#debating on how to go about the outfit though
aroace-poly-show · 1 year
btw. thinking about a v4 flower cosplay
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elssero · 1 month
seven minutes in… heaven?
♰ nsfw/suggestive, third year bakugo x f!reader, dry humping..? both characters are drunk but fully consent!
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evanescence blasts through your phone as you do the final finishing details of your makeup, your cutting the crease of your liner while jirou sat next to you clips some of her hair back with the little music note hair piece you had picked up for her last week. your excited for tonight, it’s been awhile since the whole class of 3A had gotten together like this.
it’s a celebratory party for the end of a month long project you had all been putting all of your time and effort into, so much so to the point that nobody had really spent any time together, so to say that everyone was bubbling with anticipation was an understatement.
well everyone except bakugo of course, according to jirou he had been grumbling all week about this stupid party and how he’s being forced to go by stupid kirishima because of some stupid bet he lost last month. apparently he’d much rather stay in his room all night and pop a couple sleeping pills to ensure he wasn’t involved in the the night at all.
he just hates parties, he doesn’t understand why something so small as finishing a project deserves an entire class get together. he would much rather have a small, controlled hang out with the close group of friends he’d found himself growing fond of over the past few years.
you, of course ignore his complaints because the only word to describe how your feeling right now is ecstatic, it’s no surprise to anyone that you loved a good party and seeing that you had worked extra hard on this particular project you felt as though you owed it to yourself to let a little loose.
after deciding you are completely happy with the way you look and having taken a shot of some pre-drink with jirou, you link the girls arm and leave your dorm, you make your way to the common room arm and arm with the increasingly nervous girl beside you, you whisper a few encouraging words as you continue to lead her to, you can see that people have already started gathering, drinks in hand.
you decide for jirous sake to make a b-line to mina, kaminari and sero who are slumped together on one of the couches around the room.
mina wastes no time pulling you both into a hug “you both look amazing! ah- i can’t im so excited we’re all here tonight!” you can tell she’s already tipsy by the way she slightly stutters and her voice raises at the end of her sentences.
you hug her back just as excitedly, you love mina, she shares your excitement for the little things and you can’t help but feel drawn to her because of that, it’s clear to everyone around you that you two were just made to be friends.
kami gets up next, he throws a lazy arm around jirous shoulder and compliments you both on your outfits of choice, you can’t help but chuckle a little at his behaviour, he’s always been a bit of flirt, especially with jirou, you can’t help but smile at the sight when jirou leans into his hold slightly.
sero, now stood directly in front of you pulls you into tight hug, seros a close friend, if anything probably your closest after mina and jirou and definitely the person your physically closest with. he is your friend and definitely only that, despite the looks that your weirdly physically close relationship gets from your classmates, but the line at least in your head is definitely drawn and you don’t dare cross it.
you mingle for abit, finishing off your first drink and eagerly getting your second, your sat in a circle now with most of your class, some sat on the floor and some sat on furniture, you’ve somehow ended up in a full class discussion despite the buzz that fills the room. your listening to the class debate their most embarrassing moments when a loud but cheery voice drags another loud but not so cheery voice into the room.
“hey everyone! sorry we’re late it seems that bakugo had forgotten about tonight” kirishima grins as bakugo starts mumbling incoherent complaints. “but alas, no worries as i made sure to remind him!” kirishima continues to ignore bakugos clearly sour mood as he pulls the blond to sit across from you and sero, who’s now drunken head is now resting on your shoulder, they would definitely be sat next to you guys but kirishima doesn’t wish to disturb the circle so he takes the only free place.
people exclaim welcomes as you smile at the red head, he sends a smile back and a quick look at sero who seems to be making himself pretty comfortable pressed up against you. bakugo doesn’t even lift his head while he sits down, it’s clear he wishes for this party to be over just as quickly as it can start.
“let’s play a game!” it comes from uraraka in the corner as she leans into the center of the circle to get everyone’s attention. “oh yeah? what do you suppose we play?” midoriya this time, slurring, who’s clearly a little drunker than he should be seeing as your only an hour or so into the get together. denki cheers out in the corner and catches everyone’s attention as he quickly finishes his beer and places it in the middle of the circle. “we’re playing seven minutes in heaven.” a wide smirk on his face as he watches everyone agree, you’d maybe think he’d be suggesting this is a way for him to get some but you disagree, you know kami lives for drama and a game like this is surely to brew some up.
people settle into positions and sero finally raises his head from the crook of your neck, you know he’s a merchant of drama and he seems to agree this some in definitely incoming as he awaits the first spin.
tsu goes first as peer pressured by her friends and lands on uraraka, you see a small blush appear on the brunettes features and you wish them good luck as mina shuts the closet door behind them, your all warily keeping it down a little, making little jabs at one another and chuckle quietly, you hear a giggle from the closest and you all burst into laughter, unable to keep quiet anymore as you let the girls finish their 7 minutes.
your unable to remember who goes next but it was surely insignificant, you can feel the alcohol now at your forgetfulness, you join conversation with your friends and await the next spin as the pair who you now see is momo and shinsou leave the closet calmly, it’s clear to everyone that nothing of interest happened which only proves a suspicion you’ve had about momo for awhile, whatever though it’s not your business.
very suddenly and very much to your surprise mina edges you forward to spin the bottle next, your not really sure why, it’s not like your dying to get some, infact your doing pretty well for yourself so her eagerness for you to spin next is unidentifiable to you but alas you don’t argue and you shift, almost crawling on all floors to reach the bottle and spin it harshly, watching as it continues to go round and round.
when it’s completely slowed down you follow the tip of the bottle and realise it’s pointing directly in front of you, you continue to look up and you lock eyes with a shocked pair of red ones. without thinking you stand up and hold a want out too him to help him up. he looks up at you in only complete shock as he grits out “i’m not fuckin’ doing this shit, didn’t fuckin agree to it” you don’t falter, now used to his attitude “what are you scared bakugo? the great katsuki bakugo scared of seven minutes alone with me?”
he gapes at you, jaw dropped and he falters for a second. maybe he is scared. he contemplates for a second before grabbing your hand and letting you help him up, he follows as you guide him into the closet and shut the door behind you.
he huffs at the proximity between you, he’s always been huge but the past few months you can tell he’s been bulking up even more, if that’s even possible. there’s barely enough space for the two of you, your tits are slightly pushed up against him as your back hugs the wall of the closet.
“we don’t have to do anything” you whisper out, slightly slurred due to your drink intake. “we can just chill in here if you’d rather that.” he doesn’t respond and you take a moment to observe him, his cheeks are flushed, either due to the lack of space between the two of you of the alcohol, it’s probably both.
“well it’s not like you can do anything anyway” he spits out and you give him a puzzled look “what do you mean i can’t do anything? you think m’ allergic to kissing people or something?” he chuckles slightly at that, you feel a little twinge of pride, you’ve always been able to do that, draw small chuckles out of the man in front of you. you’ve been able to lock down on what draws it out of him and being mouthy certainly seems to do the trick.
“na… y’know your with tape arms and stuff dno’ why you even came in here with me, dno’ why you even spinned that bottle” now it’s your turn to chuckle at him, did he seriously believe that you and sero were together? like an actual item? did other people believe that too? you swore up and down you’d made it very clear that was not the case. “me and sero are definitely not together” you giggle slightly as you say it, he doesn’t respond so you continue “he’s a very close friend of mine and i know we’re a little touchy but we’re definitely not seeing each other” his eyes seem to dart up to you as you finish your sentence, the words clearly settling in.
“why do you guys act like that them?” he sounds almost… defected? it’s a tone you can’t quite figure out. “m’ not sure, it just kinda happened one day and became the norm for us i guess” he lets out a slight hum and you settle into silence briefly before he speaks. “so why-” he cuts himself off, cursing quietly before continuing “so why did you come in here with me?” he gets quieter as he continues to speak, he’s nervous. that much is entirely obvious to you even in your drunken state. you look him in the eyes when you answer him this time “well what usually happens when you entire a closet with someone during this game bakugo?” his breath seems to quicken at this and you feel his chest moving faster against your own, quickly reminding you of the contact between you two as you glance down at your tits still pushed against his chest, the sight sets a blush across your cheeks, bakugos eyes seem to follow yours as an even bigger red blush appears across his face.
“i already said before that we don’t have to do anything if you don’t want too, but that doesn’t mean i don’t want too.” you explain it too him calmly, you are not inexperienced, not in the slightest but though his actions it’s telling that bakugo may be- giving you the upper hand.
“no-“ he ushers it out quickly “no- i think- i think i want too” you watch as his blush deepens even more, it’s cute you think, nothing like how he usually is, you quite like him like this.
you take this as an opportunity to lift your hand to the back of his neck, pulling him closer towards you, you stop as his lips are hovering slightly above your own. “you gotta let me know if you want me to stop” he nods quickly and you take that as confirmation, you take a tight grip on his hair and force his lips down to meet your own, he immediately groans at the impact, rushing to place heavy hands on the side of your waist, wasting no time as he pulls you impossibly closer to him.
your forcing your tongue down his throat and he groans again, you immediately feel him already against your thigh and you wonder how long he’s been hard like that. he kisses you like he’s starved, attempting to push himself even closer to you, it appears he’s fighting for dominance until you pull slightly on his hair and he melts into you with another noise bubbling in his throat- a whine almost exhales him and in that moment you decide your pulling a proper whine from him that night, it might be the best thing you’ve ever heard.
far too suddenly for your liking the door swings open, revealing to your entire class the compromising position you and bakugo are in, he nearly screams at the suddenly light shining in his eyes. you make eye connect with mina and her jaw drops. bakugo immediately disconnects with you and you find yourself missing his warmth. your bombarded with questions as bakugo takes your hand in his and rushes you both out the closet, ignoring the pleas from your classmates.
“party’s over for me shitty hair” bakugo shouts at kirishima, not even taking a glance in his direction as he storms you both, still hand in hand past the crowd of your classmates and towards the stairs. “you fuckers have a good time down here or whatever, we’re going up to bed.” he smirks at this, pulling you even faster through the hall.
“have a great night everyone!” you shout as you look back at your friends, they’re mouths gaping in complete shock, you send them a wink as you turn back to bakugo, speeding to catch up with him. happily following him up to his dorm. luckily for you, you’d turned around too quickly to see the defeated look on a certain black haired classmate of yours as he watches you be dragged even further away from him by a boy he knows has shared the same crush he’s had on you since your first year at ua.
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AHHHH BAKUGO FIC!!! i’m considering making this a little series because i can’t get seven minutes in heaven with the mha characters out of my head. not proofread yet so if there’s mistakes then there’s mistakes!
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luveline · 10 months
anything bombshell reader I would adore!!!
Oh my god, Spencer thinks desperately, could she give me a break? 
You waltz into the conference room wearing a smile (your smile, as heartbreakingly perfect as always) and a motorcycle jacket buttoned to the chin. There's something about it. Spencer doesn't know what it is, just that it makes you even more attractive than usual. He toys with the word sexy, and sure, you are when you want to be, but he thinks about it long and hard. You're a fucking bombshell, and you're going to kill him one day. 
“What's with the outfit?” Morgan asks immediately. 
“You can't wear that to the precinct,” Hotch says, though he sounds curious rather than annoyed. 
“You called us in unexpectedly,” you defend, holding up two perfect hands. Calluses from shooting practice line the palm of your dominant hand and you've a cut down the side of the other, and they're still perfect. Everything about you compliments everything else. “I was out.” 
“What, on your motorcycle?” JJ asks. 
“Your motorcycle?” Emily asks. 
“I didn't know you had a motorcycle,” Garcia says.
“You're ganging up on me. Spencer, honey, would you save me?” you ask, though the tone you use doesn't express much urgency as you unzip your thick jacket and toss it aside, its logos and sponsorships crumpling over the back of your chair. “You're the only one who looks pleased to see me.” 
“I am pleased to see you,” he says honestly. 
You don't make it to cases every time; you're on a different type of leasing, you always say. He doesn't have the subtlety to pretend he isn't happy you're here. You flirt with him, sure, and he enjoys it even while being out of his depths, but he likes you. You're fun and smart and good to be around. You listen. 
“They couldn't keep me away from you if they tried,” you say, head dipped gently to one side, smile far from teasing.. 
“Since when do you ride a motorcycle?” Emily asks. 
“If we could get back to the case at hand,” Hotch says, and for a moment everyone looks rightly chastised, until he adds, “we can discuss Y/N's choices afterwards.” 
What's worse than your jacket is the quickness of your brain, the connections you make, your endless suggestions. You're so good at your job it makes Spencer feel funny. Rossi, who'd been mostly silent during the exchange, sends Spencer a pitying look. 
When the case has been introduced and everyone sent to make preparations for another trip, you and Spencer remain in the conference room. You, because your go bag is already here and you don't have much to do, and Spencer, because you're here.
“Do you really have a motorcycle?” 
You tap your nose. “Need to know, babe.” 
“I sort of do need to know. If you have a motorcycle, I should probably be spending more time worrying about you.”
“Well, it's not mine.” 
He feels a crushing wave of rejection descend on him. “Right,” he says. He knew this would happen. He knew you were just being nice—
“I'm borrowing it from a friend. Mostly to see if I still knew how.” You put your chin in your hand, smiling knowingly. “Who's did you think it was, Dr. Reid?” 
“Don't do that,” he says. 
“Or what?” You ease up anyhow. “If you don't like being flirted with, Spence, I won't do it.” 
“I didn't say that, just don't– don't look at me like that.” 
You sigh morosely, but your dramatics are unconvincing, and a smile plays on your painted lips. “Alright, I won't. But it's how you were looking at me, you realise? How's that fair?” 
Spencer is about to say you know how, but do you really? Why is it fair for him to ogle you (albeit without meaning to) when you walk in, but when you make your soft googly eyes at him, he tells you to stop? Maybe because his are real, and yours are… questionable in authenticity. 
You're smart enough to see that debate before it forms. “I have less choice over it all than you think, you know?” you ask, softer than before. 
“I know,” he says. He doesn't, obviously, because the idea that you flirt with him accidentally is hard to accept, because who is Spencer to you? Your nerdy, socially clueless coworker who very clearly has a crush on you. Why would you like that? So he doesn't know about that, but he knows about having little choice in the manner; he sees you and he trips over himself trying to get you to see him. 
“I say it every time, but I've missed you, handsome. How have you been?” you ask. 
Spencer forgets the depth of his crush in the face of a friend. “I'm good, I've been reading all this Russian existentialist literature–” 
“Yeah? Anything good?” 
Spencer beams. “Actually, yeah. There's this one writer, you've probably read him already, Dostoevsky…”
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lucidfairies · 9 months
science class [e.w]
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pairing: loser!ellie x cheerleader!reader
summary: when a new cheerleader arrives at ellie's college, face all dolled up and skirt-clad hips swaying, she all but wants to die.
warnings: smut, 18+ mdni, poc friendly, smoking, bottom!ellie, dom!fem!reader, tribbing, cunnilingus, nipple play, sorta thigh riding, overstim ‼️, ellie comes like five times
wc: 3.6k
top notes: I like accidentally made ellie sort of autistic but it's not my fault okay. also when I was writing this I was thinking abt how if this was a novel the reader would be black but I'm white so idk if I can like write that without like getting something wrong but sorry anyway
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sometimes ellie wished she was blind. she wished that she couldn't see pretty girls, because maybe then she wouldn't fall in love with everybody. especially you.
she was two weeks into her sophomore year of college when you showed up. immediately blinded by your beauty, she almost tripped down the hallway as you walked past, in a short little skirt, and a white shirt. your ponytail flicked as you walked by, meeting up with someone you knew already.
she knew she was fucked.
when she arrived at her class, she was astounded to see that you were sitting in the seat next to hers, chewing gum and typing on your computer with cute blue light glasses on. like it was nothing. like her world wasn't crashing down in front of her.
standing in the corner of the lecture room, she debated moving seats. there were plenty of open ones, but you chose the one next to her? how was she supposed to survive this class with a pretty girl next to her, observing everything she does?
the answer is, she wasn't going to.
she was simply going to perish from the sight of you, from being in your presence, because she certainly didn't deserve to be and-
"ellie, would you please sit down? you're creeping me out." her teacher said, and she shifted nervously, then sped to her seat with her gaze trained at the floor. "okay, let's dive in, shall we?"
and the lecture continued. like you weren't right there. she couldn't understand why everyone in the world wasn't looking at you right now, absolutely entrancing, the way you took cute aesthetic notes and reapplied your shiny clear lip gloss.
