#decided to base this off the breakdown drabble already on here))
i need you. John B x Sarah
Request: “ Drabble request! Sort of got the idea from @alexandracheers house won’t fall story! How about Sarah is scared to talk to Ward about something, or they got into an argument and John B is there for her afterwards. Maybe a little spin on it and Sarah is still at school so John B can’t physically be there and he calls/FaceTimes with her? Thank you!! ☺️ “
Word Count: 2.5K
Author’s Note: Few things! 1) This is pure angst. Panic, fear, all of it. (I hurt my own feelings writing it so proceed w caution!) 2) I know that this does not follow the prompt exactly. I have talked with the anon that left this request, and we have decided to forego the talk with Ward, based on the direction I ended up taking this. That being said, I will be writing some other scenes with Ward because, I mean, c’mon, there’s just so much to work with there.
One last thing! This drabble was initially inspired by @alexandracheers​ work The House Won’t Fall (When the Bones Are Good) If you have not read that story yet, YOU. ARE MISSING. OUT. (Do yourself a favor: go read it and then come talk to me so we can talk about it.) Okay, here’s the drabble:
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Sarah's gasping for breath as she waits for John B to answer. The photo of him blurred by her tears so she can only see the colors on the screen.
He answers on the 5th ring. "Hey Val, how's it going?" His upbeat, and happy voice makes her breakdown all over again. He's happy, probably spending the morning with JJ, making plans for the day. And now she was going to call and break them.
She tries to get a hold on herself, but the sobs don't stop wracking her body.
"Hey," John B instantly adopts the soft, gentle tone he does when she's upset. Though, he's never heard her this distraught before. "Hey. Sarah. Baby, what's going on. Talk to me."
Her whole body convulses as she's trying to catch her breath, coughing and gagging at the failed attempt.
"Sarah." His voice is steady. Not angry, but firm; calm. "Sarah, listen to me. Listen to me, okay." She quiets enough to focus on his words. "It's okay. You're okay."
But she wasn't. He had to have known she wasn't.
"You're okay. Try to breathe, okay?"
She lets out another heavy sob, and brokenly whispers his name.
"I'm right here." He soothes. "I'm right here, Sarah. I'm not going anywhere, but you need to breathe, okay?"
She really does try to even her breathing. But every time she starts to get a handle on her emotions, her mind races and spirals her right back down, again.
"Is Kristen home?" He's trying to see if her roommate is there, probably to make sure she doesn't pass out or choke on her own vomit.
Getting the one syllable "no" out is harder than it needs to be.
"Okay," she can tell he's thinking, "okay, I'm on my way to come get you. Is that okay?"
The gesture causes her throat to close as more tears stream down her already wet cheeks.
He continues, "we can stay there, or come back to the Banks for the weekend, or I'll leave you be for the weekend. Whatever you need, I just need to make sure you're okay, and I don't want you to be alone when you're this upset." He sounds almost like he's trying to convince her, like she's the parent and he desperately wants to spend the night at his friends house.
"John B." she tries his name again, though this time it sounds a little stronger.
"Yeah, Sarah, I'm here."
She'd give anything to stop the sobs that have her chest heaving, to allow her to just speak to him normally. Or for him to be able to read her mind. At this point, either or would be beneficial. "I need you, John B." And the confession has her holding the phone above her head as she covers her face with her forearms. "I don't know what to do, and I just- I really need you, John B!" She sobs again.
"Okay." She hears the panic in his voice and the shuffling of objects as he no doubt is trying to get out of the house as fast as possible. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm on my way, Sarah. I'm on my way."
When the van pulls into the parking lot of Sarah's dorm, John B is already giving himself a mental pep talk. He had stayed on the phone with Sarah for the first half hour of his trip, soothing and calming her as much as he could through the phone. When she realized that he was, in fact, coming to get her, she did calm down a minuscule amount, but was still distraught enough for him to be concerned. He had toyed with calling Wheezie to see if she knew anything about what had happened, but decided against it as he didn't want to get the girl wound up until he had all of the pieces to the puzzle.
After the first 30 minutes of their trip, she had quieted enough to the point where he could hear her breathing even out as she cried herself to sleep. This fact had wrecked the man currently driving 15 over the speed limit to try and decrease the time it took for him to get there, but he allowed himself a bit of comfort knowing that she was comforted enough by him talking that she was able to relax enough to fall asleep.
In all honesty, that probably was the best thing for her at the moment.
Since it was only midday, he didn't have to worry about checking into building. And, given the fact that Sarah had given him her spare apartment key (though, no one could know since that most definitely was a breech in her housing contract) he was able to get right into the elevator and travel to the fourth floor.
He'd be lying if he said he wasn't a nervous wreck. Whatever had Sarah this upset had to be at least somewhat serious. He let his mind wander, wondering if she had heard something from Ward, or Rafe. He knew that she had petitioned to file a restraining order, barring them from contacting her in any way (even though they were currently behind bars in federal prison).
When the doors opened to the fourth floor, he forced himself to clear his mind. Ready to do whatever he had to, in order to make sure she was okay. The only people he saw on his way to Sarah's room was a girl at the opposite end from where Sarah's room was, locking her door, and another group of people walk past the intersection further down.
He knocked on the door before moving to insert the key. When no one responded, he assumed Kristen must've been out for the day, and Sarah was probably still asleep. He opened the door, and immediately moved to the door that led to Sarah's room, not bothering to give the main living area a second glance.
The first thing he noticed when he softly swung the door open was that her bed was empty. A quick scan of the room, and he saw her slumped over on the floor to his left, against the wall that the door was on. John B's heart swelled at the sight of her: hair on top of her head, she wore a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt, and her cheeks were caked with dried tears. Her phone lay next to her head, just next to her right hand.
He quickly shut the door behind him, and moved her phone, before kneeling down in front of her unconscious body. He just looked at her for a few moments, weighing the pros and cons of waking her up, or letting her sleep her heartache off. He decided to at least move her to the bed so she could be a little more comfortable than on the concrete floor. This also allowed him to hold her for awhile, which he didn't realize he needed until he picked her up.
It was like his world came back into alignment. He could see his north star, hold her close to his chest; he was really with her.
Sarah stirred as he placed her on the bed, pausing to grab a blanket before crawling into bed behind her. He rubbed her temple with his fingertips, running them gently through her hair a little ways before repeating the motion. It wasn't long before her eyes slowly slid open to look at him.
"You're here." His heart broke for the 4th time today as her voice cracked.
He smiled down at her. "I told you I was on my way." He leaned down to kiss her forehead, and she moved to sit up. He followed her movements, holding onto her hand as she looked around her room, probably getting her bearings, and refusing to look back over at him. He waited patiently for her to speak, rubbing his thumb over her hand to help ground her. He sees her hand go up to her mouth, and hears the soft sob that escapes her mouth before hes pulling her into him, hugging the right side of her body to his chest and slowly running his hands down her left arm.
"John B..." he knows she wants to tell him, she just isn't able to get the words out.
"I've got you." He promises, not knowing if it's the right or wrong thing to say as she brings her hands to her eyes, squeezing them shut and wiping at her tears. She may also be using it as an excuse to block her face from his view, and he wishes more than anything that she would take her hands away so he can see her. "Sarah," he continues, ducking his head in an attempt to get her to look at him. He knows that she feels comforted by his presence, but you wouldn't know that by looking at her right now. Her body language says that she's absolutely terrified. And that terrifies him even more. "Sarah, talk to me. Please don't shut me out, Val. Let me help you, please."
The stay like this for a few more moments before Sarah scrambles off the bed, and kneels in front of the trash can next to her desk. John B is behind her before she begins gagging, rubbing circles on her back as her body heaves. He thought his heart was breaking when he answered the phone this morning to her sobs. He thought his heart was breaking when he saw her lying asleep on the floor. But now, as he all but held her body weight against him, gently rubbing her back, and murmuring against her shoulder how much he loved her, he could literally feel the strings of his heart snapping.
Her body is shaking, weak and spent as she heaves again and again. Strangely enough, this (combined with the fact that she can feel John B's deep breaths on her back) helps to regulate her breathing enough to where she is calming down. She sniffs, and he sneaks a glance at her face, and sees her eyes are closed, right hand in her hair, left holding his. Her mouth is open as she breathes, and the tension in the air only gets heavier.
John B kissed her shoulder, and though her eyes don't open, she gives a short laugh that isn't comical in the slightest, and in the softest voice he's heard yet today, she says, "I'm sorry."
He kisses her shoulder again, not wanting to move until she did, but wanting to reassure her. "There's nothing to be sorry about."
She sniffs again, and though there are still tears on her cheeks, the sobs the had her whole body convulsing are for the most part gone. Her head is still in her right hand, and her eyes are still closed. "I'm pregnant." She confesses, opening her eyes to stare at the wall in front of her before closing again as her bottom lip trembles sporadically as she tries to fight off another breakdown now that he knows.
His mind is tripping over itself at the speed it goes, trying to think through what this means. He looks back at her face, and her eyes are still closed, but he can tell she's close to losing it again. He has no idea how long she's known.
Probably just since this morning, given the state she called him in. She was terrified, which was why she called him, but he realized that a large majority of that fear (for the time being at least) had to be at telling him. "Sarah." he turns her body around to face him which isn't difficult given how weak she is. He pulls her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her, trying to shield her from the fear and pain that she is feeling. "It's okay." He says, and he can hear her crying again.
