#definitely not my best mini essay
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spork-supremacy · 22 days ago
Please elaborate more on leader (cult) Jay!
I'm, so sorry anon, I started writing this draft then I absolutely forgot about it for weeks.
Note however that I'm taking the cult thing and applying it more vaguely as just groups, including specifically, Administration, Reserve Team, League of Jay, and while I would love to count the keepers for comedy points, I can’t.
A big part of his leadership roles is how he got to that point, specifically I want to look at the reserve team and the league of Jay. This is because they both were created in times where jay knowingly lost his team, his main support and protection. Both the reserve team and league were created to fill a void almost, because Jay much prefers team work than going it solo. It just so happens that they chose him as leader and he accepts it without second thought.
However, we have the positions like the Manager of Realm Reassignment, where he seemed to have been drafted in, as he says the he “woke up,” in the administration. I don’t know if they mind wiped him to force him into the role or they found him like that, but it was clear no other option was presented to him.
How he is portrayed in each and the subtext to it:
In the league of Jay he is reflected as a great hero and and idol, revered by most members who have most of which been saved by him. This is something I find fascinating because while it does seem vaguely culty and creepy, you have to remember a key detail. Most of those trapped in prime empire are children sucked into the arcade machine and placed in the body of adults. Now you could argue about their voices and such, but I fully believe that there is a customisation to change it and that's what they thought a 'deep, manly voice' sounds like when they have barely reached puberty. Yes I can bet a few of the league are also teens and adults, who I bet are there because they see the league as a safe haven. The reason Jay is treated and respected the way he is in the League is because he is probably the most capable adult in the room, is the most with actual skill, and is already seen as a protector of Ninjago citizens.
I wish I knew how the league was formed, I would say most of it was from the group during undercover who watched him fight and then expanded. I would also like to know how long it’s been operating, because I have a hunch time in the game goes a lot faster than the real world.
Jay’s place in the administration stuck out to me, he's within a position of power for sure, but it's in middle management. The thing with his position is it's easy to get lost in the cracks, he's head of what I guess is a fairly small team, in a not only small branch, but also a new one. the administration is the administration however and they do notice his absence , but he is also a nothing person, replaceable , no one is scrabbling to find him. I think this reflects on how he wishes to blend in there, not stand out, because from what I can tell about his reaction to thinking they could know about his powers, standing out is a very bad thing. He does everyone achieve that, work in a forgettable department, does the bare minimum, has a very small team, and hides in his office. Jay did not choose to be a leader in this case, maybe he did choose the promotion because it allowed him to delegate, but he definitely did not want to lead.
His position in the reserve team is actually quite simple, the veteran hero in a rag-tag team. He is the last ninja standing free so he finds it upon himself to rise up to that title and be a leader. In this team he wishes to achieve his goal, save everyone and put the Djinn away for good. It's not like the league where he can play around for a bit, like with the whole Superstar Rockin’ Jay thing, or the Administration where he couldn't care less, this time he takes it fully seriously. He is the one portrayed with the most to lose, and has the most knowledge on the current state of the enemy.
Validation as motivation?
It’s no secret that Jay is probably the most insecure out of the ninja, or at least outwardly. He is, his entire true potential surrounded that theme, but when can that cross over into any of his leader positions?
It actually hasn't now that I've thought of it, I may have mentioned it in my initial summary, (which why this section is here at all) but each time he steps up as leader it hasn't been for vanity, but instead because it was deemed necessary. The only time that you could interpret that it was to validate himself was just that one part in season 5 when he thought he could do better at leading to take the scroll. This could either be seen as him proving himself, or just having that little faith in everyone else’s abilities. Granted throughout the season he does keep suggesting he lead and that they should listen to him, but every time they turned him down sometimes hung worse kept happening, like ghost Cole, or Zane’s communication box going on the fritz, so either interpretation is valid to me.
back on track now,
Every other time it's either because he is the most skilled one in that certain group, and therefore should be the one in charge (reserve team, and league of Jay). Or whatever got him as head of real reassignment. He doesn't actually have to actively prove himself in each case, everyone kinda just knows who he is and what he can bring to the table, excluding administration because that was post amnesia.
so my bad on that.
Why else does he default to a leader when left alone for five seconds?
Two main things I can think of for this, that being Jay's somehow natural charisma (which is often balanced by him just being him after a while) and a natural leadership ability.
The charisma thing is definitely genetics, I have no other explanation, his dad was an actor after all. He grew up pretty isolated for the most part and as far as we know had no friends until the ninja, rather working on his inventions it seems. I would say that whatever people skills he gained were from comics, tv, his parents, and when old enough helping with customers.
I do find the leadership thing very interesting though, I remember seeing someone say once that Jay is a leader who believes he is a follower. Which is a really interesting concept considering he was originally chosen because he was an ideas guy who could think out of the box and on the spot, which is a key skill for leadership. Something else he displays in leadership roles is extreme focus on the mission, all his humour and comedic relief tendances go out the window, he isn’t there to lighten the mood, he is there to set a standard for his team. Think Operation Land-ho and his temporary position as leader in season five (minus the roof fall and biting the lock.) one last thing is his confidence boost in these roles, I don’t know if it’s just that it’s what the narrative wants from him but he never wavers from any plan he makes and sticks to it. Sure there might be things that have to change midway to adapt to the situation, but he always keeps the original plan in mind. Once again I refer to those two episodes.
Unfortunately we never see him actually lead much in other positions, the league just talk about him, and in the administration we don’t see him with a group, instead just either alone or reminding his subordinates about their place.
And there is one last thing I would like to add that I think is very important. In an old Ninjago book, I have no idea which because I found the page on Pinterest, and I swore I saved it, but it’s gone. It caught my eye though so I kept it very deep in my memory.
Anyway, the page was quite simple, it’s from the perspective of Wu and judging by the images post season seven. It was just a short list of things the ninja get distracted by and how Wu kept them focus. For Jay specifically it is Nya, video games, and shiny things in that order. What want to look at though is Wu’s way to keep him focused: giving Jay something important to do, something that Jay can not mess up on and makes him feel valuable to the mission.
this ties back to his leadership roles because it helps explain why he seems so different in certain ones. He is completely focused and aware on how much everything hinges on his actions, yes he may not like others screwing up, but he is the one in charge and takes the responsibility.
Thought I'd mention the neat canon-ish reasoning behind that obvious shift in demeanor he gets.
In conclusion I have found that Leader Jay is a phenomenon that occurs in conditions where he is separate from his team and is the best option, mostly due to his training and status. In this position he acts just differently enough that you can tell this is a side of him not often given a chance to come out despite how well he tends to do under the pressure. As a leader he is confident, focused, and an example, which is honestly not usually how he acts. He is fully aware of what it means to be in his position and the importance of it. He strives towards his goals, if there is one to aim for at least, and does anything to achieve them, be it a risky infiltration or theft. Most importantly his motivation isn't because he wants people follow or worship him, he often does it to protect others, and find a way to get out of whatever situation they're in.
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evertomorrowart · 1 year ago
Best of YouTube 2023
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Yes, I did spend the first week and change of January on this. I wish I could have had it done for New Years, but too many people came out with incredible work in December, so waiting turned out for the best.
What these creators do are a huge influence on my life, I would honestly have difficulty doing what I do without them. That isn't to say that my favorites of the year are *only* on this image--It was almost impossible to narrow down my favorites. Many creators I wanted to include couldn't fit on a single page, and too many of them made more than one video I wished I could draw too!
But, to all of you, thank you for what you do. You're an inspiration.
For those who don't know, further is an explanation.
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At the bottom center is an artistic masterpiece by Defunctland: "Journey to EPCOT Center: A Symphonic History." Over the last several years, Defunctland has risen from delightfully-entertaining commentary on decommissioned theme park attractions to occasionally dropping profound statements on the creation of art itself. "Journey to EPCOT Center: A Symphonic History" is worth treating like the cinematic experience it is: No second screen, you sit your ass down in front of a TV, set down the phone, and then you *watch it.* Any Disney, theme park, or independent film fan needs to pay attention to this one.
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Bottom left is Caelan Conrad with their piece "Drop the T - The Deadly Consequences of Gay Respectability Politics." While I do think they've done more visually or artistically-daring pieces before, "Drop the T" is one of the most important videos released on YouTube in today's current climate of hate. We as queer folk (and our allies) need to understand how integral every identity of the queer experience has been since the start of the Civil Rights movement (and before!). While we are not identical, we *are* inseparable, and we deserve having our real history easily accessible.
