#defenders 1x04
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feelmyskinonyourskin · 28 days ago
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Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock - The Defenders (2017)
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love-byers · 28 days ago
boyfriends who defend and reassure each other <3
"Wait, this is Will's fault?!" 1x01
"I'm the only one acting normal here! I'm the only one that cares about Will!" 1x01
"Will could've cast protection last night, but he didn't. He cast fireball. [...] My point is, he could've played it safe, but he didn't. He put himself in danger to help the party." 1x01
"She pointed at him, at his picture. She knew he was missing, I could tell." 1x02
"Maybe it's his ghost, maybe he's haunting us." "It's not his ghost." "And how do you know that?" "I just do." "Then what did they pull out of that water?" "I don't know! All I know is Will is alive. Will is alive!" 1x04
"Hey! Hey! Hey, Troy! Hey, Troy! You…you think this is funny? […] I saw you guys laughing over there. I think that's a real messed up thing to do." 1x04
"Now she's going to let him die in the Upside Down--" "Shut up!" 1x05
"I'm gonna get you home, okay? I'm gonna get you home." 2x02
"Maybe...maybe that's good." "Good?!" "Just think about it, Will. You're like a spy now. A super spy. Spying on the shadow monster. If you know what he's thinking and feeling, maybe that's how we stop him. Maybe all this is happening for a reason." "You really think so?" "Yeah, Yeah I really do." "What if he figures out we're spying on him? What if he spies back?" "He won't." "How do you know?" *grabs his hand* "We won't let him." 2x05
"Closing the gate will kill him." 2x09
"It's a cool campaign it's really cool!" 3x03
"What if you want to join another party?" "Not possible." 3x08
"I don't think Mike is gonna like that you're lying to him. And he doesn't deserve that, and when he finds out he's gonna be mad." 4x02
"Seems like you've made it super clear you're not interested in anything I have to say." "That's just not true." 4x02
"I was being a total jerk to El, I deserved it…" "No. No, you didn't deserve anything." 4x04
"Listen, the truth is, the last year has been weird, you know? I mean, Max, and Lucas, and Dustin, they're great, they're great, it's just...it's Hawkins, it's not the same without you. And I feel like maybe I was worrying too much about El...I don't know, maybe I feel like I lost you or something. Does that make sense?" *nods* "I have no idea what's gonna happen next. But whatever it is, I...I think we should work together. I think it'll be easier if we're—we're a team. Friends. Best friends." "Cool." "Cool." 4x04
"I should've explained myself, because then maybe Eleven would've taken me with her and things would be different, but…" "No-" "I—I didn't know what to say." 4x05
"Sometimes...I think it's just scary to open up like that. To say how you really feel. Especially to people you care about the most. Because...what if they don't like the truth?" *nods*4x05
"Sorry." "No--" "No, it's so stupid given everything that's going on." 4x08
"See how you're leading us here? You're guiding the whole party, inspiring us. That...that's what you do. And see your coat of arms here? It's a heart. I know it's sort of on the nose, but that's what holds this whole party together: heart. And without heart, we'd all fall apart. Even me. Especially me." 4x08
"He's not going to stop, ever. Not until he's taken everything, and everyone. We have to kill him." *grabs his shoulder* "And we will. We will." 4x09
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sequenceofmind · 2 months ago
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The Defenders 1x04 (2017) PI Jessica Jones
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crazybiaatch · 7 months ago
Silco and Jinx were never weird
I saw yet another tik tok calling Silco a pdf file for his interactions with Jinx, so I need to rant and defend my favourite mentally ill daddy/daughter duo, so spoilers ahead
At the end of act 1 we see Silco and Powder in very similar postions. They have both just lost a sibling in the worst ways imaginable (to them, at the time). They obviously feel very differently about these losses, it was always in Silco's plans for Vander to die, but all the emotions from when Vander turned his back on their dreams had resurfaced while he was talking to Vander, whereas Powder had just tried to prove herself to her big sister and instead of being proud, Vi was angry, and told her that Milo was right, that she was a Jinx. So, when Silco accepts Powder's hug and even reciprocates, it does make some sort of sense. Not to us, and not to the people around them, but Powder and Silco are feeling very similar emotions, anger, confusion, betrayal, ect. Silco sees these emotions in Powder, and takes her in. We don't get to see much of their relationship here since this is the very beginning of the relationship, but I felt like pointing out the basis of their bond was important.
This is where some people start thinking their relationship is more sexual than it is. This is because of how touchy they are with each other. I'm talking about the scene where Jinx sits on Silco's lap.
