#deceit sanders (mentioned)
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spyeriasecret · 9 months ago
my first time editing in a while, enjoy this sanders sides edit of my favorite character ever while my hyperfixation returns in time for a new episode! im gonna tag him in this only because i want him to see it and im proud @thatsthat24
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thepunkmuppet · 10 months ago
new thomas video with only janus actually healed my heart I’m sorry cringe culture is dead idgaf it brought me joy when I was eleven and it brings me joy now I LOVE HIM HE’S MY FAVOURITE AUUUGGHGH HE’S SO SILLY
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doughbrainer · 1 year ago
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Sanders Sides Portal AU Chell - Thomas GLaDOS/Caroline - Logan Wheatley - Patton Cave Johnson - Janus Doug Rattman - Virgil P-Body And Atlas - Roman And Remus (Not Drawn So Not Shown Here)
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just-some-gt-trash · 1 year ago
Blessed, cursed, or both?
AN: I am alive, shoutout to that one anon who worried about me.
This is my gift for @glacierruler for the @sanderssidesgiftxchange
I am so sorry for the delay, my school's stupid platform registered a bunch of mine and other classmates grades incorrectly and we spent the holidays making sure it was fixed, but here it is! Hope you like it c:
Summary: After his first day in a new school sucked as much as expected, Virgil is sure his day can't get any worse, until it does. At least there were two very weird but familiar individuals to keep him from dying, even if it meant they dragged him to a confusing investigation afterwards.
CW: explosions, near death experiences, swearing.
WC: 2866
The walk home was longer than Virgil imagined. Yet again, any walk would seem to last an eternity to anyone on a new town.
Virgil's old school was perfect, as perfect as a high school could be, but at least it was perfect for him. A robotics and chemistry lab left practically all for himself was clearly the biggest appeal, but his classmates and teachers were nice too. The cafeteria food was the only thing Virgil could actually complain about.
Here, at one of the biggest cities in his country, one would believe the public schools would be quite well funded and have a lot of resources. It sounded like such a stupid mindset now that Virgil went to his earlier thoughts again.
His new school was a nightmare, almost an abandoned building. The chemistry lab, which also worked as a computer lab, was occupied by boxes full with old participation trophies and books that probably still had slurs written on their pages.
And if that wasn't bad enough already, his classmates were all dicks. No one cared enough about anyone but themselves to mind if they bumped with someone in the hallway or made them drop their books on the way to their locker.
"They're just surviving, you'll learn to do it too... eventually"
Those words kept repeating on Virgil's head, he didn't even know the name of the person decent enough to help him. Surviving... that shouldn't be an excuse for being an asshole.
Lost in his thoughts, Virgil almost didn't hear the giggles and laughs coming from the other side of the street.
Virgil looked back, spotting what appeared to be a fucking mansion, no, it was more like one of those rich neighborhoods with the clean white houses. Only it wasn't that, it was a school.
Oh great, he had fallen into the 'falling to crumbs public school' and 'Olympus worthy private school' stereotype hadn't he?
Virgil could actually feel the sun shinning bright above the fancy campus, despite the rest of the city being covered by storm clouds.
Moving on, back to going home... wait.
Taking a couple of steps back, Virgil realized the clouds actually did seem to part above the school.
Virgil looked over at the buildings surrounding it, grey sky, then back at the school, blue sky.
Well that was definitely not norm-
An explosion.
Sure, add an explosion almost fucking KILLING him to te worst day of his life, why not?
Almost killing him... why wasn't he dead?
As Virgil opened his eyes, he could once again see that blue sky that filled his head with so many questions, and then he looked up only to be greeted with a set of perfect white teeth.
"Do not worry innocent citizen, the great Starbolt has saved you from disaster!"
Virgil could barely see this man's -Starbolt he said?- Face with the sun shining behind him and the breeze blown his hair to his eyes.
Looking down, way down, Virgil could barely see the floor.
"HOLLY SHIT!" Virgil could only scream. He was flying! Actually flying! Well, Starbolt was, while carrying him. This man was making Virgil fucking fly with him.
Another explosion, further into the city.
"Well, have to take this one." Was the only warning Virgil got from Starbolt before being dropped who knew how many feet off the air.
This time he couldn't even scream. Virgil was really screwed up now, and the sun had once again disappeared so there weren't any shadows where he could-
And then the floor stopped getting closer, Virgil felt a new pair of arms holding him and sure enough, someone caught him.
Seriously could death stop taunting him for only five minutes?
"Hey, you're the emo kid."
Virgil looked up, at this man's face, meeting a pair of bright red eyes. He's seen those eyes before... this person was at school earlier today.
"Um... hi?"
A smile Virgil could only describe as unsettling replied to him. "Welcome to the city, you won't die if you're lucky enough to have me around, not so much if you bump into those assholes over there though." He pointed to the sky, not before slapping a fucking boulder away with his bare hand, making it break around them.
Virgil looked to where his classmate was pointing. Another person floated alongside Starbolt as they lifted people away from the explosions.
It was then when he really took a look at both of them. Starbolt wore a mainly white suit with red and golden accents. A golden "S" resembling a lightning decorated his chest, and a red cape blew with the wind as the superhero flew. The look was tied together with a red mask only covering his green eyes.
The other one, whose name Virgil didn't know, somehow matched with Starbolt while still standing out as his own person. He wore a baby blue suit with white swirls decorating it, a pink scarf acted as a mask that covered his face lower half while the ends blew behind him like Starbolt's cape, and a pair of pink ballet shoes. Taking a better look at him made Virgil realize he wasn't actually flying, but jumping higher up than humanly possible.
Virgil's thoughts were interrupted once again by his classmate's voice
"Aaand, up you go"
"Wait wha-" Virgil couldn't finish his sentence before his classmate tossed him back up in the air, only to be caught again by Starbolt.
Virgil held tightly onto the man's shoulders as they landed, a crowd formed around them as the people clapped and cheered.
"Thank you, thank you. No need to clap really." Starbolt landed and let Virgil down on the ground safely, "I can't take all the credit, right Blaze?"
Blaze landed right next to them, Virgil couldn't see his face but could still tell he was smiling. "We did a great job!" Blaze eagerly mentioned as he highfived Starbolt, "You don't need to be modest about it"
Virgil was left standing between the two heroes. There were a million questions in his head and he couldn't even get a word out. So many things happened all at once and his mind was still trying to process it.
A buzzing sound and... a voice? Came out from an earphone both heroes were wearing, but Virgil wasn't close enough to understand the words.
Without even looking at each other, as if they were connected telepatically or something. Both heroes bowed to the crowd around them and took off. Virgil watched as they flew and jumped away respectively.
Great, now what?
"You survived, awesome"
"Ah!" Was the only noise Virgil could let out after his classmate surprised him once again. "Not thanks to you and your friends"
"Pff, those guys? Nah we're not together. I just make sure they don't kill half the city's population with their neglect. Starbolt thinks he was quick enough to drop you, go and save more emo teenagers and come back before you splatted on the concrete and became a puddle of blood and broken bones."
Virgil rolled his eyes, "Thanks for that image."
His classmate smiled, "Don't mention it."
"Shouldn't you be like, all dressed up and protecting your identity or whatever?" Virgil asked, as he made his way back to the sidewalk.