TERFs and other conservative mouthpieces need not reply. Your opinions are trash. 😘
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I cannot stop watching and rewatching this video by @patricia-taxxon, "On the Ethics of Boinking Animal People." It's not just a defense of furry fandom and its eccentricities, it's a thoughtful and passionate analysis of what the artform achieves that purely human representation can't. Patricia goes outside of her usual essay format to directly speak to the viewer about the elements that define furry media (the most succinct definition I've ever heard) and just how *human* an act loving animal cartoons really is.
As an artist who can draw furry characters, but never really got into erotic furry art, this video is a treasure. Why did I choose to have her drawn as a Ghibli character, hanging out with one of the tanukis from "Pom Poko?" Guess you'll have to watch, bruh.
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Philosophy Tube continuously puts out videos that I would put on this list--I'm not even sure that "A Man Plagiarised my Work: Women, Money, and the Nation" is the best work she released in 2023. However, this video got many conversations going between myself and my partner, and the twist on the tail end of the video shocked us both to such a degree that I had no choice.
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At the very tail end of the year, Big Joel released "Fear of Death." On his Little Joel channel, he described it as the singularly best video he's ever done, and I'm inclined to agree. However, for this illustration, I ended up repeatedly going back to a mini-series he did earlier in the year: "Three Stories at the End of the World." All three videos are deeply moving and haunting, and I was brought to tears by "We Must Destroy What the Bomb Cannot." While it may be relatively-common knowledge that the original Gojira (Godzilla) film is horror grappling with the devastation America's rush to atomic dominance inflicted on Japan, Big Joel still manages to bring new words to the discussion. Please watch all three of the videos, but if, for some reason, you must have only one, let it be "We Must Destroy What the Bomb Cannot."
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Y'all. Let me confess something. I hate football. I hate watching it, I associate seeing it from the stadiums with some of my worst childhood experiences, I despise collegiate and professional football (as institutions that destroy bodies and offer up children at the feet of its alter as a pillar of American culture)--
I. L o a t h e. Football.
F.D. Signifier could get me to watch an entire hour-plus essay on why I should at least give a passing care. AND HE DID IT. I might think "F*ck the Police," the two-parter on Black conservatism, or his essay on Black men's connection to anime might be "better" videos, but this writer did the impossible and held my limited attention span towards football long enough to make a sincere case for NFL players--and reminds us that millionaires can *in fact* be workers. That alone is testament to his skill.
Sit down and watch "The REAL Reason NFL Running Backs Aren't Getting Paid." Any good anti-capitalist owes it to themselves.
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CJ the X continuously puts out stunning, emotional videos, and can do it with the most seemingly-inconsequential starting points. A 30 second song? An incestuous commercial? Five minutes of Tangled? Sure, why not. Go destroy yourself emotionally by watching them. I'm serious. Do it.
Their video Stranger Things and the Meaning of Life manages to to remind us all why the way we react to media does, in fact, matter. Yes, even nostalgia-driven, mass-media schlock. Yes, how we interact with media matters, what it says about us matters, and we all deserve to seek out the whys.
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Folding Ideas has spent the last few years articulating exactly why so much of our modern world feels broken, and because of that his voice continuously lives rent-free in my brain. While the tricks that scam artists and grifters use to try to swindle us are never new, the advancement of technology changes the aesthetics of their performances. Portions of Folding Ideas' explanations might seem dry when going into detail of how stocks work in This is Financial Advice, but every bit of it is necessary to peel back the layers of techno-babble and jargon and make sense of the results of "Meme Stocks."
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Jessie Gender puts out nothing but bangers, her absolute unit of a video about Star Wars might be my new favorite thing ever, but none of her work hit so profoundly in 2023 than the two-parter "The Myth of 'Male Socialization'" and "The Trauma of Masculinity." There's so much about modern life that isolates and traumatizes us, and so much of it is just shrugged off as "normal." We owe it to ourselves to see the world in more vivid a color palette than we're initially given.
Panels drawn after Kate Beaton and "Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands."
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"This is Not a Video Essay" is one of the most intense and beautiful pieces of art I've ever put into my eyeballs. Why do we create? What drives us to connect?
I don't even know what else to say about the Leftist Cooks' work, it repeatedly transcends the medium and platform. Watch every single one of their videos, but especially this one.
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The likelihood you are terminally online and yet haven't heard of Hbomberguy's yearly forrays into destroying the careers of awful people is pretty slim. Just because it has millions of views doesn't mean that Hbomberguy's "Plagiarism and You(Tube)" isn't worth the hype. Too long? Shut up, it has chapters and YouTube holds your place, anyway. You think a deep dive into a handful of creators is only meaningless drama? Well, you're wrong, you wrong-opinion-haver. Plagiarism is an *everyone* problem because of the actual harm it creates--the history it erases, the labor it devalues, the art it marginalizes--which you would know if you watched "Plagiarism and You(Tube)".
Watch. The damn. Video.
In fact, watch all of them!
Thanks for reading this if you did.
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tiredsmashbros · 13 days ago
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@rmgkyle 💥
wanna get back into the habit of posting any of my art like i used to, so we gonna start the end of the month strong IYUGJHDW
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLE!!!! I SRSLY HOPE U HAD AN AWESOME ONE AND ENJOYED THE BIRTHDAY PARTY EVENT AAAA I GEN HAD A LOT FUN AND GETTING TO TALK BOUT SOUTH PARK GUH... we need to actually do a watch party of that and watch scott pilgrim again yes uwu 💛🍔
my mini sappery essay jajaja go away this is for the deer girl /srs
i've kind of said most of what i've been having in my mind from my response to the bday gift you made for me a bit ago, but i'm going to continue saying them because seriously, getting to find someone else who shares multiples interests and fixations- ESP SOUTH PARK AND SCOTT PILGRIM- has been seriously and incredible joyride, and im so excited to continue to yap about them and so much more!!!
omg i needed to move my foot for a sec and my roommate's cat on my lap left me what a bitch am i right /j /silly ILHKJGFNEDSH
anyways- kyle you genuinely are one of the most sweetest individuals i've met and i get excited to see you pop around in vcs and get excited to see what new masterpieces you got cooking up!!! i hope this birthday had made you realized how much you mean to a lot of people, including myself, and how much we all appreciate you. obviously i can't speak for everyone, butt you've been so joyful to hang and talk with i don't know what happen if your silly little presence wasn't rolling around.
you really do make a difference in folks lives because you did for me. i think i mentioned i've personally encounter bad "kyles" within my lifetime and i meant it how paranoid it made me. but meeting you and getting to know you from these past months have seriously washed away those fears, and those calmed the tides to the horrible memories. something i didn't know could go away. but you made it happened wether you meant to or not. and i thank you wholeheartedly for that. you make me smile and excited to know whats going to happen bc my god any of you sillies shenanigans will be the death of me /j /silly
alas, despite chaos, i've never had such a joyful experience before and i want you to seriously know how much i appreciate you man. yeah maybe i could've ended this gift with just a "happy birthday" and a sketch doodle, but that's not really up my alley, and even more so i wanted to really do my best to try to express how much i care by trying to illustrate you something wholesome, yet lovingly. a piece filled with care and enjoyable company, accompanied with comforting such as clouds, though simple, thats all it really is. its all a straight-forward warm breeze comfort you bring to me and no doubt. to many others. your exciting to be around and a relaxing hotspot to inform myself to never need worries.
you're just so cool man.
please continue staying cool and the sweet silly person that you are
i love you kyle, and i hope we can continue to being friends for many more
happy birthday dude 💛🍔
and im definitely buying lesbian color nail polish on our next sleepover ong you aint gonna catch me slaking /silly iHKJGDCS
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slythereen · 1 year ago
Hello there!
I’m new to f1 and Lestappen.
Is there a Charles and Max master post somewhere with their history? I keep hearing about the social media unfollowing and podium walk off and want all the tea and timelines.
Basically all I know about is the inchident.
Many thanks!
hello and welcome!! my scholarship (read: obsessively reblogging things or bookmarking them thinking i'll actually find them again later) tends to be VERY chaotic, but i know there are definitely compilations out there. i've read some great ones.
nini (@scuderiafemboy) has a LOT of lore content on tumblr and twitter & does a lot of translating of dutch interviews/manages to unearth old interviews all the time. the twitter thread of threads covers 2018 through june 2023! she also compiled some of the database on tumblr here.
