing other than the occasional blurb after sometime in may and that feels bad and also suggests i need to find some way to integrate writing more reliably into my routine. i don't want to set a word count goal because part of what's going on is that i have some projects i'm picking away at that are more demanding of planning & brainstorming & slower more considered writing than my usual (beloved!) genres of Blogging and Fanfiction but i do think it needs to be quantifiable because ummm otherwise i simply will Not. so i am thinking this is a daily goal too. same goes for reading and in that case i do think i can set an outcome goal, which is 50 books.
ok well i guess this wound up being a year in review post anyway lmao. whatever it's capricorn season it's my time to shine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! neatened up resolutions post for my own ease of reference incoming shortly
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maniculum · 1 year ago
Bestiaryposting Plan
So the poll is still running, but I think I'm safe in saying there's sufficient interest, so I'm going ahead and typing up a "how we're going to do this" thing, which I will schedule to post after the poll ends properly. As of the time I'm writing this, over 500 people have voted for the "yes I want to draw things" option, and I had been expecting to get maybe a dozen, so we definitely have enough participants. Let's get started then:
Our Source
I had originally planned to translate an Old or Middle English bestiary, but haven't been able to find a good one -- the best option I was able to dig up only has thirteen critters, which I feel like isn't enough to really have fun with. I was debating the idea of translating a Latin one -- this would have been far more time-consuming since my Latin is terrible, but also I do need to practice it, so I figured it evens out -- when I found a solution that doesn't involve me spending hours and hours on translating.
It seems that when Aberdeen University created their digitized version of the famous Aberdeen Bestiary, they released it under a Creative Commons license. (Assuming I'm reading their copyright policy correctly; I'm not a lawyer.) It does not seem to specify whether the transcriptions and translations they attach to the scanned images are also covered by Creative Commons, but since all of those are already freely available online through their website, I can't imagine they would have a problem with me posting them here as long as I provide attribution (which I am hereby doing right here on this post) and am not using it for commercial purposes (which I am not).
The Aberdeen Bestiary is missing a few pages, but there exists a very similar manuscript, the Ashmole Bestiary (they're sometimes called "sister" manuscripts), which is not missing those pages. And I happen to have a translation of the Ashmole Bestiary in hardcopy on my bookshelf, so I can just use it to fill in the gaps. Edit: whoops, the one I have is the Bodley Bestiary. They are in the same bestiary "family", though, so it still works well enough. (I think that should qualify as "fair use", since I'm only taking excerpts and not using them commercially.)
The upside of using the Aberdeen Bestiary is that it means when I round up all the art of each critter, I can include their very nice illustrations alongside the reveal of what animal was being described.
The downside of using the Aberdeen Bestiary is that since it already is free online, people might be tempted to "cheat" by looking up the entries and finding out what animal they describe. For that, please see the next section...
Guessing the Animal
Guessing what animal is being described is not the point of the exercise. (Feel free to have theories and whatnot, but please keep them to yourself so as not to influence the artists.) If you see an entry and think, e.g., "oh that's describing a raccoon"*, and then you create a picture of a raccoon... well, you could have done a perfectly good raccoon at any point and didn't need this framework to do it. So just don't worry about what animal is meant, and do your best to draw (or paint or stitch or whatever else) based on the description! You're not getting ranked on accuracy and there are no prizes forthcoming, so... just have fun with it.
*Example chosen as something that will, for obvious reasons, definitely not be in a 13th-century European bestiary.
Edit after starting to type these things up: some of these are going to be super easy to guess, though, to the point where I don't know how possible it'll be to block out prior knowledge. Sorry about that.
General Procedure
I'm going to schedule a post every Monday (I'm thinking of queuing them for 6pm Eastern Time) with a new entry. It will be the translation of an entry from the Aberdeen Bestiary with all references to the animal's name replaced by a randomly-generated nonsense word. (Henceforth to be referred to as "nonsense-names". I'm Googling* each one before using them so I don't accidentally generate one that actually means something.) These posts will all be tagged maniculum bestiaryposting, so you can follow that tag if you want to make sure you see them.'
*Later Note: Did you know that if you search dozens of nonsense words within a short span of time, Google makes you prove you're not a robot? Repeatedly?
Anyone who wants to draw the critter being described should do so. (You are encouraged to describe your thought process re: why you've depicted it the way you have.) You can put it in its own post, or reblog the description with an image, or however you want to do it. Then tag your art with the nonsense-name I've given to the animal.This will let me and others find it. (You should probably employ copy/paste there to make sure the spelling is the same, since nonsense words are hard to spellcheck.)
A week after posting the bestiary entry, I'll go through that tag and round up all of the art contributed. Then I'll put the images in a big post (or series thereof, considering how many people might participate), along with an @ and a link to your original post.
If you want...
to not have your work included in the round-up post
to have only a link to your post included and not an image
to have me include a link to your website / other social media / etsy shop in addition to or instead of your tumblr
to have other information included alongside your work
anything else along those lines
... then just say so in your post and I will follow your instructions to the best of my ability.
I will also include, at the end of the round-up post, an image of the creature as depicted in the Aberdeen Bestiary and what it is actually called.