"It's not like anybody pays attention to us, we're invisible. The only reason you recognized me it's because we go to the same school, but you clearly don't even know my name"
Virgil stopped and turned around to look at his classmate eye to eye, deciding to ignore the fact that he had to look up to actually do that. "Can you blame me? I just moved in and your school is full of douchebags who don't care about anyone but themselves. Do you know my name?"
He shrugged, "maybe I know, maybe I don't. I'll find out, we have our ways."
"Who's we?" Virgil asked. "You keep saying that"
His classmate grinned and pointed towards the top of a nearby building with his eyes.
Virgil followed the teen's gaze, spotting another masked figure, a much darker one. This... hero? Was wearing all black, had a bowler hat a cape that matched, only his green half phantom of the opera style mask stood out from the darkness surrounding him.
Virgil could swear they made eye contact before the figure disappeared between the clouds.
"Welp, gotta run Virge." The teen announced, causing Virgil to shift his attention back to him. "Nice keeping you from becoming a resident in hell!"
"Wait so you did..." Aaand he was gone, "...know"
Whatever, it's not like Virgil cared that much, he had other stuff to worry about.
Stuff that kept Virgil's superhero encounter in the back of his mind the rest of the day, the next morning, and even halfway through the school day. And it would have stayed that way if it wasn't for-
"Hey VV!"
Virgil gripped the sides of his lunch tray as he turned around and sure enough, there he was, same guy from yesterday.
He tried to ignore him, but it was hard considering the school's cafeteria was hardly double the size of a regular classroom. Even being at opposite sides of the room, they were still close enough to clearly notice each other.
Virgil sighed, it couldn't be worse than eating by himself. He walked over the table where his classmate was sitting, squeezing through a crowd of teenagers trying not to ruin his food.
His classmate smiled, "glad to know you haven't died since we last saw each other."
"Could tell you the same thing." Virgil replied wit a sarcastic tone, "are you going to tell me your name now or am I going to be kept in the dark forever?"
"Mmm, I don't know. I like the mystery surrounding me"
"Please, there's nothing mysterious about you Remus"
Virgil turned around as another voice interrupted them.
"Whyyy do you haaave to ruin my fuuun?" Remus complained as the third person sat next to him.
"Telling the truth is not ruining your fun dear."
That voice... "It's you, the guy who helped me yesterday."
Virgil managed to catch his attention, "I am. No need to thank me or anything."
"And don't call them a guy," Remus chimed in, "they/them pronouns for this handsome please."
"Or just Janus, some people are too stubborn to care about anyones identity."
"Right, sorry." Virgil apologized.
Remus wrapped his arms around Janus, kissing their cheek multiple times in an almost aggressive way. That's when Virgil caught on, they were dating. "I can... go and leave you two alone if you want."
"Please don't" Janus put their hand between their cheek and Remus's lips. "Maybe with you here this scumbag will have some shame and stop being so publicly affectionate."
Remus grinned, "not a chance."
Janus rolled their eyes, "I'll keep him in line. Take a seat Virgil."
Virgil did as instructed, "for people who just care about surviving, it seems like everyone around him knows my name."
"I said other people don't care," Janus corrected. "We're the exception that makes the rule."
"Right, and do you know your boyfriend is going around the city showing everyone his inhuman strength?"
Remus snickered, "boyfriend is a strong word. We're barely friends with benefits"
Virgil almost chocked on his food as he swallowed, "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to assume I just-"
"He's joking." Janus interrupted, slapping Remus' hand as if they were reprimanding a little kid.
"You know you love me"
"And to answer your question," Janus looked back at Virgil. "I know. This idiot doesn't even try to cover his identity when cleaning those so called heroes' mess"
Remus groaned, "what's the point? It's not like they ever give credit or even say thank you."
"What is up with them anyway? Starbolt and Blaze?" Virgil's curiosity couldn't be ignored anymore, he had a million questions and couldn't figure out how to even begin asking them. "I didn't realized I was moving to Gotham."
That comment got a chuckle out of Janus. "At least Batman does his job right, those bastards are faker than-"
"My virginity!" Remus interrupted.
"Sure, that works." Janus sighed and took a bite out of an apple they had grabbed earlier. "We're pretty sure it's all staged, doesn't mean they're not putting innocent people's lives at risk."
"I think the clouds hide their wires" Remus said before slurping the last of his carton juice.
Virgil couldn't help but shake his head, "that would be true if they didn't open up around them."
Janus raised an eyebrow and glanced over at Virgil. "What are you talking about?"
Virgil looked up from his food, "haven't you noticed? They attract the sun beams or something."
"Maybe because yesterday was sunny?" Remus asked, his tone made Virgil think they thought he was joking.
"No... the only moment I've seen the sun since I got here was when I was in Starbolt's arms."
The couple looked at each other, confused.
Janus stood up and walked around the table, grabbing Virgil's hand without warning and pulling him up.
"W-wait wha-"
"Shh, just come with me."
Virgil pulled his hand out of Janus' grip, "I'm not going to be dragged away by someone I barely know without an explanation."
"Fine, you don't want to be dragged." Remus spoke from behind him.
Virgil turned around in time for Remus to grab him and carry him over his shoulder.
"P-Put me down!" Virgil struggled in Remus' grip to no avail. This guy really had superhuman strength.
Virgil's demands were ignored as Remus carried him around school. He gave up by the time they arrived to the main entrance.
Janus opened one of the schools front doors, "how's the climate today?"
"I would gladly tell you if Remus would let me down so I could look outside."
"No need!" Remus turned around so Virgil could answer without having to put him down.
Virgil sighed, he might as well answer and get this over with.
He looked up, a bunch of dark storm clouds made it impossible to actually look at the sky. Thunder and lightning accompanied the heavy rain, how come they coulnd't hear all this nose from inside?
"There's a storm" Virgil answered, plain and simple. "Will you let me down now?"
Janus looked up at the sky, "you're seriously not messing with me?"
Virgil groaned, "why would I be messing with you? It's right there."
Janus looked back at Virgil, then at their partner, making a sign for him to step out of the school.
Remus did as Janus signed, taking Virgil out in the storm with him.
"W-w-wait no! You don't know how bad my hair gets with humidity! The last thing I need is people making fun of..."
Virgil looked over at Remus, who remained completely dry under the rain. Virgil on the other hand, was already soaking wet after just a few seconds of being carried under the rain, "what?"
"Huh" Janus' face couldn't hide their surprise. They pulled Remus and Virgil back into the building.
Remus finally let Virgil down.
"What was that about? He's not only super strong but also waterproof?" Virgil squeezed the water from his sleeves and tried to fix his hair as he complained.
"He's not. There isn't any storm outside. I thought you were joking but looking at you now... something else is going on here."
"No shit Sherlock" Virgil rubbed his face, accidentally smearing his eyeshadow.
Remus sighed, "you treat this like a joke, but it's something serious. If sunbeams were following those assholes around that means they have something to do with this!"
Virgil shrugged, "why does that concern me? You and your mr. Black cape friend are the ones cleaning their mess, not me."
The three teens were getting annoyed at this point.
"It concerns you because you're the only one who can see what's happening" Janus explained.
"And that is not my fault. Go and ask anybody else if they can see the fucking storm becase I'm not getting myself involved in this craziness!" The lights flickered as Virgil lost control. He took a deep breath, he needed to calm down and just let everything go before anything suspicious happened and he had to flee again.