"I'm so scared." She admits, and he adjusting his arms trying to hold more of her in an attempt to hold her together. Because he knows if he can't focus on holding her together, then he's the one that's going to fall apart. And he's smart enough to know that he has to be strong for her right now, show her that he's supportive, and still loves her. He can, and most definitely will, break down later.
"I know." He's trying to think of what to say. As if there's something that can make the situation better, that can solve all of the pain in her heart. "I know, but Sarah," he's pulling back to try and look at her, because she has to know that he means every word. "Sarah, I promise you that I am not going anywhere, okay? We can- figure everything out, we can talk about everything, make a plan, we can do whatever we need to do, but I promise you I am not going anywhere. I love you." It's a phrase they've used so many times, so many ways, but this time he says it, he can hear the emotion that makes his voice thick and fragile. He knows she hears it, too, because her hands are on his face and bringing him back from his mental spiral. "I love you, Sarah. And I'm so sorry that this happened. I know you're scared, and I'm scared, and I don't know what we're going to do but I'm going to be here, okay. I'm going to protect you, and do whatever I can to keep you safe." She gives him a smile at his rambling. He tries to return it, but he can't think straight. He's thinking about how he's going to pay for a baby, and what is going to happen to them, and how are they going to make it work with her being at school? And do they move in together, or does he move here? Does she even want that, does she even want to have his kids? He can't help but feel guilty. He thinks of how hard she was crying earlier, how upset she was, and he definitely doesn't want to be the cause of that. Yet he is, because this was his doing, too. And all of a sudden he's apologizing.
"I'm so sorry, Sarah. I'm sorry. I know you didn't ask for this, and I know it hurts and-fuck-I'm just so sorry." He's crying, and she's been crying. Any other time and they would be laughing over the absurdity of them holding each other on the floor in the middle of her dorm room on a Thursday, and they probably will laugh about it. Maybe even sooner rather than later. But for right now, they let themselves be afraid. They allow themselves to grieve the plans, and futures they had in mind. Because even if they don't keep this baby (which John B thinks is highly unlikely, but he'll support her in whatever she decides) their relationship has changed. There will always be a before, and an after. This is the catalyst, the moment that it all changes. And for right now, they let themselves feel every part of it. 
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tsundanire · 3 years
Seasonal WIP Update
Hey friends, lurkers, and those who have yet to decide if they want to follow this hot mess...
It’s that time of year when I give you guys an idea of what I’m working on and what you can expect to see in the near (and probably far) future. I just wanted to clear things up for anyone following me from specific fandoms, and want to know if I was going to make anymore content for that fandom. The answer is: Yes. I’ve got something (or multiple somethings depending on the fandom) for everyone sooooo without further ado, let’s go to the breakdown!
Big Bang - Despite the fest being over, this is still very much a WIP and probably will be for a while because it’s a lengthy project, and there’s large sections of the plot being rejigged. Est WC: 60-100k by the end. 
LCD Project - I had an idea for something for @lcdrarry a year or so ago and just never really plotted it out until this summer. I’ve got the first chapter or so written but have put it aside while I work through some other projects first. If all goes well I might try to submit it for LCD this coming year. Est WC: 50k ish. 
The incubi drabble - It’s on my list, and somehow I’ve completely forgotten to go back and finish this. Featuring Incubus!Draco (sort of), and prey!Harry. 
L.A. Devotee - Featuring Demon!Harry. It’s currently sitting around 10k ish? But got pushed way down the list when Big bang popped up. With any luck, I will have it finished and posted this year. Est WC: 50K+
Two Geldings... - The first chapter to this was already posted on AO3. I do have an outline for this and will get back to it, I swear, but it too got bumped down the list. We can all thank my ADHD for that. Featuring 8th Year Drarry taking care of magical horses. 
The Serial Killer project with @lyskari - Because we love writing really dark shit and planned this for whumptober and then we both subsequently got SUPER busy.  We will also be writing this eventually when things slow down. But I got a lot on my plate and I know they do too. 
Kiss your baby - This should actually be out pretty soon. It’s written, and we’re just going through some edits on it. I might add some extra bits here and there but it’ll likely be the first thing I post coming up. Possibly. 
The Devil is a Gentleman - Currently a posted WIP, with chapter two finished. (Just need to actually edit it) Featuring Modern Au, COO!Aleksander, Engineer!Alina, and a bunch of tropes. 
The 50 Reasons to have sex series - In which I write Darklina drabbles/fics based on the ‘How I met your Mother’s’ 50 reasons to have sex list. Varied. Not all related. 
The one where Arthur gets off to Merlin cussing - This one was supposed to be done already, technically it’s almost done. It just took a turn for the loving and soft which made me go... wait wtf just happened. SO I might have to pause that while I figure out what went wrong. 
The really special Christmas one - My plan is to start posting this on the 14th. I’m about 6 out of 12 chapters in, 18k I believe? I revised some stuff I just have to put a lot of time into it over the next few days in order to get it done done. 
Camboy!Arthur - What it says on the tin, but also features Roommate!Merlin and honestly? I think it’s going to be equal parts hilarious and sexy. It’s completely outlined and the first chapter or so is already done. But it was also put aside while I finish this christmas one. 
That College AU - Again, what it says on the tin + a large amount of just random plot. This has also been pushed to next year. 
That other College AU feat. Fratboy!Arthur with @zaharya - Who actually knows when we get to this one but it lives in my head rent free almost all the time. 
Witcher!Arthur - Is currently just a series of snippets that live in my docs. Will this ever see the light of day? maybe. I wouldn’t hold your breath for any time soon though. 
Our boys as Corpsekunno - The boys as youtube/streamers who flirt. Geralt is faceless but has a voice that destroys most people’s loins. Jaskier is the soft flirt who loves everyone. 
That’s not everything but those are the ones I’m really hoping to finish this coming year. Fingers crossed as many of them will probably take most of my sanity to finish. HOWEVER, I hope yall will stick with me for the ride regardless. 
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jingabitch · 5 years
Lit Up
Summary: Christmas drabble in the Fucked Up verse, in which you leave the house to prepare a Christmas surprise for the boys, who come home early and discover you gone.
Warnings: yandere | explicit language | explicit descriptions of sexual acts | dark shit | reader has major issues
Rating: E
Pairings: mainly Yoongi x reader; bg ot7 x reader
Word count: 4.3k
Series index
Christmas is one of your favourite times of the year. It always has been, since you were a child. You have few fond memories of your childhood, but Christmas had always been nice, and you remember spending time with your family. Back before the drinking and debt and screaming, but even after all that had started, at least at the beginning, your parents had made an effort to have nice Christmas celebrations.
This Christmas, the boys are back home - and so are you. It doesn’t mean that they have the day off, much to your displeasure, but they’d promised to be back in time for dinner. Seokjin bought a ham and there are ingredients for all sorts of delicious side dishes in the fridge. It’s going to be a feast, and you can’t wait.
Still, though. Food does not a Christmas party make. With the boys so busy, you hadn’t dared broach the subject of gifts or decorations, knowing there was no way any of them had the time to accompany you to various stores to pick up everything. Sure, you could order whatever it is you wanted online, but part of the fun of Christmas is the actual shopping, and it’s something you so badly want to share with them.
Fantasies of them coming home to a Christmas tree, all ready for you to decorate together, and prettily wrapped gifts, fill you with delight. It’ll be so much fun, you think, almost clapping your hands with excitement. They aren’t supposed to be home till six, were going to have a late dinner since Seokjin wanted to cook even though he was going to be arriving back at the same time as them… you have plenty of time. You know they would worry if they come back and find you missing, but they won’t be mad if you’re already back, and they see that nothing bad happened to you.
With that thought in mind, you get ready for your first solo trip outside the apartment since you arrived here. As much as you love this place, the thought of going out alone, like you used to, is a heady one. You’ve not even really explored the streets in your neighbourhood, and you used to like taking long walks.
Well, they became a lot more fun when you knew Yoongi was walking with you.
Dressing in your warmest clothes (and filching Yoongi’s scarf because you like the way he smells, okay?) you grab all of the emergency cash in the drawer on your way out, and the keys to Jeongguk’s car. Driving in Seoul isn’t the easiest, but you don’t see any other way to get all the ornaments and gifts, not to mention the tree.
Sitting in the driver’s seat, your overcoat carelessly tossed into the passenger seat, you unlock your phone and deactivate the spyware they’d installed to keep tabs on what you search and where you are. Won’t do to have them figuring out your surprise from you using Google Maps to navigate the city, after all.
Humming under your breath, you turn on the radio absently as you key in the name of the shop you want to go to. You’ve gotten your ornaments from this little hole in the wall since before the boys, since your first Christmas alone in Seoul. It hadn’t been as much fun only buying enough decorations for just your mini-tree and studio apartment, but it had been all right. The handmade items made by the kindly middle-aged lady were pretty enough to make up for it.
As you make your way to the store, the radio starts playing a radio interview with BTS and you giggle to yourself. Your boys are so prim and proper on the air, no one would ever guess that Namjoon wrote half the songs of their latest comeback with his cock tucked inside you, or that Jimin and Taehyung’s friendship is based on commonalities far greater (and kinkier) than both being members of the 95 line.
All those secrets are yours and yours alone, and you smile contentedly as you listen to their nonsensical answers to the question of what their ideal type is, because it’s all bullshit. You know what their ideal type is; because you’ve put in a lot of effort to be that for every one of them.
Parking the car in a roadside lot, you get out and grab all your stuff, spending a minute putting your coat and scarf back on, before locking the door and walking the few doors down to the shop.