Now, two points to get out of the way. 1, plenty of people show physical affection to their fathers this way and similarly, there is nothing wrong with this as long as it never crosses boundaries, and I cannot and will not speak on actual relationships I have no knowledge of, everything I am about to say is within the context of this fictional relationship within this fictional world. 2, Jinx is both Silco's adopted daughter (no blood relation, both of her blood parents are dead) and around 18-19 years old during acts 2 and 3, she is also severely mentally ill. Not in a silly, joking way, she at least has paranoid schizophrenia.
Silco and Jinx's relationship is not a normal father/daughter relationship. It literally never could be. Silco has been extremely traumatised by what happened with Vander and Jinx has devolped severe mental health issues while in Silco's care, while also being traumatised by what happened with Vi. So, instead of the breakdown I did above, I'm just going to point out things to contextualise how touchy Jinx an Silco are to each other, and I'm just going to go as chronologically as I can (I've rewatched this show 3 times, and I am rewatching all Silco and Jinx interactions as I write this)
Silco defends Jinx, in the conversation with Sevika after the Firelights fight. Sevika was 100% right, and a cold-hearted leader like Silco would usually agree with what she was saying and punish Jinx accordingly. Instead, he tells Sevika to "not dissapoint him" (do better) and sends her away, before asking for Jinx's side of the story. Not to sound like I have daddy issues, but my dad woudn't even do that for me. (quick little aside bc its on my screen right now - that monkey thing on Silco's desk? Adorable, anyone who claims to not know that Silco was Jinx's dad is clearly not paying enough attention)
Now, the infamous moment. Silco hands his eye-needle-thing to Jinx, and she moves to sit on his lap and wraps a hand around his neck as he leans back (pictures below).
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These pictures show just how physically close they are (literally touching) and yes, I can see how this looks weird, trust me, I've seen the fanart (i wish i didn't) BUT that doesn't mean I think that reading is right! For starters, physical closeness doesn't immediately mean sexual or even romantic tension, if this was true, that would ALSO mean that Vi and Jinx have a weird relationship (pictures below)
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Woah! Look! Physical closeness! They're even closer than Jinx and Silco! So, it's not the closeness that makes it weird. Maybe it's the actual actions! Vi is just hugging Jinx, whereas Jinx is sitting half on top of Silco. To inject 'medicine' into his eye. I would like to see you do something like that standing away from someone. The two times we see Silco get his injections, Jinx has to lean over him to get it done correctly, and when she rushes it the second time, it hurts him. (another thing this scene is showing us is how much Silco trusts Jinx, who would you let stab you in the eye? Probably someone you consider family, right?) But okay, it could be the dialogue that's got tension right? They're talking about Vi. And then they're talking about Zaun. And then Silco gets stabbed. And then Jinx goes straight back to sitting away from him. They only touch for a matter of SECONDS (about 10ish seconds, give or take since we don't actually see when Jinx moves away again) though in word it could be longer because of the glitch effect we get when Jinx talks about Vi, but it's not like Jinx was sat on Silco's lap for half an hour. She only moved to touch him a) when he asked (by offering the needle) and b) to help him, and moved away as soon as she was finished helping him. The rest of the interaction could either be read as fatherly or condescending, both are true enough ("Take some time" "I don't need it" "Take it anyhow") so this interaction? No tension. None. If you do see sexual tension, you are reaching. All I see is a father/boss trying to comfort his daughter, and then moving on to reprimanding her for her mistakes and essentially grounding her.
Their next interaction, after the bombing. Silco storms in and starts yelling at Jinx until she gives him the hextech crystal and hugs him. I wouldn't even call this interaction very 'fatherly' since Silco barely even hugs Jinx back and just stares at the crystal. This is more Silco the Boss than Silco the Dad. I guess you could say the way Jinx walked before hugging him was a little flirtatious? But that's pretty much how she always moves. I don't have much to say about this one, it's fairly straightforward, at least to me.
Silco defends Jinx, yet again, this time from Marcus who is trying to demand Jinx getting arrested. Silco is tense and turns down Marcus's idea immeadtly.
Not much happens, they're seperate for the rest of the episode until...
"You're the only one I can trust with this, Jinx."
This honestly is my main point. Jinx is one of three people Silco trusts. (the other two are Sevika and the Doctor, and he moreso trusts that they will listen to him, and he doesn't trust them anywhere as much as he trusts Jinx) Jinx is the one that is trusted with his medicine, and through the show, no one else really touches Silco. What I'm saying is, the man was drowned by his brother and hates the idea of other people touching him, except for Jinx. He obviously sees her as family of some kind, his every action and word screams it. (tiny aside, the look on his face at the end of that scene? my heart shattered. No one could make me hate him after that, he looked so scared and heartbroken.)