All posts I make on this will be collected at https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting so that people can look at previous ones without scrolling through the tag.
Various Notes
I'm going to trim out any religious digressions in the original entries -- bestiary authors had a habit of adding stuff like "and the raccoon is symbolic of god in such-and-such fashion, which teaches us...", and I just don't think that's relevant here.
The entries will also be presented in a random order. This is because they're sorted into categories in the original text, so if I don't change the order we're going to get stuck with, e.g., a few months of All Birds All The Time.
You should all be aware that the animals described are not guaranteed to be, you know, real. There are several entries describing animals that straight up do not exist -- some of which are mythical creatures familiar to most people, others of which are extremely obscure.
Explanations of the animal's name within the entries will be redacted.
If other animals are mentioned within the entries, they will not get replaced with nonsense-names. Originally, I was going to make the switch globally, so that if, e.g., the entry for "raccoon" read "a raccoon is about the size of a possum", and the random generator had decided that a raccoon was a balzikhear and a possum was a flunggrish, the "raccoon" entry would now read "a balzikhear is about the size of a flunggrish". However, I decided that it will cause more problems than it solves to obscure any comparisons to other animals -- so the name-switch is now localized only to the specific entry. A possum is a flunggrish only in its own entry, and remains a possum everywhere else.
I was originally going to do one post for every single entry, but there are a lot of them and they vary wildly in length & quality. So I've cut it down to exactly 52 posts, meaning that if I queue them up for once a week, this will run for roughly a full year.
Most of that cutting-down mentioned above was done by combining a bunch of the really short entries into categories -- the last half-dozen posts in this series will be group entries. You can choose to make art of any of them that strike your fancy, or do a group portrait, or just ignore them --I dunno, I'm not a cop, do what you want.
I did also directly cut some, mostly domesticated animals because there's a somewhat different approach to them based on author and audience familiarity.
So yeah, that should cover everything.
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hawkland · 1 year ago
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Art Masterpost: Solitudes
Story by: ilovehowyouletmefall (@angelinthefire) Art by: sidewidner (@hawkland)
It's October and that means it's @deancasbigbang season once again! This year makes for my third time around for the event, although this year I only managed to participate as an artist (I'm still in a bit of writer's burnout since the summer). But, that meant I could put all of my focus and time into doing these four pieces for @angelinthefire's wonderful story "Solitudes." I'm gonna talk a little bit about my ideas and process and share some progress pictures behind the cut in a way that might be kind of spoilery, so if you want, just go read the story now! And then you come back here later to find out more if you wish. All works were completed in watercolor with some digital effects and filtering after completion.
I was really drawn to the imagery of the architectural elements of where the story takes place (an abandoned brutalist mansion) vs. nature and decay...plus the way light and shadow seemed to play such important roles in the visual descriptions. Dean and Cas spend so much of the story separated by supernatural forces even when they are in the same room I wanted to focus on that as well: being so near yet so far apart, not quite connecting or even able to look at each other without barriers.
I started on the banner art right away, thinking of Dean in despair (for reasons in the story) and Cas yearning/wishing he could reach him. Behind them both is the concrete wall covered in mold and moss (which was a LOT of fun to paint). The actual final watercolor painting came out as so:
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(This is one of my favorite Deans that I've painted. His face can be SO hard to get right!)
Working with angelinthefire's suggestions I ran some different digital filters on the photo to desaturate/emphasize the light and dark for the final banner, and then with that in mind tried to keep the other pieces in a similar color scheme and tonal range.
The atrium painting was the biggest challenge. I knew I wanted to do a piece to capture the feeling of the house, the light coming in from an open skylight falling on brambles growing out of an old fountain spot. I was thinking of the Roman villa ruins I've visited combined with some actual Brutalist/modern homes I looked up. My original drawing plan was a bit more complicated and simplifying/taking out some elements definitely makes it more creepy/mysterious looking and less like a funky modern home.
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You can see the vanishing/perspective point is right where Dean is looking at Cas.
The light falling down from above was partially painted with some interference/shimmer watercolors, but I amplified it (along with the shadows) with some digital effects at the end. This was before doing any digital magic:
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Dean reaching for Cas: I made myself so sad working on that piece! It was also quite the challenge to get the likeness right at that angle and do the lighting the way I wanted, so again I used some digital effects at the end to really intensify it. Painting before filters:
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I think my favorite part of that one is how I dry-brushed the ash wings in one shot and they came out just how I wanted! My main reference was, heh, that old classic shot of unconscious Cas being poked with a stick. I used my own hand for Dean's reaching out to what he sees through the harsh angled light.
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The final piece is a direct companion to the one above it, and one I'd been thinking about for weeks, trying to map it out mentally before tackling it. Dean's face can be so much more challenging for me to try to capture well compared to Cas's and I really wanted to get his shock and horror in that moment while also being able to show (the real) Cas in the background/shadows...this was the third drawing pass before I finally started painting it. There's only a light bit of filtering over the final piece to push Cas back in the shadows (I didn't want to do with the paints for fear of muddying the colors...plus I was already painting Cas so small any wrong brush stroke could shift his likeness/expression.)