"ellie?" you said, hoping she truly answered to that. she turned, meeting your eyes with a nervous smile and rosey red cheeks. "hi. I'm y/n. I just wanted to tell you that I like your sweatshirt."
it was a ratty old thing that joel had given her years ago, with a faded queens logo and a hole in the armpit that she had to sew back together every time she washed the poor hoodie.
"it's nice to meet you," she said quietly, tucking back a piece of hair that had fallen into her face. she realized how strange she must've looked and stopped quickly, "my dad gave it to me when I was like 11. I've had it forever."
you giggled. you just fucking.. giggled. "you aren't one of those people who just wears it because it's cool though, right?" ellie shook her head violently.
"no, I love their music. I wish I was born in the eightees so I could've listened to them live and.. yeah. I really like them." she turned away from you ever so slightly, nervously over talking and terrified that she was embarrassing herself.
"hey, you're good. I wish I was too. my favorite song is probably back chat, but keep yourself alive is a close second. how about you?" and you let this loser girl next to you talk. and talk. and talk.
ellie didn't know that you were intrigued by her demeanor in every way. from the stickers on her lap top to the patches on her backpack, every detail about her you noticed. you observed the way she warmed up to people and let you strike up a conversation with her about anything once you knew her. and it was... cute. really fucking adorable.
ellie's life only got a million times harder after that. to add to her series of neverending death sentences, she now had to see you in your perfect makeup and effortless outfits everyday. instead of just showing up to class, you insisted on talking to ellie. about everything. cheer, your friends, some dude that was hitting on you.
and on top of that? she saw you in the hallways, or on campus and you smiled. waved, even. some days you even talked to her. in public. you weren't afraid to be friends with her. and though she had jesse and dina, she still had very little social experience, and you were like a breath of fresh air.
on a chilly wednesday afternoon, ellie was walking to the building that your class had been in, and caught a glance of some other lesbian couple on campus. that settled it. she was going to ask for your number today, it wasn't like she was proposing marriage. just something simple. easy.
"can I have your number?" she interrupted you mid-sentence. and you smiled. of course you fucking smiled. she prepared herself for the notorious rejection, after hearing rumors of you rejecting everyone that came up to you and asked for your socials we. she wasn't just anyone, though.
"duh, you only took forever to ask." ellie was frozen in place. had you wanted her to ask? couldn't you have asked for hers? but before she could overthink too much, you were shoving your phone in her face and ellie was putting her number in. "anyway, as I was saying.."
ellie tuned out what you were saying, purely by accident. there were too many big events going on in her life for her poor brain to handle. the love of her life just agreed to give her their number, and she was plotting her route to dina's dorm as quickly as possible to tell her everything.
"holy shit dina," she huffed, running her hands through her hair. "I asked for her number so she gave it to me, and we talked! dina, we talked. about things. I already have our life planned out. we're gonna have two kids and a dog, she'll be a stay at home mom, because I'll do everything for her. I would kill for this girl, dina." dina was unimpressed.
"you are such a loser, els. has anyone told you that before?" she wasn't a loser, she was just incredibly and obsessively in love with you. ellie rolled her eyes. "I say make a move. you never know what could come of it."
"I can't," she sighed, trying to find words. "I can't just make a move, what if she doesn't like me? what if she thinks I'm weird?" she frowned.
"you are weird. if she doesn't like you like that, then fuck her. maybe start with being friends?" ellie nodded. she thought you guys were already friends, but technically you never hung out outside of class, and you hadn't really texted that much (she got your number today, but that hardly mattered).
"should I invite her to jesse's on friday?" dina rubbed the back of her neck. jesse was in a frat, one of the largest on campus that had absolutely wild parties on the weekends, which weren't exactly the best place for first dates. but to ellie... smoking and drinking around hot people in a random basement? amazing.
"if you think she's into that, I'm not gonna stop you." ellie was up and out of dina's apartment quickly, biking back to the dorms and planning out everything that was going to happen on friday.
- - -
in ellie's defense, she overslept. she wasn't thinking much about grabbing a jacket when she was already going to be ten minutes late, so when she stopped outside and the cool air hit her like a brick, she was less than prepared. but it hardly mattered. today was the day she was going to invite you to jesse's party, so her stupid jacket was like a blip on her radar.
"ellie, you're turning blue." you said, once ellie stumbled into her seat next to you. she was in nothing but a loose fitting tee-shirt and jeans, nothing to protect her petite figure. you hadn't noticed before how toned her arms were, but you certainly did now.
"I'm fine, it-it-it's not that cold." her teeth chattered as she stealthy tried to rub her hands over her arms to create friction.
"ellie, baby, I have an extra sweatshirt," you giggled when her eyes widened, grabbing the sweatshirt and handing it to her. "wash it and return it to me whenever." it was a bland black sweatshirt, but it matched your outfit, and you were more than happy to give it to ellie.
ellie who was most definitely going to pass out. she was probably just cold. it wasn't because she could smell your perfume on your hoodie that you just handed her. like it was nothing. she was going to fall out of her chair, onto the floor, and die.
"thanks," she pulled it over her head and sunk into it. "I'll give it back next class- what are you doing on friday?" she tried to get her thoughts straight while you looked at her with an adorable smile.
"I'm actually packing up and leaving, I dropped out," ellie's face fell, "oh ellie you're face," you laughed hard, and her expression softened. "but I'm not doing anything. why? wanna ask me out?" ellie was definitely blushing hard.
"my friend jesse is having a party at his frat on friday, do you.. do you maybe wanna go?" you tilted your head and looked away, as if you actually needed to think about it.
"hm, I guess I can fit that into my schedule." ellie released the breath she was holding and looked down at her hands for a moment before meeting your eyes again.
"uh that's great. it's kappa alpha, at nine. I would pick you up but I don't have a car,"
"how about I pick you up? what's your dorm number?" ellie texted you all the details, and it was settled. you were going on a date. together. in two days, and you were driving. ellie was on cloud nine- not even, cloud fucking ten.
- - -
"hey els," you giggled as she opened her dorm door. "oh, you look so cute! I'm definitely stealing this from you." you pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and messed with the corner of her collar, attached to a red flannel.
"oh thanks... it's yours if you want it." you knew if you asked she wouldn't ever have you give it back, maybe even give it to you right now. she stepped out of her room and shut the door, then followed you down the hallway.
"so who's this jesse kid? I hear a lot about him." you asked, turning on the engine and pulling out of the parking lot. the frat was on the other side of campus and ellie planned on walking? laughable.
"I really don't know him that well, he's dating my friend dina. he's a big stoner, but he's not super into the party scene. just goes 'cause the frat does." her eyes were trained out the window, not because she didn't want to listen to you, but because she was insatiably nervous.
"nice, nice." you paused for a moment. "are we gonna dance together or what? gonna save me a slow dance?" the tips of ellie's ears turned red.
"because I have such a roster." she joked, rolling her eyes. she would save every dance for you.
"perfect. is jesse's weed good?" she shrugged.
"it's okay. not as good as mine, and his plug is kinda shitty. whatever, it works. we're here." you pulled the car to a stop against the curb, in awe at how many people were coming in and out of the house.
ellie desperately needed to get high. maybe then she could talk to you like a normal person, not like she was trying to brush you off. when she found jesse, he was talking to dina and brushed her off. with a groan, she turned to find some other seller.
you were talking to someone, pretending not to pay attention to ellie skittering around the house talking to people she knew. maybe she wasn't as much of a loser as you thought, or maybe she was just a stoner. one of them. either way, she kept disappearing, but when you finally found her again, she was sitting on a couch, joint hanging from her lips as she talked with some friends.
"els," you fell next to her, taking the joint out of her mouth and taking a hit. "we should play beer pong." you suggested, smiling at her the way she liked.
"we were just talking about that," dina cut in, "me and jesse will play with you guys, won't we jes?" he turned back towards the three of you, dazed and a little confused. "that's a yes." ellie was burning lasers into dina, who was standing.
one of the tables was empty, and the group immediately moved to occupy it. you took your place next to ellie, teaming up with dina who was smirking at the end of the table. "you go first," you handed ellie the small white ball.
ellie was skilled, that's for sure. she made almost every single point, which had jesse drinking until he couldn't see straight. she was trying so hard not to focus on the way your bicep brushed against hers, and the way you giggled whenever you made a point. it just wasn't fair. none of this was fair.
"I definitely won." ellie said, as you made your way back inside. "you had, like, two drinks, max. I had jesse drinking for miles." you could tell she was on something now, the way she grinned and made eye contact and jokes were far from her usual character.
"don't you owe me a dance?" your hand locked with hers as you gently pulled her in the direction of where most people were dancing. you lifted her arm and spun her, pulling her back against your front by her hips.
ellie surely wasn't breathing. she was sure that she had died from alcohol consumption, or maybe someone stabbed her, and she was dead, in heaven. or a fever dream in a coma. there was no way in hell -in hell- that you were swaying your hips against her ass, cunt so fucking close to where she desperately needed you.
"this is fun, don'tcha think, ellie?" you whispered, voice low as you guided her hips with yours. her head fell back against your shoulder, alcohol wearing off as you ground her hips against your front. "I asked you a question, darlin."
"so fun," she muttered, eyes closed as she let you bring her hips back and forth with yours to the beat of the music. "wanna go upstairs?"
"ellie williams inviting me upstairs on the first date? dirty." you giggled, pulling away from her body. she was flushed, her boxers were already wet, and she had no clue what going upstairs entailed. but she needed you regardless. "lead the way, confident." she ran her sweaty hands down the front of her jeans and led you upstairs, to an empty bedroom. it was jesse's, and he wouldn't ever know.. right?
you were pulling her face against yours before she even got a chance to tell you that she didn't know what to do. you were definitely taking the lead on this one - not that ellie objected in any sense.
you nicked her bottom lip, eliciting blood at how chapped they were. you pushed your tongue into her mouth, smiling when she moaned and pulled you in by your waist. your hands traveled, brushing against her tits from beneath her tee shirt. obviously she didn't wear a bra, she was too cool and masc for that.
"you're desperate els," you sneered when you pulled away, pulling your crop top up and over your head. "take off your shirt and pants and lay down." ellie had no thoughts in her head; just you. you telling her to strip. this definitely wasn't a fever dream.
she quickly lost her shirt and pants, leaving lanky limbs and embarrassing boxers. her nipples were perked up, waiting to be sucked and slapped, and her face was red with a never ending blush.
when she laid down, you got on top of her, pushing her legs up around your waist as you sucked hickey after hickey into her neck. she was writhing and whining, begging for you to touch her further than just your hands still placed on her thighs. just from making out and hickies she was pushing her hips into you, clit hitting the fabric of your skirt as you moved to push your thigh between her legs.
"need you so bad," she whimpered when you finally diverted your attention from her neck down her chest. you left soft kisses between her tits and around them, before taking her nipple in your mouth and harshly sucking. like a false sense of security.
her hips were coming down hard and fast against your knee as you continued to mess with her tits, pulling her nipples between your fingers and grazing them with your teeth. she was just so fucking sensitive, and she barely even smoked anything.
knowing she was getting close, you moved your knee and kissed down her sternum, leaving a trail of shiny gloss as you got to the waistband of her boxers. "oh, poor baby, you've been waiting for this, haven't you?" you ran your thumb over the wet patch of her underwear.
"nghh- for so long," she moaned as her hips rutted into your palm. "I think about y- fuck- think about you when I..when I come," her eyes squeezed shut in embarrassment, knowing she was sharing far more than she needed to.
"do you now?" you teased, pulling her boxers down her pale legs. you added them to the pile of clothes and admired how absolutely drenched she was, practically leaking onto the sheets. "what do you think about, princess?" you were bringing her legs over your shoulders, looking at her expectantly.
"think about you- mh- about this," she was immediately distracted by the way you kissed her clit. "about c-cuming on your- shit shit fuck," you pressed your tongue against her clit and licked, before sucking it into your mouth and painting patterns with your tongue.
after keeping your attention directly on her clit for a few minutes, you circled her entrance with your middle finger, lubing it up before pushing it in to the first knuckle and fuck, she was tight, holding onto your finger to the point you could hardly thrust.
"ellie, you gotta relax. we can stop if you want to." she shook her head violently, unclenching her eyes and trying to breathe. her body released its tension, which made everything less tense, allowing you to push your finger the rest of the way in.
and... she came. just like that, barely a finger deep her cunt, barely doing anything.
"jesus ellie," you laughed to yourself. you didn't wait for her to finish before you started fucking your finger into her. she whined and thrashed to get away from your hand, but you added another finger and pressed down on her hip to steady her. you curled your fingers up just enough to hit that sweet spot inside of her and she almost black out.
"fuck- s'too much.. s'too much," she slurred, drunk on your fingers. the bed shook lightly against the wall at the harshness of your thrusts.
"is it really, baby?" you grinned, before taking her clit in your mouth again. her moans were practically louder than the music downstairs, and her back was arching. she attempted to get away from you, pulling her hips away, but it was no use.
tears welled in her eyes as her stomach tightened. her pussy clenched around your fingers, sucking them in deep. you pressed against her spot as she came, making her let out a broken shriek.
ellie was definitely crying now. especially when you didn't stop... again. you just kept pounding your fingers into her, adding a third. just thinking about how hard she would cum on a strap instead of your fingers had you dizzy.
her second orgasm morphed into her third before you pulled your fingers out. they were drenched in cum, which was dripping down your arm and the sheets. ellie's cheeks were puffy from crying, hips twitching as she tried to breath.
"oh sweet girl, we're not done yet." you wiped your hand on the bed and climbed off of her, stripping yourself of your remaining clothes and coming back over her, kneeling between her legs.
you pushed her leg up, straddling her for a moment. her lips were parted, breathing heavily as she waited for you to drop against her. your lips quirked up into a smirk as you pressed your cunt against hers, head falling back as your clits met.
ellie's pussy was wet, covered in cum, ready to be fucked until she couldn't say any name but yours. you thrust your hips against hers, and she was crying again, pulling and flicking her own nipples as she listened to you moan and reveled at how phenomenal your pussy felt.
she pushed her hips into yours, so you held them down, forcing her to take whatever you gave her. you came down against her pelvis hard, almost to the point where it hurt, but ellie was living for it, sobbing out your name like it was God's.
"can't come again- I can't- fuck, nnghh," you forced two fingers into ellie's mouth and she shut up, sucking them like a slut.
"yes you can." your voice changed, something deeper and more dominant ripped out of you as you got close to your orgasm. a rock in your stomach dropped, and you could feel ellie getting close as you picked up the pace, moaning at how her cunt felt.
you came at the same time, cum mixing and smearing all over both of you. ellie was still crying, back arched as she moaned over and over. you kissed her ankle softly as you came down for your high, climbing off of her after a moment and laying next to her.
"I want you to be my girlfriend," ellie croaked, voice still hoarse for all the crying. you giggled, looking over at her with a grin.
