#decks albany
mindthegapnights · 10 months
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Deck - Pergolas Inspiration for a mid-sized contemporary backyard water fountain deck remodel with a pergola
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genius-idea · 10 months
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Perth Pergolas Deck Mid-sized trendy backyard water fountain deck photo with a pergola
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xcaetus · 1 year
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Deck - Pergolas Mid-sized trendy backyard water fountain deck photo with a pergola
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foodfalls · 1 year
Perth Deck Pergolas
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Mid-sized trendy backyard water fountain deck photo with a pergola
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Pergolas Deck Perth Deck - huge industrial deck idea with a pergola
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hotfattygirl · 1 year
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Perth Pergolas Deck Mid-sized trendy backyard water fountain deck photo with a pergola
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whoremccall · 2 years
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Deck - Pergolas
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ltwilliammowett · 10 months
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My dears, here we go and today we open the first door and you can find: De Halve Maen
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De Halve Maen in aktion, Hoorn, Netherlands (27-04-2018) Photographer: Benno Ellerbroek
Infos about her:
Halve Maen (Half Moon) was a Dutch East India Company jacht (similar to a carrack) which sailed into what is now New York Harbor in September 1609. She was commissioned by the Dutch Republic to covertly find a western passage to China.
She had two square sails each on the foremast and main mast and a lateen sail on the mizzen mast. The ship was armed with four smaller cannons, which were positioned in the tween deck between the main mast and the forecastle. The rudder was controlled from the slightly raised aft deck. The crew probably numbered around 20 men. More precise ship data have not been handed down.
The ship was captained by Henry Hudson, an Englishman in the service of the Dutch Republic. After a difficult stormy voyage in ice and snow at the North Cape, the expedition finally reached the Newfoundland Bank and what is now Canada. From Cape Sable, Hudson followed the East American coast southwards to the Delaware River, continuing past Manhattan and Long Island. In the summer of 1609, Hudson sailed along the Hudson River, named after him, to present-day Albany. As Hudson was unable to discover a passage to the Pacific on this route, he returned to the Netherlands.
In 1611, the East India Company sent the Halve Maen from Amsterdam to what was then the East Indies (now Indonesia). There she also served in attacks on rival trading posts, such as Solor in 1613. In 1618, the Halve Maen was set on fire in a battle with English ships off Jakarta and was lost.
To mark the 300th anniversary of Hudson's voyage, a replica of the Halve Maen was built in the Netherlands in 1909 based on plans of similar contemporary ships. The ship, christened Halve Maen II, was shipped from Amsterdam to New York as deck cargo and then sailed on the Hudson River with a crew of 18 under its own sails. This replica burned in 1934.
Another replica was launched in 1989. This was then able to take part in the 400th anniversary of the navigation of the Hudson River. The replica, named Half Moon, travelled the Hudson and its surroundings on various occasions and was based at the New Netherland Museum in New York. Since 30 May 2015, this replica has been on loan to the Westfries Museum in Hoorn for five years.
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I want this condo so badly. Thanks to curieously for sending it in. The rotunda apt. is for sale and it's so cheap. Built in 1950 in Albany, New York, the 2bd, 2ba unit is only $260K + $500mo HOA fee. I looked it up and Albany is ranked high as one of the best cities to live in, and the reason the properties are so reasonable is b/c the taxes are high (and so is the HOA fee), but according to the estimated monthly cost, I could swing it if I had the down payment. It's just a little more than my rent. Sigh.
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The hall and stairs to the top unit.
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It has the nicest entrance.
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Isn't this beautiful?
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I'm wondering if there was ever a fireplace under this wall.
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This is a real cook's kitchen. Big chef's stove even has a griddle and a shelf just like in restaurants.
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OMG, look at this feature- a safe door in the wall. It's a custom made pantry! Oh, I'm drooling.
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Behind the safe door.
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Hall to the bedrooms and baths.
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The primary bedroom is small, so there's a mirrored wall to create an illusion.
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The other bedroom is also small and the current owner is using it as a TV room.
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But, this room has a door to the outside deck.
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Doggo's already out there.
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Bath #1.
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Look at the shower in Bath #2- it has directional sprays.
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And, here we are in the wonderful rotunda. Doesn't it look like a restaurant/bar?