“Good morning, aunty!” you say cheerily as you duck slightly to avoid hitting your head on the wind chimes she’d hung over the door.
“Ah, Y/N, hello, sweetheart. I haven’t seen you around recently; you didn’t even come to buy Christmas ornaments last year.” As your eyes adjust to the relative darkness of the store after being outside in the sun, you spot the shopkeeper standing behind the counter.
“Yeah, I was travelling last Christmas, aunty. I came to get new ones this year, though! I moved into a bigger place and need more this time,” you inform her delightedly, looking around the store. Spotting some delicate crystal ornaments, you move closer to them, and pick one up, a pretty snowflake.
The shopkeeper, seeing what caught your fancy, smiles. “I should have known you’d go for those,” she says. “You might like these to go with that too,” she directs your attention to some sparkly baubles and a wreath that’s white and black instead of the usual green.
Once you’ve bought almost all the snow- and winter-themed decorations in stock, you go all over Seoul buying presents for the boys - an expensive kitchen knife with his initials carved into the handle for Seokjin, a first-edition of one of Namjoon’s favourite books, accessories, clothing and shoes for the more fashion-oriented boys, and so on.
For Yoongi, though, your precious Yoongi, regular gifts will not be enough. What do you buy for the man who gave you everything?
Humming in deep thought, you spin in a circle in the middle of Myeongdong. What should you get? You check the time - it’s already three in the afternoon, and you only have three hours to get his gift, the Christmas tree, and haul ass back to the apartment.
Sighing, you head dejectedly back to the car. There has to be something special you can get for him.
There’s a place that sells Christmas trees near the outskirts of Seoul, and you drive there, humming along to the radio. Christmas really is your favourite time of the year, you think, smiling at the cover of Jingle Bell Rock currently playing. Maybe you’ll be able to persuade some of the boys to serenade you tonight, not that it’s ever difficult to.
On your way to the store, you drive past a tattoo and piercing store and inspiration suddenly strikes you. On a whim, you decide to get your ears pierced to match Yoongi’s. It’s not much, but it’ll be cute, you think, matching his accessories. It can be your little thing, even if no one will ever know since you’ll never be seen in public together.
You only have the basic lobe piercings, so you end up getting three additional holes punched into your earlobes, although thankfully he let his helix piercing close up so you don’t have to do anything like that.
It doesn’t take too long, and before you know it you’re back on track, going to pick up a Christmas tree. You’re just pulling into the parking lot when your phone dies, and you huff. It’s been long enough not going out for a long time, or alone, that you’ve completely forgotten basic things like bringing along a power bank, so you suppose you’ll just have to make do until you get home.
It won’t be that bad - you know the way home, at least - but it makes you a little antsy not being contactable, so you resolve to hurry up so you can go home soon.
There’s just one hitch in your plans, though - the boys got home two hours early. Which you didn’t know, because your phone died and you had no idea they were even blowing it up.
While you were excitedly choosing a pretty tree that you genuinely had no idea how you would muscle up from the garage into the apartment, the boys are walking into said apartment, full of anticipation for your delighted response to them coming back early to spend more of Christmas with you, because of course they know of your love for the holiday.
Yoongi tries (and fails) to hide his excitement as he toes off his shoes before opening the door to the apartment. The others follow more sedately, content to let Yoongi be the one to announce their arrival.
The moment he steps into the apartment, though, he can tell that something is wrong. You don’t appear from behind a corner, or even call out a greeting, as is usual for you. It’s the middle of the day, so you haven’t gone to sleep yet.
Yeontan comes bounding out to greet the boys, but he’s conspicuously alone.
“Y/N?” Yoongi calls, unease slithering down his spine. Yeontan barks, turning around in a circle, and Taehyung picks the dog up.
“Hyung, why are you just standing there?” Hoseok asks, and Yoongi takes a few steps forward so that the rest of the boys can come into the apartment too.
He calls your name again as he walks through the hallway to the living room, then, not finding you, pops his head into the kitchen and then to the bedrooms. The others cotton on fairly quickly to the issue, and help out, opening the doors to their own bedrooms to see if you’re in there.
It becomes obvious that you’re not in the apartment, and this results in chaos and panic among the boys. Yoongi is, of course, the worst off, barely able to comprehend that you would leave. You’d given no indication of being unhappy or dissatisfied, and things had been going great recently. Your relationship is, in every aspect, unusual, but it works for all parties involved - or so he’d thought.
Namjoon, seeing that Yoongi is on the verge of a breakdown, quickly intervenes, guiding the older man to the couch and sitting him down on it.
“Don’t worry,” he reassures him. “We’ll find her, okay? There’s no way she can get away from us all.”
Indeed, the others are already leaping into action. Jeongguk, the one who installed the spy software on your phone, is already booting up his computer to track your location, and the other boys are tearing the apartment apart searching for clues.
“Shit, she took all the money in the drawer,” Hoseok curses as he opens said drawer in the kitchen to check.
“How much was in there?” Jimin asks, looking over his roommate’s shoulder.
Hoseok shrugs and looks over at Namjoon. “I don’t know… I just put some in whenever I had cash on me that I didn’t want to bring out,” he says, and the other boys nod and murmur their agreement.
Concluding that this means you have a lot of cash at your disposal, they sigh heavily and stare despondently at each other. Yoongi looks like he’s about to burst into tears, and Jimin and Taehyung sit next to each other, sulking.
The bad news isn’t done coming, though. Jeongguk stumbles out of his bedroom in shock. “I can’t track her phone,” he breathes, blinking in bewilderment. The others’ gazes snap towards him immediately.
“What do you mean, you can’t track her?” Namjoon demands, hurrying over to push Jeongguk back into his room so they can see his computer.
“Look, the last traced location of her phone is the apartment complex, and that was in the morning,” he explains. “She’s gone off the grid all day.”
“Is the phone off? Did she manage to disable it?” Hoseok asks, peering over the maknae’s shoulder.
“I’ll need to ask my friend, he’s the one who would know how to check.”
“All right, let’s go then.”
Before long, all of them have their marching orders. Jeongguk is going to seek out the friend that wrote the software for him, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin are going to the bus and train terminals and the airport to see if she left by any of those means, and Taehyung and Jimin are going to review the footage on all the CCTVs installed in and around their apartment complex to see if they have any clues about where you went.
As for Yoongi - Namjoon tells him to stay in the apartment and try to find any clues as to what happened to cause her to suddenly take flight, since he’s the one who knows her best, but really, he looks like such utter shit, barely able to keep himself together, that none of them think it’s a good idea for him to be out in public right now.
Blissfully unaware of all the chaos you’ve caused in your home, you hum along to the song playing on the radio as you return to the apartment complex, zipping neatly into Jeongguk’s designated parking lot. As you climb out of the car, you hum thoughtfully to yourself as you eye the tree shoved into the backseat and think about all the packages in the boot. There’s no way you’ll be able to bring it all up in one go, and you sigh as you wish for a moment that the boys had come with you, because all that muscle would sure come in handy right about now.
With a sigh, you yank open the car door and wrestle the tree out of the backseat, bumping the door shut with your hip after. Somehow managing to get it to the lift lobby, you heave out a breath and press the button for the elevator. 
By the time you push, pull and pivot your way back to the apartment, you’ve broken out in a sweat and your muscles are screaming. Putting the tree down, you key in the code for the lock, taking the opportunity to lean against the door. When the lock makes that little jingle and you hear the door unlock, you pull it open and push it carefully so it stays that way, retrieving the tree and bringing it into the entryway.
You’re taking your shoes off and getting ready to open the door into the apartment proper when it bursts open unexpectedly. With a little squeak of surprise, you take a step back, looking up with wide eyes.
“Yoongi-oppa…” you greet him out of habit, although your voice trails off uncertainly as you take in the expression on his face. “What are you doing home so early?”
He glares at you, his arms crossed over his chest, although when you look closer, you can see that although he tries to look steely and furious, his hair is a mess from his hands running through it, parts of his shirt are soaked through with sweat, and it looks like there are tear streaks on his face.
“Are you okay?” you ask in concern, letting go of the tree to take a step towards him.
“Where have you been?” he spits out instead of answering your question, in a tone you’ve never heard from him before. It’s husky and soft, almost wavering like he’s in anguish, but dangerous, a thread of steel running through it. 
Shit. You don’t know what happened while you were gone, but with the way he looks and sounds, you can tell you’re going to be in for a rough time. “Oppa - ” you say, holding your hands out placatingly, but he’s having none of it as he grabs your wrist and yanks you to him. You stumble up the step leading into the apartment and crash ungracefully into him, your free hand going to his waist to stabilize yourself.
“Who told you you could leave without permission?” he grinds out, the hand that doesn’t have a death grip on your wrist going to grasp your face, his long fingers stretching over your jawline as he holds you fast, making sure you couldn’t look away from him if you tried.
“I… I wanted to surprise you, oppa, with Christmas gifts and a tree for everyone,” you try to explain meekly, although your words come out a little muffled because he’s still gripping your jaw. His grip tightens a little, and you wince. “Oppa, you’re hurting me,” you protest.
“I’m hurting you?!” he exclaims incredulously. “Do you fucking know what you’ve done? Everyone is out there looking for you, because you vanished without a word. Do you know how…” he pulls you further into the apartment, into the hallway just past the entrance, “worried,” he pushes you to the floor roughly, “we all were?!” His hands on your hips flip you around so you’re on all fours, desperately craning your neck back to see him.