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Overall I really like how unified these pieces all ended up feeling and I hope they manage to complement the story in a way that it deserves!
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eggsrblue · 17 days ago
Do you have a reference sheet for Stanley or any specific drawings you use as a main reference... just wondering cuz i keep thinking of him
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Typically when I draw Stanley/my fallout self insert, I do it all from memory :)) which obviously isn't ideal lols but it's my favourite way to draw characters :)
There are definitely features I always try to include (like his birthmark on his cheek that I have irl) but I do occasionally forget about them LOL
I actually have a post where I talk about some of the important features on him!!! vvv
Although I do draw him inconsistently at times :)) (it's a thing I'm working on hsjufhsj)
Also! For the colours I would say he sorta looks like this: (it's hard to take pictures of traditional art bsjfjsh)
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I have tried making a digital version but I much prefer the colouring pencils ver Dx
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OH YEAH, I rarely draw these two things but he ALWAYS has a pip-boy on and he has cloudly blue eyes similar to Charon!!!
ALSO... Another very important feature is his teeth!! He has a tooth gap and sharp fangs like the drawing above >:3c
The very rare few times he takes off his pip-boy is when he's showering/bathing or sleeping! But even then he has it next to him or in the same room-
But he does keep it on when he swims (he loves swimming, I've just never talked about it LOL) just in case!
And he had blue eyes when he was a human, so he still has blue eyes :) I typically just don't bother making his eyes look like ghoul eyes cuz it's one of those features I don't find that important lol
But if you look up fallout 3 ghouls and look at their eyes you can see what I mean :) very cloudly blue eyes I'd say (I love how they look on Charon tho hsjfhs)
I am planning on making a tag specifically for this!! Like #oc lore or sum, but when I do make the tags I will definitely edit my previous posts to have the tag :)) (including this one)
And so here's a couple pics of what I'd say are the most accurate to him!!
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I do see him as a chubby and bulky guy :) since most of the meat on him is either muscle or fat lol
He's also a very hairy guy...
You will definitely see me making his design more simple sometimes (especially for comics) like this :)
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just only the most important features lol, I like to call this design "simple stanley" hehe
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jumpscaregoose · 1 year ago
how I make my manga patches: a shitty tutorial
figured I'd make a post explaining my technique for making the patches I put on my hororen jacket and other projects. because they're cool and more people should do them
here's how I turned this panel into this patch for my hao pants I'm working on:
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you will need:
fabric to paint on (I'd recommend a white fabric without a lot of texture. I'm pretty sure the one I use is some kind of polycotton blend?)
basic sewing supplies (needle, pins, thread)
a laptop/tablet you can lie flat on your desk OR a lightbox + printer
pencil (the softer and darker the better, I use 6b)
thin paintbrush
acrylic paint
fabric medium (optional)
thick gloves (if you're tracing off a touchscreen you WILL need these)
pinking shears (optional)
decide the scale of your patch. for this project I made a digital mockup and then measured how big I wanted it to be on my project. I settled on 3 inches wide
download the image you plan to trace and either zoom in to the right size or scale and print it (I don't own a lightbox myself but using it should provide a similar effect to my method.
lay out your screen or lightbox flat on your workspace and put your fabric over the image (I'd also recommend ironing your fabric before this if you can). If your fabric is thin enough you should be able to see the lines through it.
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this is where you want to put on your gloves if you're tracing off a touchscreen. without gloves, your hands can sometimes cause the screen to move or zoom in while you're tracing.
now you just need to trace the image onto the fabric with your pencil. this is the absolute WORST PART and to minimize suckage I recommend
checking you're aligned with your previous marks before you make a new one
tensing your fabric along the grain or crossgrain with your hand as you draw, so it doesn't shift (don't fuck with the bias that'll cause problems)
taking your tracing OFF the screen to add the finer details (tracing directly is most important for the big shapes and faces)
using a soft, dark pencil to avoid damaging your screen (you can also add a sheet of transparent plastic between the fabric and the screen, but I've found this makes the fabric slip more)
shading in the flat black areas so you don't forget them later
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here's my penciling after finishing on the screen and fully finished
4. now it's time to paint over the pencil
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I use a cheap, probably terrible acrylic paint and mix it with a textile/fabric medium. This makes the paint flow better and raises its longevity on the fabric. It's not necessary to use, especially if you don't plan to wash your finished project (acrylic paint is plastic once it dries, it shouldn't chip off too easily).
then you just. paint over the pencil. take you time and steady your hand on the desk. if you're worried about smudges work top-bottom and left-right/right-left depending on your dominant hand.
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here's mine fully painted. once the paint is dry, I heat seal it with an iron (and a pressing cloth, so if it sticks I don't have hao fused to my iron forever)
5. cut out the patch. I like to use pinking shears to reduce future fraying, but if you don't have those you can either manually cut notches or fuck it we ball a straight edge.
then you just pin and sew it to your project. boom done
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now you can make as many as you want and add them to everything!
