gravitycoil · 1 year
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one of my many visions
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sweetheartsaku · 9 months
shu yamino ; violino, pierro piccioni
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a/n : [fem!reader] writing this at 2:30am..
lavender !
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shu yamino, who loves when you put your hair into a ponytail..
shu yamino, who always has a hairtie on his wrist incase you need one..
shu yamino, who instinctively clings onto your torso when hes sleeping and feels cold..
shu yamino, who most defineitely gives the best massages..
shu yamino, who's love language is acts of service..
shu yamino, who is super dependable in general and especially with math and tech help..
shu yamino, who always gives hand kisses and loves the feeling of his lips against your knuckles..
shu yamino, who'd lightly spray his perfume on your pillows before he leaves for off-collabs..
shu yamino, who has my entire heart. 💜
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tu-es-gegg · 1 year
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yep defineitely no spoilers in this thumbnail
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cloud-somersault · 17 days
I've been following this fic since the start, and reading each chapter. We are so incredibly lucky to be enjoying this series at all, let alone for free. I appreciate all the work you’ve put in a lot of effort to create something that brought so much joy to so many people. Thank you so much for writing and remember you don’t owe us anything because you are incredibly talented and impeccable, and this story has me in a chokehold like no other and I would be more than happy to read more about what you have planned for this series.
It's great that your fics inspire such strong emotions in people because these characters are very nuanced and have a lot of depth and reasoning behind their actions, but sometimes it seems really hard for readers to remember, before writing any critique, that we have a lot more information than the characters in the story. We can see the same event from the perspective of different characters and even hear their internal monologues. But characters are limited to what they themselves can figure out, so of course they will make mistakes and do things that don't make sense at first glance. Sorry to hear you’re dealing with some drama in the comments. Hope you’re taking care of yourself! I know that must be pretty stressful, so maybe stepping away from a series for a while and then coming back later is a good choice. Your stories are completely worth the wait. Have a nice day or night! ❤
Thank you for sticking with this fic and this AU from the start! It's almost been 2 years. Thank you for reading and enjoying. I really appreciate that!!
That's very true. We, as the readers, have SO MUCH INFORMATION compared to the characters themselves. The only person who knows more is me, the author. And, something else I think is forgotten so much in this fandom in general is that Wukong and Macaque are immortal beings. The things that hurt us physically? Do not hurt them. The things that we think are egregious and out of this world? Are not to them. They have fought monsters and all that; they don't care about a quick squabble. They also know magic. We have to put all of that into context because, yes, in the real world, their fights and everything would be seen as wrong and dangerous. To them, though? Who have seen and been through so much? They don't have that same threshold that we do. I incorporate that into my writing.
And yes, the characters will do things that don't make sense! They will do things that will make you go "Aw, hell. This is gonna blow up in his face later." That's the entire point of fiction. Is seeing these characters grow and change or even fail to grow and change in some aspects.
That's also something we need to keep in mind. These are immortal beings. It takes them more time to understand something or learn a lesson or unlearn a toxic behavior compared to mortals who only live for so long. Wukong is nearly 4,000 years old; it's gonna take some time for some lessons to stick.
But thank you very much for sharing your opinion and kindness. I am defineitely going to take a step back once the epilogue is finished. I was going to stop here, at chapter 12, but I don't want to do that for my own personal reasons. I want it to be finished and in one place so that I can read it without opening a 300 page google doc and crashing my phone. It's mostly for ease of access right now.
But thank you!! Thanks for sticking with me. If you've been here since the start, wowie, you've seen it all. Thanks for seeing it through to the end with me. 💖
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that-one-i-think · 5 days
Okay, so I just found out that snakes like to wrap around hair like hair ties or scrunchies and that is so my AU Liochant coded
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IT IS SO COOL AND CUTE! Young Liochant who had the curliest and bounciest black hair defineitely trained a small snake to do this.
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amethyst-geek · 11 months
Mike's role in my Total Drama high school urban fantasy AU
First, I would like to discuss which characters would become related to Mike in this AU. For starters Jen the Fashion blogger and Katie would be his cousins and perhaps his adoptive sisters. Jen and Katie's mother would be the older sister of Mike's biological mother. I would also have him be related to Dawn in some way. I will elaborate on this when I discuss Chester.