His expression is pinched as he glares down at you, his throat working convulsively as he swallows. His eyes, though - they make you clench down on yourself almost involuntarily. His gaze is so intense, swirling with anger and something like despair, and yet another emotion that you can’t quite place. The lust, though, is extremely evident in both his eyes and the set of his jaw.
Rooting in his pocket for his phone, he slides it across the floor to you. “Call Namjoon now and tell him where you’ve been,” he orders tightly.
You’re confused - everything has been happening so damn quickly - but the way he unbuckles his belt clarifies things for you real quick. It feels a little wrong for you to be reacting so quickly and viscerally, especially when you know that Yoongi isn’t in the best state emotionally, but you can’t help it.
“I don’t hear you calling him,” he bites out, fighting with the layers of clothing you have on. It must be a comical sight, you’re sure - the long coat half flipped over your back, your upper half still completely clothed and looking like a puffy dumpling as he fiercely tugs the pants and leggings over your legs. It’s getting a little warm, and you balance yourself with one hand as you unwrap Yoongi’s scarf with the other, dropping it carelessly on the ground next to you. You try to fiddle with the overcoat, but before you have a chance to do anything more than unzip it, Yoongi yanks the clothing covering your legs all the way off and you squeal in surprise as your knees go flying, causing your entire body to drop to the ground.
You barely have time to register the pain, however, because the next thing you know, Yoongi’s fingers are thrusting harshly into you. As wet as you are, you aren’t quite ready and the pain ricochets through your body, causing you to clamp down hard as your brow furrows in discomfort.
“Why are you so wet, hmm? Does it turn you on to run away from me?” Yoongi hisses, fingering you roughly to open you up even as he knocks your knees apart further and gets into position behind you.
“I - what?” Bewildered, you try to sit back to ask him why he was so upset, but he pushes you back down with his hand between your shoulder blades, sliding it up to grip the back of your neck as he lines himself up and thrusts savagely into you, bottoming out in one stroke.
You cry out, your hands clenching into fists as you turn to press your face against the smooth material of your jacket. With your face buried in your shoulder like that, your cries are muffled, but he’s not having any of it, gripping your hair into a loose ponytail with the hand that was on your neck and yanking your head back.
“Call. Namjoon,” he orders, punctuating every word with a snap of his hips. Bracing yourself by lowering your elbows onto the ground, you fiddle with his phone with shaky hands, barely able to handle it with the punishing pace he’s set, jostling you around like that.
When you finally manage to call Namjoon, you drop it on the floor between your fists, letting the phone ring on speaker.
“Hyung, what’s up?” comes Namjoon’s harried voice.
If you thought that Yoongi would let up on you a little, so you could actually speak to Namjoon the way he seemed to want, you’re wrong.
“Joonie-oppa, I- agh.” Whatever you were about to say cuts off in a garbled moan as Yoongi takes the opportunity to slam into you, harder than ever before. You skid across the floor, not helped by the fact that you’re still wrapped up in your coat which doesn’t allow you to get a good grip on the marble.
“Y/N?! Is that you?” Namjoon demands.
“Ye - ngh - yes.” Your mewl, coupled with the rhythmic grunts and groans Yoongi is releasing as he presses his chest to your back, sucking livid marks into your neck, give Namjoon a fairly clear idea of what’s going on.
“Jesus, Y/N, are you at home? Where the hell have you been?”
Your attempt to reply is foiled by Yoongi sneaking a hand down your body to strum at your clit, causing your mind to blank as you clench down on him, causing both of you to groan in unison.
“Jesus,” Namjoon mutters. “I’ll talk to you when I get home,” he says before hanging up.
With that out of the way, Yoongi redoubles his efforts to work you over, fucking you hard and fast even as he continues his ministrations on your clit. “No one else can fuck you this good, can they? Only I can make you feel like this,” he growls in your ear.
You’re so lost in the onslaught of sensation he’s forcing onto you that you don’t answer him fast enough for his liking, and he retaliates with a pinch to your clit. “Can they?!” he repeats in a hard voice, and you cry, “No, only you!”
That seems to satisfy him, and he rewards you by driving you up to orgasm faster than has ever happened before, but right before you’re about to tumble headfirst into ecstasy, he slows down, so the orgasm hovers right out of your grasp. Holding you still as you writhe and cry in protest, he asks, in the same harsh tone as before, but with a strange note of vulnerability threaded through it, “You won’t leave me again, will you? You’ll stay with me always?”
Confused again, and barely able to marshal your senses to figure out why he was being like that, you sob in frustration. If he wants to have a serious conversation, why now? Why does he sound so pained, desperate, anguished?
“Y/N!” he cries out, and you can physically feel him holding his orgasm back as he waits for your response.
“No, I won’t leave,” you finally force out, and immediately he slams back into you, biting down savagely on your neck as he comes harder than you ever recall. Feeling him release into you triggers your own orgasm, and you press your cheek to the ground as you keen.
When it’s over, you slump to the ground, now uncomfortably sticky in your clothes but lacking the coordination and strength to remove the layers. Yoongi, still breathing hard, helps flip you over onto your back and pushes the coat off your shoulders, holding it still while you wriggle your arms out of it.
Now far more comfortable, you shed the other layers you were wearing, only stopping when you’re lying nude on the floor, blinking up at Yoongi, who’s still fully dressed. He stares down at you with an inscrutable gaze, and you hold your arms out for him, inviting him to cuddle.
He looks hesitant, but ultimately can’t resist and lies down on the ground next to you, reaching over to pull you closer into his side.
“I’m sorry I was so rough earlier,” he apologizes. “I just got a little crazy at the thought that you had run away.”
Your heart breaks at that. “Oh, sweetie - I never wanted to run away. I was just getting presents and a tree so we could have a nice Christmas celebration,” you explain. “Besides, it’s nothing I couldn’t handle,” you reassure him with a squeeze of his hand, referencing some of the other boys’ rougher proclivities.
“Still,” he persists, brushing your sweaty hair away from your forehead. “You were just gone when we came back, and all the money in the drawer was too, and then Jeongguk said he couldn’t trace-” Suddenly aware that he’s said too much, he clams up.
“Oh, I had to deactivate the tracker or else it wouldn’t have been a surprise, then my phone died,” you explain with a little wave of your hand. “Speaking of which-” You sit up and dig around in your purse, which had been dropped carelessly on the ground. Finding your phone, you get up and go to the bedroom you share with Yoongi to plug it in.
He follows you, looking slightly lost. “You knew about the tracker?”
You turn and smirk at him. “Have you forgotten what my job was?” A former programmer, you’d realised the day they installed the software that it was there.
“Oh,” was all he could think to say.
You can hear his busy little brain buzzing as you fuss with the items on your bedside table, but it’s still completely unexpected when you turn around to find him on one knee, holding a ring in his hands.
“Will you marry us?”
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sparklyicecube · 4 years
Drabbles of a group of not-normal girls
Merry Christmas everyone! This is my secret santa gift for @emmamemea and I must admit when I first saw the favourite characters list none of them overlapped with mine but I had fun researching and writing them! Disclaimer: I didn’t have that good of a grasp on their characters so I thought it’d be safer writing a bunch of short drabbles rather than long fic, enjoy!
Valentines day:
“P-Please accept my chocolates at least!” Megu didn’t know what to do, here was yet another underclassmen who was trying to give her chocolates. She sighed, the difficulty of rejecting so many was painful at best.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t accept these, please respect that.” The young girl looked up at her with heartbroken eyes.
“At-at least take them then I promise you don’t need to talk to me ever again! We might not be allowed to date but taking some chocolates won’t be too bad right?” The girl held out the chocolates with her face parallel to the ground, Megu knew she should say no but took it anyway.
The girl lit up and thanked her, running away in glee.
“Megu!” The girl in question jumped slightly and turned to face the group of eavesdroppers, they were really obvious about eavesdropping but somehow the underclassmen student didn’t notice.
Yada sighed, “Megu, I thought you said you were going to to not accept this one. You know it gives them the wrong idea.” Yada took the box of chocolates out of Megu’s hands, putting it into the large bag that they already accumulated.
“I tried, but she seemed so pitiful…”
“We should go out!” Everyone looked at Okuda, her little outburst having taken a bit of courage. “Everyone always said that it’s the best way to get over a bad experience so we should try it!” Looking at Okuda’s determined face they couldn’t help but chuckle, agreeing with her.
“It settled then! Girl’s day out!”
The first place they went to was the mall, deciding that good food and shopping would be fun.
...that didn’t go as planned.
None of the girls were really that into shopping, though they did manage to find some cute outfits for some of them.
“Yada, this would look so good on you!” Of course, Yada’s body fit the most clothing, her features accentuating the clothes and making some people feel a bit more insecure about their own body types. They managed to all get at least one article with mild interest but the real kicker came when they were eating.
“Do you think Korosensei is actually that bad at spying or is he making it obvious so we are aware of it?” 
“EVERYBODY!” The entire restaurant turned to look at some table, with a girl standing on top of it and a boy sitting what would have been across from her. “WE HAVE BEEN FRIENDS FOR OVER FIVE YEARS, I HAVE NOT MANAGED TO GET INTO THE SAME CLASS AS HIM, BUT I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I REALLY LIKE KYOU-CHII.” The girl turned to the shocked boy and whipping out a bouquet and chocolates, said: “Will you be my boyfriend?”
The boy looked up at her with starry eyes. “Y-yes!”
The entire restaurant was clapping and cheering with the girls politely clapping along and decided that maybe they should retire from the mall after all.
The park was where they decided to hit next, with Kurahashi saying that nature was the best way to distract oneself from the human world.