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I've used this technique for:
aaaaallllllllllllll the patches on my hororen jacket (took FOREVER don't try to hand sew through SUEDE kids)
a cell phone pocket on my cozmez ita bag
painting my favourite manga pages directly onto a skirt (wip because that fabric is a nightmare)
you don't need to just stick to manga panels either, anything works as long as it has clean, defined lines (but manga/comic panels are definitely easiest). if you look at some of the patches on my jacket you can see I've used coloured screenshots and official art and just traced over them in black. would recommend colour correcting images like that to make the lines easier to see, though
I love this technique because I love dressing up for cons but I don't enjoy making cosplays themselves. so I just make an insane jacket wear it to a con and then wear it in regular ass life. shoutout to the three people who recognized my jacket at fanexpo toronto last august. highlight of my life.
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exandrothinadresseveryday · 9 months ago
um um um I'm back and I decided to analyze your art cause I really admire it :')
Honestly, I've noticed you use the same line width, if not similar line widths throughout the entire piece, which makes the dresses easier to swallow compared to how some artists draw, and I also think it goes perfectly with the overall simplicity of your art! While it is rather simple, it is also rather easy to add details into it to make it much more fun to do and gorgeous to look at.
I also love how you color things, as it is also pretty simple and goes with the line art, but it's also really easy to add details that you can overlook but still add to the drawing! Not even to mention how well the background goes with the outfits, especially in cases like the black hole dress or the white and blue angel dress (which both look amazing and are easily some of my favorite pieces ever)
Anyways once more, your art looks gorgeous and has given me so much inspiration and insight into my own art and how I can better it, as well that keeping things simple can totally help my art a ton!!!
um anyways sorry for the paragraphs but tysm for making the blog, it has cheered me up multiple times before and it probably will do it again countless times <33
This is so freaking cool to read, you absolutely hit the nail on the head with some of these comments :D Hope you don't mind if I add some insight on my part since it's so lovely idk if I could post it without anything to say.
But yeah, my usual choice in brush is literally a default CSP brush with the pen pressure turned off, and it tends to be 6-12px wide? There's nothing particularly special about it other than drawing with a smaller brush size helps me keep my canvas roughly the size I like (since I alter it each drawing), and I'm not a big fan of line weight in general lol. I'm definitely not the kind of person who will swear by a special custom brush or specific settings, I've always been the kind of person who will just make art with whatever the fuck I'm given.
If I can be honest, a lot of the time I just wing it with colours and the background- so you don't see it but there's a lot of me trying to slap a bandaid on a leak I created by not planning ahead. Sometimes things go smoothly, other times it doesn't.. For the record, an artwork will turn out wayyy nicer when you have a complete idea of what it's meant to look like. Do not aim to emulate me 100% I am but a fool in the grand scheme of things.
ANYWAYS, you wanna know something fucked up that might make ppl look at my art differently? This is my process for the latest drawing I did. I took my sketch, I drew it over it digitally and inked it, THEN I overlayed the sketch because I liked how it messed with my colours-
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I paint OVER the artwork, realised my sloppy colouring makes the bottom part stand out so I add a shadow trying to adjust for this, decided I needed the artwork to be 100x more vibrant so I upped the contrast a bajillion times..
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Then the rest was just shit i painted over:
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I didn't even have lineart for the angel dress.. Check out this freak shit:
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Have fun guessing what part of my artwork is what now,,,
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gemorycave · 6 months ago
There will definitely not be an introduction post any time soon because I do neot know how to intro! But I have blogs ! I will share most and I will add on cuz I am kinda lazy and if I don't post this now I won't ever !! Anyway here some stuff
List of blogs!!
@gemorycave this blog, of course!! Mostly post art and random thoughts or just whatever in general :3 it is blog where I interact from too!! This basically just has everything I guess!
@gemorycave-artz Basically where I reblog all of my art from here, so people could view art without all of my nonsense posts and reblogs since I can get a tad bit silly with those and they end up taking over entirely teehe
@mossspeltwithc me but more problematic >:3 slash jay teehe. Auhm don't really knowwww how to introduce this one? It's just. Me. Like me me like uh mawce! Me I'm mawce! Teehe I might also get a little personall?? Think that's a word for it , since I might talk about source stuff a lot and share arts of it and just other things in general
Another blog I have kind of similar issues is @mephone4ii but I think it's a little less personal, perhaps but I don't use it so often like the other one
@loosepaige headmate blerp hiiii hi paiggeee I missssss youuu paappeerrrrr come backkk pappeerr hepllp sorry, Paper! This is paper or aka Paige!!! Uuhhm maybe active maybe not, he hasn't been fronting recently so not active sIGHS
@digital-lands floorphone side blog!!! No wayy?? I post allll about floorphone cuz it's on my mind so bunches I chat about so much laalala!!! Right now there isn't like any art at all but I plan on doing floorphone art on it! So floorphone sighhss I love floorphone!!!
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I might also add on to these, maybe! Since im so forgetful i might be missing some and if I come up with any more I definitely will add
#gem talks - basically for any post that includes me yapping or whatever just regular talking post!
#gemorycave art - pretty self explanatory, tag for my art! Could be anything from a finished product to work in progresses or just any quick sketch or doodles I may have!
#gem answers - basically just post where i am answering my inbox!