@chibrary archives interviews, articles, etc., in glorious fashion. this is charles centric but naturally charles' history intersects with max's so there are some good pieces in there, like this 2015 article on the lestappen rivalry in karting. the #driver:max tag provides a lot of golden content (such as extended lore on the inchident!).
marginally related, but dani (lecstappens on twitter) once posted the video of max and charles being scolded and warned to behave themselves during the race following the inchident. one of my favorite pieces of lestappen info frankly... demon children. (also on posted by @il-predestinato on tumblr here. who, btw, is a gold mine of lestappen content.)
well, as long as i'm adding some favorite gems while i try to find the specific post i'm looking for... the lestappen singapore flag moment is my roman empire. i am also haunted by the awkward weather convo video. which i know is out there, but i am going crazy trying to find it.
i decided to just commit to the moments list, so here is charles drinking red bull gate 2023 (courtesy of @countingstars-17)
charles asking the tifosi to stop booing max at monza this year (@il-predestinato seriously has so much content)
this excerpt of max's manager talking about charles (@blueballsracing)
if i don't stop myself i will be here all year
more mini compilations !!
@hyacinthsdiamonds once produced a nice list of the ridiculous lore around lestappen that sounds made up
some 2021 specific "best moments" compiled by @coconutshygame
there is one post i am thinking of that touched on their wild lore/destined f1 rivalry etc. but i can't find it now so stay tuned 🫡
also, for some theorizing on the most recent lestappen debacles and what it all means with ferrari/rbr and a potential charles to rbr (ot charles to more power at ferrari) move:
@tsarinablogs is a Scholar™ with lovely essays
@valyrfia has an addition to the marketing mayhem
i recently compiled my unhinged #rbr-ferrari sticker war content to advocate for rbr charles here, which was added to by this anon with banger points
personally i use #rbr charles for the theorizing and delulu hours, but i think #lestappen rbr and #lestappen gate 2023 are also prime hunting ground for rbr specific lore
anyone who has info to share pls do ❤️ i know i'm missing loads of scholarship that is lost in the pits of my unorganized blog
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cyberluvzu · 6 months ago
I don't know if you will want to do it, but can you make headcanons of Ben Drowned? (The fanon version of him, not the canon where he is a child 💀)
I've been seeing some of your headcanons and I loved how you write !! (This is my first request, I don't even know if I'm doing it right ✋😭)
That's it have a great day <3
(I also had to edit this while it was posted bc I accidentally clicked post 😭😭)
General Headcanons
- Pothead
- But he would probably smoke weed here and there
- Hungry when he's high
- I also like to think that he has longer hair, just long enough to be put in a pony tail
- He mostly keeps his hair up
- Would probably dress more comfy if he's just relaxing at home
- Video game shirts, basketball shorts, sweatpants, PJ pants
- If he has to like actually get dressed for any reason he would just wear something comfortable but not exactly pajamas
- More like baggy clothes, y'know?
- Buys dumb shit with his money
- "Oh look a bag of mini plastic ducks"
- Likes to hack games, but when other people do it he gets mad
- He takes it as a challenge and pops through that person's screen to absolutely terrify them
- He thinks it's hilarious
- Going off of that, he LOVES to scare people
- Specifically likes when people have over the top reactions to it because he thinks it's the funniest shit ever
- Would definitely watch those 2 hour long YouTube video essays on a topic he's never heard of
- Frequently falls down YouTube rabbit holes because of it too
- Also knows random facts about obscure topics because of that
- Takes GREAT care of his PC
- It's in absolutely top notch condition
- I like to think that he's not THAT messy like some people see him as
- More of a "I'll put everything in separate piles" messy
- Surprising clean-ish room
- Loves brain rot
- In like an ironic way though
- Let's you play with his hair
- Loves the feeling of your nails scratching his scalp
- Gives you dumb pet names
- Will absolutely call you the most cheesy, diabolical pet name and act like it's normal
- LOVESSS taking naps with you
- Like genuinely adores it
- Also really likes nose kisses
- You kiss him on the nose
- He's all yours
- "Babe can we play Minecraft"
- "It's 3am, Ben"
- He loves you and wants to play with you
- He would definitely do most of the hard work (cheat)
- Makes sure you have the best items in games
- Loves when you wrap around him
- Big fan of hugs, especially yours
- He loves how you feel and smell
- He just really likes you
- Will absolutely flirt with you in the stupidest ways possible
- Tries to pay attention to you, but if he's distracted by a game, you'll lose his full attention for a couple of hours
- He will eventually remember that he has a partner and will go bother you
- Will poke you when he wants attention or needs something from you
- Has a shit eating grin on his face the whole time
- If you get upset at him he'll fake being overdramatically upset just to make you laugh
- Loves seeing you giggle, laugh, or smile
- He would definitely let you borrow his clothes
- He thinks you're the cutest thing ever in his clothes
- Looks forward to getting into bed with you and talking about a new game he started, his day, or just about anything
- He's sweet, but can also be a complete dick
- He wouldn't really be mean to you
- Just annoying
- He's secretly hoping you kiss him to shut him up
- Would buy you and him matching jewelry
- Your name in his phone would probably be "player 1"
- Or something cheesy like that
- He loves being cringey and cheesy with you
- He's just really comfortable around you and loves you
- Sometimes he might not know how to express it because of how extreme it feels
- But he does get the point across eventually
HELLO!!! So basically I didn't proof read this for shit 😭. BUTTTTT that's bc I accidentally hit post when I wasn't ready. BUT I HOPED Y'ALL ENJOYED, SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN POSTING AS MUCH!!!!! MWAHHHHH!!!!
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owlchimedes · 29 days ago
Any study/homework tips? Especially when it come to writing a essay?
I can definitely share what works for me! I generally feel that there are 3 types of essay assignment, so I'll break this answer into parts. I'm assuming your essays are untimed and can be written in advance.
General Persuasive Essay:
Could be a unit assignment, midterm paper, or a chiller final. Generally 2-6 pages with moderate sourcing (3-5 new sources per page).
Personally, I like to assemble all my arguments first. Think of it like a pearl necklace -- imagine what you want your essay to prove ("X is Y") and then gather thoughts and evidence supporting that: quotes, articles, journals, statistics, etc. These are your pearls. Once you have enough of them to meet the page count -zip- all you need to do is thread them together with explanations and transitions.
For me, this looks like a very messy trash document filled with nonsensical shorthand and meticulous citations exactly how I'm supposed to use them in-text for the paper and for the final bib. If your teacher wants Chicago, or MLA, or APA, be sure to use that from the get go. The best parts are that 1) you know exactly where to go to double check something, 2) you don't need to look anything up again, 3) you've already written your bibliography.
For me, a doc might look like:
"72% of people can detect fake statistics" (Example, et al. 2025 404-405) ... "what, you egg?" (Macbeth 4.2.94)... [NEED MORE SUPPORT HERE] "cat's toe beans can absorb 5.44 lbs/cm of force" (Akename, F. in Purrrfect: A Science Tail 2013 p. 102) [TIE BACK TO 3RD PARAGRAPH]
You get the idea. Messy, but helpful. I like to copy-paste each 'pearl' into a clean document that holds the actual essay as I write it. You probably won't use every piece of evidence you have, but it's better to have a lot to choose from than to be staring at a blank page trying to write. Collecting evidence this way is particularly helpful if you know ahead of time that you need to do a paper, because then you can add tabs or highlight materials as you read them, cutting your workload in half. Generally, unless I'm totally unfamiliar with the field, I try to roughly know my final essay topic on the 2nd day of class and then start putting things in the messy doc when I find them. If it's not in the syllabus, ask your teachers about the final prompts. The worst they can say is no.
One of the great things about the process is that it skips the paralysis of a 'draft'. There is no draft here because there is no writing. Ideally, you should have 0 of your own words on the page -- only pulls and quotes. You'll paraphrase and rearrange things later. Don't copy paste directly into your essay; even with citations, that's plagiarism. Don't use first-person unless your teacher explicitly says it's okay.
Once you have all your content, structuring it may seem difficult.
I taught the TISAS model (also sometimes known as TISAC). This stands for topic sentence, introduction, supporting evidence, analysis, & summary (or conclusion). For clarity here, I'll use TISAC.