Janus looked up at the lights, then back as Virgil. This guy was nervous about something. "Look, we're not going to deep dive into why you have this ability if you don't want us to but we need your help."
Virgil crossed his arms, looking at his classmates as he analyzed his situation.
"It's up to you, but remember I can keep carrying you anywhere we want" Remus shrugged.
Virgil sighed, "and then you'll leave me alone?"
Janus nodded, "we will."
"Fine then," Virgil caved in. "What do you want me to do?"
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jackalopes-pen · 2 years ago
Dumb Brain Child [ The Eighth ]
Greetings interwebs demons, I'm back with more ponderings. Before we start up, I just wanted to address why MasterPost the First was tragically killed. You see: my links didn't work anymore. It's really as simple as that. My links didn't work, disclaimer was out of date and not mine, just needed a redo. MasterPost II is still kinda under reno so.. bare with me until it's done. Some things may be missing because it's difficult to shift through 167 posts. But, do (seriously, please) let me know if I missed something. Okay, on to the 'theory'
Height in Sanders Sides is a funny thing, no? In theory they're all the same height as c!Thomas [5'10], but it's hard to differentiate sides in silhouettes if they're all the same height so, the fanon made the solution: sike they're all different heights. From this arose some level of discourse as to what their heights would be. I'm here to add to it.
My complaint is the height of Janus Sanders himself. Mainly: In what world is the man based on a Mangrove Snake [ A snake that grows from 6-7 feet/1.8-2.1 meters ] a short king?! When was that the agreement the we all made?! Because if I'm not mistaken, 5'3'' or whatever otherwise puny height is typical of him, is a very concerning height for a snake like that. It would be a distinct medical malady if a Mangrove was that small.
Let me educate you a little on the Mangrove Snake. Mangrove Snakes or Boiga Dendrophilia's are nocturnal and potentially aggressive. They are native to Southeast Asian regions. It is a venomous snake, though it's venom is avian specific and unlikely to kill. It is often confused for a Banded Krait which is extremely venomous and has known fatalities. This confusion is due the similarities in appearance. One of the first documented Mangroves was [ This the point of this ] 7ft 7in or 231cm.
So I restate my question: WHY DO YOU ALL MAKE JANUS SHORT?!
I understand it's a funny visual gag, but a commitment to the bit is not a standing evidence! I researched this snake for 3 hours, within the first 5 minutes I found my answer! Yet, I kept digging. Looking for the healthily length of Mangrove and what to be concerned about. According to the internet, if a mangrove ever was within the 5 ft range they were likely underfed, ill, or generally poorly cared for! So, if your goal to match their animal counter part... WHY IS HE SHORT?
I fully understand the take of "Wouldn't it be a cruel irony if self-preservation didn't take care of himself?" yet, the degree to which mistreatment is required is literally animal abuse. I realise I may fall on deaf ears.. but damn give the man a few inches at least.
If you want a short side... Patton is standing over there somewhere.
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beetlewine-art · 2 years ago
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This meme but is the creativitwins. Roman's hair is a mess but i in my defense, i drew this during class and with a few markers, so is by no way my best work. Also, i was really inspired to draw them again and play a little with their desings and hairstyles, so i make a quick doodle in my university notebook.
If you are wondering, Roman is staring at Janus and putting the fear of god into him. I love the idea of Roman having a deep and scary stare while Remus has a pretty warm and caring one (also, i just can't imagine Remus with blue eyes no matter how munch i try).
This meme also works if you are an artist that draws Remus with deep wine red eyes while giving Roman neon toxic green eyes.
@maze-arts @emobeanwhoneedssleep @roman-can-gay @dorkyduckling16
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anxiouslyfred · 2 years ago
Parents Not Included
Summary: When Patton sold his soulmates soul to a demon, he should have worried what being the perfect dad or dad friend could become. Janus is more than happy to let that extreme make Patton's life go downhill fast. They know Remus has already had his revenge but they can add their own, after all, they were the one to make the deal.
Part of my Anxceitmus Demonic Soulmates AU
Technically, demonic deals can't be turned back on the person who made them. Technicalities mean nothing however, in the face of rage, twisted deals and scheming if the demon the deal was made with was smart enough.
Janus definitely was smart enough.
Of course they would never do anything to break or take back the deal they'd made. It brought them to Virgil and they would do nothing to ever endanger their second soulmate. They could easily however fulfil the deal too well, too perfectly, while leaving out one simple exception to it.
Patton had wanted to be the greatest dad or dad friend ever, so that's what Janus made him seem like, to everyone, except the parents of actual children, the police or the courts. It was a trap simply made, and easily ready to be fallen into.
Blending into the background was easy enough, especially for beings who didn't need to remain in one physical form and could easily push everyone's attention elsewhere.
And there, walking down the street was Patton, the image of a perfect dad for everyone to see, even including a child holding his hand as he looked about in concern.
“Mr Dad, why are we coming back this way? You said you'd help me.” The child was whining.
Patton glanced down immediately going back to looking around the people nearby. “Well you ran over from this direction. Don't you need to return to your parents, let them know you're safe?”
“Of course I'm safe, Mr Dad. I'm with you.” Ah for childhood innocence and a deal strongly fulfilled. Janus hid their smirk behind a book, but his eyes tracked directly to further along the path.
“Olivia! Where did you go? What happened?” A frantic mother charged along it, immediately sweeping the child into her arms and rounding on Patton with a fiery glare. “What the hell are you doing with my child, Creep!”
Patton raised his hands backing away a little. “She came and asked me for help. I was retracing her steps to try and find you.” He attempted to explain, but was already being yelled at again.
“Likely Story! You were abducting her, weren't you? I've seen men like you before, all friendly and nice to the kids until you get them where you want them!” The rant is harsh, and enough to get more people paying attention, including some passing officers.
“Excuse me, Ma'am, but can you explain what's happened?” One of them asked, approaching and looking sternly over Patton.
Janus decided they didn't need to see more today, especially since a bus had just pulled up at the stop they'd decided to wait in. They could check back on the outcome of this deal in a few months time.
Since the deal, since learning demons exist and becoming soulmates with 2 of them, Virgil had learnt that demons, possibly even more so than bankers, ensured debts were paid to their liking, and that included getting revenge.
He'd known that Remus would get revenge on Patton at the first opportunity. That had been why he never questioned getting Anathema from the store his ex had worked at, and why he still avoided complaining about frustrating people from work too much. Just in case someone who'd just been having a bad day got punished for upsetting him.
What he had assumed however was that the deal Patton had made with Janus would prevent the other demon from being able to get revenge.
Coming home to see Remus and Janus giggling on the couch as smug and happy as can be had Virgil questioning that idea.
“What's got you two so happy?” He asked, easily letting himself be pulled into the cuddles.
Janus nuzzled into his neck, purring, “Figured out some small revenge for a deal gone bad.”
Now some alarms would be ringing in his mind, except he knew there was nothing he could really do to control the pair. “Another one? I thought the last deal you said went bad was Patton's and Remus already got plenty of revenge for that.”
“Didn't he just.” They agreed, making no other comment.
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snakes and octopi give the best snuggles
Word count: 2,727 (wow, satisfying!)
