#definitely didn't forget those hihi
thegnomelord · 7 months
(Hihi!! First ever ask so I’m a little worried :,) but you’re super cool so I’m giving it a shot 🫶)
About the hound fic, it briefly mentions Makarov ordering Hound to kill a member of their previous task force/141 and they don’t hesitate to do so, and it got me thinking;
Who did Hound kill? Unnamed Replacement Solider™? Roach? Or someone close to the 141 like Nikolai or Laswell?
And how does this affect the 141’s views on Hound after rescuing them?
Like Price who is fighting the exhausting battle with his superiors to let him try to help Hound instead of putting them down like a dog. The battle drains him, and he becomes snappier than usual, irritated by the fact that a small voice of doubt is telling him to give up.
Soap who would love his old comrade back but can’t let go of the fact Hound had killed a teammate he was close with. He wants to forgive and forget but one can’t just do that about the murder of a friend by another. He’s especially bothered by the fact that Hound didn’t seem to feel any guilt for their actions, at least not until they begin to return to their normal self.
Ghost who can’t let his guard down around Hound, fully believing he’d lost the old soldier he once knew. Always lurking nearby Hound, keeping his eyes on them, almost paranoid he’d lose another family team member. But deep down he hopes, and the internal conflict is tearing at him.
And Gaz who worries there’s no hope for Hound, conflicted between seeing them as the monster they’d been turned into or the person he once called a friend. He both pities Hound for what has become of them yet resents them for the harm they’d done to the task force and his friends. Gaz struggles to keep both those opposite emotions under wraps as whenever Hound is brought up.
O R have I completely misunderstood this one line? If I did I’m sorry for the ask :,)
That’s all I’ve got… wishing you a wonderful day/night and keep up the good work!!!
Honestly idk, I still don't know how I want the timeline to go. Current idea is that only Ghost and Price knew Hound before Makarov got them, so Johnny and Gaz wouldn't have known him. When I wrote the one shot it was definitely just gonna be some random soldier, but now you're giving me IDEAS
Also I swear you took the blurb about Price STRAIGHT out of my head. You are reading my mind lol
What if Hound did kill Roach n it was filmed and sent to Price and Ghost and Johnny (who let's say was friends with Roach but didn't know Hound before, Gaz comes later so he wouldn't know any of this) and either Hound was masked or just so worn down from the 1-1.5 years of Makarov's care that they just didn't recognize him?
That little extra twist of the knife when Price and Ghost find out that makarov's right hand is not only the man they thought was dead, but that he killed their sargent in cold blood? UGHSDHF
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respawned-dove · 3 months
hihi!! really excited to see the content u make. can i get headcanons for a yan!scout? pretty please?
1st requests, and it's one of my favourites! You didn't give particular specifications on the reader character, so the reader is neutral on every trait.
yan! Scout x gn! Reader Headcanons
CW/TW: obsessive behaviour, controlling behaviour, stalking, home invasion, inappropriate touching, dubcon, guilt-tripping, death threats, sex mentions, manipulation, forced isolation, physical threat, threatening of family members, death of family members and friends, lovebombing, guns
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Both BLU and RED Scout's basic instincts are to run, hit, scare off, or cling very hard, and those traits leak into their ways of showing love and obsession.
Scout is actually quite impressive, outwardly. Even with his more annoying aspects, he's cool and charming, he's good with girls (even if not so with ladies), he has an athletic body and he's very funny. It's not hard for him to draw people into his circle initially. As long as you're there and willing to compliment him and build up his ego then you are exactly who he wants around him for a night. For most people he is flirtatious with, he keeps them around for one night stands and for sleeping with. Someone distant yet all over him is just what he's always wanted. But some people are different... They actually like him, and they actually seem to desire him in an intimate way. This treatment very easily translates into romantic affection, as his idea of what would be a good relationship is very shallow. "If that person genuinely enjoys being around me, then that must mean they want me bad."