The next weird scene also happens this episode. The lake scene, or as I call it, the baptising scene. Silco dips Jinx below the water of the lake he was nearly drowned in, and to do that he holds her hand and holds the back of her head, and leans with her to dip her under water. They get very very close, and without the previous context I could 100% see how people would think this scene is romantic. But with the context of both their relationship and the actual action he's doing? He's baptising his daughter. (pictures below)
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I'm not sure if any of you guys have seen an adult baptism, but I have thanks to my religion class, and let me tell you, those priests get REAL close. Not to mention, this is the same lake he nearly died in. Of course he's going to want to be close to make sure she's alright. He doesn't get any closer, the only reason they're that close is because its when Silco is starting to tip her backwards, but while Jinx is still holding herself upright.
(honourable mention moment - Silco in the last scene of this ep is amazing and I commend the animators for being able to show his emotions so clearly.)
This first scene with Jinx doesn't add anything to the relationship with Silco BUT it does contextualise how touchy she is. She hugs this random guy. Sure, it's to plant a glitter bomb to his back and scare him, but still, she doesn't even know his name. Same with the Sevika scene, she's practically on top of Sevika, and then once Sevika tells her about Vi, she pulls Sevika so close that I just know they could smell each other's breaths. Their foreheads are literally touching.
So much happens this episode thanks to Silco and Jinx both finding out about Vi, but there are 2 things I want to note, 1, Silco praises Jinx to Vi, just. I wish MY dad did that. 2, this is the big shift away from Powder (Vi) to Jinx (Silco).
(sorry just - the ash tray covered in crayons? I did that to my parents ash tray once)
This is where the show stops going for subtext. Sevika compares her relationship with her dad to Jinx and Silco. THAT IS TEXT.
Anyways, the next big scene. The second injection.
"We are family."
I saw someone seriously try to say they never thought Silco and Jinx were family. Did you just, not watch the show? "Oh she's sitting on his lap again." Yeah she's also stabbed him in the face twice and in the neck once. Does that scream sexual tension to you?
Okay, so, Silco kisses Jinx this episode. On the forehead, while she's on her deathbed. He kissed her the same way I kiss my nephew goodnight. I cannot stress enough, I am a Jegulus shipper and even I am not seeing romantic or sexual tension and he actually just kissed her.
"I, too, once had a daughter" again. A character comparing their father/daughter relationship to Silco and Jinx.
(quick note - the way Silco acts when Renni's son dies is iconic)
Circling back to the trust thing, he is literally putting his life in Sevika's hands, she can chose to be loyal to him or to join Finn, and he knows that the choice is hers. Look at how he acts after she swings her sword. He is hyperventilating. He sat still and patient while Jinx literally stabbed him with that needle thing, but when Sevika had the choice between a gutsy kid or her longtime boss he feared for his life. Sure, he pulls himself together, but that was pure PANIC
Anyways, big moment here.
"You're my daughter." Silco to Jinx, moments before disaster. If you manage to watch that and still look back and think "The writers were trying to communicate that there was a sexual relationship between them." you are a child left behind.
To sum my points up + stuff that doesn't really have a nice spot to put it:
Silco and Jinx are the only people they truly trust. Silco hates being touched and Jinx is a very tactile person, she is also consistently the only person that touches Silco.
This relationship isn't normal or healthy, it's co-dependent asf but it's also 100% platonic and never once moves towards sexual or romantic
This is dedicated to the people that think their relationship is gross, not to the shippers. The shippers are already too far gone.
Watching the whole show through only Jinx and/or Silco scenes is still cohesive and you don't see Jayce until the very end, 10/10 for the writers
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cobbbvanth · 1 year ago
please reblog for a larger sample size! defend your fave in the tags! i did this last year on @ofmdsource (results) but i'm very interested to see if the ranks have changed
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veryloudbrain · 1 year ago
walter + henry "masterpost" (canon)
season 1
1x01 they sit together at dinner(?). before wille grabs their attention, they seem deep in conversation and HENRY GLANCES AT WALTER’S LIPS (im delulu ..but not really). this is their first canon interaction. i cannot make this shit up. i’m losing my mind. they sit together in class. they stick close (walter is fucking leaning on henry) at the very first party (after wille’s initiation). they’re both drinking. walter is spotted without henry for like a literal millisecond (idk where his mans went). walter and henry hang with stella and felice (at least until felice runs off to throw up lol) when wille is like,, crowdsurfing (using that term loosely) walter is not with henry mans lost him where is he.. (probably throwing up somewhere idk)
1x02 simon sits between them at lunch.
they sit together in class (on monday? the party was friday.. i assume)
math tests are handed out. they sit close and show their grades to eachother. (comparing results maybe ?)
wille mentions they take private lessons.. together ? over the weekend ? bro i cant defend them. (not that i want to)
henry joins rowing practice. they’re wearing MATCHING SHIRTS. i cannot make this shit up.
they’re both attending rowing practice still when august.. kisses simon (LMAO)
they debatably sit together at the movie night. they’re social distancing for some reason but no one is between them. henry looks over at walter (i’m delulu, he was probably looking at august) after The Jumpscare
1x03 the week after the horror movie (exact day unknown) henry sits with wille in class, but walter is in the seat literally next to him just,, with a space lol
(same week) they work out on the SAME GODDAMN MAT in p.e (either that or their mats are placed so close they don’t show a space.. idk which is gayer tbh)
they stick together during the parents day, but sit in different rows in church (..for some reason?)
after church neither of them are spotted interacting with any adult or even eachother in the background. they went ~poof~
i think you see walter entering his dorm? but it could be a different background actor honestly i don't know
for breakfast the day after: henry mentions to walter that his dad recognized his surname.