Warnings: nightmares, brief descriptions of violence and gore, brief descriptions of kidnapping, spoilers for the movie Martyrs (2008), cursing, could be interpreted as u!Patton but he's more just young and foolish
Relationships: dark side family, focus on platonic anxceit and platonic dukexiety, no romantic ships
Characters: Virgil, Janus, Remus, Orange Side, Roman (mentioned), Patton (mentioned), c!Thomas (mentioned), Logan (mentioned)
The first Sanders Sides fanfiction I've finished writing in nearly 4 years!!! Woohoo!
Note: part of this is inspired by the beginning of Alice In Wonderland (2010)
“I really don't see why that's such a big deal.”
A snake crossed his arms from where he leaned against the counter. A hot-blooded short fuse paced across the living room carpet.
“You should be able to! He thinks he's so high and mighty, trying to take as much creative control as he can for himself! It's absurd!”
“On the other hand, giving too much control to You-Know-Who could be disastrous.”
“Good! Maybe those three need a wake up call, Janus! They get to sit on their fucking diamond-encrusted thrones all day while we rot in this putrid basement!”
Janus stood up straight, letting his muscles tighten slightly, “my job is Self Preservation, and the best way to keep our Centre’s mental health at its prime right now is to let them walk all over us.”
The other side narrowed his eyes, “and what's that going to do in the long run, huh? Make their high horses’ legs even longer?” he stomped over to the deceitful side, poking his chest, ”shove their heads even higher up their own asses?!”
“What it'll do in the long run,” Janus clenched his fist, “is for us to begin influencing Thomas when he's at a less busy stage in his life. Intrusive thoughts and dark creativity aren't good for adulting, Wrath. Be reasonable.”
“I'll show you how to be reasonable-”
Orange and Yellow both shrieked at the small voice, whipping around to see Gray looking at them through the bannister, blanket pulled around his shoulders and his hair a mess.
“God, we need some sort of alarm for when you pop up…”
Janus glared at Wrath and turned to look at the youngest side, his expression softening.
“Another nightmare?”
Anxiety nodded.
“Come on then,” Janus took the boy's hand and led him back up the stairs, but only after calling a quick “you're burning up!” over his shoulder, and Wrath immediately ran to get himself some ice water.
Janus sat at the boy’s bedside, silently watching as he pulled the covers up to just under his eyes and laid back to rest his head on the pillow.
“Come on then,” he reached onto the floor and grabbed Anxiety’s favourite bat plushie, passing it to him, “tell me what happened.”
The small side hugged the toy as tight as his little arms would let him as he began to recall the events of his night terror.
“I-I was on a stage, in front of millions of people… we were performing some sort of comedy.”
“We?” Janus chimed in, “who else was there?”
Anxiety paused for a second and grimaced as he focussed on the memory, “well there's Thomas, a-and… the light sides.”
Deceit made a rumbling sound of acknowledgement in the back of his throat, hand gripping the bed sheets.
“And… they hate me,” he pressed the bat plushie to his face, “s-so much. They say I'm bad, a pest mist.”
“Pessimist,” Janus gently corrected, though his thoughts were somewhere else entirely.
“Yeah, that… and…” Anxiety’s trembles grew, “and…”
Janus shushed him softly, “hey, hey,” he opened up his arms, an invitation, “it's alright, spiderling. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.”
The child shook his head and crawled into the hug, breathing out as strong yet gentle arms enveloped him.
“No, no, I-... I wanna.”
The elder side nodded.
“I, um, so I tried to fix the problem by quitting the show, throwing in the towel, all of that…”
“But t-that made them even more mad. They chased after me, broke into my room,” Anxiety tightened his grip on Janus’ shirt as more tears welled up in his eyes, “they took me away from you, and w-wouldn’t let me see you ever again!”
Janus swallowed.
“Impossible,” he whispered, “they would never be able to keep us away from you, my dear. We'd tear down every wall in the Mind Palace to get you back.”
The child went still, his breath catching in his throat.
“I know you’re awake, sootywing.”
“You’re gonna be mad…”
“You don't have to hide anything from me, honey. It's just a dream.”
“W-well…” he swallowed, “in the dream y-you did try to get me back at first. But then…” fresh tears messed up his eyeshadow even more, “then you said that things were better here without me, that- that-”
Janus stopped resisting his urges, allowing his other 2 pairs of arms to wrap around the small side.
“Never,” he hissed fiercely, rubbing Virgil's back and holding his face in his hand, “you could never make things worse, my little raccoon.”
“They said the opposite,” the other whispered, voice still shaking but less so now that he was in one of Janus’ super-special-super-rare hugs, “that I just make Thomas's days worse, that I'm a burden on him that needs to be controlled, that-”
“-is absolutely not true,” Janus finished for him.
“Is it though?”
Janus frowned.
“I-in the dream,” Virgil continued, “after you guys left me with them for a while, I s-started to get used to being with them a-and eventually,” he hiccuped, voice thick with guilt, “I was happy with them.”
“I'm sorry!” Anxiety sobbed into his chest, “I don't know why it happened, I-”
Janus laid Virgil back into his bed, tucking him in with his bat plushie and gently wiping away his tears.
“That was just Stockholm Syndrome, honey.”
Virgil tilted his head to the side in confusion, and Janus melted a little at the pure objective cuteness of the small action. This kid wasn't just his spiderling, his black kitten, his baby bat, his raven, the Dark Mindscape’s little hidden butterfly, their raccoon… he was now his little black lab puppy too.
“It's when a hostage sympathises with their captor,” Janus explained, “It happens often. And remember, this was all a dream, it doesn't mean you would actually feel that way if it happened.”
The kid nodded and took a few deep breaths, blinking slowly before looking back up at the older side.
“D-do you think I'm bad?”
“Oh, darling,” Janus leaned down to press a kiss to his kid’s forehead, “we're all bad here.”
Virgil leaned up to trace his little fingers along Janus’ scales, and Janus gently took his hand in his own and kissed it too. Virgil smiled a little at that, and the sight was enough to fill Janus’ heart with joy for weeks.
“Well,” he mumbled under his breath as he pulled away, “that's what Morality thinks.”
“What was he like? Before the split?” Virgil heard him anyway. Janus forgot the kid had near-superhuman hearing.
Janus leaned back and thought for a moment, “at one point, we were very close. Back before he decided that lying is never good,” he frowned slightly, “we used to… bake cookies together, things like that.”
“Could we do that?” Virgil piped up, “bake cookies? It sounds fun.”
The yellow one smiled, “of course, hun. Just make sure Duke doesn't try to put glass shards in the batter.”
“Or Wrath with the hottest hot sauce?”
“Yes, that too.”
Janus looked around the room absentmindedly, eyes eventually locking onto the terrarium containing his baby’s baby tarantula.
“You know, if those light sides are ever mean to you, you could start feeding Charlotte fatter worms.”
“Because. She'll get bigger, and bigger, until one day she looks like Shelob…”
The snake side leaned down so that his face was inches from Virgil's, and smirked.
“...and you can set her after them to gobble them up!” Janus scuttled the fingers of all six of his hands along the boy’s sides, mimicking the movement of a spider’s legs, making the child shriek with laughter.
“Hahahahaha! Stop! S-stop! Janus!” He gasped out between giggles.