"I think I can do that."
bottom notes: this is the longest fic I've written and I actually thought I wouldn't be able to get more than 2k words.. anyway sorry about the abrupt ending I kinda wanted to be done
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struwberrii · 3 months
haikyuu!! at an american highschool ⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ
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pt.1 here pt.3 here
these are just some of my silly headcannons on how i think hq characters would act and what stereotypes they would be at an american highschool (as an american highschooler ☝️🤓)
characters: kuroo, kenma, bokuto, akaashi, oikawa, iwaizumi
⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺
literally the biggest nerd but sm girls crush on him
the type of guy you gotta hit your friends with the “hear me out” before you say he’s cute
kind of annoying and cocky about his intelligence but ppl still like him
gets real creative about his insults towards ugly people
wears cringey dad graphic tees bc he has no style
crunchy coughs in class a lil too often….
has the oldest most beat up car on the planet like it’s a safety hazard driving that thing
always smells really weird like cigarettes or something despite not smoking a day in his life
debate club.
his note books have like water stains and the covers are like torn apart and look like they were used as a shield during a war
offers all his friends rides but is such a scary driver
makes fun of ppl “lovingly” but he’s lowkey a bully
jokingly owns a minecraft hoodie he bought from the kids section and it’s SO TIGHT it’s a crime to wear that out with his big self
wears the same clothes multiple days in a row, he don’t gaf he probably slept in ts too 😭
probably doesn’t really smell bad, just kind of…. moist? marinated?
his hair is probably really greasy sometimes
always brings some type of gaming console to school and plays during lunch and during any free time he has
sneaks his phone when he isn’t supposed to and has never been caught
for some reason he sits with cool people despite NEVER talking during class and never going out of his way to make friends (kuroo forces him to hang out with his friends)
raged at his game super loud in class one time and got so embarrassed he begged his counselor to take him out of that class
his grades are ok for someone who never studies or even really pays attention
some of his teachers have gone entire school years without ever remembering his name
has the best comebacks to everyone, he is not afraid to clock you
drives the biggest jeep or like ford bronco ever and is actually a decent driver
his parking is TERRIBLE though and he never bothers to fix it
probably would play football (i’m sorry guys) and is constantly at risk of getting kicked off the team for his grades
akaashi helps him study to stay on the team
genuinely the biggest himbo, a bunch of the girls think he’s adorable but he never gets the hint
posts silly gym selfies on his story
book bag has like 1 notebook in it, maybe a pencil if he’s lucky
teachers secretly love him (but not enough to pass him)
i feel like he’d also try and join the swim team for some reason
i feel like he’d eat burger king for lunch :,(
girls confide in him with their drama even though he gives no helpful feedback or advice and just occasionally gasps and goes “no way”
has the most cracked iphone screen on the planet
probably taking like half honors classes or AP (idk how it works i’m not at a regular high school sorry guys </3)
gets school iced coffee for breakfast
takes super good and detailed notes and helps bokuto despite being a lower grade
wears the funkiest outfits but girls still think he’s cute
no girls talk to him though because he’s so quiet
always has at least 1 airpod in
sells pics of his notes
sometimes goes off campus for lunch with bokuto, but refuses to eat burger king
other days he probably has salad for lunch
probably in like orchestra but never carries his instrument in the halls bc he thinks it’s embarrassing
bokuto is loud af cheering him on when they have concerts
also sneaks his phone during class but got caught one time and now he’s kind of too scared to use it
wears those tight work out shirts to show off his muscles
probably drinks like protein drinks in class
has the biggest water bottle ever like bro drinks a gallon of water every period
has a SUPER old iphone or like an android he refuses to upgrade because it gets the job done
always posting about his gains
probably crashed his car and his bumper is like hanging off his car
in like a weight lifting or body building club and is probably the leader of said club
he and oikawa are a very popular duo
occasionally skips class if he ever just doesn’t feel like going
his notes are so vague and short yet he understands and remembers everything he wrote
his grades are insanely good too
literally only wears sports clothing
uses really good smelling cologne but since he’s so active there’s always a hint of must from all the sweat :,(
man hoe
he has been in just about every girls dms at some point
his grades are like, okay? he’s not failing
does stuff for female validation, like ik if he had a cat he’d be posting it on his story constantly and like flexing his hand veins
drives a bmw
if he’s actually in a relationship, he’s super loyal tho
his teachers kinda hate him
still uses snapchat and his snap score is like 500k
has decent fashion but dresses mildly gay at the same time
people constantly make jokes abt him and iwa being gay and he gets so mad (maybe he’s projecting idk)
smells a little like vanilla
he and iwa get in n out for lunch and eat in his car
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silversodas · 7 months
I Think There Are Actual Hints That Vox and Alastor Work Really Well Together or More Like They Have All They Need to Work Together
So we know that Vox and Alastor like to define each other by how their preferred medium is better, but what’s interesting is that’s just how they define each other, Alastor being an old fashioned radio and Vox being a sell out TV, but that’s not what they are, what they are is Audio and Video. We even see when one might have done better with the others help, like Alastor’s commercial that he did for the hotel
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His Audio was fine enough, got your attention, but holy shit, the video was awkward at best, it makes you uncomfortable watching it. And it makes it even more awkward when you can tell Alastor is overcompensating with his voice. But what he did know was a little impressive, some people pointed out that he probably did the editing himself. I believe that these out of place skills such as summoning tech and knowing how it works are remnants of Vox. Just like How Vox is always Smiling when he needs to take control of a situation is remnants of Alastor
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They probably learned these things from each other. As a matter of fact the way Alastor kept jumping from scene to scene in the commercial was similar to how Vox kept jumping from visual to visual in the beginning of stayed gone, going vary fast to keep attention. Speaking of which
Stayed Gone is an example where Vox is really strong in visuals, buuuuut probably needed a little help audio wise
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Alastor knows how to lure you in with what you hear, Vox pulls you in with what you see, and yeah he snatches your attention right away and (like I said earlier) jumps from visual to visual and you can’t help but be transfixed
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Buuuuutt that’s Vox’s problem, they are just watching, his audience can’t even grasp what the fuck he is trying to say because Vox is overcompensating with visuals, and it’s how Alastor verbally slaughtered him in stayed gone. Alastor is so charismatic and experienced with capturing an audience with his voice alone that Vox immediately loses his.
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Because, just like how Audio can’t do all the work, neither can video, and one can’t overcompensate for the other, they need to flow together
But I have noticed this a while back, what made me think that they probably work really well together, or rather they have all they need to work together, is what @cringefailvox said about the different outfits that characters like Vox and Alastor wear during songs that have symbolism to it
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Like how Vox always dresses as roles that are the leader or face of an organization Bishop/TV Chef/Captain. Roles that have power, but are at the whims of many people and need the approval of said people to stay in power
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While Alastor is dressed in more subservient roles Nun/Busboy, roles that are essential to run the organization but often go unnoticed, but can pull the rug out from under said organization if they decide to leave. In other words, it might be symbolic that he is a support (until he decides to take it away)
So Vox being the front runner and presenter basically being everything you see (Which is ironic because Vox means The Voice) and Alastor providing support and stability (he honestly doesn’t do to bad with support, stability is up for debate though) is another way they, in theory, could make a good team.
But the team up would work just like audio and video unfortunately, video is not the most important part, but it’s the part that gets the most credit. while audio emphasis and supports video, it’s part goes unnoticed until it’s not there. And Alastor’s ego has an ass so fat it’s aw inspiring that he can fit it through the door, so that may have been ONE of the reasons he said no to joining Vox (not saying it’s the only reason or even main one)
Vox may even see the potential for exactly what their partnership could be and it’s a reason why he took it so personally when Alastor shot him down
And it’s just so interesting that Vox and Alastor act like forces that should be pitted against each other but their capabilities show that they would go together like peanut butter and chocolate (in theory)
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jsprnt · 3 months
meeting your boyfriend’s parents
arda güler x turkish! reader
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A/N: based on this request, thank uu 🤍 my first arda fic!!
W/C: 2.175 (yes, I got ahead of myself)
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"is this too much?"
you ask yourself, thoroughly examining your outfit in the mirror. you run your hands down the soft fabric, grunting in indecisiveness.
turning around, you're greeted by a huge pile of clothes on your bed. a combination of dresses, jeans and shirts crumpled up from the way you'd thrown them behind you, after trying them on.
jeans with a sweater, too hot.
a pair of trousers with a blouse, too formal.
a skirt with a cropped top, too much skin showing for a first meeting with your boyfriend's parents.
the weather was becoming warmer these days, so you also had to keep the fabric and thickness of the clothes in mind.
"fuck this.." you mumble, sitting on your bed, the clothes barely allowing you to see you pink bedding. you lay down, the clothes becoming your soft pillow, apart from the buttons on the items, digging into your neck and the back of your head.
you and arda have been together for a few months now. you had gotten acquainted with him through mutual friends when he had just transferred to real madrid.
at first, you were a little nervous, meeting new people was exactly your thing. though, your friends had convinced you to meet him, only due to the shared background you both had.
since arda was born, he'd never lived anywhere else other than türkiye. born and raised partially in the capital, ankara. only to move to istanbul to play at his childhood dream club, fenerbahçe.
the years had gone by fast, and when a huge opportunity came, he finally decided it was time for him to leave and move onto one of the biggest clubs in the world.
you had met arda at a small gathering, specifically a surprise birthday party you attend for one of your close friends. 
the night was full of fun games, karaoke, and the best of all the multiple 'halay' dance routines.
you'd found arda to be a very sweet person, the second you met him. the way he so gently shook your hand, and gave you the prettiest smile you'd ever seen on a boy, had you mesmerized instantly.
obviously, you knew who he was before you met him. it was unavoidable to not know who 'arda güler' was, especially as a turkish person.
growing up around adults who watched and played football religiously, you were definitely aware of the debate.
which football club is türkiye's biggest and best?
was it the 'lion's', galatasaray, who had won the league last year? or was it the 'yellow canaries', fenerbahçe, who were first on the 'Süper Lig's all-time table'?
some would even nominate the 'black eagles', beşiktaş as candidates.
since all three of these clubs are based in the eurasian city of istanbul, derbys were an absolute show every time.
the excitement, the nerves, the turkish anger issues revealing themselves when someone gets fouled, or the thrill of seeing players of the opposite team fight each other, after a highly emotional match at full-time.
to see arda right in front of you, after seeing him on tv all the time was incredibly weird. but, you got used to it fairly quickly after seeing how humble and kind he was to everyone around him, whether he knew them or not..
you rub your nose with your fingers, eyes itching from the amount of dust in your room. you pause your movements for a second, sniffing softly and looking at the sun shining through your window.
the combined actions finally allow you to sneeze, and you don't waste time before you stand up to and go open your windows.
you were supposed to be picked up in an hour, so you had to hurry up and choose something to wear.
you had already texted your friends asking for advice on how you should dress. it didn't help much though, because whatever they said you should wear, you'd change your mind about it last minute. finding an issue with the clothing items, and then having to chuck more clothes on your bed as you rummaged through your closet.
your mind becomes busy with getting distracted by the beautiful weather outside, and the neighborhood children playing and laughing together.
though, you immediately whip your head around when your phone goes off. processing and realizing the ringtone, the one you had specifically set for arda, you walk over.
you sigh in irritation as you look around for your phone, finally catching a glimpse of the white case, from underneath a single black sock.
you're entire demeanor shifts when you read the caller id, smiling to yourself when you pick up. propping the phone in position, against the alarm clock on your nightstand, so he can see you properly.
"aşkım?" (my love) he says, the sweet nickname falling off his lips. his phone incredibly close to his face, as he shifts and moves, from what you can see, his car.
"arda, why did you call?" you question, grinning when you can finally see his full face. he moves his arm, playing with his hair as he smiles back.
"just finished training, showered and I'm coming over right now.."
"right now?" you panic, pointing downwards with your finger to confirm. "right now? but I'm not ready yet- and you said be ready by 5:45.." you blurt, already getting up to your feet, eyes flickering around the room as you forget he's on the phone for a moment.
"hey, calm down.. we have a lot of time, I just thought I'd come over since I know you're nervous.."
you look back at the screen, brows furrowing in confusion.
"that’s very sweet, but you just gave me a heart attack.."
"I'm almost at your place, canım. (my life) don't worry.."
you nod back, your heart calming down slowly.
"I don't know what to wear.." you say, running a hand over your face.
"I'll help you, I'll be over in a minute.."
"okay.." you mumble, waving quickly before telling him you'll hang up and wait until he arrives.
your thoughts are interrupted by an annoying yell and then a scoff.
"y/n! the footballer is here!"
you chuckle at your brother's voice, it's undeniably funny how much he liked galatasaray. even though arda had almost transferred to real madrid months ago, from fenerbahçe, your younger brother had vowed not to like him ever since he heard about you two.
well, he did cave when you asked him if he'd come along to some real madrid matches..
"I'm coming.." you shout back, jumping when you come across your brother. he scoffs at you, hurriedly stomping up the stairs to probably bother your older brother.
"arda?" you question, smiling when you notice him in the living room. he looks up immediately, walking up to bring you into a tight hug.
"I've missed you, tatlım.." (my sweetie) he whispers against your ear, pressing a soft kiss to your temple.
you look at him, grinning from ear to ear. you hadn't seen him since he had left for an important match in a different country, so it was practically your catch up dinner too.
"I missed you too.." you reply, planting a kiss to his cheek. without waiting for him to say anything else, you drag him towards your bedroom, showing him the disaster.
"did a tornado visit your room, and should I be concerned?" he asks, squinting at the pile of clothes.
"I don't know what to wear.." you groan, throwing yourself onto your bed.
you watch arda walk closer, his hands reaching out to grab a slightly wrinkled floral blue dress.
"this one." he firmly states, turning around to grab a pair of white kitten heels from your shoe rack.
"and this.." he says, presenting the two items like a football shirt.
muscle memory, you guess.
you sit up, fixing your posture as you analyze the combination.
"that's not too much?" you ask, getting some hope.
"what do you mean? this is perfect, my parents would love it.."
he watches your unsure expression, placing the dress on your bed and the shoes on the floor.
"try it on for me, okay?" he asks, nudging your chin up, so he can look you in the eyes.
"I'll wait for you in the living room, maybe b/n will join me.."
minutes pass, and you've pulled the dress on successfully. fidgeting with the fabric, you smile, starting to feel satisfied. already thinking of what jewelry and other accessories you'll style the dress with.
hurrying up, you walk into the living room, surprised when you can actually see both your brothers sitting with your boyfriend. and it didn't look like either of them had said anything crazy to arda.
they looked, strangely happy and relaxed..
"what do you think?" you ask, raising your brows at the three boys.
you're bombarded by compliments, and almost gawk as your older brother calls you 'pretty'.
had arda replaced him with other person while you were getting dressed?
without much more thinking, you run back to your room. pulling on the rest of your accessories and fixing your appearance.
"I'm more scared of meeting your sister, than meeting your parents.." you confess, playing with the ring on arda's finger, looking up at where the driver is taking you.
"my sister's not going to kill you.." he chuckles, looking down at your intertwined fingers.
you've heard the horror stories. girl's meeting their 'sister-in-law', only to find out how incredibly mean and protective they are about their younger brother.
deep inside, you knew his sister would be nice. he'd told you so many times about her wish of wanting to meet you.
it was just scary to meet three new people at once. especially those closest to your boyfriend. you had to get along, no questions asked.
you fidget with the bouquet of flowers in your hand. other hand intertwined with arda's, as you waited for his family to open the front door.