The crush forms, and the fear sets in for him. Someone is getting close to him, and therefore might see through the dents in his ego and find out the 'truth' about him. (There is no underlying truth, but Scout believes he, deep down, does not live up to his place in this world, and therefore doesn't live up to even who he is as a person.) And he could never bear to lose the positive attention you give him. For a phase, he becomes very distant from you, not necessarily cold, but he definitely seems to be avoiding you, and there's an air of performance to all of your interactions. Scout considers it a test, quizzing you in a way you're not aware of. If you keep seeking him out when he pulls away, if you chase him and continue to want him around, then he will consider that a confirmation that you want him, just as much as he does you now.
Scout continues to keep a distance, but more like a 'walking twenty feet behind you everywhere you go" sort of distance. It's not stalking, he tells himself, he's just making sure he knows where you are that day, knows if you talked to anyone about him that day, to make sure he knows you have that gift he gave you in your room, and he knows you're getting home safe. Seeking validation that you like him even when he's 'not there' (he will be there). He has a weapon, but that's just in case any creeps tried to follow you home or something!
Speaking of gifts, Scout gives them pretty often. He actually found something to spend his massive income on besides Tom Jones merch, and that something is you. It's not his specific love language, but it is a way to make sure you stay there with him another hour or two, always waiting to get the gifts he pulls out. You start getting gifts in the mail too, marked as from Scout. You don't remember giving him your address... Eh, he probably used the yellow pages for it, is all.
His actual love language is physical touch and words of affirmation.
For one thing, he can't seem to keep his hands off of you, even if it's in subtle ways. Things that could still be considered friendly, like a hug that lasts slightly too long, or grabbing your hand when he's showing you something and 'forgetting' to let go. Slowly, they get less friendly, and it turns into things like holding your shoulders from behind you, getting caught eyeing you up, or 'accidentally' touching your hips and chest. It's easy enough to laugh it off, he's a silly guy who's most likely playing around with you. A lot of his playing around is annoying like that. But the more you let it go, the further he pushes your boundaries. Touching your chest without removing his hand for much longer, grabbing you by your hips to move you around, touching your face for far too long to be comfortable. You still don't feel comfortable calling him out for it, not when he's so friendly and nice to you the majority of the time. And hey, him being nice to you makes you feel special! He can be a dick to others, and right now, you get to laugh at it from the other side rather than be stuck in his ire.
For the other, his need for approval from you knows no bounds, and he puts himself in a lot of risky and stupid situations just to hear you praise or fawn over him and how cool he is. He wants to feel adored, admired, appreciated, valued. And if you can give that to him, then you will never get rid of him. Scout can become so compliment seeking that it's uncomfortable for you, begging non-verbally for your affection like you're his mother or something. Sometimes very demandingly forcing you to look at him while he does something 'cool', expecting heavy praise from you for it. Not giving him that praise is arguably the worse option, because he will get cold and angry at you, sometimes pouting or refusing contact for multiple days. Usually when he gets back and you apologize, it comes with what you think is a playful threat to kill you if you keep it up. You hope it's playful.
He's been stalking you for months as he pretends to be your friend, and he knows so much about you now. He knows exactly how to make you laugh and exactly what you like in a person. He knows what your closet draw full of underwear looks like and he knows that you sleep on your side with one leg placed higher than the other. He knows your typical meals for the day and sometimes buys them for you before you even ask for them. From your view, Scout starts to seem awkward around you. You can kind of guess why, seeing as he hardly leaves you alone for 24 full hours at this point.
He ends up asking you out, properly. Not just friends or even his usual FWB relationships. No, he wants to date you now! Forever, hopefully!
If you accept his request, you will be in for the sweetest honeymoon phase of your life, full of gifts and nonstop affection and a boyfriend that craves your approval like a puppy. But he won't remain that way forever. Scout's senses run on fear like a wild animal, and the longer he gets to keep you, the more he needs to cling, to keep you secured to him. He starts trying to have sex daily, just to confirm to himself that you desire him. Sex starts to become aggressive, grabby and demanding, gripping you by the hair and ordering praises from you.
Scout needs to be where you are at all times, he must control what you're saying about him and what you think about him by being near you no matter what.
He starts to do everything for you, from cooking to holding doors open to driving you everywhere to paying all of your bills. Slowly you begin to realize you aren't doing anything independently anymore. Scout makes enough money for the both of you, so his request to quit your job feels like a no-brainer by now. He can and does pay for everything you need, and if you didn't know before, you definitely know he's doing something illegal for a job now.