Janus eventually let him go (though only after having thoroughly enjoyed the angelic sound of his kid’s unbridled laughter) and sat back up, looking down at the little jumping spider with a smile he would never let anyone else see.
“Do you feel better now?”
“Mhm,” he nodded, “thanks, J.”
“It's my pleasure,” he murmured, reaching out to cup Virgil's face for a moment, green and purple eyes meeting yellow and brown ones, before standing up and walking towards the door.
Right as he opened it, Virgil called out to him again.
“I love you.”
He melted even further at that.
“And I you,” Janus breathed out, voice and face full of fondness, “more than you'll ever know.”
Virgil's eyes shone along with his smile, and Janus took in the sight for a moment before switching off the light.
“Try and get some more sleep, hopefully with dreams full of fluffy spiders.”
“Night, Jan.”
He shut the door gently.
As his door shut, Virgil's room was cut off from the light in the hallway and plunged into pitch darkness. While he didn't mind this at all, he wasn't the slightest bit tired anymore, and it was hard to read books in the dark.
He reached behind his pillow and grabbed his trusty flashlight, fiddling around in the darkness until he found the ‘on’ button.
When he finally turned it on, the first thing he saw was a mad face inches from his own.
“Hey Virgie.”
Said side immediately screeched and whacked the intruder on the head with the torch, already hyperventilating.
“Remus, oh my God!” he shrieked, “I thought you left here when I fell asleep last night!”
Having already recovered from the blow, the Duke sat up and shook his head, specks of blood splattering on the bed sheets and walls.
“Nope! I've been here all night pretty much!”
“What? Where?!”
“Well,” he suddenly turned shy, ”you know how you've been having problems with that monster under your bed?”
“Of course,” Virgil groaned.
“I know, I know, but listen to this! There's a portal under your bed that leads to my room!”
“You can come in here when my door is locked?! When I don't want you to?!”
“Well, not anymore. Now that you know it's there you can lock it whenever.”
“Oh,” Anxiety breathed out and nodded, “that's okay I guess.”
“So!” Remus started, “while you were asleep I portaled to my room to get some stuff and…”
The Duke reached behind his back and pulled out a DVD case, shoving it right in Virgil's face.
Virgil read the title on the front of the case and gasped, “Martyrs? Remus-”
“I know! I was able to get a copy dubbed in English too! The movie just came out so I think it's a great find!”
“And, like, Virgie, I know you can speak French for some reason and all but frankly the language sucks and I want to focus on the gore instead of the subtitles.”
“Remus, it's an 18+ movie!”
“Yeah!” He grinned manically, “you're 8, I'm a teen, and there's a plus because it's premium, just for us! Come on, let's watch it! I know you're wide awake after that nightmare.”
“Oh!” Virgil bellowed, “so you were here when that happened and you did nothing! Great! Thanks! You're such a good big brother!”
“I didn't wanna make it worse!”
“And why would that happen?”
“You were sleep-talking.”
There was a moment of tense silence.
“Any-fuckin’-way,” Remus hopped up from the bed and turned on the TV on Virgil's dresser, “Martyrs time!”
They were both sitting on the floor, Remus hugging Virgil from behind with his chin resting on his head.
“Jan and Wrath were talking about you when I went down.”
*Really?” Remus mumbled as he continued to stare at the screen, watching in awe and admiration as Lucie shot each member of the family who tortured her.
“Mhm,” Virgil nodded, “something about creative control.”
Remus froze as he processed the words, scrambling to pause the movie before staring down at his friend, “what did they say?”
“Uhh,” Virgil’s mind blanked for a second as he continued to look at the screen, which had been paused on a frame of the dead daughter, “someone trying to take it away from you?”
Remus stayed silent.
“And then they called you Dark Creativity?”
“I-” he stuttered.
“And then they said there were 3 light sides instead of 2-”
Remus pushed the words out as quickly as possible before Virgil could interrupt him again, “I’monlyhalfofCreativityandtheotherhalfismybrother.”
Virgil stared at him blankly as his brain slowly dissected the jumble of words just thrown at him.
“You're… not all of Creativity?”
Remus shook his head, not wanting to speak for one of the only times in his life.
“Well… the reason we're all split into light and dark is because the original Creativity split first. When Thomas was around your age he got too Christian and decided all the fun stuff was bad so it was forced out and voila! It made yours truly. And then Morality decided to split all of us off.”
“I dunno, for funsies I guess.”
“Huh… So is your brother the one trying to take more creative control?”
“Eugh, probably.”
“Don't like him then, I'm guessing?”
“He's the worst!” Remus hollered, “all glitter and ponies and magic godmothers! The only ones who die on his side of the Imagination are villains!”
Virgil gasped, “is that why I'm not allowed in the Imagination alone?!”
“Yeah, but don't go snooping around now that you know that! And don't let Wrath or Janus know that you know about my twin!”
“They wanted to wait til you were older so you would understand. The split is behind us, Virgie. It's the past. And you came after it. You being a dark side from the moment you formed was the start of our perfect family. You don't need to dwell on something you didn't exist to see.”
“Okay,” Virgil nodded and then giggled, “way to bash the entire subject of History there.”
“If you learn from it you can't repeat the best bits!”
Virgil laughed and relaxed into his friend's hold as he unpaused the film.
Both of them stared at the screen as the credits rolled.
“Keep doubting…” Remus echoed.
Virgil hummed in thought, “what afterlife would make someone want to go to it, but for others to not know what it is?”
“Maybe if there's none at all?”
“But then why would she want to stop living?”
“Because she knows all the work she's done torturing people til their last breath was for nothing, and that life really has no meaning at all?”
“No afterlife is boring though, Remus. Surely you agree?” Virgil turned to look back up at him, “wouldn't you want it to be some sort of Lovecraftian hell?”
“Oh, I would love that, you know I would. But, y'know,” the Duke sighed, “Occam's razor gotta cut us out of our skin and bleed us out until we're dried skin suits and a pile of bones.”
They both giggled. Virgil shifted until his back was pressing into Remus’ chest and he closed his eyes with a content sigh. Watching the goriest movie ever made with his insane best friend really tired him out.
Remus crossed his legs to wrap them around Virgil and tightened his hold. A surge of violent protectiveness coursed through his veins as he thought back to the conversation between him and Janus he had eavesdropped on.
“Hey, salticidae?”
“If those light sides ever do try to Beauty And The Beast ya or some shit, you can call me to come and help you through the portal!”
“...Oh!” Virgil’s eyes lit up, “that's a great idea! As long as you bring some weapons with you.”
“For you,” Remus grinned, “I’d bring only my best.”
When Janus and Wrath recovered from their screaming match and went to check on the youngest, they were met with a sight that was immediately placed into the family photobook.
Virgil was curled up into a ball while hugging his bat plushie close to his chest, letting out tiny high pitched snores. Remus was wrapped around him with all 4 limbs plus his tentacles, letting out much bigger, grosser snores.
Ironically, being cuddled by the embodiment of intrusive thoughts was a great way to get rid of nightmares.
And, for nearly a decade, everything was perfect for the little dark family.
Until, like the twisted shadow of a Disney Princess, Virgil's dream came true.