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Can you imagine entertaining up here? You know, I remember this place- I posted it a few years ago, and it's up for sale again. Shoot, it even has a disco ball.
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View from the windows.
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Amazing property for the price.
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luulapants · 3 months
Riptide - Chapter 4
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Part 3 of the Tidewaters series | Rated E | 23,212 words
Montana in summer was one of the most beautiful drives a person could take in the US of A – that was, as long as you actually made it to the Rockies. Red Lodge, where the lady lost her head, would be just shy of that, and nothing on the way was much worth looking at. Big sky, sure, but really just more South Dakota: hilly, sparse, lots of reservation land. Dean didn’t give a shit, though. All the scenery he needed was blacktop and tar on long empty stretches with nowhere to hide a speed trap. The Impala purred like she was fresh off the line, and when he opened her up past a hundred, everything that had been hanging over his head got left in the dust. Nothing hurt. Nothing felt wrong. He could almost pretend that he’d turned the clock back a year. Sam at Stanford, Cassie in Cape Girardeau, Dad hunting a rugaru in Albany while Dean scoped out a coven on the west coast, and he’d call to check in when he was done. Or maybe turn it back farther than that. Maybe he left Lee in town to do interviews while he ran a nearby lead. Sam hadn’t met Jessica yet. Cassie was editing a school newspaper in Athens and thought the only folks that called themselves hunters were buying tickets off Fish and Wildlife. When Dean got back, he and Lee would spend the night stalking a werewolf, killing it. While the body burned, Lee would fuck him in the back seat even though they’d used up the last of the condoms in the glove box, and Dean never broke that rule with anyone before, but he broke it for Lee. Farther back. Before Lee. Before Dad got the truck. Before Sam left. Before Sam showed him an acceptance letter from Stanford, when he was just stressing over AP tests, and he seemed so busy he wasn’t even arguing with Dad as much. He stretched out across the back with a textbook, Dean in the passenger seat chasing a radio station that wasn’t gospel, Dad with one elbow hiked on the back of the seat saying, “Ah, hell, just grab that Seger tape.” As if he could bring that moment to life, he fished the tape out, slid it in the deck. It came on at the end of the album, hadn’t been rewound, halfway through The Famous Final Scene, and Seger said, “And how you tried to make it work, did you really think it could? How you tried to make it last, did you really think it would?” Dean shut the stereo off.
Read the rest on AO3
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rabbitcruiser · 3 days
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Talk Like a Pirate Day 
Brush up your sea-farin’ vocab and talk like a pirate for a day. Ahoy, yo-ho-ho, and avast ye matey! To port! To starboard! Bring a spring up on ‘er! Whatever that means.
Yar harrr! Ahoy there ye lily livered blaggards! It be Talk Like a Pirate Day, and that means it’s time for pillaging and the imbibing of rum!
Pirates have been all the rage in recent years and out of that particular fascination came an insane and completely pirate-oriented idea: that there should be a day dedicated to keeping the piratical language alive and, more importantly, the tradition of all things related to pirates.
So Talk Like a Pirate Day was invented. And now it’s time to celebrate with all of the pirate talk that can be mustered in one day!
History of Talk Like a Pirate Day
It was June 6, 1995, and a group of men were playing racquetball at Albany in Oregon. All throughout they were shouting encouragement to each other. On this particular day, for reasons unbeknownst to them, they started shouting piratical slang at each other. From there it just kind of took on a life of its own, and they realized by the end of the game that it was necessary that they establish a holiday to celebrate that encouraged the use of such a fine vernacular. The first thing they needed was a date, and it just so happened that the date selected was the birthday of his ex-wife.
For the next seven years they honored this holiday, in relative obscurity, until they happened upon the email address of one Dave Barry, a syndicated columnist and author of a great number of books. He also happened to be hilarious, like any good pirate should be. From there it’s all history, Dave Barry promoted the holiday, and it’s been one amazing year after another as people all over the country celebrate this auspicious holiday.
How to Celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day
Getting involved with this day is sure to be a LOAD of fun! Because it’s just a silly day, be sure to involve all of the pirate-like silliness that can be mustered. Try out some of these ideas for enjoying Talk Like a Pirate Day:
Talk Like a Pirate
Ahoy, Matey! This obvious application of the celebration might be a little more difficult than one might think. Because, who actually knows what pirates sound like when they talk?! Some phrases are more commonly known, like “pillage” or “landlubber”. But others are a little harder to understand. Here’s some vocabulary and lingo to help get novice pirate talkers started:
“Son of a Biscuit Eater”. This is what pirates might call someone they don’t like, the idea being that a biscuit eater is refined and, well, not a pirate.