He eventually begins throwing out the idea of you not leaving the house all together. Just think about it, he offers, cleaning his guns off in a way that is definitely unrelated to this conversation. What's the point of it when you have everything you could ever want here? Why do your friends need to see you outside when they can visit us here? Are you saying things to them I can't hear? No, of course not. So start staying here all day, where it's safe and I can always get to you.
Scout comes home covered in blood sometimes. You would question why your friends stop calling after those days, but you're not stupid. He slowly narrows down your circle until you don't talk to anyone but him. Even your family no longer contacts you, and you don't blame them with how threatening Scout can be. Scout has an entire family of people that could 'take care' of them and he made sure they know it.
On the surface, he still is a very loving, doting boyfriend who hangs off your arm and fulfills almost any request you have. He can provide for you and he clearly adores you in the way he seeks your approval all the time. You really do have a great partner, at the end of the day, one who takes care of you so well. What do you deserve to complain about? Scout is everything anyone could want. Murder and control issues notwithstanding.
If you reject his request, he will take it as a huge blow to his ego. If you offer to still be his friend, that's an even bigger blow. He thought you liked him back just as much. How could he be wrong? No, he wasn't wrong. You're just confused, surely. He just needs to double down somehow, to remind you of what you want. People love it when you patiently wait for them to change their mind. As little patience as he even feels like he has at this point. He's still following you home, and this night, he waits until you're asleep, and then sneaks in through a window you left unlocked. Why would you have left it unlocked, every time he comes here. It must mean that you know he's been doing this. That you do want him like this, but you can't admit it to him. He watches you sleep. You're beautiful when you sleep.
He takes something from your clothing drawer that night. Something you wear all the time, something he can be certain you'll notice. If you bring it up to him in a certain way, then he can tell if you know that he's doing this. He can't sleep that night, staring at your clothes on his desk chair. He's certain it must smell like you. So he tests it. And it does. Not the proudest J.O. of his life, but definitely one of the best, with your smell right there with him, your clothes wrapped around his dick for him to thrust into.
Two days go by and you haven't noticed. He puts the soiled clothing back into your drawers. Now there's no way you won't notice. And you do, bringing it up as an oddity that only might be something creepy, and nothing more. He's left you no reason to be suspicious so far either way, so him as the culprit doesn't cross your mind. But to him, it's the sign he needs that you know it's him.
He breaks into your house again that night. And again the next. He starts to practically live inside your house at night. He's doing poorly on the battlefield, and no one on the team really talks to him anymore, because the only thing he talks about is you, your rejection, your 'secret' of still loving him. That's fine, fuck those guys. Why does he need their approval now when he has you? You're the only thing he can seem to care about since then.
Around then, he asked you out again. Though the circumstances may be a little different. He breaks into your house while you're awake this time. Not only are you shocked to see him, but he has a gun as well. A gun pointed right at the side of your head as he asks, moreso demands, that you date him. There's a shaky desperation to his words, and a look in his eye that glints with the intention to harm you if you act out of line. There isn't any choice but to say yes, really. And he makes sure you don't call to anyone for help, either, staying with you through the night with the phone lines to your house destroyed.
He keeps you in the house the entire weekend, but on Monday, you have to go to work. And you beg him to let you leave just to cover your shift. He paces as he thinks about it, tapping his gun in his hand with his face screwed up in consideration. "Alright, you can go. But you know good 'n well what I'm capable of. You tell anyone, and they won't be alive to do anything about it."
And he's there to make sure of it, too. At least once an hour you swear you see him come into your work and loiter, watching you. It seems like every time you look up he's there somehow. Yet, when you get home, he's on your couch eating like nothing ever happened.
You're his partner now, whether you like it or not, and you will be kept with him through any coercion or cruelness necessary. One or two of your family members do die before you learn to keep your mouth shut and give him what he wants. Attention, admiration, approval, value. You are what gives him value. You will adore him or you will die. You should know to be a good partner by now instead of pissing him off.
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milksnake-tea · 6 months
heyy bbg its me, your 🌺 again hihi
I was wondering if you would be interested in writing about the ask prompts 2, 6 and 10 for Yaoshi? 🥹 I'm honestly still a simp for them and Honkai is releasing way too less stuff about them I could scream 😭
During the next survey im gonna beg them to let us be kissed by them again for real. By the way, thank you so much in advance, you know I always eat up your aeon content it's so nice.