“no, i know” “how long have you known?” “i know because my… my dad recognized your surname”
this convo confirms to me that they didn’t know eachother before hillerska.
note: the convo was very light-hearted and henry was smiling (this has lead to theories about their parents having dated in the past, i also heard that uno, walter's actor, confirmed this but i haven't seen this for myself so i'm not sure)
1x04 they sit together while watching erik’s funeral on TV the Society "meeting". henry is never technically explicitly shown to drink or take pills but he seems inebriated and picks up a pack of pills from the table so i'm gonna assume he did both (so much fanfic potential i'm clawing at the walls)
1x05 they’re not sitting together in class, both having 2 desks by themselves until wille joins henry. walter is in the seat directly behind him. (side note: henry is wearing the same goddamn sweater he was at the Society meeting. was it washed or does he just stink of booze in class ? LMAO)
plot explained why they aren’t sitting together !! walter was meant to do a presentation with alexander and therefore left the seat for him.
they sit together again in class. this would be the week after the class they didn’t.
henry attends another Society “emergency meeting” (alexander was caught with the drugs) (this isn't walty but idc)
henry looks stressed/conflicted after the 2nd Society emergency meeting, but walks out with wille. (probably hard for him cause he can tell something’s going on between wille and simon, but pinning it on alexander is also a shitty thing to do)
they(walty) stand together outside before the whole lucia thing starts.
walter is fiddling with something with his left hand. it doesn’t show up in the shot, but henry is right there on his left. (they were obviously having a thumb war /j)
they’re both talking with wille after the lucia thing, but they’re so caught up in their conversations they don’t even bat an eye when wille’s whole life falls apart (it's not funny but it's really fucking funny)
1x06 at breakfast sometime after the video got out. henry and walter are talking abt how wilmon sat together at the movie night and that they talked abt it after.
h “remember the movie night?” w “yeah” h “when they sat next to eachother” w “exactly!” h “we talked abt that” w “yeah we talked abt that!”
(as if they weren’t also sitting next to eachother)
in class sometime that week (tuesday or later) they sit separate in class again. walter is gossiping (or just talking tbh idk) with some other students while henry sits alone. wille sits next to henry and henry attempts small talk with wille to cut the tension) (walty are once again only separated by the aisle lol)
they sit together in church on christmas day (or eve ? i’m not sure honestly)
they also talk together (+vincent och nils) outside church after. henry quickly noticed wilmon hugging (gay noticing gay frfr)
[i need it to be known this was initially written by me right after season 2 came out and i rewatched everything]
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stolasbuckzo · 1 year ago
Proof that Huskerdust have feelings for each other
• In 1x04 Throughout the entirety of the song Loser, Baby Husk becomes consensual , gentle, and chivalrous with Angel (who pretty much joined in after being accepted for who he is with a “Baby, that’s fine by me”
<> Husk protectively told Angel to “stay down” (very boyfriend-coded if you ask me 😏) and then seconds later became awestruck by the fact that he could defend himself (whilst showing his true colours)
<> However at the end of the episode the tension of sexual attraction between them is definitely there
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• In 1x05 it’s a little bit harder to tell since the episode “Dad Beat Dad” was mainly focused on Lucifer’s father/daughter and Charlie’s relationship.
But we do see two snippets of Angel and Husk on the sidelines comically eating popcorn as Alastor defended the hotel later on (after Lucifer caused it) and another scene where Lucifer and Charlie are arguing.