The TISAC is a simple paragraph structure model for beginner writers, but can also apply to longer and more complex writings. The standard 5-paragraph paper form taught in most middle- and high-schools is a simple nested form: TI TISAC TISAC TISAC C. The pattern of topic sentence and introduction, three evidence paragraphs, and a final summary is clear. More complex writings may add more evidence to the same point: TISAISAISAC. Thus, the amount of evidence and analysis can be endless, but must always be bracketed by clear topic sentences and conclusions. You can also vary the amount of information on any one topic; all paragraphs do not need to be the same length. More supporting evidence often leads to stronger persuasion or proof, though if there is enough of it, a reader may require mini-summaries to keep track of what it going on: TI TI(SAISAC TISAC)C TISAC C. It's clear that these elements can be combined endlessly to whatever length and complexity is required. Overall, TISAC is a straightforward set of building blocks that serve both beginner and advanced persuasive writers.
The format of the above is TISAISAISAC.
Introductions and topic sentences benefit greatly from the use of transition words, which flag to the reader (and to you) exactly what you're trying to do with the information you've presented. All evidence should be cited correctly. Obviously, TISAC is a little cramped on style and not perfectly suitable for heavily data-based work or more lyric, narrative, or artistic writing. Keep in mind though, 'evidence' can be a graph, an image glossary, an appendix, or many other formats.
Reflective Essay:
Unlike the persuasive essay, this type is entirely first-person, focused on YOU and your own thoughts, experiences, and takeaways. These tend to be the first and/or last assignment in a class, and are usually 1-5 pages with minimal to moderate sourcing (1-3 sources per page).
For course/project reviews, make sure to cover all the topics in ASSASSIN: Anticipations, Surprises, Strengths, Awkward points, Struggles, Show an example, "In conclusion", and Next time.
You can organize your thoughts chronologically or by theme. Longer papers work better as chronological.
Get a sense of what your teacher likes. If a prof. is proud of a certain thing, don't bash it. If they expressed disappointment in an outcome, agree with them. Don't come off as smarmy, but this is the easiest way to an A.
Do not use AI. In general, don't, but especially for reflective papers. AI is trained on models of the external world --it has no clue about your private internal world or what the class was like. It's guesses will be wrong and it only takes one or two incorrect details for your professor to realize you didn't write the paper. Even with careful proofreading, it's not worth the risk.
Research Essay:
These tend to be longer papers, possibly a course final or graduation checkpoint (qualification exams/thesis), meant to show how well you know the literature and materials as well as your ability to argue. Usually 5-100+ pages with moderate to max sourcing (4-10 sources per page). I use the same general process as for any persuasive essay, but make sure to use a reference management software instead of a single document. Mendeley, Zotero, RefWorks, and EndNote are the ones I've noticed most among my peers. Zotero was a godsend for my thesis.
Lab reports are a whole different beast, so I didn't discuss them here. Good luck!
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fatuismooches · 1 year ago
IT IS ME, the muzzle anon, hello again
after almost 1 year in hospital, im starting uni this year finally :]
being sick really reminds you how nice it is to be healthy, so while I was thinking about dottore and fragile reader I just had thought that reader probably had days where they felt like they were dying as they were laying on their bed. They already have an unknown disease that makes them weak and then a sudden fatigue hits them one morning and they can't even open their eyes, can barely move their hands, their whole body trembling and such- I would be very dramatic when I am sick, literally crying and thinking, "Yep, this is the end."
so imagine going, "I think this is the day I die..." to Il Dottore, tHE DOCTOR.
Dottore just goes, "No. 🤨"
To be honest it probably isn't the end it just their body trying to fight the sickness but reader just immediately starts writing their last will and testament.
"For Boattore, I left my drawings, for Zandy, the plushies I have, for Clowntore, I-"
Then the next day reader is okay, and like, "😐"
(As okay as they can be at least)
So Dottore and the other segments are repeating everything reader said to tease them now.
(Yeah they love reader, yes they were worried, but now that they are okay they are allowed to make fun of them)
have a nice day <3
MUZZLE ANON... i just want you to know the muzzling Dottore brain rot still lives in my head rent-free. And congratulations on starting uni! That's such a huge step and I wish you the best, I'm very proud of you and hope you'll do amazing ❤️
Mhm, fragile reader definitely had bad days like that. The pain can be so bad and all you can do is lay helpless, unable to do anything besides wait for it to pass. Even when it's not physical pain, sometimes you simply don't even have the motivation to get up. It's just... really bad sometimes and you can't even predict when it comes, so it just hits you out of nowhere. And every time, you can't help but stress out and worry about what will happen next. Will the pain pass over? How long will it stay? These relentless headaches, aches, and sores? When can you finally get back to normal and go about your life? It seems like an eternity from now, and you can't help but wonder what will happen until then...
The first time you say that he nearly drops the vial he's holding. Did he miscalculate your pain? Is it more grave than he thought? He's going through all his notes again and asking you a bunch of questions rapidly. Until he realizes you're just (mostly) joking and being extra paranoid. His response is always to not be so nonsensical as he sighs every time. You're not going to die while he's around, he says matter of factly. Writing your will is... sort of a morbid kind of amusement for you. Yeah, ignoring the fact that you're planning for your own death, it's kind of fun to decide which segment will receive a little piece of you. There's a section for each of them with a mini-essay. Ahem, just don't let little Zandy know about this because you don't want to deal with a crying child blubbering about how you're going to leave him. And YEAH i imagine fragile reader says some pretty funny and weird things when they're sleeping or half-conscious. Segments are definitely listening in and write down everything you say to bring up later 😭
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pupintransit · 7 months ago
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Something fun i've noticed in the last couple days is that the novelty of my pussy has worn off.
I mean, realistically that's the goal right? You go through untold eons of feeling wrong about your body, you take the opportunity to correct it, and by X units of time it feels normal. Like you've always had this body, like walking around and simply vibing was always your reality. I remember that I possessed a penis and testes and i remember what they looked like on my body, but how they felt is becoming more and more of a distant memory.
My vulva feels natural to me now. I think all of the mental remapping my brain had to do in order to get accustomed to the change is over and done with. My folds and textures are second nature to me now, like i can look at myself in a mirror and think "Yes, I know what that part of me is supposed to look and feel like now, i don't actually have to reach down there to find it."
I reach down anyway of course. Have i mentioned how much fun masturbating is yet? I could literally do it for hours now and it feels just as natural as jerking my cock did. Moreso!
I'm taking a minute now and trying to remember the feeling of my balls dangling between my legs. I can describe it; sweaty, delicate, loose if the temperature was a little too warm. It sort of felt like a floppy stress ball that you weren't supposed to squeeze too tightly. I can recall, too, how those physical sensations made me feel, and remembering is making me physically uncomfortable already. Now though, when i turn my minds eye toward my body those sensations are absent. Of course they would be, right? I don't have those parts anymore. But I did for 30 whole ass years. It was a fundamental component of my being, and now i can only recall those feelings if i but an active effort into doing so. How dope is that shit?
I know folks who have said that their pre-op memories get changed ever so slightly after they get gender affirming surgery. Say you're thinking about a vacation you were on were the shower in your hotel wasn't working, and you get blasted with freezing water when it should have been nice and warm. That version of you would have your post-op or post-HRT body instead of what you had back when that memory was formed. That's so interesting to me! I'm not at that stage yet but i'm really excited to see if it's something i experience.
I think now's a good moment to mention something, and against my better judgement I'll probably write about how this relates to The Discourse™️ of my flavour of nonbinary, but your dysphoria doesn't actually have to be crippling in order to qualify to gender affirming care. I could still masturbate and wash myself pre-op without significant distress, for example. You don't have to "earn" it by proving you're sufficiently. If HRT or gender affirming surgery would improve your quality of life, if you can explain that without lying to your care providers and demonstrate you understand the medical risks, then that's all you need to do to "earn" your medical care. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you, even if they themselves are transgender.
Especially if they themeselves are transgender.
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If you're pushing back against nonbinary indenities, or people "inventing" new genders, labels, and definitions, or even just against kink in the trans community, i hate to tell you that it won't make the people oppressing us think you're one of the good ones. Us living authentically isn't setting the trans acceptance movement back, it's what it's supposed to allow us to do in the first place. I would really encourage you to rexamine why you have those beliefs, and why me getting a cunt installed as someone who passes as cisgender constitutes a net negative for our community.