Though the park was nice, the amount of happy couples around was unpleasant to say the least, and seemed to occupy every bit of the park.
“I saw some really nice green dragonflies here last week-” Kurahashi rambled as she pulled open some shrubbery to reveal a cove that had two people making out.
“Bitch-sensei couldn’t get more hits than that.” Commented Fuwa, as they walked towards the edges of the park.
“What about we all go to my house? A good sleepover where there can literally be no one else! Except my brother.” Suggested Yada. 
They all agreed, and a sleepover it was!
Valentines Day aside, the girls had a heartfelt day spending time with one another, hanging out, and an entire night of fun! (Minus the pillow fight because that wasn’t fun, that was brutal war training). 
Megu might still be learning how to say no but at least she had a group of friends that would help her along the way.
The trials of a flight attendant who trained to be an assassin:
“Welcome! Hope you have a pleasant flight! Can I check your boarding pass? Okay, your seat is on the left in the back.” Megu had gone through the rigorous training and application process to become a flight attendant, with relatively no issue. Her training from the E-Class got her to the top of the batch and she was able to handle emergency situations, heavy lifting, service training and all in heels, she passed with flying colours.
This flight was particularly special because several of her fellow E-Class classmates were on it too, mostly by coincidence of course. 
Okuda and Kurahashi were headed to some science conference in the US, Fuwa was over there to negotiate discuss with a publishing house over there and Yada said she had wanted to relax for a holiday. They all agreed to meet up with each other at some point but for now Megu was pretty happy just knowing they were all on the same plane, it was like a a little reunion!
“Excuse me miss it seems like there’s something we need to discuss with you about your layover.” Yada looked up at Megu, currently sporting a tight bun and a very cute flight attendant outfit.
“Sure, no problem.” Yada replied, getting up from her seat and following Megu to one of the areas where there was no other flight attendants.
“Megu! I haven’t seen you in person for awhile!” 
“What are you doing.”
“Ehhh? I thought you’d be happy to see me, this isn’t a very proper way to greet a passenger.”
As quick as a flash, Megu had grabbed Yada’s wrist, spun her around and slid the pin out of her hair, clicking it open to reveal a small vial.
Megu pulled Yada close to her, to prevent others from hearing, though they were alone, pressing her mouth close to Yada’s ear.
“You can’t kill him on board, are you crazy?”
Yada easily twisted out of Megu’s grip and smiled putting a finger on Megu’s lips.
Megu glared at Yada, “I thought you said you wanted to use your skills for negotiation?”
“This is called a negotiation breakdown.”
“Why do it on a plane? Do it on a cruise!” Megu hissed, “People die there all the time!”
“Do they really?” Asked Fuwa, popping out from behind Megu’s shoulder with a notepad in hand.
“Fuwa!” The two exclaimed, with very different emotions.
“Why are you here?” Asked Megu, feeling a very specific headache coming on.
“I’m on this flight too, plus a good manga editor always looks for good inspiration.” Fuwa winked at her then turned to Yada, “Mind telling me what made negotiations breakdown this badly?”
Yada smiled, “That, is unfortunately confidential.”
“That substance is too obvious, if you try this one it’ll look like he just had a heart attack.”
“Okuda! Don’t help her!”
“Ooh do I also inject under the tongue to have it heal quickly?” Asked Yada, intrigued.
Megu sighed, they did make a pact to help each other no matter what but this wasn’t exactly what she had expected when they made that pact.
“It’s like a nice reunion before we even land!” Exclaimed Kurahashi.
“Why are you even here?” Asked Megu, tired.
“I’m going to the science conference too remember? The same that Okuda and Yada’s target is going to! I also sensed drama and this guy wanted to see.” A small, (venomous by the looks of it) snake wormed out of Kurahashi’s sleeve.
“How did you get that through security?” Asked Megu, concerned.
“Him and his mom lay very still and they looked like ropes, they’re cold blooded and very well behaved.”
“Flight attendant, flight attendant, you don’t need to revamp the entire airport security system.” Muttered Megu to herself.
While the few bickered and chatted as if talking about shopping, the seatbelt sign came on, the plane having encountered turbulence. Megu used that as an opportunity to usher them off, a fond smile on her face appearing as she saw them waving at her as they innocently went to their seats.
Yada walked back to her seat with a bright smile on her face, Okuda’s vial now in the syringe in her pin. There were plenty of ways to kill the guy she was after without tipping off that it was her, but this way meant that the airline wouldn’t get in trouble either.
Megu discreetly checked on their body bags, there wasn’t anyone in first class so they could move the person there when needed, hopefully Yada would do it naturally and the man would seem dead by accident.
When they touched down on American soil Megu sighed in relief, a few more checks and she could be going out with the girls and catching up without the stress of being on a plane.
Then afterwards she needed to work on changing the airport security system.
Author’s note that I couldn’t slip in but thought was a fun fact when researching for this drabble: Flight attendants cannot declare a person legally dead, the country they land in has to do that instead. Also, I now know even more ways to get away with murder :)
The powers of deduction:
“What else do you think will happen?” 
Fuwa smirked, her powers of deduction heightened from reading intense plot-based mangas.
“Well, from what I can tell, those two,” she said pointing her pencil towards a pair of students sitting on a cafe table a bit further away, “have the typical, ‘I hate you but we’re being forced to do a group project together’, they will probably end up in love or at least a love triangle. That group,” she pointed her pencil towards a group of people, “are all fighting for that one girl’s attention but she doesn’t know it because she’s dense. 10 chapters in when the readers are all on the edge of their seats in anticipation she will find out and intense love drama ensues where she is intensely confused but gets together with that green-haired one. Then she gets a scholarship overseas.”
“Wow! That’s so cool!” Exclaimed Kurahashi, Fuwa basking in the praise.
“That’s fun but that only really happens in mangas and stuff, those guys might just be normal friends.” Megu pointed out.
Fuwa glanced at Megu, then towards Yada and smirked.
“Okay, well then, I predict there’s another story right in our very class.”
“I know! That there’s a supermonster that is going to kill the earth but has a dramatic and tragic backstory that for some reason this group of junior-high students have to kill?” Kurahashi offered.
“Everyone knows that, something more interesting.” Fuwa smirked. “I predict that these two” pointing to Yada and Megu, “Aren’t going to realise their love for one another, ignore it all of their schooling lives and one day… Okuda play along with me.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry for bumping into you.”
“Uh, no problem! I was the one at fault…”
“Omg, I haven’t seen you for such a long time, we should really,” Fuwa brushed a lock of hair behind her ear, “catch up.” She said, waggling her eyebrows exaggeratedly. 
“Yes! We should um, meet at a cafe?”
“Then they’re at the cafe like, ‘Oh it’s so nice to see you again, it really was so fun.’”
“You’re going?”
“Unfortunately yes, you see… I’m engaged.”
Okuda gasped, unsure what to do next.
Fuwa decided to then play her role for her, “‘No! Please! Don’t go!,’ ‘I’m sorry, but I must.’ ‘But you don’t understand! I- I love you!’ ‘What?’ “Ever since junior-high in the E-Class whe-”
“Okay that’s enough.” Megu declared, tips of her ears having turned pink and an annoyed but embarrassed face. Yada had turned away slightly with her hand covering her face.
“Okuda! Your acting was so good!” Yada exclaimed, the others still noting with amusement the slight tint of pink brushed onto her cheeks.
“Was it? It was hard to think on the spot…”
“Definitely! I might even cast you as the student who helps them get in touch way later.” Fuwa joked.
The group laughed, after all, Fuwa’s scenarios don’t always come true.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 4 years
Fav fics
So as I’m approaching being two decades old soon (😱😱), I decided to look back at all the fics I have written in the past year or so. Yes, it’s a bit of a shameless self promotion but who cares 🤗
Utmost favorites: Love Potion Extravaganza https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/181955720067/love-potion-extravaganza-ch-1
Winner’s Curse https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/182344754787/winners-curse-prologue What a surprise, my two long fics are at the top of the list as favorites. Love Potion Extravaganza especially as it’s complete and it features some of my favorite things, ships, musicals, and the utter insanity that comes with love potion gone wrong. And although I have not finished Winner’s Curse, it’s certainly one I enjoy doing by taking any and all Disney characters and incorporating them into my huge cast and of course, trying to dive into the darker themes implied in the Descendants franchise. Funniest: Kiss meme Estenaomi almost kiss https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/184257194637/you-basically-asked-for-it-and-i-couldnt-resist#notes
Campechana Conditioning https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/178679085792/campechana-conditioning
Alonso’s Legen-Wait for it-Dary Dating Rules https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/186657814897/alonsos-legen-wait-for-it-dary-dating-rules Love Potion Extravaganza I already wrote why Love Potion is such a joy above. Love comedy of Errors and all that. Kiss me Estenaomi was fun because well young Esteban and Naomi bantering is always fun to write specially as it leads to ridiculous nicknames and a passionate kiss. Campechana was taken mainly from a Big Bang Theory episode because it’s just too perfect to not imagine Esteban and Doña trying to condition each other. Alonso’s Legen etc etc. was taken from How I met your mother if one cannot tell from the title and just as Barney Stinson, Alonso doling out his awful advice to an land-clueless Marzel was too good to pass up.