#mawce daily struggles - self explanatory too I think! I'm most likely complaining about something when I use the tag and I just happen to have it as a thing i deal with daily or just pretty ofetn!
#gem pinned post - might not actually be a currently pinned post but it might be important to me so I wanna have something to go back to it
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dawnthefluffyduck · 1 year ago
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First project is done :D
Actually, even though I'm in two studios this semester, I'm likely only going to post class projects for my digital one, since the other is a figure drawing class, and I can't exactly post drawings of other real people (we will do a self portrait, so I *might* share that one if it doesn't turn out as inaccurate as the last one did).
Project notes under the cut as always (and bonus, I got some cut out! Picture below)
I can't lie, this isn't exactly how I wanted it to turn out. I actually started to hand draw in more complex shading, but when I opened the file this morning, everything I had done over the weekend was completely gone (weird computer issue, not because I forgot to save it). I ended up having to add in some reallly simple shadows at the last minute (just because some of these really needed some modicum of depth in order to work), and barely got this done in time. But, it's done, and it's turned in :)
This project was meant to familiarize us with using Adobe Illustrator; we were told to make a sheet of 6-10 stickers that represented a place we can't actually go to. I actually did a very similar project last spring; that time, we were told to depict a place that we wanted to go to, so a real place. This one was was a bit more abstract, and I'm in my baby-ex-christian era, so I really wanted to do heaven and hell for this. It felt like tasteful blasphemy, and it felt nice doing this for a prompt that implied that these places weren't real. Made me happy :D my professor loved the idea, so I took it and ran with it haha.
The class loved it; mine was the first one they wanted to discuss during critique after the only volunteer went, and it felt really nice. I put a ton of time into this so I'm happy to see it pay off even if it's not exactly how I wanted it to turn out.
I'll probably play around with it more? I won't be doing the complex shading I initially had planned because that was not a fun experience to have to redo. Some color and shape adjustments are needed for me to be fully happy with it though, so that'll probably be a "my personal free time" thing.
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I went to war with the Cricut in the art building, but managed to get one set to cut well :D my classmates took some of the ones I cute out, which made me really happy. I'll be making some more to give to friends so I'll probably post more about my paper cutter woes on my alt within the next week haha
If anyone is interested in having some, lmk and I'll see if I can figure out how to mail them? I can't say for sure if I'll be doing that just yet, but if some people are interested I'll look into it!
Anyway, I'm still proud of these, and I think that even with the hiccups included, this still turned out light-years better than the last time I did this project (or, a veeery similar one). Will definitely be decreasing the detail scale on the next project though :')
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dreemingstar · 7 months ago
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HIII! Im Addi and this is my first post in tumblr.
Having spent many years being part of the Undertale fandom, it definitely had a huge impact on me. I have been constantly inspired by so many talented artists and creative Undertale AUs. Most of them being popular series’ like X!Tale, Epic!tale, Underverse and so much more. Ive always wanted to create something similar and be like the artists i look up to. My friends and I have recently planned and created an Undertale AU of our own! Being huge fans of Underverse and XTale, We named our AU XVARSA!
Although heavily inspired by the works of Jael Peñaloza ( @jakei95 ), I promise this is not some cheap copy. My friends and i have carefully planned out our own storyline and are eager to share it with the internet!
This is the first page of XVARSA. I hope you all like it so far :D I am still relatively new to digital art and the clip studio paint software so I will definitely appreciate some tips or criticism!
My friends and I strive to improve and will do our very best on this project.
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dredgelord · 1 year ago
Hello! Could i get a bg3 matchup?
 I go by she/her and don’t have a gender preference. 
As for personality I am quite introverted and tend to love just chilling in my room. I do however open up around close friends and family where I can be loud, especially when talking about my interests.
As for hobbies I love digital art. I love digital illustration, making character models/art for game design, web design, graphics, and more. I love playing rpg video games, visual novels, otomes etc. I also love reading fantasy, classical literature, myths and folklore. As much as i enjoy spending time in my room with my hobbies, one of my favorite things to do is travel the world. I also love to bellydance to Arabic and Bollywood music. 
Likes: lil coffee shops, earl grey tea, chai, sushi, boba, purple, chokers, butterfly clips, people who value personal space
Dislikes: overly touchy people, suddenly deciding to switch plans, anything too crowded or loud
Id say my strengths are definitely my imagination and creativity. I tend to get lost in my head in made up worlds and use that for my art. Id also say that im quite good at being on top of things and will always finish all my work before play. 
For weaknesses its my pessimism. I get into ruts where sometimes all I see is a doom scenario. 
 Thats it! Thank You! 
Hi Danza, thank you for the request! Bellydancing sounds like such a fun, interesting hobby ! I had a friend who did some form of belly dancing before, too.
Taking into account you don't have a gender preference. I did some thinking on this one, and I decided to pair you wiiiith...
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Now, hear me out. You say that you are mostly introverted, but you find it easier to open up when you're around loved ones - namely when you feel comfortable enough to talk about your interests.
Karlach as we know her is of course, the rambunctious, loud, cinnamon roll with the mouth of a truck driver - she's also very loveable and excitable, kind of like...almost puppy-behavior. In that same regard, she's fiercely loyal - so, Karlach is definitely dog-coded.