"hoşgeldiniz.." hearing the welcoming greeting in turkish you immediately tense up. arda seems to notice, looking at you and squeezing your hand reassuringly, before you step in.
you try to smile when you make eye contact with his mother, her loving arms coming to wrap around you. you greet each other with two, traditional kisses on each cheek, the worries in your heart slowly melting away.
you hand the flowers to her, and watch as the smile on her grow, an exact replica of your boyfriend’s smile..
you watch as arda hands his sister the gift bag in his hand, a kilogram of baklava.
you almost drool at the thought of having the dessert with a cup of turkish tea, but stop yourself before you get ahead of yourself.
it doesn't take long before you're all seated at the dinner table. having greeted all three of his family members with a lot of affection.
the atmosphere was friendly, warmer than you had dreamt of. but, you should've expected it, especially with how loving and caring your boyfriend is.
you admire all the different types of food prepared for dinner. eyes catching on the 'manti' you, oh-so- loved. you could describe them as little dumplings, instead of soup they were mixed in with yogurt, a sauce of tomato paste, and a lot of spices.
with how small they looked, you could guess it took a long time to make. not to forget, the other types of food. 'mercimek soup', 'olive-leaf sarma', and a colorful 'çoban' salad to refresh your palate.
you almost drooled at just the sight of the delicious array of food, and the way it tasted was a million times better.
"so, what city are your parents from?" arda's dad asks, the insanely predictable question every uncle asks when they notice you're turkish. only to magically always know your dad in some way or another.
"my mother is from c/n, and my father is from c/n.." you answer, making sure you answer with the perfect pronunciation.
"oh, back when I was younger- around arda’s age. I worked in c/n. we had worked hard for our bread and butter, sending money to the family was the most important thing back then.."
and without noticing, you'd passed the 'meeting my boyfriend's family test'.
only, because everyone at the table started complaining loudly, comfortable enough with you, already- to act like that. indicating they had all heard the story he was going to tell, a million times before.
you chuckle, smile pulling on your lips, as you feel arda's hand slip onto yours. his palm resting on the back of your hand, as he pats it reassuringly.
you glance at your boyfriend, his boxy smile showing, as he calms you down.
"don't listen to him, or he'll talk your ear off, y/n. let's talk about something else.." his sister chimes in, leaning forward to ask you something to save you from the talk.
this could definitely become something you could get used to..
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johnbrand · 2 months
Screen Froze
Podcasting had become inescapable in recent years. Everyone seemed to have an opinion on...well everything. Politics, world sports, cooking, an obscure movie from 1978 only released in a now-extinct language. If it could be covered, it would be. And one could find this content anywhere across the internet. Youtube, social media, even streaming services promoted their podcasters. Everyone was watching everyone talking. 
Of course, with so many different podcasters flying about, it was difficult to actually spot out talent. And from a sociologically micro perspective, it was even harder for individuals to find podcasters discussing the content they actually wanted to hear about. The more unique the niche, the less people one could happen upon to be talking about it during their recorded stream of consciousness. It was a simple formula, but it forced individuals to browse for hours or even days to find what they were searching for.
Sometimes though, people could not hold such patience. They would not wait for their new hero, a disciple preaching their values and morals to audiences around the globe. They would skip past one livestream discussing the economics of green villages in Switzerland to the next debating the potential existence between a minor character in two separate fandom universes. They could even perhaps land into a podcast like Sean’s.
“Most people just don’t understand the Soviet Union’s impact on architecture,” the measly, pale nerd innocently commented. A little shy in front of the camera, he was only able to relax a bit when discussing his favorite topics. Sean dressed in theme too, wearing a brutalist-like business casual outfit, a trait his small but dedicated fanbase adored.
“There were a lot of architects that really shaped this movement from all around the world,” Sean continued. “But today, we are just going to focus on those from the USSR.”
So what happened when one’s patience dried up? Well, everything was brought to a halt.
DragonHeart49: anyone else’s screen freeze? superduperloverboy: mine too <3bitsandmore: sean, I think ur glitching out
With the screen frozen, our impatient soul could now get to work. If one could not find the podcast they were looking for, then why not just create their own? Obviously, this did not mean constructing a podcast themselves, but rather alter the fabric of reality and completely realign another’s being to their preferred state. That was much easier.
Physical modifications were made first. A much larger body was necessary, something that demanded confidence and respect from others. Juicy pecs, rippling abs, sturdy legs. There was always something unreasonably fun in bloating the podcaster’s feet up a few sizes. An imposing frame to be craved by others, even when hidden underneath clothes, was priority. And speaking of clothes, those were quickly stripped down to less formal articles. Expensive branded tee, athletic shorts so small that boxer-briefs were visible, classic white Nike socks, all of it much more respectable than a button-up and tie.
This was not the impatient soul’s first time altering a podcaster to their liking, nor would it be their last. Physically at least, each of the end products were a little different. All alpha males, but just enough variation to not warrant any unnecessary rumors. This particular podcaster had his pre-American heritage redirected from France to India, the features in the screenshot tanning accordingly as a dark stubble acquainted itself along the sharper jawline. Of course, the bulge was accurately enlarged for geographical standards too.
Mentally however, all the podcasters could be considered copies. They each spoke of the same rhetoric, theories, and ideologies that our impatient soul wanted to hear. No matter how “backwards” or “hateful” their discussions were deemed as, nearly anything could be said by hulking bodies with undeniable charisma.
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“These homos have no idea what they’re talking about!” Sanjay raged as the podcast restarted, his deep voice cocky and assertive. "Sure bro, I was just thinkin’ about a girl’s rack I saw earlier today but there's more to a girl than big tits. There's a tight pussy too!”
The chat section lit off with encouragement, their fates too having been altered.
MassiveFART69: you tell them fags bro! LOL XD crassmassschlongnator: we want to BREED THEM TOO!!!! <3TITSGALORE: JUST TALKIN ABOUT IT ALREADY GOT SANJAY GRABBIN HIMSELF AGAIN
Sanjay vacantly looked down, finding himself already subconsciously scratching at the thick bush within his shorts. He let out a hot protein fart followed by a laugh, his scratching slowly extending into groping his fat 8 inch babymaker.
“God, that was WET bros!” Sanjay applauded himself, his free massive hand swallowing the mic. “Anyway, I’ll catch you on the flip side dudes, gotta go hit the gym. Bros for life!”
There was a reason the traditional masculine movement was becoming stronger. Maybe it was because men were slowly aspiring to become the alphas’ equals, or because fags were beginning to submit to their nature. Or possibly, it could have been because each time a screen froze, reality was altered one click closer to traditional, normal masculinity.
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kujousgf · 1 year
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THERE'S JUST ONE THING I WANT (your blood all over me)
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pairings: final girl!reader + slashers!wandanat, pre-established bucky + reader
summary: movie night at your boyfriend bucky's on friday the 13th, what could go wrong?
warnings: depictions of violence and murder, cult dynamics (cult leader wanda), character death (not reader), cheating, manipulation, patriarchal ideals, misogyny, power dynamics, pet names, mommy kink, dom!natasha, sub!reader, dom!wanda, fingering, groping
wc: 5.7k~
A/N: sorry bucky...
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Friday the 13th, a universal day of bad luck and bad omens. You were never one to be overly superstitious, you did have a black cat, Liho, after all, but something about this just felt like a bad idea. Bucky had proposed the idea of having a movie night of sorts to celebrate the unofficial holiday, wanting to invite some friends over and watch a few horror movies. He explicitly wanted to ‘watch Parker piss his pants over a little movie,’ which you rolled your eyes at. 
“I don't know if this is a good idea, Buck…” You sigh, looking up at the taller man through your lashes, your arms wrapped around yourself. “Oh, come on, it'll be fun. Who doesn't love a good horror movie?” He laughs, though he knows you don't, “besides, I'll keep you safe. Don't worry.” He pulls you into him, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“You know I don't like those kinds of movies,” you huff, “and your friends are always… weird.” You mumble, burying your face in his chest. He sighs above you, starting to run his fingers through your hair, “I know, I know, but it'll just be one movie. And it's just the guys! They're harmless, come on, you know that!” His tone is lighthearted, but he tugs a little on your hair at the last part. “You can invite some of your friends,” he offers, “who've you been hanging out with lately? Wanda? Natasha? Carol?” and then he quickly changes his mind, he doesn't like her attitude towards either of you, “Ugh, no, don't invite Carol… How about that Kate girl? You can invite the redheads and Kate?” 
“...okay, but promise you won't pick one that's too scary?”
“Promise, scaredy cat.”
Friday comes quickly and you're currently preparing for Bucky’s friends to come over, making sure there's cold beer in the fridge and snacks for them to eat. Your boyfriend was setting up the television apparently, telling you that you were always better in the kitchen than he was and then disappearing into the living room. Some of your friends were coming too, which you were grateful for. You had debated inviting Carol even though Bucky said not to, but decided against it. Wanda and Kate would be here soon, but Natasha said she had something she needed to do with Yelena tonight and wouldn’t be able to make it. 
You play with the ring around your finger before you start to put bowls and dishes on the island’s countertop in front of you, humming softly to yourself as you make sure it looks presentable. You were never one to like an ugly spread. Bucky chooses this time to come into the kitchen and wrap his arms around your waist from behind, “see? Told you, you’re so much better in the kitchen than I am.”
“You’re just saying that because I cut up some plums for you.”
“You got me.” He chuckles, reaching forward to grab a slice of the fruit, “the boys should be here soon, you should get changed.” He pats your bare thigh, the shorts you’re wearing are decidedly too short for him, and then pulls away from you and starts to walk away. 
“You didn’t seem to mind my outfit earlier!” You call out after him teasingly, and he just turns around to give you a pointed look, opening his mouth to speak before promptly closing it when he hears a car pull into the driveway. “That must be Steve. Go get changed.”
“I’m going, I’m going.”
It did turn out to be Steve, and you greet him after you’ve come back downstairs. This time dressed in a pair of jeans and a brown sweater. Bucky’s friends arrive in quick succession after that: Steve, Sam, Tony, Peter (Quill, not Parker. Parker couldn’t make it), and even Rhodey showed up which was apparently something of a miracle. Wanda’s friend Vision was away for work, otherwise you might have asked her to bring him too. You sip on a drink in the kitchen with Wanda while you wait for Kate, it was far too loud in the living room with all the boys. Especially because Tony had started drinking. You don’t envy Pepper, the man could be loud while sober, so this was almost unbearable. You remind yourself that they’re Bucky’s friends and it’s just one evening, he’ll make it up to you tomorrow. 
“You know, you could have just told him we were going out and you wouldn’t have had to deal with all of this,” Wanda hums, lifting her glass up to her lips and taking a sip of wine, “I know how much you hate these kinds of movies.”
“I know, but he seemed excited about it, and you know him… I don’t want to be down on something he’s actually excited about.” You lean against the counter, holding your glass in both hands against your chest. “He said he’d pick a movie that wasn’t too scary, but we can probably get away with just being in here for the whole night. It’s not like they’ll really notice.”
“You don’t think Bucky will notice if you’re not within two feet of him at all times? You must have forgotten who you’re talking about.” Wanda laughs humorlessly, a tight smile on her lips. None of your friends were particularly… fond of your boyfriend. It’s not that they hated him, he could be a nice guy, it’s just that sometimes the way he treated you was more like the way you’d treat a child or a trophy than a girlfriend.
Just then Bucky’s voice interrupts the two of you with a ‘babe!’ and you excuse yourself from the kitchen. You’re semi-grateful for it, not wanting to get into this Wanda right now, but you wanted to avoid the guys for longer than you were able to.
It turns out he had just wanted another beer, which you brought him and he accepted with a kiss to your cheek. You’re certain that Peter was going to ask for one too until he and Bucky had some sort of silent conversation, so you slipped out of the room to avoid whatever the outcome might have been. Things between the two of them could get tense. 
Wanda gives you a look when you re-enter the kitchen and you shrug, “he was having some sort of debate with Steve, he didn’t want to lose his train of thought.”
“Uh huh…” The strawberry blonde opens her mouth to say something else, but she’s cut off when she hears a sharp, feminine scream pierce her ears. A scream that she knows doesn’t belong to the horror movie everyone is supposed to be watching tonight. She gives you an indecipherable look, and you look back at her with wide eyes, frightened. “Was that… the movie? Buck didn’t say he was starting it yet…”
She doesn’t answer you, waiting to see if maybe she can hear the background noise of a movie coming from the living room, maybe they decided on a different movie. But when she doesn’t hear anything besides confused chatter she can’t quite decipher she shakes her head, “I don’t think so.”
You’re soon joined by Bucky and the rest of the guys in the kitchen when he rushes in to make sure the scream he heard wasn’t, in fact, his girlfriend. “What the hell was that? Are you okay?” He holds you at arm’s length to inspect you, making sure you weren’t hurt. You could be a little clumsy, and he knows you’ve been drinking some wine, so he thought maybe you had decided to cut up some fruit and dropped the knife, accidentally cutting yourself. But after a quick once over, he realizes that you’re fine. 
“I-I don’t know. Wanda and I were just talking in here and then we heard a scream. I thought maybe you started the movie without us. Do you think someone’s hurt somewhere? Oh God, this is exactly how those horror movies you like so much start out. I told you doing something like this today was a bad idea, Buck–”
The back door opens and you barely hear it, still rambling until Bucky puts his hand over your mouth. You furrow your eyebrows, and you’re about to move his hand to tell him off, who cares that his friends are here, until you hear a set of footsteps and realize that everyone is standing still and tense. Bucky’s house had a bit of an odd layout. Whereas other houses kitchen’s were in the back of the house, his was near the front. 
Your boyfriend was always hyper vigilant, even when there was no reason to be, but when he brings his finger up to his lips to signal you to be quiet, you think that maybe there is a reason this time. Even Tony seems to have shut up, looking slightly concerned. Maybe all your talk about bad omens was getting to everyone. 
There’s a tension in the air and everything is silent for a moment until the footsteps continue, getting closer and closer…
Your breath gets caught in your throat when a masked figure steps through the doorway. They have a long, sharp, knife-like blade in one hand, the front of their shirt and mask splattered with blood. In the other hand, you see a coat you recognize, one you know belongs to Kate, splattered and stained with blood. Wordlessly, they hold it up and tilt their head, their green eyes sparkling at the recognition and horror on your face. A scream rips through your throat before you can stop it.
Bucky turns and he’s quick to push you behind him as soon as you scream while everyone else is frozen in place, eyes wide with shock. “Very funny guys, love that you hired an actor to scare the shit out of my girlfriend, very clever. When I said I wanted to scare her, I meant with the movie. So she would be extra clingy tonight, so we could– not the point. This isn’t cool.” His tone hardens with the last three words, feeling the way you’re shaking slightly behind him from fear. 
“Buck, we didn’t… this isn’t us.” Sam speaks up and the masked stranger decides that this is enough talking for now before they surge towards Peter, who’s drunk enough to move just a bit too slowly. Their knife plunges into his stomach and he lets out a loud yell, drink dropping from his hand and glass shattering against the floor, doubling over when the knife is taken out and then plunged into his flesh again and again and again. 
The action is enough to snap everyone out of their frozen states and send everyone running in a panic. You vaguely hear a ‘holy fuck!’ before Bucky grabs your hand and drags you out of the room, planning to circle around the killer and then exit the house. He lives at the end of a relatively secluded street, but he has his car and if he can get to it, he knows he could get the both of you away from danger quite quickly. He’d be sorry about his friends, but he can always make new ones. 
“B-Buck, wait! We can’t just leave Wanda, what if she’s next? Please, we can't just leave. That was Kate’s coat, they got Kate. We can’t leave everyone.”
“We might get killed and you're worried about that redheaded b– fine, we can make sure Wanda’s okay.” He concedes when he sees your face, pulling you into the bathroom with him and shutting the door. He takes a breath and then locks it. If all else fails, the two of you can stay in here until morning, but right now he apparently needs a new plan.
He pats his pockets to try and find his phone, if nothing at all he needs to call the police. He groans when he realizes he left it on the couch. “Fuck.”
At some point you and Bucky get separated, it's hard to stay together in chaos like this. Maybe going back for Wanda was a bad idea, but you just couldn't leave her to fend for herself, especially after what you can only assume happened to Kate. And seeing what happened to Peter, you couldn’t let that happen to her. Stupid, maybe, but she was one of your closest friends. 