Angst/Hurt/Comfort: Deserve https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/184295644377/deserve
Disconnect & Still Here https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/611748633146163200/disconnect & https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/190788257312/still-here
Tete a Tete in a Jail Cell https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/189553140372/tête-à-tête-in-a-jail-cell
Song of the Sirenas drabble https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/183673052607/song-of-the-sirenas-drabble
Starved https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/175733451452/starved?is_related_post=1
Broken Pieces https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/181464010247/broken-pieces
No room for weakness https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/174697101917/no-room-for-weakness Deserve is top because I really gave Esteban the angst in that one. I really enjoyed putting Esteban in one of his first low points throughout his life and with no comfort in sight. Disconnect & Still Here are kind of two sides of the same coin in the breakdown of the Delgado marriage with Ash’s being about of all the trials of motherhood and her jealousy of Victor and Carla’s bond while Victor’s is his realization that his wife is dead, and he is a single dad and dealing with that fallout. Tete a Tete was an emotional Carla piece since we haveN’t heard one word from her since The Magic Within special and I wanted to explore the isolation of the jail cell, the heartbreak over her father and her utter wretchedness with some hope coming in the form of the Captain of the Guard. Song of the Sirenas drabble was just a small piece on what Mateo’s reaction might have been like at the thought of Elena dead after the battle with Shuriki. Starved was my first piece with darker themes since it alludes to her life in poverty so I’m proud of that one. Broken Pieces is another emotional hurt comfort from Elena’s POV in the aftermath of Rise of the Sorceress and dealing with the heartbreak of her Mamí’s crown being broken, symbolizing all the danger she is in now that Shuriki’s back. Finally No room for weakness is another Esteban angst because Esteban always brings on the angst and emotional repression but luckily Elena’s there to pick him up.  
Heartwarming and/or Romance: Mistletoe https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/189843988472/mistletoe
Saying Goodbye https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/189558947892/saying-goodbye?is_related_post=1
Reunion https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/189252050212/reunion
Intrinsic https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/187971072332/intrinsic
Safe in his eyes https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/186678480327/safe-in-his-eyes
Kiss meme Gababel kiss on the fingertips https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/184397938137/im-kinda-late-on-sending-this-but-if-youre-ever#notes
Kiss meme Estoma kiss over the wrist https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/184233727497/i-looooove-your-drabbles-rachel-okay-so-how
Estoma drabble https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/190476170997/little-estoma-idea
Mood Swings https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/187648741932/mood-swings?is_related_post=1
Three’s a crowd https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/179313607297/ch-1-threes-a-crowd
This is my son https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/182500372627/this-is-my-son EoA Appreciation Week: Gabe Melee https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/186979963112/eoa-appreciation-week-day-2-melee
Coffee Run  https://cartoonfangirl1218.tumblr.com/post/174694324052/coffee-run
Mistletoe is pure unadulterated Eleteo Christmas fluff and one of my best of the Eleteo confesses their feelings stories, I think. Honestly it was just overall a joy to write so I love looking back on it. Saying Goodbye, I was just so proud of this one because it was the first Estenaomi story that popped into my head without the help of prompt. I have some difficulties thinking up scenarios for them for some reason but this one flowed so easily, imagining how young Esteban would be after Naomi’s departure in The Last Laugh. Reunion was just a little fic based on what of the sweetest slow burn romance songs, “This is not my idea” from the Swan Princess. Intrinsic is another Eleteo one and its a fav because it just... I wanted to explore Mateo’s feelings after Elena almost died in Naomi knows best and just give name to the bond that they share. Safe in his eyes explores the same idea with Elena working through her new nightmares of being sacrificed and Mateo, the ever faithful is there to hold her close. Gababel is so fun and sweet to write and it was scarily easy to write Isabel being flustered (way too much experience in the easily flustered department) and of course, the first blush of crush love and having a mature Isabel interact with Gabe. Estoma kiss meme was a departure from the usual frenemy bantering to what I imagine was their initial partnership where they were reserved and feeling each other before unleashing their true personalities. The Estoma drabble started as a drabble but turned into a full length fic-let of what I imagined as a clandestine affair to hate to comfort to frenemies to potential friends which never comes to fruition because Esteban ran off with Ash. Mood Swings was initially inspired by a Kim Possible episode of the same name but evolved into one of my only heartwarming Delgados fic centering around Carla’s birth.Three’s a Crowd was one of my few attempts at Naomi POV which I think I did serviceable job and it was fun to go with a classic love triangle hijinks with suspicious Naomi, scheming Carla and clueless, arrogant Alonso. This is my son is one of the only YJ fics I’ve written down and so I love it because I wanted to include Rocket more into the team and Team dynamics and all that. I don’t write many Gabe POV fics so this one, I’m proud of, especially for giving Gabe a chance to shine in beating up a malvago and never giving up even when stabbed. Finally Coffee Run, a Goldenvibe fic because I wanted them to have a little more closure before the Legends of Tomorrow series started up.
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keiraide · 6 years
i’ve been having a lot of feelings about the locktie lately so here’s some drabbling and headcanons about what their relationship could’ve been (in my divergent au where everyone makes it to the events of s2). enjoy!
after fallen angels, Neil is bitter and ashamed. the revenge he pretty much lived for up to that point wasn’t all what he thought it would be. as far as they knew he did kill Ali but, CB--his second family--was in shambles. not all of it was his fault of course, but they probably would’ve been a bit better off if he hadn’t been so stubborn and blinded by rage. he was extremely hurt, physically and mentally but in true Lockon Stratos™ fashion, he tried to hold it together while recovering alongside Tieria and the others. Neil made a lot of stupid mistakes and finally reached the breaking point, but Lockon had to keep his fighting spirit so CB didn’t completely dissolve into nothing, so he put on his casual face, as if the tragedy they just experienced was already years behind them
Tieria had recovered a lot faster than everyone else given the nanomachines in his body (not that he is aware of this...yet) so he ends up helping the others with Feldt, usually just checking their vitals and letting the regeneration pods do their job. other times they go to into the sick rooms to deliver meals. and it’s during these times Neil and Tieria make conversation, the former keeping his smile up when the latter couldn’t. It’s during one of these visits to Neil’s room that sparks a change. Instead of his inviting demeanor, Tieria finds Neil in the middle of a breakdown. he’s shaking with his face in one of his hands, and there’s undeniably tears on his face.
Tieria is astonished and a little disturbed. not because he finds it trivial or weird, but because he’s never actually seen Neil in anguish. Angry? oh for sure, he never let anyone forget how much he hated terrorism. But...he was never sad or defeated like the man curled in on himself in front of Tieria. Or at least, he never let on that he was feeling these emotions. Even when he threw himself in front of Tieria and lost his eye, everyone was certain he was in an immense amount of pain, but he acted like it was nothing, just so Tieria wouldn’t feel guilty and no one would worry. Lockon did that. Who knows what Neil felt about it...then it really hit Tieria that Lockon, for the most part, was a front. Neil was probably a friendly and protective person regardless but he acted like he had no baggage. Like he had no burdens of his own to carry when he shouldered everyone else’s. And now here he was, having all of his trauma come crashing down on him because he never worked through it or put his head on someone else’s shoulder. Tieria owed a hell of a lot to Lockon, so maybe this was the right time to start returning the favor since locking him in his room for his protection didn’t seem to work.
Maybe it was because of the circumstances (i feel like a lot of this ship is based on those) and his mental state, but Neil immediately latched onto Tieria when the other attempted to placate him and when he calmed down, he opened up about seemingly every detail of his life that he could remember. Why he felt the need to do the latter part, Tieria couldn’t fathom but he was appreciative that Neil trusted him enough with the information. It made him really happy for some reason.
From there up to the rebuilding of CB, they end up spending more time together in the midst of working with the rest of the crew to get things in shape. Whether it’s testing their new tech, having meals in the mess hall, taking inventory, or just taking a break, they seemed to always be within arms reach of each other. Chris, normally the tease, refrains from saying anything about it since, well, the two needed the space to navigate with their relationship since it was a new experience for them both, there was a lot of emotional vulnerability to work through, and they hadn’t worked on making anything official yet
When they did finally have that conversation, Tieria was hesitant since he doesn’t have reproductive organs and worried Neil wouldn’t want to be destined for an asexual relationship. Neil assures him that with the kind of lives they live, that’s the least of his worries. Tieria is not adept with physical affection either, but he wanted to fulfill that aspect of the relationship for Neil at least, so they decide to take it slow. Wherever Tieria was comfortable, Neil would stay there
By episode 3/4, Neil ruffles Tieria’s hair--and Allelujah is shocked it doesn’t result in a beatdown. They hold and caress each other’s hands and arms when they’re alone
By episode 7/8, when Tieria is having an existential crisis about his newly found identity as an innovade, they hug for the first time. They occasionally cuddle if they happen to be together in either of their rooms late
It kinda settles there a while on Tieria’s side. Neil takes to kissing his forehead and cheeks and at some point Neil starts to think that’s where Tieria wants to stay indefinitely, until episode 18/19 (whatever episode has the scene where before they launch the meisters say the names of those they care about, may not even be the scene i think i’m thinking of since there’s a few epic, heartfelt ones but w’ever, i’ll go back and properly reference it later) Tieria, before climbing into Seravee, sheepish but determined, kisses Neil and he is over the moon. What Tieria doesn’t tell him is that he had a feeling this would’ve been the last time they could have a moment like that for a while. Annnnd he was right.
With the chaos of the rest of the reason, they don’t get time to progress beyond that and then Tieria loses his body. Neil is rightfully hurt about how it happens, but acknowledges his partner’s destiny and makes the most of it by talking to Tieria through Veda every chance he gets. As long as Tieria still exists in the world, that’s enough for Neil to keep fighting a good fight
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overdrivels · 7 years
Genji finding his s/o in their room alone about to break down from stress and he makes them, even if they don't want to, he makes them come relax with him. Just kinda chill and relax, maybe some hugs or cuddles please! (My life has gotten so stressful and I could use some fluff)
I hope you know, anon, my only wish is for you to be well. Well, actually, my wish is for everyone to be well and happy.