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zoniks · 14 days ago
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I’m thinking of revisiting my Rottmnt x sandersides au that I mentioned last year (basically just the sanders sides concept with the rottmnt characters)
So have this momentary poster I wipped up for it b4 I go to bed
Characters and roles underneath the cut cuz I wanna rant!:3:
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April is Thomas Sanders (aka our main dude)
Leo as Roman/ creativity
Raph as Virgil/ anxiety
Donnie as Logan/ logic
Mikey as Patton/ morality
I’m also thinking of making Frida Janus/ deceit cuz she was under big mama for so long, ya know, the big lying spider? Perfect for a lying sassy snake!:D
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tss-whumper · 1 year ago
(cw -> talk of homophobia, internalized homophobia, religious trauma, suppression, brief mention of physical abuse, cages, knives, and scars.)
classic sanders sides concept of: roman realizes that thomas is gay and patton suppresses him and forces him to keep it secret and blames roman for thomas being "broken" as a lover because he is gay.
the addition of janus into this equation. after all, the transition from closeted to out and proud has a lot of deceit involved. convincing others you're straight. convincing YOURSELF you're straight.
janus and patton both working to make sure that roman doesn't get to express love/romance freely because of the social consequences that may arise, caring more about the potential harm thomas may face than the guaranteed harm that roman will face as a result of being suppressed.
it would be extra whumpy if there was some sort of physical manifestation of patton and janus suppressing roman. imagine they lock roman in a literal closet, or a cage. to keep him from escaping and continuing to express his gay-ass truth. maybe they cut him through the heart in the hopes that they might kill the part of him that is making thomas gay. maybe he has permanent scars on his chest around his heart as a result.
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Sorry to post something more than drawings and this might be an incoherent post but,, everyone has touched on it without actually linking their very similar ideas together, so I wanted to do that for all of you. If it wasn't clear, I will be talking about Sanders Sides.
The importance of every side is a very nuanced subject that barely gets touched on anymore by the fandom. @beauty-and-passion has made a lot of very good analyses, theories and headcannons about the sides and you should definitely check her posts out.
However what I don't understand is how everyone can touch on the importance of Virgil without actually linking every piece together. It had always been confusing to me (ever since I joined the fandom in 2018) what the sides can do and what they can feel. I now understand that what they feel has nothing to do with what they can do, for Thomas. Virgil, despite being anxiety, can feel happiness, can have empathy, can be logical. He understands all the points made by Logan once they're explained to him in a way he can understand.
A lot of people have also talked about ego, id and superego, and how Freud's theory on them is supported by Sanders Sides. I won't go on too much detail but basically, ego is the logical part of your brain, superego is the moral part of your brain and id is the creative part. You can see how that beautifully ties in with Sanders Sides.
However a lot of people have written about how anxiety and your fight or flight can be used as a weapon for self care. Anxiety is a fight or flight response, so it obviously can get you out of harming situations (see: aa part 2). Anxiety can also worsen intrusive thoughts, something we've seen before. But worsening them for a person means making intrusive thoughts (ehem, ehem, Remus) stronger. In AA part 2 we also saw the contribution anxiety makes to the creative process, by making (specifically) Thomas "rehearse and rehearse". Not to mention that ever since his acceptance, he has been siding with morality a lot more, because it's the fear of getting caught that stops us from breaking most laws, it's the fear of being judged (by a higher force) that stops us from being immoral ("Similarly you fear being perceived as a bad friend" -Deceit, SvS). Even Thomas himself has said that Anxiety probably plays the most crucial role, not only with the consequences being so very severe of him "ducking out", but also by his own admission ("You're the one that pushes me out of bed in the morning"). And forgive me for talking from a personal point of view, but as someone who studies science, anxiety is the drive I need to study, contributing to my overall ability to learn.
Virgil, as a lot of you have pointed out before, is one of the most character developed sides of them all. And I doubt that it's because he's so well liked by the public, and more because he is literally the driving factor of the series. Virgil isn't a "dark" side or a "light" side because, as we've seen from 'Fitting in', he can't be boxed in a specific label. He is the one who makes Creativity act, Intrusive thoughts more powerful, Morality abide, Logic work, Self care active and so so much more.
I can't wait to see how Mr. Sanders will continue the series, but I also can't wait to observe more invisible strings of all the sides to Virgil. No wonder he's that powerful, is all I'm saying.
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theandroidsentbycyberl1fe · 9 months ago
Okay so with the new sanders sides content coming out i feel like i gotta share my thoughts on some things
The orange side, i’ve thought for a very long time, will be the opposite to logan and embody instinct. i feel like that’s just the most logical (no pun intended) route for that character to go.
Also! ship wise, i feel like i have some rare takes and some really common ones. Im ngl i dont like prinxiety. i dont know what it is about them, i just never got the hype. i see them more as good besties. on the other hand, i love logince. i think that logan and roman have a great dynamic and the whole creativity vs logic aspect is something i’m a big fan of. Next off, janus and paton belong together. i’m sorry, i had to say it. janus is the mom of the dark sides and patton is the dad of the light sides, it just makes so much sense. and not even mentioning morality and deceit being in a relationship… and that leaves us with remus and virgil. i think their dynamic is funny and anxiety fits well with intrusive thoughts, as we’ve seen in his intro episode. anxiety kind of relies on intrusive thoughts and intrusive thoughts wouldn’t be an issue without anxiety.
I’m so hyped for this next episode it’s not even funny. i’ll post my thoughts about it then!
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monkeythefander · 7 months ago
Sanders Sides Birthday Headcannons🥳🎁🎈
My birthday is this month, so here’s some birthday related headcannons for the Sides.
Content Warning(s): Food mentions (specifically birthday cake/cupcakes and Crofter’s). Let me know if I missed anything else.
Click below the cut to read the headcannons
- On Virgil’s birthday, he gets to decorate the mindpalace like it’s Halloween for the day. This decoration plan is to make up for the fact that his birthday is so close to Christmas. He gets to decorate for his favorite holiday on his birthday.
- Patton usually bakes the cakes/cupcakes for birthdays, but whenever it’s his birthday he gets to take a break as the other Sides make a cake for him. The moral side always initially insists that he can make a cake for himself and that the other sides don’t need to trouble themselves with the task, so Janus will pick up Patton with all six of his arms, place him on the couch, and tell him that today he’s the one getting to relax and be taken care of. The deceitful side will then put on a movie he knows Patton will like, then goes back to the kitchen to bake with the others.
- Logan’s birthday wishlist is never long. He usually just asks for a few books and a jar of Crofter’s.
- On his birthday, Roman will listen to the song “30/90” from the musical/movie “Tick, Tick… Boom!”
- Remus doesn’t like to use a fork or spoon to eat birthday cake. He just picks up a slice of cake with his hands and eats it like that.
- Janus likes to get all dressed up for his birthday. If he doesn’t like any of the makeup or jewelry he has, he might sneak into Roman’s room and ‘borrow’ some. (Janus does return the items after, but considering he borrows them without permission, I can’t really consider it borrowing)
End Notes: Thanks for reading! As always, if you liked any of these headcannons and want to make fanart or fanfiction based on them, you can do so as long as you ask me first, and then credit/tag me in the post so I can see it.
AO3 link to these headcannons: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58083004
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snowdice · 6 months ago
All the Shattered Pieces of Me (Part 1/3) [Part of the Envisage Series]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Rhea & Logan, Rhea & Patton, Rhea & Deceit
Characters: Rhea, Logan, Patton, Deceit
Summary: Rhea Silvia almost died a hero, but she did not. She wakes up; she will never be the same.