Anyway that concludes the ranting portion of today's mini-essay.
Every time i think i've hit an apex with my joy it keeps getting stronger and stronger. This is the best decision i've ever made, not just because it made my body finally make sense to me, but because it made feeling normal so boring. I can't ask for a better outcome than that.
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operationmorewhitecollar · 1 year ago
Shall we play a game?
Nope, not chess or Parchisi. And not even global thermonuclear war. (If you get that reference, you might just be as old as we are!) But no, none of those games are where we're headed. This year, we're hosting a good old-fashioned game of bingo!
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That's right, since we're almost two weeks into the new year, we thought it might be time to roll out our new creative challenge, which will continue throughout 2024.
As always, we're in the market for any and all fan creations centered on White Collar, and this year, we're providing prompts in the form of mini bingo cards, with new prompt cards coming out quarterly. (Jan, April, July, October) If you want to play, just let us know (comment here, dm, however you want to get in touch), and we'll get you a card so you can get started!
Some details:
When we say "any and all fan creations," we mean it--let your creativity run wild and make whatever you want to make! Draw, write, paint, record a podcast, shoot a video, whatever your creative preference.
We're using a 4x4 card format, and there is a FREE space, so that means a total of 15 prompts for three months. Complete a line of prompts, get a bingo; complete the whole card during the quarter, and that, dear friends, is a blackout!
Much like our drabble prompts, the bingo prompts are pretty broad, and many (maybe most?) are only one word. They run the gamut from theme words to genre to story length and beyond. (Not to worry if you're making art or some other non-written creations; we've got provisions for swapping prompts.)
Prompts were randomized to create the cards, and the card numbers were randomized to create the distribution order, so the prompts you end up with are strictly luck.
Okay, that's probably the most important stuff to know, except, of course, that we hope lots of you will join in and that everyone has tons of fun creating new White Collar stuff, because we're sure going to have fun seeing whatever you make!
So whenever you're ready, shall we play a game?
(We'll put a few more detailed FAQ items below the cut, but if you've got questions we didn't think of, just let us know and we'll make up an answer.😉)
Q: What can my entries be? A: Any type of creation you choose. fic, art, blog post, essay, cross-stitch, we're not picky. Interpret the prompts any way you like, in any genre, any relationship, any rating, any characters, you get the idea. (Unless, of course, the prompt is more specific.) As long as it's White Collar, it's fair game.
Q: Where do we share our work/how will you know we made something or got a bingo? A: First, put your creations somewhere we can see them! There'll be a collection on AO3 where most types of work can be shared. (We're debating if it's better to have just one collection for the year or one for each quarter; if you've got any opinions on that, feel free to weigh in.) If you're sharing here or on other socials, be sure to @ us, and use #WhiteCollarBingo. But, while we'll be doing our best to keep up, we're hoping there will be so many entries we'll lose track, so definitely tell us if you completed a bingo!
Q: Can I make one story/picture/video/etc. for the whole card? A: You may use as many prompts as you like in each entry, but only 2 prompts per line may be counted toward a bingo. (So you will need at least two entries to achieve a single bingo, and though we may have miscounted, we think that means at least ten entries to make a blackout.)
Q: Are crossovers allowed? A: Yes (and may even be a prompt!), but White Collar should obviously be prevalent in your work.
Q: How long do I have to complete my entries? A: We'll be issuing new cards each quarter (Jan-March, April-June, July-Sept, Oct-December), and in a perfect world, we'd like to receive entries within that quarter. But you know we've never been sticklers for schedules, and the point is to encourage more White Collar creations, so we'll be glad to get them whenever you finish.
Q: What do I win when I bingo? A: Bragging rights, and your name on our (soon to be created) bingo accomplishments page.
Q: What if there are some prompts I really don't want to use, but I want to try for blackout? A: We will provide a max of two alternate prompts. (This max does not apply if you're making non-written creations and somehow ended up with a card full of writing-centric prompts.)
Q: What if I just can't work with the card I receive at all? A: We'll exchange your card one time. Part of the fun is stretching our creative muscles.
Q: If I exchange my card, will any previous entries count toward bingo on my new card? A: Nope. It's a fresh slate, so examine your card when you get it to decide if it works for you.
Q: If I complete my card, can I have another? A: Yep, and we'd be very impressed! (and happy!)
Q: Where did these prompts come from? A: Many suggestions from our followers, and we've been hunting and gathering, too. But we want to have lots of variety as the year rolls along, so please keep those suggestions rolling in.
Q: Can something I made for another challenge count toward a bingo prompt/Can I submit my work to more than one collection or challenge? A: As long as it's new work, and if the other challenge doesn't ask for exclusivity, bring it on! And frankly, we'd love to see more White Collar activity in multi-fandom spaces. Also, we'll surely be hosting other events throughout the year (at least Mozzie Mania and Caffrey-Burke Day), and you can certainly use a bingo prompt for any of those challenges as well.
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agendabymooner · 1 year ago
wild ! max v. x ofc (hearth sister!ofc) - tltl series
“‘cause when you look like that i’ve never ever wanted to be so bad.”
summary: sylvie came to the realization that a) she couldn't stop smiling at max's texts and b) she's in love with max. she only admitted to the latter when christian horner pointed the obvious. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)
content warning: extremely incomplete piece, max being thirsty, christian horner being cool for once, use of explicit language, "they're just friends" trope, simp!max and simp!ofc, textfic + written (mari's mom = ofc + mari's dad = max)
note: i need to write my essay lolololol chile anyways enjoy xx
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Being allowed to work remotely was one of the best things that could’ve happened to Sylvie. The Haute Couture Paris Fashion Week came around way too quickly yet juggling two works at once was easily managed by her. Thank god for her manager. 
As soon as she flew to France to begin her week, her hands immediately turned off her airplane mode to contact Max and Daniel about Marinara. It was saddening having to travel away from the puppy, most of Sylvie’s support system were all at the same location to rest before the Austrian GP while she was in Paris to put on her best resting bitch face while she walked down and impress the front row guests with the newest collection made by the designer. She hated being away from Marinara. Especially when she was in Netherlands with her stupid fucking father that Sylvie called Max Verstappen.
Just as she was prepping for her first show, she immediately called for her manager to ask for her wired earphones. She immediately plugged it in and answered Max’s call. 
“I’m only an hour ahead of you lots,” Sylvie deadpanned, leaving Max to screech out in laughter. 
“What do you mean? I’m just saying hi,” Max exclaimed. He was in his room, Sylvie assumed.
“Where’s my baby?” 
“Right here,” he joked, showing his full face. Sylvie raised a brow, trying to figure out whether to laugh at his face or just ask him again. She did neither and took a screenshot of their FaceTime call— most of which was just his face. Perfect blackmail material. “Just joking. Nara is… with Blue Jaye and Victoria right now. I think Blue’s more excited about the puppy than Vic was.” 
“She was just telling me how she was pumped on seeing Marinara days ago,” Sylvie replied while she had her eyes shut, her makeup artist dabbing on some foundation in the process. 
“She thought that you’re the one heading here,” Max snorted. “She got too excited with you coming; she didn’t think it’d be a mini you instead.” 
“Hadn’t meant to disappoint her that much,” Sylvie rolled her eyes, “glad to hear Jaye’s loving Nara.” 
“Oh definitely,” Max nodded, shifting around his room while his front camera showed his moving figure. “It didn’t help that you’re not here though. Can you believe that? Two of my sisters are looking for you instead of me— their own brother.”
“I’d get excited about my sisters too, to be fair,” she held the microphone of her wired earphones close to her mouth as she continued to get her face covered in cosmetics. 
“You don’t have a brother,” Max deadpanned. “Even your stepbrothers wouldn’t cut the standards you’ve had.” 
“Don’t be too sad about them getting excited about seeing me,” Sylvie snorted before she casually told him, “if it makes you feel better, I’m excited to see you in Austria.” 
“Oh real comforting,” Max mockingly sighed. Sylvie’s eyes narrowed slightly as he continued, “Sylvie’s excited to see me. Yay Max, I guess.”
“No need to be an arsehole about it, you utter twat—“ she ended the call halfway through. She wasn’t truly offended, she just felt the need to act the part. 
She then looked up at the makeup artist as the woman asked, “Calling him back, love?”