All Work and No Play (Drabble)
“No, just leave me alone.”
He had. For three days. Three days he hadn’t seen hair nor hide of you since you’ve decided to take it upon yourself to improve Athena’s security systems, revisiting and rewriting code. And this is the price you both had to pay.
“How can I leave you alone when you are–”
“Get out of here, Genji! I don’t want your bullshit philosophy! I want to work. Leave!” Genji could hear the hysteria slipping into your voice, and it whips him, stinging him sharply.
But a little bit of pain from your words is nothing to him; the physical and mental torture you’re forcing yourself through and the way you just want him to watch you hurt yourself this way is far more painful. He takes another few steps into the room, the door sliding closed behind him, trapping you both inside. You’re fidgeting too hard, practically tearing your lip apart with your teeth, your leg jiggling up and down violently. 
He puts a hand on your shoulder, a silent plea, and you shrug it off violently.
“I need to work—this isn’t done.” You keep typing, eyes wild and the surrounding skin too dark. “I can’t just leave it like this—get out, Genji!”
He answers curtly, arms crossed, “Not until you stop.”
You don’t dignify that with an answer, typing even more furiously as you seem to hit upon another spurt of inspiration or pure defiance. The words on the screen are barely comprehensible to him—lines and lines of shorthand and letters that barely pass as words, but will serve as the new backbone that’ll keep everyone in this base safe. Code for Athena to harden her security systems; it’s an important task that’s consumed much of your time and eaten into your sleep. Around you, documents and books are strewn about, cans of energy drinks litter the floor, your coffee mug dirty and lacking in coffee. Network diagrams, workflows, breakdown of code syntax surround you like a constant reminder bearing down—do your work.
The sight reminds him a little of his father who, after the death of his wife, threw himself into his work, always surrounded by advisers and data. Genji had resented him for it, acted out to regain his attention, but it wasn’t until many years later that he understands his father worked to protect him and his freedom from the oligarchy that sat behind him in the shadows.
Even though it’s for a good cause, he won’t stand by to watch you drive yourself well past the breaking point.
“I have warned you.”
You don’t turn around, not even sparing a moment to tear yourself away from the screen, but your brows furrow deeply. You know him well enough by now to know when he’s bluffing and when he’s serious.
In retaliation, you hunch over your keyboard, typing harder like it would implant you to the spot. You’re no match for the cyborg ninja who just hauls you out of your seat, bridal style.
You yelp, your fingers darting out to at least slam down the shortcut for ‘save’. 
“Break time.” Despite your best efforts, he has no trouble keeping you in his grip.
The sight of your computer within a long stride’s reach, and your work, just once button’s press away from reappearing, calls out to you from Genji’s back. You twist, struggle, anything to get back to the lonely chair and desk.
But it’s all to no avail.
He brings you back to his room, passing by a curious Mei along the way, who giggles and gives you a thumbs up, which Genji returns, much to your irritation. You almost punch him in the head in retaliation; he dodges. 
Genji tosses you down onto his bed–it’s firm, and by the looks of it, rarely used. The implications are clear, but you’re too focused on trying to return to your work to care–the sting is settling into your eyes, and the inspiration for your code is quickly fading from your mind. You scramble to get up.  
He pushes you back down firmly. “No, I do not wish for your health to suffer any further.”
“I’m suffering because I can’t finish my work.”
“There’s always tomorrow.” 
“But what if that’s too late?” The hysteria begins to return in your voice, and you prop yourself up on your elbows. “What if Reaper comes back? What if Talon compromises the systems? Then what? Last time, all they did was put in a flash drive!” 
You grab him by the arms, shaking him. 
“What sort of system doesn’t have a proper DLP solution? GPOs? Simple permissioning? Internal firewalls with IPS or, or–or even IDS?? Segregated networks, Genji!” Another vicious shake. “Segregated. Networks!”
He doesn’t comment on the incomprehensible acronyms you’re throwing down–it’s a clear testament to his good timing and your delicate mental state. He shrugs your hands off–they’re shaking–and holds them in his, pressing them and you back onto the bed. 
“It is time to sleep.” 
“I don’t want to,” you protest childishly as you again try to get out of bed, grumbling about ‘network segregation’ and ‘flat networks’ and ‘stupid security measures’. The motion is quickly vetoed when he swaddles you in a blanket faster than your already dulled senses could follow. Cocooned in soft linens, you’re helpless against your cyborg ninja’s efforts to keep you still. 
He chuckles. “You have worked very hard, and must maintain balance between work and health.”
The mask comes off with a hiss, and you’re greeted with Genji’s scarred, but smiling face hovering over you, hazel eyes twinkling mischievously. The look paralyzes you, drowns you in a pool of warmth. 
“And I am very concerned about your health.” His voice is practically a purr in your ear and sends shivers down your spine, and a blush explodes over cheeks and ears. He chuckles, pressing a chaste kiss to your temple before laying beside you. The area he kissed tingled, the warmth and scratchy feeling of scarred lips burns a tattoo into your skin. 
In an effort to cover up your embarrassment, you grumble, “You don’t have to, you know. I can take care of myself.” 
An eyebrow–barely there–raises. “I’m sure.” 
You manage to get a hand free to point under his nose. “Don’t get sarcastic with me, mister!” 
“Yes, yes,” he sighs. Mocking a yawn, he drapes an arm over you, his other hand catches your free one, gently playing with your fingers, lacing them between his, cool and comforting. “I am tired, so let’s take a nap. We both deserve it.” 
The inspiration for your code has long faded, folding to Genji’s stubbornness, and you huff, glaring at his piss-poor attempt to feign sleep. 
It’s now, laying on your side inside a blanket burrito with Genji beside you that realize that your eyes can’t stay open. The hum from Genji’s body (barely audible unless you’re pressed up against him) is white noise in your ear. There’s an ever present ache in your back, your neck, and in your eyes. A throbbing that must’ve been there for the longest time in the back of your head. Sleep has been a long time coming.
You reluctantly close your eyes, and moments later, you feel another kiss at your forehead. The tension in your muscles ease just slightly, the tightness falling apart as sleep becomes a creeping inevitability. You grip his hand in yours, firmly locking your fingers together in silent thanks. 
Maybe, just maybe, your work can wait. 
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roseymoseyberry · 7 years
Knocked Out (11/12)
As you can probably guess, turns out the last chapter will be last two chapters. Because of course it did since I said there was one last chapter.
I could have shoved it all into one chapter, but I felt this was better used as a short standalone chapter. Plus I know that there's some lovelies (more on ao3 but maybe some of y’all!) haven't actually read barbarian AUs before, and while I'm beyond honored to be the first and possibly only for you, this fic was written based on the assumption that the readers knew the matenapping trope therein and how I reversed it here, haha. So hopefully this is helpful to those of you who aren't familiar with the tropes inherent to barbarian AUs.
The actual last chapter will be posted either tomorrow or Friday. So I hope you enjoy this little snippet and god lord do I hope you enjoy the last chapter when I post it, hahaaaah.
ALSO! On the off chance you missed it, I wrote a little drabble in this AU which can be found over yonder.
Title: Knocked Out
Series: Transformers: Prime with the constructicons shoved right in there, and just a sprinkle of ideas pulled from tfidw
Pairing/Characters: Breakdown/Knockout, joined by Bulkhead and the Constructicons
Warnings: Robot injuries (nothing super gory), sexual jokes, language barriers, and fluff. Oh the fluff. Also slow burn I guess depending on your definition of slow haha.
Fic Summary:
And so there Breakdown found himself, with an injured barbarian in his arms who turned those dazzling crimson optics towards him, and for a split second Breakdown felt as if it was his knees that were injured because boy did they feel weak.
Barbarian AU where the citymech unwittingly does the kidnapping.
Chapter Summary:
“First time shopping for clothes, huh?”
|Chapter 1|Chapter 2|Chapter 3|Chapter 4|Chapter 5|Chapter 6|Chapter 7|Chapter 8|Chapter 9|Chapter 10|Chapter 11|
“First time shopping for clothes, huh?”
Breakdown’s optics snapped up to find a red minibot wearing a blue wrap standing on the booth’s table, servo wrapped around one of the corner beams to lean towards Breakdown as the little mech grinned slyly at him. The minibot’s accent was one that Breakdown couldn’t place, not sounding like any he had heard in the cities he had been to. Before he even had a chance to reply, a nearly identical helm popped up. In fact, the only difference was that the second minibot had a blue paintjob.
“Ooh, a first timer?” The second minibot clambered onto the table as well, his red wrap not slowing him down at all. Even on the stand, the two of them didn’t reach Breakdown’s optics, but that didn’t seem to intimidate them at all.
“He was looking at the skirts like they were gonna sit up and bite him,” Red said to Blue’s delight.
Breakdown could hardly disagree, truth be told. Not that he had any time to get a word in edgewise before Blue leaned in, saying, “Aww, don’t be afraid, big guy! We can help you find something stylish and in your size!”
“Uh.” Breakdown blinked as he tried to gather his thoughts. Once Knockout had been put into stasis, Ratchet had shooed him out of the room, insisting he find something to do with himself for the next couple of hours and leave the healing to him. Needing something to occupy his processor with, Breakdown had decided to see if he couldn’t find a replacement for the dingy towel that Knockout had had wrapped around his waist.