You don't know how long it's been until you find yourself in a group again. Except now you're missing Peter, Tony, Steve and Rhodey. By the look on Bucky’s face, you know they all must have suffered the same fate as Peter.
“What do we do, man? We could try to leave, but that only got Steve killed. Did anyone call the cops? I can't find my phone.” Sam paces the room.
Steve’s body lays limp and slightly cold on the stone path leading from Bucky’s porch to the driveway. He didn’t get very far.
“I did.” Wanda speaks up from the doorway, keeping watch in the one on the left and scanning the whole room, paying particular attention to the doorway across from her. “I hope they'll be here soon. They might have already been here if James didn't live so far from town.”
“Oh, are you blaming this on me? Are you saying this is my fault?” Bucky shoots a glare towards Wanda. The tension between the two of them was always thick, but right now you think even a knife wouldn’t be able to cut through it. 
“If the shoe fits.”
“Listen here, you–”
“Watch your tone.” Wanda's accent slips out and your eyes flit over towards her.
“Please don't fight, it won't make things better.” Your voice is quiet, scared, as you speak. You stand close to Bucky, arms wrapped around your torso. You're shaking slightly, the image of both Peter and Steve making you nauseous. You hadn’t expected to see him when you walked out the front door, and the image was enough to have you running back into the house. 
Bucky grunts in response and Wanda doesn't say anything, crossing her arms tightly over her chest and looking towards the other entrance of the room you were all in again. 
Perhaps she should have been paying more attention to what's behind her, though, because the masked stranger is suddenly right there. Your eyes widen and you don't have time to warn her before she shrieks as they force her hands behind her back and press a knife against her throat. It's a bit of a struggle, but the masked assailant is clearly strong as they manhandle Wanda into the room. 
“Man, fuck this!”
You, Bucky, and Sam all stand alarmed near the center of the room, looking with widened eyes at the scene in front of you. A beat of silence passes, all that can be heard is labored breathing. And then the knife falls from her throat and Wanda starts to laugh, bent over from the force of it. “Oh, you should have seen your faces!” She laughs like this is the funniest thing that’s ever happened to her before she stops abruptly and stands up, a gun suddenly in her hand, pointed straight towards you. “Come here.” Her accent is back now, the fake American one dropped. 
“W-Wanda, I don’t… what’s going on?” You sniffle, tears falling freely down your cheeks.
“W-Wanda,” she mocks, faux pout on her lips, “Come here.”
“Don’t listen to her. Stay right behind me.” Bucky steps in front of you, shielding you with his body. 
“What a gentleman.” Wanda sneers, gun steadily pointed at Bucky’s chest now. 
“Wanda, sweetheart, don’t get ahead of yourself.” Natasha speaks up, taking the now bloody hockey mask off and revealing herself. It had been so hard for her to keep her comments to herself and remain a mystery this whole time. Usually it wouldn’t be, but today was just so exciting. And it was personal.
Oh, she had been the one to give Wanda the handgun.
“Now what the fuck?” Sam makes the mistake of making himself known again and Wanda rolls her eyes, turning and aiming the gun at him instead. “Oh, shut up.” She pulls the trigger and a bullet goes straight through the man’s skull, blood splattering onto the floor and the wall behind him. He drops to the floor with a thud.
“Jesus Christ! You’re both fucking insane!” Bucky takes a glance towards Sam’s body on the floor, feeling bile rise up in his throat. 
“Buck, I-I’m scared.” You whimper, and he pulls your body against his, hoping to bring you some comfort by running his fingers through your hair. This is not something he ever thought before, but maybe he should have listened to you when you said this was a bad idea. 
Wanda takes a deep breath, her head jerking involuntarily at the sight, like she’d just seen something horrible. “I won’t ask again. Come. Here.” The gun is pointed at you again and her hand shakes slightly. Her eyes flash and you look up at Bucky, afraid she might actually shoot you. “Buck, I-I maybe I should go over. T-To calm her down… I don’t want her to hurt you.”
You sniffle again and he takes five seconds before giving a small nod. “It’ll be okay, baby. They won’t get away with this, I promise, I won’t let them.” He says in a way that he hopes is comforting to you. You hesitate before pulling away from him and slowly walking over to Wanda. 
“Hi, Wands,” you smile up at her sweetly, “did I do good?”
“You would have done better if you didn’t let him put his hands on you like that,” she spits. You pout up at her and she softens slightly, leaning down to kiss you. She knows you were only playing a role, but that didn’t make it better, “you did great, baby.”
“What the fuck is going on!”
You spin around, eyes wild, no longer hiding anything now that the charade has been dropped, angry that your moments with Wanda are still being interrupted. “Will you shut the fuck up for five fucking seconds?! We are trying to have a conversation here.”
Bucky, poor guy, looks the most shocked you’ve ever seen him. He never would have seen this coming, he never could have. This wasn’t like you, you were sweet and quiet and would never speak to him like that. You couldn’t possibly have anything to do with this, not voluntarily. The way you were acting wasn’t making any sense. 
“Baby… Come on, this isn’t like you. Whatever they said to you, whatever they did to you, you can tell me. I can help, I’ll get you out of this, you don’t have to worry.” He chooses almost the exact wrong thing to say, and you grab the gun from Wanda, pointing it towards him. Wanda and Natasha look toward each other, this wasn’t part of the plan. Not exactly, anyway.
"Oh, you can help me?! You'll help me!" You think of these past couple of months, years really, that you’ve spent with Bucky, stuck with Bucky. You did it to yourself upon the request of Natasha, but that doesn’t make it any better. You're practically hysterical at this point, waving the gun in your hand around with your finger on the trigger, "because you're a big strong military man, you can help me! Oh, and I bet you’ll save me too!" You're laughing now, shaking as adrenaline pumps through your veins. "That's what I am to you, isn't it? Proof of your ability as a man to save a woman? Your little trophy to prove that you're a good guy." You point the gun steadily at Bucky now, looking him directly in the eyes, "unfortunately for you, I've never been yours to save."
The thing about your and Bucky’s relationship is that it was never built on anything good. It would have been better, for him mostly, but the both of you, if you had just stayed friends like you wanted to, but he just kept pushing. He loves you, don’t you love him too? He knows you do, he can tell. He’s loved you since middle school and he’s never found the right time to tell you, but now that you’re both starting university, he couldn’t take the chance that you’d find someone else. (Unfortunately for him, you already had. The extra 10 years of friendship Bucky had, had nothing on the connection you had with Wanda and Natasha). 
Bucky watched you grow up, watched you turn to him when your parents fought, watched you take your father’s mistreatment of you and your mother, and watched your little fear of abandonment grow when your father up and left one night. Watched the way you hoped he wouldn’t leave too, took advantage of it, really. And you watched him, watched the cracks in his nice guy persona get bigger, watched as they became canyons when you wedged yourself into them, watched as he hoped, God he hoped that you were your mother’s daughter. 
And Wanda and Natasha watched you both, content to keep your relationship a secret as you explored the ways in which you could exploit Bucky, expose his true colors. They didn’t do very much pushing on your part, they wanted you to be free to make your own decisions. They may be in charge, but this was your idea, they just gave it the green light. Well, Wanda may have planted a few seeds, but that’s what she does. You were free to ignore them if you wanted, but she knew you didn’t. She knew you’d make her plans blossom. 
The switch from hysterics to calm and collected has your boyfriend's head spinning. He doesn't know what part of this is real and what isn't, still half hoping this is some sick prank. Because this isn't like you, it's just not. The first time Bucky had ever shown you one of his guns, you were like a deer in headlights. You'd refused to even touch it, scared of such a weapon, a monster of human creation, you'd called it. That's who his girlfriend was, not this person standing in front of him. This mad woman, this crazy bitch. So this had to be fake, it had to be a prank. 
It's not, of course, because what Bucky doesn't understand is that nothing with him had ever been anything but fake. What Bucky doesn't understand is that even though he's your boyfriend, you've never been his girlfriend, you've been Natasha and Wanda's. You've always been Natasha and Wanda's.
Natasha comes up behind you and wraps her arms around your waist before pressing a kiss to your cheek, "go on, pretty girl, you can do it," she whispers encouragingly. This may not be a part of the original plan, but the sooner they get this done, the sooner she can take you back to her and Wanda’s apartment. And the sooner Wanda can stop obsessing over this. "Remember how he treated you. Remember how we treat you."
“Be a good girl, we’re so close.” Wanda’s voice hits your ears and it’s like you can’t help but listen to anything she says. You take the shot without a second thought, the bullet going straight through Bucky’s chest as your own chest heaves, your breathing slightly labored. You’re still holding the gun towards him as his eyes widen and he drops to the ground, touching the wound like he can’t believe what just happened. He chokes slightly, coughing, as blood starts to spill past his lips and you shut your eyes. If only he hadn’t turned into such a rotten guy, he would have survived. 
You feel Wanda’s soft hand slide up the length of your arm as she slots herself behind you now, Natasha going to check around the house to make sure no one has miraculously survived being slain. A smile graces the Sokovian’s lips and she envelopes your hand in her own, gently transferring the gun into her own grip instead, letting your arm drop to your side before lowering the weapon and tucking it into her back pocket, “you did such a good job, baby. I’m so proud of you.” Her voice is so sweet and loving that your bottom lip trembles involuntarily.
You love Natasha, but Wanda has always had an affect on you, and you know that if the Russian had said the same thing instead, you wouldn’t react this same way. The overwhelming feelings that loomed over tonight come back in full force as you let out the first sob. “Oh, sweet girl,” Wanda coos, turning you in her arms and bringing you against her, holding you tight, “such a big night for you, huh? But you know that what you’ve done is for the greater good, right? You know that, don’t you?” 
You nod and she kisses the top of your head. “B-But Tasha came early, and I didn’t know that Katie– I thought– Tasha was too early, and I couldn’t tell if–” You can’t get your thoughts together anymore, your mind racing with everything that’s been going through your head since the beginning of the night. The fear for Kate, the confusion when Natasha showed up before 10:02pm, the very specific time she was supposed to, the way Wanda had looked just as confused as you had.
“Oh no, did she scare you?” Wanda laughs lightly, endeared and a little amused, “I’ll have to give Tasha a little talking to. She was a little early, huh?” She smooths her hand along your hair, petting you, “don’t worry about Katie, darling, she’s just fine. You know how Yelena would react if she wasn’t.” 
“I-I know, but–”
“Shhh, I know, sweetheart. It’s okay, you didn’t know. Now, why don’t you give me a kiss, hm? Don’t I deserve a thank you?”
A ‘thank you’ for what, you didn’t know, but Wanda clearly thought she was deserving of one and who were you to question her? You lean up to give her a kiss, your arms wrapping around her shoulders as she grips your waist. You sigh against her lips, feeling yourself relax a little just from the comfort any amount of affection from Wanda gives you. 
“I leave you two alone for five minutes and you’re pretending like I don’t exist.” Natasha stands from where she was leaning against the doorframe as she looks at you and Wanda, “do you have any idea how long I was standing there?” It had only been long enough to catch Wanda’s ‘don’t I deserve a thank you?’ and watch the two of you kiss, but still. 
You pull away from Wanda and huff, your tears now forgotten, “I’m mad at you!” You glare at Natasha and she raises an eyebrow, walking towards you now, “mad at me, зайка?” She furrows her eyebrows slightly, as if she’s confused, and there’s an annoyingly attractive little smirk on her lips as she gets closer. 
She grabs your hips and pulls you away from Wanda and the Sokovian would usually protest against the Russian’s audacity to steal her girl away, but she’s content to watch the two of you bicker for a few minutes. Natasha pulls you against her, “now what did I do to deserve that?” She squeezes your hips softly, looking down at you. “You were early!” You push against her chest before resting your hands there, playing with the fabric of her sweatshirt, “we had a plan!”
“Well, we didn’t exactly stick to the plan anyway, did we, baby? Huh? I don’t think the past 15 minutes were part of the plan. How about you, Wands?” Natasha turns her head slightly and makes eye contact with her girlfriend, to which the strawberry blonde just rolls her eyes, “this is not my problem. She’s not mad at me.”
“We might have if you showed up on time! You scared me, you asshole!”
Natasha is perfectly happy to humor when you’re ‘mad’ at her and even when you play fight against her or hit her, but she is not happy to hear you speak to her like that. Her movement is swift as she reaches up to grab your jaw, her grip harsh as her fingertips dig into your cheeks, “watch your tone and your language, yeah?”
You whine quietly, nodding. Natasha hums, releasing your jaw in favor of patting your cheek, “good girl. Now, why don’t you tell me properly why you’re ‘mad’ at me?” Her next actions contradict her words as she slips her hands underneath your shirt, sliding her palms up your stomach and then back down again.
“You were…” you trail off, distracted by Natasha's hands on you. She slides her hands back up and gropes your covered breasts, “I was?” There’s a smug look on her face as she looks down at you, pleased with how easily she can distract you. “You were early and… and you scared me, I didn’t know it was you.”
“My sincerest apologies, princess,” Natasha slides her hands back down and grabs your waist, squeezing roughly, and then she grins, “I didn’t realize you were so easily scared.” You’re about to curse her out, but she leans down to capture your lips in a kiss before you get the chance. The kiss is sloppy and rough as your hands grip her sweatshirt, tugging her as close as possible. 
Wanda, never one to like being left out, takes her place behind you, sandwiching you between her and Natasha. Her hands slip under your shirt and replace where Natasha’s used to be, cupping your breasts and groping them softly, “let us make it up to you, ангел.”
The sound of Wanda’s soft voice in your ear relaxes you in their arms and you make a noise of agreeance against Natasha’s lips. “My poor little angel,” Wanda murmurs, “my divine little lamb. You didn’t deserve to be scared like that, did you?” Wanda’s questions are almost always rhetorical and you’re glad for that right now. 
One of Natasha’s hands moves from your waist to unbutton your jeans and then slides into your panties. You grip her sweater tighter to try and urge her to move her hand further down, but she leaves it splayed just above your cunt. She pulls away from your lips, the both of you panting as you catch your breath, a string of spit connecting your lips and then dripping down.
“Say please, зайка. Just because I’ve upset you doesn’t mean you lose your manners, does it?”
“Please, Tasha. Please touch me.”
“Tell me thank you for what I did today.” She’s trying to stay in control of herself, but you can tell from her labored breathing and the flush of her neck that you’ve affected her. 
“I’m so happy you freed me, Tasha. Thank you. I’m so grateful I can be yours forever now. Thank you, thank you.” 
Natasha surges forward and crashes her lips against yours, a moan escaping your lips at the contact. Wanda hums in approval and it lights a fire in both yours and Natasha’s stomachs. You both know, this time, Wanda is only here to watch over the two of you, and to know what you’re doing has her approval means more to the both of you than anything you’ve ever done.
Natasha swallows your gasp when you feel her fingers beginning to rub at your clit, slow circles that work you up at just the right pace. Wanda places small kisses on your neck as Natasha works, groping and squeezing at your breasts as she does. She knows she’ll have you to herself later while Natasha works on cleaning up today’s mess, so she’s content in watching her prized possession feel good.
When Natasha moves her hand further down and sinks two fingers into your cunt, you pull away from her lips and let out a little whimper. Usually, she’d work you up, but she knew the three of you shouldn’t linger in the house longer than necessary. “Shhh, that’s it baby, you can take it.” She lets you bury your face against her chest as she pumps her fingers in and out, grinding the heel of her palm against your clit. 
“There you go, that’s a good girl.” Natasha coos. She’s being uncharacteristically gentle and you think it’s because Wanda is watching or maybe she really does feel bad for scaring you like she did. She holds you tight against her as she leans over you to kiss Wanda. You feel your knees get weak when you realize what’s happening and you clench around Natasha’s fingers. 