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<> Husk makes a pre-drink for Angel without being asked whilst he talks to Mimzy (which I thought was actually really cute ☺️)
• In 1x06 When at the club Consent first off Angel listened to Husk’s advice after Cherri suggested they get “fucked up” by doing drugs
<> After Niffty gets drunk Huskerdust literally become her parents 😂 (also Husk praised Angel for standing up to Valentino before placing his paw on back)
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• In 1x07 Again, similar to “Dad Beat Dad” there’s a brief Huskerdust moment where two things happen; 1. Angel wraps his arm around Husk. 2. Husk frowns shortly at Vaggie before it changed to a smile and his eyes dilated (slightly) after Angel embraced him
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• In 1x08 Before the war with the angels (Exorcists) Angel decided to spend his last night at the hotel with Husk who had flirtatiously acknowledged that he had really changed
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You can also hear the instrumentals of Loser, Baby in the background!!! (Like… come on you cannot tell me THIS isn’t a romantic atmosphere. The Husk’s tone of “you really have changed” that’s held with so much sexual tension! Their song — literally — playing in the background?! Angel’s Anthony’s soft and hesitant “Hey…”)
<> During the amidst of the war Husk makes a social faux pas about “too many fucking angels coming” only be teased by Angel in response (which come on, let’s face it, they definitely were flirting 🤭)
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<> The minute Angel got knocked down by one of the exorcist (after selflessly saving Frank one of the Egg Boiz) Husk looked feral at the person who had harmed the latter ~ like were talking “you just hit my boyfriend , how dare you.” level of protectiveness
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There are hundreds of meanings of the word “Likes” in this list down below (just to show evidence that it can mean “find attractive” etc as well)
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Season 2: (2025)
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roennq · 9 days ago
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Hands down my absolute favourite scene of the series.
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autumnrory · 1 year ago
something so relatable about rory taking a bunch of bullshit until she finally snaps (like 1x04 when she's late for her test and finally has enough of the way paris and tristan treat her and goes off on them in front of anyone) but especially when she's being treated like she's stupid/when she's not being listened to
1x20 has everyone treating her like she can't deal with anything pertaining to dean or how difficult the breakup is and finally she snaps at lane and then her mom and goes to her grandparents' house to get away from it all because she just wants to be around people who can be empathetic without acting like she's going to break at any second
and 2x20 has everyone in town treating her like she's a silly girl who got caught up with jess and the poor thing got hurt because of his wicked ways and she keeps defending him while nobody listens until she finally blows up at her grandparents' party surrounded by all these people and she goes back home to get away from it all and ultimately finds comfort in luke, the only person who understands jess is not a villain here
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ghost-husbands · 7 months ago
Um can we talk about exactly what Charles said when he broke down in 1x04 please?
What good am I even doing? I couldn't stop Devlin from murdering his family over and over again. I can't stop Crystal from hurting. I can't stop whatever it is that's going with you. I can't stop anything! I sure as hell couldn't stop my dad from beating the shit out of me...No matter how good I was.
Those are all things he wanted to stop, prevent...moments in which he wanted to defend people he loves or knows that don't deserve these things.
The family...they lost their lives because of a father who went too far. Charles saw his own father in that, tried to stop it, failed and got stuck in the loop.
Crystal...interesting that she's the next thing he says. Also note how he says 'hurting', because he knows she's suffering from having that demon possess her, from still not being able to find her memories and re-discover herself. He understands that that causes her so much pain and he wants to stop that, but he can't.
He wants to stop whatever is bothering Edwin, but he can't. Why? Edwin won't let him in is a probable reason. But nonetheless it must hurt Charles that he can't do everything he wants to to help his mate. I just couldn't help but notice that in another moment when Edwin tells Charles he can talk to him about anything, Charles says it back to him but I understood that there was this undercurrent of 'I want to help you so much, but you need to let me in'.
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sequenceofmind · 2 months ago
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The Defenders 1x04 (2017) Jessica entering her appartment
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wyrdsistergoldenhair · 8 months ago
How to Rewatch 9-1-1 Before September 26th
Okay, so if you're like me, you want to rewatch 9-1-1 before season 8 premieres on September 26th - but maybe you don't have the time to sit down and binge-watch. I've come up with a schedule where you can watch at least two episodes a day (starting on August 4th) and finish just in time for season 8.
Aug. 4
1x01 Pilot
1x02 Let Go
Aug. 5
1x03 Next of Kin
1x04 Worst Day Ever
Aug. 6
1x05 Point of Origin
1x06 Heartbreaker
Aug. 7
1x07 Full Moon (Creepy AF)
1x08 Karma’s a Bitch
Aug. 8
1x09 Trapped
1x10 A Whole New You
Aug. 9
2x01 Under Pressure
2x02 7.1
Aug. 10
2x03 Help Is Not Coming
2x04 Stuck
Aug. 11
2x05 Awful People
2x06 Dosed
Aug. 12
2x07 Haunted
2x08 Buck, Actually
Aug. 13
2x09 Hen Begins
2x10 Merry Ex-Mas
Aug. 14
2x11 New Beginnings
2x12 Chimney Begins
Aug. 15
2x13 Fight or Flight
2x14 Broken
Aug. 16
2x15 Ocean’s 9-1-1
2x16 Bobby Begins Again
Aug. 17
2x17 Careful What You Wish For
2x18 This Life We Choose
Aug. 18
3x01 Kids Today
3x02 Sink or Swim
Aug. 19
3x03 The Searchers
3x04 Triggers
Aug. 20
3x05 Rage
3x06 Monsters
Aug. 21
3x07 Athena Begins
3x08 Malfunction
Aug. 22
3x09 Fallout
3x10 Christmas Spirit
Aug. 23
3x11 Seize the Day
3x12 Fools
Aug. 24
3x13 Pinned
3x14 The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1
Aug. 25
3x15 Eddie Begins
3x16 The One That Got Away
Aug. 26
3x17 Powerless
3x18 What’s Next?