After nearly an hour wandering the various street markets, Breakdown had finally spotted the stall. The tables were covered in neatly folded clothes of all sorts of colors and textures, and beams created overhead rows where yet more fabric was hung to billow with the breeze. The thin mech that Breakdown had assumed was running the booth on his own had been talking with another customer, so Breakdown thought he’d have a chance to just browse, see if he couldn’t glean some sort of knowledge by just looking at the fabric.
But no. It was all very pretty, but that was as far as Breakdown could figure. There seemed to be categories for different types of garments and they had signs stating what they were, but the words were meaningless to Breakdown. He didn’t even have the greatest optic for color, so Breakdown couldn’t even just start there. Would Knockout want something red? But what if it was the wrong shade? Grey? Black? Gold?
Now, faced with two minibots staring at him with nearly predatory grins, Breakdown felt both lost and concerned.
Maybe buying a gift had been a terrible idea.
“It’s, uh, it’s not for me,” Breakdown finally managed.
Twin optics widened with interest.
“Ooh, looking to court a barbarian, huh?”
“Strong mech like you shouldn’t have problems with the grabbing, but I could see how you might want help on the softer side of things,” Blue said as he considered Breakdown seriously.
“No point in catch and carry if you can’t keep ‘em with your personality,” Red agreed, acting deadly serious even as his twin snorted.
Breakdown was positive he was being made fun of, and that irritation only added to the burning embarrassment that came with realizing what they meant.
“I’m not matenapping anybody!” Breakdown argued, his engine rumbling in warning. “And I don’t appreciate you suggesting I would!”
Blue looked at Red who shrugged.
“An idiot and boring.”
“No sense of romance.”
Breakdown’s engine growled properly this time. However, there was no chance to follow through on any arguments when a monotone voice interrupted sternly, “Rumble, Frenzy: desist.”
“But boss!”
“We’re just teasing!”
If the mech was moved, Breakdown wouldn’t have known since the shopkeeper had a full face visor. Up close he looked even thinner. Most of his frame was covered in a loose tunic, but his arms were bare, thin and more blades than anything, and his digits were impossibly slim as they unfurled to wave the two minibots off. And, surprisingly, the twins scrambled off the table, though they did grumble under their ex-vents. Soon after, a pair of flying mechanimals swooped towards them, but judging from the giggles that brought, they seemed to know the creatures.
“Apologies,” the shopkeeper said, bringing Breakdown’s attention back to his featureless visor. “Seeking a gift?”
“Yeah,” Breakdown replied, at once finding himself trapped again in the awkwardness of not knowing what he was doing. If the shopkeeper noticed his discomfort though, he didn’t comment on it, just waited patiently. “Crew and I picked up a mech on our way here and he’s just been wearing my drying towel for a few days now, so I figured I should pick him up some actual clothes, you know?”
With a small nod, the mech further asked, “A barbarian?”
“Yeah. I mean, who else would wear clothes?”
“Two small religious sects,” the mech answered easily, “and some citymecha seeking alternative fashion choices.”
“Oh.” Breakdown grimaced, worrying he had somehow offended. “Sorry, you one of those then or--”
“Uh, then you’re a bar--”
“No.” Breakdown would have sworn the slightest shifting of light in the mech’s visor was humor.
“Soundwave’s a translator!” one of the minibots interrupted, popping his helm up above the table’s edge with one of the flyers perched on top. “He’s got a crazy big processor for language and has pretty much all of them rattling around in there now.”
And, of course, the second minibot wasn’t far behind with his own flyer, pride clear as day on his face as he added, “He’s been to all the cities and met every tribe we’ve ever heard of and more! So he’s pretty much the smartest and coolest mech you’ll ever meet.”
“We’re barbarians though.”
“Cassette tribe, and don’t forget it!”
The twins snapped their mouths shut petulantly.
Breakdown stared at the odd little group of mecha before glancing around at the stall. “So then this is, what, something you do to fill the time between jobs?”
There was that flicker again as Soundwave nodded.
So. A citymech with barbarian connections who was a contract worker.
Breakdown felt his spark finally ease as he said, “Then it sounds like you’re just the mech I need to help me try to figure out what the frag to buy.”
With an easy nod, Soundwave asked, “Do you know his style preference?”
“No. I mean, he wears my towel wrapped between his legs and then around his hips, but that might just be because that’s all I had. His clothes had already been taken from him before we met him and his tribe.”
“Tribe name?”
Breakdown had to take a moment to think on that before answering, “Is Velocitron a tribe?”
Identical pairs of optics blew out wide.
“A Velocitron?!” the twins squealed in unison.
“Is he beautiful? They’re supposed to be real bright and pretty!”
“And fast! How did you manage to catch him?”
“Yeah! They’re about the toughest mecha you could try to court, and super rare nowadays!”
“Is he in the city with you? Can we meet him?!”
“We’ve never met an actual Velocitron before!”
“You’re so slagging lucky!”
With another wave of Soundwave’s servo, Frenzy and Rumble quieted, though they practically vibrated with energy now. The interruption couldn’t have come at a better time since Breakdown was pretty sure he had somehow managed to, yet again, step his pede into something he did not understand.
But Airachnid had said something vaguely similar. She seemed so focused on the fact that Knockout was a Velocitron--
With a quick motion, Soundwave laid out a neatly folded bundle of fabric.
“This style and fabric preferred by Velocitron tribe,” Soundwave explained simply. “Short so it does not impede running and fabric type allows airflow to assist in faster frame cooling.”
Breakdown gingerly reached out to touch the bundle. The texture was smooth and thin compared with some of the other fabrics around the booth, and when Breakdown unfurled it he found that unlike the tunic that Soundwave wore or some of the other options on the table, it was actually similar in dimension and simplicity to Breakdown’s towel. Longer in length and narrower in width, but Breakdown could only assume that it was meant to be worn similarly to how Knockout had worn the towel.
It was nice. Beautiful even in a weird way. Certainly it would be a better fit for Knockout. Breakdown couldn’t help imagining how much nicer it would look, laying smoothly across the curves of Knockout’s hips and thighs instead of adding bulk like that old towel. Primus, he hoped that Knockout would like it, might even smile when it was handed to him like he had when he first put on that towel--
“Black only color currently available,” Soundwave continued, pulling Breakdown from his thoughts. “More colors and fabrics can be sought if desired in the future.”
“Nah, no worries,” Breakdown said, the grin he hadn’t realized had bloomed on his face turning sheepish as he waved off the offer. “Truthfully this just makes it easier for me since I wasn’t sure what color to get. So this will be perfect. How much is it?”
“I mean, that’s a pretty rare item,” one twin started, his predatory grin mirrored on his twin’s face. However, neither of them got in another word as Soundwave shook his helm.
“A gift,” Soundwave stated, “for your mate.”
Breakdown’s spark whirled madly.
“Oh, no, he’s not—it’s not like that!” he insisted, flustered as he shook his helm.
The twins rolled their optics while Soundwave’s helm tilted with curiosity.
“He is a barbarian you separated from his tribe and brought with your own, correct?”
“But I didn’t kidnap him!” Breakdown argued, at once indignant again at the accusation. After seeing how Airachnid and her tribe treated Knockout, Breakdown would never let anyone do that to the barbarian, let alone do so himself. “I didn’t force him to come here with me or anything! He could leave if he wanted--”
“Idiot,” the twins echoed, their tone bored. Breakdown’s frown deepened as he glowered at them.
“Not accusing matenapping,” Soundwave explained, tone still as even as ever, apparently not at all concerned with upsetting Breakdown. “Matenapping and barbarian courtship practices often confused, but are not equivalent.”
“They’re—they’re not the same thing?” Breakdown asked, doing his best to focus on Soundwave instead of the small barbarians silently mocking him.
“No. Matenapping equivalent to kidnapping and slavery. Barbarian courtship involves catching a potential mate to exhibit physical traits, then bringing them to the courter’s tribe, using travel time to exhibit further traits that prove the courter will be a good mate and the new tribe a good match. Potential mate may end courtship and return to their tribe at any time.”
Breakdown felt realization dawning unbidden.
“Wait. Really?”
“I can’t believe an idiot citymech like you managed to accidentally court a Velocitron,” one twin grumbled bitterly while the other nodded in agreement.
Soundwave however asked, “Courtship not discussed?”
“No. I mean, we don’t really speak the same language yet—there’s no way he—sorry, I should probably go,” Breakdown stammered, gathering up the fabric in his servos. “You sure I can just--?”
“Gift,” Soundwave insisted.
“You’ll need it,” one twin agreed.
“Thanks,” Breakdown said to Soundwave as he shoved his prize away and turned to leave. However, he only got a step or two before spinning back around and catching Soundwave’s gaze. After a moment of considering and reconsidering, Breakdown asked, “You don’t happen to know what a barithi is, do you?”
That left the minibots stumped, but there was no mistaking the amused flicker of Soundwave’s visor.
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twilighttwin · 5 years
⛔ - Lea {PretiumVitae -- Are you even surprised?}
Admist the migraine and the crash of emotions of the morning, his plans with Lea were forgotten. Which meant that he was still sitting on the floor of his kitchen, trying to stem the sobs that were left behind from the morning's...whatever the heck it had been. However, the knock on the door caused the Nobody to jolt to his feet.
His tears were forgotten when he saw the redhead at the door. "L-..Lea...?" Once again, his voice wasn't totally working, so he just signed. 'What are you doing here...?'
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