Like many Total Drama fans, I subscribe to the fan theory that Mike's DID was the result of an abusive childhood. Since my AU is an urban fantasy, Mike would be the son of an immortal being trying to take over the world, and he concieved Mike as part fo an elaborate plan to achieve that goal and he subjected Mike some pretty intense abuse and training. However, Mike was eventually rescued by his maternal relatives around the age of 7. I talk more about Mike's father when I discuss Mal.
For a while, I contemplated forgoing Mike having DID in favor of allowing the alters to literally be their own people with all of them instead being various relatives of Mike. However, to maintain the idea of Mike having a disability, I would have him suffer from PTSD (and maybe even give him a physical disability for good measure). However, it might be more interesting to maintain Mike having DID.
I will now go through each alters one by one explain the different ideas I have regarding their roles in this AU depending on whether I rework them into Mike's relatives or stick with them being alter egos.
Mal- even though Mal's the sixth personality in the show, I feel like I should talk about Mal first for the sake of context. As I already mentioned, my urban fantasy AU would give Mike an abusive dad who is also an immortal being. Mike's father would be a major villain throughout the AU. I talk about Mike's father here as Mal has the highest chance of being reworked into a relative even if the other alters remain alters. In Mal's case, he would be Mike's father and the leader of a supernatural cult (BTW Priya's parents would be members of this cult instead of Total Drama superfans in this AU and they would instead be training Priya to be an elite soldier for Mal and upon finding out about Mal having a son the same age as Priya they would also train her to be a potential bride for Mike). As a mythology gag, there may be a storyline where his Mal (with the help of his followers) switches bodies bodies with Mike as part of a plan to break out of magic jail. If I stick with Mal being an alter (the other stuff regarding Mike's dad would still be the same, expect he'd go by something other than Mal), then Mal was created from Mike's fear of what will happen to him if he doesn't live up to his father's expectations.
Chester- He'll defineitely be a relative of Mike's, while also being Dawn's grandfather, but how they're all related will depend on whether or not Chester remains one of Mike's alters. I know that sounds sounds weird, but hear me out. I basically have 2 different ideas regarding what to do with Chester in my AU.
1 idea is that Chester is a retired badass wizard who practically made a career out of thwarting Mal's plans and is his nemesis. In this scenario, Chester has 4 children- the eldest being Jen and Katie's mom, kid number 2 is an adopted Scottish son who eventually fathers Dawn, the 3rd is Vito's father Vince, and the youngest is another daughter whom we'll call Daphne for now. One day about 7 years after Daphne's supposed death, Chester discovered that she had actually been abducted by Mal. Chester and his other children tracked down Mal to his castle where they met Mike for the first time. Mal then reveals that he used his shapeshifting abilities to seduce Daphne, resulting in Mike, and that she died shortly after Mike's birth. Mal then proceeded to gloat about the horrific treatment he's subjected Mike to. Furious, Chester used a powerful spell that created a seal that kept Mal from using his own powers, at the expense of Chester losing his own magic, the use of his legs, and vision in one of his eyes. Chester then became Mike's legal guardian and acts as a grumpy mentor to not just his grandkids, but their friends as well.
Idea number 2 regarding Chester is that he is Mike's much older half-brother via their immortal father. He was forced to act as Mike's guardian in between training sessions. Chester wanted to protect Mike from their father and get him away, but his old age (as well as the power limiter he's forced by his father to wear) made it difficult to stand up to their father. Whenever Mike got frustrated about something, such as struggling to do a spell his dad wanted him to master, Chester would help calm him down and help him with hsis problems. Around the time Mike was 6 or 7, Chester did some investigating to learn the identity of Mike's mother and learned she was the younger sister of a powerful witch who would frequently thwart his father's schemes for world domination. Chester managed to get in contact with said witch (Who had been under the impression that her dead sister's child had been a stillbirth and that the pregnancy was the result of a 1-night stand with a random dude), revealed that her nephew was alive, and they came up with a plan to rescue Mike and stop Chester's father. To make a long story short, Mike's aunt helped remove Chester's power limiter, and just like in my first Chester idea, he uses a powerful spell to create a seal that his father form being able to use his power, only this scenario, the spell winds up killing Chester. Now this can go 2 ways- either Mike's grief causes his subconscious to create a new alter based on Chester or Chester's spirit winds up stuck in Mike's subconscious and acts as an alter and spirt mentor. In this scenario Chester would be be Dawn's grandfather similar to Chester scenario 1. In this scenario, When Chester was a young adult, he actually managed to get away from a father for a few decades. During this time, Chester had a child who in turn married an elf and had Dawn. However, when Dawn was still a baby, Chester's father tracked Chester down and killed Dawn's parents while forcing Chester to watch. Chester and Dawn were then taken back to hsi father's hideout where Dawn was raised alongside Mike. After Chester's sacrifice, Mike and Dawn were adopted by Mike's aunt (who is also Jen and Katie's mother).