But she is alive and the living can change, rebuild, and adapt.
Notes: I struggled with which subseries to put this in because linearly it doesn't at all fit into Envisage, but thematically I think it really fits into Envisage.
Also note I myself haven't ever had a conversation with a doctor like the one that happens this chapter. Rhea doesn't react in the way I think it would usually be portrayed (and there are reasons for there not being a full freak out or confusion), but hopefully its still make sense where her head's at. I don't have a sensitivity editor as a random fanfic writer, so I hope you can forgive me any small missteps I make in trying to portray such things. I'm open to hearing from people with more experience. (Also, I have no idea about medical procedure, but just take it with a grain of salt and we can use the fact that this is a very different universe to our own.)
Tags: Superhero AU, medical treatment, injury discussed, life changing injuries, paralysis
This takes place before Sometimes Labels Shift and after The Onslaught.
When she opened her eyes, she knew where she was, and she knew what had happened.
The ceiling was white, and she could hear a steady beeping sound she knew followed the pace of her own heartbeat. She was not in pain exactly, though there was some general discomfort from laying supine a bit too long. There was also a noticeable lack of pain or discomfort in certain parts of her body.
She turned her head to one side. The heart monitor she’d heard was there along with an IV bag. A cord extended from the IV bag and disappeared under the blankets covering her. She thought she could feel the impression of the IV in her arm.
The call button was hung over the bed’s side rails. She reached for it and paused. Her arm did not look like her arm. It was extending out from her body, and it was obeying her commands, but for a moment, her mind had trouble reconciling it as a part of herself. The loose hospital gown had fallen down her arm as she moved, bunching around her shoulder. What it revealed was an arm significantly thinner than she ever recalled it being and much paler than her usual darker skin tone.
For a moment, she worried she was somehow waking up in the wrong body, but the birthmark on the back of her hand was the same as it always had been. So, this was her.
Having been in the hospital a few times before both for minor and major (though never anywhere near as major as this) things, she was surprised just how immediate the response to her call button was. There was a nurse at the door before she even managed to turn her head in that direction. They seemed surprised when they saw her looking at them.
“I’m awake,” she said. Her voice also did not sound like hers and it hurt slightly to use it. Her words seemed to shock them more, but they also pushed them into action.
“I’ll call your doctor.”
The room was a flurry of activity in no time. In her own head, she compared this to the time she’d woken up after having her appendix removed.
Then, she’d been in a room with three other people being tended to by one nurse as she came out from under anesthesia.
Now, the attention made her feel like a minor celebrity. Now, there were four nurses to their one patient in the room at any time.
However, they were not always the same four nurses. They were all running in and out, talking amongst themselves and to her. She honestly didn’t know how many of them there were in total as they were constantly moving. Even after they’d inclined the head of the bed, so she was almost sitting up, she didn’t have the energy to track them all.
She was given ice chips to help her throat when she mentioned it was dry, and she was promised crackers and then eventually a sandwich after it was okayed by a doctor. Two different nurses took her blood pressure at different times even though there was a cuff that automatically took it at infrequent intervals permanently on her arm.
There was constant chatter directed at her, pulling her attention in many different directions, though little of it was of any substance or concern to her. They mostly talked at her, skirting around asking her how she felt too much lest she notice. They were trying to keep her distracted until her doctor arrived to explain. To be fair, she also wouldn’t want to break that news.
She was told her family had been called soon after she awoke and that they’d be there soon. The nurses seemed casually familiar with her family which made sense. They’d certainly talked to them more often than she had as of late.
The doctor on call had come by to say hello and check her vitals once again, but he was apparently not the doctor, not her doctor. He did allow her to have crackers, however, telling her they’d remove the feeding tube if she could keep them down.
She was chewing on them idly, pretending to listen to the nurse who was pretending to do something with her heart monitor when her doctor entered the room.
She recognized him as one of the ER doctors she’d met a few times over the course of her career. She’d never been his patient or, if she had, it had been for something brief and forgettable. If memory served, he was known as an expert emergency surgeon, the top in the city if not beyond. That may explain why she was alive.
“Hello,” the man said, and there was a look in his eyes that was similar to and very different from the look all of the other medical professionals had given her today. He looked at her not with surprise exactly, but with a particular sort of relief, like how a high school senior might look after opening their first college acceptance letter. He looked at her kind of like she was an extra special Christmas present come early. Though he did his best to keep a professional mask over his expression, it didn’t foot her. “I’m Dr. Sanders,” he said. “I was your surgeon.” He reached out a hand to her and she took it.
“Hello,” she returned politely. “I’m Rhea Silvia, but I imagine you already knew that.”
“I do,” Dr. Sanders answered with a smile. “It is a pleasure to hear you say it, however, Chief of Police Silvia.”
“Rhea is fine,” Rhea replied swiftly. She doubted she would ever be called by that title again except, perhaps, at some formal event for her official retirement.
“In that case, you can call me Patton,” he said. It was a surprise because usually even the most personable doctors still went by their surnames with patients. Yet, as he sat down in a chair beside her bed, she sensed there was some sort of kinship between them even if she had not been awake when it had been forged.
The nurses had all fled, she noticed, and they were alone except for the quiet beeping of the heart monitor.
“Now,” Patton continued. “I’m sure you have questions. If there’s anything pressing you want to know, feel free to ask now. After that, I’ll give you a brief rundown of everything that’s happened since you’ve been here and then let you ask anything else you want.”
She nodded and twisted the sheet slightly in her unfamiliar hands. “How long?” she asked.
He hesitated for half a second. Obviously, this wasn’t what he’d expected for her first question, but he still answered it easily enough. “It’s been a little over 6 months.”
She nodded again. It sounded about right from what she’d pieced together, but still… it was a long time.
There was a lengthy pause while he waited for her to either freak out about the length of time or ask something else. When she didn’t, he tentatively proceeded.
“Do you remember what happened, Rhea?”
“I do,” she said. “There was a speedster, I managed to give them a shot of Oxyproxicolotin, and then they shoved me off a building.”
“Yes,” Patton confirmed. He smiled tightly. “It’s a good sign you remember the events leading up to your injury.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “There was extensive damage,” That was one way to say she’d shattered into pieces on the pavement. “particularly to your lower spine. Reconstructive surgery was able to reverse some of the damage, but considering the severity and location of the injury, there is a high probability of paralysis of your lower body.”
“High probability is a funny way to say 100% Doctor,” Rhea pointed out blandly.
He grimaced slightly but tried to hide it. “I take it you’ve noticed.”
“That I can’t move or feel my own legs?” she asked. “Yes. I have.”
“There is always a chance…”
There was not, Rhea knew instinctually, not for her. She would not say it out loud and she would attempt whatever physical therapy treatment he suggested to her, but she knew. She known it before she’d even woken up.
He seemed to read the knowledge on her face. “I’m sorry,” he said, and while at no point during the conversation had his tone been unempathetic, the professional mask slipped for a moment, showing her a very human expression on his face. He was clearly torn up about it. She did not think he should be.
“Don’t be sorry,” she said. “I am alive, and I am awake. It is more than most could have” would have “been able to do.”