(If I misunderstood the prompts and you won't do it please ignore this ask and spare me the cringe I would potentially feel HAHA)
- 🌺
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2. What do you think their love language is?
Definitely acts of service or gifts. As much as I love my physically affectionate Yaoshi, I see them as someone to just shower you in gifts and love. And let me tell you - those gifts have range. You could get either the most beautiful bouquet (or garden/planet because let's be real, Yaoshi wouldn't settle for just a bouquet) made up of the finest specimen from across the universe, or you could open your door to the freakiest chimera that looks like it was one of God's deleted drafts. With acts of service, Yaoshi doesn't want you to be sad !!! No negative feelings are allowed, only happiness and joy for their loved one <33 So they'll take care of anything that bothers you to make sure that your eternal life is nothing short of paradise.
6. What do you think Yaoshi is like in love?
They're actually insufferable BYE I just know they're musing about every little detail about you to anyone who would listen. Their Emanators and Denizens have never seen you, and yet they know everything about you. Basically, they turn into a less loud, yet somehow even more poetic version of Argenti. You'd slowly notice the effects of their blessings around you as you go on with your life: Flowers and vegetation bloom wherever you go, your injuries heal so fast that you could've convinced yourself they didn't exist, and sickness no longer finds you. Gradually, your world turns into a paradise, and when you inevitably meet the Aeon responsible for it all, they welcome you with open arms.
10. How good at cuddling is Yaoshi?
THEY'RE BOTH SO GOOD AND SO BAD AT IT AT THE SAME TIME ITS LOWKEY IMPRESSIVE. Yaoshi has wayyy too many arms for their own good, but that just means they have all the more to hug you with !! The only problem is that. Well. Those arms have nails. And said nails are sharped to an unreasonable degree, and sometimes Yaoshi forgets about them and they'll accidentally scratch you when they're trying to pet you. But they're warm and make quite the pillow if you just ignore that part, and they'll hum you a little song while they hold you <33 or just talk to you about the mortals that've caught their eye, or what their followers have gotten up to. Yaoshi has a beautiful voice, by the way, gentle yet rich and leaning on the deeper side, and just listening to them is enough to lull you to sleep.
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2k follower event if you want to participate !!!
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symptoms-syndrome · 3 months
Hi! I’m curious to hear (in a vague way) what the process was like uncovering the DID if you’re comfortable answering. Like how long did it take? Did your therapist(s)/treatment team first consider other diagnoses? And anything else you feel comfortable sharing.
Hihi! This is sort of a hard question to answer for me, but I can try!
What constitutes my "treatment team" is sort of hard to define in this sense, because IDK if you mean "the ppl over the course of my life" or like "the one who wrote it on paper."
I've been seeing a therapist since I was 6 years old. I started going to outpatient programs like when I was in my early teens for Behavioral Problems. In those I was diagnosed with everything in the book so like. In that sense other diagnoses were considered? I think by the time I was 18 and kicked out of the house/able to see a professional of my own volition not connected to my parents/disciplinary programs, I was mostly labeled as BPD, PTSD, depression + anxiety, OCD, maybe NPD or ODD. I don't really give a single shit about any of those because I don't define myself by diagnoses anymore, or try not to, and my therapists as an adult told me it was majorly fucked that I was diagnosed with all that as a teenager. Most of them weren't even legit they were just labels to try and pin down why I was a Bad Kid. Spoiler for that, the answer was that generally teenagers act out when they're subject to intense trauma basically all the time and aren't listened to and are institutionalized. Tends to fuck your brain up real bad. I'm a lot better now not bc I got over the laundry list of diagnoses, but because I'm in like. A stable and supportive and independent environment.
I was officially diagnosed as an adult, exact ages escape me but probably like 19? It came as a surprise to me but fit like a glove re: my experiences with memory loss, not remembering where I am, meeting people who have met me before but I didn't remember, people telling me I did things I don't think I would, etc. It was really upsetting to hear because it's such a. Permanent and perception-of-life altering disorder. I was definitely hoping it was something that could be like. Cured more easily. It was also definitely hard to come to terms with the fact my childhood was That Bad, when I didn't really think it was before.