“All Hand Hoy!” Upon hearing this, everyone needs to get on deck to help out.
“Bring a Spring Upon ‘er”. A phrase meaning to turn the ship in another direction.
“Grog Blossom”. A person who has a red nose because they drink too much alcohol (probably rum).
Read Some Pirate Tales
Even people who are land-dwellers can certainly use their imaginations to read about different pirates and their escapades. From classic to modern, stories about pirates are bound to be exciting and adventurous! Surely reading some books about pirates will help to build up that Talk Like a Pirate Day vocabulary.
Take a look at these classic pirate novels to get started:
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. The Scottish author brought pirates to life in 1881 with his talk of buccaneers and buried gold.
Peter Pan by JM Barrie. Infused with run-ins with Captain Hook, the original Peter Pan stories from 1904 are much darker than the Disney animated remake films.
The Pirate by Sir Walter Scott. Written by another Scottish author, this 1821 novel features Captain Cleveland, a shipwrecked captain in the setting of the island of Shetland.
The Life, Adventures, and Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton by Daniel Defoe. The first book written on this list, the 1720 book tells the story of an Englishman who was stolen, raised by gypsies, and eventually takes to life on the sea.
Watch Pirate Films
Not into reading? That’s okay! Plenty of films about pirates have been created so that individuals and groups can spend a couple of hours hearing all kinds of pirate-speak.
The Pirates of the Caribbean series of films can take up a nice chunk of time with its 6 different movies in the franchise. Or for an inspiring one-off, try a modern day somewhat-true-to life pirate story starring Tom Hanks, Captain Phillips.
Invite Friends to Celebrate All Things Piratey
Well mate, celebrating talk like a pirate day can be as easy as a day in the tropic. Simply work to turn up that pirate-speak vernacular, pour a few fruity drinks with umbrellas in them, and gather with friends to celebrate the day in your piratey best clothing! There are songs to be sung and wenches to be clenched, and who can resist a backyard barbecue with grilled pineapple, salmon made by walkin’ the plank, and a perhaps inappropriately large amount of pure sugar cane rum? Talk Like a Pirate Day is comin’, are you ready to pirate it up? This is certainly the perfect day for it!
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blowflyfag · 1 year
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Transcript below!!!
||Michaels–with the Bodyguard’s help–regained the Intercontinental Championship from Jannetty.||
Albany, New York—
Shawn Michaels defeated Marty Jannetty for the Intercontinental Championship here at the Knickerbocker Arena, just weeks after Jannetty beat his former partner for the belt on Monday Night Raw in New York City. The rematch was rife with excitement and controversy, as Michaels introduced Jannetty and thousands in attendance to a mountainous bodyguard he later called his “best insurance policy.”
While the 330-pound Bodyguard looked on from ringside, Michaels and Jannetty went at one another like caged lions. Jannetty controlled the tempo early in the match, decking his foe with side-headlock takedowns and a clothesline that sent Michaels flying over the top rope to the cement floor. 
After consulting with the Bodyguard, Michaels returned to the ring and began to zero in on Jannetty’s right hamstring area. Michaels weakened the limb with hard kicks and knees before softening it up further with a painful stepover toehold. 
Michaels continued with his onslaught. He hammered Jannetty with a backbreaker and an elbow off the ropes that scored on Jannetty’s jaw. Jannetty staggered from the impact and appeared to have considerable difficulty maintaining his balance. 
But it was a ploy–and one Michaels fell for. He whipped Jannetty into the turnbuckle and charged with a full head of steam. At the last second, though, Jannetty dodged left and planted an elbow under Michaels’ chin, knocking him for a loop. 
In the minutes that followed, Jannetty capitalized on the situation and appeared to be riding the crest of a victory wave. He blitzed Michaels with an atomic drop and came close to pinning him with a flying bodypress off the top rope. Jannetty then foiled Michaels’ piledriver and turned it into a sunset flip, a tactic that almost spelled the end for the cocky athlete from San Antonio, Texas.