“Pft, he can wait,” Sylvie took off her earphones and waved off before she continued getting her makeup done. Hearing a ping, she peered down on her screen and grinned at the text. 
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Mari’s Dad: I can’t even not laugh at your face when you get upset 😂 anyways talk to u l8r Mustang — send me best pics from miumiu whenever u can!! 
Mari’s Dad: also, I am happy to hear that ur excited to see me next weekend 😁 can’t wait to see u!!!
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Mari’s Mom: I’m so mad. I literally ran barefoot to the pastry store across the Hotel Ritz before closing and they didn’t even have any strawberry macarons left wtffff
Mari’s Dad: Yikessss 😬😬 do they have any pistachio though
Mari’s Mom: I was going to play with fire if they didn’t
Mari’s Dad: Hey, don’t say that. Be grateful they even sold those pistachio macarons to you. 
Mari’s Mom: It’s not everyday they see a supermodel run across the street with no shoes on just because she’s craving for macarons. 
Mari’s Dad: Fair enough 🤷‍♀️ maybe you can ask Christian to have some in display at the hospitality? 
Mari’s Mom: Hell no 💀 I’m desperate but not that desperate
Mari’s Dad: Still holding a grudge against him? In this economy? 
Mari’s Mom: No not really. He just annoys me.
Mari’s Dad: You sound like Toto. 
Mari’s Mom: Fear me then, Max 😈😈
Mari’s Dad: I can’t do that when I literally saw you trip and eat shit back when we were six lol
Mari’s Mom: I can’t be arsed with this conversation anymore 😭 
Mari’s Dad: Finally out of argument??? 😳😳
Mari’s Mom: Stop being a dickhead and let me enjoy my treats 😭 it’s not easy for us people with anxiety these days and all we want is a tray of macarons. 
Mari’s Dad: Fly to Amsterdam then. I won’t bother you anymore.
Mari’s Mom: You won’t bother me in texts but you’d be bothering me in real life 😬 I have three more days before i deal with that.
Mari's Mom: Btw, don’t be fucking stupid with Daniel during the week alright? If I hear from either of you PR managers that you can’t sit through a recording without giving them a headache I’m literally gonna cause problems for Christian— and you do not want ME to cause problems for YOUR team principal of all people. 
Mari’s Dad: Damn 😭 why did I get a business talk and why are you telling me this??? Daniel should be the one who should get the PR/marketing talks not me
Mari’s Mom: Lederhosen. That’s all I can tell you. If I hear anything about you two ripping your trousers I’m gonna have to mathematically figure out how you’d do that to a leather piece. 
Mari’s Dad: Does this mean you’re wearing a dirndl too???
Mari’s Mom: Of course I will. It’s Austria and it’s Red Bull’s home country. Also, don't push your fucking luck, you’re not allowed to point out that I’m even wearing them.
Mari’s Dad: Yes ma’am
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Max: Hey Christian. Out of curiosity, you wouldn’t mind seeing if you can request for some macarons for the Austrian GP right? Some pistachio and strawberry ones, mostly?
Christian Horner: Hello Max. That’s quite a peculiar request but why not. I don’t handle these things but I’ll see what the hospitality manager can do. 
Max: Thank you. 
Christian Horner: I wouldn’t be shocked if this was all for Sylvie. 
Max: I said THANK YOU, Christian.
Christian Horner: Yeah yeah, don’t worry about it lad.
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Dressed in her Austrian folk wear and a rather fitting pair of shoes for them, Sylvie ensured that the embroidered Red Bull logo remained visible from the waistline of her apron. The dirndl fitted her so well, the tea length dress just reaching her calf. The Austrian Grand Prix was on the go, and this was just her first day after returning from the fashion week. It was Thursday. Most of them had gotten here earlier this week, only waiting for her to arrive. 
Just as she stepped out of the garage, many fans had gotten a glimpse of her as they called and asked for her attention. She gracefully did so, waving her hand every once in a while before resting both of her hands behind her back. She wandered off while cameras took her picture as she made her way towards the paddock area. 
“Mustang!” Her eyes were trained on the group of people who surrounded her nephew as she made her way towards them. Tilly hadn’t worn her dirndl and it was obvious that Toto hadn’t put on his lederhosen, but Max and Daniel were dressed in folk wear. Soren Wolff was relaxed on Toto’s arms, obviously not feeling anything of discomfort from wearing the little lederhosen that Tilly had slipped on him earlier today. 
And while nobody hadn't noticed, Max's eyes were trained on her figure. Shit.
He can die a happy man.
“Oh wow,” Sylvie exclaimed, grinning at the now-bouncing baby in Toto’s arms. “Look at you, my little man. You are sooooo handsome, Soren!” 
“Thanks, that’s all me,” Toto joked, grinning at the girl as he continued, “you look very beautiful as well, Sylvie.”
“So I’ve been told by countless photographers,” Sylvie laughed, still waving at Soren as he squealed. Her fingers reached for his tummy, making the baby squirm.
“You’re too late for the party,” Daniel joked. “They’ve told me how hot I was and how willing they were to rip this off of—“
“Mother of god— Daniel,” Tilly groaned in annoyance before swatting the Red Bull driver on the chest. Daniel wheezed, trying to catch his breath as Max and Sylvie cackled. The laughter shared between the two caught the baby off-guard as his dark eyes widened, his head moving to his left and right in confusion. 
“Did Uncle Max and Auntie Sylvie surprise you, schatzi?” Toto grinned down at his son. The laughter was long gone, the Mercedes-AMG team principal looking up to see Max peering down at the skirt as Sylvie began frolicking and twirling around.
She was obviously telling Max about how perfectly the dirndl fitted her, but Max’s eyes were drawn on the legs underneath the fabric.
She was gorgeous, indeed, but Max could wash his mouth with soap if he ever mentioned that she was… hot. He wasn’t about to get smacked in the head for telling her how heavenly she looked in both dirndl and clothes she wore when she walked down the runway a few days ago. 
And when the Dutchman looked up again, he swore not to get caught by Toto ever again. The Austrian held a glare in his face that told him enough about the dangers of ogling.
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Her eyes were sparkling as her mouth chewed on the strawberry macaron, grinning at the taste. She had a diet plan, sure, but eating one or five macarons wouldn’t hurt. She was on a break, after all.
“Don’t finish the whole tray, my love,” she scowled lightly before facing the man who spoke behind her. Christian grinned mischievously as he continued, “Save some for the guests.”
Did she mention she was fairly close to reaching her period days, too?
“I wish I can quit right now,” She murmured while she continued chewing on the food, making her boss laugh lightheartedly. “I’m on a break, Christian.”
“I know— I actually assumed I’d find you in front of the macaron display and look!” Christian gestured to her.
“Does your wife know you’re annoying?” Sylvie shot back. 
Christian shrugged, “It’s mostly reserved for you and Toto. I’m glad you’re liking the delicacies though— I know how rough your week went.”
Was she ever thankful to have him as a boss? She actually grew quite fond of him as months went on. Christian Horner was a prat at the very beginning, but she supposed that making him own up to his mistake at the very beginning would eventually make him more cautious and accommodating to everyone. 
Sylvie’s scowl disappeared as she swallowed the rest of her macaron and murmured, “Thank… Thanks.”
Christian waved her off, “Don’t thank me. Thank your best friend, if anything.”
“Best friend?” Sylvie repeated.
“Yeah,” Christian nodded, clapping her on the shoulder as he said, “the boy was practically on his knees when he asked to have those for the hospitality. You two have a bad habit of munching on those macarons in every race and between the two of you— Max eats the chocolate and espresso ones more than you do. The lad knows you’d kill for strawberry and pistachio— so maybe let him know you like him too?”
Sylvie pondered what he said for a second. How the fuck did Christian even know Sylvie loves Max? Wait, why was she even openly admitting that she loves him? And Max loves her?
What the hell was going on?
But the words that escaped her mouth was, “He was on his knees asking for macarons in the hospitality?”
“Oh, dear God. You two are just as oblivious as you can get.”
She liked Christian Horner, indeed, but maybe pointing out the most obvious to an oblivious woman wasn't the brightest idea he had ever done. Because now she wasn't only oblivious- she was fucking paranoid and in love.
Talk about playing with fire.