My therapist at the time said it was almost stupidly obvious that was what I had, even tho I wasn't like. Aware of it.
So like. How long did it take is hard to answer. Overall, if you count all the time I was being seen by psychiatric "professionals?" Over 10 years. If you count just that therapist? Like one year.
I'm a lil scatterbrained RN, so I might add more detail later or if u send another ask. I guess the question is so open and vague it's hard to answer without a full autobiography LMAO.
But I guess it would be useful to know why you wanna know. Then I could probably give a better answer. Are you considering the diagnosis for yourself? Are you trying to see if ur experience is shared w others? But also keep in mind I'm a weird little anti-psych dog who in general rejects the idea of seeking diagnosis for treatment. RN in therapy I mostly talk about my day to day struggles with whatever (like "damn, I've been really fixated on [specific trauma] this week" or "I made a friend" or "I'm really stressed about this argument I had" or "later this week im going on a date and i don't wanna fuck it up") and occasionally parts stuff comes up. Therapy hasn't majorly changed I don't think. Then again I'm real shit brain right now and my memory sucks ass. Maybe I can answer better later I just know if I didn't answer at all I'd forget.
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plasmasimagination · 10 months
Hello, I'm here for the matchups!
The fandom I chose for is Danganronpa (V3), and I don't wish to be matched with Korekiyo and Tsumugi (sorry, personal vendettas)
Im 5"1 - 5"2, short black hair, brown eyes, and I'm basically fem representing (nonbinary). I have a little bit of chub but I hate it when people comment on it, since its something I have a sensitive spot on. Other than my appearance, I'm basically a victim of rbf (resting bitch face) syndrome and drive people away from it, alongside with looking scary appearance wise.
Despite this, I'm a kind person and very empathetic to those that I meet and am close to. I am loyal to my friends to a fault and if someone harms them, I end up standing by them in their stead to protect them. Although I have a bad temper and am extremely stubborn, which could lead to my misfortune at times when the situation calls for it.
I'm an Aries, and I enjoy a lot of hobbies— mostly writing, drawing, and even playing horror games! I have a knack with old horror RPG games because they are fun to solve with, even if I do get a little scared at times when it gets intense. I also enjoy VNs, my favorite being horror ones than romance (especially those with mysteries).
In my friend group, I'm the therapist friend and I accept that role wholeheartedly. I tend to be the one to give people advice, hear them out, and comfort them when needed be. Of course, it does lead to me burning out, but I shrug it off because it's something I can do on my own.
My favorites are definitely eating sweets, and being with my companions. I enjoy a good mystery as well, even if it wracks my brain. I don't enjoy riddles because I'm... Not too big brained for it (oops), and I don't enjoy blaming others for their mistakes.
I hope this is coherent orz, have a lovely day and keep up the good work!
— 🌸🍒
CUTIEEEPIEEE HAI HAI, this was easy to match hihi you didn't really mention if you want to get matched up with a guy or a gal for I'll just give you both ;D
Your match up is
Everyone needs a shuichi in their life, even you
I think shuichi would fit you very well, it's like that meme "he asked for no pickles" YKWIM?
It's like you're hot tempered type of person and he'll just follow you around standing behind you to support you no metter what ToT
And if you get in any trouble for it, don't worry shuichi is there to save you
As you said you tend to be the therapist friend I think that shuichi would actually enjoy having someone wise / someone that can get him on the right path from time to time
But ofcourse you won't have to be alone either, he's a great listener and will always try to offer help and comfort when you're feeling down or burnt out
Shuichi will also, after some time of being together, get into the type of games and stuff you like and find great interest in it, so for your next game session dont forget to invite him so you can solve those mysteries together >:)
Two cuties omg
It's honestly giving that dark goth girlfriend X pink aestethic girlfriend
I think of you guys as like kuromi and my melody (personality wise idk how you dress lmao 🥹)
While shuichi is the one who's there to need comfort sometimes from you, kaede will be the one comforting you🫵
Like she's gonna grab into your soul and take out all the problems you have and sort them one by one-
That sounds weird but I would say kaede wouldn't be exhausting to be around for y'all and that she would lift your spirit a bit
Also you don't like riddles? Don't worry take a kaede, kaede can help you solve it, or not ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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gyuworm · 1 year
Hihi lili !! ✨️✨️
Hope classes went well and you're resting now!!