Aug. 27
4x01 The New Abnormal
4x02 Alone Together
Aug. 28
4x03 Future Tense
4x04 9-1-1, What’s Your Grievance?
Aug. 29
4x05 Buck Begins
4x06 Jinx
Aug. 30
4x07 There Goes the Neighborhood
4x08 Breaking Point
Aug. 31
4x09 Blindsided
4x10 Parenthood
Sept. 1
4x11 First Responders
4x12 Treasure Hunt
Sept. 2
4x13 Suspicion
4x14 Survivors
Sept. 3
5x01 Panic
5x02 Desperate Times
Sept. 4
5x03 Desperate Measures
5x04 Home and Away
Sept. 5
5x05 Peer Pressure
5x06 Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1
Sept. 6
5x07 Ghost Stories
5x08 Defend in Place
Sept. 7
5x09 Past Is Prologue
5x10 Wrapped in Red
Sept. 8
5x11 Outside Looking In
5x12 Boston
Sept. 9
5x13 Fear-O-Phobia
5x14 Dumb Luck
Sept. 10
5x15 FOMO
5x16 May Day
Sept. 11
5x17 Hero Complex
5x18 Starting Over
Sept. 12
6x01 Let the Games Begin
6x02 Crash & Learn
Sept. 13
6x03 The Devil You Know
6x04 Animal Instincts
Sept. 14
6x05 Home Invasion
6x06 Tomorrow
Sept. 15
6x07 Cursed
6x08 What’s Your Fantasy?
Sept. 16
6x09 Red Flag
6x10 In a Flash
Sept. 17
6x11 In Another Life
6x12 Recovery
Sept. 18
6x13 Mixed Feelings
6x14 Performance Anxiety
Sept. 19
6x15 Death and Taxes
6x16 Lost and Found
Sept. 20
6x17 Love Is in the Air
6x18 Pay It Forward
Sept. 21
7x01 Abandon Ships
7x02 Rock the Boat
Sept. 22
7x03 Capsized
7x04 Buck, Bothered and Bewildered
Sept. 23
7x05 You Don’t Know Me
7x06 There Goes the Groom
Sept. 24
7x07 Ghost of a Second Chance
7x08 Step Nine
Sept. 25
7x09 Ashes, Ashes
7x10 All Fall Down
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About Me
Basic info:
💕About as femme as they come
💕If you are transphobic, homophobic, or just generally spread hate to others, get off my page‼️
Yellowjackets stuff:
🐝Character Analysis Masterlist
🐝Top 4 (in order): Natalie, Lottie, Shauna, Taissa
🐝Ships I love (in order): Lottienat, Taivan, Jackienat, Jackieshauna, Lottielee, Shaunanat, and Travnat (controversial I know but their relationship is so tragic and narratively interesting and I’ll defend it to my grave, Lottienat is better tho and I still believe Nat is a girlkisser)
🐝Favorite episodes (in no particular order): 1x01 “Pilot”, 1x04 “Bear Down”, 2x06 “Qui”, 1x09 “Doomcoming”, 2x02 “Edible Complex”, 2x08 “It Chooses”
🐝Season 2 defender
🎶Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, Veruca Salt, Chappell Roan, Remi Wolf, Kali Uchis, Wolf Alice, Taylor Swift, Rina Sawayama, ELO, Paramore, Wet Leg, Florence + The Machine, ABBA, Britney, boygenius, Hozier, Kilo Kish, The Cranberries, Garbage, Radiohead, Mitski, Blue Oyster Cult, The Smashing Pumpkins, Spice Girls, The Marías, Tyler, The Creator, Hole
TV Shows
📺Doctor Who
📺Adventure Time
📺Breaking Bad
📺BoJack Horseman
📺Black Mirror
📺White Lotus
📺The L Word
📺The Office
📺Over The Garden Wall
📺American Horror Story
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heartbreakslow · 5 months ago
Da$h watch 1x04
"'It's heaps eetsway, I'll let you know bro'--I swear I need subtitles for him sometimes!"
Darren, Quinni, and Amerie are making their plans for Mardi Gras, which seems to be a pretty different thing in Australia because they basically just go to a drag ball at a nightclub. Amerie is happy to get MDMA but baffled that Darren has invited the dealer along. Quinni immediately gets it and exclaims: “You like Cash!” Darren: “Ew no I don’t!”