They both pay you no mind except for the fact that Natasha’s skilled fingers are still working against your cunt. She curls them just right and you bite down on her collarbone. She gasps and pulls away from Wanda’s lips, her other hand gripping your waist tighter, her blunt nails digging into your skin and leaving little crescent marks. 
“Forgot our little зайка was a biter.” She grunts.
It’s not long before Natasha’s fingers work you up and push you over the edge, cumming with both her and Wanda’s permission. When Natasha pulls her fingers out you let out a little whine, sensitive from cumming. “Open up, pretty girl.” She brings her fingers up to your lips and you let her push them inside, cleaning your cum from her fingers, your cheeks hot at the action.
Natasha pulls away from you and pushes you to your knees, your shaky legs doing very little to hold you up anyway. Wanda’s fingertips drag across your cheek as she moves in front of you, standing next to Natasha. “What do you say, маленький ангел?” Wanda speaks as she uses her middle and ring finger to tilt your chin up. 
You peer up at them, adoration swimming in your eyes, “Thank you Mommy. Thank you Tasha.”
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marksmelodies · 10 months
hiii!! not sure if you’re taking request but if you are could you please make a 127 version of your “nct dream reactions to finding out you’re fwb/ secretly dating another member” ! i really loved your dream version and would love to read a 127 version (≧◡≦) thank you in advance ♡︎
hii thank you so much for requesting!! i am currently taking requests!!
i hope you enjoy!!
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nct127 reactions to finding out you’re fwb/ secretly dating another member
nct127 x fem reader
warnings: suggestive, sexual activity, oral (fem receiving) cussing,slight mentions of drugs
minors dni
the members sit around in the practice room debating on where to eat
“ yo let’s just order food” doyoung says as the group continues to discuss their food options
taeil then looks at his phone immediately getting up and getting his things ready to leave
“ hyung you’re not eating with us?” haechan asks
“ n-no i have somewhere to be” taeil stutters
“ where are you going?” doyoung asks but before he could finish his sentence taeil is out the door
quickly washing up and putting on a nice outfit he heads over to your place as you two go to the restaurant that you and him had planned on going
“ hello, do you have a reservation with us?” the host asked as jazz music played softly in the background
“ yeah it should be under moon taeil”
the host types his name into the computer as she furrows her brows
“ um sir, i have a reservation for the same time next week but nothing is coming up for today” the host says
you look at taeil as he stands there confused
“ what? i swear i made a reservation for tonight” he pulls out his phone to verify
“ oh my god i accidentally scheduled it for next week” he sighs as his shoulders slump
“ i’m sorry sir but we are all booked out for right now, if you give me your phone number i can call you if any reservations get cancelled but there’s a waiting list on that as well” the host explains
taeil felt defeated, he knew how much you wanted to eat at this restaurant, you had been talking about it for weeks
he looks to you as if he’s asking what you want to do
“ that’s alright, it’s no problem we’ll go somewhere else, you can cancel the reservation for next week too please, have a good night ” you say politely
taeil follows you out of the restaurant moping
“ babe i’m so sorry, i made that reservation after practice last week, i so tired i was out of it” taeil tries to apologize
“ awe taeil don’t feel bad it’s okay, honestly that place looked too fancy for me. what would you like to eat? i don’t mind at this point anything sounds good to me” you laugh
you’re always such a good sport in every situation, that’s one thing taeil loves so much about you, he can see right through you though, the restaurant wasn’t “too fancy” for you, you said that just to make him feel better.
“ let’s keep walking and see what else is around here” he suggests
and that’s how you ended up at a family owned korean barbecue place
sitting down at the table both of you already knowing what you want since you’ve been there more times than you can count
“ i’m sorry babe really”
“ taeil sweetheart it’s okay i swear ”
“ i’ll make it up to you tonight” he winks
“ oh come on don’t be all suggestive in the middle of a k- barbecue place please” you laugh
the food quickly arrives as you both start eating, conversations quickly become silent due to the both of you focusing so heavily on the food in front of you
hearing the front door chime neither of you notice that a mark, haechan, johnny, taeyong and doyoung walk through the door
“ holy shit is that taeil and y/n” mark says
“ dude shut up” johnny smacks his arm
spying on the two of you they see you laughing at him as you use your napkin to wipe sauce off his face before quickly kissing his lips
“ no way” the members gasp before shuffling one by one out the door
“ dude they’re on a date” mark says
“ yeah no shit” johnny replies
haechan laughs as he seems to be typing something on this phone and then putting in his back pocket walking away from the restaurant window
everyone’s phone buzzes moments later as they open the message sent to the group chat
a picture capturing you and taeils kiss that had just happened in the restaurant was sent with a message underneath stating “ you two have something to tell us?”
you and taeil pick up your phones at the same time before you eyes widen at the message
“ how did he even-” you begin to say
“ man i get any privacy around here” taeil laughs slightly
“ we have stalkers and their name is lee donghyuck” you roll your eyes laughing
the last time you had talked to johnny was moments ago ending with him saying he was on his way home from practice, quickly you drove over to his place, putting on the lingerie set he bought you last week, setting up your sex playlist to the bluetooth speaker and dimming the lights while some candles around the room burn
you wanted to do something nice for johnny due to how hard he has been working with comeback and promotions, you’ve noticed his mood was more drained than usual this week , so you being the amazing girlfriend you are, you decided to do something special for him tonight
as you hear the door open you situate yourself on his bed, laying in a very revealing position there wasn’t much left to the imagination with the lingerie set you had on
swinging the door open a sweaty jaehyun appeared in the doorway
both taking a second to realize what’s happening you quickly scream pulling a blanket over yourself
“ holy shit..fuck, i’m so sorry” jaehyun yells covering his eyes trying to find the doorknob before practically running out of the room
it doesn’t take long for johnny to come into the room after hearing the commotion
“ y/n what is goi-” johnny stops mid sentence putting two into together
“ oh my god” he can’t help but laugh at your mortified state
“ john stop laughing, my pussy was quite literally in jaehyuns face” you shove your face into the pillow
he catches his breath before opening his mouth again
“ at least it wasn’t mark, he would’ve cum in his pants right then and there”
you shove him off of you as he tries to pull you into a hug
“ i’m never surprising you again” you say as your face remains red
after putting on decent clothes you go out to the living room meeting face to face with jaehyun who is sitting at the kitchen table
“ i’m so sorry” you say
“ no i’m sorry” he laughs it off
“ ouuu your eyes are so red” johnny laughs pointing to jaehyuns ears
“ dude can you blame me, i just saw a naked woman right in front of me”
“ my naked woman” johnny kisses your lips
“ when the fuck did you two get together and why was i not informed?” jaehyun asks
“ i mean technically we’re not together” you say
“ yet” johnny adds
jaehyun rests his head in his arms before looking up at the two of you
“ im sorry i ruined your sex plans, never would i think to be the one cockblocking” jaehyun gets up as he heads to the front door
“ no one speaks a word of what happened” he says as you and johnny agree
“ wait what happened?” johnny says trying to be funny
jaehyun scoffs before walking out of the door leaving you and johnny alone at last
“ well that was fun” johnny lightens the mood
by the look on your face he can tell you were genuinely upset
“ hey it’s okay, i’m sorry this happened baby but i had no idea you would be here especially basically naked” he coos
you look to the ground
“ i just wanted to do something special for you since you’ve been working really hard”
“ let’s do a redo okay?” he says before letting you scurry back to the bedroom as he walks out of his apartment waiting to walk right back through the door on your command
you haven’t heard much from taeyong today, he must have been super busy with work, that was until a “ you up?” text message popped up on your screen
you knew exactly what that meant
and as much as you wanted to deny it, you wanted it too
answering him quickly he tells you to join him in the studio
getting ready didn’t take long considering the clothes you wore to his studio were going to get stripped off of you in the matter of seconds once you got there.
and you were right
walking through the door you saw taeyong his headphones on nodding his head to the beat of the music
walking behind him you placed your hands on his shoulders causing him to slightly jump
“ geez you scared me, at least text me letting me know you’re here” he says
“ sorry i didn’t think about it” you pout
“ oh don’t pout sweet girl i was only joking” he stands up giving you a big hug
he sits down in his hair again but this time pulling you into his lap along with him
it doesn’t take long for you both to become touchy with each other, you kissed his neck as he moves his hands up and down your back
slightly grinding into his clothed cock he begins to whine
taeyong pulls your face up to look at him before he smashes his lips onto yours
“ tae i need you” you plead
he stands up placing you onto the desk before taking your shirt off while sucking on your tits
“ oh my god” you moan as he flips your skirt up moving your underwear to the side and entering his fingers into your pussy
through your loud moans you couldn’t hear anything else around you
not even the door opening as johnny stands there in the doorway
“ jesus christ where’s the decorum” johnny says gaining both of your attention
you quickly scramble off of eachother pulling your shirt and skirt down
“ since when were you two fucking” johnny asks
“ for a while man, what do you need?” taeyong
johnny stands there a second before answering
“ honestly i dont remember, continue whatever your doing i guess but next time for the love of god.. lock the door” he says before leaving
the night was getting later and later as the music played and the members all drunkenly sang along to it
you were hanging out with the members as you usually do, perks of being johnnys best friend
but tonight everyone had way too much to drink and no one’s thoughts were clear
“ let’s play a game” jungwoo suggests
everyone agreed on two truths and a lie
everyone expect yuta.
at first the topics were lame, things such as blacking out before and smoking weed were mentioned but as the game progressed things became a lot more interesting
“ okay umm, i once threw up in johnnys shoe because i was so drunk, i almost accidentally posted a video of me jerking off on bubble and i hooked up with y/n before” haechan says
you immediately looked to haechan and then to yuta
“ oh come on man that’s so easy, we all know you didn’t fuck y/n” mark says
everyone agrees with mark
“ okay fine you’re right that didn’t happen but shit i wish it would’ve” haechan says slurring his words
you can tell that yuta wants nothing more than to bash haechans head in right now
you look to yuta giving him “ it’s okay calm down” look
“ dude i know like she’s so fine” taeyong agrees with haechan
“ i bet her pussy is just as pretty as she is” jaehyun says as he palms the boner in his pants that had occurred due to the topic of you
yutas face is red with anger as he tries his best not to say anything but as he notices all of their hungry eyes on you and jaehyun nearly stroking his clothed dick at the thought of fucking you made yuta snap
“ you guys realize she’s right here, she can hear everything you guys saying, you don’t think that’s completely disgusting” yuta stands up
“ yuta stop” you say trying to calm him down
“ no” he pulls his arm away from you
“the fact that you all can sit here and say those things about my girlfriend when i’m right here is fucking disrespectful, you’re lucky if i don’t beat the shit out of you”
the room goes silent
“ girlfriend?” haechan says completely out of it
“ bro we didn’t know you were dating” jaehyun defends
“ it doesn’t fucking matter whether we are or not it’s so wrong in so many ways to sit here and sexualize her like that” yuta gets up and walks out the front door
you run chasing after him
finally catching up with him you pull his arm so he is facing you
wrapping your arms around him you give him a hug before kissing his lips
“ thank you for doing that babe, really i love you so much” you say
“ you shouldn’t thank me, i didn’t do that just because im your boyfriend you know, i would’ve done it either way”
“ i know, but im grateful for you sticking up for me, i know they’re just drunk and horny but you’re right it doesn’t feel good to be talked about like an object” you place your head into his chest
“ don’t worry about me exposing our relationship, none of them will remember anything from tonight” he says raking his hands through your hair”
“ i don’t care anymore i want everyone to know that we’re together” you say looking up to him
he kisses your lips once more “ lets go back inside im sure they’re all passed out by now” he says leading you back into the dorm
“ does anyone know where my game controller went” haechan shouts as he looks all over the dorms
“ i dont know the last time you had it was when we played with doyoung in his room” marks says
haechan makes his way to doyoungs room, he knew it was wrong to look through doyoung stuff but he really needed his game controller
looking through some of the drawers he still hasn’t found it
pulling out another drawer haechan notices something, amongst the boxers taking up space in the drawer there was a pink lace thong sitting in it as well
“ what the fuck” haechan says closing the drawer
opening up the next one which he had to pull extra hard on for it to open sits a bunch of polaroid pictures, haechan can’t help but pick the pictures up
the imagines showed you sprawled out on his bed naked
haechans eyes widen as he realize that it is you in the photos
“ he’s fucking y/n?”
haechan closes the drawer before leaving the room
as he exits doyoung room he meets face to face with you
“ y/n um hi, what are you doing here” haechan turns bright red
“ i’m here to return this” you say handing him his controller “ i accidentally grabbed yours instead of mine” you laugh
“ oh thanks i was just looking for it in doyoungs room” he says
looking down at the obvious tent in his pants
his eyes widen looking back to you as you can’t help but laugh at the poor boys state
“ im guessing you opened a certain one of doyoungs drawers” you say
his face becomes red as he scratches the back of his neck
“ i was just looking for the controller” he stutters
“ it’s okay hyuck don’t be embarrassed, i told him to put a lock on it or something, how about we don’t tell anyone about this though huh? it’s our little secret” you say
“ yeah um of course” he replies
before haechan could go back to his room doyoung walks through the door
“ hey y/n” he says leaving soft lingering touches on your body
usually this would go unnoticed by haechan but after what he found out today he was picking up on all the little signs
“ what’s wrong with you, you look like you saw a ghost” doyoung asks haechan as they stand in the hallway
“ oh um. nothing..” haechan says pushing past you both to return to his room
“ he looked nervous” doyoung says looking to you
“ i don’t know maybe he saw something he shouldn’t have” you mumble
“ huh” doyoung furrows his eyebrows not hearing what you said
“ oh i said it’s probably nothing, let’s go lay down” you say smirking as you pull him into his room
jaehyun had just come back from tour but with the members constantly being home there was no way for you two to have any alone time, it was torture for the both of you to be in a room together and not be able to fuck.. let alone look at each other for too long but today the members all had solo schedules so jaehyun took that as his time to spend alone with you
“ where is everyone” you ask as you walk into dorm
“ they’re still out doing schedules, mine ended earlier than everyone else’s” he said
you walk past him putting your belongings in his room before he follows you like a lost puppy
“ baby you’re really not going to give me a kiss” he pouts
you and jaehyun never used to get along, although being close with most of the members you and jaehyun seemed to clash heads more than anyone else
you both fought a lot and would act very petty towards each other often times whispering things under your breath to each other but loud enough for everyone to hear
as time went on you both realized that you didn’t hate each other in fact it was the complete opposite, maybe it was the immense sexual tension between you two that made you act bratty towards one another but you soon realized that instead your so called hate turned into lust and that lust eventually turned into love
as you both got deeper into your “ situationship” you realized there were real feelings involved and so did he
you love jaehyun and jaehyun loves you
it was something that you both weren’t shy to open up about with each other
that’s how you two ended up confessing to each other one night a few months ago which led to a relationship that was kept a secret from everyone, for now just enjoying each other company with no one involved in your business
“ oh my poor boy” you walk up to him giving him a big hug and kiss
you spent most of evening watching movies together and simply enjoying being in eachothers arms
“i’m getting something to drink” you declare walking into the kitchen as jaehyun follows you
grabbing a cup from the cabinet you fill it water before chugging it
“ damn babe you were thirsty” he smerks
you give him a weird look as you place your cup into the sink
“ im thirsty too but not for water” he whispers kissing on your neck
turning you around he smashes his lips onto yours
feeling yourself getting wet at his actions you moan into the kiss
jaehyun picks you up placing you on the edge of the kitchen counter
standing in between your legs he flips your shirt up and pulling your bra down latching his lips onto your tits
trailing kisses down your body, leaving marks where no one else would see them he stops at your heat
kissing you clothed pussy he takes your shorts off along with your underwear
spreading your legs he kneels down pulling you closer to his face so that your pussy is eye level to him
leaving soft kisses and marks on the inside of your thighs before licking a stripe down your heat
completely diving into your pussy causing you to let out a loud moan
he chuckles in between your legs sending vibrations throughout your entire body
sucking on your clit you grab onto his hair arching your back
“ fuck jaehyun it feels so good” you moan
being caught up in the moment you didn’t hear the key turning in the door, as the door opens a loud voice echoed the wall
“ yo what the fuck” mark says turning around
you and jaehyun separate immediately gathering your clothes before putting them on once you are decent mark turns back around staring at the two of you, his face is bright red
“ really man on the kitchen counter, i made my breakfast there this morning” mark groans in annoyance
jaehyun can’t help but laugh
“ im so confused dude, i thought you hated eachother why did i just walk in on you devouring her” mark asks
“ i dont know man i was hungry” jaehyun cracks a joke, mark stares at him straight faced
jaehyun lets out a sigh
“ we’re dating” you spit out
jaehyun give you a quick glance before backing you up
“ wait a minute, dating in like?” mark tries to wrap his head around what you’re telling him
“ dating as in im his girlfriend and he’s my boyfriend” you explain like you’re talking to a child
“ so you don’t hate each other?”