One of my all time favorite TXT mvs would have to be Can't You See Me. I think you'll like it 😁 It has like a horror vibe to it. I also really like the mv for PUMA which is from the same album 😅 All the mvs are so good tho. They're supposed to all blend together as a story line. MY BIAS that's a funny question. It started as Kai and then went to Taehyun but now it's Taehyun, Beomgyu, and Kai. But I feel like I'm more Ot5. It's too hard to pick.
OOO! I wanna see it but I have to be honest. I haven't seen ANY of the Scream movies.. I dunno why I just haven't been around to it yet. My favorite is The Conjuring Universe. I even have the book from the first movie. And it's signed. But idk if it's real?? I got it second hand.
I do the same thing you do. I guess the ending and 9 times outta 10 I'm right.. Maybe that's why my favorite board game is Clue lol. Squid Game made me think of AIB but I didn't have any emotional attachment to the characters like I did with AIB. And I found out they're based off of like the same book?? I think it was a book or something.. i forget 😅 so don't take my word for it!!
Also tyty✨️°▪︎♡ that means a lot 🥹🤧 I used to write romance.. a loooong time ago lol I was on a lil website called Quotev. It's like stories and quizzes. I don't really write fics anymore.. I feel like I'd like to but I wouldn't know how to set everything up to reach who I'd like to reach. My genre was always romace or angst. I'm a sucker for some good angst. Imma force u to watch a romance drama 😈 ✨️
UR KILLING ME AAA lemme think.. top 5 between bothhh
1. Can't you see me
2. Answer
3. Wishlist
5. Cat & Dog
#1 would be every single txt song if i could pick that honestly. I have 0 skips. What do you listen to music on?
~ 🍓♡
classes were okay! i took a nap when i got home whoop whoop! 🥳🥳
i’ll definitely check out those two videos and a few others then let you know what i thought!!
the scream franchise is pretty good overall but there’s a few that don’t really hit as good 😭😭 idk if i’ve ever seen any of the conjuring movie(s)? (is there more than one?? hahah)
i know AIB is based off a manga but i didn’t know squid game was? 0: i guess they do have similar elements so i wouldn’t be surprised!
HAHA yes i know of quotev i used to read on there. tbh when i started writing on this blog i didn’t know what i was doing (and i still really don’t) a big part of engagement comes from using tags!! it honestly just depends on the fandom and when people are active i think. + i’m down to watch a romance drama!!
i listen to music on spotify!! what about you?
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minho-hoho · 2 years
hiii which idol(s) do ur moots remind u of ??
hello !!
I'm really bad at this but whatever :) (also I have way too much mutuals so rip, I might have to cut this lol. I have a massive headache/migraines so it'll progressively get shorter, don't forget that I love each one of you very dearly 🤍, even if I didn't mention you!! )
drinking game: take shot whenever I say the word sweet
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・@leeknowbuttsmasher ♡ you really remind me of... Choi Hyunsuk!! The reason why is because you're always very very sweet and supportive and just very cute in general just like him!! It's always a pleasure to talk to you, it's always sweet and calming you know? You're just a really fun person to talk to and I'm grateful that we became friends!! luv u very much ☺️🤍♡
・@enhadiares ♡ you remind of... Lee Know and Jihoon! You're really sweet and caring, but still give those leader vibes?? probably because you're oldest in our group, but you give very a comforting energy and makes it easy for me talk to you about everything so I really appreciate it <3 also!! you really seem to have more authority?? if that makes sense, like when someone has been mean or when something hasn't been done the way it should, you seem to put your foot down which is really good because I need it 😩 overall I love you!! 🥰🤍♡
・@enha-doodles ♡ definitely Jungwon and Riki!! why? I can't exactly pinpoint why, but they're the first idols that came to mind! I thought of only putting Jungwon at first but I feel like Riki also suits you quite well? I think you have this cute and playful energy to you that is really loveable☺️ but you also have this leader, very caring and sweet vibe too, that's why Jungwon came to mind first :> kinda like Ivy does yk? I don't make any sense but yeah!! basically, I love you 😚🤍♡