They relent: “I don’t know what’s going on, so I invited him to find out.” Amerie starts cheerfully making fun of Darren for liking Cash.
Later we see Darren and Cash walking around the library and giggling. The two of them decide to skip class.
My favorite brick joke, part one: Cash checks on the bag and it’s gone. He’s clearly stressed out. Darren asks if the eshays are going to... and mimes shooting someone in the mouth. Cash teases them: “what, fingerbang my face? I hope not. Yeah, it’ll be all right.”
At Harry’s that night, Darren runs out to give Cash a bag of food with cash hidden in the bag to pay for their MDMA, which Cash will bring the next night. Cash is using a lot of slang that Darren doesn’t understand, not really looking at them.
The little eshay comes out into the lot and summons Cash to talk to Chook, who’s hanging out behind the restaurant. Darren mocks the kid, who’s tiny but deadly serious and hypermasculine. Cash doesn’t respond. The kid looks Darren over and says to Cash, “what a fucking flamer,” and walks away.
Darren turns to Cash with a disbelieving smile but Cash still has a totally blank/frozen look on his face and doesn’t say anything. Darren’s smile fades away. They fake-smile in acknowledgment and leave.
Cash goes behind the restaurant where Chook is telling off the kid for not bringing him his kombucha. Cash and Chook lean against the car and Chook asks about the bag. Cash starts giving vague/nothing responses and…
…Chook mocks him by pretending to stutter and says “I can’t understand you, you sound like a methhead.”!!!
Cash nervously admits that the bag was stolen, and promises to get the money back for Chook. He gives Chook the money he got from Darren.
The kid brings back Chook’s drink and Chook throws it at him because he wanted a different flavor. The kid complains about the drink getting on his TNs. Chook advances on the kid but Cash gets in between them and tries to defend the kid.
This is too much for Chook and he punches Cash in the face. He grabs Cash by the head/neck and threatens to curb stomp him for insubordination, all while Cash keeps the same blank expression. Chook finally releases him and throws the bag of food at him as he walks away. He yells at the other eshays to get in the car, multiple times, as they’re all hesitant to get in the car with him.
Later Cash is getting out of the shower and checking out his black eye in the mirror and crying. He puts sunglasses on to cover it.
Darren, Amerie, and Quinni are pregaming. Darren and Amerie complain about straight men. Darren complains about not understanding Cash’s slang.
Favorite brick joke, part two: Darren asks about the black eye:
Cash: It’s just Chook.
Darren: I thought you were friends.
Cash: We are.
Darren: Well your friends are…
Cash: Gronks. But I grew up with them.
Darren pauses, accepts this, and says, “well at least you didn’t get finger-fucked in the face.” Cash: “No…I got fisted.” Little rueful smile. RIP Darren and me.
There’s a cute montage of the kids pregaming and Darren trying to dress up Malakai and Cash for the event. Cash’s outfit is a wifebeater and a pink g-string over his head to cover his black eye. We see Malakai and Darren dancing and Cash is just happily watching Darren. The kids all take a picture together and Cash doesn’t pose but just watches Darren posing.
When they're outside the club, Cash is trying to stand behind Darren in line to hide from the cops. Inside, Darren is bemused by Cash’s raver dancing which consists of…punching the air?
Darren competes in the ball and Cash is thrilled and supportive! (I also love how Quinni gets so hyped that she tries to climb up on the stage.) But just when he’s about to talk to them, Jacob appears and hugs Darren. Darren’s surprised and doesn’t really hug back, but the two of them make small talk.
Cash is…jealous? He walks away from the whole group, only to walk right into Jayden (one of the eshays) dealing at the club. Cash is scared and takes the underwear off his head. Jayden sees him, but expresses sympathy about Chook punching Cash, and Cash is relieved by Jayden’s apparent acceptance of Cash being at the event.
Then Darren comes and finds him, annoyed that he wasn’t there when they finished dancing. Cash says, “You were talking to that other lad. I didn’t want to interrupt.”
Darren needs a minute to even understand what Cash is talking about, and reassures him that they're not into Jacob.
Cash apologizes and says “Let me make it up to you,” which he does by stealing a giant glowing paper mache penis from a drag queen. The two of them run away from her, laughing and holding hands. When they stop, Cash is staring dopily at Darren and asks to kiss them.
The shot of their first kiss is great: we see their faces in silhouette, against the lights of the club, and then when they kiss their faces block the light. It gets across the idea that this connection feels life-altering, like it blocks everything else out. After making out for a while they pull back and hug each other and we see a shot of each of them smiling privately to themself.
We see them dancing and grinning at each other later. They don’t seem to be with the group when Malakai is attacked.