“ no mark obviously we don’t”
“ so it was just an act?”
“ partly, we didn’t get along the best in the beginning but it was really just us having mad sexual tension, as the two of us closer we realized we just needed to have really good sex with each other and then boom we fell in love”
mark looks to for verification
“ yeah i guess you can say that’s what happened” you chuckle
“ could you not tell anyone about us yet, we don’t exactly want anyone to know we’re a couple at least for right now” you ask mark
“ yeah of course your secret is safe with me, im too tired for this, im glad yall are together now or whatever but if you don’t want anyone else finding out about you two i suggest not eating her out on the kitchen counter, im never touching that damn thing again” mark says walking into his room
“ dont worry ill clean it” jaehyun yells to him
“ come on babe let’s take this too the room” jaehyun picks you up kissing your face all over
jungwoo had been on tour for a few weeks now, finally getting back to the hotel from their show that they had just preformed
after washing up and ordering food with mark whom he is sharing the room with, jungwoo got ready for bed and eventually fell fast asleep
“y/n” jungwoo moans in his sleep causing mark to stir awake
mark looks to jungwoo confused as he sees his passive state laying his head pack onto the pillow only to lift it up again when jungwoo begins whimpering
at first mark thought jungwoo was having a nightmare until he turned on a dim light seeing jungwoo erection in his pants and strings of moans leaving his mouth along with your name
“ fuck y/n your pussy feels so good baby” he whimpers subconsciously
“ oh you’ve got to be joking, why me” mark sighs debating on if he should wake him or not
mark turned off the light and placed a pillow over his head to drown out the noise
jungwoo began to trust his hips into a pillow he was once innocently holding
jungwoo sprung awake as soon as he felt himself releasing into his boxers
it took a few seconds to realize what was going on
“ oh fuck” jungwoo curses at the mess he made in his pants
getting up he grabs new boxers and shorts out of his suitcase before heading to the bathroom to wash up
mark sits up as jungwoo comes back from the bathroom
“ had a good dream huh” mark smerks
jungwoo just sighs as he lays back down in bed
“ so you and y/n, are fucking” mark asks
junwoo shot up looking at mark
“ huh? what? what makes you say that” jungwoo says frantically
“ oh i don’t know man, maybe because you were moaning her name and saying how good her pussy feels while humping into a pillow” mark laughs
“ shit”
“ hey dude it’s cool, we’ve all had wet dreams before i sure as hell had my fair share of them” mark says
jungwoo takes a deep breath
“ yeah we’re fucking around with eachother, but she doesn’t want anyone to know, she’d kill me if she knew that you found out”
“ don’t worry about i won’t say anything, i’m glad your getting some finally” mark jokes
“ shut up bro” jungwoo throws a pillow at mark
“ oh he’ll nah that’s the pillow you were thrusting” mark shrieks kicking it off the bed
“ goodnight jungwoo, don’t wake me up again with your obnoxious moaning and shit”
(mark and haechan are in my nct dream ver!)
thank you so much for your request!! i’m so sorry that this took so long my tumblr was glitching for days
( idk why the 127 ver came out so much more smutty than the dream ver lol)
i hope you enjoyed <3
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aroace-poly-show · 1 year
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I've been thinking about how Ed starts directly killing people in s2e8. I've seen a lot of worry that this is tragic, that it's Ed falling back into a life he hates with more vigor, and I don't think it's meant to be understood that way at all.
I think it's a triumph.
One thing we absolutely have to understand: there has never been a time on the show when Ed wasn't killing people. That's true for all characters; this is a show about pirates. Even in s1, Ed was leading successful raids and ordering racists skinned. In a realistic sense, nothing has changed.
The difference is in how Ed does not need to construct intricate ways to distance himself from it anymore.
We know that Ed's first time killing was his abusive dad, an event that deeply traumatized him, and it left him thinking himself an absolute monster. His own capacity for violence disgusts and terrifies him, and even though he's been very successful in a very violent career, he needed to distance himself from killing people ("the fire killed those guys, not me") to avoid confronting this part of himself. He believes that the part of himself that is so capable of violence is irredeemable, a monster, unworthy of love.
Even at the start of the season, when Ed is in a self-destructive spiral, it's debateable if he's directly killing anyone. If Lucius had died, he'd probably have said the sea did it, not him. The guy we see him shoot during the raid sequence already had a knife through his chest - it's a step up, and surely meant to be understood as self-harm more than anything else, but that's still a mercy kill, if anything.
Compare to the finale of season 2. These are direct kills, there is no way to argue that Ed is not responsible. It is not debateable that Ed killed all those British officers.
A lot of the worry I've seen around this concern how Ed is going back to what he's good at (as Pop-Pop told him to), and there's an asusmption that that is killing people/violence. But that's not true, is it? Ed's never been good at killing people, his hangups around directly killing are a known character trait. So...what is Ed good at?
Think about how the scene plays out. Ed sees the Republic burning; he can only assume Stede is either captured, wounded, or dead. He's horrified and dazed, his ears ring - he kills the two British soldiers who happen upon him, he decided to fish up his Blackbeard outfit.
What is Ed actually good at? He's a good pirate, a good captain. He's good at keeping his crew safe, he's good at keeping Stede safe. He has to think he's either going to be embarking on a mission to get revenge or to save his boyfriend.
At first, I was very hesitant about the idea of Ed having to go back to piracy, which he says he hates. But what he was actually trying to do was drown Blackbeard, the part of himself he sees as so unworthy of love. He needed to see that Blackbeard is part of him, that he's not a monster or unloveable, that Blackbeard can help him save his friends and his boyfriend.
It's not a coincidencethat the show goes out of its way to make Ed's killing people in this episode as morally easy to accept as possible. The British officers we see are all racist and mean and unpleasant - like, damn, singing 'we shall never be slaves' while making Black characters serve them? Gross! They got what was coming to them! This is the 'racists deserve to die' show, after all.
And Ed uses this violence as a tool for love, to get him back to his boyfriend, to give them a triumphic reunion. I don't think it's a coincidence that this is when Ed tells Stede he loves him, either - he's come one step closer to accepting he's worthy of love, he's more ready to acknowledge what they have.
Ed doesn't have to feel bad about killing those officers. The show doesn't ask him to. He gets to retire while still wearing his Blackbeard outfit - Blackbeard gets to retire, not be drowned with a canonball in the ocean. And we're left with Ed, still with a lot of growing to do and a lot of self-discovery left, but he's closer to realizing that he's not a monster and that he's so deserving of love.
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maxillness · 9 months
If Daddy Knew || T.W x Horner!Reader
Warnings: 18+, hair pulling, oral (M&F reviving), handjob, fingering, degrading kink, praise kink
Wordcount: 2.1k
Part 2
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If she knew how this would end up in the long term, she would had agreed to go with her father a lot sooner
She would always say no if she was invited to a Grand Prix and to come to the paddock
She hadn’t always been the most social person, and she was scared she would mess up her words or don’t talk at all
This time was different
She felt confident that day. She has been invited again, and she said yes. It surprised her father. He couldn’t understand why she said yes
She couldn’t either, but she’s glad she did
As she stood in the Red Bull garage, she kept feeling like she was stared down by people outside of the garage
And she was right. When she got to the paddock afterwards, people still kept staring her down as she walked with her father. He wanted to introduce her to all the drivers and team principals
It all went good, until they reached Mercedes
Don’t take it the wrong way, they were all very nice, but after she had greeted the drivers, she had to meet the team principal
Toto Wolff
She had heard about him through her father, now, of course she didn’t take his word for it. They were rivals after all, they’re bound to say bad stuff about each other that weren’t true
“Darling, this is Toto Wolff” He said his name through gritted teeth
“Hi. I’ve heard so much about you” He didn’t answer her, he just looked her up and down and went back to what he was doing
She would have said something about his rudeness, only if he hadn’t been so handsome
Maybe he was all those things her dad said
The rest of the day, she thought about Toto and if it was something she did or said to make him rude, or if it was just how he was
It finally became Sunday and she stood in the garage. She knew it was bad, but she kept starting at Toto from the distance
“You okay, dear?” Christian asked her as he walked over to her “You’ve been kinda starting out in the abyss” He chuckled
“Yeah, I’m fine, dad. Thank you” She nodded up at him
The race went well. Max won, no surprise there. We all knew he was gonna win. Even the opposite teams knew he was gonna win
That night, they all went out celebrating the win, even though it was routine that he won by now
She drank to keep the thoughts away. She really wanted to be on his good side, but how could she do that?
The next morning she woke up with a slight headache, but nothing a few painkillers couldn’t take away
Just as she was about to brush her teeth, her phone started ringing. It was an unknown number
“Y/N Horner” She answered the phone
“Hi, Y/N, it’s Toto Wolff” His accent was thick through the phone “I just wanted to apologise my behaviour when we met. I’m sure you’re aware that me and your father don’t have the bestest of friendship, that was the only reason why I didn’t say anything, and that’s no reason, I know, but I just wanted to apologise. Can I buy you some coffee to make up for it?”
She stood and thought about her answer a while “Yeah, that sounds nice. When?” She finally answered and she heard him sigh on the other end
“Great. Shall we say 12 o’clock at the Café across the street?” God, his accent was to swoon over
“Yeah. That’s perfect” A smirk drew on her lips. They hung up and she looked at the time. It was currently 10. She had two hours
Two hours would have been fine if she had anything to wear. She tried to look through her clothes. She tried all the combinations of clothing that was clean
She finally settled for an outfit after 45 minutes and some going back and forth trough clothes
Before she put on her clothes, she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She stood there for what felt like hours, but was actually only 10 minutes
She looked back at the clock after she got dressed and put on her shoes. 11:30. She debated if she should go now and be early, or if she should wait and be on time
She has only now realised she had forgotten her perfume. She founded and sprayed it lightly on the skin on her neck
She now decided to go out, but she should probably had waited. She bumped into her father in the hallway
“Where you going in such a hurry?” He chuckled as he looked her up and down
“I was just going out, checking the city out” She smiled innocently
“Okay. Have fun, don’t be out too late” He said to her before he continued to walk away
She continued to walk over to the elevator. The ride down to the lobby seemed like it took ages. She got to the lobby and walked out and across the street
She walked into the Café. She looked around to see if she could see Toto. She found him sitting at a booth up against the far wall. She sat down across him
“Hello, can I get you anything?” The waiter asked as she walked over to them
“I would like a coffee, black and a chocolate scone” Toto said as he looked from her to the waiter
“Can I get a hot chocolate and a croissant?” She asked as she looked up at her
“Of course. I’ll bring it down for you” She smiled and walked over to the counter
“I’m sorry for how I reacted, Y/N, I really am” He rambled and she just stared at him
“Toto, it’s fine. It’s no problem. I know how your relationship is with my dad, I totally understand” She smiled at him, trying to reassure him
“Yeah, I’m not friends with your dad, but I shouldn’t take that out on you” He sighed as he placed his hand on top of hers
“Toto, don’t worry about it, okay?” She smiled at him, looking him in his eyes through his glasses
All he did was nod before the waitress came over with their order. As they sat and drank their coffee and ate their food, they made small talk
The only annoying thing about this whole conversation was his smile. He would smile every so often, and it made her legs week
Everything that happened between that time and when they were in the elevator was a blur for her. All she knew was that she was pressed up against the elevators wall, her hands intertwined in his hair while his lips was on hers as his hands roamed her hips and waist
The ding of the elevator startled them. They hurried out into the hall and over to her room. She struggled a bit when she opened the door, but managed fine
As they got into the room, he pushed her up against the door. Her hands went to his waist, and in one swift motion, she had them turned around
Her hands went up his torso to unbutton his shirt. When she got the last button unbuttoned, she discarded the shirt on the ground
Her hand went to his hair to pull his head back so she could start attacking his necks with kisses and bites. He groaned at the sudden dominance from her. Her other hand went to unbuckle his belt
Toto covered his mouth with his hand to minimise the sounds that came out of him. She took her hand away from his belt and up to his hand to remove it from his mouth
“I want to hear your sounds, Toto” She said as she drew away from his neck, which drew out a groan from him “Fuck, you sounds so pretty” He could feel her smirk on his neck
She turned them around again, but this time, she guided him towards the bed, their shoes getting kicked off in the process
When the back off Toto’s legs hit the bed, she pushed him down to sit. She got on her knees and zipped down his pants
He bucked his up from the bed so she could pull down his pants and boxers. When she had gotten them off, she threw them beside her
She licked a stripe up his shaft before spitting into her hand, and started stroking him slowly. He started moaning low, almost silently
“Keep up those sounds, I wanna hear you, baby” She told him as she looked up at him from between his knees
Her words could make him undone right then and there “Fuck, I want your mouth around me, please” His voice was getting desperate and his accent was getting heavier
She removed her hand, but quickly replaced it with her mouth. His moans got louder as she started moving her head up and down
He started bucking his hips up, trying to fuck her mouth, but her hands came up to push him back down to stop his movements, which makes him groan in annoyance
“Fucking shit, Ah…” He wasn’t making any effort to swallow his moans “Fuck, I’m gonna cum. Fuck, please. I’m so-Ah. I’m so close” His head leaned back and his eyes rolled to the back of his head
His hand was shaking when he drew it up to his face to take off his glasses as they started fogging up. He got them off and threw them on the ground, not caring if they broke or not
“I can’t- Ah. Fuck, please, I can’t take it anymore” His words didn’t stop her actions, if it did anything, it made her faster
A few seconds later and he came down her throat. She held her head down as he finished. She got off of him and swallowed his loath
He was panting hard when she stood up. She took his chin between her fingers making him look at her. She kissed him deeply, making him taste himself on her tongue
“Think you can return the favour?” She asked seductively. With closed eyes, he nodded “Good. Get on your knees” He quickly got on his knees where she once sat as she herself sat on the bed
She leaned back, her weight resting on her hands. She watched as his trembling hands tried opening the button on her jeans
She chuckled seeing him struggling “God you’re pathetic” She pushed his hands away to do it herself. She lifted her hips so he could pull down her pants and panties throwing them away with the rest of the clothes on the floor
He pulled her close to the edge of the bed, and therefore closer to his mouth. He drew his tongue through her soaking folds
“What wouldn’t my father say, hm?” She drew one of her hands through his soft, brown locks when he started attacking her clit
“His biggest rival eating out his daughter” He groaned into her cunt from her degrading, making her moan “What don’t you think he will do? Most likely kill you, or maybe, he would never invite me again to keep me as far away from you as possible so this could never happen again”
He groaned again, making her grip his hair tight and moan louder than before “Fuck, you’re so beautiful from here” She chuckled mixed with a moan
He drew one of his hands towards her cunt. One of his fingers drew through her folds, stopping at her entrance. She moaned as he entered her slowly
He started going in and out of her, drawing loud moans from her. He added another finger as he started curling his fingers up and hitting the spot inside her that made her see stars
Her moans got louder and heavier as she was pulled closer to the edge of her orgasm “Fuck, you’re doing so good for me, Toto” She moaned pulling his hair so his face got showed into her cunt
“Fuck, I’m so close. Fucking keep going. Ah” Her head rolled back while she bucked her hips up and into his mouth “You’re doing so fucking good” He groaned which send her over the edge. Her legs shakes as she came down from her high
“Fuck, you did so good for me” She smiled down at him as she drew his face up to look at her “So fucking good” She leaned down to kiss him
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upat4amwiththemoon · 10 months
The blip | 2
Summary: Broken families take time to heal.