Svetlana- If I go the "re-imagine all of Mike's alters into his relatives" route, then Svetlana would become Mike's grandmother, who is a retired gymnast. If she remains an alter, then she was created to help Mike through the intense athletic training his father put him through. She was also created from Mike's desire for a mother figure (hence why Svetlana is a girl)
Vito- If I go the "Mike's alters are his relatives instead" route, Vito will become Mike's cousin. I imagine he would still look just like Mike, which could to neat scene where Vito makes his first appearance in the AU and the audience is then treated to either a wham shot showing up and standing next Vito in real life well outside of Mike's subconscious or a wham line of Chester being heard offscreen. If Vito remains an alter, that could lead to an interesting storyline where Anne Maria learns about Vito being an alter and she angsts over it (especially when she starts to wonder as to why the trigger for Vito showing up is Mike losing his shirt and she's horrified upon realizing one of the possible explanations).
Manitoba Smith- In the "Relatives instead of alters" route, Manitoba would the one alter-turned-relative who would not be related to Mike by blood, instead being a family friend and a former apprentice of Chester's. He would also be the host of a popular adventure edutainment show. He would also be Jasmine's father (and her mother's a literal Amazon). If I go the "Manitoba stays an alter" route, then he was created to help Mike deal with his dad's tendency to leave him out in the wilderness and other dangerous places. As for why the trigger is putting one certain types of hats, my guess is that leading up to these training sessions, Mike would mentally prepare by watching various adventure shows and movies like Indiana Jones and Crocodile Dundee, and an in-universe adventure edutainment show hosted by Jasmine's father. And since it is pretty common for fictional adventurers to wear hats, Mike's subconscious began to associate hats with being a kickass adventurer.
What are your thoughts? Which alters should remain as such and which ones should be re-imagined as Mike's relatives?
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Hey Sis...it's time you defined what that dream means to you, declare that you will make it a reality and devote to it by staying focus. You're following isn't important but your impact is. I know it's hard. Some days I do ask myself questions but my why is amazingly huge and I push through those doubtful moments. Don't confuse yourself with seeing different posts on social media Bc these are just the highlights. It takes sleepless nights, hard work, empty bank accounts, determination, persistence, faith, prayer and a fighting spirit to get to the point where you can produce highlights. You will always fight resistance Bc you're making positive changes in your life and the old you know she's about to be evicted. It's time to go for it!💕💕💕💕 #sis #defineit #declareit #devotetoit #entrepreneurship #womenempoweringwomen #workhard #nodistractions #lovewhatyoudo #findyourpassion #success #itsajourney #femalepreneur #blackbusinesswomen #motivation #faith #prayer #ambition
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sojc123 · 6 years
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Word of the day: Litost (n) a state of torment created by the sudden sighr of own misery. #words #word #spellingwords #art #spelling #lit #increaseyourvocabulary #assess #vocab #spelling #spellit #useit #litost #definition #defineit #writing #writingcommunity #reading #read #classroom #learning
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reediculouslyfit · 4 years
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Happy Motivation Monday! #defineit #declareit #devotetoit #mondaymotivation #exercise #workout #everylittlebitcounts #strengthtrain #foreverfit #feelgood #happyspirit #strongbody #mindfulness #yougotthis #imcheeringforyou #wintheday #yayyou https://www.instagram.com/p/CMuQXtLhKX0/?igshid=15iprh32molhr
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williej02124anewday · 4 years
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Your WHY is the most important aspect of creating and maintaining change in becoming what you seek.. Because it comes from the most controlling and powerful part of you and that is your heart! Because what is in our hearts shows up in our lives! So find and define your WHY.. What Has You? Your purpose, Your desires, Your dreams, Your goals, Your reasons for doing and for being and get after it! Let’s Go🦾!! #riseup #whathasyou #yourwhy #defineit #dobetter #bebetter #believe #havefaith #commit #4anewday #letsgo https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ8sgn2suai/?igshid=13jgf5cp4pgp3
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sweetheartsaku · 2 years
—choi beomgyu ; my spring sunshine! [ text, scenarios ]
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a/n : [fem!reader] i love beomgyu sm </3 yall i swear this was longer in my notes 😭💀🧍
hydrangea !