In the montage at the end we see them sitting, talking and kissing by the water.
Good first kiss and everything, but the biggest thing is the reveal of how bad Cash’s predicament is.
Again, not sure how it reads to an Australian audience, but for me there’s a slow build of Chook and the gang being scary instead of comedic. The third episode is the first time we spend a lot of time with Cash, and the eshays aren’t likable, but they seem to be having fun together. We even see them all shit-talking each other during the robbery as if they’re on equal footing.
In this episode it turns very quickly, from Chook whining about his kombucha (which seems funny at first), to being ready to hurt the kid over it and punching/threatening Cash.
We see Cash, clearly scared of Chook, calling him “brother” and it just…does not feel good. It casts all the moments we’ve already seen of Cash smiling and joking with Chook in a different light. Like how much is that just survival?
And the little kid! At first it seems funny that this little kid is in a gang and takes it so seriously. No, this kid is being abused. (Plus the implication that Cash started at the same age.)
Cash’s blank expressions in the scene are interesting. Later he says that he “froze” when the eshays put Harper in the car. It's like he just freezes as a trauma/survival response for getting through scary situations with the eshays.
Also, Darren never calls Cash out on not defending them from the little eshay! They have weird standards, as we’ll see.
It’s kinda interesting that Cash (justifiably) panics about losing the bag, but then makes fun of Darren for their concern and reassures them nothing will happen, brushing over the fact that he was visibly upset about it. He's a pretty convincing liar, which makes sense—he’s had to play up to Chook for years.
I thought it was cool of Darren to just accept and move on from the black eye conversation. It’s obviously fucked up but they accept that that’s how Cash sees things.
Of course I stan the boat scene, but even if we had never gotten any more background than we got in s1, the show did a great job very quickly sketching in Cash’s dynamic with the eshays. He knows they suck but he grew up with them. He was a kid. He has an attachment to them, but he’s also scared to leave.
On a much more trivial note, what exactly did Cash think was going on with Darren and Jacob? They clearly hadn’t seen each other in a while. I always disliked that Cash got so sulky about another guy just talking to Darren but I’m convincable.
Also it’s a shame that we don’t see the giant penis again. The two of them should have it in their room at their new apartment.
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mxmajor · 1 year ago
if Syd is MVP of the Bear, Pete is MVP of Berzatto family
I am fortunate enough to have a mom that talks the bear w/ me (except for sydcarmy, which is fine) and it came up in conversation how Pete emotionally regulates and supports Nat in a way that isn't really seen in other dynamics or pairs across the show yet.
I was rewatching dogs (1x04) to see if richie's bday was on his prescription bottle sticker (i made an astro post, don't judge me lol) and I remember how Pete defends Carmy to the older men calling him a loser for being a cook.
But in rewatching I see Pete, in his own way, put carmy's feet to the fire about being there for Nat. He doesn't shy away from telling Carmy how he's proud of him even though Carmy doesn't really engage with the praise. But Pete is also firm but gentle when he says you really need to call you sister, because she lost her older brother, too. Because Nat isn't really that busy she is rightfully upset lol.
He doesn't call Carmy names, or tell him the kind of person he is, but he let's he knows he still supports him AND that he can do better in the brother department. I think we see him starting to trust his bond with pete just a little by asking for help in 1x05 ( i love that Carmy does absolutely ask for help, at the very least in the context of the restaurant, despite not asking for himself).
I love Pete LastName (maybe i missed it? or we'll learn it?)
SN: lol i forgot but imma leave this here in case I remember lol
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raayllum · 2 years ago
something something about Callum stepping out to defend Rayla for the first time and being told that he and/or Rayla have made a terrible mistake by the same character who is the first to identify the mirror; something something about how Callum sacrificing the boat for Rayla is the emotional takeaway of 1x05 for their dynamic; how he derides the cube in 1x04 as “stupid” when he realizes it’s put her in danger and “we should’ve never come here” (“The whole dungeon and everything in it. Everything down here—it’s all horrible. I should just lock it all away, forever!”); how in 1x06 he’s the one to step toward her, by surrendering control, by offering up the egg; how he lets go of his anger and even while he’s weeping in her arms, thinks about how hard the prior day must’ve been for her in 2x03 (novelization); how he sacrifices his morals for her by doing dark magic at all in 2x07 and never defends himself, how he’s willing to sacrifice his life for her in 3x01 and then only for her in 3x09, for just the barest chance of saving her; how he sacrifices her parting gift in 3x08 in order to try to keep her here, alive (with him); how he lets go of so much of his hurt feelings in season four over and over again to support her instead, to be there for her, to love her. How a core tenet of their bond alongside “Rayla saves everyone and Callum saves her” is also that “Rayla sacrifices for everyone but Callum is the one willing to sacrifice for her” and aah
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