With victory dawning on the horizon, Jannetty moved in for the kill. He waylaid Michaels with stiff rights and went to bounce himself off the ropes for what might have been a clothesline. 
But just when he struck the strands, the Bodyguard reached under and hooked Jannetty’s leg. Jannetty quickly pivoted and challenged the prodigious protector to a fight, which proved to be a fatal mistake. 
While Jannetty and the Bodyguard jawed it out, Michaels cleared the cobwebs from his head, crept up on his opponent and blasted him with a rear kick to the jaw–which happens to be one of Michaels’ most effective offensive weapons. 
Jannetty’s head snapped back, and he struck the canvas, his mouth open, his pupils dilated to the size of nickels. Michaels covered Jannetty for the pin and reclaimed the Intercontinental Championship. 
After the natch, Michaels as usual, was quick to boast. He tracked down a reporter and photographer from this magazine and offered the following comments:
“Shawn Michaels is the one and only, and Shawn Michaels is a two-time Intercontinental Champion,” he said as he patted the Bodyguard on the shoulder. “And once again, every top dog in the World Wrestling Federation will be gunning after the Heartbreak Kid. So I had to hire someone to watch my back. You can call him the best insurance policy around because he’ll make sure that nothing happens to me or to my Intercontinental Belt.”
Once Federation officials revived Jannetty in his dressing room, he, too, had comments regarding the match and even laid down a challenge for a possible rematch somewhere in the line.
“I was prepared for this match; I had a game plan,” he said. “But all that changed when Shawn Michaels showed up with his Bodyguard of his. It was a two-on-one affair. Now I’m not the type to cry about a loss, but I would like to make a statement to Shawn Michaels. He won’t have to read between the lines because I’m gonna be straight up. Shawn, I gave you a second chance at getting the Intercontinental Title. If you are any kind of man, I expect that you will do the same for me. Remember, Shawn, I beat you once, and I can beat you again.”
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andreajingling · 8 months
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*You find a letter with strange engravings and an odd energy surrounding it, it has writing on the back*
You have been cordially invited to spend a Week in a magical world of Wonder and imagination. All you must do is lay this note under your pillow when you sleep on the night of February 9th, and all your dreams will certainly come true.
(Ooc: this is for the Rotomblr in Wonderland event hosted by @that-one-poison-trainer)
Mail call! Walking out of the quiet, yet sparkling house next to the flickering lights of the restaurant next door's sign in the dark rainy night of Albany's usual winter, the brunette slowly held up a sort of makeshift umbrella shield to stay dry as she walked to the mailbox to collect the mail for that day.. At 10 at night. Girly.
"Oh look who's talkin'.."
... Touché. Well regardless, she pulled out the stack of mail from the box, slowly sorting through it as she murmured to herself..
"Bill, bill, electric bill,"
She let out a small hiss, as she looked at the envelope.
"Yeah that'll be a rough one this year we did go a little, overkill.."
She muttered, looking back at the house, which was still decked out in the lights of the previous holiday..
"Anyways.. Bill, bill, noise complaint from those neighbors that want us dead.."
She paused, taking it in one hand, and basically incinerating it with a puff of fire from her palm.
"one day they're gonna get theres.. Package.."
She trailed off, taking one envelope in particular, a fancy one of gold and engravings, holding it with one hand in caution due to a sense of, both dread and astonishment entered her body. Taking it out of the beautiful wrapping, she slowly read it all over, her head tilting as she took in the information.
"Huh.. Forgot I signed up for that.. Odd instructions but sure.. As long as no demon tries to strangle me in my sleep honestly I'll be fine with it."
She turned back to the house, slowly sticking the mail under her right arm as she headed back inside, reading over the message a few more times as she left the mail in the kitchen. Not willing to take that much of a risk in remembering, she headed into her bedroom, and stuck it under her pillow, a smaller yellow one that looks like it has been there a WHILE.
"Girl you're basing this off your own lil one again aren't you."
Yes I am. Such good head support to be frank.
".. yeah fair enough it works."
Thank you, don't question my madness. AHEM ANYHOW UH, carefully she set her pillow back down, as she stretched, picking up her phone from it's lil charging stand, and heading back out towards the living room/dining room/kitchen combination. Love those types of rooms. Out and waiting for her was the family.
"Hey hon, what'd ya get?"