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pardonmydelays · 1 year ago
so it's been a few days since you saw waitress, what are your initial thoughts?
thank you so much for reminding me and sorry for being quiet about it for so long, i've been meaning to write this mini essay but i really needed to take a deep breath & collect my thoughts first. so...
sugar, butter, flour... (it's been ringing in my head for days)
i honestly didn't really know what to expect when i started watching it. i knew a little bit about the plot, not that much tho, & i knew who wrote the music for it, the rest was a mystery to me.
i always say the best musicals are the ones that make you cry & this was definitely one of those. it made me feel... so many things at once. so first of all, i think the proshot was absolutely beautiful & i wish we could see more musicals this way. second of all: the characters! all of them so incredibly written & so real!
ok, i am really trying not to be chaotic here, but it's not easy (i've cried multiple times while watching it, ok???). jenna's story completely broke my heart. also, as a person who ended a very toxic relationship not that long ago, i must say i could feel her pain & struggle even more (earl reminded me of my ex so much it hurts, but we are not going there). but she wasn't the only relatable character here, this may be surprising for you, but i literally had a mental breakdown on "when he sees me" cause i found a little bit of myself there (wow, i've got issues)... another song worth mentioning is definitely "she used to be mine" (that was the moment i had to stop watching for a second cause my eyes were so full of tears i couldn't see anything lol). and don't even get me started on "you matter to me"... especially when you think about the ending...
the ending was really surprising for me, but not in a bad way i guess? as much as i wanted a happy ending for jenna, i didn't want it to be all perfect cause that's the thing about life, right? it's never perfect. but she did found herself & her happiness eventually & to be completely honest with you anon, i love a good story that shows us we can be happy without men (even tho it broke my heart a little bit). also, she wasn't left alone. she had amazing friends (another thing that always makes me cry because friendships are so important to me & they are always my favourite part of the plot) & her little daughter! & her own place! & omg i think i'm gonna start crying again...
so, like, you know. i will probably rewatch it pretty soon, i'm also gonna listen to the soundtrack more cause my thoughts are really chaotic at the moment, but overall i think this is such a great musical, definitely one of the best i've seen so far and i am dying to see it live! the choreography was absolutely incredible, the whole cast was amazing, the music was really, really good and the plot made me cry like a baby. this is all you need to know. i loved it so much!!!
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nkjemisin · 1 year ago
Hi! (Just to get in front of it, I'm not asking you for anything. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your work and I SEE the decolonization in it. I'm definitely also neurodivergent, so forgive me if I over- or under-explain a point.) But I realize this is an Ask Me Anything... egad.
I'm working on a piece about Broken Earth for the Decolonizing the EcoGothic volume of the Gothic Nature Journal, and I just wanted to let you know that I am blown away by the way you tell stories. I was in a Gothic Horror (I'm really not that big of a Gothic literature nerd, I swear!) class while I was in graduate school last year and we read Toni Morrison's Beloved. That was the second time that I read that novel in particular, and the first time I read it I got hung up on Mama Suggs. Her character and her ceremonies in the clearing were very powerful, and I couldn't put a pin in why until I read Broken Earth. Something about the connection between Essun and Alabaster's bodies transforming as a result of their magic use and the utter negation and abuse and colonization of the black body in both stories and historic times of slavery (and the prison industrial complex today, let's be real). Reading Broken Earth helped me understand that. So thank you.
I'm sorry this is turning into a mini essay, but I also wanted to mention another connection I found between the two on my second read (a connection I formed, I'm definitely not trying to say that I know for sure what you were going for because of course there's a lot to the stories) was between that of the characters Nassun and Denver. Near the end of the novel, after Beloved's ghost has all but taken everything from Sethe, Denver begins to step off of the safe porch and enter into the unsafe world alone for the first time to try and find help. She finds herself recalling a conversation that she heard between Baby Suggs and her mother:
“Oh, some of them [white people] do all right by us,” Sethe said. Baby suggs responds,
“And every time it’s a surprise, ain’t it? Don’t box with me. There’s more of us they drowned than there is all of them ever lived from the start of time. Lay down your sword. This ain’t a battle; it’s a rout” (287). Denver then asks the memory of her grandmother what she should do, then. “Know it, and go on out the yard. Go on,” her grandmother responds (288).
What should Denver, or Nassun, do with the knowledge that they will never truly be safe? She has to accept it, but go on anyway. One foot after another, and so on. I felt a bit of this driving Nassun after her father takes her away from their home in Tirimo... and I dunno. You and Toni Morrison both write stories that stick with me, personally, and make me think. And think and think.
Oh I'm also not assuming you've read Beloved, either. I'm sorry! I this is turning into a mess. I think I'll stop there. Just, thank you. For your stories and for your characters and for the story of Syl Anagist. I loved the Inheritance Trilogy also, I'm just very stuck on Broken Earth because of this piece I'm working on. Thank you! Sorry.
No need to apologize! But I can't answer your question because I haven't read Beloved. Read and loved several Morrison novels, but not that one. (I keep meaning to, but my Mount ToBeRead is the size of Everest and growing.) Both books are inspired by the same historical event, and I think because of that, folks who don't know about Margaret Garner reasonably assume I'm riffing on Morrison rather than reality. But nope, the Broken Earth trilogy is just one of several creative works that are in conversation with the Garner tragedy. Any similarities you see probably come from the fact that Morrison and I share a racial and gender identity, and had a similar reaction to realizing just how much our current lives are impacted by hidden historical horrors.
Even if I'd read Beloved, however, I probably wouldn't be able to answer your question. Lit crit is best done by people other than the author, IMO. We're too close to our work to tell you very much about it.
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notaplaceofhonour · 1 year ago
I’ve been a listener of Behind the Bastards (as well as other Robert Evans podcasts and the leftist podcast network he co-founded with Sophie Lichterman, Cool Zone Media) for years. There have been iffy takes along the way, due to Robert Evans’ over-the-top persona & edgy sense of humor, and I obviously haven’t always agreed on everything on the show, but I found the show entertaining & informative. This last year, however, I’ve been increasingly concerned about BTB and the broader Cool Zone Media ecosystem.
Since 10/7, coverage of I/P on It Could Happen Here (a podcast that started as a series of speculative essays by Robert Evans about what a Second Civil War might look like if it happened, and has since been turned into a daily/weekly show covering topical leftwing topics, hosted by other people on his team) has been iffy at best. I tuned out the second they hosted Sim Kern—someone I was introduced to pre-10/7 as a queer Jewish booktok-er who had some out-there takes but some decent ones but has since pivoted to hardcore promotion of JVP & their talking points. From what I have listened to, ICHH’s coverage of I/P has not been The Worst™️ I’ve seen, but definitely has some serious issues that have pretty heavily shaken my faith in CoolZoneMedia’s judgment regarding the content they produce.
Jason Petty (aka Propaganda), who is a frequent BTB guest, also has a show on the network (Hood Politics), and I’ve had a glowingly positive view of for a while, but he’s said some stuff recently about I/P that rubbed me the wrong way. I know he also recently started a mini-series on Hood Politics about I/P that I haven’t listened to yet (I may not ever; I think I’m at my limit for what I can handle, media diet-wise tbh), which I can’t comment on besides my initial gut feeling of “this gives me pause”.
But what has been the nail in the coffin for me in terms of interest in BTB and the entirety of Cool Zone Media has been this:
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The most fair I can be to this is to acknowledge that Robert Evans stops just short of advocating for copycat suicides, but that is a grotesquely low bar that it physically churns my stomach to entertain as somehow a point in anyone’s favor.
This goes so far beyond irresponsible coverage. This is active lionization of self-harm and suicide. Robert’s “willing to give up their own life” is such a repulsively fucked up way to spin suicide.
Aaron Bushnell did not “give up his life”. He killed himself.
Cut the euphemistic bullshit, using indirect, flowery language to spin a guy fucking drenching himself in gasoline and burning himself to death while calling Jews genocidal colonizers as somehow romantic and commendable.
He killed himself.
He believed fucked up shit disconnected from reality and tried to “protest” it by killing himself—an act of self-harm with no material connection to improving the world in any way. If you’re promoting that as a “principled” act of “moral courage”, there is something severely fucking wrong with you—whether that’s mentally or morally, I do not care.
You are harming people and I want no part in it.