・@namyha ♡ my soul mate hihi 💞 anyways I didn't have to think long because you just scream Lee Know. Caring, sweet, lots of fun, someone I couldn't imagine living without! But! Very savage :'), honest, sarcasmand violence, very sweet mix🥰 (I can't count the times I was threatened 😚) basically kinda like Lee Know and Hyunjin! I wouldn't be shocked if you stuffed my mouth with toilet paper tbh... anyways, I love with my whole body and soul 😘🤍♡
・@sh1mzu ♡ for you I'd also pick Vernoooon let's go! you have this chaotic, sweet, loving and very easy to talk to aura!! you're really friendly and I always end up wanting to talk to you more because it's always really fun! <33 I almost picked Riki but the more I thought about it the more you reminded me of Vernon so I'll stay on this!! :> Of course I love you very muchh😊🤍♡
・@heemingyu ♡ hmm, I think you remind me of Beomgyu!! I have no understandable reasoning to offer lol. Your whole vibe since you first came into my inbox was very Beomgyu-like if it makes any sense?? from the nicknames, the way you spoke it just screamed Beomgyu to me!! and also your kindness, boldness reminds me of him! just very funny and lovely person that I cherish🥰🤍♡
・@srjlvr ♡ Joooo :(( one of the sweetest and funniest people on here!! For me, you remind me of Sunoo and Jun <3 just really funny and sweet!! very very cute person and I could honestly talk to you for hours because it's just that fun and enjoyable!! I picked Sunoo because of the cuteness and sweetness that is very present and Jun because of how funny you are, you make me crack up like he does and brighten my day too!! an awesome combo and I love you very much 😚🤍♡
・@lunarxsun ♡ You and your angelself remind me of Lia!! Because of that really mature, smart and sweet vibe you have!! You're always there and kind with everyone <33 I find you very well-spoken and it's shown often so it's always a delight to read anything from you <33 You're really talented and it's sad to not see your work getting the recognition it deserves:(💔 I really look up to you💞 I hold you close to my heart so know that I'm always there!! 🤍🥰♡
・@sunghoonalter ♡ I already told you but for you it's Sunghoon! It does make sense right? You're really kind and friendly but you do give this I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude that really reminds me of him! This quite “cold” and imposing image that I got at first that fades quickly as I got to know you like I did with Sunghoon :> very lovely surprise and it's always a delight to interact with you 🥰!! you're also very talented and I think you're intelligent too! also someone that I admire because of their hard work and charming writing!! ☺️🤍♡
・@evelynn-king ♡ for you I'd probably pick Changbin? he's the first one that came to my mind! You have this wise, smart and genius-like vibe (in a very good way!!) but also very sweet and friendly that seems to make friends really really quickly because of your adorable and smart personality!!💞 I really like talking to you about everything and nothing, you provide really good advice just like Changbin does!! Sending you lots of love 😘🤍♡
・@sunoo-bby ♡ howdy gumkie?? ☺️💞 you remind me of Felix!! full on sunshine energy that I get from you :> could have put Sunoo too but let's go with cutie Lixie! you just send good and cute vibes :3 always a pleasure to interact with you as it always puts a smile on my face 💕Love you a lot too💗🤍♡
・@deafeningballoonnacho ♡ Ellieee <33 biggest sweetheart ❣️you're literally so sweet, kind, understanding, easy to talk to and confide in!! which really really reminds of Bang Chan💗 I treasure you and I think you deserve all of the love in the world and I'll always be at your side <3 I love you a bunch lovely 😚🤍♡
・@nishisaki ♡ you remind me of Yeonjun and Jay!! you're just really cool and badass, so I really look up to you and admire you for your work and talent <3 but you're still really sweet and I think you're just as awesome as them!! sending a huge amount of love 😊🤍♡
・@reniqt ♡ hii Ren 😚 idk but there's just this thing about you that screams Heeseung to me?? there's just this comforting vibe to you that Heeseung also has, especially with his voice yk?? really sweet, caring and comforting aura that you have that made me think of him!! anyhow i luv uuu🥰🤍♡
・@lov3niki ♡ DK. the sweet, cute but chaotic vibe!! I don't even need to elaborate more. you truly remind me of him. anyways. me luvs u. 😼🤍 ♡ (also u have the cutest smile evr :(( n ure so pretty im cryin rn)
・@deeznutsriki ♡ heyy :] for you I'd pick Soobin! really running out of any reasoning that make sense in English but I think yours and his energy are kinda similar? first idol I thought of!! either way, enjoy your hiatus and take care xoxo☺️🤍♡
