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ochrepaints · 3 years ago
Jamie reached for the clothes Sherlock had thrown onto the bed, studying him carefully as he spoke. Every single thing about him was noted and catalogued, even as she listened intently, her expression never changing from the nervous but trusting expression she wore as Irene. He was tense -- his shoulders were squared and one of his hands was clenched at his side, like a soldier standing to attention, as he gesticulated with the other. Sherlock had always been uncomfortable in his body, especially next to the Irene façade she wore, with her deliberately loose and languid gestures. But he had never been this rigid, this strained, during their time together. This was a new aberration in his personality, a sign of just how affected he had been by her apparent death. She had to admit that it was disappointing, but it made him all the easier to read. Every new tick, every stim, she noticed was a sign of his inner turmoil.
She had never struggled to read him, and right now he was an open book. He reeled off the plan at typical lightning speed, and she sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her jeans on. She was still facing him, heedless to him seeing her shirtless. She buttoned her jeans, and reached for the vest, yanking it on over her head as he talked of the Greyhound bus and his friend in Maine. The plan was as good as any -- it served the purpose she had intended and physically severed him from that insipid partner of his, thereby removing whatever superfluous influence she held over him. Jamie of course did not doubt that she could draw him in within the irritating confines of New York, but things would go much smoother away from the long shadow of the N.Y.P.D. and Joan Watson.
He finally stopped talking, and Jamie stood up and slipped the black coat on over her vest, finally completing the ensemble. “We don’t need to have every move mapped out twenty steps in advance,” she said, the false American accent slipping from her mouth effortlessly and naturally, giving her words a soft roundness. “But it sounds like we can get as far as Newfoundland, and then... see where we go from there?” She picked up her bag and held it close to her. With her wet hair hanging over her shoulders, and apparently all her worldly possessions in the rucksack, she painted a pathetic picture.
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“I know this is hard for you, Sherlock,” she said quietly. “Leaving the city. But... I’ll feel safer, knowing you’re with me.” She managed a weak smile, which didn’t completely reach her eyes. “Thank you for doing this. I don’t know what I’d do if I had to go alone.” She paused, swallowed, and blinked, careful not to overdo it. The role of the victim came naturally to her, but she didn’t want to overplay it and slip into a caricature. So, she just stood there, waiting for him to take the lead and fill the silence, knowing him well enough to realise that he would. If she was playing the role of the innocent victim, then he was playing his role as the heroic martyr perfectly and reliably.
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grenkids · 3 years ago
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“Mr. Holmes, would you like something to drink?” The Englishman had been there for a some time now, yet Constance didn’t feel comfortable calling him by his first name. It was far too informal and Constance didn’t let her guard down for anyone (besides her baby sister, of course). “Or eat, perhaps? I won’t be starting dinner for a few hours.”
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kingofdisrepute · 3 years ago
@deductry​ hit the ♥️
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          “I'm not a good person. Ask anyone who knows me. I'm mean and bitter and a failure at everything that I say I believe.” Pursing his lips, he blinked and eyed the other man peripherally, his tone going wry “I'm sure you're not surprised. It must be pouring out my sweat glands, it must be someplace in my eyes ”
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gowesten · 3 years ago
@deductry​ never looked back
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“That’s some crazy accident you got. Where you from anyway?” He asked, sounding friendly enough even if there was a certain sharpness to his smile. A wariness he never could shake on first meetings, especially with folks asking too many questions. This neighborhood was rough but cops and the like were rougher. Still the little boy trying to protect everyone. Where did that eever get anyone?
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tragicheir-moved · 3 years ago
@deductry​ liked for a small starter
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“ i need your help locating something. i’ll pay whatever is necessary. “ 
he needs that drive. the one his father gave him on his death bed. he never got a chance to truly look through the files. not before menken took his seat as CEO.
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sailorvinus · 4 years ago
8, 14, 16 i truly enjoy reading you being mean ily
✨ @deductry. meme. still accepting!
8. name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
- everyone’s namby pamby ass attitude when it comes to being universally liked or not liked. like who gives a fuck if someone dont like u, pls dont tell me ur gonna place worth in someone else’s opinion on u especially since when turn off their monitor they literally dont exist anymore its the internet. stop it. im gonna be honest ive had people tell me that even tho ive been nice to them personally their friend dont like me and its like good i probably dont like their ugly ass either! like boo hoo some fucking dweeb on the internet with a shitty fashion sense, no social skills, and no sense of self hates me. whatever. just let people not like u and stop trying to please everyone.
‘ i have an opinion on this thing but i might get unfollows ’ say it. just say it then.
idk. maybe its because ive been cancelled by entire websites and forums in the past so my perspective is different. ive spent about 20 years on the internet making people incredibly angry so ya kno. ive been around the block at this point.
- lyric starters aren’t real starters unless they’re purely conversational such as songwriters like utada hikaru, imogean heap, etc literally no one speaks in hozier quotes i’m gonna start slapping people.
- being part of a clique isn’t a personality trait. stop posting segments of ur shitty ass discord convos.