"Eh just a sort of like, I think meditation thing I signed up for.. Advertised itself as a 'Wonderland' type thing so genuinely I could use it.."
"Hey as long as it isn't Willy's."
The spirit jested. Andrea couldn't help but let out a laugh as she gave the spectral lesbian a lil smooch on the forehead.
"Your jokes are as cheesy as the pizza you serve next door y'know that hon?"
"Yeah. I know." The ghost said, slowly melting into her beloved's arms, as said beloved returned the embrace, getting cozy by the crackling fireplace.
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nicki1505 · 9 months
Die Nacht war sehr kalt… Owe, erstmal warm duschen! Haare waschen muss dann bis morgen warten, denn bei dem Wind werden sie eh ewig lang nicht trocken 😁🥴
Mel ist erst gegen 8 Uhr aufgestanden, da sie sich nicht gut fühlte. Das Thermometer sagte auch nichts Gutes: fast 38 Grad Körpertemperatur. 🤧😟
Am Frühstückstisch überlegten wir lange, ob wir die nächsten Tage so umsetzen, wie sie geplant waren… das Wetter war überhaupt nicht gut gemeldet. Wir wollten nämlich zum Lucky Bay! Die Campingplatz Besitzer meinten, dass der Campingplatz dort meist schon mehr als 3 Monate im Voraus ausgebucht ist und sie es uns jetzt bei diesem Wetter eh nicht empfehlen würden. Oweh… dann hat es sich wahrscheinlich eh schon erledigt. ☹️ Wir machten es davon abhängig, ob wir noch einen Platz bekommen würden oder nicht… denn das war eins der Highlights, auf die ich mich am allermeisten auf dieser Reise freute!
Wir klickten uns durch die Onlinebuchung und auf einmal stand da ganz unten „only one left“ 😧 Wir buchten! Wieso auch nicht?
Wegen diesem Strand wollten wir unbedingt in den Westen! 😍 Hoffen wir einfach, dass das Wetter besser wird als es der Wetterbericht voraussagt.
Gegen 10 Uhr fuhren wir Richtung Albany. Wir stoppten bei der Insel Shelter Island - hier soll es wohl ab und zu Pinguine zu sehen geben. Leider haben wir keine gesehen. Aber der Strand war super schön und es hat sich trotzdem gelohnt! 🤩
Weiter ging es zu „The Gap“ (eine Spalte in hohen Felsen, an denen die Wellen zerschellen) und der „Natural Bridge“. Wahnsinn, was die Natur in so vielen Jahren für wunderschöne Dinge erschaffen hat und so gigantisch!
Andi, Steffen und ich gingen noch zu den „Blowholes“, Mel bleib im Camper und ruhte mich etwas aus. Wir waren aber recht schnell wieder zurück, da wir leider keine „Blowholes“ gefunden hatten. Mel hat also nichts verpasst 🤗
Danach gingen wir in Albany für die nächsten Tage einkaufen und kauften im Kmart einen Föhn und eine Decke. Da es so windig und kalt die letzten Tage war, waren die beiden Sachen bitter nötig und absolut Gold wert! 🥶
Nun hatten wir nur noch eine Stunde zum Campingplatz Wellstead Bush Park zu fahren. Dieser war mitten im Nirgendwo. Er war ziemlich groß und zu dem Platz gehörten noch 170 Schafe (insgesamt hat die Farm 15.000 Schafe!). 🐑 Die Hosts Annie und Dave waren super nett und wir fühlten uns direkt wohl! 🥰
Die beiden passen ein paar Wochen auf den Campingplatz auf und reisen dann selber weiter.