I think the two of you would make a good pair because personally I'm a sucker for those couples who balance the other out. You're quiet, she's not - you're introverted, she's not - but while you do have differences, you do have similarities.
If you're in a situation you don't entirely want to be in (i.e. the kind you just want to hole yourself up in your room), never fear, as Karlach will either help to physically remove you from the situation (whether it's coming up with a perfectly goofy excuse like, "Ah fuck. We left the uh...fireplace... on fire." Or, literally picking you up and physically removing you from said situation, literally (whichever your preference is, but I don't think so given you're not fond on touch). The two of you would probably have a "signal" or secret code word of some sort that you give each other for scenarios like this.
Either way, you can count on her to do all the talking so you don't have to, if that's what you'd prefer.
Regarding your weakness with pessimistic tendencies and thoughts, Karlach is an excellent comforter. If motivational words aren't really your thing (which she's great at. Maybe not the most eloquent but who cares? The girl can give a good fuckin' speech), she has plenty else to offer. Whether it's telling you stories or jokes to get you out of the rut, or offering the best hug you've ever received, she will be very empathetic to you during those times. She's there for you, even if you aren't in the mood to talk. Just don't shut her out completely, and she'll be there for you when you're ready.
With your hobbies, Karlach is your #1 listener. Whether you have a new idea for an art piece based off of something you'd conjured from your imagination and no one to share it with, welp, now you do - Karlach loves hearing what you have to say, and the best part: she listens. Not only that but I see her as more of a "visual" person so she would love to offer her own ideas if you're struggling putting something on paper. She gives a lot of, "What about this? How about trying this color?" suggestions to try and assist you.
Sort of the same when it comes to the books you read. I feel like she actually WOULDN'T be a big reader until she asks you about whatever you're reading at the time, and then she decides to give it a shot. Seeing as how you love it so much and it seems so important to you of course, naturally, she wants to at least attempt to read. Pretty soon you've created a monster, and she's throwing in some big words in between swears.
All that aside, I definitely see her as one who wants to travel the world with you, too. Making memories together and finding some silly souvenirs are great, but the best part of any trip is having spent more time together with you.
A relationship with her would be long, sweet, and caring.
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missevelynpierce · 1 year ago
The Brat.
I met him in high school so many years ago. He was popular and was kind of that classic “bad boy” out of an ‘80s movie. Think of James Spader’s character from Pretty In Pink. He was popular and would never be seen with someone like me. I was kind of like Molly Ringwald’s character. A bit nerdy and quirky and definitely not popular. He was kind of a dick, but he was hot - dark hair, dark eyes, and I sensed this other darkness in his energy that ignited something in me. He was in with the theater geeks and he was also a writer; he was the only one I knew that used a refillable Parker pen. I seem to remember these details.
An interlude in college where I got to be a bit of a bitch to him turned the tables and felt good. I was waiting for the bus and he complimented my pedicure. He asked if I had some time to hang out and I essentially rejected him. I still remember the shade of nail polish I was wearing from that day. The whole ride home I was a little flushed. And there’s the almost interlude a few years later when his book was published and I almost went to a reading at a local bookstore. I had my first aura induced migraine on my way there, so I went home. 
A few years later, through the magic of social media, he connected to me as all the high school friends that were long forgotten all washed ashore in the digital realm. 
He sent a message. I was living with an ex at the time in a relationship that was falling apart. He commented on my feet and confessed his years-long crush on me and never had the nerve to say anything about it. This made me really happy, and we continued to talk. The conversations getting increasingly explicit. One day, we made plans to meet up at a local bar and he called me and asked if I could just go up to his apartment so he could suck on my toes. Nope. I wasn’t going to do that. He got pissy and whiny and I was more concerned about safety - I hadn’t actually seen him since college, and it wasn’t my nature to just go to someone’s place. I craved authentic connection and didn’t want to be his kink dispenser. 
I got annoyed and unfriended him. A couple of more years would go by before it would really begin. 
I was in another relationship, and now he moved far away, and we picked right back up. There's something about physical distance that allows one to go harder and deeper when expressing desires. He told me the things that he wanted me to do to him. I told him some early childhood stories that involved feet, and he had similar experiences. We would soon call each other brother and sister. The conversations got even more explicit and I would be getting pedicures weekly, sending him foot pics, buying new shoes and sending video clips of me putting them on. I would get a thrill teasing him relentlessly. I had a boyfriend at the time and mastered the art of discretion and would thrill at rubbing myself thinking of the brat as the boyfriend snored beside me.
Soon, our conversations would run late into the night. He’d soon offer himself as a slave to me and tell me the stories of his earlier experiences as a slave. He had girlfriends who beat him and he loved it, he once had a Domme who was a well-known professor, a few pro-Dommes, and others from the club scene that he was gladly a human carpet for. He told me that it’s very rare to find someone with the raw energy and the natural propensity for kink that I have. That I know it’s not about pure impact; that the power of wordplay and the intuitive understanding of power dynamics and exchange is what makes me authentic. 
And this is what truly set me on my path. 