14. do you think rp has had a positive or negative affect on your life or you as a person?
i don’t think of rp that deeply it’s just a dorky internet hobby. i dont care about anything unless i get money from it. the only real positive is that i met my husband via rp on a crappy deviantart spinoff website about 12 years ago.
16. if you could change one thing about rp on tumblr, what would it be? why?
build a time machine and tell agirlingrey that the themes they released are eyesores with about as much personality in their design as an empty kfc chicken bucket and to stop while theyre ahead.
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lazarising · 4 years ago
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“Can I call you Shirley?”
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girlmad · 3 years ago
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     “I truly didn’t think I could find a person more completely intolerable than Laszlo. I’m almost impressed.”
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romancemoved · 3 years ago
I love Vi's multi-faceted nature. He's a full-on developed character and has a huge range to his personality, i also love his fashion sense and that sometimes you describe his exact outfits. i also like how he can fit into any type of AU and is always interesting in them, i also love his face claim he's very beautiful
✨ @deductry​. meme. still accepting!
*holds up a painted portrait of our muses but they are married and wearing vintage mugler and vintage armani.*
listen i love fashion lol.... i sure was one of those geeks in the early 2000s in fashion webrings and ogling 90s models wanting to be them. i mean my mom was a model so fashion is just kinda in my Blood™ so to bring that love to writing? :))) ye . ur not gonna see me spouting off basic ho ass brands like gucci anything or louboutin red bottoms or whatever the f*ck like that ugly shit is something to be proud of lgkjfdslkgfd. ive done the homework!!!
will fully admit describing his outfits gets into 2000s fanfic territory but that’s kind of the point lol. it’s so excessive and beautiful and you gotta know the details.... thats the concept..... we’re conceptual over here...... experimental.......
i still think about the time you said my writin was poetry. i legit went to my husband told him about it and i was like -_- im gonna think about this for the rest of the night and then i did because im pretty sure i brought it up like 3 - 4 times after that kljgldkgj that comment really stuck with me.
i love u and i love what u bring and i wish u every good thing in the world. you deserve it:)
and thank u for recognizing vis beauty..... i know he is sorely overlooked for the caucasians but you peep hes pretty. he will be thinking about this for the rest of the day too pkf;dsjgf;dlk.
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twins-parted · 4 years ago
pspsps @ seth (he deserves what is coming)
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               Is There Any Mail For Us ? ( IC Random Asks ) || Always Accepting !!!
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“ Must you insist on treating me like a street cat ??? Can I, perhaps --- help you with something, Sherlock ? “
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predomiinates · 4 years ago
   ‘ Either I’m in trouble, or you are. ’ It would be the kind of joke she doubts he would find funny. It’s the kind that would be nothing short of delightful to her if for once it wasn’t her that was cause. Irene, for the record, isn’t trying to hide her amusement ( there’s rarely ever a point to, even less so in these situations ). Her hands tuck into her pockets, the corner of her lips twitching as she rocks gently forward to the balls of her feet. Tries to remember if there’s something she’s left unattended before dismissing the notion.
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  ‘ So who’s the lucky winner this time?  hm ’
@deductry​; (short starter call).
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grenkids · 3 years ago
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“I’m sorry - I love your accent. You’re from England?” Jean greeted the man standing before her desk outside of Patrick’s office at Pierce & Pierce. She doesn’t remember speaking to anyone on the phone making an appointment with that accent. Maybe he had someone make the appointment for him...or maybe...maybe he didn’t have an appointment.
“Do you have an appointment, sir?”
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tosnatchathief · 4 years ago
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“I take full advantage of every man I meet.”
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cursed-theologian · 4 years ago
🤔 for themmm
                                How Could They Meet ( Meme ) || Accepting !!!
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Ways to meet: 
- I feel like Angelique and Sherlock would like arguing with one another and it could be about anything and anywhere. 
- He could try to teach her how to pick locks and be a delinquent in general.
- What if Angelique was Sherlock met up buying plants or something and just started trading garden stories and such ? 
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rosewood-liars · 4 years ago
🚢 he has a thing for liars
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                                 Do We Want To Ship It ? ( Meme ) || Accepting !
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I will have you know three of the girls swooned, one of them is hesitant to do so because of her experience with British men & Emily is just like ‘ I can always use friends because these bitches are not always reliable ’. 
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sailorvinus · 4 years ago
3. On smut.
✨ @deductry. meme. still accepting!
i only have the occasional smutty encounter w. @dxspereaux and our ships so i dont have much to say about writing smut w. vi since he rly only has steamy romance at most in that area and i dont really give a shit if other people write smut but it rly knocks me out when i scroll my dash with a sheet mask on and a glass of water and read something like
‘ freed from the shackles of the fabrics and invigorated by the influx of blood, his organ had immediately shot up and, as though throwing back his head to bay at the moon, he had pulled back his foreskin and directed his penis skywards, a pointed, red penis. ’
and then i feel like committing sudoku.
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