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months ago
Yep that's what I did too and by the end, the overall word count for my dissertation and three other final modules added up to round about 20,000 words💀
Some tips, the library and coffee is your best friend, McDonald's at 3am in a library is more than acceptable, use an extension if possible if it feels like too much on your shoulder and do little mini deadlines for yourself like 'I need to get this many words written or this many sources found by this date'
I'm really banking on my essay writing skills coming in clutch because otherwise I don't think I'll survive. The alternative is hardcore exams and I hate them so essay writing it is
The Maccies around my uni is 24 hours so I will definitely be taking advantage and my accommodation is right opposite the library so any all-nighters I need to do will be so easy to get to and from
I feel like once I'm in the groove of writing an essay I can go on for ages it's just the starting off that I struggle. Like I can't start writing if it's a blank page
It sounds strange but sometimes I copy and paste bits of my fics onto the page so it isn't blank anymore and I can finally start. Obviously I delete them at the end but sometimes I just need that little boost to get started
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lauren-no-why · 2 months ago
No idea uhhh either Cobb Avery or Z'Oiseau or both perhaps idk
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Yeeeeahhhh!!! okay I have admittedly way more thoughts about Cobb Avery than Z'Oiseau so while I do think the latter is a super fascinating character who I definitely need to spend more time mulling around in my head, we're going with Mr. Ender here for now. Maybe if I wind up with extra time later tonight I'll revisit this for the spooky blackbird man.
First impression: WHAT A COOL DUDE. I mean, watching the music video was one of the very first things that clued me in to the existence of the lore and it's nice that it's mostly a self-contained little mini-story that tells us so much about him in under 5 minutes. Big fan of our undead revenge murder hero living out everyone's not-so-secret fantasy to just fucking kill the rich bastards who ruined your life. Relatable.
Impression now: I mean same, but now I've also had a whole lot of time to consider all of the social and political and cosmic horror implications so it just only gets better. It's not just an undead dude coming back to kill Andrew Winthrop. His is ultimately a story about a working class man from a colonized and marginalized population of people in this country gains mystery cosmic horror powers to take power back into the hands of those people. People much better-educated than I on Chicano history have written extensively about US colonization in the regions that were formerly Mexico until their land was stolen from them, and so Cobb Avery's story, while set in the... 1950s? sort of? also has extremely strong echoes of the outcome of the Mexican-American War in the 1800s, and meanwhile extends the power fantasy out beyond him to the gang he has assembled which particularly in the film are shown mostly to be working-class nonwhite folks (and certainly mostly Latino but not exclusively) who have suffered from discrimination, deportation, racism and lynching and so many other awful fates throughout our country's history, and it's those people now who have been able to build something for themselves that puts the power to destroy back into their hands with Cobb Avery as a sort of dark folk hero.
idk I think about this a lot. I'll stop. I'm bordering on that other essay I threatened to write.
Favorite moment: Man.... so many. But the one I personally find really really satisfying in the music video at least is when the one girl stabs him and he just sort of smiles, and it's at that point they realize this dude is the best thing to ever happen to them and they are now ride or die for him and his cause. Coming together to defeat capitalism under the banner of a freaky undead guy.
But runner up in terms of how deeply intrigued I am is when Buck smacks into him in the movie and just gets temporarily flung into his own future in that dark forest after he's been black-brained. Cobb Avery what the fuck are you, man. Like what REALLY are you. I have a lot of thoughts and a lot of questions.
Idea for a story: I have an unfinished WIP that isn't really a story with any real plot but a reflection by Johnnie (so far, other character POVs would work here too) about how it feels to have this nonhuman creature living in their midst. This thing in human shape that was human once but is definitely not quite human now. I really love exploring the idea of Avery returned as someone who has very little grasp on who he once was except for the memories that drove him to revenge, and that somehow that scrap of humanity is filled out by the sort of dark World Ender entity that he is now a part of. More cosmic horror, and the gang as cultists who take his eagerly granted permissions for chaos and violence and just run with it. But because I don't have any actual plot I probably won't figure out how to finish writing this.
Unpopular opinion: Once again I don't think there are enough opinions in general for me to have one that's unpopular here. I think we all agree that whatever he is, the dude is a badass.
Favorite relationship: Not with any particular individual but with the gang as his thriving band of trouble, almost a force of nature themselves that spills forth not to exactly follow his instructions but simply to interpret his desire for destruction in however they like. But also, then, their reliance on each other as a family, with him at the center as some sort of inscrutable nonhuman leader they're in between respecting and worshiping, and how he meanwhile molds them into what he wants them to be by selecting leaders to serve directly under him and letting them loose. It's not a hierarchy it's a miasma. Found family but extra fucked up.
Favorite headcanon: I guess particularly my interpretation of what he is now, as being something much less human and probably slipping farther and farther away from it, except for those core retained memories that drove his revenge. Maybe he's soft for someone every now and then who reminds him of his wife, or daughter, but never in a way where that person could really be close to him or get to know him as a person, because he is a fraction of a much larger and older thing that sees them as a means to an end at best, and as little more than bugs to be occasionally herded otherwise. More alien, more monstrous, while he slicks back his hair and enjoys a cigarette and appears on the surface to be just another guy.
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timetogetfeisty · 6 months ago
i overanalyze mrd songs/levels: mini moon (high moon)
bpm: 125
nightmare count: 61 (if I counted right)
(long post :3)
okay purepari already did a whole video essay on this (which you should watch…) so to avoid plate of corn-ing this game that has already been out for four years I’m going to do my best to only mention new things
In the video, purepari makes a really good point that Mini Moon is a more vertical level compared to many of the others, and I think that generates a lot of meaning in other areas. Because it’s such a vertical level, there’s a LOT of nightmares (the purple/yellow monsters). This, of course, is partly because… there aren’t many other ways to go up (except wall jumping and gusts of wind) but I think there’s also another reason.
When Mad Rat first encounters a nightmare in the first stage, Rat God calls it as such and tells him that to defeat it, he’ll need to make a wish and punch it. So I like thinking that every time there’s a level with a ton of nightmares (I think mini moon has the most?) it marks a point where Mad Rat makes a big wish. The wish could be a lot of things- purepari mentions that his goal goes from killing the scientist to dying peacefully, but a goal is different from a wish- a goal is more a wish that’s been put into action. So Mad Rat is wishing for something that he won’t be able to achieve right now.
It’s kind of similar to If We Could Be Friends, (which I will definitely also be covering) which I see as Rat God wondering what life would be like if she wasn’t forced to be a parasite by nature before cutting herself off because thinking like that would get in the way of her goal. Mad Rat’s lines about reincarnation and the next life, I feel, are him hoping for another life where he gets to spend more time with Heart, and where maybe Rat God doesn’t have to do all of these things just to live (which can be real if you read my fanfic!!1!). Thinking about this comforts him, and he feels a bit better about leaving this life (although some anxiety still remains). It’s not worth living forever and going against nature if you’ll be back anyway.
The verticality is also probably the reason why the level is called “high moon”- Mad Rat can’t possibly reach the moon in this life, but he can at least get close to it. Even getting close to it is hard, though, but like pushing through the hallucinations and helping others, Mad Rat finds the energy to make it to the top.
Mini Moon is similar to several other songs, whether it’s intentional or not. Most importantly, there’s the Heart’s Beat / Mad Heart motif at 0:59 (using this video as a ref), which makes perfect sense considering that this is such an emotional moment for both of them. Heart is scared because he knows he doesn’t have much time to tell Mad Rat about the truth of the operation, but he still doesn’t want to reveal who he really is. Mad Rat is scared because he’s about to die, and again, Heart’s beat is what is keeping him on his path up to the moon.
I’m very hesitant about this next one because they’re two songs by two different artists but I also hear Call Me Jack at 0:32 (here is the part in Call Me Jack if it’s hard to hear)?? I mean it wouldn’t be the first time considering Cottage House also uses Heart’s theme but even I’m struggling to think of a reason why it’s there. I guess it’s another one of Heart’s hints that he’s a cat like the black cat, or it’s his way of reminding Mad Rat of one of the marks he’s left by saving the black cat.
It also sounds similar to Outside and Mad Rat Heart in general which makes sense because they’re all by Dyes Iwasaki but surprisingly enough I think that’s how far it goes. believe me I tried. The only thing worth mentioning is that outside and mini moon both have a beat drop at 1:18 after a very long buildup which could be mad rat finally being able to see the real world after years of being in a cage / the two of them finally being free of the cycle rat god put them in
anyway yeah mini moon. crying. sobbing. if you made it this far thank you I will be doing more
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