・@xuxis-pretty-devil-boy ♡ Han Jisung. That's who you remind of! chill, funny and easy to talk to! really makes it easy to engage in conversations :D I think you're also very hard working and dedicated like him which I think is admirable!! anyhow sending love to you too 😊🤍
・@urmomliv ♡ hello liv 😚💕 you remind me of 🥁🥁... I.N!! You give me the youthful, playful and very adorable vibes the maknae on top has 😊 It's always really fun when we interact so I always look forward to it :>> love and appreciate you very much 🤍😘♥♡
・@lvepsh ♡ hey you with your pretty and beautiful name :> it's a shame we don't interact more but I think you remind of Jake!!💞 you're very endearing and your writing is very charming! you give me this puppy-like energy that Jake has!! <33 anywho, you're really lovely and I truly appreciate you🥰🤍♡
・@shinehyuk ♡ beautiful and talented human being that managed to turn me an ot6 monbebe like it was nothing!! you remind me of Yeji 💞 I can't really form coherent sentences in english but you're extremely talented and I think you're sweet like chocolate just like her 💕 sending tons of love 🤍♡
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Hii Jo, how are you? How was your day?
Yes, I'm lucky, my mom is an amazing woman with such a good heart, and I admire her soooo much, I even say that if I ever have a daughter I want her to have my mom's name, she doesn't like that idea lol, but it's such a beautiful name and I wouldn't be half of the person that I am if it wasn't for her. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Are you closer to your mom or dad?
About having children, at the moment I don't even have the mental structure to take care of myself lol, imagine taking care of a kid, but I think about it, maybe someday, and all my friends are either getting married or having kids lol, so sometimes it leaves me wondering, about my life/professional choices and all those stuff, bc I don't want to be a bad mom, or never be there for my kids, and all they need is someone who shows up and loves them.
About having a broken heart, yes a couple of times people have broken my heart lol, I actually think it's easy to break my heart because I care too much, I get too involved and I'm not afraid to say how I feel, maybe I'm too intense? lol, when I love someone I really do, and of course it hurts to have a broken heart, but from my experience I'd rather have a broken heart than break someone's heart (because I hate hurting people, I lost a friend and it was never my intention to hurt him, when all this happened I was too young and I didn't know better,if it all have happened today I would've acted differently) and how about you? have you ever had a broken heart?
About giving second chances, I agree with you, depends a lot on the situation, if it is something that hurts me a lot there is no way to give a second chance, and it's not easy for me neither forgive nor forget, or if I forgive things don't go back as they were before. Is it easier for you to forgive or forget? Do you take too long to trust people/to open up/make friends?
And one more question, bc is raining here, what do you like to do on rainy days?
I’m doing good! spent the morning driving around and trying to get some sale items hihi. and that’s so cute! I do have a good relationship with them, I think I’m closer to my mum but that’s just because we are more alike I feel like. I’m sure you wouldn’t be a bad mum, from the few things I’ve heard from you I can already tell they would be your number one priority.
yes I agree! I definitely have had my heart broken lol, but not romantically, it was heartbreak from a very good friendship which really messed me up so yeah! I am still dealing with it right now and I am certain it will still hurt for a long time.
see I don’t know what is easier for me, I am terrible at forgetting, like something could’ve happened 10 years ago and I would still remember it in the back of my mind, but forgiving is even more difficult (since I don’t really forget things that hurt me). nowadays it does take a while for me to open up to people because I was so close with the people who broke my heart that I have no idea how/when I’ll ever be able to have that again. but I love making friends.
I love rainy days!!! as long as I don’t have to go somewhere and go outside in the rain haha! I usually just chill on the couch, watch some tv, maybe read a book (although that’s been a while) or listen to some music. what about you?
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