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far-from-fran · 9 months ago
What are the examples of your "cringefail x [gender]failure" ships? xD
I'm so glad you asked!!!!!!😁
Ok! So! I'd probably have to start with Hijack!
Hiccup (httyd) x Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians (great movie btw😊)) If we're going by htty1 Hiccup would be the boyfailure, and Jack would be the cringefail. But, if we're talking about httyd2, then Hiccup would be the cringefail and Jack would be the boyfailure. The shit they go through and the way I write them really fits that dynamic.
Asha x King Magnifico (Disney's Wish) King Magnifico is kind of like a cringey and underappreciated dad, it's so funny. Like, he's supposed to be this intimidating and evil-as-fuck villain, but he's just so cute. Like, look at him twirl:
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"I'm glowing! :D"
This is after he's turned evil too, so. Lol
And, Asha is the girlfailure, because... she's just a mess of a character. 😂 Like, I love her, but she's a mess. All the characters kind of are, but, that's kind of why I love them.❤️
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Roceit!!!!! :D
Yeeeeeeeeeesssssss! Ok!
Roman "Creativity" Sanders x Janus "Deceit" Sanders from Sanders Sides:
There's a (too) big section of the fandom that (only) sees Janus as this suave and debonair mystery man, which is definitely what Janus wants to be seen as. But, in reality, he's just a big dork! (affectionate)
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Picks him up and hold him under a flashlight Look at him! LOOK AT HIM!
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So, Janus is the cringefail.😂
Roman! :D Roman is the boyfailure. My mans is... Not Winning. (Which is partially his own fault) (Who said that!?👀)
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He's so good, though! I love him! Like, more Roman being happy, please! Enough with the ANGST! (lighthearted... also kinda serious.😂)
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I have a fic for them planned. (When don't I? Lol) Well, it's for all the Sanders sides, but it's going to feature roceit heavily. Which I said I wasn't going to do, because I wanted to feature all the sides equally, but here we are.😂 I hope I can get the first chapter out soon!😁
Hmm. I had another one I wanted to talk about, but I don't remember what it was right now.🤷
Well, anyway, here's some honorable mentions:
Hiccup (httyd2) x Isabela Madrigal (Encanto)
I think calling Isabela a girlfailure is a bit of a stretch, since her whole thing is being perfect. But, she's a bit of a girlfailure in my eyes, so that's all the counts.😌💅🏾
Quick Hiccabela edit I did:
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Jax x Ragatha (The Amazing Digital Circus)
I hesitate to call Ragatha a girlfailure, but, eh... she's not exactly Winning. Which isn't entirely her fault. It's, like, 90% Jax's fault.
Jax is definitely a cringefail, though. To me, at least. I guess he would technically need to fail more, but whatever. There's only two episodes out, as of writing this, but I'm pretty sure he's going to be failing a LOT more in the future.😂
Hmm. Maybe, I'll switch the roles? Jax is the boyfailure and Ragatha is the cringefail? Eh, whatever.🤷 It works either way.😂
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I JUST REMEMBERED!!! I almost sent it without talking about the Cringfail x Girlfailure ship of all time.😂
Adam x Lute (Hazbin Hotel)
Adam is just... the worst, and Lute is a girlfailure, because, like, girl Raise your standardsssssssssss!!!!😭 (affectionate) I can't wait to see more of them in season two.😊
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But, yeah.😂 Those are my "cringefail x [gender]failure" ships. Feel free to ask more about these or any of my other ships. I ship a lot of stuff. Oh! There's a crossover ship tournament going on, if you want to vote. No pressure. It's just for fun anyway. I put in a link to the hashtag if you're interested: Crossover ship poll tournament. It's hosted by Rapunzel Crossover Queen. They're great!😊
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beetlewine-art · 8 months ago
The Sides and their animals: Part 1.
I've been thinking a lot about the use of animal symbolism in Sanders Sides, so i wanted to make a short post to analyse the animal symbolism of the main characters, wich i decided to divide in 3 groups of 2:
The "canon/strongly hinted" animal group: Janus and Virgil.
The "I am not 100% if this is canon but the clues are there, i'm just not sure wich animal in specific they are" pair: Patton and Remus.
And the "I have no idea wich animal those two could be asociated with because they have shown no animal traits or hints" duo: Logan and Roman.
This post is about the first group, because they are the ones who show the most animalistic traits and hints of what animals they could be asociated with, so i want to get the easy ones out of the way first. Also, this is a very, VERY shallow analysis, i'm in no way am expert in animal symbolism and i'm just talking in a very general sense.
Let's start with Janus and his snakes:
Janus is, with no doubt, the side who's animal symbolism is the strongest and best done, since his animal asociation is more than just an aesthetic choice, is literaly a part of him because he IS half snake and his logo is a two headed snake. Now, i want to remember everyone that animals can represent diferent and multiple things depending on what culture we are talking about. And snakes/serpents have some of the most dual symbolism, having both extremely negative and positive asociations:
The most negative: Evil, temptation, treachery, betrayal, bad luck, chaos, toxicity, destruction and death.
The positive meanings: Rebirth, life, change transformation, fertility, inmortality, healing, creative force, sexual desire, knowladge and protection.
As we see, this animal fits perfectly with Janus, because he is a very dual character both in what parts of Thomas personality he represents Deceit and Self-preservation, having a negative and positive role and his personality (Janus can pretend to be misterious and elegant all he wants, but he's just a giant goofball, even with his manipulative tendencies).
Honestly, it surprises me how his animal asociation is so well done, is rare to see a character who's animal symbolism is so acurate and well used.
Next we have Virgil and Spiders:
I want to first clarify that i've seen a lot of people with the HC that Vee's animal is a black cat, but i believe that as far as canon clues go, his animal is a spider. He has a pet spider and spiderweb pattern courtains and i am pretty sure we saw him decorating Thomas house with spiderweb in one of the endcards and, while not sure if it's canon, Virgil tries to give Roman a spider as his animal companion. The spider asociations are STRONG with this one, not to mention, spiders can hisss just like cats, so Virgil's tendency to hiss can also be spider-related. I feel that, while Vee does have a big "grumpy black cat" energy, that's more a part of his personality than a hint of his animal asociation.
With that out of the way, here are some meanings of spiders: good luck, creation, patience, persistence, self-awareness, grow, balance, curiosity, creativity, fate and rebirth. Also, they can be simbols of fear, anxiety, death, disgust and negativity (specialy black spiders).
Surprisingly, Spiders and Snakes have very similar symbolism. Despite being asociated with a lot of negative things and being seen in a negative light in modern culture, both have a lot of positive asociations (also, both are asociated with femninity... For some reason). Again, the asociation is very well done and it works well, because how what spiders represent and how they are percived. Also, what they provoque in people: A lot people fear spiders and get anxious when they see one. Again, similar to snakes.
Virgil doesn't show a lot of animal traiths like Janus does (other than hissing) and is more dificult to see the relation, but is still a very well done use of animal symbolism for a character, even if it seems to be more of an aesthetical use of symbolism.
Next part is going to be about Roman and Logan and what their posible animals could be, is mostly going to be expeculation based on popular Headcanons, because again, this two don't really show ANY animalistic behavior. So next part is just going to be me ranting about headcanons.
Tag list: @emomightmareace @pattonpattoff @roman-can-gay @dorkyduckling16
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