I would continue playing with the boyfriend I had at the time, and the physical kink that that relationship already had got amplified. I felt myself claim my power and then realized that I deserved a hell of a lot better than someone who was unemployed and who would never satisfy my needs. I dumped him then booked a flight to visit the brat. After 7 years of maintaining an online long distance relationship, I would finally get the nerve to play with him in person. It had to happen. There was no stopping this.
This was my rebirth. 
This was my transformation. 
When he knocked on my door, I hugged him. Tight. And kissed him, long. 
We just talked for hours, reminiscing and actually getting to spend time with each other, because despite all the years, we haven’t had any true conversations. It felt so good to talk and to feel understood. The familiarity and all the connections with people and places we grew up with. It was nice to share stories and connect. 
And once night fell, I would make him clean my sand crusted sandals and would press my feet into his face. He’d get super bratty and I’d slap him and spit on him, and all those things, until I finally sat on his face smothering him, making him eat my ass and my pussy. I was on the verge of climax and then he said:
“I dare you to piss on me.” Something about the dare, just did something to me. I grabbed him, went to the bathroom, commanded him to lay down in the shower, and then released all over him. I felt electricity everywhere out of every nerve ending in my body. It was intense, powerful, and I knew I was never going to be the same. 
This was only the beginning. And nearly 20 years later, he still frustrates the shit out of me, and despite time and distance, he always returns.
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mortimer · 2 years ago
honestly, I don't believe you should need a formal engineering degree to work with a cnc. like obviously there's basic knowledge and safety training you definitely should have, but that aside I think many people can and should use them! we actually had a 3 axis back at my secondary school and some of us (myself included) got to use it for text engravings, it was very educational! supervised ofc
also I recently saw a work where they cnc'd away the background of a picture of flowers, iirc it was done with a 3 axis but because they worked the design out so well beforehand, it actually looked a lot more intricate than what you can usually get out of it - all of which is to say, I actually think cncs and especially 3 axis machines can be an incredible tool for artists, just the right balance of precision and limitation, so I think it's great that you're coming at it from an artist background rather than an engineering one.
generally speaking, I'm a huge fan of doing stuff that produces physical results, be it crochet, wood turning or 3d printing but my weakness is that while I write and did theater and thus can by some definitions be considered an artist, I'm not very good at visual arts, especially 3d ones. closest I'm halfway decent at is pottery and you can't compare that to modelling 3d assets so when I print stuff I usually just use other people's stls or tools (eg I used heroforge and similar for dnd minis) and I kinda feel like if I got a cnc I'd fall into that same rut.
but say, as an artist with access to a cnc machine, if for some reason I were to get one, would you take commissions? I can't remember if there's a standardised file format for cncs but if there is, that would be really cool. this is not like a firm request and I probably won't get a cnc but like... would that be something you'd even consider?
yeah i am actually currently employed as a digital fabrication technician! my comment about the lack of engineering experience was more about being at a disadvantage for getting jobs than operating & doing maintenance on the machine.
and yeah i wouldn't be strictly against doing commissiony things with the cnc but no there is not a standardized format. The downside of anything with digital fabrication is that EVERYTHING is proprietary. I'm currently using shopbot and fusion360, but I'm gonna lose access to fusion after this year more than likely. You can generally bring in meshes to whatever CAD program, fusion or rhino or what have you, but since a CNC is going to make your part subtractively rather than additively you have to take that into consideration with whatever you're making (undercuts and 3-axis machines are not friends.) But once you have the piece you need to toolpath it, and whatever post-processing you use has to be specific to the machine you're using. And fusion is nice because you can do your toolpathing and post-processing all in one place, but iirc Rhino doesn't support that and you have to have a separate program to do your post. (<-- i could be making this up i haven't worked with rhino in a minute.)
But yeah basically. I would be open to it but because everything is so shop-specific I would almost rather manufacture shit myself. Also, on a semi-related note, I do plan on doing a soft-reopening of my store in the coming months and since I have some crochet stuff that needs to go, I will be selling those... and possibly commissions as well depending on scale etc.....
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illustrationcoursework · 1 month ago
Final Outcome
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Back and Front Cover
Within my final outcome, the only pieces which are fully finished are the front and back cover designs of the zine.
These were made by a scanner, the background is by moving my face alongside the scanline as to make an amorphous, flowy, fleshy design. Overlayed on top is the title 'Luddite' spelt out through metal scraps, screws and bolts.
I tried this approach as I was inspired by the work of Chris Cunningham who often makes work directly based on the contrast of humanity and technology/mechanics in special effects to a grotesque effect. I believe this visual style works well with the topic of the luddite movement as it is about the struggle of working alongside and against advancing technology.
Additionally, for the back cover I added an overlay of one of the metallic scrap collages I made, as to give the impression of flesh indented of burned from metal.
For all of the writing, I handwrote it all myself and digitally edited it as to be concise and crisp.
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Due to poor time management, I wasn't able to finish all of my pages to completion, but page layouts and planning can be found here
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For the first page layout here, I wanted to display an illustration of two weaving mechanisms detrimental to the livelihoods to the workers who would later become luddites, being the spinning mule and spinning jenny. I was able to make some sketches of the spinning jenny here
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These would be put alongside each machinery's origin date and its productivity statistics, as to show the risk they posed to peoples jobs.