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very detail orientated ( you can even see it in his cheoreography ) , notices alot of the small things you do and keeps them in mind !
adding to that, i feel like he doesnt forget things like anniversaries and the little things regarding his crazy personality ( he js like me fr )
many many many picnic dates ( either in 'a spot he knows', fields, parks and even just the backyard ) with guitar in hand, singing songs together and just enjoying eachothers presence <33
provokes you alot ( keeping boundaries in mind ) , or should i say 'teases' you,, but the instant he sees your uncomfortable or even on the verge of tears ( which is a very unlikely state ) he'll immediately refusley apologize :( he sure knows how to cheer you up tho, somebody w a personality like that im sure he knows all the things that'll make you happy <3
his love language is defineitely words of affirmation,, dont get me wrong, he teases you quite a bit but he could ramble on for YEARS abt how much he loves you. whenever he talks abt you or his love for you its either EXTREMELEY cheesy or a whole ahh shakesphere ( gyu's letter to huening </33 😭😭)
as we know,, hes a more of a crazy talkative unique individual.. ( have yall seen that vid where he annoys yeonjun by singing endlessly) ( he looked so done ) despite being an INFJ 😭 only to people hes close to tho, like his members and,, YOU!!! he finds himself more open to you, where he can express what he wants. i can imagine you and beomgyu js talking endlessly abt his opinions on some random topic late at night HAJSJSJ
overall the B in Beomgyu stands for Best Boyfriend Material ‼️
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mothicalspoken · 3 years
I think it’s interesting that when it comes to the story of Amphibia, just when you think there’s like a duo that are intrinsically tried together there’s another part of the story that makes you think otherwise
Anne and Marcy’s color pallets are swapped in a lot of places, and their roles often interlap, while Sasha’s stays stagnant as strength- the one who was always meant to be strength in the first place- she’s excluded from Anne and Marcy’s closeness
however, Marcy and Sasha are narrative foils of eachother- child soldiers who betrayed Anne and almost died in front of her, etc which leaves Anne as the one without those traits and sets her apart from them
meanwhile Anne and Sasha have an ongoing emotional conflict that Marcy is not apart of and even feels excluded by- given by how she tries to resolve their arguments and is narratively left out by becoming Darcy while Anne and Sasha bond in Wartwood
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douglashenke333 · 5 years
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Who else is fighting average? #motivation #inspiration #thursday #thursdaythoughts #thursdaymotivation #thursdaymotivation❤️ #average #define #defineit https://www.instagram.com/p/B9XLAxJAY4t/?igshid=vj84m4630tx
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mamabearsweetstx · 5 years
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Cookie definitions #mamabearsweetstx #getyoursweeton #defineit https://www.instagram.com/p/B28ajoqFZj7/?igshid=1ttx7cwzqr52l
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madsjohanogaard · 5 years
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Own it! It may not be an easy thing to do but you have the power to do it! And it’s worth it! Make it into something that is beneficial to you! ——————— #dyslexia #label #dyscalculia #diagnosis #dysleksi #adhd #dyskalkuli #diagnose #ownit #defineit #mentalhealth #takeresponsibility #mastering #quotes https://www.instagram.com/p/B0QVAzqImrx/?igshid=1kk2vqy1l8r7f
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incorrectzukka · 4 years
Panic attack anon here! Honestly you're response was relatable af. In other news I literally got distracted by Kyoshi memes and did not eat :)
rangi???? what are u doing in my dms queen??
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