Ihr Wohnmobil ist riesig! Sie erzählten uns, dass es das Größte ist, welches in Australien gebaucht wird. #wow
Die sind im Sommer immer hier und im Winter oben im Norden, dort hat es dann tropenhafte Temperaturen, also das ganze Jahr Sommer für die beiden. Sie leben im Wahrsten Sinne DEN TRAUM! 🥰
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mel1505 · 9 months
04.01.2024 Was für eine Nacht… ich musste irgendwann mal auf die Toilette und machte mich mit meiner iPhone Taschenlampe auf den Weg zum Waschhaus. Kein Problem um das zu finden, da noch eine Lichterkette kurz davor an war. Auf dem Rückweg wurde das ganze dann etwas komplizierter. Es war stockfinster und mit der Handy Taschenlampe hat man nicht weit gesehen. Ich hab mich erst mal schön verlaufen und bin am Eingang bzw. Ausgang gelandet. Oh shit. Wo ist der richtige Weg? Ich nahm den nächsten - auch falsch. Hilfe, mich würde Andi nicht mal vermissen, denn der hatte direkt weiter gepennt, als ich ihm sagte wohin ich gehe. 😟 Okay, alle guten Dinge sind drei - und dann sah ich ein Zelt, das am Anfang unserer Straße stand. Puh! Ich lief schnell zurück und legte mich mit klopfendem Herzen wieder ins Bett. Zum Glück alles gut gegangen. Aber in Zukunft gehe ich nicht mehr ohne Stirnlampe nachts raus! Aufgestanden bin ich dann erst gegen 8 Uhr, da ich mich nicht gut fühlte. Das Thermometer sagte auch nichts gutes: fast 38 Grad Körpertemperatur. 🤧😟 Am Frühstückstisch überlegten wir lange, ob wir die nächsten Tage so umsetzen, wie sie geplant waren… das Wetter war überhaupt nicht gut gemeldet. Wir wollten nämlich zum Lucky Bay! Die Campingplatz Besitzer meinten, dass der Campingplatz dort meist schon mehr als 3 Monate im Voraus ausgebucht ist. Oweh… dann hat es sich wahrscheinlich eh schon erledigt. ☹️ Wir machten es davon abhängig, ob wir noch einen Platz bekommen würden oder nicht… wir klickten die online Buchung durch und dann stand da ganz unten „only one left“ 😧 Wir buchten! Wieso auch nicht? Wegen diesem Strand wollten wir unbedingt in den Westen! 😍 Hoffen wir einfach, dass das Wetter besser wird als es der Wetterbericht voraussagt. Gegen 10 Uhr fuhren wir Richtung Albany. Wir stoppten bei der Insel Shelter Island - hier soll es Pinguine geben. Leider haben wir keine gesehen. Aber der Strand war super schön und es hat sich trotzdem gelohnt! 🤩 Weiter ging es zu „The Gap“ (eine Spalte in hohen Felsen, an denen die Wellen zerschellen) und der „Natural Bridge“. Wahnsinn, was die Natur in so vielen Jahren für wunderschöne Dinge erschaffen hat! Andi, Nicki und Steffen gingen noch zu den „Blowholes“, ich bleib im Camper und ruhte mich etwas aus. Die drei waren schnell wieder zurück. So berauschend war es wohl dort nicht. Danach gingen wir in Albany für die nächsten Tage einkaufen und kauften im Kmart einen Föhn und eine Decke. Da es so windig und kalt die letzten Tage war, waren die beiden Sachen bitter nötig und absolut Gold wert! 🥶 Nun hatten wir nur noch eine Stunde zum Campingplatz Wellstead Bush Park zu fahren. Dieser war mitten im Nirgendwo. Er war ziemlich groß und zu dem Platz gehörten noch 170 Schafe (insgesamt hat die Farm 15.000 Schafe!). 🐑
Die Hosts Annie und Dave waren super nett und wir fühlten uns direkt wohl! 🥰
Die beiden passen ein paar Wochen auf den Campingplatz auf und reisen dann selber weiter.
Ihr Wohnmobil ist riesig! Sie erzählten uns, dass es das Größte ist, welches in Australien gebaucht wird.
Die sind im Sommer immer hier und im Winter oben im Norden, dort hat es dann tropenhafte Temperaturen, also das ganze Jahr Sommer für die beiden. Sie leben im Wahrsten Sinne DEN TRAUM! 🥰
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hrh-the-royals · 1 year
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Day 4; The Royal Dinner 
Windenburg Times
The four day State Visit has finally come to an end. For four days, the our royal family hosted the royals of San Sequoia. During this visit, the royals attended events, spent time with family and once again made our country proud. At the end of the event, the royal family released the picture above.
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The dinner started off with a speech, made by King Louis. It was said that this speech focused on the close relationship between the two countries. While the Garden Party speech also made reference to family bonds, the King kept the focus on the country this time around. He was also followed by King Otto, who gave his own speech, speaking of the love he had for Windenburg. 
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After speeches and dinner, the royals and guest attended a small reception in another hall. 