Pairing: WandaNat x daughter!reader
Warnings: some angst, panic attack-ish
Word count: 1231
a/n: there was some wishes for a second part and I really wanted to do one, so here it is :D would recommend reading part one first
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @emsmultiverse @natashamaximoff69
masterlists | guidelines
All parts: part 1, part 2, part 3
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Y/N’s lip is bleeding from the excessive amount of biting it during the last hour. During that hour, she changed her outfit tens of times, debated faking sick, and a slight break down, but now she is walking down the streets of New York City, going to have lunch with her moms.
The walk is around 20 minutes from her apartment, which gives her enough time to mentally prepare herself. It’s been two weeks since everyone who were blipped came back, and it certainly hasn’t been easy. Wanda and Natasha wanted Y/N to move back in with them, but she declined, needing some space from them. However, they have been texting and calling, though it’s still uncomfortable, they were finally able to persuade Y/N to meet up with them again.
Wanda and Natasha have tried doing their best to respect Y/N’s wishes for time and space, but they miss their daughter. After all, to them it wasn’t a long wait, their daughter grew up in a blink of an eye and they want to make up for the missing time.
Slowing down her pace, Y/N checks her phone for the time, she’s 15 minutes early. She might as well go wait for them inside. She opens the diner door, looking for a secluded booth to sit in, but pauses once she notices Wanda and Natasha are already sitting at a booth.
Wanda notices her first, waving her over. Y/N wipes her hands on her pants and walks over to them, sitting opposite of her moms. “Hi.” She has a small smile on her face. “How long have you been here?”
“Hey, sweetheart,” Wanda almost grabs Y/N’s hand that’s resting on the table, but decides against it, “not long, 20 minutes, I think.” She tilts her head to the side with a small laugh.
Y/N nods, she starts playing with her rings, a lot of them are Wanda’s old ones. She doesn’t know how to talk to her moms anymore, her feelings are messed up from the five years of being alone.
“Do you still like pancakes?” Natasha holds the menu as she looks at Y/N.
She has never seen her mom so quiet, or insecure. Natasha has always been the brave one, she’d help Y/N build her confidence and make sure she knew how to stand up for herself.
“Yeah.” She clears her throat, Y/N wants to make an effort, she doesn’t want to disappoint them, or make them sad. “I don’t like blueberries anymore though.”
Natasha smiles as if that small bit of information is the most important thing she has heard, “okay, no blueberries.” When the waiter comes to ask for their orders, Natasha orders for all of them, like she used to five years ago, and Y/N lets her.
When Y/N leans her elbows to the table, still continuing to move the rings around her fingers, Wanda smiles, noticing they are hers. “How’s school?” She asks, lifting her eyes from her hands.
Y/N shrugs, she have much interest in school, “it’s fine, I guess. Fucking boring though.”
Language is the only word coming out of both Natasha and Wanda’s mouths at the sentence. The latter scrunches her nose, the fact her daughter isn’t still 14 years old still hasn’t fully settled in her mind. “Sorry.”
“No it’s- I’m sorry.” Y/N clears her throat again, it feels like something is constricting her airway. “I just haven’t had anyone comment on my language in a long time.” She lets out a short laugh, rubbing the spot between her eyes. “Have you gone back to being an Avenger?”
Natasha glances at Wanda, they’re having a silent conversation between each other, they weren’t going to talk about this yet, “we decided to put being an Avenger on pause, indefinitely.”
“Why? You love being an Avenger.”
Wanda has a gentle smile on her face as she finally dares to take hold of Y/N’s hand. “We love you more than anything else in the world. Being an Avenger can wait, we want to give all of our time to you.”
“Oh.” She doesn’t move her hand away, Y/N just stares at it. “What if I need a lot of time?”
“We aren’t in a hurry.”
Nodding, Y/N pulls her hand away once the waiter comes back to their table with three plates of pancakes. She starts eating the food, and she looks at her moms, realizing they look like a family, two moms and their daughter, and it scares the hell out of her.
She drops her fork, making her moms look at her, “what’s wrong, little one?” The pet name slips out of Wanda’s mouth, she swore to stop using it, it makes Y/N’s heart drop into her stomach.
“Uhm-“ Y/N draws in a quick breath, making it instantly clear to her mother’s what’s wrong. They stand up and move to Y/N’s side of the booth, Wanda squeezing herself past her so their daughter is in the middle of them.
Fortunately for them, they’re sitting in a corner booth, giving them privacy, but Natasha sets her body in a way that hides Y/N from anyone’s gaze.
“You’re safe.” Wanda whispers with a level of calmness that shows this isn’t the first time Y/N has had a panic attack. “Your moms are here to keep you safe.”
Biting her already sore lip, Y/N raises her head to look at Wanda, her eyes teary and breathing wheezy as she tries to hold in her struggling. Wanda’s soft eyes bore into her own, but she doesn’t feel the defiance or terror she felt when first seeing her moms. She feels safe. Comforted. She feels like a kid.
When a quiet, “mama,” leaves her lips, Wanda wraps her arms around her and looks at Natasha. “Let’s go.” She whispers, standing up with Y/N’s legs and arms around her.
They walk over to the red car, Wanda putting Y/N into the backseats before going to the driver’s seat, and Natasha going to sit with their daughter. As the car starts, Natasha wraps her arms around Y/N, not caring about their seatbelts in the moment.
The drive to Wanda and Natasha’s house is quiet apart from Y/N’s heavy breathing and the soft whispers coming out of Natasha’s mouth as she tries to comfort her.
“I’m sorry.” Y/N whispers as the car comes to a sop. Wanda moves from the driver’s to the backseats with her family, feeling like staying in the car will be easier for now.
They’re all smushed into a pile, “don’t apologize, you haven’t done anything wrong,” Natasha’s hand goes through Y/N’s hair, melting the at the familiar softness of it.
Her breathing slows down and she starts feeling calmer in her mothers’ arms. “Can I stay with you for a little while?”
“Little one,” the pet name doesn’t bother her anymore, “you can stay with us as long as you want.” Wanda sets her hands on Y/N’s cheeks, rubbing them with her thumbs.
Y/N nods, a small weight has been lifted off of her shoulders. She feels like she is able to lean on to her mothers again, at least with some things. She doesn’t have to be so alone anymore.
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There was this phase in my transition that I'm still not really sure how to talk about mainly because I don't know how to talk about it in a way that doesn't sound like I'm saying transfem butches aren't sincere (cause they are and are hot) but I definitely had a few years when I first came out but wasn't yet on e where I called myself butch but mainly used it as a crutch to be able to dull my dysphoria and make myself more palatable to those around me.
Like "I'm not wearing the same outfit of black tshirt and jeans every single day because it helps me ignore my body, I'm just butch" or like how I could feel much more comfortable with my facial hair and jaw line by reframing the default view people had of my body as masculine as a form of female masculinity that i already had a model for (like i was in queer spaces for years prior and knew plenty of tme butches I could model myself after but basically no trans women I could model myself after, none much older than me or further along in their transition, let alone in any leadership positions I looked up to)
People also just generally (ESPECIALLY in the tme dominated lesbian spaces I was in from like 2018-21) celebrate butches much more than clocky broads so it felt like if I was going to be a "masculine" (whether I wanted my body to be percieved as masculine or not) woman than the main way to do it is to be a butch. Like I didn't have these explicit thoughts at the time but in retrospect it really felt like the only way I could present myself to other queer people as a woman with a strong jawline and body hair from head to toe and a noticeable dick in a way that didn't immediately revile them (though how much success I had in not reviling them with my presence is up for debate)
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rynfiles · 11 months
dad next door !
✎ᝰ — your brand-new apartment has brought you peace, calm, and freedom. but no one mentioned of a father of a two
★ — satoru gojo x gn!reader
★ — word count: 1.6k
★ — genre + warnings: fluff + dad!gojo, gojo is in his early twenties (21-23), gojo is a nervous mess, megumi and his smart antics, tsumiki is y/n’s number one fan
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The space is small, yet livable. Your new apartment brings you this sense of freedom and independence from your loving, yet overbearing, parents. As much as you love them dearly, the thought of continuing to live under their roof was going to drive you mad. Which led to your brand new apartment, not the best but you made do with your stay.
As you continue to unpack your things, you hear noises coming from the other side of your living room wall. You ignored them by putting on your headphones and playing music as time passed.
Yet some hours passed, only three, and the noise continued. You moved closer to the wall to decipher what was creating such a loud noise. The only thing you could make out was a loud TV, yelling from multiple people you assume, and children. Your heart grew soft and sympathy grew in your heart for the assumed noise of children, since you know how children can be, especially at young ages when their emotions run rampant.
Though, as much as children softened your heart, the noise was becoming unbearable and you wanted your first day in your apartment to be perfect. You planned to be nice, introduce yourself, and ask your neighbor to possibly lower the noise coming from their apartment.
You paused your music and took off your headphones. You grabbed your phone and headed out the door, only making a few steps to your left until you reached the next apartment door.
You knocked gently, as you waited you heard the noise more clearly. You realized it was an adult and a child going back and forth while the TV was playing a children’s show. You heard some of the argument and giggled to yourself at some of the insults that were sent.
You continued to wait yet the door hadn’t opened nor had there been any indication that someone was going to open. You knocked again, a bit louder this time, and someone, you assumed was the adult, yelled that they were coming. Not long after, the door was opened and you were met with a man who had a staggering height, but that didn’t bother you.
The man had hair as white as the winter snow, which was decorated with those ball scrunchies and small heart clips that should be found on a small girl, not a grown (potentially over twenty) man. He wore a fitted tank top that had a dad joke on it and black shorts to accompany the outfit. His face in particular was graced with lashes that were thick and lay beautifully above his blue eyes. Also, his youthful face is currently covered in stickers galore, many of dinosaurs and flowers.
He greeted you with a smile, it brought youth to his face and gave sincerity, and apologies for taking so long to answer.
You reassured him that he was okay and also introduced yourself. You explained to him how you were his neighbor but also reported to him the noise from his apartment was bothering you. You tried not to come off as rude, since it is your first day.
He apologizes almost too quickly, mild stutters as he speaks, “Sorry sorry, my two- I mean these two kids have been hauling my ass since seven am.”
“I assumed it was younger children that were in there. Though, could you do me a favor and turn down the TV as well? The whole apartment doesn’t need to hear what you guys are watching.”
The man turns in the direction of the TV and lightly smacks his forehead, “Ah, that must’ve been Tsumiki with her runway model shows. I don’t know why but she always excuses that she has terrible hearing and always has the TV-”
“What about Tsumiki?” A young boy with spiked hair appears behind the man. The boy wears an expression that debates whether to tussle with the tall man or mind his business. With his presence now here, he chose the first option. Yet the stickers and hair clips placed on his hair and face don’t make him serious enough to take.
The boy scrunched his face, showing a sign of annoyance to the man in front of him. “My name is Megumi, Meh-gu-mi. Don’t try to be all “mister cool” cause you think our new neighbor is hot.”
The man’s jaw dropped and all you could giggle at the compliment that was given. You spot his cheeks beaming with a light shade of red but disregard it as the man clears his throat. “Megumi, do me a favor and stay out of adult spaces.”
The boy sucked his teeth, “You were literally a child not many years ago, in dog years if you count.” The boy mumbled the last part but it was loud enough for the older man to hear.
The two males continue to go back and forth until a small girl approaches next to the small boy. From the height alone she could be the eldest of the two children, and her face was also decorated with stickers. It was cute to see the tall male and the two children behind him covered in all kinds of stickers on their face and their hair styled in hair clips.
The girl comes over to see what all the commotion is. But instead, she turns to you and immediately starts complimenting you, she smiles with such fondness to your beauty. She starts to compliment your hair, even if it is simple for the busy day, your outfit, and how you look so perfect. She believes so deeply that you came out of a magazine and all you could do was thank her and smile back. The girl just seemed all admired about you, even if she only met you about two minutes ago.
She turns to the older male to ask, “Can they join us for dinner papa Gojo?”
The boy scoffs at the question, “Don’t give him any ideas, he might scare the new neighbor away.” The blushing from earlier returns and the older man, named Gojo (?), seems to be slightly offended at the boy's remark.
The girl ignores the boy and pleads with Gojo, you continue to watch the two children and the man banter with one another. The interaction seemed to look serious from an outsider’s perspective, but up close, it was adorable watching them interact. Even if the boy seemed very annoyed with the entire situation, the girl poked his cheeks and played with his hair to uplift his mood, while the man told the two children to turn down the TV and check on the food cooking.
Gojo brings his attention back to you and smiles nervously, he laughs nervously as well. He brings his hand to comb through the back of his hair, “Sorry about them, they’re not usually this noisy on a Friday afternoon. Especially Megumi, he’s usually playing with his figures with Tsumiki, never this intrusive.”
“Don’t worry, I have younger siblings and we bicker quite a lot, so I get it. But I will admit that you guys are an adorable little family.”
The man blushes quickly but tries to hide it quickly, “Ah, thank you.” He grows nervous and lets the air become this sense of nervousness. He will admit, he wouldn’t have thought to have a neighbor as stunning as you and comfortable around his children. Then again, his two children take too much of his time to even pay attention to the people in his environment.
He clears his throat, “Umm, you don’t have to join but Tsumiki, the little girl, is gonna keep asking about dinner and I’m already in trouble with her. If you don’t mind, you don’t have to, but you can join us for dinner if you’re not too busy.” The blushing on his cheeks stayed yet you notice his ears turning into a light hue of pink as well, nervousness is ruining this man.
You think for a little while, letting the man watch you think and his face shows more and more signs of nervousness. You answer with a nod and a small smile, “I don’t mind at all. It would be nice to learn some faces in this town.”
Gojo seems more than happy to hear your acceptance, “We’d love to welcome you, Tsumiki loves making new friends and Megumi could get a friend or two. Geez this kid.”
You gave a small laugh and thanked him, you turned to make your exit until Gojo stopped you. “Oh umm, by-by the way, I didn’t get to properly introduce myself. I’m Gojo, umm Satoru Gojo. I’m right next door, literally, if you need anything.”
“Oh thanks, it was nice talking to you Satoru, and your two kids I assume, Megumi and Tsumiki?” The way you said his first name had Gojo going from a blushing mess to a flustered, stuttering mess. He feels heat rising in his cheeks and ears, embarrassment adds in as thinks that he shouldn’t be this nervous around his new neighbor.
“Yeah, that’s their name.” He pauses and lets his nervousness settle between the two of you, “Umm, well it was great to meet you y/n, and uhh gotta get back to finishing dinner, two hungry children aren’t the prettiest sight to see.”
“I would love to be the judge of that tonight,” you turn to walk away from his doorway and wave him goodbye, “have a good day Satoru, see you tonight.”
Gojo waves back and closes the door once you step into your apartment. He roughly combs through his hair and sighs heavily, “I don’t know who’s gonna end me first, these damn kids or dinner with y/n.”
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★ I got this fanfic idea from this fanart actually ! I thought gojo and the kids were so cute with their stickers and clips on their face and hair 🫶🏽
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 𝗋𝗒𝗇𝖿𝗂𝗅𝖾𝗌. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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