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With this page layout, I wanted to satirise the nature of those who utilise Ai and their reasonings for it.
It a finalised design, I would definitely flesh out the composition, but with my concept here, I wanted to make the work produced as soulless as possible, coming from a cold and sharp server tower and churning out ugly, glossy, inaccurate and objectifying art
My intent behind this is to show the unnecessary nature of generative AI and how it is utilised by massive companies so that they can cut back on paying employees suitable wages, similarly to how business owners at the start of the industrial revolution substituted artisan workers for large factories and cheap labour creating worser quality products for more profit.
If I were to develop this concept further, I would want to cover how AI inherently needs to steal from others in order to function, be it writers, artists, musicians, etc, without their knowledge or permission AI is trained off their work in order to produce something similar in quality. This practise is not only unethical but it also harms artists livelihoods as it makes their work commodified where any other company can imitate them.
I would also like to talk on the dangers of AI in how its harms the environment and can be used for nefarious reasons. AI servers require a staggering amount of electricity and water to function, only furthering the acceleration of climate change through CO2 emission. AI has also became so advanced it has been used already to fake criminal evidence and create pornographic imagery of people without their consent.
It is with this comparison to the luddites struggle I want to convince others to stop using Ai in everyday life, as it not only harms many artists livelihoods but also accelerates and promotes global warming and the spread of misinformation.
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With this two-page spread, this was intended to be the first contents within the zine, giving a brief overview and definitions to the two sides of the phrase 'luddite' which I intended to cover within the zine.
On the left with the historic definition, I intended to decorate the page with fabric scraps and fish-net textures, as to denote the origins of the luddites within the weaving industry, notably with stockings.
Alongside this, I would've wanted illustrations of luddites smashing weaving machines as to illustrate the definition.
On the left with the more modern derogatory definition, I intended to decorate the page with a collage of computer parts, such as keyboard keys, wires, motherboards, microchips, USBs, etc to show the contrast in eras in which each term derives from.
Like the other side, I would intend to accompany this definition with an illustration of people smashing computers and computer servers, as to act as a comparison between each definition.
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fmpmelissa · 9 months ago
Week 02: Wednesday – Production and Research 
At the end of the previous week, I continued my work on sculpting, mainly focusing on the details of the body. These details were achieved using a tool known as stamps. I have used stamps in previous projects; however, those were stylized. Since I did not have stamps designed for realism, I searched online and found some named “FREE High Resolution Skin Brushes 30 For Blender” by (Arca IRTEM, n.d). Although these didn't help much with creating wrinkles, they did add more depth by creating pores. In future, I hope to discover more of these alphas and stamps to help push my design even further. 
I then received feedback from artists I know online through an application called Discord. This is where I discuss my work with other artists and receive feedback using multiple servers. One artist informed me that the creature could use more eyes to enhance its creep factor and emphasize its spider-like qualities. Therefore, I duplicated the eyes and made smaller ones that sat on the sides. I didn't have enough room for six extra eyes, plus it would stray too far from the original design, so adding an extra pair was more than enough. 
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Subject 1) Researching ArtStation for potential inspiration, I found a piece by 伞仙 titled “Insect Monster” (2017). I liked it because of the amount of detail put into the sculpt. As I am currently working on the sculpt of my model, I believe it is a good opportunity to begin studying how to add extra detail. I wanted to take into account how they added details such as random lumps over the skin and scales. They also had veins added to support the definition of the model. 
I would apply this to my own work by using Blender and its sculpting tools, utilizing the stabilized stroke option to create clean, sharp lines to define muscles and create veins. I’ll also use the dotting tool to create small bumps around the body, often referring back to this sculpture to get an idea of how they did it. 
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Subject 2) Researching ArtStation for potential inspiration, I found a piece by Ilaria Baldassari titled “Locust - Gears of War - Fan Art” (2023). I was inspired by this piece because of the gif they used to show the process of layering, which provided a better understanding of how they set up their art. While my project focuses on creating and animating my artwork for the final project, I also want to showcase my individual artwork. This gave me insight into how to do so in Blender, where they then translated it to Photoshop to further edit by adding dust and extra lighting, which is much harder to achieve in Blender. I think this is a great way to save time and create a high-quality render and edit. I plan to do something similar near the end of the semester and upload it to my own ArtStation. 
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Arca IRTEM. (nd) FREE High Resolution Skin Brushes 30 For Blender. [Digital Brush]. ArtStation. Available at: https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/2K9Na/free-high-resolution-skin-brushes-30-for-blender    伞仙. (2017) Insect monster. [Digital Art]. ArtStation. Available at: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8dLex  
Ilaria Baldassari. (2023) Locust - Gears of war - Fan Art. [Digital Art]. ArtStation. Available at: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Keqqk9   Ilaria Baldassari. (2023) Locust (Gears of war FANART). [Digital Art]. ArtStation. Available at: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/VyE2dg    
Gantt Chart
Light Red highlights marks the day
This is in place to keep me on track what has been or needs to be done this day of the week.
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