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(Pictured above; Queen Josephine, King Otto and Duck of Rocksavage in conversation.) 
Members of the royal family made sure not only to cater to the guest but each other. It seemed as if the Queen and King Otto, had a friendly time. “It seems as if King Otto was really fond of Queen Julia, as a father of one strong woman, he was most likely impressed with the Queen.” It was also said that the King had also taken a liken to Luca. 
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(Pictured above; King Louis, the Princess Royale and Crown Princess Colette) 
It also seemed like the Crown Princess Colette had taken a liking to the Princess Royale. “The King wanted to speak to Crown Princess Colette about having the Princess Royale stay in San Sequoia for sometime, it would be a great way for her to study and get some real life experience, the crown princess seemed open to the idea.”
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(Pictured above; Crown Prince Levi and Crown Prince Luca)
The Crown Prince and Prince Luca were spotted chatting away, the two seeming to be at ease, despite rumors about a rift. It seemed like the two were like their younger selves, sticking to each other. That being said, one well-place source as refuted that idea. “When it comes to work, the boys will get on but in private? Crown Prince Levi blames Luca for bringing Noelle into their lives. It’s also upset him that Luca hasn’t redirected King Otto’s attention to the heir. Normally, he would shy away but it doesn’t seem to mind taking up King Otto’s time.” 
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(Pictured above; Duchess of Albany, Crown Princess Eleanor and Queen Josephine)
We also saw the leading ladies of the Monarchy chatting together. The Duchess of Albany, found herself telling the two senior royals about something funny that happened during the dinner. Both Eleanor and Queen Julia looked at her fondly. “The Queen was unsure about the Crown Princess family at first, they seemed to want to ease and take a different approach to royal work but in recent years, Julia has seen a chance. She thinks of Miliana as a daughter very fondly, a good girl who doesn’t make much fuss. And Crown Princess Eleanor is the jewel in her eye, she’s happy that Levi married well and he’s found a wife who can take on the job. For a commoner, she’s done extremely well.” 
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(Pictured above; King Otto, Queen Roa and Duchess of Rocksavage)
But it was the Duchess of Rocksavage that stole the show, or so we heard. International outlet, GV Buzz posted a cover of the Noelle before we could even get this story out. That being said, it doesn’t seem as if the they’re far off from the truth. In the photo above, it seemed as if the Duchess captured the attention of both the Queen and King. Laughing at the joke. One attendee told us, “Honestly, Noelle was shining. I don’t know what it was, unlike the others she was decked out in big jewels but my eyes kept going towards her. Not just me. Even doing the speeches, I kept seeing people sneak a glance at her.”
Although the Duchess can’t be blamed for the cover, those in the royal household are a little miffed. “This was also the Princess Royale’s first stat event but she was regulated to page six. While Noelle can’t be blame for the cover, she could’ve tried to down to dial herself back. Once again, she found a way to make it about her. The way people looked at her, as if it was magic.” A dig at the fact that the Duchess might be using her powers to pull people in? 
A friend of the Duchess pushed back. “To imply people only like her because of magic...it’s very telling. It’s also telling that she’s being blamed for doing too much, Noelle wasn’t even given her wedding tiara to wear but a small one with a tiny jewel. She can’t help if people want to speak to her, she did her best and she’s been doing her best. It’s also sad to see staff of the family running to the papers while the family are silent about the abuse that comes towards Noelle.  Why can’t they focus on the fact that the visit was a success?” 
Indeed, the dinner was a success. It seems that relationships between the royal families are going perfectly well but the relationships in the royal family? It’s a little hard to tell. 
i’m glad someone said it, no one would pay attention to noelle if she wasn’t a spellcaster 
are we still blaming women for being charismatic? 
 her pictures are the most stunning 
some of you should look up the tiara she is wearing...this was a snub by the family 
i think crown princess eleanor really is an example, noelle would do well to follow it 
i hope luca is really thinking over his choice of a wife...the queen should’ve guided him better 
julia is so pretty...but if we’re going to fund her, she shouldn’t taken care of for a vacation in san sequoia, it’d be good if she goes to an local school and support her country 
it must be so hard for the king and queen, their youngest son married an attention seeker
well, it’s good that josephine isn’t his mother, that honor goes to Lena, Levi should remember that more often
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