tealin · 9 months
Mucus Buster
Everyone's got lingering congestion this year, so as someone who's no stranger to phlegm, and inherited the folk wisdom of a stage actress (the show must go on!) I share with you my recipe for making things better:
2L water
the juice and rind of one lemon (just dump the juiced rinds in, don't zest them, you maniac)
a small thumb of fresh ginger, sliced in coins
about a dozen cloves, some star anise, peppercorns, and maybe whole cinnamon or allspice or whatever else you like, in a tea ball (except the cinnamon if it doesn't fit, obvs)
good dollop of honey, to taste
Bring the water to a boil then dump in all the stuff. Keep it hot but not boiling – a slow cooker is good for this. Keep this pot on a low heat all day and serve yourself a mug every so often, adding water as necessary. At some point you will need to add a new lemon and some more honey, but the spices can generally carry over two pots if you're drinking it regularly.
The acid helps clear the gunk, ginger is good for the circulation, and clove/aniseed/pepper have some sort of decongestant/soothing properties. Honey is both nice and antiseptic, and apparently is a cough suppressant as well? Anyway, I just got over another run of Covid and this was wasn't 100% effective but it worked better than phenylephrine.
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wakkossnackstash · 9 months
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Y’all. Guess who got covid in January again? Definitely not me /j
Gonna try not to disappear for a year again lol
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epphfervescent · 2 months
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colored some Nadezhda sketches
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vintagepromotions · 9 months
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Advertisement for Vicks VapoRub (1987).
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valtsv · 1 year
there's more pressure in my sinuses right now than in the chernobyl reactor core moments before it exploded i think
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
The key ingredient that underpins many nasal decongestants don't work as promised when taken orally. Following an evaluation of clinical trial data, a panel of expert advisors for the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agrees oral phenylephrine-based (PE) drugs are no better at reducing stuffiness than a placebo. While still safe to ingest, too much of the medicine is broken down before it gets to the bloodstream to have any real effect, they say. The panel's recommendation, laid out in a briefing document published this week, is that the FDA reclassify oral PE decongestants so that they are not falsely labeled as effective. This could force manufacturers to reformulate products like Advil Sinus Congestion & Pain, Sudafed PE Nasal Decongestant, and Tylenol Cold & Flu Severe, among many, many others.
Continue Reading.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 9 months
DIRK: I sneezed 5 times in a row and people stopped saying bless you by the end of sneeze 2. After sneeze 4 I heard somebody unclip their holster.
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neon-kazoo · 2 months
Hero was absolutely determined to enter the base unnoticed. They slunk through the shadows like a cat, graceful and assured. Every breath was carefully measured, every footfall quiet and even.
They slipped past the first door, then down a corridor. They followed it to the right, then paused to study the light filtering through the door frame at the end of the hall.
It sounded as if the TV was on, possibly some local news station. The light shifted colors as the broadcast presumably changed frames.
Perfect, the villain would be distracted.
Hero crept to a room on the right, pushing open the door slowly after spraying the hinges with a little lubricant to prevent them from squeaking.
Inside the room, as their eyes adjusted to the dark, Hero could see filing cabinets appear on the far wall.
They crept across the floor, sliding upon the top drawer of the first cabinet after picking the lock with a small kit they shoved back into their pocket.
They flipped through file after file, reaching, stacking, and scanning as fast as they dared.
Finally, they got to the alphabet range they believed the information they needed would be filed under. This cabinet looked particularly untouched, covered in a thick layer of dust that Hero crinkled their nose at.
Villain really should invest in a swiffer.
Lo and behold, the file they needed was inside, but unfortunately buried at the back. They finagled the paper folder out then clutched it tightly to their chest. Ready to leave, they applauded their own silence as the last drawer clicked shut.
Everything was going according to plan.
That was, until, they sneezed.
“Bless you.”
Hero jumped, knocking over a stack of boxes and sending more particles into the air as a result. They whirled on the villain, who stood in the door frame with their arms crossed. They opened their mouth-and sneezed a second time.
And then a third.
“Bless you, bless you,” Villain chuckled.
Hero sniffed loudly then pointed an accusatory finger at the villain.
“You scared me!”
“I scared you. Which one of us showed up in the other’s base with no warning?” They asked, looking down the bridge of their nose at the hero.
Hero huffed, “I didn’t know I needed an invitation to infiltrate my enemy’s lair.”
“You don’t, not when you do it secretly.”
“I was being sneaky!” Hero defended.
“Right,” Villain shook their head, “And I assume that sneeze was strategic?”
“It’s not my fault you don’t clean!”
“Well,” the villain started, “since I caught you, I’m going to need you to put that file back.”
Hero hung their head in disappointment, but turned to place the Manila folder back anyway.
“What now?” They asked.
“Now, we get you a tissue, I suppose.”
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his-tamine · 1 year
just wanna warm up a cold, cute, shivery, guy with a hot shower, letting him sneeze uncovered while I gently wash his hair. >:(
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unopenablebox · 2 days
aaargh i had like twenty minutes of being able to think and then the headache-stomachache-breathing problems combination turned my brain back into mush
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walking-circles · 3 months
top 5 things:
1. my girlfriend
2. warm breezes (esp during nighttime)
3. iced drinks
4. benadryl
5. hanging out with friends
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 2 months
covid no feel good 😥🤧😵‍💫
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bonyfish · 4 months
me in the group chat at 4 in the morning:
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ryehouses · 8 months
cannot find a test to confirm my suspicions at this late hour, but yall..... after successfully dodging covid for four entire fucking years, I have been felled......
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valtsv · 2 years
maybe this is just because i'm up to mny gills in flu rn but i genuinely feel like the medication i buy late at night in a moment of sweaty feverish desperation to stop feeling like roadkill for 5 minutes from the gas station is always more effective than anything i've ever gotten from a drugstore. like i swear they sell wizard elixirs in there but only after 10PM.
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heidiamalia · 2 months
we head to vegas early tomorrow morningggggg
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